Forked from
mlz / Frida
2447 commits behind the upstream repository.
Wuttke, Joachim authored
thus avoiding double work in case of curves.
Wuttke, Joachim authoredthus avoiding double work in case of curves.
dualplot.cpp 15.59 KiB
//* FRIDA: fast reliable interactive data analysis *//
//* dualplot.cpp: different mechanisms for screen and paper output *//
//* (C) Joachim Wuttke 1990-, v2(C++) 2001- *//
//* *//
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "mystd.h"
#include "plotaux.h"
#include "coord.h"
#include "asi.h"
#include "gar.h"
#include "dualplot.h"
#define PSMAX 10
#define LINSIZ 80
//* CRange *//
inf = -INFINITY;
sup = +INFINITY;
CRange::CRange( double infin, double supin )
if( infin > supin )
throw string( "invalid plot range" );
if( infin == supin )
throw string( "empty plot range" );
inf = infin;
sup = supin;
void CRange::set_from_string( const string& in )
if ( in=="*" ) {
inf = -INFINITY;
sup = +INFINITY;
string s1, s2;
mystd::string_extract_word( in, &s1, &s2 );
if( s1=="*" ){
inf = -INFINITY;
} else {
if ( mystd::any2dbl(s1,&inf) ){
inf = -INFINITY;
throw "invalid lower bound ["+s1+"], expecting real number or '*'";
if( s2=="*" ){
sup = +INFINITY;
} else {
if ( mystd::any2dbl(s2,&sup) ){
sup = +INFINITY;
throw "invalid upper bound ["+s2+"], expecting real number or '*'";
void CRange::Round( int logflag, double relmargin, double digits )
if( !finite() )
if ( inf>sup )
throw string( "BUG: Plot/Range/Round: inf>sup" );
if (inf==sup) {
if( logflag ){
inf /= 10;
sup *= 10;
} else {
inf -= 1;
sup += 1;
double inf2, sup2;
double mydigits = digits;
if ( !logflag ) { // lin limits
double margin = relmargin * (sup - inf);
do {
if (mydigits>=8.5) return; // do not round
sup2 = mystd::round_decimal( sup+margin, mydigits );
inf2 = mystd::round_decimal( inf-margin, mydigits );
if(sup<0 && sup2>0) sup2 = 0;
if(inf2<0 && inf>0) inf2 = 0;
mydigits += 0.5;
} while (!((inf2<inf) && (sup<sup2)));
*this = CRange(inf2, sup2);
} else { // log limits
double ratio = sup / inf;
double margin = exp( relmargin*log(ratio) );
do {
if (mydigits>=8.5) return; // do not round
sup2 = mystd::round_decimal( sup*margin, mydigits );
inf2 = mystd::round_decimal( inf/margin, mydigits );
mydigits += 0.5;
} while ( !((inf2<inf) && (sup<sup2)) );
*this = CRange(inf2, sup2);
bool CRange::finite() const
return inf!=-INFINITY && sup!=+INFINITY;
bool CRange::contained(double val) const
return inf <= val && val <= sup;
//! Map application scale (inf..sup) to linear plot scale (0..1).
double CRange::value2plotcoord(int logflag, double v) const
if ( !finite() )
throw string( "undefined plot range" );
if (logflag) {
if( inf<0 || v<0 )
throw string( "negative value in log range" );
return log(v/inf) / log(sup/inf);
} else {
return (v-inf) / (sup-inf);
//! Map linear plot scale (0..1) to application scale (inf..sup).
