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  • //**************************************************************************************************
    //*  FRIDA: fast reliable interactive data analysis
    //*  (C) Joachim Wuttke 1990-, v2(C++) 2001-
    Wuttke, Joachim's avatar
    Wuttke, Joachim committed
    //! \file  axis.cpp
    //! \brief CAxis: One axis of a coordinate frame.
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    Wuttke, Joachim committed
    Wuttke, Joachim's avatar
    Wuttke, Joachim committed
    #include <vector>
    #include "../readplus/macro.hpp"
    #include "../trivia/math.hpp"
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    #include "../trivia/string_convs.hpp"
    Wuttke, Joachim's avatar
    Wuttke, Joachim committed
    #include "axis.hpp"
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    using std::string;
    using std::vector;
    using std::cout;
    #define S(a) triv::strg((a))
    //! Sets infinite limits so that next plot call will recompute them.
        inf = -INFINITY;
        sup = +INFINITY;
    //! Sets limits to arguments.
    void CAxis::set_limits(double _inf, double _sup)
        if (_inf >= _sup)
            throw "Invalid limits " + S(_inf) + " .. " + S(_sup) + " for axis " + name;
        if (logflag && _inf <= 0)
            throw "Invalid nonpositive limit " + S(_inf) + " for axis " + name;
        inf = _inf;
        sup = _sup;
    //! Sets log flag to argument, resets limits to infinite defaults.
    void CAxis::set_log(bool _log)
        logflag = _log;
    //! Asks for new limits.
    void CAxis::ask_and_set(const string& quest)
            double inf_in, sup_in;
            string resp1 = NMacro::readwd(quest + " [" + str() + "] ? ");
            if (resp1 == "\\q") {
                throw S("user escape to main menu");
                return; // don't change current value
            } else if (resp1 == "\\EOL") {
            } else if (triv::any2dbl(resp1, &inf_in)) {
    Wuttke, Joachim's avatar
    Wuttke, Joachim committed
                // ok
            } else {
                cout << "required input: plot axis range\n"
                        "    0.1 1000    two floating-point numbers\n"
                        "    \\   1000    let lower bond unchanged\n"
                        "    0.1  \\      let upper bound unchanged\n"
                        "    *           redetermine bounds from data\n"
                        "just press ENTER to let present range unchanged ["
                     << str() << "]\n";
    Wuttke, Joachim's avatar
    Wuttke, Joachim committed
                cout << "log axis requires lower bound>0\n";
            string resp2 = NMacro::readwd(".. and upper limit [" + S(sup) + "] ? ");
            if (resp2 == "\\q") {
                throw S("user escape to main menu");
            } else if (resp2 == "" || resp2 == "\\EOL") {
            } else if (triv::any2dbl(resp2, &sup_in)) {
    Wuttke, Joachim's avatar
    Wuttke, Joachim committed
                // ok
            } else {
                cout << "invalid upper bound; use '?' for help\n";
                cout << "invalid input, does not fulfill lower<upper\n";
            if (logflag && (sup_in > 1e199 || inf_in < 1e-199)) {
                cout << "log range currently restricted to 1E-199..1E199\n";
            if (!logflag && (sup_in > 3e38 || inf_in < -3e38)) {
                cout << "lin range currently restricted to -3e38..3e38\n";
            inf = inf_in;
            sup = sup_in;
    Wuttke, Joachim's avatar
    Wuttke, Joachim committed
    //! Sets limits to rounded values of arguments.
