Wenn man PeTrack auf einem kleinen Monitor öffnet, beispielsweise auf einem Laptop, schieben sich Texte und Inhalte der GUI übereinander. Hier ein Beispiel (Master Branch):
Als ich nun ganz unten einen Button ("read heights from file") hinzugefügt habe, hat es sich noch verschlimmert:
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Just for information purposes: with PeTrack version (master compile Nov23, 2020) the only remaining squished parts (at least for my windows) are shown below
I do not know how this changes once Jules part is in the master branch. Therefore it might be useful to wait with changes until then.
A few things that might be interesting when tackeling this after !75 (merged) is merged:
The ScrollWidgets that have the (scrollable) content of the tabs should have a size policy of Minimum or MinimumExpaning, instead of Preferred or Expanding, since Expanding also allows shrinking. It's just saying that the Widget can reasonably expand.
The colorBox in the reco tab needs to be MinimumExpanding or sth. like this (just not fixed, as it is now) and needs a larger maximum size.
After that, it looks fine to me, but I also never had as big problems as others.
(All size policies I mentioned are only meant for the vertical direction. Horizontally the control ui is fixed and there isn't much that could be done, except for horizontal scrolling or a policy like Preferred which allows to squish them a bit.)
It might also be a good thing to make ColorPlot use the standard font instead of setting it manually.
An open problem is properly setting the minium width of the control-widget. This cannot be accomplished with setMinimumSize, at least I couldn't do it.
But it should be manageable with sizeHint. Once the Tabs get their own widgets, their sizeHint should be like the minimumSize currently set in Control::Control for them. This way we can make proper use of Qt's layout-system (using MinimumExpanding or Minimum as policy, depending on whether we want to get rid of the splitter once it isn't needed anymore for a working layout).
Alice just contacted me because of the PeTrack GUI layout...
I'll post some of her screenshots here. I guess she won't be able to properly work with PeTrach with this layout...
Screenshots if PeTrack run on external screen (all Windows). She only has four possible setting and nothing in between:
On the laptop screen it looks slightly better, but some things are not really readable...
If there is any quickfix, suggestions are highly welcome directly adressed to Alica :)
Well she said, it's 4 states only, if PeTrack is on the external screen.
There are a few more states if PeTrack is on the laptop screen. But then, things are not readable.
set the QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR environment variable to 1
Windows scaling is not working correctly on out Qt-Version anyways, so I'm happy with the quick fix for now. https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-84927 was solved in Qt 6, we're using either Qt 5.14 or Qt 5.15.