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Use DoubleProperty to set AxesPanel spinboxes properly (#1093)

Mikhail Svechnikov requested to merge m.0 into main
  1. min(), max(), logRangeOrders() of AxisItem are DoubleProperty now.
  2. DSpinBox is used to represent them on the panel
  3. The fixed axis-range-dependent step is applied to min(), max()
  4. DoubleProperty got separate useFixedStep() flag to disambiguate step type from limits type. The default state is still useFixedStep = limits.isLimited(), but can be set independently.
  5. (4) => The parameter "Intensity" is formally limited (0<=..<=1e32) but now has log step


  • min/max fields: show in scientific format, set log step

of #1093 (closed)

Edited by Mikhail Svechnikov

Merge request reports
