diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d7803d2c5bf9b41a45fbeaaf3a50372a4f374e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+BasedOnStyle: LLVM
+AccessModifierOffset: -4
+AlignAfterOpenBracket: AlwaysBreak
+AlignConsecutiveMacros: true
+AlignConsecutiveAssignments: true
+AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: true
+AlignOperands: true
+AlignTrailingComments: true
+AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false
+AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Empty
+AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Inline
+AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes
+BinPackArguments: false
+BinPackParameters: false
+BreakBeforeBraces: Allman
+BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: false
+BreakConstructorInitializers: AfterColon
+ColumnLimit: 120
+CompactNamespaces: false
+ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true
+Cpp11BracedListStyle: true
+FixNamespaceComments: true
+IncludeBlocks: Regroup
+IndentCaseLabels: true
+IndentWidth: 4
+KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false
+Language: Cpp
+MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 2
+NamespaceIndentation: Inner
+PointerAlignment: Right
+ReflowComments: true
+SortIncludes: true
+SortUsingDeclarations: true
+SpaceAfterCStyleCast: true
+SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: true
+SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
+SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: true
+SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: true
+SpaceBeforeParens: Never
+SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true
+Standard: c++17
+TabWidth: 4
+UseTab: Never
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index e74958b1b7a4866098f39bae5bd216a77277b71d..ac343277d6351c5c10959424041ff238f94c5e5f 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
   - build_environment
+  - pre-build-checks
   - build
   - test
   - build_installer
@@ -41,6 +42,12 @@ build_container:
     - changes:
         - container/ubuntu/Dockerfile
+  stage: pre-build-checks
+  script:
+    - scripts/check-format-cpp.sh
 # Build petrack and petrack unit_tests
diff --git a/container/ubuntu/Dockerfile b/container/ubuntu/Dockerfile
index 0e727fb7b6322b2043ea240d725ffe0ac7e17b57..1df2d999be1fe3c3ac73bff425fe8696c70443da 100644
--- a/container/ubuntu/Dockerfile
+++ b/container/ubuntu/Dockerfile
@@ -4,12 +4,18 @@ FROM ubuntu:20.10
 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y software-properties-common
 # Install the needed tools
-RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget \
-                       git \
-                       g++ \
-                       make \
-                       ninja-build \
-                       cmake
+RUN echo "deb [trusted=yes] http://apt.llvm.org/groovy/ llvm-toolchain-groovy-12 main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/clang.list && \
+    apt-get update && \
+    apt-get install -y \
+        wget \
+        git \
+        g++ \
+        make \
+        ninja-build \
+        cmake \
+        parallel \
+        catch2 \
+        clang-format-12
 # Install the needed libraries
 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
diff --git a/include/IO.h b/include/IO.h
index 67ec126394fd0bf6fdf56a65c0f4a0c1f4411b95..1d07623b0ed7757d8dc28eee28810a7d5f30a2d9 100644
--- a/include/IO.h
+++ b/include/IO.h
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
 #ifndef IO_H
 #define IO_H
-#include <variant>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <string>
 #include <QString>
 #include <ezc3d_all.h>
 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <variant>
 class MoCapStorage;
 class MoCapPerson;
 class MoCapPersonMetadata;
@@ -34,19 +34,16 @@ class MoCapPersonMetadata;
 namespace IO
-    std::variant<std::unordered_map<int, float>, std::string>
-    readHeightFile(const QString& heightFileName);
+std::variant<std::unordered_map<int, float>, std::string> readHeightFile(const QString &heightFileName);
-    void readMoCapC3D(MoCapStorage &storage, const MoCapPersonMetadata &metadata);
-    void readSkeletonC3D_XSENS(
-        const ezc3d::c3d &c3d,
-        MoCapPerson &person,
-        const std::function<cv::Point3f(const ezc3d::DataNS::Points3dNS::Point&)>& c3dToPoint3f
-        );
+void readMoCapC3D(MoCapStorage &storage, const MoCapPersonMetadata &metadata);
+void readSkeletonC3D_XSENS(
+    const ezc3d::c3d &                                                          c3d,
+    MoCapPerson &                                                               person,
+    const std::function<cv::Point3f(const ezc3d::DataNS::Points3dNS::Point &)> &c3dToPoint3f);
-    std::variant<std::unordered_map<int, int>, std::string>
-    readMarkerIDFile(const QString& markerFileName);
+std::variant<std::unordered_map<int, int>, std::string> readMarkerIDFile(const QString &markerFileName);
-    std::vector<std::string> readAuthors(const QString & authorsFile);
-#endif //IO_H
+std::vector<std::string> readAuthors(const QString &authorsFile);
+} // namespace IO
+#endif // IO_H
diff --git a/include/aboutDialog.h b/include/aboutDialog.h
index ecec73a297d82582641bc0c1f998d00743af16f4..19f5920feac20c09296055eebe15ee0eec95582a 100644
--- a/include/aboutDialog.h
+++ b/include/aboutDialog.h
@@ -22,32 +22,35 @@
-namespace Ui {
-    class About;
+namespace Ui
+class About;
-class AboutDialog : public QDialog {
+class AboutDialog : public QDialog
-    AboutDialog(QWidget *parent,
-                const QString & version,
-                const QString & commitHash,
-                const QString & commitDate,
-                const QString & commitBranch,
-                const QString & compiler,
-                const QString & compilerVersion,
-                const QString & compileDate,
-                const std::vector<std::string> & authors);
+    AboutDialog(
+        QWidget *                       parent,
+        const QString &                 version,
+        const QString &                 commitHash,
+        const QString &                 commitDate,
+        const QString &                 commitBranch,
+        const QString &                 compiler,
+        const QString &                 compilerVersion,
+        const QString &                 compileDate,
+        const std::vector<std::string> &authors);
     AboutDialog(const AboutDialog &) = delete;
-    AboutDialog & operator=(AboutDialog) = delete;
-    AboutDialog(const AboutDialog &&) = delete;
-    AboutDialog & operator=(AboutDialog &&) = delete;
+    AboutDialog &operator=(AboutDialog) = delete;
+    AboutDialog(const AboutDialog &&)   = delete;
+    AboutDialog &operator=(AboutDialog &&) = delete;
     ~AboutDialog() override;
-    Ui::About * mUi;
+    Ui::About *mUi;
 #endif // ABOUTDIALOG_H
diff --git a/include/analysePlot.h b/include/analysePlot.h
index 8c3e861a2349cfc9c919688511ceac5712865931..3a5c97e1a7bc44623c64194141e833c2e4459a46 100644
--- a/include/analysePlot.h
+++ b/include/analysePlot.h
@@ -21,39 +21,35 @@
-#include <QPen>
-#include <qwt_plot.h>
-#include <qwt_plot_zoomer.h>
-#include <qwt_plot_item.h>
 #include "helper.h"
 #include "tracker.h"
 #include "trackerReal.h"
-class Control;
+#include <QPen>
+#include <qwt_plot.h>
+#include <qwt_plot_item.h>
+#include <qwt_plot_zoomer.h>
+class Control;
-class TrackerRealPlotItem: public QwtPlotItem
+class TrackerRealPlotItem : public QwtPlotItem
-    void draw(QPainter* p, const QwtScaleMap& mapX, const QwtScaleMap& mapY, const QRectF& re) const;
+    void draw(QPainter *p, const QwtScaleMap &mapX, const QwtScaleMap &mapY, const QRectF &re) const;
     void setPen(const QPen &pen);
-    void setTrackerReal(TrackerReal* trackerReal);
+    void setTrackerReal(TrackerReal *trackerReal);
     TrackerReal *mTrackerReal;
-    QPen mPen;
+    QPen         mPen;
-class AnalysePlot: public QwtPlot
+class AnalysePlot : public QwtPlot
@@ -62,55 +58,28 @@ public:
     QPoint getPos(const QColor &col) const;
-    inline void setControlWidget(Control *control)
-    {
-        mControlWidget = control;
-    }
-    inline Control * getControlWidget() const
-    {
-        return mControlWidget;
-    }
-    inline void setActFrame(int f)
-    {
-        mActFrame = f;
-    }
-    inline int getActFrame() const
-    {
-        return mActFrame;
-    }
-    void setTrackerReal(TrackerReal* TR);
-    void setScale();
-    inline double symbolSize() const
-    {
-        return mSymbolSize;
-    }
-    inline void setSymbolSize(double s)
-    {
-        mSymbolSize = s;
-    }
-    QwtPlotZoomer * getZoomer()
-    {
-        return mZoomer;
-    }
-    inline double xMax() const
-    {
-        return mXMax;
-    }
-    inline double yMax() const
-    {
-        return mYMax;
-    }
+    inline void     setControlWidget(Control *control) { mControlWidget = control; }
+    inline Control *getControlWidget() const { return mControlWidget; }
+    inline void     setActFrame(int f) { mActFrame = f; }
+    inline int      getActFrame() const { return mActFrame; }
+    void            setTrackerReal(TrackerReal *TR);
+    void            setScale();
+    inline double  symbolSize() const { return mSymbolSize; }
+    inline void    setSymbolSize(double s) { mSymbolSize = s; }
+    QwtPlotZoomer *getZoomer() { return mZoomer; }
+    inline double xMax() const { return mXMax; }
+    inline double yMax() const { return mYMax; }
-    double mSymbolSize;
-    double mXMin, mXMax, mYMin, mYMax;
-    Control *mControlWidget;
-    TrackerReal *mTrackerReal;
+    double               mSymbolSize;
+    double               mXMin, mXMax, mYMin, mYMax;
+    Control *            mControlWidget;
+    TrackerReal *        mTrackerReal;
     TrackerRealPlotItem *mTrackerRealItem;
-    QwtPlotZoomer *mZoomer;
-    int mActFrame;
+    QwtPlotZoomer *      mZoomer;
+    int                  mActFrame;
diff --git a/include/animation.h b/include/animation.h
index e08dbd4c5877d16dd300fabd85edb965cb5a63ef..bfe5043ad074f30fbe0005efd74ff8e3623da79b 100644
--- a/include/animation.h
+++ b/include/animation.h
@@ -21,15 +21,14 @@
 #ifndef ANIMATION_H
 #define ANIMATION_H
-#include <QWidget>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QImage>
 #include <QPair>
 #include <QPixmap>
 #include <QSize>
-#include <QImage>
 #include <QStringList>
 #include <QTime>
-#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QWidget>
 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 #ifdef STEREO
@@ -51,23 +50,22 @@ class Petrack;
  * (FPS, resolution, etc.) and to the sequene itself is managed by
  * this class.
-class Animation{
+class Animation
     // Constructor & Destructor
     Animation(QWidget *wParent);
     // Returns the next frame of the animation
     cv::Mat getNextFrame();
     // Returns the previous frame of the animation
     cv::Mat getPreviousFrame();
     // Returns the frame at the index index
     cv::Mat getFrameAtIndex(int index);
     // Returns the frame at the position position
     // positions is a double between 0 and 1 that indicates the position in the animation
     cv::Mat getFrameAtPos(double position);
@@ -91,40 +89,40 @@ public:
     // Opens a live stream of the camera with id ID
     bool openCameraStream(int camID);
-    // Returns the number of frames in the current animation  
-    int getNumFrames(); 
+    // Returns the number of frames in the current animation
+    int getNumFrames();
     // Returns the maximum number of frames in the source file
     int getMaxFrames() const;
-    // Returns the index of the current frame  
+    // Returns the index of the current frame
     int getCurrentFrameNum() const;
     // Sets the sourceIn/Out frame numbers
-    void updateSourceInFrameNum(int in=-1);
-    void updateSourceOutFrameNum(int out=-1);
+    void updateSourceInFrameNum(int in = -1);
+    void updateSourceOutFrameNum(int out = -1);
     // Returns the sourceIn/Out frame numbers
     int getSourceInFrameNum() const;
     int getSourceOutFrameNum() const;
-    // Returns the filename of the current frame  
+    // Returns the filename of the current frame
     QString getCurrentFileName();
     // Returns the FPS of the current animation if it is a video
     double getFPS();
     double getOriginalFPS() const;
     void setFPS(double fps);
     // Returns the size of the original frames (could made bigger after filtering)
     QSize getSize();
     // free's all the data in animation
     void free();
     void reset();
     bool isVideo() const;
     bool isStereoVideo() const;
     bool isImageSequence() const;
@@ -132,12 +130,12 @@ public:
     enum Camera getCamera();
-    void setCamera(enum Camera);
+    void        setCamera(enum Camera);
     int getFirstFrameSec() const;
     int getFirstFrameMicroSec() const;
-    QString getFileBase();
+    QString   getFileBase();
     QFileInfo getFileInfo();
@@ -150,11 +148,10 @@ public:
     Petrack *mMainWindow;
     // name, info of the video or sequence
-    QString mFileBase;
-    QString mFileSuffix;
+    QString   mFileBase;
+    QString   mFileSuffix;
     QFileInfo mFileInfo;
     // Indicate if the current animation is a video or a photo or a stereo video
@@ -163,26 +160,27 @@ private:
     // indicates which camera is used for stereo video
     enum Camera mCamera;
- #endif
     // Image that will be used by the animation and that will be returned in the public functions
     cv::Mat mImage;
-    // Size of the frame 
+    // Size of the frame
     QSize mSize;
-    // Number of frames in the whole animation 
+    // Number of frames in the whole animation
     int mMaxFrames;
     // Number of frames per second in video
     double mFps;
     double mOriginalFps;
-    // the time (seconds since 1.1.1970 0 uhr, microseconds (.000001s)) when the first frame was recorded (bumblebee .time file)
+    // the time (seconds since 1.1.1970 0 uhr, microseconds (.000001s)) when the first frame was recorded (bumblebee
+    // .time file)
     int mFirstSec;
     int mFirstMicroSec;
-    // Index of the current opened frame 
+    // Index of the current opened frame
     int mCurrentFrame;
     // Index of sourceIn/Out frame
@@ -195,16 +193,16 @@ private:
     // indicates, if time file is loaded inside the open sequence
     bool mTimeFileLoaded;
-    /******************************************/ 
+    /******************************************/
     /***  Sequence of photos implementation ***/
     // Methods
     // Implementation of the openAnimation function for photo series
-    // Opens an animation made of photos 
+    // Opens an animation made of photos
     bool openAnimationPhoto(QString fileName);
     // Implementation of getFrameAtIndex for photo series
     // Returns the frame at index index in the serie
     cv::Mat getFramePhoto(int index);
@@ -217,15 +215,15 @@ private:
     void freePhoto();
     // Sets the sourceIn/Out frame numbers
-    void setSourceInFrameNum(int in=-1);
-    void setSourceOutFrameNum(int out=-1);
+    void setSourceInFrameNum(int in = -1);
+    void setSourceOutFrameNum(int out = -1);
-    // Variables 
+    // Variables
     // A list with all the filenames of the series
     QStringList mImgFilesList;
-    /******************************************/ 
+    /******************************************/
     /***  Video implementation              ***/
@@ -234,7 +232,7 @@ private:
     // fileNumber indicates the number of the successive files splited while writing
     // nur bei einer ganz neuen sequenz ist stereoImgBuffer != 0
-    bool openAnimationStereoVideo(int fileNumber, IplImage* stereoImgLeft, IplImage* stereoImgRight);
+    bool openAnimationStereoVideo(int fileNumber, IplImage *stereoImgLeft, IplImage *stereoImgRight);
     bool openAnimationStereoVideo(int fileNumber, cv::Mat &stereoImgLeft, cv::Mat &stereoImgRight);
@@ -242,20 +240,20 @@ private:
     bool openAnimationStereoVideo(QString fileName);
     // Implementation of the openAnimation function for videos
-    // Opens an animation from a video file 
+    // Opens an animation from a video file
     bool openAnimationVideo(QString fileName);
     // Implementation of getFrameAtIndex for videos
     // Returns the frame at index index in the video
     cv::Mat getFrameVideo(int index);
     // Gets Size and Frame number information of the recently open animation
     // It is thought to be called once just at the opening of an animation
     bool getInfoVideo(QString fileName);
     bool getCameraInfo();
-    // Free's the video data 
+    // Free's the video data
     void freeVideo();
@@ -276,7 +274,7 @@ private:
     // A list with all the filenames of the stereo video series
     QStringList mStereoVideoFilesList;
- #endif
diff --git a/include/autoCalib.h b/include/autoCalib.h
index 582ffea34ff7d92f7c11a1a73170a92c6b38f650..d1aebe8d3a51976984c04e1ba7f195e1eaa11240 100644
--- a/include/autoCalib.h
+++ b/include/autoCalib.h
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
 #ifndef AUTOCALIB_H
 #define AUTOCALIB_H
+#include <QString>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <opencv2/core/types.hpp>
 class Petrack;
 class Control;
@@ -47,13 +48,13 @@ public:
-    void setMainWindow(Petrack *mw);
-    bool isEmptyCalibFiles();
-    void addCalibFile(const QString &f);
-    QString getCalibFile(int i);
+    void        setMainWindow(Petrack *mw);
+    bool        isEmptyCalibFiles();
+    void        addCalibFile(const QString &f);
+    QString     getCalibFile(int i);
     QStringList getCalibFiles();
-    void setCalibFiles(const QStringList &fl);
-    bool openCalibFiles(); // return true if at least one file is selected
+    void        setCalibFiles(const QStringList &fl);
+    bool        openCalibFiles();    // return true if at least one file is selected
     inline void setBoardSizeX(int i) // 6
         mBoardSizeX = i;
@@ -82,15 +83,22 @@ public:
     void autoCalib();
-    int runCalibration(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> > corners, cv::Size img_size, cv::Size board_size,
-        float square_size, float aspect_ratio, int flags,
-        cv::Mat &camera_matrix, cv::Mat &dist_coeffs, double *reproj_errs);
+    int runCalibration(
+        std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> corners,
+        cv::Size                              img_size,
+        cv::Size                              board_size,
+        float                                 square_size,
+        float                                 aspect_ratio,
+        int                                   flags,
+        cv::Mat &                             camera_matrix,
+        cv::Mat &                             dist_coeffs,
+        double *                              reproj_errs);
-    Petrack *mMainWindow;
-    Control *mControlWidget;
+    Petrack *   mMainWindow;
+    Control *   mControlWidget;
     QStringList mCalibFiles;
-    int mBoardSizeX, mBoardSizeY;
-    float mSquareSize;
+    int         mBoardSizeX, mBoardSizeY;
+    float       mSquareSize;
diff --git a/include/aviFileWriter.h b/include/aviFileWriter.h
index 71e5cc6cfe3a88b50072cf2a5b1d13400f60ce7a..b8654a078d0f89e4fd674faae838173baf69d060 100644
--- a/include/aviFileWriter.h
+++ b/include/aviFileWriter.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 // Byte Number (nicht alle Zahlen gehen?: 2*1280*960*32*20) enstehen avi mit einem bild
 // unter 2GB fuer reader und unter 4 GB fuer writer bleiben!!!
 // 2*1280*960*32*20 = 1,5 GB = 40 Sekunden = 640 Bilder
-inline constexpr int AVI_FILE_SPLIT_SIZE = ( ( 2*1280*960*32*20 ) );
+inline constexpr int AVI_FILE_SPLIT_SIZE = ((2 * 1280 * 960 * 32 * 20));
  * A simple wrapper for an .AVI file .
@@ -36,134 +36,117 @@ inline constexpr int AVI_FILE_SPLIT_SIZE = ( ( 2*1280*960*32*20 ) );
 class AviFileWriter
-   /** Default constructor. */
-   AviFileWriter();
-   /** Default destructor. */
-   virtual ~AviFileWriter();
-   /**
-    * Open an AVI for writing.
-    *
-    * @param   iCols       Width, in pixels, of each frame.
-    * @param   iRows       Hight, in pixels, of each frame.
-    * @param   ibpp	   Bits per pixel -- 24 (BGR), 32 (BGRU). or 8 bit greyscale.
-    * @param   dFramerate  Framerate that the .avi will play back in.
-    */
-   bool	 open(
-      const char* pszFilename,
-      int	  iCols,
-      int	  iRows,
-      int	  ibpp,
-      double	  dFramerate );
-   /**
-    * Open an AVI for writing.  Deprecated.
-    *
-    * @param   iCols       Width, in pixels, of each frame.
-    * @param   iRows       Hight, in pixels, of each frame.
-    * @param   ibpp	   Bits per pixel -- 24 (BGR), 32 (BGRU). or 8 bit greyscale.
-    * @param   iFramerate  Framerate that the .avi will play back in.
-    */
-   bool	 open(
-      const char* pszFilename,
-      int	  iCols,
-      int	  iRows,
-      int	  ibpp,
-      int	  iFramerate );
-     /**
-    * Open an .avi for writing. The size of the avi file will be limited to SPLIT_SIZE bytes.
-    * The file is splited automatically.
-    *
-    * @param   iCols       Width, in pixels, of each frame.
-    * @param   iRows       Hight, in pixels, of each frame.
-    * @param   ibpp	       Bits per pixel -- 24 (BGR), 32 (BGRU). or 8 bit greyscale.
-    * @param   iFramerate  Framerate that the .avi will play back in.
-    */
-   bool openSizeLimitedAVI(
-      const char* pszFilename,
-      int	  iCols,
-      int	  iRows,
-      int	  ibpp,
-      double  iFramerate );
-   /** Get the the bytes written */
-   long int bytesWritten() const;
-   /**
-    * Load a bitmap from a file and append it to the current open .avi.
-    * Must be in the correct format.
-    */
-   bool appendBMP( const char* pszFilename );
-   /**
-    * Add a frame (in the specified format) to the open .avi
-    */
-   bool	appendFrame( const unsigned char* pBuffer, bool bInvert = true );
-   /** Close the .avi file.  This is also done by the destructor. */
-   bool	 close();
+    /** Default constructor. */
+    AviFileWriter();
+    /** Default destructor. */
+    virtual ~AviFileWriter();
+    /**
+     * Open an AVI for writing.
+     *
+     * @param   iCols       Width, in pixels, of each frame.
+     * @param   iRows       Hight, in pixels, of each frame.
+     * @param   ibpp	   Bits per pixel -- 24 (BGR), 32 (BGRU). or 8 bit greyscale.
+     * @param   dFramerate  Framerate that the .avi will play back in.
+     */
+    bool open(const char *pszFilename, int iCols, int iRows, int ibpp, double dFramerate);
+    /**
+     * Open an AVI for writing.  Deprecated.
+     *
+     * @param   iCols       Width, in pixels, of each frame.
+     * @param   iRows       Hight, in pixels, of each frame.
+     * @param   ibpp	   Bits per pixel -- 24 (BGR), 32 (BGRU). or 8 bit greyscale.
+     * @param   iFramerate  Framerate that the .avi will play back in.
+     */
+    bool open(const char *pszFilename, int iCols, int iRows, int ibpp, int iFramerate);
+    /**
+     * Open an .avi for writing. The size of the avi file will be limited to SPLIT_SIZE bytes.
+     * The file is splited automatically.
+     *
+     * @param   iCols       Width, in pixels, of each frame.
+     * @param   iRows       Hight, in pixels, of each frame.
+     * @param   ibpp	       Bits per pixel -- 24 (BGR), 32 (BGRU). or 8 bit greyscale.
+     * @param   iFramerate  Framerate that the .avi will play back in.
+     */
+    bool openSizeLimitedAVI(const char *pszFilename, int iCols, int iRows, int ibpp, double iFramerate);
+    /** Get the the bytes written */
+    long int bytesWritten() const;
+    /**
+     * Load a bitmap from a file and append it to the current open .avi.
+     * Must be in the correct format.
+     */
+    bool appendBMP(const char *pszFilename);
+    /**
+     * Add a frame (in the specified format) to the open .avi
+     */
+    bool appendFrame(const unsigned char *pBuffer, bool bInvert = true);
+    /** Close the .avi file.  This is also done by the destructor. */
+    bool close();
+    /** Height, in pixels, of each frame in the .avi. */
+    int m_iRows;
-   /** Height, in pixels, of each frame in the .avi. */
-   int	 m_iRows;
+    /** Width, in pixels, of each frame in the .avi. */
+    int m_iCols;
-   /** Width, in pixels, of each frame in the .avi. */
-   int	 m_iCols;
+    /** Bits per pixel of the .avi. */
+    int m_iBPP;
-   /** Bits per pixel of the .avi. */
-   int	 m_iBPP;
+    /** Row increment, in bytes. */
+    int m_iRowInc;
-   /** Row increment, in bytes. */
-   int	 m_iRowInc;
+    /** Image size in bytes. */
+    int m_iSize;
-   /** Image size in bytes. */
-   int	 m_iSize;
+    /** Frame rate */
+    double m_frameRate;
-   /** Frame rate */
-   double m_frameRate;
+    /** Time index for current frame. */
+    int m_iTimeIndex;
-   /** Time index for current frame. */
-   int	 m_iTimeIndex;
+    /** Temporary image buffer. */
+    unsigned char *m_pTempBuffer;
-   /** Temporary image buffer. */
-   unsigned char* m_pTempBuffer;
+    /** Temporary image buffer */
+    cv::Mat m_frame;
-   /** Temporary image buffer */
-   cv::Mat m_frame;
+    /** Temporary buffer for saving .bmps. */
+    unsigned char *m_pTempBMPBuffer;
-   /** Temporary buffer for saving .bmps. */
-   unsigned char* m_pTempBMPBuffer;
+    /** Avi file counter. */
+    int m_iSplitFile;
-   /** Avi file counter. */
-   int m_iSplitFile;
+    /** Flag indicating if the size of the avi file is limited to AVI_FILE_SPLIT_SIZE bytes */
+    bool m_bSizeLimited;
-   /** Flag indicating if the size of the avi file is limited to AVI_FILE_SPLIT_SIZE bytes */
-   bool m_bSizeLimited;
+    /** Total bytes written. */
+    long int m_liBytesWritten;
-   /** Total bytes written. */
-   long int m_liBytesWritten;
+    /** avi file name */
+    std::string m_szAVIDestFile;
-   /** avi file name */
-   std::string m_szAVIDestFile;
+    char *m_fourCC;
-   char* m_fourCC;
-   /** Defines is color avi */
-   bool m_isColor;
+    /** Defines is color avi */
+    bool m_isColor;
+    /** Read and verify the OpenCV version. */
+    bool checkOpenCVVersion();
-   /** Read and verify the OpenCV version. */
-   bool checkOpenCVVersion();
-   /** Read the opened AVI-File */
-   cv::VideoCapture m_vReader;
+    /** Read the opened AVI-File */
+    cv::VideoCapture m_vReader;
-   /** Writes to the opened AVI-File */
-   cv::VideoWriter m_vWriter;
+    /** Writes to the opened AVI-File */
+    cv::VideoWriter m_vWriter;
 #endif // #ifndef AVIFILEWRITER_H
diff --git a/include/backgroundFilter.h b/include/backgroundFilter.h
index fb2c4a0d1abb2f689f8c1be00da08220cf56a76c..a2a01b3388c047f6257465ac5f7a453534194f7f 100644
--- a/include/backgroundFilter.h
+++ b/include/backgroundFilter.h
@@ -22,27 +22,24 @@
 #include "filter.h"
+#include "stereoContext.h"
 #include <QString>
 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 #include <opencv2/video/background_segm.hpp>
-#include "stereoContext.h"
 class BackgroundFilter : public Filter
     cv::Ptr<cv::BackgroundSubtractorMOG2> mBgModel;
-    bool mUpdate; // if 0, kein update des models, sonst schon
-    pet::StereoContext** mStereoContext; ///< zeiger auf den zeiger in petrack mit stereocontext
-    cv::Mat mBgPointCloud;
-    cv::Mat mForeground;
-    QString mLastFile;
-    double mDefaultHeight;
+    bool                 mUpdate;        // if 0, kein update des models, sonst schon
+    pet::StereoContext **mStereoContext; ///< zeiger auf den zeiger in petrack mit stereocontext
+    cv::Mat              mBgPointCloud;
+    cv::Mat              mForeground;
+    QString              mLastFile;
+    double               mDefaultHeight;
@@ -54,16 +51,16 @@ public:
     bool update() const;
     QString getFilename();
-    void setFilename(const QString &fn);
+    void    setFilename(const QString &fn);
     bool load(QString dest = "");
     bool save(QString dest = "");
-    void setStereoContext(pet::StereoContext **sc);
-    pet::StereoContext** stereoContext();
+    void                 setStereoContext(pet::StereoContext **sc);
+    pet::StereoContext **stereoContext();
     cv::Mat getForeground(); ///< nutzen, wenn ueber ganzes bild foreground benutzt wird
-    bool isForeground(int i, int j);
+    bool    isForeground(int i, int j);
     void reset();
diff --git a/include/backgroundItem.h b/include/backgroundItem.h
index af4cb006e10982c4251ae68bff8e0bd8b48e7ca2..1c22bed0e2632d1bc89f916cfc0b61240b264b21 100644
--- a/include/backgroundItem.h
+++ b/include/backgroundItem.h
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ class BackgroundItem : public QGraphicsItem
     Petrack *mMainWindow;
-    QImage *mImage;
+    QImage * mImage;
-    BackgroundItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent = nullptr);
+    BackgroundItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr);
     QRectF boundingRect() const;
-    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
+    void   paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
diff --git a/include/blurFilter.h b/include/blurFilter.h
index f57a4b8f51ab1a5bc316d52a6d6266ea41314db5..c973c85a8896952a0522e677a38c275a3e4751ea 100644
--- a/include/blurFilter.h
+++ b/include/blurFilter.h
@@ -21,22 +21,18 @@
-#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 #include "filter.h"
+#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 class BlurFilter : public Filter
-    BlurFilter()
-        :Filter()
-    {
-        p=1;
-    }
+    BlurFilter() : Filter() { p = 1; }
     cv::Mat act(cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &res);
-    void setParam(double newp);
+    void    setParam(double newp);
-    //parameter
     double p;
diff --git a/include/calibFilter.h b/include/calibFilter.h
index 9c1e22a067ad357dae54a5c4045033d9c8090e56..b92bab6e4f7ce7e4c474720d35a14e74065d873a 100644
--- a/include/calibFilter.h
+++ b/include/calibFilter.h
@@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ private:
     Parameter mFy;
     Parameter mCx;
     Parameter mCy;
-    Parameter mR2;//mK1
-    Parameter mR4;//mK2
+    Parameter mR2; // mK1
+    Parameter mR4; // mK2
     Parameter mTx;
     Parameter mTy;
-    Parameter mR6;//mK3
+    Parameter mR6; // mK3
     Parameter mK4;
     Parameter mK5;
     Parameter mK6;
-    cv::Mat map1;
-    cv::Mat map2;
+    cv::Mat   map1;
+    cv::Mat   map2;
diff --git a/include/calibStereoFilter.h b/include/calibStereoFilter.h
index 21d2088a288736153eaee341505a7519e81f10c1..a33c17537b2cf43e3f6fbd510cf56c74cdab9e42 100644
--- a/include/calibStereoFilter.h
+++ b/include/calibStereoFilter.h
@@ -34,9 +34,8 @@ public:
     cv::Mat act(cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &res);
-    void setStereoContext(pet::StereoContext* stereoContext);
+    void setStereoContext(pet::StereoContext *stereoContext);
diff --git a/include/codeMarkerItem.h b/include/codeMarkerItem.h
index 1263cce759d98134985a420917e7647b1155e0a1..a1a957569c939ce019cce000b1942986a8d1ee81 100644
--- a/include/codeMarkerItem.h
+++ b/include/codeMarkerItem.h
@@ -21,49 +21,52 @@
-#include <QGraphicsItem>
 #include "vector.h"
+#include <QGraphicsItem>
 class Petrack;
 class Control;
 class Tracker;
-namespace reco {
-    class CodeMarkerOptions;
+namespace reco
+class CodeMarkerOptions;
-struct OffsetMarker {
+struct OffsetMarker
     std::vector<cv::Point2f> corners;
-    Vec2F offset;
+    Vec2F                    offset;
-    OffsetMarker(std::vector<cv::Point2f> corn, Vec2F off) : corners(corn), offset(off) {};
+    OffsetMarker(std::vector<cv::Point2f> corn, Vec2F off) : corners(corn), offset(off){};
 class CodeMarkerItem : public QGraphicsItem
-    Petrack *mMainWindow;
+    Petrack *                      mMainWindow;
     const reco::CodeMarkerOptions &mArucoOptions;
-    const QColor mRejectedColor = QColor(255,0,0); // red
-    const QColor mCornerColor = QColor(0,0,255); // blue
-    const QColor mAcceptedColor = QColor(0,255,0); // green
+    const QColor                   mRejectedColor = QColor(255, 0, 0); // red
+    const QColor                   mCornerColor   = QColor(0, 0, 255); // blue
+    const QColor                   mAcceptedColor = QColor(0, 255, 0); // green
-    std::vector<int> mIds;
+    std::vector<int>          mIds;
     std::vector<OffsetMarker> mCorners, mRejected;
-    Vec2F mUlc;  // upper left corner to draw
+    Vec2F                     mUlc; // upper left corner to draw
-    CodeMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, const reco::CodeMarkerOptions &options, QGraphicsItem * parent = nullptr);
+    CodeMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, const reco::CodeMarkerOptions &options, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr);
     QRectF boundingRect() const override;
-    void setRect(Vec2F& v);
-    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) override;
-    void addDetectedMarkers(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> > corners, std::vector<int> ids, Vec2F offset = Vec2F(0,0));
-    void addRejectedMarkers(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> > rejected, Vec2F offset = Vec2F(0,0));
+    void   setRect(Vec2F &v);
+    void   paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) override;
+    void
+    addDetectedMarkers(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> corners, std::vector<int> ids, Vec2F offset = Vec2F(0, 0));
+    void addRejectedMarkers(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> rejected, Vec2F offset = Vec2F(0, 0));
     void resetSavedMarkers();
-    void drawMarker(const OffsetMarker& currentMarker, int id, const QColor& borderColor, QPainter *painter);
+    void drawMarker(const OffsetMarker &currentMarker, int id, const QColor &borderColor, QPainter *painter);
     static constexpr int numCorners = 4;
diff --git a/include/codeMarkerWidget.h b/include/codeMarkerWidget.h
index 658a18568b0f38fd62ad8f59e8ccdbfde2b7c943..2587102f99cee479844058cbe244a0933a396325 100644
--- a/include/codeMarkerWidget.h
+++ b/include/codeMarkerWidget.h
@@ -21,26 +21,24 @@
-#include <QtWidgets>
-#include <opencv2/aruco.hpp>
-#include "petrack.h"
 #include "codeMarkerItem.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
 #include "recognition.h"
-namespace Ui{
-    class CodeMarker;
+#include <QtWidgets>
+#include <opencv2/aruco.hpp>
+namespace Ui
+class CodeMarker;
-class CodeMarkerWidget: public QWidget
+class CodeMarkerWidget : public QWidget
-    CodeMarkerWidget(QWidget *parent, reco::CodeMarkerOptions& opt, Ui::CodeMarker *mUi);
+    CodeMarkerWidget(QWidget *parent, reco::CodeMarkerOptions &opt, Ui::CodeMarker *mUi);
     // store data in xml node
     void setXml(QDomElement &elem);
@@ -68,7 +66,7 @@ private slots:
     Ui::CodeMarker *mUi;
-    Petrack *mMainWindow;
+    Petrack *                mMainWindow;
     reco::CodeMarkerOptions &mCodeMarkerOpt;
diff --git a/include/colorMarkerItem.h b/include/colorMarkerItem.h
index 2bb7ef52e65bc1aa8b2f2d6cd675a2765f6c89c9..ed08803fa6b3a319cc289857c0a51a458a2d7199 100644
--- a/include/colorMarkerItem.h
+++ b/include/colorMarkerItem.h
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
-#include <QGraphicsItem>
 #include "vector.h"
+#include <QGraphicsItem>
 class Petrack;
 class Control;
 class Tracker;
@@ -33,20 +33,17 @@ class ColorMarkerItem : public QGraphicsItem
     Petrack *mMainWindow;
-    QImage *mImage;
-    cv::Mat mMask;
-    Vec2F mUlc;  // upper left corner to draw
+    QImage * mImage;
+    cv::Mat  mMask;
+    Vec2F    mUlc; // upper left corner to draw
-    ColorMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent = nullptr);
-    QRectF boundingRect() const;
-    void setRect(Vec2F& v);
-    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
-    cv::Mat getMask()
-    {
-        return mMask;
-    }
-    void setMask(cv::Mat &mask);
+    ColorMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr);
+    QRectF  boundingRect() const;
+    void    setRect(Vec2F &v);
+    void    paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
+    cv::Mat getMask() { return mMask; }
+    void    setMask(cv::Mat &mask);
     cv::Mat createMask(int w, int h);
diff --git a/include/colorMarkerWidget.h b/include/colorMarkerWidget.h
index a5c67e6957292fed5c9a7c7a73fd096387bee8d9..c7a1f25e483524197d7f27dbfbfca840c6740ec0 100644
--- a/include/colorMarkerWidget.h
+++ b/include/colorMarkerWidget.h
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
-#include <QtWidgets>
+#include "colorMarkerItem.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
 #include "ui_colorMarker.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
-#include "colorMarkerItem.h"
+#include <QtWidgets>
-class ColorMarkerWidget: public QWidget, public Ui::ColorMarker
+class ColorMarkerWidget : public QWidget, public Ui::ColorMarker
@@ -55,63 +55,64 @@ private slots:
-    void on_maskMask_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-    {
-        mMainWindow->getScene()->update();
-    }
-    void on_opacity_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-    {
-        mMainWindow->getScene()->update();
-    }
+    void on_maskMask_stateChanged(int /*i*/) { mMainWindow->getScene()->update(); }
+    void on_opacity_valueChanged(int /*i*/) { mMainWindow->getScene()->update(); }
     // functions which force a new recognition
     void on_inversHue_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
     void on_useOpen_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
     void on_useClose_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
     void on_closeRadius_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
     void on_openRadius_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
     void on_minArea_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
     void on_maxArea_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
     void on_maxRatio_valueChanged(double /*d*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
diff --git a/include/colorPlot.h b/include/colorPlot.h
index b5825203d48c6e6ab6319b86d7a536f70eb4b12f..8bddf6cbddd0b6e7e04a73e00043d547c719a09b 100644
--- a/include/colorPlot.h
+++ b/include/colorPlot.h
@@ -21,12 +21,11 @@
 #ifndef COLORPLOT_H
 #define COLORPLOT_H
-#include <QPen>
+#include "helper.h"
+#include <QPen>
 #include <qwt_plot.h>
-#include "helper.h"
 inline constexpr double DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 180.0;
 class ImagePlotItem;
@@ -37,148 +36,115 @@ class Zoomer;
 class RectPlotItem;
 class ViewColorPlotItem;
-class TrackerPlotItem: public QwtPlotItem
+class TrackerPlotItem : public QwtPlotItem
-    void draw(QPainter* p, const QwtScaleMap& mapX, const QwtScaleMap& mapY, const QRectF& re) const;
+    void draw(QPainter *p, const QwtScaleMap &mapX, const QwtScaleMap &mapY, const QRectF &re) const;
     void setPen(const QPen &pen);
     void setModel(int model, int x, int y);
-    void setTracker(Tracker *tracker);
-    Tracker * getTracker();
+    void     setTracker(Tracker *tracker);
+    Tracker *getTracker();
     Tracker *mTracker;
-    QPen mPen;
+    QPen     mPen;
-class RectMap: public QRectF
+class RectMap : public QRectF
-    RectMap()
-        : mColored(true), mMapHeight(DEFAULT_HEIGHT), mInversHue(false)
+    RectMap() : mColored(true), mMapHeight(DEFAULT_HEIGHT), mInversHue(false)
         setRect(0., 0., 0., 0.);
-        mFromCol = QColor::fromHsv(0,0,0);
-        mToCol = QColor::fromHsv(359,255,255);
+        mFromCol = QColor::fromHsv(0, 0, 0);
+        mToCol   = QColor::fromHsv(359, 255, 255);
-    RectMap(QRectF r)
-        : QRectF(r), mInversHue(false)
+    RectMap(QRectF r) : QRectF(r), mInversHue(false)
         setRect(0., 0., 0., 0.);
-        mFromCol = QColor::fromHsv(0,0,0);
-        mToCol = QColor::fromHsv(359,255,255);
-    }
-    RectMap(double x, double y, double w, double h, bool colored, double mapHeight)
-        : QRectF(x, y, w, h), mColored(colored), mMapHeight(mapHeight), mInversHue(false)
-    {
-        mFromCol = QColor::fromHsv(0,0,0);
-        mToCol = QColor::fromHsv(359,255,255);
-    }
-    RectMap(QRectF r, bool colored, double mapHeight)
-        : QRectF(r), mColored(colored), mMapHeight(mapHeight), mInversHue(false)
-    {
-        mFromCol = QColor::fromHsv(0,0,0);
-        mToCol = QColor::fromHsv(359,255,255);
-    }
-    inline bool colored() const
-    {
-        return mColored;
-    }
-    inline void setColored(bool b)
-    {
-        mColored = b;
-    }
-    inline double mapHeight() const
-    {
-        return mMapHeight;
-    }
-    inline void setMapHeight(double height)
-    {
-        mMapHeight = height;
-    }
-    inline void setInvHue(bool b)
-    {
-        mInversHue = b;
-    }
-    inline void setFromColor(const QColor &fromCol)
-    {
-        mFromCol = fromCol;
-    }
-    inline void setToColor(const QColor &toCol)
-    {
-        mToCol = toCol;
+        mFromCol = QColor::fromHsv(0, 0, 0);
+        mToCol   = QColor::fromHsv(359, 255, 255);
-    inline bool invHue() const
+    RectMap(double x, double y, double w, double h, bool colored, double mapHeight) :
+        QRectF(x, y, w, h), mColored(colored), mMapHeight(mapHeight), mInversHue(false)
-        return mInversHue;
+        mFromCol = QColor::fromHsv(0, 0, 0);
+        mToCol   = QColor::fromHsv(359, 255, 255);
-    inline QColor & toColor()
+    RectMap(QRectF r, bool colored, double mapHeight) :
+        QRectF(r), mColored(colored), mMapHeight(mapHeight), mInversHue(false)
-        return mToCol;
-    }
-    inline QColor & fromColor()
-    {
-        return mFromCol;
+        mFromCol = QColor::fromHsv(0, 0, 0);
+        mToCol   = QColor::fromHsv(359, 255, 255);
+    inline bool    colored() const { return mColored; }
+    inline void    setColored(bool b) { mColored = b; }
+    inline double  mapHeight() const { return mMapHeight; }
+    inline void    setMapHeight(double height) { mMapHeight = height; }
+    inline void    setInvHue(bool b) { mInversHue = b; }
+    inline void    setFromColor(const QColor &fromCol) { mFromCol = fromCol; }
+    inline void    setToColor(const QColor &toCol) { mToCol = toCol; }
+    inline bool    invHue() const { return mInversHue; }
+    inline QColor &toColor() { return mToCol; }
+    inline QColor &fromColor() { return mFromCol; }
-    bool mColored;
+    bool   mColored;
     double mMapHeight;
     QColor mFromCol;
     QColor mToCol;
-    bool mInversHue;
+    bool   mInversHue;
-class RectPlotItem: public QwtPlotItem
+class RectPlotItem : public QwtPlotItem
-    double map(const QColor &col) const; //TrackPerson &tp RectMap ... double x, double y
-    int addMap(double x, double y, double w, double h, bool colored, double height, QColor &fromCol, QColor &toCol, bool invHue);
-    int addMap();
-    void changeMap(int index, double x, double y, double w, double h, bool colored, double mapHeight);
-    void changeActMapInvHue(bool b);
-    void changeActMapFromColor(const QColor &fromCol);
-    void changeActMapToColor(const QColor &toCol);
-    bool getActMapInvHue();
-    QColor getActMapToColor();
-    QColor getActMapFromColor();
-    RectMap getMap(int index) const;
-    void delMap(int index);
-    inline void delMaps()
-    {
-        mMaps.clear();
-    }
-    inline int mapNum() const
-    {
-        return mMaps.size();
-    }
-    void draw(QPainter* p, const QwtScaleMap& mapX, const QwtScaleMap& mapY, const QRectF& re) const;
+    double map(const QColor &col) const; // TrackPerson &tp RectMap ... double x, double y
+    int addMap(
+        double  x,
+        double  y,
+        double  w,
+        double  h,
+        bool    colored,
+        double  height,
+        QColor &fromCol,
+        QColor &toCol,
+        bool    invHue);
+    int         addMap();
+    void        changeMap(int index, double x, double y, double w, double h, bool colored, double mapHeight);
+    void        changeActMapInvHue(bool b);
+    void        changeActMapFromColor(const QColor &fromCol);
+    void        changeActMapToColor(const QColor &toCol);
+    bool        getActMapInvHue();
+    QColor      getActMapToColor();
+    QColor      getActMapFromColor();
+    RectMap     getMap(int index) const;
+    void        delMap(int index);
+    inline void delMaps() { mMaps.clear(); }
+    inline int  mapNum() const { return mMaps.size(); }
+    void draw(QPainter *p, const QwtScaleMap &mapX, const QwtScaleMap &mapY, const QRectF &re) const;
     void setPen(const QPen &pen);
     QList<RectMap> mMaps;
-    QPen mPen;
-    int mActIndex;
+    QPen           mPen;
+    int            mActIndex;
-class ColorPlot: public QwtPlot
+class ColorPlot : public QwtPlot
@@ -189,65 +155,41 @@ public:
     void setCursor(const QColor &col);
-    QPoint getPos(const QColor &col, int *z=nullptr) const;
+    QPoint getPos(const QColor &col, int *z = nullptr) const;
     bool isGrey(const QColor &col) const;
     double map(const QColor &col) const;
-    bool printDistribution() const;
+    bool   printDistribution() const;
     void setControlWidget(Control *control);
     void setTracker(Tracker *tracker);
     void setScale();
     void generateImage();
-    inline double symbolSize() const
-    {
-        return mSymbolSize;
-    }
-    inline void setSymbolSize(double s)
-    {
-        mSymbolSize = s;
-    }
+    inline double symbolSize() const { return mSymbolSize; }
+    inline void   setSymbolSize(double s) { mSymbolSize = s; }
-    inline int greyDiff() const
-    {
-        return mGreyDiff;
-    }
-    inline void setGreyDiff(int s)
-    {
-        mGreyDiff = s;
-    }
-    inline double xMax() const
-    {
-        return mXMax;
-    }
-    inline double yMax() const
-    {
-        return mYMax;
-    }
-    int zValue() const;
+    inline int    greyDiff() const { return mGreyDiff; }
+    inline void   setGreyDiff(int s) { mGreyDiff = s; }
+    inline double xMax() const { return mXMax; }
+    inline double yMax() const { return mYMax; }
+    int           zValue() const;
-    inline TrackerPlotItem *getTrackerItem() const
-    {
-        return mTrackerItem;
-    }
-    inline RectPlotItem *getMapItem() const
-    {
-        return mRectItem;
-    }
+    inline TrackerPlotItem *getTrackerItem() const { return mTrackerItem; }
+    inline RectPlotItem *   getMapItem() const { return mRectItem; }
-    double mSymbolSize;
-    double mXMax;
-    double mYMax;
-    Control *mControlWidget;
-    ImagePlotItem *mImageItem;
-    TrackerPlotItem *mTrackerItem;
-    RectPlotItem *mRectItem;
+    double             mSymbolSize;
+    double             mXMax;
+    double             mYMax;
+    Control *          mControlWidget;
+    ImagePlotItem *    mImageItem;
+    TrackerPlotItem *  mTrackerItem;
+    RectPlotItem *     mRectItem;
     ViewColorPlotItem *mViewColorItem;
-    Zoomer *mZoomer;
-    int mGreyDiff;
+    Zoomer *           mZoomer;
+    int                mGreyDiff;
diff --git a/include/colorRangeWidget.h b/include/colorRangeWidget.h
index 260a8d72930539ca4cc278bb92677a0b5b9dfa23..7d2262f8ca86ecdec40e60b11d2afa37a81a1d2a 100644
--- a/include/colorRangeWidget.h
+++ b/include/colorRangeWidget.h
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
-#include <QtWidgets>
+#include "colorPlot.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
 #include "ui_colorRange.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
-#include "colorPlot.h"
+#include <QtWidgets>
-class ColorRangeWidget: public QWidget, public Ui::ColorRange
+class ColorRangeWidget : public QWidget, public Ui::ColorRange
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ private slots:
     void on_toColor_clicked();
-    Petrack *mMainWindow;
+    Petrack *  mMainWindow;
     ColorPlot *mColorPlot;
diff --git a/include/compilerInformation.h b/include/compilerInformation.h
index d332c5113ecec53a2b6598a5ee1069d182ae336d..57a575cbb119a1757a8689ecf912b4c4e707b927 100644
--- a/include/compilerInformation.h
+++ b/include/compilerInformation.h
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ std::string versionString(int major, int minor, int patch)
 // Taken from:
 // https://sourceforge.net/p/predef/wiki/Compilers/
-constexpr const char * COMPILER_ID{
+constexpr const char *COMPILER_ID
 #ifdef __clang__
 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
@@ -53,8 +54,8 @@ const std::string COMPILER_VERSION =
     versionString(__clang_major__, __clang_minor__, __clang_patchlevel__);
 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
 #if defined(__MINGW32__)
-    versionString(__GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__, __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__)
-    + "(" +versionString(__MINGW32__, __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION, __MINGW32_MINOR_VERSION) + ")";
+    versionString(__GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__, __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__) + "(" +
+    versionString(__MINGW32__, __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION, __MINGW32_MINOR_VERSION) + ")";
     versionString(__GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__, __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__);
@@ -66,4 +67,4 @@ const std::string COMPILER_VERSION =
 const std::string COMPILE_TIMESTAMP = __TIMESTAMP__;
diff --git a/include/control.h b/include/control.h
index 7073b5045dcbd9c26e26b0b84a36d60a1cb25428..06dd5a6aab644558c4d3213d2d89a3837310a933 100644
--- a/include/control.h
+++ b/include/control.h
@@ -21,32 +21,33 @@
 #ifndef CONTROL_H
 #define CONTROL_H
-#include <QtWidgets>
-#include <Qt>
-#include "ui_control.h"
 #include "recognition.h"
+#include "ui_control.h"
+#include <Qt>
+#include <QtWidgets>
 class Petrack;
 class QGraphicsScene;
 class QDomElement;
-class Control: public QWidget, public Ui::Control
+class Control : public QWidget, public Ui::Control
-    Control(QWidget& parent, QGraphicsScene &scene, reco::Recognizer& recognizer);
+    Control(QWidget &parent, QGraphicsScene &scene, reco::Recognizer &recognizer);
     void setScene(QGraphicsScene *sc);
-    bool getTrackShow();
-    void setTrackShow(bool b);
-    bool getTrackFix();
-    void setTrackFix(bool b);
+    bool   getTrackShow();
+    void   setTrackShow(bool b);
+    bool   getTrackFix();
+    void   setTrackFix(bool b);
     QColor getTrackPathColor();
-    void setTrackPathColor(QColor col);
+    void   setTrackPathColor(QColor col);
     QColor getTrackGroundPathColor();
-    void setTrackGroundPathColor(QColor col);
+    void   setTrackGroundPathColor(QColor col);
     QColor getMoCapColor();
     bool getRecoRoiShow();
@@ -64,103 +65,103 @@ public:
     int getFilterBorderSize();
     double getCalibFxValue();
-    void setCalibFxValue(double d);
-    void setCalibFxMin(double d);
-    void setCalibFxMax(double d);
+    void   setCalibFxValue(double d);
+    void   setCalibFxMin(double d);
+    void   setCalibFxMax(double d);
     double getCalibFyValue();
-    void setCalibFyValue(double d);
-    void setCalibFyMin(double d);
-    void setCalibFyMax(double d);
+    void   setCalibFyValue(double d);
+    void   setCalibFyMin(double d);
+    void   setCalibFyMax(double d);
     double getCalibCxValue();
-    void setCalibCxValue(double d);
-    void setCalibCxMin(double d);
-    void setCalibCxMax(double d);
+    void   setCalibCxValue(double d);
+    void   setCalibCxMin(double d);
+    void   setCalibCxMax(double d);
     double getCalibCyValue();
-    void setCalibCyValue(double d);
-    void setCalibCyMin(double d);
-    void setCalibCyMax(double d);
+    void   setCalibCyValue(double d);
+    void   setCalibCyMin(double d);
+    void   setCalibCyMax(double d);
     double getCalibR2Value();
-    void setCalibR2Value(double d);
-    void setCalibR2Min(double d);
-    void setCalibR2Max(double d);
+    void   setCalibR2Value(double d);
+    void   setCalibR2Min(double d);
+    void   setCalibR2Max(double d);
     double getCalibR4Value();
-    void setCalibR4Value(double d);
-    void setCalibR4Min(double d);
-    void setCalibR4Max(double d);
+    void   setCalibR4Value(double d);
+    void   setCalibR4Min(double d);
+    void   setCalibR4Max(double d);
     double getCalibTxValue();
-    void setCalibTxValue(double d);
-    void setCalibTxMin(double d);
-    void setCalibTxMax(double d);
+    void   setCalibTxValue(double d);
+    void   setCalibTxMin(double d);
+    void   setCalibTxMax(double d);
     double getCalibTyValue();
-    void setCalibTyValue(double d);
-    void setCalibTyMin(double d);
-    void setCalibTyMax(double d);
+    void   setCalibTyValue(double d);
+    void   setCalibTyMin(double d);
+    void   setCalibTyMax(double d);
     double getCalibR6Value();
-    void setCalibR6Value(double d);
-    void setCalibR6Min(double d);
-    void setCalibR6Max(double d);
+    void   setCalibR6Value(double d);
+    void   setCalibR6Min(double d);
+    void   setCalibR6Max(double d);
     double getCalibK4Value();
-    void setCalibK4Value(double d);
-    void setCalibK4Min(double d);
-    void setCalibK4Max(double d);
+    void   setCalibK4Value(double d);
+    void   setCalibK4Min(double d);
+    void   setCalibK4Max(double d);
     double getCalibK5Value();
-    void setCalibK5Value(double d);
-    void setCalibK5Min(double d);
-    void setCalibK5Max(double d);
+    void   setCalibK5Value(double d);
+    void   setCalibK5Min(double d);
+    void   setCalibK5Max(double d);
     double getCalibK6Value();
-    void setCalibK6Value(double d);
-    void setCalibK6Min(double d);
-    void setCalibK6Max(double d);
+    void   setCalibK6Value(double d);
+    void   setCalibK6Min(double d);
+    void   setCalibK6Max(double d);
     double getCalibExtrRot1();
-    void setCalibExtrRot1(double d);
+    void   setCalibExtrRot1(double d);
     double getCalibExtrRot2();
-    void setCalibExtrRot2(double d);
+    void   setCalibExtrRot2(double d);
     double getCalibExtrRot3();
-    void setCalibExtrRot3(double d);
+    void   setCalibExtrRot3(double d);
     double getCalibExtrTrans1();
-    void setCalibExtrTrans1(double d);
+    void   setCalibExtrTrans1(double d);
     double getCalibExtrTrans2();
-    void setCalibExtrTrans2(double d);
+    void   setCalibExtrTrans2(double d);
     double getCalibExtrTrans3();
-    void setCalibExtrTrans3(double d);
-    void setEnabledExtrParams(bool enable);
-    int /*Petrack::Dimension*/ getCalibCoordDimension();
-    bool getCalibExtrCalibPointsShow();
-    bool getCalibExtrVanishPointsShow();
-    bool getCalibCoordShow();
-    void setCalibCoordShow(bool b);
-    bool getCalibCoordFix();
-    void setCalibCoordFix(bool b);
-    bool getIs3DView();
-    void setIs3DView(bool b);
-    int getCalibCoordRotate();
-    void setCalibCoordRotate(int i);
-    int getCalibCoordTransX();
-    void setCalibCoordTransX(int i);
-    int getCalibCoordTransXMax();
-    void setCalibCoordTransXMax(int i);
-    int getCalibCoordTransXMin();
-    void setCalibCoordTransXMin(int i);
-    int getCalibCoordTransY();
-    void setCalibCoordTransY(int i);
-    int getCalibCoordTransYMax();
-    void setCalibCoordTransYMax(int i);
-    int getCalibCoordTransYMin();
-    void setCalibCoordTransYMin(int i);
-    int getCalibCoordScale();
-    void setCalibCoordScale(int i);
+    void   setCalibExtrTrans3(double d);
+    void   setEnabledExtrParams(bool enable);
+    int    getCalibCoordDimension();
+    bool   getCalibExtrCalibPointsShow();
+    bool   getCalibExtrVanishPointsShow();
+    bool   getCalibCoordShow();
+    void   setCalibCoordShow(bool b);
+    bool   getCalibCoordFix();
+    void   setCalibCoordFix(bool b);
+    bool   getIs3DView();
+    void   setIs3DView(bool b);
+    int    getCalibCoordRotate();
+    void   setCalibCoordRotate(int i);
+    int    getCalibCoordTransX();
+    void   setCalibCoordTransX(int i);
+    int    getCalibCoordTransXMax();
+    void   setCalibCoordTransXMax(int i);
+    int    getCalibCoordTransXMin();
+    void   setCalibCoordTransXMin(int i);
+    int    getCalibCoordTransY();
+    void   setCalibCoordTransY(int i);
+    int    getCalibCoordTransYMax();
+    void   setCalibCoordTransYMax(int i);
+    int    getCalibCoordTransYMin();
+    void   setCalibCoordTransYMin(int i);
+    int    getCalibCoordScale();
+    void   setCalibCoordScale(int i);
     double getCalibCoordUnit();
-    void setCalibCoordUnit(double d);
+    void   setCalibCoordUnit(double d);
-    int getCalibCoord3DTransX();
+    int  getCalibCoord3DTransX();
     void setCalibCoord3DTransX(int i);
-    int getCalibCoord3DTransY();
+    int  getCalibCoord3DTransY();
     void setCalibCoord3DTransY(int i);
-    int getCalibCoord3DTransZ();
+    int  getCalibCoord3DTransZ();
     void setCalibCoord3DTransZ(int i);
-    int getCalibCoord3DAxeLen();
+    int  getCalibCoord3DAxeLen();
     void setCalibCoord3DAxeLen(int i);
     bool getCalibCoord3DSwapX();
     void setCalibCoord3DSwapX(bool b);
@@ -169,56 +170,44 @@ public:
     bool getCalibCoord3DSwapZ();
     void setCalibCoord3DSwapZ(bool b);
-    int /*Petrack::Dimension*/ getCalibGridDimension();
+    int  getCalibGridDimension();
     bool getCalibGridShow();
     void setCalibGridShow(bool b);
     bool getCalibGridFix();
     void setCalibGridFix(bool b);
-    int getCalibGridRotate();
+    int  getCalibGridRotate();
     void setCalibGridRotate(int i);
-    int getCalibGridTransX();
+    int  getCalibGridTransX();
     void setCalibGridTransX(int i);
-    int getCalibGridTransY();
+    int  getCalibGridTransY();
     void setCalibGridTransY(int i);
-    int getCalibGridScale();
+    int  getCalibGridScale();
     void setCalibGridScale(int i);
-    int getCalibGrid3DTransX();
+    int  getCalibGrid3DTransX();
     void setCalibGrid3DTransX(int i);
-    int getCalibGrid3DTransY();
+    int  getCalibGrid3DTransY();
     void setCalibGrid3DTransY(int i);
-    int getCalibGrid3DTransZ();
+    int  getCalibGrid3DTransZ();
     void setCalibGrid3DTransZ(int i);
     void setGridMinMaxTranslation(int minx, int maxx, int miny, int maxy);
-    int getCalibGrid3DResolution();
+    int  getCalibGrid3DResolution();
     void setCalibGrid3DResolution(int i);
-    void expandRange(QColor& fromColor, QColor& toColor, const QColor& clickedColor) const;
-    void saveChange(const QColor& fromColor, const QColor& toColor, RectPlotItem* map);
-    bool getColors(QColor& clickedColor, QColor& toColor, QColor& fromColor, RectPlotItem*& map);
+    void expandRange(QColor &fromColor, QColor &toColor, const QColor &clickedColor) const;
+    void saveChange(const QColor &fromColor, const QColor &toColor, RectPlotItem *map);
+    bool getColors(QColor &clickedColor, QColor &toColor, QColor &fromColor, RectPlotItem *&map);
-    void setXml(QDomElement &elem);
-    void getXml(QDomElement &elem);
-    bool isLoading()
-    {
-        return mMainWindow->isLoading();
-    }
-    inline ColorPlot *getColorPlot() const
-    {
-        return colorPlot;
-    }
+    void              setXml(QDomElement &elem);
+    void              getXml(QDomElement &elem);
+    bool              isLoading() { return mMainWindow->isLoading(); }
+    inline ColorPlot *getColorPlot() const { return colorPlot; }
 #ifdef QWT
-    inline AnalysePlot *getAnalysePlot() const
-    {
-        return analysePlot;
-    }
+    inline AnalysePlot *getAnalysePlot() const { return analysePlot; }
-    inline Petrack *getMainWindow() const
-    {
-        return mMainWindow;
-    }
+    inline Petrack *getMainWindow() const { return mMainWindow; }
     reco::RecognitionMethod getRecoMethod() const;
@@ -278,36 +267,120 @@ private slots:
     void on_trackRegionLevels_valueChanged(int i);
     void on_trackShowSearchSize_stateChanged(int i);
-    void on_trackShowOnlyVisible_stateChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackShowCurrentPoint_stateChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
+    void on_trackShowOnlyVisible_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackShowCurrentPoint_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
     void on_trackGotoNr_clicked();
     void on_trackGotoStartNr_clicked();
     void on_trackGotoEndNr_clicked();
     void on_trackHeadSized_stateChanged(int i);
-    void on_trackShowPoints_stateChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackShowPointsColored_stateChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackShowPath_stateChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackShowColColor_stateChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackShowColorMarker_stateChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackShowNumber_stateChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackShowGroundPosition_stateChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackShowGroundPath_stateChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackShowHeightIndividual_stateChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackNumberBold_stateChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
+    void on_trackShowPoints_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackShowPointsColored_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackShowPath_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackShowColColor_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackShowColorMarker_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackShowNumber_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackShowGroundPosition_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackShowGroundPath_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackShowHeightIndividual_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackNumberBold_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
     void on_showMoCap_stateChanged(int i);
-    void on_trackCurrentPointSize_valueChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackPointSize_valueChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackPathWidth_valueChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackColColorSize_valueChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
+    void on_trackCurrentPointSize_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackPointSize_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackPathWidth_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackColColorSize_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
     void on_trackColorMarkerSize_valueChanged(int /*i*/) { mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackNumberSize_valueChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackGroundPositionSize_valueChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackGroundPathSize_valueChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackShowBefore_valueChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
-    void on_trackShowAfter_valueChanged(int /*i*/) { if (!isLoading()) mScene->update(); }
+    void on_trackNumberSize_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackGroundPositionSize_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackGroundPathSize_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackShowBefore_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
+    void on_trackShowAfter_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
+    {
+        if(!isLoading())
+            mScene->update();
+    }
     void on_moCapSize_valueChanged(int i);
     void on_recoMethod_currentIndexChanged(int index);
@@ -426,12 +499,13 @@ signals:
     void userChangedRecoMethod(reco::RecognitionMethod method);
-    Petrack *mMainWindow;
+    Petrack *       mMainWindow;
     QGraphicsScene *mScene;
-    bool mColorChanging;
-    bool mIndexChanging; // shows, if the index of the color model is really changing; nor while constructor (initialer durchlauf) and may be while loading xml file
-    bool mLoading; // shows, if new project is just loading
-    QDoubleSpinBox *k4,*k5,*k6; // Muss noch in die Oberflaeche eingebaut werden
-    };
+    bool            mColorChanging;
+    bool mIndexChanging; // shows, if the index of the color model is really changing; nor while constructor (initialer
+                         // durchlauf) and may be while loading xml file
+    bool            mLoading;     // shows, if new project is just loading
+    QDoubleSpinBox *k4, *k5, *k6; // Muss noch in die Oberflaeche eingebaut werden
diff --git a/include/coordItem.h b/include/coordItem.h
index b3ac2cacef34e613a0202b32edef7c070c6b334a..623ecb641fa1caecd17196ae66da2c5f29709f43 100644
--- a/include/coordItem.h
+++ b/include/coordItem.h
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #include <QGraphicsItem>
 #include <QtWidgets>
-#include <petrack.h>
+#include <opencv2/core/types.hpp>
 class Petrack;
 class Control;
@@ -32,28 +32,22 @@ class ExtrCalibration;
 class CoordItem : public QGraphicsItem
-    Petrack *mMainWindow;
+    Petrack *        mMainWindow;
     ExtrCalibration *extCalib;
-    Control *mControlWidget;
-    cv::Point2f ursprung, x, y, z;
-    cv::Point2f calibPointsMin, calibPointsMax;
-    cv::Point3f x3D, y3D, z3D;
-    float mouse_x,mouse_y;
-    int coordTrans_x,coordTrans_y;
-    int coordDimension;
+    Control *        mControlWidget;
+    cv::Point2f      ursprung, x, y, z;
+    cv::Point2f      calibPointsMin, calibPointsMax;
+    cv::Point3f      x3D, y3D, z3D;
+    float            mouse_x, mouse_y;
+    int              coordTrans_x, coordTrans_y;
+    int              coordDimension;
-    inline void setCoordDimension(int dim)
-    {
-        this->coordDimension = dim;
-    }
-    inline int getCoordDimension() const
-    {
-        return this->coordDimension;
-    }
+    inline void setCoordDimension(int dim) { this->coordDimension = dim; }
+    inline int  getCoordDimension() const { return this->coordDimension; }
+    CoordItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr);
-    // Constructor
-    CoordItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent = nullptr);
     void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
     void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
diff --git a/include/ellipse.h b/include/ellipse.h
index b471bb2fe211922829b88fdb8807112ce2672452..ffe77f4e91be804ae951ab2e4862f318315f6f8b 100644
--- a/include/ellipse.h
+++ b/include/ellipse.h
@@ -21,21 +21,22 @@
 #ifndef ELLIPSE_H
 #define ELLIPSE_H
-#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 #include "vector.h"
+#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 class QPointF;
 class QSizeF;
-class MyEllipse {
+class MyEllipse
-    Vec2F mC; // center 
-    double mR1; // radii
-    double mR2; // guarantees that mR1 >= mR2
+    Vec2F  mC;     // center
+    double mR1;    // radii
+    double mR2;    // guarantees that mR1 >= mR2
     double mAngle; // 0..PI arc between pos x axis and ellipse axis with size mR1 (>mR2)
-    Vec2F mF1; // focal points
-    Vec2F mF2;
+    Vec2F  mF1;    // focal points
+    Vec2F  mF2;
@@ -43,40 +44,24 @@ public:
     MyEllipse(QPointF center, QSizeF size, double angle);
     MyEllipse(const MyEllipse &ellipse) = default;
-    Vec2F center() const;
+    Vec2F  center() const;
     QSizeF size() const;
-    // inline fkt muessen im header definiert werden!!!
-    inline double x() const
-    {
-        return mC.x();
-    }
-    inline double y() const
-    {
-        return mC.y();
-    }
-    inline double r1() const
-    {
-        return mR1;
-    }
-    inline double r2() const
-    {
-        return mR2;
-    }
-    inline double angle() const
-    {
-        return mAngle;
-    }
+    inline double x() const { return mC.x(); }
+    inline double y() const { return mC.y(); }
+    inline double r1() const { return mR1; }
+    inline double r2() const { return mR2; }
+    inline double angle() const { return mAngle; }
     inline double ratio() const // >=1
-        return mR1/mR2;
+        return mR1 / mR2;
     double area() const;
     // only estimation, because of complex elliptical integral
     double outline() const;
     // is point p inside or on the ellipse
-    bool isInside(const Vec2F& p) const;
+    bool isInside(const Vec2F &p) const;
     bool isInside(double x, double y) const;
     bool isNearlyCircle() const;
diff --git a/include/extrCalibration.h b/include/extrCalibration.h
index 4007b6fd7a66d9cae5f333e8508dc56f7c783446..a2aa96d348ef2bcf5b5a52855b9377b0519b83bc 100644
--- a/include/extrCalibration.h
+++ b/include/extrCalibration.h
@@ -21,22 +21,21 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <array>
-#include <QString>
 #include <QDomElement>
+#include <QString>
+#include <array>
+#include <iostream>
 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
+#include <vector>
 class Petrack;
 class Control;
-class ReprojectionError{
+class ReprojectionError
-    bool mValid = false;
+    bool   mValid = false;
     double mPointHeightAvg;
     double mPointHeightStdDev;
     double mPointHeightVariance;
@@ -53,30 +52,44 @@ private:
     double mPixelMax;
     double mUsedDefaultHeight;
     ReprojectionError() = default;
-    ReprojectionError(double pointHeightAvg, double pointHeightStdDev,
-                      double pointHeightVariance, double pointHeightMax,
-                      double defaultHeightAvg, double defaultHeightStdDev,
-                      double defaultHeightVariance, double defaultHeightMax,
-                      double pixelAvg, double pixelStdDev,
-                      double pixelVariance, double pixelMax,
-                      double defaultHeight):
-        mPointHeightAvg(pointHeightAvg), mPointHeightStdDev(pointHeightStdDev),
-        mPointHeightVariance(pointHeightVariance), mPointHeightMax(pointHeightMax),
-        mDefaultHeightAvg(defaultHeightAvg), mDefaultHeightStdDev(defaultHeightStdDev),
-        mDefaultHeightVariance(defaultHeightVariance), mDefaultHeightMax(defaultHeightMax),
-        mPixelAvg(pixelAvg), mPixelStdDev(pixelStdDev),
-        mPixelVariance(pixelVariance), mPixelMax(pixelMax),
+    ReprojectionError(
+        double pointHeightAvg,
+        double pointHeightStdDev,
+        double pointHeightVariance,
+        double pointHeightMax,
+        double defaultHeightAvg,
+        double defaultHeightStdDev,
+        double defaultHeightVariance,
+        double defaultHeightMax,
+        double pixelAvg,
+        double pixelStdDev,
+        double pixelVariance,
+        double pixelMax,
+        double defaultHeight) :
+        mPointHeightAvg(pointHeightAvg),
+        mPointHeightStdDev(pointHeightStdDev),
+        mPointHeightVariance(pointHeightVariance),
+        mPointHeightMax(pointHeightMax),
+        mDefaultHeightAvg(defaultHeightAvg),
+        mDefaultHeightStdDev(defaultHeightStdDev),
+        mDefaultHeightVariance(defaultHeightVariance),
+        mDefaultHeightMax(defaultHeightMax),
+        mPixelAvg(pixelAvg),
+        mPixelStdDev(pixelStdDev),
+        mPixelVariance(pixelVariance),
+        mPixelMax(pixelMax),
         auto data = getData();
-        mValid = !std::any_of(data.begin(), data.end(), [](double a){return !std::isfinite(a) || a < 0;});
+        mValid    = !std::any_of(data.begin(), data.end(), [](double a) { return !std::isfinite(a) || a < 0; });
-    void getXml(QDomElement& elem);
-    void setXml(QDomElement& elem) const;
+    void getXml(QDomElement &elem);
+    void setXml(QDomElement &elem) const;
     double pointHeightAvg() const;
     double pointHeightStdDev() const;
@@ -95,16 +108,25 @@ public:
     double usedDefaultHeight() const;
-    std::array<double, 13> getData() const {
-        return {mPointHeightAvg, mPointHeightStdDev, mPointHeightVariance, mPointHeightMax,
-         mDefaultHeightAvg, mDefaultHeightStdDev, mDefaultHeightVariance, mDefaultHeightMax,
-         mPixelAvg, mPixelStdDev, mPixelVariance, mPixelMax,
-         mUsedDefaultHeight};
+    std::array<double, 13> getData() const
+    {
+        return {
+            mPointHeightAvg,
+            mPointHeightStdDev,
+            mPointHeightVariance,
+            mPointHeightMax,
+            mDefaultHeightAvg,
+            mDefaultHeightStdDev,
+            mDefaultHeightVariance,
+            mDefaultHeightMax,
+            mPixelAvg,
+            mPixelStdDev,
+            mPixelVariance,
+            mPixelMax,
+            mUsedDefaultHeight};
-    bool isValid() const{
-        return mValid;
-    }
+    bool isValid() const { return mValid; }
@@ -121,7 +143,6 @@ public:
 class ExtrCalibration
     Petrack *mMainWindow;
     Control *mControlWidget;
@@ -135,61 +156,39 @@ private:
     double *camValues;
     double *distValues;
-    bool isExtCalib;
-    float camHeight;
+    bool    isExtCalib;
+    float   camHeight;
     ReprojectionError reprojectionError;
-    QString mExtrCalibFile;
-    void init();
+    QString           mExtrCalibFile;
+    void              init();
-    void setMainWindow(Petrack *mw);
-    bool isEmptyExtrCalibFile();
-    bool isSetExtrCalib();
-    void setExtrCalibFile(const QString &f);
-    QString getExtrCalibFile();
-    bool openExtrCalibFile();
-    bool loadExtrCalibFile();
-    bool saveExtrCalibPoints();
-    bool fetch2DPoints();
-    void calibExtrParams();
-    bool calcReprojectionError();
-    virtual cv::Point2f getImagePoint(cv::Point3f p3d);
-    cv::Point3f get3DPoint(cv::Point2f p2d, double h);
-    cv::Point3f transformRT(cv::Point3f p);
-    bool isOutsideImage(cv::Point2f p2d);
-    inline bool isOutsideImage(cv::Point3f p3d)
-    {
-        return isOutsideImage(getImagePoint(p3d));
-    }
-    inline std::vector<cv::Point3f> get3DList()
-    {
-        return points3D;
-    }
-    inline void set3DList(std::vector<cv::Point3f> list3D)
-    {
-        this->points3D = list3D;
-    }
-    inline std::vector<cv::Point2f> get2DList()
-    {
-        return points2D;
-    }
-    inline void set2DList(std::vector<cv::Point2f> list2D)
-    {
-        this->points2D = list2D;
-    }
-    inline float getCamHeight() const
-    {
-        return camHeight;
-    }
-    inline void setCamHeight(float cHeight)
-    {
-        this->camHeight = cHeight;
-    }
-    inline ReprojectionError getReprojectionError()
+    void                            setMainWindow(Petrack *mw);
+    bool                            isEmptyExtrCalibFile();
+    bool                            isSetExtrCalib();
+    void                            setExtrCalibFile(const QString &f);
+    QString                         getExtrCalibFile();
+    bool                            openExtrCalibFile();
+    bool                            loadExtrCalibFile();
+    bool                            saveExtrCalibPoints();
+    bool                            fetch2DPoints();
+    void                            calibExtrParams();
+    bool                            calcReprojectionError();
+    virtual cv::Point2f             getImagePoint(cv::Point3f p3d);
+    cv::Point3f                     get3DPoint(cv::Point2f p2d, double h);
+    cv::Point3f                     transformRT(cv::Point3f p);
+    bool                            isOutsideImage(cv::Point2f p2d);
+    inline bool                     isOutsideImage(cv::Point3f p3d) { return isOutsideImage(getImagePoint(p3d)); }
+    inline std::vector<cv::Point3f> get3DList() { return points3D; }
+    inline void                     set3DList(std::vector<cv::Point3f> list3D) { this->points3D = list3D; }
+    inline std::vector<cv::Point2f> get2DList() { return points2D; }
+    inline void                     set2DList(std::vector<cv::Point2f> list2D) { this->points2D = list2D; }
+    inline float                    getCamHeight() const { return camHeight; }
+    inline void                     setCamHeight(float cHeight) { this->camHeight = cHeight; }
+    inline ReprojectionError        getReprojectionError()
diff --git a/include/filter.h b/include/filter.h
index 19c155f9bc663669790794eb2141f86d770652b7..dc12935852c18a9c251675ff973490cae09cf126 100644
--- a/include/filter.h
+++ b/include/filter.h
@@ -37,26 +37,26 @@ class Filter;
 class Parameter
-    double mValue;
-    double mMinimum;
-    double mMaximum;
-    bool mChg;
+    double  mValue;
+    double  mMinimum;
+    double  mMaximum;
+    bool    mChg;
     Filter *mFilter; // Filter where parameter is for
-    void setFilter(Filter *filter);
-    Filter * getFilter();
+    void    setFilter(Filter *filter);
+    Filter *getFilter();
     double value() const;
     double getValue() const;
-    void setValue(double d);
+    void   setValue(double d);
     double getMinimum() const;
-    void setMinimum(double d);
+    void   setMinimum(double d);
     double getMaximum() const;
-    void setMaximum(double d);
+    void   setMaximum(double d);
     bool changed() const;
     bool getChanged() const;
@@ -75,20 +75,21 @@ public:
  * activation/deactivation as well as automated detection
  * of changed parameters.
-class Filter {
+class Filter
-    bool mChg;       // if filter paramater were changed
-    bool mEnable;    // if filter is actice
-    bool mOnCopy;    // if filter works on a copy 
+    bool    mChg;    // if filter paramater were changed
+    bool    mEnable; // if filter is actice
+    bool    mOnCopy; // if filter works on a copy
     cv::Mat mRes;
     // pure virtual function, where to implement the filter conversion
     // returns the result over pointer res and as result
-    virtual cv::Mat act(cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &res)=0;
+    virtual cv::Mat act(cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &res) = 0;
-    virtual ~Filter() {};
+    virtual ~Filter(){};
     bool changed() const;
     bool getChanged();
@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ public:
     cv::Mat apply(cv::Mat &img);
     cv::Mat getLastResult();
-    void freeLastResult();
+    void    freeLastResult();
     void enable();
     void disable();
diff --git a/include/gridItem.h b/include/gridItem.h
index f1a6fce9ddc1b2939f9914060da2d1fff6cb1664..42ff6f9dc848d8d6bfcb79b0b9f202ffdf1eeedf 100644
--- a/include/gridItem.h
+++ b/include/gridItem.h
@@ -26,31 +26,27 @@ class Control;
 #include "extrCalibration.h"
+#include <QGraphicsItem>
 class GridItem : public QGraphicsItem
-    Petrack *mMainWindow;
+    Petrack *        mMainWindow;
     ExtrCalibration *extCalib;
-    Control *mControlWidget;
-    float mouse_x, mouse_y;
-    int gridTrans_x, gridTrans_y;
-    int gridDimension;
+    Control *        mControlWidget;
+    float            mouse_x, mouse_y;
+    int              gridTrans_x, gridTrans_y;
+    int              gridDimension;
-    inline void setGridDimension(int gDimension)
-    {
-        this->gridDimension = gDimension;
-    }
-    inline int getGridDimension() const
-    {
-        return this->gridDimension;
-    }
-    GridItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent = nullptr);
+    inline void setGridDimension(int gDimension) { this->gridDimension = gDimension; }
+    inline int  getGridDimension() const { return this->gridDimension; }
+    GridItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr);
     QRectF boundingRect() const;
-    void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
-    void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
-    int drawLine(QPainter *painter, cv::Point2f *p, int y_offset);
-    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
+    void   mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
+    void   mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
+    int    drawLine(QPainter *painter, cv::Point2f *p, int y_offset);
+    void   paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
diff --git a/include/helper.h b/include/helper.h
index b823eca2a206fbc5bc58710a5659d7d684d89c74..052fa69b29a09018974db1714d0c2c0f7f9a8eb6 100644
--- a/include/helper.h
+++ b/include/helper.h
@@ -21,19 +21,22 @@
 #ifndef HELPER_H
 #define HELPER_H
-#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 #include <QFileInfo>
 #include <QString>
+#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 extern QString commandLineOptionsString;
 extern QString proFileName; ///< Path to the project (.pet) file; defined in helper.cpp
-constexpr const char* file_name(const char* path) {
-    const char* file = path;
-    while (*path) {
+constexpr const char *file_name(const char *path)
+    const char *file = path;
+    while(*path)
+    {
         const char current = *path;
-        if (current == '/' || current == '\\') {
+        if(current == '/' || current == '\\')
+        {
             file = path;
@@ -42,15 +45,14 @@ constexpr const char* file_name(const char* path) {
 // gleiche Variable wie QT benutzt, es gibt auch noch QT_NO_DEBUG and QT_NO_WARNING_OUTPUT
-    #define debout //
+#define debout //
 #define debout std::cout << __func__ << " in " << file_name(__FILE__) << " line " << __LINE__ << ": "
-#include <iostream>
 #include <QString>
-inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const QString& t)
+#include <iostream>
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const QString &t)
     s << t.toStdString();
     return s;
@@ -58,10 +60,10 @@ inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const QString& t)
 #ifndef MIN
-#define	MIN(a, b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
+#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
 #ifndef MAX
-#define	MAX(a, b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
+#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
 inline constexpr double PI = 3.141592654;
@@ -89,20 +91,20 @@ cv::Mat getRoi(cv::Mat &img, const QRect &roi, cv::Rect &rect, bool evenPixelNum
 inline double getMedianOf3(double a, double b, double c)
-    if (a<b)
+    if(a < b)
-        if (b<c)
+        if(b < c)
             return b; // a b c
-        else if (c<b && c<a)
+        else if(c < b && c < a)
             return a; // c a b
             return c; // a c b
     else // b<=a
-        if (a<c)
+        if(a < c)
             return a; // b a c
-        else if (c<a && c<b)
+        else if(c < a && c < b)
             return b; // c b a
             return c; // b c a
@@ -111,75 +113,75 @@ inline double getMedianOf3(double a, double b, double c)
 // d darf keine seiteneffekte haben!!!
 // myround genommen, da round manchmal in math.h existiert, aber nicht immer
-#define myRound(d) (static_cast<int>(((d)<0 ? (d)-.5 : (d)+.5)))
+#define myRound(d)          (static_cast<int>(((d) < 0 ? (d) -.5 : (d) + .5)))
 #define myClip(d, min, max) (((d) < min) ? (min) : (((d) > max) ? (max) : (d)))
 // get image color from 3-channel-images with values 0..255
-#define getR(img,x,y) ((int)*(uchar*)((img)->imageData + (img)->widthStep*(y) + (img)->nChannels*(x) + 2))
-#define getG(img,x,y) ((int)*(uchar*)((img)->imageData + (img)->widthStep*(y) + (img)->nChannels*(x) + 1))
-#define getB(img,x,y) ((int)*(uchar*)((img)->imageData + (img)->widthStep*(y) + (img)->nChannels*(x)))
+#define getR(img, x, y) ((int) *(uchar *) ((img)->imageData + (img)->widthStep * (y) + (img)->nChannels * (x) + 2))
+#define getG(img, x, y) ((int) *(uchar *) ((img)->imageData + (img)->widthStep * (y) + (img)->nChannels * (x) + 1))
+#define getB(img, x, y) ((int) *(uchar *) ((img)->imageData + (img)->widthStep * (y) + (img)->nChannels * (x)))
 // get image grey value from grey-images with values 0..255 (may be also 3 channels???)
-#define getGrey(img,x,y) ((int)*(uchar*)((img)->imageData + (img)->widthStep*(y) + (x)))
+#define getGrey(img, x, y) ((int) *(uchar *) ((img)->imageData + (img)->widthStep * (y) + (x)))
 inline cv::Scalar qcolor2scalar(QColor color)
-    int r,g,b;
+    int r, g, b;
     color.getRgb(&r, &g, &b);
-    return cv::Scalar(b,g,r); // swap RGB-->BGR
+    return cv::Scalar(b, g, r); // swap RGB-->BGR
 inline QColor scalar2qcolor(cv::Scalar color)
     QColor ret;
-    ret.setHsv(0,0,color[0]);
+    ret.setHsv(0, 0, color[0]);
     return ret; // swap RGB-->BGR
-inline QColor getValue(const cv::Mat &img ,int x, int y)
+inline QColor getValue(const cv::Mat &img, int x, int y)
-    QColor ret;
+    QColor     ret;
     cv::Scalar scalar;
-    cv::Vec3b val;
-    switch(img.channels()){
-    case 1:
-        scalar = img.at<uchar>(cv::Point(x,y));
-        ret =  scalar2qcolor(scalar);
-        break;
-    case 3:
-    case 4:
-        val = img.at<cv::Vec3b>(cv::Point(x,y));
-        ret.setRgb(val.val[2],val.val[1],val.val[0]);
-        break;
-    default:
-        ;
+    cv::Vec3b  val;
+    switch(img.channels())
+    {
+        case 1:
+            scalar = img.at<uchar>(cv::Point(x, y));
+            ret    = scalar2qcolor(scalar);
+            break;
+        case 3:
+        case 4:
+            val = img.at<cv::Vec3b>(cv::Point(x, y));
+            ret.setRgb(val.val[2], val.val[1], val.val[0]);
+            break;
+        default:;
     return ret;
 #include <QColor>
 #include <QTextStream>
-inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const QColor& col)
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const QColor &col)
-    if (col.isValid())
+    if(col.isValid())
         s << col.red() << " " << col.green() << " " << col.blue();
         s << -1 << " " << -1 << " " << -1;
     return s;
-inline QTextStream& operator<<(QTextStream& s, const QColor& col)
+inline QTextStream &operator<<(QTextStream &s, const QColor &col)
-    if (col.isValid())
+    if(col.isValid())
         s << col.red() << " " << col.green() << " " << col.blue();
         s << -1 << " " << -1 << " " << -1;
     return s;
-inline QTextStream& operator>>(QTextStream& s, QColor& col)
+inline QTextStream &operator>>(QTextStream &s, QColor &col)
     int i;
     // leave invalid, if one number is -1
     s >> i;
-    if (i != -1)
+    if(i != -1)
         s >> i;
@@ -209,34 +211,34 @@ inline QString getExistingFile(const QString &fileList, const QString &relToFile
     QStringList list;
     list = fileList.split(";", Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
-    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
+    for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
-        if (QFile(list.at(i)).exists())
+        if(QFile(list.at(i)).exists())
             return list.at(i);
-        if (QFile(list.at(i).trimmed()).exists())
+        if(QFile(list.at(i).trimmed()).exists())
             return list.at(i).trimmed();
-        if (QFile(QFileInfo(relToFileName).absolutePath()+"/"+list.at(i).trimmed()).exists())
-            return QFileInfo(relToFileName).absolutePath()+"/"+list.at(i).trimmed();
+        if(QFile(QFileInfo(relToFileName).absolutePath() + "/" + list.at(i).trimmed()).exists())
+            return QFileInfo(relToFileName).absolutePath() + "/" + list.at(i).trimmed();
     return ""; // wenn keine der Dateien existiert
-#include <QFileInfo>
 #include <QDir>
+#include <QFileInfo>
 inline QString getFileList(const QString &fileName, const QString &relToFileName = proFileName)
     QString seqAbs      = QFileInfo(fileName).absoluteFilePath();
     QString seqRelToPro = QDir(QFileInfo(relToFileName).absolutePath()).relativeFilePath(seqAbs);
-    if (QFileInfo(fileName).isRelative())
+    if(QFileInfo(fileName).isRelative())
-        if (fileName == seqRelToPro)
-            return fileName+";"+seqAbs;
+        if(fileName == seqRelToPro)
+            return fileName + ";" + seqAbs;
-            return fileName+";"+seqAbs+";"+seqRelToPro;
+            return fileName + ";" + seqAbs + ";" + seqRelToPro;
-        return fileName+";"+seqRelToPro;
+        return fileName + ";" + seqRelToPro;
 #include <ctime>
@@ -244,7 +246,7 @@ inline clock_t getElapsedTime()
     static clock_t lastTime = clock();
     static clock_t diffTime; // fuer performance
-    diffTime = clock()-lastTime;
+    diffTime = clock() - lastTime;
     lastTime = clock();
     return diffTime;
diff --git a/include/imageItem.h b/include/imageItem.h
index fb0890a063340aaf54e2d2bb5ed471f3cd3a187e..9e6e8bc78f95e065edb8eb27ed964fb88d6e1244 100644
--- a/include/imageItem.h
+++ b/include/imageItem.h
@@ -26,29 +26,30 @@
 class Petrack;
 class Control;
-class ImageItem: public QGraphicsItem
+class ImageItem : public QGraphicsItem
-    Petrack *mMainWindow;
-    Control *mControlWidget;
-    QImage *mImage;
+    Petrack *      mMainWindow;
+    Control *      mControlWidget;
+    QImage *       mImage;
     QGraphicsItem *mCoordItem;
-    ImageItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent = nullptr);
+    ImageItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr);
-    QRectF boundingRect() const; 
-    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
+    QRectF boundingRect() const;
+    void   paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
-    void setImage(QImage *img);
-    void setCoordItem(QGraphicsItem *ci);
-    double getCmPerPixel();
+    void    setImage(QImage *img);
+    void    setCoordItem(QGraphicsItem *ci);
+    double  getCmPerPixel();
     QPointF getCmPerPixel(float px, float py, float h = 0.);
-    double getAngleToGround(float px, float py, float h = 0);
+    double  getAngleToGround(float px, float py, float h = 0);
     QPointF getPosImage(QPointF pos, float height = 0.);
     QPointF getPosReal(QPointF pos, double height = 0.);
-    void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event);
-    void hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent * event);
+    void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
+    void hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event);
diff --git a/include/logoItem.h b/include/logoItem.h
index faedd838dca7f9441f819711d54cea3496626642..77960f4aff2b78612056d93bb520ee608216cabe 100644
--- a/include/logoItem.h
+++ b/include/logoItem.h
@@ -26,44 +26,39 @@
 class Petrack;
 class LogoItem;
-class Fader: public QObject
+class Fader : public QObject
-    void fadeOut(LogoItem* gi, int frames);
+    void fadeOut(LogoItem *gi, int frames);
 private slots:
     void fadeOutStep();
-    LogoItem* mLogoItem;
-    int mFrames;
-    double mStep;
-    QTimer *mTimer;
+    LogoItem *mLogoItem;
+    int       mFrames;
+    double    mStep;
+    QTimer *  mTimer;
-class LogoItem: public QGraphicsItem
+class LogoItem : public QGraphicsItem
-    LogoItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent = nullptr);
+    LogoItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr);
     QRectF boundingRect() const;
-    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
-    inline float getOpacity() const
-    {
-        return mOpacity;
-    }
-    inline void setOpacity(float o)
-    {
-        mOpacity = o;
-    }
-    void fadeOut(int frames=100);
+    void         paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
+    inline float getOpacity() const { return mOpacity; }
+    inline void  setOpacity(float o) { mOpacity = o; }
+    void         fadeOut(int frames = 100);
     Petrack *mMainWindow;
-    QImage *mImage;
-    float mOpacity;
-    Fader fader;
+    QImage * mImage;
+    float    mOpacity;
+    Fader    fader;
diff --git a/include/markerCasern.h b/include/markerCasern.h
index bdba3cf2e372686f2190ce563d56c91f20c30b16..338ec69a01cddd1b65ab11c25e716810603e4a32 100644
--- a/include/markerCasern.h
+++ b/include/markerCasern.h
@@ -21,64 +21,49 @@
-#include <QList>
-#include <QColor>
 #include "ellipse.h"
+#include <QColor>
+#include <QList>
 class TrackPoint;
 class MarkerCasern
-    MyEllipse mHead;
-    bool mHasHead;
-    Vec2F mQuadrangle[4];
-    bool mHasQuadrangle;
+    MyEllipse        mHead;
+    bool             mHasHead;
+    Vec2F            mQuadrangle[4];
+    bool             mHasQuadrangle;
     QList<MyEllipse> mSpots;
-    QList<int> mSpotCount;
-    QColor mCol;
-    int mCenterIndex; // index in mSpots list from cross marker
-    int mColorIndex; // index in mSpots list from color marker
-    int mOtherIndex; // index in mSpots list from round marker
+    QList<int>       mSpotCount;
+    QColor           mCol;
+    int              mCenterIndex; // index in mSpots list from cross marker
+    int              mColorIndex;  // index in mSpots list from color marker
+    int              mOtherIndex;  // index in mSpots list from round marker
     MarkerCasern(MyEllipse head);
-    inline const MyEllipse& head() const
-    {
-        return mHead;
-    }
-    inline const Vec2F* quadrangle() const
-    {
-        return mQuadrangle;
-    }
-    inline const QList<MyEllipse>& spots() const // reference to be faster
+    inline const MyEllipse &       head() const { return mHead; }
+    inline const Vec2F *           quadrangle() const { return mQuadrangle; }
+    inline const QList<MyEllipse> &spots() const // reference to be faster
         return mSpots;
-    inline const QColor& color() const
-    {
-        return mCol;
-    }
+    inline const QColor &color() const { return mCol; }
-    inline bool hasHead() const
-    {
-        return mHasHead;
-    }
-    inline bool hasQuadrangle() const
-    {
-        return mHasQuadrangle;
-    }
+    inline bool hasHead() const { return mHasHead; }
+    inline bool hasQuadrangle() const { return mHasQuadrangle; }
-    bool isOverlappingHead(const MyEllipse& e) const;
-    bool isInsideHead(const Vec2F& p) const;
+    bool isOverlappingHead(const MyEllipse &e) const;
+    bool isInsideHead(const Vec2F &p) const;
     // returns spot number in spots list when inside, otherwise returns -1
-    int isOverlappingSpots(const MyEllipse& e) const;
-    int isInsideSpots(const Vec2F& p) const;
+    int isOverlappingSpots(const MyEllipse &e) const;
+    int isInsideSpots(const Vec2F &p) const;
     void modifyHead(const MyEllipse &head);
@@ -101,13 +86,12 @@ public:
 class MarkerCasernList : public QList<MarkerCasern>
-    bool mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse& e, bool blackInside);
+    bool mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse &e, bool blackInside);
     bool mayAddQuadrangle(const Vec2F v[4]);
     // organize every marker and delete marker without head
     void organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB);
-    //draw ... Qt
     void draw(cv::Mat &img) const;
     void toCrossList(QList<TrackPoint> *crossList, bool ignoreWithoutMarker) const;
diff --git a/include/markerHermes.h b/include/markerHermes.h
index aba58823b7fa64473d9e128b1f8d866bdb9f45cb..2e1231e029e42269b179cbcae9f98dc3824a38d0 100644
--- a/include/markerHermes.h
+++ b/include/markerHermes.h
@@ -21,46 +21,40 @@
-#include <QList>
-#include <QColor>
 #include "ellipse.h"
+#include <QColor>
+#include <QList>
 class TrackPoint;
 class MarkerHermes
-    MyEllipse mHead;
-    bool mHasHead;
+    MyEllipse        mHead;
+    bool             mHasHead;
     QList<MyEllipse> mSpots;
-    QList<int> mSpotCount;
-    int mCenterIndex; // index in mSpots list from black marker -1 or 0
+    QList<int>       mSpotCount;
+    int              mCenterIndex; // index in mSpots list from black marker -1 or 0
     MarkerHermes(MyEllipse head);
-    inline const MyEllipse& head() const
-    {
-        return mHead;
-    }
-    inline const QList<MyEllipse>& spots() const // reference to be faster
+    inline const MyEllipse &       head() const { return mHead; }
+    inline const QList<MyEllipse> &spots() const // reference to be faster
         return mSpots;
-    inline bool hasHead() const
-    {
-        return mHasHead;
-    }
+    inline bool hasHead() const { return mHasHead; }
-    bool isOverlappingHead(const MyEllipse& e) const;
-    bool isInsideHead(const Vec2F& p) const;
+    bool isOverlappingHead(const MyEllipse &e) const;
+    bool isInsideHead(const Vec2F &p) const;
     // returns spot number in spots list when inside, otherwise returns -1
-    int isOverlappingSpots(const MyEllipse& e) const;
-    int isInsideSpots(const Vec2F& p) const;
+    int isOverlappingSpots(const MyEllipse &e) const;
+    int isInsideSpots(const Vec2F &p) const;
     void modifyHead(const MyEllipse &head);
@@ -80,7 +74,7 @@ public:
 class MarkerHermesList : public QList<MarkerHermes>
-    bool mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse& e, bool blackInside);
+    bool mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse &e, bool blackInside);
     // organize every marker and delete marker without head
     void organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB);
diff --git a/include/markerJapan.h b/include/markerJapan.h
index 7518ca9a324830ea7b0df0e9dbf4bc893df1fe9a..945bfb3b477c2919636e8a224003580b68a4fb4c 100644
--- a/include/markerJapan.h
+++ b/include/markerJapan.h
@@ -21,67 +21,52 @@
-#include <QList>
-#include <QColor>
 #include "ellipse.h"
+#include <QColor>
+#include <QList>
 class TrackPoint;
 class MarkerJapan
-    MyEllipse mHead;
-    bool mHasHead;
-    Vec2F mQuadrangle[4];
-    bool mHasQuadrangle;
+    MyEllipse        mHead;
+    bool             mHasHead;
+    Vec2F            mQuadrangle[4];
+    bool             mHasQuadrangle;
     QList<MyEllipse> mSpots;
-    QList<int> mSpotCount;
-    QColor mCol;
-    int mCenterIndex; // index in mSpots list from cross marker
-    int mColorIndex; // index in mSpots list from color marker
-    int mOtherIndex; // index in mSpots list from round marker
+    QList<int>       mSpotCount;
+    QColor           mCol;
+    int              mCenterIndex; // index in mSpots list from cross marker
+    int              mColorIndex;  // index in mSpots list from color marker
+    int              mOtherIndex;  // index in mSpots list from round marker
     MarkerJapan(MyEllipse head);
-    inline const MyEllipse& head() const
-    {
-        return mHead;
-    }
-    inline const Vec2F* quadrangle() const
-    {
-        return mQuadrangle;
-    }
-    inline const QList<MyEllipse>& spots() const // reference to be faster
+    inline const MyEllipse &       head() const { return mHead; }
+    inline const Vec2F *           quadrangle() const { return mQuadrangle; }
+    inline const QList<MyEllipse> &spots() const // reference to be faster
         return mSpots;
-    inline const QColor& color() const
-    {
-        return mCol;
-    }
+    inline const QColor &color() const { return mCol; }
     inline bool hasSpots() const
         return mSpots.size() > 1; // mindestens 2 spots werden benoetigt, damit ein gueltiger Marker!
-    inline bool hasHead() const
-    {
-        return mHasHead;
-    }
-    inline bool hasQuadrangle() const
-    {
-        return mHasQuadrangle;
-    }
+    inline bool hasHead() const { return mHasHead; }
+    inline bool hasQuadrangle() const { return mHasQuadrangle; }
-    bool isOverlappingHead(const MyEllipse& e) const;
-    bool isInsideHead(const Vec2F& p) const;
+    bool isOverlappingHead(const MyEllipse &e) const;
+    bool isInsideHead(const Vec2F &p) const;
     // returns spot number in spots list when inside, otherwise returns -1
-    int isOverlappingSpots(const MyEllipse& e) const;
-    int isInsideSpots(const Vec2F& p) const;
+    int isOverlappingSpots(const MyEllipse &e) const;
+    int isInsideSpots(const Vec2F &p) const;
     void modifyHead(const MyEllipse &head, float headSize);
@@ -93,32 +78,27 @@ public:
     void organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB);
-    Vec2F getCenter() const;
+    Vec2F     getCenter() const;
     MyEllipse getCenterSpot() const;
     MyEllipse getColorSpot() const;
     void draw(cv::Mat &img) const;
 class MarkerJapanList : public QList<MarkerJapan>
     float mHeadSize;
-    MarkerJapanList(float headSize)
-        : mHeadSize(headSize)
-    {
-    }
-    bool mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse& e, bool blackInside);
+    MarkerJapanList(float headSize) : mHeadSize(headSize) {}
+    bool mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse &e, bool blackInside);
     bool mayAddQuadrangle(const Vec2F v[4]);
     // organize every marker and delete marker without head
     void organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB);
-    //draw ... Qt
     void draw(cv::Mat &img) const;
     void toCrossList(QList<TrackPoint> *crossList, bool ignoreWithoutMarker) const;
diff --git a/include/moCapController.h b/include/moCapController.h
index e9a83d1712024a56782ec4f0d60029febf2975a0..356e514c3c653df477eed86211c72a77e4c4b822 100644
--- a/include/moCapController.h
+++ b/include/moCapController.h
@@ -20,27 +20,27 @@
-#include <QObject>
+#include "extrCalibration.h"
+#include "moCapPersonMetadata.h"
 #include <QColor>
 #include <QLine>
+#include <QObject>
 #include <vector>
-#include "extrCalibration.h"
-#include "moCapPersonMetadata.h"
 struct SkeletonLine;
 class QDomElement;
 struct SegmentRenderData
-    QLine mLine;
+    QLine  mLine;
     QColor mColor;
-    int mThickness;
-    bool mDirected;
+    int    mThickness;
+    bool   mDirected;
-bool operator==(const SegmentRenderData& lhs, const SegmentRenderData& rhs);
+bool operator==(const SegmentRenderData &lhs, const SegmentRenderData &rhs);
  * @brief The MoCapController class controls the visualisation of MoCap data.
@@ -53,17 +53,21 @@ class MoCapController : public QObject
-    MoCapController(MoCapStorage& storage, ExtrCalibration& extrCalib): mStorage(storage), mExtrCalib(extrCalib) {};
+    MoCapController(MoCapStorage &storage, ExtrCalibration &extrCalib) : mStorage(storage), mExtrCalib(extrCalib){};
-    void transformPersonSkeleton(const MoCapPerson& person, double framerate, int currentFrame, std::vector<SegmentRenderData>& renderData) const;
-    std::vector<SegmentRenderData> getRenderData(int currentFrame, double framerate) const;
-    bool getShowMoCap() const { return mShowMoCap; };
-    void setShowMoCap(bool visibility);
-    void setColor(const QColor &color);
-    void setThickness(int thickness);
-    void notifyAllObserver();
+    void transformPersonSkeleton(
+        const MoCapPerson &             person,
+        double                          framerate,
+        int                             currentFrame,
+        std::vector<SegmentRenderData> &renderData) const;
+    std::vector<SegmentRenderData>   getRenderData(int currentFrame, double framerate) const;
+    bool                             getShowMoCap() const { return mShowMoCap; };
+    void                             setShowMoCap(bool visibility);
+    void                             setColor(const QColor &color);
+    void                             setThickness(int thickness);
+    void                             notifyAllObserver();
     std::vector<MoCapPersonMetadata> getAllMoCapPersonMetadata() const;
-    void readMoCapFiles(const std::vector<MoCapPersonMetadata> &newMetadata);
+    void                             readMoCapFiles(const std::vector<MoCapPersonMetadata> &newMetadata);
     void setXml(QDomElement &elem);
     void getXml(const QDomElement &elem);
@@ -74,14 +78,15 @@ signals:
     void thicknessChanged(int thickness);
-    static std::vector<SkeletonLine> interpolate(const std::vector<SkeletonLine>& prePairs, const std::vector<SkeletonLine>& postPairs, double weight);
+    static std::vector<SkeletonLine>
+    interpolate(const std::vector<SkeletonLine> &prePairs, const std::vector<SkeletonLine> &postPairs, double weight);
-    MoCapStorage& mStorage;
-    bool mShowMoCap = false;
-    QColor mColor = QColor(255, 255, 55);
-    int mThickness = 2;
-    ExtrCalibration& mExtrCalib;
+    MoCapStorage &   mStorage;
+    bool             mShowMoCap = false;
+    QColor           mColor     = QColor(255, 255, 55);
+    int              mThickness = 2;
+    ExtrCalibration &mExtrCalib;
diff --git a/include/moCapItem.h b/include/moCapItem.h
index 9947ef26f1a08f2a6379a7fe07bb6aeed514d261..151a16db45ad870123af52c9c6201c5fdb66e79f 100644
--- a/include/moCapItem.h
+++ b/include/moCapItem.h
@@ -38,15 +38,20 @@ struct SegmentRenderData;
 class MoCapItem : public QGraphicsItem
-    MoCapItem(QWidget &wParent, Animation &animation, MoCapController &moCapController, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr);
+    MoCapItem(
+        QWidget &        wParent,
+        Animation &      animation,
+        MoCapController &moCapController,
+        QGraphicsItem *  parent = nullptr);
     QRectF boundingRect() const override;
-    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) override;
+    void   paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) override;
-    Petrack &mMainWindow;
-    Animation &mAnimation;
+    Petrack &        mMainWindow;
+    Animation &      mAnimation;
     MoCapController &mController;
-    static void drawLine(QPainter *painter, SegmentRenderData &renderData) ;
-    static void drawArrowHead(QPainter *painter, SegmentRenderData &renderData) ;
+    static void      drawLine(QPainter *painter, SegmentRenderData &renderData);
+    static void      drawArrowHead(QPainter *painter, SegmentRenderData &renderData);
 #endif // MOCAPITEM_H
diff --git a/include/moCapPerson.h b/include/moCapPerson.h
index 4f7406cd20ed58e1c78de7473911076f8862f839..0158743e2e688158a2e463e1a330d7b708f47126 100644
--- a/include/moCapPerson.h
+++ b/include/moCapPerson.h
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
-#include <vector>
-#include "skeletonTree.h"
 #include "moCapPersonMetadata.h"
+#include "skeletonTree.h"
+#include <vector>
 class QDomElement;
@@ -39,20 +39,16 @@ class QDomElement;
 class MoCapPerson
-    double getSampleIndex(double time) const;
-    inline bool hasSample(size_t index) const{
-        return index < mSkeletons.size();
-    };
-    inline const SkeletonTree& getSample(size_t sample) const{
-        return mSkeletons.at(sample);
-    }
+    double                     getSampleIndex(double time) const;
+    inline bool                hasSample(size_t index) const { return index < mSkeletons.size(); };
+    inline const SkeletonTree &getSample(size_t sample) const { return mSkeletons.at(sample); }
-    void setSamplerate(double samplerate);
-    void setTimeOffset(double timeOffset);
-    void setMetadata(const MoCapPersonMetadata& metadata);
-    void addSkeleton(const SkeletonTree& skeleton);
-    const SkeletonTree& getSkeleton(size_t samples) const;
-    const std::string& getFilename() const;
+    void                       setSamplerate(double samplerate);
+    void                       setTimeOffset(double timeOffset);
+    void                       setMetadata(const MoCapPersonMetadata &metadata);
+    void                       addSkeleton(const SkeletonTree &skeleton);
+    const SkeletonTree &       getSkeleton(size_t samples) const;
+    const std::string &        getFilename() const;
     const MoCapPersonMetadata &getMetadata() const;
@@ -60,22 +56,19 @@ public:
     std::vector<SkeletonTree> mSkeletons;
-    MoCapPersonMetadata mMetadata;
+    MoCapPersonMetadata       mMetadata;
 class MoCapStorage
     std::vector<MoCapPerson> mPersons;
-    void addPerson(const MoCapPerson &person);
-    void addPerson(MoCapPerson&& person);
-    std::vector<MoCapPerson>& getPersons(){
-        return mPersons;
-    }
-    const std::vector<MoCapPerson>& getPersons() const{
-        return mPersons;
-    }
+    void                            addPerson(const MoCapPerson &person);
+    void                            addPerson(MoCapPerson &&person);
+    std::vector<MoCapPerson> &      getPersons() { return mPersons; }
+    const std::vector<MoCapPerson> &getPersons() const { return mPersons; }
 #endif // MOCAPPERSON_H
diff --git a/include/moCapPersonMetadata.h b/include/moCapPersonMetadata.h
index e09c581bf7913de048fb948b0c9f8b09ce9ecfd4..0f49230ad4b0dea28b840bf8ed26e2f409511078 100644
--- a/include/moCapPersonMetadata.h
+++ b/include/moCapPersonMetadata.h
@@ -22,12 +22,14 @@
 #include "IO.h"
-enum MoCapSystem{
+enum MoCapSystem
     XSensC3D = 0,
     END ///< Used for checks before casting an int to MoCapSystem, must always stay at the end!
 /** This map maps different MoCapSystems to an appropriate file extension. It is used for validating a given filepath.
-     * in the OpenMoCapDialog and MoCapPersonMetadata and should be expanded with every new MoCapSystem.*/
+ * in the OpenMoCapDialog and MoCapPersonMetadata and should be expanded with every new MoCapSystem.*/
 const std::map<MoCapSystem, std::string> moCapFileExtensions = {{MoCapSystem::XSensC3D, "c3d"}};
@@ -38,30 +40,31 @@ const std::map<MoCapSystem, std::string> moCapFileExtensions = {{MoCapSystem::XS
  * MoCap-Recording. This class identifies a single recording and
  * includes all data needed by PeTrack to (re)load a MoCap-Recording.
-class MoCapPersonMetadata{
+class MoCapPersonMetadata
-    MoCapPersonMetadata() = default;
-    MoCapPersonMetadata(const MoCapPersonMetadata&) = default;
-    MoCapPersonMetadata(MoCapPersonMetadata&&) = default;
-    MoCapPersonMetadata& operator=(const MoCapPersonMetadata&) = default;
-    MoCapPersonMetadata& operator=(MoCapPersonMetadata&&) = default;
-    ~MoCapPersonMetadata() = default;
+    MoCapPersonMetadata()                            = default;
+    MoCapPersonMetadata(const MoCapPersonMetadata &) = default;
+    MoCapPersonMetadata(MoCapPersonMetadata &&)      = default;
+    MoCapPersonMetadata &operator=(const MoCapPersonMetadata &) = default;
+    MoCapPersonMetadata &operator=(MoCapPersonMetadata &&) = default;
+    ~MoCapPersonMetadata()                                 = default;
     MoCapPersonMetadata(std::string filepath, MoCapSystem system, double samplerate, double offset);
-    void setFilepath(const std::string &filepath, MoCapSystem system);
-    void setSamplerate(double samplerate);
-    void setOffset(double offset);
-    void setMetadata(const std::string &filepath, MoCapSystem, double samplerate, double offset);
-    MoCapSystem getSystem() const;
-    double getSamplerate() const;
-    double getOffset() const;
+    void               setFilepath(const std::string &filepath, MoCapSystem system);
+    void               setSamplerate(double samplerate);
+    void               setOffset(double offset);
+    void               setMetadata(const std::string &filepath, MoCapSystem, double samplerate, double offset);
+    MoCapSystem        getSystem() const;
+    double             getSamplerate() const;
+    double             getOffset() const;
     const std::string &getFilepath() const;
-    std::string mFilepath = "";
-    MoCapSystem mSystem = XSensC3D;
-    double mSamplerate = 60;
-    double mOffset = 0; ///< time offset from MoCap to video in seconds
+    std::string mFilepath   = "";
+    MoCapSystem mSystem     = XSensC3D;
+    double      mSamplerate = 60;
+    double      mOffset     = 0; ///< time offset from MoCap to video in seconds
 bool operator==(const MoCapPersonMetadata &lhs, const MoCapPersonMetadata &rhs);
diff --git a/include/moCapSelectionWidget.h b/include/moCapSelectionWidget.h
index 837af10a038f7d946736816779a67643f8517e58..2bb92cde5868f5fc7afa93d7a2ee150eb05eda58 100644
--- a/include/moCapSelectionWidget.h
+++ b/include/moCapSelectionWidget.h
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
-#include <QWidget>
 #include "moCapPersonMetadata.h"
-namespace Ui {
-    class MoCapSelectionWidget;
+#include <QWidget>
+namespace Ui
+class MoCapSelectionWidget;
 class OpenMoCapDialog;
 class MoCapSelectionWidget : public QWidget
@@ -15,24 +17,26 @@ class MoCapSelectionWidget : public QWidget
-    explicit MoCapSelectionWidget(QWidget *parent, const QMap<QString, MoCapSystem>& moCapSystems);
-    explicit MoCapSelectionWidget(QWidget *parent, const QMap<QString, MoCapSystem>& moCapSystems, const MoCapPersonMetadata& metadata);
-    MoCapSelectionWidget(const MoCapSelectionWidget&) = delete;
-    MoCapSelectionWidget(MoCapSelectionWidget&&) = delete;
-    MoCapSelectionWidget& operator=(const MoCapSelectionWidget&) = delete;
-    MoCapSelectionWidget& operator=(MoCapSelectionWidget&&) = delete;
+    explicit MoCapSelectionWidget(QWidget *parent, const QMap<QString, MoCapSystem> &moCapSystems);
+    explicit MoCapSelectionWidget(
+        QWidget *                         parent,
+        const QMap<QString, MoCapSystem> &moCapSystems,
+        const MoCapPersonMetadata &       metadata);
+    MoCapSelectionWidget(const MoCapSelectionWidget &) = delete;
+    MoCapSelectionWidget(MoCapSelectionWidget &&)      = delete;
+    MoCapSelectionWidget &operator=(const MoCapSelectionWidget &) = delete;
+    MoCapSelectionWidget &operator=(MoCapSelectionWidget &&) = delete;
     ~MoCapSelectionWidget() override;
-    void setFileName();
+    void                setFileName();
     MoCapPersonMetadata getMetadata() const;
     bool isFilledOut() const;
-    Ui::MoCapSelectionWidget *mUi;
-    const QMap<QString, MoCapSystem>& mMoCapSystems;
-    bool mFilledOut = false;
+    Ui::MoCapSelectionWidget *        mUi;
+    const QMap<QString, MoCapSystem> &mMoCapSystems;
+    bool                              mFilledOut = false;
diff --git a/include/multiColorMarkerItem.h b/include/multiColorMarkerItem.h
index 31055aad3d25aa28cc688aa4d8cc31607e469df7..e0655d68176f60e7a7f191b6c2fd5fb78b370cca 100644
--- a/include/multiColorMarkerItem.h
+++ b/include/multiColorMarkerItem.h
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
-#include <QGraphicsItem>
 #include "vector.h"
+#include <QGraphicsItem>
 class Petrack;
 class Control;
 class Tracker;
@@ -33,20 +33,17 @@ class MultiColorMarkerItem : public QGraphicsItem
     Petrack *mMainWindow;
-    QImage *mImage;
-    cv::Mat mMask;
-    Vec2F mUlc;  // upper left corner to draw
+    QImage * mImage;
+    cv::Mat  mMask;
+    Vec2F    mUlc; // upper left corner to draw
-    MultiColorMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent = nullptr);
-    QRectF boundingRect() const;
-    void setRect(Vec2F& v);
-    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
-    cv::Mat getMask()
-    {
-        return mMask;
-    }
-    void setMask(cv::Mat &mask);
+    MultiColorMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr);
+    QRectF  boundingRect() const;
+    void    setRect(Vec2F &v);
+    void    paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
+    cv::Mat getMask() { return mMask; }
+    void    setMask(cv::Mat &mask);
     cv::Mat createMask(int w, int h);
diff --git a/include/multiColorMarkerWidget.h b/include/multiColorMarkerWidget.h
index d9506eb64b9fea82d71e3afbe692d9c264173262..d5383bf48010165a12c2bf711cca986674bfe174 100644
--- a/include/multiColorMarkerWidget.h
+++ b/include/multiColorMarkerWidget.h
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@
-#include <QtWidgets>
-#include "ui_multiColorMarker.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
-#include "multiColorMarkerItem.h"
 #include "codeMarkerWidget.h"
-#include "imageItem.h"
 #include "control.h"
+#include "imageItem.h"
+#include "multiColorMarkerItem.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
+#include "ui_multiColorMarker.h"
-class MultiColorMarkerWidget: public QWidget, public Ui::MultiColorMarker
+#include <QtWidgets>
+class MultiColorMarkerWidget : public QWidget, public Ui::MultiColorMarker
@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ private slots:
     void on_useDot_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
     void on_dotSize_valueChanged(double /*d*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
     void on_useCodeMarker_stateChanged(int /* i */)
@@ -60,33 +60,30 @@ private slots:
-    void on_CodeMarkerParameter_clicked()
-    {
-        mMainWindow->getCodeMarkerWidget()->show();
-    }
+    void on_CodeMarkerParameter_clicked() { mMainWindow->getCodeMarkerWidget()->show(); }
     void on_ignoreWithoutDot_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
     void on_useColor_stateChanged(int /*i*/) // eigentlich nichts noetig, da nur beim Tracing aktiv
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
     void on_restrictPosition_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
     void on_autoCorrect_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
     void on_autoCorrectOnlyExport_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
@@ -96,71 +93,70 @@ private slots:
-    void on_maskMask_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-    {
-        mMainWindow->getScene()->update();
-    }
-    void on_opacity_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-    {
-        mMainWindow->getScene()->update();
-    }
+    void on_maskMask_stateChanged(int /*i*/) { mMainWindow->getScene()->update(); }
+    void on_opacity_valueChanged(int /*i*/) { mMainWindow->getScene()->update(); }
     // functions which force a new recognition
     void on_useOpen_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
     void on_useClose_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
     void on_closeRadius_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
     void on_openRadius_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
     void on_minArea_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
     void on_maxArea_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
     void on_useHeadSize_stateChanged(int i)
-        if (i)
+        if(i)
-            if (mMainWindow->getImageItem() && mMainWindow->getImage() && mMainWindow->getControlWidget())
+            if(mMainWindow->getImageItem() && mMainWindow->getImage() && mMainWindow->getControlWidget())
-                QPointF cmPerPixel1 = mMainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(0, 0, mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->mapDefaultHeight->value());
-                QPointF cmPerPixel2 = mMainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(mMainWindow->getImage()->width()-1, mMainWindow->getImage()->height()-1, mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->mapDefaultHeight->value());
-                double cmPerPixelAvg = (cmPerPixel1.x()+cmPerPixel1.y()+cmPerPixel2.x()+cmPerPixel2.y())/4.;
-                if (cmPerPixelAvg > 0)
+                QPointF cmPerPixel1 = mMainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(
+                    0, 0, mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->mapDefaultHeight->value());
+                QPointF cmPerPixel2 = mMainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(
+                    mMainWindow->getImage()->width() - 1,
+                    mMainWindow->getImage()->height() - 1,
+                    mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->mapDefaultHeight->value());
+                double cmPerPixelAvg = (cmPerPixel1.x() + cmPerPixel1.y() + cmPerPixel2.x() + cmPerPixel2.y()) / 4.;
+                if(cmPerPixelAvg > 0)
-                    double area = PI*0.25 * HEAD_SIZE/cmPerPixelAvg * 14./cmPerPixelAvg; // 14. Kopfbreite // Elipse: A=Pi*a*b (a,b Halbachsen)
+                    double area = PI * 0.25 * HEAD_SIZE / cmPerPixelAvg * 14. /
+                                  cmPerPixelAvg; // 14. Kopfbreite // Elipse: A=Pi*a*b (a,b Halbachsen)
                     mOldMinArea = minArea->value();
                     mOldMaxArea = maxArea->value();
-                    minArea->setValue(area*0.75);
-                    maxArea->setValue(area*2.5);
+                    minArea->setValue(area * 0.75);
+                    maxArea->setValue(area * 2.5);
@@ -174,14 +170,14 @@ private slots:
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
     void on_maxRatio_valueChanged(double /*d*/)
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
diff --git a/include/openMoCapDialog.h b/include/openMoCapDialog.h
index 707d4157450764440a7e38a821baf47fb4f2a082..ca47ae3a24c802fac63d2fc7f094f6422228c262 100644
--- a/include/openMoCapDialog.h
+++ b/include/openMoCapDialog.h
@@ -20,15 +20,16 @@
-#include <QDialog>
-#include <QMap>
 #include "IO.h"
 #include "moCapController.h"
 #include "moCapPersonMetadata.h"
-namespace Ui {
-    class OpenMoCapDialog;
+#include <QDialog>
+#include <QMap>
+namespace Ui
+class OpenMoCapDialog;
@@ -45,11 +46,11 @@ class OpenMoCapDialog : public QDialog
     explicit OpenMoCapDialog(QWidget *parent, MoCapController &controller);
-    OpenMoCapDialog() = delete;
-    OpenMoCapDialog(const OpenMoCapDialog&) = delete;
-    OpenMoCapDialog(OpenMoCapDialog&&) = delete;
-    OpenMoCapDialog& operator=(const OpenMoCapDialog&) = delete;
-    OpenMoCapDialog& operator=(OpenMoCapDialog&&) = delete;
+    OpenMoCapDialog()                        = delete;
+    OpenMoCapDialog(const OpenMoCapDialog &) = delete;
+    OpenMoCapDialog(OpenMoCapDialog &&)      = delete;
+    OpenMoCapDialog &operator=(const OpenMoCapDialog &) = delete;
+    OpenMoCapDialog &operator=(OpenMoCapDialog &&) = delete;
     ~OpenMoCapDialog() override;
     void clickedOk();
@@ -58,10 +59,10 @@ private slots:
     void on_btnAddSelection_clicked();
-    Ui::OpenMoCapDialog *mUi;
+    Ui::OpenMoCapDialog *      mUi;
     QMap<QString, MoCapSystem> mMoCapSystems;
-    MoCapController &mController;
-    QWidget *mParent;
+    MoCapController &          mController;
+    QWidget *                  mParent;
diff --git a/include/pMessageBox.h b/include/pMessageBox.h
index 3d4e0f738e977e9afd8056ca70303535f7a320ef..1fab7b6b5d15600fdbecc599b5c0386b587f585c 100644
--- a/include/pMessageBox.h
+++ b/include/pMessageBox.h
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ class QLabel;
 // need to define these macros to get the file/line/function of caller
 // Should be replaced with std::source_location once C++20 is used
 #define PInformation(...) PMessageBox::information(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define PWarning(...) PMessageBox::warning(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define PCritical(...) PMessageBox::critical(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define PQuestion(...) PMessageBox::question(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PWarning(...)     PMessageBox::warning(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PCritical(...)    PMessageBox::critical(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define PQuestion(...)    PMessageBox::question(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
@@ -46,15 +46,54 @@ class PMessageBox final : public QDialog
-    using StandardButton = QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton;
+    using StandardButton  = QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton;
     using StandardButtons = QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons;
-    PMessageBox(QWidget *parent, const QString& title, const QString& msg, const QIcon& icon, const QString& informativeText = QString(), StandardButtons buttons = StandardButton::Ok, StandardButton defaultButton = StandardButton::NoButton);
+    PMessageBox(
+        QWidget *       parent,
+        const QString & title,
+        const QString & msg,
+        const QIcon &   icon,
+        const QString & informativeText = QString(),
+        StandardButtons buttons         = StandardButton::Ok,
+        StandardButton  defaultButton   = StandardButton::NoButton);
-    static int information(const char*file, const char*func, int line, QWidget *parent, const QString& title, const QString& text, StandardButtons buttons = StandardButton::Ok, StandardButton defaultButton = StandardButton::NoButton);
-    static int warning(const char*file, const char*func, int line, QWidget *parent, const QString& title, const QString& text, StandardButtons buttons = StandardButton::Ok, StandardButton defaultButton = StandardButton::NoButton);
-    static int critical(const char*file, const char*func, int line, QWidget *parent, const QString& title, const QString& text, StandardButtons buttons = StandardButton::Ok, StandardButton defaultButton = StandardButton::NoButton);
-    [[nodiscard]] static int question(const char*file, const char*func, int line, QWidget *parent, const QString& title, const QString& text, StandardButtons buttons = (StandardButton::Yes | StandardButton::No), StandardButton defaultButton = StandardButton::NoButton);
+    static int information(
+        const char *    file,
+        const char *    func,
+        int             line,
+        QWidget *       parent,
+        const QString & title,
+        const QString & text,
+        StandardButtons buttons       = StandardButton::Ok,
+        StandardButton  defaultButton = StandardButton::NoButton);
+    static int warning(
+        const char *    file,
+        const char *    func,
+        int             line,
+        QWidget *       parent,
+        const QString & title,
+        const QString & text,
+        StandardButtons buttons       = StandardButton::Ok,
+        StandardButton  defaultButton = StandardButton::NoButton);
+    static int critical(
+        const char *    file,
+        const char *    func,
+        int             line,
+        QWidget *       parent,
+        const QString & title,
+        const QString & text,
+        StandardButtons buttons       = StandardButton::Ok,
+        StandardButton  defaultButton = StandardButton::NoButton);
+    [[nodiscard]] static int question(
+        const char *    file,
+        const char *    func,
+        int             line,
+        QWidget *       parent,
+        const QString & title,
+        const QString & text,
+        StandardButtons buttons       = (StandardButton::Yes | StandardButton::No),
+        StandardButton  defaultButton = StandardButton::NoButton);
     static void setMinimumWidth(QLabel *textLabel);
diff --git a/include/person.h b/include/person.h
index 30c5c81d908a94aa3a2b134134011a9d5a561c8f..3371b52e73f772df4643f1711e882cebb58c7bc3 100644
--- a/include/person.h
+++ b/include/person.h
@@ -21,73 +21,62 @@
 #ifndef PERSON_H
 #define PERSON_H
-#include <QList>
+#include "backgroundFilter.h"
 #include "ellipse.h"
 #include "stereoContext.h"
-#include "backgroundFilter.h"
 #include "tracker.h"
-inline constexpr int STEP_SIZE = 5; //10 // Hoehenschritte der Isolinien in cm
+#include <QList>
+inline constexpr int STEP_SIZE             = 5;  // 10 // Hoehenschritte der Isolinien in cm
 inline constexpr int DISP_GAP_SIZE_TO_FILL = 15; // 15 pixel innerhalb einer Zeile werden linear in disp interpoliert
-class Person: public QList<MyEllipse> // List is approximated isoline
+class Person : public QList<MyEllipse> // List is approximated isoline
     float mDistTopEllipse; // entfernung zur camera; Schrittweite ist STEP_SIZE zu entnehmen
-    bool mActLevel; // zeigt an, ob fuer aktuellen Level eine Ellipse gefunden wurde
+    bool  mActLevel;       // zeigt an, ob fuer aktuellen Level eine Ellipse gefunden wurde
-    Person(const MyEllipse &e)
-        : mDistTopEllipse(FLT_MAX), mActLevel(false)
-    {
-        append(e);
-    }
-    Person(const MyEllipse &e, float d)
-        : mDistTopEllipse(d), mActLevel(false)
-    {
-        append(e);
-    }
-    inline void setActLevel(bool b)
-    {
-        mActLevel = b;
-    }
-    inline bool getActLevel() const
-    {
-        return mActLevel;
-    }
-    inline void setDistTopEllipse(float h)
-    {
-        mDistTopEllipse = h;
-    }
-    inline float getDistTopEllipse() const
-    {
-        return mDistTopEllipse;
-    }
+    Person(const MyEllipse &e) : mDistTopEllipse(FLT_MAX), mActLevel(false) { append(e); }
+    Person(const MyEllipse &e, float d) : mDistTopEllipse(d), mActLevel(false) { append(e); }
+    inline void      setActLevel(bool b) { mActLevel = b; }
+    inline bool      getActLevel() const { return mActLevel; }
+    inline void      setDistTopEllipse(float h) { mDistTopEllipse = h; }
+    inline float     getDistTopEllipse() const { return mDistTopEllipse; }
     const MyEllipse *getHeadEllipse() const // muss pointer sein, da sonst nullptr nicht moeglich
-        if (size() > (10/STEP_SIZE)) // war 1 //
-            return &at(10/STEP_SIZE);
+        if(size() > (10 / STEP_SIZE)) // war 1 //
+            return &at(10 / STEP_SIZE);
         return nullptr;
-class PersonList: public QList<Person>
+class PersonList : public QList<Person>
     pet::StereoContext *mSc;
-    void searchEllipses(pet::StereoContext *sc, QRect &roi, BackgroundFilter* bgFilter);
+    void searchEllipses(pet::StereoContext *sc, QRect &roi, BackgroundFilter *bgFilter);
     // el liste aller ellipsen eines thresholds der hoehe
     // der thrershold durchlaeuft hoehenfeld von kopf bis fuss
-    void insertEllipses(const QList<MyEllipse> &el, float distFromCam); // nicht mehr: el wird angepasst, so dass nur noch eingefuegte ellipsen drin
+    void insertEllipses(
+        const QList<MyEllipse> &el,
+        float distFromCam); // nicht mehr: el wird angepasst, so dass nur noch eingefuegte ellipsen drin
     void optimize();
     // bestimmt kopfposition in markerlosen Ueberkopfaufnahmen aus Hoehenbild
-    void calcPersonPos(const cv::Mat &img, QRect &roi, QList<TrackPoint> &persList, pet::StereoContext *sc, BackgroundFilter *bgFilter, bool markerLess=true);
+    void calcPersonPos(
+        const cv::Mat &     img,
+        QRect &             roi,
+        QList<TrackPoint> & persList,
+        pet::StereoContext *sc,
+        BackgroundFilter *  bgFilter,
+        bool                markerLess = true);
diff --git a/include/petrack.h b/include/petrack.h
index 4344bb1b36f399cc6af38b0d8651f05fbdc40345..0e9f6bf907ed51611b33ac429d3c655f07352982 100644
--- a/include/petrack.h
+++ b/include/petrack.h
@@ -21,28 +21,26 @@
 #ifndef PETRACK_H
 #define PETRACK_H
-#include <QMainWindow>
 #include <QDomDocument>
 #include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QMainWindow>
 #include <QMouseEvent>
 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 #ifdef STEREO
-#include "stereoContext.h"
 #include "calibStereoFilter.h"
+#include "stereoContext.h"
-#include "brightContrastFilter.h"
-#include "borderFilter.h"
-#include "swapFilter.h"
-#include "backgroundFilter.h"
 #include "autoCalib.h"
+#include "backgroundFilter.h"
+#include "borderFilter.h"
+#include "brightContrastFilter.h"
 #include "coordItem.h"
 #include "extrCalibration.h"
-#include "moCapPerson.h"
 #include "moCapController.h"
+#include "moCapPerson.h"
 #include "recognition.h"
+#include "swapFilter.h"
 class CalibFilter;
 class Animation;
@@ -51,7 +49,12 @@ class RecognitionRoiItem;
 class GridItem;
-enum Camera {cameraLeft, cameraRight, cameraUnset};
+enum Camera
+    cameraLeft,
+    cameraRight,
+    cameraUnset
 // durchschnittliche Kopflaenge in cm (Kopf 21x14)
@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ public slots:
     void saveXml(QDomDocument &doc);
     bool saveSameProject();
     bool saveProject(QString fileName = "");
-    void writeXmlElement(QXmlStreamWriter& xmlStream, QDomElement element);
+    void writeXmlElement(QXmlStreamWriter &xmlStream, QDomElement element);
     void openSequence(QString fileName = "");
     void openCameraLiveStream(int camID = -1);
     void openMoCapFile();
@@ -139,9 +142,9 @@ public slots:
     void saveView(QString dest = "");
     void saveImage(QString dest = "");
     void setStatusPosReal();
-    void addManualTrackPointOnlyVisible(const QPointF& pos);
+    void addManualTrackPointOnlyVisible(const QPointF &pos);
     void splitTrackPerson(QPointF pos);
-    int  addOrMoveManualTrackPoint(const QPointF& pos);
+    int  addOrMoveManualTrackPoint(const QPointF &pos);
     void editTrackPersonComment(QPointF pos);
     void setTrackPersonHeight(QPointF pos);
     void resetTrackPersonHeight(QPointF pos);
@@ -149,292 +152,135 @@ public slots:
     void deleteTrackPointAll(int direction);
     void deleteTrackPointROI();
     void deleteTrackPointInsideROI();
-//    void showContextMenu(QPointF pos);
+    //    void showContextMenu(QPointF pos);
     void updateSourceInOutFrames();
     void skipToFrameWheel(int delta);
-    void updateControlWidget();
-    void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event);
-    void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event);
-    void updateSceneRect();
-    double getStatusPosRealHeight();
-    void setStatusStereo(float x, float y, float z);
-    void setStatusTime();
-    void setStatusFPS();
-    void setShowFPS(double fps);
-    void updateShowFPS(bool skipped = false);
-    void setStatusPosReal(const QPointF &pos);
-    void setStatusPos(const QPoint &pos);
-    void setStatusColor(const QRgb &col);
-    void setStatusColor();
-    void setMousePosOnImage(QPointF pos);
-    void updateControlImage(cv::Mat &img);
-    int calculateRealTracker();
-    void exportTracker(QString dest = "");
-    void importTracker(QString dest = "");
-    void testTracker();
-    void trackAll();
-    void playAll();
-    int winSize(QPointF *pos=nullptr, int pers=-1, int frame=-1, int level=-1);
-    void updateImage(bool imageChanged = false);
-    void updateImage(const cv::Mat &img);
-    void updateSequence();
+    void      updateControlWidget();
+    void      dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event);
+    void      dropEvent(QDropEvent *event);
+    void      updateSceneRect();
+    double    getStatusPosRealHeight();
+    void      setStatusStereo(float x, float y, float z);
+    void      setStatusTime();
+    void      setStatusFPS();
+    void      setShowFPS(double fps);
+    void      updateShowFPS(bool skipped = false);
+    void      setStatusPosReal(const QPointF &pos);
+    void      setStatusPos(const QPoint &pos);
+    void      setStatusColor(const QRgb &col);
+    void      setStatusColor();
+    void      setMousePosOnImage(QPointF pos);
+    void      updateControlImage(cv::Mat &img);
+    int       calculateRealTracker();
+    void      exportTracker(QString dest = "");
+    void      importTracker(QString dest = "");
+    void      testTracker();
+    void      trackAll();
+    void      playAll();
+    int       winSize(QPointF *pos = nullptr, int pers = -1, int frame = -1, int level = -1);
+    void      updateImage(bool imageChanged = false);
+    void      updateImage(const cv::Mat &img);
+    void      updateSequence();
     QSet<int> getPedestrianUserSelection();
     QSet<int> getPedestriansToTrack();
-    double getCmPerPixel() const;
-    void setHeadSize(double hS=-1);
-    double getHeadSize(QPointF *pos=nullptr, int pers=-1, int frame=-1);
+    double    getCmPerPixel() const;
+    void      setHeadSize(double hS = -1);
+    double    getHeadSize(QPointF *pos = nullptr, int pers = -1, int frame = -1);
     // inline function
-    bool isLoading() const
-    {
-        return mLoading;
-    }
-    void setLoading(bool b)
-    {
-        mLoading = b;
-    }
+    bool isLoading() const { return mLoading; }
+    void setLoading(bool b) { mLoading = b; }
+    inline pet::StereoContext *getStereoContext() { return mStereoContext; }
+    inline QString             getProFileName() { return mProFileName; }
-    inline pet::StereoContext* getStereoContext()
-    {
-        return mStereoContext;
-    }
-    inline QString getProFileName()
-    {
-        return mProFileName;
-    }
-    inline void setProFileName(const QString& fileName)
+    inline void setProFileName(const QString &fileName)
         // NOTE: Use only the global variant in future?
         // global one in helper.h because it is needed to use getFileList and shouldn't depend on Petrack
-        proFileName = fileName;
+        proFileName  = fileName;
         mProFileName = fileName;
-    inline QString getTrackFileName()
-    {
-        return mTrcFileName;
-    }
-    inline void setTrackFileName(const QString &fn)
-    {
-        mTrcFileName = fn;
-    }
-    inline QString getHeightFileName()
-    {
-        return mHeightFileName;
-    }
-    inline void setHeightFileName(const QString &fn)
-    {
-        mHeightFileName = fn;
-    }
-    inline QString getMarkerIDFileName()
-    {
-        return mMarkerIDFileName;
-    }
-    inline void setMarkerIDFileName(const QString &fn)
-    {
-        mMarkerIDFileName = fn;
-    }
-    inline Control* getControlWidget()
-    {
-        return mControlWidget;
-    }
-    inline reco::Recognizer& getRecognizer()
-    {
-        return mReco;
-    }
-    inline StereoWidget* getStereoWidget()
-    {
-        return mStereoWidget;
-    }
-    inline ColorRangeWidget* getColorRangeWidget()
-    {
-        return mColorRangeWidget;
-    }
-    inline ColorMarkerWidget* getColorMarkerWidget()
-    {
-        return mColorMarkerWidget;
-    }
-    inline CodeMarkerWidget* getCodeMarkerWidget()
-    {
-        return mCodeMarkerWidget;
-    }
-    inline MultiColorMarkerWidget* getMultiColorMarkerWidget()
-    {
-        return mMultiColorMarkerWidget;
-    }
-    inline GraphicsView* getView()
-    {
-        return mView;
-    }
-    inline QGraphicsScene* getScene()
-    {
-        return mScene;
-    }
-    inline QImage* getImage()
-    {
-        return mImage;
-    }
-    inline cv::Mat getImg()
-    {
-        return mImg;
-    }
-    inline cv::Mat getImageFiltered()
-    {
-        return mImgFiltered;
-    }
-    inline Tracker* getTracker()
-    {
-        return mTracker;
-    }
-    inline TrackerReal* getTrackerReal()
-    {
-        return mTrackerReal;
-    }
-    inline ImageItem* getImageItem()
-    {
-        return mImageItem;
-    }
-    inline StereoItem* getStereoItem()
-    {
-        return mStereoItem;
-    }
-    inline ColorMarkerItem* getColorMarkerItem()
-    {
-        return mColorMarkerItem;
-    }
-    inline CodeMarkerItem* getCodeMarkerItem()
-    {
-        return mCodeMarkerItem;
-    }
-    inline MultiColorMarkerItem* getMultiColorMarkerItem()
-    {
-        return mMultiColorMarkerItem;
-    }
-    inline BackgroundItem* getBackgroundItem()
-    {
-        return mBackgroundItem;
-    }
-    inline MoCapItem* getMoCapItem()
-    {
-        return mMoCapItem;
-    }
-    inline RecognitionRoiItem* getRecoRoiItem()
-    {
-        return mRecognitionRoiItem;
-    }
-    inline TrackingRoiItem* getTrackRoiItem()
-    {
-        return mTrackingRoiItem;
-    }
-    inline TrackerItem* getTrackerItem()
-    {
-        return mTrackerItem;
-    }
-    inline Animation* getAnimation()
-    {
-        return mAnimation;
-    }
-    inline Player* getPlayer()
-    {
-        return mPlayerWidget;
-    }
+    inline QString getTrackFileName() { return mTrcFileName; }
+    inline void    setTrackFileName(const QString &fn) { mTrcFileName = fn; }
+    inline QString getHeightFileName() { return mHeightFileName; }
+    inline void    setHeightFileName(const QString &fn) { mHeightFileName = fn; }
+    inline QString getMarkerIDFileName() { return mMarkerIDFileName; }
+    inline void    setMarkerIDFileName(const QString &fn) { mMarkerIDFileName = fn; }
+    inline Control *               getControlWidget() { return mControlWidget; }
+    inline reco::Recognizer &      getRecognizer() { return mReco; }
+    inline StereoWidget *          getStereoWidget() { return mStereoWidget; }
+    inline ColorRangeWidget *      getColorRangeWidget() { return mColorRangeWidget; }
+    inline ColorMarkerWidget *     getColorMarkerWidget() { return mColorMarkerWidget; }
+    inline CodeMarkerWidget *      getCodeMarkerWidget() { return mCodeMarkerWidget; }
+    inline MultiColorMarkerWidget *getMultiColorMarkerWidget() { return mMultiColorMarkerWidget; }
+    inline GraphicsView *          getView() { return mView; }
+    inline QGraphicsScene *        getScene() { return mScene; }
+    inline QImage *                getImage() { return mImage; }
+    inline cv::Mat                 getImg() { return mImg; }
+    inline cv::Mat                 getImageFiltered() { return mImgFiltered; }
+    inline Tracker *               getTracker() { return mTracker; }
+    inline TrackerReal *           getTrackerReal() { return mTrackerReal; }
+    inline ImageItem *             getImageItem() { return mImageItem; }
+    inline StereoItem *            getStereoItem() { return mStereoItem; }
+    inline ColorMarkerItem *       getColorMarkerItem() { return mColorMarkerItem; }
+    inline CodeMarkerItem *        getCodeMarkerItem() { return mCodeMarkerItem; }
+    inline MultiColorMarkerItem *  getMultiColorMarkerItem() { return mMultiColorMarkerItem; }
+    inline BackgroundItem *        getBackgroundItem() { return mBackgroundItem; }
+    inline MoCapItem *             getMoCapItem() { return mMoCapItem; }
+    inline RecognitionRoiItem *    getRecoRoiItem() { return mRecognitionRoiItem; }
+    inline TrackingRoiItem *       getTrackRoiItem() { return mTrackingRoiItem; }
+    inline TrackerItem *getTrackerItem() { return mTrackerItem; }
+    inline Animation *  getAnimation() { return mAnimation; }
+    inline Player *     getPlayer() { return mPlayerWidget; }
     inline void updateCoord()
-        if (mCoordItem)
+        if(mCoordItem)
-    inline QPointF getMousePosOnImage()
-    {
-        return mMousePosOnImage;
-    }
+    inline QPointF getMousePosOnImage() { return mMousePosOnImage; }
-    inline void setRecognitionChanged(bool b)
-    {
-        mRecognitionChanged = b;
-    }
-    inline bool recognitionChanged() const
-    {
-        return mRecognitionChanged;
-    }
+    inline void setRecognitionChanged(bool b) { mRecognitionChanged = b; }
+    inline bool recognitionChanged() const { return mRecognitionChanged; }
-    inline void setTrackChanged(bool b)
-    {
-        mTrackChanged = b;
-    }
-    inline bool trackChanged() const
-    {
-        return mTrackChanged;
-    }
-    inline QAction* getHideControlActor()
-    {
-        return mHideControlsAct;
-    }
+    inline void     setTrackChanged(bool b) { mTrackChanged = b; }
+    inline bool     trackChanged() const { return mTrackChanged; }
+    inline QAction *getHideControlActor() { return mHideControlsAct; }
     // Attention: not type save, be care that animation is not stereo
-    inline CalibFilter* getCalibFilter()
-    {
-        return (CalibFilter*) mCalibFilter;
-    }
+    inline CalibFilter *getCalibFilter() { return (CalibFilter *) mCalibFilter; }
 #ifdef STEREO
     // Attention: not type save, be care that animation is stereo
-    inline CalibStereoFilter* getCalibStereoFilter()
-    {
-        return (CalibStereoFilter*) mCalibFilter;
-    }
+    inline CalibStereoFilter *getCalibStereoFilter() { return (CalibStereoFilter *) mCalibFilter; }
-    inline BrightContrastFilter* getBrightContrastFilter()
-    {
-        return &mBrightContrastFilter;
-    }
-    inline BorderFilter* getBorderFilter()
-    {
-        return &mBorderFilter;
-    }
-    inline SwapFilter* getSwapFilter()
-    {
-        return &mSwapFilter;
-    }
-    inline BackgroundFilter* getBackgroundFilter()
-    {
-        return &mBackgroundFilter;
-    }
+    inline BrightContrastFilter *getBrightContrastFilter() { return &mBrightContrastFilter; }
+    inline BorderFilter *        getBorderFilter() { return &mBorderFilter; }
+    inline SwapFilter *          getSwapFilter() { return &mSwapFilter; }
+    inline BackgroundFilter *    getBackgroundFilter() { return &mBackgroundFilter; }
     inline int getImageBorderSize()
-        if (getBorderFilter()->getEnabled())
+        if(getBorderFilter()->getEnabled())
             return (int) getBorderFilter()->getBorderSize()->getValue();
             return 0;
-    inline void setImageBorderSize(int sz)
-    {
-        getBorderFilter()->getBorderSize()->setValue(sz);
-    }
+    inline void setImageBorderSize(int sz) { getBorderFilter()->getBorderSize()->setValue(sz); }
-    inline AutoCalib* getAutoCalib()
-    {
-        return &mAutoCalib;
-    }
-    inline ExtrCalibration* getExtrCalibration()
-    {
-        return &mExtrCalibration;
-    }
-    inline double getStatusFPS() const
-    {
-        return mShowFPS;
-    }
-    inline MoCapController& getMoCapController()
-    {
-        return mMoCapController;
-    }
+    inline AutoCalib *      getAutoCalib() { return &mAutoCalib; }
+    inline ExtrCalibration *getExtrCalibration() { return &mExtrCalibration; }
+    inline double           getStatusFPS() const { return mShowFPS; }
+    inline MoCapController &getMoCapController() { return mMoCapController; }
     void updateWindowTitle();
@@ -443,7 +289,7 @@ public:
      * @brief Sets the information about the compiled PeTrack version.
