diff --git a/scripts/Comparison/Person_trc.py b/scripts/Comparison/Person_trc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..628da5bc3b0a0be4cc43a2c9bd6bef99f803b012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/Comparison/Person_trc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import List
+class Point():
+    x: float
+    y: float
+    stereo_x: float
+    stereo_y: float
+    stereo_z: float
+    qual: int
+    col_x: float
+    col_y: float
+    color: str
+    markerID: int
+    def __hash__(self) -> int:
+        return hash((self.x,self.y,self.markerID,self.stereo_x,self.stereo_y,self.color,self.qual))
+# TODO Hash Funktion vereinfachen; performance
+class Person:
+    def __init__(self, person_str: str, points_str: str, id: int, trc_version: int):
+        self.id = int(id)
+        self.points: List[Point] = []
+        # Version 4, sonst nichts unterstützt
+        person_values = person_str.split(' ')
+        self.nr = int(person_values[0])
+        self.height = float(person_values[1])
+        self.first_frame = int(person_values[2])
+        self.last_frame = int(person_values[3])
+        self.colCount = int(person_values[4])
+        self.color = person_values[5] + " " + person_values[6] + " " + person_values[7]
+        if trc_version >= 4:
+            self.markerID = int(person_values[8])
+            self.numTrackedPoints = int(person_values[9])
+        else:
+            self.numTrackedPoints = int(person_values[8])
+        points_str = points_str.split("\n")
+        for line in points_str:
+            point_values = line.split(' ')
+            x = float(point_values[0])
+            y = float(point_values[1])
+            stereo_x = float(point_values[2])
+            stereo_y = float(point_values[3])
+            stereo_z = float(point_values[4])
+            qual = int(point_values[5])
+            col_x = float(point_values[6])
+            col_y = float(point_values[7])
+            color = point_values[8] + " " + point_values[9] + " " + point_values[10]
+            markerID = int(point_values[11])
+            self.points.append(Point(x,y,stereo_x,stereo_y,stereo_z,qual,col_x,col_y,color,markerID))
+    def __hash__(self) -> int:
+        return hash((self.id, self.nr, self.height, self.first_frame, self.last_frame, self.colCount, self.color, self.numTrackedPoints))
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        return "ID: " + str(self.id)
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return self.__str__()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/Comparison/handmade_test.py b/scripts/Comparison/handmade_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e24582dc2e4c0e166ae04deff1a8fa2ef56dbbe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/Comparison/handmade_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+import argparse
+import queue
+from copy import deepcopy
+from typing import List, Tuple
+from statistics import mean, median
+from math import sqrt
+from Person_trc import Person, Point
+args = None
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="Compare two trc files and generate an error report."
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "truth_filename", type=str, action="store", help="The path to the truth trc"
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "test_filename", type=str, action="store", help="The path to the test trc"
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--epsilon",
+        type=float,
+        dest="eps",
+        action="store",
+        default=1,
+        help="The epsilon (in pixels) of the tolerated difference in pixel values (default=1)",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--point_diff",
+        dest="warn_pointwise",
+        action="store_true",
+        default=False,
+        help="Print warning for every point difference bigger than epsilon",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--frames",
+        dest="check_frames",
+        action="store_true",
+        default=False,
+        help="Print warning for every trajectory pair having different starting and/or ending frames",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--counterpart",
+        "-c",
+        dest="check_counterpart",
+        action="store_true",
+        default=False,
+        help="Check if every trajectory has a counterpart in the other file",
+    )
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    1 if args == None else args.eps
+)  # in pixels # default value 1, can be changed in CLI
+error_message = []
+MAX_DIFF = 20  # in pixels
+MIN_DIFF_START = 0.01  # Should this be a CLI parameter as well?
+DIFF_STEP = 0.01  # Should this be a CLI parameter as well?
+def parse_trc(filename: str) -> List[Person]:
+    # NOTE assumes Version 4 of trc; Should be fractored into a factory outside of constructor
+    content: List[Person] = []
+    id = 0
+    with open(filename) as file:
+        version = int(file.readline()[-2])  # Read header
+        file.readline()  # Read header
+        file = file.read()
+        file = file.split("\n\n")
+        file = file[:-1]  # empty line at the end of file
+    it = iter(file)
+    for person_str in it:
+        points_str = next(it)
+        person = Person(person_str, points_str, id, version)
+        id += 1
+        if len(person.points) != person.numTrackedPoints:
+            print(f"Error when parsing trc-file {filename}.")
