GUI: Use same default color scale as in our Py scripts
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- Wuttke, Joachim added GUI label
added GUI label
- Wuttke, Joachim mentioned in commit aa48e283
mentioned in commit aa48e283
- Wuttke, Joachim mentioned in merge request !813 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !813 (merged)
- Wuttke, Joachim added nice to have peripheral labels
added nice to have peripheral labels
- Author Owner
With !813 (merged) we have an approximative solution. QCP::gpThermal is similar, but not equal to Matplotlib::Inferno.
Therefore still to do, but not urgent: Re-implement Matplotlib::Inferno as a QCP custom gradient.
Implementation would go to GUI/View/PlotUtil/RangeUtils; Default is set in GUI/View/PlotUtil/IntensityDataItem.
- Wuttke, Joachim mentioned in commit 4477534d
mentioned in commit 4477534d
- Wuttke, Joachim mentioned in issue #274 (closed)
mentioned in issue #274 (closed)
- Wuttke, Joachim changed milestone to %21 GUI fixes
changed milestone to %21 GUI fixes
- Ludwig Jaeck mentioned in merge request !1406 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !1406 (merged)
- Ludwig Jaeck assigned to @ludwig.jaeck
assigned to @ludwig.jaeck
- Ludwig Jaeck mentioned in commit 7eb87037
mentioned in commit 7eb87037
- Ludwig Jaeck closed with merge request !1406 (merged)
closed with merge request !1406 (merged)
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