//* FRIDA: fast reliable interactive data analysis
//* (C) Joachim Wuttke 1990-, v2(C++) 2001-
//! \file rssm.cpp
//! \brief NRSSM: directly read SPHERES raw data
#include <fstream>
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
#include <../trivia/string_ops.hpp>
#include <../trivia/file_ops.hpp>
#include <../readplus/ask.hpp>
#include "slice.hpp"
//! All relevant information extracted from one raw-data file from SPHERES.
void RdRawYam( ifstream& F_in );
double daq_time_step;
time_t measured_from;
time_t measured_until;
int measured_at;
double measured_during;
bool incremental;
vector<double> rawdata[6];
int maj_syntax, min_syntax, maj_outform, min_outform;
//! Read raw data file, store contents as class variables
void CRawfileSpheres::RdRawYam( ifstream& F_in )
string key, val, bla, blub;
CCoord co;
double num;
maj_outform = 5;
min_outform = 1;
//YAML::Parser parser(F_in);
const YAML::Node& doc = YAML::Load(F_in);
YAML::NodeType::value Metatype = doc["Meta"].Type();
if ( Metatype != YAML::NodeType::Map && doc["Meta"].size() > 0)
string val;
if( strncmp( val.c_str(), "acq5.2 for yaml1", 16 ) )
throw "UNEXPECTED DATA: format: " + val + " instead of acq5.2";
} catch( exception& e) {
throw "failed to read Meta section: " + string(e.what());
for(auto it=doc["Shortpar"].begin(); it!=doc["Shortpar"].end(); ++it) {
key = it-><string>();
if ( key=="incremental" ){
if ( val=="true" )
incremental = true;
else if ( val=="false" )
incremental = false;
throw "DATA BUG: invalid value [" + val + "] of 'incremental'";
} else if ( key=="subs_until" ){
char date_string[24];
sscanf( val.c_str(), "%24c", date_string );
struct tm date_broken;
strptime( date_string, "%F %A %H:%M:%S", &date_broken );
measured_until = mktime( &date_broken );
} else if ( key=="ndet" ){
triv::string_extract_word( val, &bla, &blub );
triv::any2dbl( bla, &daq_time_step );
} catch( exception& e ) {
throw "DATA BUG: failed to read Shortpar section: " + string(e.what());
if ( doc["EnergyHistograms"].Type() != YAML::NodeType::Sequence )
throw S("DATA BUG: EnergyHistograms is not a SEQUENCE");
int nEne = doc["EnergyHistograms"].size();
for ( int iEne = 0; iEne<nEne; iEne++ ) {
if ( doc["EnergyHistograms"][iEne].Type() !=
YAML::NodeType::Sequence )
throw "DATA BUG: EnergyHistogram[" + S(iEne) + "] is not a SEQUENCE";
throw "E-Hist: invalid x-value " + val;
for( int i=0; i<4; ++i )
rawdata[i].push_back( num );
for( int i=0; i<4; ++i ){ // counts
// inline Node& Node::operator=(const T& rhs);
const YAML::Node arr = doc["EnergyHistograms"][iEne][i+1];
if( arr.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Sequence )
throw "DATA BUG: EnergyHistogram[" + S(iEne) + "][" +
S(i+1) + "] is not a SEQUENCE";
//(*arr)[j] >> val;
throw "E-Hist: invalid count " + val;
rawdata[i].push_back( num );
for( int i=0; i<4; ++i ){ // tsteps
const YAML::Node arr = (doc["EnergyHistograms"][iEne][i+1+4]);
if( arr.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Sequence )
throw "DATA BUG: EnergyHistogram[" + S(iEne) + "][" +
