Optimize visual representation of skeleton coming from c3d
C3D visualization uses at the moment; Points from XSens (1 based so everything minus 1):
- hip/Sacrum: 8
- C7: 16
- right shoulder: 21
- left shoulder: 22
- right elbow: 29
- left elbow: 32
- right wrist: 28
- left wrist: 31
- right top of hand: 33
- left top of hand: 36
- top of head: 17
- right ischial tub: 6
- left ischial tub: 7
- right kneecap: 42
- left kneecap: 46
- right heel: 53
- left heel: 59
- right toe: 58
- left toe: 64
To represent the joints so that the limbs are alligned to the lines of the skeleton following pounts may give better results:
- ... to be filled later ...
- c3d uses bony landmarks so that it is not that direct/easy
- use Mokka to visualize possible points
1 pHipOrigin
2 pRightASI
3 pLeftASI
4 pRightCSI
5 pLeftCSI
6 pRightIschialTub
7 pLeftIschialTub
8 pSacrum
9 pL5SpinalProcess
10 pL3SpinalProcess
11 pT12SpinalProcess
12 pPX
13 pIJ
14 pT4SpinalProcess
15 pT8SpinalProcess
16 pC7SpinalProcess
17 pTopOfHead
18 pRightAuricularis
19 pLeftAuricularis
20 pBackOfHead
21 pRightAcromion
22 pLeftAcromion
23 pRightArmLatEpicondyle
24 pRightArmMedEpicondyle
25 pLeftArmLatEpicondyle
26 pLeftArmMedEpicondyle
27 pRightUlnarStyloid
28 pRightRadialStyloid
29 pRightOlecranon
30 pLeftUlnarStyloid
31 pLeftRadialStyloid
32 pLeftOlecranon
33 pRightTopOfHand
34 pRightPinky
35 pRightBallHand
36 pLeftTopOfHand
37 pLeftPinky
38 pLeftBallHand
39 pRightGreaterTrochanter
40 pRightKneeLatEpicondyle
41 pRightKneeMedEpicondyle
42 pRightMiddleKneeCap (or pRightPatella)
43 pLeftGreaterTrochanter
44 pLeftKneeLatEpicondyle
45 pLeftKneeMedEpicondyle
46 pLeftMiddleKneeCap (or pLeftPatella)
47 pRightLatMalleolus
48 pRightMedMalleolus
49 pRightTibialTub
50 pLeftLatMalleolus
51 pLeftMedMalleolus
52 pLeftTibialTub
53 pRightHeelFoot
54 pRightFirstMetatarsal
55 pRightFifthMetatarsal
56 pRightPivotFoot
57 pRightHeelCenter
58 pRightToe
59 pLeftHeelFoot
60 pLeftFirstMetatarsal
61 pLeftFifthMetatarsal
62 pLeftPivotFoot
63 pLeftHeelCenter
64 pLeftToe
Edited by m.boltes