      * @param petrackVersion current PeTrack version
-    void setPeTrackVersion(const std::string& petrackVersion);
+    void setPeTrackVersion(const std::string &petrackVersion);
      * @brief Sets the information about the compiled git commit hash, commit date,
@@ -453,9 +299,9 @@ public:
      * @param gitCommitBranch commit branch of current version
     void setGitInformation(
-                           const std::string& gitCommitID,
-                           const std::string& gitCommitDate,
-                           const std::string& gitCommitBranch);
+        const std::string &gitCommitID,
+        const std::string &gitCommitDate,
+        const std::string &gitCommitBranch);
      * @brief Sets the information about the used compiler and time stamp
@@ -463,9 +309,10 @@ public:
      * @param compilerID name of the used compiler
      * @param compilerVersion version of the used compiler
-    void setCompileInformation(const std::string &compileTimeStamp,
-                               const std::string &compilerID,
-                               const std::string &compilerVersion);
+    void setCompileInformation(
+        const std::string &compileTimeStamp,
+        const std::string &compilerID,
+        const std::string &compilerVersion);
     void createActions();
@@ -478,68 +325,68 @@ private:
     bool maybeSave();
-    void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * event);
+    void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
     void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
     QHBoxLayout *mCentralLayout;
-    QFrame *mCentralWidget;
-    Control *mControlWidget;
-    QSplitter *mSplitter;
-    StereoWidget *mStereoWidget;
-    ColorRangeWidget *mColorRangeWidget;
-    ColorMarkerWidget *mColorMarkerWidget;
-    CodeMarkerWidget *mCodeMarkerWidget;
+    QFrame *                mCentralWidget;
+    Control *               mControlWidget;
+    QSplitter *             mSplitter;
+    StereoWidget *          mStereoWidget;
+    ColorRangeWidget *      mColorRangeWidget;
+    ColorMarkerWidget *     mColorMarkerWidget;
+    CodeMarkerWidget *      mCodeMarkerWidget;
     MultiColorMarkerWidget *mMultiColorMarkerWidget;
-    QAction *mOpenSeqAct;
-    QAction *mOpenCameraAct;
-    QAction *mOpenMoCapAct;
-    QAction *mSaveSeqVidAct;
-    QAction *mSaveSeqVidViewAct;
-    QAction *mSaveSeqImgAct;
-    QAction *mSaveSeqViewAct;
-    QAction *mOpenPrAct;
-    QAction *mSaveAct;
-    QAction *mSavePrAct;
-    QAction *mSaveImageAct;
-    QAction *mSaveViewAct;
-    QAction *mPrintAct;
-    QAction *mResetSettingsAct;
-    QAction *mExitAct;
-    QAction *mFontAct;
-    QAction *mHideControlsAct;
-    QAction *mAntialiasAct;
-    QAction *mCropZoomViewAct;
-    QAction *mOpenGLAct;
-    QAction *mResetAct;
-    QAction *mFitViewAct;
-    QAction *mFitROIAct;
-    QAction *mCameraLeftViewAct;
-    QAction *mCameraRightViewAct;
-    QAction *mLimitPlaybackSpeed;
-    QAction *mFixPlaybackSpeed;
-    QAction *mSetToRealtime;
-    QAction *mSetTo0p75;
-    QAction *mSetTo0p50;
-    QAction *mSetTo0p25;
-    QAction *mSetTo1p25;
-    QAction *mSetTo1p50;
-    QAction *mSetTo1p75;
-    QAction *mSetTo2p00;
-    QAction *mPlayerLooping;
-    QAction *mDelPastAct;
-    QAction *mDelFutureAct;
-    QAction *mDelAllRoiAct;
-    QAction *mDelPartRoiAct;
-    QAction *mCommandAct;
-    QAction *mKeyAct;
-    QAction *mAboutAct;
-    QAction *mOnlineHelpAct;
+    QAction *     mOpenSeqAct;
+    QAction *     mOpenCameraAct;
+    QAction *     mOpenMoCapAct;
+    QAction *     mSaveSeqVidAct;
+    QAction *     mSaveSeqVidViewAct;
+    QAction *     mSaveSeqImgAct;
+    QAction *     mSaveSeqViewAct;
+    QAction *     mOpenPrAct;
+    QAction *     mSaveAct;
+    QAction *     mSavePrAct;
+    QAction *     mSaveImageAct;
+    QAction *     mSaveViewAct;
+    QAction *     mPrintAct;
+    QAction *     mResetSettingsAct;
+    QAction *     mExitAct;
+    QAction *     mFontAct;
+    QAction *     mHideControlsAct;
+    QAction *     mAntialiasAct;
+    QAction *     mCropZoomViewAct;
+    QAction *     mOpenGLAct;
+    QAction *     mResetAct;
+    QAction *     mFitViewAct;
+    QAction *     mFitROIAct;
+    QAction *     mCameraLeftViewAct;
+    QAction *     mCameraRightViewAct;
+    QAction *     mLimitPlaybackSpeed;
+    QAction *     mFixPlaybackSpeed;
+    QAction *     mSetToRealtime;
+    QAction *     mSetTo0p75;
+    QAction *     mSetTo0p50;
+    QAction *     mSetTo0p25;
+    QAction *     mSetTo1p25;
+    QAction *     mSetTo1p50;
+    QAction *     mSetTo1p75;
+    QAction *     mSetTo2p00;
+    QAction *     mPlayerLooping;
+    QAction *     mDelPastAct;
+    QAction *     mDelFutureAct;
+    QAction *     mDelAllRoiAct;
+    QAction *     mDelPartRoiAct;
+    QAction *     mCommandAct;
+    QAction *     mKeyAct;
+    QAction *     mAboutAct;
+    QAction *     mOnlineHelpAct;
     QActionGroup *mCameraGroupView;
-    QMenu *mPlaybackSpeedMenu;
+    QMenu *       mPlaybackSpeedMenu;
     QMenu *mFileMenu;
     QMenu *mViewMenu;
@@ -553,47 +400,47 @@ private:
     QString mHeightFileName;
     QString mMarkerIDFileName;
-    cv::Mat mImg;
-    cv::Mat mImgFiltered;
-    QImage *mImage;
-    Animation *mAnimation;
+    cv::Mat             mImg;
+    cv::Mat             mImgFiltered;
+    QImage *            mImage;
+    Animation *         mAnimation;
     pet::StereoContext *mStereoContext;
-    Player *mPlayerWidget;
-    ViewWidget *mViewWidget;
-    GraphicsView *mView;
-    QGraphicsScene *mScene;
-    ImageItem *mImageItem;
-    LogoItem *mLogoItem;
-    CoordItem *mCoordItem;
-    GridItem *mGridItem;
-    RecognitionRoiItem *mRecognitionRoiItem;
-    TrackingRoiItem *mTrackingRoiItem;
-    TrackerItem *mTrackerItem;
-    StereoItem *mStereoItem;
-    ColorMarkerItem *mColorMarkerItem;
-    CodeMarkerItem *mCodeMarkerItem;
+    Player *            mPlayerWidget;
+    ViewWidget *          mViewWidget;
+    GraphicsView *        mView;
+    QGraphicsScene *      mScene;
+    ImageItem *           mImageItem;
+    LogoItem *            mLogoItem;
+    CoordItem *           mCoordItem;
+    GridItem *            mGridItem;
+    RecognitionRoiItem *  mRecognitionRoiItem;
+    TrackingRoiItem *     mTrackingRoiItem;
+    TrackerItem *         mTrackerItem;
+    StereoItem *          mStereoItem;
+    ColorMarkerItem *     mColorMarkerItem;
+    CodeMarkerItem *      mCodeMarkerItem;
     MultiColorMarkerItem *mMultiColorMarkerItem;
-    BackgroundItem *mBackgroundItem;
-    MoCapItem *mMoCapItem;
+    BackgroundItem *      mBackgroundItem;
+    MoCapItem *           mMoCapItem;
     QDoubleSpinBox *mStatusPosRealHeight;
-    QLabel *mStatusLabelStereo;
-    QLabel *mStatusLabelTime;
-    QLabel *mStatusLabelFPS;
-    QLabel *mStatusLabelPosReal;
-    QLabel *mStatusLabelPos;
-    QLabel *mStatusLabelColor;
+    QLabel *        mStatusLabelStereo;
+    QLabel *        mStatusLabelTime;
+    QLabel *        mStatusLabelFPS;
+    QLabel *        mStatusLabelPosReal;
+    QLabel *        mStatusLabelPos;
+    QLabel *        mStatusLabelColor;
     QPointF mMousePosOnImage;
-    Filter *mCalibFilter;
+    Filter *             mCalibFilter;
     BrightContrastFilter mBrightContrastFilter;
-    BorderFilter mBorderFilter;
-    SwapFilter mSwapFilter;
-    BackgroundFilter mBackgroundFilter;
+    BorderFilter         mBorderFilter;
+    SwapFilter           mSwapFilter;
+    BackgroundFilter     mBackgroundFilter;
-    AutoCalib mAutoCalib;
+    AutoCalib       mAutoCalib;
     ExtrCalibration mExtrCalibration;
     bool mRecognitionChanged;
@@ -601,10 +448,10 @@ private:
     reco::Recognizer mReco;
-    Tracker *mTracker;
+    Tracker *    mTracker;
     TrackerReal *mTrackerReal;
-    double mHeadSize;
-    double mCmPerPixel;
+    double       mHeadSize;
+    double       mCmPerPixel;
     QDomDocument mDefaultSettings;
@@ -614,17 +461,17 @@ private:
     bool mAutoTrackOptimizeColor;
     bool mLoading;
-    MoCapStorage mStorage;
-    MoCapController mMoCapController {mStorage, mExtrCalibration};
+    MoCapStorage    mStorage;
+    MoCapController mMoCapController{mStorage, mExtrCalibration};
-    QString mPetrackVersion{"Unknown"}; ///< Version of PeTrack used to compile
-    QString mGitCommitID{"Unknown"}; ///< Commit hash used to compile
-    QString mGitCommitDate{"Unknown"}; ///< Commit date used to compile
+    QString mPetrackVersion{"Unknown"};  ///< Version of PeTrack used to compile
+    QString mGitCommitID{"Unknown"};     ///< Commit hash used to compile
+    QString mGitCommitDate{"Unknown"};   ///< Commit date used to compile
     QString mGitCommitBranch{"Unknown"}; ///< Branch used to compile
-    QString mCompileDate{"Unknown"}; ///< Compile date
-    QString mCompilerID{"Unknown"}; ///< Used compiler
+    QString mCompileDate{"Unknown"};     ///< Compile date
+    QString mCompilerID{"Unknown"};      ///< Used compiler
     QString mCompilerVersion{"Unknown"}; ///< Used compiler version
     std::vector<std::string> mAuthors;
diff --git a/include/player.h b/include/player.h
index 004857f922363b3f212091fe3f79363cd25d0a6e..421163ba69320b14df352cbf8a16e84bd38375f3 100644
--- a/include/player.h
+++ b/include/player.h
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 #ifndef PLAYER_H
 #define PLAYER_H
-#include <QWidget>
 #include <QTemporaryFile>
+#include <QWidget>
 #ifdef AVI
 #include "aviFile.h"
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ class QDoubleValidator;
 class Animation;
 class Petrack;
-enum class PlayerState{
+enum class PlayerState
@@ -77,17 +78,17 @@ public slots:
     bool skipToFrame(int f);
     bool skipToFrame();
     void update();
-    void setFPS(double fps=-1.);
+    void setFPS(double fps = -1.);
     void togglePlayerSpeedLimited();
     void setPlayerSpeedLimited(bool fixed);
     bool getPlayerSpeedLimited() const;
     void setPlayerSpeedFixed(bool fixed);
     void setLooping(bool looping);
-    void setFrameInNum(int in=-1.);
-    void setFrameOutNum(int out=-1.);
-    int getFrameInNum();
-    int getFrameOutNum();
-    int getPos();
+    void setFrameInNum(int in = -1.);
+    void setFrameOutNum(int out = -1.);
+    int  getFrameInNum();
+    int  getFrameOutNum();
+    int  getPos();
     void play(PlayerState state);
@@ -98,13 +99,13 @@ private:
     bool backward();
     void playVideo();
-    Animation *mAnimation;    
+    Animation *    mAnimation;
     QTemporaryFile mTmpFile;
-    PlayerState mState = PlayerState::PAUSE;
-    bool mPlayerSpeedLimited;
-    bool mPlayerSpeedFixed = false;
-    bool mLooping = false;
-    bool mRec;
+    PlayerState    mState = PlayerState::PAUSE;
+    bool           mPlayerSpeedLimited;
+    bool           mPlayerSpeedFixed = false;
+    bool           mLooping          = false;
+    bool           mRec;
 #ifdef AVI
@@ -112,22 +113,22 @@ private:
     AviFileWriter mAviFile;
-    //GUI 
-    QToolButton *mFrameForwardButton, *mFrameBackwardButton, *mPlayForwardButton, *mPlayBackwardButton, *mPauseButton;
-    QToolButton *mRecButton;
-    cv::Mat mImg;
-    QHBoxLayout *mPlayerLayout;
-    Petrack *mMainWindow;
-    QSlider *mSlider;
-    QLineEdit *mFrameNum;
-    QLineEdit *mFrameInNum;
-    QLineEdit *mFrameOutNum;
-    QLineEdit *mFpsNum;
-    QLabel *mAtLabel;
-    QLabel *mSourceInLabel;
-    QLabel *mSourceOutLabel;
-    QLabel *mFpsLabel;
+    // GUI
+    QToolButton *  mFrameForwardButton, *mFrameBackwardButton, *mPlayForwardButton, *mPlayBackwardButton, *mPauseButton;
+    QToolButton *  mRecButton;
+    cv::Mat        mImg;
+    QHBoxLayout *  mPlayerLayout;
+    Petrack *      mMainWindow;
+    QSlider *      mSlider;
+    QLineEdit *    mFrameNum;
+    QLineEdit *    mFrameInNum;
+    QLineEdit *    mFrameOutNum;
+    QLineEdit *    mFpsNum;
+    QLabel *       mAtLabel;
+    QLabel *       mSourceInLabel;
+    QLabel *       mSourceOutLabel;
+    QLabel *       mFpsLabel;
     QIntValidator *mFrameNumValidator;
     QIntValidator *mFrameInNumValidator;
     QIntValidator *mFrameOutNumValidator;
diff --git a/include/qtColorTriangle.h b/include/qtColorTriangle.h
index 4189ec3d3d1a127996bf9352ad1d3175c8e542df..4661e9600f778e64976962f63a6153c21d0e6447 100644
--- a/include/qtColorTriangle.h
+++ b/include/qtColorTriangle.h
@@ -49,26 +49,25 @@
 #include <QtGui/QImage>
 #include <QtWidgets>
 class QPointF;
 struct Vertex;
 #if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
-#    endif
-#    define QT_QTCOLORTRIANGLE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#    define QT_QTCOLORTRIANGLE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  endif
+#define QT_QTCOLORTRIANGLE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#define QT_QTCOLORTRIANGLE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
 class QT_QTCOLORTRIANGLE_EXPORT QtColorTriangle : public QWidget
@@ -80,9 +79,9 @@ public:
     QSize sizeHint() const;
-    int heightForWidth(int w) const;
+    int   heightForWidth(int w) const;
-    void polish();
+    void   polish();
     QColor color() const;
@@ -98,38 +97,37 @@ protected:
     void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *);
     void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e);
     void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
-    void drawTrigon(QImage *p, const QPointF &a, const QPointF &b,
-		    const QPointF &c, const QColor &color);
+    void drawTrigon(QImage *p, const QPointF &a, const QPointF &b, const QPointF &c, const QColor &color);
-    double radiusAt(const QPointF &pos, const QRect &rect) const;
-    double angleAt(const QPointF &pos, const QRect &rect) const;
-    QPointF movePointToTriangle(double x, double y, const Vertex &a,
-				    const Vertex &b, const Vertex &c) const;
+    double  radiusAt(const QPointF &pos, const QRect &rect) const;
+    double  angleAt(const QPointF &pos, const QRect &rect) const;
+    QPointF movePointToTriangle(double x, double y, const Vertex &a, const Vertex &b, const Vertex &c) const;
     QPointF pointFromColor(const QColor &col) const;
-    QColor colorFromPoint(const QPointF &p) const;
+    QColor  colorFromPoint(const QPointF &p) const;
     void genBackground();
-    QImage bg;
-    double a, b, c;
+    QImage  bg;
+    double  a, b, c;
     QPointF pa, pb, pc, pd;
     QColor curColor;
-    int curHue;
+    int    curHue;
     bool mustGenerateBackground;
-    int penWidth;
-    int ellipseSize;
+    int  penWidth;
+    int  ellipseSize;
-    int outerRadius;
+    int     outerRadius;
     QPointF selectorPos;
-    enum SelectionMode {
-	Idle,
-	SelectingHue,
-	SelectingSatValue
+    enum SelectionMode
+    {
+        Idle,
+        SelectingHue,
+        SelectingSatValue
     } selMode;
diff --git a/include/recognition.h b/include/recognition.h
index 3a190d05f460b05814d3cc71e3b9395c52bea2d8..41a14b0fc20039bab680c497c8ac3f2fe9accf2b 100644
--- a/include/recognition.h
+++ b/include/recognition.h
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
+#include "vector.h"
 #include <QList>
 #include <QObject>
 #include <opencv2/aruco.hpp>
-#include "vector.h"
 class TrackPoint;
 class QRect;
 class BackgroundFilter;
@@ -34,228 +34,270 @@ class Control;
 class ImageItem;
 class CodeMarkerItem;
-namespace reco {
-    /**
-     * Different recognition methods used in PeTrack
-     *
-     * Note: be aware that changing the explicitly assigned integer values will break backwards compatibility!
-     */
-    enum class RecognitionMethod
+namespace reco
+ * Different recognition methods used in PeTrack
+ *
+ * Note: be aware that changing the explicitly assigned integer values will break backwards compatibility!
+ */
+enum class RecognitionMethod
+    Casern     = 0,
+    Hermes     = 1,
+    Stereo     = 2,
+    Color      = 3,
+    Japan      = 4,
+    MultiColor = 5,
+    Code       = 6,
+class ArucoCodeParams
+    double minMarkerPerimeter                    = 5;
+    double maxMarkerPerimeter                    = 15;
+    double minCornerDistance                     = 0.05;
+    double minMarkerDistance                     = 0.05;
+    int    adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin              = 3;
+    int    adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax              = 27;
+    int    adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep             = 10;
+    int    adaptiveThreshConstant                = 7;
+    double polygonalApproxAccuracyRate           = 0.03;
+    int    minDistanceToBorder                   = 3;
+    bool   doCornerRefinement                    = false;
+    int    cornerRefinementWinSize               = 5;
+    int    cornerRefinementMaxIterations         = 30;
+    double cornerRefinementMinAccuracy           = 0.1;
+    int    markerBorderBits                      = 1;
+    int    perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell         = 4;
+    double perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell = 0.13;
+    double maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate          = 0.35;
+    double minOtsuStdDev                         = 5;
+    double errorCorrectionRate                   = 0.6;
+    friend inline constexpr bool operator==(const ArucoCodeParams &lhs, const ArucoCodeParams &rhs) noexcept
-        Casern = 0,
-        Hermes = 1,
-        Stereo = 2,
-        Color = 3,
-        Japan = 4,
-        MultiColor = 5,
-        Code = 6,
-    };
-    class ArucoCodeParams {
-        double minMarkerPerimeter = 5;
-        double maxMarkerPerimeter = 15;
-        double minCornerDistance = 0.05;
-        double minMarkerDistance = 0.05;
-        int adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin = 3;
-        int adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax = 27;
-        int adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep = 10;
-        int adaptiveThreshConstant = 7;
-        double polygonalApproxAccuracyRate = 0.03;
-        int minDistanceToBorder = 3;
-        bool doCornerRefinement = false;
-        int cornerRefinementWinSize = 5;
-        int cornerRefinementMaxIterations = 30;
-        double cornerRefinementMinAccuracy = 0.1;
-        int markerBorderBits = 1;
-        int perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell = 4;
-        double perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell = 0.13;
-        double maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate = 0.35;
-        double minOtsuStdDev = 5;
-        double errorCorrectionRate = 0.6;
-    public:
-        friend inline constexpr bool operator==(const ArucoCodeParams & lhs, const ArucoCodeParams & rhs) noexcept
-        {
-            return (lhs.minMarkerPerimeter == rhs.minMarkerPerimeter) && ((lhs.maxMarkerPerimeter == rhs.maxMarkerPerimeter) && ((lhs.minCornerDistance == rhs.minCornerDistance) && ((lhs.minMarkerDistance == rhs.minMarkerDistance) && ((lhs.adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin == rhs.adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin) && ((lhs.adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax == rhs.adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax) && ((lhs.adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep == rhs.adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep) && ((lhs.adaptiveThreshConstant == rhs.adaptiveThreshConstant) && ((lhs.polygonalApproxAccuracyRate == rhs.polygonalApproxAccuracyRate) && ((lhs.minDistanceToBorder == rhs.minDistanceToBorder) && ((static_cast<int>(lhs.doCornerRefinement) == static_cast<int>(rhs.doCornerRefinement)) && ((lhs.cornerRefinementWinSize == rhs.cornerRefinementWinSize) && ((lhs.cornerRefinementMaxIterations == rhs.cornerRefinementMaxIterations) && ((lhs.cornerRefinementMinAccuracy == rhs.cornerRefinementMinAccuracy) && ((lhs.markerBorderBits == rhs.markerBorderBits) && ((lhs.perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell == rhs.perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell) && ((lhs.perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell == rhs.perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell) && ((lhs.maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate == rhs.maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate) && ((lhs.minOtsuStdDev == rhs.minOtsuStdDev) && (lhs.errorCorrectionRate == rhs.errorCorrectionRate)))))))))))))))))));
-        }
-        friend inline constexpr bool operator!=(const ArucoCodeParams& lhs, const ArucoCodeParams& rhs)
+        return (lhs.minMarkerPerimeter == rhs.minMarkerPerimeter) &&
+               ((lhs.maxMarkerPerimeter == rhs.maxMarkerPerimeter) &&
+                ((lhs.minCornerDistance == rhs.minCornerDistance) &&
+                 ((lhs.minMarkerDistance == rhs.minMarkerDistance) &&
+                  ((lhs.adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin == rhs.adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin) &&
+                   ((lhs.adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax == rhs.adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax) &&
+                    ((lhs.adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep == rhs.adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep) &&
+                     ((lhs.adaptiveThreshConstant == rhs.adaptiveThreshConstant) &&
+                      ((lhs.polygonalApproxAccuracyRate == rhs.polygonalApproxAccuracyRate) &&
+                       ((lhs.minDistanceToBorder == rhs.minDistanceToBorder) &&
+                        ((static_cast<int>(lhs.doCornerRefinement) == static_cast<int>(rhs.doCornerRefinement)) &&
+                         ((lhs.cornerRefinementWinSize == rhs.cornerRefinementWinSize) &&
+                          ((lhs.cornerRefinementMaxIterations == rhs.cornerRefinementMaxIterations) &&
+                           ((lhs.cornerRefinementMinAccuracy == rhs.cornerRefinementMinAccuracy) &&
+                            ((lhs.markerBorderBits == rhs.markerBorderBits) &&
+                             ((lhs.perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell == rhs.perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell) &&
+                              ((lhs.perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell ==
+                                rhs.perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell) &&
+                               ((lhs.maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate == rhs.maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate) &&
+                                ((lhs.minOtsuStdDev == rhs.minOtsuStdDev) &&
+                                 (lhs.errorCorrectionRate == rhs.errorCorrectionRate)))))))))))))))))));
+    }
+    friend inline constexpr bool operator!=(const ArucoCodeParams &lhs, const ArucoCodeParams &rhs)
+    {
+        return !(lhs == rhs);
+    }
+    double getMinMarkerPerimeter() const;
+    void   setMinMarkerPerimeter(double newMinMarkerPerimeter);
+    double getMaxMarkerPerimeter() const;
+    void   setMaxMarkerPerimeter(double newMaxMarkerPerimeter);
+    double getMinCornerDistance() const;
+    void   setMinCornerDistance(double newMinCornerDistance);
+    double getMinMarkerDistance() const;
+    void   setMinMarkerDistance(double newMinMarkerDistance);
+    int    getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin() const;
+    void   setAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin(int newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin);
+    int    getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax() const;
+    void   setAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax(int newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax);
+    int    getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep() const;
+    void   setAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep(int newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep);
+    int    getAdaptiveThreshConstant() const;
+    void   setAdaptiveThreshConstant(int newAdaptiveThreshConstant);
+    double getPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate() const;
+    void   setPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate(double newPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate);
+    int    getMinDistanceToBorder() const;
+    void   setMinDistanceToBorder(int newMinDistanceToBorder);
+    bool   getDoCornerRefinement() const;
+    void   setDoCornerRefinement(bool newDoCornerRefinement);
+    int    getCornerRefinementWinSize() const;
+    void   setCornerRefinementWinSize(int newCornerRefinementWinSize);
+    int    getCornerRefinementMaxIterations() const;
+    void   setCornerRefinementMaxIterations(int newCornerRefinementMaxIterations);
+    double getCornerRefinementMinAccuracy() const;
+    void   setCornerRefinementMinAccuracy(double newCornerRefinementMinAccuracy);
+    int    getMarkerBorderBits() const;
+    void   setMarkerBorderBits(int newMarkerBorderBits);
+    int    getPerspectiveRemovePixelPerCell() const;
+    void   setPerspectiveRemovePixelPerCell(int newPerspectiveRemovePixelPerCell);
+    double getPerspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell() const;
+    void   setPerspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell(double newPerspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell);
+    double getMaxErroneousBitsInBorderRate() const;
+    void   setMaxErroneousBitsInBorderRate(double newMaxErroneousBitsInBorderRate);
+    double getMinOtsuStdDev() const;
+    void   setMinOtsuStdDev(double newMinOtsuStdDev);
+    double getErrorCorrectionRate() const;
+    void   setErrorCorrectionRate(double newErrorCorrectionRate);
+class CodeMarkerOptions : public QObject
+    CodeMarkerItem *codeMarkerItem;
+    int             indexOfMarkerDict = 16;
+    ArucoCodeParams detectorParams;
+    Control *controlWidget;
+    Vec2F    offsetCropRect2Roi = Vec2F{0, 0};
+    // TODO: Remove getter and setter for pointers;
+    // cannot properly set these in constructor because of
+    // bidirectional dependecies
+    CodeMarkerItem *getCodeMarkerItem() const { return codeMarkerItem; }
+    Control *       getControlWidget() const { return controlWidget; }
+    ArucoCodeParams getDetectorParams() const { return detectorParams; }
+    int             getIndexOfMarkerDict() const { return indexOfMarkerDict; }
+    void setCodeMarkerItem(CodeMarkerItem *item) { codeMarkerItem = item; }
+    void setControlWidget(Control *control) { controlWidget = control; }
+    void setDetectorParams(ArucoCodeParams params);
+    void setIndexOfMarkerDict(int idx);
+    const Vec2F &getOffsetCropRect2Roi() const;
+    void         setOffsetCropRect2Roi(const Vec2F &newOffsetCropRect2Roi);
+    void detectorParamsChanged();
+    void indexOfMarkerDictChanged();
+class Recognizer : public QObject
+    // TODO add options for each marker type
+    CodeMarkerOptions mCodeMarkerOptions;
+    // default multicolor marker (until 11/2016 hermes marker)
+    RecognitionMethod mRecoMethod = RecognitionMethod::MultiColor;
+    QList<TrackPoint>
+    getMarkerPos(cv::Mat &img, QRect &roi, Control *controlWidget, int borderSize, BackgroundFilter *bgFilter);
+    RecognitionMethod  getRecoMethod() const { return mRecoMethod; }
+    CodeMarkerOptions &getCodeMarkerOptions() { return mCodeMarkerOptions; }
+public slots:
+    void userChangedRecoMethod(RecognitionMethod method)
+    {
+        if(method != mRecoMethod)
-            return !(lhs == rhs);
+            mRecoMethod = method;
+            emit recoMethodChanged(mRecoMethod);
-        double getMinMarkerPerimeter() const;
-        void setMinMarkerPerimeter(double newMinMarkerPerimeter);
-        double getMaxMarkerPerimeter() const;
-        void setMaxMarkerPerimeter(double newMaxMarkerPerimeter);
-        double getMinCornerDistance() const;
-        void setMinCornerDistance(double newMinCornerDistance);
-        double getMinMarkerDistance() const;
-        void setMinMarkerDistance(double newMinMarkerDistance);
-        int getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin() const;
-        void setAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin(int newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin);
-        int getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax() const;
-        void setAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax(int newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax);
-        int getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep() const;
-        void setAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep(int newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep);
-        int getAdaptiveThreshConstant() const;
-        void setAdaptiveThreshConstant(int newAdaptiveThreshConstant);
-        double getPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate() const;
-        void setPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate(double newPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate);
-        int getMinDistanceToBorder() const;
-        void setMinDistanceToBorder(int newMinDistanceToBorder);
-        bool getDoCornerRefinement() const;
-        void setDoCornerRefinement(bool newDoCornerRefinement);
-        int getCornerRefinementWinSize() const;
-        void setCornerRefinementWinSize(int newCornerRefinementWinSize);
-        int getCornerRefinementMaxIterations() const;
-        void setCornerRefinementMaxIterations(int newCornerRefinementMaxIterations);
-        double getCornerRefinementMinAccuracy() const;
-        void setCornerRefinementMinAccuracy(double newCornerRefinementMinAccuracy);
-        int getMarkerBorderBits() const;
-        void setMarkerBorderBits(int newMarkerBorderBits);
-        int getPerspectiveRemovePixelPerCell() const;
-        void setPerspectiveRemovePixelPerCell(int newPerspectiveRemovePixelPerCell);
-        double getPerspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell() const;
-        void setPerspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell(double newPerspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell);
-        double getMaxErroneousBitsInBorderRate() const;
-        void setMaxErroneousBitsInBorderRate(double newMaxErroneousBitsInBorderRate);
-        double getMinOtsuStdDev() const;
-        void setMinOtsuStdDev(double newMinOtsuStdDev);
-        double getErrorCorrectionRate() const;
-        void setErrorCorrectionRate(double newErrorCorrectionRate);
-    };
-    class CodeMarkerOptions : public QObject{
-        Q_OBJECT
-    private:
-        CodeMarkerItem *codeMarkerItem;
-        int indexOfMarkerDict = 16;
-        ArucoCodeParams detectorParams;
-        Control *controlWidget;
-        Vec2F offsetCropRect2Roi = Vec2F{0,0};
+    }
-    public:
-        // TODO: Remove getter and setter for pointers;
-        // cannot properly set these in constructor because of
-        // bidirectional dependecies
-        CodeMarkerItem *getCodeMarkerItem() const {return codeMarkerItem;}
-        Control *getControlWidget() const {return controlWidget;}
-        ArucoCodeParams getDetectorParams() const {return detectorParams;}
-        int getIndexOfMarkerDict() const {return indexOfMarkerDict;}
+    void recoMethodChanged(RecognitionMethod method);
-    public:
-        void setCodeMarkerItem(CodeMarkerItem *item) {codeMarkerItem = item;}
-        void setControlWidget(Control *control) {controlWidget = control;}
-        void setDetectorParams(ArucoCodeParams params);
-        void setIndexOfMarkerDict(int idx);
+// berechnet pixelverschiebung aufgrund von schraegsicht bei einem farbmarker
+// Maik Dissertation Seite 138
+// boxImageCentre ohne Border
+Vec2F autoCorrectColorMarker(Vec2F &boxImageCentre, Control *controlWidget);
-        const Vec2F &getOffsetCropRect2Roi() const;
-        void setOffsetCropRect2Roi(const Vec2F &newOffsetCropRect2Roi);
-    signals:
-        void detectorParamsChanged();
-        void indexOfMarkerDictChanged();
+namespace detail
+    struct ColorBlob
+    {
+        cv::RotatedRect        box;          ///< bounding box
+        Vec2F                  imageCenter;  ///< Center in whole image (instead of ROI)
+        QColor                 color;        ///< color of detected blob
+        std::vector<cv::Point> contour;      ///< detected contour
+        double                 maxExpansion; ///< length of longer side of bounding rect
-    class Recognizer : public QObject
+    struct ColorBlobDetectionParams
-        Q_OBJECT
-    private:
-        // TODO add options for each marker type
-        CodeMarkerOptions mCodeMarkerOptions;
-        // default multicolor marker (until 11/2016 hermes marker)
-        RecognitionMethod mRecoMethod = RecognitionMethod::MultiColor;
-    public:
-        QList<TrackPoint> getMarkerPos(cv::Mat &img, QRect &roi, Control *controlWidget, int borderSize, BackgroundFilter *bgFilter);
-        RecognitionMethod getRecoMethod() const {return mRecoMethod;}
-        CodeMarkerOptions& getCodeMarkerOptions() {return mCodeMarkerOptions;}
+        QColor  fromColor;           ///< from color of the colormap
+        QColor  toColor;             ///< to color of the colormap
+        bool    invHue      = false; ///< flag indicating if hue should be inverted (for red-ish colors)
+        bool    useOpen     = true;  ///< should open-operation be used
+        bool    useClose    = true;  ///< should close-operation be used
+        int     radiusOpen  = 5;     ///< radius of open-kernel
+        int     radiusClose = 5;     ///< radius of close-kernel
+        int     minArea     = 1000;  ///< min area of the contour
+        int     maxArea     = 5000;  ///< max area of the contour
+        Vec2F   offset;              ///< offset of ROI to image
+        double  maxRatio = 2;        ///< maximum allowed ratio of sides for bounding rect
+        cv::Mat img;                 ///< img in which to detect the blobs
+        cv::Mat binary;              ///< img for the binary mask
+    };
-    public slots:
-        void userChangedRecoMethod(RecognitionMethod method)
-        {
-            if(method != mRecoMethod)
-            {
-                mRecoMethod = method;
-                emit recoMethodChanged(mRecoMethod);
-            }
-        }
+    struct BlackDotOptions
+    {
+        int  borderSize = 0; ///< size of border from borderFilter
+        bool restrictPosition =
+            false; ///< should the position of the black dot be restricted (see restrictPositionBlackDot())
+        bool ignoreWithoutMarker = true;  ///< should markers without dot be ignored?
+        bool autoCorrect         = false; ///< should perspective correction be performed
+        bool autoCorrectOnlyExport =
+            false;                      ///< should perspective correction only be performed when exporting trajectories
+        ImageItem *imageItem = nullptr; ///< used for getAngleToGround and such
+        QColor     midHue;              ///< middle hue of the color map
+        double     dotSize       = 5;   ///< size of the black dot
+        Control *  controlWidget = nullptr; ///< pointer to Control used for autoCorrect
+    };
-    signals:
-        void recoMethodChanged(RecognitionMethod method);
+    struct ArucoOptions
+    {
+        Control *controlWidget       = nullptr; ///< pointer to Control used for autoCorrect
+        bool     ignoreWithoutMarker = true;    ///< should a blob without valid arucoMarker be ignored
+        bool     autoCorrect         = false;   ///< should perspective correction be performed
+        bool     autoCorrectOnlyExport =
+            false; ///< should perspective correction only be performed when exporting trajectories
+        RecognitionMethod method =
+            RecognitionMethod::Code; ///< Used recognition method; could be called from findMulticolorMarker
+        CodeMarkerOptions &codeOpt;
-    // berechnet pixelverschiebung aufgrund von schraegsicht bei einem farbmarker
-    // Maik Dissertation Seite 138
-    // boxImageCentre ohne Border
-    Vec2F autoCorrectColorMarker(Vec2F &boxImageCentre, Control *controlWidget);
-    namespace detail {
-        struct ColorBlob{
-            cv::RotatedRect        box;          ///< bounding box
-            Vec2F                  imageCenter;  ///< Center in whole image (instead of ROI)
-            QColor                 color;        ///< color of detected blob
-            std::vector<cv::Point> contour;      ///< detected contour
-            double                 maxExpansion; ///< length of longer side of bounding rect
-        };
-        struct ColorBlobDetectionParams{
-            QColor  fromColor;            ///< from color of the colormap
-            QColor  toColor;              ///< to color of the colormap
-            bool    invHue       = false; ///< flag indicating if hue should be inverted (for red-ish colors)
-            bool    useOpen      = true;  ///< should open-operation be used
-            bool    useClose     = true;  ///< should close-operation be used
-            int     radiusOpen  = 5;     ///< radius of open-kernel
-            int     radiusClose = 5;     ///< radius of close-kernel
-            int     minArea      = 1000;  ///< min area of the contour
-            int     maxArea      = 5000;  ///< max area of the contour
-            Vec2F   offset;               ///< offset of ROI to image
-            double  maxRatio = 2;         ///< maximum allowed ratio of sides for bounding rect
-            cv::Mat img;                  ///< img in which to detect the blobs
-            cv::Mat binary;               ///< img for the binary mask
-        };
-        struct BlackDotOptions
-        {
-            int  borderSize = 0; ///< size of border from borderFilter
-            bool restrictPosition =
-                false; ///< should the position of the black dot be restricted (see restrictPositionBlackDot())
-            bool ignoreWithoutMarker   = true;  ///< should markers without dot be ignored?
-            bool autoCorrect           = false; ///< should perspective correction be performed
-            bool autoCorrectOnlyExport = false; ///< should perspective correction only be performed when exporting trajectories
-            ImageItem *imageItem       = nullptr; ///< used for getAngleToGround and such
-            QColor     midHue;                    ///< middle hue of the color map
-            double     dotSize      = 5;         ///< size of the black dot
-            Control *  controlWidget = nullptr;   ///< pointer to Control used for autoCorrect
-        };
-        struct ArucoOptions
-        {
-            Control *controlWidget       = nullptr; ///< pointer to Control used for autoCorrect
-            bool     ignoreWithoutMarker = true;    ///< should a blob without valid arucoMarker be ignored
-            bool     autoCorrect         = false;   ///< should perspective correction be performed
-            bool autoCorrectOnlyExport   = false;   ///< should perspective correction only be performed when exporting trajectories
-            RecognitionMethod method = RecognitionMethod::Code; ///< Used recognition method; could be called from findMulticolorMarker
-            CodeMarkerOptions& codeOpt;
-        };
-        std::vector<ColorBlob> findColorBlob(const ColorBlobDetectionParams &options);
-        void restrictPositionBlackDot(ColorBlob& blob, ImageItem *imageItem, int bS, cv::Rect& cropRect);
-        cv::Mat customBgr2Gray(const cv::Mat& subImg, const QColor& midHue);
-        void refineWithBlackDot(std::vector<ColorBlob>& blobs, const cv::Mat& img, QList<TrackPoint>& crossList, const BlackDotOptions& options);
-        void refineWithAruco(std::vector<ColorBlob> &blobs, const cv::Mat& img, QList<TrackPoint> &crossList, ArucoOptions& options);
-        void findCodeMarker(cv::Mat &img, QList<TrackPoint> &crossList, RecognitionMethod recoMethod, const CodeMarkerOptions &opt);
-        cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> getDictMip36h12();
-    }
+    std::vector<ColorBlob> findColorBlob(const ColorBlobDetectionParams &options);
+    void                   restrictPositionBlackDot(ColorBlob &blob, ImageItem *imageItem, int bS, cv::Rect &cropRect);
+    cv::Mat                customBgr2Gray(const cv::Mat &subImg, const QColor &midHue);
+    void                   refineWithBlackDot(
+                          std::vector<ColorBlob> &blobs,
+                          const cv::Mat &         img,
+                          QList<TrackPoint> &     crossList,
+                          const BlackDotOptions & options);
+    void refineWithAruco(
+        std::vector<ColorBlob> &blobs,
+        const cv::Mat &         img,
+        QList<TrackPoint> &     crossList,
+        ArucoOptions &          options);
+    void findCodeMarker(
+        cv::Mat &                img,
+        QList<TrackPoint> &      crossList,
+        RecognitionMethod        recoMethod,
+        const CodeMarkerOptions &opt);
+    cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> getDictMip36h12();
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace reco
diff --git a/include/recognitionRoiItem.h b/include/recognitionRoiItem.h
index 40230532841da37608dec3732572a06a617f4702..9069c237bb79547f747ef54668f8270c95d8705b 100644
--- a/include/recognitionRoiItem.h
+++ b/include/recognitionRoiItem.h
@@ -30,20 +30,31 @@ class Control;
 class RecognitionRoiItem : public QGraphicsRectItem
     inline static constexpr int DISTANCE_TO_BORDER = 5;
-    inline static constexpr int MIN_SIZE = 10;
-    enum pressLocation{inside, top, bottom, left, right, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight};
+    inline static constexpr int MIN_SIZE           = 10;
+    enum pressLocation
+    {
+        inside,
+        top,
+        bottom,
+        left,
+        right,
+        topLeft,
+        topRight,
+        bottomLeft,
+        bottomRight
+    };
-    Petrack *mMainWindow;
-    Control *mControlWidget;
-    QRect mPressRect;
-    QPointF mPressPos;
+    Petrack *          mMainWindow;
+    Control *          mControlWidget;
+    QRect              mPressRect;
+    QPointF            mPressPos;
     enum pressLocation mPressLocation;
-    RecognitionRoiItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent = nullptr);
-    void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event);
-    void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event);
+    RecognitionRoiItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr);
+    void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
+    void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
     void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
     void hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event);
     void checkRect();
diff --git a/include/skeletonTree.h b/include/skeletonTree.h
index 28d666f01eee5fbcf146aeb686ebdb7506219f8b..703c613b4516c9e9a9fc45518804eb80c01d43fa 100644
--- a/include/skeletonTree.h
+++ b/include/skeletonTree.h
@@ -19,15 +19,16 @@
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <string>
-#include <stdexcept>
+#include "vector.h"
 #include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
 #include <opencv2/core/matx.hpp>
 #include <opencv2/core/types.hpp>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include <memory>
-#include "vector.h"
  * @brief A node of the SkeletonTree class.
@@ -39,19 +40,18 @@
  * This class is used by @see SkeletonTree
-class SkeletonNode{
+class SkeletonNode
+    SkeletonNode(const uint8_t &id, cv::Point3f point);
-    SkeletonNode(const uint8_t& id, cv::Point3f point);
-    SkeletonNode(const SkeletonNode& rhs) = default;
-    SkeletonNode(SkeletonNode&& rhs) = default;
+    SkeletonNode(const SkeletonNode &rhs) = default;
+    SkeletonNode(SkeletonNode &&rhs)      = default;
     ~SkeletonNode() = default;
-    SkeletonNode& operator=(const SkeletonNode& rhs) = default;
-    SkeletonNode& operator=(SkeletonNode&& rhs) = default;
+    SkeletonNode &operator=(const SkeletonNode &rhs) = default;
+    SkeletonNode &operator=(SkeletonNode &&rhs) = default;
      * @brief Gets the children as a vector.
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public:
      * @return A reference to a vector containing the children.
-    inline std::vector<SkeletonNode>& getChildren() {return mChildren;}
+    inline std::vector<SkeletonNode> &getChildren() { return mChildren; }
      * @brief Gets the children as a vector.
@@ -68,35 +68,33 @@ public:
      * @return A const reference to a vector containing the children.
-    inline const std::vector<SkeletonNode>& getChildren() const {return mChildren;}
+    inline const std::vector<SkeletonNode> &getChildren() const { return mChildren; }
-    * @brief Gets a const reference to the child with the specified memory index. This method is bounds checked.
-    * This method gets the child by the specified memory index. Children are stored sequentially in memory.
-    * If the index is out of range a std::out_of_range is thrown.
-    * @param[in] index  The index of the child to be retrieved.
-    *
-    * @return A const reference to the child at the memory location.
-    * @throw std::out_of_range
-    */
-    const SkeletonNode &getChild(size_t index) const {
-        return mChildren.at(index);
-    }
+     * @brief Gets a const reference to the child with the specified memory index. This method is bounds checked.
+     * This method gets the child by the specified memory index. Children are stored sequentially in memory.
+     * If the index is out of range a std::out_of_range is thrown.
+     * @param[in] index  The index of the child to be retrieved.
+     *
+     * @return A const reference to the child at the memory location.
+     * @throw std::out_of_range
+     */
+    const SkeletonNode &getChild(size_t index) const { return mChildren.at(index); }
-    const SkeletonNode& getChildById(uint8_t id) const;
+    const SkeletonNode &getChildById(uint8_t id) const;
      * @brief Gets the id of the node.
      * @return The id of the node.
-    inline uint8_t getId() const {return mId;}
+    inline uint8_t getId() const { return mId; }
      * @brief Gets the number of children.
      * @return The number of children.
-    inline size_t getChildrenCount() const {return mChildren.size();}
+    inline size_t getChildrenCount() const { return mChildren.size(); }
      * @brief Makes a node a child.
@@ -107,7 +105,8 @@ public:
      * @throw std::bad_alloc
-    inline SkeletonNode& addChild(const SkeletonNode& node) {
+    inline SkeletonNode &addChild(const SkeletonNode &node)
+    {
         return mChildren.back();
@@ -116,13 +115,14 @@ public:
      * @brief Makes a node the child using move semantics.
      * Appends the node to the list of children. There are no checks for correctness or uniqueness.
      * This method is there to allow for move optimizations.
-     * @param[in] node The node to be parented. 
+     * @param[in] node The node to be parented.
      * @return The added node.
      * @throw std::bad_alloc
-    inline SkeletonNode& addChild(SkeletonNode&& node) {
+    inline SkeletonNode &addChild(SkeletonNode &&node)
+    {
         return mChildren.back();
@@ -132,21 +132,20 @@ public:
      * @return The position of the node.
-    inline cv::Point3f getPos() const {return mPoint;}
+    inline cv::Point3f getPos() const { return mPoint; }
-    uint8_t mId; /**< An identifier for the node. */
-    cv::Point3f mPoint; /**< Position of the node. */
+    uint8_t                   mId;       /**< An identifier for the node. */
+    cv::Point3f               mPoint;    /**< Position of the node. */
     std::vector<SkeletonNode> mChildren; /**< A vector containing the child nodes of this node.*/
-struct SkeletonLine{
+struct SkeletonLine
     cv::Point3f start;
-    uint8_t start_id;
+    uint8_t     start_id;
     cv::Point3f end;
-    uint8_t end_id;
+    uint8_t     end_id;
@@ -161,21 +160,15 @@ struct SkeletonLine{
 class SkeletonTree
-    static void recurseSkeleton(const SkeletonNode& node, std::vector<SkeletonLine>& lines);
+    static void recurseSkeleton(const SkeletonNode &node, std::vector<SkeletonLine> &lines);
      * @brief Constructor for the Skeleton.
      * @param[in] root  The root node for the Skeleton.
      * @param[in] dir  The direction the head is facing. The vector will be normalized.
-    SkeletonTree(SkeletonNode root, const Vec3F& dir)
-        : mRoot(std::move(root)), mHeadDir(dir)
-    {
-        mHeadDir.normalize();
-    }
+    SkeletonTree(SkeletonNode root, const Vec3F &dir) : mRoot(std::move(root)), mHeadDir(dir) { mHeadDir.normalize(); }
      * @brief Moving constructor for the Skeleton.
@@ -185,11 +178,7 @@ public:
      * @param[in] root  The root node as a r-value.
      * @param[in] dir  The direction the head is facing in as a r-value
-    SkeletonTree(SkeletonNode&& root,  Vec3F&& dir)
-       : mRoot(root), mHeadDir(dir)
-    {
-        mHeadDir.normalize();
-    }
+    SkeletonTree(SkeletonNode &&root, Vec3F &&dir) : mRoot(root), mHeadDir(dir) { mHeadDir.normalize(); }
     std::vector<SkeletonLine> getLines() const;
@@ -198,14 +187,14 @@ public:
      * @return The root node of the skeleton as a reference.
-    inline SkeletonNode& getRoot() {return mRoot;}
+    inline SkeletonNode &getRoot() { return mRoot; }
      * @brief Gets the root node of the skeleton as a const reference.
      * @return The root node of the skeleton as a const reference.
-    inline const SkeletonNode& getRoot() const {return mRoot;}
+    inline const SkeletonNode &getRoot() const { return mRoot; }
      * @brief Gets the direction of the head.
@@ -213,16 +202,12 @@ public:
      * @return The normalized direction of the head.
-    inline const Vec3F& getHeadDir() const {
-        return mHeadDir;
-    }
+    inline const Vec3F &getHeadDir() const { return mHeadDir; }
-    SkeletonNode mRoot; /**< Root node of the skeleton. */
-    Vec3F mHeadDir; /**< Direction the head is facing to. This value is normalized. */
+    SkeletonNode mRoot;    /**< Root node of the skeleton. */
+    Vec3F        mHeadDir; /**< Direction the head is facing to. This value is normalized. */
diff --git a/include/skeletonTreeFactory.h b/include/skeletonTreeFactory.h
index 29bdc263a7181160f4e7b816b8c131c8ebb4899f..d0fff5574a00e4827cde87780c8501de71393a2b 100644
--- a/include/skeletonTreeFactory.h
+++ b/include/skeletonTreeFactory.h
@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@
-#include <opencv2/core/types.hpp>
 #include "skeletonTree.h"
+#include <opencv2/core/types.hpp>
  * @brief This struct defines all the points needed to construct a skeleton from a person.
@@ -33,7 +34,8 @@
  * @see SkeletonTreeFactory
  * @see SkeletonTree
-struct XSenseStruct{
+struct XSenseStruct
     cv::Point3f mRoot; /***< pSacrum used as sacrum and root. Id is 0. */
     cv::Point3f mNeck; /**< pC7SpinalProcess used as atlas bone. Id is 1. */
@@ -46,14 +48,14 @@ struct XSenseStruct{
     cv::Point3f mElbowR; /**< pRightOlecranon used as right elbow. Id is 8. */
     cv::Point3f mElbowL; /**< pLeftOlecranon used as left elbow. Id is 4. */
-    cv::Point3f mWristR;  /**< pRightStyloid used as right wrist. Id is 9. */
-    cv::Point3f mWristL;  /**< pLeftStyloid used as left wrist. Id is 5. */
+    cv::Point3f mWristR; /**< pRightStyloid used as right wrist. Id is 9. */
+    cv::Point3f mWristL; /**< pLeftStyloid used as left wrist. Id is 5. */
     cv::Point3f mHandR; /**< pRightTopOfHand used as the right hand. Id is 10. */
     cv::Point3f mHandL; /**< pLeftTopOfHand used as the left hand. Id is 6.*/
-    cv::Point3f mHipR;  /**< pRightIschialTub used as the right hip. Id is 15. */
-    cv::Point3f mHipL;  /**< pLeftIschialTub used as the left hip. Id is 11. */
+    cv::Point3f mHipR; /**< pRightIschialTub used as the right hip. Id is 15. */
+    cv::Point3f mHipL; /**< pLeftIschialTub used as the left hip. Id is 11. */
     cv::Point3f mKneeR; /**< pRightPatella used as the right knee. Id is 16. */
     cv::Point3f mKneeL; /**< pLeftPatella used as the left knee. Id is 12. */
@@ -75,9 +77,10 @@ struct XSenseStruct{
  *  Using that struct as a parameter the generateTree can be overloaded.
  *  @see SkeletonTree
-class SkeletonTreeFactory{
+class SkeletonTreeFactory
-    static SkeletonTree generateTree(const XSenseStruct&  points);
+    static SkeletonTree generateTree(const XSenseStruct &points);
diff --git a/include/stereoAviFile.h b/include/stereoAviFile.h
index 74df05550bf074972a1f49a712b7714fb14581f9..42c57a63922caa932e3db252c58f67d1ac49cbc7 100644
--- a/include/stereoAviFile.h
+++ b/include/stereoAviFile.h
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 // Project Includes
@@ -37,7 +36,12 @@
 //#include <highgui.h>
 #include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
-enum Camera {cameraLeft, cameraRight, cameraUnset};
+enum Camera
+    cameraLeft,
+    cameraRight,
+    cameraUnset
  * A simple wrapper for the .AVI file interface.
@@ -47,93 +51,90 @@ enum Camera {cameraLeft, cameraRight, cameraUnset};
 class StereoAviFile
-   /** Default constructor. */
-   StereoAviFile();
+    /** Default constructor. */
+    StereoAviFile();
-   /** Default destructor. */
-   virtual ~StereoAviFile();
+    /** Default destructor. */
+    virtual ~StereoAviFile();
-   /** Open an .avi file for reading. */
-   bool open(const char* pszFilename, IplImage* stereoImgLeft, IplImage* stereoImgRight);
+    /** Open an .avi file for reading. */
+    bool open(const char *pszFilename, IplImage *stereoImgLeft, IplImage *stereoImgRight);
-//   /**
-//    * Read the next frame from the avi stream.  File must have been opened for
-//    * reading.
-//    *
-//    * @return false if read error, or last frame, true on success.
-//    * @bug Need a better return value.
-//    */
-//   bool readNextFrame();
+    //   /**
+    //    * Read the next frame from the avi stream.  File must have been opened for
+    //    * reading.
+    //    *
+    //    * @return false if read error, or last frame, true on success.
+    //    * @bug Need a better return value.
+    //    */
+    //   bool readNextFrame();
-   IplImage* getFrame(enum Camera camera);
+    IplImage *getFrame(enum Camera camera);
-   // return iplImage for using in openCV
-   IplImage* readFrame(int index);
+    // return iplImage for using in openCV
+    IplImage *readFrame(int index);
-   /** Close the .avi file.  This is also done by the destructor. */
-   bool	 close();
+    /** Close the .avi file.  This is also done by the destructor. */
+    bool close();
-//   /*
-//    * Converts the error to a string a posts a message.
-//    *
-//    * @param   hrErr      The resulting error.
-//    */
-//   void errorToString( HRESULT hrErr );
+    //   /*
+    //    * Converts the error to a string a posts a message.
+    //    *
+    //    * @param   hrErr      The resulting error.
+    //    */
+    //   void errorToString( HRESULT hrErr );
-   enum Camera getCamera();
+    enum Camera getCamera();
-   void setCamera(enum Camera);
+    void setCamera(enum Camera);
-   // from here up the var were protected before
+    // from here up the var were protected before
-   /** Height, in pixels, of each frame in the .avi. */
-   int	 m_iRows;
+    /** Height, in pixels, of each frame in the .avi. */
+    int m_iRows;
-   /** Width, in pixels, of each frame in the .avi. */
-   int	 m_iCols;
+    /** Width, in pixels, of each frame in the .avi. */
+    int m_iCols;
-   /** Bits per pixel of the .avi. */
-   int	 m_iBPP;
+    /** Bits per pixel of the .avi. */
+    int m_iBPP;
+    enum Camera mCamera;
-   enum Camera mCamera;
+    /** Row increment, in bytes. */
+    int m_iRowInc;
-   /** Row increment, in bytes. */
-   int	 m_iRowInc;
+    /** Image size in bytes. */
+    int m_iSize;
-   /** Image size in bytes. */
-   int	 m_iSize;
+    /** Time index for current frame. */
+    int m_iTimeIndex;
-   /** Time index for current frame. */
-   int	 m_iTimeIndex;
+    /** Temporary image buffer. */
+    unsigned char *m_pTempBuffer;
-   /** Temporary image buffer. */
-   unsigned char* m_pTempBuffer;
+    // iplImage for use with openCV
+    // IplImage* mImage;
+    IplImage *mImageLeft;
+    IplImage *mImageRight;
-   // iplImage for use with openCV
-   //IplImage* mImage;
-   IplImage* mImageLeft;
-   IplImage* mImageRight;
+    //   /** Temporary buffer for saving .bmps. */
+    //   unsigned char* m_pTempBMPBuffer;
+    //
+    //   /** Our bitmapinfo structure */
+    //   BITMAPINFO* m_pBitmapInfo;
-//   /** Temporary buffer for saving .bmps. */
-//   unsigned char* m_pTempBMPBuffer;
-//   /** Our bitmapinfo structure */
-//   BITMAPINFO* m_pBitmapInfo;
-//   /** avi file name */
-//   char m_szAVIDestFile[ _MAX_PATH ];
+    //   /** avi file name */
+    //   char m_szAVIDestFile[ _MAX_PATH ];
+    /** Read the opened AVI-File */
+    // VideoCapture m_vcReader;
+    CvCapture *m_vcReader;
-   /** Read the opened AVI-File */
-   //VideoCapture m_vcReader;
-   CvCapture* m_vcReader;
-   /** Writes to the opened AVI-File */
-   //VideoWriter m_vcWriter;
+    /** Writes to the opened AVI-File */
+    // VideoWriter m_vcWriter;
diff --git a/include/stereoContext.h b/include/stereoContext.h
index 3a5550f6d9370b56ed6072473a794809cc9fdc3b..83b99a3cabd937fa9a21cf569b0a9b53007248ed 100644
--- a/include/stereoContext.h
+++ b/include/stereoContext.h
@@ -28,29 +28,35 @@
 #ifdef STEREO
-#include "opencv2/calib3d/calib3d_c.h"
 #include "opencv2/calib3d.hpp"
+#include "opencv2/calib3d/calib3d_c.h"
 #include "pgrAviFile.h"
 #include "stereoAviFile.h"
-#include "opencv2/calib3d/calib3d_c.h"
 #include "opencv2/calib3d.hpp"
+#include "opencv2/calib3d/calib3d_c.h"
 class Petrack;
 class Animation;
 class BackgroundFilter;
 /* Namespace to stop multiple definition problem of Class StereoContext in Petrack and Triclops-Library */
-namespace pet{
-enum stereoStatus {clean=0, buildInput=1, preprocessed=2, rectified=4, genDisparity=8};
+namespace pet
+enum stereoStatus
+    clean        = 0,
+    buildInput   = 1,
+    preprocessed = 2,
+    rectified    = 4,
+    genDisparity = 8
 class StereoContext
-    StereoContext(Petrack* main);
+    StereoContext(Petrack *main);
@@ -61,16 +67,13 @@ public:
     void preprocess();
-    IplImage *getRectified(enum Camera camera=cameraRight);
+    IplImage *getRectified(enum Camera camera = cameraRight);
     IplImage *getDisparity(bool *dispNew = nullptr);
     // von person.cpp benoetigt, um frame nummer zu erhalten
-    inline Animation *getAnimation()
-    {
-        return mAnimation;
-    }
+    inline Animation *getAnimation() { return mAnimation; }
     // ---------------------------------------------------
@@ -81,9 +84,9 @@ public:
     void indicateNewValues();
-    bool getXYZ(int row, int col, float* x, float* y, float* z);
+    bool getXYZ(int row, int col, float *x, float *y, float *z);
-    bool getMedianXYZaround(int col, int row, float* x, float* y, float* z);
+    bool getMedianXYZaround(int col, int row, float *x, float *y, float *z);
     float getZfromDisp(unsigned short int disp);
@@ -91,78 +94,56 @@ public:
     // ---------------------------------------------------
 #ifdef STEREO
-    inline TriclopsContext getContext()
-    {
-        return mTriclopsContext;
-    }
+    inline TriclopsContext getContext() { return mTriclopsContext; }
-    inline unsigned char getSurfaceValue() const
-    {
-        return mSurfaceValue;
-    }
-    inline unsigned char getBackForthValue() const
-    {
-        return mBackForthValue;
-    }
+    inline unsigned char getSurfaceValue() const { return mSurfaceValue; }
+    inline unsigned char getBackForthValue() const { return mBackForthValue; }
-    inline unsigned short int getMin() const
-    {
-        return mMin;
-    }
-    inline unsigned short int getMax() const
-    {
-        return mMax;
-    }
+    inline unsigned short int getMin() const { return mMin; }
+    inline unsigned short int getMax() const { return mMax; }
-    inline void addStatus(enum stereoStatus s)
-    {
-        mStatus |= s;
-    }
+    inline void addStatus(enum stereoStatus s) { mStatus |= s; }
     inline void setStatus(enum stereoStatus s) // set status up to this level
-        mStatus = s*2-1;
-    }
-    inline void resetStatus()
-    {
-        mStatus = clean;
+        mStatus = s * 2 - 1;
+    inline void resetStatus() { mStatus = clean; }
-    CvMat* getPointCloud();
+    CvMat *getPointCloud();
     bool exportPointCloud(QString dest = "");
-    Animation         *mAnimation;
-    Petrack           *mMain;
+    Animation *mAnimation;
+    Petrack *  mMain;
 #ifdef STEREO
-    TriclopsContext    mTriclopsContext;
-    TriclopsInput      mTriclopsInput;
-    TriclopsImage      mTriRectLeft;
-    TriclopsImage      mTriRectRight;
-    TriclopsImage16    mTriDisparity;
+    TriclopsContext mTriclopsContext;
+    TriclopsInput   mTriclopsInput;
+    TriclopsImage   mTriRectLeft;
+    TriclopsImage   mTriRectRight;
+    TriclopsImage16 mTriDisparity;
-    BackgroundFilter   *mBackgroundFilterLeft;
-    BackgroundFilter   *mBackgroundFilterRight;
+    BackgroundFilter *mBackgroundFilterLeft;
+    BackgroundFilter *mBackgroundFilterRight;
-    IplImage           mRectLeft;
-    IplImage           mRectRight;
-    IplImage           mDisparity;
-    CvStereoBMState   *mBMState;
+    IplImage         mRectLeft;
+    IplImage         mRectRight;
+    IplImage         mDisparity;
+    CvStereoBMState *mBMState;
-    cv::Ptr<cv::StereoSGBM>    mSgbm;
-    CvMat             *mBMdisparity16;
-    CvMat             *mPointCloud;
-    unsigned char      mSurfaceValue;
-    unsigned char      mBackForthValue;
-    unsigned short int mMin;
-    unsigned short int mMax;
-    short int          mStatus;
+    cv::Ptr<cv::StereoSGBM> mSgbm;
+    CvMat *                 mBMdisparity16;
+    CvMat *                 mPointCloud;
+    unsigned char           mSurfaceValue;
+    unsigned char           mBackForthValue;
+    unsigned short int      mMin;
+    unsigned short int      mMax;
+    short int               mStatus;
+} // namespace pet
 #endif // #ifndef STEREOCONTEXT
diff --git a/include/stereoItem.h b/include/stereoItem.h
index 4c241b48cb3b96a10a6885bdaf10b81c07faf3ce..afec91ddc4e6aca34da4756913ac65bc79d16134 100644
--- a/include/stereoItem.h
+++ b/include/stereoItem.h
@@ -21,27 +21,27 @@
-#include <QGraphicsItem>
 #include "petrack.h"
+#include <QGraphicsItem>
 class StereoItem : public QGraphicsItem
     Petrack *mMainWindow;
-    QImage *mImage;
-    bool mDispNew; // indicates that a new disparity has been generated after the last drawing
+    QImage * mImage;
+    bool     mDispNew; // indicates that a new disparity has been generated after the last drawing
-    StereoItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent = nullptr);
+    StereoItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr);
     void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
     void hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event);
     void updateData(IplImage *disp);
     QRectF boundingRect() const;
-    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
-    void setDispNew(bool d = true);
+    void   paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
+    void   setDispNew(bool d = true);
diff --git a/include/stereoWidget.h b/include/stereoWidget.h
index 86618485fc9fb4fa1d5df365e7ade0976e63a941..d65cf241dce250be3d36560cf9770fb5acae9c71 100644
--- a/include/stereoWidget.h
+++ b/include/stereoWidget.h
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
-#include <QtWidgets>
-#include "ui_stereo.h"
 #include "petrack.h"
 #include "stereoItem.h"
+#include "ui_stereo.h"
+#include <QtWidgets>
-class StereoWidget: public QWidget, public Ui::Stereo
+class StereoWidget : public QWidget, public Ui::Stereo
@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ private slots:
     void on_stereoUseForHeight_stateChanged(int i)
-        if (stereoUseForHeightEver->isChecked() && stereoUseForHeight->isChecked())  
+        if(stereoUseForHeightEver->isChecked() && stereoUseForHeight->isChecked())
     void on_stereoUseForHeightEver_stateChanged(int i)
-        if (stereoUseForHeightEver->isChecked() && stereoUseForHeight->isChecked())
+        if(stereoUseForHeightEver->isChecked() && stereoUseForHeight->isChecked())
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ private slots:
     void on_stereoColor_currentIndexChanged(int i)
-        if (mMainWindow && (mMainWindow->getScene()))
+        if(mMainWindow && (mMainWindow->getScene()))
     void on_stereoDispAlgo_currentIndexChanged(int i)
-        if (mMainWindow && (mMainWindow->getScene()) && mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
+        if(mMainWindow && (mMainWindow->getScene()) && mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
@@ -73,38 +73,35 @@ private slots:
     void on_hideWrong_stateChanged(int i)
-        if (mMainWindow && (mMainWindow->getScene()) && mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
+        if(mMainWindow && (mMainWindow->getScene()) && mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
-        //mMainWindow->getScene()->update();
+        // mMainWindow->getScene()->update();
     void on_stereoMaskSize_valueChanged(int i)
-        if (i%2 == 0)
+        if(i % 2 == 0)
-            stereoMaskSize->setValue(i-1);
+            stereoMaskSize->setValue(i - 1);
-        if (mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
+        if(mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
-    void on_opacity_valueChanged(int i)
-    {
-        mMainWindow->getScene()->update();
-    }
+    void on_opacity_valueChanged(int i) { mMainWindow->getScene()->update(); }
     void on_edgeMaskSize_valueChanged(int i)
-        if (i%2 == 0)
+        if(i % 2 == 0)
-            edgeMaskSize->setValue(i-1);
+            edgeMaskSize->setValue(i - 1);
-        if (mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
+        if(mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
@@ -115,7 +112,7 @@ private slots:
     // zuerst das ergebniss des zuletzt berechneten frames mit edge angezeigt wird!!!!!!!!!
     void on_useEdge_stateChanged(int i)
-        if (mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
+        if(mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
@@ -124,7 +121,7 @@ private slots:
     void on_maxDisparity_valueChanged(int i)
-        if (mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
+        if(mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
@@ -132,17 +129,14 @@ private slots:
     void on_minDisparity_valueChanged(int i)
-        if (mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
+        if(mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
-    void on_stereoExport_clicked()
-    {
-        mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->exportPointCloud();
-    }
+    void on_stereoExport_clicked() { mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->exportPointCloud(); }
diff --git a/include/swapFilter.h b/include/swapFilter.h
index 22b5892f5659e40ccecbb06d02b321e26824caa0..1f57c332e962f25046d4459ccbdd6e12b79ca732 100644
--- a/include/swapFilter.h
+++ b/include/swapFilter.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class SwapFilter : public Filter
     Parameter mSwapHorizontally; // 0.0 false; 1.0 true
-    Parameter mSwapVertically; // 0.0 false; 1.0 true
+    Parameter mSwapVertically;   // 0.0 false; 1.0 true
diff --git a/include/tracker.h b/include/tracker.h
index f93ffaa5e48a01a36e0b23409b203920bc579b8c..746b882f5dbfddba1c20e58b0edaa1547ec88bc3 100644
--- a/include/tracker.h
+++ b/include/tracker.h
@@ -21,14 +21,15 @@
 #ifndef TRACKER_H
 #define TRACKER_H
-#include <QList>
+#include "petrack.h"
+#include "vector.h"
 #include <QColor>
+#include <QList>
 #include <QTextStream>
-#include "vector.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
-// war 1.5, aber bei bildauslassungen kann es ungewollt zuschlagen (bei 3 ist ein ausgelassener frame mgl, bei 2 wieder ein problem)
+// war 1.5, aber bei bildauslassungen kann es ungewollt zuschlagen (bei 3 ist ein ausgelassener frame mgl, bei 2 wieder
+// ein problem)
 inline constexpr double EXTRAPOLATE_FACTOR = 3.;
 // maximale anzahl an gleichzeitig getrackten personen
@@ -48,11 +49,12 @@ inline constexpr double MIN_HEIGHT = -100'000.;
 class TrackPoint : public Vec2F // Vec2F is pixel point in picture
-    Vec2F mColPoint; // center of color marker
-    QColor mCol;     // color of corresponding marker
-    int mQual;       // quality 0 (worst) .. 100 (best)
-    int mMarkerID;   // ID of detected Marker
-    Vec3F mSp;        // measured 3d point with stereo // mZdistanceToCam; // distance in z direction to camera - measured with stereo
+    Vec2F  mColPoint; // center of color marker
+    QColor mCol;      // color of corresponding marker
+    int    mQual;     // quality 0 (worst) .. 100 (best)
+    int    mMarkerID; // ID of detected Marker
+    Vec3F mSp; // measured 3d point with stereo // mZdistanceToCam; // distance in z direction to camera - measured with
+               // stereo
@@ -62,82 +64,46 @@ public:
     TrackPoint(const Vec2F &p, int qual, const QColor &col);
     TrackPoint(const Vec2F &p, int qual, const Vec2F &colPoint, const QColor &col);
-    inline const Vec2F& colPoint() const
-    {
-        return mColPoint;
-    }
-    inline void setColPoint(Vec2F &cp)
-    {
-        mColPoint = cp;
-    }
-    inline const QColor& color() const
-    {
-        return mCol;
-    }
-    inline void setColor(QColor& col)
-    {
-        mCol = col;
-    }
-    inline void setColPoint(const Vec2F &colPoint)
-    {
-        mColPoint = colPoint;
-    }
-    inline void setCol(const QColor &col)
-    {
-        mCol = col;
-    }
-    inline int qual() const
-    {
-        return mQual;
-    }
-    inline void setQual(int qual)
-    {
-        mQual = qual;
-    }
-    inline int getMarkerID() const
-    {
-        return mMarkerID;
-    }
-    inline void setMarkerID(int markerID)
-    {
-        mMarkerID = markerID;
-    }
-    inline const Vec3F& sp() const
-    {
-        return mSp;
-    }
-    inline void setSp(const Vec3F &sp)
-    {
-        mSp = sp;
-    }
-    inline void setSp(float x, float y, float z)
+    inline const Vec2F & colPoint() const { return mColPoint; }
+    inline void          setColPoint(Vec2F &cp) { mColPoint = cp; }
+    inline const QColor &color() const { return mCol; }
+    inline void          setColor(QColor &col) { mCol = col; }
+    inline void          setColPoint(const Vec2F &colPoint) { mColPoint = colPoint; }
+    inline void          setCol(const QColor &col) { mCol = col; }
+    inline int           qual() const { return mQual; }
+    inline void          setQual(int qual) { mQual = qual; }
+    inline int           getMarkerID() const { return mMarkerID; }
+    inline void          setMarkerID(int markerID) { mMarkerID = markerID; }
+    inline const Vec3F &sp() const { return mSp; }
+    inline void         setSp(const Vec3F &sp) { mSp = sp; }
+    inline void         setSp(float x, float y, float z)
-    const TrackPoint& operator=(const Vec2F& v);
-    const TrackPoint& operator+=(const Vec2F& v);
-    const TrackPoint operator+(const Vec2F& v) const;
+    const TrackPoint &operator=(const Vec2F &v);
+    const TrackPoint &operator+=(const Vec2F &v);
+    const TrackPoint  operator+(const Vec2F &v) const;
-inline QTextStream& operator>>(QTextStream& s, TrackPoint& tp)
+inline QTextStream &operator>>(QTextStream &s, TrackPoint &tp)
     double d;
-    Vec2F p;
-    Vec3F sp;
+    Vec2F  p;
+    Vec3F  sp;
     QColor col;
-    int qual;
-    int markerID;
+    int    qual;
+    int    markerID;
-    s >> d; 
+    s >> d;
     s >> d;
-    if (Petrack::trcVersion > 1)
+    if(Petrack::trcVersion > 1)
         s >> d;
@@ -147,40 +113,48 @@ inline QTextStream& operator>>(QTextStream& s, TrackPoint& tp)
-    s >> qual; 
+    s >> qual;
-    s >> d; 
+    s >> d;
-    s >> d; 
+    s >> d;
-    s >> col; 
+    s >> col;
-    if (Petrack::trcVersion > 2)
+    if(Petrack::trcVersion > 2)
         s >> markerID;
     return s;
-inline QTextStream& operator<<(QTextStream& s, const TrackPoint& tp)
+inline QTextStream &operator<<(QTextStream &s, const TrackPoint &tp)
-    if (Petrack::trcVersion > 2)
-        s << tp.x() << " " << tp.y() << " " << tp.sp().x() << " " << tp.sp().y() << " " << tp.sp().z() << " " << tp.qual() << " " << tp.colPoint().x() << " " << tp.colPoint().y() << " " << tp.color() << " " << tp.getMarkerID();
-    else if (Petrack::trcVersion == 2)
-        s << tp.x() << " " << tp.y() << " " << tp.sp().x() << " " << tp.sp().y() << " " << tp.sp().z() << " " << tp.qual() << " " << tp.colPoint().x() << " " << tp.colPoint().y() << " " << tp.color();
+    if(Petrack::trcVersion > 2)
+        s << tp.x() << " " << tp.y() << " " << tp.sp().x() << " " << tp.sp().y() << " " << tp.sp().z() << " "
+          << tp.qual() << " " << tp.colPoint().x() << " " << tp.colPoint().y() << " " << tp.color() << " "
+          << tp.getMarkerID();
+    else if(Petrack::trcVersion == 2)
+        s << tp.x() << " " << tp.y() << " " << tp.sp().x() << " " << tp.sp().y() << " " << tp.sp().z() << " "
+          << tp.qual() << " " << tp.colPoint().x() << " " << tp.colPoint().y() << " " << tp.color();
-        s << tp.x() << " " << tp.y() << " " << tp.qual() << " " << tp.colPoint().x() << " " << tp.colPoint().y() << " " << tp.color();
+        s << tp.x() << " " << tp.y() << " " << tp.qual() << " " << tp.colPoint().x() << " " << tp.colPoint().y() << " "
+          << tp.color();
     return s;
-inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const TrackPoint& tp)
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const TrackPoint &tp)
-    if (Petrack::trcVersion > 2)
-        s << tp.x() << " " << tp.y() << " " << tp.sp().x() << " " << tp.sp().y() << " " << tp.sp().z() << " " << tp.qual() << " " << tp.colPoint().x() << " " << tp.colPoint().y() << " " << tp.color() << " " << tp.getMarkerID();
-    else if (Petrack::trcVersion > 1)
-        s << tp.x() << " " << tp.y() << " " << tp.sp().x() << " " << tp.sp().y() << " " << tp.sp().z() << " " << tp.qual() << " " << tp.colPoint().x() << " " << tp.colPoint().y() << " " << tp.color();
+    if(Petrack::trcVersion > 2)
+        s << tp.x() << " " << tp.y() << " " << tp.sp().x() << " " << tp.sp().y() << " " << tp.sp().z() << " "
+          << tp.qual() << " " << tp.colPoint().x() << " " << tp.colPoint().y() << " " << tp.color() << " "
+          << tp.getMarkerID();
+    else if(Petrack::trcVersion > 1)
+        s << tp.x() << " " << tp.y() << " " << tp.sp().x() << " " << tp.sp().y() << " " << tp.sp().z() << " "
+          << tp.qual() << " " << tp.colPoint().x() << " " << tp.colPoint().y() << " " << tp.color();
-        s << tp.x() << " " << tp.y() << " " << tp.qual() << " " << tp.colPoint().x() << " " << tp.colPoint().y() << " " << tp.color();
+        s << tp.x() << " " << tp.y() << " " << tp.qual() << " " << tp.colPoint().x() << " " << tp.colPoint().y() << " "
+          << tp.color();
     return s;
@@ -191,18 +165,19 @@ inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const TrackPoint& tp)
 class TrackPerson : public QList<TrackPoint>
-    int mNr; // person number
-    int mMarkerID = -1; //markerID of Trackperson; -1 as positive values including 0 do exist as ArucoCodeNumbers-Values
-    double mHeight; // height of the person
-    int mHeightCount; // number of colors where mHeight is averaged
-    int mFirstFrame; // 0.. frame where the person was tracked the first time
-    int mLastFrame; // 0..
-    //int qual; // quality
-    bool mNewReco; // true if person was just recognized
-    QColor mCol; // color of point
-    QString mComment; // comment for person
-    int mNrInBg; // number of successive frames in the background
-    int mColCount; // number of colors where mCol is average from
+    int mNr;             // person number
+    int mMarkerID = -1;  // markerID of Trackperson; -1 as positive values including 0 do exist as
+                         // ArucoCodeNumbers-Values
+    double mHeight;      // height of the person
+    int    mHeightCount; // number of colors where mHeight is averaged
+    int    mFirstFrame;  // 0.. frame where the person was tracked the first time
+    int    mLastFrame;   // 0..
+    // int qual; // quality
+    bool    mNewReco;  // true if person was just recognized
+    QColor  mCol;      // color of point
+    QString mComment;  // comment for person
+    int     mNrInBg;   // number of successive frames in the background
+    int     mColCount; // number of colors where mCol is average from
@@ -212,134 +187,72 @@ public:
     bool insertAtFrame(int frame, const TrackPoint &p, int persNr, bool extrapolate);
-    inline int nrInBg() const
-    {
-        return mNrInBg;
-    }
-    inline void setNrInBg(int n)
-    {
-        mNrInBg = n;
-    }
+    inline int  nrInBg() const { return mNrInBg; }
+    inline void setNrInBg(int n) { mNrInBg = n; }
-    inline double height() const
-    {
-        return mHeight;
-    }
+    inline double height() const { return mHeight; }
     // echte Personengroesse beim einlesen der trj datei
-    inline void setHeight(double h)
-    {
-        mHeight = h;
-    }
+    inline void setHeight(double h) { mHeight = h; }
     // beim setzen der Hoehe wird Mittelwert gebildet
     // z is z distance to camera
     // altitude is height of the camera over floor
     inline void setHeight(float z, float altitude) // , int frame
-        mHeight = (mHeight*mHeightCount+(altitude-z))/(mHeightCount+1);
+        mHeight = (mHeight * mHeightCount + (altitude - z)) / (mHeightCount + 1);
     inline void resetHeight()
-        mHeight = MIN_HEIGHT;
+        mHeight      = MIN_HEIGHT;
         mHeightCount = 0;
-    void recalcHeight(float altitude);
+    void   recalcHeight(float altitude);
     double getNearestZ(int i, int *extrapolated);
-    inline int getMarkerID() const
-    {
-        return mMarkerID;
-    }
-    inline void setMarkerID(const int markerID)
-    {
-        mMarkerID = markerID;
-    }
-    inline const QColor& color() const
-    {
-        return mCol;
-    }
-    inline void setColor(const QColor& col)
-    {
-        mCol = col;
-    }
-    inline bool newReco() const
-    {
-        return mNewReco;
-    }
-    inline void setNewReco(bool b)
-    {
-        mNewReco = b;
-    }
-    inline int firstFrame() const
-    {
-        return mFirstFrame;
-    }
-    inline void setFirstFrame(int f)
-    {
-        mFirstFrame = f;
-    }
-    inline int lastFrame() const
-    {
-        return mLastFrame;
-    }
-    inline void setLastFrame(int f)
-    {
-        mLastFrame = f;
-    }
-    inline int nr() const
-    {
-        return mNr;
-    }
-    inline void setNr(int nr)
-    {
-        mNr = nr;
-    }
-    inline const QString comment() const
-    {
-        return mComment;
-    }
+    inline int           getMarkerID() const { return mMarkerID; }
+    inline void          setMarkerID(const int markerID) { mMarkerID = markerID; }
+    inline const QColor &color() const { return mCol; }
+    inline void          setColor(const QColor &col) { mCol = col; }
+    inline bool          newReco() const { return mNewReco; }
+    inline void          setNewReco(bool b) { mNewReco = b; }
+    inline int           firstFrame() const { return mFirstFrame; }
+    inline void          setFirstFrame(int f) { mFirstFrame = f; }
+    inline int           lastFrame() const { return mLastFrame; }
+    inline void          setLastFrame(int f) { mLastFrame = f; }
+    inline int           nr() const { return mNr; }
+    inline void          setNr(int nr) { mNr = nr; }
+    inline const QString comment() const { return mComment; }
      * @brief Get the comment without line breaks
      * Get the comment as a one line QString where all linebreak are replaced with '<br>'
      * @return comment without line breaks
-    inline QString serializeComment() const
-    {
-        return QString{mComment}.replace(QRegularExpression("\n"), "<br>");
-    }
-    inline void setComment(QString s)
-    {
-        mComment = s;
-    }
-    inline int colCount() const
-    {
-        return mColCount;
-    }
-    inline void setColCount(int c)
-    {
-        mColCount = c;
-    }
-    void addColor(const QColor &col);
-    void optimizeColor();
-    bool trackPointExist(int frame) const;
-    const TrackPoint& trackPointAt(int frame) const; // & macht bei else probleme, sonst mit [] zugreifbar
+    inline QString serializeComment() const { return QString{mComment}.replace(QRegularExpression("\n"), "<br>"); }
+    inline void       setComment(QString s) { mComment = s; }
+    inline int        colCount() const { return mColCount; }
+    inline void       setColCount(int c) { mColCount = c; }
+    void              addColor(const QColor &col);
+    void              optimizeColor();
+    bool              trackPointExist(int frame) const;
+    const TrackPoint &trackPointAt(int frame) const; // & macht bei else probleme, sonst mit [] zugreifbar
     // gibt -1 zurueck, wenn frame oder naechster frame nicht existiert
     // entfernung ist absolut
     double distanceToNextFrame(int frame) const;
-    void syncTrackPersonMarkerID(int markerID);
+    void   syncTrackPersonMarkerID(int markerID);
-//mHeightCount wird nicht e3xportiert und auch nicht wieder eingelesen -> nach import auf 0 obwohl auf height ein wert steht, daher immer mheight auf -1 testen!!!
+// mHeightCount wird nicht e3xportiert und auch nicht wieder eingelesen -> nach import auf 0 obwohl auf height ein wert
+// steht, daher immer mheight auf -1 testen!!!
 // keine Konsistenzueberpruefung
-inline QTextStream& operator>>(QTextStream& s, TrackPerson& tp)
+inline QTextStream &operator>>(QTextStream &s, TrackPerson &tp)
-    double d;
-    QColor col;
-    int n;
+    double     d;
+    QColor     col;
+    int        n;
     TrackPoint p;
-    int markerID;
+    int        markerID;
     QString str = s.readLine();
@@ -358,13 +271,13 @@ inline QTextStream& operator>>(QTextStream& s, TrackPerson& tp)
     trjInfoLine >> col;
-    if (Petrack::trcVersion > 3)
+    if(Petrack::trcVersion > 3)
         trjInfoLine >> markerID;
-    trjInfoLine >> n; // size of list
-    if (Petrack::trcVersion > 2) // Reading the comment line
+    trjInfoLine >> n;           // size of list
+    if(Petrack::trcVersion > 2) // Reading the comment line
         // Kommentarzeile lesen
         str = s.readLine();
@@ -372,7 +285,7 @@ inline QTextStream& operator>>(QTextStream& s, TrackPerson& tp)
-    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+    for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
         s >> p;
@@ -380,30 +293,32 @@ inline QTextStream& operator>>(QTextStream& s, TrackPerson& tp)
     return s;
-inline QTextStream& operator<<(QTextStream& s, const TrackPerson& tp)
+inline QTextStream &operator<<(QTextStream &s, const TrackPerson &tp)
-    s << tp.nr() << " " << tp.height() << " " << tp.firstFrame() << " " << tp.lastFrame() << " " << tp.colCount() << " " << tp.color();
-    if (Petrack::trcVersion > 3)
+    s << tp.nr() << " " << tp.height() << " " << tp.firstFrame() << " " << tp.lastFrame() << " " << tp.colCount() << " "
+      << tp.color();
+    if(Petrack::trcVersion > 3)
-        s << " " <<tp.getMarkerID();
+        s << " " << tp.getMarkerID();
     s << " " << tp.size();
     s << Qt::endl << tp.serializeComment() << Qt::endl;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tp.size(); ++i)
+    for(int i = 0; i < tp.size(); ++i)
         s << tp.at(i) << Qt::endl;
     return s;
-inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const TrackPerson& tp)
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const TrackPerson &tp)
-    s << tp.nr() << " " << tp.height() << " " << tp.firstFrame() << " " << tp.lastFrame() << " " << tp.colCount() << " " << tp.color();
+    s << tp.nr() << " " << tp.height() << " " << tp.firstFrame() << " " << tp.lastFrame() << " " << tp.colCount() << " "
+      << tp.color();
     if(Petrack::trcVersion > 3)
-        s <<  " " << tp.getMarkerID();
+        s << " " << tp.getMarkerID();
     s << " " << tp.size();
     s << std::endl << tp.serializeComment() << std::endl;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tp.size(); ++i)
+    for(int i = 0; i < tp.size(); ++i)
         s << tp.at(i) << std::endl;
     return s;
@@ -425,15 +340,15 @@ inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const TrackPerson& tp)
 class Tracker : public QList<TrackPerson>
-    Petrack *mMainWindow;
-    cv::Mat mGrey, mPrevGrey;
-    std::vector<cv::Mat> mPrevPyr, mCurrentPyr;
+    Petrack *                mMainWindow;
+    cv::Mat                  mGrey, mPrevGrey;
+    std::vector<cv::Mat>     mPrevPyr, mCurrentPyr;
     std::vector<cv::Point2f> mPrevFeaturePoints, mFeaturePoints;
-    std::vector<uchar> mStatus;
-    int mPrevFrame;
-    std::vector<int> mPrevFeaturePointsIdx;
-    std::vector<float> mTrackError;
-    cv::TermCriteria mTermCriteria;
+    std::vector<uchar>       mStatus;
+    int                      mPrevFrame;
+    std::vector<int>         mPrevFeaturePointsIdx;
+    std::vector<float>       mTrackError;
+    cv::TermCriteria         mTermCriteria;
     Tracker(QWidget *wParent);
@@ -446,16 +361,16 @@ public:
     void resize(cv::Size size);
     void splitPerson(int pers, int frame);
-    bool splitPersonAt(const Vec2F& p, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible);
+    bool splitPersonAt(const Vec2F &p, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible);
     bool delPointOf(int pers, int direction, int frame);
-    bool delPoint(const Vec2F& p, int direction, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible);
+    bool delPoint(const Vec2F &p, int direction, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible);
     void delPointAll(int direction, int frame);
     void delPointROI();
     void delPointInsideROI();
-    bool editTrackPersonComment(const Vec2F& p, int frame, const QSet<int>& onlyVisible);
-    bool setTrackPersonHeight(const Vec2F& p, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible);
-    bool resetTrackPersonHeight(const Vec2F& p, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible);
+    bool editTrackPersonComment(const Vec2F &p, int frame, const QSet<int> &onlyVisible);
+    bool setTrackPersonHeight(const Vec2F &p, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible);
+    bool resetTrackPersonHeight(const Vec2F &p, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible);
     // used for calculation of 3D point for all points in frame
     // returns number of found points or -1 if no stereoContext available (also points without disp found are counted)
@@ -464,7 +379,12 @@ public:
     // true, if new traj is inserted with point p and initial frame frame
     // p in pixel coord
     // pers wird gesetzt, wenn existierender trackpoint einer person verschoben wird
-    bool addPoint(TrackPoint &p, int frame, const QSet<int>& onlyVisible, reco::RecognitionMethod method, int *pers = nullptr);
+    bool addPoint(
+        TrackPoint &            p,
+        int                     frame,
+        const QSet<int> &       onlyVisible,
+        reco::RecognitionMethod method,
+        int *                   pers = nullptr);
     // hier sollte direkt die farbe mit uebergeben werden
     void addPoints(QList<TrackPoint> &pL, int frame, reco::RecognitionMethod method);
@@ -479,19 +399,38 @@ public:
     int smallestFirstFrame();
     int smallestLastFrame();
-    size_t calcPrevFeaturePoints(int prevFrame, cv::Rect &rect, int frame, bool reTrack, int reQual, int borderSize, QSet<int> onlyVisible);
+    size_t calcPrevFeaturePoints(
+        int       prevFrame,
+        cv::Rect &rect,
+        int       frame,
+        bool      reTrack,
+        int       reQual,
+        int       borderSize,
+        QSet<int> onlyVisible);
     int insertFeaturePoints(int frame, size_t count, cv::Mat &img, int borderSize, float errorScale);
     // frame ist frame fuer naechsten prev frame
-    int track(cv::Mat &img, cv::Rect &rect, int frame, bool reTrack, int reQual, int borderSize,  reco::RecognitionMethod recoMethod, int level=3, QSet<int> onlyVisible = QSet<int>(), int errorScaleExponent=0);
-    void checkPlausibility(QList<int> &pers, QList<int> &frame,
-                           bool testEqual = true,
-                           bool testVelocity = true,
-                           bool testInside = true,
-                           bool testLength = true);
+    int track(
+        cv::Mat &               img,
+        cv::Rect &              rect,
+        int                     frame,
+        bool                    reTrack,
+        int                     reQual,
+        int                     borderSize,
+        reco::RecognitionMethod recoMethod,
+        int                     level              = 3,
+        QSet<int>               onlyVisible        = QSet<int>(),
+        int                     errorScaleExponent = 0);
+    void checkPlausibility(
+        QList<int> &pers,
+        QList<int> &frame,
+        bool        testEqual    = true,
+        bool        testVelocity = true,
+        bool        testInside   = true,
+        bool        testLength   = true);
     void optimizeColor();
     // reset the height of all persons, but not the pos of the trackpoints
@@ -511,12 +450,12 @@ public:
     void purge(int frame);
-    bool tryMergeTrajectories(const TrackPoint& v, size_t i, int frame);
+    bool tryMergeTrajectories(const TrackPoint &v, size_t i, int frame);
     void trackFeaturePointsLK(int level);
     void trackFeaturePointsLK(int level, bool adaptive);
     void refineViaColorPointLK(int level, float errorScale);
-    void useBackgroundFilter(QList<int>& trjToDel, BackgroundFilter *bgFilter);
+    void useBackgroundFilter(QList<int> &trjToDel, BackgroundFilter *bgFilter);
     void refineViaNearDarkPoint();
     void preCalculateImagePyramids(int level);
diff --git a/include/trackerItem.h b/include/trackerItem.h
index 5f110166d5e6beb0726264e4b8c2bddad9a956ef..574e2fe294a1a07a470a1ea97a3f40eb210329e4 100644
--- a/include/trackerItem.h
+++ b/include/trackerItem.h
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ private:
     Tracker *mTracker;
-    TrackerItem(QWidget *wParent, Tracker *tracker, QGraphicsItem * parent = nullptr);
-    void contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event);
+    TrackerItem(QWidget *wParent, Tracker *tracker, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr);
+    void   contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event);
     QRectF boundingRect() const;
-    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
+    void   paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
diff --git a/include/trackerReal.h b/include/trackerReal.h
index bba495c331d0e9d77e99f443d94536f6242a018e..39c2a3f1827112ee53517a77f2bab0f4a79befb1 100644
--- a/include/trackerReal.h
+++ b/include/trackerReal.h
@@ -21,56 +21,36 @@
-#include <QList>
-#include "vector.h"
-#include "tracker.h"
-#include "imageItem.h"
 #include "colorPlot.h"
+#include "imageItem.h"
+#include "tracker.h"
+#include "vector.h"
+#include <QList>
 // point in x/y in cm
 class TrackPointReal : public Vec3F
-    int mFrameNum; // frame number in animation sequence possibly with missing frames
+    int   mFrameNum; // frame number in animation sequence possibly with missing frames
     Vec2F mViewDir;
     float mAngleOfView; // angle of view of camera to point
-    int mMarkerID;
+    int   mMarkerID;
     TrackPointReal(const Vec3F &p, int frameNum);
     TrackPointReal(const Vec3F &p, int frameNum, const Vec2F &d);
-    inline int frameNum() const
-    {
-        return mFrameNum;
-    }
-    inline void setFrameNum(int frameNum)
-    {
-        mFrameNum = frameNum;
-    }
-    inline Vec2F viewDir() const
-    {
-        return mViewDir;
-    }
-    inline float angleOfView() const
-    {
-        return mAngleOfView;
-    }
-    inline void setAngleOfView(float a)
-    {
-        mAngleOfView = a;
-    }
-    inline int getMarkerID() const
-    {
-        return mMarkerID;
-    }
-    inline void setMarkerID(int markerID)
-    {
-        mMarkerID = markerID;
-    }
+    inline int   frameNum() const { return mFrameNum; }
+    inline void  setFrameNum(int frameNum) { mFrameNum = frameNum; }
+    inline Vec2F viewDir() const { return mViewDir; }
+    inline float angleOfView() const { return mAngleOfView; }
+    inline void  setAngleOfView(float a) { mAngleOfView = a; }
+    inline int   getMarkerID() const { return mMarkerID; }
+    inline void  setMarkerID(int markerID) { mMarkerID = markerID; }
-inline QTextStream& operator<<(QTextStream& s, const TrackPointReal& tp)
+inline QTextStream &operator<<(QTextStream &s, const TrackPointReal &tp)
     s << tp.x() << " " << tp.y(); // nur x, y wird ausgegeben, z wird nur bei Bedarf mit ausgegeben!!!
     return s;
@@ -83,63 +63,39 @@ inline QTextStream& operator<<(QTextStream& s, const TrackPointReal& tp)
 class TrackPersonReal : public QList<TrackPointReal>
-    double mHeight; // height of the person
-    int mFirstFrame; // 0.. frame where the person was tracked the first time
-    int mLastFrame; // 0..
-    int mMarkerID = -1; //set to -1 as -1 does not naturally occur as a ArucoMarkerNumber-value
+    double mHeight;        // height of the person
+    int    mFirstFrame;    // 0.. frame where the person was tracked the first time
+    int    mLastFrame;     // 0..
+    int    mMarkerID = -1; // set to -1 as -1 does not naturally occur as a ArucoMarkerNumber-value
     TrackPersonReal(int frame, const TrackPointReal &p);
-    inline double height() const
-    {
-        return mHeight;
-    }
-    inline void setHeight(double h)
-    {
-        mHeight = h;
-    }
-    inline int firstFrame() const
-    {
-        return mFirstFrame;
-    }
-    inline void setFirstFrame(int f)
-    {
-        mFirstFrame = f;
-    }
-    inline int lastFrame() const
-    {
-        return mLastFrame;
-    }
-    inline void setLastFrame(int f)
-    {
-        mLastFrame = f;
-    }
-    inline int getMarkerID() const
-    {
-        return mMarkerID;
-    }
-    inline void setMarkerID(int markerID)
-    {
-        mMarkerID = markerID;
-    }
-    bool trackPointExist(int frame) const;
-    const TrackPointReal& trackPointAt(int frame) const; // & macht bei else probleme, sonst mit [] zugreifbar
+    inline double         height() const { return mHeight; }
+    inline void           setHeight(double h) { mHeight = h; }
+    inline int            firstFrame() const { return mFirstFrame; }
+    inline void           setFirstFrame(int f) { mFirstFrame = f; }
+    inline int            lastFrame() const { return mLastFrame; }
+    inline void           setLastFrame(int f) { mLastFrame = f; }
+    inline int            getMarkerID() const { return mMarkerID; }
+    inline void           setMarkerID(int markerID) { mMarkerID = markerID; }
+    bool                  trackPointExist(int frame) const;
+    const TrackPointReal &trackPointAt(int frame) const; // & macht bei else probleme, sonst mit [] zugreifbar
     // gibt -1 zurueck, wenn frame oder naechster frame nicht existiert
     // entfernung ist absolut
     double distanceToNextFrame(int frame) const;
-    void init(int firstFrame, double height, int markerID);
-    void addEnd(const QPointF& pos, int frame);
-    void addEnd(const Vec3F& pos, int frame);
-    void addEnd(const QPointF& pos, int frame, const QPointF &dir);
+    void   init(int firstFrame, double height, int markerID);
+    void   addEnd(const QPointF &pos, int frame);
+    void   addEnd(const Vec3F &pos, int frame);
+    void   addEnd(const QPointF &pos, int frame, const QPointF &dir);
-inline QTextStream& operator<<(QTextStream& s, const TrackPersonReal& tp)
+inline QTextStream &operator<<(QTextStream &s, const TrackPersonReal &tp)
     int firstFrame = tp.firstFrame();
-    for (int i = 0; i < tp.size(); ++i)
-        s << firstFrame+i << tp.at(i) << tp.height() << Qt::endl;
+    for(int i = 0; i < tp.size(); ++i)
+        s << firstFrame + i << tp.at(i) << tp.height() << Qt::endl;
     return s;
@@ -157,26 +113,14 @@ inline QTextStream& operator<<(QTextStream& s, const TrackPersonReal& tp)
 class TrackerReal : public QList<TrackPersonReal>
-    double mXMin, mXMax, mYMin, mYMax;
+    double   mXMin, mXMax, mYMin, mYMax;
     Petrack *mMainWindow;
-    inline double xMin() const
-    {
-        return mXMin;
-    }
-    inline double xMax() const
-    {
-        return mXMax;
-    }
-    inline double yMin() const
-    {
-        return mYMin;
-    }
-    inline double yMax() const
-    {
-        return mYMax;
-    }
+    inline double xMin() const { return mXMin; }
+    inline double xMax() const { return mXMax; }
+    inline double yMin() const { return mYMin; }
+    inline double yMax() const { return mYMax; }
     TrackerReal(QWidget *wParent);
@@ -189,20 +133,40 @@ public:
     // petrack...getImageBorderSize()
     // mControlWidget->getColorPlot()
     // petrack...mImageItem
-    int calculate(Tracker *tracker, ImageItem *imageItem, ColorPlot *colorPlot, int imageBorderSize = 0, bool missingFramesInserted = true, bool useTrackpoints = false,
-                  bool alternateHeight = false, double altitude = 0, bool useCalibrationCenter = true,
-                  bool exportElimTp = false, bool exportElimTrj = false, bool exportSmooth = true,
-                  bool exportViewingDirection = false, bool exportAngleOfView = false, bool exportMarkerID = false, bool exportAutoCorrect = false);
+    int calculate(
+        Tracker *  tracker,
+        ImageItem *imageItem,
+        ColorPlot *colorPlot,
+        int        imageBorderSize        = 0,
+        bool       missingFramesInserted  = true,
+        bool       useTrackpoints         = false,
+        bool       alternateHeight        = false,
+        double     altitude               = 0,
+        bool       useCalibrationCenter   = true,
+        bool       exportElimTp           = false,
+        bool       exportElimTrj          = false,
+        bool       exportSmooth           = true,
+        bool       exportViewingDirection = false,
+        bool       exportAngleOfView      = false,
+        bool       exportMarkerID         = false,
+        bool       exportAutoCorrect      = false);
     void calcMinMax();
-    int largestFirstFrame();
-    int largestLastFrame();
-    int smallestFirstFrame();
-    int smallestLastFrame();
+    int  largestFirstFrame();
+    int  largestLastFrame();
+    int  smallestFirstFrame();
+    int  smallestLastFrame();
     // alternateHeight true, wenn keine eindeutige personengroesse ausgegeben wird, sondern fuer jeden pounkt andere
-    void exportTxt(QTextStream &out,    bool alternateHeight, bool useTrackpoints, bool exportViewingDirection, bool exportAngleOfView, bool exportUseM, bool exportMarkerID);
-    void exportDat(QTextStream &out,    bool alternateHeight, bool useTrackpoints); // fuer gnuplot
+    void exportTxt(
+        QTextStream &out,
+        bool         alternateHeight,
+        bool         useTrackpoints,
+        bool         exportViewingDirection,
+        bool         exportAngleOfView,
+        bool         exportUseM,
+        bool         exportMarkerID);
+    void exportDat(QTextStream &out, bool alternateHeight, bool useTrackpoints); // fuer gnuplot
     void exportXml(QTextStream &outXml, bool alternateHeight, bool useTrackpoints);
diff --git a/include/trackingRoiItem.h b/include/trackingRoiItem.h
index 70206b14f506ac39152447ea34d19376a156a011..8d9d35ee0699503efe82ba4759b2a6b8c66644b3 100644
--- a/include/trackingRoiItem.h
+++ b/include/trackingRoiItem.h
@@ -28,23 +28,34 @@ class Control;
 class TrackingRoiItem : public QGraphicsRectItem
-  inline static constexpr int DISTANCE_TO_BORDER = 5;
-  inline static constexpr int MIN_SIZE = 10;
-  enum pressLocation{inside, top, bottom, left, right, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight};
+    inline static constexpr int DISTANCE_TO_BORDER = 5;
+    inline static constexpr int MIN_SIZE           = 10;
+    enum pressLocation
+    {
+        inside,
+        top,
+        bottom,
+        left,
+        right,
+        topLeft,
+        topRight,
+        bottomLeft,
+        bottomRight
+    };
-    Petrack *mMainWindow;
-    Control *mControlWidget;
-    QRect mPressRect;
-    QPointF mPressPos;
+    Petrack *          mMainWindow;
+    Control *          mControlWidget;
+    QRect              mPressRect;
+    QPointF            mPressPos;
     enum pressLocation mPressLocation;
-    TrackingRoiItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent = nullptr);
-    void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event);
-    void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event);
-    void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event);
+    TrackingRoiItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr);
+    void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
+    void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
+    void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
     void hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event);
     void checkRect();
diff --git a/include/vector.h b/include/vector.h
index 3267eb46e1566bd4913acdebd40caa37c74f568d..958363ba7faafbf338bf38cdab5a9b8194786203 100644
--- a/include/vector.h
+++ b/include/vector.h
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
 #include "helper.h"
+#include <QMatrix4x4>
 #include <QVector3D>
 #include <opencv2/core/types_c.h>
-#include <QMatrix4x4>
 struct CvPoint;
 struct CvPoint2D32f;
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ inline void printQVector3D(const QVector3D &p)
 inline void printQMatrix4x4(const QMatrix4x4 &m)
-    for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
-        debout << (m.data())[i*4+0] << " " << (m.data())[i*4+1] << " "
-               << (m.data())[i*4+2] << " " << (m.data())[i*4+3] << std::endl;
+    for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+        debout << (m.data())[i * 4 + 0] << " " << (m.data())[i * 4 + 1] << " " << (m.data())[i * 4 + 2] << " "
+               << (m.data())[i * 4 + 3] << std::endl;
 class Vec3F
@@ -57,52 +57,52 @@ public:
     Vec3F(double x, double y, double z);
     ~Vec3F() = default;
-    Vec3F(const Vec3F& v) = default;
-    Vec3F(Vec3F&& v) = default;
+    Vec3F(const Vec3F &v) = default;
+    Vec3F(Vec3F &&v)      = default;
-    Vec3F(const cv::Point3f& v);
+    Vec3F(const cv::Point3f &v);
     double x() const;
     double y() const;
     double z() const;
-    void setX(double x);
-    void setY(double y);
-    void setZ(double z);
-    void set(double x, double y, double z);
+    void   setX(double x);
+    void   setY(double y);
+    void   setZ(double z);
+    void   set(double x, double y, double z);
-    Vec3F& operator=(const Vec3F& v) = default;
-    Vec3F& operator=(Vec3F&& v) = default;
+    Vec3F &operator=(const Vec3F &v) = default;
+    Vec3F &operator=(Vec3F &&v) = default;
-    Vec3F& operator=(const cv::Point3f& v);
+    Vec3F &operator=(const cv::Point3f &v);
-    Vec3F operator+(const Vec3F& v) const;
-    Vec3F operator-(const Vec3F& v) const;
-    Vec3F& operator+=(const Vec3F& v);
-    Vec3F& operator-=(const Vec3F& v);
-    Vec3F operator-() const;
+    Vec3F  operator+(const Vec3F &v) const;
+    Vec3F  operator-(const Vec3F &v) const;
+    Vec3F &operator+=(const Vec3F &v);
+    Vec3F &operator-=(const Vec3F &v);
+    Vec3F  operator-() const;
     Vec3F operator*(double n) const; // multiply with a scalar value
     Vec3F operator/(double n) const; // divide by a scalar value
-    double operator*(const Vec3F& v) const; // dot product 
+    double operator*(const Vec3F &v) const; // dot product
-    bool operator==(const Vec3F& v) const;
-    bool operator!=(const Vec3F& v) const;
+    bool operator==(const Vec3F &v) const;
+    bool operator!=(const Vec3F &v) const;
     double length() const;
-    Vec3F unit() const;
-	void normalize();
+    Vec3F  unit() const;
+    void   normalize();
-    double distanceToPoint(const Vec3F& p) const;
+    double distanceToPoint(const Vec3F &p) const;
-inline Vec3F operator*(double f, const Vec3F& v)
+inline Vec3F operator*(double f, const Vec3F &v)
-    return v*f;
+    return v * f;
-inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, const Vec3F& v)
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Vec3F &v)
     s << "(" << v.x() << ", " << v.y() << ", " << v.z() << ")";
     return s;
@@ -113,46 +113,46 @@ inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, const Vec3F& v)
 class Vec2F
-    //private: dann waeren mX... nicht direkt aus abgeleitet klassen zugreifbar
+    // private: dann waeren mX... nicht direkt aus abgeleitet klassen zugreifbar
     double mX;
     double mY;
     Vec2F(double x, double y);
-    Vec2F(const Vec2F& v) = default;
-    Vec2F(const QPointF& v);
-    Vec2F(const cv::Point2f& p);
-    Vec2F(const CvPoint* v);
-    Vec2F(const CvPoint2D32f* v);
+    Vec2F(const Vec2F &v) = default;
+    Vec2F(const QPointF &v);
+    Vec2F(const cv::Point2f &p);
+    Vec2F(const CvPoint *v);
+    Vec2F(const CvPoint2D32f *v);
-    CvPoint toCvPoint() const;
+    CvPoint      toCvPoint() const;
     CvPoint2D32f toCvPoint2D32f() const;
-    QPoint toQPoint() const;
-    QPointF toQPointF() const;
-    cv::Point2f toPoint2f() const;
+    QPoint       toQPoint() const;
+    QPointF      toQPointF() const;
+    cv::Point2f  toPoint2f() const;
     double x() const;
     double y() const;
-    void setX(double x);
-    void setY(double y);
-    void set(double x, double y);
+    void   setX(double x);
+    void   setY(double y);
+    void   set(double x, double y);
-    Vec2F& operator=(const CvPoint *v);
+    Vec2F &operator=(const CvPoint *v);
-    Vec2F& operator+=(const Vec2F& v);
-    Vec2F operator+(const Vec2F& v) const;
-    Vec2F& operator-=(const Vec2F& v);
-    Vec2F operator-(const Vec2F& v) const;
-    Vec2F operator-() const;
+    Vec2F &operator+=(const Vec2F &v);
+    Vec2F  operator+(const Vec2F &v) const;
+    Vec2F &operator-=(const Vec2F &v);
+    Vec2F  operator-(const Vec2F &v) const;
+    Vec2F  operator-() const;
     Vec2F operator*(double n) const; // multiply with a scalar value
     Vec2F operator/(double n) const; // divide by a scalar value
-    double operator*(const Vec2F& v) const; // dot product
+    double operator*(const Vec2F &v) const; // dot product
-    bool operator==(const Vec2F& v) const;
-    bool operator!=(const Vec2F& v) const;
+    bool operator==(const Vec2F &v) const;
+    bool operator!=(const Vec2F &v) const;
     double length() const;
@@ -164,33 +164,33 @@ public:
     void normalize();
-    double distanceToPoint(const Vec2F& p) const;
+    double distanceToPoint(const Vec2F &p) const;
     // return distance from vec to line between p1 and p2
-    double distanceToLine(const Vec2F& p1, const Vec2F& p2) const;
-    double angleBetweenVec(const Vec2F& v) const;
+    double distanceToLine(const Vec2F &p1, const Vec2F &p2) const;
+    double angleBetweenVec(const Vec2F &v) const;
     static Vec2F fromAngle(double angle);
-inline Vec2F operator*(double f, const Vec2F& v)
+inline Vec2F operator*(double f, const Vec2F &v)
-    return v*f;
+    return v * f;
-inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, const Vec2F& v)
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const Vec2F &v)
     s << "(" << v.x() << ", " << v.y() << ")";
     return s;
 // only for combine programm, not for petrack
-inline QTextStream& operator<< (QTextStream& s, const Vec2F& v)
+inline QTextStream &operator<<(QTextStream &s, const Vec2F &v)
     s << v.x() << " " << v.y(); // ohne (,) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     return s;
-inline std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& s, Vec2F& v)
+inline std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &s, Vec2F &v)
     double d;
     s >> d;
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ inline std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& s, Vec2F& v)
     return s;
-inline QTextStream& operator>> (QTextStream& s, Vec2F& v)
+inline QTextStream &operator>>(QTextStream &s, Vec2F &v)
     double d;
     s >> d;
diff --git a/include/view.h b/include/view.h
index 5b9c9b0c1e29e26e11163b265a8ff529e500faa7..6552210851ef28e181687d352a02a8ba308b07b8 100644
--- a/include/view.h
+++ b/include/view.h
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
 #include <QFrame>
 #include <QGraphicsView>
-#include <QSlider>
 #include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QSlider>
 class Petrack;
 class QLabel;
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ class ViewWidget;
 class GraphicsView : public QGraphicsView
-    Q_OBJECT // here: for emitting a signal (you need it also for connecting signals with slots)
-             // must stand in .h file so qmake generates makefile where moc uses header
+    // here: for emitting a signal (you need it also for connecting signals with slots)
+    // must stand in .h file so qmake generates makefile where moc uses header
     ViewWidget *mViewWidget;
@@ -77,22 +78,10 @@ public:
     void hideControls(bool hide);
-    inline int getZoomLevel()
-    {
-        return mZoomSlider->value();
-    }
-    inline void setZoomLevel(int l)
-    {
-        mZoomSlider->setValue(l);
-    }
-    inline int getRotateLevel()
-    {
-        return mRotateSlider->value();
-    }
-    inline void setRotateLevel(int l)
-    {
-        mRotateSlider->setValue(l);
-    }
+    inline int  getZoomLevel() { return mZoomSlider->value(); }
+    inline void setZoomLevel(int l) { mZoomSlider->setValue(l); }
+    inline int  getRotateLevel() { return mRotateSlider->value(); }
+    inline void setRotateLevel(int l) { mRotateSlider->setValue(l); }
 public slots:
     void zoomIn(int i = 1);
@@ -106,11 +95,11 @@ private slots:
     void hideShowControls();
-    Petrack *mMainWindow;
+    Petrack *     mMainWindow;
     GraphicsView *mGraphicsView;
-    QToolButton *hideShowControlsButton;
-    QSlider *mZoomSlider;
-    QSlider *mRotateSlider;
+    QToolButton * hideShowControlsButton;
+    QSlider *     mZoomSlider;
+    QSlider *     mRotateSlider;
diff --git a/scripts/check-format-cpp.sh b/scripts/check-format-cpp.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58ed406ace38ec85ca753af8abcb7f616578374a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/check-format-cpp.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+set -e
+origin=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
+files=$(find "$(readlink -f "${origin}"/../src)" -type f -regex "^.*\.\(hpp\|cpp\|h\|c\)$")
+files+=$'\n'$(find "$(readlink -f "${origin}"/../include)" -type f -regex "^.*\.\(hpp\|cpp\|h\|c\)$")
+files+=$'\n'$(find "$(readlink -f "${origin}"/../tests)" -type f -regex "^.*\.\(hpp\|cpp\|h\|c\)$")
+echo "${files}" | parallel clang-format-12 --dry-run -Werror
diff --git a/scripts/format-cpp.sh b/scripts/format-cpp.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1d9c8d0bd281374ae8ea0557c638b00d8d3145d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/format-cpp.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+set -e
+origin=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
+files=$(find "$(readlink -f ${origin}/../src)" -type f -regex "^.*\.\(hpp\|cpp\|h\|c\)$")
+files+=$'\n'$(find "$(readlink -f ${origin}/../include)" -type f -regex "^.*\.\(hpp\|cpp\|h\|c\)$")
+files+=$'\n'$(find "$(readlink -f ${origin}/../tests)" -type f -regex "^.*\.\(hpp\|cpp\|h\|c\)$")
+echo "${files}" | parallel clang-format-12 -i
diff --git a/src/IO.cpp b/src/IO.cpp
index 3b9480d13743a554e93944578e068433c37a9df1..9cbd9756a5e1db215f73857d5eee4443e9528abf 100644
--- a/src/IO.cpp
+++ b/src/IO.cpp
@@ -18,6 +18,13 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://cdwww.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "IO.h"
+#include "moCapPerson.h"
+#include "pMessageBox.h"
+#include "skeletonTree.h"
+#include "skeletonTreeFactory.h"
 #include <QFile>
 #include <QJsonArray>
 #include <QJsonDocument>
@@ -26,12 +33,6 @@
 #include <QTextStream>
 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
-#include "IO.h"
-#include "moCapPerson.h"
-#include "pMessageBox.h"
-#include "skeletonTree.h"
-#include "skeletonTreeFactory.h"
  * @brief Reads individual heights for markerIDs from file.
@@ -50,15 +51,15 @@
  * @param heightFileName name of the file containing the height information
  * @return map of markerID to height if parsing was successful, error message otherwise
-std::variant<std::unordered_map<int, float>, std::string> IO::readHeightFile(const QString& heightFileName)
+std::variant<std::unordered_map<int, float>, std::string> IO::readHeightFile(const QString &heightFileName)
-    if (!heightFileName.isEmpty())
+    if(!heightFileName.isEmpty())
         // Import heights from txt-file
-        if (heightFileName.right(4) == ".txt")
+        if(heightFileName.right(4) == ".txt")
             QFile heightFile(heightFileName);
-            if (!heightFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+            if(!heightFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
                 return "Could not open " + heightFileName.toStdString();
@@ -66,23 +67,23 @@ std::variant<std::unordered_map<int, float>, std::string> IO::readHeightFile(con
             std::unordered_map<int, float> markerHeights;
             QTextStream in(&heightFile);
-            bool readHeader = false;
-            float conversionFactorToCM = 1.0F;
+            bool        readHeader           = false;
+            float       conversionFactorToCM = 1.0F;
-            while (!in.atEnd())
+            while(!in.atEnd())
                 QString line = in.readLine();
                 // Process header/comment line
-                if( line.startsWith("#",Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+                if(line.startsWith("#", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
-                    if (!readHeader)
+                    if(!readHeader)
-                        const QString& headerline = line;
-                        if (headerline.contains("z/cm"))
+                        const QString &headerline = line;
+                        if(headerline.contains("z/cm"))
                             conversionFactorToCM = 1.0F;
-                        else if (headerline.contains("z/m"))
+                        else if(headerline.contains("z/m"))
                             conversionFactorToCM = 100.0F;
@@ -92,39 +93,39 @@ std::variant<std::unordered_map<int, float>, std::string> IO::readHeightFile(con
                 // read line with format: [id height]
-                if (auto splitLine = line.split(QRegularExpression("\\s+"), Qt::SkipEmptyParts); splitLine.size() == 2)
+                if(auto splitLine = line.split(QRegularExpression("\\s+"), Qt::SkipEmptyParts); splitLine.size() == 2)
                     bool markerConverted = true;
-                    int markerID = splitLine[0].toInt(&markerConverted);
-                    if (!markerConverted)
+                    int  markerID        = splitLine[0].toInt(&markerConverted);
+                    if(!markerConverted)
                         return "Marker needs to be an integer value, but is " + splitLine[0].toStdString();
-                    bool heightConverted = true;
-                    float height = splitLine[1].toFloat(&heightConverted) * conversionFactorToCM;
+                    bool  heightConverted = true;
+                    float height          = splitLine[1].toFloat(&heightConverted) * conversionFactorToCM;
-                    if (!heightConverted || height <= 0)
+                    if(!heightConverted || height <= 0)
                         return "Height needs to be a positive numerical value, but is " + splitLine[1].toStdString();
-                    if (auto inserted = markerHeights.insert(std::make_pair(markerID, height)); !inserted.second)
+                    if(auto inserted = markerHeights.insert(std::make_pair(markerID, height)); !inserted.second)
                         return "Duplicate entry for markerID = " + std::to_string(markerID) + ".";
-                    return "Line should contain exactly 2 values: id height. But it contains "
-                            + std::to_string(splitLine.size()) + " entries.";
+                    return "Line should contain exactly 2 values: id height. But it contains " +
+                           std::to_string(splitLine.size()) + " entries.";
             return markerHeights;
-        return "Cannot load " + heightFileName.toStdString()
-               + " maybe because of wrong file extension. Needs to be .txt.";
+        return "Cannot load " + heightFileName.toStdString() +
+               " maybe because of wrong file extension. Needs to be .txt.";
     return "No file provided.";
@@ -140,9 +141,9 @@ std::variant<std::unordered_map<int, float>, std::string> IO::readHeightFile(con
 void IO::readMoCapC3D(MoCapStorage &storage, const MoCapPersonMetadata &metadata)
-    MoCapPerson person;
-    const std::string& filename = metadata.getFilepath();
-    MoCapSystem fp = metadata.getSystem();
+    MoCapPerson        person;
+    const std::string &filename = metadata.getFilepath();
+    MoCapSystem        fp       = metadata.getSystem();
     ezc3d::c3d c3d;
@@ -150,9 +151,8 @@ void IO::readMoCapC3D(MoCapStorage &storage, const MoCapPersonMetadata &metadata
         c3d = ezc3d::c3d{filename};
-    catch(const std::invalid_argument& e)
+    catch(const std::invalid_argument &e)
         std::stringstream ss;
         ss << "Error while reading C3D File " << filename << ": " << e.what() << '\n';
         PCritical(nullptr, "Error: Cannot load C3D File", ss.str().c_str());
@@ -163,30 +163,35 @@ void IO::readMoCapC3D(MoCapStorage &storage, const MoCapPersonMetadata &metadata
     person.setTimeOffset(person.getMetadata().getOffset() - firstFrame / person.getMetadata().getSamplerate());
     // getImagePoint takes points in cm -> cm as target unit
-    const std::string unit = c3d.parameters().group("POINT").parameter("UNITS").valuesAsString()[0];
-    double conversionFactor = 1e-1; // default, since XSens uses this
+    const std::string unit             = c3d.parameters().group("POINT").parameter("UNITS").valuesAsString()[0];
+    double            conversionFactor = 1e-1; // default, since XSens uses this
     if(unit == "mm")
         conversionFactor = 1e-1;
-    }else if(unit == "cm")
+    }
+    else if(unit == "cm")
         conversionFactor = 1.0;
-    }else if(unit == "m")
+    }
+    else if(unit == "m")
         conversionFactor = 100.0;
-    const auto c3dToPoint3f = [conversionFactor](const ezc3d::DataNS::Points3dNS::Point& point){
-        return cv::Point3f{static_cast<float>(point.x()),
-                           static_cast<float>(point.y()),
-                           static_cast<float>(point.z())} * conversionFactor;
+    const auto c3dToPoint3f = [conversionFactor](const ezc3d::DataNS::Points3dNS::Point &point)
+    {
+        return cv::Point3f{
+                   static_cast<float>(point.x()), static_cast<float>(point.y()), static_cast<float>(point.z())} *
+               conversionFactor;
-    switch (fp) {
+    switch(fp)
+    {
         case XSensC3D:
             readSkeletonC3D_XSENS(c3d, person, c3dToPoint3f);
-        case END: break; // So clang doesn't say it isn't handled
+        case END:
+            break; // So clang doesn't say it isn't handled
@@ -203,10 +208,9 @@ void IO::readMoCapC3D(MoCapStorage &storage, const MoCapPersonMetadata &metadata
  * @param c3dToPoint3f[in] function which converts a c3d point to a cv::Point3f in cm
 void IO::readSkeletonC3D_XSENS(
-    const ezc3d::c3d &c3d,
-    MoCapPerson &person,
-    const std::function<cv::Point3f(const ezc3d::DataNS::Points3dNS::Point&)>& c3dToPoint3f
-    )
+    const ezc3d::c3d &                                                          c3d,
+    MoCapPerson &                                                               person,
+    const std::function<cv::Point3f(const ezc3d::DataNS::Points3dNS::Point &)> &c3dToPoint3f)
      * Points from XSens
@@ -230,13 +234,13 @@ void IO::readSkeletonC3D_XSENS(
      * left heel: 59
      * right toe: 58
      * left toe: 64
-    */
+     */
-    const auto& frames = c3d.data().frames();
+    const auto &frames = c3d.data().frames();
-    for(const auto& frame : frames)
+    for(const auto &frame : frames)
-        const auto& points = frame.points().points();
+        const auto & points = frame.points().points();
         XSenseStruct skeletonStruct;
         skeletonStruct.mHipR    = c3dToPoint3f(points[5]);
         skeletonStruct.mHipL    = c3dToPoint3f(points[6]);
@@ -284,13 +288,13 @@ void IO::readSkeletonC3D_XSENS(
 std::variant<std::unordered_map<int, int>, std::string> IO::readMarkerIDFile(const QString &markerFileName)
-    if (!markerFileName.isEmpty())
+    if(!markerFileName.isEmpty())
         // Import heights from txt-file
-        if (markerFileName.right(4) == ".txt")
+        if(markerFileName.right(4) == ".txt")
             QFile markerFile(markerFileName);
-            if (!markerFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+            if(!markerFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
                 return "Could not open " + markerFileName.toStdString();
@@ -299,50 +303,50 @@ std::variant<std::unordered_map<int, int>, std::string> IO::readMarkerIDFile(con
             QTextStream in(&markerFile);
-            while (!in.atEnd())
+            while(!in.atEnd())
                 QString line = in.readLine();
                 // Skip header/comment line
-                if( line.startsWith("#",Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+                if(line.startsWith("#", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
                 // read line with format: [personID markerID]
-                if (auto splitLine = line.split(QRegularExpression("\\s+"), Qt::SkipEmptyParts); splitLine.size() == 2)
+                if(auto splitLine = line.split(QRegularExpression("\\s+"), Qt::SkipEmptyParts); splitLine.size() == 2)
                     bool personIDConverted = true;
-                    int personID = splitLine[0].toInt(&personIDConverted);
-                    if (!personIDConverted)
+                    int  personID          = splitLine[0].toInt(&personIDConverted);
+                    if(!personIDConverted)
                         return "PersonID needs to be an integer value, but is " + splitLine[0].toStdString();
                     bool markerIDConverted = true;
-                    int markerID = splitLine[1].toInt(&markerIDConverted);
+                    int  markerID          = splitLine[1].toInt(&markerIDConverted);
-                    if (!markerIDConverted )
+                    if(!markerIDConverted)
                         return "MarkerID needs to be an integer value, but is " + splitLine[1].toStdString();
-                    if (auto inserted = markerIDs.insert(std::make_pair(personID, markerID)); !inserted.second)
+                    if(auto inserted = markerIDs.insert(std::make_pair(personID, markerID)); !inserted.second)
                         return "Duplicate entry for personID = " + std::to_string(personID) + ".";
-                    return "Line should contain exactly 2 values: personID markerID. But it contains "
-                           + std::to_string(splitLine.size()) + " entries.";
+                    return "Line should contain exactly 2 values: personID markerID. But it contains " +
+                           std::to_string(splitLine.size()) + " entries.";
             return markerIDs;
-        return "Cannot load " + markerFileName.toStdString()
-               + " maybe because of wrong file extension. Needs to be .txt.";
+        return "Cannot load " + markerFileName.toStdString() +
+               " maybe because of wrong file extension. Needs to be .txt.";
     return "No file provided.";
@@ -354,21 +358,21 @@ std::variant<std::unordered_map<int, int>, std::string> IO::readMarkerIDFile(con
  * @param authorsFile zenodo metadata file containing the author information
  * @return list of authors
-std::vector<std::string> IO::readAuthors(const QString & authorsFile)
+std::vector<std::string> IO::readAuthors(const QString &authorsFile)
     QFile file(authorsFile);
     QJsonParseError parseError{};
-    QJsonDocument jsonDocument = QJsonDocument::fromJson(file.readAll(), &parseError);
+    QJsonDocument   jsonDocument = QJsonDocument::fromJson(file.readAll(), &parseError);
     std::vector<std::string> authors;
-    if (parseError.error == QJsonParseError::NoError)
+    if(parseError.error == QJsonParseError::NoError)
-        QJsonObject root = jsonDocument.object();
-        auto creators = root["creators"].toArray();
-        for (auto author : creators)
+        QJsonObject root     = jsonDocument.object();
+        auto        creators = root["creators"].toArray();
+        for(auto author : creators)
             QJsonObject node = author.toObject();
@@ -381,4 +385,3 @@ std::vector<std::string> IO::readAuthors(const QString & authorsFile)
     return authors;
diff --git a/src/aboutDialog.cpp b/src/aboutDialog.cpp
index f63323dd2f61b527993bede9270da29676705153..438d5b18e72f5b0e0ed2b3f9388a33d5ee068a9b 100644
--- a/src/aboutDialog.cpp
+++ b/src/aboutDialog.cpp
@@ -23,17 +23,18 @@
 #include "ui_about.h"
-AboutDialog::AboutDialog(QWidget *parent,
-                         const QString& version,
-                         const QString & commitHash,
-                         const QString& commitDate,
-                         const QString & commitBranch,
-                         const QString & compiler,
-                         const QString & compilerVersion,
-                         const QString & compileDate,
-                         const std::vector<std::string> & authors)
-    : QDialog(parent), mUi(new Ui::About) {
+    QWidget *                       parent,
+    const QString &                 version,
+    const QString &                 commitHash,
+    const QString &                 commitDate,
+    const QString &                 commitBranch,
+    const QString &                 compiler,
+    const QString &                 compilerVersion,
+    const QString &                 compileDate,
+    const std::vector<std::string> &authors) :
+    QDialog(parent), mUi(new Ui::About)
     // perform additional setup here ...