+            exit(1)
+        content.append(person)
+    return content
+def calc_diff(test: List[Point], truth: List[Point]) -> float:
+    """Calculates Median Euclidean Distance
+    This function assumes the persons are already cropped to the same starting
+    frame!!!
+    :param test: List of points from person from test trc
+    :type test: List[Point]
+    :param truth: List of Points from person from truth trc
+    :type truth: List[Point]
+    :return: sum of point distances in common frames
+    :rtype: float
+    """
+    # Assumes the persons already are cropped to have the same starting frame
+    # Zip then crops to the same ending frame
+    diff = 0
+    num_common_points = len(test) if len(test) < len(truth) else len(truth)
+    for test_point, truth_point in zip(test, truth):
+        diff += sqrt(
+            (test_point.x - truth_point.x) ** 2 + (test_point.y - truth_point.y) ** 2
+        )
+    return diff / num_common_points
+class HandmadeComparison:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        check_frames: bool,
+        warn_pointwise: bool,
+        check_counterpart: bool,
+        truth_filename: str,
+        test_filename: str,
+    ):
+        self.point_diffs: List[float] = []
+        self.check_frames = check_frames
+        self.warn_pointwise = warn_pointwise
+        self.check_counterpart = check_counterpart
+        self.truth_filename = truth_filename
+        self.test_filename = test_filename
+        self.output: List[str] = []
+    def compare_person(self, test: Person, truth: Person):
+        """Crops persons to common frames and calcs the diff
+        This function crops the persons to the common frames. Then it adds
+        the absolute differences and optionally outputs those with a diff.
+        over a (user-defined) epsilon. It also optionally outputs different
+        starting and ending frames.
+        :param test: Person from test trc
+        :type test: Person
+        :param truth: Person from truth trc
+        :type truth: Person
+        """
+        first_frame: int
+        if test.first_frame > truth.first_frame:
+            first_frame = test.first_frame
+            frame_diff = test.first_frame - truth.first_frame
+            test_points = test.points
+            truth_points = truth.points[frame_diff:]
+        elif test.first_frame < truth.first_frame:
+            first_frame = truth.first_frame
+            frame_diff = truth.first_frame - test.first_frame
+            test_points = test.points[frame_diff:]
+            truth_points = truth.points
+        else:
+            first_frame = test.first_frame
+            test_points = test.points
+            truth_points = truth.points
+        if self.check_frames and test.first_frame != truth.first_frame:
+            self.output.append(
+                f"Different first frame: truth({truth.id+1}) {truth.first_frame} and test({test.id+1}) {test.first_frame}"
+            )
+        if self.check_frames and test.last_frame != truth.last_frame:
+            self.output.append(
+                f"Different last frame: truth({truth.id+1}) {truth.last_frame} and test({test.id+1}) {test.last_frame}"
+            )
+        for i, (test_point, truth_point) in enumerate(zip(test_points, truth_points)):
+            diff = sqrt(
+                (test_point.x - truth_point.x) ** 2
+                + (test_point.y - truth_point.y) ** 2
+            )
+            self.point_diffs.append(diff)  # save for overall statistics
+            if self.warn_pointwise and diff > EPSILON:
+                self.output.append(
+                    f"Diff of {diff} between test({test.id+1}) and truth({truth.id+1}) in frame {first_frame+i}"
+                )
+    def compare_files(
+        self, test: List[Person], truth: List[Person], indices: List[Tuple[int, int]]
+    ):
+        for truth_id, test_id in indices:
+            self.compare_person(test[test_id], truth[truth_id])
+    # NOTE: Maybe use an established algorithm for bipartite graph matching instead
+    def associate_trajectories(
+        self, test: List[Person], truth: List[Person]
+    ) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
+        """Finds pairs of the 'same' trajectories in both files
+        This function iterated over all trajectories in truth as long as there are trajectories left
+        in either truth or test and and tries to find the associated trajectory. For this it compares
+        all each truth_trajectory with all left test trajectories, when trimmed to a common start and end
+        frame. If the best match has an error lower than the current threshold, the two trajectories
+        are a match and the trajectories are not evaluated anymore. If the best match has still a
+        difference higher than the current theshold, it is cached.
