- Sep 01, 2020
Wuttke, Joachim authored
CI/Win: Download and install Mingw64 runtime DLLs needed by cerf
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
runtime libraries
Wuttke, Joachim authored
CMake: Win: modify install procedure for LIB of form X.dll.a
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
CMake: Win: install cerf.dll
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
- Aug 15, 2020
Wuttke, Joachim authored
rm empty cpp file
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
for many nodes, setName and registerParameter now done by INode
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
and unrelated: rm unused fct args
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
rm fcts setGamma, setOmega
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
<code> import edtools, re, sys nodeList = '''\ FormFactorAnisoPyramid ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorAnisoPyramid FormFactorBox ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorBox FormFactorCantellatedCube ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorCantellatedCube FormFactorCone6 ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorCone6 FormFactorCone ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorCone FormFactorCuboctahedron ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorCuboctahedron FormFactorCylinder ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorCylinder FormFactorDodecahedron ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorDodecahedron FormFactorDot ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorDot FormFactorEllipsoidalCylinder ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorEllipsoidalCylinder FormFactorFullSphere ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorFullSphere FormFactorFullSpheroid ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorFullSpheroid FormFactorHollowSphere ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorHollowSphere FormFactorGaussSphere ./Core/SoftParticle/FormFactorGauss FormFactorHemiEllipsoid ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorHemiEllipsoid FormFactorIcosahedron ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorIcosahedron FormFactorLongBoxGauss ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorLongBoxGauss FormFactorLongBoxLorentz ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorLongBoxLorentz FormFactorPrism3 ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorPrism3 FormFactorPrism6 ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorPrism6 FormFactorPyramid ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorPyramid FormFactorSphereGaussianRadius ./Core/SoftParticle/FormFactorSphereGaussianRadius FormFactorSphereLogNormalRadius ./Core/SoftParticle/FormFactorSphereLogNormalRadius FormFactorTetrahedron ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorTetrahedron FormFactorTriangle ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorTriangle FormFactorTruncatedCube ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorTruncatedCube FormFactorTruncatedSphere ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorTruncatedSphere FormFactorTruncatedSpheroid ./Core/HardParticle/FormFactorTruncatedSpheroid ''' def get_and_check_ctor_args(t, vars): avars = [] if t!="": args = re.split(',\s+', t) for a in args: mm = re.search(r'double (\w+)( = \S+?)?', a) if not mm: raise Exception("Unexpected argument '%s' in constructor" % a) avars.append(mm.group(1)) ndiff = len(avars) - len(vars) if ndiff<0: raise Exception("Not enough constructor args") for i in range(len(vars)): if avars[ndiff+i] != vars[i]: raise Exception("Argument '%s' does not match variable '%s'" % (avars[ndiff+i], vars[i])) return avars def refactor_class(node, fnbase): fnc = fnbase+".cpp" fnh = fnbase+".h" with open(fnh, 'r') as f: th = f.read() with open(fnc, 'r') as f: tc = f.read() # class declaration -> find base class m = re.search(r'\nclass (BA_CORE_API_ )?%s\s+(final\s+)?:\s+public\s+(\w+)' % node, th) if not m: raise Exception(node+": base class not found") baseClass = m.group(3) print("\n"+fnbase+": "+node+" < "+baseClass) # find constructor implementation ctors = [] for m in re.finditer(r'^%s::%s(.*?^){(.*?)