Core slice size error
I am trying to simulate some core-shell particles embedded in a film but I am getting an error. I only get the error when I try to simulate core-shell particles (as opposed to just a particle consisting of a single material). This is the whole error message:
PS C:\Users\Pedro> & C:/python3/python.exe "c:/Users/Pedro/OneDrive - McMaster University/PhD - School/Research/Projects/X Ray Scattering and Diffraction/GISAXS Analysis/Python code/" TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 34710 (0x8796) encountered. Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\Users\Pedro\OneDrive - McMaster University\PhD - School\Research\Projects\X Ray Scattering and Diffraction\GISAXS Analysis\Python code\", line 141, in minimizer.minimize(fit_objective.evaluate, P) File "C:\python3\Lib\site-packages\bornagain\lib\", line 2192, in minimize result = callback(pars) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\python3\Lib\site-packages\bornagain\lib\", line 2478, in evaluate return self.evaluate_cpp(self.convert_params(params)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\python3\Lib\site-packages\bornagain\lib\", line 2348, in evaluate_cpp return _libBornAgainSim.FitObjective_evaluate_cpp(self, params) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RuntimeError: BornAgain C++ Exception: BUG: Assertion core_slices.size() == 1 failed in C:\tmp\bornagain\Resample\Processed\Slicer.cpp, line 247. Please report this to the maintainers:
Attached is the python script.
Thanks for your help and attention.