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GUI: serialize only selected index for "ComboProperty"

Mikhail Svechnikov requested to merge i429 into main

ComboProperty is not populated by the deserialized data.

Axes units list is created by corresponding instrument. For real data instrument is found in InstrumentModel by id or passed from parent job.

XML now contains

<AxesUnits index="2" name="Degrees" version="1"/>

instead of

<AxesUnits version="1">
     <ComboValues size="4">
           <Value n0="nbins"/>
           <Value n1="Radians"/>
           <Value n2="Degrees"/>
           <Value n3="q-space"/>
     <SelectedIndices size="1">
           <Index n0="2"/>

This resolves #429 (closed)

Edited by Mikhail Svechnikov

Merge request reports
