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Refactoring: put redundant code of InterferenceFunction2D*Items in new base class

t.knopff requested to merge refactor_model into develop

Before I continue with the refactoring, I wanted to ask for feedback about an issue.

To keep text short and to not obfuscate the important differences I will use "IF" as an abbreviation for "InterferenceFunction". So after looking at the code I noticed that IF2DLatticeItem, IF2DParaCrystalItem and IFFinite2DLatticeItem had redundant code, e.g. all used the attributes P_LATTICE_TYPE and P_XI_INTEGRATION and had the same member function update_rotation_availability. Thus I introduced a new class IFLatticeItem which serves as a base class for the classes mentioned and contains the common code.

Now I'm not sure about the naming: is IFLatticeItem a good name or not? I thought maybe IF2DLatticeItem would be a better name, but a class with that name already exists. But maybe that class should be better named IFInfinite2DLatticeItem because that is what it is if I understand the documentation correctly ?

So the question basically boils down to: Which is better ? IFLatticeItem as the name of the base class and keep the other names ? Or IF2DLatticeItem for the base class and rename IF2DLatticeItem(old) to IFInfinite2DLatticeItem and keep the names of the other two classes ? Or another suggestion ?

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