//* FRIDA: fast reliable interactive data analysis
//* (C) Joachim Wuttke 1990-, v2(C++) 2001-
//! \brief Collection NPlot of plot frames CPlot.
int iPlot; //!< The index of this frame in NPloWin::Plots.
CAxis X; //!< Limits, log flag &c for x axis.
CAxis Y; //!< Limits, log flag &c for y axis.
int maxpoints; //!< Maximum # points to be plotted without reduction.
bool with_errors; //!< Plot error bars?
int equipoints; //!< Start curve plot with this # grid points.
bool refine; //!< Refine curve plot when appropriate?
void gp_write( const string& in );
void plotFrame( const string& xlabel, const string& ylabel );
void addSpec( bool as_line, bool new_style, int style_no,
const vector<double>& xp,
const vector<double>& yp,
const vector<double>& dyp,
const vector<string>& z,
const string& xco,
const string& yco,
const string& info );
void docTxLine( const string& line );
void docPtTxLine( const string& line, int num );
void docCvTxLine( const string& line, int num );
void writePostscript( const string& ps_outdir,
const string& ps_head,
const string& ps_dict );
void setAux( const string& cmd );
// TODO: some of this could be made local static, if class instances
// are created anew instead of calling clearFrame().
int gp_fifo; //!< Pipe to Gnuplot.
int gp_fno; //!< Number of Gnuplot input file.
string gp_fnames; //!< List of currently plotted Gnuplot input file names.
int ps_fnum; //!< Postscript output file number.
int ps_snum; //!< Slice number in Postscript file.
int ps_pnum; //!< Spectrum number, for setting pstyle.
int ps_cnum; //!< Curve number, for setting cstyle.
void ps_ticktack( const vector<double>& Tacks, int ntpt,
const double *ticklim, const CAxis *A );
vector<string> ps_accu; //!< Main Postscript cache.
vector<string> ps_Doc; //!< Special Postscript cache for doc lines ?.
//! Direct access to plot windows collection.
extern vector<CPlot*> Plots; //!< This vector holds all plot windows.
extern int nPlot; //!< Must be kept equal to Plots.size().
extern int iPlot; //!< Index of currently active plot window.