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import contextlib
import glob
import json
import os
import shutil
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from stat import S_IREAD, S_IWRITE
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
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Ronald Jäpel committed

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r.jaepel committed
import cadetrdm
from cadetrdm.io_utils import recursive_chmod, write_lines_to_file, wait_for_user, init_lfs
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Ronald Jäpel committed
from cadetrdm.jupyter_functionality import Notebook
from cadetrdm.remote_integration import GitHubRemote, GitLabRemote
from cadetrdm.logging import OutputLog
    import git
except ImportError:
    # Adding this hint to save users the confusion of trying $pip install git
    raise ImportError("No module named git, please install the gitpython package")
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Ronald Jäpel committed

from cadetrdm.web_utils import ssh_url_to_http_url
from cadetrdm.io_utils import delete_path
def validate_is_output_repo(path_to_repo):
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Ronald Jäpel committed
    with open(os.path.join(path_to_repo, ".cadet-rdm-data.json"), "r") as file_handle:
        rdm_data = json.load(file_handle)
        if rdm_data["is_project_repo"]:
            raise ValueError("Please use the URL to the output repository.")
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r.jaepel committed
    def __init__(self, repository_path=None, search_parent_directories=True, *args, **kwargs):
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Ronald Jäpel committed
        Base class handling most git workflows.

        :param repository_path:
            Path to the root directory of the repository.
        :param search_parent_directories:
            if True, all parent directories will be searched for a valid repo as well.

            Please note that this was the default behaviour in older versions of GitPython,
            which is considered a bug though.
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Ronald Jäpel committed
        :param args:
            Args handed to git.Repo()
        :param kwargs:
            Kwargs handed to git.Repo()
        if repository_path is None or repository_path == ".":
            repository_path = os.getcwd()

        if type(repository_path) is str:
            repository_path = Path(repository_path)

        self._git_repo = git.Repo(repository_path, search_parent_directories=search_parent_directories, *args, **kwargs)
        self._git = self._git_repo.git
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Ronald Jäpel committed

        self._most_recent_branch =
        self._earliest_commit = None
        self.add = self._git.add

    def active_branch(self):
        return self._git_repo.active_branch

    def untracked_files(self):
        return self._git_repo.untracked_files
    def current_commit_hash(self):
        return str(self.head.commit)

    def path(self):
        return Path(self._git_repo.working_dir)

    def bare(self):
        return self._git_repo.bare

    def working_dir(self):
        print("Deprecation Warning. .working_dir is getting replaced with .path")
        return Path(self._git_repo.working_dir)
        return self._git_repo.head

    def remotes(self):
        return self._git_repo.remotes
    def remote_urls(self):
        if len(self.remotes) == 0:
            print(RuntimeWarning(f"No remote for repo at {self.path} set yet. Please add remote ASAP."))
        return [str(remote.url) for remote in self.remotes]

    def earliest_commit(self):
        if self._earliest_commit is None:
            *_, earliest_commit = self._git_repo.iter_commits()
            self._earliest_commit = earliest_commit
        return self._earliest_commit

    def tags(self):
    def data_json_path(self):
        return self.path / ".cadet-rdm-data.json"

    def cache_json_path(self):
        return self.path / ".cadet-rdm-cache.json"

    def has_changes_upstream(self):
            remote_hash = str(self.remotes[0].fetch()[0].commit)

            if self.current_commit_hash != remote_hash:
                return True
                return False

        except git.GitCommandError as e:
            print(f"Git command error in {self.path}: {e}")

    def fetch(self):

    def update(self):

            if self.has_changes_upstream:
                print(f"New changes detected in {self.remotes[0].origin}, pulling updates...")

        except git.GitCommandError as e:
            print(f"Git command error in {self.path}: {e}")
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Ronald Jäpel committed
    def add_remote(self, remote_url, remote_name=None):
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Ronald Jäpel committed
        Add a remote to the repository.

        :param remote_url:
        :param remote_name:
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Ronald Jäpel committed
        if remote_name is None:
            remote_name = "origin"
        self._git_repo.create_remote(remote_name, url=remote_url)
        with open(self.data_json_path, "r") as handle:
            rdm_data = json.load(handle)
        if rdm_data["is_project_repo"]:
            # This folder is a project repo. Use a project repo class to easily access the output repo.
            output_repo = ProjectRepo(self.path).output_repo
            if output_repo.active_branch != "main":
                if output_repo.exist_uncomitted_changes:

            output_repo.add_list_of_remotes_in_readme_file("project_repo", self.remote_urls)
            output_repo.commit("Add remote for project repo", verbosity=0)
        if rdm_data["is_output_repo"]:
            # This folder is an output repo
            project_repo = ProjectRepo(self.path.parent)
            project_repo.add_list_of_remotes_in_readme_file("output_repo", self.remote_urls)
            project_repo.commit("Add remote for output repo", verbosity=0)
    def add_filetype_to_lfs(self, file_type):
        Add the filetype given in file_type to the GIT-LFS tracking
        :param file_type:
        Wildcard formatted string. Examples: "*.png" or "*.xlsx"
        init_lfs(lfs_filetypes=[file_type], path=self.path)
        self.commit(f"Add {file_type} to lfs")
    def import_remote_repo(self, source_repo_location, source_repo_branch, target_repo_location=None):
        Import a remote repo and update the cadet-rdm-cache
        :param source_repo_location:
        Path or URL to the source repo.