double CRange::plotcoord2value(int logflag, double c) const
if ( !finite() )
throw string( "undefined plot range" );
if (logflag) {
return inf * exp( c*log(sup/inf) );
} else {
return inf + c*(sup-inf);
string CRange::str() const
string ret = "";
if( inf==-INFINITY )
ret += "*";
ret += strg(inf);
ret += " ";
if( sup==+INFINITY )
ret += "*";
ret += strg(sup);
return ret;
//* CAxis *//
void CAxis::Ask( const string& quest )
string def, in, in1, in2;
def = (log ? "log " : "") + R.str();
in = sask( quest, def );
if (in==def)
mystd::string_extract_word(in, &in1, &in2);
if (in1=="l") {
in = in2;
} else if (in1=="i") {
in = in2;
} else if (in1=="g") {
in = in2;
if (in!="")
R.set_from_string( in );
if (log && R.inf<=0 && R.inf!=-INFINITY) {
R.inf = -INFINITY;
throw string( "log scale requires range above 0" );
if (!log && ( R.inf!=-INFINITY && R.inf<-3e38 ||
R.sup!=+INFINITY && R.sup>3e38 ) ) {
R.inf = -INFINITY;
R.sup = +INFINITY;
throw string( "lin scale exceeds typical PS implementation range "
"(abs<3e38)" );
void CAxis::SetLog( const bool _log )
if ( _log!=log ) {
log = _log;
CRange RX = AlternateR;
AlternateR = R;
R = RX;
double CAxis::pc(double v) const // value -> plot-coordinate
return PSMAX * R.value2plotcoord(log, v);
//* NPlot *//
namespace NPlot {
CAxis X, Y;
uint maxpoints = 12000;
int gp_fifo;
void gp_write(string);
int gp_fno;
string gp_fnames;
uint ps_fnum; // file
uint ps_snum; // scan
uint ps_pnum; // scan with pstyle
uint ps_cnum; // scan with cstyle
void ps_ticktack(uint ntack, double *tack, int ntpt, double *ticklim,
CAxis *A);
vector<string> ps_Doc;
vector<string> ps_accu; // future output is accumulated here
char outlin[ LINSIZ ];
void NPlot::Open()
// Start gnuplot. Use input redirection so that gnuplot receives
// commands from a gp_fifo which is created here.
string fn_fifo = string("/tmp/gnuplot-") + getenv( "LOGNAME" );
system( ("rm -f "+fn_fifo).c_str() );
if (mkfifo( fn_fifo.c_str(), 0666 )) {
printf("SEVERE SYSTEM ERROR cannot make fifo %s"
" - will not be able to print\n", fn_fifo.c_str() );
system( ("gnuplot -noraise < " + fn_fifo + " &").c_str() );
// we use open instead of fopen or ofstream,
// because we need non-blocking mode.
if (!(gp_fifo = open(fn_fifo.c_str(), O_WRONLY))) {
printf("SEVERE SYSTEM ERROR cannot open gp_fifo"
" - will not be able to print\n");
// gp_write(string("plot 1 2 3")); // test
gp_write(string("set terminal x11"));
void NPlot::Close()
void NPlot::Clear()
// cout << "DEBUG dp Clear beg\n";
gp_fno = 0;
gp_fnames = string("");
// new wups file:
string cmd;
ps_accu.push_back( "\n%% output created by frida2\n");
ps_snum = 0;
ps_pnum = 0;
ps_cnum = 0;
void NPlot::Multiask()
maxpoints = iask("Max # points in plot", maxpoints);
X.force = bask("Force x points into frame", X.force);
Y.force = bask("Force y points into frame", Y.force);
void NPlot::Box()
gp_write( "set nologscale" );
string whichlog="";
if (X.log) whichlog += "x";
if (Y.log) whichlog += "y";
if (whichlog!="")
gp_write( "set logscale " + whichlog );
// wups:
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, "\n%d %g %g xSetCoord\n",
X.log, X.R.inf, X.R.sup );
ps_accu.push_back( outlin );
