- Jul 28, 2023
Tobias Arens authored
- Jul 26, 2023
d.kilic authored
This commit deletes the concurrent call to updateImage, since it lead to instability. Especially on Mac, PeTrack would randomly freeze and perform poorly overall; sometimes even crash. (Due to functions executed on different threads which should only be executed from a specific thread, potentially over a queued connection, i.e. signal-slot)
- Jul 18, 2023
d.kilic authored
The Player continued to play the video after the main window was closed. Now pauses the video once the window is closed, so that all of PeTrack can exit.
- Jul 12, 2023
d.kilic authored
- handle special case of calling the function without wanting to delete anything (i.e. cound == 0)
- Jul 11, 2023
d.kilic authored
- delete dead code - simplify existing code, e.g. by using Qt drawing utilities instead of our own
- Jun 22, 2023
Tobias Arens authored
Schrödter, Tobias authored
Allows to display the result of the current plausibility checks, e.g., inside ROI at begin or end, short trajectories, equality to other person or fast velocity variations, in a table. Clicking on the table jumps to the person(s) and frame of the failed check. A color encoded column shows if the issue was already resolved. The color will be automatically adjusted when a person is changed.
- Jun 21, 2023
d.kilic authored
- that means moving the widget and all its signal/slot connections - Create new interface `WorldImageCorrespondence` for all calculations between image/pixel coords and world coords (dispatches to `ExtrCalibration` when 3D, else uses old 2D coord sys) - Moves the methods for wold image correspondence from the `ImageItem` to the newly created `CoordinateSystemBox` - During this change: Make the 2D coord system not depend on `mapToItem`; its now using normal affine transformations (`QTransform`) instead, which incidentally should make #383 easier - `imageSizeChanged` is now a slot of `Control`, such that `ImageItem` can call it without having a reference to `Control` by sending a signal (Following that: image item is now now directly depending on control anymore) - Some include clean-up
- Jun 16, 2023
l.dressen authored
ar.graf authored
Tobias Arens authored
- Jun 13, 2023
d.kilic authored
- May 31, 2023
Schrödter, Tobias authored
Remove the inheritance from `TrackPerson` in favor of composition, this allows a better handling of interactions with the `TrackPerson` as changes now go through defined interfaces. Main changes: * `TrackPerson` no longer **is** a `QList<TrackPoints>` * `TrackPerson` now **has** a `QList<TrackPoints` * new function `deleteFrameRange` which will delete a range of frames, but leaving no gaps in the middle * `lastFrame` is now compute and not stored, hence no need to update it * `firstFrame` is set when creating a `TrackPerson` and will be updated when needed automatically
- May 16, 2023
- May 09, 2023
d.kilic authored
- May 03, 2023
d.kilic authored
- May 02, 2023
- Apr 25, 2023
d.kilic authored
The image center (or principal point) could be set wrongly if the previous project had a significantly lower resolution, disallowing values for cx,cy such as the correct ones for the next project. -> load video (and therefore imagesize) first
- Apr 19, 2023
l.dressen authored
Schrödter, Tobias authored
- Apr 18, 2023
Schrödter, Tobias authored
- Apr 14, 2023
Klein, Janine authored
- Apr 11, 2023
d.kilic authored
New procedure for dealing with invalid pet-file: - save current state before loading new file - open new file - throw exception on erroneous value - catch exception at top level and restore old state - show error message
- Mar 28, 2023
d.kilic authored
- Delete some dead code in CoordItem - Slightly refactor `paint`-method
- Mar 27, 2023
d.kilic authored
- Introduces `ExtrinsicParameters`-Struct - Extract `ExtrinsicBox` from `Control`
- Mar 17, 2023
d.kilic authored
- Mar 06, 2023
d.kilic authored
- Move slots to FilterBeforeBox when concerning its elemets - Fix Tab order of new extracted widgets - Delete dependency to Control by AutoCalib
Tobias Arens authored
- Mar 01, 2023
d.kilic authored
- Feb 28, 2023
Schrödter, Tobias authored
- Feb 27, 2023
Schrödter, Tobias authored
d.kilic authored
- Add test which reads a "default"-pet file and writes it out and then compares them - Detect differences in reading/writing/overall file format - fix: ColorMarker read in saturation for value
d.kilic authored
- Reads in whole intrinsic calibration at once -> reads in reprojection error without setting it to NaN later on
d.kilic authored
- Feb 17, 2023
Schrödter, Tobias authored
d.kilic authored
- Also add -autoIntrinsic documentation
d.kilic authored
- Crash due to comparison of cv::Mat with different size - Append zeros to old model such that it has the same size as the new one
- Feb 06, 2023
Schrödter, Tobias authored