    void CAxis::set_rounded_limits(double _inf, double _sup)
        static double relmargin = 0.05;
        static double digits = 2;
        if (_inf == -INFINITY || _sup == +INFINITY)
            throw "BUG: rounding " + name + " limits: unexpected inf limits";
        if (_inf > _sup)
            throw "BUG: rounding " + name + " limits: invalid plot range " + S(_inf) + " > " + S(_sup);
        if (logflag && _inf <= 0)
            throw "BUG: rounding " + name + " limits: nonpositive log inf " + S(_inf);
        inf = _inf;
        sup = _sup;
    Wuttke, Joachim's avatar
    Wuttke, Joachim committed
                inf /= 10;
                sup *= 10;
    Wuttke, Joachim's avatar
    Wuttke, Joachim committed
                inf *= 0.9;
                sup *= 1.1;
    Wuttke, Joachim's avatar
    Wuttke, Joachim committed
                inf *= 1.1;
                sup *= 0.9;
    Wuttke, Joachim's avatar
    Wuttke, Joachim committed
                inf = -1;
                sup = +1;
        double inf2, sup2;
        double mydigits = digits;
            double margin = relmargin * (sup - inf);
            do {
                sup2 = triv::round_decimal(sup + margin, mydigits);
                inf2 = triv::round_decimal(inf - margin, mydigits);
                if (sup < 0 && sup2 > 0)
                    sup2 = 0;
                if (inf2 < 0 && inf > 0)
                    inf2 = 0;
                // printf("DEB [%g,%g] -> [%g,%g] (%g)\n", inf, sup, inf2, sup2, mydigits);
                if (mydigits > 17) {
                    std::cerr << std::setprecision(17)
                              << "PLEASE REPORT THIS BUG: escaping from endless loop in Axis::"
                              << inf << "," << sup << ")\n";
                    inf2 = inf - margin;
                    sup2 = sup - margin;
            } while (inf2 > inf || sup2 < sup
                     || (sup2 - inf2) > (1.33 * (sup - inf) + 1e-14 * (sup + inf)));
        } else { // log limits
            double ratio = sup / inf;
            double margin = exp(relmargin * log(ratio));
                sup2 = triv::round_decimal(sup * margin, mydigits);
                inf2 = triv::round_decimal(inf / margin, mydigits);
                mydigits += 0.5;
            } while (!((inf2 < inf) && (sup < sup2)) && mydigits < 18);
    //! Are both limits finite ?
    bool CAxis::finite() const { return inf != -INFINITY && sup != +INFINITY; }
    //! Is argument val contained in present plot range?
    bool CAxis::contains(double val) const { return inf <= val && val <= sup; }
    //! Do arguments v1 and v2 agree within tolerance tol, relative to plot range?
    bool CAxis::close_enough(double v1, double v2, double tol) const
            throw S("undefined plot range");
        if (logflag) {
            if (v1 <= 0 || v2 <= 0)
            return fabs(log(v1 / v2)) <= tol * log(sup / inf);
            return fabs(v1 - v2) <= tol * (sup - inf);
    //! Returns plot coordinate (between 0 and 1) of argument.
    double CAxis::value2plotcoord(double v) const
            throw S("undefined plot range");
        if (logflag) {
            if (inf < 0 || v < 0)
                throw S("negative value in log range");
            return log(v / inf) / log(sup / inf);
            return (v - inf) / (sup - inf);
    //! Returns half length of error bar (in plot coordinates 0..1).
    double CAxis::value2ploterror(double v, double dv) const
            throw S("undefined plot range");
            throw S("negative error");
            return 0;
        if (logflag) {
            if (inf < 0 || v < 0)
                throw S("negative value in log range");
            return dv / v / log(sup / inf);
    //! Sets vector x such that its plot coordinates form an equidistent grid.
    void CAxis::set_xgrid(vector<double>& x, int n) const
            throw S("undefined plot range");
            throw S("call to set_xgrid with less than two points");
            throw S("call to set_xgrid with invalid limits");
        x[n - 1] = sup;
        for (int i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i) {
            if (logflag) {
                double c = ((double)(i)) / ((double)(n - 1));
                x[i] = pow(inf, 1 - c) * pow(sup, c);
                x[i] = ((n - 1 - i) * inf + i * sup) / (n - 1);
    //! Returns string representation of plot range.
    string CAxis::str() const
        if (inf == -INFINITY || sup == +INFINITY)
            return "*";
            return S(inf) + " " + S(sup);
    //! Returns summary (log flag, plot limits) for use in table of plot frames.
    string CAxis::info() const
        string ret;
        ret += " " + S(inf);
        ret += " " + S(sup);
    //! Returns argument converted to my PostScript units (0..10).
    double CAxis::pc(double v) const { return 10 * value2plotcoord(v); }
    //! Returns half length of error bar (in my Postscript coordinates 0..10).
    double CAxis::pcerr(double v, double dv) const { return 10 * value2ploterror(v, dv); }
    //! Sets Tacks, ntpt, nt4t, *ticklim to a nice division of the plot range.
    void CAxis::calc_ticks(vector<double>& Tacks, int& ntpt, int& nt4t, double* ticklim) const
        if (logflag)
            calc_logticks(Tacks, ntpt, nt4t, ticklim);
            calc_linticks(Tacks, ntpt, nt4t, ticklim);
    //! Sets Tacks, ntpt, nt4t, *ticklim to a nice division of the plot range.
