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ps_plotter.cpp 8.91 KiB
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//*  FRIDA: fast reliable interactive data analysis
//*  (C) Joachim Wuttke 1990-, v2(C++) 2001-

//! \file  gnuplotter.cpp
//! \brief Implements class CPS_Plotter.

#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <boost/format.hpp>

#include "../trivia/file_ops.hpp"
#include "../trivia/string_convs.hpp"

#include "axis.hpp"
#include "ps_plotter.hpp"

using std::string;
using std::vector;
using boost::format;

namespace {
    string ps_ticktack(
        const vector<double>& Tacks, const int ntpt, const double* ticklim, const CAxis* A);
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    string ps_coord(const CAxis* A, const char a);
    string ps_axis(const CAxis* A, const string& label, const char a);
    string ps_horiz();
    string ps_verti();
    string ps_colorscale();
    string ps_slice_header(
        bool as_line, int slice_no, int style_no, const vector<string>& zentries,
        const string& xco, const string& yco);
    string ps_data_block(
        const CAxis* X, const CAxis* Y,
        const vector<double>& xp, const vector<double>& yp, const vector<double>& dyp);
    string ps_footer(
        const string& fname, const string& doc_lines);
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void CPS_Plotter::start_frame1D(
    const string& caller, const CAxis& _X, const CAxis& _Y,
    const string& xlabel, const string& ylabel)
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    p2D = false;
    ps_snum = 0;
    ps_Doc = "";
    ps_accu = "\n%% output created by " + caller + "\n\n";
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    ps_accu += ps_coord(X, 'x');
    ps_accu += ps_coord(Y, 'y');
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    ps_accu += "\n";
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    ps_accu += ps_axis(X, xlabel, 'x') + ps_horiz();
    ps_accu += ps_axis(Y, ylabel, 'y') + ps_verti();
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    ps_accu += "\n";
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void CPS_Plotter::start_frame2D(
    const std::string& caller, const CAxis& _X, const CAxis& _Z, const CAxis& _Y)
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    p2D = true;
    X = &_X;
    Z = &_Z;
    Y = &_Y;
    ps_snum = 0;
    ps_Doc = "";
    ps_accu = "\n%% output created by " + caller + "\n\n";
    ps_accu += ps_coord(X, 'x');
    ps_accu += ps_coord(Z, 'y');
    ps_accu += ps_coord(Y, 'h');
    ps_accu += "\n";

void CPS_Plotter::close_frame2D(
    const CAxis& _X, const CAxis& _Z, const CAxis& _Y,
    const std::string& xlabel, const std::string& zlabel, const std::string& ylabel)
    ps_accu += "/linsetTic {white 1 setline} def\n";
    ps_accu += "/linsetTac {white 1.3 setline} def\n\n";

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    ps_accu += ps_axis(X, xlabel, 'x') + ps_horiz();
    ps_accu += ps_axis(Z, zlabel, 'y') + ps_verti();
    ps_accu += ps_axis(Y, ylabel, 'h') + ps_colorscale();

void CPS_Plotter::add_spec(
    bool as_line, bool new_slice, int style_no,
    const vector<double>& xp, const vector<double>& yp,
    const vector<double>& dyp, const vector<string>& zentries,
    const string& xco, const string& yco, const string& info)

    // Postscript copy:
    if (new_slice)
        ps_accu += ps_slice_header(as_line, ++ps_snum, style_no, zentries, xco, yco);

    ps_accu += ps_data_block(X, Y, xp, yp, dyp);
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void CPS_Plotter::main_line(const string& line)
    ps_accu += line + "\n";

void CPS_Plotter::doc_line(const string& line)
    ps_Doc += line + "\n";

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void CPS_Plotter::copy_header(
    const string& fname, const string& mode, const bool withDefs,
    std::map<const string, string>& settings)
    // copy headers to output file
    string cmd;
    if (mode=="append") {
        if (!triv::file_exists(fname))
            throw "Cannot append graphic: file " + fname + " not found";
        cmd = "cat " +"ps_continuation") + " >> " + fname;
    } else {
        if (mode=="create") {
            if (triv::file_exists(fname))
                throw "File " + fname + " already exists. "
                    + "Use command suffix '!' to overwrite";
        } else if (mode=="overwrite") {
        } else
            throw "BUG: unexpected mode";
        cmd = "cat ";
        if (withDefs)
            cmd +="ps_definitions") + " ";
        cmd +="ps_setup") + (p2D ? "2" : "1") + "D") + " > " + fname;
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void CPS_Plotter::write_data(const string& fname)
    // append specific output to output file:
    if (!triv::file_exists(fname))
        throw "BUG: after copying headers, graphic output file " + fname + " still doesn't exist";
    std::fstream fs(fname, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app);
    fs << ps_accu;
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//  static functions
namespace {