+        Each time every queued truth_trajectory has been tested, the threshold for the maximum allowed
+        difference is increased. This ensures that a test trajectory is matches with the best fitting
+        truth trajectory, not with the first fitting one.
+        :param test: List of Persons in the test trc (is changed; give a deep copy)
+        :type test: List[Person]
+        :param truth: List of Persons in the truth trc
+        :type truth: List[Person]
+        :return: List of tuples with the indices of the pairs in their respective list (truth_idx, test_idx)
+        :rtype: List[Tuple[int,int]]
+        """
+        result = []
+        truth_queue: queue.SimpleQueue[Person] = queue.SimpleQueue()
+        for person in truth:
+            truth_queue.put(person)
+        min_diff = MIN_DIFF_START
+        cache = {}
+        queue_size = truth_queue.qsize()
+        i = 0
+        while (not truth_queue.empty()) and (not (len(test) == 0)):
+            # One iteration through the queue/truth candidates?
+            i += 1
+            if i > queue_size:
+                queue_size = truth_queue.qsize()
+                min_diff += DIFF_STEP
+                i = 1
+            truth_person = truth_queue.get()
+            best_fit_diff = MAX_DIFF
+            done = False
+            # First test cached match; most of the time this already is the real one
+            old_match = cache.get(truth_person)
+            if old_match != None:
+                if old_match[1] < min_diff:
+                    if old_match[0] in test:
+                        result.append((truth_person.id, old_match[0].id))
+                        test.remove(old_match[0])
+                        done = True
+                        continue
+                    elif (
+                        old_match[1] == -1
+                    ):  # Was this trajctory already closest to a deleted/already matched person last time?
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        cache.update({truth_person: (None, -1)})
+                else:
+                    truth_queue.put(truth_person)
+                    continue
+            for test_person in test:
+                # Calculate difference with common start frame
+                # Zip in compare_persons ends at common end frame
+                if (
+                    test_person.last_frame < truth_person.first_frame
+                    or test_person.first_frame > truth_person.last_frame
+                ):
+                    continue
+                if test_person.first_frame > truth_person.first_frame:
+                    frame_diff = test_person.first_frame - truth_person.first_frame
+                    diff = calc_diff(
+                        test_person.points, truth_person.points[frame_diff:]
+                    )
+                elif test_person.first_frame < truth_person.first_frame:
+                    frame_diff = truth_person.first_frame - test_person.first_frame
+                    diff = calc_diff(
+                        test_person.points[frame_diff:], truth_person.points
+                    )
+                else:
+                    diff = calc_diff(test_person.points, truth_person.points)
+                if diff < min_diff:
+                    result.append((truth_person.id, test_person.id))
+                    test.remove(test_person)
+                    done = True
+                    break
+                elif diff < best_fit_diff:
+                    best_fit_diff = diff
+                    cache.update({truth_person: (test_person, diff)})
+            if not done:
+                if best_fit_diff >= MAX_DIFF:
+                    self.output.append(
+                        f"The person {truth_person.id + 1} in the truth file has no counterpart in test!"
+                    )
+                    continue
+                truth_queue.put(truth_person)
+            # TODO mitschreiben fuer die grobe Statistik
+        if self.check_counterpart:
+            for person in test:
+                self.output.append(
+                    f"The person {person.id +1} in the test file has no counterpart in truth!"
+                )
+            while not truth_queue.empty():
+                self.output.append(
+                    f"The person {truth_queue.get().id +1} in the truth file has no counterpart in test!"