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, "%d %g %g ySetCoord\n",
Y.log, Y.R.inf, Y.R.sup );
ps_accu.push_back( outlin );
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, "%% %d %g %g %d zSetCoord\n\n", 0, 0., 0., 0 );
ps_accu.push_back( outlin );
int ntack, ntpt;
double *tack, ticklim[2];
ps_accu.push_back( "\n/xPlotFrame {" );
if ( X.log && X.R.inf<= 0 )
throw "BUG: x log incompatible with limits " + X.R.str();
plotaux::calc_ticks( X.log, X.R.inf, X.R.sup,
&ntack, &tack, &ntpt, ticklim );
ps_ticktack(ntack, tack, ntpt, ticklim, &X);
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ-4, " {(%s", X.C.ps_str().c_str() );
strncat( outlin, ")}\n", LINSIZ );
ps_accu.push_back( outlin );
ps_accu.push_back( " 0 10 0 0 0 90 "
"OneAxx Axx Tic xTacL xNumL %% low x axis\n" );
ps_accu.push_back( " 0 10 0 10 0 270 "
"OneAxx Axx Tic xTacH %% top x axis\n" );
ps_accu.push_back( " xCL\n" );
ps_accu.push_back( "} def\n" );
ps_accu.push_back( "\n/yPlotFrame {" );
if ( Y.log && Y.R.inf<= 0 )
throw "BUG: y log incompatible with limits " + Y.R.str();
plotaux::calc_ticks( Y.log, Y.R.inf, Y.R.sup,
&ntack, &tack, &ntpt, ticklim );
ps_ticktack(ntack, tack, ntpt, ticklim, &Y);
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, " {(%s", Y.C.ps_str().c_str() );
strncat( outlin, ")}\n", LINSIZ );
ps_accu.push_back( outlin );
ps_accu.push_back( " 0 10 0 0 90 0 "
"OneAxx Axx Tic yTacL yNumL %% left y axis\n" );
ps_accu.push_back( " 0 10 10 0 90 180 "
"OneAxx Axx Tic yTacH % yNumH %% right yaxis\n" );
ps_accu.push_back( " yCL\n" );
ps_accu.push_back( "} def\n" );
ps_accu.push_back( "\n%% modeDD\nplotbefore\n" );
void NPlot::Line( const int lstyle,
const vector<double> xp, const vector<double> yp,
const vector<double>* z,
const string xco, const string yco,
const string info )
// Checks:
uint np=xp.size();
if ( np<0 )
throw string( "PROG ERR NPLot::Line x.size=0" );
if ( np!=yp.size() )
throw string( "PROG ERR NPLot::Line x.size<>y.size" );
// Save to file:
char gp_fnam[40];
sprintf( gp_fnam, "/tmp/%s-%03d.gnu", getenv("LOGNAME"), gp_fno++);
if (gp_fnames!="") gp_fnames += ", ";
gp_fnames += string("\"") + gp_fnam + "\"" +
// string(" title \"") + xco + string (" -> ")
// + yco + string ("\"");
" notitle";
if (lstyle<0)
gp_fnames += " with lines";
FILE *gp_fd;
if (!(gp_fd = fopen(gp_fnam, "w")))
throw string("cannot save gnuplot data to ") + gp_fnam;
for (uint i=0; i<np; i++)
fprintf(gp_fd, "%16.8g %16.8g\n", xp[i], yp[i]);
// Plot command:
char aux[80];
sprintf( aux, "[%12.8g:%12.8g] [%12.8g:%12.8g] ",
X.R.inf, X.R.sup, Y.R.inf, Y.R.sup);
gp_write(string("plot ") + aux + gp_fnames);
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, "\n%3u [", ++ps_snum);
ps_accu.push_back( outlin );
for (uint i=0; i<z->size(); i++){
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, " %12g", (*z)[i]);
ps_accu.push_back( outlin );
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, " ] zValues\n");
ps_accu.push_back( outlin );
if (lstyle>=0)
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, "%2d pstyle", ++ps_pnum);
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, "%2d cstyle", 1);
ps_accu.push_back( outlin );