^}' % (node, node), tc, re.M | re.DOTALL): inits = m.group(1) if re.search(node, inits): continue # it's a delegating c'tor, ignorable for our purpose ctors.append(m.group(2)) if len(ctors)==0: raise Exception("Constructor for "+node+" not found in "+fnc) if len(ctors)>1: raise Exception("Several constructors for "+node+" found in "+fnc) blocks = re.split(r';', ctors[0]) names = [] vars = [] units = [] minis = [] maxis = [] cname = '"NamelessClass"' for cmd in blocks: m = re.search(r'setName\((".*?")\)', cmd) if m: cname = m.group(1) continue for cmd in blocks: m = re.search(r'registerParameter(.*)', cmd) if not m: continue txt = m.group(1) m = re.match(r'\((".*?"), &m_(\w+)\)(\.setUnit\((".*?")\))?(\.set\w+\(.*?\))?$', txt) if not m: print(node, "-->nonstandard args-->", txt) continue names.append(m.group(1)) vars.append(m.group(2)) units.append(m.group(4) or '""') if not m.group(5): minis.append("-INF") maxis.append("+INF") else: limits = m.group(5) if re.match(r'\.set(Nonnegative|Postive)', limits): minis.append("0") maxis.append("+INF") else: mm = re.match(r'.setLimited\((.*?),\s+(.*?)\)', limits) minis.append(mm.group(1)) maxis.append(mm.group(2)) print(node, " ", cname, names, vars, units, minis, maxis) def ed_h(fn, t): ti = t # add P-based c'tor pattern = r'(\n %s\(' % node pattern += r'((double\s+\w+)?' pattern += r'(,\s+double\s+\w+)*)' pattern += r'(,\s+bool position_at_center = false)?' pattern += r'(,\s+size_t n_samples)?' pattern += r'\);\n)' m = re.search(pattern, t, re.S) if not m: raise Exception("Constructor not matched") ctor = m.group(1) avars = get_and_check_ctor_args(m.group(2), vars) arg_pac = edtools.found_or_empty(r', bool position_at_center = false', ctor) arg_nsa = "" if re.search(r', size_t n_samples', ctor): arg_nsa = ', size_t n_samples = 0' outpat = r'\n %s(const std::vector<double> P%s%s);\1' % (node, arg_pac, arg_nsa) t = re.sub(pattern, outpat, t, 0, re.S) # declare references; for var in vars: t = re.sub(r'(\n )(double)( m_%s;)' % var, r'\1const \2&\3', t) return t edtools.ed_file(ed_h, fnh) def ed_c(fn, t): # add P-based c'tor pattern = r'\n%s::%s\(' % (node, node) pattern += r'((.*?)' pattern += r'((,\s+bool position_at_center)?' pattern += r'(,\s+size_t n_samples)?))' pattern += r'\)(.*?)\n({.*?\n})' m = re.search(pattern, t, re.S) if not m: print(pattern) raise Exception("c'tor not found in cpp file") allargs = m.group(1) avars = get_and_check_ctor_args(m.group(2), vars) optargs = m.group(3) have_pac = (m.group(4) is not None) have_nsa = m.group(5) is not None block = m.group(7) for i in range(len(vars)): block = re.sub(r'.*registerPar.*\n', '', block) block = re.sub(r'.*setName\(.*\n', '', block) # new c'tor with old implementation block outpat = r'\n%s::%s(const std::vector<double> P' % (node, node) if have_pac: outpat += r', bool position_at_center' if have_nsa: outpat += r', size_t n_samples' outpat += r')\n : %s({%s, %s, {' % (baseClass, cname, '"class_tooltip"') outpat += ', '.join([r'{%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 0}' % (names[i], units[i], '"para_tooltip"', minis[i], maxis[i]) for i in range(len(names))]) outpat += r'}}, P)\n' for i in range(len(vars)): outpat += r' , m_%s(m_P[%i])\n' % (vars[i], i) if have_pac: outpat += r' , m_position_at_center(position_at_center)\n' if have_nsa: outpat += r' , m_n_samples(n_samples)\n' outpat += edtools.text2re(block) # old c'tor refers to new c'tor outpat += r'\n\n%s::%s(' % (node, node) outpat += r'%s)\n : %s(std::vector<double>{%s}' % (allargs, node, ', '.join(avars)) if have_pac: outpat += r', position_at_center' if have_nsa: outpat += r', n_samples' outpat += r')\n{}\n' t = re.sub(pattern, outpat, t, 0, re.S) if not re.search(r'registerPar', t): t = re.sub(r'#include "Core/Parametrization/ParameterPool.h"\n', '', t) t = re.sub(r'#include "Core/Parametrization/RealParameter.h"\n', '', t) return t edtools.ed_file(ed_c, fnc) nsuccess = 0 nfailure = 0 nodeEntries = re.split(r'\n', nodeList.rstrip()) for entry in nodeEntries: node, fnbase = re.split(' ', entry) try: refactor_class(node, fnbase) print("SUCCESS "+node) nsuccess += 1 except Exception as e: print("FAILURE "+node+": "+str(e)) nfailure += 1 print("%i/%i class conversions failed" % (nfailure, nsuccess+nfailure)) </code>
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Core: implement clone() without copy constructor, and similar refactorings
- Aug 14, 2020
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored
Wuttke, Joachim authored