+                )
+        return result
+    def run(self):
+        truth = parse_trc(self.truth_filename)
+        test = parse_trc(self.test_filename)
+        indices = self.associate_trajectories(deepcopy(test), truth)
+        indices = sorted(indices, key=lambda x: x[0])
+        self.compare_files(test, truth, indices)
+        self.output.append(
+            "\nThe mean difference in point coordinates is: "
+            + str(mean(self.point_diffs))
+        )
+        self.output.append(
+            "The median difference in point coordinates is: "
+            + str(median(self.point_diffs))
+        )
+        point_diffs = list(filter(lambda x: x != 0, self.point_diffs))
+        if len(point_diffs) > 0:
+            self.output.append(
+                "The mean difference with 0s filtered out is: " + str(mean(point_diffs))
+            )
+            self.output.append(
+                "The median with 0s filtered out is: " + str(median(point_diffs))
+            )
+        return self.output
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    comp = HandmadeComparison(
+        args.check_frames,
+        args.warn_pointwise,
+        args.check_counterpart,
+        args.truth_filename,
+        args.test_filename,
+    )
+    out = comp.run()
+    print("\n".join(out))
diff --git a/scripts/Comparison/video_comparison.py b/scripts/Comparison/video_comparison.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e68e6cf2c24021c8aaa4f18f0bde6d60ec418419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/Comparison/video_comparison.py
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+import argparse
+from typing import Callable, List, Set, Tuple
+    import cv2
+except ImportError:
+    print("You need to install OpenCV for Python (e.g. pip install opencv-python)")
+    exit(1)
+from Person_trc import Person
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import numpy as np
+import re
+from pathlib import Path
+from handmade_test import MAX_DIFF, calc_diff, parse_trc, HandmadeComparison
+class ComparisonVideoPlayer:
+    # TODO: Longterm; Make thread, so we can add UI-Elements via tkinter
+    # These could be e.g. looking at a number of user-chosen trajectories 
+    # Which could be helpful for the 'no counterpart' case
+    def __init__(self, pet: str) -> None:
+        # super().__init__()
+        cv2.namedWindow("Comparison", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
+        PET = Path(pet)
+        # NOTE: will only work for tests this way. (Need this naming scheme)
+        self.truth_filename = PET.parent / (str(PET.stem) + "_truth.trc")
+        self.test_filename = PET.parent / (str(PET.stem) + "_test.trc")
+        tree = ET.parse(PET)
+        root = tree.getroot()
+        vid_path = PET.with_name(root.find("MAIN").attrib["SRC"].split(";")[-1])
+        intrinsics = (
+            root.find("CONTROL").find("CALIBRATION").find("INTRINSIC_PARAMETERS")
+        )
+        self.border = int(
+            float(
+                root.find("CONTROL").find("CALIBRATION").find("BORDER").attrib["VALUE"]
+            )
+            * 2
+        )
+        calib = intrinsics.attrib
+        camera = np.array(
+            [
+                [float(calib["FX"]), 0, float(calib["CX"])],
+                [0, float(calib["FY"]), float(calib["CY"])],
+                [0, 0, 1],
+            ]
+        )
+        distortion = np.array(
+            [
+                calib["R2"],
+                calib["R4"],
+                calib["TX"],
+                calib["TY"],
+                calib["R6"],
+                calib["K4"],
+                calib["K5"],
+                calib["K6"],
+            ],
+            np.float32,
+        )
+        self.stream: cv2.VideoCapture = cv2.VideoCapture(str(vid_path))
+        _, frame = self.stream.read()
+        frame = cv2.copyMakeBorder(
+            frame,
+            self.border,
+            self.border,
+            self.border,
+            self.border,
+            cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
+        )
+        self.map1, self.map2 = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(
+            camera, distortion, np.eye(3), camera, frame.shape[:-1][::-1], cv2.CV_16SC2
+        )
+        self.test_trajectories = parse_trc(str(self.test_filename))
+        self.truth_trajectories = parse_trc(str(self.truth_filename))
+    def get_proximal_people(self, seed_person: Person):
+        """Gets the indices of the people which could have been a match,
+        according to the maximum error.
+        This function finds people who could have been the match. It is used
+        for people who do not have a match. If you see one truth and one test
+        trajectory, it probably was just matched to the other trajectory and you
+        have a double tracked person.