@@ -45,9 +46,10 @@ AboutDialog::AboutDialog(QWidget *parent,
-    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < authors.size(); ++i) {
-        int row = i/2ul;
-        int col = i%2ul;
+    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < authors.size(); ++i)
+    {
+        int   row   = i / 2ul;
+        int   col   = i % 2ul;
         auto *label = new QLabel();
         mUi->lytAuthors->addWidget(label, row, col, 1, 1);
diff --git a/src/analysePlot.cpp b/src/analysePlot.cpp
index 739dab855cda96dceb9ebad1ed619149f4aecdcc..2853db3d13973b1b14d4c36e7ececa4489d4f7b8 100644
--- a/src/analysePlot.cpp
+++ b/src/analysePlot.cpp
@@ -18,30 +18,27 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QMouseEvent>
+#include "analysePlot.h"
+#include "animation.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
+#include <QMouseEvent>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <qwt_compat.h>
+#include <qwt_plot_grid.h>
 #include <qwt_plot_layout.h>
 #include <qwt_plot_zoomer.h>
-#include <qwt_symbol.h>
 #include <qwt_scale_engine.h>
-#include <qwt_plot_grid.h>
-#include <qwt_compat.h>
-#include "analysePlot.h"
-#include "control.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
-#include "animation.h"
+#include <qwt_symbol.h>
-class AnalyseZoomer: public QwtPlotZoomer
+class AnalyseZoomer : public QwtPlotZoomer
-    AnalyseZoomer(int xAxis, int yAxis, QWidget *canvas)
-        : QwtPlotZoomer(xAxis, yAxis, canvas)
+    AnalyseZoomer(int xAxis, int yAxis, QWidget *canvas) : QwtPlotZoomer(xAxis, yAxis, canvas)
         // RightButton: zoom out by 1
         // Ctrl+RightButton: zoom out to full size
@@ -50,34 +47,40 @@ public:
         setMousePattern(QwtEventPattern::MouseSelect3, Qt::RightButton);
-        setTrackerMode(QwtPicker::AlwaysOn); //ActiveOnly (only when the selection is active), AlwaysOff
+        setTrackerMode(QwtPicker::AlwaysOn); // ActiveOnly (only when the selection is active), AlwaysOff
     void widgetMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
         static int lastX = -1;
         static int lastY = -1;
-        int dx = e->x()-lastX;
-        int dy = e->y()-lastY;
+        int        dx    = e->x() - lastX;
+        int        dy    = e->y() - lastY;
         lastX = e->x();
         lastY = e->y();
-        //if (e->button() == Qt::MidButton) fkt bei move nicht
-        if (e->buttons() == Qt::MiddleButton)
+        // if (e->button() == Qt::MidButton) fkt bei move nicht
+        if(e->buttons() == Qt::MiddleButton)
-            for (int axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++)
+            for(int axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++)
-                if (axis == QwtPlot::xBottom || axis == QwtPlot::yLeft)
+                if(axis == QwtPlot::xBottom || axis == QwtPlot::yLeft)
                     const QwtScaleMap map = plot()->canvasMap(axis);
-                    const int i1 = map.transform(plot()->axisScaleDiv(axis).lowerBound()); // war in alter qwt version: axisScaleDiv(axis)->lBound()
-                    const int i2 = map.transform(plot()->axisScaleDiv(axis).upperBound()); // war in alter qwt version: axisScaleDiv(axis)->hBound()
+                    const int i1 =
+                        map.transform(plot()
+                                          ->axisScaleDiv(axis)
+                                          .lowerBound()); // war in alter qwt version: axisScaleDiv(axis)->lBound()
+                    const int i2 =
+                        map.transform(plot()
+                                          ->axisScaleDiv(axis)
+                                          .upperBound()); // war in alter qwt version: axisScaleDiv(axis)->hBound()
                     double d1, d2;
-                    if ( axis == QwtPlot::xBottom || axis == QwtPlot::xTop )
+                    if(axis == QwtPlot::xBottom || axis == QwtPlot::xTop)
                         d1 = map.invTransform(i1 - dx);
                         d2 = map.invTransform(i2 - dx);
@@ -88,22 +91,21 @@ public:
                         d2 = map.invTransform(i2 - dy);
-                    if ((axis == QwtPlot::xBottom) && (d2 > zoomBase().width()))
+                    if((axis == QwtPlot::xBottom) && (d2 > zoomBase().width()))
-                        d1 = d1-(d2-zoomBase().width());
+                        d1 = d1 - (d2 - zoomBase().width());
                         d2 = zoomBase().width();
-                    } 
-                    else if ((axis == QwtPlot::yLeft) && (d2 > zoomBase().height()))
+                    }
+                    else if((axis == QwtPlot::yLeft) && (d2 > zoomBase().height()))
-                        d1 = d1-(d2-zoomBase().height());
+                        d1 = d1 - (d2 - zoomBase().height());
                         d2 = zoomBase().height();
-                    } 
+                    }
                     plot()->setAxisScale(axis, d1, d2);
@@ -124,16 +126,17 @@ TrackerRealPlotItem::TrackerRealPlotItem()
     mTrackerReal = nullptr;
-void TrackerRealPlotItem::draw(QPainter* p, const QwtScaleMap& mapX, const QwtScaleMap& mapY, const QRectF& /*re*/) const
+void TrackerRealPlotItem::draw(QPainter *p, const QwtScaleMap &mapX, const QwtScaleMap &mapY, const QRectF & /*re*/)
+    const
     Control *controlWidget = ((AnalysePlot *) plot())->getControlWidget();
-    if (mTrackerReal && (mTrackerReal->size() > 0) && controlWidget != nullptr)
+    if(mTrackerReal && (mTrackerReal->size() > 0) && controlWidget != nullptr)
-        QRectF rect;
-        double sx = (mapX.p2() - mapX.p1())/(mapX.s2() - mapX.s1());
-        double sy = (mapY.p2() - mapY.p1())/(mapY.s2() - mapY.s1());
-        double circleSize = ((AnalysePlot *) plot())->symbolSize();
-        int i, j;
+        QRectF  rect;
+        double  sx         = (mapX.p2() - mapX.p1()) / (mapX.s2() - mapX.s1());
+        double  sy         = (mapY.p2() - mapY.p1()) / (mapY.s2() - mapY.s1());
+        double  circleSize = ((AnalysePlot *) plot())->symbolSize();
+        int     i, j;
         QPointF point, lastPoint;
@@ -143,38 +146,38 @@ void TrackerRealPlotItem::draw(QPainter* p, const QwtScaleMap& mapX, const QwtSc
-        rect.setWidth(circleSize/sx);
-        rect.setHeight(circleSize/sy);
-        sx = circleSize/(2.*sx);
-        sy = circleSize/(2.*sy);
+        rect.setWidth(circleSize / sx);
+        rect.setHeight(circleSize / sy);
+        sx = circleSize / (2. * sx);
+        sy = circleSize / (2. * sy);
-        bool anaConsiderX = controlWidget->anaConsiderX->isChecked();
-        bool anaConsiderY = controlWidget->anaConsiderY->isChecked();
+        bool anaConsiderX   = controlWidget->anaConsiderX->isChecked();
+        bool anaConsiderY   = controlWidget->anaConsiderY->isChecked();
         bool anaConsiderAbs = controlWidget->anaConsiderAbs->isChecked();
         bool anaConsiderRev = controlWidget->anaConsiderRev->isChecked();
         // Beschriftung
-        static QFont f("Courier", 10, QFont::Normal); //Times Helvetica, Normal Bold
-        QwtText titleX("t [frame]", QwtText::RichText); //"x" TeXText
-        QwtText titleY;
-        if (anaConsiderX && anaConsiderY)
+        static QFont f("Courier", 10, QFont::Normal);        // Times Helvetica, Normal Bold
+        QwtText      titleX("t [frame]", QwtText::RichText); //"x" TeXText
+        QwtText      titleY;
+        if(anaConsiderX && anaConsiderY)
             titleY.setText("v [m/s]", QwtText::RichText);
-        else if (anaConsiderX)
+        else if(anaConsiderX)
-            if (anaConsiderAbs)
+            if(anaConsiderAbs)
                 titleY.setText("v<sub>|x|</sub> [m/s]", QwtText::RichText);
-            else if (anaConsiderRev)
+            else if(anaConsiderRev)
                 titleY.setText("v<sub>-x</sub> [m/s]", QwtText::RichText);
                 titleY.setText("v<sub>x</sub> [m/s]", QwtText::RichText);
         else // == if (anaConsiderY)
-            if (anaConsiderAbs)
+            if(anaConsiderAbs)
                 titleY.setText("v<sub>|y|</sub> [m/s]", QwtText::RichText);
-            else if (anaConsiderRev)
+            else if(anaConsiderRev)
                 titleY.setText("v<sub>-y</sub> [m/s]", QwtText::RichText);
                 titleY.setText("v<sub>y</sub> [m/s]", QwtText::RichText);
@@ -182,74 +185,74 @@ void TrackerRealPlotItem::draw(QPainter* p, const QwtScaleMap& mapX, const QwtSc
         ((AnalysePlot *) plot())->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::xBottom, titleX); //"x"
-        ((AnalysePlot *) plot())->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yLeft, titleY); //"y"
+        ((AnalysePlot *) plot())->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yLeft, titleY);   //"y"
-        int step = controlWidget->anaStep->value(); //1
-        int frame, animFrame, velVecActIdx = -1;
-        double vel; // geschwindigkeit
-        int largestLastFrame = mTrackerReal->largestLastFrame();
-        QVector<int> velAnzVec(largestLastFrame, 0);
+        int             step = controlWidget->anaStep->value(); // 1
+        int             frame, animFrame, velVecActIdx = -1;
+        double          vel; // geschwindigkeit
+        int             largestLastFrame = mTrackerReal->largestLastFrame();
+        QVector<int>    velAnzVec(largestLastFrame, 0);
         QVector<double> velVec(largestLastFrame, 0.);
-        int actFrame = ((AnalysePlot *) plot())->getActFrame();
-        bool markAct = controlWidget->anaMarkAct->isChecked();
-        double fps = controlWidget->getMainWindow()->getAnimation()->getFPS();
-        if (fps < 0)
-            fps =DEFAULT_FPS;
+        int             actFrame = ((AnalysePlot *) plot())->getActFrame();
+        bool            markAct  = controlWidget->anaMarkAct->isChecked();
+        double          fps      = controlWidget->getMainWindow()->getAnimation()->getFPS();
+        if(fps < 0)
+            fps = DEFAULT_FPS;
-        if (!markAct)
+        if(!markAct)
-        for (i = 0; i < mTrackerReal->size(); ++i)
+        for(i = 0; i < mTrackerReal->size(); ++i)
-            for (j = 0; j < mTrackerReal->at(i).size()-step; ++j) // -step, damit geschwindigkeit ermittelt werden kann
+            for(j = 0; j < mTrackerReal->at(i).size() - step; ++j) // -step, damit geschwindigkeit ermittelt werden kann
-                frame = mTrackerReal->at(i).firstFrame()+j;
+                frame     = mTrackerReal->at(i).firstFrame() + j;
                 animFrame = mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j).frameNum(); // ohne eingefuegte frames bei auslassungen
-                if (markAct)
+                if(markAct)
-                    if (animFrame == actFrame)
+                    if(animFrame == actFrame)
                         velVecActIdx = frame;
-                    else //if (frame == actFrame+1)
+                    else // if (frame == actFrame+1)
-                if (anaConsiderX && anaConsiderY)
+                if(anaConsiderX && anaConsiderY)
-                    vel = (mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j+step).distanceToPoint(mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j)));
+                    vel = (mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j + step).distanceToPoint(mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j)));
-                else if (anaConsiderX)
+                else if(anaConsiderX)
-                    if (anaConsiderAbs)
-                        vel = fabs((mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j+step).x()-mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j).x()));
-                    else if (anaConsiderRev)
-                        vel = (mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j).x()-mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j+step).x());
+                    if(anaConsiderAbs)
+                        vel = fabs((mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j + step).x() - mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j).x()));
+                    else if(anaConsiderRev)
+                        vel = (mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j).x() - mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j + step).x());
-                        vel = (mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j+step).x()-mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j).x());
+                        vel = (mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j + step).x() - mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j).x());
                 else // == if (anaConsiderY)
-                    if (anaConsiderAbs)
-                        vel = fabs((mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j+step).y()-mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j).y()));
-                    else if (anaConsiderRev)
-                        vel = (mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j).y()-mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j+step).y());
+                    if(anaConsiderAbs)
+                        vel = fabs((mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j + step).y() - mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j).y()));
+                    else if(anaConsiderRev)
+                        vel = (mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j).y() - mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j + step).y());
-                        vel = (mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j+step).y()-mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j).y());
+                        vel = (mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j + step).y() - mTrackerReal->at(i).at(j).y());
-                vel /=((100./fps)*step); // m/s, war: 100cm/25frames =4 => vel /=(4.*step);
+                vel /= ((100. / fps) * step); // m/s, war: 100cm/25frames =4 => vel /=(4.*step);
-                rect.moveLeft(point.x()-sx);
-                rect.moveTop(point.y()-sy);
+                rect.moveLeft(point.x() - sx);
+                rect.moveTop(point.y() - sy);
                 // j - j+step, da gegen die x-achse gelaufen wird
@@ -259,23 +262,23 @@ void TrackerRealPlotItem::draw(QPainter* p, const QwtScaleMap& mapX, const QwtSc
-        rect.setWidth(2*rect.width());
-        rect.setHeight(2*rect.height());
+        rect.setWidth(2 * rect.width());
+        rect.setHeight(2 * rect.height());
-        for (i = 0; i < velAnzVec.size(); ++i)
+        for(i = 0; i < velAnzVec.size(); ++i)
-            if (velAnzVec[i] != 0)
+            if(velAnzVec[i] != 0)
-                point.setY(velVec[i]/velAnzVec[i]);
-                if ((i != 0) && (velAnzVec[i-1] != 0)) // nicht ganz hundertprozentig
+                point.setY(velVec[i] / velAnzVec[i]);
+                if((i != 0) && (velAnzVec[i - 1] != 0)) // nicht ganz hundertprozentig
                     p->drawLine(lastPoint, point);
                 lastPoint = point;
-                if (markAct && (i == velVecActIdx))
+                if(markAct && (i == velVecActIdx))
-                    rect.moveLeft(point.x()-2*sx);
-                    rect.moveTop(point.y()-2*sy);
+                    rect.moveLeft(point.x() - 2 * sx);
+                    rect.moveTop(point.y() - 2 * sy);
@@ -298,90 +301,90 @@ void TrackerRealPlotItem::setTrackerReal(TrackerReal *trackerReal)
 AnalysePlot::AnalysePlot(QWidget *parent) // default= NULL
-        : QwtPlot(parent)
+    :
+    QwtPlot(parent)
     setCanvasBackground(QColor(QColor(220, 220, 255)));
     mControlWidget = nullptr;
-    mSymbolSize = 3.;
-    mActFrame = 0;
+    mSymbolSize    = 3.;
+    mActFrame      = 0;
     // default in controlWidget - ansonsten wird es in plotitem geaendert
-    QFont f("Courier", 10, QFont::Normal); //Times Helvetica, Normal Bold
-    QwtText titleX("t [frame]", QwtText::RichText); //"x" TeXText
+    QFont   f("Courier", 10, QFont::Normal);                  // Times Helvetica, Normal Bold
+    QwtText titleX("t [frame]", QwtText::RichText);           //"x" TeXText
     QwtText titleY("v<sub>y</sub> [m/s]", QwtText::RichText); //"y"
     setAxisTitle(xBottom, titleX); //"x"
-    setAxisTitle(yLeft, titleY); //"y"
+    setAxisTitle(yLeft, titleY);   //"y"
-    mZoomer = new AnalyseZoomer(xBottom, yLeft, canvas()); //QwtPlotZoomer
+    mZoomer = new AnalyseZoomer(xBottom, yLeft, canvas()); // QwtPlotZoomer
     mTrackerRealItem = new TrackerRealPlotItem();
-    // grid 
+    // grid
     QwtPlotGrid *grid = new QwtPlotGrid;
     grid->setMajorPen(QPen(QColor(130, 130, 130), 0, Qt::DotLine));
-    grid->setMinorPen(QPen(QColor(170, 170, 170), 0 , Qt::DotLine));
+    grid->setMinorPen(QPen(QColor(170, 170, 170), 0, Qt::DotLine));
 QPoint AnalysePlot::getPos(const QColor &col) const
     QPoint p;
-    if (mControlWidget)
+    if(mControlWidget)
-        int x = mControlWidget->recoColorX->currentIndex();
-        int y = mControlWidget->recoColorY->currentIndex();
+        int x    = mControlWidget->recoColorX->currentIndex();
+        int y    = mControlWidget->recoColorY->currentIndex();
         int ymax = (int) yMax();
-        if (mControlWidget->recoColorModel->currentIndex() == 0) // HSV
+        if(mControlWidget->recoColorModel->currentIndex() == 0) // HSV
-            if (x==0) // nicht setX und setY, weil das width und height anpasst
+            if(x == 0) // nicht setX und setY, weil das width und height anpasst
-            else if (x==1)
+            else if(x == 1)
-            if (y==0)
-                p.setY(ymax-col.hue());
-            else if (y==1)
-                p.setY(ymax-col.saturation());
+            if(y == 0)
+                p.setY(ymax - col.hue());
+            else if(y == 1)
+                p.setY(ymax - col.saturation());
-                p.setY(ymax-col.value());
+                p.setY(ymax - col.value());
         else // RGB
-            if (x==0)
+            if(x == 0)
-            else if (x==1)
+            else if(x == 1)
-            if (y==0)
-                p.setY(ymax-col.red());
-            else if (y==1)
-                p.setY(ymax-col.green());
+            if(y == 0)
+                p.setY(ymax - col.red());
+            else if(y == 1)
+                p.setY(ymax - col.green());
-                p.setY(ymax-col.blue());
+                p.setY(ymax - col.blue());
     return p;
-void AnalysePlot::setTrackerReal(TrackerReal* trackerReal)
+void AnalysePlot::setTrackerReal(TrackerReal *trackerReal)
     mTrackerReal = trackerReal;
@@ -389,19 +392,20 @@ void AnalysePlot::setTrackerReal(TrackerReal* trackerReal)
 void AnalysePlot::setScale()
-    if (mControlWidget)
+    if(mControlWidget)
-        int frameNum = mTrackerReal->largestLastFrame(); //mControlWidget->getMainWindow()->getAnimation()->getNumFrames();
-        mXMin = mTrackerReal->smallestFirstFrame()-10; //0-spacerX; 
-        mXMax = frameNum+10; //frameNum+spacerX; 
-        mYMin = -0.2; //0-spacerY; 
-        mYMax = 2.; //2+spacerY;
+        int frameNum =
+            mTrackerReal->largestLastFrame(); // mControlWidget->getMainWindow()->getAnimation()->getNumFrames();
+        mXMin = mTrackerReal->smallestFirstFrame() - 10; // 0-spacerX;
+        mXMax = frameNum + 10;                           // frameNum+spacerX;
+        mYMin = -0.2;                                    // 0-spacerY;
+        mYMax = 2.;                                      // 2+spacerY;
         setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, mXMin, mXMax);
         setAxisScale(QwtPlot::yLeft, mYMin, mYMax);
-        replot(); // why, see: file:///C:/Programme/qwt-5.0.2/doc/html/class_qwt_plot_zoomer.html#7a1711597f441223efdb7d9931fe19b9
-        mZoomer->setZoomBase(QwtDoubleRect(mXMin, mYMin, mXMax-mXMin, mYMax-mYMin));
+        replot(); // why, see:
+                  // file:///C:/Programme/qwt-5.0.2/doc/html/class_qwt_plot_zoomer.html#7a1711597f441223efdb7d9931fe19b9
+        mZoomer->setZoomBase(QwtDoubleRect(mXMin, mYMin, mXMax - mXMin, mYMax - mYMin));
diff --git a/src/animation.cpp b/src/animation.cpp
index e33a579f9008541c3e83e84da97dd4bc32b9ed8f..391cc9ff0e5eb360462f707c12c06596f7722ae6 100644
--- a/src/animation.cpp
+++ b/src/animation.cpp
@@ -27,29 +27,27 @@ Edited by: Ricardo Martin Brualla, 01.02.2007
 This class will hold an animation in form of a video or a sequence of images.
 In case of a video, you can only get the next frame. If it is a sequence of images,
 you can select the frame you want to get.
-Appart from that, there is a static function that converts IplImages to QImage, so 
+Appart from that, there is a static function that converts IplImages to QImage, so
 they can be represented in QT.
 #include "animation.h"
-#include <QWidget>
+#include "filter.h"
+#include "helper.h"
+#include "pMessageBox.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QRegExp>
 #include <QSize>
 #include <QStringList>
-#include <QRegExp>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QDir>
 #include <QTime>
-#include <sstream>
+#include <QWidget>
 #include <iomanip>
 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
-#include "pMessageBox.h"
-#include "filter.h"
-#include "helper.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
+#include <sstream>
 /* Constructors & Destructors                                        **/
@@ -57,19 +55,18 @@ they can be represented in QT.
 Animation::Animation(QWidget *wParent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
-    mVideo = false;
-    mStereo = false;
-    mImgSeq = false;
+    mMainWindow       = (class Petrack *) wParent;
+    mVideo            = false;
+    mStereo           = false;
+    mImgSeq           = false;
     mCameraLiveStream = false;
-    mCurrentFrame = -1;
-    mMaxFrames = -1;
-    mSourceInFrame = -1;
-    mSourceOutFrame = -1;
-    mFps = -1;
-    mFirstSec = -1;
-    mFirstMicroSec = -1;
-    ////mCapture = NULL;
+    mCurrentFrame     = -1;
+    mMaxFrames        = -1;
+    mSourceInFrame    = -1;
+    mSourceOutFrame   = -1;
+    mFps              = -1;
+    mFirstSec         = -1;
+    mFirstMicroSec    = -1;
     mCaptureStereo = nullptr;
@@ -81,12 +78,12 @@ Animation::Animation(QWidget *wParent)
-    if (mImgSeq)
+    if(mImgSeq)
-    if (mVideo || mCameraLiveStream)
+    if(mVideo || mCameraLiveStream)
-    mSourceInFrame = -1;
+    mSourceInFrame  = -1;
     mSourceOutFrame = -1;
@@ -97,32 +94,34 @@ Animation::~Animation()
 /// Returns the next frame of the animation
 cv::Mat Animation::getNextFrame()
-    return getFrameAtIndex(mCurrentFrame+1);
+    return getFrameAtIndex(mCurrentFrame + 1);
 /// Returns the previous frame of the animation
 cv::Mat Animation::getPreviousFrame()
-    return getFrameAtIndex(mCurrentFrame-1);
+    return getFrameAtIndex(mCurrentFrame - 1);
 /// Returns the frame at the index index
 cv::Mat Animation::getFrameAtIndex(int index)
-    if (mCameraLiveStream)
+    if(mCameraLiveStream)
         return getFrameVideo(index);
     // geaendert: We make sure first the index is valid.
     //            If not, it will be set the first or the last index
-    if (index<getSourceInFrameNum()){
+    if(index < getSourceInFrameNum())
+    {
         return cv::Mat();
-    if (index>getSourceOutFrameNum()){
+    if(index > getSourceOutFrameNum())
+    {
         return cv::Mat();
     // Call the own methods to get it done
-    if (mVideo)
+    if(mVideo)
         return getFrameVideo(index);
-    if (mImgSeq)
+    if(mImgSeq)
         return getFramePhoto(index);
     return cv::Mat();
@@ -135,7 +134,7 @@ cv::Mat Animation::getFrameAtIndex(int index)
 cv::Mat Animation::getFrameAtPos(double position)
-    return getFrameAtIndex((int) (getSourceInFrameNum()+(position*(getNumFrames()-1))));
+    return getFrameAtIndex((int) (getSourceInFrameNum() + (position * (getNumFrames() - 1))));
 /// Returns the current frame
@@ -157,18 +156,23 @@ cv::Mat Animation::getCurrentFrame()
 void Animation::skipFrame(int num)
-    if(isImageSequence()){
+    if(isImageSequence())
+    {
         int lastFrameNum = getSourceOutFrameNum();
-        if(mCurrentFrame + num > lastFrameNum){
+        if(mCurrentFrame + num > lastFrameNum)
+        {
             mCurrentFrame = lastFrameNum;
-        }else{
+        }
+        else
+        {
             mCurrentFrame += num;
         for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
-    }else if(mVideoCapture.isOpened())
+    }
+    else if(mVideoCapture.isOpened())
         int lastFrameNum = getSourceOutFrameNum();
         for(int i = 0; i < num && mCurrentFrame < lastFrameNum; ++i)
@@ -189,70 +193,80 @@ void Animation::skipFrame(int num)
 bool Animation::openTimeFile(QString &timeFileName)
     QFile file(timeFileName);
-    int fcycSec=-1, fcycCount=-1; // fuer erstes frame
-    int lframe=-1 , lcycSec=-1, lcycCount=-1; // fuer vorangegangenen frame
-    int frame=-1 , cycSec=-1, cycCount=-1, cycOffset=-1, sec=-1, microSec=-1, bufIndex=-1, bufSeqNum=-1, seqNum=-1;
-    int dum, add=0;
-    double fps, dif, difMin=1000., difMax=-1000.;
-    int minFrame=-1, maxFrame=-1;
+    int   fcycSec = -1, fcycCount = -1;              // fuer erstes frame
+    int   lframe = -1, lcycSec = -1, lcycCount = -1; // fuer vorangegangenen frame
+    int frame = -1, cycSec = -1, cycCount = -1, cycOffset = -1, sec = -1, microSec = -1, bufIndex = -1, bufSeqNum = -1,
+        seqNum = -1;
+    int    dum, add = 0;
+    double fps, dif, difMin = 1000., difMax = -1000.;
+    int    minFrame = -1, maxFrame = -1;
     debout << "Found corresponding time file " << timeFileName << std::endl;
-    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+    if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
-        debout << "  Error: Cannot open existing time file " << timeFileName << ":" << std::endl << "  " << file.errorString() << std::endl;
+        debout << "  Error: Cannot open existing time file " << timeFileName << ":" << std::endl
+               << "  " << file.errorString() << std::endl;
         return false;
         QTextStream in(&file);
-        QDateTime dt;
+        QDateTime   dt;
         in >> dum; // einlesen des ersten Wertes eines Zeile, um leerzeilen trotz nicht-Dateiende zu erkennen!
-        while (!in.atEnd())
+        while(!in.atEnd())
             frame = dum;
             in >> cycSec >> cycCount >> cycOffset >> sec >> microSec >> bufIndex >> bufSeqNum >> seqNum;
-            if (frame == 0)
+            if(frame == 0)
-                fcycSec=cycSec; fcycCount=cycCount;
+                fcycSec   = cycSec;
+                fcycCount = cycCount;
                 debout << "  Recording starts at " << dt.toString("dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss.");
                 std::cout << std::setw(6) << std::setfill('0') << microSec << std::endl;
-                mFirstSec = sec;
+                mFirstSec      = sec;
                 mFirstMicroSec = microSec;
                 // minimale maximale Zeitabstaende zwischen frames bestimmen - cyc... sind genauere zeiten vom bus
-                if (lcycSec > cycSec) // wrap around after 128s
+                if(lcycSec > cycSec) // wrap around after 128s
-                    dif = (cycSec-lcycSec+128)+(cycCount-lcycCount)/8000.;
+                    dif = (cycSec - lcycSec + 128) + (cycCount - lcycCount) / 8000.;
                     add += 128;
-                    dif = (cycSec-lcycSec)+(cycCount-lcycCount)/8000.;
-                if (dif > difMax)
+                    dif = (cycSec - lcycSec) + (cycCount - lcycCount) / 8000.;
+                if(dif > difMax)
-                    difMax = dif;
+                    difMax   = dif;
                     maxFrame = lframe;
-                if (dif < difMin)
+                if(dif < difMin)
-                    difMin = dif;
+                    difMin   = dif;
                     minFrame = lframe;
-            lframe=frame; lcycSec=cycSec; lcycCount=cycCount;
+            lframe    = frame;
+            lcycSec   = cycSec;
+            lcycCount = cycCount;
             in >> dum;
-        fps = frame/((cycSec-fcycSec+add)+(cycCount-fcycCount)/8000.);
-        debout << "  Recording ends   at " << dt.toString("dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss."); // entspricht nicht der in statusbar angezeigten zeit des letzten frames, da in statusbar fps und frameanzahl herangezogen wird (genauer)!!!
+        fps = frame / ((cycSec - fcycSec + add) + (cycCount - fcycCount) / 8000.);
+        debout << "  Recording ends   at "
+               << dt.toString(
+                      "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss."); // entspricht nicht der in statusbar angezeigten zeit des letzten frames,
+                                               // da in statusbar fps und frameanzahl herangezogen wird (genauer)!!!
         std::cout << std::setw(6) << std::setfill('0') << microSec << std::endl;
-        debout << "  Fps with "<< frame+1 <<" frames: " << fps << " (min "<<1./difMax<<" at frame "<<maxFrame<<" to "<<maxFrame+1<<", max "<<1./difMin<<" at frame "<<minFrame<<" to "<<minFrame+1<<")" << std::endl;
+        debout << "  Fps with " << frame + 1 << " frames: " << fps << " (min " << 1. / difMax << " at frame "
+               << maxFrame << " to " << maxFrame + 1 << ", max " << 1. / difMin << " at frame " << minFrame << " to "
+               << minFrame + 1 << ")" << std::endl;
-        mStereo = true;
-        mSourceOutFrame = frame; //mNumFrames = frame+1;
+        mStereo         = true;
+        mSourceOutFrame = frame; // mNumFrames = frame+1;
         return true;
@@ -277,22 +291,22 @@ int Animation::getFirstFrameMicroSec() const
 QString Animation::getTimeString(int frame)
-    if (frame == -1)
+    if(frame == -1)
         frame = getCurrentFrameNum();
-    if (mFirstSec != -1) // stereo video from arena with 16 fps
+    if(mFirstSec != -1) // stereo video from arena with 16 fps
         QDateTime dt;
-        int deziMilliSec = frame%16*625 + mFirstMicroSec/100; // 625 = 10000/16
-        dt.setTime_t(mFirstSec + frame/16 + deziMilliSec/10000);
-        return (dt.toString("dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss")+".%1").arg(deziMilliSec%10000, 4, 10, QChar('0'));
+        int       deziMilliSec = frame % 16 * 625 + mFirstMicroSec / 100; // 625 = 10000/16
+        dt.setTime_t(mFirstSec + frame / 16 + deziMilliSec / 10000);
+        return (dt.toString("dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss") + ".%1").arg(deziMilliSec % 10000, 4, 10, QChar('0'));
-        int sec = (int) (frame/mFps);
-        QTime t(0,0,0);
+        int   sec = (int) (frame / mFps);
+        QTime t(0, 0, 0);
         t = t.addSecs(sec);
-        return (t.toString("hh:mm:ss")+".%1").arg(myRound(((frame/mFps)-sec)*10000), 4, 10, QChar('0'));
+        return (t.toString("hh:mm:ss") + ".%1").arg(myRound(((frame / mFps) - sec) * 10000), 4, 10, QChar('0'));
@@ -303,78 +317,70 @@ QString Animation::getTimeString(int frame)
 bool Animation::openAnimation(QString fileName)
     QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName);
     // First of all : does the file exist?
-    if (fileInfo.exists())
+    if(fileInfo.exists())
-        bool openRet = false;
-        QString timeFileName = fileName.left(fileName.lastIndexOf("cam")+4)+".time";
+        bool      openRet      = false;
+        QString   timeFileName = fileName.left(fileName.lastIndexOf("cam") + 4) + ".time";
         QFileInfo fileTimeInfo(timeFileName);
-        if (fileTimeInfo.exists())
+        if(fileTimeInfo.exists())
             mTimeFileLoaded = openTimeFile(timeFileName);
-        // Modify it to open other video extensions!
-        //if ((fileName.right(4).toLower() == ".avi") ||
-        //    (fileName.right(4).toLower() == ".mov") ||
-        //    (fileName.right(4).toLower() == ".mts") ||
-        //    (fileName.right(5).toLower() == ".m2ts") ||
-        //    (fileName.right(4).toLower() == ".wmv") ||
-        //    (fileName.right(4).toLower() == ".mp4") )
-        //{
         // now all videos will be try to open with OpenCV
         openRet = openAnimationPhoto(fileName);
-        //}
         // If it is not a video, then is a photo :-)
-        //else
-        if (openRet == false) // es konnte keine Bildsequenz geladen werden
+        if(openRet == false) // es konnte keine Bildsequenz geladen werden
             openRet = openAnimationVideo(fileName);
-        if (mTimeFileLoaded && !openRet)
-            debout << "Warning: New loaded time file do not correspond to untouched sequence, because new sequence was not loadable!" << std::endl;
+        if(mTimeFileLoaded && !openRet)
+            debout << "Warning: New loaded time file do not correspond to untouched sequence, because new sequence was "
+                      "not loadable!"
+                   << std::endl;
         mTimeFileLoaded = false; // reset for new open stereo video sequence
         return openRet;
-    else 
+    else
         return false;
 /// Opens a camera livestream
 bool Animation::openCameraStream(int camID)
-   if( !mVideoCapture.open(camID) )
-   {
-            return false;
-   }else
-   {
+    if(!mVideoCapture.open(camID))
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
         // Destroy anything that was before
         // Set new video & photo labels
-        mStereo = false;
-        mVideo = true;
-        mImgSeq = false;
+        mStereo           = false;
+        mVideo            = true;
+        mImgSeq           = false;
         mCameraLiveStream = true;
         mCurrentFrame = -1;
         // Get the information of the animation
-        if (!getCameraInfo())
-             return false;
-   }
-   return true;
+        if(!getCameraInfo())
+            return false;
+    }
+    return true;
 /// Returns the number of frames in the current animation
 int Animation::getNumFrames()
-    if (mVideo || mImgSeq || mStereo)
-        return getSourceOutFrameNum()-getSourceInFrameNum()+1;//return mNumFrames;
+    if(mVideo || mImgSeq || mStereo)
+        return getSourceOutFrameNum() - getSourceInFrameNum() + 1; // return mNumFrames;
     return 0;
 int Animation::getMaxFrames() const
-    if (mVideo || mImgSeq)
+    if(mVideo || mImgSeq)
         return mMaxFrames;
     return 0;
@@ -418,10 +424,10 @@ int Animation::getSourceOutFrameNum() const
 /// Returns the filename of the current frame
 QString Animation::getCurrentFileName()
-    if (mCameraLiveStream)
+    if(mCameraLiveStream)
         return QString("camera live stream");
-    if (!mImgFilesList.isEmpty() && mImgSeq)
+    if(!mImgFilesList.isEmpty() && mImgSeq)
         if(mCurrentFrame < getSourceInFrameNum() || mCurrentFrame > getSourceOutFrameNum())
             return QFileInfo(mImgFilesList.at(getSourceInFrameNum())).fileName();
@@ -435,16 +441,16 @@ QString Animation::getCurrentFileName()
 /// Returns the FPS of the current animation
 double Animation::getFPS()
-    if (mCameraLiveStream)
+    if(mCameraLiveStream)
-        if (mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS))
+        if(mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS))
-    if (mVideo)
+    if(mVideo)
         return mFps;
-    else if (mImgSeq)
+    else if(mImgSeq)
-        if (mFps == -1)
+        if(mFps == -1)
             return DEFAULT_FPS; // we assume images from pal video (germany)
             return mFps; // if we found a corresponding .time file for the bumblebee xb3
@@ -467,7 +473,7 @@ void Animation::setFPS(double fps)
 /// Returns the size of the original frames (could made bigger after filtering)
 QSize Animation::getSize()
-    if (mVideo || mImgSeq)
+    if(mVideo || mImgSeq)
         return mSize;
@@ -480,12 +486,12 @@ QSize Animation::getSize()
 /// free's all the data in animation
 void Animation::free()
-    if (mImgSeq)
+    if(mImgSeq)
-    if (mVideo || mCameraLiveStream)
+    if(mVideo || mCameraLiveStream)
-    mSourceInFrame = -1;
+    mSourceInFrame  = -1;
     mSourceOutFrame = -1;
@@ -493,17 +499,17 @@ void Animation::reset()
-    mVideo = false;
-    mStereo = false;
-    mImgSeq = false;
+    mVideo            = false;
+    mStereo           = false;
+    mImgSeq           = false;
     mCameraLiveStream = false;
-    mCurrentFrame = -1;
-    mMaxFrames = -1;
-    mSourceInFrame = -1;
-    mSourceOutFrame = -1;
-    mFps = -1;
-    mFirstSec = -1;
-    mFirstMicroSec = -1;
+    mCurrentFrame     = -1;
+    mMaxFrames        = -1;
+    mSourceInFrame    = -1;
+    mSourceOutFrame   = -1;
+    mFps              = -1;
+    mFirstSec         = -1;
+    mFirstMicroSec    = -1;
     mCaptureStereo = nullptr;
@@ -549,7 +555,7 @@ bool Animation::isCameraLiveStream() const
 enum Camera Animation::getCamera()
-    if (mCaptureStereo != nullptr)
+    if(mCaptureStereo != nullptr)
         return mCaptureStereo->getCamera();
         return cameraUnset;
@@ -557,9 +563,10 @@ enum Camera Animation::getCamera()
 void Animation::setCamera(enum Camera c)
-    if (mCaptureStereo != nullptr)
+    if(mCaptureStereo != nullptr)
         return mCaptureStereo->setCamera(c);
-    //else   //keine Warnung, damit bei Projekt ohne direkt geladenem Video aber setzen von Stereo-Einstellungen keine Warnung ausgegeben wird
+    // else   //keine Warnung, damit bei Projekt ohne direkt geladenem Video aber setzen von Stereo-Einstellungen keine
+    // Warnung ausgegeben wird
     //    debout << "Warning: Setting camera is only allowed for loaded stereo videos!" << endl;
@@ -572,56 +579,57 @@ bool Animation::openAnimationPhoto(QString fileName)
     // check, if cv can open one animation file
     cv::Mat tempMat;
-    tempMat = cv::imread(fileName.toStdString(),cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED);//, IMREAD_UNCHANGED);//CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
+    tempMat =
+        cv::imread(fileName.toStdString(), cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED); //, IMREAD_UNCHANGED);//CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
     // Check for invalid input
-    if(! tempMat.data )
+    if(!tempMat.data)
         return false;
-    if( tempMat.channels() == 4 ){
+    if(tempMat.channels() == 4)
+    {
         std::cout << "Warning: PNG-Alpha channel will be ignored." << std::endl;
-        tempMat = cv::imread(fileName.toStdString(),cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
+        tempMat = cv::imread(fileName.toStdString(), cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
-   // Destroy anything that was before
+    // Destroy anything that was before
     // Set new video & photo labels
-    mVideo = false;
-    mStereo = false;
-    mImgSeq = true;
+    mVideo            = false;
+    mStereo           = false;
+    mImgSeq           = true;
     mCameraLiveStream = false;
     // Accessing to file information and directory information
     mFileInfo = QFileInfo(fileName);
-    QDir dir = mFileInfo.dir();
+    QDir dir  = mFileInfo.dir();
     // Get all files in the same directory
-    QList<QFileInfo> fileList = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files,QDir::Name);
+    QList<QFileInfo> fileList = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files, QDir::Name);
     // series1_0002-left => split into series1_|0002|-left
     // regexp is greedy - from left to right try to get the most characters
     QRegExp regExp("(?:[0-9]*)([^0-9]*)$"); //(?: ) zum ignorieren
     QString front, back;
-    int frontLen, frontLenList;
-    if ((frontLen = regExp.indexIn(mFileInfo.completeBaseName())) > -1)
+    int     frontLen, frontLenList;
+    if((frontLen = regExp.indexIn(mFileInfo.completeBaseName())) > -1)
         front = mFileInfo.completeBaseName().left(frontLen);
-        back = regExp.cap(1);
+        back  = regExp.cap(1);
     else // does not match regExp at all
         return false;
     mFileBase = front + back; // completeBaseName to cut suffix and sequence number
-    // Create a new image files list 
+    // Create a new image files list
-    for (int i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++)
+    for(int i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++)
-        if ((frontLenList = regExp.indexIn(fileList.at(i).completeBaseName())) > -1)
+        if((frontLenList = regExp.indexIn(fileList.at(i).completeBaseName())) > -1)
             // Is the file in the series?
-            if ((fileList.at(i).completeBaseName().left(frontLenList) == front) &&
-                (regExp.cap(1) == back) &&
-                (fileList.at(i).suffix() == mFileInfo.suffix()))
+            if((fileList.at(i).completeBaseName().left(frontLenList) == front) && (regExp.cap(1) == back) &&
+               (fileList.at(i).suffix() == mFileInfo.suffix()))
                 mImgFilesList << fileList.at(i).filePath();
@@ -629,7 +637,7 @@ bool Animation::openAnimationPhoto(QString fileName)
     // Get the information of the animation
-    if (!getInfoPhoto())
+    if(!getInfoPhoto())
         return false;
     // Set the current frame to  -1 (shows, that no frame is already loaded)
     mCurrentFrame = -1;
@@ -644,36 +652,43 @@ bool Animation::openAnimationPhoto(QString fileName)
 cv::Mat Animation::getFramePhoto(int index)
-    if ((index != mCurrentFrame) || mImage.empty())
+    if((index != mCurrentFrame) || mImage.empty())
         // Check if the index is valid
         if(index < getSourceInFrameNum() || index > getSourceOutFrameNum())
             return cv::Mat();
-        mImage = cv::imread(mImgFilesList.at(index).toStdString(),cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED);//CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
+        mImage = cv::imread(mImgFilesList.at(index).toStdString(), cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED); // CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
         // Check for invalid input
-        if( mImage.empty() )                              // Check for invalid input
+        if(mImage.empty()) // Check for invalid input
-            debout <<  "Could not open or find the image" << std::endl ;
+            debout << "Could not open or find the image" << std::endl;
             return cv::Mat();
-        if( mImage.channels() == 4 )
+        if(mImage.channels() == 4)
-            mImage = imread(mImgFilesList.at(index).toStdString(),cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
+            mImage = imread(mImgFilesList.at(index).toStdString(), cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
         // Check image size of each frame
-        if( (mSize.width() > 0 && mSize.height() > 0) && (mImage.cols != mSize.width() || mImage.rows != mSize.height()) )
+        if((mSize.width() > 0 && mSize.height() > 0) && (mImage.cols != mSize.width() || mImage.rows != mSize.height()))
             debout << "Could not load image: image size differs in image sequence" << std::endl;
             debout << "Please ensure to have images of the same size!" << std::endl;
-            PCritical(nullptr,"An error has occurred!",
-                                  QString("The size of the images in the selected image sequence does not agree."
-                                          "<br /><br />[0]:  %1  (%2x%3 pixel)<br />[%4]:   %5  (%6x%7 pixel)")
-                                  .arg(mImgFilesList.at(0)).arg(mSize.width()).arg(mSize.height()).arg(index)
-                                  .arg(mImgFilesList.at(index)).arg(mImage.cols).arg(mImage.rows));
+            PCritical(
+                nullptr,
+                "An error has occurred!",
+                QString("The size of the images in the selected image sequence does not agree."
+                        "<br /><br />[0]:  %1  (%2x%3 pixel)<br />[%4]:   %5  (%6x%7 pixel)")
+                    .arg(mImgFilesList.at(0))
+                    .arg(mSize.width())
+                    .arg(mSize.height())
+                    .arg(index)
+                    .arg(mImgFilesList.at(index))
+                    .arg(mImage.cols)
+                    .arg(mImage.rows));
             return cv::Mat();
@@ -695,21 +710,22 @@ cv::Mat Animation::getFramePhoto(int index)
 bool Animation::getInfoPhoto()
-    bool rc = false;
+    bool    rc = false;
     cv::Mat tempImg;
     // Set the number of frames
     mMaxFrames = mImgFilesList.size();
-    setSourceOutFrameNum(mMaxFrames-1);
+    setSourceOutFrameNum(mMaxFrames - 1);
     // Set the size of the frames
     // For that we need to retrieve a frame!
     tempImg = getFramePhoto(getSourceInFrameNum());
-    if (!tempImg.empty()) // if frame is loadable
+    if(!tempImg.empty()) // if frame is loadable
         // 1 or 3 channel and 8 bit per pixel
-        if (!(((tempImg.channels() == 1) || (tempImg.channels() == 3)) && (tempImg.depth() == CV_8U)))
+        if(!(((tempImg.channels() == 1) || (tempImg.channels() == 3)) && (tempImg.depth() == CV_8U)))
-            debout << "Error: Only 1 or 3 channels (you are using "<< tempImg.channels() <<") and 8 bpp (you are using "<< tempImg.depth() <<") are supported!" << std::endl;
+            debout << "Error: Only 1 or 3 channels (you are using " << tempImg.channels()
+                   << ") and 8 bpp (you are using " << tempImg.depth() << ") are supported!" << std::endl;
@@ -725,7 +741,7 @@ bool Animation::getInfoPhoto()
 void Animation::freePhoto()
     // Release the image pointer
-    if (!mImage.empty())
+    if(!mImage.empty())
         mImage = cv::Mat();
@@ -766,24 +782,27 @@ bool Animation::openAnimationStereoVideo(int fileNumber, IplImage *stereoImgLeft
     StereoAviFile *captureStereo = new StereoAviFile;
-    if ((fileNumber < mStereoVideoFilesList.length()) &&
-        (captureStereo->open(mStereoVideoFilesList[fileNumber].toStdString().c_str(), stereoImgLeft, stereoImgRight)))
+    if((fileNumber < mStereoVideoFilesList.length()) &&
+       (captureStereo->open(mStereoVideoFilesList[fileNumber].toStdString().c_str(), stereoImgLeft, stereoImgRight)))
-        // wird nun schon vorher abgefragt: vor mTimeFileLoaded war mFps == 16 because time file must be loaded before ; && (myRound(mFps) == 16)
-        if (!((captureStereo->m_iRows == 960) && (captureStereo->m_iCols == 1280) && (captureStereo->m_iBPP == 16)))
+        // wird nun schon vorher abgefragt: vor mTimeFileLoaded war mFps == 16 because time file must be loaded before ;
+        // && (myRound(mFps) == 16)
+        if(!((captureStereo->m_iRows == 960) && (captureStereo->m_iCols == 1280) && (captureStereo->m_iBPP == 16)))
-            debout << "Error: Only stereo videos from Hermes experiments with 1280x960 pixel, 16 bits per pixel anf 16 frames per second are supported!" << endl;
+            debout << "Error: Only stereo videos from Hermes experiments with 1280x960 pixel, 16 bits per pixel anf 16 "
+                      "frames per second are supported!"
+                   << endl;
             delete captureStereo;
             return false;
-        if (mCaptureStereo)
+        if(mCaptureStereo)
             delete mCaptureStereo;
         mCurrentStereoFileNumber = fileNumber;
-        mCaptureStereo = captureStereo;
+        mCaptureStereo           = captureStereo;
         return true;
@@ -795,22 +814,23 @@ bool Animation::openAnimationStereoVideo(int fileNumber, IplImage *stereoImgLeft
 bool Animation::openAnimationStereoVideo(int fileNumber, Mat &stereoImgLeft, Mat &stereoImgRight)
     IplImage *tempStereoImgLeft, *tempStereoImgRight;
-    Size size;
-    size.width = stereoImgLeft.cols;
+    Size      size;
+    size.width  = stereoImgLeft.cols;
     size.height = stereoImgRight.rows;
-    tempStereoImgLeft  = cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1); // new unsigned char[2*1280*960]; // only stereo from bumblebee xb3 supported!
-    tempStereoImgRight = cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1); // new unsigned char[2*1280*960]; // only stereo from bumblebee xb3 supported!
-//        tempStereoImgLeft.create(size,CV_8UC1);
-//        tempStereoImgRight.create(size,CV_8UC1);
+    tempStereoImgLeft =
+        cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1); // new unsigned char[2*1280*960]; // only stereo from bumblebee xb3 supported!
+    tempStereoImgRight =
+        cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1); // new unsigned char[2*1280*960]; // only stereo from bumblebee xb3 supported!
+                                   //        tempStereoImgLeft.create(size,CV_8UC1);
+                                   //        tempStereoImgRight.create(size,CV_8UC1);
     bool ret = openAnimationStereoVideo(fileNumber, tempStereoImgLeft, tempStereoImgRight);
         mStereoImgLeft  = cvarrToMat(tempStereoImgLeft);
         mStereoImgRight = cvarrToMat(tempStereoImgRight);
-    }else
+    }
+    else
@@ -825,56 +845,58 @@ bool Animation::openAnimationStereoVideo(int fileNumber, Mat &stereoImgLeft, Mat
 bool Animation::openAnimationStereoVideo(QString fileName)
     bool ret = false;
-//    IplImage *tempStereoImgLeft, *tempStereoImgRight;
-//    Mat tempStereoImgLeft,tempStereoImgRight;
+    //    IplImage *tempStereoImgLeft, *tempStereoImgRight;
+    //    Mat tempStereoImgLeft,tempStereoImgRight;
     // Accessing to file information and directory information
-    QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName);
-    QDir dir = fileInfo.dir();
+    QFileInfo   fileInfo(fileName);
+    QDir        dir = fileInfo.dir();
     QStringList filters;
-    //QString firstFileName = (fileName.left(fileName.lastIndexOf("cam")+5) + "%1.avi").arg(fileNumber, 4, 10, QChar('0'));
-    filters << (fileInfo.fileName()).left((fileInfo.fileName()).lastIndexOf("cam")+5) + "????.avi"; //"*.cpp" << "*.cxx" << "*.cc";
-    //dir.setNameFilters(filters);
-    QStringList tmpList = mStereoVideoFilesList;
+    // QString firstFileName = (fileName.left(fileName.lastIndexOf("cam")+5) + "%1.avi").arg(fileNumber, 4, 10,
+    // QChar('0'));
+    filters << (fileInfo.fileName()).left((fileInfo.fileName()).lastIndexOf("cam") + 5) +
+                   "????.avi"; //"*.cpp" << "*.cxx" << "*.cc";
+    // dir.setNameFilters(filters);
+    QStringList tmpList   = mStereoVideoFilesList;
     mStereoVideoFilesList = dir.entryList(filters);
-    for (int i = 0; i < mStereoVideoFilesList.size(); i++)
+    for(int i = 0; i < mStereoVideoFilesList.size(); i++)
         mStereoVideoFilesList[i] = fileInfo.path() + "/" + mStereoVideoFilesList[i];
-    //debout << "getNumFrames: " << getNumFrames() << " mStereoVideoFilesList.len: " << mStereoVideoFilesList.length() << endl;
-    if (((getNumFrames()-1/*mNumFrames-1*/) / 640) == (mStereoVideoFilesList.length()-1))
+    // debout << "getNumFrames: " << getNumFrames() << " mStereoVideoFilesList.len: " << mStereoVideoFilesList.length()
+    // << endl;
+    if(((getNumFrames() - 1 /*mNumFrames-1*/) / 640) == (mStereoVideoFilesList.length() - 1))
         Size size;
-        size.width = 1280;
+        size.width  = 1280;
         size.height = 960;
-        mStereoImgLeft.create(size,CV_8UC1);
-        mStereoImgRight.create(size,CV_8UC1);
-//        tempStereoImgLeft  = cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1); // new unsigned char[2*1280*960]; // only stereo from bumblebee xb3 supported!
-//        tempStereoImgRight = cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1); // new unsigned char[2*1280*960]; // only stereo from bumblebee xb3 supported!
-//        tempStereoImgLeft.create(size,CV_8UC1);
-//        tempStereoImgRight.create(size,CV_8UC1);
+        mStereoImgLeft.create(size, CV_8UC1);
+        mStereoImgRight.create(size, CV_8UC1);
+        //        tempStereoImgLeft  = cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1); // new unsigned char[2*1280*960]; // only stereo from
+        //        bumblebee xb3 supported! tempStereoImgRight = cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1); // new unsigned
+        //        char[2*1280*960]; // only stereo from bumblebee xb3 supported! tempStereoImgLeft.create(size,CV_8UC1);
+        //        tempStereoImgRight.create(size,CV_8UC1);
         ret = openAnimationStereoVideo(0, mStereoImgLeft, mStereoImgRight);
-    //debout << " ret: " << ret << endl;
-    if (ret)
+    // debout << " ret: " << ret << endl;
+    if(ret)
-//        if (mStereoImgLeft)
-//        {
-//            cvReleaseImage(&mStereoImgLeft);
-//            mStereoImgLeft = NULL;
-//        }
-//        if (mStereoImgRight)
-//        {
-//            cvReleaseImage(&mStereoImgRight);
-//            mStereoImgRight = NULL;
-//        }
-//        mStereoImgLeft  = cvarrToMat(tempStereoImgLeft);
-//        mStereoImgRight = cvarrToMat(tempStereoImgRight);
+        //        if (mStereoImgLeft)
+        //        {
+        //            cvReleaseImage(&mStereoImgLeft);
+        //            mStereoImgLeft = NULL;
+        //        }
+        //        if (mStereoImgRight)
+        //        {
+        //            cvReleaseImage(&mStereoImgRight);
+        //            mStereoImgRight = NULL;
+        //        }
+        //        mStereoImgLeft  = cvarrToMat(tempStereoImgLeft);
+        //        mStereoImgRight = cvarrToMat(tempStereoImgRight);
         mStereoVideoFilesList = tmpList;
-//        tempStereoImgLeft = NULL;
-//        tempStereoImgRight = NULL;
+        //        tempStereoImgLeft = NULL;
+        //        tempStereoImgRight = NULL;
     return ret;
@@ -885,7 +907,7 @@ bool Animation::openAnimationStereoVideo(QString fileName)
 /// Opens an animation from a video file
 bool Animation::openAnimationVideo(QString fileName)
-    if( !mVideoCapture.open(fileName.toStdString().c_str()) )
+    if(!mVideoCapture.open(fileName.toStdString().c_str()))
         return false;
@@ -893,7 +915,7 @@ bool Animation::openAnimationVideo(QString fileName)
         int width  = (int) mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH);
         int height = (int) mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT);
         int fps    = (int) mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS);
-        if ((width == 1280) && (height == 960) && (fps == 16)) // dann gehe ich von einem stereo video der BBX3 aus!!!
+        if((width == 1280) && (height == 960) && (fps == 16)) // dann gehe ich von einem stereo video der BBX3 aus!!!
             mStereo = true;
@@ -902,24 +924,24 @@ bool Animation::openAnimationVideo(QString fileName)
     // Check if it was created succesfully
-         // untersuchen, ob Stereodaten von Arena/Messe-Versuchen
-        if (mTimeFileLoaded && openAnimationStereoVideo(fileName))
+        // untersuchen, ob Stereodaten von Arena/Messe-Versuchen
+        if(mTimeFileLoaded && openAnimationStereoVideo(fileName))
             // Destroy anything that was before
-            //free();
+            // free();
             // Set new video & photo labels
-            mVideo = true;
-            mImgSeq = false;
+            mVideo            = true;
+            mImgSeq           = false;
             mCameraLiveStream = false;
-            //mCurrentFrame = -1;
+            // mCurrentFrame = -1;
             // Get the information of the animation
-//            if (!getInfoVideo(fileName))
-//                return false;
+            //            if (!getInfoVideo(fileName))
+            //                return false;
             // Set the size in the QSize structure
@@ -937,28 +959,28 @@ bool Animation::openAnimationVideo(QString fileName)
-        if (mCaptureStereo)
+        if(mCaptureStereo)
             delete mCaptureStereo;
         // Set new video & photo labels
-        mStereo = false;
-        mVideo = true;
-        mImgSeq = false;
+        mStereo           = false;
+        mVideo            = true;
+        mImgSeq           = false;
         mCameraLiveStream = false;
         mCurrentFrame = -1;
         // Get the information of the animation
-        if (!getInfoVideo(fileName))
+        if(!getInfoVideo(fileName))
             return false;
         // Set the current frame to -1 (shows, that no frame is already loaded)
-    mFileInfo = QFileInfo(fileName);
-    mFileBase = mFileInfo.completeBaseName();
-    mFileSuffix = mFileInfo.suffix();
+    mFileInfo     = QFileInfo(fileName);
+    mFileBase     = mFileInfo.completeBaseName();
+    mFileSuffix   = mFileInfo.suffix();
     mCurrentFrame = -1; // Set the current frame to -1 (shows, that no frame is already loaded)
     return true;
@@ -968,12 +990,11 @@ bool Animation::openAnimationVideo(QString fileName)
 /// Returns the frame at given index in the video
 cv::Mat Animation::getFrameVideo(int index)
-    if (mCameraLiveStream)
+    if(mCameraLiveStream)
-        if (mVideoCapture.read(mImage/*tempMat*/) )
+        if(mVideoCapture.read(mImage /*tempMat*/))
-            if (mImage.empty())//tempImg == NULL)
+            if(mImage.empty()) // tempImg == NULL)
                 return cv::Mat();
@@ -981,46 +1002,48 @@ cv::Mat Animation::getFrameVideo(int index)
         return mImage;
-    if ((index != mCurrentFrame) || mImage.empty())
+    if((index != mCurrentFrame) || mImage.empty())
         // Check if we have a valid index
-        if (index < getSourceInFrameNum() || (index > getSourceOutFrameNum() && getSourceOutFrameNum() != -1) )
+        if(index < getSourceInFrameNum() || (index > getSourceOutFrameNum() && getSourceOutFrameNum() != -1))
             return cv::Mat();
-        if (mVideo && !mStereo)
+        if(mVideo && !mStereo)
             // Check if we have a valid capture device
-            if (!mVideoCapture.isOpened())
+            if(!mVideoCapture.isOpened())
                 return cv::Mat();
             // Now we need to see if it is necessary to seek for the frame or if we can use
             // directly the cvQueryFrame function
             // This is tested since the seek function takes a lot of time!
-            if (index == getSourceInFrameNum() || mCurrentFrame+1 != index)
+            if(index == getSourceInFrameNum() || mCurrentFrame + 1 != index)
-                if( !mVideoCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, index) )
+                if(!mVideoCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, index))
                     debout << "Error: video file does not support skipping." << std::endl;
                     return cv::Mat();
             // Query the frame
-            if( mVideoCapture.read(mImage))
+            if(mVideoCapture.read(mImage))
-                if (mImage.empty())//tempImg == NULL)
+                if(mImage.empty()) // tempImg == NULL)
                     return cv::Mat();
-            }else
+            }
+            else
-                debout << "Warning: number of frames in the video seems to be incorrect. Frame[" << index << "] is not loadable! Set number of Frames to " << index << "." << std::endl;
-                mSourceOutFrame = index-1;
+                debout << "Warning: number of frames in the video seems to be incorrect. Frame[" << index
+                       << "] is not loadable! Set number of Frames to " << index << "." << std::endl;
+                mSourceOutFrame = index - 1;
                 return cv::Mat();
-        else if (mStereo && mCaptureStereo)// stereo video
+        else if(mStereo && mCaptureStereo) // stereo video
-            if (index/640 != mCurrentStereoFileNumber) // 640 stereo frames in one file
+            if(index / 640 != mCurrentStereoFileNumber) // 640 stereo frames in one file
-                openAnimationStereoVideo(index/640, mStereoImgLeft, mStereoImgRight);
+                openAnimationStereoVideo(index / 640, mStereoImgLeft, mStereoImgRight);
             mImage = cvarrToMat(mCaptureStereo->readFrame(index - mCurrentStereoFileNumber * 640));
@@ -1029,7 +1052,7 @@ cv::Mat Animation::getFrameVideo(int index)
         mCurrentFrame = index;
-    else if (mStereo && (index == mCurrentFrame)) // da mgl anderes Bild rechte/links angefordert wird
+    else if(mStereo && (index == mCurrentFrame)) // da mgl anderes Bild rechte/links angefordert wird
         mImage = cvarrToMat(mCaptureStereo->readFrame(index - mCurrentStereoFileNumber * 640));
     // Return the pointer to the IplImage :-)
@@ -1044,15 +1067,16 @@ bool Animation::getInfoVideo(QString /*fileName*/)
     // We will grab the information from a frame of the animation
     cv::Mat tempImg = getFrameVideo(getSourceInFrameNum());
-    if (tempImg.empty())
+    if(tempImg.empty())
         debout << "Error: No frame could be retrieved from the capture during getInfoVideo." << std::endl;
         return false;
     // 1 or 3 channel and 8 bit per pixel
-    if (!(((tempImg.channels() == 1) || (tempImg.channels() == 3)) && (tempImg.depth() == CV_8U)))
+    if(!(((tempImg.channels() == 1) || (tempImg.channels() == 3)) && (tempImg.depth() == CV_8U)))
-        debout << "Warning: Only 1 or 3 channels (you are using "<< tempImg.channels() <<") and 8 bpp (you are using "<< tempImg.depth() <<") are supported!" << std::endl;
+        debout << "Warning: Only 1 or 3 channels (you are using " << tempImg.channels() << ") and 8 bpp (you are using "
+               << tempImg.depth() << ") are supported!" << std::endl;
     // Set the size in the QSize structure
@@ -1060,44 +1084,51 @@ bool Animation::getInfoVideo(QString /*fileName*/)
     // Release the temporary frame
     // We get the FPS number with the cvGetCaptureProperty function
     // Note that this doesn't work if no frame has already retrieved!!
-    if (mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS)){
+    if(mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS))
+    {
         mOriginalFps = mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS);
     // detect the used video codec
-    int fourCC = static_cast<int>( mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FOURCC) );
-    char FOURCC[] = {(char)( fourCC & 0XFF) ,
-                     (char)((fourCC & 0XFF00) >> 8),
-                     (char)((fourCC & 0XFF0000) >> 16),
-                     (char)((fourCC & 0XFF000000) >> 24),
-                                                        0};
-    mMaxFrames = (int) mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT); //mNumFrame
-    mSourceOutFrame = mMaxFrames-1;
+    int  fourCC   = static_cast<int>(mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FOURCC));
+    char FOURCC[] = {
+        (char) (fourCC & 0XFF),
+        (char) ((fourCC & 0XFF00) >> 8),
+        (char) ((fourCC & 0XFF0000) >> 16),
+        (char) ((fourCC & 0XFF000000) >> 24),
+        0};
+    mMaxFrames      = (int) mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT); // mNumFrame
+    mSourceOutFrame = mMaxFrames - 1;
     // Set videocapture to the last frame if CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES is supported by used video codec
-    if( mVideoCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, mMaxFrames))
+    if(mVideoCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, mMaxFrames))
         // Set videoCapture to the really correct last frame
-        mVideoCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)-1);
+        mVideoCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) - 1);
         // Check if mNumFrames agrees with last readable frame
-        if( mMaxFrames != (mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)+1) )
+        if(mMaxFrames != (mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) + 1))
-            debout << "Warning: number of frames detected by OpenCV library (" << mMaxFrames << ") seems to be incorrect! (set to estimated value: "<< (mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)+1) << ") [video codec: " << FOURCC << "]" << std::endl;
-            mMaxFrames = mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)+1;
-            mSourceOutFrame = mMaxFrames-1;
+            debout << "Warning: number of frames detected by OpenCV library (" << mMaxFrames
+                   << ") seems to be incorrect! (set to estimated value: "
+                   << (mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) + 1) << ") [video codec: " << FOURCC << "]"
+                   << std::endl;
+            mMaxFrames      = mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) + 1;
+            mSourceOutFrame = mMaxFrames - 1;
         // Check if the last frame of the video is readable/OK?
         cv::Mat frame;
-        while( !mVideoCapture.read(frame) ){
-            mVideoCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)-2);
-            mMaxFrames = mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)+1;
-            if( mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) < 0 ){
+        while(!mVideoCapture.read(frame))
+        {
+            mVideoCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) - 2);
+            mMaxFrames = mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) + 1;
+            if(mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) < 0)
+            {
                 std::cerr << "Warning: video file seems to be broken!" << std::endl;
-                mMaxFrames = -1;
-                mSourceOutFrame = mMaxFrames-1;
+                mMaxFrames      = -1;
+                mSourceOutFrame = mMaxFrames - 1;
                 return false;
@@ -1105,16 +1136,18 @@ bool Animation::getInfoVideo(QString /*fileName*/)
     // Since we don't trust OpenCV, another check is never enough :-)
     int defaultFrames = 10000;
-    int maxFrames = 9999999; // > 111 h @ 25fps
-    if (getNumFrames() <= 0)
+    int maxFrames     = 9999999; // > 111 h @ 25fps
+    if(getNumFrames() <= 0)
-        debout << "Error: Incorrect number ("<<getNumFrames()<<") of frames. Setting it to "<<defaultFrames<<"." << std::endl;
-        mSourceOutFrame = getSourceInFrameNum()+defaultFrames;
+        debout << "Error: Incorrect number (" << getNumFrames() << ") of frames. Setting it to " << defaultFrames << "."
+               << std::endl;
+        mSourceOutFrame = getSourceInFrameNum() + defaultFrames;
-    if (getNumFrames() > maxFrames)// = 6h * 60mins * 60 secs * 25 frames
+    if(getNumFrames() > maxFrames) // = 6h * 60mins * 60 secs * 25 frames
-        debout << "Warning: Number of frames ("<<getNumFrames()<<") seems to be incorrect. Setting it to "<<defaultFrames<<"." << std::endl;
-        mSourceOutFrame = getSourceInFrameNum()+defaultFrames;
+        debout << "Warning: Number of frames (" << getNumFrames() << ") seems to be incorrect. Setting it to "
+               << defaultFrames << "." << std::endl;
+        mSourceOutFrame = getSourceInFrameNum() + defaultFrames;
     return true;
@@ -1123,15 +1156,16 @@ bool Animation::getInfoVideo(QString /*fileName*/)
 bool Animation::getCameraInfo()
     cv::Mat tempImg = getFrameVideo(0);
-    if (tempImg.empty())
+    if(tempImg.empty())
         debout << "Error: No frame could be retrieved from the capture during getInfoVideo." << std::endl;
         return false;
     // 1 or 3 channel and 8 bit per pixel
-    if (!(((tempImg.channels() == 1) || (tempImg.channels() == 3)) && (tempImg.depth() == CV_8U)))
+    if(!(((tempImg.channels() == 1) || (tempImg.channels() == 3)) && (tempImg.depth() == CV_8U)))
-        debout << "Warning: Only 1 or 3 channels (you are using "<< tempImg.channels() <<") and 8 bpp (you are using "<< tempImg.depth() <<") are supported!" << std::endl;
+        debout << "Warning: Only 1 or 3 channels (you are using " << tempImg.channels() << ") and 8 bpp (you are using "
+               << tempImg.depth() << ") are supported!" << std::endl;
     // Set the size in the QSize structure
@@ -1139,13 +1173,13 @@ bool Animation::getCameraInfo()
     // Release the temporary frame
     // We get the FPS number with the cvGetCaptureProperty function
     // Note that this doesn't work if no frame has already retrieved!!
-    if (mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS)){
+    if(mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS))
+    {
         mOriginalFps = mVideoCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS);
     return true;
@@ -1153,14 +1187,13 @@ bool Animation::getCameraInfo()
 void Animation::freeVideo()
     // Release the capture device
-    if (mVideoCapture.isOpened())
+    if(mVideoCapture.isOpened())
     // Release the image pointer
-    if (!mImage.empty())
+    if(!mImage.empty())
         mImage = cv::Mat();
diff --git a/src/autoCalib.cpp b/src/autoCalib.cpp
index 8e6c6c023152d49c1202886685ad5ea80ebfb15c..073b25474523b7161837a05e8d858f0c2618e610 100644
--- a/src/autoCalib.cpp
+++ b/src/autoCalib.cpp
@@ -18,39 +18,38 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QFileDialog>
-#include <QProgressDialog>
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
 #include "autoCalib.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
 #include "control.h"
 #include "pMessageBox.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QProgressDialog>
+#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
-#define SHOW_CALIB_MAINWINDOW   ///< definieren, wenn das Schachbrett im Mainwindow und nicht separat angezeigt werden soll:
-                                // fuehrt nach Calibration dazu dass play des originalvideos abstuerzt, insb wenn intr apply nicht ausgewaehlt war
+/// definieren, wenn das Schachbrett im Mainwindow und nicht separat angezeigt werden soll:
+/// fuehrt nach Calibration dazu dass play des originalvideos abstuerzt, insb wenn intr apply nicht ausgewaehlt war
-    mMainWindow = nullptr;
+    mMainWindow    = nullptr;
     mControlWidget = nullptr;
     // 6x8 und 4.6cm passen zu dem Schachbrettmuster auf der Eisenplatte mit Griff
     mBoardSizeX = 6;
-    mBoardSizeY = 8;  //{6, 9};  //{6, 8}; // passt zu meinem Schachbrett, was ich ausgedruckt habe
-    mSquareSize = 4.6f; //3.f; //5.25f;
+    mBoardSizeY = 8;    //{6, 9};  //{6, 8}; // passt zu meinem Schachbrett, was ich ausgedruckt habe
+    mSquareSize = 4.6f; // 3.f; //5.25f;
+AutoCalib::~AutoCalib() {}
 void AutoCalib::setMainWindow(Petrack *mw)
-    mMainWindow = mw;
+    mMainWindow    = mw;
     mControlWidget = mw->getControlWidget();
@@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ void AutoCalib::addCalibFile(const QString &f)
 QString AutoCalib::getCalibFile(int i)
-    if (i < mCalibFiles.size())
+    if(i < mCalibFiles.size())
         return mCalibFiles.at(i);
         return QString();
@@ -84,16 +83,21 @@ void AutoCalib::setCalibFiles(const QStringList &fl)
 bool AutoCalib::openCalibFiles()
-    if (mMainWindow)
+    if(mMainWindow)
         static QString lastDir;
-        if (!mCalibFiles.isEmpty()) 
+        if(!mCalibFiles.isEmpty())
             lastDir = QFileInfo(mCalibFiles.first()).path();
-        QStringList calibFiles = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(mMainWindow, Petrack::tr("Open calibration sequence"), lastDir, "All supported types (*.bmp *.dib *.jpeg *.jpg *.jpe *.png *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.sr *.ras *.tiff *.tif *.exr *.jp2);;All files (*.*)");
-        if (!calibFiles.isEmpty())
-        { 
+        QStringList calibFiles = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(
+            mMainWindow,
+            Petrack::tr("Open calibration sequence"),
+            lastDir,
+            "All supported types (*.bmp *.dib *.jpeg *.jpg *.jpe *.png *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.sr *.ras *.tiff *.tif *.exr "
+            "*.jp2);;All files (*.*)");
+        if(!calibFiles.isEmpty())
+        {
             mCalibFiles = calibFiles;
             return true;
@@ -113,57 +117,63 @@ bool AutoCalib::openCalibFiles()
 void AutoCalib::autoCalib()
-    if (mMainWindow)
+    if(mMainWindow)
         // no files are selected for calibration
-        if (mCalibFiles.isEmpty()) 
+        if(mCalibFiles.isEmpty())
             PInformation(mMainWindow, Petrack::tr("Petrack"), Petrack::tr("At first you have to select files."));
-        cv::Size board_size(mBoardSizeX, mBoardSizeY); //{6, 9};  //{6, 8}; // passt zu meinem Schachbrett, was ich ausgedruckt habe
-        float square_size = mSquareSize; //5.25f; // 3.f;   // da 3x3cm hat Schachbrett, was ich ausgedruckt habe
+        cv::Size board_size(
+            mBoardSizeX, mBoardSizeY);    //{6, 9};  //{6, 8}; // passt zu meinem Schachbrett, was ich ausgedruckt habe
+        float square_size  = mSquareSize; // 5.25f; // 3.f;   // da 3x3cm hat Schachbrett, was ich ausgedruckt habe
         float aspect_ratio = 1.f;
-        int flags = 0;
-        std::vector<cv::Point2f> corners;
-        std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> > image_points;
-        cv::Mat camera_matrix = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F);
-        cv::Mat dist_coeffs = cv::Mat::zeros(1, 8, CV_64F);
-        cv::Mat extr_params;
-        double reproj_errs;
-        cv::Mat view, view_gray;
-        bool found = false;
-        cv::Mat origImg;
-        cv::Size imgSize;
+        int   flags        = 0;
+        std::vector<cv::Point2f>              corners;
+        std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> image_points;
+        cv::Mat                               camera_matrix = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F);
+        cv::Mat                               dist_coeffs   = cv::Mat::zeros(1, 8, CV_64F);
+        cv::Mat                               extr_params;
+        double                                reproj_errs;
+        cv::Mat                               view, view_gray;
+        bool                                  found = false;
+        cv::Mat                               origImg;
+        cv::Size                              imgSize;
-        if (!mMainWindow->getImg().empty())
+        if(!mMainWindow->getImg().empty())
             origImg = mMainWindow->getImg().clone(); // must be cloned, because mIplImg will be deleted in updateImage
-        QProgressDialog progress("Calculating intrinsic camera parameters...", "Abort calculation", 0, mCalibFiles.size(), mMainWindow);
+        QProgressDialog progress(
+            "Calculating intrinsic camera parameters...", "Abort calculation", 0, mCalibFiles.size(), mMainWindow);
         progress.setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); // blocks main window
-        debout << "Search for cheesboard pattern (" << board_size.width << "x" << board_size.height << ") with square size: " << square_size << "cm..." << std::endl;
+        debout << "Search for cheesboard pattern (" << board_size.width << "x" << board_size.height
+               << ") with square size: " << square_size << "cm..." << std::endl;
         bool min_one_pattern_found = false;
         // search for chessbord corners in every image
-        for (int i = 0; i < mCalibFiles.size(); ++i)
+        for(int i = 0; i < mCalibFiles.size(); ++i)
-            if (progress.wasCanceled())
+            if(progress.wasCanceled())
             // cannot load image
-            view = cv::imread(mCalibFiles.at(i).toStdString(),cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
-            if (view.empty())
+            view = cv::imread(mCalibFiles.at(i).toStdString(), cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
+            if(view.empty())
-                PCritical(mMainWindow, Petrack::tr("Petrack"), Petrack::tr("Cannot load %1.\nTerminate Calibration.").arg(mCalibFiles.at(i)));
+                PCritical(
+                    mMainWindow,
+                    Petrack::tr("Petrack"),
+                    Petrack::tr("Cannot load %1.\nTerminate Calibration.").arg(mCalibFiles.at(i)));
-                // reset view to animation image 
-                if (!origImg.empty())
+                // reset view to animation image
+                if(!origImg.empty())
                     mMainWindow->updateImage(origImg); // now the last view will be deleted
@@ -172,26 +182,30 @@ void AutoCalib::autoCalib()
             // muss nur bei einem bild gemacht werden
-            if (i==0)
-                imgSize = cv::Size(view.rows,view.cols);
+            if(i == 0)
+                imgSize = cv::Size(view.rows, view.cols);
             // search for chessboard corners
-            found = findChessboardCorners(view,board_size,corners,cv::CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH);
+            found = findChessboardCorners(view, board_size, corners, cv::CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH);
-            if (found)
+            if(found)
                 // improve the found corners' coordinate accuracy
-                cv::cvtColor(view,view_gray,cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
-                cv::cornerSubPix(view_gray,corners,cv::Size(11,11),
-                             cv::Size(-1,-1),cv::TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER,30,0.1));
+                cv::cvtColor(view, view_gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
+                cv::cornerSubPix(
+                    view_gray,
+                    corners,
+                    cv::Size(11, 11),
+                    cv::Size(-1, -1),
+                    cv::TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS + CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 30, 0.1));
-                drawChessboardCorners(view,board_size,corners,found);
+                drawChessboardCorners(view, board_size, corners, found);
-                namedWindow("img", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); // 0 wenn skalierbar sein soll
+                namedWindow("img", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); // 0 wenn skalierbar sein soll
                 imShow("img", view);
-                //cvWaitKey( 0 ); // zahl statt null, wenn nach bestimmter zeit weitergegangen werden soll
+                // cvWaitKey( 0 ); // zahl statt null, wenn nach bestimmter zeit weitergegangen werden soll
                 // show image in view to show calculation
@@ -201,62 +215,80 @@ void AutoCalib::autoCalib()
                 min_one_pattern_found = true;
-                debout << "Calibration pattern not found in: "<< mCalibFiles.at(i).toStdString() << std::endl;
+                debout << "Calibration pattern not found in: " << mCalibFiles.at(i).toStdString() << std::endl;
-        if( !min_one_pattern_found )
+        if(!min_one_pattern_found)
             debout << "Calibration failed. No patterns found!" << std::endl;
-            PWarning(mMainWindow,
-                                 QString("Calibration failed"),
-                                 QString("Chessboard pattern (%1x%2) not found in calibration files.").arg(board_size.width).arg(board_size.height));
+            PWarning(
+                mMainWindow,
+                QString("Calibration failed"),
+                QString("Chessboard pattern (%1x%2) not found in calibration files.")
+                    .arg(board_size.width)
+                    .arg(board_size.height));
         // set flags for calibration
-        if (mControlWidget->quadAspectRatio->isChecked())
-            flags |= CV_CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO; //durch setzen von aspect_ratio kann fix ascpect anders als 1:1 eingestellt werden
-        if (mControlWidget->fixCenter->isChecked())
+        if(mControlWidget->quadAspectRatio->isChecked())
+            flags |= CV_CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO; // durch setzen von aspect_ratio kann fix ascpect anders als 1:1
+                                                // eingestellt werden
+        if(mControlWidget->fixCenter->isChecked())
             flags |= CV_CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT;
-        if (!mControlWidget->tangDist->isChecked())
+        if(!mControlWidget->tangDist->isChecked())
             flags |= CV_CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST;
         // run calibration
-        bool ok = runCalibration( image_points, view.size(), board_size,
-            square_size, aspect_ratio, flags, camera_matrix, dist_coeffs, &reproj_errs);
-        debout << (ok ? "Calibration succeeded." : "Calibration failed.") << std::endl; //  "Avgage reprojection error is "  << avg_reproj_err << endl;
+        bool ok = runCalibration(
+            image_points,
+            view.size(),
+            board_size,
+            square_size,
+            aspect_ratio,
+            flags,
+            camera_matrix,
+            dist_coeffs,
+            &reproj_errs);
+        debout << (ok ? "Calibration succeeded." : "Calibration failed.")
+               << std::endl; //  "Avgage reprojection error is "  << avg_reproj_err << endl;
         debout << "Intrinsic reprojection error is: " << reproj_errs << std::endl;
         debout << "Cameramatrix: " << std::endl;
-        debout << "( " << camera_matrix.at<double>(0,0) << " " << camera_matrix.at<double>(0,1) << " " << camera_matrix.at<double>(0,2) << ")" << std::endl;
-        debout << "( " << camera_matrix.at<double>(1,0) << " " << camera_matrix.at<double>(1,1) << " " << camera_matrix.at<double>(1,2) << ")" << std::endl;
-        debout << "( " << camera_matrix.at<double>(2,0) << " " << camera_matrix.at<double>(2,1) << " " << camera_matrix.at<double>(2,2) << ")" << std::endl;
+        debout << "( " << camera_matrix.at<double>(0, 0) << " " << camera_matrix.at<double>(0, 1) << " "
+               << camera_matrix.at<double>(0, 2) << ")" << std::endl;
+        debout << "( " << camera_matrix.at<double>(1, 0) << " " << camera_matrix.at<double>(1, 1) << " "
+               << camera_matrix.at<double>(1, 2) << ")" << std::endl;
+        debout << "( " << camera_matrix.at<double>(2, 0) << " " << camera_matrix.at<double>(2, 1) << " "
+               << camera_matrix.at<double>(2, 2) << ")" << std::endl;
         debout << "Distortioncoefficients: " << std::endl;
-        debout << "r2: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,0) << " r4: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,1) << " r6: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,4) << std::endl;
-        debout << "tx: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,2) << " ty: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,3) << std::endl;
-        debout << "k4: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,5) << " k5: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,6) << " k6: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,7) << std::endl;
+        debout << "r2: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 0) << " r4: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 1)
+               << " r6: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 4) << std::endl;
+        debout << "tx: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 2) << " ty: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 3) << std::endl;
+        debout << "k4: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 5) << " k5: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 6)
+               << " k6: " << dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 7) << std::endl;
         // set calibration values
-        mControlWidget->setCalibFxValue(camera_matrix.at<double>(0,0));
-        mControlWidget->setCalibFyValue(camera_matrix.at<double>(1,1));
-        mControlWidget->setCalibCxValue(camera_matrix.at<double>(0,2) + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-        mControlWidget->setCalibCyValue(camera_matrix.at<double>(1,2) + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-        mControlWidget->setCalibR2Value(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,0));
-        mControlWidget->setCalibR4Value(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,1));
-        mControlWidget->setCalibTxValue(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,2));
-        mControlWidget->setCalibTyValue(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,3));
-        mControlWidget->setCalibR6Value(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,4));
-        mControlWidget->setCalibK4Value(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,5));
-        mControlWidget->setCalibK5Value(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,6));
-        mControlWidget->setCalibK6Value(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0,7));
+        mControlWidget->setCalibFxValue(camera_matrix.at<double>(0, 0));
+        mControlWidget->setCalibFyValue(camera_matrix.at<double>(1, 1));
+        mControlWidget->setCalibCxValue(camera_matrix.at<double>(0, 2) + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
+        mControlWidget->setCalibCyValue(camera_matrix.at<double>(1, 2) + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
+        mControlWidget->setCalibR2Value(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 0));
+        mControlWidget->setCalibR4Value(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 1));
+        mControlWidget->setCalibTxValue(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 2));
+        mControlWidget->setCalibTyValue(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 3));
+        mControlWidget->setCalibR6Value(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 4));
+        mControlWidget->setCalibK4Value(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 5));
+        mControlWidget->setCalibK5Value(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 6));
+        mControlWidget->setCalibK6Value(dist_coeffs.at<double>(0, 7));
-        // reset view to animation image 
-        if (!origImg.empty())
+        // reset view to animation image
+        if(!origImg.empty())
             mMainWindow->updateImage(origImg); // now the last view will be deleted
@@ -280,22 +312,29 @@ void AutoCalib::autoCalib()
  * @param reproj_errs[out]
  * @return
-int AutoCalib::runCalibration(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> > image_points, cv::Size img_size, cv::Size board_size,
-    float square_size, float aspect_ratio, int flags,
-    cv::Mat &camera_matrix, cv::Mat &dist_coeffs, double *reproj_errs)
+int AutoCalib::runCalibration(
+    std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> image_points,
+    cv::Size                              img_size,
+    cv::Size                              board_size,
+    float                                 square_size,
+    float                                 aspect_ratio,
+    int                                   flags,
+    cv::Mat &                             camera_matrix,
+    cv::Mat &                             dist_coeffs,
+    double *                              reproj_errs)
     int code;
-    std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point3f> > object_points;
+    std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point3f>> object_points;
     // initialize arrays of points
-    for(size_t j=0; j<image_points.size();j++)
+    for(size_t j = 0; j < image_points.size(); j++)
         std::vector<cv::Point3f> points_3d;
-        for(int i=0; i<board_size.width*board_size.height;i++)
+        for(int i = 0; i < board_size.width * board_size.height; i++)
-           points_3d.push_back(cv::Point3f(float((i/board_size.width)*square_size),float((i%board_size.width)*square_size),0));
+            points_3d.push_back(cv::Point3f(
+                float((i / board_size.width) * square_size), float((i % board_size.width) * square_size), 0));
@@ -308,9 +347,9 @@ int AutoCalib::runCalibration(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> > image_point
         camera_matrix.ptr<double>(1)[1] = 1.;
-    *reproj_errs = calibrateCamera(object_points,image_points,img_size,camera_matrix,dist_coeffs,rot_vects,trans_vects,flags);
+    *reproj_errs = calibrateCamera(
+        object_points, image_points, img_size, camera_matrix, dist_coeffs, rot_vects, trans_vects, flags);
     code = 1;
     return code;
diff --git a/src/aviFileWriter.cpp b/src/aviFileWriter.cpp
index 0b6a4c4eca5482f3af1e4d96b58812051bd25e04..0c643598c951aafddaf5391a9b6cb0758811df16 100644
--- a/src/aviFileWriter.cpp
+++ b/src/aviFileWriter.cpp
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "aviFileWriter.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <iostream>
-#include "aviFileWriter.h"
 #include <opencv2/videoio/videoio_c.h>
@@ -32,176 +32,141 @@
-  // m_pavifile		= NULL;
-  // m_pstream		= NULL;
-  // m_pstreamcompressed	= NULL;
-   m_pTempBMPBuffer	= nullptr;
-   m_pTempBuffer	= nullptr;
-  // m_pBitmapInfo        = NULL;
-   m_iTimeIndex	     = 0;
-   m_iCols     = 0;
-   m_iRows     = 0;
-   m_iBPP      = 0;
-   m_iSize     = 0;
-   m_iRowInc   = 0;
-   m_frameRate = 0.0;
-   m_bSizeLimited = false;
-   m_iSplitFile = 0;
-   m_isColor = true;
-   // Default compression options.
-   //m_compvars.fccHandler = mmioFOURCC( 'D', 'I', 'B', ' ' ); // uncompressed
-   //m_compvars.fccHandler = mmioFOURCC( 'I', 'V', '5', '0' );
-   //m_compvars.dwFlags    = 0x0;
-   //m_compvars.lQ         = ICQUALITY_DEFAULT;
-   //m_compvars.lpState = NULL;
-   m_liBytesWritten = 0;
-   close();
+    m_pTempBMPBuffer = nullptr;
+    m_pTempBuffer    = nullptr;
-   /*if( m_pBitmapInfo != NULL )
-   {
-      free( m_pBitmapInfo );
-      m_pBitmapInfo = NULL;
-   }*/
+    m_iTimeIndex = 0;
-   if( m_pTempBuffer != nullptr )
-   {
-      delete [] m_pTempBuffer;
-      m_pTempBuffer = nullptr;
-   }
+    m_iCols     = 0;
+    m_iRows     = 0;
+    m_iBPP      = 0;
+    m_iSize     = 0;
+    m_iRowInc   = 0;
+    m_frameRate = 0.0;
-   if( m_pTempBMPBuffer != nullptr )
-   {
-      delete [] m_pTempBMPBuffer;
-      m_pTempBMPBuffer = nullptr;
-   }
+    m_bSizeLimited = false;
+    m_iSplitFile   = 0;
+    m_isColor      = true;
-   /*if( m_compvars.lpState != NULL )
-   {
-      delete [] (char *) m_compvars.lpState; // (char *)  nur um warnung zu unterdruecken
-      m_compvars.lpState = NULL;
-   }*/
+    m_liBytesWritten = 0;
-bool AviFileWriter::openSizeLimitedAVI(
-                 const char*  pszFilename,
-                 int	      iCols,
-                 int	      iRows,
-                 int	      ibpp,
-                 double	      dFramerate )
-   std::string szAVIFile;
-   m_bSizeLimited = true;
-   m_iSplitFile = 0;
+    close();
+    if(m_pTempBuffer != nullptr)
+    {
+        delete[] m_pTempBuffer;
+        m_pTempBuffer = nullptr;
+    }
+    if(m_pTempBMPBuffer != nullptr)
+    {
+        delete[] m_pTempBMPBuffer;
+        m_pTempBMPBuffer = nullptr;
+    }
-   std::stringstream stringStream;
-   stringStream << pszFilename;
-   szAVIFile = stringStream.str();
-   // Remove any extensions.
-   size_t lastindex = szAVIFile.find_first_of('.');
-   szAVIFile = szAVIFile.substr(0, lastindex);
-   //
-   // Keep the basic avi file name in m_szAVIDestFile.
-   //
-   stringStream.str("");
-   stringStream << szAVIFile;
-   m_szAVIDestFile = stringStream.str();
-   //
-   // The avi file names will be in the form  of ***_0000.avi, ***_0001.avi,
-   // ***_0002.avi...
-   // The size of each avi file is limited by AVI_FILE_SPLIT_SIZE bytes
-   //
-   stringStream.str("");
-   stringStream << m_szAVIDestFile << "_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << m_iSplitFile << ".avi";
-   szAVIFile = stringStream.str();
-   return open( szAVIFile.c_str(), iCols, iRows, ibpp, dFramerate );
+bool AviFileWriter::openSizeLimitedAVI(const char *pszFilename, int iCols, int iRows, int ibpp, double dFramerate)
+    std::string szAVIFile;
+    m_bSizeLimited = true;
+    m_iSplitFile   = 0;
+    std::stringstream stringStream;
+    stringStream << pszFilename;
+    szAVIFile = stringStream.str();
+    // Remove any extensions.
+    size_t lastindex = szAVIFile.find_first_of('.');
+    szAVIFile        = szAVIFile.substr(0, lastindex);
+    //
+    // Keep the basic avi file name in m_szAVIDestFile.
+    //
+    stringStream.str("");
+    stringStream << szAVIFile;
+    m_szAVIDestFile = stringStream.str();
+    //
+    // The avi file names will be in the form  of ***_0000.avi, ***_0001.avi,
+    // ***_0002.avi...
+    // The size of each avi file is limited by AVI_FILE_SPLIT_SIZE bytes
+    //
+    stringStream.str("");
+    stringStream << m_szAVIDestFile << "_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << m_iSplitFile << ".avi";
+    szAVIFile = stringStream.str();
+    return open(szAVIFile.c_str(), iCols, iRows, ibpp, dFramerate);
-bool AviFileWriter::open(const char*  pszFilename, int iCols, int iRows, int ibpp, double dFramerate)
+bool AviFileWriter::open(const char *pszFilename, int iCols, int iRows, int ibpp, double dFramerate)
-   //
-   // Initialize the library.
-   //
-   //::AVIFileInit();
-   if( !checkOpenCVVersion() )
-   {
-      return false;
-   }
-   if(pszFilename == nullptr || iRows <= 0 || iCols <= 0 || dFramerate <= 0.0)
-   {
-      assert( false );
-      return false;
-   }
-   /*if(ibpp != 24 && ibpp != 32 && ibpp != 8 && ibpp != 16)
-   {
-      assert( false );
-      return false;
-   }*/
-   m_frameRate = dFramerate;
-   m_iTimeIndex	= 0;
-   m_liBytesWritten = 0;
-   //
-   // If these parameters change, set them and allocate the buffers
-   //
-   if (m_iCols != iCols || m_iRows != iRows || m_iBPP  != ibpp)
-   {
-      //
-      // Initialize members.
-      //
-      m_iCols     = iCols;
-      m_iRows     = iRows;
-      m_iBPP      = ibpp;
-      m_iRowInc   = m_iCols * ( m_iBPP / 8 );
-      m_iSize     = m_iRows * m_iRowInc;
-      //
-      // Allocate temp image buffers.
-      //
-      if(m_pTempBMPBuffer != nullptr)
-      {
-         delete [] m_pTempBMPBuffer;
-         m_pTempBMPBuffer = nullptr;
-      }
-      m_pTempBMPBuffer = new unsigned char[m_iSize + EXTRA_TEMP_SPACE];
-      if(m_pTempBuffer != nullptr)
-      {
-         delete [] m_pTempBuffer;
-         m_pTempBuffer = nullptr;
-      }
-      m_pTempBuffer = new unsigned char[ m_iSize ];
-   }
-   if (m_pTempBMPBuffer == nullptr || m_pTempBuffer == nullptr)
-      return false;
-   //
-   // If this function is called from openSizeLimitedAVI(), pszFilename
-   // is the file to open. m_szAVIDestFile should not be changed because
-   // it is the base file name used in appendFrame() to generate the next
-   // split file name.
-   //
-   // If this function is called directly (not by openSizeLimitedAVI()),
-   // the AVI file can not be splited and m_szAVIDestFile is not used.
-   // So we do not need to save the file name to m_szAVIDestFile.
-   //
+    //
+    // Initialize the library.
+    //
+    //::AVIFileInit();
+    if(!checkOpenCVVersion())
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    if(pszFilename == nullptr || iRows <= 0 || iCols <= 0 || dFramerate <= 0.0)
+    {
+        assert(false);
+        return false;
+    }
+    m_frameRate      = dFramerate;
+    m_iTimeIndex     = 0;
+    m_liBytesWritten = 0;
+    //
+    // If these parameters change, set them and allocate the buffers
+    //
+    if(m_iCols != iCols || m_iRows != iRows || m_iBPP != ibpp)
+    {
+        //
+        // Initialize members.
+        //
+        m_iCols   = iCols;
+        m_iRows   = iRows;
+        m_iBPP    = ibpp;
+        m_iRowInc = m_iCols * (m_iBPP / 8);
+        m_iSize   = m_iRows * m_iRowInc;
+        //
+        // Allocate temp image buffers.
+        //
+        if(m_pTempBMPBuffer != nullptr)
+        {
+            delete[] m_pTempBMPBuffer;
+            m_pTempBMPBuffer = nullptr;
+        }
+        m_pTempBMPBuffer = new unsigned char[m_iSize + EXTRA_TEMP_SPACE];
+        if(m_pTempBuffer != nullptr)
+        {
+            delete[] m_pTempBuffer;
+            m_pTempBuffer = nullptr;
+        }
+        m_pTempBuffer = new unsigned char[m_iSize];
+    }
+    if(m_pTempBMPBuffer == nullptr || m_pTempBuffer == nullptr)
+        return false;
+        //
+        // If this function is called from openSizeLimitedAVI(), pszFilename
+        // is the file to open. m_szAVIDestFile should not be changed because
+        // it is the base file name used in appendFrame() to generate the next
+        // split file name.
+        //
+        // If this function is called directly (not by openSizeLimitedAVI()),
+        // the AVI file can not be splited and m_szAVIDestFile is not used.
+        // So we do not need to save the file name to m_szAVIDestFile.
+        //
 #if 0
    sprintf(m_szAVIDestFile, "%s", pszFilename );
@@ -217,193 +182,120 @@ bool AviFileWriter::open(const char*  pszFilename, int iCols, int iRows, int ibp
    sprintf(szAVIFile, "%s.avi", m_szAVIDestFile);
-   //
-   // Open the file.
-   //
-   //char *c = "Ein C-String";
-   //WCHAR wc[13];
-   //for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++){
-   //    wc[i] = (WCHAR) c[i];
-   //}
-//#ifdef UNICODE
-//   printf("UNICODE\n");
-//      printf("NO UNICODE\n");
-   //m_vWriter.open(pszFilename, CV_FOURCC_DEFAULT, dFramerate, Size(iCols,iRows), m_isColor);
-   return m_vWriter.open(pszFilename, CV_FOURCC_DEFAULT/*PROMPT*/, dFramerate, cv::Size(iCols,iRows), m_isColor);
-   //m_vWriter.open(pszFilename, CV_FOURCC('H', 'F', 'Y', 'U'), dFramerate, Size(iCols,iRows), m_isColor);
-   //m_vWriter.open(pszFilename, CV_FOURCC('X', 'V', 'I', 'D'), dFramerate, Size(iCols,iRows), m_isColor);
-   //m_vWriter.open(pszFilename, CV_FOURCC('I', '4', '2', '0'), dFramerate, Size(iCols,iRows), m_isColor);
-   //m_vWriter.open(pszFilename, CV_FOURCC('X', '2', '6', '4'), dFramerate, Size(iCols,iRows), m_isColor);
-   //m_vWriter.open(pszFilename, CV_FOURCC('P', 'I', 'M', '1'), dFramerate, Size(iCols,iRows), m_isColor);
-   //m_vWriter.open(pszFilename,CV_FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'),dFramerate,Size(iCols,iRows),m_isColor);
-   //m_vWriter.open(pszFilename,CV_FOURCC('I', 'V', '5', '0'),dFramerate,Size(iCols,iRows),m_isColor);
-   //HRESULT hr = ::AVIFileOpen(&m_pavifile, pszFilename, OF_WRITE | OF_CREATE, NULL); //(WCHAR*) pszFilename L"mbhuhu.avi"
-   //return true;
+    return m_vWriter.open(pszFilename, CV_FOURCC_DEFAULT /*PROMPT*/, dFramerate, cv::Size(iCols, iRows), m_isColor);
-bool AviFileWriter::open(
-                 const char*  pszFilename,
-                 int	      iCols,
-                 int	      iRows,
-                 int	      /*ibpp*/,
-                 int	      iFramerate )
+bool AviFileWriter::open(const char *pszFilename, int iCols, int iRows, int /*ibpp*/, int iFramerate)
-  //return m_vWriter.open(pszFilename,CV_FOURCC_DEFAULT,(double) iFramerate,Size(iCols,iRows),m_isColor);
-    return m_vWriter.open(pszFilename,CV_FOURCC_PROMPT,(double) iFramerate,cv::Size(iCols,iRows),m_isColor);
-  //return m_vWriter.open(pszFilename,CV_FOURCC('H', 'F', 'Y', 'U'),(double) iFramerate,Size(iCols,iRows),m_isColor);
-  //return m_vWriter.open(pszFilename,CV_FOURCC('X', 'V', 'I', 'D'),(double) iFramerate,Size(iCols,iRows),m_isColor);
-  //return m_vWriter.open(pszFilename,CV_FOURCC('I', '4', '2', '0'),(double) iFramerate,Size(iCols,iRows),m_isColor);
-  //return m_vWriter.open(pszFilename,CV_FOURCC('X', '2', '6', '4'),(double) iFramerate,Size(iCols,iRows),m_isColor);
-  //return m_vWriter.open(pszFilename,CV_FOURCC('P', 'I', 'M', '1'),(double) iFramerate,Size(iCols,iRows),m_isColor);
+    return m_vWriter.open(pszFilename, CV_FOURCC_PROMPT, (double) iFramerate, cv::Size(iCols, iRows), m_isColor);
 long int AviFileWriter::bytesWritten() const
-   return m_liBytesWritten;
-   //return m_iTimeIndex * m_iSize;
+    return m_liBytesWritten;
-bool AviFileWriter::appendFrame(const unsigned char* pBuffer, bool /*bInvert*/)
+bool AviFileWriter::appendFrame(const unsigned char *pBuffer, bool /*bInvert*/)
-   if( !m_vWriter.isOpened() ){
-         assert(false);
-         return false;
-   }
-   unsigned char* pWriteBuffer = (unsigned char*) pBuffer;
-   cv::Mat frame;
-//   cout << "m_iRowInc: " << m_iRowInc << endl;
-//   cout << "rows: " << m_iRows << " cols: " << m_iCols << endl;
-//   cout << m_iRowInc / m_iCols << endl;
-   if( (m_iRowInc / m_iCols) == 1 )
-   {
-       frame = cv::Mat(m_iRows, m_iCols, CV_8UC1, pWriteBuffer, m_iRowInc);// = imread(pszFilename);
-   }else if ( (m_iRowInc / m_iCols) == 3 )
-   {
-       frame = cv::Mat(m_iRows, m_iCols, CV_8UC3, pWriteBuffer, m_iRowInc);// = imread(pszFilename);
-   }else if ( (m_iRowInc / m_iCols) == 4 )
-   {
-       frame = cv::Mat(m_iRows, m_iCols, CV_8UC4, pWriteBuffer, m_iRowInc);// = imread(pszFilename);
-       cv::cvtColor(frame,frame,cv::COLOR_RGBA2RGB); // need for right image interpretation
-   }else
-   {
-       std::cout << "error: unkown video format." << std::endl;
-       return false;
-   }
-   if( !frame.data )
-   {
-       std::cout << "error: while saving video data." << std::endl;
-       return false;
-   }
-   //frame.create(m_vWriter.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH),m_vWriter.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT),CV_8UC3);
-   //frame.data = (unsigned char*) pBuffer;
-   //const unsigned char* pWriteBuffer = pBuffer;
-//   namedWindow("TEST");
-//   imshow("TEST",frame);
-//   waitKey(1);
-//   cout << "Frame size: " << frame.rows << "x" << frame.cols << endl;
-//   cout << "Videowriter size:" << m_iRows << "x" << m_iCols << endl;
-//   m_vWriter.write(frame.clone());
-   m_vWriter.write(frame);
-   /**
-        * ToDo: invertieren
-        *
-        */
-   //LONG lSamplesWritten;
-   //LONG lBytesWritten;
-   long lBytesWritten = 0;
-   //
-   // If the AVI file is opened with openSizeLimitedAVI(), split it if necessory.
-   //
-   if (m_bSizeLimited)
-   {
-      //
-      // Split the file if it is more than 'AVI_FILE_SPLIT_SIZE' bytes
-      //
-      //if(bytesWritten() >= (__int64)(AVI_FILE_SPLIT_SIZE))
-      if(bytesWritten() >= (long int)(AVI_FILE_SPLIT_SIZE))
-      {
-         std::string szAVIFile;
-         std::stringstream stringStream;
-         close();
-         m_iSplitFile++;
-         stringStream << m_szAVIDestFile << "_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << m_iSplitFile << ".avi";
-         szAVIFile = stringStream.str();
-         if( !open( szAVIFile.c_str(), m_iCols, m_iRows, m_iBPP, m_frameRate ) )
-            return false;
-      }
-   }
-   m_liBytesWritten += lBytesWritten;
-   m_iTimeIndex++;
-   return true;
+    if(!m_vWriter.isOpened())
+    {
+        assert(false);
+        return false;
+    }
+    unsigned char *pWriteBuffer = (unsigned char *) pBuffer;
+    cv::Mat        frame;
+    if((m_iRowInc / m_iCols) == 1)
+    {
+        frame = cv::Mat(m_iRows, m_iCols, CV_8UC1, pWriteBuffer, m_iRowInc); // = imread(pszFilename);
+    }
+    else if((m_iRowInc / m_iCols) == 3)
+    {
+        frame = cv::Mat(m_iRows, m_iCols, CV_8UC3, pWriteBuffer, m_iRowInc); // = imread(pszFilename);
+    }
+    else if((m_iRowInc / m_iCols) == 4)
+    {
+        frame = cv::Mat(m_iRows, m_iCols, CV_8UC4, pWriteBuffer, m_iRowInc); // = imread(pszFilename);
+        cv::cvtColor(frame, frame, cv::COLOR_RGBA2RGB);                      // need for right image interpretation
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        std::cout << "error: unkown video format." << std::endl;
+        return false;
+    }
+    if(!frame.data)
+    {
+        std::cout << "error: while saving video data." << std::endl;
+        return false;
+    }
+    m_vWriter.write(frame);
+    /**
+     * ToDo: invertieren
+     *
+     */
+    long lBytesWritten = 0;
+    //
+    // If the AVI file is opened with openSizeLimitedAVI(), split it if necessory.
+    //
+    if(m_bSizeLimited)
+    {
+        //
+        // Split the file if it is more than 'AVI_FILE_SPLIT_SIZE' bytes
+        //
+        // if(bytesWritten() >= (__int64)(AVI_FILE_SPLIT_SIZE))
+        if(bytesWritten() >= (long int) (AVI_FILE_SPLIT_SIZE))
+        {
+            std::string       szAVIFile;
+            std::stringstream stringStream;
+            close();
+            m_iSplitFile++;
+            stringStream << m_szAVIDestFile << "_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << m_iSplitFile << ".avi";
+            szAVIFile = stringStream.str();
+            if(!open(szAVIFile.c_str(), m_iCols, m_iRows, m_iBPP, m_frameRate))
+                return false;
+        }
+    }
+    m_liBytesWritten += lBytesWritten;
+    m_iTimeIndex++;
+    return true;
 bool AviFileWriter::close()
-   m_vWriter.release();
-   return true;
+    m_vWriter.release();
+    return true;
-bool AviFileWriter::appendBMP( const char* pszFilename )
+bool AviFileWriter::appendBMP(const char *pszFilename)
+    cv::Mat bmpFrame = cv::imread(pszFilename);
-   cv::Mat bmpFrame = cv::imread(pszFilename);
+    m_vWriter.write(bmpFrame);
-   m_vWriter.write(bmpFrame);
+    m_iTimeIndex++;
-   m_iTimeIndex++;
-   return true;
+    return true;
 bool AviFileWriter::checkOpenCVVersion()
-   //std::cout << "Established OpenCV Version: " << CV_VERSION << std::endl;
-   //cout << "Version: " << CV_VERSION
-        //	<< ", Major Version: " << CV_MAJOR_VERSION
-        //	<< ", Minor Version: " << CV_MINOR_VERSION
-        //	<< ", Subminor Version: " << CV_SUBMINOR_VERSION
-        //	<< endl;
-   //DWORD dwVer = ::VideoForWindowsVersion();
-   if constexpr ( CV_MAJOR_VERSION < 3 )
-   {
-      assert( false );  // opencv version too old.
-      return false;
-   }
-   //else
-   //      if( CV_MINOR_VERSION < 1 )
-   //{
-   //       assert( false );
-   //       return false;
-   //}
-   return true;
+    if constexpr(CV_MAJOR_VERSION < 3)
+    {
+        assert(false); // opencv version too old.
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
diff --git a/src/backgroundFilter.cpp b/src/backgroundFilter.cpp
index 4ac9fc7f19f5a5bff6f4d70ebeb1193e7b5cb215..86b721eb0062fa97d609c9c670cb018dd251174e 100644
--- a/src/backgroundFilter.cpp
+++ b/src/backgroundFilter.cpp
@@ -19,13 +19,15 @@
 #include "backgroundFilter.h"
 #include "stereoContext.h"
 // nur temporaer fuer anzeige
-#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
 #include "helper.h"
-//TODO spaeter entfernen naechsten beiden zeilen
+#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
+// TODO spaeter entfernen naechsten beiden zeilen
 #include "control.h"
 extern Control *cw;
@@ -38,23 +40,21 @@ extern Control *cw;
 #define MIN_FOREGROUND_AREA -1000 // war:-400
-    :Filter()
+BackgroundFilter::BackgroundFilter() : Filter()
-    setOnCopy(false); // da img nur ausgelesen, aber bnicht veraendert wird kann auf eine kopie verzichtet werden (true ist default bei filter)
+    // da img nur ausgelesen, aber bnicht veraendert wird kann auf eine kopie verzichtet werden (true ist default bei
+    // filter)
+    setOnCopy(false);
     mLastFile = "";
+BackgroundFilter::~BackgroundFilter() {}
-cv::Mat BackgroundFilter::getForeground() // nutzen, wenn ueber ganzes bild foreground benutzt wird; NULL, wenn keine background subtraction aktiviert
+// nutzen, wenn ueber ganzes bild foreground benutzt wird; NULL, wenn keine background subtraction aktiviert
+cv::Mat BackgroundFilter::getForeground()
     return mForeground;
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ cv::Mat BackgroundFilter::getForeground() // nutzen, wenn ueber ganzes bild fore
 bool BackgroundFilter::isForeground(int coloumn, int row)
-    if (!mForeground.empty())
-        return (bool) mForeground.data[row*mForeground.cols+coloumn]; // 0 background, 1 foreground
+    if(!mForeground.empty())
+        return (bool) mForeground.data[row * mForeground.cols + coloumn]; // 0 background, 1 foreground
         return false;
@@ -78,11 +78,12 @@ bool BackgroundFilter::isForeground(int coloumn, int row)
 /// zuruecksetzen, wenn zB helligkeit veraendert wird oder schaerfe
 void BackgroundFilter::reset()
-    if (!mForeground.empty()) mForeground = cv::Scalar::all(0);
-    if (!mBgModel.empty()) mBgModel->clear();
+    if(!mForeground.empty())
+        mForeground = cv::Scalar::all(0);
+    if(!mBgModel.empty())
+        mBgModel->clear();
 QString BackgroundFilter::getFilename()
@@ -95,97 +96,104 @@ void BackgroundFilter::setFilename(const QString &fn)
 // rueckgabe, ob speichern geklappt hat
-bool BackgroundFilter::save(QString /*dest*/) //default = ""
+bool BackgroundFilter::save(QString /*dest*/) // default = ""
-    if (*stereoContext() && !mBgPointCloud.empty())
+    if(*stereoContext() && !mBgPointCloud.empty())
         // if no destination file or folder is given
-        if (dest.isEmpty())
+        if(dest.isEmpty())
-            dest = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(NULL, "Select file for background subtraction in stereo mode", mLastFile,
-                                                "Background picture (*.png);;All files (*.*)");
+            dest = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
+                NULL,
+                "Select file for background subtraction in stereo mode",
+                mLastFile,
+                "Background picture (*.png);;All files (*.*)");
-        if (!dest.isEmpty())
+        if(!dest.isEmpty())
-            if (dest.right(4) != ".png")
+            if(dest.right(4) != ".png")
                 dest = dest + ".png";
-            Mat bgImg(Size(mBgPointCloud.cols,mBgPointCloud.rows),CV_8UC1);
-//            IplImage *bgImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(mBgPointCloud->width, mBgPointCloud->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // CV_8UC1 8, 1
+            Mat bgImg(Size(mBgPointCloud.cols, mBgPointCloud.rows), CV_8UC1);
+            //            IplImage *bgImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(mBgPointCloud->width, mBgPointCloud->height),
+            //            IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // CV_8UC1 8, 1
             // minimum der z-Werte bestimmen
-            float* data = (float*) mBgPointCloud.data;
-            float* yData = data;
-            int x,y;
-            float min = FLT_MAX;
-            float max = FLT_MIN;
+            float *data  = (float *) mBgPointCloud.data;
+            float *yData = data;
+            int    x, y;
+            float  min = FLT_MAX;
+            float  max = FLT_MIN;
-            for (y = 0; y < mBgPointCloud.rows; ++y)
+            for(y = 0; y < mBgPointCloud.rows; ++y)
-                for (x = 0; x < mBgPointCloud.cols; ++x)
+                for(x = 0; x < mBgPointCloud.cols; ++x)
-                    if (data[2] != -1)
+                    if(data[2] != -1)
-                        if (data[2] > max)
+                        if(data[2] > max)
                             max = data[2];
-                        else if (data[2] < min)
+                        else if(data[2] < min)
                             min = data[2];
-                    data+=3;
+                    data += 3;
-                data = (yData += mBgPointCloud.cols/sizeof(float));
+                data = (yData += mBgPointCloud.cols / sizeof(float));
             // uebetragen der z-werte in 8-bit-bild ---------------------------------------------------------
             // quantisierung fuehrt dazu, dass bei 10m maximaler spannweite pro grauwertstufe 4cm
-            data = (float*) mBgPointCloud.data;
-            yData = data;
-            float scale = (255-1)/(max-min); // 10 wird als unterster Wert genommen, damit 0 fuer ungueltigen wert stehen kann
-            unsigned char* bgImgData = (unsigned char*) bgImg.data;
-            unsigned char* ybgImgData = bgImgData;
-            for (y = 0; y < mBgPointCloud.rows; ++y)
+            data        = (float *) mBgPointCloud.data;
+            yData       = data;
+            float scale = (255 - 1) /
+                          (max - min); // 10 wird als unterster Wert genommen, damit 0 fuer ungueltigen wert stehen kann
+            unsigned char *bgImgData  = (unsigned char *) bgImg.data;
+            unsigned char *ybgImgData = bgImgData;
+            for(y = 0; y < mBgPointCloud.rows; ++y)
-                for (x = 0; x < mBgPointCloud.cols; ++x)
+                for(x = 0; x < mBgPointCloud.cols; ++x)
-                    if (data[2] != -1)
-                        *bgImgData = 1+scale*(data[2]-min);
+                    if(data[2] != -1)
+                        *bgImgData = 1 + scale * (data[2] - min);
                     else // schwarz bedeutet keine Info
                         *bgImgData = 0;
-                    data+=3;
+                    data += 3;
-                data = (yData += mBgPointCloud.cols/sizeof(float));
+                data      = (yData += mBgPointCloud.cols / sizeof(float));
                 bgImgData = (ybgImgData += bgImg.cols);
             // min max in den ersten bytes des bildes verstecken ----------------------------------------
-            if (sizeof(float) != 4)
+            if(sizeof(float) != 4)
                 debout << "Warning: the height range coded inside the background picture is not portable!" << endl;
             memmove(bgImg.data, &min, sizeof(float));
-            memmove(bgImg.data+sizeof(float), &max, sizeof(float));
-//            double dmin, dmax;
-//            cvMinMaxLoc(bgImg, &dmin, &dmax);
-//            debout << dmin << " " << dmax << endl;
-//            debout << bgImg->depth << " " << bgImg->nChannels << endl;
-//            debout << (int)*((char *) bgImg->imageData) << " "
-//                   << (int)*(((char *) bgImg->imageData)+1) << " "
-//                   << (int)*(((char *) bgImg->imageData)+2) << " "
-//                   << (int)*(((char *) bgImg->imageData)+3) <<endl;
-//            debout << min << " " << max << endl;
-            // wg, koennte es auch ueber meta-daten uebertragen werden CVAPI(int) cvSaveImage( const char* filename, const CvArr* image, const int* params CV_DEFAULT(0) );
-            imwrite(dest.toStdString(),bgImg);
-//            cvSaveImage(dest.toStdString().c_str(), bgImg);
+            memmove(bgImg.data + sizeof(float), &max, sizeof(float));
+            //            double dmin, dmax;
+            //            cvMinMaxLoc(bgImg, &dmin, &dmax);
+            //            debout << dmin << " " << dmax << endl;
+            //            debout << bgImg->depth << " " << bgImg->nChannels << endl;
+            //            debout << (int)*((char *) bgImg->imageData) << " "
+            //                   << (int)*(((char *) bgImg->imageData)+1) << " "
+            //                   << (int)*(((char *) bgImg->imageData)+2) << " "
+            //                   << (int)*(((char *) bgImg->imageData)+3) <<endl;
+            //            debout << min << " " << max << endl;
+            // wg, koennte es auch ueber meta-daten uebertragen werden CVAPI(int) cvSaveImage( const char* filename,
+            // const CvArr* image, const int* params CV_DEFAULT(0) );
+            imwrite(dest.toStdString(), bgImg);
+            //            cvSaveImage(dest.toStdString().c_str(), bgImg);
             mLastFile = dest;
-            debout << "export background subtraction file for stereo mode: " << dest << " (minimal z value "<<min<<", maximal z value "<<max<<")." << endl;
+            debout << "export background subtraction file for stereo mode: " << dest << " (minimal z value " << min
+                   << ", maximal z value " << max << ")." << endl;
             return false;
@@ -199,69 +207,75 @@ bool BackgroundFilter::save(QString /*dest*/) //default = ""
 // rueckgabe, ob einlesen geklappt hat
-// das mappen von foat->char->float fuehrt dazu, dass beim laden nicht mehr volle 256 beim erneuten herausschreiben vorhanden sind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-// wenn mit photoshop backgroundImgage veraendert wird muss darauf geachtet werden, dass photoshop in greyscale modus arbeitet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-bool BackgroundFilter::load(QString dest) //default = ""
+// das mappen von foat->char->float fuehrt dazu, dass beim laden nicht mehr volle 256 beim erneuten herausschreiben
+// vorhanden sind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wenn mit photoshop backgroundImgage veraendert wird muss darauf geachtet werden,
+// dass photoshop in greyscale modus arbeitet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+bool BackgroundFilter::load(QString dest) // default = ""
-    if (!mBgPointCloud.empty() || mBgModel != nullptr) // initialisierung
-        debout << "Warning: Eliminate existing background!" <<std::endl;
+    if(!mBgPointCloud.empty() || mBgModel != nullptr) // initialisierung
+        debout << "Warning: Eliminate existing background!" << std::endl;
-    if (1) // (*stereoContext()) // auskommentiert, damit bg auch angelegt werden kann, wenn noch kein video geladen wurde
+    if(1) // (*stereoContext()) // auskommentiert, damit bg auch angelegt werden kann, wenn noch kein video geladen
+          // wurde
         // if no destination file or folder is given
-        if (dest.isEmpty())
+        if(dest.isEmpty())
-            dest = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(nullptr, "Select file for background subtraction in stereo mode", mLastFile,
-                                                "Background picture (*.png);;All files (*.*)");
+            dest = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
+                nullptr,
+                "Select file for background subtraction in stereo mode",
+                mLastFile,
+                "Background picture (*.png);;All files (*.*)");
-        if (!dest.isEmpty())
+        if(!dest.isEmpty())
-            cv::Mat bgImg = cv::imread(dest.toStdString(),cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
-            if (bgImg.empty())
+            cv::Mat bgImg = cv::imread(dest.toStdString(), cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
+            if(bgImg.empty())
-                debout << "Error: could not read background subtraction file " << dest << "!" <<std::endl;
+                debout << "Error: could not read background subtraction file " << dest << "!" << std::endl;
                 return false;
-            if (mBgPointCloud.empty())
-                mBgPointCloud.create(bgImg.rows,bgImg.cols, CV_32FC3);
+            if(mBgPointCloud.empty())
+                mBgPointCloud.create(bgImg.rows, bgImg.cols, CV_32FC3);
             float min, max;
             // min max aus den ersten bytes auslesen
             memmove(&min, bgImg.data, sizeof(float));
-            memmove(&max, bgImg.data+sizeof(float), sizeof(float));
+            memmove(&max, bgImg.data + sizeof(float), sizeof(float));
-            if constexpr (sizeof(float) != 4)
+            if constexpr(sizeof(float) != 4)
                 debout << "Warning: the height range coded inside the background picture is not portable!" << std::endl;
             // uebetragen der z-werte in 8-bit-bild ---------------------------------------------------------
             // quantisierung fuehrt dazu, dass bei 10m maximaler spannweite pro grauwertstufe 4cm
-            float *data = (float*) mBgPointCloud.data;
+            float *data  = (float *) mBgPointCloud.data;
             float *yData = data;
-            float scale = (max-min)/(255-1); // 10 wird als unterster Wert genommen, damit 0 fuer ungueltigen wert stehen kann
-            unsigned char* bgImgData = (unsigned char*) bgImg.data;
-            unsigned char* ybgImgData = bgImgData;
-            int x, y;
+            float  scale = (max - min) /
+                          (255 - 1); // 10 wird als unterster Wert genommen, damit 0 fuer ungueltigen wert stehen kann
+            unsigned char *bgImgData  = (unsigned char *) bgImg.data;
+            unsigned char *ybgImgData = bgImgData;
+            int            x, y;
-            for (y = 0; y < mBgPointCloud.rows; ++y)
+            for(y = 0; y < mBgPointCloud.rows; ++y)
-                for (x = 0; x < mBgPointCloud.cols; ++x)
+                for(x = 0; x < mBgPointCloud.cols; ++x)
-                    if (*bgImgData != 0)
-                        data[2] = min+scale*(*bgImgData-1); // -1, da 0 nicht gueltig markiert
-                    else // schwarz bedeutet keine Info
+                    if(*bgImgData != 0)
+                        data[2] = min + scale * (*bgImgData - 1); // -1, da 0 nicht gueltig markiert
+                    else                                          // schwarz bedeutet keine Info
                         data[2] = -1;
                     data += 3;
-                data = (yData += mBgPointCloud.cols/sizeof(float));
+                data      = (yData += mBgPointCloud.cols / sizeof(float));
                 bgImgData = (ybgImgData += bgImg.cols);
             // size war in bild versteckt - umsetzung muss nun eliminert werden
-            data = (float*) mBgPointCloud.data;
-            for (y = 0; y < ((int) (2*sizeof(float))); ++y)
+            data = (float *) mBgPointCloud.data;
+            for(y = 0; y < ((int) (2 * sizeof(float))); ++y)
                 data[2] = -1;
                 data += 3;
@@ -270,10 +284,13 @@ bool BackgroundFilter::load(QString dest) //default = ""
             mLastFile = dest;
-            if (mForeground.empty()) // wenn zuvor noch keine background subtraction an war oder ist
-                mForeground.create(cv::Size(bgImg.cols,bgImg.rows),CV_8UC1);// = cvCreateImage(cvSize(bgImg->width, bgImg->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // CV_8UC1 8, 1
+            if(mForeground.empty()) // wenn zuvor noch keine background subtraction an war oder ist
+                mForeground.create(
+                    cv::Size(bgImg.cols, bgImg.rows),
+                    CV_8UC1); // = cvCreateImage(cvSize(bgImg->width, bgImg->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // CV_8UC1 8, 1
-            debout << "import background subtraction file (min "<<min<<", max "<<max<<") for stereo mode: " << dest << "." << std::endl;
+            debout << "import background subtraction file (min " << min << ", max " << max
+                   << ") for stereo mode: " << dest << "." << std::endl;
             return false; // keine dest ausgesucht
@@ -304,7 +321,7 @@ void BackgroundFilter::setStereoContext(pet::StereoContext **sc)
     mStereoContext = sc;
-pet::StereoContext** BackgroundFilter::stereoContext()
+pet::StereoContext **BackgroundFilter::stereoContext()
     return mStereoContext;
@@ -312,15 +329,17 @@ pet::StereoContext** BackgroundFilter::stereoContext()
 cv::Mat BackgroundFilter::act(cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &res)
 #ifdef SHOW_TMP_IMG
+    namedWindow("BackgroundFilter");
+    imshow("BackgroundFilter", img);
+    waitKey();
-    if ((mBgPointCloud.empty() && mBgModel.empty()) || mForeground.empty() || mForeground.size != img.size) // initialisierung wenn entwerder stereo oder model
+    if((mBgPointCloud.empty() && mBgModel.empty()) || mForeground.empty() ||
+       mForeground.size != img.size) // initialisierung wenn entwerder stereo oder model
-// For StereoImaging use heightfiled for foreground extraction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        if (*stereoContext())
+        // For StereoImaging use heightfiled for foreground extraction
+        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        if(*stereoContext())
             // aktuell wird pro pixel nur der z-wert betrachtet,
             // um aber entlang waenden personen auch vom hintergrund abheben zu koennen
@@ -328,243 +347,256 @@ waitKey();
             // dafuer datenstruktue (zB aequidistantes gitter) in dem korrespondierender z-wert gesucht wird
             // -> plan view statistic
-            //bgDisparity = cvCloneImage((*stereoContext())->getDisparity());
-            mBgPointCloud = cvarrToMat((*stereoContext())->getPointCloud()).clone();// = cvCloneMat((*stereoContext())->getPointCloud());
+            // bgDisparity = cvCloneImage((*stereoContext())->getDisparity());
+            mBgPointCloud = cvarrToMat((*stereoContext())->getPointCloud())
+                                .clone(); // = cvCloneMat((*stereoContext())->getPointCloud());
             // interpolate z-values inbetween innerhalb zeile
-            int x, y;
+            int    x, y;
             float *vorPtr;  // zeigt auf den letzten gueltigen Wert vor ungueltigem wert in einer Zeile
             float *nachPtr; // zeigt auf den ersten gueltigen Wert nach ungueltigen in einer Zeile
             float *fPtr;
-            float step;
+            float  step;
-            float *bgPcData = (float *) mBgPointCloud.data;
+            float *bgPcData  = (float *) mBgPointCloud.data;
             float *bgyPcData = bgPcData;
-            for (y = 0; y < mBgPointCloud.rows; ++y)
+            for(y = 0; y < mBgPointCloud.rows; ++y)
                 vorPtr = nachPtr = NULL;
-                for (x = 0; x < (mBgPointCloud.cols)-1; ++x) // -1 da in zukunft getestet wird, dadurch letztes pixel ungeprueft
+                for(x = 0; x < (mBgPointCloud.cols) - 1;
+                    ++x) // -1 da in zukunft getestet wird, dadurch letztes pixel ungeprueft
-                    if (vorPtr == NULL && bgPcData[2] != -1 && bgPcData[5] == -1) // eine unbestimmte gap beginnt
+                    if(vorPtr == NULL && bgPcData[2] != -1 && bgPcData[5] == -1) // eine unbestimmte gap beginnt
                         vorPtr = bgPcData;
-                    else if (nachPtr == NULL && bgPcData[2] == -1 && bgPcData[5] != -1) // eine unbestimmte gap endet
+                    else if(nachPtr == NULL && bgPcData[2] == -1 && bgPcData[5] != -1) // eine unbestimmte gap endet
-                        if (vorPtr != NULL) // innenliegende gap
-                            nachPtr = bgPcData+3;
+                        if(vorPtr != NULL) // innenliegende gap
+                            nachPtr = bgPcData + 3;
                         else // zeilenbeginn
-                            for (fPtr = bgyPcData; fPtr < bgPcData+3; fPtr+=3)
+                            for(fPtr = bgyPcData; fPtr < bgPcData + 3; fPtr += 3)
                                 fPtr[2] = bgPcData[5];
-                    if (vorPtr != NULL && nachPtr != NULL) // gap bestimmt, fuellung mit interpolerten werten
+                    if(vorPtr != NULL && nachPtr != NULL) // gap bestimmt, fuellung mit interpolerten werten
-                        //debout << vorPtr[2] <<endl;
-                        //debout << nachPtr[2] <<endl;
-                        step = ((nachPtr[2]-vorPtr[2])/(nachPtr-vorPtr)); // lange zeit war falsch: /9.; // /3 ein /3 durch (fPtr-vorPtr) und nicht (fPtr-vorPtr)/3 in schleife
-                        for (fPtr = vorPtr+3; fPtr < nachPtr; fPtr+=3)
+                        // debout << vorPtr[2] <<endl;
+                        // debout << nachPtr[2] <<endl;
+                        step =
+                            ((nachPtr[2] - vorPtr[2]) /
+                             (nachPtr - vorPtr)); // lange zeit war falsch: /9.; // /3 ein /3 durch (fPtr-vorPtr) und
+                                                  // nicht (fPtr-vorPtr)/3 in schleife
+                        for(fPtr = vorPtr + 3; fPtr < nachPtr; fPtr += 3)
-                            //fPtr[0] = ; // x
-                            //fPtr[1] = ; // y
-                            fPtr[2] = vorPtr[2]+(fPtr-vorPtr)*step;
-                            //debout << fPtr[2] <<endl;
+                            // fPtr[0] = ; // x
+                            // fPtr[1] = ; // y
+                            fPtr[2] = vorPtr[2] + (fPtr - vorPtr) * step;
+                            // debout << fPtr[2] <<endl;
                         vorPtr = nachPtr = NULL;
-                    bgPcData+=3;
+                    bgPcData += 3;
-                if (vorPtr != NULL) // gap am zeilenende
+                if(vorPtr != NULL) // gap am zeilenende
-                    for (fPtr = vorPtr; fPtr < bgPcData; fPtr+=3)
+                    for(fPtr = vorPtr; fPtr < bgPcData; fPtr += 3)
                         fPtr[2] = vorPtr[-1];
-                bgPcData = (bgyPcData += mBgPointCloud.cols/sizeof(float));
+                bgPcData = (bgyPcData += mBgPointCloud.cols / sizeof(float));
-            mForeground.create(Size(img.cols,img.rows),CV_8UC1);
-//            mForeground = cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width, img->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // CV_8UC1 8, 1
+            mForeground.create(Size(img.cols, img.rows), CV_8UC1);
+            //            mForeground = cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width, img->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // CV_8UC1 8, 1
         else // nicht stereo
+#endif       // STEREO_DISABLED
-// GaussBGStatModel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            // GaussBGStatModel
+            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        if(!mBgModel.empty())
-            mBgModel->clear();
+            if(!mBgModel.empty())
+                mBgModel->clear();
-        mBgModel = cv::createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2();
+            mBgModel = cv::createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2();
-        mForeground.create(cv::Size(img.cols,img.rows),CV_8UC1);
+            mForeground.create(cv::Size(img.cols, img.rows), CV_8UC1);
-        mBgModel->apply(img,mForeground,1);
+            mBgModel->apply(img, mForeground, 1);
 #ifdef SHOW_TMP_IMG
+            namedWindow("BackgroundFilter");
+            imshow("BackgroundFilter", mForeground);
+            waitKey();
-// FGDStatModel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            // FGDStatModel
+            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        // DOCUMENTATION: http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/VideoSurveillance
+            // DOCUMENTATION: http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/VideoSurveillance
         } // nicht stereo
     else // nicht initialisierung
-// SteroBild beruecksichtigen nur disparity --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-            if (*stereoContext())
-            {
+        // SteroBild beruecksichtigen nur disparity
+        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        if(*stereoContext())
+        {
-// fuer update waere bei stereo denkbar: mittelwert der disp/zwerte, aber Achtung: invalidDisp beruecksichtigen!
+            // fuer update waere bei stereo denkbar: mittelwert der disp/zwerte, aber Achtung: invalidDisp
+            // beruecksichtigen!
+            //                unsigned short* bgData = (unsigned short*) bgDisparity->imageData; // disparity zum
+            //                reset-Zeitpunkt (Hintergrund) unsigned short* bgyData = bgData;
+            //                IplImage *disparity = (*stereoContext())->getDisparity();
+            //                unsigned short* data = (unsigned short*) disparity->imageData;
+            //                unsigned short* yData = data;
+            //                int x,y;
+            //                for (y = 0; y < bgDisparity->height; ++y)
+            //                {
+            //                    for (x = 0; x < bgDisparity->width; ++x)
+            //                    {
+            //                        if ((*stereoContext())->dispValueValid(*data) &&
+            //                        (*stereoContext())->dispValueValid(*bgData))
+            //                        {
+            //                            if (fabs(*data-*bgData) > 100)
+            //                                mForeground->imageData[y*bgDisparity->width+x] = 1;
+            //                        }
+            //                        ++data;
+            //                        ++bgData;
+            //                        pcData+=3;
+            //                        bgPcData+=3;
+            //                    }
+            //                    data = (yData += disparity->width);
+            //                    bgData = (bgyData += bgDisparity->width);
+            //                }
+            // SteroBild beruecksichtigen z-wert
+            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            int x, y;
-//                unsigned short* bgData = (unsigned short*) bgDisparity->imageData; // disparity zum reset-Zeitpunkt (Hintergrund)
-//                unsigned short* bgyData = bgData;
-//                IplImage *disparity = (*stereoContext())->getDisparity();
-//                unsigned short* data = (unsigned short*) disparity->imageData;
-//                unsigned short* yData = data;
-//                int x,y;
-//                for (y = 0; y < bgDisparity->height; ++y)
-//                {
-//                    for (x = 0; x < bgDisparity->width; ++x)
-//                    {
-//                        if ((*stereoContext())->dispValueValid(*data) && (*stereoContext())->dispValueValid(*bgData))
-//                        {
-//                            if (fabs(*data-*bgData) > 100)
-//                                mForeground->imageData[y*bgDisparity->width+x] = 1;
-//                        }
-//                        ++data;
-//                        ++bgData;
-//                        pcData+=3;
-//                        bgPcData+=3;
-//                    }
-//                    data = (yData += disparity->width);
-//                    bgData = (bgyData += bgDisparity->width);
-//                }
-// SteroBild beruecksichtigen z-wert --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-                int x,y;
-                float *bgPcData = (float *) mBgPointCloud.data;
-                float *bgyPcData = bgPcData;
+            float *bgPcData  = (float *) mBgPointCloud.data;
+            float *bgyPcData = bgPcData;
-                Mat pointCloud = cvarrToMat((*stereoContext())->getPointCloud());
-                float *pcData = (float *) pointCloud.data;
-                float *yPcData = pcData;
+            Mat    pointCloud = cvarrToMat((*stereoContext())->getPointCloud());
+            float *pcData     = (float *) pointCloud.data;
+            float *yPcData    = pcData;
-                mForeground = Scalar(0,0,0);
-//                cvSet(mForeground, CV_RGB(0,0,0));
-//                cvFillImage(mForeground, 0); //um vorherige foreground-berechungen zu vergessen
+            mForeground = Scalar(0, 0, 0);
+            //                cvSet(mForeground, CV_RGB(0,0,0));
+            //                cvFillImage(mForeground, 0); //um vorherige foreground-berechungen zu vergessen
-                for (y = 0; y < pointCloud.rows; ++y)
+            for(y = 0; y < pointCloud.rows; ++y)
+            {
+                for(x = 0; x < pointCloud.cols; ++x)
-                    for (x = 0; x < pointCloud.cols; ++x)
+                    if((bgPcData[2] != -1) && (pcData[2] != -1))
-                        if ((bgPcData[2] != -1) && (pcData[2] != -1))
+                        if((bgPcData[2] - pcData[2]) >
+                           FOREGROUND_DISTANCE) // z-Wert in m (nicht cm!) wenn z-wert 1m unter defaultgroesse
-                            if ((bgPcData[2]-pcData[2]) > FOREGROUND_DISTANCE) // z-Wert in m (nicht cm!) wenn z-wert 1m unter defaultgroesse
-                            {
-                                mForeground.data[y*pointCloud.cols+x] = 1;
-                            }
-                            //if (y == 488)
-                            //    debout << bgPcData[2] << " " << pcData[2] <<endl;
+                            mForeground.data[y * pointCloud.cols + x] = 1;
-                        pcData+=3;
-                        bgPcData+=3;
+                        // if (y == 488)
+                        //    debout << bgPcData[2] << " " << pcData[2] <<endl;
-                    pcData = (yPcData += pointCloud.cols/sizeof(float));
-                    bgPcData = (bgyPcData += mBgPointCloud.cols/sizeof(float));
+                    pcData += 3;
+                    bgPcData += 3;
+                pcData   = (yPcData += pointCloud.cols / sizeof(float));
+                bgPcData = (bgyPcData += mBgPointCloud.cols / sizeof(float));
+            }
-           }
-else // nicht stereo
-            {
-// GaussBGStatModel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        }
+        else // nicht stereo
+        {
+            // GaussBGStatModel
+            // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-                mBgModel->apply(img, mForeground, update() ? -1 : 0);
+            mBgModel->apply(img, mForeground, update() ? -1 : 0);
 #ifdef SHOW_TMP_IMG
+            imshow("BackgroundFilter", img);
+            waitKey();
-    }
+        }
 #ifdef SHOW_TMP_IMG
+        imshow("BackgroundFilter", mForeground);
+        waitKey();
-        // einfache methode, um kleine gebiete in maske zu eliminieren und ausfransungen zu entfernen ---------------------------------------------------
+        // einfache methode, um kleine gebiete in maske zu eliminieren und ausfransungen zu entfernen
+        // ---------------------------------------------------
-            cv::erode(mForeground,mForeground,cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT,cv::Size(3,3)),cv::Point(-1,-1),1);
+        cv::erode(
+            mForeground, mForeground, cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(3, 3)), cv::Point(-1, -1), 1);
 #ifdef SHOW_TMP_IMG
+        imshow("BackgroundFilter", mForeground);
+        waitKey();
-            cv::dilate(mForeground,mForeground,cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT,cv::Size(3,3)),cv::Point(-1,-1),2);
+        cv::dilate(
+            mForeground, mForeground, cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(3, 3)), cv::Point(-1, -1), 2);
 #ifdef SHOW_TMP_IMG
+        imshow("BackgroundFilter", mForeground);
+        waitKey();
-            cv::GaussianBlur(mForeground,mForeground,cv::Size(11,11),3.5,3.5);
+        cv::GaussianBlur(mForeground, mForeground, cv::Size(11, 11), 3.5, 3.5);
 #ifdef SHOW_TMP_IMG
+        imshow("BackgroundFilter", mForeground);
+        waitKey();
-            cv::threshold(mForeground,mForeground,20,255,cv::THRESH_BINARY);
+        cv::threshold(mForeground, mForeground, 20, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);
 #ifdef SHOW_TMP_IMG
+        imshow("BackgroundFilter", mForeground);
+        waitKey();
-        // loecher schliessen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-             // floodfill den aussenbereich und suchen nach ungefuelltem koennte auch loechder finden alssen
-            std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
-             double contourArea;
-             // find contours and store them all as a list
-             cv::findContours(mForeground,contours,cv::RETR_LIST,cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
-             // test each contour
-             while (!contours.empty())
-             {
-                 std::vector<cv::Point> contour = contours.back();
-                 contourArea = cv::contourArea(contour, true);
-                 if (contourArea > 0 && contourArea < 400) // kleine innere loecher schliessen
-                 {
-                     // Get contour point set.
-                     cv::fillPoly(mForeground,cv::Mat(contour),cv::Scalar::all(1));
-                 }
-                 else if (contourArea > MIN_FOREGROUND_AREA -400) // kleine Bereiche werden eliminiert, dies koennte in Abhaengigkeit von der disparity gemacht werden!!!!!!!!
-                 {
-                     // Get contour point set.
-                     cv::fillPoly(mForeground,cv::Mat(contour),cv::Scalar::all(0));
-                 }
-                 // take the next contour
-                 contours.pop_back();
-             }
+        // loecher schliessen
+        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        // floodfill den aussenbereich und suchen nach ungefuelltem koennte auch loechder finden alssen
+        std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> contours;
+        double                              contourArea;
+        // find contours and store them all as a list
+        cv::findContours(mForeground, contours, cv::RETR_LIST, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
+        // test each contour
+        while(!contours.empty())
+        {
+            std::vector<cv::Point> contour = contours.back();
+            contourArea = cv::contourArea(contour, true);
+            if(contourArea > 0 && contourArea < 400) // kleine innere loecher schliessen
+            {
+                // Get contour point set.
+                cv::fillPoly(mForeground, cv::Mat(contour), cv::Scalar::all(1));
+            }
+            else if(contourArea > MIN_FOREGROUND_AREA - 400) // kleine Bereiche werden eliminiert, dies koennte in
+                                                             // Abhaengigkeit von der disparity gemacht werden!!!!!!!!
+            {
+                // Get contour point set.
+                cv::fillPoly(mForeground, cv::Mat(contour), cv::Scalar::all(0));
+            }
+            // take the next contour
+            contours.pop_back();
+        }
 #ifdef SHOW_TMP_IMG
+        imshow("BackgroundFilter", mForeground);
+        waitKey();
@@ -576,32 +608,32 @@ waitKey();
 // bisher nur fuer float
 void BackgroundFilter::maskBg(cv::Mat &mat, float val)
-    if (getEnabled() && !mForeground.empty())
+    if(getEnabled() && !mForeground.empty())
-            int x, y;
+        int x, y;
-            int lineLen = mat.cols/sizeof(float);
-            int ch = lineLen/mat.cols;
-            float *pcData = ((float *) mat.data) + ch-1; // ch-1 um beim letzten element zu stehen (wie pcData[2])
-            float *yPcData = pcData;
+        int    lineLen = mat.cols / sizeof(float);
+        int    ch      = lineLen / mat.cols;
+        float *pcData  = ((float *) mat.data) + ch - 1; // ch-1 um beim letzten element zu stehen (wie pcData[2])
+        float *yPcData = pcData;
-            unsigned char* fgData = (unsigned char*) mForeground.data;
-            unsigned char* yFgData = fgData;
+        unsigned char *fgData  = (unsigned char *) mForeground.data;
+        unsigned char *yFgData = fgData;
-            for (y = 0; y < mat.rows; ++y)
+        for(y = 0; y < mat.rows; ++y)
+        {
+            for(x = 0; x < mat.cols; ++x)
-                for (x = 0; x < mat.cols; ++x)
+                // 0 background, 1 foreground
+                if(!*fgData)
-                    // 0 background, 1 foreground
-                    if(!*fgData)
-                    {
-                        *pcData = val;
-                    }
-                    ++fgData;
-                    pcData += ch;
+                    *pcData = val;
-                pcData = (yPcData += lineLen);
-                fgData = (yFgData += mForeground.cols);
+                ++fgData;
+                pcData += ch;
+            pcData = (yPcData += lineLen);
+            fgData = (yFgData += mForeground.cols);
+        }
diff --git a/src/backgroundItem.cpp b/src/backgroundItem.cpp
index ce803644c2453c2313714fbd3b2da757c8052e93..81ab3793ba53de18362391676715e0061dc74b75 100644
--- a/src/backgroundItem.cpp
+++ b/src/backgroundItem.cpp
@@ -18,20 +18,20 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtWidgets>
+#include "backgroundItem.h"
 #include "petrack.h"
 #include "view.h"
-#include "backgroundItem.h"
+#include <QtWidgets>
 // in x und y gleichermassen skaliertes koordinatensystem,
 // da von einer vorherigen intrinsischen kamerakalibrierung ausgegenagen wird,
-// so dass pixel quadratisch 
-BackgroundItem::BackgroundItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent)
-    : QGraphicsItem(parent)
+// so dass pixel quadratisch
+BackgroundItem::BackgroundItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsItem(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
-    mImage = nullptr;
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) wParent;
+    mImage      = nullptr;
     //    setEnabled(false); // all mouse events cannot access this item, but it will be seen
     // einzig move koennte interessant sein, um grid zu verschieben?!
@@ -46,49 +46,53 @@ BackgroundItem::BackgroundItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent)
 QRectF BackgroundItem::boundingRect() const
-    if (mMainWindow->getImage())
-        return QRectF(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), mMainWindow->getImage()->width(), mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
+    if(mMainWindow->getImage())
+        return QRectF(
+            -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+            -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+            mMainWindow->getImage()->width(),
+            mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
         return QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0);
-void BackgroundItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*option*/, QWidget */*widget*/)
+void BackgroundItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * /*option*/, QWidget * /*widget*/)
     cv::Mat fg;
-    if (mMainWindow->getBackgroundFilter())
+    if(mMainWindow->getBackgroundFilter())
         fg = mMainWindow->getBackgroundFilter()->getForeground();
-    if (!fg.empty())
+    if(!fg.empty())
-        if ((mImage != nullptr) && ((mImage->width() != fg.cols) || (mImage->height() != fg.rows)))
+        if((mImage != nullptr) && ((mImage->width() != fg.cols) || (mImage->height() != fg.rows)))
             delete mImage;
-        if (mImage == nullptr) // zu Beginn oder wenn sich die Groesse aendert
+        if(mImage == nullptr) // zu Beginn oder wenn sich die Groesse aendert
             mImage = new QImage(fg.cols, fg.rows, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
-        int x,y;
-        auto* data =  fg.data;
-        auto* yData = data;
+        int   x, y;
+        auto *data  = fg.data;
+        auto *yData = data;
-        for (y = 0; y < fg.rows; y++)
+        for(y = 0; y < fg.rows; y++)
             // Pointer to the data information in the QImage for just one column
             // set pointer to value before, because ++p is faster than p++
-            auto* p = mImage->scanLine(y)-1;
-            for (x = 0; x < fg.cols; x++)
+            auto *p = mImage->scanLine(y) - 1;
+            for(x = 0; x < fg.cols; x++)
-                *(++p) = 255; // color.red();
-                *(++p) = 255; // color.green();
-                *(++p) = 255; // color.blue();
-                *(++p) = (1-*data)*255; // color.alpha(); // 255;
+                *(++p) = 255;               // color.red();
+                *(++p) = 255;               // color.green();
+                *(++p) = 255;               // color.blue();
+                *(++p) = (1 - *data) * 255; // color.alpha(); // 255;
             data = (yData += fg.cols);
-        painter->drawImage(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), *mImage);
+        painter->drawImage(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), *mImage);
diff --git a/src/blurFilter.cpp b/src/blurFilter.cpp
index 387bb6c6687ac03821f692af662656caa240536b..d16c6044d7a10a53f9184440d395e371d2385276 100644
--- a/src/blurFilter.cpp
+++ b/src/blurFilter.cpp
@@ -19,17 +19,18 @@
 #include "blurFilter.h"
-#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
+#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
-cv::Mat BlurFilter::act(cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &res){
-    GaussianBlur(img,res,cv::Size(0,0),p*10+1,p*10+1);
+cv::Mat BlurFilter::act(cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &res)
+    GaussianBlur(img, res, cv::Size(0, 0), p * 10 + 1, p * 10 + 1);
     return res;
-void BlurFilter::setParam(double newp){
+void BlurFilter::setParam(double newp)
     p = newp;
diff --git a/src/borderFilter.cpp b/src/borderFilter.cpp
index 6e88dd013a875889c16a51e4c0564782856f64cf..6ff7fa2dbdb0d969db318b9676ae75e872e84979 100644
--- a/src/borderFilter.cpp
+++ b/src/borderFilter.cpp
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
 #include "borderFilter.h"
-    :Filter()
+BorderFilter::BorderFilter() : Filter()
@@ -50,29 +49,30 @@ BorderFilter::BorderFilter()
 cv::Mat BorderFilter::act(cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &res)
     // border size
-    int s = (int) mS.getValue(); // schon beim zuweisen auf param gemacht (2*, da undistord filter anscheinend sonst probleme hat)
+    int s = (int) mS.getValue(); // schon beim zuweisen auf param gemacht (2*, da undistord filter anscheinend sonst
+                                 // probleme hat)
     int r = (int) mR.getValue();
     int g = (int) mG.getValue();
     int b = (int) mB.getValue();
-    cv::copyMakeBorder(img,res, s, s, s, s,cv::BORDER_CONSTANT,cv::Scalar(b,g,r));
+    cv::copyMakeBorder(img, res, s, s, s, s, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar(b, g, r));
     return res;
-Parameter* BorderFilter::getBorderSize()
+Parameter *BorderFilter::getBorderSize()
     return &mS;
-Parameter* BorderFilter::getBorderColR()
+Parameter *BorderFilter::getBorderColR()
     return &mR;
-Parameter* BorderFilter::getBorderColG()
+Parameter *BorderFilter::getBorderColG()
     return &mG;
-Parameter* BorderFilter::getBorderColB()
+Parameter *BorderFilter::getBorderColB()
     return &mB;
diff --git a/src/brightContrastFilter.cpp b/src/brightContrastFilter.cpp
index fd236d6ae1129e5023e542e91334354a7709acec..9523dbfcc49bed62838a39f7752fd2fa6493720a 100644
--- a/src/brightContrastFilter.cpp
+++ b/src/brightContrastFilter.cpp
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
 #include "brightContrastFilter.h"
-    :Filter()
+BrightContrastFilter::BrightContrastFilter() : Filter()
@@ -37,35 +36,34 @@ BrightContrastFilter::BrightContrastFilter()
 cv::Mat BrightContrastFilter::act(cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &res)
     double delta, a, b;
      * The algorithm is by Werner D. Streidt
      * (http://visca.com/ffactory/archives/5-99/msg00021.html)
-    if (mC.getValue() > 0)
+    if(mC.getValue() > 0)
-        delta = 127.*mC.getValue()/100.;
-        a = 255./(255. - delta*2.);
-        b = a*(mB.getValue() - delta);
+        delta = 127. * mC.getValue() / 100.;
+        a     = 255. / (255. - delta * 2.);
+        b     = a * (mB.getValue() - delta);
-        delta = -128.*mC.getValue()/100.;
-        a = (256.-delta*2.)/255.;
-        b = a*mB.getValue() + delta;
+        delta = -128. * mC.getValue() / 100.;
+        a     = (256. - delta * 2.) / 255.;
+        b     = a * mB.getValue() + delta;
-    img.convertTo(res,-1,a,b);
+    img.convertTo(res, -1, a, b);
     return res;
-Parameter* BrightContrastFilter::getBrightness()
+Parameter *BrightContrastFilter::getBrightness()
     return &mB;
-Parameter* BrightContrastFilter::getContrast()
+Parameter *BrightContrastFilter::getContrast()
     return &mC;
diff --git a/src/calibFilter.cpp b/src/calibFilter.cpp
index 044bf355432f76fa5ab121cca895f3c99b9bee8e..4b7f4a151a07b3d3a56fe85ae0e11c8f0647bdaf 100644
--- a/src/calibFilter.cpp
+++ b/src/calibFilter.cpp
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
 #include "calibFilter.h"
 #include "helper.h"
-    :Filter()
+CalibFilter::CalibFilter() : Filter()
@@ -100,70 +100,79 @@ cv::Mat CalibFilter::act(cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &res)
     if(this->changed() || map1.size() != img.size())
-        cv::Mat camera = (cv::Mat_<float>(3,3) << getFx()->getValue(), 0,                   getCx()->getValue(),
-                                          0,                   getFy()->getValue(), getCy()->getValue(),
-                                          0,                   0,                   1                   );
-        cv::Mat dist = (cv::Mat_<float>(1,8) << getR2()->getValue(), getR4()->getValue(),
-                                        getTx()->getValue(), getTy()->getValue(),
-                                        getR6()->getValue(),
-                                        getK4()->getValue(), getK5()->getValue(), getK6()->getValue());
-        initUndistortRectifyMap(camera, dist, cv::Mat_<double>::eye(3,3),
-                                camera,
-                                img.size(), CV_16SC2, map1, map2);
+        cv::Mat camera =
+            (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 3) << getFx()->getValue(),
+             0,
+             getCx()->getValue(),
+             0,
+             getFy()->getValue(),
+             getCy()->getValue(),
+             0,
+             0,
+             1);
+        cv::Mat dist =
+            (cv::Mat_<float>(1, 8) << getR2()->getValue(),
+             getR4()->getValue(),
+             getTx()->getValue(),
+             getTy()->getValue(),
+             getR6()->getValue(),
+             getK4()->getValue(),
+             getK5()->getValue(),
+             getK6()->getValue());
+        initUndistortRectifyMap(camera, dist, cv::Mat_<double>::eye(3, 3), camera, img.size(), CV_16SC2, map1, map2);
     cv::remap(img, res, map1, map2, cv::INTER_LINEAR, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT);
     return res;
-Parameter* CalibFilter::getFx()
+Parameter *CalibFilter::getFx()
     return &mFx;
-Parameter* CalibFilter::getFy()
+Parameter *CalibFilter::getFy()
     return &mFy;
-Parameter* CalibFilter::getCx()
+Parameter *CalibFilter::getCx()
     return &mCx;
-Parameter* CalibFilter::getCy()
+Parameter *CalibFilter::getCy()
     return &mCy;
-Parameter* CalibFilter::getR2()
+Parameter *CalibFilter::getR2()
     return &mR2;
-Parameter* CalibFilter::getR4()
+Parameter *CalibFilter::getR4()
     return &mR4;
-Parameter* CalibFilter::getTx()
+Parameter *CalibFilter::getTx()
     return &mTx;
-Parameter* CalibFilter::getTy()
+Parameter *CalibFilter::getTy()
     return &mTy;
-Parameter* CalibFilter::getR6()
+Parameter *CalibFilter::getR6()
     return &mR6;
-Parameter* CalibFilter::getK4()
+Parameter *CalibFilter::getK4()
     return &mK4;
-Parameter* CalibFilter::getK5()
+Parameter *CalibFilter::getK5()
     return &mK5;
-Parameter* CalibFilter::getK6()
+Parameter *CalibFilter::getK6()
     return &mK6;
diff --git a/src/calibStereoFilter.cpp b/src/calibStereoFilter.cpp
index 37addd08fffea32fec3a15c56f7f72f0be9b51d0..10a39b8919daf3f836b409739fb0447d0406ed30 100644
--- a/src/calibStereoFilter.cpp
+++ b/src/calibStereoFilter.cpp
@@ -20,21 +20,17 @@
 #include "calibStereoFilter.h"
-    :Filter()
+CalibStereoFilter::CalibStereoFilter() : Filter()
     setOnCopy(false); // da in stereoContext der Speicherplatz fuer res liegt
-cv::Mat CalibStereoFilter::act(cv::Mat &/*img*/, cv::Mat &/*res*/)
+cv::Mat CalibStereoFilter::act(cv::Mat & /*img*/, cv::Mat & /*res*/)
     return cv::Mat();
-void CalibStereoFilter::setStereoContext(pet::StereoContext* stereoContext)
+void CalibStereoFilter::setStereoContext(pet::StereoContext *stereoContext)
     mStereoContext = stereoContext;
diff --git a/src/codeMarkerItem.cpp b/src/codeMarkerItem.cpp
index ba27927ee8b75dae682429ed27eb9d2256b5e4d8..2e4ab101bd977154b1bc65b2f2133a2f7f92da0c 100644
--- a/src/codeMarkerItem.cpp
+++ b/src/codeMarkerItem.cpp
@@ -18,22 +18,23 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtWidgets>
-#include "petrack.h"
-#include "view.h"
 #include "codeMarkerItem.h"
 #include "codeMarkerWidget.h"
-#include "tracker.h"
 #include "control.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
+#include "tracker.h"
+#include "view.h"
+#include <QtWidgets>
 // in x und y gleichermassen skaliertes koordinatensystem,
 // da von einer vorherigen intrinsischen kamerakalibrierung ausgegenagen wird,
 // so dass pixel quadratisch
-CodeMarkerItem::CodeMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, const reco::CodeMarkerOptions &options, QGraphicsItem * parent)
-    : QGraphicsItem(parent), mArucoOptions(options)
+CodeMarkerItem::CodeMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, const reco::CodeMarkerOptions &options, QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+    QGraphicsItem(parent), mArucoOptions(options)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) wParent;
@@ -47,13 +48,17 @@ CodeMarkerItem::CodeMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, const reco::CodeMarkerOptions &
 QRectF CodeMarkerItem::boundingRect() const
-    if (mMainWindow->getImage())
-        return QRectF(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), mMainWindow->getImage()->width(), mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
+    if(mMainWindow->getImage())
+        return QRectF(
+            -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+            -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+            mMainWindow->getImage()->width(),
+            mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
         return QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0);
-void CodeMarkerItem::setRect(Vec2F& v)
+void CodeMarkerItem::setRect(Vec2F &v)
     mUlc = v; // upper left corner to draw
@@ -62,20 +67,19 @@ void CodeMarkerItem::setRect(Vec2F& v)
  * @brief draws colored shapes at heads in image to indicate detection status
  * different calculations of position depending on whether function is called out of findCodeMarker() Function
- * only (== recoMethod 6) or if findCodeMarker() Function is called out of findMulticolorMarker() Function (== recoMethod 5).