S(i+1+4) + "] is not a SEQUENCE";
throw "E-Hist: invalid tstep " + val;
rawdata[i].push_back( num );
throw "BAD BUG: failed to read EnergyHistograms section: " + string(e.what());
if ( doc["ChopperHistograms"].Type() != YAML::NodeType::Sequence )
throw S("DATA BUG: ChopperHistograms is not a SEQUENCE");
int nCho = doc["ChopperHistograms"].size();
for (int iCho = 0; iCho<nCho; iCho++) {
if ( doc["ChopperHistograms"][iCho].Type()
!= YAML::NodeType::Sequence )
throw "DATA BUG: ChopperHistograms " + S(iCho) + " is not a SEQUENCE";
throw "DATA BUG: C-Hist: invalid x-value " + val;
for( int i=4; i<6; ++i )
rawdata[i].push_back( num );
for( int i=4; i<6; ++i ){ // 2 cnts lines
const YAML::Node arr = (doc["ChopperHistograms"][iCho][i-4+1]);
if( arr.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Sequence )
throw "DATA BUG: ChopperHistogram[" + S(iCho) + "][" +
S(i-4+1) + "] is not a SEQUENCE";
throw "E-Hist: invalid count " + val;
rawdata[i].push_back( num );
for( int i=4; i<6; ++i ){ // 2 time lines
const YAML::Node arr = (doc["ChopperHistograms"][iCho][i-4+1+2]);
if( arr.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Sequence )
throw "DATA BUG: ChopperHistogram[" + S(iCho) + "][" +
S(i-4+1+2) + "] is not a SEQUENCE";
throw "E-Hist: invalid count " + val;
rawdata[i].push_back( num );
throw "DATA BUG: failed to read ChopperHistograms section: " + string(e.what());
void NRSSM::read_spec( int flag )
// flag values (to be OR'ed):
// 1 save also open
// 2 save also chop histo
// 4 save spectra also separately for both directions
// 8 do not save regular spectrum
// 16 no normalization
string file_f, name;
ifstream F_in; (file_f.c_str(),fstream::in);
if( !(F_in.is_open()) )
throw "Cannot read " + file_f;
R.RdRawYam( F_in );
double tstep = R.daq_time_step;
vector<double> *raw = R.rawdata;
// *** set file headers ***
int iolf;
for( iolf=0; iolf<8; ++iolf ){
olf[iolf] = POld( new COld );
olf[iolf]->xco = iolf<4 ||iolf>5 ?
CCoord( "E", "ueV" ) : CCoord( "phase", "deg" );
olf[iolf]->yco = CCoord( "cts", "sec-1" );
olf[iolf]->ZCo.push_back( CCoord( "det", "") );
triv::fname_divide( file_f, 0, &name, 0 );
olf[0]->name = name+"left";
olf[1]->name = name+"right";
olf[2]->name = name+"open_left";
olf[3]->name = name+"open_right";
olf[4]->name = name+"chop_elast";
olf[5]->name = name+"chop_inela";
olf[6]->name = name;
olf[7]->name = name+"open";
string doc = "ry" + (flag==0 ? "" : S(flag+1)) + " " + file_f;
olf[0]->lDoc.push_back( doc + " # refl, left halfspace" );
olf[1]->lDoc.push_back( doc + " # refl, right halfspace" );
olf[2]->lDoc.push_back( doc + " # open, left halfspace" );
olf[3]->lDoc.push_back( doc + " # open, right halfspace" );
olf[4]->lDoc.push_back( doc + " # elastic" );
olf[5]->lDoc.push_back( doc + " # inelastic" );
olf[6]->lDoc.push_back( doc + " # refl" );
olf[7]->lDoc.push_back( doc + " # open" );
for( iolf=0; iolf<8; ++iolf ){
for( int j=0; j<ndet; ++j ){
PSpec s( new CSpec );
s->z.resize( 1 );
s->z[0] = PObjInt( new CObjInt( j ) );
