Design of QcrModifiableComboBox
See description for Issue 4 for a detailed description
Resolves issue #4 (closed)
Merge request reports
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requested review from @j.wuttke
assigned to @c.trageser
added 6 commits
05e885e1...04e881df - 3 commits from branch
- 18904b4e - QcrModifiableComboBox::init and ::remake set invalid state to index -1 and not...
- 09c7bcb5 - do not stop QcrModifiableComboBox::remake() when element is not visible
- 9916bd2f - clang format
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05e885e1...04e881df - 3 commits from branch
Update @j.wuttke Like discussed MR for issue 5 which implemented obligatory clang-format for new code has been completed. Branch for Issue 4 (this one) has been successfully rebased against the new origin main branch (with merged Issue 5).
I will merge this MR after you have approved it
mentioned in commit e22a1227
mentioned in issue steca#112 (closed)
mentioned in issue steca#37 (closed)
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