- * In the first case the offset is added automatically via 'offset' and 'v'.
- * In the second case the offset from cropRect to ROI has to be added manually.
+ * only (== recoMethod 6) or if findCodeMarker() Function is called out of findMulticolorMarker() Function (==
+ * recoMethod 5). In the first case the offset is added automatically via 'offset' and 'v'. In the second case the
+ * offset from cropRect to ROI has to be added manually.
  * @param painter
  * @param option
  * @param widget
-void CodeMarkerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*option*/, QWidget */*widget*/)
+void CodeMarkerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * /*option*/, QWidget * /*widget*/)
-    if (mMainWindow->getCodeMarkerWidget()->showDetectedCandidates())
+    if(mMainWindow->getCodeMarkerWidget()->showDetectedCandidates())
-        int nMarkers = static_cast<int>(mCorners.size());
+        int nMarkers  = static_cast<int>(mCorners.size());
         int nRejected = static_cast<int>(mRejected.size());
         cv::Point2f p0, p1;
@@ -89,39 +93,37 @@ void CodeMarkerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*
-    if (false) // Show min/max marker size
+    if(false) // Show min/max marker size
-        int minPerimeter = mArucoOptions.getDetectorParams().getMinMarkerPerimeter();
-        int maxPerimeter = mArucoOptions.getDetectorParams().getMaxMarkerPerimeter();
-        double height = mMainWindow->getStatusPosRealHeight();
-        cv::Point2f p0,p1,p2,p3;
-        p0 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,0,height));
-        p1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(maxPerimeter,0,height));
-        p2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(maxPerimeter,maxPerimeter,height));
-        p3 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,maxPerimeter,height));
-        painter->setPen(qRgb(0,0,0));
-        painter->drawLine(p0.x,+p0.y,p1.x,p1.y);
-        painter->drawLine(p1.x,+p1.y,p2.x,p2.y);
-        painter->drawLine(p2.x,+p2.y,p3.x,p3.y);
-        painter->drawLine(p3.x,p3.y,p0.x,p0.y);
-        p0 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,0,height));
-        p1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(minPerimeter,0,height));
-        p2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(minPerimeter,minPerimeter,height));
-        p3 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,minPerimeter,height));
-        painter->setPen(qRgb(255,255,255));
-        painter->drawLine(p0.x,p0.y,p1.x,p1.y);
-        painter->drawLine(p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y);
-        painter->drawLine(p2.x,p2.y,p3.x,p3.y);
-        painter->drawLine(p3.x,p3.y,p0.x,p0.y);
+        int    minPerimeter = mArucoOptions.getDetectorParams().getMinMarkerPerimeter();
+        int    maxPerimeter = mArucoOptions.getDetectorParams().getMaxMarkerPerimeter();
+        double height       = mMainWindow->getStatusPosRealHeight();
+        cv::Point2f p0, p1, p2, p3;
+        p0 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, 0, height));
+        p1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(maxPerimeter, 0, height));
+        p2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(maxPerimeter, maxPerimeter, height));
+        p3 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, maxPerimeter, height));
+        painter->setPen(qRgb(0, 0, 0));
+        painter->drawLine(p0.x, +p0.y, p1.x, p1.y);
+        painter->drawLine(p1.x, +p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
+        painter->drawLine(p2.x, +p2.y, p3.x, p3.y);
+        painter->drawLine(p3.x, p3.y, p0.x, p0.y);
+        p0 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, 0, height));
+        p1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(minPerimeter, 0, height));
+        p2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(minPerimeter, minPerimeter, height));
+        p3 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, minPerimeter, height));
+        painter->setPen(qRgb(255, 255, 255));
+        painter->drawLine(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y);
+        painter->drawLine(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
+        painter->drawLine(p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y);
+        painter->drawLine(p3.x, p3.y, p0.x, p0.y);
@@ -134,22 +136,24 @@ void CodeMarkerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*
  * @param borderColor color of the rect drawn
  * @param painter painter with which to draw
-void CodeMarkerItem::drawMarker(const OffsetMarker& currentMarker, int id, const QColor& borderColor, QPainter *painter)
+void CodeMarkerItem::drawMarker(const OffsetMarker &currentMarker, int id, const QColor &borderColor, QPainter *painter)
     Vec2F offset = currentMarker.offset;
     // draw marker sides
-    for(int j = 0; j < numCorners; j++) {
+    for(int j = 0; j < numCorners; j++)
+    {
         Vec2F p0 = currentMarker.corners.at(j);
         Vec2F p1 = currentMarker.corners.at((j + 1) % numCorners);
         painter->drawLine((mUlc + p0 + offset).toQPointF(), (mUlc + p1 + offset).toQPointF());
-    Vec2F topLeftCorner {currentMarker.corners.at(0)};
+    Vec2F topLeftCorner{currentMarker.corners.at(0)};
-    if(id != -1) {
-        painter->drawText((mUlc + topLeftCorner + offset + Vec2F(10,10)).toQPointF(), QString::number(id));
+    if(id != -1)
+    {
+        painter->drawText((mUlc + topLeftCorner + offset + Vec2F(10, 10)).toQPointF(), QString::number(id));
-    painter->drawRect(QRectF((mUlc + topLeftCorner + offset - Vec2F(3,3)).toQPointF(), QSize(6.0,6.0)));
+    painter->drawRect(QRectF((mUlc + topLeftCorner + offset - Vec2F(3, 3)).toQPointF(), QSize(6.0, 6.0)));
@@ -161,7 +165,10 @@ void CodeMarkerItem::drawMarker(const OffsetMarker& currentMarker, int id, const
  * @param ids ids of the detected markers
  * @param offset offset from marker-coords to recognition ROI
-void CodeMarkerItem::addDetectedMarkers(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> > corners, std::vector<int> ids, Vec2F offset /* = (0,0)*/)
+void CodeMarkerItem::addDetectedMarkers(
+    std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> corners,
+    std::vector<int>                      ids,
+    Vec2F                                 offset /* = (0,0)*/)
     for(std::vector<cv::Point2f> singleMarkerCorners : corners)
@@ -176,7 +183,7 @@ void CodeMarkerItem::addDetectedMarkers(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> > c
  * @param rejected corners of the rejected markers
  * @param offset offset from marker-coords to recognition ROI
-void CodeMarkerItem::addRejectedMarkers(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> > rejected, Vec2F offset /* = (0,0)*/)
+void CodeMarkerItem::addRejectedMarkers(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> rejected, Vec2F offset /* = (0,0)*/)
     for(std::vector<cv::Point2f> singleMarkerCorners : rejected)
diff --git a/src/codeMarkerWidget.cpp b/src/codeMarkerWidget.cpp
index 0982a4385573cd1fb1a234754d013ed49de87064..c8681320973e9029343a22d0a021cb736a2b8c4b 100644
--- a/src/codeMarkerWidget.cpp
+++ b/src/codeMarkerWidget.cpp
@@ -18,51 +18,59 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <opencv2/core/version.hpp>
+#include "codeMarkerWidget.h"
+#include "pMessageBox.h"
+#include "recognition.h"
 #include "ui_codeMarker.h"
-#include "codeMarkerWidget.h"
-#include "recognition.h"
-#include "pMessageBox.h"
+#include <opencv2/core/version.hpp>
-CodeMarkerWidget::CodeMarkerWidget(QWidget *parent, reco::CodeMarkerOptions& codeMarkerOpt, Ui::CodeMarker* ui)
-    : QWidget(parent), mCodeMarkerOpt(codeMarkerOpt)
+CodeMarkerWidget::CodeMarkerWidget(QWidget *parent, reco::CodeMarkerOptions &codeMarkerOpt, Ui::CodeMarker *ui) :
+    QWidget(parent), mCodeMarkerOpt(codeMarkerOpt)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) parent;
-    if(!ui){
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) parent;
+    if(!ui)
+    {
         mUi = new Ui::CodeMarker();
-    }else{
+    }
+    else
+    {
         mUi = ui;
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_4X4_50");  // 0
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_4X4_100"); // 1
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_4X4_250"); // 2
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_4X4_1000");// 3
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_4X4_50");   // 0
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_4X4_100");  // 1
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_4X4_250");  // 2
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_4X4_1000"); // 3
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_5X5_50");  // 4
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_5X5_100"); // 5
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_5X5_250"); // 6
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_5X5_1000");// 7
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_5X5_50");   // 4
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_5X5_100");  // 5
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_5X5_250");  // 6
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_5X5_1000"); // 7
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_6X6_50");  // 8
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_6X6_100"); // 9
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_6X6_250"); // 10
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_6X6_1000");// 11
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_6X6_50");   // 8
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_6X6_100");  // 9
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_6X6_250");  // 10
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_6X6_1000"); // 11
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_7X7_50");  // 12
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_7X7_100"); // 13
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_7X7_250"); // 14
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_7X7_1000");// 15
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_7X7_50");   // 12
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_7X7_100");  // 13
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_7X7_250");  // 14
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_7X7_1000"); // 15
     mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_ARUCO_ORGINAL"); // 16
-    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_mip_36h12");//17
+    mUi->dictList->addItem("DICT_mip_36h12");     // 17
-    connect(&mCodeMarkerOpt, &reco::CodeMarkerOptions::detectorParamsChanged, this, &CodeMarkerWidget::readDetectorParams);
-    connect(&mCodeMarkerOpt, &reco::CodeMarkerOptions::indexOfMarkerDictChanged, this, &CodeMarkerWidget::readDictListIndex);
+    connect(
+        &mCodeMarkerOpt, &reco::CodeMarkerOptions::detectorParamsChanged, this, &CodeMarkerWidget::readDetectorParams);
+    connect(
+        &mCodeMarkerOpt,
+        &reco::CodeMarkerOptions::indexOfMarkerDictChanged,
+        this,
+        &CodeMarkerWidget::readDictListIndex);
     // get default values from Options
@@ -71,11 +79,15 @@ CodeMarkerWidget::CodeMarkerWidget(QWidget *parent, reco::CodeMarkerOptions& cod
     // NOTE: No parameter validation done here
     // Can result in crash, when invalid params are chosen (e.g. min larger than max)
-    auto changedParams = [&](){
-        try{
-        sendDetectorParams(packDetectorParams(mUi));
-        notifyChanged();
-        }catch(std::invalid_argument &e){
+    auto changedParams = [&]()
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            sendDetectorParams(packDetectorParams(mUi));
+            notifyChanged();
+        }
+        catch(std::invalid_argument &e)
+        {
             PWarning(this, "Wrong Value", e.what());
@@ -101,7 +113,10 @@ CodeMarkerWidget::CodeMarkerWidget(QWidget *parent, reco::CodeMarkerOptions& cod
     connect(mUi->markerBorderBits, QOverload<int>::of(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), changedParams);
     connect(mUi->perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell, QOverload<int>::of(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), changedParams);
-    connect(mUi->perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell, QOverload<double>::of(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged), changedParams);
+    connect(
+        mUi->perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell,
+        QOverload<double>::of(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged),
+        changedParams);
     connect(mUi->maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate, QOverload<double>::of(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged), changedParams);
     connect(mUi->errorCorrectionRate, QOverload<double>::of(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged), changedParams);
     connect(mUi->minOtsuStdDev, QOverload<double>::of(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged), changedParams);
@@ -124,90 +139,95 @@ void CodeMarkerWidget::setXml(QDomElement &elem)
     subElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("PARAM");
-    subElem.setAttribute("ADAPTIVE_THRESH_WIN_SIZE_MIN",mUi->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("ADAPTIVE_THRESH_WIN_SIZE_MAX",mUi->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("ADAPTIVE_THRESH_WIN_SIZE_STEP",mUi->adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("ADAPTIVE_THRESH_CONSTANT",mUi->adaptiveThreshConstant->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("MIN_MARKER_PERIMETER",mUi->minMarkerPerimeter->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("MAX_MARKER_PERIMETER",mUi->maxMarkerPerimeter->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("MAX_RATIO_ERROR",mUi->polygonalApproxAccuracyRate->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("MIN_CORNER_DISTANCE",mUi->minCornerDistance->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("MIN_DISTANCE_TO_BORDER",mUi->minDistanceToBorder->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("MIN_MARKER_DISTANCE",mUi->minMarkerDistance->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT",mUi-> doCornerRefinement->isChecked());
-    subElem.setAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_WIN_SIZE",mUi->cornerRefinementWinSize->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_MAX_ITERATIONS",mUi->cornerRefinementMaxIterations->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_MIN_ACCURACY",mUi->cornerRefinementMinAccuracy->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("MARKER_BORDER_BITS",mUi->markerBorderBits->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("PERSPECTIVE_REMOVE_PIXEL_PER_CELL",mUi->perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("PERSPECTIVE_REMOVE_IGNORED_MARGIN_PER_CELL",mUi->perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("MAX_ERRONEOUS_BITS_IN_BORDER_RATE",mUi->maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("MIN_OTSU_STD_DEV",mUi->minOtsuStdDev->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("ERROR_CORRECTION_RATE",mUi->errorCorrectionRate->value());
-    subElem.setAttribute("SHOW_DETECTED_CANDIDATES",mUi-> showDetectedCandidates->isChecked());
+    subElem.setAttribute("ADAPTIVE_THRESH_WIN_SIZE_MIN", mUi->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("ADAPTIVE_THRESH_WIN_SIZE_MAX", mUi->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("ADAPTIVE_THRESH_WIN_SIZE_STEP", mUi->adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("ADAPTIVE_THRESH_CONSTANT", mUi->adaptiveThreshConstant->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("MIN_MARKER_PERIMETER", mUi->minMarkerPerimeter->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("MAX_MARKER_PERIMETER", mUi->maxMarkerPerimeter->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("MAX_RATIO_ERROR", mUi->polygonalApproxAccuracyRate->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("MIN_CORNER_DISTANCE", mUi->minCornerDistance->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("MIN_DISTANCE_TO_BORDER", mUi->minDistanceToBorder->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("MIN_MARKER_DISTANCE", mUi->minMarkerDistance->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT", mUi->doCornerRefinement->isChecked());
+    subElem.setAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_WIN_SIZE", mUi->cornerRefinementWinSize->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_MAX_ITERATIONS", mUi->cornerRefinementMaxIterations->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_MIN_ACCURACY", mUi->cornerRefinementMinAccuracy->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("MARKER_BORDER_BITS", mUi->markerBorderBits->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("PERSPECTIVE_REMOVE_PIXEL_PER_CELL", mUi->perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute(
+        "PERSPECTIVE_REMOVE_IGNORED_MARGIN_PER_CELL", mUi->perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("MAX_ERRONEOUS_BITS_IN_BORDER_RATE", mUi->maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("MIN_OTSU_STD_DEV", mUi->minOtsuStdDev->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("ERROR_CORRECTION_RATE", mUi->errorCorrectionRate->value());
+    subElem.setAttribute("SHOW_DETECTED_CANDIDATES", mUi->showDetectedCandidates->isChecked());
 /// read data from xml node
 void CodeMarkerWidget::getXml(QDomElement &elem)
     QDomElement subElem;
-    QString styleString;
+    QString     styleString;
     for(subElem = elem.firstChildElement(); !subElem.isNull(); subElem = subElem.nextSiblingElement())
-        if (subElem.tagName() == "DICTIONARY")
+        if(subElem.tagName() == "DICTIONARY")
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("ID"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("ID"))
-        if (subElem.tagName() == "PARAM")
+        if(subElem.tagName() == "PARAM")
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("ADAPTIVE_TRHESH_WIN_SIZE_MIN"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("ADAPTIVE_TRHESH_WIN_SIZE_MIN"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("ADAPTIVE_TRHESH_WIN_SIZE_MAX"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("ADAPTIVE_TRHESH_WIN_SIZE_MAX"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("ADAPTIVE_TRHESH_WIN_SIZE_STEP"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("ADAPTIVE_TRHESH_WIN_SIZE_STEP"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("ADAPTIVE_TRHESH_CONSTANT"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("ADAPTIVE_TRHESH_CONSTANT"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MIN_MARKER_PERIMETER"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MIN_MARKER_PERIMETER"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_MARKER_PERIMETER"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_MARKER_PERIMETER"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_RATIO_ERROR"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_RATIO_ERROR"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MIN_CORNER_DISTANCE"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MIN_CORNER_DISTANCE"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MIN_DISTANCE_TO_BORDER"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MIN_DISTANCE_TO_BORDER"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MIN_MARKER_DISTANCE"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MIN_MARKER_DISTANCE"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_WIN_SIZE"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_WIN_SIZE"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_MAX_ITERATIONS"))
-                mUi->cornerRefinementMaxIterations->setValue(subElem.attribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_MAX_ITERATIONS").toInt());
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_MIN_ACCURACY"))
-                mUi->cornerRefinementMinAccuracy->setValue(subElem.attribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_MIN_ACCURACY").toDouble());
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MARKER_BORDER_BITS"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_MAX_ITERATIONS"))
+                mUi->cornerRefinementMaxIterations->setValue(
+                    subElem.attribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_MAX_ITERATIONS").toInt());
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_MIN_ACCURACY"))
+                mUi->cornerRefinementMinAccuracy->setValue(
+                    subElem.attribute("CORNER_REFINEMENT_MIN_ACCURACY").toDouble());
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MARKER_BORDER_BITS"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("PERSPECTIVE_REMOVE_PIXEL_PER_CELL"))
-                mUi->perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell->setValue(subElem.attribute("PERSPECTIVE_REMOVE_PIXEL_PER_CELL").toInt());
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("PERSPECTIVE_REMOVE_IGNORED_MARGIN_PER_CELL"))
-                mUi->perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell->setValue(subElem.attribute("PERSPECTIVE_REMOVE_IGNORED_MARGIN_PER_CELL").toDouble());
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_ERRONEOUS_BITS_IN_BORDER_RATE"))
-                mUi->maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate->setValue(subElem.attribute("MAX_ERRONEOUS_BITS_IN_BORDER_RATE").toDouble());
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MIN_OTSU_STD_DEV"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("PERSPECTIVE_REMOVE_PIXEL_PER_CELL"))
+                mUi->perspectiveRemovePixelPerCell->setValue(
+                    subElem.attribute("PERSPECTIVE_REMOVE_PIXEL_PER_CELL").toInt());
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("PERSPECTIVE_REMOVE_IGNORED_MARGIN_PER_CELL"))
+                mUi->perspectiveRemoveIgnoredMarginPerCell->setValue(
+                    subElem.attribute("PERSPECTIVE_REMOVE_IGNORED_MARGIN_PER_CELL").toDouble());
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_ERRONEOUS_BITS_IN_BORDER_RATE"))
+                mUi->maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate->setValue(
+                    subElem.attribute("MAX_ERRONEOUS_BITS_IN_BORDER_RATE").toDouble());
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MIN_OTSU_STD_DEV"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("ERROR_CORRECTION_RATE"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("ERROR_CORRECTION_RATE"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_DETECTED_CANDIDATES"))
-                mUi->showDetectedCandidates->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("SHOW_DETECTED_CANDIDATES").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_DETECTED_CANDIDATES"))
+                mUi->showDetectedCandidates->setCheckState(
+                    subElem.attribute("SHOW_DETECTED_CANDIDATES").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
@@ -246,15 +266,19 @@ bool CodeMarkerWidget::showDetectedCandidates()
 void CodeMarkerWidget::on_showDetectedCandidates_stateChanged(int i)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void CodeMarkerWidget::on_moreInfosButton_clicked()
-    QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("http://docs.opencv.org/" CV_NUMERIC_VERSION "/d1/dcd/structcv_1_1aruco_1_1DetectorParameters.html#details", QUrl::TolerantMode));
-    QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("http://docs.opencv.org/" CV_NUMERIC_VERSION "/d5/dae/tutorial_aruco_detection.html", QUrl::TolerantMode));
+#define CV_NUMERIC_VERSION                                                                                             \
+    QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(
+        "http://docs.opencv.org/" CV_NUMERIC_VERSION "/d1/dcd/structcv_1_1aruco_1_1DetectorParameters.html#details",
+        QUrl::TolerantMode));
+    QDesktopServices::openUrl(
+        QUrl("http://docs.opencv.org/" CV_NUMERIC_VERSION "/d5/dae/tutorial_aruco_detection.html", QUrl::TolerantMode));
 void CodeMarkerWidget::on_dictList_currentIndexChanged(int i)
@@ -266,8 +290,8 @@ void CodeMarkerWidget::on_dictList_currentIndexChanged(int i)
 void CodeMarkerWidget::notifyChanged()
-    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
diff --git a/src/colorMarkerItem.cpp b/src/colorMarkerItem.cpp
index b9701c50b552c2628caf9587ff0ff61e5eace5a1..280f3cf023cacf5f04142c29ee73c8029efb0915 100644
--- a/src/colorMarkerItem.cpp
+++ b/src/colorMarkerItem.cpp
@@ -18,24 +18,24 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtWidgets>
-#include "petrack.h"
-#include "view.h"
 #include "colorMarkerItem.h"
+#include "animation.h"
 #include "colorMarkerWidget.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
 #include "tracker.h"
-#include "animation.h"
+#include "view.h"
+#include <QtWidgets>
 // in x und y gleichermassen skaliertes koordinatensystem,
 // da von einer vorherigen intrinsischen kamerakalibrierung ausgegenagen wird,
-// so dass pixel quadratisch 
-ColorMarkerItem::ColorMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent)
-    : QGraphicsItem(parent)
+// so dass pixel quadratisch
+ColorMarkerItem::ColorMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsItem(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
-    mImage = nullptr;
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) wParent;
+    mImage      = nullptr;
@@ -48,13 +48,17 @@ ColorMarkerItem::ColorMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent)
 QRectF ColorMarkerItem::boundingRect() const
-    if (mMainWindow->getImage())
-        return QRectF(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), mMainWindow->getImage()->width(), mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
+    if(mMainWindow->getImage())
+        return QRectF(
+            -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+            -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+            mMainWindow->getImage()->width(),
+            mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
         return QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0);
-void ColorMarkerItem::setRect(Vec2F& v)
+void ColorMarkerItem::setRect(Vec2F &v)
     mUlc = v; // upper left corner to draw
@@ -68,41 +72,40 @@ void ColorMarkerItem::setRect(Vec2F& v)
  * @param painter
-void ColorMarkerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*option*/, QWidget */*widget*/)
+void ColorMarkerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * /*option*/, QWidget * /*widget*/)
-    if (!mMask.empty())
+    if(!mMask.empty())
-        if ((mImage != nullptr) && ((mImage->width() != mMask.cols) || (mImage->height() != mMask.rows)))
+        if((mImage != nullptr) && ((mImage->width() != mMask.cols) || (mImage->height() != mMask.rows)))
-            delete mImage; // delete null pointer is ok
+            delete mImage;    // delete null pointer is ok
             mImage = nullptr; // is not been done by delete
-        if (mImage == nullptr) // zu Beginn oder wenn sich die Groesse aendert
+        if(mImage == nullptr) // zu Beginn oder wenn sich die Groesse aendert
             mImage = new QImage(mMask.cols, mMask.rows, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
-        int x,y;
-        auto* data = mMask.data;//->imageData);
-        auto* yData = data;
-        int notMaskMask = ((int) !mMainWindow->getColorMarkerWidget()->maskMask->isChecked())*255; // 255 oder 0
+        int   x, y;
+        auto *data        = mMask.data; //->imageData);
+        auto *yData       = data;
+        int   notMaskMask = ((int) !mMainWindow->getColorMarkerWidget()->maskMask->isChecked()) * 255; // 255 oder 0
-        for (y = 0; y < mMask.rows; y++)
+        for(y = 0; y < mMask.rows; y++)
             // Pointer to the data information in the QImage for just one column
             // set pointer to value before, because ++p is faster than p++
-            auto * p = mImage->scanLine(y)-1;
-            for (x = 0; x < mMask.cols; x++)
+            auto *p = mImage->scanLine(y) - 1;
+            for(x = 0; x < mMask.cols; x++)
-                *(++p) = *data; // color.blue();
-                *(++p) = *data; // color.green();
-                *(++p) = *data; // color.red();
+                *(++p) = *data;                     // color.blue();
+                *(++p) = *data;                     // color.green();
+                *(++p) = *data;                     // color.red();
                 *(++p) = *data ? notMaskMask : 255; // color.alpha(); // 255;
-            data = (yData += mMask.cols/sizeof(char)); // because sometimes widthStep != width
+            data = (yData += mMask.cols / sizeof(char)); // because sometimes widthStep != width
-        painter->setOpacity(mMainWindow->getColorMarkerWidget()->opacity->value()/100.);
-        painter->drawImage(mUlc.x(),mUlc.y(), *mImage);
+        painter->setOpacity(mMainWindow->getColorMarkerWidget()->opacity->value() / 100.);
+        painter->drawImage(mUlc.x(), mUlc.y(), *mImage);
@@ -115,9 +118,9 @@ void ColorMarkerItem::setMask(cv::Mat &mask)
 /// original width w and height h must be given
 cv::Mat ColorMarkerItem::createMask(int w, int h)
-    if (w>0 && h>0 && (mMask.empty() || (!mMask.empty() && (w != mMask.cols || h != mMask.rows))))
+    if(w > 0 && h > 0 && (mMask.empty() || (!mMask.empty() && (w != mMask.cols || h != mMask.rows))))
-        mMask.create(h,w,CV_8UC1);
+        mMask.create(h, w, CV_8UC1);
     return mMask;
diff --git a/src/colorMarkerWidget.cpp b/src/colorMarkerWidget.cpp
index f3c380afc9d3d41a903106b91716a8bcfe54317c..bbd6c3b9e0cfb3b10a04d86927846d449b17dfd9 100644
--- a/src/colorMarkerWidget.cpp
+++ b/src/colorMarkerWidget.cpp
@@ -20,17 +20,16 @@
 #include "colorMarkerWidget.h"
-ColorMarkerWidget::ColorMarkerWidget(QWidget *parent)
-    : QWidget(parent)
+ColorMarkerWidget::ColorMarkerWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) parent;
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) parent;
     fromHue = 0;
     fromSat = 0;
     fromVal = 128;
-    toHue = 359;
-    toSat = 255;
-    toVal = 255;
+    toHue   = 359;
+    toSat   = 255;
+    toVal   = 255;
@@ -93,33 +92,33 @@ void ColorMarkerWidget::setXml(QDomElement &elem)
 void ColorMarkerWidget::getXml(QDomElement &elem)
     QDomElement subElem;
-    int h=0, s=0, v=0; // init, damit compiler nicht meckert
-    QString styleString;
-    QColor col;
+    int         h = 0, s = 0, v = 0; // init, damit compiler nicht meckert
+    QString     styleString;
+    QColor      col;
     col = col.toHsv();
     for(subElem = elem.firstChildElement(); !subElem.isNull(); subElem = subElem.nextSiblingElement())
-        if (subElem.tagName() == "MASK")
+        if(subElem.tagName() == "MASK")
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
                 showMask->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("SHOW").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("OPACITY"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("OPACITY"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MASK"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MASK"))
                 maskMask->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("MASK").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-        if (subElem.tagName() == "FROM_COLOR")
+        if(subElem.tagName() == "FROM_COLOR")
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("HUE"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("HUE"))
                 h = subElem.attribute("HUE").toInt();
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("SATURATION"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("SATURATION"))
                 s = subElem.attribute("SATURATION").toInt();
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("VALUE"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("VALUE"))
                 v = subElem.attribute("VALUE").toInt();
             col.setHsv(h, s, v);
-            if (col.isValid())
+            if(col.isValid())
                 fromHue = h;
                 fromSat = s;
@@ -129,17 +128,17 @@ void ColorMarkerWidget::getXml(QDomElement &elem)
-        if (subElem.tagName() == "TO_COLOR")
+        if(subElem.tagName() == "TO_COLOR")
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("HUE"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("HUE"))
                 h = subElem.attribute("HUE").toInt();
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("SATURATION"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("SATURATION"))
                 s = subElem.attribute("SATURATION").toInt();
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("VALUE"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("VALUE"))
                 v = subElem.attribute("VALUE").toInt();
             col.setHsv(h, s, v);
-            if (col.isValid())
+            if(col.isValid())
                 toHue = h;
                 toSat = s;
@@ -149,23 +148,23 @@ void ColorMarkerWidget::getXml(QDomElement &elem)
-        if (subElem.tagName() == "PARAM")
+        if(subElem.tagName() == "PARAM")
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("INVERS_HUE"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("INVERS_HUE"))
                 inversHue->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("INVERS_HUE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("CLOSE_RADIUS"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("CLOSE_RADIUS"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("CLOSE_USED"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("CLOSE_USED"))
                 useClose->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("CLOSE_USED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("OPEN_RADIUS"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("OPEN_RADIUS"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("OPEN_USED"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("OPEN_USED"))
                 useOpen->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("OPEN_USED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MIN_AREA"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MIN_AREA"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_AREA"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_AREA"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_RATIO"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_RATIO"))
@@ -173,20 +172,24 @@ void ColorMarkerWidget::getXml(QDomElement &elem)
 void ColorMarkerWidget::on_fromTriangle_colorChanged(const QColor &col)
-    fromHue = col.hue(); fromSat = col.saturation(); fromVal = col.value();
+    fromHue             = col.hue();
+    fromSat             = col.saturation();
+    fromVal             = col.value();
     QString styleString = QString("background-color: hsv(%1,%2,%3)").arg(fromHue).arg(fromSat).arg(fromVal);
-    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void ColorMarkerWidget::on_toTriangle_colorChanged(const QColor &col)
-    toHue = col.hue(); toSat = col.saturation(); toVal = col.value();
+    toHue               = col.hue();
+    toSat               = col.saturation();
+    toVal               = col.value();
     QString styleString = QString("background-color: hsv(%1,%2,%3)").arg(toHue).arg(toSat).arg(toVal);
-    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
@@ -195,9 +198,10 @@ void ColorMarkerWidget::on_fromColor_clicked()
     // QWindowsXpStyle uses native theming engine which causes some palette modifications not to have any effect.
     // ueber palette war der button ausser initial nicht zu aendern!!!
     QColor colBefore;
-    colBefore = QColor::fromHsv(fromHue, fromSat, fromVal);
-    QColor col = (QColorDialog::getColor(colBefore, this, "Select color from which value a pixel belongs to marker")).convertTo(QColor::Hsv);
-    if (col.isValid() && col != colBefore)
+    colBefore  = QColor::fromHsv(fromHue, fromSat, fromVal);
+    QColor col = (QColorDialog::getColor(colBefore, this, "Select color from which value a pixel belongs to marker"))
+                     .convertTo(QColor::Hsv);
+    if(col.isValid() && col != colBefore)
@@ -209,9 +213,10 @@ void ColorMarkerWidget::on_toColor_clicked()
     // QWindowsXpStyle uses native theming engine which causes some palette modifications not to have any effect.
     // ueber palette war der button ausser initial nicht zu aendern!!!
     QColor colBefore;
-    colBefore = QColor::fromHsv(toHue, toSat, toVal);
-    QColor col = (QColorDialog::getColor(colBefore, this, "Select color to which value a pixel belongs to marker")).convertTo(QColor::Hsv);
-    if (col.isValid() && col != colBefore)
+    colBefore  = QColor::fromHsv(toHue, toSat, toVal);
+    QColor col = (QColorDialog::getColor(colBefore, this, "Select color to which value a pixel belongs to marker"))
+                     .convertTo(QColor::Hsv);
+    if(col.isValid() && col != colBefore)
diff --git a/src/colorPlot.cpp b/src/colorPlot.cpp
index 165d019a6c585ef9a6cceb9bcf51f7bd48e1008e..9b728135a3750bdddbdcff56b2609c0516053dc9 100644
--- a/src/colorPlot.cpp
+++ b/src/colorPlot.cpp
@@ -18,29 +18,25 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <iomanip>
+#include "colorPlot.h"
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QMouseEvent>
+#include "control.h"
+#include "tracker.h"
+#include <QMouseEvent>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <qwt_compat.h>
 #include <qwt_plot_layout.h>
 #include <qwt_plot_zoomer.h>
-#include <qwt_symbol.h>
 #include <qwt_scale_engine.h>
-#include <qwt_compat.h>
-#include "colorPlot.h"
-#include "control.h"
-#include "tracker.h"
+#include <qwt_symbol.h>
-class ImagePlotItem: public QwtPlotItem
+class ImagePlotItem : public QwtPlotItem
-    ImagePlotItem()
-    {
-        mImage = new QImage(360,360,QImage::Format_RGB32);
-    }
+    ImagePlotItem() { mImage = new QImage(360, 360, QImage::Format_RGB32); }
      * @brief Draws the mImage at the right position in correct size.
@@ -48,11 +44,11 @@ public:
      * @param mx
      * @param my
-    void draw(QPainter* p, const QwtScaleMap& mx, const QwtScaleMap& my, const QRectF& /*r*/) const
+    void draw(QPainter *p, const QwtScaleMap &mx, const QwtScaleMap &my, const QRectF & /*r*/) const
-        p->scale(mx.p2()/(mx.s2() - mx.s1()), my.p1()/(my.s2() - my.s1()));//
-        p->translate(-mx.s1(), my.s2()-((ColorPlot *) plot())->yMax());
+        p->scale(mx.p2() / (mx.s2() - mx.s1()), my.p1() / (my.s2() - my.s1())); //
+        p->translate(-mx.s1(), my.s2() - ((ColorPlot *) plot())->yMax());
         p->drawImage(0, 0, *mImage);
@@ -71,37 +67,36 @@ public:
     void generateImage(int model, int x, int y, int z)
         QColor col;
-        int i, j;
+        int    i, j;
-        if (model == 0) // HSV
+        if(model == 0) // HSV
-            for (i = 0; i < (x==0?360:256); ++i)
-                for (j = 0; j < (y==0?360:256); ++j)
+            for(i = 0; i < (x == 0 ? 360 : 256); ++i)
+                for(j = 0; j < (y == 0 ? 360 : 256); ++j)
-                    col.setHsv(x==0?(y==0?std::min(i, j):i):(y==0?j:myRound(z*360./256.)),
-                               x==1?(y==1?std::min(i, j):i):(y==1?j:z),
-                               x==2?(y==2?std::min(i, j):i):(y==2?j:z));
-                    mImage->setPixel(i, (y==0?359:255)-j, col.rgb());
+                    col.setHsv(
+                        x == 0 ? (y == 0 ? std::min(i, j) : i) : (y == 0 ? j : myRound(z * 360. / 256.)),
+                        x == 1 ? (y == 1 ? std::min(i, j) : i) : (y == 1 ? j : z),
+                        x == 2 ? (y == 2 ? std::min(i, j) : i) : (y == 2 ? j : z));
+                    mImage->setPixel(i, (y == 0 ? 359 : 255) - j, col.rgb());
         else // RGB
-            for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
-                for (j = 0; j < 256; ++j)
+            for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
+                for(j = 0; j < 256; ++j)
-                    col.setRgb(x==0?(y==0?std::min(i, j):i):(y==0?j:z),
-                               x==1?(y==1?std::min(i, j):i):(y==1?j:z),
-                               x==2?(y==2?std::min(i, j):i):(y==2?j:z));
-                    mImage->setPixel(i, 255-j, col.rgb());
+                    col.setRgb(
+                        x == 0 ? (y == 0 ? std::min(i, j) : i) : (y == 0 ? j : z),
+                        x == 1 ? (y == 1 ? std::min(i, j) : i) : (y == 1 ? j : z),
+                        x == 2 ? (y == 2 ? std::min(i, j) : i) : (y == 2 ? j : z));
+                    mImage->setPixel(i, 255 - j, col.rgb());
-    inline QImage *getImage() const
-    {
-        return mImage;
-    }
+    inline QImage *getImage() const { return mImage; }
     QImage *mImage;
@@ -122,43 +117,45 @@ TrackerPlotItem::TrackerPlotItem()
  * @param mapX
  * @param mapY
-void TrackerPlotItem::draw(QPainter* p, const QwtScaleMap& mapX, const QwtScaleMap& mapY, const QRectF& /*re*/) const
+void TrackerPlotItem::draw(QPainter *p, const QwtScaleMap &mapX, const QwtScaleMap &mapY, const QRectF & /*re*/) const
     QRectF rect;
-    double sx = mapX.p2()/(mapX.s2() - mapX.s1());
-    double sy = mapY.p1()/(mapY.s2() - mapY.s1());
-    double yMax = ((ColorPlot *) plot())->yMax();
+    double sx         = mapX.p2() / (mapX.s2() - mapX.s1());
+    double sy         = mapY.p1() / (mapY.s2() - mapY.s1());
+    double yMax       = ((ColorPlot *) plot())->yMax();
     double circleSize = ((ColorPlot *) plot())->symbolSize();
-    int i, z;
-    int plotZ = ((ColorPlot *) plot())->zValue();
+    int    i, z;
+    int    plotZ = ((ColorPlot *) plot())->zValue();
     double diff;
     // TODO ganz leicht verschiebung: eigentlich muessten noch andere werte wie diese einfliessen:
     //         p->scale((mx.p2() - mx.p1())/(mx.s2() - mx.s1()), (my.p1() - my.p2())/(my.s2() - my.s1()));//
-    //mx.p1()-mx.s1(), my.s2()+my.p2()-((ColorPlot *) plot())->yMax()
+    // mx.p1()-mx.s1(), my.s2()+my.p2()-((ColorPlot *) plot())->yMax()
     p->scale(sx, sy);
-    p->translate(-mapX.s1(), mapY.s2()-yMax);
+    p->translate(-mapX.s1(), mapY.s2() - yMax);
-    sx = circleSize/sx;
-    sy = circleSize/sy;
+    sx = circleSize / sx;
+    sy = circleSize / sy;
-    if (mTracker)
+    if(mTracker)
-        for (i = 0; i < mTracker->size(); ++i)
+        for(i = 0; i < mTracker->size(); ++i)
-            if ((*mTracker)[i].color().isValid()) // insbesondere von hand eingefuegte trackpoint/persons haben keine farbe
+            if((*mTracker)[i]
+                   .color()
+                   .isValid()) // insbesondere von hand eingefuegte trackpoint/persons haben keine farbe
                 QPoint point = ((ColorPlot *) plot())->getPos((*mTracker)[i].color(), &z);
-                diff = (255.-abs(z-plotZ))/255.;
-                rect.setWidth(diff*sx);
-                rect.setHeight(diff*sy);
-                rect.moveLeft(point.x()-diff*sx/2.);
-                rect.moveTop(point.y()-diff*sy/2.);
+                diff         = (255. - abs(z - plotZ)) / 255.;
+                rect.setWidth(diff * sx);
+                rect.setHeight(diff * sy);
+                rect.moveLeft(point.x() - diff * sx / 2.);
+                rect.moveTop(point.y() - diff * sy / 2.);
-                if (((ColorPlot *) plot())->isGrey((*mTracker)[i].color()))
+                if(((ColorPlot *) plot())->isGrey((*mTracker)[i].color()))
@@ -179,7 +176,7 @@ void TrackerPlotItem::setTracker(Tracker *tracker)
     mTracker = tracker;
-Tracker * TrackerPlotItem::getTracker()
+Tracker *TrackerPlotItem::getTracker()
     return mTracker;
@@ -187,76 +184,85 @@ Tracker * TrackerPlotItem::getTracker()
-    : mActIndex(-1)
+RectPlotItem::RectPlotItem() : mActIndex(-1) {}
 /// auch wenn punkt auf linie liegt, wird er als drinnen gezaehlt!!!!
 /// es wird einfach der erste treffer in map-list genommen - unterscheidung zwischen farbe und graustufe
 /// wird keine farbige map fuer farbige col gefunden, wird in grauen map der erste treffer genommen und
 /// andersherum: wird fuer graue col keine graue map gefunden, wird erste farbige map zurueckgegeben
 /// und hoehe zurueckgegeben
-double RectPlotItem::map(const QColor &col) const //const TrackPerson &tp RectMap ... double x, double y
+double RectPlotItem::map(const QColor &col) const // const TrackPerson &tp RectMap ... double x, double y
-    double yMax = ((ColorPlot *) plot())->yMax();
+    double  yMax = ((ColorPlot *) plot())->yMax();
     RectMap map;
-    bool isGrey;
-    bool contains;
-    double fallback = -1; // -1 soll anzeigen, dass nichts gefunden wurde
+    bool    isGrey;
+    bool    contains;
+    double  fallback = -1; // -1 soll anzeigen, dass nichts gefunden wurde
-    for (int i = 0; i < mMaps.size(); ++i)
+    for(int i = 0; i < mMaps.size(); ++i)
         map = mMaps[i];
-        map.moveTop(yMax-map.y()-map.height()); // nicht setY!!!!!, da dann height angepast wird
+        map.moveTop(yMax - map.y() - map.height()); // nicht setY!!!!!, da dann height angepast wird
         isGrey = ((ColorPlot *) plot())->isGrey(col);
-        if (map.invHue())
+        if(map.invHue())
             // Split inversHue Map into 2 maps, one for the left side and one for the right side
-            QRectF leftMap(0,0,map.x(),map.height()),
-                   rightMap(map.x()+map.width(),0,360-map.x()-map.width(),map.height());
+            QRectF leftMap(0, 0, map.x(), map.height()),
+                rightMap(map.x() + map.width(), 0, 360 - map.x() - map.width(), map.height());
             contains = leftMap.contains(((ColorPlot *) plot())->getPos(col)) ||
                        rightMap.contains(((ColorPlot *) plot())->getPos(col));
-        }else
+        }
+        else
             contains = map.contains(((ColorPlot *) plot())->getPos(col));
-        if (!isGrey && map.colored() && contains)
+        if(!isGrey && map.colored() && contains)
             return map.mapHeight();
-        else if (isGrey && !map.colored() && contains)
+        else if(isGrey && !map.colored() && contains)
             return map.mapHeight();
-        else if (!isGrey && !map.colored() && contains && fallback == -1) // fallback == -1 damit der erste gefundene genommen wird
+        else if(!isGrey && !map.colored() && contains && fallback == -1) // fallback == -1 damit der erste gefundene
+                                                                         // genommen wird
             fallback = map.mapHeight();
-        else if (isGrey && map.colored() && contains && fallback == -1)
+        else if(isGrey && map.colored() && contains && fallback == -1)
             fallback = map.mapHeight();
     return fallback; // -1 soll anzeigen, dass nichts gefunden wurde
-int RectPlotItem::addMap(double x, double y, double w, double h, bool colored, double height, QColor &fromCol, QColor &toCol, bool invHue)
+int RectPlotItem::addMap(
+    double  x,
+    double  y,
+    double  w,
+    double  h,
+    bool    colored,
+    double  height,
+    QColor &fromCol,
+    QColor &toCol,
+    bool    invHue)
     mMaps.append(RectMap(x, y, w, h, colored, height));
-    if (mActIndex < 0)
+    if(mActIndex < 0)
         mActIndex = 0;
-    return mMaps.size()-1;
+    return mMaps.size() - 1;
 int RectPlotItem::addMap()
-    if (mMaps.size()>0)
+    if(mMaps.size() > 0)
         mMaps.append(RectMap(0, 0, 0, 0, true, DEFAULT_HEIGHT));
-    if (mActIndex < 0)
+    if(mActIndex < 0)
         mActIndex = 0;
-    return mMaps.size()-1;
+    return mMaps.size() - 1;
 void RectPlotItem::delMap(int index)
-    if(mMaps.size() == 1){
+    if(mMaps.size() == 1)
+    {
         if(index != 0)
             debout << "Invalid index for map deletion!" << std::endl;
@@ -266,7 +272,7 @@ void RectPlotItem::delMap(int index)
-    if (index >= 0 && index < mMaps.size() && mMaps.size() > 0)
+    if(index >= 0 && index < mMaps.size() && mMaps.size() > 0)
@@ -278,7 +284,7 @@ void RectPlotItem::delMap(int index)
 void RectPlotItem::changeMap(int index, double x, double y, double w, double h, bool colored, double mapHeight)
-    if (index >= 0 && index < mMaps.size())
+    if(index >= 0 && index < mMaps.size())
         mMaps[index].setRect(x, y, w, h); // wenn
@@ -289,7 +295,7 @@ void RectPlotItem::changeMap(int index, double x, double y, double w, double h,
 void RectPlotItem::changeActMapInvHue(bool b)
-    if (mActIndex >= 0 && mActIndex < mMaps.size())
+    if(mActIndex >= 0 && mActIndex < mMaps.size())
@@ -297,7 +303,7 @@ void RectPlotItem::changeActMapInvHue(bool b)
 void RectPlotItem::changeActMapFromColor(const QColor &fromCol)
-    if (mActIndex >= 0 && mActIndex < mMaps.size())
+    if(mActIndex >= 0 && mActIndex < mMaps.size())
@@ -305,7 +311,7 @@ void RectPlotItem::changeActMapFromColor(const QColor &fromCol)
 void RectPlotItem::changeActMapToColor(const QColor &toCol)
-    if (mActIndex >= 0 && mActIndex < mMaps.size())
+    if(mActIndex >= 0 && mActIndex < mMaps.size())
@@ -313,7 +319,7 @@ void RectPlotItem::changeActMapToColor(const QColor &toCol)
 bool RectPlotItem::getActMapInvHue()
-    if (mActIndex >= 0 && mActIndex < mMaps.size())
+    if(mActIndex >= 0 && mActIndex < mMaps.size())
         return mMaps[mActIndex].invHue();
@@ -322,7 +328,7 @@ bool RectPlotItem::getActMapInvHue()
 QColor RectPlotItem::getActMapToColor()
-    if (mActIndex >= 0 && mActIndex < mMaps.size())
+    if(mActIndex >= 0 && mActIndex < mMaps.size())
         return mMaps[mActIndex].toColor();
@@ -331,7 +337,7 @@ QColor RectPlotItem::getActMapToColor()
 QColor RectPlotItem::getActMapFromColor()
-    if (mActIndex >= 0 && mActIndex < mMaps.size())
+    if(mActIndex >= 0 && mActIndex < mMaps.size())
         return mMaps[mActIndex].fromColor();
@@ -340,7 +346,7 @@ QColor RectPlotItem::getActMapFromColor()
 RectMap RectPlotItem::getMap(int index) const
-    if (index >= 0 && index < mMaps.size())
+    if(index >= 0 && index < mMaps.size())
         return mMaps[index];
         return RectMap();
@@ -355,50 +361,50 @@ RectMap RectPlotItem::getMap(int index) const
  * @param mapX
  * @param mapY
-void RectPlotItem::draw(QPainter* p, const QwtScaleMap& mapX, const QwtScaleMap& mapY, const QRectF& /*re*/) const
+void RectPlotItem::draw(QPainter *p, const QwtScaleMap &mapX, const QwtScaleMap &mapY, const QRectF & /*re*/) const
     QRectF rect;
-    double sx = mapX.p2()/(mapX.s2() - mapX.s1());
-    double sy = mapY.p1()/(mapY.s2() - mapY.s1());
+    double sx   = mapX.p2() / (mapX.s2() - mapX.s1());
+    double sy   = mapY.p1() / (mapY.s2() - mapY.s1());
     double xMax = ((ColorPlot *) plot())->xMax();
     double yMax = ((ColorPlot *) plot())->yMax();
-    int i;
-    float rX,rW;
+    int    i;
+    float  rX, rW;
     // TODO ganz leicht verschiebung: eigentlich muessten noch andere werte wie diese einfliessen:
     //         p->scale((mx.p2() - mx.p1())/(mx.s2() - mx.s1()), (my.p1() - my.p2())/(my.s2() - my.s1()));//
-    //mx.p1()-mx.s1(), my.s2()+my.p2()-((ColorPlot *) plot())->yMax()
+    // mx.p1()-mx.s1(), my.s2()+my.p2()-((ColorPlot *) plot())->yMax()
     p->scale(sx, sy);
-    p->translate(-mapX.s1(), mapY.s2()-yMax);
+    p->translate(-mapX.s1(), mapY.s2() - yMax);
-    for (i = 0; i < mMaps.size(); ++i)
+    for(i = 0; i < mMaps.size(); ++i)
-        if (i == mActIndex)
+        if(i == mActIndex)
-        else if (!mMaps[i].colored())
+        else if(!mMaps[i].colored())
-        if (mMaps[i].invHue())
+        if(mMaps[i].invHue())
             rect = mMaps[i];
-            rect.moveTop(yMax-rect.y()-rect.height()); // nicht setY!!!!!, da dann height angepast wird
+            rect.moveTop(yMax - rect.y() - rect.height()); // nicht setY!!!!!, da dann height angepast wird
             rX = rect.x();
             rW = rect.width();
-            rect.setX(rX+rW);
-            rect.setWidth(xMax-rX-rW);
+            rect.setX(rX + rW);
+            rect.setWidth(xMax - rX - rW);
             rect = mMaps[i];
-            rect.moveTop(yMax-rect.y()-rect.height()); // nicht setY!!!!!, da dann height angepast wird
+            rect.moveTop(yMax - rect.y() - rect.height()); // nicht setY!!!!!, da dann height angepast wird
@@ -411,11 +417,10 @@ void RectPlotItem::setPen(const QPen &pen)
-class Zoomer: public QwtPlotZoomer
+class Zoomer : public QwtPlotZoomer
-    Zoomer(int xAxis, int yAxis, QWidget *canvas)
-        : QwtPlotZoomer(xAxis, yAxis, canvas)
+    Zoomer(int xAxis, int yAxis, QWidget *canvas) : QwtPlotZoomer(xAxis, yAxis, canvas)
         // RightButton: zoom out by 1
         // Ctrl+RightButton: zoom out to full size
@@ -425,35 +430,32 @@ public:
         setMousePattern(QwtEventPattern::MouseSelect3, Qt::RightButton);
-        setTrackerMode(QwtPicker::AlwaysOn); //ActiveOnly (only when the selection is active), AlwaysOff
+        setTrackerMode(QwtPicker::AlwaysOn); // ActiveOnly (only when the selection is active), AlwaysOff
     // ueberschrieben, da so kommazahlen unterdrueckt werden, da intervall mindestens 5 umfasst
-    QSizeF minZoomSize() const override
-    {
-        return QwtDoubleSize(5., 5.);
-    }
+    QSizeF minZoomSize() const override { return QwtDoubleSize(5., 5.); }
      * @brief Allows movement in the zoomed in color plot via dragging with a pressed down middle mouse button.
-    * @param e
-    */
+     * @param e
+     */
     void widgetMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
         static int lastX = -1;
         static int lastY = -1;
-        int dx = e->x()-lastX;
-        int dy = e->y()-lastY;
+        int        dx    = e->x() - lastX;
+        int        dy    = e->y() - lastY;
         lastX = e->x();
         lastY = e->y();
-        if (e->buttons() == Qt::MiddleButton)
+        if(e->buttons() == Qt::MiddleButton)
-            for (int axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++)
+            for(int axis = 0; axis < QwtPlot::axisCnt; axis++)
-                if (axis == QwtPlot::xBottom || axis == QwtPlot::yLeft)
+                if(axis == QwtPlot::xBottom || axis == QwtPlot::yLeft)
                     const QwtScaleMap map = plot()->canvasMap(axis);
@@ -461,7 +463,7 @@ public:
                     const int i2 = map.transform(plot()->axisScaleDiv(axis).upperBound());
                     double d1, d2;
-                    if ( axis == QwtPlot::xBottom || axis == QwtPlot::xTop )
+                    if(axis == QwtPlot::xBottom || axis == QwtPlot::xTop)
                         d1 = map.invTransform(i1 - dx);
                         d2 = map.invTransform(i2 - dx);
@@ -472,27 +474,26 @@ public:
                         d2 = map.invTransform(i2 - dy);
-                    if (d1 < 0)
+                    if(d1 < 0)
-                        d2 = d2-d1;
+                        d2 = d2 - d1;
                         d1 = 0;
-                    } 
-                    else if ((axis == QwtPlot::xBottom) && (d2 > zoomBase().width()))
+                    }
+                    else if((axis == QwtPlot::xBottom) && (d2 > zoomBase().width()))
-                        d1 = d1-(d2-zoomBase().width());
+                        d1 = d1 - (d2 - zoomBase().width());
                         d2 = zoomBase().width();
-                    } 
-                    else if ((axis == QwtPlot::yLeft) && (d2 > zoomBase().height()))
+                    }
+                    else if((axis == QwtPlot::yLeft) && (d2 > zoomBase().height()))
-                        d1 = d1-(d2-zoomBase().height());
+                        d1 = d1 - (d2 - zoomBase().height());
                         d2 = zoomBase().height();
-                    } 
+                    }
                     plot()->setAxisScale(axis, d1, d2);
@@ -515,12 +516,10 @@ public:
-class ViewColorPlotItem: public QwtPlotItem
+class ViewColorPlotItem : public QwtPlotItem
-    ViewColorPlotItem()
-    {
-    }
+    ViewColorPlotItem() {}
      * @brief Marks the point in color plot with the color under the cursor in the image.
@@ -532,74 +531,66 @@ public:
      * @param mapX
      * @param mapY
-    void draw(QPainter* p, const QwtScaleMap& mapX, const QwtScaleMap& mapY, const QRectF& /*re*/) const
+    void draw(QPainter *p, const QwtScaleMap &mapX, const QwtScaleMap &mapY, const QRectF & /*re*/) const
-        double sx = mapX.p2()/(mapX.s2() - mapX.s1());
-        double sy = mapY.p1()/(mapY.s2() - mapY.s1());
+        double sx   = mapX.p2() / (mapX.s2() - mapX.s1());
+        double sy   = mapY.p1() / (mapY.s2() - mapY.s1());
         double yMax = ((ColorPlot *) plot())->yMax();
-        double sS = ((ColorPlot *) plot())->symbolSize()*0.35355339;
+        double sS   = ((ColorPlot *) plot())->symbolSize() * 0.35355339;
         // TODO ganz leicht verschiebung: eigentlich muessten noch andere werte wie diese einfliessen:
         //         p->scale((mx.p2() - mx.p1())/(mx.s2() - mx.s1()), (my.p1() - my.p2())/(my.s2() - my.s1()));//
-        //mx.p1()-mx.s1(), my.s2()+my.p2()-((ColorPlot *) plot())->yMax()
+        // mx.p1()-mx.s1(), my.s2()+my.p2()-((ColorPlot *) plot())->yMax()
         p->scale(sx, sy);
-        p->translate(-mapX.s1(), mapY.s2()-yMax);
+        p->translate(-mapX.s1(), mapY.s2() - yMax);
         QPointF p1, p2;
         QPointF point = mPoint;
-        p1.setX(point.x()+sS/sx);
-        p1.setY(point.y()+sS/sy);
-        p2.setX(point.x()-sS/sx);
-        p2.setY(point.y()-sS/sy);
+        p1.setX(point.x() + sS / sx);
+        p1.setY(point.y() + sS / sy);
+        p2.setX(point.x() - sS / sx);
+        p2.setY(point.y() - sS / sy);
         p->drawLine(p1, p2);
-        p1.setY(point.y()-sS/sy);
-        p2.setY(point.y()+sS/sy);
+        p1.setY(point.y() - sS / sy);
+        p2.setY(point.y() + sS / sy);
         p->drawLine(p1, p2);
-    void setPen(const QPen &pen)
-    {
-        mPen = pen;
-    }
+    void setPen(const QPen &pen) { mPen = pen; }
-    inline void setPoint(const QPoint &p)
-    {
-        mPoint = p;
-    }
+    inline void setPoint(const QPoint &p) { mPoint = p; }
-    inline QPoint point() const
-    {
-        return mPoint;
-    }
+    inline QPoint point() const { return mPoint; }
     QPoint mPoint;
-    QPen mPen;
+    QPen   mPen;
 ColorPlot::ColorPlot(QWidget *parent) // default= NULL
-        : QwtPlot(parent)
+    :
+    QwtPlot(parent)
     mControlWidget = nullptr;
-    mGreyDiff = 50;
-    mSymbolSize = 10.;
+    mGreyDiff      = 50;
+    mSymbolSize    = 10.;
     QwtText titleX("x");
     QwtText titleY("y");
     setAxisTitle(xBottom, titleX); //"x"
-    setAxisTitle(yLeft, titleY); //"y"
+    setAxisTitle(yLeft, titleY);   //"y"
     mImageItem = new ImagePlotItem();
@@ -607,14 +598,14 @@ ColorPlot::ColorPlot(QWidget *parent) // default= NULL
     mZoomer = new Zoomer(xBottom, yLeft, canvas());
-     mTrackerItem = new TrackerPlotItem();
-     mTrackerItem->attach(this);
+    mTrackerItem = new TrackerPlotItem();
+    mTrackerItem->attach(this);
-     mRectItem = new RectPlotItem();
-     mRectItem->attach(this);
+    mRectItem = new RectPlotItem();
+    mRectItem->attach(this);
-     mViewColorItem = new ViewColorPlotItem();
-     mViewColorItem->attach(this);
+    mViewColorItem = new ViewColorPlotItem();
+    mViewColorItem->attach(this);
 void ColorPlot::replot()
@@ -625,7 +616,7 @@ void ColorPlot::replot()
 double ColorPlot::map(const QColor &col) const
     double height = mRectItem->map(col);
-    if (height < 0)
+    if(height < 0)
         return mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value();
         return height;
@@ -634,28 +625,31 @@ double ColorPlot::map(const QColor &col) const
 // gibt false zurueck, wenn es keine groessenverteilung ueber farbe gab
 bool ColorPlot::printDistribution() const
-    QMap<double, int> dict;
+    QMap<double, int>                 dict;
     QMap<double, int>::const_iterator j;
-    Tracker *tr = mTrackerItem->getTracker();
-    int i, anz=0;
+    Tracker *                         tr = mTrackerItem->getTracker();
+    int                               i, anz = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < tr->size(); ++i)
+    for(i = 0; i < tr->size(); ++i)
-        if ((*tr)[i].color().isValid()) // insbesondere von hand eingefuegte trackpoint/persons haben keine farbe
+        if((*tr)[i].color().isValid()) // insbesondere von hand eingefuegte trackpoint/persons haben keine farbe
     j = dict.constBegin();
-    while (j != dict.constEnd()) {
+    while(j != dict.constEnd())
+    {
         anz += j.value();
-    if (anz == 0)
+    if(anz == 0)
         return false;
     j = dict.constBegin();
-    while (j != dict.constEnd()) {
-        debout << "height " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(5) << j.key() << " - number " << std::setw(3) << j.value() << " (" << std::setw(4) << (100.*j.value())/anz << "%)" << std::endl;
+    while(j != dict.constEnd())
+    {
+        debout << "height " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(5) << j.key() << " - number "
+               << std::setw(3) << j.value() << " (" << std::setw(4) << (100. * j.value()) / anz << "%)" << std::endl;
     return true;
@@ -663,9 +657,8 @@ bool ColorPlot::printDistribution() const
 bool ColorPlot::isGrey(const QColor &col) const
-    if (abs(col.red()-col.green()) < mGreyDiff && 
-        abs(col.green()-col.blue()) < mGreyDiff && 
-        abs(col.blue()-col.red()) < mGreyDiff)
+    if(abs(col.red() - col.green()) < mGreyDiff && abs(col.green() - col.blue()) < mGreyDiff &&
+       abs(col.blue() - col.red()) < mGreyDiff)
         return true;
         return false;
@@ -694,31 +687,31 @@ QPoint ColorPlot::getPos(const QColor &col, int *z) const
     QPoint p;
-    if (mControlWidget)
+    if(mControlWidget)
-        int x = mControlWidget->recoColorX->currentIndex();
-        int y = mControlWidget->recoColorY->currentIndex();
+        int x    = mControlWidget->recoColorX->currentIndex();
+        int y    = mControlWidget->recoColorY->currentIndex();
         int ymax = (int) yMax();
-        if (mControlWidget->recoColorModel->currentIndex() == 0) // HSV
+        if(mControlWidget->recoColorModel->currentIndex() == 0) // HSV
-            if (x==0) // nicht setX und setY, weil das width und height anpasst
+            if(x == 0) // nicht setX und setY, weil das width und height anpasst
-            else if (x==1)
+            else if(x == 1)
-            if (y==0)
-                p.setY(ymax-col.hue());
-            else if (y==1)
-                p.setY(ymax-col.saturation());
+            if(y == 0)
+                p.setY(ymax - col.hue());
+            else if(y == 1)
+                p.setY(ymax - col.saturation());
-                p.setY(ymax-col.value());
-            if (z != nullptr)
+                p.setY(ymax - col.value());
+            if(z != nullptr)
-                if (x!=0 && y!=0)
+                if(x != 0 && y != 0)
                     *z = col.hue();
-                else if (x!=1 && y!=1)
+                else if(x != 1 && y != 1)
                     *z = col.saturation();
                     *z = col.value();
@@ -726,23 +719,23 @@ QPoint ColorPlot::getPos(const QColor &col, int *z) const
         else // RGB
-            if (x==0)
+            if(x == 0)
-            else if (x==1)
+            else if(x == 1)
-            if (y==0)
-                p.setY(ymax-col.red());
-            else if (y==1)
-                p.setY(ymax-col.green());
+            if(y == 0)
+                p.setY(ymax - col.red());
+            else if(y == 1)
+                p.setY(ymax - col.green());
-                p.setY(ymax-col.blue());
-            if (z != nullptr)
+                p.setY(ymax - col.blue());
+            if(z != nullptr)
-                if (x!=0 && y!=0)
+                if(x != 0 && y != 0)
                     *z = col.red();
-                else if (x!=1 && y!=1)
+                else if(x != 1 && y != 1)
                     *z = col.green();
                     *z = col.blue();
@@ -765,28 +758,29 @@ void ColorPlot::setTracker(Tracker *tracker)
 void ColorPlot::setScale()
-    if (mControlWidget)
+    if(mControlWidget)
         int model = mControlWidget->recoColorModel->currentIndex();
-        int x = mControlWidget->recoColorX->currentIndex();
-        int y = mControlWidget->recoColorY->currentIndex();
+        int x     = mControlWidget->recoColorX->currentIndex();
+        int y     = mControlWidget->recoColorY->currentIndex();
         QwtDoubleRect base(0., 0., 255., 255.);
         mXMax = 255.;
         mYMax = 255.;
-        if (model == 0) // HSV
+        if(model == 0) // HSV
-            if (x==0)
+            if(x == 0)
                 mXMax = 359.;
-            if (y==0)
+            if(y == 0)
                 mYMax = 359.;
         setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, 0., mXMax);
         setAxisScale(QwtPlot::yLeft, 0., mYMax);
-        replot(); // why, see: file:///C:/Programme/qwt-5.0.1/doc/html/class_qwt_plot_zoomer.html#7a1711597f441223efdb7d9931fe19b9
+        replot(); // why, see:
+                  // file:///C:/Programme/qwt-5.0.1/doc/html/class_qwt_plot_zoomer.html#7a1711597f441223efdb7d9931fe19b9
@@ -796,22 +790,23 @@ void ColorPlot::setScale()
 void ColorPlot::generateImage()
-    if (mControlWidget)
+    if(mControlWidget)
         int model = mControlWidget->recoColorModel->currentIndex();
-        int x = mControlWidget->recoColorX->currentIndex();
-        int y = mControlWidget->recoColorY->currentIndex();
-        int z = mControlWidget->recoColorZ->value();
+        int x     = mControlWidget->recoColorX->currentIndex();
+        int y     = mControlWidget->recoColorY->currentIndex();
+        int z     = mControlWidget->recoColorZ->value();
         mImageItem->generateImage(model, x, y, z);
         // farbe anpassen, damit besser auf bild zu sehen
         // 255 immer genommen, da einfacher und es nicht so genau drauf ankommt
-        int midValue = (QColor(mImageItem->getImage()->pixel(0, 0)).value()+
-            QColor(mImageItem->getImage()->pixel(255, 0)).value()+
-            QColor(mImageItem->getImage()->pixel(0, 255)).value()+
-            QColor(mImageItem->getImage()->pixel(255, 255)).value())/4;
-        if (midValue < 130)
+        int midValue = (QColor(mImageItem->getImage()->pixel(0, 0)).value() +
+                        QColor(mImageItem->getImage()->pixel(255, 0)).value() +
+                        QColor(mImageItem->getImage()->pixel(0, 255)).value() +
+                        QColor(mImageItem->getImage()->pixel(255, 255)).value()) /
+                       4;
+        if(midValue < 130)
@@ -830,7 +825,7 @@ void ColorPlot::generateImage()
 int ColorPlot::zValue() const
-    if (mControlWidget)
+    if(mControlWidget)
         return mControlWidget->recoColorZ->value();
         return 0;
diff --git a/src/colorRangeWidget.cpp b/src/colorRangeWidget.cpp
index e4b5641ca91d1f53fbf49f209aaef75130ea25bd..28844054409c1054af8c7417be17759ed6640d4c 100644
--- a/src/colorRangeWidget.cpp
+++ b/src/colorRangeWidget.cpp
@@ -19,20 +19,20 @@
 #include "colorRangeWidget.h"
 #include "control.h"
-ColorRangeWidget::ColorRangeWidget(QWidget *parent)
-    : QWidget(parent)
+ColorRangeWidget::ColorRangeWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) parent;
-    mColorPlot = mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->getColorPlot();
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) parent;
+    mColorPlot  = mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->getColorPlot();
     mFromHue = 0;
     mFromSat = 0;
     mFromVal = 128;
-    mToHue = 359;
-    mToSat = 255;
-    mToVal = 255;
+    mToHue   = 359;
+    mToSat   = 255;
+    mToVal   = 255;
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ ColorRangeWidget::ColorRangeWidget(QWidget *parent)
 void ColorRangeWidget::on_inversHue_stateChanged(int i)
     mColorPlot->getMapItem()->changeActMapInvHue(i == Qt::Checked);
-    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
@@ -66,9 +66,8 @@ void ColorRangeWidget::on_inversHue_stateChanged(int i)
 void ColorRangeWidget::setControlWidget(int toHue, int fromHue, int toSat, int fromSat)
     int fH, tH, fS, tS;
-    if (toHue < fromHue)
+    if(toHue < fromHue)
         fH = toHue;
         tH = fromHue;
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ void ColorRangeWidget::setControlWidget(int toHue, int fromHue, int toSat, int f
         tH = toHue;
         fH = fromHue;
-    if (toSat < fromSat)
+    if(toSat < fromSat)
         fS = toSat;
         tS = fromSat;
@@ -88,36 +87,40 @@ void ColorRangeWidget::setControlWidget(int toHue, int fromHue, int toSat, int f
         tS = toSat;
         fS = fromSat;
-    mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->mapX->setValue(fH*2);
-    mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->mapW->setValue((tH-fH));
-    mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->mapY->setValue(fS*2);
-    mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->mapH->setValue((tS-fS));
+    mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->mapX->setValue(fH * 2);
+    mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->mapW->setValue((tH - fH));
+    mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->mapY->setValue(fS * 2);
+    mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->mapH->setValue((tS - fS));
 void ColorRangeWidget::on_fromTriangle_colorChanged(const QColor &col)
-    mFromHue = col.hue(); mFromSat = col.saturation(); mFromVal = col.value();
+    mFromHue            = col.hue();
+    mFromSat            = col.saturation();
+    mFromVal            = col.value();
     QString styleString = QString("background-color: hsv(%1,%2,%3)").arg(mFromHue).arg(mFromSat).arg(mFromVal);
     setControlWidget(mToHue, mFromHue, mToSat, mFromSat);
-    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void ColorRangeWidget::on_toTriangle_colorChanged(const QColor &col)
-    mToHue = col.hue(); mToSat = col.saturation(); mToVal = col.value();
+    mToHue              = col.hue();
+    mToSat              = col.saturation();
+    mToVal              = col.value();
     QString styleString = QString("background-color: hsv(%1,%2,%3)").arg(mToHue).arg(mToSat).arg(mToVal);
     setControlWidget(mToHue, mFromHue, mToSat, mFromSat);
-    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
@@ -127,9 +130,10 @@ void ColorRangeWidget::on_fromColor_clicked()
     // ueber palette war der button ausser initial nicht zu aendern!!!
     QColor colBefore;
-    colBefore = QColor::fromHsv(mFromHue, mFromSat, mFromVal);
-    QColor col = (QColorDialog::getColor(colBefore, this, "Select color from which value a pixel belongs to marker")).convertTo(QColor::Hsv);
-    if (col.isValid() && col != colBefore)
+    colBefore  = QColor::fromHsv(mFromHue, mFromSat, mFromVal);
+    QColor col = (QColorDialog::getColor(colBefore, this, "Select color from which value a pixel belongs to marker"))
+                     .convertTo(QColor::Hsv);
+    if(col.isValid() && col != colBefore)
@@ -141,9 +145,10 @@ void ColorRangeWidget::on_toColor_clicked()
     // QWindowsXpStyle uses native theming engine which causes some palette modifications not to have any effect.
     // ueber palette war der button ausser initial nicht zu aendern!!!
     QColor colBefore;
-    colBefore = QColor::fromHsv(mToHue, mToSat, mToVal);
-    QColor col = (QColorDialog::getColor(colBefore, this, "Select color to which value a pixel belongs to marker")).convertTo(QColor::Hsv);
-    if (col.isValid() && col != colBefore)
+    colBefore  = QColor::fromHsv(mToHue, mToSat, mToVal);
+    QColor col = (QColorDialog::getColor(colBefore, this, "Select color to which value a pixel belongs to marker"))
+                     .convertTo(QColor::Hsv);
+    if(col.isValid() && col != colBefore)
@@ -157,9 +162,11 @@ void ColorRangeWidget::setInvHue(bool b)
 void ColorRangeWidget::setFromColor(const QColor &col)
-    if (col.isValid())
+    if(col.isValid())
-        mFromHue = col.hue(); mFromSat = col.saturation(); mFromVal = col.value();
+        mFromHue            = col.hue();
+        mFromSat            = col.saturation();
+        mFromVal            = col.value();
         QString styleString = QString("background-color: hsv(%1,%2,%3)").arg(mFromHue).arg(mFromSat).arg(mFromVal);
@@ -168,9 +175,11 @@ void ColorRangeWidget::setFromColor(const QColor &col)
 void ColorRangeWidget::setToColor(const QColor &col)
-    if (col.isValid())
+    if(col.isValid())
-        mToHue = col.hue(); mToSat = col.saturation(); mToVal = col.value();
+        mToHue              = col.hue();
+        mToSat              = col.saturation();
+        mToVal              = col.value();
         QString styleString = QString("background-color: hsv(%1,%2,%3)").arg(mToHue).arg(mToSat).arg(mToVal);
diff --git a/src/control.cpp b/src/control.cpp
index 08025351e29ed10892b6b298895db3bbe2da40b7..39656aebcee7f18ee7a947a0bbe201b18235356f 100644
--- a/src/control.cpp
+++ b/src/control.cpp
@@ -18,58 +18,58 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QDomElement>
-#include <iomanip>
 #include "control.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
-#include "tracker.h"
-#include "trackerItem.h"
-#include "imageItem.h"
+#include "IO.h"
+#include "analysePlot.h"
 #include "backgroundItem.h"
-#include "moCapItem.h"
+#include "calibFilter.h"
+#include "codeMarkerWidget.h"
+#include "colorMarkerWidget.h"
 #include "colorPlot.h"
-#include "analysePlot.h"
-#include "player.h"
-#include "stereoWidget.h"
 #include "colorRangeWidget.h"
-#include "colorMarkerWidget.h"
-#include "codeMarkerWidget.h"
+#include "imageItem.h"
+#include "moCapItem.h"
 #include "multiColorMarkerWidget.h"
-#include "view.h"
-#include "IO.h"
 #include "pMessageBox.h"
-#include "calibFilter.h"
-#include "trackingRoiItem.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
+#include "player.h"
 #include "recognitionRoiItem.h"
+#include "stereoWidget.h"
+#include "tracker.h"
+#include "trackerItem.h"
+#include "trackingRoiItem.h"
+#include "view.h"
+#include <QDomElement>
+#include <iomanip>
 #define DEFAULT_HEIGHT 180.0
-Control::Control(QWidget& parent, QGraphicsScene &scene, reco::Recognizer& recognizer)
-    : QWidget(&parent)
+Control::Control(QWidget &parent, QGraphicsScene &scene, reco::Recognizer &recognizer) : QWidget(&parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) &parent;
-    mScene = &scene;
-    mLoading = false;
-    //beim erzeugen von new colorplot absturz!!!!
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) &parent;
+    mScene      = &scene;
+    mLoading    = false;
+    // beim erzeugen von new colorplot absturz!!!!
     // Observers for moCapShow, moCapSize and moCapColor in moCapController;
     // updates UI value when changed.
-    QObject::connect(&mMainWindow->getMoCapController(), &MoCapController::showMoCapChanged,
-                     this, &Control::setMoCapShow);
-    QObject::connect(&mMainWindow->getMoCapController(), &MoCapController::thicknessChanged,
-                     this, &Control::setMoCapSize);
-    QObject::connect(&mMainWindow->getMoCapController(), &MoCapController::colorChanged,
-                     this, &Control::setMoCapColor);
+    QObject::connect(
+        &mMainWindow->getMoCapController(), &MoCapController::showMoCapChanged, this, &Control::setMoCapShow);
+    QObject::connect(
+        &mMainWindow->getMoCapController(), &MoCapController::thicknessChanged, this, &Control::setMoCapSize);
+    QObject::connect(&mMainWindow->getMoCapController(), &MoCapController::colorChanged, this, &Control::setMoCapColor);
     // Pulls all observable attributes
-    // Weitere Verzerrungsparameter werden vllt. spaeter mal gebraucht bisher von OpenCV nicht beruecksichtig. Muessen dann noch in die Oberflaeche eingebaut werden
-    // Deniz: OpenCV kann Sie mittlerweile benutzen, wenn man calibrateCamera die Flag CALIB_RATIONAL_MODEL übergibt; Ergibt eine genauere Kalibration
-    // Auch rechenintensiver, aber da wir das einmal machen und dann Speichern, ist das auch egal
-    // Diese Boxen müssten in die UI eingebaut und der entsprechende Aufruf in AutoCalib müsste angepasst werden
+    // Weitere Verzerrungsparameter werden vllt. spaeter mal gebraucht bisher von OpenCV nicht beruecksichtig. Muessen
+    // dann noch in die Oberflaeche eingebaut werden Deniz: OpenCV kann Sie mittlerweile benutzen, wenn man
+    // calibrateCamera die Flag CALIB_RATIONAL_MODEL übergibt; Ergibt eine genauere Kalibration Auch rechenintensiver,
+    // aber da wir das einmal machen und dann Speichern, ist das auch egal Diese Boxen müssten in die UI eingebaut und
+    // der entsprechende Aufruf in AutoCalib müsste angepasst werden
     k4 = new QDoubleSpinBox(this);
     k5 = new QDoubleSpinBox(this);
@@ -77,16 +77,17 @@ Control::Control(QWidget& parent, QGraphicsScene &scene, reco::Recognizer& recog
     k6 = new QDoubleSpinBox(this);
-    filterBrightContrast->setCheckState(mMainWindow->getBrightContrastFilter()->getEnabled() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-//     filterContrast->setCheckState(mMainWindow->getContrastFilter()->getEnabled() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-//     filterBright->setCheckState(mMainWindow->getBrightFilter()->getEnabled() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+    filterBrightContrast->setCheckState(
+        mMainWindow->getBrightContrastFilter()->getEnabled() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
     filterBorder->setCheckState(mMainWindow->getBorderFilter()->getEnabled() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
     filterBg->setCheckState(mMainWindow->getBackgroundFilter()->getEnabled() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
     apply->setCheckState(mMainWindow->getCalibFilter()->getEnabled() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
     filterSwap->setCheckState(mMainWindow->getSwapFilter()->getEnabled() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-    filterSwapH->setCheckState((bool) mMainWindow->getSwapFilter()->getSwapHorizontally()->getValue() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-    filterSwapV->setCheckState((bool) mMainWindow->getSwapFilter()->getSwapVertically()->getValue() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+    filterSwapH->setCheckState(
+        (bool) mMainWindow->getSwapFilter()->getSwapHorizontally()->getValue() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+    filterSwapV->setCheckState(
+        (bool) mMainWindow->getSwapFilter()->getSwapVertically()->getValue() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
@@ -96,12 +97,8 @@ Control::Control(QWidget& parent, QGraphicsScene &scene, reco::Recognizer& recog
-//    setCalibCxMin(mMainWindow->getCalibFilter()->getCx()->getMinimum());
-//    setCalibCxMax(mMainWindow->getCalibFilter()->getCx()->getMaximum());
-//    setCalibCyMin(mMainWindow->getCalibFilter()->getCy()->getMinimum());
-//    setCalibCyMax(mMainWindow->getCalibFilter()->getCy()->getMaximum());
@@ -135,10 +132,6 @@ Control::Control(QWidget& parent, QGraphicsScene &scene, reco::Recognizer& recog
-    //statt folgender Zeile kann zB on_cx_valueChanged einfach kodiert werden (su)
-    //  connect(cx, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double cx)), this, SLOT(on_cx_valueChanged));
-    //wird vom designer erledigt: colorPlot->setParent(colorBox); // da nur ueber frame in designer integriert
@@ -164,7 +157,6 @@ Control::Control(QWidget& parent, QGraphicsScene &scene, reco::Recognizer& recog
-    //analysePlot->setTrackerReal(mMainWindow->getTrackerReal());
     mIndexChanging = true;
@@ -181,33 +173,21 @@ Control::Control(QWidget& parent, QGraphicsScene &scene, reco::Recognizer& recog
-        scrollAreaWidgetContents->sizeHint().width() +
-        2 * scrollArea->frameWidth() +
-        scrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width() +
-        scrollAreaWidgetContents->layout()->margin() * 2 +
-        scrollAreaWidgetContents->layout()->spacing() * 2
-    );
+        scrollAreaWidgetContents->sizeHint().width() + 2 * scrollArea->frameWidth() +
+        scrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width() + scrollAreaWidgetContents->layout()->margin() * 2 +
+        scrollAreaWidgetContents->layout()->spacing() * 2);
-        scrollAreaWidgetContents_2->sizeHint().width() +
-        2 * scrollArea_2->frameWidth() +
-        scrollArea_2->verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width()+
-        scrollAreaWidgetContents_2->layout()->margin() * 2 +
-        scrollAreaWidgetContents_2->layout()->spacing() * 2
-    );
+        scrollAreaWidgetContents_2->sizeHint().width() + 2 * scrollArea_2->frameWidth() +
+        scrollArea_2->verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width() + scrollAreaWidgetContents_2->layout()->margin() * 2 +
+        scrollAreaWidgetContents_2->layout()->spacing() * 2);
-        scrollAreaWidgetContents_3->sizeHint().width() +
-        2 * scrollArea_3->frameWidth() +
-        scrollArea_3->verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width()+
-        scrollAreaWidgetContents_3->layout()->margin() * 2 +
-        scrollAreaWidgetContents_3->layout()->spacing() * 2
-    );
+        scrollAreaWidgetContents_3->sizeHint().width() + 2 * scrollArea_3->frameWidth() +
+        scrollArea_3->verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width() + scrollAreaWidgetContents_3->layout()->margin() * 2 +
+        scrollAreaWidgetContents_3->layout()->spacing() * 2);
-        scrollAreaWidgetContents_4->sizeHint().width() +
-        2 * scrollArea_4->frameWidth() +
-        scrollArea_4->verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width()+
-        scrollAreaWidgetContents_4->layout()->margin() * 2 +
-        scrollAreaWidgetContents_4->layout()->spacing() * 2
-    );
+        scrollAreaWidgetContents_4->sizeHint().width() + 2 * scrollArea_4->frameWidth() +
+        scrollArea_4->verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width() + scrollAreaWidgetContents_4->layout()->margin() * 2 +
+        scrollAreaWidgetContents_4->layout()->spacing() * 2);
 void Control::setScene(QGraphicsScene *sc)
@@ -215,8 +195,6 @@ void Control::setScene(QGraphicsScene *sc)
     mScene = sc;
 bool Control::getTrackShow()
     return trackShow->isChecked();
@@ -239,26 +217,26 @@ QColor Control::getTrackPathColor()
     return trackPathColorButton->palette().color(QPalette::Button);
 void Control::setTrackPathColor(QColor col)
     QPalette pal = trackPathColorButton->palette();
     pal.setColor(QPalette::Button, col);
-    //trackPathColorButton->setAutoFillBackground(true);
-    //trackPathColorButton->update();
 QColor Control::getTrackGroundPathColor()
     return trackGroundPathColorButton->palette().color(QPalette::Button);
 void Control::setTrackGroundPathColor(QColor col)
     QPalette pal = trackGroundPathColorButton->palette();
     pal.setColor(QPalette::Button, col);
-    //trackPathColorButton->setAutoFillBackground(true);
-    //trackPathColorButton->update();
  * @brief Getter for MoCapColor selection
  * @return the current selected color
@@ -267,6 +245,7 @@ QColor Control::getMoCapColor()
     return moCapColorButton->palette().color(QPalette::Button);
  * @brief Setter for MoCapShow
@@ -274,10 +253,12 @@ QColor Control::getMoCapColor()
  * */
 void Control::setMoCapShow(bool visibility)
-    if(showMoCap->isChecked() != visibility) {
+    if(showMoCap->isChecked() != visibility)
+    {
  * @brief Setter for MoCapColor palette and button
@@ -285,12 +266,14 @@ void Control::setMoCapShow(bool visibility)
  * */
 void Control::setMoCapColor(QColor col)
-    if(getMoCapColor() != col) {
+    if(getMoCapColor() != col)
+    {
         QPalette pal = moCapColorButton->palette();
         pal.setColor(QPalette::Button, col);
  * @brief Setter for MoCapSize
@@ -298,25 +281,27 @@ void Control::setMoCapColor(QColor col)
  * */
 void Control::setMoCapSize(int size)
-    if(moCapSize->value() != size) {
+    if(moCapSize->value() != size)
+    {
 bool Control::getRecoRoiShow()
     return roiShow->isChecked();
 void Control::setRecoRoiShow(bool b)
 bool Control::getRecoRoiFix()
     return roiFix->isChecked();
 void Control::setRecoRoiFix(bool b)
@@ -326,28 +311,27 @@ bool Control::getTrackRoiShow()
     return trackRoiShow->isChecked();
 void Control::setTrackRoiShow(bool b)
 bool Control::getTrackRoiFix()
     return trackRoiFix->isChecked();
 void Control::setTrackRoiFix(bool b)
 bool Control::getAdaptiveLevel()
     return adaptiveLevel->isChecked();
 int Control::getFilterBorderSize()
     return filterBorderParamSize->value();
@@ -357,14 +341,17 @@ double Control::getCalibFxValue()
     return fx->value();
 void Control::setCalibFxValue(double d)
 void Control::setCalibFxMin(double d)
 void Control::setCalibFxMax(double d)
@@ -374,14 +361,17 @@ double Control::getCalibFyValue()
     return fy->value();
 void Control::setCalibFyValue(double d)
 void Control::setCalibFyMin(double d)
 void Control::setCalibFyMax(double d)
@@ -391,18 +381,17 @@ double Control::getCalibCxValue()
     return cx->value();
 void Control::setCalibCxValue(double d)
-//    if( d > cx->maximum() )
-//        cx->setMaximum(d);
-//    if( d < cx->minimum() )
-//        cx->setMinimum(d);
 void Control::setCalibCxMin(double d)
 void Control::setCalibCxMax(double d)
@@ -412,18 +401,17 @@ double Control::getCalibCyValue()
     return cy->value();
 void Control::setCalibCyValue(double d)
-//    if( d > cy->maximum() )
-//        cy->setMaximum(d);
-//    if( d < cy->minimum() )
-//        cy->setMinimum(d);
 void Control::setCalibCyMin(double d)
 void Control::setCalibCyMax(double d)
@@ -433,14 +421,17 @@ double Control::getCalibR2Value()
     return r2->value();
 void Control::setCalibR2Value(double d)
 void Control::setCalibR2Min(double d)
 void Control::setCalibR2Max(double d)
@@ -450,14 +441,17 @@ double Control::getCalibR4Value()
     return r4->value();
 void Control::setCalibR4Value(double d)
 void Control::setCalibR4Min(double d)
 void Control::setCalibR4Max(double d)
@@ -467,10 +461,12 @@ double Control::getCalibR6Value()
     return r6->value();
 void Control::setCalibR6Value(double d)
 void Control::setCalibR6Min(double d)
@@ -484,46 +480,57 @@ double Control::getCalibExtrRot1()
     return rot1->value();
 void Control::setCalibExtrRot1(double d)
 double Control::getCalibExtrRot2()
     return rot2->value();
 void Control::setCalibExtrRot2(double d)
 double Control::getCalibExtrRot3()
     return rot3->value();
 void Control::setCalibExtrRot3(double d)
 double Control::getCalibExtrTrans1()
     return trans1->value();
 void Control::setCalibExtrTrans1(double d)
 double Control::getCalibExtrTrans2()
     return trans2->value();
 void Control::setCalibExtrTrans2(double d)
 double Control::getCalibExtrTrans3()
     return trans3->value();
 void Control::setCalibExtrTrans3(double d)
@@ -533,14 +540,17 @@ double Control::getCalibTxValue()
     return tx->value();
 void Control::setCalibTxValue(double d)
 void Control::setCalibTxMin(double d)
 void Control::setCalibTxMax(double d)
@@ -550,14 +560,17 @@ double Control::getCalibTyValue()
     return ty->value();
 void Control::setCalibTyValue(double d)
 void Control::setCalibTyMin(double d)
 void Control::setCalibTyMax(double d)
@@ -567,14 +580,17 @@ double Control::getCalibK4Value()
     return k4->value();
 void Control::setCalibK4Value(double d)
 void Control::setCalibK4Min(double d)
 void Control::setCalibK4Max(double d)
@@ -584,14 +600,17 @@ double Control::getCalibK5Value()
     return k5->value();
 void Control::setCalibK5Value(double d)
 void Control::setCalibK5Min(double d)
 void Control::setCalibK5Max(double d)
@@ -601,29 +620,32 @@ double Control::getCalibK6Value()
     return k6->value();
 void Control::setCalibK6Value(double d)
 void Control::setCalibK6Min(double d)
 void Control::setCalibK6Max(double d)
-int /*Petrack::Dimension*/ Control::getCalibGridDimension()
+int Control::getCalibGridDimension()
     return gridTab->currentIndex();
 bool Control::getCalibGridShow()
     return gridShow->isChecked();
 void Control::setCalibGridShow(bool b)
@@ -633,6 +655,7 @@ bool Control::getCalibGridFix()
     return gridFix->isChecked();
 void Control::setCalibGridFix(bool b)
@@ -642,6 +665,7 @@ int Control::getCalibGridRotate()
     return gridRotate->value();
 void Control::setCalibGridRotate(int i)
@@ -651,6 +675,7 @@ int Control::getCalibGridTransX()
     return gridTransX->value();
 void Control::setCalibGridTransX(int i)
@@ -660,6 +685,7 @@ int Control::getCalibGridTransY()
     return gridTransY->value();
 void Control::setCalibGridTransY(int i)
@@ -669,12 +695,14 @@ int Control::getCalibGridScale()
     return gridScale->value();
 void Control::setCalibGridScale(int i)
-void Control::setEnabledExtrParams(bool enable){
+void Control::setEnabledExtrParams(bool enable)
@@ -695,54 +723,60 @@ void Control::setGridMinMaxTranslation(int minx, int maxx, int miny, int maxy)
-    grid3DTransZ->setMaximum( 500);
-    grid3DTransZ_spin->setMaximum( 500);
+    grid3DTransZ->setMaximum(500);
+    grid3DTransZ_spin->setMaximum(500);
 int Control::getCalibGrid3DTransX()
     return grid3DTransX->value();
 void Control::setCalibGrid3DTransX(int i)
 int Control::getCalibGrid3DTransY()
     return grid3DTransY->value();
 void Control::setCalibGrid3DTransY(int i)
 int Control::getCalibGrid3DTransZ()
     return grid3DTransZ->value();
 void Control::setCalibGrid3DTransZ(int i)
 int Control::getCalibGrid3DResolution()
     return grid3DResolution->value();
 void Control::setCalibGrid3DResolution(int i)
-int/*Petrack::Dimension*/ Control::getCalibCoordDimension()
+int Control::getCalibCoordDimension()
     return coordTab->currentIndex();
 bool Control::getCalibExtrCalibPointsShow()
     return extCalibPointsShow->isChecked();
 bool Control::getCalibExtrVanishPointsShow()
     return extVanishPointsShow->isChecked();
@@ -752,6 +786,7 @@ bool Control::getCalibCoordShow()
     return coordShow->isChecked();
 void Control::setCalibCoordShow(bool b)
@@ -761,22 +796,27 @@ bool Control::getCalibCoordFix()
     return coordFix->isChecked();
 void Control::setCalibCoordFix(bool b)
 int Control::getCalibCoordRotate()
     return coordRotate->value();
 void Control::setCalibCoordRotate(int i)
 int Control::getCalibCoordTransX()
     return coordTransX->value();
 void Control::setCalibCoordTransX(int i)
@@ -786,6 +826,7 @@ int Control::getCalibCoordTransXMax()
     return coordTransX->maximum();
 void Control::setCalibCoordTransXMax(int i)
@@ -796,6 +837,7 @@ int Control::getCalibCoordTransXMin()
     return coordTransX->minimum();
 void Control::setCalibCoordTransXMin(int i)
@@ -806,6 +848,7 @@ int Control::getCalibCoordTransY()
     return coordTransY->value();
 void Control::setCalibCoordTransY(int i)
@@ -815,6 +858,7 @@ int Control::getCalibCoordTransYMax()
     return coordTransY->maximum();
 void Control::setCalibCoordTransYMax(int i)
@@ -825,6 +869,7 @@ int Control::getCalibCoordTransYMin()
     return coordTransY->minimum();
 void Control::setCalibCoordTransYMin(int i)
@@ -835,6 +880,7 @@ int Control::getCalibCoordScale()
     return coordScale->value();
 void Control::setCalibCoordScale(int i)
@@ -844,6 +890,7 @@ double Control::getCalibCoordUnit()
     return coordUnit->value();
 void Control::setCalibCoordUnit(double d)
@@ -853,123 +900,96 @@ int Control::getCalibCoord3DTransX()
     return coord3DTransX->value();
 void Control::setCalibCoord3DTransX(int i)
 int Control::getCalibCoord3DTransY()
     return coord3DTransY->value();
 void Control::setCalibCoord3DTransY(int i)
 int Control::getCalibCoord3DTransZ()
     return coord3DTransZ->value();
 void Control::setCalibCoord3DTransZ(int i)
 int Control::getCalibCoord3DAxeLen()
     return coord3DAxeLen->value();
 void Control::setCalibCoord3DAxeLen(int i)
 bool Control::getCalibCoord3DSwapX()
     return coord3DSwapX->isChecked();
 void Control::setCalibCoord3DSwapX(bool b)
 bool Control::getCalibCoord3DSwapY()
     return coord3DSwapY->isChecked();
 void Control::setCalibCoord3DSwapY(bool b)
 bool Control::getCalibCoord3DSwapZ()
     return coord3DSwapZ->isChecked();
 void Control::setCalibCoord3DSwapZ(bool b)
-//--------------------------------------- automatic generated slots -----------------------
-// void Control::on_temp1_valueChanged(int i)
-// {
-//     debout << i <<endl;
-//     mMainWindow->getBorderFilter()->setChanged(true);// just to flag changes
-//     mMainWindow->updateImage();
-// }
-// void Control::on_temp2_valueChanged(int i)
-// {
-//     debout << i <<endl;
-//     mMainWindow->getBorderFilter()->setChanged(true);// just to flag changes
-//     mMainWindow->updateImage();
-// }
-// void Control::on_temp3_valueChanged(int i)
-// {
-//     debout << i <<endl;
-//     mMainWindow->getBorderFilter()->setChanged(true);// just to flag changes
-//     mMainWindow->updateImage();
-// }
-// void Control::on_temp4_valueChanged(int i)
-// {
-//     debout << i <<endl;
-//     mMainWindow->getBorderFilter()->setChanged(true);// just to flag changes
-//     mMainWindow->updateImage();
-// }
-// void Control::on_temp5_valueChanged(int i)
-// {
-//     debout << i <<endl;
-//     mMainWindow->getBorderFilter()->setChanged(true);// just to flag changes
-//     mMainWindow->updateImage();
-// }
-//-------------------- analysation
+//-------------------- analysis
 void Control::on_anaCalculate_clicked()
-    if (!isLoading())
+    if(!isLoading())
-//     getTrackerItem()->show();
-//     mapNr->setMaximum(mapNr->maximum()+1);
-//     colorPlot->getMapItem()->addMap();
-//     mapNr->setValue(mapNr->maximum());
 void Control::on_anaStep_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_anaMarkAct_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_anaConsiderX_stateChanged(int i)
-    if ((i == Qt::Checked) && (anaConsiderY->isChecked()))
+    if((i == Qt::Checked) && (anaConsiderY->isChecked()))
@@ -979,17 +999,18 @@ void Control::on_anaConsiderX_stateChanged(int i)
-    if ((i == Qt::Unchecked) && (!anaConsiderY->isChecked()))
+    if((i == Qt::Unchecked) && (!anaConsiderY->isChecked()))
-        if (!isLoading())
+        if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_anaConsiderY_stateChanged(int i)
-    if ((i == Qt::Checked) && (anaConsiderX->isChecked()))
+    if((i == Qt::Checked) && (anaConsiderX->isChecked()))
@@ -999,114 +1020,112 @@ void Control::on_anaConsiderY_stateChanged(int i)
-    if ((i == Qt::Unchecked) && (!anaConsiderX->isChecked()))
+    if((i == Qt::Unchecked) && (!anaConsiderX->isChecked()))
-        if (!isLoading())
+        if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_anaConsiderAbs_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_anaConsiderRev_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_showVoronoiCells_stateChanged(int /*arg1*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
+    if(!isLoading())
 //------------------- tracking
 void Control::on_trackShow_stateChanged(int i)
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
 void Control::on_trackFix_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-    // erst sinnvoll, wenn einzelne Punkte verschiebbar sind
-//     if (i == Qt::Checked)
-//     {
-//         //mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->setAcceptsHoverEvents(false); wird in item gemacht
-//         mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->setFlags(!QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable);
-//     }
-//     else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
-//     {
-//         mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->setAcceptsHoverEvents(true);
-//         mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable);
-//     }
+    // TODO only make sense if single points are draggable
 void Control::on_trackOnlineCalc_stateChanged(int i)
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
-        mMainWindow->setTrackChanged(true);// flag changes of track parameters
+        mMainWindow->setTrackChanged(true); // flag changes of track parameters
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_trackCalc_clicked()
-    //    mMainWindow->getTracker()->init(); // wenn vorherige Daten weggenommen werden sollen
 void Control::on_trackReset_clicked()
-    if (mMainWindow->getImage())
+    if(mMainWindow->getImage())
         cv::Size size;
-        size.width = mMainWindow->getTrackRoiItem()->rect().width();
+        size.width  = mMainWindow->getTrackRoiItem()->rect().width();
         size.height = mMainWindow->getTrackRoiItem()->rect().height();
-        mMainWindow->setTrackChanged(true);// flag changes of track parameters
-        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag changes of recognition parameters
+        mMainWindow->setTrackChanged(true);       // flag changes of track parameters
+        mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag changes of recognition parameters
-        if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+        if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_trackExport_clicked()
 void Control::on_trackImport_clicked()
 void Control::on_trackTest_clicked()
 void Control::on_trackPathColorButton_clicked()
     QColor col = QColorDialog::getColor(getTrackPathColor(), this);
-    if( col.isValid() )
+    if(col.isValid())
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_trackGroundPathColorButton_clicked()
     QColor col = QColorDialog::getColor(getTrackGroundPathColor(), this);
-    if( col.isValid() )
+    if(col.isValid())
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
@@ -1118,184 +1137,156 @@ void Control::on_moCapColorButton_clicked()
-    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading()) {
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
+    {
 void Control::on_trackRegionScale_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-    mMainWindow->setTrackChanged(true); 
-    mMainWindow->getTracker()->reset(); 
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    mMainWindow->setTrackChanged(true);
+    mMainWindow->getTracker()->reset();
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_trackRegionLevels_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-    mMainWindow->setTrackChanged(true); 
-    mMainWindow->getTracker()->reset(); 
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    mMainWindow->setTrackChanged(true);
+    mMainWindow->getTracker()->reset();
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_trackShowSearchSize_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-    mScene->update(); 
+    mScene->update();
 void Control::on_trackShowOnly_stateChanged(int i)
-    if( i > 0 && trackShowOnlyList->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i > 0 && trackShowOnlyList->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
-    if (!isLoading()) mScene->update();
+    if(!isLoading())
+        mScene->update();
 void Control::on_trackShowOnlyList_stateChanged(int i)
-    if( i > 0 && trackShowOnly->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i > 0 && trackShowOnly->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
-    if (!isLoading()) mScene->update();
+    if(!isLoading())
+        mScene->update();
 void Control::on_trackShowOnlyNr_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-    if (!mMainWindow->isLoading())
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
-//        mMainWindow->updateImage();
-void Control::on_trackShowOnlyNrList_textChanged(const QString &/*arg1*/)
+void Control::on_trackShowOnlyNrList_textChanged(const QString & /*arg1*/)
-    if (!mMainWindow->isLoading())
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
-//        mMainWindow->updateImage();
 void Control::on_trackGotoNr_clicked()
-    if (mMainWindow->getTracker()->size() >= trackShowOnlyNr->value())
-    {
-//        int firstMin = mMainWindow->getAnimation()->getMaxFrames(), lastMax = 0;
-//        foreach(int onlyVisible, mMainWindow->getPedestriansToTrack() )
-//        {
-//            if(mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(onlyVisible).firstFrame() < firstMin)
-//                firstMin = mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(onlyVisible).firstFrame();
-//            if(mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(onlyVisible).lastFrame() > lastMax)
-//                lastMax  = mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(onlyVisible).lastFrame();
-//        }
-        int idx = trackShowOnlyNr->value()-1;
+    if(mMainWindow->getTracker()->size() >= trackShowOnlyNr->value())
+    {
+        int idx        = trackShowOnlyNr->value() - 1;
         int firstFrame = mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(idx).firstFrame();
-        int lastFrame = mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(idx).lastFrame();
-        mMainWindow->getPlayer()->skipToFrame((lastFrame+firstFrame)/2);
+        int lastFrame  = mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(idx).lastFrame();
+        mMainWindow->getPlayer()->skipToFrame((lastFrame + firstFrame) / 2);
 void Control::on_trackGotoStartNr_clicked()
-    if (mMainWindow->getTracker()->size() >= trackShowOnlyNr->value())
+    if(mMainWindow->getTracker()->size() >= trackShowOnlyNr->value())
-//        int start = mMainWindow->getAnimation()->getMaxFrames();
-//        foreach(int onlyVisible, mMainWindow->getPedestriansToTrack() )
-//        {
-//            if(mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(onlyVisible).firstFrame() < start)
-//                start = mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(onlyVisible).firstFrame();
-//        }
-        int idx = trackShowOnlyNr->value()-1;
+        int idx = trackShowOnlyNr->value() - 1;
 void Control::on_trackGotoEndNr_clicked()
-    if (mMainWindow->getTracker()->size() >= trackShowOnlyNr->value())
+    if(mMainWindow->getTracker()->size() >= trackShowOnlyNr->value())
-//        int end = 0;
-//        foreach(int onlyVisible, mMainWindow->getPedestriansToTrack() )
-//        {
-//            if(mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(onlyVisible).lastFrame() > end)
-//                end = mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(onlyVisible).lastFrame();
-//        }
-        int idx = trackShowOnlyNr->value()-1;
+        int idx = trackShowOnlyNr->value() - 1;
 void Control::on_trackShowOnlyListButton_clicked()
+    QMessageBox nrListBox(mMainWindow);
-        QMessageBox nrListBox(mMainWindow);
-        nrListBox.setWindowTitle(Petrack::tr("PeTrack"));
-        nrListBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::NoIcon);
-        nrListBox.setText(Petrack::tr("Select visible pedestrians:"));
-        QGridLayout* layout = (QGridLayout*) nrListBox.layout();
-//        QVBoxLayout* layout = (QVBoxLayout*) nrListBox.layout();
-        QVector<QCheckBox*> checkBox;
+    nrListBox.setWindowTitle(Petrack::tr("PeTrack"));
+    nrListBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::NoIcon);
+    nrListBox.setText(Petrack::tr("Select visible pedestrians:"));
-        for(int i = 0; i < mMainWindow->getTracker()->size(); i++)
-        {
-            /// ToDo: parse from lineEdit
-            checkBox.push_back(new QCheckBox(QString::number(i+1)));
-            checkBox.at(i)->setChecked(
-                mMainWindow->getPedestriansToTrack().contains(i));
-//            layout->addWidget(checkBox.at(i));
-            layout->addWidget(checkBox.at(i),3+i/5,i%5,1,1);
-        }
+    QGridLayout *        layout = (QGridLayout *) nrListBox.layout();
+    QVector<QCheckBox *> checkBox;
+    for(int i = 0; i < mMainWindow->getTracker()->size(); i++)
+    {
+        /// ToDo: parse from lineEdit
+        checkBox.push_back(new QCheckBox(QString::number(i + 1)));
+        checkBox.at(i)->setChecked(mMainWindow->getPedestriansToTrack().contains(i));
+        layout->addWidget(checkBox.at(i), 3 + i / 5, i % 5, 1, 1);
+    }
-        QPushButton *ok = new QPushButton(tr("Ok"));
-        QPushButton *cancel = new QPushButton(tr("Cancel"));
-//        layout->addWidget(ok,5,1,1,1);
-//        layout->addWidget(cancel,5,2,1,1);
+    QPushButton *ok     = new QPushButton(tr("Ok"));
+    QPushButton *cancel = new QPushButton(tr("Cancel"));
-        nrListBox.addButton(cancel,QMessageBox::RejectRole);
-        nrListBox.addButton(ok,QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
-//        nrListBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
-//        nrListBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok);
+    nrListBox.addButton(cancel, QMessageBox::RejectRole);
+    nrListBox.addButton(ok, QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
-        int res = nrListBox.exec();
+    int res = nrListBox.exec();
-        if (res == QMessageBox::Accepted)
+    if(res == QMessageBox::Accepted)
+    {
+        QStringList list;
+        int         first = -1, last = -1;
+        for(int i = 0; i < mMainWindow->getTracker()->size(); i++)
-//            debout << "ok" << endl;
-            QStringList list;
-            int first = -1, last = -1;
-            for(int i = 0; i < mMainWindow->getTracker()->size(); i++)
+            if(checkBox.at(i)->isChecked())
+            {
+                if(first == -1)
+                    first = i + 1;
+            }
+            else // not checked
-                if (checkBox.at(i)->isChecked()){
-                    if (first == -1)
-                        first = i+1;
-//                    list.append(QString::number(i+1));
-//                debout << (i+1) << ": " << checkBox.at(i)->isChecked() << endl;
-                }else // not checked
+                if(first != -1)
-                    if(first != -1)
-                    {
-                        last = i;
-                        if(first == last)
-                            list.append(QString::number(first));
-                        else
-                            list.append(QString("%1-%2").arg(first).arg(last));
-                        last = -1;
-                        first = -1;
-                    }
+                    last = i;
+                    if(first == last)
+                        list.append(QString::number(first));
+                    else
+                        list.append(QString("%1-%2").arg(first).arg(last));
+                    last  = -1;
+                    first = -1;
-                /// ToDo: lists
-            trackShowOnlyNrList->setText(list.join(","));
-        }/*else if (res == QMessageBox::Rejected)
-        {
-            debout << "cancel" << endl;
-        }*/
+            /// ToDo: lists
+        }
+        trackShowOnlyNrList->setText(list.join(","));
+    }
-void Control::on_trackHeadSized_stateChanged(int i) 
+void Control::on_trackHeadSized_stateChanged(int i)
     static int oldHeadSize = 60;
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
         oldHeadSize = trackCurrentPointSize->value();
         trackCurrentPointSize->setValue((int) mMainWindow->getHeadSize());
@@ -1306,56 +1297,57 @@ void Control::on_trackHeadSized_stateChanged(int i)
-    mScene->update(); 
+    mScene->update();
-void Control::on_showMoCap_stateChanged(int i) {
+void Control::on_showMoCap_stateChanged(int i)
     mMainWindow->getMoCapController().setShowMoCap(i == Qt::Checked);
-void Control::on_moCapSize_valueChanged(int i) {
+void Control::on_moCapSize_valueChanged(int i)
 //------------------- recognition
 void Control::on_recoShowColor_stateChanged(int i)
     colorPlot->getTrackerItem()->setVisible(i == Qt::Checked);
-    if (!isLoading())
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_recoOptimizeColor_clicked()
     mScene->update(); // damit mgl angezeige farbpunkte geaendert/weggenommen werden
 void Control::on_recoColorModel_currentIndexChanged(int index)
     static int xHsvIndex = 0; // H
     static int yHsvIndex = 1; // S
     static int xRgbIndex = 0; // R
     static int yRgbIndex = 1; // G
-    //static bool firstTime = true;
-    if (mColorChanging == false) // damit nicht vom constructor mehrmals bei additem durchlaufen wird
+    if(mColorChanging == false) // damit nicht vom constructor mehrmals bei additem durchlaufen wird
         mColorChanging = true;
-        if (index == 0) // HSV
+        if(index == 0) // HSV
             recoColorX->setItemText(0, "H");
             recoColorX->setItemText(1, "S");
             recoColorX->setItemText(2, "V");
             recoColorY->setItemText(0, "H");
             recoColorY->setItemText(1, "S");
             recoColorY->setItemText(2, "V");
-            if (mIndexChanging) // !firstTime
+            if(mIndexChanging)
                 xRgbIndex = recoColorX->currentIndex();
                 yRgbIndex = recoColorY->currentIndex();
@@ -1363,17 +1355,17 @@ void Control::on_recoColorModel_currentIndexChanged(int index)
-        else //index == 1 == RGB
+        else // index == 1 == RGB
             recoColorX->setItemText(0, "R");
             recoColorX->setItemText(1, "G");
             recoColorX->setItemText(2, "B");
             recoColorY->setItemText(0, "R");
             recoColorY->setItemText(1, "G");
             recoColorY->setItemText(2, "B");
-            if (mIndexChanging) // !firstTime
+            if(mIndexChanging)
                 xHsvIndex = recoColorX->currentIndex();
                 yHsvIndex = recoColorY->currentIndex();
@@ -1384,78 +1376,71 @@ void Control::on_recoColorModel_currentIndexChanged(int index)
         mIndexChanging = true; // firstTime = false
         mColorChanging = false;
-        //recoColorModel->currentIndex(), recoColorX->currentIndex(), recoColorY->currentIndex(), recoColorZ->value()
-//         colorPlot->updateTracker();
-        if (!isLoading())
+        if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_recoColorX_currentIndexChanged(int /*index*/)
-    if (mColorChanging == false)
+    if(mColorChanging == false)
-//         colorPlot->updateTracker();
-        if (!isLoading())
+        if(!isLoading())
-    // schoen waere hier das gegenstueck bei y zu disablen, aber combobox bietet dies nicht auf einfachem weg
-//         recoColorY->setItemText(0, "R");
-//         recoColorY->setItemText(1, "G");
-//         recoColorY->setItemText(2, "B");
+    // TODO schoen waere hier das gegenstueck bei y zu disablen, aber combobox bietet dies nicht auf einfachem weg
 void Control::on_recoColorY_currentIndexChanged(int /*index*/)
-    if (mColorChanging == false)
+    if(mColorChanging == false)
-//         colorPlot->updateTracker();
-        if (!isLoading())
+        if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_recoColorZ_valueChanged(int /*index*/)
-    if (mColorChanging == false)
+    if(mColorChanging == false)
-        if (!isLoading())
+        if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_recoGreyLevel_valueChanged(int index)
-    colorPlot->setGreyDiff(index); //getTrackerItem()->
-    if (!isLoading())
+    colorPlot->setGreyDiff(index);
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_recoSymbolSize_valueChanged(int index)
-    colorPlot->setSymbolSize(index); //getTrackerItem()->
-    if (!isLoading())
+    colorPlot->setSymbolSize(index);
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_recoStereoShow_clicked()
     auto selectedRecognitionMethod = getRecoMethod();
-    if ( selectedRecognitionMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::MultiColor)
+    if(selectedRecognitionMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::MultiColor)
-    else if (selectedRecognitionMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Color)
+    else if(selectedRecognitionMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Color)
-    else if (selectedRecognitionMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Code)
+    else if(selectedRecognitionMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Code)
@@ -1467,108 +1452,146 @@ void Control::on_recoStereoShow_clicked()
 void Control::on_mapColorRange_clicked()
-    //if (recoMethod->currentIndex() == 3)
-    //    mMainWindow->getColorMarkerWidget()->show();
-    //else
 void Control::on_mapNr_valueChanged(int i)
-//    bool isloading = mMainWindow->isLoading();
-//    mMainWindow->setLoading(true);
-//    debout << "i=" << i << endl;
     RectMap map = colorPlot->getMapItem()->getMap(i);
-    mapX->setValue(myRound(2.*map.x()));
-    mapY->setValue(myRound(2.*map.y()));
+    mapX->setValue(myRound(2. * map.x()));
+    mapY->setValue(myRound(2. * map.y()));
     mapColor->setCheckState(map.colored() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-    mapHeight->setValue(map.mapHeight());  
-    colorPlot->getMapItem()->changeMap(mapNr->value(), mapX->value()/2., mapY->value()/2., mapW->value(), mapH->value(), 
-                                       mapColor->isChecked(), mapHeight->value()); // nur, um aktivenindex anzugeben
-    mMainWindow->getColorRangeWidget()->setToColor(map.toColor()); //on_toColor_clicked();on_toTriangle_colorChanged
-    mMainWindow->getColorRangeWidget()->setFromColor(map.fromColor()); //on_fromColor_clicked();on_fromTriangle_colorChanged
-    mMainWindow->getColorRangeWidget()->setInvHue(map.invHue()); //on_fromColor_clicked();on_fromTriangle_colorChanged
-//    mMainWindow->setLoading(false);
-    if (!isLoading())
+    mapHeight->setValue(map.mapHeight());
+    colorPlot->getMapItem()->changeMap(
+        mapNr->value(),
+        mapX->value() / 2.,
+        mapY->value() / 2.,
+        mapW->value(),
+        mapH->value(),
+        mapColor->isChecked(),
+        mapHeight->value()); // nur, um aktivenindex anzugeben
+    mMainWindow->getColorRangeWidget()->setToColor(map.toColor());
+    mMainWindow->getColorRangeWidget()->setFromColor(map.fromColor());
+    mMainWindow->getColorRangeWidget()->setInvHue(map.invHue());
+    if(!isLoading())
         colorPlot->replot(); // um aktiven gruen anzuzeigen
-//    mMainWindow->setLoading(isloading);
 void Control::on_mapX_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-    colorPlot->getMapItem()->changeMap(mapNr->value(), mapX->value()/2., mapY->value()/2., mapW->value(), mapH->value(), 
-                                       mapColor->isChecked(), mapHeight->value());
-    if (!isLoading())
+    colorPlot->getMapItem()->changeMap(
+        mapNr->value(),
+        mapX->value() / 2.,
+        mapY->value() / 2.,
+        mapW->value(),
+        mapH->value(),
+        mapColor->isChecked(),
+        mapHeight->value());
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_mapY_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-    colorPlot->getMapItem()->changeMap(mapNr->value(), mapX->value()/2., mapY->value()/2., mapW->value(), mapH->value(), 
-                                       mapColor->isChecked(), mapHeight->value());
-    if (!isLoading())
+    colorPlot->getMapItem()->changeMap(
+        mapNr->value(),
+        mapX->value() / 2.,
+        mapY->value() / 2.,
+        mapW->value(),
+        mapH->value(),
+        mapColor->isChecked(),
+        mapHeight->value());
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_mapW_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-    colorPlot->getMapItem()->changeMap(mapNr->value(), mapX->value()/2., mapY->value()/2., mapW->value(), mapH->value(), 
-                                       mapColor->isChecked(), mapHeight->value());
-    if (!isLoading())
+    colorPlot->getMapItem()->changeMap(
+        mapNr->value(),
+        mapX->value() / 2.,
+        mapY->value() / 2.,
+        mapW->value(),
+        mapH->value(),
+        mapColor->isChecked(),
+        mapHeight->value());
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_mapH_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-    colorPlot->getMapItem()->changeMap(mapNr->value(), mapX->value()/2., mapY->value()/2., mapW->value(), mapH->value(), 
-                                       mapColor->isChecked(), mapHeight->value());
-    if (!isLoading())
+    colorPlot->getMapItem()->changeMap(
+        mapNr->value(),
+        mapX->value() / 2.,
+        mapY->value() / 2.,
+        mapW->value(),
+        mapH->value(),
+        mapColor->isChecked(),
+        mapHeight->value());
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_mapColor_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-    colorPlot->getMapItem()->changeMap(mapNr->value(), mapX->value()/2., mapY->value()/2., mapW->value(), mapH->value(), 
-                                       mapColor->isChecked(), mapHeight->value());
-    if (!isLoading())
+    colorPlot->getMapItem()->changeMap(
+        mapNr->value(),
+        mapX->value() / 2.,
+        mapY->value() / 2.,
+        mapW->value(),
+        mapH->value(),
+        mapColor->isChecked(),
+        mapHeight->value());
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_mapHeight_valueChanged(double /*d*/)
-    colorPlot->getMapItem()->changeMap(mapNr->value(), mapX->value()/2., mapY->value()/2., mapW->value(), mapH->value(), 
-                                       mapColor->isChecked(), mapHeight->value());
-    //colorPlot->replot(); Anzeige aendert sich nichts
+    colorPlot->getMapItem()->changeMap(
+        mapNr->value(),
+        mapX->value() / 2.,
+        mapY->value() / 2.,
+        mapW->value(),
+        mapH->value(),
+        mapColor->isChecked(),
+        mapHeight->value());
 void Control::on_mapHeight_editingFinished()
     if(mapHeight->value() < 100)
-        PInformation(this, "Height is in cm, not m!","You put in a low value for height.\n Gentle reminder that height is in cm, not m.");
+        PInformation(
+            this,
+            "Height is in cm, not m!",
+            "You put in a low value for height.\n Gentle reminder that height is in cm, not m.");
 void Control::on_mapAdd_clicked()
-    mapNr->setMaximum(mapNr->maximum()+1);
+    mapNr->setMaximum(mapNr->maximum() + 1);
 void Control::on_mapDel_clicked()
-    if (mapNr->value() == mapNr->maximum())
-        mapNr->setValue(mapNr->value()>0 ? mapNr->maximum()-1 : 0);
+    if(mapNr->value() == mapNr->maximum())
+        mapNr->setValue(mapNr->value() > 0 ? mapNr->maximum() - 1 : 0);
-    mapNr->setMaximum(mapNr->maximum()>0 ? mapNr->maximum()-1 : 0);
+    mapNr->setMaximum(mapNr->maximum() > 0 ? mapNr->maximum() - 1 : 0);
-    if (!isLoading())
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_mapDistribution_clicked()
-    if (!colorPlot->printDistribution())
+    if(!colorPlot->printDistribution())
 void Control::on_mapResetHeight_clicked()
@@ -1589,21 +1612,23 @@ void Control::on_mapDefaultHeight_valueChanged(double d)
 void Control::on_mapReadHeights_clicked()
-    QString heightFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(mMainWindow, Petrack::tr("Select text file with height information"), mMainWindow->getHeightFileName(),
-                                              Petrack::tr("Height File (*.txt);;All files (*.*)"));
+    QString heightFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
+        mMainWindow,
+        Petrack::tr("Select text file with height information"),
+        mMainWindow->getHeightFileName(),
+        Petrack::tr("Height File (*.txt);;All files (*.*)"));
     auto heights = IO::readHeightFile(heightFile);
-    if (std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(heights)) // heights contains the height map
+    if(std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(heights)) // heights contains the height map
         mMainWindow->getTracker()->setMarkerHeights(std::get<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(heights));
-    else //heights contains an error string
+    else // heights contains an error string
-        PCritical(mMainWindow, Petrack::tr("PeTrack"),
-                              Petrack::tr(std::get<std::string>(heights).c_str()));
+        PCritical(mMainWindow, Petrack::tr("PeTrack"), Petrack::tr(std::get<std::string>(heights).c_str()));
@@ -1612,30 +1637,33 @@ void Control::on_mapReadHeights_clicked()
 void Control::on_mapReadMarkerID_clicked()
-  QString markerFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(mMainWindow, Petrack::tr("Select text file with marker information"), mMainWindow->getHeightFileName(),
-                                                    Petrack::tr("Marker File (*.txt);;All files (*.*)"));
+    QString markerFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
+        mMainWindow,
+        Petrack::tr("Select text file with marker information"),
+        mMainWindow->getHeightFileName(),
+        Petrack::tr("Marker File (*.txt);;All files (*.*)"));
-  auto markerIDs = IO::readMarkerIDFile(markerFile);
+    auto markerIDs = IO::readMarkerIDFile(markerFile);
-  if (std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(markerIDs)) // markerIDs contains the marker information
-  {
-    mMainWindow->getTracker()->setMarkerIDs(std::get<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(markerIDs));
-      mMainWindow->setMarkerIDFileName(markerFile);
-  }
-  else //heights contains an error string
-  {
-    QMessageBox::critical(mMainWindow, Petrack::tr("PeTrack"),
-                          Petrack::tr(std::get<std::string>(markerIDs).c_str()));
-  }
+    if(std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(markerIDs)) // markerIDs contains the marker information
+    {
+        mMainWindow->getTracker()->setMarkerIDs(std::get<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(markerIDs));
+        mMainWindow->setMarkerIDFileName(markerFile);
+    }
+    else // heights contains an error string
+    {
+        QMessageBox::critical(
+            mMainWindow, Petrack::tr("PeTrack"), Petrack::tr(std::get<std::string>(markerIDs).c_str()));
+    }
-  mMainWindow->getTracker()->printHeightDistribution();
-  mScene->update();
+    mMainWindow->getTracker()->printHeightDistribution();
+    mScene->update();
 void Control::on_performRecognition_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag changes of recognition parameters
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag changes of recognition parameters
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
@@ -1652,201 +1680,164 @@ void Control::onRecoMethodChanged(reco::RecognitionMethod method)
 void Control::on_markerBrightness_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag changes of recognition parameters
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag changes of recognition parameters
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_markerIgnoreWithout_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag changes of recognition parameters
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag changes of recognition parameters
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_roiShow_stateChanged(int i)
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
         mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->show(); // setVisible
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
         mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->hide(); // setVisible
-    //mScene->update();
 void Control::on_roiFix_stateChanged(int i)
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
-        //mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->setAcceptsHoverEvents(false); wird in item gemacht
-        //mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->setFlags(!QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable);
         mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, false);
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
-        //mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable);
-    //mScene->update();
 void Control::on_trackRoiShow_stateChanged(int i)
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
         mMainWindow->getTrackRoiItem()->show(); // setVisible
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
         mMainWindow->getTrackRoiItem()->hide(); // setVisible
-    //mScene->update();
 void Control::on_trackRoiFix_stateChanged(int i)
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
-        //mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->setAcceptsHoverEvents(false); wird in item gemacht
-        //mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->setFlags(!QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable);
         mMainWindow->getTrackRoiItem()->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, false);
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
-        //mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable);
-    //mScene->update();
 //---------------------- calibration
 void Control::on_filterBrightContrast_stateChanged(int i)
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
-// void Control::on_filterContrast_stateChanged(int i)
-// {
-//     if (i == Qt::Checked)
-//         mMainWindow->getContrastFilter()->enable();
-//     else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
-//         mMainWindow->getContrastFilter()->disable();
-//     mMainWindow->updateImage();
-// }
 void Control::on_filterContrastParam_valueChanged(int i)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
-// void Control::on_filterBright_stateChanged(int i)
-// {
-//     if (i == Qt::Checked)
-//         mMainWindow->getBrightFilter()->enable();
-//     else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
-//         mMainWindow->getBrightFilter()->disable();
-//     mMainWindow->updateImage();
-// }
 void Control::on_filterBrightParam_valueChanged(int i)
-    //debout << "test i: "<< i << " isLoading: " << mMainWindow->isLoading() << endl;
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_filterBorder_stateChanged(int i)
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_filterBorderParamSize_valueChanged(int i)
-//    debout << "test: " << i << endl;
-    mMainWindow->setImageBorderSize(2*i); // 2* because undistored has problem with sizes not dividable  of 4
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    mMainWindow->setImageBorderSize(2 * i); // 2* because undistored has problem with sizes not dividable  of 4
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
-//    debout << "test: out" << endl;
 void Control::on_filterBorderParamCol_clicked()
-    BorderFilter *bf = mMainWindow->getBorderFilter();
-    QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor(QColor((int)bf->getBorderColR()->getValue(), (int)bf->getBorderColG()->getValue(), (int)bf->getBorderColB()->getValue()), this);
+    BorderFilter *bf    = mMainWindow->getBorderFilter();
+    QColor        color = QColorDialog::getColor(
+        QColor(
+            (int) bf->getBorderColR()->getValue(),
+            (int) bf->getBorderColG()->getValue(),
+            (int) bf->getBorderColB()->getValue()),
+        this);
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_filterSwap_stateChanged(int i)
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_filterSwapH_stateChanged(int i)
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_filterSwapV_stateChanged(int i)
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
-//void Control::on_filterBgCalc_clicked()
-//    mMainWindow->calcBackground();
-//    //BorderFilter *bf = mMainWindow->getBorderFilter();
-//    //mMainWindow->updateImage();
 void Control::on_filterBg_stateChanged(int i)
-    ////////
-    // Bei der Umstellung auf die aktuellste OpenCV Version 3 haben sich die
-    // Funktionsaufrufe/Interfaces stark geaendert. Da eine Anpassung viel Zeit kosten wuerde,
-    // jedoch der Filter sehr selten genutzt wird, wird er bis auf weiteres nicht verfuegbar sein.
