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GUI: migration from SessionItemWidget, part 1

Mikhail Svechnikov requested to merge migration_from_SessionItemWidget_pt1 into main

In the previous design the SessionItemWidget class was a base for all widgets representing the content of SessionItem. Since we are migrating from SessionItem, SessionItemWidget should also be replaced by corresponding analogue.

For this purpose the DataAccessWidget is introduced. In accepts JobItem or RealDataItem and provide access to its data components: specular data and intensity data.

To make this more clear the JobRealBase class (that is just a simple QWidget without changes) is added as common base for JobItem and RealDataItem.

In this MR, specular widgets are rebased on DataAccessWidget. In the "part 2" intensity widgets will also be moved to it.

Edited by Mikhail Svechnikov

Merge request reports