if( R.maj_outform<=2 ){ // old data format
double x, tmeas, count;
// transfer data from raw arrays:
for( iolf=0; iolf<6; ++iolf ){
for( int iraw=0; iraw<raw[iolf].size(); iraw+=(ndet+2) ){
x = raw[iolf][iraw];
tmeas = raw[iolf][iraw+ndet+1];
if( tmeas<1 ) continue;
for ( int j=0; j<ndet; ++j ){
count = raw[iolf][iraw+1+j];
olf[iolf]->VS(j)->push_xy( x, count/tmeas/tstep );
// sum over halfspaces:
for( int ichop=0; ichop<2; ++ichop ){
int iolf0 = ichop*2;
int iolf1 = ichop*2+1;
int nline = raw[iolf0].size();
if( raw[iolf1].size()!=nline )
for( int iraw=0; iraw<nline; iraw+=(ndet+2) ){
x = raw[iolf0][iraw];
tmeas = raw[iolf0][iraw+ndet+1]+raw[iolf1][iraw+ndet+1];
if( tmeas<1 ) continue;
for ( int j=0; j<ndet; ++j ){
count = raw[iolf0][iraw+1+j] + raw[iolf1][iraw+1+j];
olf[6+ichop]->VS(j)->push_xy( x, count/tmeas/tstep );
} else { // as of 2008-03-03
double x, tmeas, count;
// transfer data from raw arrays:
for( iolf=0; iolf<6; ++iolf ){
for( int iraw=0; iraw<raw[iolf].size(); iraw+=(1+ndet*2) ){
x = raw[iolf][iraw];
for ( int j=0; j<ndet; ++j ){
count = raw[iolf][iraw+1+j];
if( !(flag&16) ){
tmeas = raw[iolf][iraw+1+ndet+j];
if( tmeas<1 ) continue;
count /= (tmeas*tstep);
olf[iolf]->VS(j)->push_xy( x, count );
// sum over halfspaces:
for( int ichop=0; ichop<2; ++ichop ){
int iolf0 = ichop*2;
int iolf1 = ichop*2+1;
int nline = raw[iolf0].size();
if( raw[iolf1].size()!=nline )
for( int iraw=0; iraw<nline; iraw+=(1+ndet*2) ){
x = raw[iolf0][iraw];
for ( int j=0; j<ndet; ++j ){
count = raw[iolf0][iraw+1+j] + raw[iolf1][iraw+1+j];
if( !(flag&16) ){
tmeas = raw[iolf0][iraw+1+ndet+j] +
if( tmeas<1 ) continue;
count /= (tmeas*tstep);
olf[6+ichop]->VS(j)->push_xy( x, count );
NOlm::mem_store( olf[4] );
NOlm::mem_store( olf[5] );
if( flag & 2 && flag & 4 ){
NOlm::mem_store( olf[2] );
NOlm::mem_store( olf[3] );
if( flag & 4 ){
NOlm::mem_store( olf[0] );
NOlm::mem_store( olf[1] );
if( flag & 1 ){
NOlm::mem_store( olf[7] );
if( ! (flag & 8 ) ){
NOlm::mem_store( olf[6] );
void NRSSM::read_series( int flag )
// flag values (to be OR'ed):
// 1 save also open
char tstrg[30];
int isub;
vector<CRawfileSpheres> RR;
// Read consolidated files:
fser = wask("Read SPHERES data from series");
for( isub=0; ; ++isub ){
fnam = fser+"a"+S(isub);
ifstream F_in;,fstream::in);
if( !(F_in.is_open()) )
// cout << "successfully opened "<<fnam<<"\n";
CRawfileSpheres rf;
rf.RdRawYam( F_in );
RR.push_back( rf );
throw "could not open file " + fnam;
throw S("series contains just one spectrum -> use a simpler method");
printf( "successfully read %i files\n", nsub );
// Correct time:
double mean_time =
( RR[nsub-1].measured_until - RR[0].measured_until ) / nsub;
printf( "mean measuring time %g seconds per file\n", mean_time );
t = (time_t) (RR[0].measured_until-mean_time);
struct tm tlocal;
strftime( tstrg, 30, "%F %b %H:%M:%S", localtime_r( &t, &tlocal ) );
printf( "measurement times relative to start time %s\n", tstrg );
for( isub=0; isub<nsub; ++isub )
RR[isub].measured_at = RR[isub].measured_until -
