uint iPlot;
CAxis X, Y;
// options for data plotting:
// options for curve plotting:
uint equipoints;
bool refine;
CPlot( uint _iPlot, bool _logx, bool _logy );
void plotFrame( string xlabel, string ylabel );
void addSpec( bool as_line, bool new_style, int style_no,
const vector<double>& xp,
const vector<double>& yp, const vector<double>& dyp,
const vector<double>& z,
string xco, string yco, string info );
void docTxLine( const string& line );
void docPtTxLine( const string& line, uint num );
void docCvTxLine( const string& line, uint num );
void writePostscript( string ps_outdir, string ps_head, string ps_dict );
int gp_fifo;
int gp_fno;
string gp_fnames;
uint ps_fnum; // file
uint ps_snum; // spectrum
uint ps_pnum; // spectrum with pstyle
uint ps_cnum; // spectrum with cstyle
void ps_ticktack( const vector<double>& Tacks, int ntpt,
const double *ticklim, const CAxis *A );
vector<string> ps_Doc;
vector<string> ps_accu; // future output is accumulated here
namespace NPloWin {
extern vector<CPlot*> Plots;
extern uint nPlot, iPlot;
void initialize();