    //! Format ticks and tacks for postscript file.
    string ps_ticktack(
        const vector<double>& Tacks, const int ntpt, const double* ticklim, const CAxis* A)
        string ret;
        int ntack = Tacks.size();
        if (ntack > 0) {
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            ret += "[\n";
            if (A->logflag && (Tacks[0] < 1e-3 || Tacks[ntack - 1] > 1e3)) {
                for (int i = 0; i < ntack; i++)
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                    ret += str(format("  %9.6f {(10)(%i)sp()} %%{(%g)}\n")
                               % A->pc(Tacks[i])
                               % (int)(log10(Tacks[i]))
                               % (float)Tacks[i]);
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < ntack; i++)
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                    ret += str(format("  %9.6f {(%g)}\n")
                               % A->pc(Tacks[i])
                               % (float)Tacks[i]);
        ret += str(format("%g %g %i %i SetTicVec%s\n")
                   % A->pc(ticklim[0])
                   % A->pc(ticklim[1])
                   % (ntack + 2)
                   % ntpt
                   % (A->logflag ? "Log" : "Lin"));
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    string ps_coord(const CAxis* A, const char a)
        return str(format("%1i %13.7g %13.7g %cSetCoord\n") % A->logflag % A->inf % A->sup % a);
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    string ps_axis(const CAxis* A, const string& label, const char a)
        string ret;
        int ntpt;
        double ticklim[2];
        vector<double> Tacks;
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        ret += "% " + string(1,a) + " axis:\n";
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        if (A->logflag && A->inf <= 0)
            throw "BUG: log incompatible with limits " + A->str();
        A->calc_ticks(Tacks, &ntpt, ticklim);
        ret += ps_ticktack(Tacks, ntpt, ticklim, A);
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        ret += "{(" + label + ")}\n";
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        return ret;

    string ps_horiz()
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            " 0 10   0  0     0  90 OneAxx Axx Tic Tac xNumL %% low x axis\n"
            " 0 10   0 10     0 270 OneAxx Axx Tic Tac       %% top x axis\n"
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    string ps_verti()
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            " 0 10   0  0    90   0 OneAxx Axx Tic Tac yNumL %% left y axis\n"
            " 0 10  10  0    90 180 OneAxx Axx Tic Tac       %% right y axis\n"
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    string ps_colorscale()
            " hxlow hxhig 0  0     0  90 OneAxx Axx %% low x line\n"
            " hxlow hxhig 0 10     0  90 OneAxx Axx %% low x line\n"
            " 0 10  hxlow 0    90   0 OneAxx Tic Tac Axx       %% left y axis\n"
            " 0 10  hxhig 0    90 180 OneAxx Tic Tac Axx yNumH %% right y axis\n"
            "hxhig YCH\n\n";

    string ps_slice_header(
        bool as_line, int slice_no, int style_no, const vector<string>& zentries,
        const string& xco, const string& yco)
        string ret;
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        ret += str(format("%3u [") % slice_no);
        for (string zentry: zentries)
            ret += " " + zentry;
        ret += " ] zValues\n";
        ret += str(format("%2i %cstyle %% (%s -> %s)\n")
                   % style_no
                   % (as_line ? 'c' : 'p')
                   % xco
                   % yco);
        return ret;

    string ps_data_block(
        const CAxis* X, const CAxis* Y,
        const vector<double>& xp, const vector<double>& yp, const vector<double>& dyp)
        string ret;
        int np = xp.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < np; i++)
            ret += str(format("%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f t%c %% %13.7g wx %13.7g wy\n")
                       % X->pc(xp[i])
                       % Y->pc(yp[i])
                       % (dyp.size() ? Y->pcerr(yp[i], dyp[i]) : 0)
                       % (i == 0 ? 'i' : i == np - 1 ? 'f' : ' ')
                       % xp[i]
                       % yp[i]);
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        ret += "\n";
        return ret;

    string ps_footer(const string& fname, const string& doc_lines)
        return "{ black 0 -3 13 1.65 NewList\n"
            + "  {(plot -> " + fname + ")} TxLine\n"
            + "} oooinfo 1 eq { exec } { pop } ifelse\n\n"