+        :param seed_person: Person to match to
+        :type seed_person: Person
+        :return: (truth, test) People who match to seed_person, split into test and truth
+        :rtype: Tuple[List[int], List[int]]
+        """
+        nearby_people_test: List[int] = []
+        nearby_people_truth: List[int] = []
+        for person in self.test_trajectories:
+            if (
+                seed_person.last_frame < person.first_frame
+                or seed_person.first_frame > person.last_frame
+            ):
+                continue
+            if seed_person.first_frame > person.first_frame:
+                frame_diff = seed_person.first_frame - person.first_frame
+                diff = calc_diff(seed_person.points, person.points[frame_diff:])
+            elif seed_person.first_frame < person.first_frame:
+                frame_diff = person.first_frame - seed_person.first_frame
+                diff = calc_diff(seed_person.points[frame_diff:], person.points)
+            else:
+                diff = calc_diff(seed_person.points, person.points)
+            if diff >= MAX_DIFF:
+                continue
+            nearby_people_test.append(person.id + 1)
+        for person in self.truth_trajectories:
+            if (
+                seed_person.last_frame < person.first_frame
+                or seed_person.first_frame > person.last_frame
+            ):
+                continue
+            if seed_person.first_frame > person.first_frame:
+                frame_diff = seed_person.first_frame - person.first_frame
+                diff = calc_diff(seed_person.points, person.points[frame_diff:])
+            elif seed_person.first_frame < person.first_frame:
+                frame_diff = person.first_frame - seed_person.first_frame
+                diff = calc_diff(seed_person.points[frame_diff:], person.points)
+            else:
+                diff = calc_diff(seed_person.points, person.points)
+            if diff >= MAX_DIFF:
+                continue
+            nearby_people_truth.append(person.id + 1)
+        return nearby_people_truth, nearby_people_test
+    def play_video(
+        self, start: int, end: int, draw_callback: Callable[[np.ndarray, int], None]
+    ):
+        """Plays the video from frame start to frame end, calling the draw_callback each frame
+        This function plays the video. It uses distortion and border like PeTrack would.
+        To draw on the video, a callback is provided, which draws onto the frame it's given.
+        :param stream: Videostream
+        :type stream: cv2.VideoCapture
+        :param start: Starting frame
+        :type start: int
+        :param end: Ending frame
+        :type end: int
+        :param draw_callback: Function to call for drawing on the frame
+        :type draw_callback: Callable[[np.ndarray, int], None]
+        """
+        currFrame = start
+        self.stream.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, start)
+        while (k := cv2.waitKey(20)) != 110:
+            grabbed, frame = self.stream.read()
+            if not grabbed or currFrame > end:
+                self.stream.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, start)
+                currFrame = start
+                _, frame = self.stream.read()
+            frame = cv2.copyMakeBorder(
+                frame,
+                self.border,
+                self.border,
+                self.border,
+                self.border,
+                cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
+            )
+            frame = cv2.remap(
+                frame,
+                self.map1,
+                self.map2,
+                cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
+                borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
+            )
+            draw_callback(frame, currFrame)
+            cv2.imshow("Comparison", frame)
+            currFrame += 1
+            if k == ord('p'):
+                while cv2.waitKey(-1) != ord('p'):
+                    pass
+    def drawPoints(
+        self,
+        person: Person,
+        currFrame: int,
+        frame: np.ndarray,
+        color: Tuple[int],
+        thickness: int,
+    ):
+        if person.first_frame <= currFrame <= person.last_frame:
+            points = person.points
+            for i in range(min(10, currFrame - person.first_frame)):
+                frame = cv2.circle(
+                    frame,
+                    (
+                        int(points[currFrame - person.first_frame - i].x + self.border),
+                        int(points[currFrame - person.first_frame - i].y + self.border),
+                    ),
+                    thickness,
+                    color,
+                    -1,
+                )
+            for i in range(min(10, person.last_frame - currFrame)):
+                frame = cv2.circle(
+                    frame,
+                    (
+                        int(points[currFrame - person.first_frame + i].x + self.border),
+                        int(points[currFrame - person.first_frame + i].y + self.border),
+                    ),
+                    thickness,
+                    color,
+                    -1,
+                )
+    def visualize_people(self, idx_truth: int, idx_test: int):
+        tr = self.truth_trajectories[idx_truth - 1]
+        te = self.test_trajectories[idx_test - 1]
+        start = min(tr.first_frame, te.first_frame)
+        end = max(tr.last_frame, te.last_frame)
+        def draw(frame: np.ndarray, currFrame: int) -> None:
+            self.drawPoints(
+                self.test_trajectories[idx_test - 1], currFrame, frame, (255, 0, 0), 7
+            )
+            self.drawPoints(
+                self.truth_trajectories[idx_truth - 1], currFrame, frame, (0, 255, 0), 5
+            )
+        self.play_video(start, end, draw)
+    def visualize_many(
+        self,
+        idxs_truth: List[int],
+        idxs_test: List[int],
+        idx_seed: int,
+        is_seed_test: bool,
+    ):
+        # Idea: Try out taking the first first and last last frame, as in two people?