-//    if (i == Qt::Checked)
-//    {
-//        debout << "The BackgroundFilter is temporary not available!" << endl;
-//        QMessageBox::warning(mMainWindow, Petrack::tr("Petrack"), Petrack::tr("BackgroundFilter is temporary not available!"));
-//        filterBg->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);
-//    }
-//    if(false){ /// temporary disabled backgroundfilter
-    ////////
     static int showCheckState = filterBgShow->checkState();
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
-        if (showCheckState == Qt::Checked)
+        if(showCheckState == Qt::Checked)
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
@@ -1859,118 +1850,124 @@ void Control::on_filterBg_stateChanged(int i)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
-        mMainWindow->updateImage(true); // true, da auch bei stehendem bild neue berechnungen durchgefuehrt werden sollen
-//    }/// temporary disabled backgroundfilter
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
+        mMainWindow->updateImage(
+            true); // true, da auch bei stehendem bild neue berechnungen durchgefuehrt werden sollen
 void Control::on_filterBgUpdate_stateChanged(int i)
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
-        mMainWindow->getBackgroundFilter()->setUpdate(true);//  enable();
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
-        mMainWindow->getBackgroundFilter()->setUpdate(false);//->disable();
-    //mMainWindow->updateImage();
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
+        mMainWindow->getBackgroundFilter()->setUpdate(true); //  enable();
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
+        mMainWindow->getBackgroundFilter()->setUpdate(false); //->disable();
 void Control::on_filterBgReset_clicked()
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_filterBgShow_stateChanged(int i)
-    //mMainWindow->getScene()->update();
-    //mMainWindow->updateImage();
 void Control::on_filterBgSave_clicked()
 void Control::on_filterBgLoad_clicked()
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_apply_stateChanged(int i)
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_fx_valueChanged(double d)
-    //cout << (mMainWindow->accessibleName()).toStdString() <<endl;
-    //cout << accessibleName().toStdString() <<endl;
-    //mMainWindow->statusBar()->showMessage((new QString)->setNum(d)); //
-    if (quadAspectRatio->isChecked())
+    if(quadAspectRatio->isChecked())
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_fy_valueChanged(double d)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_cx_valueChanged(double d)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
-        //mMainWindow->updateImage();
 void Control::on_cy_valueChanged(double d)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
-        //mMainWindow->updateImage();
 void Control::on_r2_valueChanged(double d)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_r4_valueChanged(double d)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_r6_valueChanged(double d)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_tx_valueChanged(double d)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
 void Control::on_ty_valueChanged(double d)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
@@ -1978,36 +1975,37 @@ void Control::on_quadAspectRatio_stateChanged(int i)
     static double oldFyValue = 0;
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
         oldFyValue = fy->value();
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
 void Control::on_fixCenter_stateChanged(int i)
     static double oldCxValue = 0;
     static double oldCyValue = 0;
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
         oldCxValue = cx->value();
         oldCyValue = cy->value();
-        if (mMainWindow->getImage())
+        if(mMainWindow->getImage())
-            cx->setValue((mMainWindow->getImage()->width()-1)/2.); // mgl auch iplimg,wenn bild vergroessert wird
-            cy->setValue((mMainWindow->getImage()->height()-1)/2.);
+            cx->setValue((mMainWindow->getImage()->width() - 1) / 2.); // mgl auch iplimg,wenn bild vergroessert wird
+            cy->setValue((mMainWindow->getImage()->height() - 1) / 2.);
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
@@ -2015,19 +2013,20 @@ void Control::on_fixCenter_stateChanged(int i)
 void Control::on_tangDist_stateChanged(int i)
     static double oldTxValue = 0;
     static double oldTyValue = 0;
-    if (i == Qt::Checked)
+    if(i == Qt::Checked)
-    else if (i == Qt::Unchecked)
+    else if(i == Qt::Unchecked)
         oldTxValue = tx->value();
         oldTyValue = ty->value();
@@ -2044,83 +2043,94 @@ void Control::on_autoCalib_clicked()
 void Control::on_calibFiles_clicked()
-    if (mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->openCalibFiles())
+    if(mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->openCalibFiles())
 void Control::on_rot1_valueChanged(double /*arg1*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_rot2_valueChanged(double /*arg1*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
-         mMainWindow->updateCoord();
+    if(!isLoading())
+        mMainWindow->updateCoord();
 void Control::on_rot3_valueChanged(double /*arg1*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_trans1_valueChanged(double /*arg1*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
-         mMainWindow->updateCoord();
+    if(!isLoading())
+        mMainWindow->updateCoord();
 void Control::on_trans2_valueChanged(double /*arg1*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_trans3_valueChanged(double /*arg1*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_extCalibPointsShow_stateChanged(int /*arg1*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
-         mScene->update();
+    if(!isLoading())
+        mScene->update();
 void Control::on_extrCalibShowError_clicked()
-    QString out;
-    QDialog msgBox;
-    QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout();
+    QString      out;
+    QDialog      msgBox;
+    QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout();
-    QLabel* tableView = new QLabel(&msgBox);
+    QLabel *tableView = new QLabel(&msgBox);
     layout->addWidget(tableView, 1, 1);
-    QLabel* titel = new QLabel(&msgBox);
+    QLabel *titel = new QLabel(&msgBox);
     titel->setText("<b>Reprojection error for extrinsic calibration:</b>");
-    layout->addWidget(titel, 0,1);
+    layout->addWidget(titel, 0, 1);
-    if( !mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getReprojectionError().isValid() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getReprojectionError().isValid())
         out = QString("No File for extrinsic calibration found!");
-        out = QString("<table>"
+        out                    = QString("<table>"
                       "<th>average   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>"
                       "<th>std. deviation                          &nbsp;</th>"
                       "<th>variance  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>"
                       "<th>max       &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th></tr>"
-                      "<tr><td>Point   height: &nbsp;&nbsp;            </td><td> %0 cm</td><td> %1 cm</td><td> %2 cm</td><td> %3 cm</td></tr>"
-                      "<tr><td>Default height: <small>[%12 cm]</small> </td><td> %4 cm</td><td> %5 cm</td><td> %6 cm</td><td> %7 cm</td></tr>"
-                      "<tr><td>Pixel    error: &nbsp;&nbsp;            </td><td> %8 px</td><td> %9 px</td><td> %10 px</td><td> %11 px</td></tr>"
+                      "<tr><td>Point   height: &nbsp;&nbsp;            </td><td> %0 cm</td><td> %1 cm</td><td> %2 "
+                      "cm</td><td> %3 cm</td></tr>"
+                      "<tr><td>Default height: <small>[%12 cm]</small> </td><td> %4 cm</td><td> %5 cm</td><td> %6 "
+                      "cm</td><td> %7 cm</td></tr>"
+                      "<tr><td>Pixel    error: &nbsp;&nbsp;            </td><td> %8 px</td><td> %9 px</td><td> %10 "
+                      "px</td><td> %11 px</td></tr>"
-        const auto& reproError = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getReprojectionError().getData();
-        for(double value : reproError){
-            if(value < 0){
+        const auto &reproError = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getReprojectionError().getData();
+        for(double value : reproError)
+        {
+            if(value < 0)
+            {
                 out = out.arg("-");
-            }else{
+            }
+            else
+            {
                 out = out.arg(value);
@@ -2128,9 +2138,9 @@ void Control::on_extrCalibShowError_clicked()
-    QIcon icon = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxInformation);
-    QLabel* infoIcon = new QLabel(&msgBox);
-    int iconSize = msgBox.style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MessageBoxIconSize, nullptr, &msgBox);
+    QIcon   icon     = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxInformation);
+    QLabel *infoIcon = new QLabel(&msgBox);
+    int     iconSize = msgBox.style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MessageBoxIconSize, nullptr, &msgBox);
     infoIcon->setPixmap(icon.pixmap(iconSize, iconSize));
     layout->addWidget(infoIcon, 0, 0);
     QDialogButtonBox *ok = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok);
@@ -2142,17 +2152,17 @@ void Control::on_extrCalibShowError_clicked()
 void Control::on_extVanishPointsShow_stateChanged(int /*arg1*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
+    if(!isLoading())
 void Control::on_coordLoad3DCalibPoints_clicked()
-    //debout << "On_load3DCalibPoints clicked!" << endl;
 void Control::on_extrCalibSave_clicked()
@@ -2165,7 +2175,7 @@ void Control::on_extrCalibFetch_clicked()
 void Control::on_extrCalibShowPoints_clicked()
-    QString out_str;
+    QString     out_str;
     QTextStream out(&out_str);
     unsigned int i;
@@ -2173,28 +2183,33 @@ void Control::on_extrCalibShowPoints_clicked()
     out << "<table><tr><th>Nr.</th><th>3D.x</th><th>3D.y</th><th>3D.z</th><th>2D.x</th><th>2D.y</th></tr>" << Qt::endl;
-    for (i = 0; i < std::max(mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DList().size(),mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get2DList().size()); ++i)
+    for(i = 0; i < std::max(
+                       mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DList().size(),
+                       mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get2DList().size());
+        ++i)
         out << "<tr>";
-        if( i < mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DList().size() )
+        if(i < mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DList().size())
-            out << "<td>[" << QString::number(i+1,'i',0) << "]: </td><td>"
-                << QString::number(mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DList().at(i).x,'f',1) << "</td><td>"
-                << QString::number(mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DList().at(i).y,'f',1) << "</td><td>"
-                << QString::number(mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DList().at(i).z,'f',1) << "</td><td>";
-        }else
+            out << "<td>[" << QString::number(i + 1, 'i', 0) << "]: </td><td>"
+                << QString::number(mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DList().at(i).x, 'f', 1) << "</td><td>"
+                << QString::number(mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DList().at(i).y, 'f', 1) << "</td><td>"
+                << QString::number(mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DList().at(i).z, 'f', 1) << "</td><td>";
+        }
+        else
             out << "<td>-</td><td>-</td><td>-</td>";
-        if( i < mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get2DList().size() )
+        if(i < mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get2DList().size())
-            out << QString::number(mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get2DList().at(i).x,'f',3) << "</td><td>"
-                << QString::number(mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get2DList().at(i).y,'f',3) << "</td>";
-        }else
+            out << QString::number(mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get2DList().at(i).x, 'f', 3) << "</td><td>"
+                << QString::number(mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get2DList().at(i).y, 'f', 3) << "</td>";
+        }
+        else
             out << "<td>-</td><td>-</td>";
-        out << "</tr>" <<  Qt::endl;
+        out << "</tr>" << Qt::endl;
     out << "</table>" << Qt::endl;
@@ -2202,117 +2217,139 @@ void Control::on_extrCalibShowPoints_clicked()
     msgBox.setText("Currently loaded point correspondences<br />for extrinsic calibration:");
-    msgBox.setInformativeText( out_str );
+    msgBox.setInformativeText(out_str);
 void Control::on_gridTab_currentChanged(int /*index*/)
-    //cout << "on_gridTabView_currentchanged: index=" << index << endl;
 void Control::on_gridShow_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-//     mMainWindow->getImageWidget()->update(); // repaint() zeichnet sofort - schneller aber mgl flicker
 void Control::on_gridFix_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
 void Control::on_gridRotate_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
 void Control::on_gridTransX_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
 void Control::on_gridTransY_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
 void Control::on_gridScale_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
 void Control::on_grid3DTransX_valueChanged(int /*value*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
-         mScene->update();
+    if(!isLoading())
+        mScene->update();
 void Control::on_grid3DTransY_valueChanged(int /*value*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
-         mScene->update();
+    if(!isLoading())
+        mScene->update();
 void Control::on_grid3DTransZ_valueChanged(int /*value*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
-         mScene->update();
+    if(!isLoading())
+        mScene->update();
 void Control::on_grid3DResolution_valueChanged(int /*value*/)
-    if (!isLoading())
-         mScene->update();
+    if(!isLoading())
+        mScene->update();
 void Control::on_coordTab_currentChanged(int index)
-    //debout << "on_coordTabView_currentchanged: index=" << index << endl;
-    if( index == 1 ){
+    if(index == 1)
+    {
-    }else{
+    }
+    else
+    {
-     if (!isLoading()){
+    if(!isLoading())
+    {
-     }
+    }
 void Control::on_coordShow_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-    if (!isLoading()){
+    if(!isLoading())
+    {
-        setMeasuredAltitude(); // da measured nicht aktualisiert wird, waehrend scale verschoben und show deaktiviert und beim aktivieren sonst ein falscher wert zum angezeigten koord waere
+        setMeasuredAltitude(); // da measured nicht aktualisiert wird, waehrend scale verschoben und show deaktiviert
+                               // und beim aktivieren sonst ein falscher wert zum angezeigten koord waere
-//     mScene->update(); //mScene->sceneRect() // ging auch, aber dann wurde zu oft matrix berechnet etc
-//     mMainWindow->getImageWidget()->update(); // repaint() zeichnet sofort - schneller aber mgl flicker
+    // mScene->update(); //mScene->sceneRect() // ging auch, aber dann wurde zu oft matrix berechnet etc
+    // mMainWindow->getImageWidget()->update(); // repaint() zeichnet sofort - schneller aber mgl flicker
 void Control::on_coordFix_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
-    if (!isLoading()){
+    if(!isLoading())
+    {
 void Control::on_coordRotate_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-    if (!isLoading()){
+    if(!isLoading())
+    {
 void Control::on_coordTransX_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-    if (!isLoading()){
+    if(!isLoading())
+    {
 void Control::on_coordTransY_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
-    if (!isLoading()){
+    if(!isLoading())
+    {
 void Control::on_coordScale_valueChanged(int /*i*/)
@@ -2325,12 +2362,14 @@ void Control::on_coordAltitude_valueChanged(double /*d*/)
     mScene->update(); // fuer kreis um kopf, der mgl der realen kopfgroesse angepasst wird
 void Control::on_coordUnit_valueChanged(double /*d*/)
     mScene->update(); // fuer kreis um kopf, der mgl der realen kopfgroesse angepasst wird
 void Control::on_coordUseIntrinsic_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
@@ -2338,448 +2377,459 @@ void Control::on_coordUseIntrinsic_stateChanged(int /*i*/)
 void Control::on_coord3DTransX_valueChanged(int /*value*/)
-    if (!isLoading()){
+    if(!isLoading())
+    {
 void Control::on_coord3DTransY_valueChanged(int /*value*/)
-    if (!isLoading()){
+    if(!isLoading())
+    {
 void Control::on_coord3DTransZ_valueChanged(int /*value*/)
-    if (!isLoading()){
+    if(!isLoading())
+    {
 void Control::on_coord3DAxeLen_valueChanged(int /*value*/)
-    if (!isLoading()){
+    if(!isLoading())
+    {
 void Control::on_coord3DSwapX_stateChanged(int /*arg1*/)
-    if (!isLoading()){
+    if(!isLoading())
+    {
 void Control::on_coord3DSwapY_stateChanged(int /*arg1*/)
-    if (!isLoading()){
-//        bool hans = isLoading();
+    if(!isLoading())
+    {
 void Control::on_coord3DSwapZ_stateChanged(int /*arg1*/)
-    if (!isLoading()){
+    if(!isLoading())
+    {
 void Control::setMeasuredAltitude()
-    if (mMainWindow->getImageItem())
-        coordAltitudeMeasured->setText(QString("(measured: %1)").arg((getCalibFxValue()+getCalibFyValue())/2.*mMainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(), 6, 'f', 1));
+    if(mMainWindow->getImageItem())
+        coordAltitudeMeasured->setText(
+            QString("(measured: %1)")
+                .arg(
+                    (getCalibFxValue() + getCalibFyValue()) / 2. * mMainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(),
+                    6,
+                    'f',
+                    1));
 // store data in xml node
 void Control::setXml(QDomElement &elem)
-        QDomElement subElem;
-        QDomElement subSubElem;
-        QDomElement subSubSubElem;
-        QString fn;
-        QString heightFile;
-        QString markerFile;
-        elem.setAttribute("TAB", tabs->currentIndex());
-        // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
-        subElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("CALIBRATION");
-        elem.appendChild(subElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("BRIGHTNESS");
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ENABLED", filterBrightContrast->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("VALUE", filterBrightParam->value());
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("CONTRAST");
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ENABLED", filterBrightContrast->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("VALUE", filterContrastParam->value());
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        BorderFilter *bf = mMainWindow->getBorderFilter();
-        QColor col((int)bf->getBorderColR()->getValue(), (int)bf->getBorderColG()->getValue(), (int)bf->getBorderColB()->getValue());
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("BORDER");
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ENABLED", filterBorder->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("VALUE", filterBorderParamSize->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("COLOR", col.name());
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("SWAP");
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ENABLED", filterSwap->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("HORIZONTALLY", filterSwapH->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("VERTICALLY", filterSwapV->isChecked());
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("BG_SUB");
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ENABLED", filterBg->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("UPDATE", filterBgUpdate->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW", filterBgShow->isChecked());
-        fn = mMainWindow->getBackgroundFilter()->getFilename();
-        if (fn != "")
-            fn = getFileList(fn, mMainWindow->getProFileName());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("FILE", fn);
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("DELETE", filterBgDeleteTrj->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("DELETE_NUMBER", filterBgDeleteNumber->value());
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("PATTERN");
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("BOARD_SIZE_X", mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->getBoardSizeX()); // 6
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("BOARD_SIZE_Y", mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->getBoardSizeY()); // 8 oder 9
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SQUARE_SIZE", mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->getSquareSize()); // in cm
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("INTRINSIC_PARAMETERS");
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ENABLED", apply->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("FX", fx->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("FY", fy->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("CX", cx->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("CY", cy->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("R2", r2->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("R4", r4->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("R6", r6->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("TX", tx->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("TY", ty->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("K4", k4->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("K5", k5->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("K6", k6->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("QUAD_ASPECT_RATIO", quadAspectRatio->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("FIX_CENTER", fixCenter->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("TANG_DIST", tangDist->isChecked());
-        // in dateiname darf kein , vorkommen - das blank ", " zur uebersich - beim einlesen wird nur ","
-        // genommen und blanks rundherum abgeschnitten, falls von hand editiert wurde
-        QStringList fl = mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->getCalibFiles();
-        for (int i = 0; i < fl.size(); ++i)
-            if (QFileInfo(fl.at(i)).isRelative())
-                fl.replace(i, fl.at(i)+";"+QFileInfo(fl.at(i)).absoluteFilePath());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("CALIB_FILES", fl.join(", "));
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("EXTRINSIC_PARAMETERS");
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("EXTR_ROT_1", rot1->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("EXTR_ROT_2", rot2->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("EXTR_ROT_3", rot3->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("EXTR_TRANS_1", trans1->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("EXTR_TRANS_2", trans2->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("EXTR_TRANS_3", trans3->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_CALIB_POINTS", extCalibPointsShow->isChecked());
-        QString ef = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getExtrCalibFile();
-        if (ef != "")
-            ef = getFileList(ef, mMainWindow->getProFileName());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("EXTERNAL_CALIB_FILE",ef);
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD_DIMENSION", coordTab->currentIndex());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW", coordShow->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("FIX", coordFix->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ROTATE", coordRotate->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("TRANS_X", coordTransX->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("TRANS_Y", coordTransY->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SCALE", coordScale->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ALTITUDE", coordAltitude->value());
-        //subSubElem.setAttribute("ALTITUDE_MEASURED", coordAltitudeMeasured->text());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("UNIT", coordUnit->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("USE_INTRINSIC_CENTER", coordUseIntrinsic->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD3D_TRANS_X", coord3DTransX->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD3D_TRANS_Y", coord3DTransY->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD3D_TRANS_Z", coord3DTransZ->value());
-        //cout << "x: " << coord3DTransX->value() << " y: " << coord3DTransY->value() << " z: " << coord3DTransZ->value() << endl;
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD3D_AXIS_LEN", coord3DAxeLen->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD3D_SWAP_X", coord3DSwapX->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD3D_SWAP_Y", coord3DSwapY->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD3D_SWAP_Z", coord3DSwapZ->isChecked());
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("ALIGNMENT_GRID");
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("GRID_DIMENSION", gridTab->currentIndex());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW", gridShow->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("FIX", gridFix->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ROTATE", gridRotate->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("TRANS_X", gridTransX->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("TRANS_Y", gridTransY->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SCALE", gridScale->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("GRID3D_TRANS_X", grid3DTransX->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("GRID3D_TRANS_Y", grid3DTransY->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("GRID3D_TRANS_Z", grid3DTransZ->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("GRID3D_RESOLUTION", grid3DResolution->value());
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
-        subElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("RECOGNITION");
-        elem.appendChild(subElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("PERFORM");
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ENABLED", performRecognition->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("METHOD",
-                static_cast<int>(recoMethod->itemData(recoMethod->currentIndex()).value<reco::RecognitionMethod>()));
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("STEP", recoStep->value());
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("REGION_OF_INTEREST");
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW", roiShow->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("FIX", roiFix->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("X", mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect().x());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("Y", mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect().y());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("WIDTH", mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect().width());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("HEIGHT", mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect().height());
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("MARKER");
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("BRIGHTNESS", markerBrightness->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("IGNORE_WITHOUT", markerIgnoreWithout->isChecked());
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("SIZE_COLOR");
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW", recoShowColor->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("MODEL", recoColorModel->currentIndex());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("AUTO_WB", recoAutoWB->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("X", recoColorX->currentIndex());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("Y", recoColorY->currentIndex());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("Z", recoColorZ->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("GREY_LEVEL", recoGreyLevel->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SYMBOL_SIZE", recoSymbolSize->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("MAP_NUMBER", mapNr->value()); // MAP_MAX noetig ?: mapNr->maximum()+1
-        for (int i = 0; i <= mapNr->maximum(); ++i)
-        {
-            subSubSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("MAP"); //QString("MAP %1").arg(i)
-            RectMap map = colorPlot->getMapItem()->getMap(i);
-            subSubSubElem.setAttribute("X", map.x());
-            subSubSubElem.setAttribute("Y", map.y());
-            subSubSubElem.setAttribute("WIDTH", map.width());
-            subSubSubElem.setAttribute("HEIGHT", map.height());
-            subSubSubElem.setAttribute("COLORED", map.colored());
-            subSubSubElem.setAttribute("MAP_HEIGHT", map.mapHeight());
-            subSubSubElem.setAttribute("FROM_HUE", map.fromColor().hue());
-            subSubSubElem.setAttribute("FROM_SAT", map.fromColor().saturation());
-            subSubSubElem.setAttribute("FROM_VAL", map.fromColor().value());
-            subSubSubElem.setAttribute("TO_HUE", map.toColor().hue());
-            subSubSubElem.setAttribute("TO_SAT", map.toColor().saturation());
-            subSubSubElem.setAttribute("TO_VAL", map.toColor().value());
-            subSubSubElem.setAttribute("INV_HUE", map.invHue());
-            subSubElem.appendChild(subSubSubElem);
-        }
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("DEFAULT_HEIGHT", mapDefaultHeight->value());
+    QDomElement subElem;
+    QDomElement subSubElem;
+    QDomElement subSubSubElem;
+    QString     fn;
+    QString     heightFile;
+    QString     markerFile;
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
+    elem.setAttribute("TAB", tabs->currentIndex());
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("READ_HEIGHTS");
+    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+    subElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("CALIBRATION");
+    elem.appendChild(subElem);
-        heightFile = mMainWindow->getHeightFileName();
-        if (!heightFile.isEmpty()) {
-            heightFile = getFileList(heightFile, mMainWindow->getProFileName());
-        }
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("HEIGHT_FILE", heightFile);
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
+    subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("BRIGHTNESS");
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("ENABLED", filterBrightContrast->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("VALUE", filterBrightParam->value());
+    subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("READ_MARKER_IDS");
-        markerFile = mMainWindow->getMarkerIDFileName();
-        if (!markerFile.isEmpty()) {
-            markerFile = getFileList(markerFile, mMainWindow->getProFileName());
-        }
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("MARKER_FILE", markerFile);
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
+    subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("CONTRAST");
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("ENABLED", filterBrightContrast->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("VALUE", filterContrastParam->value());
+    subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
+    BorderFilter *bf = mMainWindow->getBorderFilter();
+    QColor        col(
+        (int) bf->getBorderColR()->getValue(),
+        (int) bf->getBorderColG()->getValue(),
+        (int) bf->getBorderColB()->getValue());
+    subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("BORDER");
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("ENABLED", filterBorder->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("VALUE", filterBorderParamSize->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("COLOR", col.name());
+    subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
+    subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("SWAP");
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("ENABLED", filterSwap->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("HORIZONTALLY", filterSwapH->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("VERTICALLY", filterSwapV->isChecked());
+    subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
+    subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("BG_SUB");
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("ENABLED", filterBg->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("UPDATE", filterBgUpdate->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW", filterBgShow->isChecked());
+    fn = mMainWindow->getBackgroundFilter()->getFilename();
+    if(fn != "")
+        fn = getFileList(fn, mMainWindow->getProFileName());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("FILE", fn);
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("DELETE", filterBgDeleteTrj->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("DELETE_NUMBER", filterBgDeleteNumber->value());
+    subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
+    subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("PATTERN");
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("BOARD_SIZE_X", mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->getBoardSizeX()); // 6
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("BOARD_SIZE_Y", mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->getBoardSizeY()); // 8 oder 9
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("SQUARE_SIZE", mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->getSquareSize());  // in cm
+    subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
+    subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("INTRINSIC_PARAMETERS");
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("ENABLED", apply->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("FX", fx->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("FY", fy->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("CX", cx->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("CY", cy->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("R2", r2->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("R4", r4->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("R6", r6->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("TX", tx->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("TY", ty->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("K4", k4->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("K5", k5->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("K6", k6->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("QUAD_ASPECT_RATIO", quadAspectRatio->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("FIX_CENTER", fixCenter->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("TANG_DIST", tangDist->isChecked());
+    // in dateiname darf kein , vorkommen - das blank ", " zur uebersich - beim einlesen wird nur ","
+    // genommen und blanks rundherum abgeschnitten, falls von hand editiert wurde
+    QStringList fl = mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->getCalibFiles();
+    for(int i = 0; i < fl.size(); ++i)
+        if(QFileInfo(fl.at(i)).isRelative())
+            fl.replace(i, fl.at(i) + ";" + QFileInfo(fl.at(i)).absoluteFilePath());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("CALIB_FILES", fl.join(", "));
+    subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
+    subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("EXTRINSIC_PARAMETERS");
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("EXTR_ROT_1", rot1->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("EXTR_ROT_2", rot2->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("EXTR_ROT_3", rot3->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("EXTR_TRANS_1", trans1->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("EXTR_TRANS_2", trans2->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("EXTR_TRANS_3", trans3->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_CALIB_POINTS", extCalibPointsShow->isChecked());
+    QString ef = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getExtrCalibFile();
+    if(ef != "")
+        ef = getFileList(ef, mMainWindow->getProFileName());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("EXTERNAL_CALIB_FILE", ef);
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD_DIMENSION", coordTab->currentIndex());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW", coordShow->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("FIX", coordFix->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("ROTATE", coordRotate->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("TRANS_X", coordTransX->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("TRANS_Y", coordTransY->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("SCALE", coordScale->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("ALTITUDE", coordAltitude->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("UNIT", coordUnit->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("USE_INTRINSIC_CENTER", coordUseIntrinsic->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD3D_TRANS_X", coord3DTransX->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD3D_TRANS_Y", coord3DTransY->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD3D_TRANS_Z", coord3DTransZ->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD3D_AXIS_LEN", coord3DAxeLen->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD3D_SWAP_X", coord3DSwapX->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD3D_SWAP_Y", coord3DSwapY->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("COORD3D_SWAP_Z", coord3DSwapZ->isChecked());
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+    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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+    if(!heightFile.isEmpty())
+    {
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+    }
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+    if(!markerFile.isEmpty())
+    {
+        markerFile = getFileList(markerFile, mMainWindow->getProFileName());
+    }
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("MARKER_FILE", markerFile);
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+    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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+    // export options
+    subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("SEARCH_MISSING_FRAMES");
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+    subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
+    subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("RECALCULATE_MEDIAN_HEIGHT");
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+    if(fn != "")
+        fn = getFileList(fn, mMainWindow->getProFileName());
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+    subSubElem.setAttribute("ONLY_PEOPLE_NR_LIST", trackShowOnlyNr->text());
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+    subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_POINTS", trackShowPoints->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_PATH", trackShowPath->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_COLLECTIVE_COLOR", trackShowColColor->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_COLOR_MARKER", trackShowColorMarker->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_NUMBER", trackShowNumber->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_GROUND_POSITION", trackShowGroundPosition->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_GROUND_PATH", trackShowGroundPath->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("TRACK_GROUND_PATH_COLOR", getTrackGroundPathColor().name());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("TRACK_PATH_COLOR", getTrackPathColor().name());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("CURRENT_POINT_SIZE", trackCurrentPointSize->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("POINTS_SIZE", trackPointSize->value());
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+    subSubElem.setAttribute("COLOR_MARKER_SIZE", trackColorMarkerSize->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("NUMBER_SIZE", trackNumberSize->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("GROUND_POSITION_SIZE", trackGroundPositionSize->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("GROUND_PATH_SIZE", trackGroundPathSize->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("HEAD_SIZE", trackHeadSized->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("POINTS_COLORED", trackShowPointsColored->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("NUMBER_BOLD", trackNumberBold->isChecked());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("BEFORE", trackShowBefore->value());
+    subSubElem.setAttribute("AFTER", trackShowAfter->value());
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     // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
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-        subSubElem.setAttribute("WIDTH", mMainWindow->getTrackRoiItem()->rect().width());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("HEIGHT", mMainWindow->getTrackRoiItem()->rect().height());
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-        // export options
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("SEARCH_MISSING_FRAMES");
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-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("RECALCULATE_MEDIAN_HEIGHT");
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-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("EXPORT_ELIMINATE_TRACKPOINT_WITHOUT_HEIGHT");
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-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
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-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
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-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
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-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
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-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
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-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
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-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
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-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
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-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ENABLED", testLength->isChecked());
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        subSubElem = (elem.ownerDocument()).createElement("TRACK_FILE");
-        fn = mMainWindow->getTrackFileName();
-        if (fn != "")
-            fn = getFileList(fn, mMainWindow->getProFileName());
-//        if ((fn != "") && (QFileInfo(fn).isRelative()))
-//            fn = fn+";"+QFileInfo(fn).absoluteFilePath();
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-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW", trackShowSearchSize->isChecked());
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-        subSubElem.setAttribute("FIX", trackFix->isChecked());
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-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ONLY_PEOPLE", trackShowOnly->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ONLY_PEOPLE_LIST", trackShowOnlyList->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ONLY_PEOPLE_NR", trackShowOnlyNr->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ONLY_PEOPLE_NR_LIST", trackShowOnlyNr->text());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_CURRENT_POINT", trackShowCurrentPoint->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_POINTS", trackShowPoints->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_PATH", trackShowPath->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_COLLECTIVE_COLOR", trackShowColColor->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_COLOR_MARKER", trackShowColorMarker->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_NUMBER", trackShowNumber->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_GROUND_POSITION", trackShowGroundPosition->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_GROUND_PATH", trackShowGroundPath->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("TRACK_GROUND_PATH_COLOR", getTrackGroundPathColor().name());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("TRACK_PATH_COLOR", getTrackPathColor().name());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("CURRENT_POINT_SIZE", trackCurrentPointSize->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("POINTS_SIZE", trackPointSize->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("PATH_SIZE", trackPathWidth->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("COLLECTIVE_COLOR_SIZE", trackColColorSize->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("COLOR_MARKER_SIZE", trackColorMarkerSize->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("NUMBER_SIZE", trackNumberSize->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("GROUND_POSITION_SIZE", trackGroundPositionSize->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("GROUND_PATH_SIZE", trackGroundPathSize->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("HEAD_SIZE", trackHeadSized->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("POINTS_COLORED", trackShowPointsColored->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("NUMBER_BOLD", trackNumberBold->isChecked());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("BEFORE", trackShowBefore->value());
-        subSubElem.setAttribute("AFTER", trackShowAfter->value());
-        subElem.appendChild(subSubElem);
-        // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
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-        subSubElem.setAttribute("ABSOLUTE", anaConsiderAbs->isChecked());
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+    subSubElem.setAttribute("CONSIDER_X", anaConsiderX->isChecked());
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+    subSubElem.setAttribute("ABSOLUTE", anaConsiderAbs->isChecked());
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+    subSubElem.setAttribute("SHOW_VORONOI", showVoronoiCells->isChecked());
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 // read data from xml node
@@ -2787,342 +2837,362 @@ void Control::getXml(QDomElement &elem)
     QDomElement subElem, subSubElem, subSubSubElem;
-    if (elem.hasAttribute("TAB"))
+    if(elem.hasAttribute("TAB"))
     for(subElem = elem.firstChildElement(); !subElem.isNull(); subElem = subElem.nextSiblingElement())
-        if (subElem.tagName() == "CALIBRATION")
+        if(subElem.tagName() == "CALIBRATION")
-            for(subSubElem = subElem.firstChildElement(); !subSubElem.isNull(); subSubElem = subSubElem.nextSiblingElement())
-                if (subSubElem.tagName() == "BRIGHTNESS")
+            for(subSubElem = subElem.firstChildElement(); !subSubElem.isNull();
+                subSubElem = subSubElem.nextSiblingElement())
+                if(subSubElem.tagName() == "BRIGHTNESS")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        filterBrightContrast->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("VALUE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        filterBrightContrast->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("VALUE"))
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "CONTRAST")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "CONTRAST")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        filterBrightContrast->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        filterBrightContrast->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
                     //,mMainWindow->getContrastFilter()->getEnabled() ? "1" : "0" //Qt::Unchecked
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("VALUE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("VALUE"))
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "BORDER")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "BORDER")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        filterBorder->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("VALUE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        filterBorder->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("VALUE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("COLOR"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("COLOR"))
                         QColor color(subSubElem.attribute("COLOR"));
-                        // mMainWindow->updateImage(); auskommentiert, da noch andere werte sehr wahrscheinlich mitgeladen werden
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "SWAP")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "SWAP")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        filterSwap->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("HORIZONTALLY"))
-                        filterSwapH->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("HORIZONTALLY").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("VERTICALLY"))
-                        filterSwapV->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("VERTICALLY").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        filterSwap->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("HORIZONTALLY"))
+                        filterSwapH->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("HORIZONTALLY").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("VERTICALLY"))
+                        filterSwapV->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("VERTICALLY").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "BG_SUB")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "BG_SUB")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
                         filterBg->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("UPDATE"))
-                        filterBgUpdate->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("UPDATE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("UPDATE"))
+                        filterBgUpdate->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("UPDATE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
                         filterBgShow->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("FILE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("FILE"))
                         QString f = subSubElem.attribute("FILE");
-                        if (f != "")
+                        if(f != "")
-                            if (getExistingFile(f, mMainWindow->getProFileName()) != "")
+                            if(getExistingFile(f, mMainWindow->getProFileName()) != "")
-//                            if (!(mMainWindow->getBackgroundFilter()->load(getExistingFile(subSubElem.attribute("FILE")))));
-//                                debout << "Warning: Background subtracting file import error!" << endl;
-                                mMainWindow->getBackgroundFilter()->setFilename(getExistingFile(subSubElem.attribute("FILE"), mMainWindow->getProFileName()));
+                                mMainWindow->getBackgroundFilter()->setFilename(
+                                    getExistingFile(subSubElem.attribute("FILE"), mMainWindow->getProFileName()));
                                 debout << "Warning: Background subtracting file not readable!" << std::endl;
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("DELETE"))
-                        filterBgDeleteTrj->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("DELETE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("DELETE_NUMBER"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("DELETE"))
+                        filterBgDeleteTrj->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("DELETE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("DELETE_NUMBER"))
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "PATTERN")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "PATTERN")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("BOARD_SIZE_X"))
-                        mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->setBoardSizeX(subSubElem.attribute("BOARD_SIZE_X").toInt());// 6
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("BOARD_SIZE_Y"))
-                        mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->setBoardSizeY(subSubElem.attribute("BOARD_SIZE_Y").toInt()); // 8 oder 9
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SQUARE_SIZE"))
-                        mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->setSquareSize(subSubElem.attribute("SQUARE_SIZE").toDouble()); // in cm
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("BOARD_SIZE_X"))
+                        mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->setBoardSizeX(subSubElem.attribute("BOARD_SIZE_X").toInt()); // 6
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("BOARD_SIZE_Y"))
+                        mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->setBoardSizeY(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("BOARD_SIZE_Y").toInt()); // 8 oder 9
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SQUARE_SIZE"))
+                        mMainWindow->getAutoCalib()->setSquareSize(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("SQUARE_SIZE").toDouble()); // in cm
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "INTRINSIC_PARAMETERS")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "INTRINSIC_PARAMETERS")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
                         apply->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("FX"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("FX"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("FY"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("FY"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("CX"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("CX"))
                         double cx_val = subSubElem.attribute("CX").toDouble();
-                        if( cx_val < cx->minimum() )
-                            cx->setMinimum(cx_val-50);
-                        if( cx_val > cx->maximum() )
-                            cx->setMaximum(cx_val+50);
+                        if(cx_val < cx->minimum())
+                            cx->setMinimum(cx_val - 50);
+                        if(cx_val > cx->maximum())
+                            cx->setMaximum(cx_val + 50);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("CY"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("CY"))
                         double cy_val = subSubElem.attribute("CY").toDouble();
-                        if( cy_val < cy->minimum() )
-                            cy->setMinimum(cy_val-50);
-                        if( cy_val > cy->maximum() )
-                            cy->setMaximum(cy_val+50);
+                        if(cy_val < cy->minimum())
+                            cy->setMinimum(cy_val - 50);
+                        if(cy_val > cy->maximum())
+                            cy->setMaximum(cy_val + 50);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("R2"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("R2"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("R4"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("R4"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("R6"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("R6"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("TX"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("TX"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("TY"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("TY"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("K4"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("K4"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("K5"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("K5"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("K6"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("K6"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("QUAD_ASPECT_RATIO"))
-                        quadAspectRatio->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("QUAD_ASPECT_RATIO").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("FIX_CENTER"))
-                        fixCenter->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("FIX_CENTER").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("TANG_DIST"))
-                        tangDist->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("TANG_DIST").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("CALIB_FILES"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("QUAD_ASPECT_RATIO"))
+                        quadAspectRatio->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("QUAD_ASPECT_RATIO").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("FIX_CENTER"))
+                        fixCenter->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("FIX_CENTER").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("TANG_DIST"))
+                        tangDist->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("TANG_DIST").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("CALIB_FILES"))
                         QStringList fl = (subSubElem.attribute("CALIB_FILES")).split(",");
-                        QString tmpStr;
-                        for (int i = 0; i < fl.size(); ++i)
-                            if ((fl[i] = fl[i].trimmed()) == "")
+                        QString     tmpStr;
+                        for(int i = 0; i < fl.size(); ++i)
+                            if((fl[i] = fl[i].trimmed()) == "")
                                 tmpStr = getExistingFile(fl[i], mMainWindow->getProFileName());
-                                if (tmpStr != "")
+                                if(tmpStr != "")
                                     fl[i] = tmpStr;
-//                         foreach (QString f, fl) { //new keyword from QT, but must be slower!!!
-//                             if (str.contains("Bill"))
-//                                 result += str;
-//                         }
                         // auch setzen, wenn leer, vielleicht ist das ja gewuenscht
-                        if (!fl.isEmpty())
+                        if(!fl.isEmpty())
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "EXTRINSIC_PARAMETERS")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "EXTRINSIC_PARAMETERS")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXTR_ROT_1"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXTR_ROT_1"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXTR_ROT_2"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXTR_ROT_2"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXTR_ROT_3"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXTR_ROT_3"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXTR_TRANS_1"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXTR_TRANS_1"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXTR_TRANS_2"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXTR_TRANS_2"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXTR_TRANS_3"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXTR_TRANS_3"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_CALIB_POINTS"))
-                        extCalibPointsShow->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_CALIB_POINTS").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_CALIB_POINTS"))
+                        extCalibPointsShow->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_CALIB_POINTS").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD_DIMENSION"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD_DIMENSION"))
-                    }else
+                    }
+                    else
-                        coordTab->setCurrentIndex(1);//  = 2D
+                        coordTab->setCurrentIndex(1); //  = 2D
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXTERNAL_CALIB_FILE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXTERNAL_CALIB_FILE"))
-                        if( getExistingFile(QString::fromStdString(subSubElem.attribute("EXTERNAL_CALIB_FILE").toStdString()), mMainWindow->getProFileName()) != "" )
+                        if(getExistingFile(
+                               QString::fromStdString(subSubElem.attribute("EXTERNAL_CALIB_FILE").toStdString()),
+                               mMainWindow->getProFileName()) != "")
-                            mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->setExtrCalibFile(getExistingFile(QString::fromStdString(subSubElem.attribute("EXTERNAL_CALIB_FILE").toStdString()), mMainWindow->getProFileName()));
+                            mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->setExtrCalibFile(getExistingFile(
+                                QString::fromStdString(subSubElem.attribute("EXTERNAL_CALIB_FILE").toStdString()),
+                                mMainWindow->getProFileName()));
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
                         coordShow->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("FIX"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("FIX"))
                         coordFix->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("FIX").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ROTATE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ROTATE"))
-                    //debout << "coordTransX_max: " << coordTransX->maximum() << " coordTransX: " << subSubElem.attribute("TRANS_X").toInt() << endl;
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("TRANS_X")){
-//                        coordTransX->setValue(subSubElem.attribute("TRANS_X").toInt());
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("TRANS_X"))
+                    {
                         int trans_x = subSubElem.attribute("TRANS_X").toInt();
-                        if( trans_x > coordTransX->maximum() )
+                        if(trans_x > coordTransX->maximum())
-                        //debout << "trans_x aus pet-datei: " << subSubElem.attribute("TRANS_X").toInt() << endl;
-                        //debout << "trans_x in slider: " << coordTransX->value() << endl;
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("TRANS_Y")){
-//                        coordTransX->setValue(subSubElem.attribute("TRANS_Y").toInt());
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("TRANS_Y"))
+                    {
                         int trans_y = subSubElem.attribute("TRANS_Y").toInt();
-                        if( trans_y > coord3DTransY->maximum() )
+                        if(trans_y > coord3DTransY->maximum())
-                        //debout << "trans_y aus pet-datei: " << subSubElem.attribute("TRANS_Y").toInt() << endl;
-                        //debout << "trans_y in slider: " << coordTransY->value() << endl;
-                        coordTransY->setValue(subSubElem.attribute("TRANS_Y").toInt());
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SCALE"))
+                    coordTransY->setValue(subSubElem.attribute("TRANS_Y").toInt());
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SCALE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ALTITUDE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ALTITUDE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("UNIT"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("UNIT"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("USE_INTRINSIC_CENTER"))
-                        coordUseIntrinsic->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("USE_INTRINSIC_CENTER").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD3D_TRANS_X"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("USE_INTRINSIC_CENTER"))
+                        coordUseIntrinsic->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("USE_INTRINSIC_CENTER").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD3D_TRANS_X"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD3D_TRANS_Y"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD3D_TRANS_Y"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD3D_TRANS_Z"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD3D_TRANS_Z"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD3D_AXIS_LEN"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD3D_AXIS_LEN"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD3D_SWAP_X"))
-                        coord3DSwapX->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("COORD3D_SWAP_X").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD3D_SWAP_Y"))
-                        coord3DSwapY->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("COORD3D_SWAP_Y").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD3D_SWAP_Z"))
-                        coord3DSwapZ->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("COORD3D_SWAP_Z").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD3D_SWAP_X"))
+                        coord3DSwapX->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("COORD3D_SWAP_X").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD3D_SWAP_Y"))
+                        coord3DSwapY->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("COORD3D_SWAP_Y").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("COORD3D_SWAP_Z"))
+                        coord3DSwapZ->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("COORD3D_SWAP_Z").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "ALIGNMENT_GRID")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "ALIGNMENT_GRID")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("GRID_DIMENSION"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("GRID_DIMENSION"))
-                    }else
+                    }
+                    else
-                        gridTab->setCurrentIndex(1);//  = 2D
+                        gridTab->setCurrentIndex(1); //  = 2D
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
                         gridShow->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("FIX"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("FIX"))
                         gridFix->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("FIX").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ROTATE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ROTATE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("TRANS_X"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("TRANS_X"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("TRANS_Y"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("TRANS_Y"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SCALE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SCALE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("GRID3D_TRANS_X"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("GRID3D_TRANS_X"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("GRID3D_TRANS_Y"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("GRID3D_TRANS_Y"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("GRID3D_TRANS_Z"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("GRID3D_TRANS_Z"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("GRID3D_RESOLUTION"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("GRID3D_RESOLUTION"))
                     debout << "Unknown CALIBRATION tag " << subSubElem.tagName() << std::endl;
-        else if (subElem.tagName() == "RECOGNITION")
+        else if(subElem.tagName() == "RECOGNITION")
-           for(subSubElem = subElem.firstChildElement(); !subSubElem.isNull(); subSubElem = subSubElem.nextSiblingElement())
-                if (subSubElem.tagName() == "PERFORM")
+            for(subSubElem = subElem.firstChildElement(); !subSubElem.isNull();
+                subSubElem = subSubElem.nextSiblingElement())
+                if(subSubElem.tagName() == "PERFORM")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        performRecognition->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("METHOD"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        performRecognition->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("METHOD"))
-                        auto recognitionMethod = static_cast<reco::RecognitionMethod>(subSubElem.attribute("METHOD").toInt());
+                        auto recognitionMethod =
+                            static_cast<reco::RecognitionMethod>(subSubElem.attribute("METHOD").toInt());
                         auto foundIndex = recoMethod->findData(QVariant::fromValue(recognitionMethod));
-                        if (foundIndex == -1)
+                        if(foundIndex == -1)
-                            throw std::invalid_argument("Recognition Method could not be found, please check your input");
+                            throw std::invalid_argument(
+                                "Recognition Method could not be found, please check your input");
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("STEP"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("STEP"))
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "REGION_OF_INTEREST")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "REGION_OF_INTEREST")
-                    double x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0;
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
+                    double x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0;
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
                         roiShow->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("FIX"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("FIX"))
                         roiFix->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("FIX").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("X"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("X"))
                         x = subSubElem.attribute("X").toDouble();
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("Y"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("Y"))
                         y = subSubElem.attribute("Y").toDouble();
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("WIDTH"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("WIDTH"))
                         w = subSubElem.attribute("WIDTH").toDouble();
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("HEIGHT"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("HEIGHT"))
                         h = subSubElem.attribute("HEIGHT").toDouble();
                     mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->setRect(x, y, w, h);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "MARKER")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "MARKER")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("BRIGHTNESS"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("BRIGHTNESS"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("IGNORE_WITHOUT"))
-                        markerIgnoreWithout->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("IGNORE_WITHOUT").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("IGNORE_WITHOUT"))
+                        markerIgnoreWithout->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("IGNORE_WITHOUT").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "SIZE_COLOR")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "SIZE_COLOR")
                     mColorChanging = true; // damit bei Anpassungen Farbbild nicht immer wieder neu bestimmt wird
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
-                        recoShowColor->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("AUTO_WB"))
-                        recoAutoWB->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("AUTO_WB").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("X"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
+                        recoShowColor->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("SHOW").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("AUTO_WB"))
+                        recoAutoWB->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("AUTO_WB").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("X"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("Y"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("Y"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("Z"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("Z"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("GREY_LEVEL"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("GREY_LEVEL"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SYMBOL_SIZE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SYMBOL_SIZE"))
                     mColorChanging = false; // MODEL setzen erzeugt Bild neu
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("MODEL"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("MODEL"))
                         // damit auch bild neu erzeugt wird, wenn sich index nicht aendert:
-                        if (recoColorModel->currentIndex() == subSubElem.attribute("MODEL").toInt())
+                        if(recoColorModel->currentIndex() == subSubElem.attribute("MODEL").toInt())
                             mIndexChanging = false;
@@ -3131,87 +3201,93 @@ void Control::getXml(QDomElement &elem)
-                    double x=0., y=0., width=0., height=0., mapHeightValue=DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
-                    bool colored=true, invHue=false;
+                    double x = 0., y = 0., width = 0., height = 0., mapHeightValue = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
+                    bool   colored = true, invHue = false;
                     QColor fromCol, toCol;
-                    int h=-1, s=-1, v=-1;
+                    int    h = -1, s = -1, v = -1;
                     fromCol = fromCol.toHsv();
-                    toCol = toCol.toHsv();
+                    toCol   = toCol.toHsv();
-                    for(subSubSubElem = subSubElem.firstChildElement(); !subSubSubElem.isNull(); subSubSubElem = subSubSubElem.nextSiblingElement())
-                        if (subSubSubElem.tagName() == "MAP")
+                    for(subSubSubElem = subSubElem.firstChildElement(); !subSubSubElem.isNull();
+                        subSubSubElem = subSubSubElem.nextSiblingElement())
+                        if(subSubSubElem.tagName() == "MAP")
-                            if (subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("X"))
+                            if(subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("X"))
                                 x = subSubSubElem.attribute("X").toDouble();
-                            if (subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("Y"))
+                            if(subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("Y"))
                                 y = subSubSubElem.attribute("Y").toDouble();
-                            if (subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("WIDTH"))
+                            if(subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("WIDTH"))
                                 width = subSubSubElem.attribute("WIDTH").toDouble();
-                            if (subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("HEIGHT"))
+                            if(subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("HEIGHT"))
                                 height = subSubSubElem.attribute("HEIGHT").toDouble();
-                            if (subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("COLORED"))
+                            if(subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("COLORED"))
                                 colored = subSubSubElem.attribute("COLORED").toInt();
-                            if (subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("MAP_HEIGHT"))
+                            if(subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("MAP_HEIGHT"))
                                 mapHeightValue = subSubSubElem.attribute("MAP_HEIGHT").toDouble();
-                            if (subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("FROM_HUE"))
+                            if(subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("FROM_HUE"))
                                 h = subSubSubElem.attribute("FROM_HUE").toInt();
-                            if (subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("FROM_SAT"))
+                            if(subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("FROM_SAT"))
                                 s = subSubSubElem.attribute("FROM_SAT").toInt();
-                            if (subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("FROM_VAL"))
+                            if(subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("FROM_VAL"))
                                 v = subSubSubElem.attribute("FROM_VAL").toInt();
-                            if (h >= 0)
+                            if(h >= 0)
                                 fromCol.setHsv(h, s, v);
-                            if (subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("TO_HUE"))
+                            if(subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("TO_HUE"))
                                 h = subSubSubElem.attribute("TO_HUE").toInt();
-                            if (subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("TO_SAT"))
+                            if(subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("TO_SAT"))
                                 s = subSubSubElem.attribute("TO_SAT").toInt();
-                            if (subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("TO_VAL"))
+                            if(subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("TO_VAL"))
                                 v = subSubSubElem.attribute("TO_VAL").toInt();
-                            if (h >= 0)
+                            if(h >= 0)
                                 toCol.setHsv(h, s, v);
-                            if (subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("INV_HUE"))
+                            if(subSubSubElem.hasAttribute("INV_HUE"))
                                 invHue = subSubSubElem.attribute("INV_HUE").toInt();
-                            colorPlot->getMapItem()->addMap(x, y, width, height, colored, mapHeightValue, fromCol, toCol, invHue);
+                            colorPlot->getMapItem()->addMap(
+                                x, y, width, height, colored, mapHeightValue, fromCol, toCol, invHue);
                             debout << "Unknown RECOGNITION MAP tag " << subSubElem.tagName() << std::endl;
-                    mapNr->setMaximum(colorPlot->getMapItem()->mapNum()-1);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("MAP_NUMBER")) // hiermit werden aus map-datenstruktur richtige map angezeigt, daher am ende
+                    mapNr->setMaximum(colorPlot->getMapItem()->mapNum() - 1);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute(
+                           "MAP_NUMBER")) // hiermit werden aus map-datenstruktur richtige map angezeigt, daher am ende
-                        on_mapNr_valueChanged(subSubElem.attribute("MAP_NUMBER").toInt()); // nochmal explizit aufrufen, falls 0, dann wuerde valueChanged nicht on_... durchlaufen
+                        on_mapNr_valueChanged(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("MAP_NUMBER").toInt()); // nochmal explizit aufrufen, falls 0, dann
+                                                                         // wuerde valueChanged nicht on_... durchlaufen
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("DEFAULT_HEIGHT"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("DEFAULT_HEIGHT"))
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "READ_HEIGHTS")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "READ_HEIGHTS")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("HEIGHT_FILE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("HEIGHT_FILE"))
                         QString heightFileName = (subSubElem.attribute("HEIGHT_FILE"));
-                        if (!getExistingFile(heightFileName, mMainWindow->getProFileName()).isEmpty())
+                        if(!getExistingFile(heightFileName, mMainWindow->getProFileName()).isEmpty())
-                            mMainWindow->setHeightFileName(getExistingFile(heightFileName, mMainWindow->getProFileName()));
-                        } else
+                            mMainWindow->setHeightFileName(
+                                getExistingFile(heightFileName, mMainWindow->getProFileName()));
+                        }
+                        else
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "READ_MARKER_IDS")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "READ_MARKER_IDS")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("MARKER_FILE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("MARKER_FILE"))
                         QString fm = subSubElem.attribute("MARKER_FILE");
-                        if (getExistingFile(fm, mMainWindow->getProFileName()) != "")
+                        if(getExistingFile(fm, mMainWindow->getProFileName()) != "")
                             mMainWindow->setMarkerIDFileName(getExistingFile(fm, mMainWindow->getProFileName()));
@@ -3221,250 +3297,297 @@ void Control::getXml(QDomElement &elem)
                     debout << "Unknown RECOGNITION tag " << subSubElem.tagName() << std::endl;
-        else if (subElem.tagName() == "TRACKING")
+        else if(subElem.tagName() == "TRACKING")
-            for(subSubElem = subElem.firstChildElement(); !subSubElem.isNull(); subSubElem = subSubElem.nextSiblingElement())
-                if (subSubElem.tagName() == "ONLINE_CALCULATION")
+            for(subSubElem = subElem.firstChildElement(); !subSubElem.isNull();
+                subSubElem = subSubElem.nextSiblingElement())
+                if(subSubElem.tagName() == "ONLINE_CALCULATION")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        trackOnlineCalc->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        trackOnlineCalc->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "REPEAT_BELOW")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "REPEAT_BELOW")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        trackRepeat->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("QUALITY"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        trackRepeat->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("QUALITY"))
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "EXTRAPOLATION")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "EXTRAPOLATION")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        trackExtrapolation->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        trackExtrapolation->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "MERGE")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "MERGE")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        trackMerge->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        trackMerge->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "ONLY_VISIBLE")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "ONLY_VISIBLE")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        trackOnlySelected->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        trackOnlySelected->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "SEARCH_MISSING_FRAMES")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "SEARCH_MISSING_FRAMES")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        trackMissingFrames->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        trackMissingFrames->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "RECALCULATE_MEDIAN_HEIGHT")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "RECALCULATE_MEDIAN_HEIGHT")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        trackRecalcHeight->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        trackRecalcHeight->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "REGION_OF_INTEREST")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "REGION_OF_INTEREST")
-                    double x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0;
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
+                    double x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0;
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
                         trackRoiShow->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("FIX"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("FIX"))
                         trackRoiFix->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("FIX").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("X"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("X"))
                         x = subSubElem.attribute("X").toDouble();
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("Y"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("Y"))
                         y = subSubElem.attribute("Y").toDouble();
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("WIDTH"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("WIDTH"))
                         w = subSubElem.attribute("WIDTH").toDouble();
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("HEIGHT"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("HEIGHT"))
                         h = subSubElem.attribute("HEIGHT").toDouble();
                     mMainWindow->getTrackRoiItem()->setRect(x, y, w, h);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "ALLOW_ALTERNATE_HEIGHT")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "ALLOW_ALTERNATE_HEIGHT")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        trackAlternateHeight->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        trackAlternateHeight->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_ELIMINATE_TRACKPOINT_WITHOUT_HEIGHT")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_ELIMINATE_TRACKPOINT_WITHOUT_HEIGHT")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        exportElimTp->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        exportElimTp->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_ELIMINATE_TRAJECTORY_WITHOUT_HEIGHT")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_ELIMINATE_TRAJECTORY_WITHOUT_HEIGHT")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        exportElimTrj->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        exportElimTrj->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_SMOOTH")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_SMOOTH")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        exportSmooth->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        exportSmooth->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_VIEWING_DIRECTION")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_VIEWING_DIRECTION")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        exportViewDir->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        exportViewDir->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_ANGLE_OF_VIEW")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_ANGLE_OF_VIEW")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        exportAngleOfView->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        exportAngleOfView->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_USE_METER")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_USE_METER")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        exportUseM->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        exportUseM->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_COMMENT")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_COMMENT")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        exportComment->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        exportComment->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_MARKERID")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "EXPORT_MARKERID")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        exportMarkerID->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        exportMarkerID->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "TEST_EQUAL")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "TEST_EQUAL")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
                         testEqual->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "TEST_VELOCITY")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "TEST_VELOCITY")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        testVelocity->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        testVelocity->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "TEST_INSIDE")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "TEST_INSIDE")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        testInside->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        testInside->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "TEST_LENGTH")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "TEST_LENGTH")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        testLength->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        testLength->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "TRACK_FILE")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "TRACK_FILE")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("FILENAME"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("FILENAME"))
-                        if (getExistingFile(subSubElem.attribute("FILENAME"), mMainWindow->getProFileName()) != "")
-                            mMainWindow->setTrackFileName(getExistingFile(subSubElem.attribute("FILENAME"), mMainWindow->getProFileName()));
-                        else // eigentlich nicht lesbar, aber so wird wenigstens beim projekt speichern wieder mit weggeschrieben
+                        if(getExistingFile(subSubElem.attribute("FILENAME"), mMainWindow->getProFileName()) != "")
+                            mMainWindow->setTrackFileName(
+                                getExistingFile(subSubElem.attribute("FILENAME"), mMainWindow->getProFileName()));
+                        else // eigentlich nicht lesbar, aber so wird wenigstens beim projekt speichern wieder mit
+                             // weggeschrieben
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "SEARCH_REGION")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "SEARCH_REGION")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SCALE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SCALE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("LEVELS"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("LEVELS"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("MAX_ERROR"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("MAX_ERROR"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
-                        trackShowSearchSize->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
+                        trackShowSearchSize->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("SHOW").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                        adaptiveLevel->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ADAPTIVE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                        adaptiveLevel->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ADAPTIVE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "PATH")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "PATH")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
                         trackShow->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("FIX"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("FIX"))
                         trackFix->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("FIX").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ONLY_VISIBLE"))
-                        trackShowOnlyVisible->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ONLY_VISIBLE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ONLY_PEOPLE"))
-                        trackShowOnly->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ONLY_PEOPLE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ONLY_PEOPLE_LIST"))
-                        trackShowOnlyList->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ONLY_PEOPLE_LIST").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    // IMPORTANT: reading ONLY_PEOPLE_NR is done in petrack.cpp, as the trajectories need to be loaded before!
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_CURRENT_POINT"))
-                        trackShowCurrentPoint->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_CURRENT_POINT").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_POINTS"))
-                        trackShowPoints->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_POINTS").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_PATH"))
-                        trackShowPath->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_PATH").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_COLLECTIVE_COLOR"))
-                        trackShowColColor->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_COLLECTIVE_COLOR").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_COLOR_MARKER"))
-                        trackShowColorMarker->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_COLOR_MARKER").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_NUMBER"))
-                        trackShowNumber->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_NUMBER").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_GROUND_POSITION"))
-                        trackShowGroundPosition->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_GROUND_POSITION").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_GROUND_PATH"))
-                        trackShowGroundPath->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_GROUND_PATH").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("TRACK_PATH_COLOR"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ONLY_VISIBLE"))
+                        trackShowOnlyVisible->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ONLY_VISIBLE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ONLY_PEOPLE"))
+                        trackShowOnly->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ONLY_PEOPLE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ONLY_PEOPLE_LIST"))
+                        trackShowOnlyList->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ONLY_PEOPLE_LIST").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    // IMPORTANT: reading ONLY_PEOPLE_NR is done in petrack.cpp, as the trajectories need to be loaded
+                    // before!
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_CURRENT_POINT"))
+                        trackShowCurrentPoint->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_CURRENT_POINT").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_POINTS"))
+                        trackShowPoints->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_POINTS").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_PATH"))
+                        trackShowPath->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_PATH").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_COLLECTIVE_COLOR"))
+                        trackShowColColor->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_COLLECTIVE_COLOR").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_COLOR_MARKER"))
+                        trackShowColorMarker->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_COLOR_MARKER").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_NUMBER"))
+                        trackShowNumber->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_NUMBER").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_GROUND_POSITION"))
+                        trackShowGroundPosition->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_GROUND_POSITION").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_GROUND_PATH"))
+                        trackShowGroundPath->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_GROUND_PATH").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("TRACK_PATH_COLOR"))
                         QColor color(subSubElem.attribute("TRACK_PATH_COLOR"));
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("TRACK_GROUND_PATH_COLOR"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("TRACK_GROUND_PATH_COLOR"))
                         QColor color(subSubElem.attribute("TRACK_GROUND_PATH_COLOR"));
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("HEAD_SIZE"))
-                        trackHeadSized->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("HEAD_SIZE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("CURRENT_POINT_SIZE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("HEAD_SIZE"))
+                        trackHeadSized->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("HEAD_SIZE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("CURRENT_POINT_SIZE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("POINTS_SIZE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("POINTS_SIZE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("PATH_SIZE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("PATH_SIZE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("COLLECTIVE_COLOR_SIZE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("COLLECTIVE_COLOR_SIZE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("COLOR_MARKER_SIZE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("COLOR_MARKER_SIZE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("NUMBER_SIZE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("NUMBER_SIZE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("GROUND_POSITION_SIZE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("GROUND_POSITION_SIZE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("GROUND_PATH_SIZE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("GROUND_PATH_SIZE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("POINTS_COLORED"))
-                        trackShowPointsColored->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("POINTS_COLORED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("NUMBER_BOLD"))
-                        trackNumberBold->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("NUMBER_BOLD").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("BEFORE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("POINTS_COLORED"))
+                        trackShowPointsColored->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("POINTS_COLORED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("NUMBER_BOLD"))
+                        trackNumberBold->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("NUMBER_BOLD").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("BEFORE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("AFTER"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("AFTER"))
                     debout << "Unknown TRACKING tag " << subSubElem.tagName() << std::endl;
-        else if (subElem.tagName() == "ANALYSIS")
+        else if(subElem.tagName() == "ANALYSIS")
-            for(subSubElem = subElem.firstChildElement(); !subSubElem.isNull(); subSubElem = subSubElem.nextSiblingElement())
-                if (subSubElem.tagName() == "SEARCH_MISSING_FRAMES")
+            for(subSubElem = subElem.firstChildElement(); !subSubElem.isNull();
+                subSubElem = subSubElem.nextSiblingElement())
+                if(subSubElem.tagName() == "SEARCH_MISSING_FRAMES")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        anaMissingFrames->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        anaMissingFrames->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "MARK_ACTUAL")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "MARK_ACTUAL")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
-                        anaMarkAct->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ENABLED"))
+                        anaMarkAct->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ENABLED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "CALCULATION")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "CALCULATION")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("STEP_SIZE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("STEP_SIZE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("CONSIDER_X"))
-                        anaConsiderX->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("CONSIDER_X").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("CONSIDER_Y"))
-                        anaConsiderY->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("CONSIDER_Y").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("ABSOLUTE"))
-                        anaConsiderAbs->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("ABSOLUTE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("REVERSE"))
-                        anaConsiderRev->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("REVERSE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_VORONOI"))
-                        showVoronoiCells->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_VORONOI").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("CONSIDER_X"))
+                        anaConsiderX->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("CONSIDER_X").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("CONSIDER_Y"))
+                        anaConsiderY->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("CONSIDER_Y").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("ABSOLUTE"))
+                        anaConsiderAbs->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("ABSOLUTE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("REVERSE"))
+                        anaConsiderRev->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("REVERSE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SHOW_VORONOI"))
+                        showVoronoiCells->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("SHOW_VORONOI").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
                     debout << "Unknown ANAYSIS tag " << subSubElem.tagName() << std::endl;
@@ -3483,13 +3606,15 @@ reco::RecognitionMethod Control::getRecoMethod() const
 void Control::on_colorPickerButton_clicked(bool checked)
-    //true wenn neu gechecked, false wenn wieder abgewählt
+    // true wenn neu gechecked, false wenn wieder abgewählt
     GraphicsView *view = mMainWindow->getView();
         connect(view, &GraphicsView::colorSelected, this, &Control::on_expandColor);
         connect(view, &GraphicsView::setColorEvent, this, &Control::on_setColor);
-    }else{
+    }
+    else
+    {
         disconnect(view, &GraphicsView::colorSelected, this, &Control::on_expandColor);
         disconnect(view, &GraphicsView::setColorEvent, this, &Control::on_setColor);
@@ -3505,14 +3630,14 @@ void Control::on_colorPickerButton_clicked(bool checked)
  * @return Boolean describing, if a color was retrieved
-bool Control::getColors(QColor& clickedColor, QColor& toColor, QColor& fromColor, RectPlotItem*& map)
+bool Control::getColors(QColor &clickedColor, QColor &toColor, QColor &fromColor, RectPlotItem *&map)
         return false;
-    QImage *hsvImg = mMainWindow->getImage();
+    QImage *hsvImg   = mMainWindow->getImage();
     QPointF imgPoint = mMainWindow->getMousePosOnImage();
     if(imgPoint.x() < 0 || imgPoint.x() > hsvImg->width() || imgPoint.y() < 0 || imgPoint.y() > hsvImg->height())
@@ -3520,15 +3645,14 @@ bool Control::getColors(QColor& clickedColor, QColor& toColor, QColor& fromColor
         debout << "Clicked outside the image with color picker." << std::endl;
         return false;
-    //debout << "Koordinaten: " << imgPoint.x() << ", " << imgPoint.y() << std::endl;
-    clickedColor = QColor {hsvImg->pixel(imgPoint.toPoint())};
-    //debout << "Farbe: " << (int)clickedColor[0] << ", " << (int)clickedColor[1] << ", " << (int)clickedColor[2] << std::endl;
+    clickedColor = QColor{hsvImg->pixel(imgPoint.toPoint())};
-    map = this->getColorPlot()->getMapItem();
-    toColor = map->getActMapToColor();
+    map       = this->getColorPlot()->getMapItem();
+    toColor   = map->getActMapToColor();
     fromColor = map->getActMapFromColor();
-    if(!toColor.isValid() || !fromColor.isValid()){
+    if(!toColor.isValid() || !fromColor.isValid())
+    {
         debout << "Map is corrupted" << std::endl;
         return false;
@@ -3547,10 +3671,9 @@ bool Control::getColors(QColor& clickedColor, QColor& toColor, QColor& fromColor
 void Control::on_expandColor()
-    QColor fromColor, toColor;
-    RectPlotItem* map;
-    QColor clickedColor;
+    QColor        fromColor, toColor;
+    RectPlotItem *map;
+    QColor        clickedColor;
     if(!getColors(clickedColor, toColor, fromColor, map))
@@ -3571,51 +3694,54 @@ void Control::on_setColor()
     constexpr int BUFFER = 5;
-    QColor fromColor, toColor;
-    RectPlotItem* map;
-    QColor clickedColor;
+    QColor        fromColor, toColor;
+    RectPlotItem *map;
+    QColor        clickedColor;
     if(!getColors(clickedColor, toColor, fromColor, map))
     int minHue, maxHue;
-    if( (clickedColor.hue()+BUFFER)%359 < clickedColor.hue()+BUFFER)
+    if((clickedColor.hue() + BUFFER) % 359 < clickedColor.hue() + BUFFER)
-        maxHue = (clickedColor.hue()+BUFFER)%BUFFER;
+        maxHue = (clickedColor.hue() + BUFFER) % BUFFER;
-    }else{
-        maxHue = clickedColor.hue()+BUFFER;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        maxHue = clickedColor.hue() + BUFFER;
-    if( (clickedColor.hue() - BUFFER) < 0)
+    if((clickedColor.hue() - BUFFER) < 0)
         minHue = 360 + (clickedColor.hue() - BUFFER);
-    }else{
+    }
+    else
+    {
         minHue = clickedColor.hue() - BUFFER;
-        //map->changeActMapInvHue(false);
-    toColor.setHsv(maxHue, std::min((clickedColor.saturation()+BUFFER),255), std::min(clickedColor.value()+BUFFER, 255));
-    fromColor.setHsv(minHue, std::max(clickedColor.saturation()-BUFFER,0), std::max(clickedColor.value()-BUFFER,0));
+    toColor.setHsv(
+        maxHue, std::min((clickedColor.saturation() + BUFFER), 255), std::min(clickedColor.value() + BUFFER, 255));
+    fromColor.setHsv(
+        minHue, std::max(clickedColor.saturation() - BUFFER, 0), std::max(clickedColor.value() - BUFFER, 0));
-    //debout << "Inv Hue nach setCol: " <<  map->getActMapInvHue() << std::endl;
     saveChange(fromColor, toColor, map);
 // NOTE Use duplicate observed data on color Data
 //      Meaning: Own class for the Data and every View works with his class!!!
 // NOTE that color slides are not actually working properly on their own; use this or colorRangeWidget!
-void Control::saveChange(const QColor& fromColor, const QColor& toColor, RectPlotItem* map)
+void Control::saveChange(const QColor &fromColor, const QColor &toColor, RectPlotItem *map)
-    mMainWindow->getColorRangeWidget()->setControlWidget(toColor.hue(), fromColor.hue(),
-                                                         toColor.saturation(), fromColor.saturation());
-    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);// flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    mMainWindow->getColorRangeWidget()->setControlWidget(
+        toColor.hue(), fromColor.hue(), toColor.saturation(), fromColor.saturation());
+    mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true); // flag indicates that changes of recognition parameters happens
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
@@ -3631,7 +3757,7 @@ void Control::saveChange(const QColor& fromColor, const QColor& toColor, RectPlo
  * @param toColor[in,out] toColor of the map, gets changed!
  * @param clickedColor[in]
-void Control::expandRange(QColor& fromColor, QColor& toColor, const QColor& clickedColor) const
+void Control::expandRange(QColor &fromColor, QColor &toColor, const QColor &clickedColor) const
     // NOTE BUFFER in Klassenebene verschieben und bei setColor auch nutzen? (verschiedene Größe vllt. gewünscht?)
     constexpr int BUFFER = 10;
@@ -3643,12 +3769,9 @@ void Control::expandRange(QColor& fromColor, QColor& toColor, const QColor& clic
     std::array<int, 3> fromColorArr;
     fromColor.getHsv(&fromColorArr[0], &fromColorArr[1], &fromColorArr[2]);
-    //debout << "Alte Grenze: toColor:   " << toColorArr[0] << " " << toColorArr[1] << " "<< toColorArr[2] << std::endl;
-    //debout << "Alte Grenze: fromColor: " << fromColorArr[0] << " " << fromColorArr[1] << " " << fromColorArr[2] << std::endl;
-    std::array<bool, 3> isInRange {true, true, true};
-    bool invHue = getColorPlot()->getMapItem()->getActMapInvHue();
-    //debout << "Inverse Hue vorher: " << invHue << std::endl;
+    std::array<bool, 3> isInRange{true, true, true};
+    bool                invHue = getColorPlot()->getMapItem()->getActMapInvHue();
     // What values do need to be altered?
@@ -3659,14 +3782,16 @@ void Control::expandRange(QColor& fromColor, QColor& toColor, const QColor& clic
                 isInRange[0] = false;
-        }else
+        }
+        else
             if(!(clickedColor.hue() <= toColor.hue() || clickedColor.hue() >= fromColor.hue()))
                 isInRange[0] = false;
-    }else
+    }
+    else
         if(toColor.hue() > fromColor.hue())
@@ -3674,7 +3799,8 @@ void Control::expandRange(QColor& fromColor, QColor& toColor, const QColor& clic
                 isInRange[0] = false;
-        }else
+        }
+        else
             if(!(clickedColor.hue() >= toColor.hue() && clickedColor.hue() <= fromColor.hue()))
@@ -3691,7 +3817,9 @@ void Control::expandRange(QColor& fromColor, QColor& toColor, const QColor& clic
                 isInRange[i] = false;
-        }else{
+        }
+        else
+        {
             if(!(clickedColorArr[i] >= toColorArr[i] && clickedColorArr[i] <= fromColorArr[i]))
                 isInRange[i] = false;
@@ -3700,11 +3828,12 @@ void Control::expandRange(QColor& fromColor, QColor& toColor, const QColor& clic
     // if all in range, no expanding required
-    if(std::count(isInRange.cbegin(), isInRange.cend(), true) == 3){
+    if(std::count(isInRange.cbegin(), isInRange.cend(), true) == 3)
+    {
-    int distToColor = 0;
+    int distToColor   = 0;
     int distFromColor = 0;
     for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
@@ -3712,48 +3841,53 @@ void Control::expandRange(QColor& fromColor, QColor& toColor, const QColor& clic
-        distToColor = abs(toColorArr[i] - clickedColorArr[i]);
+        distToColor   = abs(toColorArr[i] - clickedColorArr[i]);
         distFromColor = abs(fromColorArr[i] - clickedColorArr[i]);
         if(distFromColor < distToColor)
             int buffer = fromColorArr[i] - clickedColorArr[i] < 0 ? BUFFER : -BUFFER;
-            if(i==0) // Hue
+            if(i == 0) // Hue
                 fromColorArr[i] = std::min(359, std::max(0, clickedColorArr[i] + buffer));
-            }else
+            }
+            else
                 fromColorArr[i] = std::min(255, std::max(0, clickedColorArr[i] + buffer));
-        }else{
+        }
+        else
+        {
             int buffer = toColorArr[i] - clickedColorArr[i] < 0 ? BUFFER : -BUFFER;
-            if(i==0) // Hue
+            if(i == 0) // Hue
                 toColorArr[i] = std::min(359, std::max(0, clickedColorArr[i] + buffer));
-            }else
+            }
+            else
                 toColorArr[i] = std::min(255, std::max(0, clickedColorArr[i] + buffer));
-    int toHue = toColorArr[0];
+    int toHue   = toColorArr[0];
     int fromHue = fromColorArr[0];
-    if(invHue){
-        if(toHue+360-fromHue > 180){
+    if(invHue)
+    {
+        if(toHue + 360 - fromHue > 180)
+        {
-    }else{
-        if(toHue-fromHue > 180){
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if(toHue - fromHue > 180)
+        {
-    //debout << "Inverse Hue nachher " << getColorPlot()->getMapItem()->getActMapInvHue() << std::endl;
-    //debout << "Neue Grenze: toColor:   " << toColorArr[0] << " " << toColorArr[1] << " "<< toColorArr[2] << std::endl;
-    //debout << "Neue Grenze: fromColor: " << fromColorArr[0] << " " << fromColorArr[1] << " " << fromColorArr[2] << std::endl;
     toColor.setHsv(toColorArr[0], toColorArr[1], toColorArr[2]);
     fromColor.setHsv(fromColorArr[0], fromColorArr[1], fromColorArr[2]);
 #include "moc_control.cpp"
diff --git a/src/coordItem.cpp b/src/coordItem.cpp
index 7a41014bb9638d56db42b1bc5e6a6ed5698188d1..960b50cdd7f5b2ce3203bdda987c41881c3f2583 100644
--- a/src/coordItem.cpp
+++ b/src/coordItem.cpp
@@ -18,26 +18,26 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <cmath>
-#include <QtWidgets>
+#include "coordItem.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
 #include "control.h"
-#include "view.h"
-#include "coordItem.h"
 #include "extrCalibration.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
+#include "view.h"
+#include <QtWidgets>
+#include <cmath>
 // in x und y gleichermassen skaliertes koordinatensystem,
 // da von einer vorherigen intrinsischen kamerakalibrierung ausgegenagen wird,
-// so dass pixel quadratisch 
-CoordItem::CoordItem(QWidget *wParent,/* QGraphicsScene * scene,*/ QGraphicsItem * parent)
-    : QGraphicsItem(parent/*, scene*/)
+// so dass pixel quadratisch
+CoordItem::CoordItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsItem(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
-    extCalib = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration();
+    mMainWindow    = (class Petrack *) wParent;
+    extCalib       = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration();
     mControlWidget = mMainWindow->getControlWidget();
-    //Set Min and Max
+    // Set Min and Max
     calibPointsMin.x = 50000;
     calibPointsMax.x = 0;
     calibPointsMin.y = 50000;
@@ -57,29 +57,29 @@ CoordItem::CoordItem(QWidget *wParent,/* QGraphicsScene * scene,*/ QGraphicsItem
 QRectF CoordItem::boundingRect() const
     // bounding box wird in lokalen koordinaten angegeben!!! (+-10 wegen zahl "1")
-    if (mControlWidget->getCalibCoordShow())
+    if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordShow())
-        if( mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() != 0 ) // 2D view
+        if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() != 0) // 2D view
             return QRectF(-110., -110., 220., 220.);
         else // 3D view
-            double min_x = std::min(std::min(x.x,y.x),std::min(z.x,ursprung.x));
-            double max_x = std::max(std::max(x.x,y.x),std::max(z.x,ursprung.x));
+            double min_x = std::min(std::min(x.x, y.x), std::min(z.x, ursprung.x));
+            double max_x = std::max(std::max(x.x, y.x), std::max(z.x, ursprung.x));
-            double min_y = std::min(std::min(x.y,y.y),std::min(z.y,ursprung.y));
-            double max_y = std::max(std::max(x.y,y.y),std::max(z.y,ursprung.y));
+            double min_y = std::min(std::min(x.y, y.y), std::min(z.y, ursprung.y));
+            double max_y = std::max(std::max(x.y, y.y), std::max(z.y, ursprung.y));
-            if( mControlWidget->getCalibExtrCalibPointsShow() )
+            if(mControlWidget->getCalibExtrCalibPointsShow())
-                min_x = std::min(float(min_x),calibPointsMin.x);
-                max_x = std::max(float(max_x),calibPointsMax.x);
+                min_x = std::min(float(min_x), calibPointsMin.x);
+                max_x = std::max(float(max_x), calibPointsMax.x);
-                min_y = std::min(float(min_y),calibPointsMin.y);
-                max_y = std::max(float(max_y),calibPointsMax.y);
+                min_y = std::min(float(min_y), calibPointsMin.y);
+                max_y = std::max(float(max_y), calibPointsMax.y);
-            return QRectF(min_x-25, min_y-25, max_x-min_x+50, max_y-min_y+50);
+            return QRectF(min_x - 25, min_y - 25, max_x - min_x + 50, max_y - min_y + 50);
@@ -91,52 +91,57 @@ QRectF CoordItem::boundingRect() const
 // event, of moving mouse while button is pressed
 void CoordItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
     // if coordinate system position is not fixed
-    if (!mControlWidget->getCalibCoordFix())
+    if(!mControlWidget->getCalibCoordFix())
-        QPointF diff = event->scenePos()-event->lastScenePos(); //screenPos()-buttonDownScreenPos(Qt::RightButton) also interesting
-        if (event->buttons() == Qt::RightButton) // event->button() doesnt work
+        QPointF diff = event->scenePos() -
+                       event->lastScenePos();   // screenPos()-buttonDownScreenPos(Qt::RightButton) also interesting
+        if(event->buttons() == Qt::RightButton) // event->button() doesnt work
-            mControlWidget->setCalibCoordRotate(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordRotate()-(int)(3.*(diff.x()+diff.y()))); //10* nicht noetig, da eh nur relativ
+            mControlWidget->setCalibCoordRotate(
+                mControlWidget->getCalibCoordRotate() -
+                (int) (3. * (diff.x() + diff.y()))); // 10* nicht noetig, da eh nur relativ
-        else if (event->buttons() == Qt::LeftButton)
+        else if(event->buttons() == Qt::LeftButton)
-            if( mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0 ) // 3D
+            if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0) // 3D
-                cv::Point3f p_cur = extCalib->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(event->scenePos().x(),
-                                                             event->scenePos().y()),
-                                                     mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransZ());
-                cv::Point3f p_last = extCalib->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(mouse_x/*event->lastScenePos().x()*/,
-                                                              mouse_y/*event->lastScenePos().y()*/),
-                                                      mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransZ());
+                cv::Point3f p_cur = extCalib->get3DPoint(
+                    cv::Point2f(event->scenePos().x(), event->scenePos().y()), mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransZ());
+                cv::Point3f p_last = extCalib->get3DPoint(
+                    cv::Point2f(mouse_x /*event->lastScenePos().x()*/, mouse_y /*event->lastScenePos().y()*/),
+                    mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransZ());
                 // ToDo:
-                // Problem: Die Mouse Bewegungen, die erfasst werden sind zu gering, sodass viele Werte als 0 gewertet werden
-                // und nicht als Bewegung bercksichtigt werden, obwohl man die Maus bewegt. D.h. die Maus bewegt sich
-                // der Abstand zwischen dem Start und dem End-punkt ist aber sehr gering und wird als 0 gewertet und
-                // das Kooridnatensystem bewegt sich nicht. Effekt wird noch verstrkt, da das stndig passiert
+                // Problem: Die Mouse Bewegungen, die erfasst werden sind zu gering, sodass viele Werte als 0 gewertet
+                // werden und nicht als Bewegung bercksichtigt werden, obwohl man die Maus bewegt. D.h. die Maus bewegt
+                // sich der Abstand zwischen dem Start und dem End-punkt ist aber sehr gering und wird als 0 gewertet
+                // und das Kooridnatensystem bewegt sich nicht. Effekt wird noch verstrkt, da das stndig passiert
                 // Besonders schnelle Mausbewegungen lindern den Effekt
-                mControlWidget->setCalibCoord3DTransX(coordTrans_x-(mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapX() ? -1 : 1)*round(p_last.x-p_cur.x));
-                mControlWidget->setCalibCoord3DTransY(coordTrans_y-(mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapY() ? -1 : 1)*round(p_last.y-p_cur.y));
-            }else
+                mControlWidget->setCalibCoord3DTransX(
+                    coordTrans_x - (mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapX() ? -1 : 1) * round(p_last.x - p_cur.x));
+                mControlWidget->setCalibCoord3DTransY(
+                    coordTrans_y - (mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapY() ? -1 : 1) * round(p_last.y - p_cur.y));
+            }
+            else
-                mControlWidget->setCalibCoordTransX(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordTransX()+(int)(10.*diff.x()));
-                mControlWidget->setCalibCoordTransY(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordTransY()+(int)(10.*diff.y()));
+                mControlWidget->setCalibCoordTransX(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordTransX() + (int) (10. * diff.x()));
+                mControlWidget->setCalibCoordTransY(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordTransY() + (int) (10. * diff.y()));
-        else if (event->buttons() == Qt::MiddleButton)
+        else if(event->buttons() == Qt::MiddleButton)
-            if( mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0 )
+            if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0)
-                mControlWidget->setCalibCoord3DAxeLen(mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DAxeLen()+(int)(10.*(diff.x()-diff.y())));
-            }else
+                mControlWidget->setCalibCoord3DAxeLen(
+                    mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DAxeLen() + (int) (10. * (diff.x() - diff.y())));
+            }
+            else
-                mControlWidget->setCalibCoordScale(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordScale()+(int)(10.*(diff.x()-diff.y())));
+                mControlWidget->setCalibCoordScale(
+                    mControlWidget->getCalibCoordScale() + (int) (10. * (diff.x() - diff.y())));
@@ -148,9 +153,9 @@ void CoordItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
 void CoordItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
-    if (!mControlWidget->getCalibCoordFix())
+    if(!mControlWidget->getCalibCoordFix())
-        if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
+        if(event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
             mouse_x = event->scenePos().x();
             mouse_y = event->scenePos().y();
@@ -158,7 +163,8 @@ void CoordItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
             coordTrans_x = mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX();
             coordTrans_y = mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY();
-    }else
+    }
+    else
@@ -166,118 +172,127 @@ void CoordItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
 void CoordItem::updateData()
-    if (!mControlWidget->getCalibCoordFix())
-         setFlag(ItemIsMovable); // noetig, damit mouseEvent leftmousebutton weitergegeben wird, aber drag mach ich selber
+    if(!mControlWidget->getCalibCoordFix())
+        setFlag(
+            ItemIsMovable); // noetig, damit mouseEvent leftmousebutton weitergegeben wird, aber drag mach ich selber
-       setFlag(ItemIsMovable, false); // noetig, damit mouseEvent leftmousebutton weitergegeben wird, aber drag mach ich selber
+        setFlag(
+            ItemIsMovable,
+            false); // noetig, damit mouseEvent leftmousebutton weitergegeben wird, aber drag mach ich selber
-    if( mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 1 ) // 2D
+    if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 1) // 2D
-        double sc = mControlWidget->getCalibCoordScale()/10.;
-        double tX = mControlWidget->getCalibCoordTransX()/10.;
-        double tY = mControlWidget->getCalibCoordTransY()/10.;
-        double ro = mControlWidget->getCalibCoordRotate()/10.;
+        double sc = mControlWidget->getCalibCoordScale() / 10.;
+        double tX = mControlWidget->getCalibCoordTransX() / 10.;
+        double tY = mControlWidget->getCalibCoordTransY() / 10.;
+        double ro = mControlWidget->getCalibCoordRotate() / 10.;
         // aktualisierung der transformationsmatrix
         QTransform matrix;
         // matrix wird nur bei aenderungen neu bestimmt
         matrix.translate(tX, tY);
-        matrix.scale(sc/100., sc/100.);
-        //matrix.shear(tX,tY);
+        matrix.scale(sc / 100., sc / 100.);
+        // matrix.shear(tX,tY);
-    }else // 3D
+    }
+    else // 3D
         //     3D World-Coordinate-System     //
-        if( mMainWindow->getImage())
+        if(mMainWindow->getImage())
+            // Reset Matrix - No Matrix Transformations for 3D Coordsystem
+            // aktualisierung der transformationsmatrix
+            QTransform matrix;
+            // matrix wird nur bei aenderungen neu bestimmt
+            matrix.translate(0, 0);
+            matrix.rotate(0);
+            matrix.scale(1, 1);
+            setTransform(matrix);
-        // Reset Matrix - No Matrix Transformations for 3D Coordsystem
-        // aktualisierung der transformationsmatrix
-        QTransform matrix;
-        // matrix wird nur bei aenderungen neu bestimmt
-        matrix.translate(0, 0);
-        matrix.rotate(0);
-        matrix.scale(1, 1);
-        setTransform(matrix);
-        double axeLen = mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DAxeLen();
-        int bS = mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
+            double axeLen = mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DAxeLen();
+            int    bS     = mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
-        // Coordinate-system origin at (tX,tY,tZ)
-        if( extCalib->isSetExtrCalib() ){
+            // Coordinate-system origin at (tX,tY,tZ)
+            if(extCalib->isSetExtrCalib())
+            {
+                ursprung = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, 0, 0));
-            ursprung = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,0,0));
+                x3D = cv::Point3f(axeLen, 0, 0);
+                y3D = cv::Point3f(0, axeLen, 0);
+                z3D = cv::Point3f(0, 0, axeLen);
-            x3D = cv::Point3f(axeLen,0,0);
-            y3D = cv::Point3f(0,axeLen,0);
-            z3D = cv::Point3f(0,0,axeLen);
+                // Tests if the origin-point of the coordinate-system is outside the image
+                if(extCalib->isOutsideImage(ursprung))
+                {
+                    return;
+                }
+                x3D.x++;
+                y3D.y++;
+                z3D.z++;
-            // Tests if the origin-point of the coordinate-system is outside the image
-            if( extCalib->isOutsideImage(ursprung) )
-            {
-                return;
+                // Kuerzt die Koordinaten-Achsen, falls sie aus dem angezeigten Bild raus laufen wuerden
+                do
+                {
+                    x3D.x--;
+                    x = extCalib->getImagePoint(x3D);
+                    // tests if the coord system axis are inside the view or outside, if outside short them till they
+                    // are inside the image
+                } while(x.x < -bS || x.x > mMainWindow->getImage()->width() - bS || x.y < -bS ||
+                        x.y > mMainWindow->getImage()->height() - bS);
+                do
+                {
+                    y3D.y--;
+                    y = extCalib->getImagePoint(y3D);
+                } while(y.x < -bS || y.x > mMainWindow->getImage()->width() - bS || y.y < -bS ||
+                        y.y > mMainWindow->getImage()->height() - bS);
+                do
+                {
+                    z3D.z--;
+                    z = extCalib->getImagePoint(z3D);
+                } while(z.x < -bS || z.x > mMainWindow->getImage()->width() - bS || z.y < -bS ||
+                        z.y > mMainWindow->getImage()->height() - bS);
-            x3D.x++;
-            y3D.y++;
-            z3D.z++;
-            // Kuerzt die Koordinaten-Achsen, falls sie aus dem angezeigten Bild raus laufen wuerden
-            do{
-                x3D.x--;
-                x = extCalib->getImagePoint(x3D);
-                // tests if the coord system axis are inside the view or outside, if outside short them till they are inside the image
-            }while( x.x < -bS || x.x > mMainWindow->getImage()->width()-bS || x.y < -bS || x.y > mMainWindow->getImage()->height()-bS );
-            do{
-                y3D.y--;
-                y = extCalib->getImagePoint(y3D);
-            }while( y.x < -bS || y.x > mMainWindow->getImage()->width()-bS || y.y < -bS || y.y > mMainWindow->getImage()->height()-bS );
-            do{
-                z3D.z--;
-                z = extCalib->getImagePoint(z3D);
-            }while( z.x < -bS || z.x > mMainWindow->getImage()->width()-bS || z.y < -bS || z.y > mMainWindow->getImage()->height()-bS );
-        }
-    if (!mMainWindow->isLoading()){
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
+    {
-void CoordItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*option*/, QWidget */*widget*/)
+void CoordItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * /*option*/, QWidget * /*widget*/)
     bool debug = false;
-    if( debug ) debout << "**************** CoordItem:paint() aufgerufen" << std::endl;
-    if( debug ) debout << "show coord: " << mControlWidget->getCalibCoordShow() << std::endl;
+    if(debug)
+        debout << "**************** CoordItem:paint() aufgerufen" << std::endl;
+    if(debug)
+        debout << "show coord: " << mControlWidget->getCalibCoordShow() << std::endl;
     // Drawing Calibration Points //
-    if( mControlWidget->getCalibExtrCalibPointsShow() && mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0 )
+    if(mControlWidget->getCalibExtrCalibPointsShow() && mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0)
-        if( extCalib->isSetExtrCalib() )
+        if(extCalib->isSetExtrCalib())
             QFont font;
             font.setBold(mControlWidget->trackNumberBold->checkState() == Qt::Checked);
-            for(size_t i=0; i< extCalib->get2DList().size(); i++)
+            for(size_t i = 0; i < extCalib->get2DList().size(); i++)
                 // Original 2D-Pixel-Points
                 cv::Point2f p2 = extCalib->get2DList().at(i);
-                painter->drawEllipse(p2.x-8,p2.y-8,16,16);
+                painter->drawEllipse(p2.x - 8, p2.y - 8, 16, 16);
                 // general configuration
@@ -295,398 +310,437 @@ void CoordItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*optio
                 cv::Point2f p3 = extCalib->getImagePoint(p3d);
-                painter->drawEllipse(p3.x-4,p3.y-4,8,8);
+                painter->drawEllipse(p3.x - 4, p3.y - 4, 8, 8);
                 // Connecting-line Pixel-3D-Points
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p2.x,p2.y),QPointF(p3.x,p3.y));
+                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p2.x, p2.y), QPointF(p3.x, p3.y));
                 // Show point number
-                painter->drawText(QPointF(p2.x+10,p2.y+font.pixelSize()), QObject::tr("%1").arg((i+1)));
-                if( p2.x < calibPointsMin.x ) calibPointsMin.x = p2.x;
-                if( p2.x > calibPointsMax.x ) calibPointsMax.x = p2.x;
-                if( p3.x < calibPointsMin.x ) calibPointsMin.x = p3.x;
-                if( p3.x > calibPointsMax.x ) calibPointsMax.x = p3.x;
-                if( p2.y < calibPointsMin.y ) calibPointsMin.y = p2.y;
-                if( p2.y > calibPointsMax.y ) calibPointsMax.y = p2.y;
-                if( p3.y < calibPointsMin.y ) calibPointsMin.y = p3.y;
-                if( p3.y > calibPointsMax.y ) calibPointsMax.y = p3.y;
+                painter->drawText(QPointF(p2.x + 10, p2.y + font.pixelSize()), QObject::tr("%1").arg((i + 1)));
+                if(p2.x < calibPointsMin.x)
+                    calibPointsMin.x = p2.x;
+                if(p2.x > calibPointsMax.x)
+                    calibPointsMax.x = p2.x;
+                if(p3.x < calibPointsMin.x)
+                    calibPointsMin.x = p3.x;
+                if(p3.x > calibPointsMax.x)
+                    calibPointsMax.x = p3.x;
+                if(p2.y < calibPointsMin.y)
+                    calibPointsMin.y = p2.y;
+                if(p2.y > calibPointsMax.y)
+                    calibPointsMax.y = p2.y;
+                if(p3.y < calibPointsMin.y)
+                    calibPointsMin.y = p3.y;
+                if(p3.y > calibPointsMax.y)
+                    calibPointsMax.y = p3.y;
-    if (mControlWidget->getCalibCoordShow())
+    if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordShow())
         // general configuration
-        painter->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::blue,Qt::SolidPattern));
+        painter->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::blue, Qt::SolidPattern));
-        if ( mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 1 ) // 2D
+        if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 1) // 2D
             // 2D Coordinate-System //
-            painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue),0));
+            painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue), 0));
             static QPointF points[3];
             // Koordinatenachsen
-            points[0].setX(-10.); points[0].setY(0.);
-            points[1].setX(100.);     points[1].setY(0.);
+            points[0].setX(-10.);
+            points[0].setY(0.);
+            points[1].setX(100.);
+            points[1].setY(0.);
             painter->drawLine(points[0], points[1]);
-            points[0].setX(0.); points[0].setY(10.);
-            points[1].setX(0.); points[1].setY(-100.);
+            points[0].setX(0.);
+            points[0].setY(10.);
+            points[1].setX(0.);
+            points[1].setY(-100.);
             painter->drawLine(points[0], points[1]);
             // Ticks
-            for (int i=1; i<11; i++) // i=10 zeichnen sieht ungewoehnlich aus, laeest sich aber besser mit messen
+            for(int i = 1; i < 11; i++) // i=10 zeichnen sieht ungewoehnlich aus, laeest sich aber besser mit messen
-                points[0].setX(2.);  points[0].setY(-i*10.);
-                points[1].setX(-2.); points[1].setY(-i*10.);
+                points[0].setX(2.);
+                points[0].setY(-i * 10.);
+                points[1].setX(-2.);
+                points[1].setY(-i * 10.);
                 painter->drawLine(points[0], points[1]);
-                points[0].setX(i*10.); points[0].setY(2.);
-                points[1].setX(i*10.); points[1].setY(-2.);
+                points[0].setX(i * 10.);
+                points[0].setY(2.);
+                points[1].setX(i * 10.);
+                points[1].setY(-2.);
                 painter->drawLine(points[0], points[1]);
             // Beschriftung
-            points[0].setX(97.); points[0].setY(12.);
+            points[0].setX(97.);
+            points[0].setY(12.);
             painter->drawText(points[0], QObject::tr("1"));
-            points[0].setX(-8.); points[0].setY(-97.);
+            points[0].setX(-8.);
+            points[0].setY(-97.);
             painter->drawText(points[0], QObject::tr("1"));
             // Pfeilspitzen
-            points[0].setX(100.);points[0].setY(0.);
-            points[1].setX(95.); points[1].setY(2.);
-            points[2].setX(95.); points[2].setY(-2.);
+            points[0].setX(100.);
+            points[0].setY(0.);
+            points[1].setX(95.);
+            points[1].setY(2.);
+            points[2].setX(95.);
+            points[2].setY(-2.);
             painter->drawPolygon(points, 3);
-            points[0].setX(0.);  points[0].setY(-100.);
-            points[1].setX(2.);  points[1].setY(-95.);
-            points[2].setX(-2.); points[2].setY(-95.);
+            points[0].setX(0.);
+            points[0].setY(-100.);
+            points[1].setX(2.);
+            points[1].setY(-95.);
+            points[2].setX(-2.);
+            points[2].setY(-95.);
             painter->drawPolygon(points, 3);
-        }else
+        }
+        else
-            double tX3D = mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX();
-            double tY3D = mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY();
-            double tZ3D = mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransZ();
+            double tX3D   = mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX();
+            double tY3D   = mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY();
+            double tZ3D   = mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransZ();
             double axeLen = mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DAxeLen();
             qreal coordLineWidth = 2.0;
-            if( extCalib->isSetExtrCalib() ){
+            if(extCalib->isSetExtrCalib())
+            {
+                QPointF     points[4];
+                cv::Point2f p[4];
+                QString     coordinaten;
-            QPointF points[4];
-            cv::Point2f p[4];
-            QString coordinaten;
+                /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                // Draw a cube (Quader) near coord system          //
+                /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            // Draw a cube (Quader) near coord system          //
-            /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                bool drawCube = false;
-            bool drawCube = false;
+                if(drawCube)
+                {
+                    painter->setPen(Qt::green);
+                    // Boden
+                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100, 100, 0));
+                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200, 100, 0));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200, 100, 0));
+                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200, 200, 0));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200, 200, 0));
+                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100, 200, 0));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100, 200, 0));
+                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100, 100, 0));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                    // Seiten
+                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100, 100, 0));
+                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100, 100, 100));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200, 100, 0));
+                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200, 100, 100));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100, 200, 0));
+                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100, 200, 100));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200, 200, 0));
+                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200, 200, 100));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                    // Oben
+                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100, 100, 100));
+                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200, 100, 100));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200, 100, 100));
+                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200, 200, 100));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200, 200, 100));
+                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100, 200, 100));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100, 200, 100));
+                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100, 100, 100));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                }
-            if( drawCube ){
-                painter->setPen(Qt::green);
-                // Boden
-                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100,100,0));
-                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200,100,0));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
-                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200,100,0));
-                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200,200,0));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
-                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200,200,0));
-                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100,200,0));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
-                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100,200,0));
-                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100,100,0));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
-                // Seiten
-                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100,100,0));
-                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100,100,100));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
-                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200,100,0));
-                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200,100,100));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
-                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100,200,0));
-                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100,200,100));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
-                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200,200,0));
-                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200,200,100));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
-                // Oben
-                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100,100,100));
-                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200,100,100));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
-                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200,100,100));
-                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200,200,100));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
-                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(200,200,100));
-                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100,200,100));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
-                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100,200,100));
-                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(100,100,100));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                // Draw the bounding rect                          //
+                /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                bool drawBoundingRect = false;
-            }
+                if(drawBoundingRect)
+                {
+                    QRectF boundingBox = boundingRect();
+                    double min_x = boundingBox.x(), max_x = min_x + boundingBox.width();
+                    double min_y = boundingBox.y(), max_y = min_y + boundingBox.height();
+                    painter->setPen(Qt::cyan);
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(min_x, min_y), QPointF(min_x, max_y));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(min_x, max_y), QPointF(max_x, max_y));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(max_x, max_y), QPointF(max_x, min_y));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(max_x, min_y), QPointF(min_x, min_y));
+                }
-            /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            // Draw the bounding rect                          //
-            /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                // Draw a rect around the whole coordinate system //
+                /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            bool drawBoundingRect = false;
+                bool paintRectCoordArea = false;
-            if( drawBoundingRect )
-            {
-                QRectF boundingBox = boundingRect();
-                double min_x = boundingBox.x(), max_x = min_x+boundingBox.width();
-                double min_y = boundingBox.y(), max_y = min_y+boundingBox.height();
-                painter->setPen(Qt::cyan);
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(min_x, min_y), QPointF(min_x, max_y));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(min_x, max_y), QPointF(max_x, max_y));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(max_x, max_y), QPointF(max_x, min_y));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(max_x, min_y), QPointF(min_x, min_y));
-            }
+                if(paintRectCoordArea)
+                {
+                    int min_x = std::min(std::min(x.x, y.x), std::min(z.x, ursprung.x));
+                    int max_x = std::max(std::max(x.x, y.x), std::max(z.x, ursprung.x));
-            /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-            // Draw a rect around the whole coordinate system //
-            /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                    int min_y = std::min(std::min(x.y, y.y), std::min(z.y, ursprung.y));
+                    int max_y = std::max(std::max(x.y, y.y), std::max(z.y, ursprung.y));
-            bool paintRectCoordArea = false;
+                    painter->setFont(QFont("Arial", 20));
-            if( paintRectCoordArea )
-            {
-                int min_x = std::min(std::min(x.x,y.x),std::min(z.x,ursprung.x));
-                int max_x = std::max(std::max(x.x,y.x),std::max(z.x,ursprung.x));
+                    painter->setPen(Qt::green);
-                int min_y = std::min(std::min(x.y,y.y),std::min(z.y,ursprung.y));
-                int max_y = std::max(std::max(x.y,y.y),std::max(z.y,ursprung.y));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(min_x, min_y), QPointF(min_x, max_y));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(min_x, max_y), QPointF(max_x, max_y));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(max_x, max_y), QPointF(max_x, min_y));
+                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(max_x, min_y), QPointF(min_x, min_y));
-                painter->setFont(QFont("Arial", 20));
+                    coordinaten = QString::asprintf("(%d, %d)", min_x, min_y);
+                    painter->drawText(QPoint(min_x - 45, min_y - 10), coordinaten);
-                painter->setPen(Qt::green);
+                    coordinaten = QString::asprintf("%d", max_y - min_y);
+                    painter->drawText(QPoint(min_x + 10, min_y + (max_y - min_y) / 2.0), coordinaten);
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(min_x, min_y), QPointF(min_x, max_y));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(min_x, max_y), QPointF(max_x, max_y));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(max_x, max_y), QPointF(max_x, min_y));
-                painter->drawLine(QPointF(max_x, min_y), QPointF(min_x, min_y));
+                    coordinaten = QString::asprintf("%d", max_x - min_x);
+                    painter->drawText(QPoint(min_x + (max_x - min_x) / 2.0, min_y + 30), coordinaten);
+                }
-                coordinaten = QString::asprintf("(%d, %d)", min_x, min_y);
-                painter->drawText(QPoint(min_x-45, min_y-10), coordinaten);
-                coordinaten = QString::asprintf("%d", max_y - min_y);
-                painter->drawText(QPoint(min_x+10,min_y+(max_y-min_y)/2.0), coordinaten);
+                //////////////////////////////
+                // Drawing the X,Y,Z - Axis //
+                //////////////////////////////
-                coordinaten = QString::asprintf("%d", max_x - min_x);
-                painter->drawText(QPoint(min_x+(max_x-min_x)/2.0,min_y+30), coordinaten);
-            }
+                painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue), coordLineWidth));
+                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, 0, 0));
+                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x, x3D.y, x3D.z));
+                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(y3D.x, y3D.y, y3D.z));
+                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(z3D.x, z3D.y, z3D.z));
+                painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                /////////////////////////////////
+                // Drawing the X,Y,Z - Symbols //
+                /////////////////////////////////
-            //////////////////////////////
-            // Drawing the X,Y,Z - Axis //
-            //////////////////////////////
+                painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::black), coordLineWidth));
+                painter->setFont(QFont("Arial", 15));
-            painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue),coordLineWidth));
-            p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,0,0));
-            p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x,x3D.y,x3D.z));
-            painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y),QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y));
-            p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(y3D.x,y3D.y,y3D.z));
-            painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y),QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y));
-            p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(z3D.x,z3D.y,z3D.z));
-            painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y),QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y));
+                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x + 10, x3D.y, x3D.z));
+                painter->drawText(QPointF(p[0].x - 5, p[0].y + 5), QString("X"));
+                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(y3D.x, y3D.y + 10, y3D.z));
+                painter->drawText(QPointF(p[0].x - 5, p[0].y + 5), QString("Y"));
+                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(z3D.x, z3D.y, z3D.z + 10));
+                painter->drawText(QPointF(p[0].x - 5, p[0].y + 5), QString("Z"));
-            /////////////////////////////////
-            // Drawing the X,Y,Z - Symbols //
-            /////////////////////////////////
-            painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::black),coordLineWidth));
-            painter->setFont(QFont("Arial", 15 ));
+                if(debug)
+                    debout << "Ursprungskoordinaten: " << ursprung.x << ", " << ursprung.y << std::endl;
+                if(debug)
+                    debout << "Bildsize: " << mMainWindow->getImage()->width() << "x"
+                           << mMainWindow->getImage()->height() << std::endl;
+                if(debug)
+                    coordinaten = QString::asprintf("(%f  %f %f)", tX3D, tY3D, tZ3D);
-            p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x+10, x3D.y, x3D.z));
-            painter->drawText(QPointF(p[0].x-5,p[0].y+5), QString("X"));
-            p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(y3D.x, y3D.y+10, y3D.z));
-            painter->drawText(QPointF(p[0].x-5,p[0].y+5), QString("Y"));
-            p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(z3D.x, z3D.y, z3D.z+10));
-            painter->drawText(QPointF(p[0].x-5,p[0].y+5), QString("Z"));
+                //////////////////////////////
+                // Drawing the tick-markers //
+                //////////////////////////////
+                int tickLength = AXIS_MARKERS_LENGTH;
+                painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue), coordLineWidth));
-            if( debug ) debout << "Ursprungskoordinaten: " << ursprung.x << ", " << ursprung.y << std::endl;
-            if( debug ) debout << "Bildsize: " << mMainWindow->getImage()->width() << "x" << mMainWindow->getImage()->height() << std::endl;
-            if( debug ) coordinaten = QString::asprintf("(%f  %f %f)", tX3D, tY3D, tZ3D);
+                // Start bei 100cm bis Achsen-Laenge-Pfeilspitzenlaenge alle 100cm
+                for(int i = 100; i < axeLen - tickLength; i += 100)
+                {
+                    // Solange Achsen-Ende noch nicht erreicht: Markierung zeichnen
+                    if(i + tickLength < x3D.x)
+                    {
+                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(i, -tickLength, 0));
+                        p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(i, tickLength, 0));
+                        painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(i, 0, -tickLength));
+                        p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(i, 0, tickLength));
+                        painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(i, 0, 0));
+                    }
+                    if(i + tickLength < y3D.y)
+                    {
+                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(-tickLength, i, 0));
+                        p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tickLength, i, 0));
+                        painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, i, -tickLength));
+                        p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, i, tickLength));
+                        painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                    }
+                    if(i + tickLength < z3D.z)
+                    {
+                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(-tickLength, 0, i));
+                        p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tickLength, 0, i));
+                        painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, -tickLength, i));
+                        p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, tickLength, i));
+                        painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                    }
+                }
-            //////////////////////////////
-            // Drawing the tick-markers //
-            //////////////////////////////
+                QFont font("Arial", tickLength * 0.5);
+                painter->setFont(font);
-            int tickLength = AXIS_MARKERS_LENGTH;
-            painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue),coordLineWidth));
+                painter->setPen(Qt::green);
+                painter->setBrush(Qt::green);
+                painter->setFont(QFont("Arial", 20));
-            // Start bei 100cm bis Achsen-Laenge-Pfeilspitzenlaenge alle 100cm
-            for(int i=100;i<axeLen-tickLength;i+=100)
-            {
-                // Solange Achsen-Ende noch nicht erreicht: Markierung zeichnen
-                if( i+tickLength < x3D.x )
-                {
-                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(i,-tickLength,0));
-                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(i, tickLength,0));
-                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y),QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y));
-                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(i,0,-tickLength));
-                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(i,0, tickLength));
-                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y),QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y));
-                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(i,0,0));
-                }
-                if( i+tickLength < y3D.y )
-                {
-                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(-tickLength,i,0));
-                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f( tickLength,i,0));
-                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y),QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y));
-                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,i,-tickLength));
-                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,i, tickLength));
-                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y),QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y));
-                }
-                if( i+tickLength < z3D.z )
-                {
-                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(-tickLength,0,i));
-                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f( tickLength,0,i));
-                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y),QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y));
-                    p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,-tickLength,i));
-                    p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, tickLength,i));
-                    painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y),QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y));
-                }
-            }
+                if(debug)
+                    coordinaten = QString::asprintf("(%.2f, %.2f)", ursprung.x, ursprung.y);
+                if(debug)
+                    painter->drawText(QPoint(ursprung.x - 100, ursprung.y), coordinaten);
-            QFont font("Arial", tickLength*0.5 );
-            painter->setFont(font);
+                //////////////////////////////////////////////
+                // Drawing the peaks at the end of the axis //
+                //////////////////////////////////////////////
+                int peakSize = AXIS_MARKERS_LENGTH;
-            painter->setPen(Qt::green);
-            painter->setBrush(Qt::green);
-            painter->setFont(QFont("Arial", 20));
-            if( debug ) coordinaten = QString::asprintf("(%.2f, %.2f)", ursprung.x,ursprung.y);
-            if( debug ) painter->drawText(QPoint(ursprung.x-100,ursprung.y),coordinaten);
-            //////////////////////////////////////////////
-            // Drawing the peaks at the end of the axis //
-            //////////////////////////////////////////////            
-            int peakSize = AXIS_MARKERS_LENGTH;
-            ///////
-            // X //
-            ///////
-            p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x,0,0));
-            p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x-peakSize,-peakSize,0));
-            p[2] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x-peakSize, peakSize,0));
-            points[0] = QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y);
-            points[1] = QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y);
-            points[2] = QPointF(p[2].x,p[2].y);
-            painter->setPen(Qt::green);
-            painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue),coordLineWidth));
-            painter->drawLine(points[0],points[1]);
-            painter->drawLine(points[0],points[2]);
-            painter->drawLine(points[2],points[1]);
-            p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x,0,0));
-            p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x-peakSize,0,-peakSize));
-            p[2] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x-peakSize,0, peakSize));
-            p[3] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x+peakSize,0,0));
-            points[0] = QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y);
-            points[1] = QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y);
-            points[2] = QPointF(p[2].x,p[2].y);
-            painter->setPen(Qt::green);
-            painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue),coordLineWidth));
-            painter->drawLine(points[0],points[1]);
-            painter->drawLine(points[0],points[2]);
-            painter->drawLine(points[2],points[1]);
-            if( debug ) coordinaten = QString::asprintf("(% .2f, % .2f)", p[1].x,p[1].y);
-            if( debug ) painter->drawText(QPoint(p[3].x,p[3].y),coordinaten);
-            if( debug ) coordinaten = QString::fromLatin1("X");
-            if( debug ) painter->drawText(QPoint(p[1].x,p[1].y),coordinaten);
-            ///////
-            // Y //
-            ///////
-            p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,y3D.y,0));
-            p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(-peakSize,y3D.y-peakSize,0));
-            p[2] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f( peakSize,y3D.y-peakSize,0));
-            points[0] = QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y);
-            points[1] = QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y);
-            points[2] = QPointF(p[2].x,p[2].y);
-            painter->setPen(Qt::green);
-            painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue),coordLineWidth));
-            painter->drawLine(points[0],points[1]);
-            painter->drawLine(points[0],points[2]);
-            painter->drawLine(points[2],points[1]);
-            p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,y3D.y,0));
-            p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,y3D.y-peakSize,-peakSize));
-            p[2] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,y3D.y-peakSize, peakSize));
-            p[3] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,y3D.y+peakSize,0));
-            points[0] = QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y);
-            points[1] = QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y);
-            points[2] = QPointF(p[2].x,p[2].y);
-            painter->setPen(Qt::green);
-            painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue),coordLineWidth));
-            painter->drawLine(points[0],points[1]);
-            painter->drawLine(points[0],points[2]);
-            painter->drawLine(points[2],points[1]);
-            if( debug ) coordinaten = QString::asprintf("(%.2f, %.2f)", p[1].x,p[1].y);
-            if( debug ) painter->drawText(QPoint(p[3].x,p[3].y),coordinaten);
-            if( debug ) coordinaten = QString::fromLatin1("Y");
-            if( debug ) painter->drawText(QPoint(p[1].x,p[1].y),coordinaten);
-            ///////
-            // Z //
-            ///////
-            p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,0,z3D.z));
-            p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,-peakSize,z3D.z-peakSize));
-            p[2] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, peakSize,z3D.z-peakSize));
-            points[0] = QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y);
-            points[1] = QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y);
-            points[2] = QPointF(p[2].x,p[2].y);
-            painter->setPen(Qt::green);
-            painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue),coordLineWidth));
-            painter->drawLine(points[0],points[1]);
-            painter->drawLine(points[0],points[2]);
-            painter->drawLine(points[2],points[1]);
-            p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,0,z3D.z));
-            p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(-peakSize,0,z3D.z-peakSize));
-            p[2] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f( peakSize,0,z3D.z-peakSize));
-            p[3] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0,0,z3D.z+peakSize));
-            points[0] = QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y);
-            points[1] = QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y);
-            points[2] = QPointF(p[2].x,p[2].y);
-            painter->setPen(Qt::green);
-            painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue),coordLineWidth));
-            painter->drawLine(points[0],points[1]);
-            painter->drawLine(points[0],points[2]);
-            painter->drawLine(points[2],points[1]);
-            if( debug ) coordinaten = QString::asprintf("(%.2f, %.2f)", p[1].x,p[1].y);
-            if( debug ) painter->drawText(QPoint(p[3].x,p[3].y),coordinaten);
-            if( debug ) coordinaten =  QString::fromLatin1("Z");
-            if( debug ) painter->drawText(QPoint(p[1].x,p[1].y),coordinaten);
+                ///////
+                // X //
+                ///////
+                p[0]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x, 0, 0));
+                p[1]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x - peakSize, -peakSize, 0));
+                p[2]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x - peakSize, peakSize, 0));
+                points[0] = QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y);
+                points[1] = QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y);
+                points[2] = QPointF(p[2].x, p[2].y);
+                painter->setPen(Qt::green);
+                painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue), coordLineWidth));
+                painter->drawLine(points[0], points[1]);
+                painter->drawLine(points[0], points[2]);
+                painter->drawLine(points[2], points[1]);
+                p[0]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x, 0, 0));
+                p[1]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x - peakSize, 0, -peakSize));
+                p[2]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x - peakSize, 0, peakSize));
+                p[3]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x3D.x + peakSize, 0, 0));
+                points[0] = QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y);
+                points[1] = QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y);
+                points[2] = QPointF(p[2].x, p[2].y);
+                painter->setPen(Qt::green);
+                painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue), coordLineWidth));
+                painter->drawLine(points[0], points[1]);
+                painter->drawLine(points[0], points[2]);
+                painter->drawLine(points[2], points[1]);
+                if(debug)
+                    coordinaten = QString::asprintf("(% .2f, % .2f)", p[1].x, p[1].y);
+                if(debug)
+                    painter->drawText(QPoint(p[3].x, p[3].y), coordinaten);
+                if(debug)
+                    coordinaten = QString::fromLatin1("X");
+                if(debug)
+                    painter->drawText(QPoint(p[1].x, p[1].y), coordinaten);
+                ///////
+                // Y //
+                ///////
+                p[0]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, y3D.y, 0));
+                p[1]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(-peakSize, y3D.y - peakSize, 0));
+                p[2]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(peakSize, y3D.y - peakSize, 0));
+                points[0] = QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y);
+                points[1] = QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y);
+                points[2] = QPointF(p[2].x, p[2].y);
+                painter->setPen(Qt::green);
+                painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue), coordLineWidth));
+                painter->drawLine(points[0], points[1]);
+                painter->drawLine(points[0], points[2]);
+                painter->drawLine(points[2], points[1]);
+                p[0]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, y3D.y, 0));
+                p[1]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, y3D.y - peakSize, -peakSize));
+                p[2]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, y3D.y - peakSize, peakSize));
+                p[3]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, y3D.y + peakSize, 0));
+                points[0] = QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y);
+                points[1] = QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y);
+                points[2] = QPointF(p[2].x, p[2].y);
+                painter->setPen(Qt::green);
+                painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue), coordLineWidth));
+                painter->drawLine(points[0], points[1]);
+                painter->drawLine(points[0], points[2]);
+                painter->drawLine(points[2], points[1]);
+                if(debug)
+                    coordinaten = QString::asprintf("(%.2f, %.2f)", p[1].x, p[1].y);
+                if(debug)
+                    painter->drawText(QPoint(p[3].x, p[3].y), coordinaten);
+                if(debug)
+                    coordinaten = QString::fromLatin1("Y");
+                if(debug)
+                    painter->drawText(QPoint(p[1].x, p[1].y), coordinaten);
+                ///////
+                // Z //
+                ///////
+                p[0]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, 0, z3D.z));
+                p[1]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, -peakSize, z3D.z - peakSize));
+                p[2]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, peakSize, z3D.z - peakSize));
+                points[0] = QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y);
+                points[1] = QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y);
+                points[2] = QPointF(p[2].x, p[2].y);
+                painter->setPen(Qt::green);
+                painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue), coordLineWidth));
+                painter->drawLine(points[0], points[1]);
+                painter->drawLine(points[0], points[2]);
+                painter->drawLine(points[2], points[1]);
+                p[0]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, 0, z3D.z));
+                p[1]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(-peakSize, 0, z3D.z - peakSize));
+                p[2]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(peakSize, 0, z3D.z - peakSize));
+                p[3]      = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(0, 0, z3D.z + peakSize));
+                points[0] = QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y);
+                points[1] = QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y);
+                points[2] = QPointF(p[2].x, p[2].y);
+                painter->setPen(Qt::green);
+                painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue), coordLineWidth));
+                painter->drawLine(points[0], points[1]);
+                painter->drawLine(points[0], points[2]);
+                painter->drawLine(points[2], points[1]);
+                if(debug)
+                    coordinaten = QString::asprintf("(%.2f, %.2f)", p[1].x, p[1].y);
+                if(debug)
+                    painter->drawText(QPoint(p[3].x, p[3].y), coordinaten);
+                if(debug)
+                    coordinaten = QString::fromLatin1("Z");
+                if(debug)
+                    painter->drawText(QPoint(p[1].x, p[1].y), coordinaten);
diff --git a/src/ellipse.cpp b/src/ellipse.cpp
index b91ffc0605dd4171e4a9c1f16673efc5caf066ca..90a7c478d3ab0db6286ead73bccf8cb516bf5b13 100644
--- a/src/ellipse.cpp
+++ b/src/ellipse.cpp
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <cmath>
+#include "ellipse.h"
+#include "helper.h"
+#include "vector.h"
 #include <QPointF>
 #include <QSizeF>
-#include "ellipse.h"
-#include "vector.h"
-#include "helper.h"
+#include <cmath>
 // Name musste MyEllipse genommen werden, da anscheinend Ellipse schon vergeben ist
@@ -35,22 +35,13 @@
 // QGraphicsEllipseItem ist sehr umfangreich fuer die repraesentation
 // kann auch schief stehen, hat aber keine abfragen, ob punkt innerhalb
-    :
-    mR1(0),
-    mR2(0),
-    mAngle(0)
-MyEllipse::MyEllipse(double x, double y, double r1, double r2, double angle)
-    : mC(x, y), 
-      mR1(r1 > r2 ? r1 : r2),
-      mR2(r1 > r2 ? r2 : r1),
-      mAngle(angle)
+MyEllipse::MyEllipse() : mR1(0), mR2(0), mAngle(0) {}
+MyEllipse::MyEllipse(double x, double y, double r1, double r2, double angle) :
+    mC(x, y), mR1(r1 > r2 ? r1 : r2), mR2(r1 > r2 ? r2 : r1), mAngle(angle)
     double dist = sqrt(mR1 * mR1 - mR2 * mR2); // distance of focal points from centre
-    mF1 = mC + Vec2F::fromAngle(angle) * dist;
-    mF2 = mC - Vec2F::fromAngle(angle) * dist;
+    mF1         = mC + Vec2F::fromAngle(angle) * dist;
+    mF2         = mC - Vec2F::fromAngle(angle) * dist;
 MyEllipse::MyEllipse(QPointF center, QSizeF size, double angle)
@@ -68,21 +59,22 @@ QSizeF MyEllipse::size() const
 double MyEllipse::area() const
-    return PI*mR1*mR2;
+    return PI * mR1 * mR2;
 /// only estimation, because of complex elliptical integral
 double MyEllipse::outline() const
-    return PI*(1.5*(mR1+mR2) - sqrt(mR1*mR2));
+    return PI * (1.5 * (mR1 + mR2) - sqrt(mR1 * mR2));
     // weitere Moeglichkeiten, siehe http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipse#Formelsammlung_Fl.C3.A4cheninhalt_und_Umfang
-    //return PI*(mR1+mR2)*(1+(3*((mR1-mR2)/(mR1+mR2))*((mR1-mR2)/(mR1+mR2)))/(10+sqrt(4-(3*((mR1-mR2)/(mR1+mR2))*((mR1-mR2)/(mR1+mR2))))));
-    //return PI*sqrt(2.*(mR1*mR1+mR2*mR2));
-    //return PI*(mR1+mR2);
+    // return
+    // PI*(mR1+mR2)*(1+(3*((mR1-mR2)/(mR1+mR2))*((mR1-mR2)/(mR1+mR2)))/(10+sqrt(4-(3*((mR1-mR2)/(mR1+mR2))*((mR1-mR2)/(mR1+mR2))))));
+    // return PI*sqrt(2.*(mR1*mR1+mR2*mR2));
+    // return PI*(mR1+mR2);
 /// is point p inside or on the ellipse
-bool MyEllipse::isInside(const Vec2F& p) const
+bool MyEllipse::isInside(const Vec2F &p) const
     // for a point to be inside the ellipse the sum of the
     // distances from both focal points must be <= 2 * mR1
@@ -94,18 +86,15 @@ bool MyEllipse::isInside(double x, double y) const
 bool MyEllipse::isNearlyCircle() const
-    return ratio()<1.3;
+    return ratio() < 1.3;
 void MyEllipse::draw(cv::Mat &img, int r, int g, int b) const
     cv::Size size;
-    size.width = myRound(mR1);
-    size.height = myRound(mR2);
-    Vec2F centerVec = center();
+    size.width          = myRound(mR1);
+    size.height         = myRound(mR2);
+    Vec2F     centerVec = center();
     cv::Point centerPoint(centerVec.x(), centerVec.y());
-    cv::ellipse(img, centerPoint, size, 180*mAngle/PI, 0, 360, cv::Scalar(r,g,b), 1, cv::LINE_AA, 0);
+    cv::ellipse(img, centerPoint, size, 180 * mAngle / PI, 0, 360, cv::Scalar(r, g, b), 1, cv::LINE_AA, 0);
diff --git a/src/extrCalibration.cpp b/src/extrCalibration.cpp
index 2bab8906047e94349ed8da85fe455a6e1b857e5f..3def6fd03c29c5a991c60fcb88ec18a6d2d6f5c7 100644
--- a/src/extrCalibration.cpp
+++ b/src/extrCalibration.cpp
@@ -18,39 +18,38 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtWidgets>
-#include <QFileDialog>
 #include "extrCalibration.h"
+#include "control.h"
 #include "pMessageBox.h"
 #include "petrack.h"
-#include "control.h"
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QtWidgets>
 #define MAX_AV_ERROR 20
-    mMainWindow = nullptr;
+    mMainWindow    = nullptr;
     mControlWidget = nullptr;
+ExtrCalibration::~ExtrCalibration() {}
 void ExtrCalibration::setMainWindow(Petrack *mw)
-    mMainWindow = mw;
+    mMainWindow    = mw;
     mControlWidget = mw->getControlWidget();
 void ExtrCalibration::init()
-    rotation_matrix = new double[9];
-    translation_vector = new double[3];
+    rotation_matrix     = new double[9];
+    translation_vector  = new double[3];
     translation_vector2 = new double[3];
-    camValues = new double[9];
+    camValues  = new double[9];
     distValues = new double[8];
     isExtCalib = false;
@@ -67,30 +66,33 @@ void ExtrCalibration::setExtrCalibFile(const QString &f)
 QString ExtrCalibration::getExtrCalibFile()
-    if (!this->isEmptyExtrCalibFile())
+    if(!this->isEmptyExtrCalibFile())
         return mExtrCalibFile;
         return QString();
-bool ExtrCalibration::openExtrCalibFile(){
-    if (mMainWindow)
+bool ExtrCalibration::openExtrCalibFile()
+    if(mMainWindow)
         static QString lastDir;
-        if (!mExtrCalibFile.isEmpty())
+        if(!mExtrCalibFile.isEmpty())
             lastDir = QFileInfo(mExtrCalibFile).path();
-        QString extrCalibFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(mMainWindow, Petrack::tr("Open extrinisc calibration file with point correspondences"), lastDir, "3D-Calibration-File (*.3dc);;Text (*.txt);;All supported types (*.3dc *.txt);;All files (*.*)");
-        if (!extrCalibFile.isEmpty())
+        QString extrCalibFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
+            mMainWindow,
+            Petrack::tr("Open extrinisc calibration file with point correspondences"),
+            lastDir,
+            "3D-Calibration-File (*.3dc);;Text (*.txt);;All supported types (*.3dc *.txt);;All files (*.*)");
+        if(!extrCalibFile.isEmpty())
             mExtrCalibFile = extrCalibFile;
             return loadExtrCalibFile();
     return false;
@@ -115,18 +117,21 @@ bool ExtrCalibration::openExtrCalibFile(){
  * @return
-bool ExtrCalibration::loadExtrCalibFile(){
+bool ExtrCalibration::loadExtrCalibFile()
     bool all_ok = true;
-    if( !mExtrCalibFile.isEmpty() )
+    if(!mExtrCalibFile.isEmpty())
-        if( mExtrCalibFile.right(4) == ".3dc" || mExtrCalibFile.right(4) == ".txt" )
+        if(mExtrCalibFile.right(4) == ".3dc" || mExtrCalibFile.right(4) == ".txt")
             QFile file(mExtrCalibFile);
-            if( !file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text) )
+            if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
-                PCritical(mMainWindow, QObject::tr("Petrack"), QObject::tr("Error: Cannot open %1:\n%2.").arg(mExtrCalibFile, file.errorString()));
+                PCritical(
+                    mMainWindow,
+                    QObject::tr("Petrack"),
+                    QObject::tr("Error: Cannot open %1:\n%2.").arg(mExtrCalibFile, file.errorString()));
                 return false;
@@ -137,133 +142,146 @@ bool ExtrCalibration::loadExtrCalibFile(){
             std::vector<cv::Point2f> points2D_tmp;
             QTextStream in(&file);
-            QString line;
-            int line_counter = 0, counter;
-            float x,y,z,px,py;
-            float zahl;
-            bool with_2D_data = false,
-                 with_3D_data = false,
-                 end_loop = false;
+            QString     line;
+            int         line_counter = 0, counter;
+            float       x, y, z, px, py;
+            float       zahl;
+            bool        with_2D_data = false, with_3D_data = false, end_loop = false;
             // Exit loop when reaching the end of the file
-            while( !in.atEnd() )
+            while(!in.atEnd())
                 // Neue Zeile einlesen
                 line = in.readLine();
                 // Kommentare ueberlesen
-                if( line.startsWith("#",Qt::CaseInsensitive) ||
-                    line.startsWith(";;",Qt::CaseInsensitive) ||
-                    line.startsWith("//",Qt::CaseInsensitive) ||
-                    line.startsWith("!",Qt::CaseInsensitive) )
+                if(line.startsWith("#", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || line.startsWith(";;", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ||
+                   line.startsWith("//", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || line.startsWith("!", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
                 QTextStream stream(&line);
-                counter = 0;
+                counter  = 0;
                 end_loop = false;
-                while( !stream.atEnd() && !end_loop )
+                while(!stream.atEnd() && !end_loop)
                     stream >> zahl;
-                    switch( counter )
+                    switch(counter)
-                    case 1:
-                        x = zahl;
-                        if( !with_3D_data )
-                        {
-                            points3D_tmp.clear();
-                            with_3D_data = true;
-                        }
-                        break;
-                    case 2:
-                        y = zahl;
-                        break;
-                    case 3:
-                        z = zahl;
-                        break;
-                    case 4:
-                        px = zahl;
-                        if( !with_2D_data )
-                        {
-                            points2D_tmp.clear();
-                            with_2D_data = true;
-                        }
-                        break;
-                    case 5:
-                        py = zahl;
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        end_loop = true;
+                        case 1:
+                            x = zahl;
+                            if(!with_3D_data)
+                            {
+                                points3D_tmp.clear();
+                                with_3D_data = true;
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case 2:
+                            y = zahl;
+                            break;
+                        case 3:
+                            z = zahl;
+                            break;
+                        case 4:
+                            px = zahl;
+                            if(!with_2D_data)
+                            {
+                                points2D_tmp.clear();
+                                with_2D_data = true;
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case 5:
+                            py = zahl;
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            end_loop = true;
-                if( counter == 1 )
+                if(counter == 1)
                     debout << "Optional number of points in line " << line_counter << " ignored." << std::endl;
-                }else if( counter != 3 && counter != 5 )
-                    debout << "Something wrong in line " << line_counter << "( " << line << " )! Ignored. (counter=" << counter << ")" << std::endl;
+                }
+                else if(counter != 3 && counter != 5)
+                    debout << "Something wrong in line " << line_counter << "( " << line
+                           << " )! Ignored. (counter=" << counter << ")" << std::endl;
                 // 3D daten abspeichern
-                if( with_3D_data && (counter == 3 || counter == 5) )
+                if(with_3D_data && (counter == 3 || counter == 5))
-                    //debout << "x: " << x << " y: " << y << " z: " << z << endl;
-                    points3D_tmp.push_back( cv::Point3f( x, y, z ) );
+                    // debout << "x: " << x << " y: " << y << " z: " << z << endl;
+                    points3D_tmp.push_back(cv::Point3f(x, y, z));
                 // 2D daten abspeichern
-                if( with_2D_data && counter == 5 )
+                if(with_2D_data && counter == 5)
-                    //debout << " px: " << px << " py: " << py << endl;
-                    points2D_tmp.push_back( cv::Point2f( px, py ) );
+                    // debout << " px: " << px << " py: " << py << endl;
+                    points2D_tmp.push_back(cv::Point2f(px, py));
             // Check if there are more than 4 points for calibration in the file
-             if( points3D_tmp.size() < 4 )
+            if(points3D_tmp.size() < 4)
-                PCritical(mMainWindow, QObject::tr("PeTrack"), QObject::tr("Error: Not enough points given: %1 (minimum 4 needed!). Please check your extrinsic calibration file!").arg(points3D_tmp.size()));
+                PCritical(
+                    mMainWindow,
+                    QObject::tr("PeTrack"),
+                    QObject::tr("Error: Not enough points given: %1 (minimum 4 needed!). Please check your extrinsic "
+                                "calibration file!")
+                        .arg(points3D_tmp.size()));
                 all_ok = false;
             // Check if 2D points delivered and if the number of 2D and 3D points agree
-            else if( points2D_tmp.size() > 0 && points2D_tmp.size() != points3D_tmp.size() )
+            else if(points2D_tmp.size() > 0 && points2D_tmp.size() != points3D_tmp.size())
-                PCritical(mMainWindow, QObject::tr("PeTrack"), QObject::tr("Error: Unsupported File Format in: %1 (number of 3D (%2) and 2D (%3) points disagree!)").arg(mExtrCalibFile).arg(points3D_tmp.size()).arg(points2D_tmp.size()));
+                PCritical(
+                    mMainWindow,
+                    QObject::tr("PeTrack"),
+                    QObject::tr(
+                        "Error: Unsupported File Format in: %1 (number of 3D (%2) and 2D (%3) points disagree!)")
+                        .arg(mExtrCalibFile)
+                        .arg(points3D_tmp.size())
+                        .arg(points2D_tmp.size()));
                 all_ok = false;
             // Check if number of loaded 3D points agree with stored 2D points
-            else if( !with_2D_data && points2D.size()>0 && points3D_tmp.size() != points2D.size() )
+            else if(!with_2D_data && points2D.size() > 0 && points3D_tmp.size() != points2D.size())
                 // ask if stored 2D points should be deleted?
-                int result = PWarning(mMainWindow,
-                                                  QObject::tr("PeTrack"),
-                                                  QObject::tr("Number of 3D points (%1) disagree with number of stored 2D points (%2)!<br />The 2D points will be deleted! You have to fetch new ones from the image!").arg(points3D_tmp.size()).arg(points2D.size()),
-                                                  PMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok | PMessageBox::StandardButton::Abort);
-                if (result != PMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok)
+                int result = PWarning(
+                    mMainWindow,
+                    QObject::tr("PeTrack"),
+                    QObject::tr("Number of 3D points (%1) disagree with number of stored 2D points (%2)!<br />The 2D "
+                                "points will be deleted! You have to fetch new ones from the image!")
+                        .arg(points3D_tmp.size())
+                        .arg(points2D.size()),
+                    PMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok | PMessageBox::StandardButton::Abort);
+                if(result != PMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok)
                     all_ok = false;
-            if( all_ok )
+            if(all_ok)
-                if( with_3D_data ) points3D = points3D_tmp;
-                if( with_2D_data ) points2D = points2D_tmp;
+                if(with_3D_data)
+                    points3D = points3D_tmp;
+                if(with_2D_data)
+                    points2D = points2D_tmp;
-        }else
+        }
+        else
             debout << "unsupported file extension (supported: .3dc,.txt)" << std::endl;
-    }else
+    }
+    else
         // no calib_file
         all_ok = false;
-    if (all_ok && !mMainWindow->isLoading())
+    if(all_ok && !mMainWindow->isLoading())
     return all_ok;
@@ -278,33 +296,42 @@ bool ExtrCalibration::loadExtrCalibFile(){
 bool ExtrCalibration::fetch2DPoints()
     bool all_ok = true;
-    if( !mMainWindow->getTracker() || mMainWindow->getTracker()->size() < 4 )
+    if(!mMainWindow->getTracker() || mMainWindow->getTracker()->size() < 4)
-       PCritical(mMainWindow, QObject::tr("Petrack"), QObject::tr("Error: At minimum four 3D calibration points needed for 3D calibration."));
-       all_ok = false;
-    }else
+        PCritical(
+            mMainWindow,
+            QObject::tr("Petrack"),
+            QObject::tr("Error: At minimum four 3D calibration points needed for 3D calibration."));
+        all_ok = false;
+    }
+    else
         size_t sz_2d = mMainWindow->getTracker()->size();
-        if( points3D.size()>0 && sz_2d != points3D.size() ){
-            PCritical(mMainWindow, QObject::tr("Petrack"), QObject::tr("Count of 2D-Points (%1) and 3D-Points (%2) disagree").arg(sz_2d).arg(points3D.size()));
+        if(points3D.size() > 0 && sz_2d != points3D.size())
+        {
+            PCritical(
+                mMainWindow,
+                QObject::tr("Petrack"),
+                QObject::tr("Count of 2D-Points (%1) and 3D-Points (%2) disagree").arg(sz_2d).arg(points3D.size()));
             all_ok = false;
-        //debout << "Marked 2D-Image-Points: " << endl;
-        if( all_ok )
+        // debout << "Marked 2D-Image-Points: " << endl;
+        if(all_ok)
             for(int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(sz_2d); i++)
-                //debout << "[" << i << "]: (" << mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(i).at(0).x() << ", " << mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(i).at(0).y() << ")" << endl;
-                // Info: Tracker->TrackPerson->TrackPoint->Vec2F
-                points2D.push_back(cv::Point2f(mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(i).at(0).x(),mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(i).at(0).y()));
+                // debout << "[" << i << "]: (" << mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(i).at(0).x() << ", " <<
+                // mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(i).at(0).y() << ")" << endl;
+                //  Info: Tracker->TrackPerson->TrackPoint->Vec2F
+                points2D.push_back(cv::Point2f(
+                    mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(i).at(0).x(), mMainWindow->getTracker()->at(i).at(0).y()));
-    if( all_ok )
+    if(all_ok)
@@ -327,62 +354,73 @@ bool ExtrCalibration::saveExtrCalibPoints()
     bool all_okay = false;
-    QString out_str;
+    QString     out_str;
     QTextStream out(&out_str);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < points3D.size(); ++i)
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < points3D.size(); ++i)
-        out << "[" << QString::number(i+1,'i',0) << "]: "<< QString::number(points3D.at(i).x,'f',1) << " " << QString::number(points3D.at(i).y,'f',1) << " " << QString::number(points3D.at(i).z,'f',1) << " " << QString::number(points2D.at(i).x,'f',3) << " " << QString::number(points2D.at(i).y,'f',3) << Qt::endl;
+        out << "[" << QString::number(i + 1, 'i', 0) << "]: " << QString::number(points3D.at(i).x, 'f', 1) << " "
+            << QString::number(points3D.at(i).y, 'f', 1) << " " << QString::number(points3D.at(i).z, 'f', 1) << " "
+            << QString::number(points2D.at(i).x, 'f', 3) << " " << QString::number(points2D.at(i).y, 'f', 3)
+            << Qt::endl;
-    QIcon icon = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxWarning);
-    PMessageBox msgBox {nullptr, "PeTrack",
-                       "The corresponding calibration points have been changed.\n"
-                       "Do you want to save your changes?",
-                       QIcon(),
-                       out_str,
-                       PMessageBox::StandardButton::Save | PMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel,
-                       PMessageBox::StandardButton::Save};
+    QIcon       icon = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxWarning);
+    PMessageBox msgBox{
+        nullptr,
+        "PeTrack",
+        "The corresponding calibration points have been changed.\n"
+        "Do you want to save your changes?",
+        QIcon(),
+        out_str,
+        PMessageBox::StandardButton::Save | PMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel,
+        PMessageBox::StandardButton::Save};
     int ret = msgBox.exec();
-    switch (ret) {
+    switch(ret)
+    {
         case PMessageBox::StandardButton::Save:
-           // Save was clicked
+            // Save was clicked
             QFile file(mExtrCalibFile);
-            if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+            if(!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
-              PCritical(mMainWindow, QObject::tr("Petrack"), QObject::tr("Cannot open %1:\n%2.").arg(mExtrCalibFile).arg(file.errorString()));
-              return false;
+                PCritical(
+                    mMainWindow,
+                    QObject::tr("Petrack"),
+                    QObject::tr("Cannot open %1:\n%2.").arg(mExtrCalibFile).arg(file.errorString()));
+                return false;
             QTextStream file_out(&file);
             file_out << points3D.size() << Qt::endl;
-            for (size_t i = 0; i < points3D.size(); ++i)
+            for(size_t i = 0; i < points3D.size(); ++i)
-                file_out << points3D.at(i).x << " " << points3D.at(i).y << " " << points3D.at(i).z << " " << points2D.at(i).x << " " << points2D.at(i).y << Qt::endl;
+                file_out << points3D.at(i).x << " " << points3D.at(i).y << " " << points3D.at(i).z << " "
+                         << points2D.at(i).x << " " << points2D.at(i).y << Qt::endl;
             all_okay = file.flush();
-           break;
+            break;
         case PMessageBox::StandardButton::Discard:
-           // Don't Save was clicked
-           break;
+            // Don't Save was clicked
+            break;
         case PMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel:
-           // Cancel was clicked
-           break;
-       default:
-           // should never be reached
-           break;
+            // Cancel was clicked
+            break;
+        default:
+            // should never be reached
+            break;
     return all_okay;
-bool ExtrCalibration::isSetExtrCalib(){
+bool ExtrCalibration::isSetExtrCalib()
     return true;
@@ -391,97 +429,97 @@ bool ExtrCalibration::isSetExtrCalib(){
 void ExtrCalibration::calibExtrParams()
-    if( !points3D.empty() && !points2D.empty() && points2D.size() == points3D.size() )
+    if(!points3D.empty() && !points2D.empty() && points2D.size() == points3D.size())
         int bS = mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
         /* Create Camera-Matrix form Camera-Params in the Petrack-GUI */
+        // clang-format off
         cv::Mat camMat = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) <<
                       mControlWidget->fx->value(), 0, mControlWidget->cx->value()-bS,
                       0, mControlWidget->fy->value(), mControlWidget->cy->value()-bS,
                       0, 0, 1);
-        cv::Mat distMat = (cv::Mat_<double>(8,1) <<
-                       0,//mControlWidget->r2->value(),
-                       0,//mControlWidget->r4->value(),
-                       0,//mControlWidget->tx->value(),
-                       0,//mControlWidget->ty->value(),
-                       // r^>4 not supported
-                       0,//mControlWidget->r6->value(),
-                       0,//mControlWidget->k4->value(),
-                       0,//mControlWidget->k5->value(),
-                       0//mControlWidget->k6->value()
-                    );
+        // clang-format on
+        cv::Mat distMat =
+            (cv::Mat_<double>(8, 1) << 0, // mControlWidget->r2->value(),
+             0,                           // mControlWidget->r4->value(),
+             0,                           // mControlWidget->tx->value(),
+             0,                           // mControlWidget->ty->value(),
+             // r^>4 not supported
+             0, // mControlWidget->r6->value(),
+             0, // mControlWidget->k4->value(),
+             0, // mControlWidget->k5->value(),
+             0  // mControlWidget->k6->value()
+            );
         /* Create Mat-objects of point correspondences */
         cv::Mat op(points3D);
         cv::Mat ip(points2D);
         /* Mat-objects for result rotation and translation vectors */
-        cv::Mat rvec(3,1,CV_64F),/*,0),*/ tvec(3,1,CV_64F);//,0);
+        cv::Mat rvec(3, 1, CV_64F), /*,0),*/ tvec(3, 1, CV_64F); //,0);
         // Solve the PnP-Problem to calibrate the camera to its environment
-        cv::solvePnP(op,ip,camMat,distMat,rvec,tvec,false,cv::SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE);
+        cv::solvePnP(op, ip, camMat, distMat, rvec, tvec, false, cv::SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE);
-        cv::Mat rot_mat(3,3,CV_64F);//, 0);
+        cv::Mat rot_mat(3, 3, CV_64F); //, 0);
         // Transform the rotation vector into a rotation matrix with opencvs rodrigues method
-        Rodrigues(rvec,rot_mat);
-        rotation_matrix[0] = rot_mat.at<double>(0,0);
-        rotation_matrix[1] = rot_mat.at<double>(0,1);
-        rotation_matrix[2] = rot_mat.at<double>(0,2);
-        rotation_matrix[3] = rot_mat.at<double>(1,0);
-        rotation_matrix[4] = rot_mat.at<double>(1,1);
-        rotation_matrix[5] = rot_mat.at<double>(1,2);
-        rotation_matrix[6] = rot_mat.at<double>(2,0);
-        rotation_matrix[7] = rot_mat.at<double>(2,1);
-        rotation_matrix[8] = rot_mat.at<double>(2,2);
-        translation_vector[0] = tvec.at<double>(0,0);
-        translation_vector[1] = tvec.at<double>(0,1);
-        translation_vector[2] = tvec.at<double>(0,2);
-        translation_vector2[0] =
-                rotation_matrix[0] * translation_vector[0] +
-                rotation_matrix[3] * translation_vector[1] +
-                rotation_matrix[6] * translation_vector[2];
-        translation_vector2[1] =
-                rotation_matrix[1] * translation_vector[0] +
-                rotation_matrix[4] * translation_vector[1] +
-                rotation_matrix[7] * translation_vector[2];
-        translation_vector2[2] =
-                rotation_matrix[2] * translation_vector[0] +
-                rotation_matrix[5] * translation_vector[1] +
-                rotation_matrix[8] * translation_vector[2];
+        Rodrigues(rvec, rot_mat);
+        rotation_matrix[0] = rot_mat.at<double>(0, 0);
+        rotation_matrix[1] = rot_mat.at<double>(0, 1);
+        rotation_matrix[2] = rot_mat.at<double>(0, 2);
+        rotation_matrix[3] = rot_mat.at<double>(1, 0);
+        rotation_matrix[4] = rot_mat.at<double>(1, 1);
+        rotation_matrix[5] = rot_mat.at<double>(1, 2);
+        rotation_matrix[6] = rot_mat.at<double>(2, 0);
+        rotation_matrix[7] = rot_mat.at<double>(2, 1);
+        rotation_matrix[8] = rot_mat.at<double>(2, 2);
+        translation_vector[0] = tvec.at<double>(0, 0);
+        translation_vector[1] = tvec.at<double>(0, 1);
+        translation_vector[2] = tvec.at<double>(0, 2);
+        translation_vector2[0] = rotation_matrix[0] * translation_vector[0] +
+                                 rotation_matrix[3] * translation_vector[1] +
+                                 rotation_matrix[6] * translation_vector[2];
+        translation_vector2[1] = rotation_matrix[1] * translation_vector[0] +
+                                 rotation_matrix[4] * translation_vector[1] +
+                                 rotation_matrix[7] * translation_vector[2];
+        translation_vector2[2] = rotation_matrix[2] * translation_vector[0] +
+                                 rotation_matrix[5] * translation_vector[1] +
+                                 rotation_matrix[8] * translation_vector[2];
         debout << "-.- ESTIMATED ROTATION -.-" << std::endl;
-        for ( size_t p=0; p<3; p++ )
-            debout << rotation_matrix[p*3] << " , " << rotation_matrix[p*3+1] << " , " << rotation_matrix[p*3+2] << std::endl;
+        for(size_t p = 0; p < 3; p++)
+            debout << rotation_matrix[p * 3] << " , " << rotation_matrix[p * 3 + 1] << " , "
+                   << rotation_matrix[p * 3 + 2] << std::endl;
         debout << "-.- ESTIMATED TRANSLATION -.-" << std::endl;
-        debout << translation_vector[0] << " , " << translation_vector[1] << " , " << translation_vector[2] << std::endl;
+        debout << translation_vector[0] << " , " << translation_vector[1] << " , " << translation_vector[2]
+               << std::endl;
         debout << "-.- Translation vector -.-" << std::endl;
-        debout << translation_vector2[0] << " , " << translation_vector2[1] << " , " << translation_vector2[2] << std::endl;
+        debout << translation_vector2[0] << " , " << translation_vector2[1] << " , " << translation_vector2[2]
+               << std::endl;
         debout << "-.- Rotation vector -.-" << std::endl;
-        debout << rvec.at<double>(0,0) << " , " << rvec.at<double>(1,0) << " , " << rvec.at<double>(2,0) << std::endl;
+        debout << rvec.at<double>(0, 0) << " , " << rvec.at<double>(1, 0) << " , " << rvec.at<double>(2, 0)
+               << std::endl;
         camHeight = translation_vector2[2] < 0 ? -translation_vector2[2] : translation_vector2[2];
-        mControlWidget->setCalibExtrRot1(rvec.at<double>(0,0));
-        mControlWidget->setCalibExtrRot2(rvec.at<double>(1,0));
-        mControlWidget->setCalibExtrRot3(rvec.at<double>(2,0));
+        mControlWidget->setCalibExtrRot1(rvec.at<double>(0, 0));
+        mControlWidget->setCalibExtrRot2(rvec.at<double>(1, 0));
+        mControlWidget->setCalibExtrRot3(rvec.at<double>(2, 0));
-        if ( !calcReprojectionError() )
+        if(!calcReprojectionError())
-            std::cout << "# Warning: extrinsic calibration not possible! Please select other 2D/3D points!" << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "# Warning: extrinsic calibration not possible! Please select other 2D/3D points!"
+                      << std::endl;
@@ -501,7 +539,11 @@ void ExtrCalibration::calibExtrParams()
             reprojectionError = ReprojectionError{};
-            PCritical(mMainWindow, QObject::tr("Petrack"), QObject::tr("Error: Could not calculate extrinsic calibration. Please select other 2D/3D point correspondences for extrinsic calibration!"));
+            PCritical(
+                mMainWindow,
+                QObject::tr("Petrack"),
+                QObject::tr("Error: Could not calculate extrinsic calibration. Please select other 2D/3D point "
+                            "correspondences for extrinsic calibration!"));
             isExtCalib = false;
@@ -511,13 +553,13 @@ void ExtrCalibration::calibExtrParams()
         isExtCalib = true;
         std::cout << "End of extern calibration!" << std::endl;
-    }else
+    }
+    else
         std::cerr << "# Warning: invalid point correspondences for camera calibration." << std::endl;
         std::cerr << "# 2D points:" << points2D.size() << ", 3D points: " << points3D.size() << std::endl;
@@ -536,18 +578,18 @@ bool ExtrCalibration::calcReprojectionError()
     /// \brief error measurements
-    double val, max_px = -1.0, max_pH = -1.0, max_dH = -1.0,
-          var_px = 0, sd_px = 0, var_pH = 0, sd_pH = 0, var_dH = 0, sd_dH = 0,
-          sum_px = 0, sum_pH = 0, sum_dH = 0;
+    double val, max_px = -1.0, max_pH = -1.0, max_dH = -1.0, var_px = 0, sd_px = 0, var_pH = 0, sd_pH = 0, var_dH = 0,
+                sd_dH = 0, sum_px = 0, sum_pH = 0, sum_dH = 0;
     size_t num_points = get2DList().size();
-    if(num_points == 0 || num_points != get3DList().size()){
+    if(num_points == 0 || num_points != get3DList().size())
+    {
         reprojectionError = ReprojectionError{};
         return false;
     bool debug = false;
-    for(size_t i=0; i< num_points; i++)
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < num_points; i++)
         cv::Point2f p2d = get2DList().at(i);
         cv::Point3f p3d = get3DList().at(i);
@@ -557,31 +599,38 @@ bool ExtrCalibration::calcReprojectionError()
         cv::Point2f p3dTo2d = getImagePoint(p3d);
         // Error measurements metric (cm)
-        cv::Point3f p2dTo3d = get3DPoint(p2d,p3d.z);
+        cv::Point3f p2dTo3d = get3DPoint(p2d, p3d.z);
-        cv::Point3f p2dTo3dMapDefaultHeight = get3DPoint(p2d,mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value());
+        cv::Point3f p2dTo3dMapDefaultHeight = get3DPoint(p2d, mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value());
-        cv::Point3f p3dTo2dTo3dMapDefaultHeight = get3DPoint(p3dTo2d,mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value());
+        cv::Point3f p3dTo2dTo3dMapDefaultHeight = get3DPoint(p3dTo2d, mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value());
-        val = sqrt(pow(p3d.x - p2dTo3d.x,2) + pow(p3d.y - p2dTo3d.y,2));
-        if ( val > max_pH ) max_pH = val;
-            sum_pH += val;
-        if( debug ) debout << "Error point[" << i << "]: " << val << std::endl;
+        val = sqrt(pow(p3d.x - p2dTo3d.x, 2) + pow(p3d.y - p2dTo3d.y, 2));
+        if(val > max_pH)
+            max_pH = val;
+        sum_pH += val;
+        if(debug)
+            debout << "Error point[" << i << "]: " << val << std::endl;
-        val = sqrt(pow(p3dTo2dTo3dMapDefaultHeight.x - p2dTo3dMapDefaultHeight.x,2) + pow(p3dTo2dTo3dMapDefaultHeight.y-p2dTo3dMapDefaultHeight.y,2));
-        if ( val > max_dH ) max_dH = val;
-            sum_dH += val;
-        if( debug ) debout << "Error point[" << i << "]: " << val << std::endl;
+        val = sqrt(
+            pow(p3dTo2dTo3dMapDefaultHeight.x - p2dTo3dMapDefaultHeight.x, 2) +
+            pow(p3dTo2dTo3dMapDefaultHeight.y - p2dTo3dMapDefaultHeight.y, 2));
+        if(val > max_dH)
+            max_dH = val;
+        sum_dH += val;
+        if(debug)
+            debout << "Error point[" << i << "]: " << val << std::endl;
         // Error measurements pixel
-        val = sqrt(pow(p3dTo2d.x - p2d.x,2) + pow(p3dTo2d.y - p2d.y,2));
+        val = sqrt(pow(p3dTo2d.x - p2d.x, 2) + pow(p3dTo2d.y - p2d.y, 2));
         // Maximum
-        if ( val > max_px ) max_px = val;
-            sum_px += val;
-        if( debug ) debout << "Error point[" << i << "]: " << val << std::endl;
+        if(val > max_px)
+            max_px = val;
+        sum_px += val;
+        if(debug)
+            debout << "Error point[" << i << "]: " << val << std::endl;
-    for(size_t i=0; i< num_points; i++)
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < num_points; i++)
         cv::Point2f p2d = get2DList().at(i);
         cv::Point3f p3d = get3DList().at(i);
@@ -591,48 +640,68 @@ bool ExtrCalibration::calcReprojectionError()
         cv::Point2f p3d_to_2d = getImagePoint(p3d);
         // Error measurements metric (cm)
-        cv::Point3f p2d_to_3d = get3DPoint(p2d,p3d.z);
+        cv::Point3f p2d_to_3d = get3DPoint(p2d, p3d.z);
-        cv::Point3f p2d_to_3d_mapDefaultHeight = get3DPoint(p2d,mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value()); // mStatusPosRealHeight->value()); ?
+        cv::Point3f p2d_to_3d_mapDefaultHeight =
+            get3DPoint(p2d, mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value()); // mStatusPosRealHeight->value()); ?
