Wuttke, Joachim authoredWuttke, Joachim authored
Convolve.h 4.23 KiB
// ************************************************************************** //
// BornAgain: simulate and fit scattering at grazing incidence
//! @file Tools/inc/Convolve.h
//! @brief Defines class MathFunctions::Convolve.
//! @homepage http://apps.jcns.fz-juelich.de/BornAgain
//! @license GNU General Public License v3 or higher (see COPYING)
//! @copyright Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 2013
//! @authors Scientific Computing Group at MLZ Garching
//! @authors C. Durniak, G. Pospelov, W. Van Herck, J. Wuttke
// ************************************************************************** //
#ifndef CONVOLVE_H
#define CONVOLVE_H
#include <fftw3.h>
#include <vector>
namespace MathFunctions
//! Convolution of two real vectors (in 1D or 2D) using Fast Fourier Transform.
//! Usage:
//! std::vector<double> signal, kernel, result;
//! Convolve cv;
//! cv.fftconvolve(signal, kernel, result)
//! Given code rely on code from Jeremy Fix page
//! http://jeremy.fix.free.fr/spip.php?article15
//! see also
//! "Efficient convolution using the Fast Fourier Transform, Application in C++"
//! by Jeremy Fix, May 30, 2011
class Convolve
//! definition of 1d vector of double
typedef std::vector<double > double1d_t;
//! definition of 2d vector of double
typedef std::vector<double1d_t > double2d_t;
//! convolution modes
//! use LINEAR_SAME or CIRCULAR_SAME_SHIFTED for maximum performance
//! convolution in 1D
void fftconvolve(const double1d_t& source, const double1d_t& kernel, double1d_t& result);
//! convolution in 2D
void fftconvolve(const double2d_t& source, const double2d_t& kernel, double2d_t& result);
//! prepare arrays for 2D convolution of given vectors
void init(int h_src, int w_src, int h_kernel, int w_kernel);
//! Sets convolution mode
void setMode(Mode mode) { m_mode = mode; }
//! compute circual convolution of source and kernel using fast Fourier transformation
void fftw_circular_convolution(const double2d_t& source, const double2d_t& kernel);
//! find closest number X>n that can be factorised according to fftw3 favorite factorisation
int find_closest_factor(int n);
//! if a number can be factorised using only favorite fftw3 factors
bool is_optimal(int n);
//! Workspace for Fourier convolution.
//! Workspace contains input (source and kernel), intermediate and output
//! arrays to run convolution via fft; 'source' it is our signal, 'kernel'
//! it is our resolution function.
//! Sizes of input arrays are adjusted; output arrays are alocated via
//! fftw3 allocation for maximum performance.
class Workspace
void clear();
friend class Convolve;
int h_src, w_src; // size of original 'source' array in 2 dimensions
int h_kernel, w_kernel; // size of original 'kernel' array in 2 dimensions
int w_fftw, h_fftw; // size of adjusted source and kernel arrays (in_src, out_src, in_kernel, out_kernel)
//! adjusted input 'source' array
double *in_src;
//! result of Fourier transformation of source
double *out_src;
//! adjusted input 'kernel' array
double *in_kernel;
//! result of Fourier transformation of kernel
double *out_kernel;
//! result of production of FFT(source) and FFT(kernel)
double *dst_fft;
int h_dst, w_dst; // size of resulting array
// double *dst; // The array containing the result
int h_offset, w_offset; // offsets to copy result into output arrays
fftw_plan p_forw_src;
fftw_plan p_forw_kernel;
fftw_plan p_back;
//! input and output data for fftw3
Workspace ws;
//! convolution mode
Mode m_mode;
std::vector<size_t > m_implemented_factors; // favorite factorization terms of fftw3
} // namespace MathFunctions
#endif // CONVOLVE_H