+        if is_seed_test:
+            start = self.test_trajectories[idx_seed - 1].first_frame
+            end = self.test_trajectories[idx_seed - 1].last_frame
+        else:
+            start = self.truth_trajectories[idx_seed - 1].first_frame
+            end = self.truth_trajectories[idx_seed - 1].last_frame
+        def draw(frame: np.ndarray, currFrame: int):
+            for id in idxs_test:
+                self.drawPoints(
+                    self.test_trajectories[id - 1], currFrame, frame, (255, 0, 0), 7
+                )
+            for id in idxs_truth:
+                self.drawPoints(
+                    self.truth_trajectories[id - 1], currFrame, frame, (0, 255, 0), 5
+                )
+            if idx_seed != None:
+                if is_seed_test:
+                    self.drawPoints(
+                        self.test_trajectories[idx_seed - 1],
+                        currFrame,
+                        frame,
+                        (255, 0, 255),
+                        3,
+                    )
+                else:
+                    self.drawPoints(
+                        self.truth_trajectories[idx_seed - 1],
+                        currFrame,
+                        frame,
+                        (0, 255, 255),
+                        3,
+                    )
+        self.play_video(start, end, draw)
+    def visualize_difference(self):
+        """Takes output of handmade_test and starts a video
+        comparison for each of the listed differences
+        :param comp_output: output from handmade_test
+        :type comp_output: str
+        """
+        different_first_frame = re.compile(
+            r"Different first frame: truth\((\d+)\) \d+ and test\((\d+)\) \d+"
+        )
+        different_last_frame = re.compile(
+            r"Different last frame: truth\((\d+)\) \d+ and test\((\d+)\) \d+"
+        )
+        no_counterpart_given = re.compile(
+            r"The person (\d+) in the ([^\s]+) file has no counterpart in \w+!"
+        )
+        point_difference = re.compile(
+            r"Diff of \d*\.\d* between test\((\d+)\) and truth\((\d+)\) in frame \d+"
+        )
+        # Pairing is characterized by truth-countperpart's index
+        displayed_pairing: Set[int] = set()
+        comp = HandmadeComparison(
+            True, True, True, str(self.truth_filename), str(self.test_filename)
+        )
+        comp_output = comp.run()
+        print("To go to the next comparison, press 'n'")
+        print("To pause/play press 'p'")
+        for line in comp_output:
+            print("\r" + " " * 80, end="", flush=True)
+            print("\r", end="", flush=True)
+            print(line, end="", flush=True)
+            match = different_first_frame.match(line)
+            if match:
+                idx_truth = int(match.group(1))
+                idx_test = int(match.group(2))
+                if idx_truth in displayed_pairing:
+                    continue
+                displayed_pairing.add(idx_truth)
+                self.visualize_people(idx_truth, idx_test)
+                continue
+            match = different_last_frame.match(line)
+            if match:
+                idx_truth = int(match.group(1))
+                idx_test = int(match.group(2))
+                if idx_truth in displayed_pairing:
+                    continue
+                displayed_pairing.add(idx_truth)
+                self.visualize_people(idx_truth, idx_test)
+                continue
+            # NOTE: Implementation satisfying?
+            match = no_counterpart_given.match(line)
+            if match:
+                if match.group(2) == "test":
+                    idx_seed = int(match.group(1))
+                    near_truth, near_test = self.get_proximal_people(
+                        self.test_trajectories[idx_seed - 1]
+                    )
+                    is_seed_test = True
+                else:
+                    idx_seed = int(match.group(1))
+                    near_truth, near_test = self.get_proximal_people(
+                        self.truth_trajectories[idx_seed - 1]
+                    )
+                    is_seed_test = False
+                self.visualize_many(near_truth, near_test, idx_seed, is_seed_test)
+                continue
+            match = point_difference.match(line)
+            if match:
+                idx_truth = int(match.group(2))
+                idx_test = int(match.group(1))
+                if idx_truth in displayed_pairing:
+                    continue
+                displayed_pairing.add(idx_truth)
+                self.visualize_people(idx_truth, idx_test)
+                continue
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("PetPath", help="Path to the .pet-file of the test case")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    viz = ComparisonVideoPlayer(args.PetPath)
+    viz.visualize_difference()