-        cv::Point3f p3d_to2d_to3d_mapDefaultHeight = get3DPoint(p3d_to_2d,mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value());
+        cv::Point3f p3d_to2d_to3d_mapDefaultHeight = get3DPoint(p3d_to_2d, mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value());
-        val = pow(sqrt(pow(p3d.x-p2d_to_3d.x,2) + pow(p3d.y-p2d_to_3d.y,2))-(sum_pH/num_points),2);
+        val = pow(sqrt(pow(p3d.x - p2d_to_3d.x, 2) + pow(p3d.y - p2d_to_3d.y, 2)) - (sum_pH / num_points), 2);
         var_pH += val;
-        val = pow(sqrt(pow(p3d_to2d_to3d_mapDefaultHeight.x-p2d_to_3d_mapDefaultHeight.x,2) + pow(p3d_to2d_to3d_mapDefaultHeight.y-p2d_to_3d_mapDefaultHeight.y,2))-(sum_dH/num_points),2);
+        val =
+            pow(sqrt(
+                    pow(p3d_to2d_to3d_mapDefaultHeight.x - p2d_to_3d_mapDefaultHeight.x, 2) +
+                    pow(p3d_to2d_to3d_mapDefaultHeight.y - p2d_to_3d_mapDefaultHeight.y, 2)) -
+                    (sum_dH / num_points),
+                2);
         var_dH += val;
-        val = pow(sqrt(pow(p3d_to_2d.x-p2d.x,2) + pow(p3d_to_2d.y-p2d.y,2))-(sum_px/num_points),2);
+        val = pow(sqrt(pow(p3d_to_2d.x - p2d.x, 2) + pow(p3d_to_2d.y - p2d.y, 2)) - (sum_px / num_points), 2);
         var_px += val;
     // average
     sum_pH /= num_points;
     var_pH /= num_points;
     sd_pH = sqrt(var_pH);
-    debout << "Reprojection error (pointHeight) average: " << sum_pH << "cm (standard deviation: " << sd_pH << " variance: " << var_pH << " Max error: " << max_pH << "cm)" << std::endl;
+    debout << "Reprojection error (pointHeight) average: " << sum_pH << "cm (standard deviation: " << sd_pH
+           << " variance: " << var_pH << " Max error: " << max_pH << "cm)" << std::endl;
     // average
     sum_dH /= num_points;
     var_dH /= num_points;
     sd_dH = sqrt(var_dH);
-    debout << "Reprojection error (defaultHeight=" << mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value() << ") average: " << sum_dH << "cm (standard deviation: " << sd_dH << " variance: " << var_dH << " Max error: " << max_dH << "cm)" << std::endl;
+    debout << "Reprojection error (defaultHeight=" << mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value()
+           << ") average: " << sum_dH << "cm (standard deviation: " << sd_dH << " variance: " << var_dH
+           << " Max error: " << max_dH << "cm)" << std::endl;
     // average
     sum_px /= num_points;
     var_px /= num_points;
     sd_px = sqrt(var_px);
-    debout << "Reprojection error (Pixel) average: " << sum_px << "px (standard deviation: " << sd_px << " variance: " << var_px << " Max error: " << max_px << "px)" << std::endl;
+    debout << "Reprojection error (Pixel) average: " << sum_px << "px (standard deviation: " << sd_px
+           << " variance: " << var_px << " Max error: " << max_px << "px)" << std::endl;
     reprojectionError = ReprojectionError{
-        sum_pH, sd_pH, var_pH, max_pH,
-        sum_dH, sd_dH, var_dH, max_dH,
-        sum_px, sd_px, var_px, max_px,
+        sum_pH,
+        sd_pH,
+        var_pH,
+        max_pH,
+        sum_dH,
+        sd_dH,
+        var_dH,
+        max_dH,
+        sum_px,
+        sd_px,
+        var_px,
+        max_px,
-    return reprojectionError.pointHeightAvg() > MAX_AV_ERROR ? false : true; // Falls pixel fehler im schnitt > 20 ist das Ergebnis nicht akzeptabel
+    return reprojectionError.pointHeightAvg() > MAX_AV_ERROR ?
+               false :
+               true; // Falls pixel fehler im schnitt > 20 ist das Ergebnis nicht akzeptabel
@@ -658,7 +727,8 @@ cv::Point2f ExtrCalibration::getImagePoint(cv::Point3f p3d)
     p3d.y += mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY();
     p3d.z += mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransZ();
-    if( debug ) std::cout << "getImagePoint: Start Point3D: (" << p3d.x << ", " << p3d.y << ", " << p3d.z << ")" << std::endl;
+    if(debug)
+        std::cout << "getImagePoint: Start Point3D: (" << p3d.x << ", " << p3d.y << ", " << p3d.z << ")" << std::endl;
     // ToDo: use projectPoints();
     int bS = mMainWindow->getImage() ? mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() : 0;
@@ -668,73 +738,71 @@ cv::Point2f ExtrCalibration::getImagePoint(cv::Point3f p3d)
     rvec_array[1] = mControlWidget->getCalibExtrRot2();
     rvec_array[2] = mControlWidget->getCalibExtrRot3();
-    cv::Mat rvec(3,1,CV_64F, rvec_array), rot_inv;
-    cv::Mat rot_mat(3,3,CV_64F), e(3,3,CV_64F);
+    cv::Mat rvec(3, 1, CV_64F, rvec_array), rot_inv;
+    cv::Mat rot_mat(3, 3, CV_64F), e(3, 3, CV_64F);
     // Transform the rotation vector into a rotation matrix with opencvs rodrigues method
-    Rodrigues(rvec,rot_mat);
+    Rodrigues(rvec, rot_mat);
     // use inverse Matrix to get translation_vector?
     rot_inv = rot_mat.inv(cv::DECOMP_SVD);
-    e = rot_inv*rot_mat;
-    translation_vector[0] =
-            rot_mat.at<double>(0,0)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1()+
-            rot_mat.at<double>(0,1)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2()+
-            rot_mat.at<double>(0,2)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3();
-    translation_vector[1] =
-            rot_mat.at<double>(1,0)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1()+
-            rot_mat.at<double>(1,1)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2()+
-            rot_mat.at<double>(1,2)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3();
-    translation_vector[2] =
-            rot_mat.at<double>(2,0)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1()+
-            rot_mat.at<double>(2,1)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2()+
-            rot_mat.at<double>(2,2)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3();
-    if( debug )
+    e = rot_inv * rot_mat;
+    translation_vector[0] = rot_mat.at<double>(0, 0) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1() +
+                            rot_mat.at<double>(0, 1) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2() +
+                            rot_mat.at<double>(0, 2) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3();
+    translation_vector[1] = rot_mat.at<double>(1, 0) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1() +
+                            rot_mat.at<double>(1, 1) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2() +
+                            rot_mat.at<double>(1, 2) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3();
+    translation_vector[2] = rot_mat.at<double>(2, 0) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1() +
+                            rot_mat.at<double>(2, 1) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2() +
+                            rot_mat.at<double>(2, 2) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3();
+    if(debug)
         std::cout << "\n-.- ESTIMATED ROTATION\n";
-        for ( int p=0; p<3; p++ )
-            printf("%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f\n",rot_mat.at<double>(p,0),rot_mat.at<double>(p,1),rot_mat.at<double>(p,2));
+        for(int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
+            printf(
+                "%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f\n",
+                rot_mat.at<double>(p, 0),
+                rot_mat.at<double>(p, 1),
+                rot_mat.at<double>(p, 2));
         std::cout << "\n-.- ESTIMATED ROTATION^-1\n";
-        for ( int p=0; p<3; p++ )
-            printf("%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f\n",rot_inv.at<double>(p,0),rot_inv.at<double>(p,1),rot_inv.at<double>(p,2));
+        for(int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
+            printf(
+                "%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f\n",
+                rot_inv.at<double>(p, 0),
+                rot_inv.at<double>(p, 1),
+                rot_inv.at<double>(p, 2));
         std::cout << "\n-.- ESTIMATED R^-1*R\n";
-        for ( int p=0; p<3; p++ )
-            printf("%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f\n",e.at<double>(p,0),e.at<double>(p,1),e.at<double>(p,2));
+        for(int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
+            printf("%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f\n", e.at<double>(p, 0), e.at<double>(p, 1), e.at<double>(p, 2));
         std::cout << "\n-.- ESTIMATED TRANSLATION\n";
-        printf("%20.15f, %20.15f, %20.15f\n",translation_vector[0],translation_vector[1],translation_vector[2]);
+        printf("%20.15f, %20.15f, %20.15f\n", translation_vector[0], translation_vector[1], translation_vector[2]);
     cv::Point3f point3D;
-    point3D.x =
-            rot_mat.at<double>(0,0) * p3d.x +
-            rot_mat.at<double>(0,1) * p3d.y +
-            rot_mat.at<double>(0,2) * p3d.z +
-            translation_vector[0];
-    point3D.y =
-            rot_mat.at<double>(1,0) * p3d.x +
-            rot_mat.at<double>(1,1) * p3d.y +
-            rot_mat.at<double>(1,2) * p3d.z +
-            translation_vector[1];
-    point3D.z =
-            rot_mat.at<double>(2,0) * p3d.x +
-            rot_mat.at<double>(2,1) * p3d.y +
-            rot_mat.at<double>(2,2) * p3d.z +
-            translation_vector[2];
-    if( debug ) std::cout << "###### After extern calibration: (" << point3D.x << ", " << point3D.y << ", " << point3D.z << ")" << std::endl;
-    cv::Point2f point2D = cv::Point2f( 0.0, 0.0 );
-    if ( point3D.z != 0 )
+    point3D.x = rot_mat.at<double>(0, 0) * p3d.x + rot_mat.at<double>(0, 1) * p3d.y + rot_mat.at<double>(0, 2) * p3d.z +
+                translation_vector[0];
+    point3D.y = rot_mat.at<double>(1, 0) * p3d.x + rot_mat.at<double>(1, 1) * p3d.y + rot_mat.at<double>(1, 2) * p3d.z +
+                translation_vector[1];
+    point3D.z = rot_mat.at<double>(2, 0) * p3d.x + rot_mat.at<double>(2, 1) * p3d.y + rot_mat.at<double>(2, 2) * p3d.z +
+                translation_vector[2];
+    if(debug)
+        std::cout << "###### After extern calibration: (" << point3D.x << ", " << point3D.y << ", " << point3D.z << ")"
+                  << std::endl;
+    cv::Point2f point2D = cv::Point2f(0.0, 0.0);
+    if(point3D.z != 0)
-        point2D.x = (mControlWidget->fx->value() * point3D.x) / point3D.z + (mControlWidget->cx->value()-bS);
-        point2D.y = (mControlWidget->fy->value() * point3D.y) / point3D.z + (mControlWidget->cy->value()-bS);
+        point2D.x = (mControlWidget->fx->value() * point3D.x) / point3D.z + (mControlWidget->cx->value() - bS);
+        point2D.y = (mControlWidget->fy->value() * point3D.y) / point3D.z + (mControlWidget->cy->value() - bS);
-    if (false && bS > 0)
+    if(false && bS > 0)
         point2D.x += bS;
         point2D.y += bS;
@@ -752,117 +820,135 @@ cv::Point2f ExtrCalibration::getImagePoint(cv::Point3f p3d)
 cv::Point3f ExtrCalibration::get3DPoint(cv::Point2f p2d, double h)
-        bool debug = false;
+    bool debug = false;
-        if( debug ) std::cout << "get3DPoint: Start Point2D: (" << p2d.x << ", " << p2d.y << ") h: " << h << std::endl;
+    if(debug)
+        std::cout << "get3DPoint: Start Point2D: (" << p2d.x << ", " << p2d.y << ") h: " << h << std::endl;
-        int bS = mMainWindow->getImage() ? mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() : 0;
+    int bS = mMainWindow->getImage() ? mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() : 0;
-        if (false && bS > 0)
-        {
-            p2d.x += bS;
-            p2d.y += bS;
-        }
+    if(false && bS > 0)
+    {
+        p2d.x += bS;
+        p2d.y += bS;
+    }
-        // Ergebnis 3D-Punkt
-        cv::Point3f resultPoint, tmpPoint;
+    // Ergebnis 3D-Punkt
+    cv::Point3f resultPoint, tmpPoint;
-        bool newMethod = true;
-        /////////////// Start new method
-        if( newMethod )
-        {
+    bool newMethod = true;
+    /////////////// Start new method
+    if(newMethod)
+    {
         double rvec_array[3], translation_vector[3];
         rvec_array[0] = mControlWidget->getCalibExtrRot1();
         rvec_array[1] = mControlWidget->getCalibExtrRot2();
         rvec_array[2] = mControlWidget->getCalibExtrRot3();
-        cv::Mat rvec(3,1,CV_64F, rvec_array), rot_inv;
-        cv::Mat rot_mat(3,3,CV_64F), e(3,3,CV_64F);
+        cv::Mat rvec(3, 1, CV_64F, rvec_array), rot_inv;
+        cv::Mat rot_mat(3, 3, CV_64F), e(3, 3, CV_64F);
         // Transform the rotation vector into a rotation matrix with opencvs rodrigues method
-        Rodrigues(rvec,rot_mat);
-        translation_vector[0] =
-                rot_mat.at<double>(0,0)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1()+
-                rot_mat.at<double>(0,1)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2()+
-                rot_mat.at<double>(0,2)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3();
-        translation_vector[1] =
-                rot_mat.at<double>(1,0)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1()+
-                rot_mat.at<double>(1,1)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2()+
-                rot_mat.at<double>(1,2)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3();
-        translation_vector[2] =
-                rot_mat.at<double>(2,0)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1()+
-                rot_mat.at<double>(2,1)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2()+
-                rot_mat.at<double>(2,2)*mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3();
+        Rodrigues(rvec, rot_mat);
+        translation_vector[0] = rot_mat.at<double>(0, 0) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1() +
+                                rot_mat.at<double>(0, 1) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2() +
+                                rot_mat.at<double>(0, 2) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3();
+        translation_vector[1] = rot_mat.at<double>(1, 0) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1() +
+                                rot_mat.at<double>(1, 1) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2() +
+                                rot_mat.at<double>(1, 2) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3();
+        translation_vector[2] = rot_mat.at<double>(2, 0) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1() +
+                                rot_mat.at<double>(2, 1) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2() +
+                                rot_mat.at<double>(2, 2) * mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3();
         // use inverse Matrix
         rot_inv = rot_mat.inv(cv::DECOMP_LU);
-        e = rot_inv*rot_mat;
+        e       = rot_inv * rot_mat;
-        if( debug )
+        if(debug)
-        debout << "\n-.- ESTIMATED ROTATION\n";
-        for ( int p=0; p<3; p++ )
-            printf("%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f\n",rot_mat.at<double>(p,0),rot_mat.at<double>(p,1),rot_mat.at<double>(p,2));
-        debout << "\n-.- ESTIMATED ROTATION^-1\n";
-        for ( int p=0; p<3; p++ )
-            printf("%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f\n",rot_inv.at<double>(p,0),rot_inv.at<double>(p,1),rot_inv.at<double>(p,2));
-        debout << "\n-.- ESTIMATED R^-1*R\n";
-        for ( int p=0; p<3; p++ )
-            printf("%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f\n",e.at<double>(p,0),e.at<double>(p,1),e.at<double>(p,2));
-        debout << "\n-.- ESTIMATED TRANSLATION\n";
-        debout << mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1() << " , " << mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2() << " , " << mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3() << "\n";
-        debout << translation_vector[0] << " , " << translation_vector[1] << " , " << translation_vector[2] << "\n";
-        debout << "Det(rot_mat): "<< determinant(rot_mat) << std::endl;
-        debout << "Det(rot_inv): "<< determinant(rot_inv) << std::endl;
+            debout << "\n-.- ESTIMATED ROTATION\n";
+            for(int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
+                printf(
+                    "%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f\n",
+                    rot_mat.at<double>(p, 0),
+                    rot_mat.at<double>(p, 1),
+                    rot_mat.at<double>(p, 2));
+            debout << "\n-.- ESTIMATED ROTATION^-1\n";
+            for(int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
+                printf(
+                    "%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f\n",
+                    rot_inv.at<double>(p, 0),
+                    rot_inv.at<double>(p, 1),
+                    rot_inv.at<double>(p, 2));
+            debout << "\n-.- ESTIMATED R^-1*R\n";
+            for(int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
+                printf("%20.18f, %20.18f, %20.18f\n", e.at<double>(p, 0), e.at<double>(p, 1), e.at<double>(p, 2));
+            debout << "\n-.- ESTIMATED TRANSLATION\n";
+            debout << mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1() << " , " << mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2() << " , "
+                   << mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3() << "\n";
+            debout << translation_vector[0] << " , " << translation_vector[1] << " , " << translation_vector[2] << "\n";
+            debout << "Det(rot_mat): " << determinant(rot_mat) << std::endl;
+            debout << "Det(rot_inv): " << determinant(rot_inv) << std::endl;
-        double z = h + rot_inv.at<double>(2,0)*translation_vector[0] +
-                       rot_inv.at<double>(2,1)*translation_vector[1] +
-                       rot_inv.at<double>(2,2)*translation_vector[2];
-        if( debug )
+        double z = h + rot_inv.at<double>(2, 0) * translation_vector[0] +
+                   rot_inv.at<double>(2, 1) * translation_vector[1] + rot_inv.at<double>(2, 2) * translation_vector[2];
+        if(debug)
-        debout << "##### z: " << h << " + " << rot_inv.at<double>(2,0) << "*" << translation_vector[0] << " + "
-                                          << rot_inv.at<double>(2,1) << "*" << translation_vector[1] << " + "
-                                          << rot_inv.at<double>(2,2) << "*" << translation_vector[2] << " = " << z << std::endl;
+            debout << "##### z: " << h << " + " << rot_inv.at<double>(2, 0) << "*" << translation_vector[0] << " + "
+                   << rot_inv.at<double>(2, 1) << "*" << translation_vector[1] << " + " << rot_inv.at<double>(2, 2)
+                   << "*" << translation_vector[2] << " = " << z << std::endl;
-        z /= (rot_inv.at<double>(2,0)*(p2d.x-(mControlWidget->getCalibCxValue()-bS))/mControlWidget->getCalibFxValue() +
-                 rot_inv.at<double>(2,1)*(p2d.y-(mControlWidget->getCalibCyValue()-bS))/mControlWidget->getCalibFyValue() +
-                 rot_inv.at<double>(2,2));
-        if( debug ) std::cout << "###### z: "<< z << std::endl;
-        resultPoint.x = (p2d.x-(mControlWidget->getCalibCxValue()-bS));
-        resultPoint.y = (p2d.y-(mControlWidget->getCalibCyValue()-bS));
+        z /=
+            (rot_inv.at<double>(2, 0) * (p2d.x - (mControlWidget->getCalibCxValue() - bS)) /
+                 mControlWidget->getCalibFxValue() +
+             rot_inv.at<double>(2, 1) * (p2d.y - (mControlWidget->getCalibCyValue() - bS)) /
+                 mControlWidget->getCalibFyValue() +
+             rot_inv.at<double>(2, 2));
+        if(debug)
+            std::cout << "###### z: " << z << std::endl;
+        resultPoint.x = (p2d.x - (mControlWidget->getCalibCxValue() - bS));
+        resultPoint.y = (p2d.y - (mControlWidget->getCalibCyValue() - bS));
         resultPoint.z = z;
-        if( debug ) std::cout << "###### (" << resultPoint.x << ", " << resultPoint.y << ", " << resultPoint.z << ")" << std::endl;
+        if(debug)
+            std::cout << "###### (" << resultPoint.x << ", " << resultPoint.y << ", " << resultPoint.z << ")"
+                      << std::endl;
-        resultPoint.x = resultPoint.x * z/mControlWidget->getCalibFxValue();
-        resultPoint.y = resultPoint.y * z/mControlWidget->getCalibFyValue();
+        resultPoint.x = resultPoint.x * z / mControlWidget->getCalibFxValue();
+        resultPoint.y = resultPoint.y * z / mControlWidget->getCalibFyValue();
-        if( debug ) std::cout << "###### After intern re-calibration: (" << resultPoint.x << ", " << resultPoint.y << ", " << resultPoint.z << ")" << std::endl;
+        if(debug)
+            std::cout << "###### After intern re-calibration: (" << resultPoint.x << ", " << resultPoint.y << ", "
+                      << resultPoint.z << ")" << std::endl;
         tmpPoint.x = resultPoint.x - translation_vector[0];
         tmpPoint.y = resultPoint.y - translation_vector[1];
         tmpPoint.z = resultPoint.z - translation_vector[2];
-        if( debug ) std::cout << "###### After translation: (" << tmpPoint.x << ", " << tmpPoint.y << ", " << tmpPoint.z << ")" << std::endl;
+        if(debug)
+            std::cout << "###### After translation: (" << tmpPoint.x << ", " << tmpPoint.y << ", " << tmpPoint.z << ")"
+                      << std::endl;
-        resultPoint.x = rot_inv.at<double>(0,0)*(tmpPoint.x)+
-                        rot_inv.at<double>(0,1)*(tmpPoint.y)+
-                        rot_inv.at<double>(0,2)*(tmpPoint.z);
-        resultPoint.y = rot_inv.at<double>(1,0)*(tmpPoint.x)+
-                        rot_inv.at<double>(1,1)*(tmpPoint.y)+
-                        rot_inv.at<double>(1,2)*(tmpPoint.z);
-        resultPoint.z = rot_inv.at<double>(2,0)*(tmpPoint.x)+
-                        rot_inv.at<double>(2,1)*(tmpPoint.y)+
-                        rot_inv.at<double>(2,2)*(tmpPoint.z);
+        resultPoint.x = rot_inv.at<double>(0, 0) * (tmpPoint.x) + rot_inv.at<double>(0, 1) * (tmpPoint.y) +
+                        rot_inv.at<double>(0, 2) * (tmpPoint.z);
+        resultPoint.y = rot_inv.at<double>(1, 0) * (tmpPoint.x) + rot_inv.at<double>(1, 1) * (tmpPoint.y) +
+                        rot_inv.at<double>(1, 2) * (tmpPoint.z);
+        resultPoint.z = rot_inv.at<double>(2, 0) * (tmpPoint.x) + rot_inv.at<double>(2, 1) * (tmpPoint.y) +
+                        rot_inv.at<double>(2, 2) * (tmpPoint.z);
-        if( debug ) std::cout << "#resultPoint: (" << resultPoint.x << ", " << resultPoint.y << ", " << resultPoint.z << ")" << std::endl;
-        if( debug ) std::cout << "Coord Translation: x: " << mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX() << ", y: " << mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY() << ", z: " << mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransZ() << std::endl;
+        if(debug)
+            std::cout << "#resultPoint: (" << resultPoint.x << ", " << resultPoint.y << ", " << resultPoint.z << ")"
+                      << std::endl;
+        if(debug)
+            std::cout << "Coord Translation: x: " << mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX()
+                      << ", y: " << mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY()
+                      << ", z: " << mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransZ() << std::endl;
         // Coordinate Transformations
@@ -874,48 +960,56 @@ cv::Point3f ExtrCalibration::get3DPoint(cv::Point2f p2d, double h)
         resultPoint.x *= mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapX() ? -1 : 1;
         resultPoint.y *= mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapY() ? -1 : 1;
         resultPoint.z *= mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapZ() ? -1 : 1;
-        }else//////////////// End new method
-        {
+    }
+    else //////////////// End new method
+    {
         //////////////// Start old method
-        cv::Point3f camInWorld = transformRT(cv::Point3f(0,0,0));
+        cv::Point3f camInWorld = transformRT(cv::Point3f(0, 0, 0));
         // 3D-Punkt vor der Kamera mit Tiefe 5
         CvPoint3D32f pointBeforeCam;
         pointBeforeCam.x = (p2d.x - mControlWidget->cx->value()) / mControlWidget->fx->value() * 50;
         pointBeforeCam.y = (p2d.y - mControlWidget->cy->value()) / mControlWidget->fy->value() * 50;
         pointBeforeCam.z = 50;
-        if( debug ) std::cout << "Point before Camera: [" << pointBeforeCam.x << ", " << pointBeforeCam.y << ", " << pointBeforeCam.z << "]" << std::endl;
+        if(debug)
+            std::cout << "Point before Camera: [" << pointBeforeCam.x << ", " << pointBeforeCam.y << ", "
+                      << pointBeforeCam.z << "]" << std::endl;
         // 3D-Punkt vor Kamera in Weltkoordinaten
         cv::Point3f pBCInWorld = transformRT(pointBeforeCam);
-        if( debug ) std::cout << "Point before Camera in World-Coordinatesystem: [" << pBCInWorld.x << ", " << pBCInWorld.y << ", " << pBCInWorld.z << "]" << std::endl;
-        if( debug ) std::cout << "Camera in World-Coordinatesystem: [" << camInWorld.x << ", " << camInWorld.y << ", " << camInWorld.z << "]" << std::endl;
+        if(debug)
+            std::cout << "Point before Camera in World-Coordinatesystem: [" << pBCInWorld.x << ", " << pBCInWorld.y
+                      << ", " << pBCInWorld.z << "]" << std::endl;
+        if(debug)
+            std::cout << "Camera in World-Coordinatesystem: [" << camInWorld.x << ", " << camInWorld.y << ", "
+                      << camInWorld.z << "]" << std::endl;
         // Berechnung des Richtungsvektors der Gerade von der Kamera durch den Pixel
         // Als Sttzvektor der Geraden wird die Position der Kamera gewhlt
         pBCInWorld.x -= camInWorld.x;
         pBCInWorld.y -= camInWorld.y;
         pBCInWorld.z -= camInWorld.z;
-        if( debug ) std::cout << "G:x = (" << camInWorld.x << " / " << camInWorld.y << " / " << camInWorld.z << ") + lambda (" << pBCInWorld.x << " / " << pBCInWorld.y << " / " << pBCInWorld.z << ")" << std::endl;
+        if(debug)
+            std::cout << "G:x = (" << camInWorld.x << " / " << camInWorld.y << " / " << camInWorld.z << ") + lambda ("
+                      << pBCInWorld.x << " / " << pBCInWorld.y << " / " << pBCInWorld.z << ")" << std::endl;
         // Berechnung des Schnittpunktes: Hier lambda von der Geraden
-        double lambda = (h -camInWorld.z) / (pBCInWorld.z);
-        if( debug ) std::cout << "Lambda: " << lambda << std::endl;
+        double lambda = (h - camInWorld.z) / (pBCInWorld.z);
+        if(debug)
+            std::cout << "Lambda: " << lambda << std::endl;
         // Lambda in Gerade einsetzen
         resultPoint.x = (mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapX() ? -1 : 1) * (camInWorld.x + lambda * pBCInWorld.x);
         resultPoint.y = (mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapY() ? -1 : 1) * (camInWorld.y + lambda * pBCInWorld.y);
         resultPoint.z = (mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapZ() ? -1 : 1) * (camInWorld.z + lambda * pBCInWorld.z);
-        }//////////////// End old method
+    } //////////////// End old method
-        return resultPoint;
+    return resultPoint;
-  * Transformiert den angegebenen 3D-Punkt mit der Rotation und Translation
-  * um Umrechnungen zwischen verschiedenen Koordinatensystemen zu ermglichen
-  */
+ * Transformiert den angegebenen 3D-Punkt mit der Rotation und Translation
+ * um Umrechnungen zwischen verschiedenen Koordinatensystemen zu ermglichen
+ */
 cv::Point3f ExtrCalibration::transformRT(cv::Point3f p)
     // ToDo: use projectPoints();
@@ -925,48 +1019,44 @@ cv::Point3f ExtrCalibration::transformRT(cv::Point3f p)
     rvec_array[1] = mControlWidget->getCalibExtrRot2();
     rvec_array[2] = mControlWidget->getCalibExtrRot3();
-    cv::Mat rvec(3,1,CV_64F, rvec_array);
-    cv::Mat rot_mat(3,3,CV_64F);
+    cv::Mat rvec(3, 1, CV_64F, rvec_array);
+    cv::Mat rot_mat(3, 3, CV_64F);
     // Transform the rotation vector into a rotation matrix with opencvs rodrigues method
-    Rodrigues(rvec,rot_mat);
-    rotation_matrix[0] = rot_mat.at<double>(0,0);
-    rotation_matrix[1] = rot_mat.at<double>(0,1);
-    rotation_matrix[2] = rot_mat.at<double>(0,2);
-    rotation_matrix[3] = rot_mat.at<double>(1,0);
-    rotation_matrix[4] = rot_mat.at<double>(1,1);
-    rotation_matrix[5] = rot_mat.at<double>(1,2);
-    rotation_matrix[6] = rot_mat.at<double>(2,0);
-    rotation_matrix[7] = rot_mat.at<double>(2,1);
-    rotation_matrix[8] = rot_mat.at<double>(2,2);
+    Rodrigues(rvec, rot_mat);
+    rotation_matrix[0] = rot_mat.at<double>(0, 0);
+    rotation_matrix[1] = rot_mat.at<double>(0, 1);
+    rotation_matrix[2] = rot_mat.at<double>(0, 2);
+    rotation_matrix[3] = rot_mat.at<double>(1, 0);
+    rotation_matrix[4] = rot_mat.at<double>(1, 1);
+    rotation_matrix[5] = rot_mat.at<double>(1, 2);
+    rotation_matrix[6] = rot_mat.at<double>(2, 0);
+    rotation_matrix[7] = rot_mat.at<double>(2, 1);
+    rotation_matrix[8] = rot_mat.at<double>(2, 2);
     cv::Point3f point3D;
-    point3D.x = rotation_matrix[0] * p.x +
-            rotation_matrix[3] * p.y +
-            rotation_matrix[6] * p.z -
-            mControlWidget->trans1->value();
-    point3D.y = rotation_matrix[1] * p.x +
-            rotation_matrix[4] * p.y +
-            rotation_matrix[7] * p.z -
-            mControlWidget->trans2->value();
-    point3D.z = rotation_matrix[2] * p.x +
-            rotation_matrix[5] * p.y +
-            rotation_matrix[8] * p.z -
-            mControlWidget->trans3->value();
+    point3D.x = rotation_matrix[0] * p.x + rotation_matrix[3] * p.y + rotation_matrix[6] * p.z -
+                mControlWidget->trans1->value();
+    point3D.y = rotation_matrix[1] * p.x + rotation_matrix[4] * p.y + rotation_matrix[7] * p.z -
+                mControlWidget->trans2->value();
+    point3D.z = rotation_matrix[2] * p.x + rotation_matrix[5] * p.y + rotation_matrix[8] * p.z -
+                mControlWidget->trans3->value();
     return point3D;
 bool ExtrCalibration::isOutsideImage(cv::Point2f p2d)
     int bS = mMainWindow->getImage() ? mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() : 0;
-    if( mMainWindow->getImage())
+    if(mMainWindow->getImage())
-        if( !isnormal(p2d.x) || !isnormal(p2d.y) || !isnormal(p2d.x) || !isnormal(p2d.y) )
+        if(!isnormal(p2d.x) || !isnormal(p2d.y) || !isnormal(p2d.x) || !isnormal(p2d.y))
             return true;
-        if (isnan(p2d.x) || isnan(p2d.y) || isinf(p2d.x) || isinf(p2d.y))
+        if(isnan(p2d.x) || isnan(p2d.y) || isinf(p2d.x) || isinf(p2d.y))
             return true;
-        return p2d.x < -bS || p2d.x > mMainWindow->getImage()->width()-bS || p2d.y < -bS || p2d.y > mMainWindow->getImage()->height()-bS;
-    }else
+        return p2d.x < -bS || p2d.x > mMainWindow->getImage()->width() - bS || p2d.y < -bS ||
+               p2d.y > mMainWindow->getImage()->height() - bS;
+    }
+    else
         return false;
@@ -981,11 +1071,11 @@ void ExtrCalibration::setXml(QDomElement &elem)
 void ExtrCalibration::getXml(QDomElement &elem)
     QDomElement subElem;
-    QString styleString;
+    QString     styleString;
     for(subElem = elem.firstChildElement(); !subElem.isNull(); subElem = subElem.nextSiblingElement())
-        if (subElem.tagName() == "REPROJECTION_ERROR")
+        if(subElem.tagName() == "REPROJECTION_ERROR")
@@ -994,68 +1084,73 @@ void ExtrCalibration::getXml(QDomElement &elem)
 void ReprojectionError::getXml(QDomElement &subElem)
-    if (subElem.hasAttribute("SUM_PH"))
+    if(subElem.hasAttribute("SUM_PH"))
         mPointHeightAvg = subElem.attribute("AVG_PH").toDouble();
-    if (subElem.hasAttribute("SD_PH"))
+    if(subElem.hasAttribute("SD_PH"))
         mPointHeightStdDev = subElem.attribute("SD_PH").toDouble();
         if(mPointHeightStdDev < 0)
             mPointHeightVariance = -1;
-        }else
+        }
+        else
             mPointHeightVariance = pow(mPointHeightStdDev, 2);
-    if (subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_PH"))
+    if(subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_PH"))
         mPointHeightMax = subElem.attribute("MAX_PH").toDouble();
-    if (subElem.hasAttribute("SUM_DH"))
+    if(subElem.hasAttribute("SUM_DH"))
         mDefaultHeightAvg = subElem.attribute("AVG_DH").toDouble();
-    if (subElem.hasAttribute("SD_DH"))
+    if(subElem.hasAttribute("SD_DH"))
         mDefaultHeightStdDev = subElem.attribute("SD_DH").toDouble();
-        if(mDefaultHeightStdDev < 0){
+        if(mDefaultHeightStdDev < 0)
+        {
             mDefaultHeightVariance = -1;
-        }else{
+        }
+        else
+        {
             mDefaultHeightVariance = pow(mDefaultHeightStdDev, 2);
-    if (subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_DH"))
+    if(subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_DH"))
         mDefaultHeightMax = subElem.attribute("MAX_DH").toDouble();
-    if (subElem.hasAttribute("SUM_PX"))
+    if(subElem.hasAttribute("SUM_PX"))
         mPixelAvg = subElem.attribute("AVG_PX").toDouble();
-    if (subElem.hasAttribute("SD_PX"))
+    if(subElem.hasAttribute("SD_PX"))
         mPixelStdDev = subElem.attribute("SD_PX").toDouble();
         if(mPixelStdDev < 0)
             mPixelVariance = -1;
-        }else
+        }
+        else
             mPixelVariance = pow(mPixelStdDev, 2);
-    if (subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_PX"))
+    if(subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_PX"))
         mPixelMax = subElem.attribute("MAX_PX").toDouble();
-    if (subElem.hasAttribute("USED_HEIGHT"))
+    if(subElem.hasAttribute("USED_HEIGHT"))
         mUsedDefaultHeight = subElem.attribute("USED_HEIGHT").toDouble();
     auto data = getData();
-    mValid = !std::any_of(data.begin(), data.end(), [](double a){return !std::isfinite(a) || a < 0;});
+    mValid    = !std::any_of(data.begin(), data.end(), [](double a) { return !std::isfinite(a) || a < 0; });
 void ReprojectionError::setXml(QDomElement &elem) const
@@ -1076,54 +1171,67 @@ void ReprojectionError::setXml(QDomElement &elem) const
-double ReprojectionError::pointHeightAvg() const{
+double ReprojectionError::pointHeightAvg() const
     return mPointHeightAvg;
-double ReprojectionError::pointHeightStdDev() const{
+double ReprojectionError::pointHeightStdDev() const
     return mPointHeightStdDev;
-double ReprojectionError::pointHeightVariance() const{
+double ReprojectionError::pointHeightVariance() const
     return mPointHeightVariance;
-double ReprojectionError::pointHeightMax() const{
+double ReprojectionError::pointHeightMax() const
     return mPointHeightMax;
-double ReprojectionError::defaultHeightAvg() const{
+double ReprojectionError::defaultHeightAvg() const
     return mDefaultHeightAvg;
-double ReprojectionError::defaultHeightStdDev() const{
+double ReprojectionError::defaultHeightStdDev() const
     return mDefaultHeightStdDev;
-double ReprojectionError::defaultHeightVariance() const{
+double ReprojectionError::defaultHeightVariance() const
     return mDefaultHeightVariance;
-double ReprojectionError::defaultHeightMax() const{
+double ReprojectionError::defaultHeightMax() const
     return mDefaultHeightMax;
-double ReprojectionError::pixelAvg() const{
+double ReprojectionError::pixelAvg() const
     return mPixelAvg;
-double ReprojectionError::pixelStdDev() const{
+double ReprojectionError::pixelStdDev() const
     return mPixelStdDev;
-double ReprojectionError::pixelVariance() const{
+double ReprojectionError::pixelVariance() const
     return mPixelVariance;
-double ReprojectionError::pixelMax() const{
+double ReprojectionError::pixelMax() const
     return mPixelMax;
-double ReprojectionError::usedDefaultHeight() const{
+double ReprojectionError::usedDefaultHeight() const
     return mUsedDefaultHeight;
diff --git a/src/filter.cpp b/src/filter.cpp
index efc1cb879bb29ad13d284d0ba406bbbec49a5307..a9873a83a50fe1f7a1b9cc807d3c15785ceb4a3b 100644
--- a/src/filter.cpp
+++ b/src/filter.cpp
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@
     mValue = mMinimum = mMaximum = 0;
-    mChg = false;
-    mFilter = nullptr;
+    mChg                         = false;
+    mFilter                      = nullptr;
 void Parameter::setFilter(Filter *filter)
     mFilter = filter;
-Filter * Parameter::getFilter()
+Filter *Parameter::getFilter()
     return mFilter;
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ double Parameter::getValue() const
 void Parameter::setValue(double d)
-    if (d != mValue)
+    if(d != mValue)
         mValue = d;
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ bool Parameter::getChanged() const
 void Parameter::setChanged(bool b)
     mChg = b;
-    if (mFilter)
+    if(mFilter)
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Filter::Filter()
     mEnable = true;
     mOnCopy = true;
-    mChg = false;
+    mChg    = false;
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ bool Filter::getChanged()
 void Filter::setChanged(bool b)
-    mChg=b;
+    mChg = b;
@@ -134,24 +134,25 @@ void Filter::setChanged(bool b)
 cv::Mat Filter::apply(cv::Mat &img)
-    if (getEnabled())
+    if(getEnabled())
-        if (getOnCopy())
+        if(getOnCopy())
-            cv::Mat res(cv::Size(img.cols,img.rows),CV_8UC(img.channels()));
-            mRes = act(img,res);
+            cv::Mat res(cv::Size(img.cols, img.rows), CV_8UC(img.channels()));
+            mRes = act(img, res);
             mChg = false;
             return mRes;
-        }else
+        }
+        else
-            mRes = act(img,img);
+            mRes = act(img, img);
             mChg = false;
             return mRes;
-    }else
+    }
+    else
-        mChg = false;
+        mChg        = false;
         return mRes = img;
@@ -163,22 +164,22 @@ cv::Mat Filter::getLastResult()
 void Filter::freeLastResult()
-  //free oder delete? - beides falsch
+    // free oder delete? - beides falsch
 void Filter::enable()
-    mChg = true;
+    mChg    = true;
     mEnable = true;
 void Filter::disable()
-    mChg = true;
+    mChg    = true;
     mEnable = false;
 void Filter::setEnabled(bool b)
-    mChg = true;
+    mChg    = true;
     mEnable = b;
 bool Filter::getEnabled() const
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ bool Filter::getEnabled() const
 void Filter::setOnCopy(bool b)
-    mChg = true;
+    mChg    = true;
     mOnCopy = b;
 bool Filter::getOnCopy() const
diff --git a/src/gridItem.cpp b/src/gridItem.cpp
index 880215928b6aeefad3828f2d29c0ec1989409ce8..032dbd6130f48d0ef86a46a415dfd012b3e2ce53 100644
--- a/src/gridItem.cpp
+++ b/src/gridItem.cpp
@@ -18,19 +18,19 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtWidgets>
-#include <cmath>
+#include "gridItem.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
 #include "control.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
 #include "view.h"
-#include "gridItem.h"
-GridItem::GridItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent)
-    : QGraphicsItem(parent)
+#include <QtWidgets>
+#include <cmath>
+GridItem::GridItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsItem(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
-    extCalib = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration();
+    mMainWindow    = (class Petrack *) wParent;
+    extCalib       = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration();
     mControlWidget = mMainWindow->getControlWidget();
@@ -46,54 +46,63 @@ QRectF GridItem::boundingRect() const
     // -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() TUTS NICHT !!!!!
     // aber setMatrix istr hier nicht so schoen
-    if (mMainWindow->getImage())
-        return QRectF(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), mMainWindow->getImage()->width(), mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
+    if(mMainWindow->getImage())
+        return QRectF(
+            -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+            -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+            mMainWindow->getImage()->width(),
+            mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
         return QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0);
-    //return QRectF(0, 0, mMainWindow->getScene()->width(), mMainWindow->getScene()->height());
+    // return QRectF(0, 0, mMainWindow->getScene()->width(), mMainWindow->getScene()->height());
 // event, of moving mouse while pressing a mouse button
 void GridItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
-    if (!mControlWidget->getCalibGridFix())
+    if(!mControlWidget->getCalibGridFix())
-        QPointF diff = event->scenePos()-event->lastScenePos(); //screenPos()-buttonDownScreenPos(Qt::RightButton) also interesting
-        if (event->buttons() == Qt::RightButton) // event->button() doesnt work
+        QPointF diff = event->scenePos() -
+                       event->lastScenePos();   // screenPos()-buttonDownScreenPos(Qt::RightButton) also interesting
+        if(event->buttons() == Qt::RightButton) // event->button() doesnt work
-            mControlWidget->setCalibGridRotate(mControlWidget->getCalibGridRotate()+(int)(3.*(diff.x()+diff.y())));
+            mControlWidget->setCalibGridRotate(
+                mControlWidget->getCalibGridRotate() + (int) (3. * (diff.x() + diff.y())));
-        else if (event->buttons() == Qt::LeftButton)
+        else if(event->buttons() == Qt::LeftButton)
-            if( mControlWidget->getCalibGridDimension() == 0 )
+            if(mControlWidget->getCalibGridDimension() == 0)
-                cv::Point3f p3d = extCalib->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(event->scenePos().x(),
-                                                           event->scenePos().y()),
-                                                   mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DTransZ());
-                cv::Point3f p3d_last = extCalib->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(mouse_x/*event->lastScenePos().x()*/,
-                                                                mouse_y/*event->lastScenePos().y()*/),
-                                                        mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DTransZ());
-                mControlWidget->setCalibGrid3DTransX(gridTrans_x+(mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapX() ? -1 : 1)*round(p3d.x-p3d_last.x));
-                mControlWidget->setCalibGrid3DTransY(gridTrans_y+(mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapY() ? -1 : 1)*round(p3d.y-p3d_last.y));
-            }else
+                cv::Point3f p3d = extCalib->get3DPoint(
+                    cv::Point2f(event->scenePos().x(), event->scenePos().y()), mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DTransZ());
+                cv::Point3f p3d_last = extCalib->get3DPoint(
+                    cv::Point2f(mouse_x /*event->lastScenePos().x()*/, mouse_y /*event->lastScenePos().y()*/),
+                    mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DTransZ());
+                mControlWidget->setCalibGrid3DTransX(
+                    gridTrans_x + (mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapX() ? -1 : 1) * round(p3d.x - p3d_last.x));
+                mControlWidget->setCalibGrid3DTransY(
+                    gridTrans_y + (mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapY() ? -1 : 1) * round(p3d.y - p3d_last.y));
+            }
+            else
-                std::cout << "Grid Move 2D: "<<diff.x() << ", " << diff.y() << std::endl;
-                mControlWidget->setCalibGridTransX(mControlWidget->getCalibGridTransX()+(int)(10.*diff.x()));
-                mControlWidget->setCalibGridTransY(mControlWidget->getCalibGridTransY()+(int)(10.*diff.y()));
+                std::cout << "Grid Move 2D: " << diff.x() << ", " << diff.y() << std::endl;
+                mControlWidget->setCalibGridTransX(mControlWidget->getCalibGridTransX() + (int) (10. * diff.x()));
+                mControlWidget->setCalibGridTransY(mControlWidget->getCalibGridTransY() + (int) (10. * diff.y()));
-        else if (event->buttons() == Qt::MiddleButton)
+        else if(event->buttons() == Qt::MiddleButton)
-            if( mControlWidget->getCalibGridDimension() == 0)
+            if(mControlWidget->getCalibGridDimension() == 0)
-                mControlWidget->setCalibGrid3DResolution(mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DResolution()+(int)(10.*(diff.x()-diff.y())));
-            }else
+                mControlWidget->setCalibGrid3DResolution(
+                    mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DResolution() + (int) (10. * (diff.x() - diff.y())));
+            }
+            else
-                mControlWidget->setCalibGridScale(mControlWidget->getCalibGridScale()+(int)(10.*(diff.x()-diff.y())));
+                mControlWidget->setCalibGridScale(
+                    mControlWidget->getCalibGridScale() + (int) (10. * (diff.x() - diff.y())));
@@ -103,9 +112,9 @@ void GridItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
 void GridItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
-    if (!mControlWidget->getCalibGridFix())
+    if(!mControlWidget->getCalibGridFix())
-        if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
+        if(event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
             mouse_x = event->scenePos().x();
             mouse_y = event->scenePos().y();
@@ -113,20 +122,21 @@ void GridItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
             gridTrans_x = mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DTransX();
             gridTrans_y = mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DTransY();
-    }else
+    }
+    else
-int GridItem::drawLine(QPainter *painter, cv::Point2f *p, int y_offset){
-    int bS = mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
+int GridItem::drawLine(QPainter *painter, cv::Point2f *p, int y_offset)
+    int     bS  = mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
     QImage *img = mMainWindow->getImage();
     int iW, iH;
-    if (img)
+    if(img)
         iW = img->width();
         iH = img->height();
@@ -138,119 +148,127 @@ int GridItem::drawLine(QPainter *painter, cv::Point2f *p, int y_offset){
-    double x1_d = 0., y1_d = 0., x2_d = 0. , y2_d = 0.;
+    double x1_d = 0., y1_d = 0., x2_d = 0., y2_d = 0.;
     // Steigung m und Achsenabschnitt b der Geraden berechnen: g(x) = m * x + b
-    double m = (p[1].y-p[0].y)/(p[1].x-p[0].x), // Steigung
-            b = p[1].y-m*p[1].x;                // Achsenabschnitt
+    double m = (p[1].y - p[0].y) / (p[1].x - p[0].x), // Steigung
+        b    = p[1].y - m * p[1].x;                   // Achsenabschnitt
     // boolean Werte fuer beide Endpunkte der Geraden, am Ende schauen, ob beide gesetzt wurden
     bool p1IsSet = false, p2IsSet = false;
     // Sonderfall falls Steigung unendlich ist (horizontale Linie)
-    if( isinf(m) )
+    if(isinf(m))
-        if( p[0].x >= 0-bS && p[0].x <= iW-bS )
+        if(p[0].x >= 0 - bS && p[0].x <= iW - bS)
-            painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,-bS),QPointF(p[1].x,iH-bS));
+            painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, -bS), QPointF(p[1].x, iH - bS));
             return 1;
     // Schnittpunkt mit oberer Bildkante? ( y = y_offset )
-    if( (y_offset-b)/m >= 0-bS && (y_offset-b)/m <= iW-bS ){
-        x1_d = (y_offset-b)/m;
-        y1_d = y_offset;
+    if((y_offset - b) / m >= 0 - bS && (y_offset - b) / m <= iW - bS)
+    {
+        x1_d    = (y_offset - b) / m;
+        y1_d    = y_offset;
         p1IsSet = true;
     // Schnittpunkt mit rechter Bildkante? ( x = iW-bS )
-    if( m*(iW-bS)+b >= y_offset && m*(iW-bS)+b <= iH-bS ){
-        if( p1IsSet ){
-            x2_d = iW-bS;
-            y2_d = m*(iW-bS)+b;
+    if(m * (iW - bS) + b >= y_offset && m * (iW - bS) + b <= iH - bS)
+    {
+        if(p1IsSet)
+        {
+            x2_d    = iW - bS;
+            y2_d    = m * (iW - bS) + b;
             p2IsSet = true;
-        }else{
-            x1_d = iW-bS;
-            y1_d = m*(iW-bS)+b;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            x1_d    = iW - bS;
+            y1_d    = m * (iW - bS) + b;
             p1IsSet = true;
     // Schnittpunkt mit unterer Bildkante? ( y = iH-bS )
-    if( (iH-bS-b)/m >= 0-bS && (iH-bS-b)/m <= iW-bS ){
-        if( p1IsSet ){
-            x2_d = (iH-bS-b)/m;
-            y2_d = iH-bS;
+    if((iH - bS - b) / m >= 0 - bS && (iH - bS - b) / m <= iW - bS)
+    {
+        if(p1IsSet)
+        {
+            x2_d    = (iH - bS - b) / m;
+            y2_d    = iH - bS;
             p2IsSet = true;
-        }else{
-            x1_d = (iH-bS-b)/m;
-            y1_d = iH-bS;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            x1_d    = (iH - bS - b) / m;
+            y1_d    = iH - bS;
             p1IsSet = true;
     // Schnittpunkt mit linker Bildkante? ( x = 0-bS )
-    if( m*(-bS)+b >= y_offset && m*(-bS)+b <= iH-bS ){
-        if( p1IsSet ){
-            x2_d = -bS;
-            y2_d = m*(-bS)+b;
+    if(m * (-bS) + b >= y_offset && m * (-bS) + b <= iH - bS)
+    {
+        if(p1IsSet)
+        {
+            x2_d    = -bS;
+            y2_d    = m * (-bS) + b;
             p2IsSet = true;
-        }else{
-            x1_d = -bS;
-            y1_d = m*(-bS)+b;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            x1_d    = -bS;
+            y1_d    = m * (-bS) + b;
             p1IsSet = true;
     // Schauen, ob beide Endpunkte der Geraden gesetzt wurden
-    if( p1IsSet && p2IsSet )
+    if(p1IsSet && p2IsSet)
-        painter->drawLine(QPointF(x1_d,y1_d),QPointF(x2_d,y2_d));
+        painter->drawLine(QPointF(x1_d, y1_d), QPointF(x2_d, y2_d));
         return 1;
     return 0;
-void GridItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*option*/, QWidget */*widget*/)
+void GridItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * /*option*/, QWidget * /*widget*/)
     bool debug = false;
-    if (!mControlWidget->getCalibGridFix() && mControlWidget->getCalibGridShow())
+    if(!mControlWidget->getCalibGridFix() && mControlWidget->getCalibGridShow())
-        setFlag(ItemIsMovable); // noetig, damit mouseEvent leftmousebutton weitergegeben wird, aber drag mach ich selber
+        setFlag(
+            ItemIsMovable); // noetig, damit mouseEvent leftmousebutton weitergegeben wird, aber drag mach ich selber
         setFlag(ItemIsMovable, false);
-    int tX3D = mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DTransX();
-    int tY3D = mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DTransY();
-    int tZ3D = mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DTransZ();
+    int tX3D       = mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DTransX();
+    int tY3D       = mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DTransY();
+    int tZ3D       = mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DTransZ();
     int resolution = mControlWidget->getCalibGrid3DResolution();
     // confirmation prompt if the vanish points are inside the image
-    bool vanishPointIsInsideImage = false;
-    bool vanishPointYIsInsideImage = false;
-    bool vanishPointXIsInsideImage = false;
+    bool        vanishPointIsInsideImage  = false;
+    bool        vanishPointYIsInsideImage = false;
+    bool        vanishPointXIsInsideImage = false;
     cv::Point2f vanishPointY, vanishPointX;
-    double x,y;
-    if( mMainWindow->getImage() && extCalib->isSetExtrCalib() )
+    double      x, y;
+    if(mMainWindow->getImage() && extCalib->isSetExtrCalib())
         // create 2 parallel lines in x-direction
-        cv::Point3f a3d = cv::Point3f(-500,-500,0),
-                b3d = cv::Point3f(500,-500,0),
-                c3d = cv::Point3f(-500,500,0),
-                d3d = cv::Point3f(500,500,0);
-        cv::Point2f a2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(a3d),
-                b2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(b3d),
-                c2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(c3d),
-                d2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(d3d);
-        if( debug )
+        cv::Point3f a3d = cv::Point3f(-500, -500, 0), b3d = cv::Point3f(500, -500, 0), c3d = cv::Point3f(-500, 500, 0),
+                    d3d = cv::Point3f(500, 500, 0);
+        cv::Point2f a2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(a3d), b2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(b3d),
+                    c2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(c3d), d2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(d3d);
+        if(debug)
             debout << "A3d x=" << a3d.x << ", y=" << a3d.y << ", z=" << a3d.z << std::endl;
             debout << "B3d x=" << b3d.x << ", y=" << b3d.y << ", z=" << b3d.z << std::endl;
@@ -262,31 +280,27 @@ void GridItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*option
             debout << "C2d x=" << c2d.x << ", y=" << c2d.y << std::endl;
         // y = m*x+n
-        float m1 = (b2d.y-a2d.y)/(b2d.x-a2d.x),
-                m2 = (d2d.y-c2d.y)/(d2d.x-c2d.x),
-                n1 = a2d.y-m1*a2d.x,
-                n2 = c2d.y-m2*c2d.x;
-        if( debug ) debout << "m1=" << m1 << ", m2=" << m2 << ", n1=" << n1 << ", n2=" << n2 << std::endl;
+        float m1 = (b2d.y - a2d.y) / (b2d.x - a2d.x), m2 = (d2d.y - c2d.y) / (d2d.x - c2d.x), n1 = a2d.y - m1 * a2d.x,
+              n2 = c2d.y - m2 * c2d.x;
+        if(debug)
+            debout << "m1=" << m1 << ", m2=" << m2 << ", n1=" << n1 << ", n2=" << n2 << std::endl;
-        x = (n2-n1)/(m1-m2);
-        y = ((m1*x+n1)+(m2*x+n2))/2.0;
+        x = (n2 - n1) / (m1 - m2);
+        y = ((m1 * x + n1) + (m2 * x + n2)) / 2.0;
-        vanishPointY = cv::Point2f(x,y);
+        vanishPointY = cv::Point2f(x, y);
-        if( debug ) debout << "Vanish Point (x): (x=" << x << ", y=" << y << ")" << std::endl;
+        if(debug)
+            debout << "Vanish Point (x): (x=" << x << ", y=" << y << ")" << std::endl;
         // create 2 parallel lines in y-direction
-        a3d = cv::Point3f(-500,-500,0),
-                b3d = cv::Point3f(-500,500,0),
-                c3d = cv::Point3f(500,-500,0),
-                d3d = cv::Point3f(500,500,0);
-        a2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(a3d),
-                b2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(b3d),
-                c2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(c3d),
-                d2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(d3d);
-        if( debug )
+        a3d = cv::Point3f(-500, -500, 0), b3d = cv::Point3f(-500, 500, 0), c3d = cv::Point3f(500, -500, 0),
+        d3d = cv::Point3f(500, 500, 0);
+        a2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(a3d), b2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(b3d), c2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(c3d),
+        d2d = extCalib->getImagePoint(d3d);
+        if(debug)
             debout << "A3d x=" << a3d.x << ", y=" << a3d.y << ", z=" << a3d.z << std::endl;
             debout << "B3d x=" << b3d.x << ", y=" << b3d.y << ", z=" << b3d.z << std::endl;
@@ -299,67 +313,73 @@ void GridItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*option
             debout << "D2d x=" << d2d.x << ", y=" << d2d.y << std::endl;
         // y = m*x+n
-        m1 = (b2d.y-a2d.y)/(b2d.x-a2d.x),
-                m2 = (d2d.y-c2d.y)/(d2d.x-c2d.x),
-                n1 = a2d.y-m1*a2d.x,
-                n2 = c2d.y-m2*c2d.x;
+        m1 = (b2d.y - a2d.y) / (b2d.x - a2d.x), m2 = (d2d.y - c2d.y) / (d2d.x - c2d.x), n1 = a2d.y - m1 * a2d.x,
+        n2 = c2d.y - m2 * c2d.x;
-        if( debug ) debout << "m1=" << m1 << ", m2=" << m2 << ", n1=" << n1 << ", n2=" << n2 << std::endl;
+        if(debug)
+            debout << "m1=" << m1 << ", m2=" << m2 << ", n1=" << n1 << ", n2=" << n2 << std::endl;
-        x = (n2-n1)/(m1-m2);
-        y = ((m1*x+n1)+(m2*x+n2))/2.0;
-        vanishPointX = cv::Point2f(x,y);
+        x            = (n2 - n1) / (m1 - m2);
+        y            = ((m1 * x + n1) + (m2 * x + n2)) / 2.0;
+        vanishPointX = cv::Point2f(x, y);
-        if( debug ) debout << "Vanish Point: (x=" << x << ", y=" << y << ")" << std::endl;
+        if(debug)
+            debout << "Vanish Point: (x=" << x << ", y=" << y << ")" << std::endl;
         vanishPointYIsInsideImage = !extCalib->isOutsideImage(vanishPointY);
         vanishPointXIsInsideImage = !extCalib->isOutsideImage(vanishPointX);
-        if( vanishPointYIsInsideImage )
+        if(vanishPointYIsInsideImage)
-            if( debug ) debout << "Vanish Point 1 is inside the image!" << std::endl;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "Vanish Point 1 is inside the image!" << std::endl;
-        if( vanishPointXIsInsideImage )
+        if(vanishPointXIsInsideImage)
-            if( debug ) debout << "Vanish Point 2 is inside the image!" << std::endl;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "Vanish Point 2 is inside the image!" << std::endl;
         // Drawing Vanish Points      //
-        if( mControlWidget->getCalibExtrVanishPointsShow() )
+        if(mControlWidget->getCalibExtrVanishPointsShow())
-            painter->drawLine(QPointF(vanishPointY.x-10,vanishPointY.y-10),QPointF(vanishPointY.x+10,vanishPointY.y+10));
-            painter->drawLine(QPointF(vanishPointY.x-10,vanishPointY.y+10),QPointF(vanishPointY.x+10,vanishPointY.y-10));
+            painter->drawLine(
+                QPointF(vanishPointY.x - 10, vanishPointY.y - 10), QPointF(vanishPointY.x + 10, vanishPointY.y + 10));
+            painter->drawLine(
+                QPointF(vanishPointY.x - 10, vanishPointY.y + 10), QPointF(vanishPointY.x + 10, vanishPointY.y - 10));
-            painter->drawPoint(vanishPointY.x,vanishPointY.y);
-            painter->drawText(vanishPointY.x-20,vanishPointY.y-10,"Vanishing Point (y)");
+            painter->drawPoint(vanishPointY.x, vanishPointY.y);
+            painter->drawText(vanishPointY.x - 20, vanishPointY.y - 10, "Vanishing Point (y)");
-            painter->drawLine(QPointF(vanishPointX.x-10,vanishPointX.y-10),QPointF(vanishPointX.x+10,vanishPointX.y+10));
-            painter->drawLine(QPointF(vanishPointX.x-10,vanishPointX.y+10),QPointF(vanishPointX.x+10,vanishPointX.y-10));
+            painter->drawLine(
+                QPointF(vanishPointX.x - 10, vanishPointX.y - 10), QPointF(vanishPointX.x + 10, vanishPointX.y + 10));
+            painter->drawLine(
+                QPointF(vanishPointX.x - 10, vanishPointX.y + 10), QPointF(vanishPointX.x + 10, vanishPointX.y - 10));
-            painter->drawPoint(vanishPointX.x,vanishPointX.y);
-            painter->drawText(vanishPointX.x-20,vanishPointX.y-10,"Vanishing Point (x)");
+            painter->drawPoint(vanishPointX.x, vanishPointX.y);
+            painter->drawText(vanishPointX.x - 20, vanishPointX.y - 10, "Vanishing Point (x)");
-    if (mControlWidget->getCalibGridShow())
+    if(mControlWidget->getCalibGridShow())
-        QImage *img = mMainWindow->getImage();
+        QImage *   img = mMainWindow->getImage();
         QTransform matrixPaint;
-        QPointF pnt1, pnt2; // floating point
-        int bS = mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
-        if( debug ) debout << "Border-Size: " << bS << std::endl;
+        QPointF    pnt1, pnt2; // floating point
+        int        bS = mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
+        if(debug)
+            debout << "Border-Size: " << bS << std::endl;
         int iW, iH;
         int maxExp;
-        if (img)
+        if(img)
             iW = img->width();
             iH = img->height();
@@ -369,33 +389,41 @@ void GridItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*option
             iW = (int) mMainWindow->getScene()->width();
             iH = (int) mMainWindow->getScene()->height();
-        maxExp = iH>iW?iH:iW;
+        maxExp = iH > iW ? iH : iW;
-        if( debug ) debout << "Image-Size: " << iW << "x" << iH << std::endl;
+        if(debug)
+            debout << "Image-Size: " << iW << "x" << iH << std::endl;
-        if( mControlWidget->getCalibGridDimension() == 1 )
+        if(mControlWidget->getCalibGridDimension() == 1)
-            double sc = mControlWidget->getCalibGridScale()/10.;
-            double tX = mControlWidget->getCalibGridTransX()/10.;
-            double tY = mControlWidget->getCalibGridTransY()/10.;
-            double ro = mControlWidget->getCalibGridRotate()/10.;
+            double sc = mControlWidget->getCalibGridScale() / 10.;
+            double tX = mControlWidget->getCalibGridTransX() / 10.;
+            double tY = mControlWidget->getCalibGridTransY() / 10.;
+            double ro = mControlWidget->getCalibGridRotate() / 10.;
             // transformation nicht des koordinatensystems wie bei coorditem sondern bei grid der painter
             // grid
             painter->save(); // wie opengl matrix aber auch pen etc auf stack
-            matrixPaint.translate(tX, tY); // hier ist translate zusaetzlich auf matrix, bei translate-fkt von item ist absolut
+            matrixPaint.translate(
+                tX, tY); // hier ist translate zusaetzlich auf matrix, bei translate-fkt von item ist absolut
-            painter->setWorldTransform(matrixPaint, true); // true sagt, dass relativ und nicht absolut (also zusaetzlich zur uebergeordneten matrizen)
+            painter->setWorldTransform(
+                matrixPaint,
+                true); // true sagt, dass relativ und nicht absolut (also zusaetzlich zur uebergeordneten matrizen)
-            for (int i=(int)-((maxExp+100)/sc); i<2*(maxExp/sc); i++)
+            for(int i = (int) -((maxExp + 100) / sc); i < 2 * (maxExp / sc); i++)
-                pnt1.setX(i*sc);pnt1.setY(-maxExp-100);
-                pnt2.setX(i*sc);pnt2.setY(2*maxExp);
+                pnt1.setX(i * sc);
+                pnt1.setY(-maxExp - 100);
+                pnt2.setX(i * sc);
+                pnt2.setY(2 * maxExp);
                 painter->drawLine(pnt1, pnt2);
-                pnt1.setX(-maxExp-100);pnt1.setY(i*sc);
-                pnt2.setX(2*maxExp);pnt2.setY(i*sc);
+                pnt1.setX(-maxExp - 100);
+                pnt1.setY(i * sc);
+                pnt2.setX(2 * maxExp);
+                pnt2.setY(i * sc);
                 painter->drawLine(pnt1, pnt2);
             painter->restore(); // matr etc von stack
@@ -403,191 +431,217 @@ void GridItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*option
             // weisses polygon, was ueberragende bereiche von grid ueberdeckt
             QPointF points[] = {
                 QPointF(-bS, -bS),
-                QPointF(iW-bS,-bS),
-                QPointF(iW-bS,iH-bS),
-                QPointF(iW+3*(maxExp+200)-bS,iH-bS),
-                QPointF(iW+3*(maxExp+200)-bS,-2*maxExp-100-bS),
-                QPointF(-2*maxExp-400-bS,-2*maxExp-100-bS),
-                QPointF(-2*maxExp-400-bS,iH+3*(maxExp+200)-bS),
-                QPointF(iW+3*(maxExp+200)-bS,iH+3*(maxExp+200)-bS),
-                QPointF(iW+3*(maxExp+200)-bS,iH-bS),
-                QPointF(-bS,iH-bS)
-            };
+                QPointF(iW - bS, -bS),
+                QPointF(iW - bS, iH - bS),
+                QPointF(iW + 3 * (maxExp + 200) - bS, iH - bS),
+                QPointF(iW + 3 * (maxExp + 200) - bS, -2 * maxExp - 100 - bS),
+                QPointF(-2 * maxExp - 400 - bS, -2 * maxExp - 100 - bS),
+                QPointF(-2 * maxExp - 400 - bS, iH + 3 * (maxExp + 200) - bS),
+                QPointF(iW + 3 * (maxExp + 200) - bS, iH + 3 * (maxExp + 200) - bS),
+                QPointF(iW + 3 * (maxExp + 200) - bS, iH - bS),
+                QPointF(-bS, iH - bS)};
             bool drawPolygon = true;
-            if( drawPolygon )
+            if(drawPolygon)
                 painter->drawPolygon(points, 10);
-        }else
+        }
+        else
-            if( extCalib->isSetExtrCalib() ){
+            if(extCalib->isSetExtrCalib())
+            {
                 double min_x = INT_MAX, min_y = INT_MAX, max_x = INT_MIN, max_y = INT_MIN;
-                int y_offset = -bS;
+                int    y_offset = -bS;
-                if( vanishPointXIsInsideImage ){
-                    y_offset = vanishPointX.y+100;
+                if(vanishPointXIsInsideImage)
+                {
+                    y_offset = vanishPointX.y + 100;
-                if( vanishPointYIsInsideImage ){
-                    y_offset = vanishPointY.y+100;
+                if(vanishPointYIsInsideImage)
+                {
+                    y_offset = vanishPointY.y + 100;
-                if( debug ) std::cout << "y_offset: " << y_offset << std::endl;
+                if(debug)
+                    std::cout << "y_offset: " << y_offset << std::endl;
                 cv::Point3f points[4];
                 // top left corner
-                points[0] = extCalib->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(0-bS,y_offset),tZ3D);
+                points[0] = extCalib->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(0 - bS, y_offset), tZ3D);
                 // top right corner
-                points[1] = extCalib->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(iW,y_offset),tZ3D);
+                points[1] = extCalib->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(iW, y_offset), tZ3D);
                 // bottom left corner
-                points[2] = extCalib->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(0-bS,iH),tZ3D);
+                points[2] = extCalib->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(0 - bS, iH), tZ3D);
                 // bottom right corner
-                points[3] = extCalib->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(iW,iH),tZ3D);
+                points[3] = extCalib->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(iW, iH), tZ3D);
-                if( debug ) debout << "iW: " << iW << " iH: " << iH << " bS: " << bS << " y_offset: " << y_offset << " tZ3D: " << tZ3D << std::endl;
+                if(debug)
+                    debout << "iW: " << iW << " iH: " << iH << " bS: " << bS << " y_offset: " << y_offset
+                           << " tZ3D: " << tZ3D << std::endl;
-                for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
+                for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                     x = points[i].x;
                     y = points[i].y;
-                    if (debug) debout << "x: " << x << " y: " << y << std::endl;
+                    if(debug)
+                        debout << "x: " << x << " y: " << y << std::endl;
                     max_x = x > max_x ? x : max_x;
                     min_x = x < min_x ? x : min_x;
                     max_y = y > max_y ? y : max_y;
                     min_y = y < min_y ? y : min_y;
-                    if( debug ) std::cout << ">>>" << points[i].x << ", " << points[i].y << ", " << points[i].z << std::endl;
+                    if(debug)
+                        std::cout << ">>>" << points[i].x << ", " << points[i].y << ", " << points[i].z << std::endl;
-                if( debug ) std::cout << "X: min=" << min_x << " min:" << max_x << std::endl;
-                if( debug ) std::cout << "Y: min=" << min_y << " max:" << max_y << std::endl;
+                if(debug)
+                    std::cout << "X: min=" << min_x << " min:" << max_x << std::endl;
+                if(debug)
+                    std::cout << "Y: min=" << min_y << " max:" << max_y << std::endl;
-                cv::Point3f ursprung(0,0,0);
+                cv::Point3f ursprung(0, 0, 0);
                 cv::Point3f xl, xr, yo, yu;
                 cv::Point2f p[4];
-                QPointF point[4];
+                QPointF     point[4];
-                if constexpr ( false && vanishPointIsInsideImage )
+                if constexpr(false && vanishPointIsInsideImage)
                     bool simpleMethod = true;
-                    if( simpleMethod ){
+                    if(simpleMethod)
+                    {
                         // Draw simple Grid around origin point
-                        for(int i=0; i<=2500; i+=resolution)
+                        for(int i = 0; i <= 2500; i += resolution)
-                            p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D+2500,tY3D+i,tZ3D));
-                            p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D,tY3D+i,tZ3D));
-                            painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y),QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y));
-                            p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D+i,tY3D+2500,tZ3D));
-                            p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D+i,tY3D,tZ3D));
-                            painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y),QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y));
+                            p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D + 2500, tY3D + i, tZ3D));
+                            p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D, tY3D + i, tZ3D));
+                            painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
+                            p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D + i, tY3D + 2500, tZ3D));
+                            p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D + i, tY3D, tZ3D));
+                            painter->drawLine(QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y), QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y));
-                    }else
+                    }
+                    else
                         // Draw line by line
-                        for(int i=min_y*5; i<max_y*5; i+=resolution)
+                        for(int i = min_y * 5; i < max_y * 5; i += resolution)
-                            for(int j=min_x*5; j<max_x*5; j+=resolution)
+                            for(int j = min_x * 5; j < max_x * 5; j += resolution)
-                                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D+i,tY3D+j,tZ3D));
-                                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D+i+resolution,tY3D+j,tZ3D));
+                                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D + i, tY3D + j, tZ3D));
+                                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D + i + resolution, tY3D + j, tZ3D));
-                                point[0] = QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y);
-                                point[1] = QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y);
+                                point[0] = QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y);
+                                point[1] = QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y);
-                                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D+i,tY3D+j,tZ3D));
-                                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D+i,tY3D+j+resolution,tZ3D));
+                                p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D + i, tY3D + j, tZ3D));
+                                p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(tX3D + i, tY3D + j + resolution, tZ3D));
-                                point[2] = QPointF(p[0].x,p[0].y);
-                                point[3] = QPointF(p[1].x,p[1].y);
+                                point[2] = QPointF(p[0].x, p[0].y);
+                                point[3] = QPointF(p[1].x, p[1].y);
-                                if( ( point[0].x() > -bS && point[0].x() < (iW+bS) && point[0].y() > -bS && point[0].y() < (iH+bS) ) ||
-                                        ( point[1].x() > -bS && point[1].x() < (iW+bS) && point[1].y() > -bS && point[1].y() < (iH+bS) ) ||
-                                        ( point[3].x() > -bS && point[3].x() < (iW+bS) && point[2].y() > -bS && point[2].y() < (iH+bS) ) ||
-                                        ( point[2].x() > -bS && point[2].x() < (iW+bS) && point[3].y() > -bS && point[3].y() < (iH+bS) ) )
+                                if((point[0].x() > -bS && point[0].x() < (iW + bS) && point[0].y() > -bS &&
+                                    point[0].y() < (iH + bS)) ||
+                                   (point[1].x() > -bS && point[1].x() < (iW + bS) && point[1].y() > -bS &&
+                                    point[1].y() < (iH + bS)) ||
+                                   (point[3].x() > -bS && point[3].x() < (iW + bS) && point[2].y() > -bS &&
+                                    point[2].y() < (iH + bS)) ||
+                                   (point[2].x() > -bS && point[2].x() < (iW + bS) && point[3].y() > -bS &&
+                                    point[3].y() < (iH + bS)))
-                                    float a = sqrt( pow(point[1].x()-point[0].x(), 2) + pow(point[1].y()-point[0].y(), 2) ),
-                                            b = sqrt( pow(point[3].x()-point[2].x(), 2) + pow(point[3].y()-point[2].y(), 2) ),
-                                            c = sqrt( pow(point[1].x()-point[3].x(), 2) + pow(point[1].y()-point[3].y(), 2) ),
-                                            s = (a+b+c) / 2.0;
-                                    if( sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)) > 15 )
+                                    float a = sqrt(
+                                              pow(point[1].x() - point[0].x(), 2) +
+                                              pow(point[1].y() - point[0].y(), 2)),
+                                          b = sqrt(
+                                              pow(point[3].x() - point[2].x(), 2) +
+                                              pow(point[3].y() - point[2].y(), 2)),
+                                          c = sqrt(
+                                              pow(point[1].x() - point[3].x(), 2) +
+                                              pow(point[1].y() - point[3].y(), 2)),
+                                          s = (a + b + c) / 2.0;
+                                    if(sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)) > 15)
-                                        painter->drawLine(point[0],point[1]);
-                                        painter->drawLine(point[2],point[3]);
+                                        painter->drawLine(point[0], point[1]);
+                                        painter->drawLine(point[2], point[3]);
-                }else
+                }
+                else
                     int swapX = mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapX() ? -1 : 1;
                     int swapY = mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DSwapY() ? -1 : 1;
-                    int grid_height = tZ3D-mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransZ(); // Da extCalibration immer vom Koordinatensystemursprung ausgeht (Das Grid soll aber unabhngig davon gezeichnet werden)
-                    if( debug ) debout << "Grid x: " << tX3D << " y: " << tY3D << " z: " << tZ3D <<  " y_offset: "
-                           << y_offset << " bS: " << bS << " iW: " << iW << " iH: " << iH
-                           << " min_x: " << min_x << " max_x: " << max_x << " min_y: " << min_y << " max_y: " << max_y << std::endl;
-                    // horizontal lines from the left to the right on height tZ3D the lines start from origin point (tY3D)
-                    // until max_y or if tY3D < min_y it starts with min_y because otherwise it is outside the image
-                    for(int i = -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY()+tY3D; i < (swapY > 0 ? max_y : -min_y); i+=resolution)
+                    int grid_height =
+                        tZ3D -
+                        mControlWidget
+                            ->getCalibCoord3DTransZ(); // Da extCalibration immer vom Koordinatensystemursprung ausgeht
+                                                       // (Das Grid soll aber unabhngig davon gezeichnet werden)
+                    if(debug)
+                        debout << "Grid x: " << tX3D << " y: " << tY3D << " z: " << tZ3D << " y_offset: " << y_offset
+                               << " bS: " << bS << " iW: " << iW << " iH: " << iH << " min_x: " << min_x
+                               << " max_x: " << max_x << " min_y: " << min_y << " max_y: " << max_y << std::endl;
+                    // horizontal lines from the left to the right on height tZ3D the lines start from origin point
+                    // (tY3D) until max_y or if tY3D < min_y it starts with min_y because otherwise it is outside the
+                    // image
+                    for(int i = -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY() + tY3D; i < (swapY > 0 ? max_y : -min_y);
+                        i += resolution)
                         // Bildpunkte zu den Endpunkten der Linie holen
-                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(min_x,swapY*i,grid_height));
-                        p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(max_x,swapY*i,grid_height));
-                        drawLine(painter,p,y_offset);
+                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(min_x, swapY * i, grid_height));
+                        p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(max_x, swapY * i, grid_height));
+                        drawLine(painter, p, y_offset);
                     // see above but now the lines start from origin point (tY3D) until min_y
                     // y-
-                    for(int i = -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY()+tY3D-resolution; i > (swapY > 0 ? min_y : -max_y); i-=resolution)
+                    for(int i = -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY() + tY3D - resolution;
+                        i > (swapY > 0 ? min_y : -max_y);
+                        i -= resolution)
                         // Bildpunkte zu den Endpunkten der Linie holen
-                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(min_x,swapY*i,grid_height));
-                        p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(max_x,swapY*i,grid_height));
-                        drawLine(painter,p,y_offset);
+                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(min_x, swapY * i, grid_height));
+                        p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(max_x, swapY * i, grid_height));
+                        drawLine(painter, p, y_offset);
                     // vertical lines from the top to the bottom on height tZ3D the lines start from origin point(tX3D)
-                    // until max_x of if tX3D < minx it starts with min_x because otherwise the lines are outside the image
-                    // x+
-                    for(int i = -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX()+tX3D; i < (swapX > 0 ? max_x : -min_x); i+=resolution)
+                    // until max_x of if tX3D < minx it starts with min_x because otherwise the lines are outside the
+                    // image x+
+                    for(int i = -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX() + tX3D; i < (swapX > 0 ? max_x : -min_x);
+                        i += resolution)
                         // Bildpunkte zu den Endpunkten der Linie holen
-                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(swapX*i,min_y,grid_height));
-                        p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(swapX*i,max_y,grid_height));
-                        drawLine(painter,p,y_offset);
+                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(swapX * i, min_y, grid_height));
+                        p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(swapX * i, max_y, grid_height));
+                        drawLine(painter, p, y_offset);
                     // see above but now the lines start from origin point until min_x
                     // x-
-                    for(int i = -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX()+tX3D-resolution; i > (swapX > 0 ? min_x : -max_x); i-=resolution)
+                    for(int i = -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX() + tX3D - resolution;
+                        i > (swapX > 0 ? min_x : -max_x);
+                        i -= resolution)
                         // Bildpunkte zu den Endpunkten der Linie holen
-                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(swapX*i,min_y,grid_height));
-                        p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(swapX*i,max_y,grid_height));
-                        drawLine(painter,p,y_offset);
+                        p[0] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(swapX * i, min_y, grid_height));
+                        p[1] = extCalib->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(swapX * i, max_y, grid_height));
+                        drawLine(painter, p, y_offset);
diff --git a/src/helper.cpp b/src/helper.cpp
index 163a536a5238c29a9729d7c0326dece94feb6035..1335b620f0523c0010a92c792cb10614b25b02a7 100644
--- a/src/helper.cpp
+++ b/src/helper.cpp
@@ -22,57 +22,78 @@
 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
-QString proFileName; ///< Path to the project (.pet) file; used for saving relative paths via getFileList and getExistingFile
+QString proFileName; ///< Path to the project (.pet) file; used for saving relative paths via getFileList and
+                     ///< getExistingFile
 QString commandLineOptionsString = QObject::tr(
-"<p><code>petrack [-help|-?] [[-project] project.pet] </code><br>"
-"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[-sequence imageSequenceOrVideo]</code><br>"
-"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[-autoSave|-autosave imgFldOrVideo|proj.pet|trackerFile]</code></code><br>"
-"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[-autoTrack|-autotrack trackerFile]</code><br>"
-"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[-autoReadMarkerID|-autoreadmarkerid markerIdFile]</code><br>""&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[-autoReadHeight|-autoreadheight heightFile]</code><br>"
-"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[-autoPlay|-autoplay trackerFile]</code></p>"
-"<dl><dt><kbd>-help|-?</kbd></dt><dd>shows help information for command line options</dd>"
-"<dt><kbd>-project</kbd></dt><dd>optional option to set project file; otherwise the argument without option flag is used as project file</dd>"
-"<dt><kbd>-sequence imageSequenceOrVideo</kbd></dt><dd>loads image sequence or video; option overwrites <kbd>SRC</kbd> attribute in project file</dd>"
-"<dt><kbd>-autoSave|-autosave imgFldOrVideo|proj.pet|trackerFile</kbd></dt><dd>if the argument ends with <kbd>pet</kbd>, a project file will be written to <kbd>proj.pet</kbd> at the end; if the argument ends with <kbd>txt,dat </kbd>or<kbd> trav</kbd>, the trajectories will be written in a format according to the suffix of <kbd>trackerFile</kbd>; otherwise <kbd>imgFldOrVideo</kbd> is the folder to store the image sequence or a name of a video file for the direct export; in all cases <kbd>PeTrack</kbd> ends after finishing the work</dd>"
-"<dt><kbd>-autoTrack|-autotrack trackerFile</kbd></dt><dd>calculates automatically the trajectories of marked pedestrians and stores the result to <kbd>trackerFile</kbd></dd>"
-"<dt><kbd>-autoReadMarkerID|-autoreadmarkerid markerFile</kbd></dt><dd> automatically reads the <kbd>txt-file</kbd> including personID and markerID and applies the markerIDs to the corresponding person. If -autoTrack is not used, saving trackerFiles using -autoSaveTracker is recommended.</dd>"
-"<dt><kbd>-autoReadHeight|-autoreadheight heightFile</kbd></dt><dd> automatically reads the <kbd>trackerFile</kbd> including markerID and individual height and applies the heights to the corresponding person</dd>"
-"<dt><kbd>-autoPlay|-autoplay trackerFile</kbd></dt><dd>plays the video or image sequence and stores the trajectories to <kbd>trackerFile</kbd></dd></dl>"
-"<p>Example:<br>To generate trajectories from a single image sequence starting with <kbd>frame000.jpg</kbd>"
-"with settings stored in the project file <kbd>project.pet</kbd>, export tracker file <kbd>trackerFile</kbd>"
-"and exit with saving the project to <kbd>project.pet</kbd> again:</p>"
-"<p><code>petrack.exe -project project.pet -sequence frame000.jpg</code><br>"
-"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>-autoTrack trackerFile -autoSave project.pet</code></p>");
+    "<p><code>petrack [-help|-?] [[-project] project.pet] </code><br>"
+    "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[-sequence imageSequenceOrVideo]</code><br>"
+    "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[-autoSave|-autosave "
+    "imgFldOrVideo|proj.pet|trackerFile]</code></code><br>"
+    "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[-autoTrack|-autotrack trackerFile]</code><br>"
+    "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[-autoReadMarkerID|-autoreadmarkerid "
+    "markerIdFile]</code><br>"
+    "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[-autoReadHeight|-autoreadheight "
+    "heightFile]</code><br>"
+    "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>[-autoPlay|-autoplay trackerFile]</code></p>"
+    "<dl><dt><kbd>-help|-?</kbd></dt><dd>shows help information for command line options</dd>"
+    "<dt><kbd>-project</kbd></dt><dd>optional option to set project file; otherwise the argument without option flag "
+    "is used as project file</dd>"
+    "<dt><kbd>-sequence imageSequenceOrVideo</kbd></dt><dd>loads image sequence or video; option overwrites "
+    "<kbd>SRC</kbd> attribute in project file</dd>"
+    "<dt><kbd>-autoSave|-autosave imgFldOrVideo|proj.pet|trackerFile</kbd></dt><dd>if the argument ends with "
+    "<kbd>pet</kbd>, a project file will be written to <kbd>proj.pet</kbd> at the end; if the argument ends with "
+    "<kbd>txt,dat </kbd>or<kbd> trav</kbd>, the trajectories will be written in a format according to the suffix of "
+    "<kbd>trackerFile</kbd>; otherwise <kbd>imgFldOrVideo</kbd> is the folder to store the image sequence or a name of "
+    "a video file for the direct export; in all cases <kbd>PeTrack</kbd> ends after finishing the work</dd>"
+    "<dt><kbd>-autoTrack|-autotrack trackerFile</kbd></dt><dd>calculates automatically the trajectories of marked "
+    "pedestrians and stores the result to <kbd>trackerFile</kbd></dd>"
+    "<dt><kbd>-autoReadMarkerID|-autoreadmarkerid markerFile</kbd></dt><dd> automatically reads the "
+    "<kbd>txt-file</kbd> including personID and markerID and applies the markerIDs to the corresponding person. If "
+    "-autoTrack is not used, saving trackerFiles using -autoSaveTracker is recommended.</dd>"
+    "<dt><kbd>-autoReadHeight|-autoreadheight heightFile</kbd></dt><dd> automatically reads the <kbd>trackerFile</kbd> "
+    "including markerID and individual height and applies the heights to the corresponding person</dd>"
+    "<dt><kbd>-autoPlay|-autoplay trackerFile</kbd></dt><dd>plays the video or image sequence and stores the "
+    "trajectories to <kbd>trackerFile</kbd></dd></dl>"
+    "<p>Example:<br>To generate trajectories from a single image sequence starting with <kbd>frame000.jpg</kbd>"
+    "with settings stored in the project file <kbd>project.pet</kbd>, export tracker file <kbd>trackerFile</kbd>"
+    "and exit with saving the project to <kbd>project.pet</kbd> again:</p>"
+    "<p><code>petrack.exe -project project.pet -sequence frame000.jpg</code><br>"
+    "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>-autoTrack trackerFile -autoSave "
+    "project.pet</code></p>");
 void copyToQImage(QImage &qImg, cv::Mat &img) // war static functin in animatioln class
-    if (qImg.height() != img.rows || qImg.width() != img.cols) //!qImg || ( or qImg has no object behind pointer
+    if(qImg.height() != img.rows || qImg.width() != img.cols) //! qImg || ( or qImg has no object behind pointer
-        qImg = QImage(QSize(img.cols,img.rows),QImage::Format_RGB888);
+        qImg = QImage(QSize(img.cols, img.rows), QImage::Format_RGB888);
     int channels = img.channels();
-    if (channels == 3)
+    if(channels == 3)
         // Needs Qt 5.14 for QImage::Format_BGR888 (saves the color transformation into RGB888)
-        qImg = QImage((const unsigned char*) (img.data),img.cols,img.rows, static_cast<int>(img.step), QImage::Format_BGR888).copy();
+        qImg = QImage(
+                   (const unsigned char *) (img.data),
+                   img.cols,
+                   img.rows,
+                   static_cast<int>(img.step),
+                   QImage::Format_BGR888)
+                   .copy();
-    else if (channels == 1)
+    else if(channels == 1)
         // This loop is optimized so it has to calculate the least amount of indexes
         // Optimizing the access to the pointer data is useless (no difference in performance when tested)
-        for (int y = 0; y < img.rows; y++)
+        for(int y = 0; y < img.rows; y++)
             // Pointer to the data information in the QImage for just one column
             // set pointer to value before, because ++p is faster than p++
-            for (int x = 0; x < img.cols; x++)
+            for(int x = 0; x < img.cols; x++)
                 cv::Scalar colour = img.at<uchar>(cv::Point(x, y));
-                qImg.setPixel(x,y,colour.val[0]);
+                qImg.setPixel(x, y, colour.val[0]);
@@ -84,7 +105,7 @@ void copyToQImage(QImage &qImg, cv::Mat &img) // war static functin in animatiol
 void copyToQImage(QImage *qImg, IplImage *iplImg)
     Mat tempMat = cvarrToMat(iplImg);
-    copyToQImage(qImg,tempMat);
+    copyToQImage(qImg, tempMat);
@@ -111,46 +132,46 @@ rect wird veraendert, roi nicht
 cv::Mat getRoi(cv::Mat &img, const QRect &roi, cv::Rect &rect, bool evenPixelNumber)
-    rect.x = roi.x();
-    rect.y = roi.y();
-    rect.width = roi.width();
+    rect.x      = roi.x();
+    rect.y      = roi.y();
+    rect.width  = roi.width();
     rect.height = roi.height();
-    if (evenPixelNumber)
+    if(evenPixelNumber)
         // roi.width and roi.height must be even
-        if (rect.width % 2 > 0)
+        if(rect.width % 2 > 0)
-        if (rect.height % 2 > 0)
+        if(rect.height % 2 > 0)
     // roi.width and roi.height must be >=0
-    if (rect.x < 0)
+    if(rect.x < 0)
         rect.width += rect.x;
         rect.x = 0;
-    else if (rect.x > img.cols)
+    else if(rect.x > img.cols)
         rect.width = 0;
-        rect.x = img.cols;
+        rect.x     = img.cols;
-    if (rect.x+rect.width > img.cols)
+    if(rect.x + rect.width > img.cols)
-        rect.width -= (rect.x+rect.width-img.cols);
+        rect.width -= (rect.x + rect.width - img.cols);
-    if (rect.y < 0)
+    if(rect.y < 0)
         rect.height += rect.y;
         rect.y = 0;
-    else if (rect.y > img.rows)
+    else if(rect.y > img.rows)
         rect.height = 0;
-        rect.y = img.rows;
+        rect.y      = img.rows;
-    if (rect.y+rect.height > img.rows)
+    if(rect.y + rect.height > img.rows)
-        rect.height -= (rect.y+rect.height-img.rows);
+        rect.height -= (rect.y + rect.height - img.rows);
     return img(rect);
diff --git a/src/imageItem.cpp b/src/imageItem.cpp
index fe30658e54af3981975d200210b720b382adbac8..6690990ba8ee98f9fff9506febc855d2430ea626 100644
--- a/src/imageItem.cpp
+++ b/src/imageItem.cpp
@@ -18,22 +18,22 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "imageItem.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
 #include <QGraphicsScene>
-#include <QPainter>
 #include <QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent>
+#include <QPainter>
 #include <cmath>
-#include "imageItem.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
-#include "control.h"
-ImageItem::ImageItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent)
-    : QGraphicsItem(parent)
+ImageItem::ImageItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsItem(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
+    mMainWindow    = (class Petrack *) wParent;
     mControlWidget = mMainWindow->getControlWidget();
-    mImage = nullptr;
-    mCoordItem = nullptr;
+    mImage         = nullptr;
+    mCoordItem     = nullptr;
@@ -48,17 +48,18 @@ ImageItem::ImageItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent)
 QRectF ImageItem::boundingRect() const
-    if (mImage)
+    if(mImage)
         return QRectF(0, 0, mImage->width(), mImage->height());
-    }else
+    }
+    else
         return QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0);
-void ImageItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*option*/, QWidget */*widget*/)
+void ImageItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * /*option*/, QWidget * /*widget*/)
-    if (mImage)
-        painter->drawImage(0,0,*mImage);
+    if(mImage)
+        painter->drawImage(0, 0, *mImage);
 void ImageItem::setImage(QImage *img)
@@ -66,9 +67,11 @@ void ImageItem::setImage(QImage *img)
     mImage = img;
     QTransform matrix;
-    matrix.translate(1, 1); // FEHLER IN QT ????? noetig, damit trotz recognitionroiitem auch image auch ohne border komplett neu gezeichnet wird // wird 2 zeilen weiter zurueckgesetzt, aber mit 0, 0 geht es nicht
+    matrix.translate(
+        1, 1); // FEHLER IN QT ????? noetig, damit trotz recognitionroiitem auch image auch ohne border komplett neu
+               // gezeichnet wird // wird 2 zeilen weiter zurueckgesetzt, aber mit 0, 0 geht es nicht
-    matrix.translate(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()-1, -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()-1);
+    matrix.translate(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() - 1, -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() - 1);
     // value nicht setzen, da mgl mehrere videos mit gleichem objektiv erzeugt
@@ -78,35 +81,36 @@ void ImageItem::setImage(QImage *img)
     mControlWidget->setCalibCyMax(mImage->height() /*mImage->height()/2.+50*/);
     // trans nicht setzen, da mgl mehrere videos mit gleicher scene und gleichem koord sinnvoll
-    mControlWidget->setCalibCoordTransXMin(-10*mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-    mControlWidget->setCalibCoordTransYMin(-10*mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-    mControlWidget->setCalibCoordTransXMax(10*(mImage->width()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()));
-    mControlWidget->setCalibCoordTransYMax(10*(mImage->height()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()));
+    mControlWidget->setCalibCoordTransXMin(-10 * mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
+    mControlWidget->setCalibCoordTransYMin(-10 * mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
+    mControlWidget->setCalibCoordTransXMax(10 * (mImage->width() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()));
+    mControlWidget->setCalibCoordTransYMax(10 * (mImage->height() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()));
 void ImageItem::setCoordItem(QGraphicsItem *ci)
     mCoordItem = ci;
 // in x und y richtung identisch, da vorher intrinsische kamerakalibrierung geschehen ist
 double ImageItem::getCmPerPixel()
-    if (mCoordItem)
+    if(mCoordItem)
-            // das sollte nur einmal berechne werden, wenn einfliessende daten sich aendern
-            QPointF p1 = mapToItem(mCoordItem, QPointF(0.,0.));
-            QPointF p2 = mapToItem(mCoordItem, QPointF(1.,0.));
-            return mControlWidget->getCalibCoordUnit() * sqrt(pow(p1.x()-p2.x(),2) + pow(p1.y()-p2.y(),2)) / 100.;
-            // durch 100., da coordsys so gezeichnet, dass 1 bei 100 liegt
+        // das sollte nur einmal berechne werden, wenn einfliessende daten sich aendern
+        QPointF p1 = mapToItem(mCoordItem, QPointF(0., 0.));
+        QPointF p2 = mapToItem(mCoordItem, QPointF(1., 0.));
+        return mControlWidget->getCalibCoordUnit() * sqrt(pow(p1.x() - p2.x(), 2) + pow(p1.y() - p2.y(), 2)) / 100.;
+        // durch 100., da coordsys so gezeichnet, dass 1 bei 100 liegt
         return 0.;
 // Liefert zum Pixelpunkt (px,py) die Anzahl der Zentimeter in x- und y-Richtung
-QPointF ImageItem::getCmPerPixel(float px, float py, float h){
-    // ToDo:    
+QPointF ImageItem::getCmPerPixel(float px, float py, float h)
+    // ToDo:
     // 3D Punkte an (px-0.5, py) und (px+0.5, py) berechnen und Auswirkung in x-Richtung
     // und          (px, py-0.5) und (px, py+0.5) berechnen und Auswirkung in y-Richtung untersuchen
@@ -115,25 +119,32 @@ QPointF ImageItem::getCmPerPixel(float px, float py, float h){
     bool debug = false;
-    cv::Point3f p3x1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(px-0.5,py),h);
-    cv::Point3f p3x2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(px+0.5,py),h);
+    cv::Point3f p3x1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(px - 0.5, py), h);
+    cv::Point3f p3x2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(px + 0.5, py), h);
-    cv::Point3f p3y1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(px,py-0.5),h);
-    cv::Point3f p3y2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(px,py+0.5),h);
+    cv::Point3f p3y1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(px, py - 0.5), h);
+    cv::Point3f p3y2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(px, py + 0.5), h);
-    if( debug ) debout << "Punkte: " << p3x1.x << ", " << p3x1.y << ", " << p3x1.z << std::endl;
-    if( debug ) debout << "Punkte: " << p3x2.x << ", " << p3x2.y << ", " << p3x2.z << std::endl;
-    if( debug ) debout << "Punkte: " << p3y1.x << ", " << p3y1.y << ", " << p3y1.z << std::endl;
-    if( debug ) debout << "Punkte: " << p3y2.x << ", " << p3y2.y << ", " << p3y2.z << std::endl;
+    if(debug)
+        debout << "Punkte: " << p3x1.x << ", " << p3x1.y << ", " << p3x1.z << std::endl;
+    if(debug)
+        debout << "Punkte: " << p3x2.x << ", " << p3x2.y << ", " << p3x2.z << std::endl;
+    if(debug)
+        debout << "Punkte: " << p3y1.x << ", " << p3y1.y << ", " << p3y1.z << std::endl;
+    if(debug)
+        debout << "Punkte: " << p3y2.x << ", " << p3y2.y << ", " << p3y2.z << std::endl;
-    double x_dir = norm(p3x1-p3x2);
-    double y_dir = norm(p3y1-p3y2);
+    double x_dir = norm(p3x1 - p3x2);
+    double y_dir = norm(p3y1 - p3y2);
-    if( debug ) debout << "x_dir: " << x_dir << ", y_dir: " << y_dir << " Durchschnitt: " << (0.5*(x_dir+y_dir)) << std::endl;
+    if(debug)
+        debout << "x_dir: " << x_dir << ", y_dir: " << y_dir << " Durchschnitt: " << (0.5 * (x_dir + y_dir))
+               << std::endl;
-    QPointF res(x_dir,y_dir);
+    QPointF res(x_dir, y_dir);
-    if( debug ) debout << "CmPerPixel (x,y): " << res << std::endl;
+    if(debug)
+        debout << "CmPerPixel (x,y): " << res << std::endl;
     return res;
@@ -143,84 +154,96 @@ QPointF ImageItem::getCmPerPixel(float px, float py, float h){
 /// zur Grundflaeche [0-90] 90 => senkrecht unter der Kamera
 /// Punktkoordinaten beinhalten die Border
-double ImageItem::getAngleToGround(float px, float py, float height){
+double ImageItem::getAngleToGround(float px, float py, float height)
     bool debug = false;
-    cv::Point3f cam( - mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX() - mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1(),
-                 - mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY() - mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2(),
-                 - mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransZ() - mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3() );
+    cv::Point3f cam(
+        -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX() - mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1(),
+        -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY() - mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2(),
+        -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransZ() - mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3());
-    cv::Point3f posInImage = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(px-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),py-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()),height);
+    cv::Point3f posInImage = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+        cv::Point2f(px - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), py - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()), height);
-    if( debug ) debout << "Camera:          " << cam.x << ", " << cam.y << ", " << cam.z << std::endl;
-    if( debug ) debout << "posInImage:      " << posInImage.x << ", " << posInImage.y << ", " << posInImage.z << std::endl;
+    if(debug)
+        debout << "Camera:          " << cam.x << ", " << cam.y << ", " << cam.z << std::endl;
+    if(debug)
+        debout << "posInImage:      " << posInImage.x << ", " << posInImage.y << ", " << posInImage.z << std::endl;
-    cv::Point3f a(cam.x-posInImage.x,cam.y-posInImage.y,cam.z-posInImage.z),
-            b(0,0,1);
+    cv::Point3f a(cam.x - posInImage.x, cam.y - posInImage.y, cam.z - posInImage.z), b(0, 0, 1);
-    if( debug ) debout << "a: (" << a.x << ", " << a.y << ", " << a.z << ")" << std::endl;
-    if( debug ) debout << "b: (" << b.x << ", " << b.y << ", " << b.z << ")" << std::endl;
+    if(debug)
+        debout << "a: (" << a.x << ", " << a.y << ", " << a.z << ")" << std::endl;
+    if(debug)
+        debout << "b: (" << b.x << ", " << b.y << ", " << b.z << ")" << std::endl;
-    return asin( (a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y+a.z*b.z) / (abs(sqrt(pow(a.x,2)+pow(a.y,2)+pow(a.z,2)))*abs(sqrt(pow(b.x,2)+pow(b.y,2)+pow(b.z,2))))) * 180 / PI;
+    return asin(
+               (a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z) / (abs(sqrt(pow(a.x, 2) + pow(a.y, 2) + pow(a.z, 2))) *
+                                                      abs(sqrt(pow(b.x, 2) + pow(b.y, 2) + pow(b.z, 2))))) *
+           180 / PI;
 QPointF ImageItem::getPosImage(QPointF pos, float height)
-    bool debug = false;
+    bool        debug = false;
     cv::Point2f p2d;
-    if( mImage )
+    if(mImage)
-        if( mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0 ) // Tab coordinate system is on 3D
+        if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0) // Tab coordinate system is on 3D
-            p2d = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(pos.x(),pos.y(),height));
+            p2d = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(pos.x(), pos.y(), height));
-        }else
+        }
+        else
-            //Fehlerhaft funktioniert nicht wie gewollt
+            // Fehlerhaft funktioniert nicht wie gewollt
             // Old 2D mapping of Pixelpoints to RealPositions
-            if( debug ) debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
-            pos /= mControlWidget->getCalibCoordUnit()/100.; // durch 100., da coordsys so gezeichnet, dass 1 bei 100 liegt
-            if( debug ) debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
+            pos /= mControlWidget->getCalibCoordUnit() /
+                   100.; // durch 100., da coordsys so gezeichnet, dass 1 bei 100 liegt
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
-            pos = mapFromItem(mCoordItem, pos);// Einheit anpassen...
-            if (mControlWidget->coordUseIntrinsic->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+            pos = mapFromItem(mCoordItem, pos); // Einheit anpassen...
+            if(mControlWidget->coordUseIntrinsic->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
                 pos.rx() -= mControlWidget->getCalibCxValue();
                 pos.ry() -= mControlWidget->getCalibCyValue();
-                pos.rx() -= mImage->width()/2.-.5; // Bildmitte
-                pos.ry() -= mImage->height()/2.-.5; // Bildmitte
+                pos.rx() -= mImage->width() / 2. - .5;  // Bildmitte
+                pos.ry() -= mImage->height() / 2. - .5; // Bildmitte
-            if( debug ) debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
-            pos = (mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value()/(mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value()-height))*pos; //((a-height)/a)*pos;
-            if( debug ) debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
-            if (mControlWidget->coordUseIntrinsic->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
+            pos = (mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() / (mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() - height)) *
+                  pos; //((a-height)/a)*pos;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
+            if(mControlWidget->coordUseIntrinsic->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
                 pos.rx() += mControlWidget->getCalibCxValue();
                 pos.ry() += mControlWidget->getCalibCyValue();
-                pos.rx() += mImage->width()/2.-.5; // Bildmitte
-                pos.ry() += mImage->height()/2.-.5; // Bildmitte
+                pos.rx() += mImage->width() / 2. - .5;  // Bildmitte
+                pos.ry() += mImage->height() / 2. - .5; // Bildmitte
-            if( debug ) debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
     return pos;
 // eingabe pos als pixelkoordinate des bildes
@@ -229,73 +252,90 @@ QPointF ImageItem::getPosImage(QPointF pos, float height)
 // wenn kein Bild vorliegt, wird eingabeposition durchgereicht - kommt nicht vor, da kein mouseevent
 QPointF ImageItem::getPosReal(QPointF pos, double height)
-    if (mImage)
+    if(mImage)
         bool debug = false;
-        int bS = mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
+        int  bS    = mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
-        if( debug ) debout << "Point pos.x: " << pos.x() << " pos.y: " << pos.y() << " height: " << height << std::endl;
+        if(debug)
+            debout << "Point pos.x: " << pos.x() << " pos.y: " << pos.y() << " height: " << height << std::endl;
         // Switch between 2D and 3D CameraCalibration/Position calculation
-        if( mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0 )
+        if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0)
             // New 3D mapping of Pixelpoints to RealPositions
-            cv::Point3f p3d = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(pos.x()-bS,pos.y()-bS),height);
-            cv::Point2f p2d = debug ? mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(p3d) : cv::Point2f(0,0);
-            if( debug ) debout << "########## INFO ###############" << std::endl;
-            if( debug ) debout << "Org. 2D Point: (" << pos.x() << ", " << pos.y() << ") Hoehe: "<< height << std::endl;
-            if( debug ) debout << "Est. 3D Point: (" << p3d.x << ", " << p3d.y << ", " << p3d.z << ")" << std::endl;
-            if( debug ) debout << "Est. 2D Point: (" << p2d.x << ", " << p2d.y << ")" << std::endl;
-            if( debug ) debout << "######## END INFO #############" << std::endl;
+            cv::Point3f p3d =
+                mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(pos.x() - bS, pos.y() - bS), height);
+            cv::Point2f p2d = debug ? mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(p3d) : cv::Point2f(0, 0);
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "########## INFO ###############" << std::endl;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "Org. 2D Point: (" << pos.x() << ", " << pos.y() << ") Hoehe: " << height << std::endl;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "Est. 3D Point: (" << p3d.x << ", " << p3d.y << ", " << p3d.z << ")" << std::endl;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "Est. 2D Point: (" << p2d.x << ", " << p2d.y << ")" << std::endl;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "######## END INFO #############" << std::endl;
             // ToDo: Getting the floor point of the Person! (Only the x/y-coordinates?)
-            pos = QPointF(p3d.x,p3d.y);
+            pos = QPointF(p3d.x, p3d.y);
-            if( debug ) debout << "########## INFO ###############" << std::endl;
-            if( debug ) debout << "Org. 2D Point: (" << pos.x() << ", " << pos.y() << ") Hoehe: "<< height << std::endl;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "########## INFO ###############" << std::endl;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "Org. 2D Point: (" << pos.x() << ", " << pos.y() << ") Hoehe: " << height << std::endl;
             // statt mControlWidget->getCalibFx() muesste spaeter wert stehen, der im verzerrten Bild fX=fY angibt
-            //a = mControlWidget->getCalibFxValue()*getMeterPerPixel();
-            //a = mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value();
+            // a = mControlWidget->getCalibFxValue()*getMeterPerPixel();
+            // a = mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value();
             // -.5 da pixel von 0..1023 (in skala bis 1024 anfaengt) laufen
-            if (mControlWidget->coordUseIntrinsic->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+            if(mControlWidget->coordUseIntrinsic->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
                 pos.rx() -= mControlWidget->getCalibCxValue();
                 pos.ry() -= mControlWidget->getCalibCyValue();
-                pos.rx() -= mImage->width()/2.-.5; // Bildmitte
-                pos.ry() -= mImage->height()/2.-.5; // Bildmitte
+                pos.rx() -= mImage->width() / 2. - .5;  // Bildmitte
+                pos.ry() -= mImage->height() / 2. - .5; // Bildmitte
-            if( debug ) debout << "CoordAltitude: " << mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() << std::endl;
-            if( debug ) debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
-            pos = ((mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value()-height)/mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value())*pos; //((a-height)/a)*pos;
-            if( debug ) debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
-            if (mControlWidget->coordUseIntrinsic->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "CoordAltitude: " << mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() << std::endl;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
+            pos = ((mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() - height) / mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value()) *
+                  pos; //((a-height)/a)*pos;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
+            if(mControlWidget->coordUseIntrinsic->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
                 pos.rx() += mControlWidget->getCalibCxValue();
                 pos.ry() += mControlWidget->getCalibCyValue();
-                pos.rx() += mImage->width()/2.-.5; // Bildmitte
-                pos.ry() += mImage->height()/2.-.5; // Bildmitte
+                pos.rx() += mImage->width() / 2. - .5;  // Bildmitte
+                pos.ry() += mImage->height() / 2. - .5; // Bildmitte
             // Old 2D mapping of Pixelpoints to RealPositions
-            if( debug ) debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
-            pos = mapToItem(mCoordItem, pos);// Einheit anpassen...
-            if( debug ) debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
-            pos *= mControlWidget->getCalibCoordUnit()/100.; // durch 100., da coordsys so gezeichnet, dass 1 bei 100 liegt
-            if( debug ) debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
+            pos = mapToItem(mCoordItem, pos); // Einheit anpassen...
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
+            pos *= mControlWidget->getCalibCoordUnit() /
+                   100.; // durch 100., da coordsys so gezeichnet, dass 1 bei 100 liegt
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "x: " << pos.x() << " y: " << pos.y() << std::endl;
-            if( debug ) debout << "Est. 3D Point: (" << pos.x() << ", " << pos.y() << ", " << height << ")" << std::endl;
-            if( debug ) debout << "######## END INFO #############" << std::endl;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "Est. 3D Point: (" << pos.x() << ", " << pos.y() << ", " << height << ")" << std::endl;
+            if(debug)
+                debout << "######## END INFO #############" << std::endl;
     return pos;
@@ -316,21 +356,26 @@ void ImageItem::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
     // sets pixel coord on image for further use
     bool debug = false;
-    if( debug )
+    if(debug)
-        QPointF cmPerPixel = getCmPerPixel(event->pos().x(),event->pos().y(),mMainWindow->getStatusPosRealHeight());
-        double angleToGround = getAngleToGround(event->pos().x(),event->pos().y(), mMainWindow->getStatusPosRealHeight());
-        debout << "At position: " << event->pos().x() << ", " << event->pos().y() << " cm per pixel: x: " << cmPerPixel.x() << ", y: " << cmPerPixel.y() << ", angle: " << angleToGround << std::endl;
-        QPointF posReal = getPosReal(QPointF(event->pos().x(),event->pos().y()), mMainWindow->getStatusPosRealHeight());
-        QPointF posImage = getPosImage(posReal,mMainWindow->getStatusPosRealHeight());
+        QPointF cmPerPixel = getCmPerPixel(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y(), mMainWindow->getStatusPosRealHeight());
+        double  angleToGround =
+            getAngleToGround(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y(), mMainWindow->getStatusPosRealHeight());
+        debout << "At position: " << event->pos().x() << ", " << event->pos().y()
+               << " cm per pixel: x: " << cmPerPixel.x() << ", y: " << cmPerPixel.y() << ", angle: " << angleToGround
+               << std::endl;
+        QPointF posReal =
+            getPosReal(QPointF(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()), mMainWindow->getStatusPosRealHeight());
+        QPointF posImage = getPosImage(posReal, mMainWindow->getStatusPosRealHeight());
         debout << "Pos(real): " << posReal << " Pos(image): " << posImage << std::endl;
         // Pixel-Koordinaten unter der Kamera bestimmen
-        QPointF pixUnderCam = getPosImage(QPointF(
-                                              -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX()-mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1(),
-                                              -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY()-mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2()),
-                                          0);
+        QPointF pixUnderCam = getPosImage(
+            QPointF(
+                -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX() - mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1(),
+                -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY() - mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2()),
+            0);
         pixUnderCam.setX(pixUnderCam.x() + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
         pixUnderCam.setY(pixUnderCam.y() + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
@@ -338,20 +383,18 @@ void ImageItem::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
         debout << "Pixel unter der Camera: " << pixUnderCam.x() << ", " << pixUnderCam.y() << std::endl;
         cv::Point2f pixUnderCam2f = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(
-                                                                                -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX()-mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1(),
-                                                                                -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY()-mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2(),
-                                                                                0));
+            -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX() - mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1(),
+            -mControlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY() - mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2(),
+            0));
         pixUnderCam2f.x += mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
         pixUnderCam2f.y += mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
         debout << "Pixel unter der Camera: " << pixUnderCam2f.x << ", " << pixUnderCam2f.y << std::endl;
-    //QPointF pos = event->pos();
+    // QPointF pos = event->pos();
diff --git a/src/logoItem.cpp b/src/logoItem.cpp
index b6d3cce78c6fcb030cfa97f0ac53a5cf8b659091..eaf13f2db8fd494b6748c3bfae25d374f45ca0e9 100644
--- a/src/logoItem.cpp
+++ b/src/logoItem.cpp
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QGraphicsScene>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QTimer>
 #include "logoItem.h"
 #include "petrack.h"
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QGraphicsScene>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QTimer>
 #include <ctime>
 // minimale Zeit zwischen zwei Blendenstufen in Millisekunden
@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ Fader::Fader()
     mTimer = nullptr;
-void Fader::fadeOut(LogoItem* lI, int frames)
+void Fader::fadeOut(LogoItem *lI, int frames)
     mLogoItem = lI;
-    if (frames < 1)
+    if(frames < 1)
         mFrames = 1;
         mFrames = frames;
-    mStep = 1./mFrames;
-    if (mTimer) // wenn fadeOut schon mal aufgerufen wurde; so wird nur ein QTimer maximal angelegt
+    mStep = 1. / mFrames;
+    if(mTimer) // wenn fadeOut schon mal aufgerufen wurde; so wird nur ein QTimer maximal angelegt
         delete mTimer;
     mTimer = new QTimer(this);
     connect(mTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(fadeOutStep()));
@@ -55,13 +55,14 @@ void Fader::fadeOutStep()
     static clock_t lastTime = clock();
-    if (((double)(clock()-lastTime))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC > FRAME_INTERVAL*.001) // beschleunigen, wenn zu langsam ausgeblendet wird
-        mStep*=2;
+    if(((double) (clock() - lastTime)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC >
+       FRAME_INTERVAL * .001) // beschleunigen, wenn zu langsam ausgeblendet wird
+        mStep *= 2;
     lastTime = clock();
-    if (mLogoItem->getOpacity()>0.)
+    if(mLogoItem->getOpacity() > 0.)
-        mLogoItem->setOpacity(mLogoItem->getOpacity()-mStep);
+        mLogoItem->setOpacity(mLogoItem->getOpacity() - mStep);
         mLogoItem->scene()->update(); // ein neuzeichnen wird erwuenscht und irgendwann bei processEvents gemacht
@@ -72,13 +73,11 @@ void Fader::fadeOutStep()
-LogoItem::LogoItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent)
-    : QGraphicsItem(parent)
+LogoItem::LogoItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsItem(parent)
-    mOpacity = 1.0;
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
-    mImage = new QImage(":/logo"); // in icons.qrc definiert
+    mOpacity    = 1.0;
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) wParent;
+    mImage      = new QImage(":/logo"); // in icons.qrc definiert
 QRectF LogoItem::boundingRect() const
@@ -90,18 +89,18 @@ void LogoItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * /*optio
     int w;
     int h;
-    if (mMainWindow->getImage())
+    if(mMainWindow->getImage())
-        w = (mMainWindow->getImage()->width())/2 - (mImage->width())/2 - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
-        h = (mMainWindow->getImage()->height())/2 - (mImage->height())/2 - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
+        w = (mMainWindow->getImage()->width()) / 2 - (mImage->width()) / 2 - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
+        h = (mMainWindow->getImage()->height()) / 2 - (mImage->height()) / 2 - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
-        w = 0; 
+        w = 0;
         h = 0;
-    painter->drawImage(w,h,*mImage);
+    painter->drawImage(w, h, *mImage);
 // logo wird langsam ausgeblendet
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index caea62af096907ae25f4fd09cd4de5c79dd6bfe9..fa9f87c8b2d392aea5507b007fb1af9ff5c7bdea 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -18,27 +18,27 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "IO.h"
+#include "compilerInformation.h"
+#include "helper.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
+#include "tracker.h"
 #include <QApplication>
-#include <QtWidgets>
 #include <QMessageBox>
 #include <QStyleFactory>
+#include <QtWidgets>
 #include <csignal>
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <string>
-#include "petrack.h"
-#include "helper.h"
-#include "tracker.h"
-#include "IO.h"
-#include "compilerInformation.h"
 // Aufrufbeispiel:
 // release/petrack.exe -sequence ../../einzelbilder/wert0001.png -autoSave dir|ttt.avi
-static QApplication * gApp = nullptr;
-void quit(int sig_number)
+static QApplication *gApp = nullptr;
+void                 quit(int sig_number)
@@ -46,18 +46,18 @@ void quit(int sig_number)
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     QApplication app(argc, argv);
-// Reihenfolge beim Beenden von Petrack (signal abouttoquit() von qapplication nicht hinbekommen):
-// - petrack:closeevent()
-// - app.exec() am ende dieser Programmzeilen wird beendet
-// - Funktion, die mit qAddPostRoutine an Qt uebergeben wird
-// - SIGTERM kann nicht von QT abgefangen werden, sondern muss mit signal behandelt werden
+    // Reihenfolge beim Beenden von Petrack (signal abouttoquit() von qapplication nicht hinbekommen):
+    // - petrack:closeevent()
+    // - app.exec() am ende dieser Programmzeilen wird beendet
+    // - Funktion, die mit qAddPostRoutine an Qt uebergeben wird
+    // - SIGTERM kann nicht von QT abgefangen werden, sondern muss mit signal behandelt werden
     gApp = &app;
-    signal(SIGINT, quit); // used to catch ctrl-C and get rid of error "QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread"
+    signal(SIGINT, quit); // used to catch ctrl-C and get rid of error "QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped
+                          // from another thread"
     app.setStyle(QStyleFactory::create("Fusion")); // added for Qt5
@@ -66,25 +66,25 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     //   -sequence *.png:  um animation zu laden (ueberschreibt projekt)
     //   -autoSave file oder ordner: um automatisches herausschreiben von sequenz in ordner zu machen
     QStringList arg = app.arguments();
-    QString sequence;
-    QString project;
-    QString autoSaveDest;
-    bool autoSave = false;
-    QString autoTrackDest;
-    QString autoPlayDest;
-    bool autoTrack = false;
-    bool autoPlay = false;
+    QString     sequence;
+    QString     project;
+    QString     autoSaveDest;
+    bool        autoSave = false;
+    QString     autoTrackDest;
+    QString     autoPlayDest;
+    bool        autoTrack = false;
+    bool        autoPlay  = false;
     QString autoReadHeightFile;
-    bool autoReadHeight = false;
+    bool    autoReadHeight = false;
     QString autoReadMarkerFile;
-    bool autoReadMarkerID = false;
+    bool    autoReadMarkerID = false;
     QString autoSaveTrackerFile;
-    bool autoSaveTracker = false;
+    bool    autoSaveTracker = false;
-    for (int i = 1; i < arg.size(); ++i) // i=0 ist Programmname
+    for(int i = 1; i < arg.size(); ++i) // i=0 ist Programmname
-        if (arg.at(i) == "-help" || arg.at(i) == "-?")
+        if(arg.at(i) == "-help" || arg.at(i) == "-?")
             QTextDocument doc;
@@ -92,52 +92,54 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             QMessageBox::about(nullptr, QObject::tr("Command line options"), commandLineOptionsString);
             return 0; // 0 means exit success // 1?
-        else if (arg.at(i) == "-project")
+        else if(arg.at(i) == "-project")
             project = arg.at(++i);
-        else if (arg.at(i) == "-sequence")
+        else if(arg.at(i) == "-sequence")
             sequence = arg.at(++i);
-        else if ((arg.at(i) == "-autoSave") || (arg.at(i) == "-autosave"))
+        else if((arg.at(i) == "-autoSave") || (arg.at(i) == "-autosave"))
-            autoSave = true;
+            autoSave     = true;
             autoSaveDest = arg.at(++i);
-        else if ((arg.at(i) == "-autoTrack") || (arg.at(i) == "-autotrack"))
+        else if((arg.at(i) == "-autoTrack") || (arg.at(i) == "-autotrack"))
             autoTrack = true;
             // hat tracker_file bestimmte Dateiendung txt oder trc, dann wird nur genau diese exportiert, sonst beide
             autoTrackDest = arg.at(++i);
-        else if ((arg.at(i) == "-autoPlay") || (arg.at(i) == "-autoplay"))
-        { // nur abspielen und keine aenderungen an control track and reco, um zB groessenbestimmung nachtraeglich vorzunehmen, nachdem haendisch kontrolliert
+        else if((arg.at(i) == "-autoPlay") || (arg.at(i) == "-autoplay"))
+        { // nur abspielen und keine aenderungen an control track and reco, um zB groessenbestimmung nachtraeglich
+          // vorzunehmen, nachdem haendisch kontrolliert
             autoPlay = true;
             // hat tracker_file bestimmte Dateiendung txt oder trc, dann wird nur genau diese exportiert, sonst beide
             autoPlayDest = arg.at(++i);
-        else if (arg.at(i).right(4) == ".pet")
+        else if(arg.at(i).right(4) == ".pet")
             // -project option ueberschreibt *.pet uebergabe ohne option!!
-            if (project.isEmpty())
+            if(project.isEmpty())
                 project = arg.at(i);
-        else if ((arg.at(i) == "-autoReadMarkerID") || (arg.at(i) == "-autoreadmarkerid"))
+        else if((arg.at(i) == "-autoReadMarkerID") || (arg.at(i) == "-autoreadmarkerid"))
-          // -autoreadmarkerid followed by txt-file including personIDs and markerIDs
-          // reads the txt-file and applies the markerIds to persons with corresponding personIDs
-          autoReadMarkerID = true;
-          autoReadMarkerFile = arg.at(++i);
+            // -autoreadmarkerid followed by txt-file including personIDs and markerIDs
+            // reads the txt-file and applies the markerIds to persons with corresponding personIDs
+            autoReadMarkerID   = true;
+            autoReadMarkerFile = arg.at(++i);
-        else if ((arg.at(i) == "-autoReadHeight") || (arg.at(i) == "-autoreadheight"))
+        else if((arg.at(i) == "-autoReadHeight") || (arg.at(i) == "-autoreadheight"))
             // -autoreadheight followed by txt-file including markerIDs and individual heights
             // reads the txt-file and applies the heights to persons with corresponding markerIDs
-            autoReadHeight = true;
+            autoReadHeight     = true;
             autoReadHeightFile = arg.at(++i);
-        else if ((arg.at(i) == "-autoSaveTracker") || (arg.at(i) == "-autosavetracker"))
+        else if((arg.at(i) == "-autoSaveTracker") || (arg.at(i) == "-autosavetracker"))
-              // -autoSaveTracker followed by Trackerfile which can either have the ending *.txt or *.trc. If no ending is given, both files will be created
-              autoSaveTracker = true;
-              autoSaveTrackerFile = arg.at(++i);
+            // -autoSaveTracker followed by Trackerfile which can either have the ending *.txt or *.trc. If no ending is
+            // given, both files will be created
+            autoSaveTracker     = true;
+            autoSaveTrackerFile = arg.at(++i);
@@ -163,53 +165,55 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     petrack.show(); // damit bei reiner Hilfe nicht angezeigt wird, erst hier der aufruf
     // erst nachher ausfuehren, damit reihenfolge der command line argumente keine rolle spielt
-    if (!project.isEmpty())
+    if(!project.isEmpty())
-        if (sequence.isEmpty())
+        if(sequence.isEmpty())
             petrack.openProject(project, false);
-    if (!sequence.isEmpty()) // nach project so dass dies datei in project ueberschreibt
+    if(!sequence.isEmpty()) // nach project so dass dies datei in project ueberschreibt
-    if (autoSave && (autoSaveDest.right(4) != ".pet"))
+    if(autoSave && (autoSaveDest.right(4) != ".pet"))
-        if ((autoSaveDest.right(4) == ".txt")||(autoSaveDest.right(5) == ".trav")||(autoSaveDest.right(4) == ".dat"))
-            petrack.exportTracker(autoSaveDest); // projekt wird geladen und nur Trajektoprien herausgeschrieben (zB wenn sich .pet (altitude) oder .trc aendert (delrec))
+        if((autoSaveDest.right(4) == ".txt") || (autoSaveDest.right(5) == ".trav") || (autoSaveDest.right(4) == ".dat"))
+            petrack.exportTracker(autoSaveDest); // projekt wird geladen und nur Trajektoprien herausgeschrieben (zB
+                                                 // wenn sich .pet (altitude) oder .trc aendert (delrec))
-            petrack.saveSequence(true, false, autoSaveDest); // true spielt keine rolle, sondern wird durch dateiendung bestimmt
-        return EXIT_SUCCESS;  // 0 means exit success// Programm beenden nach speichern! // 1?
+            petrack.saveSequence(
+                true, false, autoSaveDest); // true spielt keine rolle, sondern wird durch dateiendung bestimmt
+        return EXIT_SUCCESS;                // 0 means exit success// Programm beenden nach speichern! // 1?
     // hat tracker_file bestimmte Dateiendung txt oder trc, dann wird nur genau diese exportiert, sonst beide
-    if (autoTrack)
+    if(autoTrack)
-        if (autoReadMarkerID)
+        if(autoReadMarkerID)
             auto markerIDs = IO::readMarkerIDFile(autoReadMarkerFile);
-            if (std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(markerIDs)) // heights contains the height map
+            if(std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(markerIDs)) // heights contains the height map
                 petrack.getTracker()->setMarkerIDs(std::get<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(markerIDs));
-            else //markerIDs contains an error string
+            else // markerIDs contains an error string
-              debout << "Error: " << std::get<std::string>(markerIDs) << "\n";
-              return EXIT_FAILURE;
+                debout << "Error: " << std::get<std::string>(markerIDs) << "\n";
+                return EXIT_FAILURE;
-        if (autoReadHeight)
+        if(autoReadHeight)
             auto markerHeights = IO::readHeightFile(autoReadHeightFile);
-            if (std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(markerHeights)) // heights contains the height map
+            if(std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(markerHeights)) // heights contains the height map
                 petrack.getTracker()->setMarkerHeights(std::get<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(markerHeights));
-            else //markerHeights contains an error string
+            else // markerHeights contains an error string
                 debout << "Error: " << std::get<std::string>(markerHeights) << "\n";
                 return EXIT_FAILURE;
@@ -217,61 +221,61 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-        if (autoSave && (autoSaveDest.right(4) == ".pet"))
+        if(autoSave && (autoSaveDest.right(4) == ".pet"))
-        return EXIT_SUCCESS;  // Programm beenden nach speichern! // 1?
+        return EXIT_SUCCESS; // Programm beenden nach speichern! // 1?
-    if (autoPlay)
+    if(autoPlay)
-        if (autoSave && (autoSaveDest.right(4) == ".pet"))
+        if(autoSave && (autoSaveDest.right(4) == ".pet"))
-        return EXIT_SUCCESS;  // Programm beenden nach speichern! // 1?
+        return EXIT_SUCCESS; // Programm beenden nach speichern! // 1?
-    if (!autoTrack && autoReadMarkerID) // TODO autoTrack is always false here, as otherwise already returned
+    if(!autoTrack && autoReadMarkerID) // TODO autoTrack is always false here, as otherwise already returned
         auto markerIDs = IO::readMarkerIDFile(autoReadMarkerFile);
-        if (std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(markerIDs)) // heights contains the height map
+        if(std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(markerIDs)) // heights contains the height map
             petrack.getTracker()->setMarkerIDs(std::get<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(markerIDs));
-        else //heights contains an error string
+        else // heights contains an error string
             debout << "Error: " << std::get<std::string>(markerIDs) << "\n";
             return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    if (!autoTrack && autoReadHeight) // TODO autoTrack is always false here, as otherwise already returned
+    if(!autoTrack && autoReadHeight) // TODO autoTrack is always false here, as otherwise already returned
         auto markerHeights = IO::readHeightFile(autoReadHeightFile);
-        if (std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(markerHeights)) // heights contains the height map
+        if(std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(markerHeights)) // heights contains the height map
             petrack.getTracker()->setMarkerHeights(std::get<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(markerHeights));
-        else //heights contains an error string
+        else // heights contains an error string
             debout << "Error: " << std::get<std::string>(markerHeights) << "\n";
             return EXIT_FAILURE;
-    if (autoSaveTracker)
+    if(autoSaveTracker)
-    if (autoSave && (autoSaveDest.right(4) == ".pet"))
+    if(autoSave && (autoSaveDest.right(4) == ".pet"))
         return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/src/markerCasern.cpp b/src/markerCasern.cpp
index 91fd19b9015aafc84d7f2a421f1ddad5a71d486e..2c7fe9f1086b60d350f71f7ff530ec19c5e2d7ab 100644
--- a/src/markerCasern.cpp
+++ b/src/markerCasern.cpp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//folgende zeile spaeter raus
+// folgende zeile spaeter raus
 #include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
 // fuer Aussentreppen, sehr gross, oben
@@ -33,96 +33,87 @@
 #define SPOT_SIZE_MIN 1
 #define SPOT_SIZE_MAX 9
-#include "markerCasern.h"
 #include "helper.h"
+#include "markerCasern.h"
 #include "tracker.h"
-// bei marker koennnte sich fuer jeden spot eine liste gemerkt werden und spaeter ausgleich 
+// bei marker koennnte sich fuer jeden spot eine liste gemerkt werden und spaeter ausgleich
 // regressionsgrade legen um optimale linie durch marker zu erhalten
-MarkerCasern::MarkerCasern(MyEllipse head)
-    : mHead(head),
-      mHasHead(true),
-      mHasQuadrangle(false),
-      mCenterIndex(-1),
-      mColorIndex(-1)
-    : mHasHead(false),
-      mCenterIndex(-1),
-      mColorIndex(-1)
+MarkerCasern::MarkerCasern(MyEllipse head) :
+    mHead(head), mHasHead(true), mHasQuadrangle(false), mCenterIndex(-1), mColorIndex(-1)
+MarkerCasern::MarkerCasern() : mHasHead(false), mCenterIndex(-1), mColorIndex(-1) {}
 // muesste alles automatisch durch den defaultdestructor gemacht werden!
 // 3 inline functions to get access to class member varaibales only in .h file
-bool MarkerCasern::isOverlappingHead(const MyEllipse& e) const
+bool MarkerCasern::isOverlappingHead(const MyEllipse &e) const
-    if (hasHead())
+    if(hasHead())
         return mHead.isInside(e.center()) || e.isInside(mHead.center());
         return false;
-bool MarkerCasern::isInsideHead(const Vec2F& p) const
+bool MarkerCasern::isInsideHead(const Vec2F &p) const
-    if (hasHead())
+    if(hasHead())
         return mHead.isInside(p);
         return false;
 // returns spot number in spots list when inside, otherwise returns -1
-int MarkerCasern::isOverlappingSpots(const MyEllipse& e) const
+int MarkerCasern::isOverlappingSpots(const MyEllipse &e) const
-    for (int i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        if ((mSpots[i].isInside(e.center()) || e.isInside(mSpots[i].center())) && // Mittelpkte liegen ineinander
-            ((e.center()-mSpots[i].center()).length() < 2)) // kein zu grosser Abstand
+    for(int i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        if((mSpots[i].isInside(e.center()) || e.isInside(mSpots[i].center())) && // Mittelpkte liegen ineinander
+           ((e.center() - mSpots[i].center()).length() < 2))                     // kein zu grosser Abstand
             return i;
     return -1;
-int MarkerCasern::isInsideSpots(const Vec2F& p) const
+int MarkerCasern::isInsideSpots(const Vec2F &p) const
-    for (int i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        if (mSpots[i].isInside(p))
+    for(int i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        if(mSpots[i].isInside(p))
             return i;
     return -1;
 void MarkerCasern::modifyHead(const MyEllipse &head)
-    // man koennte auch spots und heads sammeln und am ende eine ueberpruefung vornehmen!!!!!! 
+    // man koennte auch spots und heads sammeln und am ende eine ueberpruefung vornehmen!!!!!!
     // median , regressionsgrade
     // man koennte auch pruefen:
     // - ob ellips-mittelpkt besser auf linie von markern liegt
     // - ob die outline eine bestimmte groesse besitzt
-    if (hasHead())
+    if(hasHead())
-        if (mHead.outline()>260 && mHead.outline()<340) // bevorzugte groesse - nur initial koennte andere erzeugt werden
-            if (fabs(mHead.ratio()-1.5)>fabs(head.ratio()-1.5)) // because white plate is 14x21cm
+        if(mHead.outline() > 260 &&
+           mHead.outline() < 340) // bevorzugte groesse - nur initial koennte andere erzeugt werden
+            if(fabs(mHead.ratio() - 1.5) > fabs(head.ratio() - 1.5)) // because white plate is 14x21cm
                 mHead = head;
         mHasHead = true;
-        mHead = head;
+        mHead    = head;
 void MarkerCasern::modifySpot(int i, const MyEllipse &spot)
-    if (i < mSpots.size())
+    if(i < mSpots.size())
         // man koennte auch pruefen:
         // - ob abstand zur mittellinie geringer
         // - ob form eher kreisfoermig
-        if (spot.outline() > mSpots[i].outline())
+        if(spot.outline() > mSpots[i].outline())
             mSpots[i] = spot;
@@ -140,23 +131,23 @@ void MarkerCasern::deleteSpot(int i)
 void MarkerCasern::modifyQuadrangle(const Vec2F v[4])
-    if (mHasQuadrangle)
+    if(mHasQuadrangle)
         // seitenverhaeltnis 2:3 koennte auch bedacht werden
         // angle on opposed edge is nearer to 90
-        if ((fabs((v[3]-v[2]).angleBetweenVec(v[0]-v[3])-PI/2.)+
-             fabs((v[1]-v[0]).angleBetweenVec(v[2]-v[1])-PI/2.)) <
-            (fabs((mQuadrangle[3]-mQuadrangle[2]).angleBetweenVec(mQuadrangle[0]-mQuadrangle[3])-PI/2.)+
-             fabs((mQuadrangle[1]-mQuadrangle[0]).angleBetweenVec(mQuadrangle[2]-mQuadrangle[1])-PI/2.)))
+        if((fabs((v[3] - v[2]).angleBetweenVec(v[0] - v[3]) - PI / 2.) +
+            fabs((v[1] - v[0]).angleBetweenVec(v[2] - v[1]) - PI / 2.)) <
+           (fabs((mQuadrangle[3] - mQuadrangle[2]).angleBetweenVec(mQuadrangle[0] - mQuadrangle[3]) - PI / 2.) +
+            fabs((mQuadrangle[1] - mQuadrangle[0]).angleBetweenVec(mQuadrangle[2] - mQuadrangle[1]) - PI / 2.)))