        :param source_repo_branch:
        Branch of the source repo to check out.

        :param target_repo_location:
        Place to store the repo. If None, the external_cache folder is used.

        Path to the cloned repository
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Ronald Jäpel committed
        if "://" in str(source_repo_location):
            source_repo_name = source_repo_location.split("/")[-1]
            source_repo_name = Path(source_repo_location).name
        if target_repo_location is None:
            target_repo_location = self.path / "external_cache" / source_repo_name
            target_repo_location = self.path / target_repo_location


        print(f"Cloning from {source_repo_location} into {target_repo_location}")
        multi_options = ["--filter=blob:none", "--branch", source_repo_branch, "--single-branch"]
        repo = git.Repo.clone_from(source_repo_location, target_repo_location, multi_options=multi_options)

        return target_repo_location

    def add_path_to_gitignore(self, path_to_be_ignored):
        Add the path to the .gitignore file

        :param path_to_be_ignored:
        path_to_be_ignored = self.ensure_relative_path(path_to_be_ignored)
        with open(self.path / ".gitignore", "r") as file_handle:
            gitignore = file_handle.readlines()
            gitignore[-1] += "\n"  # Sometimes there is no trailing newline
        if str(path_to_be_ignored) + "\n" not in gitignore:
            gitignore.append(str(path_to_be_ignored) + "\n")
        with open(self.path / ".gitignore", "w") as file_handle:

    def update_cadet_rdm_cache_json(self, source_repo_location, source_repo_branch, target_repo_location):
        Update the information in the .cadet_rdm_cache.json file

        :param source_repo_location:
        Path or URL to the source repo.
        :param source_repo_branch:
        Name of the branch to check out.
        :param target_repo_location:
        Path where to put the repo or data
        if not self.cache_json_path.exists():
            with open(self.cache_json_path, "w") as file_handle:

        with open(self.cache_json_path, "r") as file_handle:
            rdm_cache = json.load(file_handle)

        repo = BaseRepo(target_repo_location)
        commit_hash = repo.current_commit_hash
        if "__example/path/to/repo__" in rdm_cache.keys():

        target_repo_location = str(self.ensure_relative_path(target_repo_location))
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Ronald Jäpel committed
        if isinstance(source_repo_location, Path):
            source_repo_location = source_repo_location.as_posix()

        rdm_cache[target_repo_location] = {
            "source_repo_location": source_repo_location,
            "branch_name": source_repo_branch,
            "commit_hash": commit_hash,

        with open(self.cache_json_path, "w") as file_handle:
            json.dump(rdm_cache, file_handle, indent=2)

    def ensure_relative_path(self, input_path):
        Turn the input path into a relative path, relative to the repo working directory.

        :param input_path:
        if type(input_path) is str:
            input_path = Path(input_path)

        if input_path.is_absolute:
            relative_path = input_path.relative_to(self.path)
            relative_path = input_path
        return relative_path

    def verify_unchanged_cache(self):
        Verify that all repos referenced in .cadet-rdm-data.json are
        in an unmodified state. Raises a RuntimeError if the commit hash has changed or if
        uncommited changes are found.


        with open(self.cache_json_path, "r") as file_handle:
            rdm_cache = json.load(file_handle)

        if "__example/path/to/repo__" in rdm_cache.keys():

        for repo_location, repo_info in rdm_cache.items():
                repo = BaseRepo(repo_location)
            except git.exc.NoSuchPathError:
                raise git.exc.NoSuchPathError(f"The imported repository at {repo_location} was not found.")

            self.verify_cache_folder_is_unchanged(repo_location, repo_info["commit_hash"])

    def verify_cache_folder_is_unchanged(self, repo_location, commit_hash):
        Verify that the repo located at repo_location has no uncommited changes and that the current commit_hash
        is equal to the given commit_hash

        :param repo_location:
        :param commit_hash:
        repo = BaseRepo(repo_location)
        commit_changed = repo.current_commit_hash != commit_hash
        uncommited_changes = repo.exist_uncomitted_changes
        if commit_changed or uncommited_changes:
            raise RuntimeError(f"The contents of {repo_location} have been modified. Don't do that.")

    def checkout(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._most_recent_branch = self.active_branch
        self._git.checkout(*args, **kwargs)

    def push(self, remote=None, local_branch=None, remote_branch=None, push_all=True):
        Push local branch to remote.

        :param remote:
            Name of the remote to push to.
        :param local_branch:
            Name of the local branch to push.
        :param remote_branch:
            Name of the remote branch to push to.
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