    void CAxis::calc_linticks(vector<double>& Tacks, int& ntpt, int& nt4t, double* ticklim) const
        double dtack;
        calc_lintacks(Tacks, ntpt, dtack);
        ticklim[0] = Tacks.front() - dtack;
        ticklim[1] = Tacks.back() + dtack;
        nt4t = Tacks.size() + 2;
    //! Sets Tacks, *ntpt, and dtack
    void CAxis::calc_lintacks(vector<double>& Tacks, int& ntpt, double& dtack) const
            throw "BUG detected by calc_linticks: inf=" + S(inf) + " >= sup=" + S(sup);
        int ir = (int)((r < 0) ? r - 1 : r);
        double rd = r - ir; // fractional part of r
        double rdr = pow(10., rd);
        if (rdr > 9.99999) {
            dtack = 2.5 * pow(10., ir); // spacing between tacks
            ntpt = 5; // ticks per tack
        } else if (rdr > 5.00001) {
            dtack = 2 * pow(10., ir);
            ntpt = 4;
        } else if (rdr > 2.500005) {
            dtack = 1 * pow(10., ir);
            ntpt = 5;
        } else if (rdr > 1.600003) {
            dtack = .5 * pow(10., ir);
            ntpt = 5;
        } else if (rdr > 1.250002) {
            dtack = .4 * pow(10., ir);
            ntpt = 4;
        } else {
            dtack = .25 * pow(10., ir);
            ntpt = 5;
        printf( "DEBUG (%g,%g) => (%g,%g) step %g\n",
                inf, sup, dtack * (floor(inf/dtack)-1), dtack * (ceil(sup/dtack)+1), dtack);
        for (double d = dtack * (floor(inf/dtack)-1); d <= dtack * (ceil(sup/dtack)+1); d += dtack)
            if (inf-1e-4*range <= d && d <= sup+1e-4*range)
    //! Sets Tacks, ntpt, nt4t, *ticklim to a nice division of the plot range.
    void CAxis::calc_logticks(vector<double>& Tacks, int& ntpt, int& nt4t, double* ticklim) const
        if (inf >= sup)
            throw "BUG detected by calc_logticks: inf=" + S(inf) + " >= sup=" + S(sup);
        if (inf <= 0)
            throw S("BUG detected by calc_logticks: negative log argument");
        static double eins = 1 + 1e-6 - 1e-12;
        double rlgmin = log10(inf);
        double rlgmax = log10(sup);
        double rlgrel = rlgmax - rlgmin;
        if (!std::isfinite(rlgrel) || rlgrel > 100)
            throw "Excessive log range " + S(inf) + " .. " + S(sup);
        int incr; // -> decades per tack
        if (rlgrel <= 10) {
            incr = 1;
        } else {
            incr = (int)(rlgrel / 7 + 1);
            if (incr > 3)
                incr = 3 * (incr / 3); // preferred values 3, 6, ...
        // first and last tack
        int minexp = (int)(rlgmin > 0 ? rlgmin + 1e-6 : rlgmin - 1e-6 - 1);
        int maxexp = (int)(rlgmax > 0 ? rlgmax + 1e-6 : rlgmax - 1e-6 - 1);
        if (incr > 1) {
            minexp -= minexp % incr;
            maxexp -= maxexp % incr;
        // set Tacks
        double d1 = inf / eins;
        double d2 = sup * eins;
        for (int i = minexp; i <= maxexp; i += incr) {
            double r0 = pow(10., i);
            if (d1 <= r0 && r0 <= d2)
        nt4t = Tacks.size() + 2;
        // set tick limits (may exceed actual tick range)
        int ntack = Tacks.size();
        if (ntack >= 1) {
            ticklim[0] = Tacks.front() / pow(10., incr);
            ticklim[1] = Tacks.back()  * pow(10., incr);
        } else {
            // untested. just to allow plots when no tacks in window
            ticklim[0] = pow(10., minexp);
            ticklim[1] = pow(10., maxexp + 1);
        // determine #ticks / tack
        if (incr == 1 && rlgrel <= 3) {
            ntpt = 9;
        } else if (incr == 1 && rlgrel <= 7) {
            ntpt = 3; // 1-2-5-10 - Schritte
        } else if (incr == 1) {
            ntpt = 1;
        } else {
            ntpt = -incr; // this one has special semantics: it means 'incr' ticks per tack
        // for narrow ranges, overwrite tacks
        if (ntack<2) {
            double dtack;
            int ntpt_dummy;
            calc_lintacks(Tacks, ntpt_dummy, dtack);