-            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+            for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                 mQuadrangle[i] = v[i];
         mHasQuadrangle = true;
-        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+        for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
             mQuadrangle[i] = v[i];
@@ -168,19 +159,20 @@ void MarkerCasern::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
     int i, j, k;
     // direkt herausspringen, da nichts zu tun ist
-    if (mSpots.size() == 0)
+    if(mSpots.size() == 0)
     // durch mgl wachsen der spots muss ueberprueft werden, ob sich im nachhinnein Ueberlagerungen ergeben
-    for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        for (j = i+1; j < mSpots.size(); ++j)
-            if (mSpots[i].isInside(mSpots[j].center()) || mSpots[j].isInside(mSpots[i].center()))
+    for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        for(j = i + 1; j < mSpots.size(); ++j)
+            if(mSpots[i].isInside(mSpots[j].center()) || mSpots[j].isInside(mSpots[i].center()))
                 modifySpot(i, mSpots[j]);
-                j=i; // es muss von vorne begonnen werden, da i wachsen koennte und dann vorgaenger von j nun hineinpassen koennten // --j;
+                j = i; // es muss von vorne begonnen werden, da i wachsen koennte und dann vorgaenger von j nun
+                       // hineinpassen koennten // --j;
     // nach groesse sortieren und loeschen koennte kreus angreifen zugunsten von zahl
     // gucken, ob in ellipse wirklich zB bullet drin ist
@@ -188,45 +180,46 @@ void MarkerCasern::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
     // spots loeschen, die selten erkannt wurden
     // mind 5 stehen lassen (marker und zahlen - auch von der seite zu sehen)
     int count = 100, anz = 0;
-    while (count > 4)
+    while(count > 4)
         count = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < mSpotCount.size(); ++i)
-            if (mSpotCount[i] > anz)
+        for(i = 0; i < mSpotCount.size(); ++i)
+            if(mSpotCount[i] > anz)
-    for (i = 0; i < mSpotCount.size(); ++i)
-        if (mSpotCount[i] < anz)
+    for(i = 0; i < mSpotCount.size(); ++i)
+        if(mSpotCount[i] < anz)
-    // 4 spots heraussuchen, bei denen um center in quadrat. bereich in ellipse der dunkelste Pkt (kleiner value in hsv) gefunden wird
-    // 4 uebrig lassen, weil entweder nummer an kopfseite sehr dunkel sein kann, wenn zu sehen oder in sehr hellen bereichen kreuz wegfallen wuerde
-    // da aber immer die 3 marker von mittellinie drin bleiben kann bei suche solch einer linie nur diese entstehen,
-    // da beide nummern nicht mehr drin sind
+    // 4 spots heraussuchen, bei denen um center in quadrat. bereich in ellipse der dunkelste Pkt (kleiner value in hsv)
+    // gefunden wird 4 uebrig lassen, weil entweder nummer an kopfseite sehr dunkel sein kann, wenn zu sehen oder in
+    // sehr hellen bereichen kreuz wegfallen wuerde da aber immer die 3 marker von mittellinie drin bleiben kann bei
+    // suche solch einer linie nur diese entstehen, da beide nummern nicht mehr drin sind
     QColor col;
-    int cx, cy;
-    if (mSpots.size() > 4)
+    int    cx, cy;
+    if(mSpots.size() > 4)
-        int r;
+        int        r;
         QList<int> minValList;
-        for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
             cx = myRound(mSpots[i].x());
             cy = myRound(mSpots[i].y());
-            r = myRound((mSpots[i].r1()+mSpots[i].r2())/2.); // mittlerer radius
+            r  = myRound((mSpots[i].r1() + mSpots[i].r2()) / 2.); // mittlerer radius
             int minVal = 256; // groesser als komplett weiss (255)
             // bildrand muss nicht ueberprueft werden, da sie gar nicht erst hereingekommen waeren
-            for (j = -r; j < r+1; ++j)
-                for (k = -r; k < r+1; ++k)
+            for(j = -r; j < r + 1; ++j)
+                for(k = -r; k < r + 1; ++k)
-                    col.setRgb(getValue(img,cx+j,cy+k).rgb());//getR(img, cx+j, cy+k), getG(img, cx+j, cy+k), getB(img, cx+j, cy+k));
-                    if (col.value() < minVal)
+                    col.setRgb(getValue(img, cx + j, cy + k)
+                                   .rgb()); // getR(img, cx+j, cy+k), getG(img, cx+j, cy+k), getB(img, cx+j, cy+k));
+                    if(col.value() < minVal)
                         minVal = col.value(); // Helligkeit
@@ -234,8 +227,8 @@ void MarkerCasern::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
         // loeschen aller zu hellen spots
         QList<int> minValListSort = minValList;
         std::sort(minValListSort.begin(), minValListSort.end()); // sortiert aufsteigend
-        for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-            if (minValList[i] > minValListSort[3])
+        for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+            if(minValList[i] > minValListSort[3])
@@ -252,71 +245,80 @@ void MarkerCasern::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
     // die am nahesten auf Linie liegenden spots heraussuchen
     // cross marker spot index setzen
     // mCenterIndex = -1; wird im constructor gemacht
-    int centerIndex = -1, lineIndex[3] = {-1, -1, -1};
-    double difAbs = 1000, tmp2Abs = 0, tmpAbs = 0, minAbs = 1000; //tmpAbs = 0, tmp2Abs = 0 damit keine warnung
-    double o1, o2, o3, minOutline = 12;
-    bool found = false;
-    for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        for (j = i+1; j < mSpots.size(); ++j)
-            for (k = j+1; k < mSpots.size(); ++k)
+    int    centerIndex = -1, lineIndex[3] = {-1, -1, -1};
+    double difAbs = 1000, tmp2Abs = 0, tmpAbs = 0, minAbs = 1000; // tmpAbs = 0, tmp2Abs = 0 damit keine warnung
+    double o1, o2, o3, minOutline                         = 12;
+    bool   found = false;
+    for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        for(j = i + 1; j < mSpots.size(); ++j)
+            for(k = j + 1; k < mSpots.size(); ++k)
                 o1 = mSpots[i].outline();
                 o2 = mSpots[j].outline();
                 o3 = mSpots[k].outline();
-                if (((o1 > minOutline && o2 > minOutline) || (o1 > minOutline && o3 > minOutline) || (o2 > minOutline && o3 > minOutline)) && // mind 2 groesser
-                    ((tmpAbs = mSpots[i].center().distanceToLine(mSpots[j].center(), mSpots[k].center())) < minAbs) &&
-                    (tmpAbs < 2)) // abstand und damit fehler sollte nicht groesser als 2 sein, sonst maker loeschen
+                if(((o1 > minOutline && o2 > minOutline) || (o1 > minOutline && o3 > minOutline) ||
+                    (o2 > minOutline && o3 > minOutline)) && // mind 2 groesser
+                   ((tmpAbs = mSpots[i].center().distanceToLine(mSpots[j].center(), mSpots[k].center())) < minAbs) &&
+                   (tmpAbs < 2)) // abstand und damit fehler sollte nicht groesser als 2 sein, sonst maker loeschen
                     // mittigen spot heraussuchen
-                    if (((tmp2Abs=(0.5*(mSpots[i].center()+mSpots[j].center())-mSpots[k].center()).length()) < 2) &&
-                        (tmp2Abs < difAbs) && 
-                        ((mSpots[i].center()-mSpots[j].center()).length() > 13) && // damit nicht farbmarker alleine alle 3 marker
-                        (o1 > minOutline && o2 > minOutline))
+                    if(((tmp2Abs = (0.5 * (mSpots[i].center() + mSpots[j].center()) - mSpots[k].center()).length()) <
+                        2) &&
+                       (tmp2Abs < difAbs) &&
+                       ((mSpots[i].center() - mSpots[j].center()).length() >
+                        13) && // damit nicht farbmarker alleine alle 3 marker
+                       (o1 > minOutline && o2 > minOutline))
-                        difAbs = tmp2Abs;
+                        difAbs      = tmp2Abs;
                         centerIndex = 2;
-                        found = true;
+                        found       = true;
-                    if (((tmp2Abs=(0.5*(mSpots[j].center()+mSpots[k].center())-mSpots[i].center()).length()) < 2) &&
-                        (tmp2Abs < difAbs) &&
-                        ((mSpots[j].center()-mSpots[k].center()).length() > 13) && // damit nicht farbmarker alleine alle 3 marker
-                        (o2 > minOutline && o3 > minOutline))
+                    if(((tmp2Abs = (0.5 * (mSpots[j].center() + mSpots[k].center()) - mSpots[i].center()).length()) <
+                        2) &&
+                       (tmp2Abs < difAbs) &&
+                       ((mSpots[j].center() - mSpots[k].center()).length() >
+                        13) && // damit nicht farbmarker alleine alle 3 marker
+                       (o2 > minOutline && o3 > minOutline))
-                        difAbs = tmp2Abs;
+                        difAbs      = tmp2Abs;
                         centerIndex = 0;
-                        found = true;
+                        found       = true;
-                    if (((tmp2Abs=(0.5*(mSpots[k].center()+mSpots[i].center())-mSpots[j].center()).length()) < 2) &&
-                        (tmp2Abs < difAbs) &&
-                        ((mSpots[i].center()-mSpots[k].center()).length() > 13) && // damit nicht farbmarker alleine alle 3 marker
-                        (o1 > minOutline && o3 > minOutline))
+                    if(((tmp2Abs = (0.5 * (mSpots[k].center() + mSpots[i].center()) - mSpots[j].center()).length()) <
+                        2) &&
+                       (tmp2Abs < difAbs) &&
+                       ((mSpots[i].center() - mSpots[k].center()).length() >
+                        13) && // damit nicht farbmarker alleine alle 3 marker
+                       (o1 > minOutline && o3 > minOutline))
-                        difAbs = tmp2Abs;
+                        difAbs      = tmp2Abs;
                         centerIndex = 1;
-                        found = true;
+                        found       = true;
                     // wenn mittiger spot nicht mittig, dann keine gueltige marke
-                    if (found) // ueberhaupt eine Mitte gefunden
+                    if(found) // ueberhaupt eine Mitte gefunden
-                        found = false;
+                        found        = false;
                         lineIndex[0] = i;
                         lineIndex[1] = j;
                         lineIndex[2] = k;
-                        minAbs = tmpAbs;
+                        minAbs       = tmpAbs;
     // delete spots not laing on the line
-    for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+    for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        if (i != lineIndex[0] && i != lineIndex[1] && i != lineIndex[2])
+        if(i != lineIndex[0] && i != lineIndex[1] && i != lineIndex[2])
-            --lineIndex[0]; --lineIndex[1]; --lineIndex[2];
+            --lineIndex[0];
+            --lineIndex[1];
+            --lineIndex[2];
         } // set index for cross marker
-        else if ((centerIndex > -1) && (i == lineIndex[centerIndex]))
+        else if((centerIndex > -1) && (i == lineIndex[centerIndex]))
             mCenterIndex = lineIndex[centerIndex];
@@ -324,48 +326,50 @@ void MarkerCasern::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
     // ab hier nur noch 0 oder 3 spots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     // bei 0 muss keine farbe mehr bestimmt werden
-    if (mSpots.size() == 0)
+    if(mSpots.size() == 0)
-    // farbe bestimmen (richtiger marker koennte auch durch form oder dem abstand des hellsten pkt in groesserer umgebung vom mittelpkt bestimmt werden)
-    bool colSet = false;
+    // farbe bestimmen (richtiger marker koennte auch durch form oder dem abstand des hellsten pkt in groesserer
+    // umgebung vom mittelpkt bestimmt werden)
+    bool   colSet = false;
     QColor colOther; // farbe des anderen spots
-    for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        if (i != mCenterIndex)
+    for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        if(i != mCenterIndex)
             cx = myRound(mSpots[i].x());
             cy = myRound(mSpots[i].y());
-            if (!colSet)
+            if(!colSet)
                 colSet = true;
-                mCol.setRgb(getValue(img,cx,cy).rgb());
+                mCol.setRgb(getValue(img, cx, cy).rgb());
                 mColorIndex = i;
-                colOther.setRgb(getValue(img,cx,cy).rgb());
+                colOther.setRgb(getValue(img, cx, cy).rgb());
                 mOtherIndex = i;
             // bildrand muss nicht ueberprueft werden, da sie gar nicht erst hereingekommen waeren
-            for (j = -1; j < 2; ++j) // 3x3 feld wird ueberprueft
-                for (k = -1; k < 2; ++k)
+            for(j = -1; j < 2; ++j) // 3x3 feld wird ueberprueft
+                for(k = -1; k < 2; ++k)
-                    col.setRgb(getValue(img,cx+j,cy+k).rgb());
-                    // faktor, um die mitte hoeher zu gewichten, da bei fd der schwarze rand mit dem weiss gemischt oft hell ist
-                    if (col.value()/(1. + .5*(abs(j)+abs(k))) > mCol.value()) // wenn Helligkeit maximal
+                    col.setRgb(getValue(img, cx + j, cy + k).rgb());
+                    // faktor, um die mitte hoeher zu gewichten, da bei fd der schwarze rand mit dem weiss gemischt oft
+                    // hell ist
+                    if(col.value() / (1. + .5 * (abs(j) + abs(k))) > mCol.value()) // wenn Helligkeit maximal
-                        if (i != mColorIndex)
+                        if(i != mColorIndex)
-                            colOther = mCol;
+                            colOther    = mCol;
                             mOtherIndex = mColorIndex;
-                        mCol = col;
+                        mCol        = col;
                         mColorIndex = i;
-    if (autoWB)
+    if(autoWB)
         // weissabgleich
         // 1. Dynamik der Helligkeit
@@ -374,45 +378,53 @@ void MarkerCasern::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
         // weisswert und durchschnittlichen weisswert bestimmen
         // 2 bereiche neben farbmarker in weisser flaeche auf kopfpappe
-        int wcx = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].x()+0.356*(mSpots[mColorIndex].y()-mSpots[mOtherIndex].y()));
-        int wcy = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].y()+0.356*(mSpots[mColorIndex].x()-mSpots[mOtherIndex].x()));
-        QColor white(0,0,0); // hellster fleck
+        int    wcx = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].x() + 0.356 * (mSpots[mColorIndex].y() - mSpots[mOtherIndex].y()));
+        int    wcy = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].y() + 0.356 * (mSpots[mColorIndex].x() - mSpots[mOtherIndex].x()));
+        QColor white(0, 0, 0); // hellster fleck
-        int avgWhiteR=0, avgWhiteG=0, avgWhiteB=0; // durchschnittlichen weisswert
-        for (j = -1; j < 2; ++j) // 3x3 feld um ocx,ocy wird ueberprueft
-            for (k = -1; k < 2; ++k)
+        int avgWhiteR = 0, avgWhiteG = 0, avgWhiteB = 0; // durchschnittlichen weisswert
+        for(j = -1; j < 2; ++j)                          // 3x3 feld um ocx,ocy wird ueberprueft
+            for(k = -1; k < 2; ++k)
-                QColor color = getValue(img,wcx+j,wcy+k);
-                avgWhiteR+=color.red();
-                avgWhiteG+=color.green();
-                avgWhiteB+=color.blue();
-                col.setRgb(getValue(img,wcx+j,wcy+k).rgb());
-                if (col.value() > white.value()) // wenn Helligkeit groesser
+                QColor color = getValue(img, wcx + j, wcy + k);
+                avgWhiteR += color.red();
+                avgWhiteG += color.green();
+                avgWhiteB += color.blue();
+                col.setRgb(getValue(img, wcx + j, wcy + k).rgb());
+                if(col.value() > white.value()) // wenn Helligkeit groesser
                     white = col;
-        wcx = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].x()-0.356*(mSpots[mColorIndex].y()-mSpots[mOtherIndex].y()));
-        wcy = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].y()-0.356*(mSpots[mColorIndex].x()-mSpots[mOtherIndex].x()));
-        for (j = -1; j < 2; ++j) // 3x3 feld um ocx,ocy wird ueberprueft
-            for (k = -1; k < 2; ++k)
+        wcx = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].x() - 0.356 * (mSpots[mColorIndex].y() - mSpots[mOtherIndex].y()));
+        wcy = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].y() - 0.356 * (mSpots[mColorIndex].x() - mSpots[mOtherIndex].x()));
+        for(j = -1; j < 2; ++j) // 3x3 feld um ocx,ocy wird ueberprueft
+            for(k = -1; k < 2; ++k)
-                QColor color = getValue(img,wcx+j,wcy+k);
-                avgWhiteR+=color.red();
-                avgWhiteG+=color.green();
-                avgWhiteB+=color.blue();
-                col.setRgb(getValue(img,wcx+j,wcy+k).rgb());
-                if (col.value() > white.value()) // wenn Helligkeit groesser
+                QColor color = getValue(img, wcx + j, wcy + k);
+                avgWhiteR += color.red();
+                avgWhiteG += color.green();
+                avgWhiteB += color.blue();
+                col.setRgb(getValue(img, wcx + j, wcy + k).rgb());
+                if(col.value() > white.value()) // wenn Helligkeit groesser
                     white = col;
-        avgWhiteR/=18; avgWhiteG/=18; avgWhiteB/=18;
+        avgWhiteR /= 18;
+        avgWhiteG /= 18;
+        avgWhiteB /= 18;
-        if ((avgWhiteR !=0) && (avgWhiteG !=0) && (avgWhiteB !=0))
+        if((avgWhiteR != 0) && (avgWhiteG != 0) && (avgWhiteB != 0))
-            mCol.setRgb((int) MIN(((255./avgWhiteR)*mCol.red()), 255.), (int) MIN(((255./avgWhiteG)*mCol.green()), 255.), (int) MIN(((255./avgWhiteB)*mCol.blue()), 255.));
-            colOther.setRgb((int) MIN(((255./avgWhiteR)*colOther.red()), 255.), (int) MIN(((255./avgWhiteG)*colOther.green()), 255.), (int) MIN(((255./avgWhiteB)*colOther.blue()), 255.));
+            mCol.setRgb(
+                (int) MIN(((255. / avgWhiteR) * mCol.red()), 255.),
+                (int) MIN(((255. / avgWhiteG) * mCol.green()), 255.),
+                (int) MIN(((255. / avgWhiteB) * mCol.blue()), 255.));
+            colOther.setRgb(
+                (int) MIN(((255. / avgWhiteR) * colOther.red()), 255.),
+                (int) MIN(((255. / avgWhiteG) * colOther.green()), 255.),
+                (int) MIN(((255. / avgWhiteB) * colOther.blue()), 255.));
-            debout << "weiss ist zu dunkel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"<<std::endl;
+            debout << "weiss ist zu dunkel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
         // eigentlich muesset saettigung ueber histogramm angepasst werden!!
@@ -420,21 +432,21 @@ void MarkerCasern::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
     // wenn auf markern farbe nahezu identisch
     // weisst dies auf einen schwarzen marker hin,
     // dann wird der marker genommen, der den groessten radius hat
-    if (abs(mCol.value()-colOther.value()) < 30) //&& abs(mCol.saturation()-colOther.saturation()) < 40
+    if(abs(mCol.value() - colOther.value()) < 30) //&& abs(mCol.saturation()-colOther.saturation()) < 40
         double maxRadius = 0, rad;
-        int maxIdx = -1;
-        for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-            if (i != mCenterIndex)
+        int    maxIdx    = -1;
+        for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+            if(i != mCenterIndex)
-                rad = (mSpots[i].r1()+mSpots[i].r2())/2.;
-                if (rad > maxRadius)
+                rad = (mSpots[i].r1() + mSpots[i].r2()) / 2.;
+                if(rad > maxRadius)
                     maxRadius = rad;
-                    maxIdx = i;
+                    maxIdx    = i;
-        if (mColorIndex != maxIdx)
+        if(mColorIndex != maxIdx)
             mOtherIndex = mColorIndex;
             mColorIndex = maxIdx;
@@ -446,7 +458,7 @@ void MarkerCasern::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
 MyEllipse MarkerCasern::getCenterSpot() const
-    if (mCenterIndex == -1)
+    if(mCenterIndex == -1)
         return mHead; // good fallback ?
         return mSpots[mCenterIndex];
@@ -454,7 +466,7 @@ MyEllipse MarkerCasern::getCenterSpot() const
 MyEllipse MarkerCasern::getColorSpot() const
-    if (mColorIndex == -1)
+    if(mColorIndex == -1)
         return mHead; // good fallback ?
         return mSpots[mColorIndex];
@@ -464,31 +476,31 @@ void MarkerCasern::draw(cv::Mat &img) const
     int i;
-    //head
-    if (hasHead())
+    // head
+    if(hasHead())
         head().draw(img, 255, 0, 255);
-    //marker
-    for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+    // marker
+    for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        if (i == mCenterIndex)
+        if(i == mCenterIndex)
             mSpots[i].draw(img, 255, 0, 0);
             mSpots[i].draw(img, 0, 0, 255);
-    if (hasHead() && mSpots.size() == 0)
+    if(hasHead() && mSpots.size() == 0)
         MyEllipse e(head().center().x(), head().center().y(), 4, 4, 0);
         e.draw(img, 255, 0, 0);
     // quadrangle
-    if (hasQuadrangle())
+    if(hasQuadrangle())
         std::vector<cv::Point> pt;
-        for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-            pt.push_back(cv::Point(mQuadrangle[i].x(),mQuadrangle[i].y()));
-        // draw the square as a closed polyline 
-        cv::polylines(img,pt,true,CV_RGB(0,255,0),1,cv::LINE_AA,0);
+        for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+            pt.push_back(cv::Point(mQuadrangle[i].x(), mQuadrangle[i].y()));
+        // draw the square as a closed polyline
+        cv::polylines(img, pt, true, CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), 1, cv::LINE_AA, 0);
@@ -496,7 +508,7 @@ void MarkerCasern::draw(cv::Mat &img) const
 // img is 1 channel black/white
 // gibt zurueck, ob ellipse mgl als spot oder kopf eingefuegt wurde oder zur modifizierung mgl beigetragen hat
-bool MarkerCasernList::mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse& e, bool blackInside)
+bool MarkerCasernList::mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse &e, bool blackInside)
     int i;
@@ -504,51 +516,55 @@ bool MarkerCasernList::mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse& e, boo
     int cy = myRound(e.center().y());
     // maybe spot
-    if (blackInside && // marker have to be black inside
-        (e.r1()>SPOT_SIZE_MIN && e.r1()<SPOT_SIZE_MAX && e.r2()>SPOT_SIZE_MIN && e.r2()<SPOT_SIZE_MAX && e.ratio()<2.) && // ellipse size
-        ((cx < img.cols-3) && (cx > 1) && (cy < img.rows-3) && (cy > 1))) // && // not near the image border
+    if(blackInside && // marker have to be black inside
+       (e.r1() > SPOT_SIZE_MIN && e.r1() < SPOT_SIZE_MAX && e.r2() > SPOT_SIZE_MIN && e.r2() < SPOT_SIZE_MAX &&
+        e.ratio() < 2.) &&                                                   // ellipse size
+       ((cx < img.cols - 3) && (cx > 1) && (cy < img.rows - 3) && (cy > 1))) // && // not near the image border
         int s = -1;
-        for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+        for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-            if ((s = at(i).isOverlappingSpots(e)) > -1)
+            if((s = at(i).isOverlappingSpots(e)) > -1)
                 // value(i) - returns T
                 // [i] - returns T&
                 // at(i) - returns const T&
                 (*this)[i].modifySpot(s, e);
-            } else if (at(i).isOverlappingHead(e))
+            }
+            else if(at(i).isOverlappingHead(e))
-        if (s == -1)
+        if(s == -1)
             MarkerCasern m;
         return true;
-    // maybe head
-    } else if (!blackInside && // head has to be white inside
-        e.r1()>HEAD_SIZE_MIN && e.r1()<HEAD_SIZE_MAX && e.r2()>HEAD_SIZE_MIN && e.r2()<HEAD_SIZE_MAX && e.ratio()<3.) // was 12..50
+        // maybe head
+    }
+    else if(
+        !blackInside && // head has to be white inside
+        e.r1() > HEAD_SIZE_MIN && e.r1() < HEAD_SIZE_MAX && e.r2() > HEAD_SIZE_MIN && e.r2() < HEAD_SIZE_MAX &&
+        e.ratio() < 3.) // was 12..50
         bool doesExist = false;
-        int j;
-        for (i = 0; i < size() && !doesExist; ++i)
+        int  j;
+        for(i = 0; i < size() && !doesExist; ++i)
-            if (at(i).isOverlappingHead(e))
+            if(at(i).isOverlappingHead(e))
                 doesExist = true;
-            else if (!at(i).hasHead())
+            else if(!at(i).hasHead())
-                for (j = 0; j < at(i).spots().size(); ++j)
-                    if (e.isInside(at(i).spots()[j].center()))
+                for(j = 0; j < at(i).spots().size(); ++j)
+                    if(e.isInside(at(i).spots()[j].center()))
                         doesExist = true;
@@ -556,7 +572,7 @@ bool MarkerCasernList::mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse& e, boo
-        if (!doesExist)
+        if(!doesExist)
         return true;
@@ -564,15 +580,15 @@ bool MarkerCasernList::mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse& e, boo
 // gibt zurueck, ob Quadrangle mgl eingefuegt wurde oder zur modifizierung beigetragen hat
-bool MarkerCasernList::mayAddQuadrangle(const Vec2F v[4]) //Vec2F p1, Vec2F p2, Vec2F p3, Vec2F p4
+bool MarkerCasernList::mayAddQuadrangle(const Vec2F v[4]) // Vec2F p1, Vec2F p2, Vec2F p3, Vec2F p4
-    Vec2F midPoint = (v[0]+v[1]+v[2]+v[3])*0.25;
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    Vec2F midPoint = (v[0] + v[1] + v[2] + v[3]) * 0.25;
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).hasHead() && at(i).head().isInside(midPoint))
+        if(at(i).hasHead() && at(i).head().isInside(midPoint))
-            return true; //break;
+            return true; // break;
     return false;
@@ -584,31 +600,33 @@ void MarkerCasernList::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
     int i, j, k, s;
     // delete marker without head and organize every marker
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); )
+    for(i = 0; i < size();)
-        if (at(i).hasHead())
+        if(at(i).hasHead())
-            // durch mgl wachsen der head ellipsen muss ueberprueft werden, ob sich im nachhinnein Ueberlagerungen ergeben
-            // passiert sehr selten!!
-            for (j = i+1; j < size(); ++j)
+            // durch mgl wachsen der head ellipsen muss ueberprueft werden, ob sich im nachhinnein Ueberlagerungen
+            // ergeben passiert sehr selten!!
+            for(j = i + 1; j < size(); ++j)
-                if (at(i).isOverlappingHead(at(j).head()))
+                if(at(i).isOverlappingHead(at(j).head()))
-                    for (k = 0; k < at(j).spots().size(); ++k)
+                    for(k = 0; k < at(j).spots().size(); ++k)
-                        if ((s = at(i).isOverlappingSpots(at(j).spots()[k])) > -1)
+                        if((s = at(i).isOverlappingSpots(at(j).spots()[k])) > -1)
                             (*this)[i].modifySpot(s, at(j).spots()[k]);
-                        } else if (at(i).isOverlappingHead(at(j).spots()[k]))
+                        }
+                        else if(at(i).isOverlappingHead(at(j).spots()[k]))
-                    j=i; // muss von vorne begonnen werden, da head wachsen koennte und nun vorgaenger von j hineinpassen //--j;
+                    j = i; // muss von vorne begonnen werden, da head wachsen koennte und nun vorgaenger von j
+                           // hineinpassen //--j;
             (*this)[i++].organize(img, autoWB);
@@ -618,11 +636,9 @@ void MarkerCasernList::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
-//draw ... Qt
 void MarkerCasernList::draw(cv::Mat &img) const
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
@@ -630,13 +646,13 @@ void MarkerCasernList::toCrossList(QList<TrackPoint> *crossList, bool ignoreWith
     Vec2F v1, v2;
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).hasHead())
+        if(at(i).hasHead())
-            if (at(i).spots().size() == 0)
+            if(at(i).spots().size() == 0)
-                if (!ignoreWithoutMarker)
+                if(!ignoreWithoutMarker)
                     v1 = at(i).head().center();
                     crossList->append(TrackPoint(v1, 0)); // 0 schlechteste qualitaet
diff --git a/src/markerHermes.cpp b/src/markerHermes.cpp
index 1c15e1aeeb59f9b835225094d4bd3ce36b32e364..dc6e3954052d562ee31d061a049303329ff9b548 100644
--- a/src/markerHermes.cpp
+++ b/src/markerHermes.cpp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//folgende zeile spaeter raus
+// folgende zeile spaeter raus
 #include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
 // an Treppen koennen grosse unterschiede da sein!!!!
@@ -26,95 +26,84 @@
 #define HEAD_SIZE_MAX 30
 #define SPOT_SIZE_MIN 1
 #define SPOT_SIZE_MAX 9
-#define MIN_CONTRAST 100  // war 150 bei zu geringem Kontrast wird spot geloescht
+#define MIN_CONTRAST  100 // war 150 bei zu geringem Kontrast wird spot geloescht
-#include "markerHermes.h"
 #include "helper.h"
+#include "markerHermes.h"
 #include "tracker.h"
-// bei marker koennnte sich fuer jeden spot eine liste gemerkt werden und spaeter ausgleich 
+// bei marker koennnte sich fuer jeden spot eine liste gemerkt werden und spaeter ausgleich
 // regressionsgrade legen um optimale linie durch marker zu erhalten
-MarkerHermes::MarkerHermes(MyEllipse head)
-    : mHead(head),
-      mHasHead(true),
-      mCenterIndex(-1)
-    : mHasHead(false),
-      mCenterIndex(-1)
+MarkerHermes::MarkerHermes(MyEllipse head) : mHead(head), mHasHead(true), mCenterIndex(-1) {}
+MarkerHermes::MarkerHermes() : mHasHead(false), mCenterIndex(-1) {}
 // muesste alles automatisch durch den defaultdestructor gemacht werden!
-// 3 inline functions to get access to class member varaibales only in .h file
-bool MarkerHermes::isOverlappingHead(const MyEllipse& e) const
+bool MarkerHermes::isOverlappingHead(const MyEllipse &e) const
-    if (hasHead())
+    if(hasHead())
         return mHead.isInside(e.center()) || e.isInside(mHead.center());
         return false;
-bool MarkerHermes::isInsideHead(const Vec2F& p) const
+bool MarkerHermes::isInsideHead(const Vec2F &p) const
-    if (hasHead())
+    if(hasHead())
         return mHead.isInside(p);
         return false;
 // returns spot number in spots list when inside, otherwise returns -1
-int MarkerHermes::isOverlappingSpots(const MyEllipse& e) const
+int MarkerHermes::isOverlappingSpots(const MyEllipse &e) const
-    for (int i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        if ((mSpots[i].isInside(e.center()) || e.isInside(mSpots[i].center())) && // Mittelpkte liegen ineinander
-            ((e.center()-mSpots[i].center()).length() < 2)) // kein zu grosser Abstand
+    for(int i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        if((mSpots[i].isInside(e.center()) || e.isInside(mSpots[i].center())) && // Mittelpkte liegen ineinander
+           ((e.center() - mSpots[i].center()).length() < 2))                     // kein zu grosser Abstand
             return i;
     return -1;
-int MarkerHermes::isInsideSpots(const Vec2F& p) const
+int MarkerHermes::isInsideSpots(const Vec2F &p) const
-    for (int i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        if (mSpots[i].isInside(p))
+    for(int i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        if(mSpots[i].isInside(p))
             return i;
     return -1;
 void MarkerHermes::modifyHead(const MyEllipse &head)
-    // man koennte auch spots und heads sammeln und am ende eine ueberpruefung vornehmen!!!!!! 
+    // man koennte auch spots und heads sammeln und am ende eine ueberpruefung vornehmen!!!!!!
     // median , regressionsgrade
     // man koennte auch pruefen:
     // - ob ellips-mittelpkt besser auf linie von markern liegt
     // - ob die outline eine bestimmte groesse besitzt
-    if (hasHead())
+    if(hasHead())
-        if (mHead.outline()>205 && mHead.outline()<268) // bevorzugte groesse - nur initial koennte andere erzeugt werden
-            if (fabs(mHead.ratio()-1.5)>fabs(head.ratio()-1.5)) // because white plate is 14x21cm like a real head
+        if(mHead.outline() > 205 &&
+           mHead.outline() < 268) // bevorzugte groesse - nur initial koennte andere erzeugt werden
+            if(fabs(mHead.ratio() - 1.5) > fabs(head.ratio() - 1.5)) // because white plate is 14x21cm like a real head
                 mHead = head;
         mHasHead = true;
-        mHead = head;
+        mHead    = head;
 void MarkerHermes::modifySpot(int i, const MyEllipse &spot)
-    if (i < mSpots.size())
+    if(i < mSpots.size())
         // man koennte auch pruefen:
         // - ob abstand zur mittellinie geringer
         // - ob form eher kreisfoermig
-        if (spot.outline() > mSpots[i].outline())
+        if(spot.outline() > mSpots[i].outline())
             mSpots[i] = spot;
@@ -136,19 +125,20 @@ void MarkerHermes::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool /*autoWB*/)
     int i, j, k;
     // direkt herausspringen, da nichts zu tun ist
-    if (mSpots.size() == 0)
+    if(mSpots.size() == 0)
     // durch mgl wachsen der spots muss ueberprueft werden, ob sich im nachhinnein Ueberlagerungen ergeben
-    for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        for (j = i+1; j < mSpots.size(); ++j)
-            if (mSpots[i].isInside(mSpots[j].center()) || mSpots[j].isInside(mSpots[i].center()))
+    for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        for(j = i + 1; j < mSpots.size(); ++j)
+            if(mSpots[i].isInside(mSpots[j].center()) || mSpots[j].isInside(mSpots[i].center()))
                 modifySpot(i, mSpots[j]);
-                j=i; // es muss von vorne begonnen werden, da i wachsen koennte und dann vorgaenger von j nun hineinpassen koennten // --j;
+                j = i; // es muss von vorne begonnen werden, da i wachsen koennte und dann vorgaenger von j nun
+                       // hineinpassen koennten // --j;
     // nach groesse sortieren und loeschen koennte kreuz angreifen zugunsten von zahl
     // gucken, ob in ellipse wirklich zB bullet drin ist
@@ -158,36 +148,37 @@ void MarkerHermes::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool /*autoWB*/)
     // nur die spots mit am meisten treffern stehen lassen
     int maxCount = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < mSpotCount.size(); ++i)
-        if (mSpotCount[i] > maxCount)
+    for(i = 0; i < mSpotCount.size(); ++i)
+        if(mSpotCount[i] > maxCount)
             maxCount = mSpotCount[i];
-    for (i = 0; i < mSpotCount.size(); ++i)
-        if (mSpotCount[i] < maxCount)
+    for(i = 0; i < mSpotCount.size(); ++i)
+        if(mSpotCount[i] < maxCount)
-    // 1 spots heraussuchen, bei denen um center in quadrat. bereich in ellipse der dunkelste Pkt (kleiner value in hsv) gefunden wird
-    // 1 uebrig lassen, weil entweder nummer an kopfseite sehr dunkel sein kann, wenn zu sehen oder in sehr hellen bereichen kreuz wegfallen wuerde
+    // 1 spots heraussuchen, bei denen um center in quadrat. bereich in ellipse der dunkelste Pkt (kleiner value in hsv)
+    // gefunden wird 1 uebrig lassen, weil entweder nummer an kopfseite sehr dunkel sein kann, wenn zu sehen oder in
+    // sehr hellen bereichen kreuz wegfallen wuerde
     int cx, cy, r;
-    if (mSpots.size() > 1)
+    if(mSpots.size() > 1)
         QList<int> minValList;
-        for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-            cx = myRound(mSpots[i].x());
-            cy = myRound(mSpots[i].y());
-            r = myRound((mSpots[i].r1()+mSpots[i].r2())/2.); // mittlerer radius
-            int minVal = 256; // groesser als komplett weiss (255)
+            cx         = myRound(mSpots[i].x());
+            cy         = myRound(mSpots[i].y());
+            r          = myRound((mSpots[i].r1() + mSpots[i].r2()) / 2.); // mittlerer radius
+            int minVal = 256;                                             // groesser als komplett weiss (255)
             // bildrand muss nicht ueberprueft werden, da sie gar nicht erst hereingekommen waeren
-            for (j = -r; j < r+1; ++j)
-                for (k = -r; k < r+1; ++k)
+            for(j = -r; j < r + 1; ++j)
+                for(k = -r; k < r + 1; ++k)
-                    if (getValue(img, cx+j, cy+k).value() < minVal)
-                        minVal = getValue(img, cx+j, cy+k).value(); // Helligkeit
+                    if(getValue(img, cx + j, cy + k).value() < minVal)
+                        minVal = getValue(img, cx + j, cy + k).value(); // Helligkeit
@@ -195,8 +186,8 @@ void MarkerHermes::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool /*autoWB*/)
         // loeschen aller zu hellen spots
         QList<int> minValListSort = minValList;
         std::sort(minValListSort.begin(), minValListSort.end()); // sortiert aufsteigend
-        for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-            if (minValList[i] > minValListSort[0]) // nur der dunkelste bleibt uebrig
+        for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+            if(minValList[i] > minValListSort[0]) // nur der dunkelste bleibt uebrig
@@ -206,27 +197,27 @@ void MarkerHermes::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool /*autoWB*/)
     // ab hier nur noch 0 oder 1 spots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     // bei 0 muss keine farbe mehr bestimmt werden
-    if (mSpots.size() == 1)
+    if(mSpots.size() == 1)
-        cx = myRound(mSpots[0].x());
-        cy = myRound(mSpots[0].y());
-        r = myRound((mSpots[0].r1()+mSpots[0].r2())/2.); // mittlerer radius
-        int minVal = 256; // groesser als komplett weiss (255)
+        cx         = myRound(mSpots[0].x());
+        cy         = myRound(mSpots[0].y());
+        r          = myRound((mSpots[0].r1() + mSpots[0].r2()) / 2.); // mittlerer radius
+        int minVal = 256;                                             // groesser als komplett weiss (255)
         // bildrand muss nicht ueberprueft werden, da sie gar nicht erst hereingekommen waeren
-        for (j = -r; j < r+1; ++j)
-            for (k = -r; k < r+1; ++k)
-                if (getValue(img, cx+j, cy+k).value() < minVal)
-                    minVal = getValue(img, cx+j, cy+k).value(); // Helligkeit
+        for(j = -r; j < r + 1; ++j)
+            for(k = -r; k < r + 1; ++k)
+                if(getValue(img, cx + j, cy + k).value() < minVal)
+                    minVal = getValue(img, cx + j, cy + k).value(); // Helligkeit
         int maxVal = 0;
-        for (j = -2*r; j < 2*r+1; ++j)
-            for (k = -2*r; k < 2*r+1; ++k)
-                if ((cx+j < img.cols) && (cx+j > -1) && (cy+k < img.rows) && (cy+k > -1)) // bildrand muss ueberprueft werden
-                    if (getValue(img, cx+j, cy+k).value() > maxVal)
-                        maxVal = getValue(img, cx+j, cy+k).value(); // Helligkeit
-        if (maxVal-minVal < MIN_CONTRAST) // war 150bei zu geringem Kontrast wird spot geloescht
+        for(j = -2 * r; j < 2 * r + 1; ++j)
+            for(k = -2 * r; k < 2 * r + 1; ++k)
+                if((cx + j < img.cols) && (cx + j > -1) && (cy + k < img.rows) &&
+                   (cy + k > -1)) // bildrand muss ueberprueft werden
+                    if(getValue(img, cx + j, cy + k).value() > maxVal)
+                        maxVal = getValue(img, cx + j, cy + k).value(); // Helligkeit
+        if(maxVal - minVal < MIN_CONTRAST) // war 150bei zu geringem Kontrast wird spot geloescht
@@ -238,7 +229,7 @@ void MarkerHermes::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool /*autoWB*/)
 MyEllipse MarkerHermes::getCenterSpot() const
-    if (mCenterIndex == -1)
+    if(mCenterIndex == -1)
         return mHead; // good fallback ?
         return mSpots[mCenterIndex];
@@ -248,18 +239,18 @@ void MarkerHermes::draw(cv::Mat &img) const
     int i;
-    //head
-    if (hasHead())
+    // head
+    if(hasHead())
         head().draw(img, 50, 50, 255);
-    //marker
-    for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+    // marker
+    for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        if (i == mCenterIndex)
+        if(i == mCenterIndex)
             mSpots[i].draw(img, 150, 150, 0);
             mSpots[i].draw(img, 0, 150, 150);
-    if (hasHead() && mSpots.size() == 0)
+    if(hasHead() && mSpots.size() == 0)
         MyEllipse e(head().center().x(), head().center().y(), 4, 4, 0);
         e.draw(img, 255, 0, 255);
@@ -270,7 +261,7 @@ void MarkerHermes::draw(cv::Mat &img) const
 // img is 1 channel black/white
 // gibt zurueck, ob ellipse mgl als spot oder kopf eingefuegt wurde oder zur modifizierung mgl beigetragen hat
-bool MarkerHermesList::mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse& e, bool blackInside)
+bool MarkerHermesList::mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse &e, bool blackInside)
     int i;
@@ -278,51 +269,55 @@ bool MarkerHermesList::mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse& e, boo
     int cy = myRound(e.center().y());
     // maybe spot
-    if (blackInside && // marker have to be black inside
-        (e.r1()>SPOT_SIZE_MIN && e.r1()<SPOT_SIZE_MAX && e.r2()>SPOT_SIZE_MIN && e.r2()<SPOT_SIZE_MAX && e.ratio()<2.) && // ellipse size
-        ((cx < img.cols-3) && (cx > 1) && (cy < img.rows-3) && (cy > 1))) // && // not near the image border
+    if(blackInside && // marker have to be black inside
+       (e.r1() > SPOT_SIZE_MIN && e.r1() < SPOT_SIZE_MAX && e.r2() > SPOT_SIZE_MIN && e.r2() < SPOT_SIZE_MAX &&
+        e.ratio() < 2.) &&                                                   // ellipse size
+       ((cx < img.cols - 3) && (cx > 1) && (cy < img.rows - 3) && (cy > 1))) // && // not near the image border
         int s = -1;
-        for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+        for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-            if ((s = at(i).isOverlappingSpots(e)) > -1)
+            if((s = at(i).isOverlappingSpots(e)) > -1)
                 // value(i) - returns T
                 // [i] - returns T&
                 // at(i) - returns const T&
                 (*this)[i].modifySpot(s, e);
-            } else if (at(i).isOverlappingHead(e))
+            }
+            else if(at(i).isOverlappingHead(e))
-        if (s == -1)
+        if(s == -1)
             MarkerHermes m;
         return true;
-    // maybe head
-    } else if (!blackInside && // head has to be white inside
-        e.r1()>HEAD_SIZE_MIN && e.r1()<HEAD_SIZE_MAX && e.r2()>HEAD_SIZE_MIN && e.r2()<HEAD_SIZE_MAX && e.ratio()<3.) // was 12..50
+        // maybe head
+    }
+    else if(
+        !blackInside && // head has to be white inside
+        e.r1() > HEAD_SIZE_MIN && e.r1() < HEAD_SIZE_MAX && e.r2() > HEAD_SIZE_MIN && e.r2() < HEAD_SIZE_MAX &&
+        e.ratio() < 3.) // was 12..50
         bool doesExist = false;
-        int j;
-        for (i = 0; i < size() && !doesExist; ++i)
+        int  j;
+        for(i = 0; i < size() && !doesExist; ++i)
-            if (at(i).isOverlappingHead(e))
+            if(at(i).isOverlappingHead(e))
                 doesExist = true;
-            else if (!at(i).hasHead())
+            else if(!at(i).hasHead())
-                for (j = 0; j < at(i).spots().size(); ++j)
-                    if (e.isInside(at(i).spots()[j].center()))
+                for(j = 0; j < at(i).spots().size(); ++j)
+                    if(e.isInside(at(i).spots()[j].center()))
                         doesExist = true;
@@ -330,7 +325,7 @@ bool MarkerHermesList::mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse& e, boo
-        if (!doesExist)
+        if(!doesExist)
         return true;
@@ -343,31 +338,33 @@ void MarkerHermesList::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
     int i, j, k, s;
     // delete marker without head and organize every marker
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); )
+    for(i = 0; i < size();)
-        if (at(i).hasHead())
+        if(at(i).hasHead())
-            // durch mgl wachsen der head ellipsen muss ueberprueft werden, ob sich im nachhinnein Ueberlagerungen ergeben
-            // passiert sehr selten!!
-            for (j = i+1; j < size(); ++j)
+            // durch mgl wachsen der head ellipsen muss ueberprueft werden, ob sich im nachhinnein Ueberlagerungen
+            // ergeben passiert sehr selten!!
+            for(j = i + 1; j < size(); ++j)
-                if (at(i).isOverlappingHead(at(j).head()))
+                if(at(i).isOverlappingHead(at(j).head()))
-                    for (k = 0; k < at(j).spots().size(); ++k)
+                    for(k = 0; k < at(j).spots().size(); ++k)
-                        if ((s = at(i).isOverlappingSpots(at(j).spots()[k])) > -1)
+                        if((s = at(i).isOverlappingSpots(at(j).spots()[k])) > -1)
                             (*this)[i].modifySpot(s, at(j).spots()[k]);
-                        } else if (at(i).isOverlappingHead(at(j).spots()[k]))
+                        }
+                        else if(at(i).isOverlappingHead(at(j).spots()[k]))
-                    j=i; // muss von vorne begonnen werden, da head wachsen koennte und nun vorgaenger von j hineinpassen //--j;
+                    j = i; // muss von vorne begonnen werden, da head wachsen koennte und nun vorgaenger von j
+                           // hineinpassen //--j;
             (*this)[i++].organize(img, autoWB);
@@ -377,11 +374,11 @@ void MarkerHermesList::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
-//draw ... Qt
+// draw ... Qt
 void MarkerHermesList::draw(cv::Mat &img) const
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
@@ -389,13 +386,13 @@ void MarkerHermesList::toCrossList(QList<TrackPoint> *crossList, bool ignoreWith
     Vec2F v1, v2;
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).hasHead())
+        if(at(i).hasHead())
-            if (at(i).spots().size() == 0)
+            if(at(i).spots().size() == 0)
-                if (!ignoreWithoutMarker)
+                if(!ignoreWithoutMarker)
                     v1 = at(i).head().center();
                     crossList->append(TrackPoint(v1, 0)); // 0 schlechteste qualitaet
diff --git a/src/markerJapan.cpp b/src/markerJapan.cpp
index db483863e48217cce7fcfcebe2fa7eed0f5f7919..e60b0e05fbfb855d6ba3e4fa1997015b719bb8fc 100644
--- a/src/markerJapan.cpp
+++ b/src/markerJapan.cpp
@@ -18,71 +18,61 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//folgende zeile spaeter raus
+// folgende zeile spaeter raus
 #include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
 #define SPOT_COLOR 0 // HUE==0, hier ROT // fuehrt zu folgendem range: 0-20 + 340-359
 // Marker Size is a A4 copy of file (from takahiro from japan, nishinari group)
-#include "markerJapan.h"
 #include "helper.h"
+#include "markerJapan.h"
 #include "tracker.h"
-// bei marker koennnte sich fuer jeden spot eine liste gemerkt werden und spaeter ausgleich 
+// bei marker koennnte sich fuer jeden spot eine liste gemerkt werden und spaeter ausgleich
 // regressionsgrade legen um optimale linie durch marker zu erhalten
-MarkerJapan::MarkerJapan(MyEllipse head)
-    : mHead(head),
-      mHasHead(true),
-      mHasQuadrangle(false),
-      mCenterIndex(-1),
-      mColorIndex(-1)
-    : mHasHead(false),
-      mCenterIndex(-1),
-      mColorIndex(-1)
+MarkerJapan::MarkerJapan(MyEllipse head) :
+    mHead(head), mHasHead(true), mHasQuadrangle(false), mCenterIndex(-1), mColorIndex(-1)
+MarkerJapan::MarkerJapan() : mHasHead(false), mCenterIndex(-1), mColorIndex(-1) {}
 // muesste alles automatisch durch den defaultdestructor gemacht werden!
 // 3 inline functions to get access to class member varaibales only in .h file
-bool MarkerJapan::isOverlappingHead(const MyEllipse& e) const
+bool MarkerJapan::isOverlappingHead(const MyEllipse &e) const
-    if (hasHead())
+    if(hasHead())
         return mHead.isInside(e.center()) || e.isInside(mHead.center());
         return false;
-bool MarkerJapan::isInsideHead(const Vec2F& p) const
+bool MarkerJapan::isInsideHead(const Vec2F &p) const
-    if (hasHead())
+    if(hasHead())
         return mHead.isInside(p);
         return false;
 // returns spot number in spots list when inside, otherwise returns -1
-int MarkerJapan::isOverlappingSpots(const MyEllipse& e) const
+int MarkerJapan::isOverlappingSpots(const MyEllipse &e) const
-    for (int i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        if ((mSpots[i].isInside(e.center()) || e.isInside(mSpots[i].center())) && // Mittelpkte liegen ineinander
-            ((e.center()-mSpots[i].center()).length() < 2)) // kein zu grosser Abstand
+    for(int i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        if((mSpots[i].isInside(e.center()) || e.isInside(mSpots[i].center())) && // Mittelpkte liegen ineinander
+           ((e.center() - mSpots[i].center()).length() < 2))                     // kein zu grosser Abstand
             return i;
     return -1;
-int MarkerJapan::isInsideSpots(const Vec2F& p) const
+int MarkerJapan::isInsideSpots(const Vec2F &p) const
-    for (int i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        if (mSpots[i].isInside(p))
+    for(int i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        if(mSpots[i].isInside(p))
             return i;
     return -1;
@@ -94,30 +84,32 @@ void MarkerJapan::modifyHead(const MyEllipse &head, float headSize)
     // man koennte auch pruefen:
     // - ob ellips-mittelpkt besser auf linie von markern liegt
     // - ob die outline eine bestimmte groesse besitzt
-    float outlineMin = headSize*3.5; //3.92;
-    float outlineMax = headSize*4.5; //4.967;
+    float outlineMin = headSize * 3.5; // 3.92;
+    float outlineMax = headSize * 4.5; // 4.967;
-    if (hasHead())
+    if(hasHead())
-        if (mHead.outline()>outlineMin && mHead.outline()<outlineMax) // bevorzugte groesse - nur initial koennte andere erzeugt werden
-            if (fabs(mHead.ratio()-1.43)>fabs(head.ratio()-1.43)) // because white plate marker casern is 14x21cm -> 1.5 // for A4 -> 1.4285
+        if(mHead.outline() > outlineMin &&
+           mHead.outline() < outlineMax) // bevorzugte groesse - nur initial koennte andere erzeugt werden
+            if(fabs(mHead.ratio() - 1.43) >
+               fabs(head.ratio() - 1.43)) // because white plate marker casern is 14x21cm -> 1.5 // for A4 -> 1.4285
                 mHead = head;
         mHasHead = true;
-        mHead = head;
+        mHead    = head;
 void MarkerJapan::modifySpot(int i, const MyEllipse &spot)
-    if (i < mSpots.size())
+    if(i < mSpots.size())
         // man koennte auch pruefen:
         // - ob abstand zur mittellinie geringer
         // - ob form eher kreisfoermig
-        if (spot.outline() > mSpots[i].outline())
+        if(spot.outline() > mSpots[i].outline())
             mSpots[i] = spot;
@@ -135,23 +127,23 @@ void MarkerJapan::deleteSpot(int i)
 void MarkerJapan::modifyQuadrangle(const Vec2F v[4])
-    if (mHasQuadrangle)
+    if(mHasQuadrangle)
         // seitenverhaeltnis 2:3 koennte auch bedacht werden
         // angle on opposed edge is nearer to 90
-        if ((fabs((v[3]-v[2]).angleBetweenVec(v[0]-v[3])-PI/2.)+
-             fabs((v[1]-v[0]).angleBetweenVec(v[2]-v[1])-PI/2.)) <
-            (fabs((mQuadrangle[3]-mQuadrangle[2]).angleBetweenVec(mQuadrangle[0]-mQuadrangle[3])-PI/2.)+
-             fabs((mQuadrangle[1]-mQuadrangle[0]).angleBetweenVec(mQuadrangle[2]-mQuadrangle[1])-PI/2.)))
+        if((fabs((v[3] - v[2]).angleBetweenVec(v[0] - v[3]) - PI / 2.) +
+            fabs((v[1] - v[0]).angleBetweenVec(v[2] - v[1]) - PI / 2.)) <
+           (fabs((mQuadrangle[3] - mQuadrangle[2]).angleBetweenVec(mQuadrangle[0] - mQuadrangle[3]) - PI / 2.) +
+            fabs((mQuadrangle[1] - mQuadrangle[0]).angleBetweenVec(mQuadrangle[2] - mQuadrangle[1]) - PI / 2.)))
-            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+            for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                 mQuadrangle[i] = v[i];
         mHasQuadrangle = true;
-        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+        for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
             mQuadrangle[i] = v[i];
@@ -163,19 +155,20 @@ void MarkerJapan::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
     int i, j, k;
     // direkt herausspringen, da nichts zu tun ist
-    if (mSpots.size() == 0)
+    if(mSpots.size() == 0)
     // durch mgl wachsen der spots muss ueberprueft werden, ob sich im nachhinnein Ueberlagerungen ergeben
-    for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        for (j = i+1; j < mSpots.size(); ++j)
-            if (mSpots[i].isInside(mSpots[j].center()) || mSpots[j].isInside(mSpots[i].center()))
+    for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        for(j = i + 1; j < mSpots.size(); ++j)
+            if(mSpots[i].isInside(mSpots[j].center()) || mSpots[j].isInside(mSpots[i].center()))
                 modifySpot(i, mSpots[j]);
-                j=i; // es muss von vorne begonnen werden, da i wachsen koennte und dann vorgaenger von j nun hineinpassen koennten // --j;
+                j = i; // es muss von vorne begonnen werden, da i wachsen koennte und dann vorgaenger von j nun
+                       // hineinpassen koennten // --j;
     // nach groesse sortieren und loeschen koennte kreus angreifen zugunsten von zahl
     // gucken, ob in ellipse wirklich zB bullet drin ist
@@ -183,41 +176,43 @@ void MarkerJapan::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
     // spots loeschen, die selten erkannt wurden
     // mind 5 stehen lassen (marker und zahlen - auch von der seite zu sehen)
     int count = 100, anz = 0;
-    while (count > 4)
+    while(count > 4)
         count = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < mSpotCount.size(); ++i)
-            if (mSpotCount[i] > anz)
+        for(i = 0; i < mSpotCount.size(); ++i)
+            if(mSpotCount[i] > anz)
-    for (i = 0; i < mSpotCount.size(); ++i)
-        if (mSpotCount[i] < anz)
+    for(i = 0; i < mSpotCount.size(); ++i)
+        if(mSpotCount[i] < anz)
-    // 2 spots heraussuchen, bei denen um center in quadrat. bereich in ellipse der dunkelste Pkt (kleiner value in hsv) gefunden wird
+    // 2 spots heraussuchen, bei denen um center in quadrat. bereich in ellipse der dunkelste Pkt (kleiner value in hsv)
+    // gefunden wird
     QColor col;
-    int cx, cy;
-    int numberRemaining = 2;
-    if (mSpots.size() > numberRemaining)
+    int    cx, cy;
+    int    numberRemaining = 2;
+    if(mSpots.size() > numberRemaining)
-        int r;
+        int        r;
         QList<int> minValList;
-        for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
             cx = myRound(mSpots[i].x());
             cy = myRound(mSpots[i].y());
-            r = 1; // fuehrte dazu, das zuweit gesucht wird und inangrenzenden marker hineingesuct wurde: myRound((mSpots[i].r1()+mSpots[i].r2())/2.); // mittlerer radius
+            r  = 1;           // fuehrte dazu, das zuweit gesucht wird und inangrenzenden marker hineingesuct wurde:
+                              // myRound((mSpots[i].r1()+mSpots[i].r2())/2.); // mittlerer radius
             int minVal = 256; // groesser als komplett weiss (255)
             // bildrand muss nicht ueberprueft werden, da sie gar nicht erst hereingekommen waeren
-            for (j = -r; j < r+1; ++j)
-                for (k = -r; k < r+1; ++k)
+            for(j = -r; j < r + 1; ++j)
+                for(k = -r; k < r + 1; ++k)
-                    col.setRgb(getValue(img,cx+j,cy+k).rgb());
-                    if (col.value() < minVal)
+                    col.setRgb(getValue(img, cx + j, cy + k).rgb());
+                    if(col.value() < minVal)
                         minVal = col.value(); // Helligkeit
@@ -225,9 +220,9 @@ void MarkerJapan::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
         // loeschen aller zu hellen spots
         QList<int> minValListSort = minValList;
         std::sort(minValListSort.begin(), minValListSort.end()); // sortiert aufsteigend
-        for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-            if (minValList[i] > minValListSort[numberRemaining-1])
+            if(minValList[i] > minValListSort[numberRemaining - 1])
@@ -237,68 +232,70 @@ void MarkerJapan::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
     // bei 0 muss keine farbe mehr bestimmt werden
-    if (mSpots.size() < 2)
+    if(mSpots.size() < 2)
-    // farbe bestimmen (richtiger marker koennte auch durch form oder dem abstand des hellsten pkt in groesserer umgebung vom mittelpkt bestimmt werden)
-    bool colSet = false;
+    // farbe bestimmen (richtiger marker koennte auch durch form oder dem abstand des hellsten pkt in groesserer
+    // umgebung vom mittelpkt bestimmt werden)
+    bool   colSet = false;
     QColor colOther; // farbe des anderen spots
-    for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        if (i != mCenterIndex)
+    for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+        if(i != mCenterIndex)
             cx = myRound(mSpots[i].x());
             cy = myRound(mSpots[i].y());
-            if (!colSet)
+            if(!colSet)
                 colSet = true;
-                mCol.setRgb(getValue(img,cx,cy).rgb());
+                mCol.setRgb(getValue(img, cx, cy).rgb());
                 mColorIndex = i;
-                colOther.setRgb(getValue(img,cx,cy).rgb());
+                colOther.setRgb(getValue(img, cx, cy).rgb());
                 mOtherIndex = i;
             // bildrand muss nicht ueberprueft werden, da sie gar nicht erst hereingekommen waeren
-            for (j = -1; j < 2; ++j) // 3x3 feld wird ueberprueft
-                for (k = -1; k < 2; ++k)
+            for(j = -1; j < 2; ++j) // 3x3 feld wird ueberprueft
+                for(k = -1; k < 2; ++k)
-                    col.setRgb(getValue(img,cx+j,cy+k).rgb());
-                    // faktor, um die mitte hoeher zu gewichten, da bei fd der schwarze rand mit dem weiss gemischt oft hell ist
-                    if (col.value()/(1. + .5*(abs(j)+abs(k))) > mCol.value()) // wenn Helligkeit maximal
+                    col.setRgb(getValue(img, cx + j, cy + k).rgb());
+                    // faktor, um die mitte hoeher zu gewichten, da bei fd der schwarze rand mit dem weiss gemischt oft
+                    // hell ist
+                    if(col.value() / (1. + .5 * (abs(j) + abs(k))) > mCol.value()) // wenn Helligkeit maximal
-                        if (i != mColorIndex)
+                        if(i != mColorIndex)
-                            colOther = mCol;
+                            colOther    = mCol;
                             mOtherIndex = mColorIndex;
-                        mCol = col;
+                        mCol        = col;
                         mColorIndex = i;
-    int fromColor = (SPOT_COLOR+340)%360;
-    int toColor = (SPOT_COLOR+20)%360;
+    int  fromColor   = (SPOT_COLOR + 340) % 360;
+    int  toColor     = (SPOT_COLOR + 20) % 360;
     bool corectColor = false;
-    int hue = mCol.hue();
-    if (fromColor > toColor) // geht ueber farbrad 359 hinaus, alo 0..toColor + fromColor..359
+    int  hue         = mCol.hue();
+    if(fromColor > toColor) // geht ueber farbrad 359 hinaus, alo 0..toColor + fromColor..359
-        if ((hue <= toColor) || (hue >= fromColor))
+        if((hue <= toColor) || (hue >= fromColor))
             corectColor = true;
-        if ((hue >= fromColor) && (hue <= toColor))
+        if((hue >= fromColor) && (hue <= toColor))
             corectColor = true;
-    if (!corectColor) // spots loeschen, wenn nicht die richtige farbe, dadurch wird marker spaeter aussortiert
+    if(!corectColor) // spots loeschen, wenn nicht die richtige farbe, dadurch wird marker spaeter aussortiert
-    if (autoWB)
+    if(autoWB)
         // weissabgleich
         // 1. Dynamik der Helligkeit
@@ -306,69 +303,78 @@ void MarkerJapan::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
         // weisswert und durchschnittlichen weisswert bestimmen
         // 2 bereiche neben farbmarker in weisser flaeche auf kopfpappe
-        int wcx = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].x()+0.356*(mSpots[mColorIndex].y()-mSpots[mOtherIndex].y()));
-        int wcy = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].y()+0.356*(mSpots[mColorIndex].x()-mSpots[mOtherIndex].x()));
-        QColor white(0,0,0); // hellster fleck
-        int avgWhiteR=0, avgWhiteG=0, avgWhiteB=0; // durchschnittlichen weisswert
-        for (j = -1; j < 2; ++j) // 3x3 feld um ocx,ocy wird ueberprueft
-            for (k = -1; k < 2; ++k)
+        int    wcx = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].x() + 0.356 * (mSpots[mColorIndex].y() - mSpots[mOtherIndex].y()));
+        int    wcy = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].y() + 0.356 * (mSpots[mColorIndex].x() - mSpots[mOtherIndex].x()));
+        QColor white(0, 0, 0);                              // hellster fleck
+        int    avgWhiteR = 0, avgWhiteG = 0, avgWhiteB = 0; // durchschnittlichen weisswert
+        for(j = -1; j < 2; ++j)                             // 3x3 feld um ocx,ocy wird ueberprueft
+            for(k = -1; k < 2; ++k)
-                QColor color = getValue(img,wcx+j,wcy+k);
-                avgWhiteR+=color.red();
-                avgWhiteG+=color.green();
-                avgWhiteB+=color.blue();
-                col.setRgb(getValue(img,wcx+j,wcy+k).rgb());
-                if (col.value() > white.value()) // wenn Helligkeit groesser
+                QColor color = getValue(img, wcx + j, wcy + k);
+                avgWhiteR += color.red();
+                avgWhiteG += color.green();
+                avgWhiteB += color.blue();
+                col.setRgb(getValue(img, wcx + j, wcy + k).rgb());
+                if(col.value() > white.value()) // wenn Helligkeit groesser
                     white = col;
-        wcx = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].x()-0.356*(mSpots[mColorIndex].y()-mSpots[mOtherIndex].y()));
-        wcy = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].y()-0.356*(mSpots[mColorIndex].x()-mSpots[mOtherIndex].x()));
-        for (j = -1; j < 2; ++j) // 3x3 feld um ocx,ocy wird ueberprueft
-            for (k = -1; k < 2; ++k)
+        wcx = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].x() - 0.356 * (mSpots[mColorIndex].y() - mSpots[mOtherIndex].y()));
+        wcy = myRound(mSpots[mColorIndex].y() - 0.356 * (mSpots[mColorIndex].x() - mSpots[mOtherIndex].x()));
+        for(j = -1; j < 2; ++j) // 3x3 feld um ocx,ocy wird ueberprueft
+            for(k = -1; k < 2; ++k)
-                QColor color = getValue(img,wcx+j,wcy+k);
-                avgWhiteR+=color.red();
-                avgWhiteG+=color.green();
-                avgWhiteB+=color.blue();
-                col.setRgb(getValue(img,wcx+j,wcy+k).rgb());
-                if (col.value() > white.value()) // wenn Helligkeit groesser
+                QColor color = getValue(img, wcx + j, wcy + k);
+                avgWhiteR += color.red();
+                avgWhiteG += color.green();
+                avgWhiteB += color.blue();
+                col.setRgb(getValue(img, wcx + j, wcy + k).rgb());
+                if(col.value() > white.value()) // wenn Helligkeit groesser
                     white = col;
-        avgWhiteR/=18; avgWhiteG/=18; avgWhiteB/=18;
-        if ((avgWhiteR !=0) && (avgWhiteG !=0) && (avgWhiteB !=0))
+        avgWhiteR /= 18;
+        avgWhiteG /= 18;
+        avgWhiteB /= 18;
+        if((avgWhiteR != 0) && (avgWhiteG != 0) && (avgWhiteB != 0))
-            mCol.setRgb((int) MIN(((255./avgWhiteR)*mCol.red()), 255.), (int) MIN(((255./avgWhiteG)*mCol.green()), 255.), (int) MIN(((255./avgWhiteB)*mCol.blue()), 255.));
-            colOther.setRgb((int) MIN(((255./avgWhiteR)*colOther.red()), 255.), (int) MIN(((255./avgWhiteG)*colOther.green()), 255.), (int) MIN(((255./avgWhiteB)*colOther.blue()), 255.));
+            mCol.setRgb(
+                (int) MIN(((255. / avgWhiteR) * mCol.red()), 255.),
+                (int) MIN(((255. / avgWhiteG) * mCol.green()), 255.),
+                (int) MIN(((255. / avgWhiteB) * mCol.blue()), 255.));
+            colOther.setRgb(
+                (int) MIN(((255. / avgWhiteR) * colOther.red()), 255.),
+                (int) MIN(((255. / avgWhiteG) * colOther.green()), 255.),
+                (int) MIN(((255. / avgWhiteB) * colOther.blue()), 255.));
-            debout << "Warning: white is to dark!" <<std::endl;
+            debout << "Warning: white is to dark!" << std::endl;
         // eigentlich muesset saettigung ueber histogramm angepasst werden!!
     // wenn auf markern farbe nahezu identisch
     // weisst dies auf einen schwarzen marker hin,
     // dann wird der marker genommen, der den groessten radius hat
-    if (abs(mCol.value()-colOther.value()) < 10) //&& abs(mCol.saturation()-colOther.saturation()) < 40
+    if(abs(mCol.value() - colOther.value()) < 10) //&& abs(mCol.saturation()-colOther.saturation()) < 40
-        debout << "Warning: both marker have nearly the same color at "<< mHead.center().x()<<", "<< mHead.center().y()<<"!" << std::endl;
+        debout << "Warning: both marker have nearly the same color at " << mHead.center().x() << ", "
+               << mHead.center().y() << "!" << std::endl;
 Vec2F MarkerJapan::getCenter() const
-    if (mColorIndex == -1 || mOtherIndex == -1 || mSpots.size() < 2)
+    if(mColorIndex == -1 || mOtherIndex == -1 || mSpots.size() < 2)
         return mHead.center(); // good fallback ?
-        return (mSpots[0].center()+mSpots[1].center())/2.;
+        return (mSpots[0].center() + mSpots[1].center()) / 2.;
 MyEllipse MarkerJapan::getCenterSpot() const
-    if (mCenterIndex == -1)
+    if(mCenterIndex == -1)
         return mHead; // good fallback ?
         return mSpots[mCenterIndex];
@@ -376,7 +382,7 @@ MyEllipse MarkerJapan::getCenterSpot() const
 MyEllipse MarkerJapan::getColorSpot() const
-    if (mColorIndex == -1)
+    if(mColorIndex == -1)
         return mHead; // good fallback ?
         return mSpots[mColorIndex];
@@ -386,31 +392,31 @@ void MarkerJapan::draw(cv::Mat &img) const
     int i;
-    //head
-    if (hasHead())
+    // head
+    if(hasHead())
         head().draw(img, 255, 0, 255);
-    //marker
-    for (i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
+    // marker
+    for(i = 0; i < mSpots.size(); ++i)
-        if (i == mCenterIndex)
+        if(i == mCenterIndex)
             mSpots[i].draw(img, 255, 0, 0);
             mSpots[i].draw(img, 0, 0, 255);
-    if (hasHead() && mSpots.size() == 0)
+    if(hasHead() && mSpots.size() == 0)
         MyEllipse e(head().center().x(), head().center().y(), 4, 4, 0);
         e.draw(img, 255, 0, 0);
     // quadrangle
-    if (hasQuadrangle())
+    if(hasQuadrangle())
         std::vector<cv::Point> pt;
-        for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-            pt.push_back(cv::Point(mQuadrangle[i].x(),mQuadrangle[i].y()));
-        // draw the square as a closed polyline 
-        cv::polylines(img,pt,true,CV_RGB(0,255,0),1,cv::LINE_AA,0);
+        for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+            pt.push_back(cv::Point(mQuadrangle[i].x(), mQuadrangle[i].y()));
+        // draw the square as a closed polyline
+        cv::polylines(img, pt, true, CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), 1, cv::LINE_AA, 0);
@@ -418,7 +424,7 @@ void MarkerJapan::draw(cv::Mat &img) const
 // img is 1 channel black/white
 // gibt zurueck, ob ellipse mgl als spot oder kopf eingefuegt wurde oder zur modifizierung mgl beigetragen hat
-bool MarkerJapanList::mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse& e, bool blackInside)
+bool MarkerJapanList::mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse &e, bool blackInside)
     int i;
@@ -426,65 +432,70 @@ bool MarkerJapanList::mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse& e, bool
     int cy = myRound(e.center().y());
     // radius fuer japan ellipsen warvorher als Makroangegeben
-    float HEAD_SIZE_MIN = mHeadSize/2.;
+    float HEAD_SIZE_MIN = mHeadSize / 2.;
     float HEAD_SIZE_MAX = mHeadSize; // mHeadSize ist Durchmesser eines kopfes in pixel
-    float SPOT_SIZE_MIN = mHeadSize/16.;
-    float SPOT_SIZE_MAX = mHeadSize/4.;
-    int iHead = -1;
+    float SPOT_SIZE_MIN = mHeadSize / 16.;
+    float SPOT_SIZE_MAX = mHeadSize / 4.;
+    int   iHead         = -1;
     // maybe spot
-    if (blackInside && // marker have to be black inside
-        (e.r1()>SPOT_SIZE_MIN && e.r1()<SPOT_SIZE_MAX && e.r2()>SPOT_SIZE_MIN && e.r2()<SPOT_SIZE_MAX && e.ratio()<2.) && // ellipse size
-        ((cx < img.cols-3) && (cx > 1) && (cy < img.rows-3) && (cy > 1))) // && // not near the image border
+    if(blackInside && // marker have to be black inside
+       (e.r1() > SPOT_SIZE_MIN && e.r1() < SPOT_SIZE_MAX && e.r2() > SPOT_SIZE_MIN && e.r2() < SPOT_SIZE_MAX &&
+        e.ratio() < 2.) &&                                                   // ellipse size
+       ((cx < img.cols - 3) && (cx > 1) && (cy < img.rows - 3) && (cy > 1))) // && // not near the image border
         int s = -1;
-        for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+        for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-            if ((s = at(i).isOverlappingSpots(e)) > -1)
+            if((s = at(i).isOverlappingSpots(e)) > -1)
                 // value(i) - returns T
                 // [i] - returns T&
                 // at(i) - returns const T&
                 (*this)[i].modifySpot(s, e);
-            } else if (at(i).isOverlappingHead(e))
+            }
+            else if(at(i).isOverlappingHead(e))
-        if (s == -1)
+        if(s == -1)
             MarkerJapan m;
         return true;
-    // maybe head
-    } else if (!blackInside && // head has to be white inside
-        e.r1()>HEAD_SIZE_MIN && e.r1()<HEAD_SIZE_MAX && e.r2()>HEAD_SIZE_MIN && e.r2()<HEAD_SIZE_MAX && e.ratio()<3.) // was 12..50
+        // maybe head
+    }
+    else if(
+        !blackInside && // head has to be white inside
+        e.r1() > HEAD_SIZE_MIN && e.r1() < HEAD_SIZE_MAX && e.r2() > HEAD_SIZE_MIN && e.r2() < HEAD_SIZE_MAX &&
+        e.ratio() < 3.) // was 12..50
         bool doesExist = false;
-        int j;
-        for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i) //  && !doesExist
+        int  j;
+        for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i) //  && !doesExist
-            if (!doesExist && at(i).isOverlappingHead(e)) // ueberlappen sich zwei koepfe
+            if(!doesExist && at(i).isOverlappingHead(e)) // ueberlappen sich zwei koepfe
                 (*this)[i].modifyHead(e, mHeadSize);
                 doesExist = true;
-            else if (!at(i).hasHead()) // marker hat noch keinen kopf
+            else if(!at(i).hasHead()) // marker hat noch keinen kopf
-                for (j = 0; j < at(i).spots().size(); ++j)
-                    if (e.isInside(at(i).spots()[j].center()))
+                for(j = 0; j < at(i).spots().size(); ++j)
+                    if(e.isInside(at(i).spots()[j].center()))
-                        if (!doesExist)
+                        if(!doesExist)
                             (*this)[i].modifyHead(e, mHeadSize);
-                            iHead = i;
+                            iHead     = i;
                             doesExist = true;
-                        else if (iHead != -1) // restlichen spots untersuchen, ob sie auch noch in kopf liegen
+                        else if(iHead != -1) // restlichen spots untersuchen, ob sie auch noch in kopf liegen
@@ -494,7 +505,7 @@ bool MarkerJapanList::mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse& e, bool
-        if (!doesExist)
+        if(!doesExist)
@@ -504,15 +515,15 @@ bool MarkerJapanList::mayAddEllipse(const cv::Mat &img, const MyEllipse& e, bool
 // gibt zurueck, ob Quadrangle mgl eingefuegt wurde oder zur modifizierung beigetragen hat
-bool MarkerJapanList::mayAddQuadrangle(const Vec2F v[4]) //Vec2F p1, Vec2F p2, Vec2F p3, Vec2F p4
+bool MarkerJapanList::mayAddQuadrangle(const Vec2F v[4]) // Vec2F p1, Vec2F p2, Vec2F p3, Vec2F p4
-    Vec2F midPoint = (v[0]+v[1]+v[2]+v[3])*0.25;
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    Vec2F midPoint = (v[0] + v[1] + v[2] + v[3]) * 0.25;
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).hasHead() && at(i).head().isInside(midPoint))
+        if(at(i).hasHead() && at(i).head().isInside(midPoint))
-            return true; //break;
+            return true; // break;
     return false;
@@ -524,41 +535,45 @@ void MarkerJapanList::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
     int i, j, k, s;
     // delete marker without head and organize every marker
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); )
+    for(i = 0; i < size();)
-        if (at(i).hasHead())
+        if(at(i).hasHead())
-            // durch mgl wachsen der head ellipsen muss ueberprueft werden, ob sich im nachhinnein Ueberlagerungen ergeben
-            // passiert sehr selten!!
-            for (j = i+1; j < size(); ++j)
+            // durch mgl wachsen der head ellipsen muss ueberprueft werden, ob sich im nachhinnein Ueberlagerungen
+            // ergeben passiert sehr selten!!
+            for(j = i + 1; j < size(); ++j)
-                if (at(i).isOverlappingHead(at(j).head()))
+                if(at(i).isOverlappingHead(at(j).head()))
                     (*this)[i].modifyHead(at(j).head(), mHeadSize);
-                    for (k = 0; k < at(j).spots().size(); ++k)
+                    for(k = 0; k < at(j).spots().size(); ++k)
-                        if ((s = at(i).isOverlappingSpots(at(j).spots()[k])) > -1)
+                        if((s = at(i).isOverlappingSpots(at(j).spots()[k])) > -1)
                             (*this)[i].modifySpot(s, at(j).spots()[k]);
-                        } else if (at(i).isOverlappingHead(at(j).spots()[k]))
+                        }
+                        else if(at(i).isOverlappingHead(at(j).spots()[k]))
-                    j=i; // muss von vorne begonnen werden, da head wachsen koennte und nun vorgaenger von j hineinpassen //--j;
+                    j = i; // muss von vorne begonnen werden, da head wachsen koennte und nun vorgaenger von j
+                           // hineinpassen //--j;
             (*this)[i].organize(img, autoWB);
-            if (!at(i).hasSpots()) // if after organization no spot is inside had
+            if(!at(i).hasSpots()) // if after organization no spot is inside had
             else // hat mind. 2 spots
                 // Abstand der Spots bestimmen (nur hier headsize bekannt)
                 float spotDistance = at(i).spots().at(0).center().distanceToPoint(at(i).spots().at(1).center());
-                if (spotDistance > 0.8 * mHeadSize) // ein Hoechstabstand soll eingehalten werden, in Japan waren es hier 12 // kein Minimalabstand da bei Schraegsicht abstand kleiner werden kann
+                if(spotDistance >
+                   0.8 * mHeadSize) // ein Hoechstabstand soll eingehalten werden, in Japan waren es hier 12 // kein
+                                    // Minimalabstand da bei Schraegsicht abstand kleiner werden kann
@@ -569,11 +584,11 @@ void MarkerJapanList::organize(const cv::Mat &img, bool autoWB)
-//draw ... Qt
+// draw ... Qt
 void MarkerJapanList::draw(cv::Mat &img) const
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
@@ -581,13 +596,13 @@ void MarkerJapanList::toCrossList(QList<TrackPoint> *crossList, bool ignoreWitho
     Vec2F v1, v2;
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).hasHead())
+        if(at(i).hasHead())
-            if (at(i).spots().size() == 0)
+            if(at(i).spots().size() == 0)
-                if (!ignoreWithoutMarker)
+                if(!ignoreWithoutMarker)
                     v1 = at(i).getCenter();
                     crossList->append(TrackPoint(v1, 0)); // 0 schlechteste qualitaet
diff --git a/src/moCapController.cpp b/src/moCapController.cpp
index e30b9be4a2634cc35faa38104ae868596edac16c..d4405f4e8ee1a90b86715d3c3c0f516e1ea4aceb 100644
--- a/src/moCapController.cpp
+++ b/src/moCapController.cpp
@@ -18,21 +18,20 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QDomElement>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
-#include "moCapPerson.h"
 #include "moCapController.h"
 #include "IO.h"
 #include "helper.h"
+#include "moCapPerson.h"
+#include <QDomElement>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
-bool operator==(const SegmentRenderData& lhs, const SegmentRenderData& rhs){
-    return lhs.mColor == rhs.mColor &&
-           lhs.mDirected == rhs.mDirected &&
-           lhs.mLine == rhs.mLine &&
+bool operator==(const SegmentRenderData &lhs, const SegmentRenderData &rhs)
+    return lhs.mColor == rhs.mColor && lhs.mDirected == rhs.mDirected && lhs.mLine == rhs.mLine &&
            lhs.mThickness == rhs.mThickness;
@@ -51,32 +50,38 @@ bool operator==(const SegmentRenderData& lhs, const SegmentRenderData& rhs){
  * @param [in]currentFrame current frame of the video
  * @param [out]renderData array of SegmentRenderData, to which to append the result
-void MoCapController::transformPersonSkeleton(const MoCapPerson &person, double framerate, int currentFrame, std::vector<SegmentRenderData> &renderData) const
+void MoCapController::transformPersonSkeleton(
+    const MoCapPerson &             person,
+    double                          framerate,
+    int                             currentFrame,
+    std::vector<SegmentRenderData> &renderData) const
-    double currentTime = currentFrame/framerate;
+    double currentTime = currentFrame / framerate;
     double sampleIndex = person.getSampleIndex(currentTime);
-    bool hasPre = person.hasSample(std::floor(sampleIndex));
-    bool hasPost = person.hasSample(std::ceil(sampleIndex));
+    bool   hasPre      = person.hasSample(std::floor(sampleIndex));
+    bool   hasPost     = person.hasSample(std::ceil(sampleIndex));
     if(!hasPre && !hasPost)
-    }else if(!hasPre)
+    }
+    else if(!hasPre)
         debout << "Start of XSens recording reached for file '" << person.getFilename() << "'" << std::endl;
-    }else if(!hasPost)
+    }
+    else if(!hasPost)
         debout << "End of XSens recording reached for file '" << person.getFilename() << "'" << std::endl;
-    const SkeletonTree& preSample = person.getSample(std::floor(sampleIndex));
-    const SkeletonTree& postSample = person.getSample(std::ceil(sampleIndex));
-    double intpart = 0.0;
-    double weight = modf(sampleIndex, &intpart);
+    const SkeletonTree &preSample  = person.getSample(std::floor(sampleIndex));
+    const SkeletonTree &postSample = person.getSample(std::ceil(sampleIndex));
+    double              intpart    = 0.0;
+    double              weight     = modf(sampleIndex, &intpart);
-    const auto prePairs = preSample.getLines();
+    const auto prePairs  = preSample.getLines();
     const auto postPairs = postSample.getLines();
     const std::vector<SkeletonLine> interpolatedPairs = interpolate(prePairs, postPairs, weight);
@@ -85,80 +90,72 @@ void MoCapController::transformPersonSkeleton(const MoCapPerson &person, double
     SkeletonLine neckToHead;
-    Vec3F neckToHead3D;
+    Vec3F        neckToHead3D;
-    for(const auto& pair : interpolatedPairs)
+    for(const auto &pair : interpolatedPairs)
-        projectedPairs.emplace_back(
-            mExtrCalib.getImagePoint(pair.start),
-            mExtrCalib.getImagePoint(pair.end)
-        );
+        projectedPairs.emplace_back(mExtrCalib.getImagePoint(pair.start), mExtrCalib.getImagePoint(pair.end));
         if(pair.start_id == 1 && pair.end_id == 2)
-            neckToHead = pair;
+            neckToHead   = pair;
             neckToHead3D = Vec3F(pair.end - pair.start);
-    for(const auto& pair : projectedPairs)
+    for(const auto &pair : projectedPairs)
-        renderData.push_back({
-            /*.mLine =*/ QLine(pair.first.x, pair.first.y,
-                        pair.second.x, pair.second.y),
-            /*.mColor =*/ mColor,
-            /*.mThickness =*/ mThickness,
-            /*.mDirected =*/ false
-        });
+        renderData.push_back(
+            {/*.mLine =*/QLine(pair.first.x, pair.first.y, pair.second.x, pair.second.y),
+             /*.mColor =*/mColor,
+             /*.mThickness =*/mThickness,
+             /*.mDirected =*/false});
     // Head Direction Arrow
-    Vec3F headDir_v = preSample.getHeadDir() * (1-weight) + postSample.getHeadDir() * weight;
+    Vec3F headDir_v = preSample.getHeadDir() * (1 - weight) + postSample.getHeadDir() * weight;
     cv::Point3f headDir = cv::Point3f(headDir_v.x(), headDir_v.y(), headDir_v.z());
     headDir *= neckToHead3D.length();
     // Start arrow at 75% the way from C7 to top of head
-    auto arrowBase = neckToHead.start + (neckToHead.end - neckToHead.start) * 0.75;
-    cv::Point2f arrowHead = mExtrCalib.getImagePoint(arrowBase + headDir);
-    auto arrowBase2D = mExtrCalib.getImagePoint(arrowBase);
-    renderData.push_back({
-        /*.mLine =*/      QLine(arrowBase2D.x, arrowBase2D.y,
-                          arrowHead.x, arrowHead.y),
-        /*.mColor =*/     mColor,
-        /*.mThickness =*/ mThickness,
-        /*.mDirected =*/  true
-    });
+    auto        arrowBase   = neckToHead.start + (neckToHead.end - neckToHead.start) * 0.75;
+    cv::Point2f arrowHead   = mExtrCalib.getImagePoint(arrowBase + headDir);
+    auto        arrowBase2D = mExtrCalib.getImagePoint(arrowBase);
+    renderData.push_back(
+        {/*.mLine =*/QLine(arrowBase2D.x, arrowBase2D.y, arrowHead.x, arrowHead.y),
+         /*.mColor =*/mColor,
+         /*.mThickness =*/mThickness,
+         /*.mDirected =*/true});
 std::vector<SegmentRenderData> MoCapController::getRenderData(int currentFrame, double framerate) const
     std::vector<SegmentRenderData> renderData;
-    for(const auto& person : mStorage.getPersons()){
+    for(const auto &person : mStorage.getPersons())
+    {
         transformPersonSkeleton(person, framerate, currentFrame, renderData);
     return renderData;
-    const std::vector<SkeletonLine>& prePairs,
-    const std::vector<SkeletonLine>& postPairs,
-    double weight
-    )
+std::vector<SkeletonLine> MoCapController::interpolate(
+    const std::vector<SkeletonLine> &prePairs,
+    const std::vector<SkeletonLine> &postPairs,
+    double                           weight)
     // Needs: prePairs.size() == postPairs.size()
     // Needs: prePair and postPair be EXACTLY one sample away from each other
     std::vector<SkeletonLine> interpolatedPairs;
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < prePairs.size(); ++i){
-        interpolatedPairs.push_back({
-            /*.start =*/ prePairs[i].start * (1-weight) + postPairs[i].start * weight,
-            /*.start_id =*/ prePairs[i].start_id,
-            /*.end =*/ prePairs[i].end * (1-weight) + postPairs[i].end * weight,
-            /*.end_id =*/ prePairs[i].end_id
-        });
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < prePairs.size(); ++i)
+    {
+        interpolatedPairs.push_back(
+            {/*.start =*/prePairs[i].start * (1 - weight) + postPairs[i].start * weight,
+             /*.start_id =*/prePairs[i].start_id,
+             /*.end =*/prePairs[i].end * (1 - weight) + postPairs[i].end * weight,
+             /*.end_id =*/prePairs[i].end_id});
     return interpolatedPairs;
@@ -169,8 +166,10 @@ MoCapController::interpolate(
  * @param visibility must be a bool
  * @emit showMoCapChanged event when visibility is different from mShowMoCap
  * */
-void MoCapController::setShowMoCap(bool visibility) {
-    if(mShowMoCap != visibility) {
+void MoCapController::setShowMoCap(bool visibility)
+    if(mShowMoCap != visibility)
+    {
         mShowMoCap = visibility;
         emit showMoCapChanged(visibility);
@@ -185,10 +184,12 @@ void MoCapController::setShowMoCap(bool visibility) {
  * */
 void MoCapController::setColor(const QColor &color)
-    if(!color.isValid()){
+    if(!color.isValid())
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Selected color is invalid!");
-    if(mColor != color) {
+    if(mColor != color)
+    {
         mColor = color;
         emit colorChanged(color);
@@ -203,10 +204,12 @@ void MoCapController::setColor(const QColor &color)
  * */
 void MoCapController::setThickness(int thickness)
-    if(thickness <= 0){
+    if(thickness <= 0)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Thickness must be greater than 0!");
-    if(mThickness != thickness) {
+    if(mThickness != thickness)
+    {
         mThickness = thickness;
         emit thicknessChanged(thickness);
@@ -218,7 +221,8 @@ void MoCapController::setThickness(int thickness)
  * @emit showMoCapChanged, colorChanged, thicknessChanged
  * Notifies every observer manually to update the attributes
  * */
-void MoCapController::notifyAllObserver() {
+void MoCapController::notifyAllObserver()
     emit showMoCapChanged(mShowMoCap);
     emit colorChanged(mColor);
     emit thicknessChanged(mThickness);
@@ -227,9 +231,11 @@ void MoCapController::notifyAllObserver() {
  * @return vector of MoCapPersonMetadata from the persons in mStorage
-std::vector<MoCapPersonMetadata> MoCapController::getAllMoCapPersonMetadata() const{
+std::vector<MoCapPersonMetadata> MoCapController::getAllMoCapPersonMetadata() const
     std::vector<MoCapPersonMetadata> metadata;
-    for(const MoCapPerson &person : mStorage.getPersons()){
+    for(const MoCapPerson &person : mStorage.getPersons())
+    {
     return metadata;
@@ -242,19 +248,18 @@ std::vector<MoCapPersonMetadata> MoCapController::getAllMoCapPersonMetadata() co
  * This method deletes every person from the storage whose metadata does not occur in the newMetadata and calls
  * the IO::readMoCapC3D-method for every new Metadata.
-void MoCapController::readMoCapFiles(const std::vector<MoCapPersonMetadata> &newMetadata){
-    std::vector<MoCapPerson> &persons = mStorage.getPersons();
-    auto unselected = [&](auto person){
-        return std::find(newMetadata.cbegin(), newMetadata.cend(), person.getMetadata()) == newMetadata.cend();
-    };
-    persons.erase(
-        std::remove_if(persons.begin(), persons.end(), unselected),
-        persons.end()
-        );
+void MoCapController::readMoCapFiles(const std::vector<MoCapPersonMetadata> &newMetadata)
+    std::vector<MoCapPerson> &persons    = mStorage.getPersons();
+    auto                      unselected = [&](auto person)
+    { return std::find(newMetadata.cbegin(), newMetadata.cend(), person.getMetadata()) == newMetadata.cend(); };
+    persons.erase(std::remove_if(persons.begin(), persons.end(), unselected), persons.end());
     std::vector<MoCapPersonMetadata> currentMetadata = getAllMoCapPersonMetadata();
-    for(const MoCapPersonMetadata& md: newMetadata){
+    for(const MoCapPersonMetadata &md : newMetadata)
+    {
         bool isNewMd = std::find(currentMetadata.cbegin(), currentMetadata.cend(), md) == currentMetadata.cend();
-        if(isNewMd){
+        if(isNewMd)
+        {
             IO::readMoCapC3D(mStorage, md);
@@ -281,8 +286,8 @@ void MoCapController::setXml(QDomElement &elem)
     elem.setAttribute("SIZE", mThickness);
     elem.setAttribute("COLOR", mColor.name());
-    const auto& persons = mStorage.getPersons();
-    for(const auto& person : persons)
+    const auto &persons = mStorage.getPersons();
+    for(const auto &person : persons)
@@ -301,17 +306,17 @@ void MoCapController::setXml(QDomElement &elem)
 void MoCapController::getXml(const QDomElement &elem)
     // NOTE: Maybe only load the c3d-files once show is activated
-    if (elem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
+    if(elem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
         bool isVisible = elem.attribute("SHOW").toInt();
-    if (elem.hasAttribute("COLOR"))
+    if(elem.hasAttribute("COLOR"))
         QColor color(elem.attribute("COLOR"));
-    if (elem.hasAttribute("SIZE"))
+    if(elem.hasAttribute("SIZE"))
@@ -321,18 +326,19 @@ void MoCapController::getXml(const QDomElement &elem)
         for(QDomElement subElem = elem.firstChildElement(); !subElem.isNull(); subElem = subElem.nextSiblingElement())
-            if (subElem.tagName() == "PERSON")
+            if(subElem.tagName() == "PERSON")
                 MoCapPersonMetadata metadata;
-                bool ok;
-                QString path;
-                if (subElem.hasAttribute("FILE") && subElem.hasAttribute("SYSTEM"))
+                bool                ok;
+                QString             path;
+                if(subElem.hasAttribute("FILE") && subElem.hasAttribute("SYSTEM"))
-                    path = subElem.attribute("FILE");
+                    path               = subElem.attribute("FILE");
                     const QString file = getExistingFile(path);
-                    path = path.split(";").size() == 2 ? path.split(";").at(1) : "Saved path is invalid"
-                                                                                 "";
-                    int system = subElem.attribute("SYSTEM").toInt(&ok);
+                    path               = path.split(";").size() == 2 ? path.split(";").at(1) :
+                                                                       "Saved path is invalid"
+                                                         "";
+                    int system         = subElem.attribute("SYSTEM").toInt(&ok);
@@ -343,35 +349,38 @@ void MoCapController::getXml(const QDomElement &elem)
                     if(system < 0 || system >= MoCapSystem::END)
                         std::stringstream ss;
-                        ss << "System index " << system << " of file " << path << " is not associated with an implemented MoCap system.";
+                        ss << "System index " << system << " of file " << path
+                           << " is not associated with an implemented MoCap system.";
                         throw std::invalid_argument(ss.str());
-                    metadata.setFilepath(file.toStdString(),
-                                         static_cast<MoCapSystem>(system));
+                    metadata.setFilepath(file.toStdString(), static_cast<MoCapSystem>(system));
-                if (subElem.hasAttribute("TIME_OFFSET"))
+                if(subElem.hasAttribute("TIME_OFFSET"))
                     std::stringstream ss;
                     ss << "Element TIME_OFFSET of file " << path << " does not contain a valid floating-point number!";
-                    if(!ok) throw std::invalid_argument(ss.str());
+                    if(!ok)
+                        throw std::invalid_argument(ss.str());
-                if (subElem.hasAttribute("SAMPLE_RATE"))
+                if(subElem.hasAttribute("SAMPLE_RATE"))
                     std::stringstream ss;
                     ss << "Element SAMPLE_RATE of file " << path << " does not contain a valid integer!";
-                    if(!ok) throw std::invalid_argument(ss.str());
+                    if(!ok)
+                        throw std::invalid_argument(ss.str());
-    }catch(const std::exception& e)
+    }
+    catch(const std::exception &e)
         std::stringstream ss;
-        ss <<"Problem reading the C3D-file(s): " << e.what();
+        ss << "Problem reading the C3D-file(s): " << e.what();
         debout << ss.str() << std::endl;
         QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, tr("Error"), QString::fromStdString(ss.str()));
diff --git a/src/moCapItem.cpp b/src/moCapItem.cpp
index 04c9cc6b6f67ecf9b61841345e53555a4aca74bf..d86816c9c0b9497975605d489a2d28f8d30d088f 100644
--- a/src/moCapItem.cpp
+++ b/src/moCapItem.cpp
@@ -18,39 +18,49 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include "animation.h"
 #include "moCapItem.h"
+#include "animation.h"
 #include "moCapController.h"
 #include "petrack.h"
  * @brief Constructor of moCapItem
  * @throws std::bad_cast when wParent is no Petrack-type or Petrack-child
  * */
-MoCapItem::MoCapItem(QWidget &wParent, Animation &animation, MoCapController &moCapController, QGraphicsItem *parent)
-        : QGraphicsItem(parent), mMainWindow(dynamic_cast<Petrack&>(wParent)), mAnimation(animation), mController(moCapController) {}
+MoCapItem::MoCapItem(QWidget &wParent, Animation &animation, MoCapController &moCapController, QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+    QGraphicsItem(parent),
+    mMainWindow(dynamic_cast<Petrack &>(wParent)),
+    mAnimation(animation),
+    mController(moCapController)
 QRectF MoCapItem::boundingRect() const
-    if (mMainWindow.getImage()) {
-        return QRectF(-mMainWindow.getImageBorderSize(), -mMainWindow.getImageBorderSize(),
-                      mMainWindow.getImage()->width(), mMainWindow.getImage()->height());
+    if(mMainWindow.getImage())
+    {
+        return QRectF(
+            -mMainWindow.getImageBorderSize(),
+            -mMainWindow.getImageBorderSize(),
+            mMainWindow.getImage()->width(),
+            mMainWindow.getImage()->height());
     return QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0);
 void MoCapItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * /* option */, QWidget * /* widget */)
-    if (mController.getShowMoCap()) {
-        std::vector<SegmentRenderData> allRenderData = mController.getRenderData(
-            mAnimation.getCurrentFrameNum(),
-            mAnimation.getOriginalFPS()
-        );
-        for(SegmentRenderData &renderData : allRenderData) {
+    if(mController.getShowMoCap())
+    {
+        std::vector<SegmentRenderData> allRenderData =
+            mController.getRenderData(mAnimation.getCurrentFrameNum(), mAnimation.getOriginalFPS());
+        for(SegmentRenderData &renderData : allRenderData)
+        {
             drawLine(painter, renderData);
-            if(renderData.mDirected) {
+            if(renderData.mDirected)
+            {
                 drawArrowHead(painter, renderData);
@@ -62,8 +72,9 @@ void MoCapItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * /* opt
  * @param painter
  * @param renderData
-void MoCapItem::drawLine(QPainter *painter, SegmentRenderData &renderData) {
-    QPen pen {renderData.mColor};
+void MoCapItem::drawLine(QPainter *painter, SegmentRenderData &renderData)
+    QPen pen{renderData.mColor};
@@ -76,19 +87,22 @@ void MoCapItem::drawLine(QPainter *painter, SegmentRenderData &renderData) {
  * @param painter
  * @param renderData
-void MoCapItem::drawArrowHead(QPainter *painter, SegmentRenderData &renderData) {
+void MoCapItem::drawArrowHead(QPainter *painter, SegmentRenderData &renderData)
     QPolygonF arrowHead;
-    auto lineItem = QGraphicsLineItem(renderData.mLine);
+    auto      lineItem = QGraphicsLineItem(renderData.mLine);
     double angle = std::atan2(-lineItem.line().dy(), lineItem.line().dx()); // angle between x-axis and line in radians
-    qreal arrowLength = QLineF(lineItem.line()).length() / 5;
+    qreal  arrowLength              = QLineF(lineItem.line()).length() / 5;
     constexpr double arrowHeadAngle = M_PI / 3;
     // sin(angle + arrowHeadAngle) == x-coordinate of point (e.g. unit circle)
     // cos(angle + arrowHeadAngle) == y-coordinate of point (e.g. unit circle)
-    QPointF arrowHeadRight = lineItem.line().p2() - QPointF(sin(angle + arrowHeadAngle) * arrowLength,
-                                                     cos(angle + arrowHeadAngle) * arrowLength);
+    QPointF arrowHeadRight =
+        lineItem.line().p2() -
+        QPointF(sin(angle + arrowHeadAngle) * arrowLength, cos(angle + arrowHeadAngle) * arrowLength);
     // turned first position around another arrowHeadAngle
-    QPointF arrowHeadLeft = lineItem.line().p2() - QPointF(sin(angle + 2 * arrowHeadAngle) * arrowLength,
-                                                     cos(angle + 2 * arrowHeadAngle) * arrowLength);
+    QPointF arrowHeadLeft =
+        lineItem.line().p2() -
+        QPointF(sin(angle + 2 * arrowHeadAngle) * arrowLength, cos(angle + 2 * arrowHeadAngle) * arrowLength);
     arrowHead << lineItem.line().p2() << arrowHeadRight << arrowHeadLeft;
diff --git a/src/moCapPerson.cpp b/src/moCapPerson.cpp
index 4717157273e39f1811b107584a97da2e6268c609..aac5c527c0552f54342527c362415ade4bf9fb44 100644
--- a/src/moCapPerson.cpp
+++ b/src/moCapPerson.cpp
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QDomElement>
-#include <exception>
 #include "moCapPerson.h"
 #include "helper.h"
+#include <QDomElement>
+#include <exception>
  * @brief Gets index of sample at given time
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ void MoCapPerson::setTimeOffset(double timeOffset)
-void MoCapPerson::addSkeleton(const SkeletonTree& skeleton)
+void MoCapPerson::addSkeleton(const SkeletonTree &skeleton)
@@ -66,13 +66,12 @@ const MoCapPersonMetadata &MoCapPerson::getMetadata() const
     return mMetadata;
-void MoCapPerson::setMetadata(const MoCapPersonMetadata& metadata)
+void MoCapPerson::setMetadata(const MoCapPersonMetadata &metadata)
     mMetadata = metadata;
 void MoCapPerson::setXml(QDomElement &elem) const
     QDomElement subElem;
diff --git a/src/moCapPersonMetadata.cpp b/src/moCapPersonMetadata.cpp
index 4f39261009c189f2d58fe7a83beb5fb3aa72adf5..0434c6559f666727cb3739bf02dd1aa3ba802c9e 100644
--- a/src/moCapPersonMetadata.cpp
+++ b/src/moCapPersonMetadata.cpp
@@ -17,15 +17,18 @@
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QFileInfo>
 #include "moCapPersonMetadata.h"
-MoCapPersonMetadata::MoCapPersonMetadata(std::string filepath, MoCapSystem system, double samplerate, double offset){
+#include <QFileInfo>
+MoCapPersonMetadata::MoCapPersonMetadata(std::string filepath, MoCapSystem system, double samplerate, double offset)
     setMetadata(filepath, system, samplerate, offset);
-void MoCapPersonMetadata::setMetadata(const std::string &filepath, MoCapSystem system, double samplerate, double offset){
+void MoCapPersonMetadata::setMetadata(const std::string &filepath, MoCapSystem system, double samplerate, double offset)
     setFilepath(filepath, system);
@@ -35,22 +38,25 @@ void MoCapPersonMetadata::setMetadata(const std::string &filepath, MoCapSystem s
  * @param filename: valid path with (e.g.'.c3d') extension @throws std::ios_base::failure
-void MoCapPersonMetadata::setFilepath(const std::string &filepath, MoCapSystem system){
-    const std::string& extension = moCapFileExtensions.at(system);
-    QFileInfo info(QString::fromStdString(filepath));
-    if (!info.exists()){
+void MoCapPersonMetadata::setFilepath(const std::string &filepath, MoCapSystem system)
+    const std::string &extension = moCapFileExtensions.at(system);
+    QFileInfo          info(QString::fromStdString(filepath));
+    if(!info.exists())
+    {
         std::stringstream msg;
-        msg << "Invalid Filename '" << filepath <<  "': does not exist!\n";
+        msg << "Invalid Filename '" << filepath << "': does not exist!\n";
         throw std::ios_base::failure(msg.str());
     QString suffix = info.suffix();
-    if(suffix.toStdString() != extension){
+    if(suffix.toStdString() != extension)
+    {
         std::stringstream msg;
-        msg << "Invalid Filename '" << filepath <<  "': It has no " << extension << " extension!\n";
+        msg << "Invalid Filename '" << filepath << "': It has no " << extension << " extension!\n";
         throw std::ios_base::failure(msg.str());
     mFilepath = filepath;
-    mSystem = system;
+    mSystem   = system;
@@ -58,39 +64,46 @@ void MoCapPersonMetadata::setFilepath(const std::string &filepath, MoCapSystem s
 void MoCapPersonMetadata::setSamplerate(double samplerate)
-    if(samplerate <= 0){
+    if(samplerate <= 0)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Samplerate cannot be negative or zero!");
     mSamplerate = samplerate;
-void MoCapPersonMetadata::setOffset(double offset) {
+void MoCapPersonMetadata::setOffset(double offset)
     mOffset = offset;
-const std::string &MoCapPersonMetadata::getFilepath() const {
+const std::string &MoCapPersonMetadata::getFilepath() const
     return mFilepath;
-MoCapSystem MoCapPersonMetadata::getSystem() const {
+MoCapSystem MoCapPersonMetadata::getSystem() const
     return mSystem;
-double MoCapPersonMetadata::getSamplerate() const {
+double MoCapPersonMetadata::getSamplerate() const
     return mSamplerate;
-double MoCapPersonMetadata::getOffset() const {
+double MoCapPersonMetadata::getOffset() const
     return mOffset;
-bool operator==(const MoCapPersonMetadata &lhs, const MoCapPersonMetadata &rhs){
-    return (lhs.getFilepath().compare(rhs.getFilepath()) == 0
-            && std::abs(lhs.getOffset() - rhs.getOffset()) < 1e-4
-            && std::abs(lhs.getSamplerate() - rhs.getSamplerate()) < 1e-4
-            && lhs.getSystem() == rhs.getSystem());
+bool operator==(const MoCapPersonMetadata &lhs, const MoCapPersonMetadata &rhs)
+    return (
+        lhs.getFilepath().compare(rhs.getFilepath()) == 0 && std::abs(lhs.getOffset() - rhs.getOffset()) < 1e-4 &&
+        std::abs(lhs.getSamplerate() - rhs.getSamplerate()) < 1e-4 && lhs.getSystem() == rhs.getSystem());
-bool operator!=(const MoCapPersonMetadata &lhs, const MoCapPersonMetadata &rhs){
-    return !(lhs==rhs);
+bool operator!=(const MoCapPersonMetadata &lhs, const MoCapPersonMetadata &rhs)
+    return !(lhs == rhs);
diff --git a/src/moCapSelectionWidget.cpp b/src/moCapSelectionWidget.cpp
index d216f82f0b1d7b050c461c2221c3fda33bbfe765..e35b043be920efe6292f89ede35957121c5ab1c0 100644
--- a/src/moCapSelectionWidget.cpp
+++ b/src/moCapSelectionWidget.cpp
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
-#include <QFileDialog>
 #include "moCapSelectionWidget.h"
-#include "ui_moCapSelectionWidget.h"
 #include "openMoCapDialog.h"
+#include "ui_moCapSelectionWidget.h"
+#include <QFileDialog>
-MoCapSelectionWidget::MoCapSelectionWidget(QWidget *parent, const QMap<QString, MoCapSystem>& moCapSystems) :
-    QWidget(parent),
-    mUi(new Ui::MoCapSelectionWidget),
-    mMoCapSystems(moCapSystems)
+MoCapSelectionWidget::MoCapSelectionWidget(QWidget *parent, const QMap<QString, MoCapSystem> &moCapSystems) :
+    QWidget(parent), mUi(new Ui::MoCapSelectionWidget), mMoCapSystems(moCapSystems)
-    constexpr int defaultSampleRate = 60;
-    constexpr double offsetRange = 5;
+    constexpr int    defaultSampleRate = 60;
+    constexpr double offsetRange       = 5;
@@ -32,11 +31,15 @@ MoCapSelectionWidget::MoCapSelectionWidget(QWidget *parent, const QMap<QString,
  * @param moCapSystems Map from QString in Combobox to MoCapSystem-Enum
  * @param metadata Metadata which should be represented by this widget
-MoCapSelectionWidget::MoCapSelectionWidget(QWidget *parent, const QMap<QString, MoCapSystem> &moCapSystems, const MoCapPersonMetadata &metadata) :
+    QWidget *                         parent,
+    const QMap<QString, MoCapSystem> &moCapSystems,
+    const MoCapPersonMetadata &       metadata) :
     MoCapSelectionWidget(parent, moCapSystems)
     auto usedMoCapSystem = std::find(moCapSystems.begin(), moCapSystems.end(), metadata.getSystem());
-    if(usedMoCapSystem != moCapSystems.end()){
+    if(usedMoCapSystem != moCapSystems.end())
+    {
@@ -55,15 +58,17 @@ MoCapSelectionWidget::MoCapSelectionWidget(QWidget *parent, const QMap<QString,
  * This method is called by a Signal('browse File'-Button).
-void MoCapSelectionWidget::setFileName(){
+void MoCapSelectionWidget::setFileName()
     std::stringstream extensionsString;
     extensionsString << "All MoCap File Types (";
-    for(const auto &extension: moCapFileExtensions){
+    for(const auto &extension : moCapFileExtensions)
+    {
         extensionsString << " *." << extension.second;
     extensionsString << ")";
-    QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open C3D File"), QDir::currentPath(),
-                                                    QString::fromStdString(extensionsString.str()));
+    QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
+        this, tr("Open C3D File"), QDir::currentPath(), QString::fromStdString(extensionsString.str()));
     mFilledOut = !filename.isEmpty();
@@ -78,10 +83,11 @@ void MoCapSelectionWidget::setFileName(){
 MoCapPersonMetadata MoCapSelectionWidget::getMetadata() const
-        return MoCapPersonMetadata(mUi->filePathLabel->text().toStdString(),
-                                   mMoCapSystems[mUi->cbInputSystem->currentText()],
-                                   mUi->sampleRateSpinBox->value(),
-                               mUi->offSetSpinBox->value());
+    return MoCapPersonMetadata(
+        mUi->filePathLabel->text().toStdString(),
+        mMoCapSystems[mUi->cbInputSystem->currentText()],
+        mUi->sampleRateSpinBox->value(),
+        mUi->offSetSpinBox->value());
 bool MoCapSelectionWidget::isFilledOut() const
diff --git a/src/multiColorMarkerItem.cpp b/src/multiColorMarkerItem.cpp
index d2dda2bf373b242558f1af50b7d20f4ade387e13..cd7f4226033d72b95861321badb14ff4779344b6 100644
--- a/src/multiColorMarkerItem.cpp
+++ b/src/multiColorMarkerItem.cpp
@@ -18,24 +18,24 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtWidgets>
-#include "petrack.h"
-#include "view.h"
 #include "multiColorMarkerItem.h"
+#include "animation.h"
 #include "multiColorMarkerWidget.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
 #include "tracker.h"
-#include "animation.h"
+#include "view.h"
+#include <QtWidgets>
 // in x und y gleichermassen skaliertes koordinatensystem,
 // da von einer vorherigen intrinsischen kamerakalibrierung ausgegenagen wird,
-// so dass pixel quadratisch 
-MultiColorMarkerItem::MultiColorMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent)
-    : QGraphicsItem(parent)
+// so dass pixel quadratisch
+MultiColorMarkerItem::MultiColorMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsItem(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
-    mImage = nullptr;
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) wParent;
+    mImage      = nullptr;
@@ -48,40 +48,44 @@ MultiColorMarkerItem::MultiColorMarkerItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * par
 QRectF MultiColorMarkerItem::boundingRect() const
-    if (mMainWindow->getImage())
-        return QRectF(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), mMainWindow->getImage()->width(), mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
+    if(mMainWindow->getImage())
+        return QRectF(
+            -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+            -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+            mMainWindow->getImage()->width(),
+            mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
         return QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0);
-void MultiColorMarkerItem::setRect(Vec2F& v)
+void MultiColorMarkerItem::setRect(Vec2F &v)
     mUlc = v; // upper left corner to draw
-void MultiColorMarkerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*option*/, QWidget */*widget*/)
+void MultiColorMarkerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * /*option*/, QWidget * /*widget*/)
-    if (!mMask.empty())
+    if(!mMask.empty())
-        if ((mImage != nullptr) && ((mImage->width() != mMask.cols) || (mImage->height() != mMask.rows)))
+        if((mImage != nullptr) && ((mImage->width() != mMask.cols) || (mImage->height() != mMask.rows)))
-            delete mImage; // delete null pointer is ok
+            delete mImage;    // delete null pointer is ok
             mImage = nullptr; // is not been done by delete
-        if (mImage == nullptr) // zu Beginn oder wenn sich die Groesse aendert
+        if(mImage == nullptr) // zu Beginn oder wenn sich die Groesse aendert
             mImage = new QImage(mMask.cols, mMask.rows, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
-        int x,y;
-        auto* data = mMask.data;
-        auto* yData = data;
-        int notMaskMask = ((int) !mMainWindow->getMultiColorMarkerWidget()->maskMask->isChecked())*255; // 255 oder 0
+        int   x, y;
+        auto *data      = mMask.data;
+        auto *yData     = data;
+        int notMaskMask = ((int) !mMainWindow->getMultiColorMarkerWidget()->maskMask->isChecked()) * 255; // 255 oder 0
-        for (y = 0; y < mMask.rows; y++)
+        for(y = 0; y < mMask.rows; y++)
             // Pointer to the data information in the QImage for just one column
             // set pointer to value before, because ++p is faster than p++
-            auto* p = mImage->scanLine(y)-1;
-            for (x = 0; x < mMask.cols; x++)
+            auto *p = mImage->scanLine(y) - 1;
+            for(x = 0; x < mMask.cols; x++)
                 *(++p) = *data;
                 *(++p) = *data;
@@ -89,11 +93,10 @@ void MultiColorMarkerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsIt
                 *(++p) = *data ? notMaskMask : 255;
-            data = (yData += mMask.cols/sizeof(char)); // because sometimes widthStep != width
+            data = (yData += mMask.cols / sizeof(char)); // because sometimes widthStep != width
-        painter->setOpacity(mMainWindow->getMultiColorMarkerWidget()->opacity->value()/100.);
-        painter->drawImage(mUlc.x(),mUlc.y(), *mImage);
+        painter->setOpacity(mMainWindow->getMultiColorMarkerWidget()->opacity->value() / 100.);
+        painter->drawImage(mUlc.x(), mUlc.y(), *mImage);
@@ -106,9 +109,9 @@ void MultiColorMarkerItem::setMask(cv::Mat &mask)
 // original width w and height h must be given
 cv::Mat MultiColorMarkerItem::createMask(int w, int h)
-    if (w>0 && h>0 && (mMask.empty() || (!mMask.empty() && (w != mMask.cols || h != mMask.rows))))
+    if(w > 0 && h > 0 && (mMask.empty() || (!mMask.empty() && (w != mMask.cols || h != mMask.rows))))
-        mMask.create(h,w,CV_8UC1);
+        mMask.create(h, w, CV_8UC1);
     return mMask;
diff --git a/src/multiColorMarkerWidget.cpp b/src/multiColorMarkerWidget.cpp
index 44874e78e6941418c4f82f9a65f4a318ca11cb53..06a1afebc45a60f2dd2a0d8928fe679053ab9fe2 100644
--- a/src/multiColorMarkerWidget.cpp
+++ b/src/multiColorMarkerWidget.cpp
@@ -20,10 +20,9 @@
 #include "multiColorMarkerWidget.h"
-MultiColorMarkerWidget::MultiColorMarkerWidget(QWidget *parent)
-    : QWidget(parent)
+MultiColorMarkerWidget::MultiColorMarkerWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) parent;
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) parent;
     mOldMinArea = minArea->value();
     mOldMaxArea = maxArea->value();
@@ -73,63 +72,67 @@ void MultiColorMarkerWidget::setXml(QDomElement &elem)
 void MultiColorMarkerWidget::getXml(QDomElement &elem)
     QDomElement subElem;
-    QString styleString;
+    QString     styleString;
     for(subElem = elem.firstChildElement(); !subElem.isNull(); subElem = subElem.nextSiblingElement())
-        if (subElem.tagName() == "MASK")
+        if(subElem.tagName() == "MASK")
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
                 showMask->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("SHOW").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("OPACITY"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("OPACITY"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MASK"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MASK"))
                 maskMask->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("MASK").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-        if (subElem.tagName() == "BLACK_DOT")
+        if(subElem.tagName() == "BLACK_DOT")
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("USE"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("USE"))
                 useDot->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("USE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("SIZE"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("SIZE"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("IGNORE_WITHOUT"))
-                ignoreWithoutDot->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("IGNORE_WITHOUT").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("USE_COLOR"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("IGNORE_WITHOUT"))
+                ignoreWithoutDot->setCheckState(
+                    subElem.attribute("IGNORE_WITHOUT").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("USE_COLOR"))
                 useColor->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("USE_COLOR").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("RESTRICT_POSITION"))
-                restrictPosition->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("RESTRICT_POSITION").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("RESTRICT_POSITION"))
+                restrictPosition->setCheckState(
+                    subElem.attribute("RESTRICT_POSITION").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-        if (subElem.tagName() == "CODE_MARKER")
+        if(subElem.tagName() == "CODE_MARKER")
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("USE"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("USE"))
                 useCodeMarker->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("USE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("IGNORE_WITHOUT"))
-                ignoreWithoutDot->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("IGNORE_WITHOUT").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("IGNORE_WITHOUT"))
+                ignoreWithoutDot->setCheckState(
+                    subElem.attribute("IGNORE_WITHOUT").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-        if (subElem.tagName() == "AUTO_CORRECT")
+        if(subElem.tagName() == "AUTO_CORRECT")
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("USE"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("USE"))
                 autoCorrect->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("USE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("ONLY_EXPORT"))
-                autoCorrectOnlyExport->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("ONLY_EXPORT").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("ONLY_EXPORT"))
+                autoCorrectOnlyExport->setCheckState(
+                    subElem.attribute("ONLY_EXPORT").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-        if (subElem.tagName() == "PARAM")
+        if(subElem.tagName() == "PARAM")
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("CLOSE_RADIUS"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("CLOSE_RADIUS"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("CLOSE_USED"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("CLOSE_USED"))
                 useClose->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("CLOSE_USED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("OPEN_RADIUS"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("OPEN_RADIUS"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("OPEN_USED"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("OPEN_USED"))
                 useOpen->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("OPEN_USED").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MIN_AREA"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MIN_AREA"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_AREA"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_AREA"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("USE_HEAD_SIZE"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("USE_HEAD_SIZE"))
                 useHeadSize->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("USE_HEAD_SIZE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_RATIO"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("MAX_RATIO"))
diff --git a/src/openMoCapDialog.cpp b/src/openMoCapDialog.cpp
index 96e6d5a283fda128206a7501aa9cd194b29c48fa..75620b484f39b88906fdb9a07f44633cbbfa8631 100644
--- a/src/openMoCapDialog.cpp
+++ b/src/openMoCapDialog.cpp
@@ -17,31 +17,28 @@
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QFileDialog>
+#include "openMoCapDialog.h"
 #include "analysePlot.h"
-#include "openMoCapDialog.h"
-#include "ui_openMoCapDialog.h"
 #include "moCapPersonMetadata.h"
 #include "moCapSelectionWidget.h"
+#include "ui_openMoCapDialog.h"
+#include <QFileDialog>
 OpenMoCapDialog::OpenMoCapDialog(QWidget *parent, MoCapController &controller) :
-        QDialog(parent),
-        mUi(new Ui::OpenMoCapDialog),
-        mController(controller),
-        mParent(parent)
+    QDialog(parent), mUi(new Ui::OpenMoCapDialog), mController(controller), mParent(parent)
     mMoCapSystems = QMap<QString, MoCapSystem>();
     setWindowFlags(windowFlags().setFlag(Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint, false));
     mMoCapSystems.insert("XSensC3D", MoCapSystem::XSensC3D);
     const auto loadedMetadata = mController.getAllMoCapPersonMetadata();
-    for(const auto& metadata : loadedMetadata){
+    for(const auto &metadata : loadedMetadata)
+    {
         mUi->moCapSelections->layout()->addWidget(new MoCapSelectionWidget(this, mMoCapSystems, metadata));
@@ -50,28 +47,32 @@ OpenMoCapDialog::OpenMoCapDialog(QWidget *parent, MoCapController &controller) :
  * @brief Sets FileAttributes of MoCapController and calls readMoCapFile
  * This method is called by a Signal(Ok-Button) and closes the window if no errors occur.
-void OpenMoCapDialog::clickedOk() {
-    bool allDataIsValid = true;
+void OpenMoCapDialog::clickedOk()
+    bool                             allDataIsValid = true;
     std::vector<MoCapPersonMetadata> metadata;
     for(int i = 0; i < mUi->moCapSelections->layout()->count(); ++i)
-        auto selectionWidget = dynamic_cast<const MoCapSelectionWidget*>(mUi->moCapSelections->layout()->itemAt(i)->widget());
+        auto selectionWidget =
+            dynamic_cast<const MoCapSelectionWidget *>(mUi->moCapSelections->layout()->itemAt(i)->widget());
         if(selectionWidget == nullptr || !selectionWidget->isFilledOut())
-        try{
+        try
+        {
             MoCapPersonMetadata currentMetadata = selectionWidget->getMetadata();
-        }catch(std::exception &e){
+        }
+        catch(std::exception &e)
+        {
             allDataIsValid = false;
             std::stringstream errormsg;
             errormsg << e.what() << "\n";
@@ -82,10 +83,13 @@ void OpenMoCapDialog::clickedOk() {
-        try {
+        try
+        {
-        }  catch (std::exception &e) {
+        }
+        catch(std::exception &e)
+        {
             std::stringstream errormsg;
             errormsg << e.what() << "\n";
             QMessageBox::critical(mParent, "PeTrack", QString::fromStdString(errormsg.str()));
@@ -103,4 +107,3 @@ void OpenMoCapDialog::on_btnAddSelection_clicked()
     mUi->moCapSelections->layout()->addWidget(new MoCapSelectionWidget(this, mMoCapSystems));
diff --git a/src/pMessageBox.cpp b/src/pMessageBox.cpp
index b1e01c7595c712c2c8571a52798b6b2a26f4a636..a875ebc7f6499de20a3dc80f3e37491f4606b227 100644
--- a/src/pMessageBox.cpp
+++ b/src/pMessageBox.cpp
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@
 #include "pMessageBox.h"
+#include "helper.h"
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QDialogButtonBox>
 #include <QGridLayout>
 #include <QLabel>
-#include <QStyle>
-#include <QDialogButtonBox>
 #include <QPushButton>
-#include <QApplication>
+#include <QStyle>
 #include <QTextDocument>
-#include "helper.h"
  * @brief Constructs a PMessageBox
@@ -41,12 +41,22 @@
  * @param buttons buttons for the user to click default: only Ok)
  * @param defaultButton button used when pressing enter
-PMessageBox::PMessageBox(QWidget *parent, const QString& title, const QString& msg, const QIcon& icon, const QString& informativeText, StandardButtons buttons, StandardButton defaultButton) : QDialog(parent, Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint)
+    QWidget *       parent,
+    const QString & title,
+    const QString & msg,
+    const QIcon &   icon,
+    const QString & informativeText,
+    StandardButtons buttons,
+    StandardButton  defaultButton) :
+    QDialog(
+        parent,
+        Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint)
-    QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout();
+    QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout();
-    QFont f = QApplication::font("QMessageBox");
+    QFont                    f = QApplication::font("QMessageBox");
     Qt::TextInteractionFlags flags(style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_MessageBox_TextInteractionFlags, nullptr, this));
     QLabel *detailedText = new QLabel(this);
@@ -59,41 +69,52 @@ PMessageBox::PMessageBox(QWidget *parent, const QString& title, const QString& m
         layout->addWidget(detailedText, 1, 1);
-    QLabel* text = new QLabel(this);
+    QLabel *text = new QLabel(this);
-    layout->addWidget(text, 0,1);
+    layout->addWidget(text, 0, 1);
-    QLabel* infoIcon = new QLabel(this);
-    int iconSize = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MessageBoxIconSize, nullptr, this);
+    QLabel *infoIcon = new QLabel(this);
+    int     iconSize = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MessageBoxIconSize, nullptr, this);
     infoIcon->setPixmap(icon.pixmap(iconSize, iconSize));
     layout->addWidget(infoIcon, 0, 0);
     QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(buttons, this);
     layout->addWidget(buttonBox, 2, 1);
-    if(defaultButton != StandardButton::NoButton){
+    if(defaultButton != StandardButton::NoButton)
+    {
         QPushButton *def = buttonBox->button(defaultButton);
-        if(def){
+        if(def)
+        {
-        }else{
+        }
+        else
+        {
             debout << "Warning: Given default button does is non-specified button" << std::endl;
     // return the clicked button; -1 if none was clicked
-    connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::clicked, this, [=](QAbstractButton *button){
-        int ret = buttonBox->standardButton(button);
-        if(ret == StandardButton::NoButton){
-            this->done(-1);
-        }else{
-            this->done(ret);
-        }
-    });
+    connect(
+        buttonBox,
+        &QDialogButtonBox::clicked,
+        this,
+        [=](QAbstractButton *button)
+        {
+            int ret = buttonBox->standardButton(button);
+            if(ret == StandardButton::NoButton)
+            {
+                this->done(-1);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                this->done(ret);
+            }
+        });
@@ -118,13 +139,15 @@ PMessageBox::PMessageBox(QWidget *parent, const QString& title, const QString& m
  * @param defaultButton button to press, when pressing enter
  * @return clicked button
-int PMessageBox::information(const char*file,
-                             const char*func,
-                             int line, QWidget *parent,
-                             const QString &title,
-                             const QString &text,
-                             PMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons,
-                             PMessageBox::StandardButton defaultButton)
+int PMessageBox::information(
+    const char *                 file,
+    const char *                 func,
+    int                          line,
+    QWidget *                    parent,
+    const QString &              title,
+    const QString &              text,
+    PMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons,
+    PMessageBox::StandardButton  defaultButton)
     std::cout << func << " in " << file_name(file) << " line " << line << ": Info: " << text << std::endl;
@@ -135,16 +158,14 @@ int PMessageBox::information(const char*file,
         if(buttons & (~StandardButton::Ok))
             throw std::runtime_error(
-                QString("user-interaction demanded during offscreen mode with message\n%1")
-                    .arg(text).toStdString()
-            );
+                QString("user-interaction demanded during offscreen mode with message\n%1").arg(text).toStdString());
         return StandardButton::NoButton;
-    QIcon icon = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxInformation);
-    PMessageBox msg = PMessageBox(parent, title, text, icon, QString(), buttons, defaultButton);
+    QIcon       icon = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxInformation);
+    PMessageBox msg  = PMessageBox(parent, title, text, icon, QString(), buttons, defaultButton);
     return msg.exec();
@@ -163,14 +184,15 @@ int PMessageBox::information(const char*file,
  * @param defaultButton button to press, when pressing enter
  * @return clicked button
-int PMessageBox::warning(const char* file,
-                         const char* func,
-                         int line,
-                         QWidget *parent,
-                         const QString &title,
-                         const QString &text,
-                         PMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons,
-                         PMessageBox::StandardButton defaultButton)
+int PMessageBox::warning(
+    const char *                 file,
+    const char *                 func,
+    int                          line,
+    QWidget *                    parent,
+    const QString &              title,
+    const QString &              text,
+    PMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons,
+    PMessageBox::StandardButton  defaultButton)
     std::cout << func << " in " << file_name(file) << " line " << line << ": Warning: " << text << std::endl;
@@ -181,16 +203,14 @@ int PMessageBox::warning(const char* file,
         if(buttons & (~StandardButton::Ok))
             throw std::runtime_error(
-                QString("user-interaction demanded during offscreen mode with message\n%1")
-                    .arg(text).toStdString()
-            );
+                QString("user-interaction demanded during offscreen mode with message\n%1").arg(text).toStdString());
         return StandardButton::NoButton;
-    QIcon icon = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxWarning);
-    PMessageBox msg = PMessageBox(parent, title, text, icon, QString(), buttons, defaultButton);
+    QIcon       icon = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxWarning);
+    PMessageBox msg  = PMessageBox(parent, title, text, icon, QString(), buttons, defaultButton);
     return msg.exec();
@@ -209,14 +229,15 @@ int PMessageBox::warning(const char* file,
  * @param defaultButton button to press, when pressing enter
  * @return clicked button
-int PMessageBox::critical(const char*file,
-                          const char*func,
-                          int line,
-                          QWidget *parent,
-                          const QString &title,
-                          const QString &text,
-                          PMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons,
-                          PMessageBox::StandardButton defaultButton)
+int PMessageBox::critical(
+    const char *                 file,
+    const char *                 func,
+    int                          line,
+    QWidget *                    parent,
+    const QString &              title,
+    const QString &              text,
+    PMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons,
+    PMessageBox::StandardButton  defaultButton)
     std::cout << func << " in " << file_name(file) << " line " << line << ": Critical: " << text << std::endl;
@@ -227,16 +248,14 @@ int PMessageBox::critical(const char*file,
         if(buttons & (~StandardButton::Ok))
             throw std::runtime_error(
-                QString("user-interaction demanded during offscreen mode with message\n%1")
-                    .arg(text).toStdString()
-            );
+                QString("user-interaction demanded during offscreen mode with message\n%1").arg(text).toStdString());
         return StandardButton::NoButton;
-    QIcon icon = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxCritical);
-    PMessageBox msg = PMessageBox(parent, title, text, icon, QString(), buttons, defaultButton);
+    QIcon       icon = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxCritical);
+    PMessageBox msg  = PMessageBox(parent, title, text, icon, QString(), buttons, defaultButton);
     return msg.exec();
@@ -255,25 +274,24 @@ int PMessageBox::critical(const char*file,
  * @param defaultButton button to press, when pressing enter
  * @return clicked button
-int PMessageBox::question(const char* /*file*/,
-                          const char* /*func*/,
-                          int /*line*/,
-                          QWidget *parent,
-                          const QString &title,
-                          const QString &text,
-                          PMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons,
-                          PMessageBox::StandardButton defaultButton)
+int PMessageBox::question(
+    const char * /*file*/,
+    const char * /*func*/,
+    int /*line*/,
+    QWidget *                    parent,
+    const QString &              title,
+    const QString &              text,
+    PMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons,
+    PMessageBox::StandardButton  defaultButton)
-    QIcon icon = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxQuestion);
-    PMessageBox msg = PMessageBox(parent, title, text, icon, QString(), buttons, defaultButton);
+    QIcon       icon = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxQuestion);
+    PMessageBox msg  = PMessageBox(parent, title, text, icon, QString(), buttons, defaultButton);
     // no debout, since question **demands** user interaction; also no support for scripting to come
     if(QGuiApplication::platformName() == "offscreen")
         throw std::runtime_error(
-            QString("user-interaction demanded during offscreen mode with message\n%1")
-                .arg(text).toStdString()
-        );
+            QString("user-interaction demanded during offscreen mode with message\n%1").arg(text).toStdString());
     return msg.exec();
@@ -282,13 +300,16 @@ int PMessageBox::question(const char* /*file*/,
 void PMessageBox::setMinimumWidth(QLabel *textLabel)
     QTextDocument doc;
-    if(Qt::mightBeRichText(textLabel->text())){
+    if(Qt::mightBeRichText(textLabel->text()))
+    {
-    }else{
+    }
+    else
+    {
-    doc.setTextWidth(textLabel->fontMetrics().averageCharWidth()*120);
+    doc.setTextWidth(textLabel->fontMetrics().averageCharWidth() * 120);
diff --git a/src/person.cpp b/src/person.cpp
index 49d0a53375ee96a9dd1d4901e929dd64b4d65b8e..0d2d8b9ad5ce6c2400e149f80848bbeb4a28e3d3 100644
--- a/src/person.cpp
+++ b/src/person.cpp
@@ -19,15 +19,16 @@
 #include "person.h"
 #include "helper.h"
 //#define SHOWELLIPSES // gibt die einzelnen schritte der personen detektion pyramide graphisch aus
 //#define SAVEELLIPSES // ob alle ellips in datei geschrieben werden sollen
 //#define PRINT_ERASE_REASON // zeigt an, ob ausgegeben werden soll, aus welchem Grund eine ellipse geloescht wurde
-//#define SAVE_IMG_DETECTION_STEPS // setzen, wenn die gezeigten Bilder (SHOWELLIPSES) auch als Bildsequenz weggeschrieben werden soll
-//#define SAVE_IMG_FILEBASE "D:/diss/personModel/ownPerson/petrack/density/d4.5_"
+//#define SAVE_IMG_DETECTION_STEPS // setzen, wenn die gezeigten Bilder (SHOWELLIPSES) auch als Bildsequenz
+// weggeschrieben werden soll #define SAVE_IMG_FILEBASE "D:/diss/personModel/ownPerson/petrack/density/d4.5_"
-using namespace::cv;
+using namespace ::cv;
@@ -36,23 +37,23 @@ PersonList::PersonList()
 // searching for ellipses from isolines in a height field
-void PersonList::searchEllipses(pet::StereoContext *sc, QRect &roi, BackgroundFilter* bgFilter)
+void PersonList::searchEllipses(pet::StereoContext *sc, QRect &roi, BackgroundFilter *bgFilter)
     mSc = sc;
-    Mat pointCloud = cvarrToMat(mSc->getPointCloud()).clone();
-    IplImage *disp = mSc->getDisparity();
-    CvSize imgSize;
+    Mat       pointCloud = cvarrToMat(mSc->getPointCloud()).clone();
+    IplImage *disp       = mSc->getDisparity();
+    CvSize    imgSize;
     imgSize.width  = disp->width;
     imgSize.height = disp->height;
     //        "==========: "
-    debout << "go mkless : " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+    debout << "go mkless : " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
-    int x, y;
-    float *pcData , *yPcData;
+    int    x, y;
+    float *pcData, *yPcData;
     // nicht Fordergrund auf ungueltig -1 setzen
     bgFilter->maskBg(pointCloud, -1.);
@@ -60,293 +61,326 @@ void PersonList::searchEllipses(pet::StereoContext *sc, QRect &roi, BackgroundFi
     // Bestimmung von Minimum und Maximum von z in Meter
     float min = FLT_MAX;
     float max = FLT_MIN;
-    pcData = (float *) pointCloud.data;
-    yPcData = pcData;
+    pcData    = (float *) pointCloud.data;
+    yPcData   = pcData;
-    for (y = 0; y < pointCloud.rows; ++y)
+    for(y = 0; y < pointCloud.rows; ++y)
-        for (x = 0; x < pointCloud.cols; ++x)
+        for(x = 0; x < pointCloud.cols; ++x)
-            if (pcData[2] != -1)
+            if(pcData[2] != -1)
-                if (pcData[2] > max)
+                if(pcData[2] > max)
                     max = pcData[2];
-                else if (pcData[2] < min)
+                else if(pcData[2] < min)
                     min = pcData[2];
-            pcData+=3;
+            pcData += 3;
-        pcData = (yPcData += pointCloud.cols/sizeof(float));
+        pcData = (yPcData += pointCloud.cols / sizeof(float));
     // pcData, min, max sind in Meter !!!!!!!!
-    if (min>=max)
+    if(min >= max)
-//        cvReleaseMat(&pointCloud);
+        //        cvReleaseMat(&pointCloud);
-    //debout << "Minimal distance to camera in foreground: " << min*100 << "cm" <<endl;
-    //debout << "Maximal distance to camera in foreground: " << max*100 << "cm" <<endl;
-    if (max-min < 1)
-        debout << "Warning: hight field difference is smaller 1m!" <<endl;
-//    debout << sc->getCmPerPixel(min) <<endl;
-//    debout << sc->getCmPerPixel(max) <<endl;
-//    debout << sc->getZfromDisp(sc->getMin()) <<endl;
-//    debout << sc->getZfromDisp(sc->getMax()) <<endl;
-    float l1 = 4.2/mSc->getCmPerPixel(min);
-    float l2 = 67./mSc->getCmPerPixel(max);
-//    debout << l1*l1 <<endl;
-//    debout << l2*l2 <<endl;
+    // debout << "Minimal distance to camera in foreground: " << min*100 << "cm" <<endl;
+    // debout << "Maximal distance to camera in foreground: " << max*100 << "cm" <<endl;
+    if(max - min < 1)
+        debout << "Warning: hight field difference is smaller 1m!" << endl;
+    //    debout << sc->getCmPerPixel(min) <<endl;
+    //    debout << sc->getCmPerPixel(max) <<endl;
+    //    debout << sc->getZfromDisp(sc->getMin()) <<endl;
+    //    debout << sc->getZfromDisp(sc->getMax()) <<endl;
+    float l1 = 4.2 / mSc->getCmPerPixel(min);
+    float l2 = 67. / mSc->getCmPerPixel(max);
+    //    debout << l1*l1 <<endl;
+    //    debout << l2*l2 <<endl;
     // interpolate z-values inbetween innerhalb zeile
     float *vorPtr;  // zeigt auf den letzten gueltigen Wert vor ungueltigem wert in einer Zeile
     float *nachPtr; // zeigt auf den ersten gueltigen Wert nach ungueltigen in einer Zeile
     float *fPtr;
-    float step;
+    float  step;
-    pcData = (float *) pointCloud.data;
+    pcData  = (float *) pointCloud.data;
     yPcData = pcData;
-    for (y = 0; y < pointCloud.rows; ++y)
+    for(y = 0; y < pointCloud.rows; ++y)
         vorPtr = nachPtr = NULL;
-        for (x = 0; x < (pointCloud.cols)-1; ++x)
+        for(x = 0; x < (pointCloud.cols) - 1; ++x)
-            if (vorPtr == NULL && pcData[2] != -1 && pcData[5] == -1) // eine unbestimmte gap beginnt
+            if(vorPtr == NULL && pcData[2] != -1 && pcData[5] == -1) // eine unbestimmte gap beginnt
                 vorPtr = pcData;
-            else if (vorPtr != NULL && nachPtr == NULL && pcData[2] == -1 && pcData[5] != -1) // eine unbestimmte gap endet
-                nachPtr = pcData+3;
-            if (vorPtr != NULL && nachPtr != NULL) // gap bestimmt, fuellung mit interpolerten werten
+            else if(vorPtr != NULL && nachPtr == NULL && pcData[2] == -1 && pcData[5] != -1) // eine unbestimmte gap
+                                                                                             // endet
+                nachPtr = pcData + 3;
+            if(vorPtr != NULL && nachPtr != NULL) // gap bestimmt, fuellung mit interpolerten werten
-                if ((nachPtr-vorPtr) < 3*DISP_GAP_SIZE_TO_FILL) // nur kleine luecken von weniger als 15 pixel fuellen
+                if((nachPtr - vorPtr) <
+                   3 * DISP_GAP_SIZE_TO_FILL) // nur kleine luecken von weniger als 15 pixel fuellen
-                    step = ((nachPtr[2]-vorPtr[2])/(nachPtr-vorPtr)); // lange zeit war falsch: /9.; // /3 ein /3 durch (fPtr-vorPtr) und nicht (fPtr-vorPtr)/3 in schleife
-                    for (fPtr = vorPtr+3; fPtr < nachPtr; fPtr+=3)
+                    step =
+                        ((nachPtr[2] - vorPtr[2]) /
+                         (nachPtr - vorPtr)); // lange zeit war falsch: /9.; // /3 ein /3 durch (fPtr-vorPtr) und nicht
+                                              // (fPtr-vorPtr)/3 in schleife
+                    for(fPtr = vorPtr + 3; fPtr < nachPtr; fPtr += 3)
-                        //fPtr[0] = ; // x
-                        //fPtr[1] = ; // y
-                        fPtr[2] = vorPtr[2]+(fPtr-vorPtr)*step;
+                        // fPtr[0] = ; // x
+                        // fPtr[1] = ; // y
+                        fPtr[2] = vorPtr[2] + (fPtr - vorPtr) * step;
                 vorPtr = nachPtr = NULL;
-            pcData+=3;
+            pcData += 3;
-        pcData = (yPcData += pointCloud.cols/sizeof(float));
+        pcData = (yPcData += pointCloud.cols / sizeof(float));
     // grauwertbild erstellen zwischen min und max - ungueltige werte auf 255 setzen
-    IplImage *gray = cvCreateImage(imgSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
+    IplImage *     gray      = cvCreateImage(imgSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
     unsigned char *grayData  = (unsigned char *) gray->imageData;
     unsigned char *yGrayData = grayData;
-    pcData = (float *) pointCloud.data;
-    yPcData = pcData;
-    float scale = 254./(max-min);
+    pcData      = (float *) pointCloud.data;
+    yPcData     = pcData;
+    float scale = 254. / (max - min);
-    for (y = 0; y < pointCloud.rows; ++y)
+    for(y = 0; y < pointCloud.rows; ++y)
-        for (x = 0; x < pointCloud.cols; ++x)
+        for(x = 0; x < pointCloud.cols; ++x)
-            if (pcData[2] == -1)
+            if(pcData[2] == -1)
                 *grayData = 255;
-                *grayData = scale*(pcData[2]-min);
-            pcData+=3;
+                *grayData = scale * (pcData[2] - min);
+            pcData += 3;
-        pcData = (yPcData += pointCloud.cols/sizeof(float));
+        pcData   = (yPcData += pointCloud.cols / sizeof(float));
         grayData = (yGrayData += gray->width);
-//    // umkopieren der pointcloud auf matrix mit nur z-werten
-//    IplImage *zPointCloud = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(pointCloud),32,1);
-//    cvSplit(pointCloud, NULL, NULL, zPointCloud, NULL);
-//    // nun muesste noch -1 auf max gesetzt werden, damit isolinen richtig herum verlaufen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+    //    // umkopieren der pointcloud auf matrix mit nur z-werten
+    //    IplImage *zPointCloud = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(pointCloud),32,1);
+    //    cvSplit(pointCloud, NULL, NULL, zPointCloud, NULL);
+    //    // nun muesste noch -1 auf max gesetzt werden, damit isolinen richtig herum
+    //    verlaufen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     int i, count;
-    //int threshold;
-    float threshold;
-    double angle;
-    CvSeq *contours, *firstContour;
-    IplImage *binImg = cvCreateImage(imgSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);;
-    CvPoint* PointArray;
-    CvPoint2D32f* PointArray2D32f;
-    //CvPoint center;
-    //CvSize sizeTmp;
-    //int expansion;
+    // int threshold;
+    float     threshold;
+    double    angle;
+    CvSeq *   contours, *firstContour;
+    IplImage *binImg = cvCreateImage(imgSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
+    ;
+    CvPoint *     PointArray;
+    CvPoint2D32f *PointArray2D32f;
+    // CvPoint center;
+    // CvSize sizeTmp;
+    // int expansion;
     double contourArea;
-    //double contourLength;
-    CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
-    float dist;
-    bool contourInside; // gigt an, ob die contour ueber den rand der bounding box roi hinweggeht
+    // double contourLength;
+    CvMemStorage *storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
+    float         dist;
+    bool          contourInside; // gigt an, ob die contour ueber den rand der bounding box roi hinweggeht
-int frameNum = mSc->getAnimation()->getCurrentFrameNum();
+    int frameNum = mSc->getAnimation()->getCurrentFrameNum();
-    IplImage *tmpAusgabe = cvCreateImage(imgSize,IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); // cvCloneImage(gray); // make a copy
-    IplImage *tmpAusgabe2 = cvCreateImage(imgSize,IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); // cvCloneImage(gray); // make a copy
-    IplImage *tmpAusgabe3 = cvCreateImage(imgSize,IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); // cvCloneImage(gray); // make a copy
+    IplImage *tmpAusgabe  = cvCreateImage(imgSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); // cvCloneImage(gray); // make a copy
+    IplImage *tmpAusgabe2 = cvCreateImage(imgSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); // cvCloneImage(gray); // make a copy
+    IplImage *tmpAusgabe3 = cvCreateImage(imgSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); // cvCloneImage(gray); // make a copy
     cvCvtColor(gray, tmpAusgabe, CV_GRAY2BGR);
     cvCvtColor(mSc->getRectified(cameraRight), tmpAusgabe2, CV_GRAY2BGR);
     cvCvtColor(gray, tmpAusgabe3, CV_GRAY2BGR);
     QFile ellipsFile("ellipses.txt");
-    if (!ellipsFile.open(QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text))
+    if(!ellipsFile.open(QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text))
         debout << "Error: Cannot open ellipses.txt: " << ellipsFile.errorString();
     QTextStream ellipsOut(&ellipsFile);
     //        "==========: "
-    debout << "vor cont  : " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+    debout << "vor cont  : " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
-    step = 2.55/((max-min)/STEP_SIZE); // STEP_SIZE cm Schritte, daher 2.55, da min und max in meter
-    for (threshold = step; threshold < 255-step ; threshold += step) // von kopf zum fuss = von klein nach gross
-    //for (threshold = 10; threshold < 250 ; threshold += 10) // von kopf zum fuss = von klein nach gross
-    //for (threshold = min+step; threshold < max-step ; threshold += step) // von kopf zum fuss = von klein nach gross
+    step = 2.55 / ((max - min) / STEP_SIZE); // STEP_SIZE cm Schritte, daher 2.55, da min und max in meter
+    for(threshold = step; threshold < 255 - step; threshold += step) // von kopf zum fuss = von klein nach gross
+    // for (threshold = 10; threshold < 250 ; threshold += 10) // von kopf zum fuss = von klein nach gross
+    // for (threshold = min+step; threshold < max-step ; threshold += step) // von kopf zum fuss = von klein nach gross
-        dist = min*100+STEP_SIZE*threshold/step;
+        dist = min * 100 + STEP_SIZE * threshold / step;
         QList<MyEllipse> el; // jeder level neu anlegen
         cvThreshold(gray, binImg, threshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
-        //cvThreshold(zPointCloud, binImg, threshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
+        // cvThreshold(zPointCloud, binImg, threshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
         // find contours and store them all as a list
-        cvFindContours(binImg, storage, &firstContour, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); // binImg wird auch veraendert!!!
+        cvFindContours(
+            binImg,
+            storage,
+            &firstContour,
+            sizeof(CvContour),
+            CV_RETR_LIST,
+            CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); // binImg wird auch veraendert!!!
         contours = firstContour;
         // test each contour
-        while (contours)
+        while(contours)
             count = contours->total; // This is number point in contour
-            if (count > 5) // fuer ellips fit mind 6 pkte benoetigt
+            if(count > 5) // fuer ellips fit mind 6 pkte benoetigt
                 // in rot contouren in eine drehrichtung, in gruen andere
-                cvDrawContours(tmpAusgabe,contours,CV_RGB(255,0,0),CV_RGB(0,255,0),0,1,8,cvPoint(0,0));
+                cvDrawContours(tmpAusgabe, contours, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), 0, 1, 8, cvPoint(0, 0));
-                // IN OPENCV2.1 liefert cvContourArea KEIN VORZEICHEN ZUM ERKENNEN DER DREHRICHTUNG!!!! es ist ein optionaler paramter hinzugefuegt worden!!!!
-#if ((CV_MAJOR_VERSION < 2) || ((CV_MAJOR_VERSION == 2) && (CV_MINOR_VERSION < 1)))
-                contourArea = cvContourArea(contours,CV_WHOLE_SEQ);
+                // IN OPENCV2.1 liefert cvContourArea KEIN VORZEICHEN ZUM ERKENNEN DER DREHRICHTUNG!!!! es ist ein
+                // optionaler paramter hinzugefuegt worden!!!!
+                contourArea = cvContourArea(contours, CV_WHOLE_SEQ);
-                contourArea = cvContourArea(contours,CV_WHOLE_SEQ, true);
+                contourArea = cvContourArea(contours, CV_WHOLE_SEQ, true);
-    //                        if (contours->flags & CV_SEQ_FLAG_HOLE) == 0)
-    //                            debout << "Negative contourArea! If not using the absolute size, the flag shows already the direction!" << endl;
-                //war: (contourArea>50 && contourArea<8000) // sollte abhaengig von untersuchten groessen gemacht werden
-                //     entspricht:
-                // < 4.2cm x 4.2cm=18cm^2  = 50 Pixel in maximaler personengroesse
-                //in maximaler Entfernung zur Kamera
+                //                        if (contours->flags & CV_SEQ_FLAG_HOLE) == 0)
+                //                            debout << "Negative contourArea! If not using the absolute size, the flag
+                //                            shows already the direction!" << endl;
+                // war: (contourArea>50 && contourArea<8000) // sollte abhaengig von untersuchten groessen gemacht
+                // werden
+                //      entspricht:
+                //  < 4.2cm x 4.2cm=18cm^2  = 50 Pixel in maximaler personengroesse
+                // in maximaler Entfernung zur Kamera
                 //(in ebenen Versuchen entspricht dies 40cm über Bodenhöhe)
-                //größer als 4500cm^2 = 8000 Pixel
+                // größer als 4500cm^2 = 8000 Pixel
-                if (contourArea>l1*l1 && contourArea<l2*l2)
+                if(contourArea > l1 * l1 && contourArea < l2 * l2)
                     // Alloc memory for contour point set.
-                    PointArray = (CvPoint*)malloc(count*sizeof(CvPoint));
-                    PointArray2D32f = (CvPoint2D32f*)malloc(count*sizeof(CvPoint2D32f));
+                    PointArray      = (CvPoint *) malloc(count * sizeof(CvPoint));
+                    PointArray2D32f = (CvPoint2D32f *) malloc(count * sizeof(CvPoint2D32f));
-                    //cv::Mat PointMat = cv::Mat(1, count, CV_32SC2, contours);
-                    //debout << cv::contourArea(PointMat) <<endl; // cvContourBoundingRect(...)
-                    //debout << cv::isContourConvex(PointMat) <<endl;
-                    //HoughCircles: Finds circles in a grayscale image using a Hough transform.
+                    // cv::Mat PointMat = cv::Mat(1, count, CV_32SC2, contours);
+                    // debout << cv::contourArea(PointMat) <<endl; // cvContourBoundingRect(...)
+                    // debout << cv::isContourConvex(PointMat) <<endl;
+                    // HoughCircles: Finds circles in a grayscale image using a Hough transform.
