Recognition with learning method
Check if reco ROI affects the input image
-> If yes, "reset" ROI to be the full image and just discard detections outside of it -
adjust pet files when !285 (merged) is finished -
fix weird detection bug -
add tool tips to parameters -
check if number/name of classes can be read out in the output -
add support for YOLOv8 -
add to trajectory instead of creating a new person?
Reviewer Checklist
the pre-build checks succeed
General code quality
naming conventions are met (see .clang-tidy for detailed information) -
no static analyzer warnings in new code parts (e.g., use clang-tidy for checking)
General usability
old versions of pet-files are still loadable
Only if changes in UI
new elements are also saved and loaded from pet-file -
check if tab order is still correct -
all new SpinBoxes are promoted -
new keybindings added to Petrack::keyBindings()
Edited by d.kilic