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Snippets Groups Projects 7.15 KiB
import os
import json

    import git
except ImportError:
    # Adding this hint to save users the confusion of trying $pip install git
    raise ImportError("No module named git, please install the gitpython package")

from cadetrdm.repositories import ProjectRepo, ResultsRepo
from cadetrdm.utils import ssh_url_to_http_url

def add_linebreaks(input_list):
    Add linebreaks between each entry in the input_list
    return [line + "\n" for line in input_list]

def init_lfs(lfs_filetypes: list, path: str = None):
    Initialize lfs in the git repository at the path.
    If path is None, the current working directory is used.
    :param lfs_filetypes:
        List of file types to be handled by lfs.
        Format should be e.g. ["*.jpg", "*.png"] for jpg and png files.
    if path is not None:
        previous_path = os.getcwd()

    os.system(f"git lfs install")
    lfs_filetypes_string = " ".join(lfs_filetypes)
    os.system(f"git lfs track {lfs_filetypes_string}")

    if path is not None:

def write_lines_to_file(path, lines, open_type="a"):
    Convenience function. Write lines to a file at path with added newlines between each line.
    :param path:
        Path to file.
    :param lines:
        List of lines to be written to file.
    :param open_type:
        The way the file should be opened. I.e. "a" for append and "w" for fresh write.
    with open(path, open_type) as f:

def is_tool(name):
    """Check whether `name` is on PATH and marked as executable."""

    from shutil import which
    return which(name) is not None

def initialize_git_repo(path_to_repo: str, output_repo_name: (str | bool) = "output", gitignore: list = None,
                        gitattributes: list = None, lfs_filetypes: list = None,
                        output_repo_kwargs: dict = None):
    Initialize a git repository at the given path with an optional included output results repository.

    :param path_to_repo:
        Path to main repository.
    :param output_repo_name:
        Name for the output repository.
    :param gitignore:
        List of files to be added to the gitignore file.
    :param gitattributes:
        List of lines to be added to the gittatributes file
    :param lfs_filetypes:
        List of filetypes to be handled by git lfs.
    :param output_repo_kwargs:
        kwargs to be given to the creation of the output repo initalization function.
        Include gitignore, gitattributes, and lfs_filetypes kwargs.
    if not is_tool("git-lfs"):
        raise RuntimeError("Git LFS is not installed. Please install it via e.g. apt-get install git-lfs or the "
                           "instructions found below \n"

    if gitignore is None:
        gitignore = [".idea", "*diskcache*", "*tmp*", ".ipynb_checkpoints", "__pycache__"]

    if output_repo_name:
        gitignore.append(output_repo_name + "_cached")

    if gitattributes is None:
        gitattributes = []

    if lfs_filetypes is None:
        lfs_filetypes = ["*.jpg", "*.png", "*.xlsx", "*.h5", "*.ipynb", "*.pdf", ".docx"]

    starting_directory = os.getcwd()

    if path_to_repo != ".":
        if os.path.exists(path_to_repo) and len(os.listdir(path_to_repo)) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Path to repository already exists and is not an empty directory.")
        os.makedirs(path_to_repo, exist_ok=True)

    os.system(f"git init")


    write_lines_to_file(path=".gitattributes", lines=gitattributes)
    write_lines_to_file(path=".gitignore", lines=gitignore)

    if output_repo_kwargs is None:
        output_repo_kwargs = {"gitattributes": ["logs/log.csv merge=union"]}

    if output_repo_name:
        # This means we are in the project repo and should now initialize the output_repo
        initialize_git_repo(output_repo_name, output_repo_name=False, **output_repo_kwargs)
        # This instance of ProjectRepo is therefore the project repo
        repo = ProjectRepo(".", output_folder=output_repo_name)
        # If output_repo_name is False we are in the output_repo and should finish by committing the changes
        repo = ResultsRepo(".")

    repo.commit("initial commit")


def create_environment_yml():
    file_lines = ["name: rdm_example", "channels:", "  - conda-forge", "dependencies:", "  - python=3.10", "  - conda",
                  "  - cadet", "  - pip", "  - pip:", "      - cadet-process", "      - cadetrdm"]

    write_lines_to_file("environment.yml", file_lines, open_type="w")

def create_readme():
    readme_lines = ["# Project repo", "Your code goes in this repo.", "Please add a description here including: ",
                    "- authors", "- project", "- things we will find interesting later", "", "",
                    "Please update the environment.yml with your python environment requirements.", "", "",
                    "The output repository can be found at:",
                    "[output_repo]() (not actually set yet because no remote has been configured at this moment"]
    write_lines_to_file("", readme_lines, open_type="w")

def create_output_readme():
    readme_lines = ["# Output repo", "Your results will be stored here.", "Please add a description here including: ",
                    "- authors", "- project", "- things we will find interesting later", "", "",
                    "The project repository can be found at:",
                    "[project_repo]() (not actually set yet because no remote has been configured at this moment"]
    write_lines_to_file("", readme_lines, open_type="w")

def initialize_from_remote(project_url, path_to_repo: str = None):
    if path_to_repo is None:
        path_to_repo = project_url.split("/")[-1]
    print(f"Cloning {project_url} into {path_to_repo}")
    git.Repo.clone_from(project_url, path_to_repo)

    # Clone output repo from remotes
    json_path = os.path.join(path_to_repo, "output_remotes.json")
    with open(json_path, "r") as file_handle:
        meta_dict = json.load(file_handle)

    output_folder_name = os.path.join(path_to_repo, meta_dict["output_folder_name"])
    ssh_remotes = list(meta_dict["output_remotes"].values())
    http_remotes = [ssh_url_to_http_url(url) for url in ssh_remotes]
    for output_remote in ssh_remotes + http_remotes:
            print(f"Attempting to clone {output_remote} into {output_folder_name}")
            git.Repo.clone_from(output_remote, output_folder_name)
        except Exception as e:
    environment_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path_to_repo, "environment.yml")

    print("To set up the project conda environment please run this command:\n"
          f"conda deactivate && conda env create -f '{environment_path}'")