RR[0].measured_until + (int) (mean_time/2);
// Get parameters, check consistency:
double tstep = RR[0].daq_time_step;
bool incremental_in = RR[0].incremental;
for( isub=1; isub<nsub; ++isub ){
throw "inconsistent no of det: file " + S(isub)
+ " has " + S(RR[isub].ndet) + " instead of " + S(ndet);
// Set file headers:
POld olf[2];
int iolf;
for( int iolf=0; iolf<2; ++iolf )
olf[iolf] = POld( new COld );
int j, nE;
for( iolf=0; iolf<2; ++iolf ){
olf[iolf]->lDoc.push_back( "acquire data from series"+fser );
olf[iolf]->xco = CCoord( "E", "ueV" );
olf[iolf]->yco = CCoord( "cts", "sec-1" );
olf[iolf]->ZCo.push_back( CCoord( "#sub", "") );
olf[iolf]->ZCo.push_back( CCoord( "det", "") );
olf[0]->name = name;
olf[1]->name = name+"open";
olf[0]->lDoc.push_back( "refl, average over both halfspaces" );
olf[1]->lDoc.push_back( "open, average over both halfspaces" );
for( isub=0; isub<nsub; ++isub ){
// ? = (double)RR[isub].measured_at/3600;
for( j=0; j<ndet; ++j ){
PSpec s( new CSpec );
s->z.resize( 2 );
s->z[0] = PObjInt( new CObjInt (isub) );
s->z[1] = PObjInt( new CObjInt (j) );
for( iolf=0; iolf<2; ++iolf )
olf[iolf]->V.push_back( s );
if( RR[0].maj_outform>=3 ){
// Reverse incrementation?
if( incremental_in ){
printf( "reversing incrementation\n" );
for( isub=nsub-1; isub>=1; --isub ){
for( int iarr=0; iarr<4; ++iarr ){
for( int iE=0; iE<nE; ++iE ){
for( j=1; j<1+ndet*2; ++j ){
RR[isub].rawdata[iarr][iE*(1+ndet*2)+j] -=
// Transfer data from raw arrays, sum over halfspaces:
vector<double> *raw;
double x, tmeas, count;
int iraw;
for( isub=0; isub<nsub; ++isub ){
raw = RR[isub].rawdata;
for( int ichop=0; ichop<2; ++ichop ){
int iolf0 = ichop*2;
int iolf1 = ichop*2+1;
if( raw[iolf1].size()/(1+ndet*2)!=nE ){
printf( "inconsistent raw array sizes:\n chop %i raw1 %i nE %i\n",
for( int iE=0; iE<nE; ++iE ){
iraw = iE*(1+ndet*2);
x = raw[iolf0][iraw];
for( j=0; j<ndet; ++j ){
tmeas = raw[iolf0][iraw+ndet+1+j] + raw[iolf1][iraw+ndet+1+j];
if( tmeas<1 ) continue;
count = raw[iolf0][iraw+1+j] + raw[iolf1][iraw+1+j];
olf[ichop]->VS( isub*ndet+j )->push_xy( x, count/tmeas/tstep );
// Reverse incrementation?
if( incremental_in ){
printf( "reversing incrementation\n" );
for( isub=nsub-1; isub>=1; --isub ){
for( int iarr=0; iarr<4; ++iarr ){
for( int iE=0; iE<nE; ++iE ){
for( j=1; j<ndet+2; ++j ){
RR[isub].rawdata[iarr][iE*(ndet+2)+j] -=
// Transfer data from raw arrays, sum over halfspaces:
vector<double> *raw;
double x, tmeas, count;
int iraw;
for( isub=0; isub<nsub; ++isub ){
raw = RR[isub].rawdata;
for( int ichop=0; ichop<2; ++ichop ){
int iolf0 = ichop*2;
int iolf1 = ichop*2+1;
if( raw[iolf1].size()/(ndet+2)!=nE ){
printf( "inconsistent raw array sizes\n" );
for( int iE=0; iE<nE; ++iE ){
iraw = iE*(ndet+2);
x = raw[iolf0][iraw];
tmeas = raw[iolf0][iraw+ndet+1]+raw[iolf1][iraw+ndet+1];
if( tmeas<1 ) continue;
for( j=0; j<ndet; ++j ){
count = raw[iolf0][iraw+1+j] + raw[iolf1][iraw+1+j];
olf[ichop]->VS( isub*ndet+j )->push_xy( x, count/tmeas/tstep );
NOlm::mem_store( olf[1] );
NOlm::mem_store( olf[0] );