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ-2, " %% (%s -> %s)", xco.c_str(), yco.c_str());
strncat( outlin, "\n", LINSIZ );
ps_accu.push_back( outlin );
for (uint i=0; i<np; i++) {
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ,
"%7.3f%7.3f%7.3f t%c %% %14.7g wx %14.7g wy\n",
X.pc(xp[i]), Y.pc(yp[i]), 0.0,
i==0 ? 'i' : i==np-1 ? 'f' : ' ', xp[i], yp[i] );
ps_accu.push_back( outlin );
void NPlot::Doc (vector<string> lDoc)
for (uint i=0; i<lDoc.size(); i++)
void NPlot::Save( bool full_outfile )
string ps_outdir, ps_head, ps_dict;
// read configuration parameters:
ps_outdir = NRead::wofmac( "\\psdir" );
ps_head = NRead::wofmac( "\\pshead" );
if ( full_outfile )
ps_dict = NRead::wofmac( "\\psdict" );
// construct output file name:
FILE *pssav;
char outf[20];
string flong, cmd;
while(1) {
if (ps_fnum>=999)
throw string( "graph file number overflow" );
sprintf(outf, "%sl%d.%s", ps_outdir.c_str(), ++ps_fnum,
full_outfile ? "ps" : "psa" );
if (!(pssav = mystd::glob_fopen(outf, "", "", "r")))
break; // legal exit
printf("save plot in %s\n", outf);
// copy headers to output file:
cmd = string("cat ") + ( full_outfile ? ps_dict : "" ) + " " +
ps_head + " > " + outf + "\n";
if (system(cmd.c_str())) {
printf ("cannot copy to %s\n", outf);
// a redundant check of existence of the outfile:
if (!(pssav = mystd::glob_fopen(outf, "", "", "r", &flong))) {
printf("have not created file %s\n", outf);
// append specific output to output file:
if (!(pssav = fopen(flong.c_str(), "a+"))) {
printf ("cannot write (append) to file %s\n", flong.c_str());
for( uint i=0; i<ps_accu.size(); ++i ){
// fprintf does not work here because output line may contain "%"
fwrite( ps_accu[i].c_str(), 1, ps_accu[i].size(), pssav );
// additional output (do not append this to ps_accu to allow
// further incrementation of ps_accu):
fprintf(pssav, "\nblack 0 -4 13 newlist\n");
for (uint i=0; i<ps_Doc.size(); i++)
fprintf(pssav, "{(%s)} infline\n", ps_Doc[i].c_str());
"\n{(%s)} /filename exch def 10 -2.8 18 showfilename\n\n"
"EndFrame\n", outf);
// output completed:
void NPlot::Dialog()
string cmd;
cout << "entering mygnuplot - to leave, type q\n";
while(1) {
cmd = sask("mygnuplot> ");
if (cmd.substr(0,1)=="q") return;
void NPlot::gp_write(string in)
// cout << "DEBUG gp_write " << in << "\n";
string out = in + "\n";
write(gp_fifo, out.c_str(), out.size());
void NPlot::ps_ticktack(uint ntack, double *tack, int ntpt, double *ticklim,
CAxis *A)
uint i;
ps_accu.push_back( "[\n" );
if (A->log && ( tack[0]<1e-3 || tack[ntack-1]>1e3 )) {
for (i=0; i<ntack; i++) {
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, " %9.6f {(10)(%d)sp()} %%{(%g)}\n",
A->pc(tack[i]), (int)(log10(tack[i])),
(float) tack[i]);
ps_accu.push_back( outlin );
} else {
for (i=0; i<ntack; i++) {
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, " %9.6f {(%g)}\n",
A->pc(tack[i]), (float) tack[i]);
ps_accu.push_back( outlin );
ps_accu.push_back( " ] SetTacVec\n" );
snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, " %g %g %d %d SetTicVec%s\n",
A->pc(ticklim[0]), A->pc(ticklim[1]), ntack+2, ntpt,
(A->log? "Log" : "Lin"));
ps_accu.push_back( outlin );