                     // Get contour point set.
                     cvCvtSeqToArray(contours, PointArray, CV_WHOLE_SEQ);
                     // Convert CvPoint set to CvBox2D32f set.
                     contourInside = true;
-                    for(i=0; i<count; i++)
+                    for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
-                          x = PointArray[i].x;
-                          y = PointArray[i].y;
-//                        // delete point at blob border
-//                        if (!((gray->imageData[x+y*gray->width-1]   == 255) ||
-//                              (gray->imageData[x+y*gray->width+1]   == 255) ||
-//                              (gray->imageData[x+(y-1)*gray->width] == 255) ||
-//                              (gray->imageData[x+(y+1)*gray->width] == 255))) // nicht am rand
-//                        {
-                            PointArray2D32f[i].x = (float)x;
-                            PointArray2D32f[i].y = (float)y;
-//                        }
-//                        else
-//                        {
-//                            --count;
-//                            debout << "del contour point " << x << " " << y << endl;
-//                        }
-                          if (x < roi.left() || x > roi.right() || y < roi.top() || y > roi.bottom())
-                              contourInside = false;
+                        x = PointArray[i].x;
+                        y = PointArray[i].y;
+                        //                        // delete point at blob border
+                        //                        if (!((gray->imageData[x+y*gray->width-1]   == 255) ||
+                        //                              (gray->imageData[x+y*gray->width+1]   == 255) ||
+                        //                              (gray->imageData[x+(y-1)*gray->width] == 255) ||
+                        //                              (gray->imageData[x+(y+1)*gray->width] == 255))) // nicht am rand
+                        //                        {
+                        PointArray2D32f[i].x = (float) x;
+                        PointArray2D32f[i].y = (float) y;
+                        //                        }
+                        //                        else
+                        //                        {
+                        //                            --count;
+                        //                            debout << "del contour point " << x << " " << y << endl;
+                        //                        }
+                        if(x < roi.left() || x > roi.right() || y < roi.top() || y > roi.bottom())
+                            contourInside = false;
-    //                            contourLength = 0;
-    //                            for(i=1; i<=count; i++)
-    //                            {
-    //                                contourLength+=sqrt((PointArray[i%count].x-PointArray[i-1].x)*(PointArray[i%count].x-PointArray[i-1].x) + (PointArray[i%count].y-PointArray[i-1].y)*(PointArray[i%count].y-PointArray[i-1].y));
-    //                            }
-                    if (count > 5 && contourInside)
+                    //                            contourLength = 0;
+                    //                            for(i=1; i<=count; i++)
+                    //                            {
+                    //                                contourLength+=sqrt((PointArray[i%count].x-PointArray[i-1].x)*(PointArray[i%count].x-PointArray[i-1].x)
+                    //                                +
+                    //                                (PointArray[i%count].y-PointArray[i-1].y)*(PointArray[i%count].y-PointArray[i-1].y));
+                    //                            }
+                    if(count > 5 && contourInside)
-                cvDrawContours(tmpAusgabe,contours,CV_RGB(255,0,255),CV_RGB(0,255,255),0,1,8,cvPoint(0,0)); // um anzuzeigen welche wirklich genommen wurden
+                        cvDrawContours(
+                            tmpAusgabe,
+                            contours,
+                            CV_RGB(255, 0, 255),
+                            CV_RGB(0, 255, 255),
+                            0,
+                            1,
+                            8,
+                            cvPoint(
+                                0,
+                                0)); // um anzuzeigen welche wirklich genommen wurden
-                        // Fits ellipse to current contour. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                     // Fits ellipse to current contour.
+                                     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         CvBox2D32f box;
                         cvFitEllipse(PointArray2D32f, count, &box);
 #elif CV_MAJOR_VERSION == 3
                         // neuer:
                         //// Fits ellipse to current contour.
-//                        CvBox2D box = cvFitEllipse2(PointArray2D32f);
-                        Mat mat(count,2,CV_32F);
-                        for(i=0; i<count; i++)
+                        //                        CvBox2D box = cvFitEllipse2(PointArray2D32f);
+                        Mat mat(count, 2, CV_32F);
+                        for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
-                            mat.at<float>(i,0) = (float)PointArray[i].x;
-                            mat.at<float>(i,1) = (float)PointArray[i].y;
+                            mat.at<float>(i, 0) = (float) PointArray[i].x;
+                            mat.at<float>(i, 1) = (float) PointArray[i].y;
                         RotatedRect box = fitEllipse(mat);
                         // Convert ellipse data from float to integer representation.
-                        //center.x = myRound(box.center.x);
-                        //center.y = myRound(box.center.y);
-                        //box.angle = -box.angle;
-                        //sizeTmp.width = myRound(box.size.width*0.5);
-                        //sizeTmp.height = myRound(box.size.height*0.5);
-                        angle = (box.angle)/180.*PI;
-                        if (box.size.width<box.size.height) // da bei meiner ellipse r1 immer der groesste radius
-                            angle -= PI/2;
-                        MyEllipse elips(box.center.x, box.center.y, box.size.width*0.5, box.size.height*0.5, angle);
-                        //                            debout << elips.area() << " " << contourArea << " " << contourLength<< " " << contourLength*contourLength/contourArea<<endl;
-                        //if (elips.area()/contourArea < 1.2) // elips soll aehnliche flaechengroesse haben
-                        //if (contourLength/contourArea < 0.2) // elips soll aehnliche flaechengroesse haben
-                        //if (contourLength*contourLength/contourArea < 40.) // quadratisch, da in flaeche r quadratisch eingeht
-//                        if (elips.r1() < 80) // wird nun beim einfuegen in person mit beruecksichtigt, damit an einer stelle ellipse ueberprueft wird!! - r1 ist immer der groessere radius - um 2 Personen in einer ellipse zu vermeiden
-//                        {
-                            el.append(elips);
-                            //cvEllipse(tmpAusgabe2, center, sizeTmp, box.angle, 0, 360, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 1, CV_AA, 0);
-                            //cvEllipseBox(tmpAusgabe3, box, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0));
-//                        }
-//                        else
-//                            debout << "del elips, because to big " << box.center.x <<" "<< box.center.y <<endl;
-                        //                            if (contourLength*contourLength/contourArea >= 40.)
-                        //                                debout << "l*l/a: " <<box.center.x <<" "<< box.center.y <<endl;
+                        // center.x = myRound(box.center.x);
+                        // center.y = myRound(box.center.y);
+                        // box.angle = -box.angle;
+                        // sizeTmp.width = myRound(box.size.width*0.5);
+                        // sizeTmp.height = myRound(box.size.height*0.5);
+                        angle = (box.angle) / 180. * PI;
+                        if(box.size.width < box.size.height) // da bei meiner ellipse r1 immer der groesste radius
+                            angle -= PI / 2;
+                        MyEllipse elips(box.center.x, box.center.y, box.size.width * 0.5, box.size.height * 0.5, angle);
+                        //                            debout << elips.area() << " " << contourArea << " " <<
+                        //                            contourLength<< " " <<
+                        //                            contourLength*contourLength/contourArea<<endl;
+                        // if (elips.area()/contourArea < 1.2) // elips soll aehnliche flaechengroesse haben
+                        // if (contourLength/contourArea < 0.2) // elips soll aehnliche flaechengroesse haben
+                        // if (contourLength*contourLength/contourArea < 40.) // quadratisch, da in flaeche r
+                        // quadratisch eingeht
+                        //                        if (elips.r1() < 80) // wird nun beim einfuegen in person mit
+                        //                        beruecksichtigt, damit an einer stelle ellipse ueberprueft wird!! - r1
+                        //                        ist immer der groessere radius - um 2 Personen in einer ellipse zu
+                        //                        vermeiden
+                        //                        {
+                        el.append(elips);
+                        // cvEllipse(tmpAusgabe2, center, sizeTmp, box.angle, 0, 360, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 1, CV_AA, 0);
+                        // cvEllipseBox(tmpAusgabe3, box, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0));
+                        //                        }
+                        //                        else
+                        //                            debout << "del elips, because to big " << box.center.x <<" "<<
+                        //                            box.center.y <<endl; if (contourLength*contourLength/contourArea
+                        //                            >= 40.)
+                        //                                debout << "l*l/a: " <<box.center.x <<" "<< box.center.y
+                        //                                <<endl;
                         //                            if (contourLength/contourArea >= 0.2)
-                        //                                debout << "l/a:   " <<box.center.x <<" "<< box.center.y <<endl;
+                        //                                debout << "l/a:   " <<box.center.x <<" "<< box.center.y
+                        //                                <<endl;
                         //                            if (elips.area()/contourArea >= 1.2)
-                        //                                debout << "ea/ca: " <<box.center.x <<" "<< box.center.y <<endl;
+                        //                                debout << "ea/ca: " <<box.center.x <<" "<< box.center.y
+                        //                                <<endl;
@@ -356,14 +390,14 @@ int frameNum = mSc->getAnimation()->getCurrentFrameNum();
             contours = contours->h_next;
-    //        "==========: "
-    debout << "vor insert: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+        //        "==========: "
+        debout << "vor insert: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
         insertEllipses(el, dist);
-        for (int i = 0; i < el.size(); ++i)
+        for(int i = 0; i < el.size(); ++i)
             el.at(i).draw(tmpAusgabe3, 0, 255, 0);
@@ -371,56 +405,58 @@ int frameNum = mSc->getAnimation()->getCurrentFrameNum();
         // anhaengen der ellipsen in ausgabedatei zur spaeteren analyse
         // frame hoehe/z x(px) y(px) elips.winkel elips.r1 elips.r2
-        for (int i = 0; i < el.size(); ++i)
+        for(int i = 0; i < el.size(); ++i)
-            ellipsOut << frameNum << " " << dist << " " << el.at(i).x() << " " << el.at(i).y() << " " << el.at(i).angle() << " " << el.at(i).r1() << " " << el.at(i).r2() << " " << 0 << endl;
+            ellipsOut << frameNum << " " << dist << " " << el.at(i).x() << " " << el.at(i).y() << " "
+                      << el.at(i).angle() << " " << el.at(i).r1() << " " << el.at(i).r2() << " " << 0 << endl;
         //  sprintf(outstr,"c:/%d.png",threshold);
         // cvSaveImage(outstr, tmpAusgabe);
-        //cvWaitKey( 0 ); // zahl statt null, wenn nach bestimmter zeit weitergegangen werden soll
+        // cvWaitKey( 0 ); // zahl statt null, wenn nach bestimmter zeit weitergegangen werden soll
         // nicht noetig, aber so kann der neu erzeugte speicherplatz reduziert werden
         // freigabe des speicherplatz erst bei cvClearMemStorage(storage)
-        if (firstContour)
+        if(firstContour)
             cvClearSeq(firstContour); // not free only available for next push
     //        "==========: "
-    debout << "nach cont : " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+    debout << "nach cont : " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        for (int j = at(i).size()-1; j >= 0; --j) // rueckwwaerts, damit hoeher liegende ellipsen oben aufgezeichnet werden
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+        for(int j = at(i).size() - 1; j >= 0;
+            --j) // rueckwwaerts, damit hoeher liegende ellipsen oben aufgezeichnet werden
-            if (j == 0)
+            if(j == 0)
                 at(i).at(j).draw(tmpAusgabe2, 0, 255, 0);
-            else if (j == 1)
+            else if(j == 1)
                 at(i).at(j).draw(tmpAusgabe2, 255, 0, 0);
-            else if (j == 2)
+            else if(j == 2)
                 at(i).at(j).draw(tmpAusgabe2, 0, 0, 255);
-                at(i).at(j).draw(tmpAusgabe2, 150, 150, j*255/at(i).size());
-            //debout << i << " " << j << " " << pl.at(i).at(j).center().x() << " " << pl.at(i).at(j).center().y()<< " " << pl.at(i).at(j).area() <<endl;
+                at(i).at(j).draw(tmpAusgabe2, 150, 150, j * 255 / at(i).size());
+            // debout << i << " " << j << " " << pl.at(i).at(j).center().x() << " " << pl.at(i).at(j).center().y()<< " "
+            // << pl.at(i).at(j).area() <<endl;
-//    char outstr[120];
-//    //static int zaehl = 0;
-//    sprintf(outstr,"D:/data/ko/ko-240-240-240_cam2_isolines/ko-240-240_cam2_isolines_%04d.png",frameNum);
-//    cvSaveImage(outstr, tmpAusgabe);
-//    sprintf(outstr,"D:/data/ko/ko-240-240-240_cam2_ellipses/ko-240-240_cam2_ellipses_%04d.png",frameNum);
-//    cvSaveImage(outstr, tmpAusgabe2);
-//    sprintf(outstr,"D:/data/ko/ko-240-240-240_cam2_persons/ko-240-240_cam2_persons_%04d.png",frameNum);
-//    cvSaveImage(outstr, tmpAusgabe3);
-    //cvNamedWindow("img", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); // 0 wenn skalierbar sein soll
-    //cvShowImage("img", tmpAusgabe);
+    //    char outstr[120];
+    //    //static int zaehl = 0;
+    //    sprintf(outstr,"D:/data/ko/ko-240-240-240_cam2_isolines/ko-240-240_cam2_isolines_%04d.png",frameNum);
+    //    cvSaveImage(outstr, tmpAusgabe);
+    //    sprintf(outstr,"D:/data/ko/ko-240-240-240_cam2_ellipses/ko-240-240_cam2_ellipses_%04d.png",frameNum);
+    //    cvSaveImage(outstr, tmpAusgabe2);
+    //    sprintf(outstr,"D:/data/ko/ko-240-240-240_cam2_persons/ko-240-240_cam2_persons_%04d.png",frameNum);
+    //    cvSaveImage(outstr, tmpAusgabe3);
+    // cvNamedWindow("img", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); // 0 wenn skalierbar sein soll
+    // cvShowImage("img", tmpAusgabe);
     static QLabel imgLabel;
@@ -431,16 +467,16 @@ int frameNum = mSc->getAnimation()->getCurrentFrameNum();
     showImg(&imgLabel3, tmpAusgabe3);
-        static int frame=0;
-        static char outstr[1024];
-        debout << "Images " << frame << " of detection steps are saved to basename " << SAVE_IMG_FILEBASE << " !" << endl;
-        sprintf(outstr,"%scontour_%03d.png", SAVE_IMG_FILEBASE, frame);
-        cvSaveImage(outstr, tmpAusgabe);
-        sprintf(outstr,"%spyramide_%03d.png", SAVE_IMG_FILEBASE, frame);
-        cvSaveImage(outstr, tmpAusgabe2);
-        sprintf(outstr,"%sellipses_%03d.png", SAVE_IMG_FILEBASE, frame);
-        cvSaveImage(outstr, tmpAusgabe3);
-        frame++;
+    static int  frame = 0;
+    static char outstr[1024];
+    debout << "Images " << frame << " of detection steps are saved to basename " << SAVE_IMG_FILEBASE << " !" << endl;
+    sprintf(outstr, "%scontour_%03d.png", SAVE_IMG_FILEBASE, frame);
+    cvSaveImage(outstr, tmpAusgabe);
+    sprintf(outstr, "%spyramide_%03d.png", SAVE_IMG_FILEBASE, frame);
+    cvSaveImage(outstr, tmpAusgabe2);
+    sprintf(outstr, "%sellipses_%03d.png", SAVE_IMG_FILEBASE, frame);
+    cvSaveImage(outstr, tmpAusgabe3);
+    frame++;
@@ -448,75 +484,93 @@ int frameNum = mSc->getAnimation()->getCurrentFrameNum();
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        for (int j = at(i).size()-1; j >= 0; --j) // rueckwwaerts, damit hoeher liegende ellipsen oben aufgezeichnet werden
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+        for(int j = at(i).size() - 1; j >= 0;
+            --j) // rueckwwaerts, damit hoeher liegende ellipsen oben aufgezeichnet werden
-            ellipsOut << frameNum << " " << at(i).getDistTopEllipse()+j*STEP_SIZE << " " << at(i).at(j).x() << " " << at(i).at(j).y() << " " << at(i).at(j).angle() << " " << at(i).at(j).r1() << " " << at(i).at(j).r2() << " " << i+1 << endl; // i+1, damit 0 den rohen ellipsen vorbehaqlten bleibt
+            ellipsOut << frameNum << " " << at(i).getDistTopEllipse() + j * STEP_SIZE << " " << at(i).at(j).x() << " "
+                      << at(i).at(j).y() << " " << at(i).at(j).angle() << " " << at(i).at(j).r1() << " "
+                      << at(i).at(j).r2() << " " << i + 1
+                      << endl; // i+1, damit 0 den rohen ellipsen vorbehaqlten bleibt
-//    cvReleaseMat(&pointCloud);
-    //cvReleaseImage(&zPointCloud);
+    //    cvReleaseMat(&pointCloud);
+    // cvReleaseImage(&zPointCloud);
     //        "==========: "
-    debout << "ed search : " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+    debout << "ed search : " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
 // el liste aller ellipsen eines thresholds der hoehe
 // der thrershold durchlaeuft hoehenfeld von kopf bis fuss
 // distFromCam in cm
-void PersonList::insertEllipses(const QList<MyEllipse> &el, float distFromCam) // nicht mehr: el wird angepasst, so dass nur noch eingefuegte ellipsen drin
+void PersonList::insertEllipses(
+    const QList<MyEllipse> &el,
+    float                   distFromCam) // nicht mehr: el wird angepasst, so dass nur noch eingefuegte ellipsen drin
-    int i, j;
-    bool found;
+    int    i, j;
+    bool   found;
     double minDist, dist;
-    int minIdx;
-    int sub;
-    Vec2F center;
-    float r1Max = 60./mSc->getCmPerPixel(.01*distFromCam); // war 80 px am boden ist 60cm // radius der ellips mit maxmalem radius 80 pixel
-    float r1Min = 10./mSc->getCmPerPixel(.01*distFromCam); // war 15 px in Schulterhohe sei 10cm // laenge der grossen Hauptachse in mittlerer Kopfhöhe
-    for (i = 0; i < el.size(); ++i) // ueber uebergebene liste von ellipsen
+    int    minIdx;
+    int    sub;
+    Vec2F  center;
+    float r1Max =
+        60. / mSc->getCmPerPixel(
+                  .01 * distFromCam); // war 80 px am boden ist 60cm // radius der ellips mit maxmalem radius 80 pixel
+    float r1Min =
+        10. /
+        mSc->getCmPerPixel(
+            .01 *
+            distFromCam); // war 15 px in Schulterhohe sei 10cm // laenge der grossen Hauptachse in mittlerer Kopfhöhe
+    for(i = 0; i < el.size(); ++i) // ueber uebergebene liste von ellipsen
-        if ((el.at(i).ratio() < 4) || (el.at(i).r1() > r1Max)) // war: > 80 // r1 ist immer der groessere radius - um 2 Personen in einer ellipse zu vermeiden
+        // VORKOMMT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+        if((el.at(i).ratio() < 4) ||
+           (el.at(i).r1() >
+            r1Max)) // war: > 80 // r1 ist immer der groessere radius - um 2 Personen in einer ellipse zu vermeiden
-            QList<int> considered; // beruecksichtigte bereits existierende pyramiden fuer diese groessere ellipse
-            for (j = 0; j < size(); ++j) // ueber existierende Personen, deren ellipsen kleiner sind
+            QList<int> considered;      // beruecksichtigte bereits existierende pyramiden fuer diese groessere ellipse
+            for(j = 0; j < size(); ++j) // ueber existierende Personen, deren ellipsen kleiner sind
-                if (el.at(i).isInside(at(j).last().center()))
+                if(el.at(i).isInside(at(j).last().center()))
-                    if (at(j).getActLevel()) // mehrere neue grosse ellipsen beinhalten kleine exist ellipse
+                    if(at(j).getActLevel()) // mehrere neue grosse ellipsen beinhalten kleine exist ellipse
-                        //debout << at(j).size() << endl;
-                        // die pyramide suchen, wo schon eingefuegt und testen welcher mittelpunkt naeher liegt
-                        Vec2F centerLevelBefore = at(j).at(at(j).size()-2).center();
-                        if (at(j).last().center().distanceToPoint(centerLevelBefore) > // abstand der letzten beiden pyramidenelememnte (2 muessen drin sein, weil sonst allConsidered es nicht beeinhalten wuerde)
-                                el.at(i).center().distanceToPoint(centerLevelBefore))
+                        // debout << at(j).size() << endl;
+                        //  die pyramide suchen, wo schon eingefuegt und testen welcher mittelpunkt naeher liegt
+                        Vec2F centerLevelBefore = at(j).at(at(j).size() - 2).center();
+                        if(at(j).last().center().distanceToPoint(
+                               centerLevelBefore) > // abstand der letzten beiden pyramidenelememnte (2 muessen drin
+                                                    // sein, weil sonst allConsidered es nicht beeinhalten wuerde)
+                           el.at(i).center().distanceToPoint(centerLevelBefore))
                         { // genommen wird die, deren center naeher an existierender liegen
-                            debout << "Eliminate ellipse because of a second ellipse nearer pyramide: " << (*this)[j].last().center().x() << " " << (*this)[j].last().center().y() << endl;
+                            debout << "Eliminate ellipse because of a second ellipse nearer pyramide: "
+                                   << (*this)[j].last().center().x() << " " << (*this)[j].last().center().y() << endl;
                             (*this)[j].append(el.at(i)); // auch moeglich, aber dann mgl gar nicht: considered += j; //
-//debout << "Fall 4" <<endl;
-//debout << (*this)[j].last().center().x() << " " << (*this)[j].last().center().y() << endl;
-//QMessageBox Msgbox; //#include <QMessageBox> noetig
-////cvSaveImage("D:/contour.png", tmpAusgabe);
-////cvSaveImage("D:/pyramide.png", tmpAusgabe2);
-////cvSaveImage("D:/ellipses.png", tmpAusgabe3);
-                        //debout << "Warning: multiple consideration for " << centerLevelBefore.x() << " " << centerLevelBefore.y() <<endl;
+                        // debout << "Fall 4" <<endl;
+                        // debout << (*this)[j].last().center().x() << " " << (*this)[j].last().center().y() << endl;
+                        // QMessageBox Msgbox; //#include <QMessageBox> noetig
+                        // Msgbox.setText("Warten");
+                        // Msgbox.exec();
+                        ////cvSaveImage("D:/contour.png", tmpAusgabe);
+                        ////cvSaveImage("D:/pyramide.png", tmpAusgabe2);
+                        ////cvSaveImage("D:/ellipses.png", tmpAusgabe3);
+                        // debout << "Warning: multiple consideration for " << centerLevelBefore.x() << " " <<
+                        // centerLevelBefore.y() <<endl;
@@ -524,65 +578,73 @@ void PersonList::insertEllipses(const QList<MyEllipse> &el, float distFromCam) /
-            if (considered.size() == 0) // neue contour pyramide
+            if(considered.size() == 0) // neue contour pyramide
-//debout << "Fall 1" <<endl;
+                // debout << "Fall 1" <<endl;
                 append(Person(el.at(i), distFromCam));
-            else if (considered.size() == 1) // genau ein passende pyramide
+            else if(considered.size() == 1) // genau ein passende pyramide
-//debout << "Fall 2" <<endl;
+                // debout << "Fall 2" <<endl;
             else // mehrere Anwaerter exist kleinerer ellipsen die in neuer grossen liegen
-//debout << "Fall 3" <<endl;
+                // debout << "Fall 3" <<endl;
                 found = false;
                 // suchen der groessten pyramide
-                for (j = 0; j < considered.size(); ++j)
+                for(j = 0; j < considered.size(); ++j)
-                    // wenn mind. pyramide groesser 2 uebernehmen (2 personen laufen dicht nebeneinander) mit gewisser ausdehnung
-//                    debout << 10./STEP_SIZE <<endl;
-//                    debout << r1Min <<endl;
-                    if ((at(considered.at(j)).size() > 10./STEP_SIZE) && // war 2
-                                (at(considered.at(j)).last().r1() > r1Min)) // war 15 // erhebung groesser 10 cm bei 5cm level-unterteilung
+                    // wenn mind. pyramide groesser 2 uebernehmen (2 personen laufen dicht nebeneinander) mit gewisser
+                    // ausdehnung
+                    //                    debout << 10./STEP_SIZE <<endl;
+                    //                    debout << r1Min <<endl;
+                    if((at(considered.at(j)).size() > 10. / STEP_SIZE) && // war 2
+                       (at(considered.at(j)).last().r1() >
+                        r1Min)) // war 15 // erhebung groesser 10 cm bei 5cm level-unterteilung
                         found = true;
-//debout << "Fall a" <<endl;
+                        // debout << "Fall a" <<endl;
-                if (!found) // wenn alle pyramiden kleiner, dann die mit dem naechsten center nehmen und restliche LOESCHEN!
+                if(!found) // wenn alle pyramiden kleiner, dann die mit dem naechsten center nehmen und restliche
+                           // LOESCHEN!
-//debout << "Fall b" <<endl;
+                    // debout << "Fall b" <<endl;
                     minDist = 1000000.;
-                    minIdx = -1;
-                    for (j = 0; j < considered.size(); ++j)
+                    minIdx  = -1;
+                    for(j = 0; j < considered.size(); ++j)
                         center = at(considered.at(j)).last().center();
-                        if (at(considered.at(j)).size() > 1) // da elips in pyramide systematisch wandern bei mehr als 1 elips den offset auf letzten mittelpkt draufaddieren
-                            center += center - at(considered.at(j)).at(at(considered.at(j)).size()-2).center();
+                        if(at(considered.at(j)).size() > 1) // da elips in pyramide systematisch wandern bei mehr als 1
+                                                            // elips den offset auf letzten mittelpkt draufaddieren
+                            center += center - at(considered.at(j)).at(at(considered.at(j)).size() - 2).center();
                         center = at(considered.at(j)).last().center();
-                        if ((dist = el.at(i).center().distanceToPoint(center)) < minDist)
+                        if((dist = el.at(i).center().distanceToPoint(center)) < minDist)
                             minDist = dist;
-                            minIdx = j;
+                            minIdx  = j;
-                    // alles pyramiden ausser mit minIdx loeschen (sehr unwahrscheinlich, aber es koennte eine andere neue grosse ellipse die nun entfernte beinhgalten - pech gehabt)
-                    sub = 0; // was beim fortlaufenden loeschen abgezogen werden muss, da sich index verschiebt; considered ist immer aufsteigend!!!
-                    for (j = 0; j < considered.size(); ++j)
+                    // alles pyramiden ausser mit minIdx loeschen (sehr unwahrscheinlich, aber es koennte eine andere
+                    // neue grosse ellipse die nun entfernte beinhgalten - pech gehabt)
+                    sub = 0; // was beim fortlaufenden loeschen abgezogen werden muss, da sich index verschiebt;
+                             // considered ist immer aufsteigend!!!
+                    for(j = 0; j < considered.size(); ++j)
-                        if (j != minIdx)
+                        if(j != minIdx)
-                            debout << "Eliminate pyramide because other pyramid nearer, with top ellipse: " << (*this)[considered.at(j)-sub].at(0).center().x() << " " << (*this)[considered.at(j)-sub].at(0).center().y() << endl;
+                            debout << "Eliminate pyramide because other pyramid nearer, with top ellipse: "
+                                   << (*this)[considered.at(j) - sub].at(0).center().x() << " "
+                                   << (*this)[considered.at(j) - sub].at(0).center().y() << endl;
-                            removeAt(considered.at(j)-sub);
+                            removeAt(considered.at(j) - sub);
@@ -592,7 +654,8 @@ void PersonList::insertEllipses(const QList<MyEllipse> &el, float distFromCam) /
-            debout << "Eliminate ellipse because of big aspect ratio and small size: " << el.at(i).center().x() << " " << el.at(i).center().y() << endl;
+            debout << "Eliminate ellipse because of big aspect ratio and small size: " << el.at(i).center().x() << " "
+                   << el.at(i).center().y() << endl;
             //                debout << i << " " << el.size()<<endl;
             //                el.removeAt(i);
@@ -600,30 +663,37 @@ void PersonList::insertEllipses(const QList<MyEllipse> &el, float distFromCam) /
             //                debout << "ratio falsch "<<endl;
-    for (j = 0; j < size(); ++j) // ueber existierende Personen, deren ellipsen kleiner sind
+    for(j = 0; j < size(); ++j) // ueber existierende Personen, deren ellipsen kleiner sind
-// eigentlich muessten alle werte in abhaengigkeit von cm-schritten bei isolinen und auf pixel/cm abgestimmt sein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+// eigentlich muessten alle werte in abhaengigkeit von cm-schritten bei isolinen und auf pixel/cm abgestimmt
+// sein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 void PersonList::optimize()
-    int minPyrLevel = myRound(20/STEP_SIZE) + 1; // mindesthoehe von 20 cm
-//    debout << minPyrLevel <<endl;
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber uebergebene liste von ellipsen stacks
+    int minPyrLevel = myRound(20 / STEP_SIZE) + 1; // mindesthoehe von 20 cm
+                                                   //    debout << minPyrLevel <<endl;
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)                // ueber uebergebene liste von ellipsen stacks
-//        float r1Max = 34./mSc->getCmPerPixel(.01*(at(i).getDistTopEllipse()+10)); // war 37.cm // war 60 px // 60px in kopfhoehe sind 37cm in kopfhoehe // radius der ellips mit maxmalem radius 80 pixel
-//        float areaMin = 22./mSc->getCmPerPixel(.01*(at(i).getDistTopEllipse()+100)); // 22. = 12.5*sqrt(Pi) wg area = r1*r2*Pi
-//        areaMin = areaMin*areaMin;
-//        if (at(i).size() == minPyrLevel-2 && at(i).last().area() >= areaMin && ((*(at(i).getHeadEllipse())).r1() <= r1Max))
-//            debout << "15 cm Hoehe fuegt hinzu bei "<< at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y() << endl;
-//        if (at(i).size() == minPyrLevel && at(i).last().area() >= areaMin && ((*(at(i).getHeadEllipse())).r1() <= r1Max))
-//            debout << "25 cm Hoehe loescht bei "<< at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y() << endl;
-        if (at(i).size() < minPyrLevel) // mindesthoehe von 20 cm // war 4 // pyramide eine mindesthoehe // myRound(25 cm / STEP_SIZE) + 1
+        //        float r1Max = 34./mSc->getCmPerPixel(.01*(at(i).getDistTopEllipse()+10)); // war 37.cm // war 60 px //
+        //        60px in kopfhoehe sind 37cm in kopfhoehe // radius der ellips mit maxmalem radius 80 pixel float
+        //        areaMin = 22./mSc->getCmPerPixel(.01*(at(i).getDistTopEllipse()+100)); // 22. = 12.5*sqrt(Pi) wg area
+        //        = r1*r2*Pi areaMin = areaMin*areaMin; if (at(i).size() == minPyrLevel-2 && at(i).last().area() >=
+        //        areaMin && ((*(at(i).getHeadEllipse())).r1() <= r1Max))
+        //            debout << "15 cm Hoehe fuegt hinzu bei "<< at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " <<
+        //            at(i).at(0).center().y() << endl;
+        //        if (at(i).size() == minPyrLevel && at(i).last().area() >= areaMin && ((*(at(i).getHeadEllipse())).r1()
+        //        <= r1Max))
+        //            debout << "25 cm Hoehe loescht bei "<< at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y()
+        //            << endl;
+        if(at(i).size() < minPyrLevel) // mindesthoehe von 20 cm // war 4 // pyramide eine mindesthoehe // myRound(25 cm
+                                       // / STEP_SIZE) + 1
-            debout << "Eliminate pyramide because of too small size ("<<at(i).size()<<"), with top ellipse: " << at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y() << endl;
+            debout << "Eliminate pyramide because of too small size (" << at(i).size()
+                   << "), with top ellipse: " << at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y() << endl;
@@ -631,86 +701,113 @@ void PersonList::optimize()
     // ab hier mindestens 4 ellipsen in pyramide (wenn 5 cm schritte, sonst auch weniger)
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber uebergebene liste von ellipsen stacks
-    { // r1 ist immer die groessere ausdehnung
-        //debout << at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y() << " " << at(i).last().area() << endl;
-        // at(i).getDistTopEllipse()+10) // in cm // 10 cm (eigentlich 10+step_size/2) unterhalb körpergröße
-        float r1Max = 34./mSc->getCmPerPixel(.01*(at(i).getDistTopEllipse()+10)); // war 37.cm // war 60 px // 60px in kopfhoehe sind 37cm in kopfhoehe // radius der ellips mit maxmalem radius 80 pixel
-//        float r2Min = 12./mSc->getCmPerPixel(.01*(at(i).getDistTopEllipse()+20)); // war 60 px // 60px in kopfhoehe sind 37cm in kopfhoehe // radius der ellips mit maxmalem radius 80 pixel
-        float areaMin = 22./mSc->getCmPerPixel(.01*(at(i).getDistTopEllipse()+100)); // 22. = 12.5*sqrt(Pi) wg area = r1*r2*Pi
-        areaMin = areaMin*areaMin;
-//        float areaMin2 = 35.45/mSc->getCmPerPixel(.01*(at(i).getDistTopEllipse()+100)); // 22. = 20*sqrt(Pi) wg area = r1*r2*Pi
-//        areaMin2 = areaMin2*areaMin2;
-//        // 1000 px^2 entspricht r1=r2 = 18 px = 12,5cm radius in oberschenkelhöhe bzw 100cm unterhalb kopf
-//        if (at(i).last().area() < areaMin2 && at(i).last().area() >= areaMin)
-//            debout << "1250 cm2 loescht bei " << at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y() << endl;
-        if (at(i).last().area() < areaMin) // war 1000 px // at(i).last().r1() < 15 nicht zu gross waehlen um auch nur kopferkennung in dichten situationen zuzulassen // war: area() < 1000) || // groesste ellips in pyr muss mindestgroesse besitzen
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber uebergebene liste von ellipsen stacks
+    {                               // r1 ist immer die groessere ausdehnung
+        // debout << at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y() << " " << at(i).last().area() << endl;
+        //  at(i).getDistTopEllipse()+10) // in cm // 10 cm (eigentlich 10+step_size/2) unterhalb körpergröße
+        float r1Max =
+            34. /
+            mSc->getCmPerPixel(
+                .01 * (at(i).getDistTopEllipse() + 10)); // war 37.cm // war 60 px // 60px in kopfhoehe sind 37cm in
+                                                         // kopfhoehe // radius der ellips mit maxmalem radius 80 pixel
+        //        float r2Min = 12./mSc->getCmPerPixel(.01*(at(i).getDistTopEllipse()+20)); // war 60 px // 60px in
+        //        kopfhoehe sind 37cm in kopfhoehe // radius der ellips mit maxmalem radius 80 pixel
+        float areaMin =
+            22. / mSc->getCmPerPixel(.01 * (at(i).getDistTopEllipse() + 100)); // 22. = 12.5*sqrt(Pi) wg area = r1*r2*Pi
+        areaMin = areaMin * areaMin;
+        //        float areaMin2 = 35.45/mSc->getCmPerPixel(.01*(at(i).getDistTopEllipse()+100)); // 22. = 20*sqrt(Pi)
+        //        wg area = r1*r2*Pi areaMin2 = areaMin2*areaMin2;
+        //        // 1000 px^2 entspricht r1=r2 = 18 px = 12,5cm radius in oberschenkelhöhe bzw 100cm unterhalb kopf
+        //        if (at(i).last().area() < areaMin2 && at(i).last().area() >= areaMin)
+        //            debout << "1250 cm2 loescht bei " << at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y()
+        //            << endl;
+        if(at(i).last().area() < areaMin) // war 1000 px // at(i).last().r1() < 15 nicht zu gross waehlen um auch nur
+                                          // kopferkennung in dichten situationen zuzulassen // war: area() < 1000) ||
+                                          // // groesste ellips in pyr muss mindestgroesse besitzen
-            debout << "Eliminate pyramide because of too small ("<<at(i).last().area()<<" pixel^2) last ellipse, with top ellipse: " << at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y() << endl;
+            debout << "Eliminate pyramide because of too small (" << at(i).last().area()
+                   << " pixel^2) last ellipse, with top ellipse: " << at(i).at(0).center().x() << " "
+                   << at(i).at(0).center().y() << endl;
-        else if ((*(at(i).getHeadEllipse())).r1() > r1Max) // war 60px // 60px in kopfhoehe sind 37cm in kopfhoehe // area() > 3000)) // im kopfbereich (ca. at(1)) sollte ellipse nicht so gross sein
+        else if((*(at(i).getHeadEllipse())).r1() > r1Max) // war 60px // 60px in kopfhoehe sind 37cm in kopfhoehe //
+                                                          // area() > 3000)) // im kopfbereich (ca. at(1)) sollte
+                                                          // ellipse nicht so gross sein
-            debout << "Eliminate pyramide because of too big head ellipse (norm. 2nd) (big radius: "<<(*(at(i).getHeadEllipse())).r1()<<" pixel), with top ellipse: " << at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y() << endl;
+            debout << "Eliminate pyramide because of too big head ellipse (norm. 2nd) (big radius: "
+                   << (*(at(i).getHeadEllipse())).r1() << " pixel), with top ellipse: " << at(i).at(0).center().x()
+                   << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y() << endl;
-//        // fuehrte zu zu haeufigen Fehlrausschmissen:
-//         //minPyrLevel-2 ist die letzte auf jeden fall noch vorkommende ellipse
-//        // size()<minPyrLevel, damit minPyrLevel-2 letzter index
-//        else if (at(i).at(minPyrLevel-2).r2() < r2Min) //war at(i)at(2).r1() < 10 // war: 20, um schlanke gebilde wie gehobenen arm auszuschliessen
-//        {
-//                    //debout << minPyrLevel-1<<" " << r2Min<<endl;
-//            debout << "Eliminate pyramide because of too small third ellipse, with top ellipse: " << at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y() << endl;
-//            removeAt(i);
-//            --i;
-//        }
-        // fuehrte zu fehlerhaften aussortieren bei virtueller scene onePerson wenn person mittig unter kamera war und arme neben sich hatte
-//        else if (at(i).last().r1()-at(i).at((int) ((at(i).size()-1)*.5)).r1() < 0.01) // der radius der unterste und mittlere ellips muessen sich unterscheiden, so dass objekte die nur in der hoehe aber nicht weiter nach unten gehen zu eleminieren; gesehen bei fehldetektion des hintergrundes an waenden
-//        {
-//            debout << "Eliminate pyramide because of equal big ellipses, with top ellipse: " << at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y() << endl;
-//            removeAt(i);
-//            --i;
-//        }
+        //        // fuehrte zu zu haeufigen Fehlrausschmissen:
+        //         //minPyrLevel-2 ist die letzte auf jeden fall noch vorkommende ellipse
+        //        // size()<minPyrLevel, damit minPyrLevel-2 letzter index
+        //        else if (at(i).at(minPyrLevel-2).r2() < r2Min) //war at(i)at(2).r1() < 10 // war: 20, um schlanke
+        //        gebilde wie gehobenen arm auszuschliessen
+        //        {
+        //                    //debout << minPyrLevel-1<<" " << r2Min<<endl;
+        //#ifdef PRINT_ERASE_REASON
+        //            debout << "Eliminate pyramide because of too small third ellipse, with top ellipse: " <<
+        //            at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y() << endl;
+        //#endif
+        //            removeAt(i);
+        //            --i;
+        //        }
+        // fuehrte zu fehlerhaften aussortieren bei virtueller scene onePerson wenn person mittig unter kamera war und
+        // arme neben sich hatte
+        //        else if (at(i).last().r1()-at(i).at((int) ((at(i).size()-1)*.5)).r1() < 0.01) // der radius der
+        //        unterste und mittlere ellips muessen sich unterscheiden, so dass objekte die nur in der hoehe aber
+        //        nicht weiter nach unten gehen zu eleminieren; gesehen bei fehldetektion des hintergrundes an waenden
+        //        {
+        //#ifdef PRINT_ERASE_REASON
+        //            debout << "Eliminate pyramide because of equal big ellipses, with top ellipse: " <<
+        //            at(i).at(0).center().x() << " " << at(i).at(0).center().y() << endl;
+        //#endif
+        //            removeAt(i);
+        //            --i;
+        //        }
 // bestimmt kopfposition in markerlosen Ueberkopfaufnahmen aus Hoehenbild
-void PersonList::calcPersonPos(const Mat &img, QRect &roi, QList<TrackPoint> &persList, pet::StereoContext *sc, BackgroundFilter *bgFilter, bool markerLess)
+void PersonList::calcPersonPos(
+    const Mat &         img,
+    QRect &             roi,
+    QList<TrackPoint> & persList,
+    pet::StereoContext *sc,
+    BackgroundFilter *  bgFilter,
+    bool                markerLess)
     int i, j;
-    if (!bgFilter->getEnabled()) // nur fuer den fall von bgSubtraction durchfuehren
+    if(!bgFilter->getEnabled()) // nur fuer den fall von bgSubtraction durchfuehren
-        debout << "Warning: Person Detection without Background subtraction may cause a lot false detectiones!" <<endl;
+        debout << "Warning: Person Detection without Background subtraction may cause a lot false detectiones!" << endl;
     searchEllipses(sc, roi, bgFilter);
-    if (!markerLess) // schon zuvor mit markern personen detektiert
+    if(!markerLess) // schon zuvor mit markern personen detektiert
         bool found;
-        for (j = 0; j < persList.size(); ++j)
+        for(j = 0; j < persList.size(); ++j)
             found = false;
-            for (i = 0; (!found) && (i < size()); ++i)
+            for(i = 0; (!found) && (i < size()); ++i)
-                if (at(i).getHeadEllipse()->isInside(persList[j].x(),persList[j].y()))
+                if(at(i).getHeadEllipse()->isInside(persList[j].x(), persList[j].y()))
                     found = true;
-            if (!found) // wenn zuvor durch marker gefundene Person nicht in kopfellipse, dann loeschen
-            { // hier koennte auch nur die Qualitaet heruntergesetzt werden
+            if(!found) // wenn zuvor durch marker gefundene Person nicht in kopfellipse, dann loeschen
+            {          // hier koennte auch nur die Qualitaet heruntergesetzt werden
@@ -718,10 +815,10 @@ void PersonList::calcPersonPos(const Mat &img, QRect &roi, QList<TrackPoint> &pe
-        for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+        for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
             Vec2F c(at(i).getHeadEllipse()->center()); // war at(i).at(1)...
-            if (!(c.x() < roi.left() || c.x() > roi.right() || c.y() < roi.top() || c.y() > roi.bottom()))
+            if(!(c.x() < roi.left() || c.x() > roi.right() || c.y() < roi.top() || c.y() > roi.bottom()))
                 TrackPoint tp(c, 100); // 100 beste qualitaet
                 // hier koennte auch sofort x/y/z gesetzt werden
@@ -730,186 +827,198 @@ void PersonList::calcPersonPos(const Mat &img, QRect &roi, QList<TrackPoint> &pe
-            /*
-            // kopf/koerpermodell, wobei kpfmittelpunkt in 0 liegt
-            // in cm
-            float model(float x, float y)
-            {
-                return 0.001*(x*x*x*x + y*y*y*y);
-            }
+    /*
+    // kopf/koerpermodell, wobei kpfmittelpunkt in 0 liegt
+    // in cm
+    float model(float x, float y)
+    {
+        return 0.001*(x*x*x*x + y*y*y*y);
+    }
-            //float errorModel(float x, float y)
-            //{
-            //    (rx-(medianX+j))*(rx-(medianX+j))+(ry-(medianY+i))*(ry-(medianY+i))+(rz-(medianZ+model(j,i)))*(rz-(medianZ+model(j,i)));
-            //}
+    //float errorModel(float x, float y)
+    //{
+    //
+    //}
-            if (false)
-            {
-            int x, y, i, j, *sRow, sCol;
-            int frameSize=mMain->getControlWidget()->trackNumberSize->value(); // war 24
-            unsigned short* data = (unsigned short*) mDisparity.imageData+frameSize/2; //war 500; // char*
-            unsigned short* yData = data+(mDisparity.width*frameSize/2); //war 300);
-            unsigned short* sData;
-            float val, rx, ry, rz, row, col;
-            float medianX, medianY, medianZ, diff, diffMin=100000., diffMax=0.;
-            int diffAnz, diffAnz2=0;
-            double diffMed=0;
-            sRow = (int *) malloc((frameSize+1)*sizeof(int));
-            CvSize sz = cvSize(mRectRight.width, mRectRight.height);
-            IplImage *tmpImg = cvCreateImage(sz, 8, 3);
-            CvMat *tmpMat = cvCreateMat(mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width, CV_32FC1);
-            //IplImage *tmpImg =  cvCloneImage(&mRectRight); // make a copy
-            //debout << tmpImg->width << " " << tmpImg->height <<endl;
-            //debout << mDisparity.width << " " << mDisparity.widthStep <<endl;
-            for (y = frameSize/2; y < mDisparity.height-frameSize/2; ++y)
+    if (false)
+    {
+    int x, y, i, j, *sRow, sCol;
+    int frameSize=mMain->getControlWidget()->trackNumberSize->value(); // war 24
+    unsigned short* data = (unsigned short*) mDisparity.imageData+frameSize/2; //war 500; // char*
+    unsigned short* yData = data+(mDisparity.width*frameSize/2); //war 300);
+    unsigned short* sData;
+    float val, rx, ry, rz, row, col;
+    float medianX, medianY, medianZ, diff, diffMin=100000., diffMax=0.;
+    int diffAnz, diffAnz2=0;
+    double diffMed=0;
+    sRow = (int *) malloc((frameSize+1)*sizeof(int));
+    CvSize sz = cvSize(mRectRight.width, mRectRight.height);
+    IplImage *tmpImg = cvCreateImage(sz, 8, 3);
+    CvMat *tmpMat = cvCreateMat(mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width, CV_32FC1);
+    //IplImage *tmpImg =  cvCloneImage(&mRectRight); // make a copy
+    //debout << tmpImg->width << " " << tmpImg->height <<endl;
+    //debout << mDisparity.width << " " << mDisparity.widthStep <<endl;
+    for (y = frameSize/2; y < mDisparity.height-frameSize/2; ++y)
+    {
+        for (x = frameSize/2; x < mDisparity.width-frameSize/2; ++x)
+        {
+//        for (y = 300; y < 850; ++y)
+//        {
+//            for (x = 500; x < 900; ++x)
+//            {
+            // wenn hintergrund subtracxtion an, dann wird nur der vordergrund untersucht
+            if (( mMain->getBackgroundFilter()->getEnabled() && mMain->getBackgroundFilter()->isForeground(x, y) &&
+dispValueValid(*data)) ||
+                (!mMain->getBackgroundFilter()->getEnabled() && dispValueValid(*data))) //(*data != mSurfaceValue+65280)
+&& (*data != mBackForthValue+65280)) // 65280 == 0xff00
-                for (x = frameSize/2; x < mDisparity.width-frameSize/2; ++x)
-                {
-    //        for (y = 300; y < 850; ++y)
-    //        {
-    //            for (x = 500; x < 900; ++x)
-    //            {
+                diff=0.;
+                diffAnz=0;
+//                        val = (*data-mMin)/(double)(mMax-mMin); // disp zwischen 0..1
+//                        if (val>0.5)
+//                        {
+//                            (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep] = 255;
+//                            (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep+1] = 255;
+//                            (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep+2] = 255;
+//                        }
+                getMedianXYZaround(x, y, &medianX, &medianY, &medianZ); // median in 5x5 umfeld um aktuellen pkt
+                // ohne beruecksichtigung der perspektive
+//                    for (i = -frameSize/2; i <= frameSize/2; ++i) // y
+//                        for (j = -frameSize/2; j <= frameSize/2; ++j) // x
+//                        {
+//                            sData = data+j+i*mDisparity.width;
+//                            if (dispValueValid(*sData)) // Kopf soll -0.01*(x*x+y*y) annehmen // so gewaehlt, dass
+pixel ca cm
+//                            {
+//                                triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(mTriclopsContext, y+i, x+j, *sData, &rx, &ry, &rz);
+//                                rx *= 100.; ry *= 100.; rz *= 100.; // in cm
+//                                ++diffAnz;
+//                            }
+//                        }
+                // pixel, an dem modell liegt wird bestimmt und dort die differenz zur disparity aufsummiert
+                // ACHTUNG wichtig, sonst fehelr: der nicht sichtbare kopfbereich wuerde auch auf pixel gemappt an dem
+per disp die andere ansicht gegen nicht sichtbaren kopfbeeich verglichen wird - falsch!
-                    // wenn hintergrund subtracxtion an, dann wird nur der vordergrund untersucht
-                    if (( mMain->getBackgroundFilter()->getEnabled() && mMain->getBackgroundFilter()->isForeground(x, y) && dispValueValid(*data)) ||
-                        (!mMain->getBackgroundFilter()->getEnabled() && dispValueValid(*data))) //(*data != mSurfaceValue+65280) && (*data != mBackForthValue+65280)) // 65280 == 0xff00
-                    {
-                        diff=0.;
-                        diffAnz=0;
-    //                        val = (*data-mMin)/(double)(mMax-mMin); // disp zwischen 0..1
-    //                        if (val>0.5)
-    //                        {
-    //                            (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep] = 255;
-    //                            (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep+1] = 255;
-    //                            (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep+2] = 255;
-    //                        }
-                        getMedianXYZaround(x, y, &medianX, &medianY, &medianZ); // median in 5x5 umfeld um aktuellen pkt
-                        // ohne beruecksichtigung der perspektive
-    //                    for (i = -frameSize/2; i <= frameSize/2; ++i) // y
-    //                        for (j = -frameSize/2; j <= frameSize/2; ++j) // x
-    //                        {
-    //                            sData = data+j+i*mDisparity.width;
-    //                            if (dispValueValid(*sData)) // Kopf soll -0.01*(x*x+y*y) annehmen // so gewaehlt, dass pixel ca cm
-    //                            {
-    //                                triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(mTriclopsContext, y+i, x+j, *sData, &rx, &ry, &rz);
-    //                                rx *= 100.; ry *= 100.; rz *= 100.; // in cm
-    //                                diff+=(rx-(medianX+j))*(rx-(medianX+j))+(ry-(medianY+i))*(ry-(medianY+i))+(rz-(medianZ+0.001*(j*j*j*j+i*i*i*i)))*(rz-(medianZ+0.001*(j*j*j*j+i*i*i*i)));
-    //                                ++diffAnz;
-    //                            }
-    //                        }
-                        // pixel, an dem modell liegt wird bestimmt und dort die differenz zur disparity aufsummiert
-                        // ACHTUNG wichtig, sonst fehelr: der nicht sichtbare kopfbereich wuerde auch auf pixel gemappt an dem per disp die andere ansicht gegen nicht sichtbaren kopfbeeich verglichen wird - falsch!
-                        //i, j in cm
-                        for (i=0;i<=frameSize; ++i)
-                            sRow[i] = -1;
-                        for (i = -frameSize/2; i <= frameSize/2; ++i) // y
+                //i, j in cm
+                for (i=0;i<=frameSize; ++i)
+                    sRow[i] = -1;
+                for (i = -frameSize/2; i <= frameSize/2; ++i) // y
+                {
+                    sCol=-1;
+                    for (j = -frameSize/2; j <= frameSize/2; ++j) // x
+                    { // ich interpretier row und col genau anders herum: col = x row = y
+                        triclopsXYZToRCD(mTriclopsContext, medianX+j, medianY+i, medianZ+model(j,i), &row, &col, &val);
+// auf welchem pixel liegt modellform
+                        // wenn resultierende col nicht mehr steigt, dann for-schleifen-abbruch
+                        // erst beginnen mit dem zaehlen, wenn col mehr wird, auch wenn dann erstenes datum verworfen
+wird if ((sRow[j+frameSize/2] < 0) || (myRound(row)<=sRow[j+frameSize/2]) || (sCol < 0) || (myRound(col)<=sCol))
-                            sCol=-1;
-                            for (j = -frameSize/2; j <= frameSize/2; ++j) // x
-                            { // ich interpretier row und col genau anders herum: col = x row = y
-                                triclopsXYZToRCD(mTriclopsContext, medianX+j, medianY+i, medianZ+model(j,i), &row, &col, &val); // auf welchem pixel liegt modellform
-                                // wenn resultierende col nicht mehr steigt, dann for-schleifen-abbruch
-                                // erst beginnen mit dem zaehlen, wenn col mehr wird, auch wenn dann erstenes datum verworfen wird
-                                if ((sRow[j+frameSize/2] < 0) ||
-                                    (myRound(row)<=sRow[j+frameSize/2]) ||
-                                    (sCol < 0) ||
-                                    (myRound(col)<=sCol))
-                                {
-                                    sRow[j+frameSize/2] = myRound(row);
-                                    sCol = myRound(col);
-                                    continue;
-                                }
+                            sRow[j+frameSize/2] = myRound(row);
+                            sCol = myRound(col);
+                            continue;
+                        }
-                                sCol = myRound(col);
-                                sRow[j+frameSize/2] = myRound(row);
-                                if (0<=sCol && sCol<mDisparity.width && 0<=sRow[j+frameSize/2] && sRow[j+frameSize/2]<mDisparity.height)
-                                {
-                                sData = ((unsigned short*) mDisparity.imageData) + sCol + sRow[j+frameSize/2]*mDisparity.width;
-                                if (dispValueValid(*sData)) // hier kam es zum Absturz bevor vorvorheriges if eingefuegt wurde
+                        sCol = myRound(col);
+                        sRow[j+frameSize/2] = myRound(row);
+                        if (0<=sCol && sCol<mDisparity.width && 0<=sRow[j+frameSize/2] &&
+                        {
+                        sData = ((unsigned short*) mDisparity.imageData) + sCol + sRow[j+frameSize/2]*mDisparity.width;
+                        if (dispValueValid(*sData)) // hier kam es zum Absturz bevor vorvorheriges if eingefuegt wurde
+                        {
+                            triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(mTriclopsContext, sRow[j+frameSize/2], sCol, *sData, &rx, &ry, &rz);
+                            rx *= 100.; ry *= 100.; rz *= 100.; // in cm
+                            if
+// war 120 kopf
+                            {
+                                diff +=
+// pow(a,2)
+                                ++diffAnz;
+                            }
+                            else //fehler um kopfumfang 21cm alles was uber medianZ-30cm liegt als fehler gewichtet
+(hoeher als Schulter)
+                            {
+                                val = rz-(medianZ+30.); // Abstand zur Schulter
+                                val = (val>0?0:val*val); // oberhalb Schulter wird quadratisch negativ bewertet
+                                if ((i<6 && y>=mDisparity.height/2) ||
+                                    (i>6 && y<mDisparity.height/2) ||
+                                    (j<6 && x>=mDisparity.width/2) ||
+                                    (j>6 && x<mDisparity.width/2))
-                                    triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(mTriclopsContext, sRow[j+frameSize/2], sCol, *sData, &rx, &ry, &rz);
-                                    rx *= 100.; ry *= 100.; rz *= 100.; // in cm
-                                    if (i*i+j*j<mMain->getControlWidget()->trackColorMarkerSize->value()*mMain->getControlWidget()->trackColorMarkerSize->value()) // war 120 kopf
-                                    {
-                                        diff += (rx-(medianX+j))*(rx-(medianX+j))+(ry-(medianY+i))*(ry-(medianY+i))+(rz-(medianZ+model(j,i)))*(rz-(medianZ+model(j,i))); // pow(a,2)
-                                        ++diffAnz;
-                                    }
-                                    else //fehler um kopfumfang 21cm alles was uber medianZ-30cm liegt als fehler gewichtet (hoeher als Schulter)
-                                    {
-                                        val = rz-(medianZ+30.); // Abstand zur Schulter
-                                        val = (val>0?0:val*val); // oberhalb Schulter wird quadratisch negativ bewertet
-                                        if ((i<6 && y>=mDisparity.height/2) ||
-                                            (i>6 && y<mDisparity.height/2) ||
-                                            (j<6 && x>=mDisparity.width/2) ||
-                                            (j>6 && x<mDisparity.width/2))
-                                        {
-                                            diff += val;
-                                            ++diffAnz;
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                }
+                                    diff += val;
+                                    ++diffAnz;
-                                //if ((x==193 && y==237) || (x==1045 && y==264))
-                                //    debout << (int)(i*i+j*j<120) << " " << x << " " << y << " " << j << " " << i << " " << sCol << " " << sRow[j+frameSize/2] << " " << diff << " " << endl;
-                                // wenn resultierende row nicht mehr steigt, dann for-schleifen-abbruch
-                        if (diffAnz < frameSize*frameSize/16)
-                            diff = -2.;
-                        else
-                        {
-                            diff/=diffAnz;
-                            ++diffAnz2;
-                            diffMed+=diff;
-                            if (diff<diffMin)
-                                diffMin=diff;
-                            if (diff>diffMax)
-                                diffMax=diff;
+                        //if ((x==193 && y==237) || (x==1045 && y==264))
+                        //    debout << (int)(i*i+j*j<120) << " " << x << " " << y << " " << j << " " << i << " " <<
+sCol << " " << sRow[j+frameSize/2] << " " << diff << " " << endl;
+                        // wenn resultierende row nicht mehr steigt, dann for-schleifen-abbruch
-                    else
-                        diff = -1.;
+                }
-                    *(((float *)(tmpMat->data.ptr+y*tmpMat->step))+x) = diff;// step zaehlt in char!!
-                    ++data;
+                if (diffAnz < frameSize*frameSize/16)
+                    diff = -2.;
+                else
+                {
+                    diff/=diffAnz;
+                    ++diffAnz2;
+                    diffMed+=diff;
+                    if (diff<diffMin)
+                        diffMin=diff;
+                    if (diff>diffMax)
+                        diffMax=diff;
-                data = (yData += mDisparity.width); // falsch, da nicht mehr char sondern short: (yData += mDisparity.widthStep); // because sometimes widthStep != width
-            diffMed=diffMed/diffAnz2;
-            debout << diffMin<< " " << diffMax<<" " << diffMed << endl;
-            free(sRow);
+            else
+                diff = -1.;
-            float zoom = 1000.*(diffMax-diffMed)/(diffMax-diffMin);
-            for (y = frameSize/2; y < mDisparity.height-frameSize/2; ++y)
+            *(((float *)(tmpMat->data.ptr+y*tmpMat->step))+x) = diff;// step zaehlt in char!!
+            ++data;
+        }
+        data = (yData += mDisparity.width); // falsch, da nicht mehr char sondern short: (yData +=
+mDisparity.widthStep); // because sometimes widthStep != width
+    }
+    diffMed=diffMed/diffAnz2;
+    debout << diffMin<< " " << diffMax<<" " << diffMed << endl;
+    free(sRow);
+    float zoom = 1000.*(diffMax-diffMed)/(diffMax-diffMin);
+    for (y = frameSize/2; y < mDisparity.height-frameSize/2; ++y)
+    {
+        for (x = frameSize/2; x < mDisparity.width-frameSize/2; ++x)
+        {
+            val = *(((float *)(tmpMat->data.ptr+y*tmpMat->step))+x);
+            if (val<0)
-                for (x = frameSize/2; x < mDisparity.width-frameSize/2; ++x)
-                {
-                    val = *(((float *)(tmpMat->data.ptr+y*tmpMat->step))+x);
-                    if (val<0)
-                    {
-                        (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep] = 255; // blau
-                        (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep+1] = 0;
-                        (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep+2] = 0;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        val = (val-diffMin)/(diffMax-diffMin);
-                        //val = sqrt(val);
-                        val = val>(1./zoom)?1:val*zoom;
-                        val = 255-255*val;
-                        (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep] = val;
-                        (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep+1] = val;
-                        (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep+2] = val;
-                    }
-                }
+                (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep] = 255; // blau
+                (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep+1] = 0;
+                (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep+2] = 0;
+            else
+            {
+                val = (val-diffMin)/(diffMax-diffMin);
+                //val = sqrt(val);
+                val = val>(1./zoom)?1:val*zoom;
+                val = 255-255*val;
+                (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep] = val;
+                (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep+1] = val;
+                (tmpImg->imageData)[3*x+y*tmpImg->widthStep+2] = val;
+            }
+        }
+    }
 //            // weichzeichnen
 //            IplImage *blurImg =  cvCloneImage(&mDisparity); // make a copy
@@ -942,7 +1051,8 @@ void PersonList::calcPersonPos(const Mat &img, QRect &roi, QList<TrackPoint> &pe
 //                    }
 //                    ++data;
 //                }
-//                data = (yData += mDisparity.width); // falsch, da nicht mehr char sondern short: (yData += mDisparity.widthStep); // because sometimes widthStep != width
+//                data = (yData += mDisparity.width); // falsch, da nicht mehr char sondern short: (yData +=
+mDisparity.widthStep); // because sometimes widthStep != width
 //            }
 //            // lokale maxima rot markieren
@@ -952,7 +1062,8 @@ void PersonList::calcPersonPos(const Mat &img, QRect &roi, QList<TrackPoint> &pe
 //            {
 //                for (x = frameSize/2; x < blurImg->width-frameSize/2; ++x)
 //                {
-//                    if (dispValueValid(*data)) //(*data != mSurfaceValue+65280) && (*data != mBackForthValue+65280)) // 65280 == 0xff00
+//                    if (dispValueValid(*data)) //(*data != mSurfaceValue+65280) && (*data != mBackForthValue+65280))
+// 65280 == 0xff00
 //                    {
 //                        triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(mTriclopsContext, y, x, *data, &rx, &ry, &rz);
 //                        diff=1.;
@@ -980,20 +1091,19 @@ void PersonList::calcPersonPos(const Mat &img, QRect &roi, QList<TrackPoint> &pe
 //                    }
 //                    ++data;
 //                }
-//                data = (yData += blurImg->width); // falsch, da nicht mehr char sondern short: (yData += mDisparity.widthStep); // because sometimes widthStep != width
+//                data = (yData += blurImg->width); // falsch, da nicht mehr char sondern short: (yData +=
+mDisparity.widthStep); // because sometimes widthStep != width
 //            }
-            //cvNamedWindow("mDisparity", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); // 0 wenn skalierbar sein soll
-            //cvShowImage("mDisparity", &mDisparity);
-            //cvNamedWindow("blurImg", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); // 0 wenn skalierbar sein soll
-            //cvShowImage("blurImg", blurImg);
-            cvNamedWindow("tmpImg", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); // 0 wenn skalierbar sein soll
-            cvShowImage("tmpImg", tmpImg);
-            //cvWaitKey( 0 ); // zahl statt null, wenn nach bestimmter zeit weitergegangen werden soll
+    //cvNamedWindow("mDisparity", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); // 0 wenn skalierbar sein soll
+    //cvShowImage("mDisparity", &mDisparity);
+    //cvNamedWindow("blurImg", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); // 0 wenn skalierbar sein soll
+    //cvShowImage("blurImg", blurImg);
+    cvNamedWindow("tmpImg", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); // 0 wenn skalierbar sein soll
+    cvShowImage("tmpImg", tmpImg);
+    //cvWaitKey( 0 ); // zahl statt null, wenn nach bestimmter zeit weitergegangen werden soll
-            }
+    }
diff --git a/src/petrack.cpp b/src/petrack.cpp
index 00cbb5f423bfa7784c09e1ff7b0eab641d09bceb..4ba37d2e134932dec6f0cb7014b1ce191575291b 100644
--- a/src/petrack.cpp
+++ b/src/petrack.cpp
@@ -18,84 +18,82 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtWidgets>
-#include <QtOpenGL>
 #include <QSignalMapper>
+#include <QtOpenGL>
+#include <QtWidgets>
 // Added for Qt5 support
-#include <QtPrintSupport/QPrinter>
-#include <QtPrintSupport/QPrintDialog>
-#include "stereoItem.h"
-#include "stereoWidget.h"
+#include "aboutDialog.h"
+#include "animation.h"
+#include "autoCalib.h"
+#include "backgroundItem.h"
+#include "calibFilter.h"
+#include "codeMarkerWidget.h"
 #include "colorMarkerItem.h"
-#include "multiColorMarkerItem.h"
-#include "colorRangeWidget.h"
 #include "colorMarkerWidget.h"
-#include "codeMarkerWidget.h"
-#include "multiColorMarkerWidget.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
+#include "colorRangeWidget.h"
 #include "control.h"
-#include "view.h"
 #include "gridItem.h"
 #include "imageItem.h"
 #include "logoItem.h"
-#include "animation.h"
-#include "player.h"
-#include "calibFilter.h"
-#include "autoCalib.h"
-#include "trackerItem.h"
-#include "backgroundItem.h"
 #include "moCapItem.h"
+#include "multiColorMarkerItem.h"
+#include "multiColorMarkerWidget.h"
+#include "openMoCapDialog.h"
+#include "pMessageBox.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
+#include "player.h"
+#include "recognitionRoiItem.h"
+#include "stereoItem.h"
+#include "stereoWidget.h"
 #include "tracker.h"
+#include "trackerItem.h"
 #include "trackerReal.h"
-#include "pMessageBox.h"
 #include "trackingRoiItem.h"
-#include "recognitionRoiItem.h"
-#include "openMoCapDialog.h"
+#include "view.h"
-#include "aboutDialog.h"
+#include <QtPrintSupport/QPrintDialog>
+#include <QtPrintSupport/QPrinter>
 #ifdef AVI
 #include "aviFile.h"
 #include "aviFileWriter.h"
+#include "IO.h"
 #include "person.h"
+#include <cmath>
 #include <ctime>
 #include <iomanip>
-#include <cmath>
 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
-#include "IO.h"
-//temp muss spaeter herausgenommen werden,
-// dient dazu, in anderen dateien um schnell ueber cw->temp1->value() an einstellbare daten zu kommen
+// temp muss spaeter herausgenommen werden,
+//  dient dazu, in anderen dateien um schnell ueber cw->temp1->value() an einstellbare daten zu kommen
 Control *cw;
 int Petrack::trcVersion = 0;
 // Reihenfolge des anlegens der objekte ist sehr wichtig
-Petrack::Petrack() : mAuthors(IO::readAuthors(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()+ "/.zenodo.json"))
+Petrack::Petrack() : mAuthors(IO::readAuthors(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/.zenodo.json"))
     QIcon icon;
-    icon.addFile(":/icon"); // about
+    icon.addFile(":/icon");          // about
     icon.addFile(":/icon_smallest"); // window title bar
-    mHeadSize = -1;
-    mCmPerPixel = -1;
-    mScene = nullptr;
-    mTracker = nullptr;
-    mTrackerReal = nullptr; // damit beim zeichnen von control mit analysePlot nicht auf einen feheler laeuft
-    mStatusLabelFPS = nullptr;
+    mHeadSize            = -1;
+    mCmPerPixel          = -1;
+    mScene               = nullptr;
+    mTracker             = nullptr;
+    mTrackerReal         = nullptr; // damit beim zeichnen von control mit analysePlot nicht auf einen feheler laeuft
+    mStatusLabelFPS      = nullptr;
     mStatusPosRealHeight = nullptr;
-    mStatusLabelPosReal = nullptr;
-    mImageItem = nullptr;
-    mRecognitionChanged = true;
-    mTrackChanged = true;
-    mCoordItem = nullptr;
-    mImage = nullptr;
+    mStatusLabelPosReal  = nullptr;
+    mImageItem           = nullptr;
+    mRecognitionChanged  = true;
+    mTrackChanged        = true;
+    mCoordItem           = nullptr;
+    mImage               = nullptr;
@@ -107,13 +105,14 @@ Petrack::Petrack() : mAuthors(IO::readAuthors(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPa
     mStereoContext = nullptr;
-    mCalibFilter = new CalibFilter; // schoener waere erst zu erzeugen, wenn video geladen wird, da sonst bei stereo erst normealer und dann stereo objekt erzeugt wird
-    mCalibFilter->disable();        // aber control widget greift schon bei erzeugung auf alle objekte zur einstellung zurueck
+    mCalibFilter   = new CalibFilter; // schoener waere erst zu erzeugen, wenn video geladen wird, da sonst bei stereo
+                                      // erst normealer und dann stereo objekt erzeugt wird
+    mCalibFilter->disable(); // aber control widget greift schon bei erzeugung auf alle objekte zur einstellung zurueck
     mScene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
     mControlWidget = new Control(*this, *mScene, mReco);
-    cw =  mControlWidget; // muss spaeter geloescht werden
+    cw             = mControlWidget; // muss spaeter geloescht werden
     mStereoWidget = new StereoWidget(this);
@@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ Petrack::Petrack() : mAuthors(IO::readAuthors(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPa
     mAnimation = new Animation(this);
     mLogoItem = new LogoItem(this); // durch uebergabe von scene wird indirekt ein scene->addItem() aufgerufen
-    mLogoItem->setZValue(6); // groesser heisst weiter oben
+    mLogoItem->setZValue(6);        // groesser heisst weiter oben
@@ -161,14 +160,34 @@ Petrack::Petrack() : mAuthors(IO::readAuthors(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPa
     mViewWidget = new ViewWidget(this);
-    mView = mViewWidget->view();
+    mView       = mViewWidget->view();
     connect(mView, SIGNAL(mouseDoubleClick()), this, SLOT(openSequence()));
-    connect(mView, SIGNAL(mouseShiftDoubleClick(QPointF)), this, SLOT(addManualTrackPointOnlyVisible(QPointF))); //const QPoint &pos funktionierte nicht
-    connect(mView, SIGNAL(mouseShiftControlDoubleClick(QPointF)), this, SLOT(splitTrackPerson(QPointF))); //const QPoint &pos funktionierte nicht
-    connect(mView, SIGNAL(mouseControlDoubleClick(QPointF)), this, SLOT(addOrMoveManualTrackPoint(QPointF))); //const QPoint &pos funktionierte nicht
-    connect(mView, SIGNAL(mouseRightDoubleClick(QPointF, int)), this, SLOT(deleteTrackPoint(QPointF, int))); //const QPoint &pos funktionierte nicht
-    connect(mView, SIGNAL(mouseMiddleDoubleClick(int)), this, SLOT(deleteTrackPointAll(int))); //const QPoint &pos funktionierte nicht
+    connect(
+        mView,
+        SIGNAL(mouseShiftDoubleClick(QPointF)),
+        this,
+        SLOT(addManualTrackPointOnlyVisible(QPointF))); // const QPoint &pos funktionierte nicht
+    connect(
+        mView,
+        SIGNAL(mouseShiftControlDoubleClick(QPointF)),
+        this,
+        SLOT(splitTrackPerson(QPointF))); // const QPoint &pos funktionierte nicht
+    connect(
+        mView,
+        SIGNAL(mouseControlDoubleClick(QPointF)),
+        this,
+        SLOT(addOrMoveManualTrackPoint(QPointF))); // const QPoint &pos funktionierte nicht
+    connect(
+        mView,
+        SIGNAL(mouseRightDoubleClick(QPointF, int)),
+        this,
+        SLOT(deleteTrackPoint(QPointF, int))); // const QPoint &pos funktionierte nicht
+    connect(
+        mView,
+        SIGNAL(mouseMiddleDoubleClick(int)),
+        this,
+        SLOT(deleteTrackPointAll(int))); // const QPoint &pos funktionierte nicht
     connect(mView, SIGNAL(mouseShiftWheel(int)), this, SLOT(skipToFrameWheel(int)));
     mPlayerWidget = new Player(mAnimation, this);
@@ -180,7 +199,7 @@ Petrack::Petrack() : mAuthors(IO::readAuthors(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPa
-    mTracker = new Tracker(this);
+    mTracker     = new Tracker(this);
     mTrackerReal = new TrackerReal(this);
     mTrackerItem = new TrackerItem(this, mTracker);
     mTrackerItem->setZValue(5); // groesser heisst weiter oben
@@ -193,23 +212,23 @@ Petrack::Petrack() : mAuthors(IO::readAuthors(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPa
     mStereoItem = new StereoItem(this);
-    mStereoItem->setZValue(2);// groesser heisst weiter oben
+    mStereoItem->setZValue(2); // groesser heisst weiter oben
     mColorMarkerItem = new ColorMarkerItem(this);
-    mColorMarkerItem->setZValue(2);// groesser heisst weiter oben
+    mColorMarkerItem->setZValue(2); // groesser heisst weiter oben
     mCodeMarkerItem = new CodeMarkerItem(this, mReco.getCodeMarkerOptions());
-    mCodeMarkerItem->setZValue(2);// groesser heisst weiter oben
+    mCodeMarkerItem->setZValue(2); // groesser heisst weiter oben
     mMultiColorMarkerItem = new MultiColorMarkerItem(this);
-    mMultiColorMarkerItem->setZValue(2);// groesser heisst weiter oben
+    mMultiColorMarkerItem->setZValue(2); // groesser heisst weiter oben
@@ -254,8 +273,8 @@ Petrack::Petrack() : mAuthors(IO::readAuthors(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPa
-    mSplitter->setStretchFactor(0,1);
-    mSplitter->setStretchFactor(1,0);
+    mSplitter->setStretchFactor(0, 1);
+    mSplitter->setStretchFactor(1, 0);
@@ -274,10 +293,10 @@ Petrack::Petrack() : mAuthors(IO::readAuthors(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPa
-    mSeqFileName = QDir::currentPath(); //fuer allerersten Aufruf des Programms
+    mSeqFileName = QDir::currentPath(); // fuer allerersten Aufruf des Programms
-    saveXml(mDefaultSettings); //noch nicht noetig, da eh noch nicht fkt
+    saveXml(mDefaultSettings); // noch nicht noetig, da eh noch nicht fkt
     mShowFPS = 0;
@@ -289,7 +308,7 @@ Petrack::Petrack() : mAuthors(IO::readAuthors(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPa
     // um im background subtraction filter das hoehenbild zu beruecksichtigen
-    mAutoBackTrack = true; // ist der default, dann wenn in XML-Datei nicht drin steht
+    mAutoBackTrack          = true;  // ist der default, dann wenn in XML-Datei nicht drin steht
     mAutoTrackOptimizeColor = false; // ist der default, dann wenn in XML-Datei nicht drin steht
@@ -304,7 +323,7 @@ Petrack::~Petrack()
 void Petrack::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event)
-    if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls())
+    if(event->mimeData()->hasUrls())
@@ -318,11 +337,11 @@ void Petrack::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event)
 void Petrack::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
-    if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls())
+    if(event->mimeData()->hasUrls())
-        if (event->mimeData()->urls().first().toLocalFile().right(4) == ".pet")
+        if(event->mimeData()->urls().first().toLocalFile().right(4) == ".pet")
-        else if (event->mimeData()->urls().first().toLocalFile().right(4) == ".trc")
+        else if(event->mimeData()->urls().first().toLocalFile().right(4) == ".trc")
@@ -332,28 +351,28 @@ void Petrack::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
 void Petrack::updateSceneRect()
-    double iW=0, iH=0, bS=0;
+    double iW = 0, iH = 0, bS = 0;
-    if (mImage)
+    if(mImage)
         iW = mImage->width();
         iH = mImage->height();
         bS = getImageBorderSize();
-    if (mControlWidget->getCalibCoordShow())
+    if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordShow())
-        double scale=mControlWidget->getCalibCoordScale()/10.;
-        double tX=mControlWidget->getCalibCoordTransX()/10.;
-        double tY=mControlWidget->getCalibCoordTransY()/10.;
+        double scale = mControlWidget->getCalibCoordScale() / 10.;
+        double tX    = mControlWidget->getCalibCoordTransX() / 10.;
+        double tY    = mControlWidget->getCalibCoordTransY() / 10.;
         // setzen der bounding box der scene
         // Faktor 1.1 dient dazu, dass auch Zahl "1" bei coord gut in sichtbaren Bereich passt
-        double xMin = (tX-1.1*scale < -bS) ? tX-1.1*scale : -bS;
-        double yMin = (tY-1.1*scale < -bS) ? tY-1.1*scale : -bS;
-        double xMax = (tX+1.1*scale > iW-bS) ? tX+1.1*scale : iW-bS;
-        double yMax = (tY+1.1*scale > iH-bS) ? tY+1.1*scale : iH-bS;
-        mScene->setSceneRect(xMin, yMin, xMax-xMin, yMax-yMin);
+        double xMin = (tX - 1.1 * scale < -bS) ? tX - 1.1 * scale : -bS;
+        double yMin = (tY - 1.1 * scale < -bS) ? tY - 1.1 * scale : -bS;
+        double xMax = (tX + 1.1 * scale > iW - bS) ? tX + 1.1 * scale : iW - bS;
+        double yMax = (tY + 1.1 * scale > iH - bS) ? tY + 1.1 * scale : iH - bS;
+        mScene->setSceneRect(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin);
         mScene->setSceneRect(-bS, -bS, iW, iH);
@@ -367,124 +386,125 @@ void Petrack::updateSceneRect()
 void Petrack::openXml(QDomDocument &doc, bool openSeq)
     QDomElement root = doc.firstChildElement("PETRACK");
-    QString seq;
-    int frame = -1, sourceFrameIn = -1, sourceFrameOut = -1;
-    double fps = DEFAULT_FPS;
-    int onlyPeopleNr = 1;
-    QString onlyPeopleNrList = "1";
-    int zoom = 250, rotate = 0, hScroll = 0, vScroll = 0;
+    QString     seq;
+    int         frame = -1, sourceFrameIn = -1, sourceFrameOut = -1;
+    double      fps              = DEFAULT_FPS;
+    int         onlyPeopleNr     = 1;
+    QString     onlyPeopleNrList = "1";
+    int         zoom = 250, rotate = 0, hScroll = 0, vScroll = 0;
     enum Camera cam = cameraUnset;
     for(QDomElement elem = root.firstChildElement(); !elem.isNull(); elem = elem.nextSiblingElement())
-        if (elem.tagName() == "MAIN")
+        if(elem.tagName() == "MAIN")
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("SRC"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("SRC"))
-                seq = elem.attribute("SRC");
+                seq            = elem.attribute("SRC");
                 QString tmpSeq = getExistingFile(seq, mProFileName);
-                if (tmpSeq != "")
+                if(tmpSeq != "")
                     seq = tmpSeq;
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("STATUS_HEIGHT"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("STATUS_HEIGHT"))
-                if (mStatusPosRealHeight) // null kann eigentlich nicht vorkommen, da im constructor von petrack erzeugt wird
+                if(mStatusPosRealHeight) // null kann eigentlich nicht vorkommen, da im constructor von petrack erzeugt
+                                         // wird
-        else if (elem.tagName() == "STEREO")
+        else if(elem.tagName() == "STEREO")
-        else if (elem.tagName() == "COLOR_MARKER")
+        else if(elem.tagName() == "COLOR_MARKER")
-        else if (elem.tagName() == "CODE_MARKER")
+        else if(elem.tagName() == "CODE_MARKER")
-        else if (elem.tagName() == "MULTI_COLOR_MARKER")
+        else if(elem.tagName() == "MULTI_COLOR_MARKER")
-        else if (elem.tagName() == "MOCAP")
+        else if(elem.tagName() == "MOCAP")
-        else if (elem.tagName() == "CONTROL")
+        else if(elem.tagName() == "CONTROL")
             QDomElement tmpElem = (elem.firstChildElement("TRACKING")).firstChildElement("PATH");
-            if (tmpElem.hasAttribute("ONLY_PEOPLE_NR"))
+            if(tmpElem.hasAttribute("ONLY_PEOPLE_NR"))
                 onlyPeopleNr = tmpElem.attribute("ONLY_PEOPLE_NR").toInt();
-            if (tmpElem.hasAttribute("ONLY_PEOPLE_NR_LIST"))
+            if(tmpElem.hasAttribute("ONLY_PEOPLE_NR_LIST"))
                 onlyPeopleNrList = tmpElem.attribute("ONLY_PEOPLE_NR_LIST");
-        else if (elem.tagName() == "EXTR_CALIBRATION")
+        else if(elem.tagName() == "EXTR_CALIBRATION")
-        else if (elem.tagName() == "PLAYER")
+        else if(elem.tagName() == "PLAYER")
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("FRAME"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("FRAME"))
                 frame = elem.attribute("FRAME").toInt();
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("FPS"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("FPS"))
                 fps = elem.attribute("FPS").toDouble();
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("SOURCE_FRAME_IN"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("SOURCE_FRAME_IN"))
                 sourceFrameIn = elem.attribute("SOURCE_FRAME_IN").toInt();
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("SOURCE_FRAME_OUT"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("SOURCE_FRAME_OUT"))
                 sourceFrameOut = elem.attribute("SOURCE_FRAME_OUT").toInt();
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("PLAYER_SPEED_FIXED"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("PLAYER_SPEED_FIXED"))
-        else if (elem.tagName() == "VIEW")
+        else if(elem.tagName() == "VIEW")
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("ANTIALIAS"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("ANTIALIAS"))
                 mAntialiasAct->setChecked(elem.attribute("ANTIALIAS").toInt() == Qt::Checked);
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("OPENGL"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("OPENGL"))
                 mOpenGLAct->setChecked(elem.attribute("OPENGL").toInt() == Qt::Checked);
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("SAVE_TRANSFORMED"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("SAVE_TRANSFORMED"))
                 mCropZoomViewAct->setChecked(elem.attribute("SAVE_TRANSFORMED") == Qt::Checked);
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("TRANSFORMATION"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("TRANSFORMATION"))
-                QString matStr = elem.attribute("TRANSFORMATION");
+                QString     matStr = elem.attribute("TRANSFORMATION");
                 QTextStream in(&matStr);
                 in >> zoom >> rotate >> hScroll >> vScroll;
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("CAMERA"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("CAMERA"))
                 cam = (enum Camera) elem.attribute("CAMERA").toInt();
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("HIDE_CONTROLS"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("HIDE_CONTROLS"))
                 mHideControlsAct->setChecked(elem.attribute("HIDE_CONTROLS").toInt() == Qt::Checked);
-        } else if (elem.tagName() == "AUTO_TRACK")
+        }
+        else if(elem.tagName() == "AUTO_TRACK")
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("BACK_TRACK"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("BACK_TRACK"))
                 mAutoBackTrack = elem.attribute("BACK_TRACK").toInt();
-            if (elem.hasAttribute("OPTIMZE_COLOR"))
+            if(elem.hasAttribute("OPTIMZE_COLOR"))
                 mAutoTrackOptimizeColor = elem.attribute("OPTIMZE_COLOR").toInt();
@@ -495,7 +515,7 @@ void Petrack::openXml(QDomDocument &doc, bool openSeq)
     // open koennte am schluss passieren, dann wuerde nicht erst unveraendertes bild angezeigt,
     // dafuer koennte es aber sein, dass werte zb bei fx nicht einstellbar sind!
-    if (openSeq && (seq != ""))
+    if(openSeq && (seq != ""))
         openSequence(seq); // wenn leer, dann kommt abfrage hoch, welche datei; abbrechen, wenn aktuelle gewuenscht
@@ -504,33 +524,34 @@ void Petrack::openXml(QDomDocument &doc, bool openSeq)
     bool loaded = false;
-    if (!mBackgroundFilter.getFilename().isEmpty())
+    if(!mBackgroundFilter.getFilename().isEmpty())
-        if (!(loaded = mBackgroundFilter.load(mBackgroundFilter.getFilename())))
+        if(!(loaded = mBackgroundFilter.load(mBackgroundFilter.getFilename())))
             debout << "Error: loading background file " << mBackgroundFilter.getFilename() << "!" << std::endl;
-    mPlayerWidget->setFrameInNum( sourceFrameIn == -1 ? mAnimation->getSourceInFrameNum() : sourceFrameIn );
-    mPlayerWidget->setFrameOutNum( sourceFrameOut == -1 ? mAnimation->getSourceOutFrameNum() : sourceFrameOut );
+    mPlayerWidget->setFrameInNum(sourceFrameIn == -1 ? mAnimation->getSourceInFrameNum() : sourceFrameIn);
+    mPlayerWidget->setFrameOutNum(sourceFrameOut == -1 ? mAnimation->getSourceOutFrameNum() : sourceFrameOut);
-    if (frame != -1)
+    if(frame != -1)
-        if (mControlWidget->filterBg->isChecked() && !loaded)// mit dem anfangs geladenen bild wurde bereits faelschlicherweise bg bestimmt
+        if(mControlWidget->filterBg->isChecked() &&
+           !loaded)                    // mit dem anfangs geladenen bild wurde bereits faelschlicherweise bg bestimmt
             mBackgroundFilter.reset(); // erst nach dem springen zu einem frame background bestimmen
         mPlayerWidget->skipToFrame(frame); // hier wird updateImage ausgefuehrt
-    else if (loaded)
+    else if(loaded)
     // nicht schon in control, sonst loescht opensequence wieder tracker
-    if (mTrcFileName != "")
+    if(mTrcFileName != "")
         // vorher loeschen aller trajektorien, da sonst nach start im ersten bild
         // mgl zwei trackpoints
         // beim haendischen importieren sind weiterhin parallele trajektorien moeglich (warnung wird ausgegeben)
         frame = 0; // default
-        if ((mTracker->largestLastFrame() >= frame) && (mTracker->smallestFirstFrame() <= frame))
+        if((mTracker->largestLastFrame() >= frame) && (mTracker->smallestFirstFrame() <= frame))
@@ -541,37 +562,39 @@ void Petrack::openXml(QDomDocument &doc, bool openSeq)
-    if (cam == cameraLeft)
+    if(cam == cameraLeft)
-    else if (cam == cameraRight)
+    else if(cam == cameraRight)
     mPlayerWidget->setFPS(fps); // erst spaet setzen, damit Wert den des geladenen Videos ueberschreiben kann
 void Petrack::openProject(QString fileName, bool openSeq) // default fileName="", openSequence = true
-    if (!QFileInfo(mProFileName).isDir()) // a project is already loaded
-        if (!maybeSave())
+    if(!QFileInfo(mProFileName).isDir()) // a project is already loaded
+        if(!maybeSave())
     // if no destination file or folder is given
-    if (fileName.isEmpty())
-        fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select project file"), QFileInfo(mProFileName).path(),
-                                                tr("PeTrack project file (*.pet);;All files (*.*)"));
-    if (!fileName.isEmpty())
+    if(fileName.isEmpty())
+        fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
+            this,
+            tr("Select project file"),
+            QFileInfo(mProFileName).path(),
+            tr("PeTrack project file (*.pet);;All files (*.*)"));
+    if(!fileName.isEmpty())
         QFile file(fileName);
-        if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
+        if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
             PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot open %1:\n%2.").arg(fileName, file.errorString()));
         QDomDocument doc("PETRACK"); // eigentlich Pfad zu Beschreibungsdatei fuer Dateiaufbau
-        if (!doc.setContent(&file))
+        if(!doc.setContent(&file))
             PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot read content from %1.").arg(fileName));
@@ -583,11 +606,15 @@ void Petrack::openProject(QString fileName, bool openSeq) // default fileName=""
         QDomElement root = doc.firstChildElement("PETRACK");
-        if (root.hasAttribute("VERSION"))
+        if(root.hasAttribute("VERSION"))
-            if (root.attribute("VERSION") != mPetrackVersion)
+            if(root.attribute("VERSION") != mPetrackVersion)
-                PWarning(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Reading %1:\nDifferent version numbers %2 (application) and %3 (file) may cause problems.").arg(fileName, mPetrackVersion, root.attribute("VERSION")));
+                PWarning(
+                    this,
+                    tr("PeTrack"),
+                    tr("Reading %1:\nDifferent version numbers %2 (application) and %3 (file) may cause problems.")
+                        .arg(fileName, mPetrackVersion, root.attribute("VERSION")));
         openXml(doc, openSeq);
@@ -604,9 +631,9 @@ void Petrack::saveXml(QDomDocument &doc)
     // main settings (window size, status hight)
-    elem = doc.createElement("MAIN");
+    elem        = doc.createElement("MAIN");
     QString seq = "";
-    if (mImage)
+    if(mImage)
         seq = getFileList(mSeqFileName, mProFileName);
     elem.setAttribute("SRC", seq);
@@ -663,7 +690,13 @@ void Petrack::saveXml(QDomDocument &doc)
     elem.setAttribute("ANTIALIAS", mAntialiasAct->isChecked());
     elem.setAttribute("OPENGL", mOpenGLAct->isChecked());
     elem.setAttribute("SAVE_TRANSFORMED", mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked());
-    elem.setAttribute("TRANSFORMATION", QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(mViewWidget->getZoomLevel()).arg(mViewWidget->getRotateLevel()).arg(mView->horizontalScrollBar()->value()).arg(mView->verticalScrollBar()->value()));
+    elem.setAttribute(
+        QString("%1 %2 %3 %4")
+            .arg(mViewWidget->getZoomLevel())
+            .arg(mViewWidget->getRotateLevel())
+            .arg(mView->horizontalScrollBar()->value())
+            .arg(mView->verticalScrollBar()->value()));
     elem.setAttribute("CAMERA", mAnimation->getCamera());
@@ -689,21 +722,21 @@ bool Petrack::saveSameProject()
 bool Petrack::saveProject(QString fileName) // default fileName=""
     // if no destination file or folder is given
-    if (fileName.isEmpty() || QFileInfo(mProFileName).isDir())
+    if(fileName.isEmpty() || QFileInfo(mProFileName).isDir())
-        fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Select project file"), mProFileName,
-                                                tr("PeTrack project file (*.pet);;All files (*.*)"));
+        fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
+            this, tr("Select project file"), mProFileName, tr("PeTrack project file (*.pet);;All files (*.*)"));
-    if (!fileName.isEmpty())
+    if(!fileName.isEmpty())
         QDomDocument doc("PETRACK"); // eigentlich Pfad zu Beschreibungsdatei fuer Dateiaufbau
         // file output
-        QByteArray byteArray;
-        QXmlStreamWriter xmlStream (&byteArray);
+        QByteArray       byteArray;
+        QXmlStreamWriter xmlStream(&byteArray);
@@ -716,7 +749,7 @@ bool Petrack::saveProject(QString fileName) // default fileName=""
         QFile file(fileName);
-        if (!file.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate | QFile::Text))
+        if(!file.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate | QFile::Text))
             PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot save %1:\n%2.").arg(fileName, file.errorString()));
@@ -735,29 +768,33 @@ bool Petrack::saveProject(QString fileName) // default fileName=""
         return false;
-void Petrack::writeXmlElement(QXmlStreamWriter& xmlStream, QDomElement element)
+void Petrack::writeXmlElement(QXmlStreamWriter &xmlStream, QDomElement element)
-    QVector<QString> attribute_names;
+    QVector<QString>       attribute_names;
     const QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = element.attributes();
-    for(int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); ++i){
+    for(int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); ++i)
+    {
-    //TODO: check if sorting of elements fits our needs
+    // TODO: check if sorting of elements fits our needs
     std::stable_sort(attribute_names.begin(), attribute_names.end()); // for a canonical XML
     // Wants this macro instead of range-based for loop
-    foreach(QString name, attribute_names){
+    foreach(QString name, attribute_names)
+    {
         QDomAttr attr = element.attributeNode(name);
         xmlStream.writeAttribute(attr.name(), attr.value());
     // order of child nodes is defined at creation
-    if(element.hasChildNodes()){
+    if(element.hasChildNodes())
+    {
         const QDomNodeList children = element.childNodes();
-        for(int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i){
+        for(int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i)
+        {
             writeXmlElement(xmlStream, children.at(i).toElement());
@@ -771,25 +808,26 @@ void Petrack::writeXmlElement(QXmlStreamWriter& xmlStream, QDomElement element)
 void Petrack::openCameraLiveStream(int camID /* =-1*/)
-    if (camID == -1)
+    if(camID == -1)
         // if more than one camera connected show to choose
-        //camID = selectedID;
+        // camID = selectedID;
         debout << "No camera ID delivered: Set CameraID to 0 (default Camera)" << std::endl;
         camID = 0; // default
-    if (!mAnimation->openCameraStream(camID))
+    if(!mAnimation->openCameraStream(camID))
         PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot start Camera Livestream."));
     mSeqFileName = "camera live stream";
-    debout << "open " << mSeqFileName << " (" << mAnimation->getNumFrames() << " frames; " << mAnimation->getFPS() << " fps; " << mAnimation->getSize().width() << "x" << mAnimation->getSize().height() << " pixel)" << std::endl; //size
+    debout << "open " << mSeqFileName << " (" << mAnimation->getNumFrames() << " frames; " << mAnimation->getFPS()
+           << " fps; " << mAnimation->getSize().width() << "x" << mAnimation->getSize().height() << " pixel)"
+           << std::endl; // size
-    if (mOpenGLAct->isChecked())
+    if(mOpenGLAct->isChecked())
@@ -800,12 +838,20 @@ void Petrack::openCameraLiveStream(int camID /* =-1*/)
 void Petrack::openSequence(QString fileName) // default fileName = ""
-    if (fileName.isEmpty())
-        fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open video or image sequence"), QFileInfo(mSeqFileName).path(),
-                                                tr("All supported types (*.avi *.mpg *.mts *.m2t *.m2ts *.wmv *.mp4 *.mov *.mxf *.bmp *.dib *.jpeg *.jpg *.jpe *.png *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.sr *.ras *.tiff *.tif *.exr *.jp2);;Video (*.avi *.mpg *.mts *.m2ts *.m2t *.wmv *.mov *.mp4 *.mxf);;Images (*.bmp *.dib *.jpeg *.jpg *.jpe *.png *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.sr *.ras *.tiff *.tif *.exr *.jp2);;Windows bitmaps (*.bmp *.dib);;JPEG (*.jpeg *.jpg *.jpe);;Portable network graphics (*.png);;Portable image format (*.pbm *.pgm *.ppm);;Sun rasters (*.sr *.ras);;TIFF (*.tiff *.tif);;OpenEXR HDR (*.exr);;JPEG 2000 (*.jp2);;All files (*.*)"));
-    if (!fileName.isEmpty())
+    if(fileName.isEmpty())
+        fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
+            this,
+            tr("Open video or image sequence"),
+            QFileInfo(mSeqFileName).path(),
+            tr("All supported types (*.avi *.mpg *.mts *.m2t *.m2ts *.wmv *.mp4 *.mov *.mxf *.bmp *.dib *.jpeg *.jpg "
+               "*.jpe *.png *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.sr *.ras *.tiff *.tif *.exr *.jp2);;Video (*.avi *.mpg *.mts *.m2ts "
+               "*.m2t *.wmv *.mov *.mp4 *.mxf);;Images (*.bmp *.dib *.jpeg *.jpg *.jpe *.png *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.sr "
+               "*.ras *.tiff *.tif *.exr *.jp2);;Windows bitmaps (*.bmp *.dib);;JPEG (*.jpeg *.jpg *.jpe);;Portable "
+               "network graphics (*.png);;Portable image format (*.pbm *.pgm *.ppm);;Sun rasters (*.sr *.ras);;TIFF "
+               "(*.tiff *.tif);;OpenEXR HDR (*.exr);;JPEG 2000 (*.jp2);;All files (*.*)"));
+    if(!fileName.isEmpty())
-        if (!mAnimation->openAnimation(fileName))
+        if(!mAnimation->openAnimation(fileName))
             PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot load %1.").arg(fileName));
@@ -815,23 +861,23 @@ void Petrack::openSequence(QString fileName) // default fileName = ""
 #ifdef STEREO
-        if (mAnimation->isStereoVideo())
+        if(mAnimation->isStereoVideo())
-            if (mStereoContext)
+            if(mStereoContext)
                 delete mStereoContext;
             mStereoContext = new pet::StereoContext(this);
         bool lastIsStereoVideo = mAnimation->isStereoVideo();
-        if (mCalibFilter == NULL || (mAnimation->isStereoVideo() != lastIsStereoVideo))
+        if(mCalibFilter == NULL || (mAnimation->isStereoVideo() != lastIsStereoVideo))
             bool lastCalibFilterEnabled = false;
-            if (mCalibFilter != NULL)
+            if(mCalibFilter != NULL)
                 lastCalibFilterEnabled = mCalibFilter->getEnabled();
                 delete mCalibFilter;
-            if (mAnimation->isStereoVideo())
+            if(mAnimation->isStereoVideo())
                 mCalibFilter = new CalibStereoFilter;
                 ((CalibStereoFilter *) mCalibFilter)->setStereoContext(mStereoContext);
@@ -842,11 +888,13 @@ void Petrack::openSequence(QString fileName) // default fileName = ""
         mSeqFileName = fileName;
-        debout << "open " << mSeqFileName << " (" << mAnimation->getNumFrames() << " frames; " << mAnimation->getFPS() << " fps; " << mAnimation->getSize().width() << "x" << mAnimation->getSize().height() << " pixel)" << std::endl; //size
+        debout << "open " << mSeqFileName << " (" << mAnimation->getNumFrames() << " frames; " << mAnimation->getFPS()
+               << " fps; " << mAnimation->getSize().width() << "x" << mAnimation->getSize().height() << " pixel)"
+               << std::endl; // size
-        if (mOpenGLAct->isChecked())
+        if(mOpenGLAct->isChecked())
@@ -854,7 +902,8 @@ void Petrack::openSequence(QString fileName) // default fileName = ""
-void Petrack::openMoCapFile(){
+void Petrack::openMoCapFile()
     OpenMoCapDialog dialog(this, mMoCapController);
@@ -862,20 +911,22 @@ void Petrack::openMoCapFile(){
 void Petrack::updateWindowTitle()
     QString title;
-    QSize size = mAnimation->getSize();
+    QSize   size = mAnimation->getSize();
-    if (QFileInfo(mProFileName).isDir())
+    if(QFileInfo(mProFileName).isDir())
         title = tr("PeTrack (v") + mPetrackVersion + tr("): ");
         title = tr("PeTrack (v") + mPetrackVersion + tr("): ") + QFileInfo(mProFileName).fileName();
-        if (mAnimation->isVideo() || mAnimation->isImageSequence())
-            title +=  "; ";
+        if(mAnimation->isVideo() || mAnimation->isImageSequence())
+            title += "; ";
-    if (mAnimation->isVideo())
-        title += "sequence: " + mAnimation->getCurrentFileName() + tr(" (%1").arg(mAnimation->getNumFrames()) + tr(" frames; %1x%2").arg(size.width()).arg(size.height()) + " pixel)";
-    else if (mAnimation->isImageSequence())
-        title += "sequence: " + mAnimation->getCurrentFileName() + tr(" ... (%1").arg(mAnimation->getNumFrames()) + tr(" frames; %1x%2").arg(size.width()).arg(size.height()) + " pixel)";
+    if(mAnimation->isVideo())
+        title += "sequence: " + mAnimation->getCurrentFileName() + tr(" (%1").arg(mAnimation->getNumFrames()) +
+                 tr(" frames; %1x%2").arg(size.width()).arg(size.height()) + " pixel)";
+    else if(mAnimation->isImageSequence())
+        title += "sequence: " + mAnimation->getCurrentFileName() + tr(" ... (%1").arg(mAnimation->getNumFrames()) +
+                 tr(" frames; %1x%2").arg(size.width()).arg(size.height()) + " pixel)";
@@ -910,136 +961,157 @@ void Petrack::saveViewSequence()
 void Petrack::saveSequence(bool saveVideo, bool saveView, QString dest) // default saveView= false, dest=""
     static QString lastDir;
-//    bool autoSave = false;
+    //    bool autoSave = false;
     // if no destination file or folder is given
-    if (dest.isEmpty())
+    if(dest.isEmpty())
-        if (lastDir.isEmpty() && !mSeqFileName.isEmpty())
+        if(lastDir.isEmpty() && !mSeqFileName.isEmpty())
             lastDir = QFileInfo(mSeqFileName).path();
-        if (saveVideo)
+        if(saveVideo)
-            dest = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Select video file"), lastDir,
-                                                tr("Video (*.avi);;All files (*.*)"));  //? *.mpg *.mpeg
+            dest = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
+                this,
+                tr("Select video file"),
+                lastDir,
+                tr("Video (*.avi);;All files (*.*)")); //? *.mpg *.mpeg
-            if (saveView)
-                dest = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Select directory to save view sequence"),
-                                                         lastDir, QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks);
+            if(saveView)
+                dest = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(
+                    this,
+                    tr("Select directory to save view sequence"),
+                    lastDir,
+                    QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks);
-                dest = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Select directory to save image sequence"),
-                                                         lastDir, QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks);
+                dest = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(
+                    this,
+                    tr("Select directory to save image sequence"),
+                    lastDir,
+                    QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks);
     else // uebergabe von saveVideo spielt keine roll mehr, sondern wird hier analysiert anhand von Dateiendung
-//        autoSave = true; // command line option
-        if (dest.right(4) == ".avi")
+        //        autoSave = true; // command line option
+        if(dest.right(4) == ".avi")
             saveVideo = true;
             saveVideo = false;
-    if (!dest.isEmpty() && mImage)
+    if(!dest.isEmpty() && mImage)
-        int rest = mAnimation->getNumFrames()-1;
-        int numLength = 1;
-        int memPos = mPlayerWidget->getPos();
-        QString fileName = "";
+        int     rest      = mAnimation->getNumFrames() - 1;
+        int     numLength = 1;
+        int     memPos    = mPlayerWidget->getPos();
+        QString fileName  = "";
 #ifdef AVI
         AviFile aviFile;
         AviFileWriter aviFile;
-        bool formatIsSaveAble = false;
-        bool saveRet;
-        QImage *viewImage = nullptr;
-        QPainter *painter = nullptr;
-        int progEnd = mAnimation->getSourceOutFrameNum()-mPlayerWidget->getPos(); // nur wenn nicht an anfang gesprungen wird:-mPlayerWidget->getPos()
+        bool      formatIsSaveAble = false;
+        bool      saveRet;
+        QImage *  viewImage = nullptr;
+        QPainter *painter   = nullptr;
+        int       progEnd   = mAnimation->getSourceOutFrameNum() -
+                      mPlayerWidget->getPos(); // nur wenn nicht an anfang gesprungen wird:-mPlayerWidget->getPos()
         cv::Mat iplImgFilteredBGR;
-        bool writeFrameRet = false;
-        bool convert8To24bit = false;
-        int mult;
+        bool    writeFrameRet   = false;
+        bool    convert8To24bit = false;
+        int     mult;
-        if (saveVideo)
+        if(saveVideo)
-            if (saveView)
+            if(saveView)
-                if (mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
-                    viewImage = new QImage(mView->viewport()->width(), mView->viewport()->height(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
+                if(mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
+                    viewImage =
+                        new QImage(mView->viewport()->width(), mView->viewport()->height(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
                     viewImage = new QImage((int) mScene->width(), (int) mScene->height(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
                 painter = new QPainter();
-            if (convert8To24bit)
+            if(convert8To24bit)
                 mult = 3;
                 mult = 1;
             bool ok = false;
-            if( saveView )
-                ok = aviFile.open(dest.toStdString().c_str(), viewImage->width(), viewImage->height(), viewImage->depth(), mAnimation->getFPS());
+            if(saveView)
+                ok = aviFile.open(
+                    dest.toStdString().c_str(),
+                    viewImage->width(),
+                    viewImage->height(),
+                    viewImage->depth(),
+                    mAnimation->getFPS());
-                ok = aviFile.open(dest.toStdString().c_str(), mImg.cols, mImg.rows, mult*8*mImg.channels(), mAnimation->getFPS());
+                ok = aviFile.open(
+                    dest.toStdString().c_str(), mImg.cols, mImg.rows, mult * 8 * mImg.channels(), mAnimation->getFPS());
-            if (!ok)
+            if(!ok)
                 debout << "Error: opening AVI file: " << dest.toStdString().c_str() << std::endl;
-        if (!saveVideo)
+        if(!saveVideo)
-            if (saveView)
+            if(saveView)
-                if (mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
-                    viewImage = new QImage(mView->viewport()->width(), mView->viewport()->height(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
+                if(mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
+                    viewImage =
+                        new QImage(mView->viewport()->width(), mView->viewport()->height(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
                     viewImage = new QImage((int) mScene->width(), (int) mScene->height(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
                 painter = new QPainter();
             // test, if fileformat is supported
-            if (mAnimation->isVideo())
+            if(mAnimation->isVideo())
                 // calculate string length of sequence number
-                while ((rest/=10) > 0)
+                while((rest /= 10) > 0)
-                fileName = (dest + "/" + mAnimation->getFileBase() + "%1.png").arg(mPlayerWidget->getPos(), numLength, 10, QChar('0'));
+                fileName = (dest + "/" + mAnimation->getFileBase() + "%1.png")
+                               .arg(mPlayerWidget->getPos(), numLength, 10, QChar('0'));
                 fileName = dest + "/" + mAnimation->getCurrentFileName();
-            if (saveView)
+            if(saveView)
-                if (mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
+                if(mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
-                if (viewImage->save(fileName)) //, const char * format = 0 (format wird aus dateinamen geholt), int quality = -1 default normal (0..100)
+                if(viewImage->save(fileName)) //, const char * format = 0 (format wird aus dateinamen geholt), int
+                                              // quality = -1 default normal (0..100)
                     formatIsSaveAble = true;
-            else if (mImage->save(fileName)) //, const char * format = 0 (format wird aus dateinamen geholt), int quality = -1 default normal (0..100)
+            else if(mImage->save(fileName)) //, const char * format = 0 (format wird aus dateinamen geholt), int quality
+                                            //= -1 default normal (0..100)
                 formatIsSaveAble = true;
-        else if ((mImgFiltered.channels() == 1)  /*&& convert8To24bit*/)
+        else if((mImgFiltered.channels() == 1) /*&& convert8To24bit*/)
             cv::Size size;
-            size.width = mImgFiltered.cols;
+            size.width  = mImgFiltered.cols;
             size.height = mImgFiltered.rows;
             iplImgFilteredBGR.create(size, CV_8UC3);
@@ -1047,15 +1119,16 @@ void Petrack::saveSequence(bool saveVideo, bool saveView, QString dest) // defau
         QProgressDialog progress("", "Abort save", 0, progEnd, this);
         progress.setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); // blocks main window
-        if (saveVideo)
+        if(saveVideo)
-            if (saveView)
+            if(saveView)
                 progress.setLabelText("Save video view...");
                 progress.setLabelText("Save video...");
-        }else
+        }
+        else
-            if (saveView)
+            if(saveView)
                 progress.setLabelText("Save view sequence...");
                 progress.setLabelText("Save image sequence...");
@@ -1064,71 +1137,87 @@ void Petrack::saveSequence(bool saveVideo, bool saveView, QString dest) // defau
-            progress.setValue(mPlayerWidget->getPos()-memPos); // -mempos nur, wenn nicht an den anfang gesprungen wird
+            progress.setValue(
+                mPlayerWidget->getPos() - memPos); // -mempos nur, wenn nicht an den anfang gesprungen wird
-            if (progress.wasCanceled())
+            if(progress.wasCanceled())
-            if (saveVideo)
+            if(saveVideo)
                 // video sequence
-                if (saveView)
+                if(saveView)
-                    if (mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
+                    if(mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
-                if ((mImgFiltered.channels() == 1) /* && convert8To24bit*/)
+                if((mImgFiltered.channels() == 1) /* && convert8To24bit*/)
                     cv::cvtColor(mImg, iplImgFilteredBGR, cv::COLOR_GRAY2BGR);
-                    if( saveView )
-                        writeFrameRet = aviFile.appendFrame((const unsigned char*) viewImage->bits(), true); // 2. param besagt, ob vertikal gespiegel werden soll
+                    if(saveView)
+                        writeFrameRet = aviFile.appendFrame(
+                            (const unsigned char *) viewImage->bits(),
+                            true); // 2. param besagt, ob vertikal gespiegel werden soll
-                        writeFrameRet = aviFile.appendFrame((const unsigned char*) iplImgFilteredBGR.data, true); // 2. param besagt, ob vertikal gespiegel werden soll
+                        writeFrameRet = aviFile.appendFrame(
+                            (const unsigned char *) iplImgFilteredBGR.data,
+                            true); // 2. param besagt, ob vertikal gespiegel werden soll
-                    if( saveView ){
-                        writeFrameRet = aviFile.appendFrame((const unsigned char*) viewImage->bits(), true); // 2. param besagt, ob vertikal gespiegel werden soll
-                    }else{
-                        writeFrameRet = aviFile.appendFrame((const unsigned char*) mImg.data, true); // 2. param besagt, ob vertikal gespiegel werden soll
+                    if(saveView)
+                    {
+                        writeFrameRet = aviFile.appendFrame(
+                            (const unsigned char *) viewImage->bits(),
+                            true); // 2. param besagt, ob vertikal gespiegel werden soll
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        writeFrameRet = aviFile.appendFrame(
+                            (const unsigned char *) mImg.data,
+                            true); // 2. param besagt, ob vertikal gespiegel werden soll
-                if (!writeFrameRet)
+                if(!writeFrameRet)
-                    PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot save %1 maybe because of wrong file extension or unsupported codec.").arg(dest));
+                    PCritical(
+                        this,
+                        tr("PeTrack"),
+                        tr("Cannot save %1 maybe because of wrong file extension or unsupported codec.").arg(dest));
                 // single frame sequence
-                if (saveView)
+                if(saveView)
-                    if (mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
+                    if(mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
-                if (mAnimation->isVideo())
+                if(mAnimation->isVideo())
-                    fileName = (dest + "/" + mAnimation->getFileBase() + "%1.png").arg(mPlayerWidget->getPos(), numLength, 10, QChar('0'));
-                    if (saveView)
+                    fileName = (dest + "/" + mAnimation->getFileBase() + "%1.png")
+                                   .arg(mPlayerWidget->getPos(), numLength, 10, QChar('0'));
+                    if(saveView)
                         saveRet = viewImage->save(fileName);
                         saveRet = mImage->save(fileName);
-                else if (formatIsSaveAble)
+                else if(formatIsSaveAble)
                     fileName = dest + "/" + mAnimation->getCurrentFileName();
-                    if (saveView)
+                    if(saveView)
                         saveRet = viewImage->save(fileName);
                         saveRet = mImage->save(fileName);
@@ -1136,22 +1225,21 @@ void Petrack::saveSequence(bool saveVideo, bool saveView, QString dest) // defau
                     fileName = dest + "/" + QFileInfo(mAnimation->getCurrentFileName()).completeBaseName() + ".png";
-                    if (saveView)
+                    if(saveView)
                         saveRet = viewImage->save(fileName);
                         saveRet = mImage->save(fileName, "PNG"); //, int quality = -1 default normal (0..100)
-                if (!saveRet)
+                if(!saveRet)
                     PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot save %1.").arg(fileName));
-        }
-        while (mPlayerWidget->frameForward());
+        } while(mPlayerWidget->frameForward());
-        if (!saveVideo && saveView)
+        if(!saveVideo && saveView)
             delete viewImage;
             delete painter;
@@ -1159,10 +1247,11 @@ void Petrack::saveSequence(bool saveVideo, bool saveView, QString dest) // defau
         // bei abbruch koennen es auch mPlayerWidget->getPos() frames sein, die bisher geschrieben wurden
         //-memPos nur, wenn nicht an den anfang gesprungen wird
-        debout << "wrote " << mPlayerWidget->getPos()+1-memPos << " of " << mAnimation->getNumFrames() << " frames." << std::endl;
+        debout << "wrote " << mPlayerWidget->getPos() + 1 - memPos << " of " << mAnimation->getNumFrames() << " frames."
+               << std::endl;
-        if (saveVideo)
+        if(saveVideo)
@@ -1177,34 +1266,40 @@ void Petrack::saveSequence(bool saveVideo, bool saveView, QString dest) // defau
  * @param dest name of the saved file; if empty, a dialogue for the user opens
-void Petrack::saveView(QString dest) //default = ""
+void Petrack::saveView(QString dest) // default = ""
     static QString lastFile;
         // if no destination file or folder is given
-        if (dest.isEmpty())
+        if(dest.isEmpty())
-            if (lastFile.isEmpty() && !mSeqFileName.isEmpty())
+            if(lastFile.isEmpty() && !mSeqFileName.isEmpty())
                 lastFile = QFileInfo(mSeqFileName).path();
             // alle unetrstuetzen fileformate erhaelt man mit
             // QImageReader::supportedImageFormats() and QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats()
             // gif muss nicht dabei sein, dazu muss qt mit -qt-gif uebersetzt worden sein
-            dest = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Select image file"), lastFile,
-                                                tr("PDF (*.pdf);;Postscript (*.ps *.eps);;Windows bitmaps (*.bmp);;JPEG (*.jpeg *.jpg);;Portable network graphics (*.png);;Portable image format (*.pbm *.pgm *.ppm);;X11 Bitmap or Pixmap (*.xbm *.xpm);;Pixel Images (*.bmp *.jpeg *.jpg *.png *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.xbm *.xpm);;All supported types (*pdf *ps *.eps *.bmp *.jpeg *.jpg *.png *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.xbm *.xpm);;All files (*.*)"));
+            dest = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
+                this,
+                tr("Select image file"),
+                lastFile,
+                tr("PDF (*.pdf);;Postscript (*.ps *.eps);;Windows bitmaps (*.bmp);;JPEG (*.jpeg *.jpg);;Portable "
+                   "network graphics (*.png);;Portable image format (*.pbm *.pgm *.ppm);;X11 Bitmap or Pixmap (*.xbm "
+                   "*.xpm);;Pixel Images (*.bmp *.jpeg *.jpg *.png *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.xbm *.xpm);;All supported types "
+                   "(*pdf *ps *.eps *.bmp *.jpeg *.jpg *.png *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.xbm *.xpm);;All files (*.*)"));
-        if (!dest.isEmpty())
+        if(!dest.isEmpty())
-            if (dest.right(4) == ".pdf" || dest.right(3) == ".ps" || dest.right(4) == ".eps")
+            if(dest.right(4) == ".pdf" || dest.right(3) == ".ps" || dest.right(4) == ".eps")
                 QPrinter printer(QPrinter::ScreenResolution); // HighResolution?
                 QPainter painter(&printer);
-                if (mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
+                if(mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
@@ -1213,18 +1308,19 @@ void Petrack::saveView(QString dest) //default = ""
                 // schwarzer rand links und unten?!
                 QImage *img;
-                if (mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
+                if(mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
                     img = new QImage(mView->viewport()->width(), mView->viewport()->height(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
                     img = new QImage((int) mScene->width(), (int) mScene->height(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
                 QPainter painter(img);
-                if (mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
+                if(mCropZoomViewAct->isChecked())
-                if (!img->save(dest)) //, "PNG"
-                    PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot save %1 maybe because of wrong file extension.").arg(dest));
+                if(!img->save(dest)) //, "PNG"
+                    PCritical(
+                        this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot save %1 maybe because of wrong file extension.").arg(dest));
                 delete img;
             lastFile = dest;
@@ -1232,37 +1328,42 @@ void Petrack::saveView(QString dest) //default = ""
-void Petrack::saveImage(QString dest) //default = ""
+void Petrack::saveImage(QString dest) // default = ""
     static QString lastFile;
         // if no destination file or folder is given
-        if (dest.isEmpty())
+        if(dest.isEmpty())
-            if (lastFile.isEmpty() && !mSeqFileName.isEmpty())
+            if(lastFile.isEmpty() && !mSeqFileName.isEmpty())
                 lastFile = QFileInfo(mSeqFileName).path();
             // alle unetrstuetzen fileformate erhaelt man mit
             // QImageReader::supportedImageFormats() and QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats()
             // gif muss nict dabei sein, dazu muss qt mit -qt-gif uebesetz worden sein
-            dest = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Select image file"), lastFile,
-                                                tr("PDF (*.pdf);;Postscript (*.ps *.eps);;Windows bitmaps (*.bmp);;JPEG (*.jpeg *.jpg);;Portable network graphics (*.png);;Portable image format (*.pbm *.pgm *.ppm);;X11 Bitmap or Pixmap (*.xbm *.xpm);;Pixel Images (*.bmp *.jpeg *.jpg *.png *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.xbm *.xpm);;All supported types (*pdf *ps *.eps *.bmp *.jpeg *.jpg *.png *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.xbm *.xpm);;All files (*.*)"));
+            dest = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
+                this,
+                tr("Select image file"),
+                lastFile,
+                tr("PDF (*.pdf);;Postscript (*.ps *.eps);;Windows bitmaps (*.bmp);;JPEG (*.jpeg *.jpg);;Portable "
+                   "network graphics (*.png);;Portable image format (*.pbm *.pgm *.ppm);;X11 Bitmap or Pixmap (*.xbm "
+                   "*.xpm);;Pixel Images (*.bmp *.jpeg *.jpg *.png *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.xbm *.xpm);;All supported types "
+                   "(*pdf *ps *.eps *.bmp *.jpeg *.jpg *.png *.pbm *.pgm *.ppm *.xbm *.xpm);;All files (*.*)"));
-        if (!dest.isEmpty())
+        if(!dest.isEmpty())
-            if (dest.right(4) == ".pdf" || dest.right(3) == ".ps" || dest.right(4) == ".eps")
+            if(dest.right(4) == ".pdf" || dest.right(3) == ".ps" || dest.right(4) == ".eps")
                 QPrinter printer(QPrinter::ScreenResolution); // HighResolution?
                 QPainter painter(&printer);
-                QRect rect = painter.viewport();
-                QSize size = mImage->size();
+                QRect    rect = painter.viewport();
+                QSize    size = mImage->size();
                 size.scale(rect.size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
                 painter.setViewport(rect.x(), rect.y(), size.width(), size.height());
@@ -1270,8 +1371,9 @@ void Petrack::saveImage(QString dest) //default = ""
-                if (!mImage->save(dest)) //, "PNG"
-                    PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot save %1 maybe because of wrong file extension.").arg(dest));
+                if(!mImage->save(dest)) //, "PNG"
+                    PCritical(
+                        this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot save %1 maybe because of wrong file extension.").arg(dest));
             lastFile = dest;
@@ -1284,10 +1386,12 @@ void Petrack::print()
         // HighResolution font zu gross! und laengere laufzeit und eher overflow
         // aber so pixelig und keine schoenen linien
-        QPrinter printer(QPrinter::ScreenResolution); //ScreenResolution, HighResolution// liefert zu hause: QWin32PrintEngine::initialize: GetPrinter failed ()
+        QPrinter printer(QPrinter::ScreenResolution); // ScreenResolution, HighResolution// liefert zu hause:
+                                                      // QWin32PrintEngine::initialize: GetPrinter failed ()
         QPrintDialog dialog(&printer, this);
-        if (dialog.exec()) {
+        if(dialog.exec())
+        {
             QPainter painter(&printer);
@@ -1304,12 +1408,17 @@ void Petrack::resetSettings()
 void Petrack::about()
-  auto about = new AboutDialog(this, mPetrackVersion, mGitCommitID,
-                               mGitCommitDate, mGitCommitBranch,
-                               mCompilerID, mCompilerVersion, mCompileDate, mAuthors);
-  about->show();
+    auto about = new AboutDialog(
+        this,
+        mPetrackVersion,
+        mGitCommitID,
+        mGitCommitDate,
+        mGitCommitBranch,
+        mCompilerID,
+        mCompilerVersion,
+        mCompileDate,
+        mAuthors);
+    about->show();
@@ -1326,24 +1435,28 @@ void Petrack::keyBindings()
     const QString out = tr(
         "<p>Beside the space bar all bindings only affect inside the image.</p>"
         "<dl><dt><kbd>Space bar</kbd></dt><dd>toggles between pause and last play direction</dd>"
-        "<dt><kbd>Mouse scroll wheel</kbd></dt><dd>zooms in and out to or from the pixel of the image at the position of the mouse pointer</dd>"
+        "<dt><kbd>Mouse scroll wheel</kbd></dt><dd>zooms in and out to or from the pixel of the image at the position "
+        "of the mouse pointer</dd>"
         "<dt><kbd>Shift + mouse scroll wheel</kbd></dt><dd>plays forwards or backwards frame by frame</dd>"
         "<dt><kbd>Holding left mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>moves image</dd>"
         "<dt><kbd>Arrows up/down</kbd></dt><dd>zoom in/out</dd>"
         "<dt><kbd>Arrows left/right</kbd></dt><dd>frame back/forward</dd>"
         "<dt><kbd>Double-click left mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>opens video or image sequence</dd>"
         "<dt><kbd>Ctrl + double-click left mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>inserts new or moves near trackpoint</dd>"
-        "<dt><kbd>Ctrl + Shift + double-click left mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>splits near trackpoint before actual frame</dd>"
+        "<dt><kbd>Ctrl + Shift + double-click left mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>splits near trackpoint before actual "
+        "frame</dd>"
         "<dt><kbd>Ctrl + double-click right mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>deletes a trajectory of a near trackpoint</dd>"
-        "<dt><kbd>Shift + double-click right mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>deletes the past part of a trajectory of a near trackpoint</dd>"
-        "<dt><kbd>Alt + double-click right mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>deletes the future part of a trajectory of a near trackpoint</dd>"
+        "<dt><kbd>Shift + double-click right mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>deletes the past part of a trajectory of a "
+        "near trackpoint</dd>"
+        "<dt><kbd>Alt + double-click right mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>deletes the future part of a trajectory of a "
+        "near trackpoint</dd>"
         "<dt><kbd>Ctrl + double-click middle mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>deletes all trajectories</dd>"
         "<dt><kbd>Shift + double-click middle mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>deletes the past part of all trajectories</dd>"
         "<dt><kbd>Alt + double-click middle mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>deletes the future part of all trajectories</dd>"
         "<dt><kbd>Shift + t</kbd></dt><dd>toggles tracking online calculation</dd>"
-        "<dt><kbd>Shift + double-click left mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>inserts new or moves near trackpoint and enables showing only the modified trajectory</dd></dl>"
-        "<p>Further key bindings you will find next to the entries of the menus.</p>"
-        );
+        "<dt><kbd>Shift + double-click left mouse button</kbd></dt><dd>inserts new or moves near trackpoint and "
+        "enables showing only the modified trajectory</dd></dl>"
+        "<p>Further key bindings you will find next to the entries of the menus.</p>");
     PMessageBox *mb = new PMessageBox(this, tr("Key Bindings"), out, QIcon());
@@ -1355,7 +1468,7 @@ void Petrack::keyBindings()
 void Petrack::onlineHelp()
     static QUrl url("https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/ped-dyn-emp/petrack/-/wikis/home");
-    if (!(QDesktopServices::openUrl(url)))
+    if(!(QDesktopServices::openUrl(url)))
         PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot open external browser<br>with url ") + url.toString() + "!");
@@ -1384,11 +1497,14 @@ void Petrack::fitInROI()
 void Petrack::setGlobalFont()
-    bool ok;
+    bool  ok;
     QFont font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok, this->font(), this);
-    if (ok) {
+    if(ok)
+    {
         this->setFont(font); // font is set to the font the user selected
-    } else {
+    }
+    else
+    {
         // the user canceled the dialog; font is set to the initial
         // value, in this case Times, 12.
@@ -1403,18 +1519,18 @@ void Petrack::showHideControlWidget()
 void Petrack::setCamera()
-    if (mAnimation)
+    if(mAnimation)
-        if (mCameraLeftViewAct->isChecked())
+        if(mCameraLeftViewAct->isChecked())
-            if ((mAnimation->getCamera()) != cameraLeft)
+            if((mAnimation->getCamera()) != cameraLeft)
                 mAnimation->setCamera(cameraLeft); // war: hier wird direkt bei Umstellung neu gelesen
-        else if (mCameraRightViewAct->isChecked())
+        else if(mCameraRightViewAct->isChecked())
-            if ((mAnimation->getCamera()) != cameraRight)
+            if((mAnimation->getCamera()) != cameraRight)
                 mAnimation->setCamera(cameraRight); // war: hier wird direkt bei Umstellung neu gelesen
@@ -1424,10 +1540,11 @@ void Petrack::setCamera()
-        updateImage(mAnimation->getFrameAtIndex(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum())); // wird nur aufgerufen, wenn left / right sich geaendert hat
-        //mPlayerWidget->updateImage();
-        //mPlayerWidget->skipToFrame(mPlayerWidget->getPos()); // machtpasue!!
-        //updateImage(true); // nur dies aufrufen, wenn nicht links rechts gleichzeitig gehalten wird
+        updateImage(mAnimation->getFrameAtIndex(
+            mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum())); // wird nur aufgerufen, wenn left / right sich geaendert hat
+        // mPlayerWidget->updateImage();
+        // mPlayerWidget->skipToFrame(mPlayerWidget->getPos()); // machtpasue!!
+        // updateImage(true); // nur dies aufrufen, wenn nicht links rechts gleichzeitig gehalten wird
@@ -1444,14 +1561,15 @@ void Petrack::createActions()
     connect(mOpenSeqAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openSequence()));
     mOpenCameraAct = new QAction(tr("Open Camera Stream"), this);
-    //mOpenCameraAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+C")); // because of some reason it is sometimes fired with Ctrl+LeftMouseButton ==> so disabled (it's also not really needed)
+    // mOpenCameraAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+C")); // because of some reason it is sometimes fired with
+    // Ctrl+LeftMouseButton ==> so disabled (it's also not really needed)
     connect(mOpenCameraAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openCameraLiveStream()));
     mOpenMoCapAct = new QAction(tr("Manage MoCap Files"), this);
     connect(mOpenMoCapAct, &QAction::triggered, this, &Petrack::openMoCapFile);
     mSaveSeqVidAct = new QAction(tr("Save Video"), this);
-    //mSaveSeqVidAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+E"));
+    // mSaveSeqVidAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+E"));
     connect(mSaveSeqVidAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveVideo()));
@@ -1498,7 +1616,7 @@ void Petrack::createActions()
     connect(mPrintAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(print()));
     mResetSettingsAct = new QAction(tr("&Reset Settings"), this);
-//    mResetSettingsAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+R"));
+    //    mResetSettingsAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+R"));
     mResetSettingsAct->setEnabled(false); // da es noch nicht fehlerfrei funktioniert
     connect(mResetSettingsAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(resetSettings()));
@@ -1518,9 +1636,9 @@ void Petrack::createActions()
     connect(mHideControlsAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showHideControlWidget()));
-    connect(mHideControlsAct, SIGNAL(changed()),this, SLOT(showHideControlWidget()));
+    connect(mHideControlsAct, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(showHideControlWidget()));
-    mCropZoomViewAct = new QAction(tr("&Transform while saving"), this); //Crop and zoom while saving
+    mCropZoomViewAct = new QAction(tr("&Transform while saving"), this); // Crop and zoom while saving
     mOpenGLAct = new QAction(tr("Open&GL"), this);
@@ -1532,7 +1650,8 @@ void Petrack::createActions()
     connect(mResetAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(reset()));
-    mFitViewAct = new QAction(tr("Fit in window"), this); // Resize to window; fit in view; show all; in fenster einpassen
+    mFitViewAct =
+        new QAction(tr("Fit in window"), this); // Resize to window; fit in view; show all; in fenster einpassen
     connect(mFitViewAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fitInView()));
@@ -1541,8 +1660,8 @@ void Petrack::createActions()
     connect(mFitROIAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fitInROI()));
     mCameraGroupView = new QActionGroup(this);
-    //mCameraGroupView->addAction(mCameraLeftViewAct);
-    //mCameraGroupView->addAction(mCameraRightViewAct);
+    // mCameraGroupView->addAction(mCameraLeftViewAct);
+    // mCameraGroupView->addAction(mCameraRightViewAct);
     mCameraLeftViewAct = new QAction(tr("&Left"), mCameraGroupView);
@@ -1551,37 +1670,44 @@ void Petrack::createActions()
     connect(mCameraRightViewAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setCamera()));
-    mCameraRightViewAct->setChecked(true); // right wird als default genommen, da reference image in triclops auch right ist // erste trj wurden mit left gerechnet
+    mCameraRightViewAct->setChecked(true); // right wird als default genommen, da reference image in triclops auch right
+                                           // ist // erste trj wurden mit left gerechnet
     mLimitPlaybackSpeed = new QAction(tr("&Limit playback speed"));
-    // Not checkable like Fix since this is also controlled through clicking on FPS and syncing currently would be bothersome
-    connect(mLimitPlaybackSpeed, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&](){mPlayerWidget->setPlayerSpeedLimited(!mPlayerWidget->getPlayerSpeedLimited());});
+    // Not checkable like Fix since this is also controlled through clicking on FPS and syncing currently would be
+    // bothersome
+    connect(
+        mLimitPlaybackSpeed,
+        &QAction::triggered,
+        mPlayerWidget,
+        [&]() { mPlayerWidget->setPlayerSpeedLimited(!mPlayerWidget->getPlayerSpeedLimited()); });
     mFixPlaybackSpeed = new QAction(tr("&Fix playback speed"));
     connect(mFixPlaybackSpeed, &QAction::toggled, mPlayerWidget, &Player::setPlayerSpeedFixed);
     mSetToRealtime = new QAction(tr("&Realtime"));
-    connect(mSetToRealtime, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&](){mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(1.0);});
+    connect(
+        mSetToRealtime, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&]() { mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(1.0); });
     mSetTo2p00 = new QAction(tr("&x2"));
-    connect(mSetTo2p00, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&](){mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(2.0);});
+    connect(mSetTo2p00, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&]() { mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(2.0); });
     mSetTo1p75 = new QAction(tr("&x1.75"));
-    connect(mSetTo1p75, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&](){mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(1.75);});
+    connect(mSetTo1p75, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&]() { mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(1.75); });
     mSetTo1p50 = new QAction(tr("&x1.5"));
-    connect(mSetTo1p50, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&](){mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(1.5);});
+    connect(mSetTo1p50, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&]() { mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(1.5); });
     mSetTo1p25 = new QAction(tr("&x1.25"));
-    connect(mSetTo1p25, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&](){mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(1.25);});
+    connect(mSetTo1p25, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&]() { mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(1.25); });
     mSetTo0p75 = new QAction(tr("&x0.75"));
-    connect(mSetTo0p75, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&](){mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(0.75);});
+    connect(mSetTo0p75, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&]() { mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(0.75); });
     mSetTo0p50 = new QAction(tr("&x0.5"));
-    connect(mSetTo0p50, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&](){mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(0.5);});
+    connect(mSetTo0p50, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&]() { mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(0.5); });
     mSetTo0p25 = new QAction(tr("&x0.25"));
-    connect(mSetTo0p25, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&](){mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(0.25);});
+    connect(mSetTo0p25, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, [&]() { mPlayerWidget->setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(0.25); });
     mPlayerLooping = new QAction(tr("&Loop"));
     connect(mPlayerLooping, &QAction::triggered, mPlayerWidget, &Player::setLooping);
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    QSignalMapper* signalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
+    QSignalMapper *signalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
     mDelPastAct = new QAction(tr("&Past part of all trj."), this);
     connect(mDelPastAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), signalMapper, SLOT(map()));
@@ -1693,7 +1819,7 @@ void Petrack::createMenus()
 void Petrack::createStatusBar()
-    QFont f("Courier", 12, QFont::Bold); //Times Helvetica, Normal
+    QFont f("Courier", 12, QFont::Bold); // Times Helvetica, Normal
     statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(mStatusLabelStereo = new QLabel(" "));
@@ -1727,19 +1853,20 @@ void Petrack::createStatusBar()
 void Petrack::resetUI()
-    ///ToDo:
+    /// ToDo:
-    /// Reset all UI elements to default settings
-    /// Noetig damit alle UI Elemente, welche in der neu geladenen Projekt-Datei z.B. noch nicht vorhanden sind, auf sinnvolle Werte gesetzt werden.
-    /// Anderenfalls kommt es evtl. beim nacheinander laden verschiedener Projekte zu einem Programmabsturz
+    ///  Reset all UI elements to default settings
+    ///  Noetig damit alle UI Elemente, welche in der neu geladenen Projekt-Datei z.B. noch nicht vorhanden sind, auf
+    ///  sinnvolle Werte gesetzt werden. Anderenfalls kommt es evtl. beim nacheinander laden verschiedener Projekte zu
+    ///  einem Programmabsturz
     mSeqFileName = "";
-    if( mImage )
+    if(mImage)
-        mImage->fill(QColor::fromRgb(255,255,255));
+        mImage->fill(QColor::fromRgb(255, 255, 255));
@@ -1775,10 +1902,10 @@ void Petrack::resetUI()
-    mControlWidget->cx->setMaximum(mControlWidget->cx->value()*2);
+    mControlWidget->cx->setMaximum(mControlWidget->cx->value() * 2);
-    mControlWidget->cy->setMaximum(mControlWidget->cy->value()*2);
+    mControlWidget->cy->setMaximum(mControlWidget->cy->value() * 2);
@@ -1848,11 +1975,11 @@ void Petrack::resetUI()
     // region of interest
-    getRecoRoiItem()->setRect(0,0,0,0);
+    getRecoRoiItem()->setRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
     // marker, default multicolor marker (until 11/2016 hermes marker)
-            mControlWidget->recoMethod->findData(QVariant::fromValue(reco::RecognitionMethod::MultiColor)));
+        mControlWidget->recoMethod->findData(QVariant::fromValue(reco::RecognitionMethod::MultiColor)));
@@ -1888,7 +2015,7 @@ void Petrack::resetUI()
-    getTrackRoiItem()->setRect(0,0,0,0);
+    getTrackRoiItem()->setRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
     // export options
@@ -1966,39 +2093,40 @@ void Petrack::resetUI()
 void Petrack::setStatusStereo(float x, float y, float z)
-    if (mStatusLabelStereo)
+    if(mStatusLabelStereo)
-        if (z<0)
+        if(z < 0)
             mStatusLabelStereo->setText(QString("x= novalue  y= novalue  z= novalue  "));
-            mStatusLabelStereo->setText(QString("x=%1cm  y=%2cm  z=%3cm  ").arg(x, 6, 'f', 1).arg(y, 6, 'f', 1).arg(z, 6, 'f', 1));
+            mStatusLabelStereo->setText(
+                QString("x=%1cm  y=%2cm  z=%3cm  ").arg(x, 6, 'f', 1).arg(y, 6, 'f', 1).arg(z, 6, 'f', 1));
 void Petrack::setStatusTime()
-    if (mStatusLabelTime)
+    if(mStatusLabelTime)
 void Petrack::setStatusFPS()
-    if (mStatusLabelFPS)
+    if(mStatusLabelFPS)
         mStatusLabelFPS->setText(QString("%1fps  ").arg(mShowFPS, 5, 'f', 1));
         QPalette pal = mStatusLabelFPS->palette(); // static moeglich?
-        QColor color;
+        QColor   color;
-        double diff = mShowFPS-mAnimation->getFPS();
-        int opacity = mPlayerWidget->getPlayerSpeedLimited() ? 128 : 20;
+        double diff    = mShowFPS - mAnimation->getFPS();
+        int    opacity = mPlayerWidget->getPlayerSpeedLimited() ? 128 : 20;
-        if( diff < -6 ) // very slow ==> red
-            color.setRgb(200,0,0,opacity);
-        else if( diff < -2 ) // better ==> yellow
-            color.setRgb(200,200,0,opacity);
-        else if (diff > -2) // nearly ok ==> green
-            color.setRgb(0,200,0,opacity);
+        if(diff < -6) // very slow ==> red
+            color.setRgb(200, 0, 0, opacity);
+        else if(diff < -2) // better ==> yellow
+            color.setRgb(200, 200, 0, opacity);
+        else if(diff > -2) // nearly ok ==> green
+            color.setRgb(0, 200, 0, opacity);
         pal.setColor(QPalette::Window, color);
@@ -2007,10 +2135,10 @@ void Petrack::setStatusFPS()
 void Petrack::setShowFPS(double fps)
-    if ((fps == 0.) || (mShowFPS == 0))
+    if((fps == 0.) || (mShowFPS == 0))
         mShowFPS = fps;
-        mShowFPS = mShowFPS*.9+fps*.1; // glaetten durch Hinzunahme des alten Wertes
+        mShowFPS = mShowFPS * .9 + fps * .1; // glaetten durch Hinzunahme des alten Wertes
@@ -2025,28 +2153,30 @@ void Petrack::setShowFPS(double fps)
  * @param skipped True, if this is a skipped frame; default false
-void Petrack::updateShowFPS(bool skipped) {
+void Petrack::updateShowFPS(bool skipped)
     static QElapsedTimer lastTime;
-    static int skippedFrames = 0;
+    static int           skippedFrames = 0;
-    if(skipped){
+    if(skipped)
+    {
-    if (mPlayerWidget->getPaused())
+    if(mPlayerWidget->getPaused())
-        if (lastTime.isValid())
+        if(lastTime.isValid())
-            if (lastTime.elapsed() > 0)
+            if(lastTime.elapsed() > 0)
-                int numFrames = skippedFrames > 0 ? skippedFrames+1 : 1;
-                setShowFPS(numFrames*1000./lastTime.elapsed());
+                int numFrames = skippedFrames > 0 ? skippedFrames + 1 : 1;
+                setShowFPS(numFrames * 1000. / lastTime.elapsed());
                 skippedFrames = 0;
@@ -2058,17 +2188,24 @@ void Petrack::updateShowFPS(bool skipped) {
 // gebraucht in control.cpp
 void Petrack::setStatusPosReal() // pos in cm
-    if (mImageItem)
+    if(mImageItem)
         setStatusPosReal(mImageItem->getPosReal(mMousePosOnImage, getStatusPosRealHeight()));
 void Petrack::setStatusPosReal(const QPointF &pos) // pos in cm
-    if (mStatusLabelPosReal)
+    if(mStatusLabelPosReal)
-        QChar deg(0xB0);
-        QString labelText = QString(" cm from ground:%1cm,%2cm,%3").arg(pos.x(), 6, 'f', 1).arg(pos.y(), 6, 'f', 1).arg(
-                                    getImageItem()->getAngleToGround(mMousePosOnImage.x(), mMousePosOnImage.y(), getStatusPosRealHeight()), 5, 'f', 1);
+        QChar   deg(0xB0);
+        QString labelText = QString(" cm from ground:%1cm,%2cm,%3")
+                                .arg(pos.x(), 6, 'f', 1)
+                                .arg(pos.y(), 6, 'f', 1)
+                                .arg(
+                                    getImageItem()->getAngleToGround(
+                                        mMousePosOnImage.x(), mMousePosOnImage.y(), getStatusPosRealHeight()),
+                                    5,
+                                    'f',
+                                    1);
@@ -2083,26 +2220,25 @@ void Petrack::setStatusColor(const QRgb &col)
     QString s("#%1%2%3"); // static moeglich?
     s = s.arg(qRed(col), 2, 16, QChar('0')).arg(qGreen(col), 2, 16, QChar('0')).arg(qBlue(col), 2, 16, QChar('0'));
-    if ((qRed(col)+qGreen(col)+qBlue(col))/3 < 128)
+    if((qRed(col) + qGreen(col) + qBlue(col)) / 3 < 128)
         mStatusLabelColor->setText(QString("<font color=\"#ffffff\">&nbsp;%1</font>").arg(s));
         mStatusLabelColor->setText(QString("<font color=\"#000000\">&nbsp;%1</font>").arg(s));
     QPalette pal = mStatusLabelColor->palette(); // static moeglich?
-    QColor color(qRed(col), qGreen(col), qBlue(col));
+    QColor   color(qRed(col), qGreen(col), qBlue(col));
     pal.setColor(QPalette::Window, color);
 void Petrack::setStatusColor()
     QPointF pos = getMousePosOnImage();
-    if (pos.x() >= 0 && pos.x() < mImage->width() && pos.y() > 0 && pos.y() < mImage->height())
+    if(pos.x() >= 0 && pos.x() < mImage->width() && pos.y() > 0 && pos.y() < mImage->height())
@@ -2110,7 +2246,7 @@ void Petrack::setStatusColor()
 double Petrack::getStatusPosRealHeight()
-    if (mStatusPosRealHeight)
+    if(mStatusPosRealHeight)
         return mStatusPosRealHeight->value();
         return 0.;
@@ -2127,14 +2263,14 @@ double Petrack::getStatusPosRealHeight()
 void Petrack::readSettings()
     QSettings settings("Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH", "PeTrack by Maik Boltes, Daniel Salden");
-    QPoint pos = settings.value("pos", QPoint(200, 200)).toPoint();
-    QSize size = settings.value("size", QSize(400, 400)).toSize();
+    QPoint    pos  = settings.value("pos", QPoint(200, 200)).toPoint();
+    QSize     size = settings.value("size", QSize(400, 400)).toSize();
     mAntialiasAct->setChecked(settings.value("antialias", false).toBool());
     mOpenGLAct->setChecked(settings.value("opengl", false).toBool());
     mSeqFileName = settings.value("seqFileName", QDir::currentPath()).toString();
     setProFileName(settings.value("proFilePath", QDir::currentPath()).toString());
-    // nicht ganz sauber, da so immer schon zu anfang in calib file list etwas drin steht und somit auto ausgefuehrt werden kann
-    // wird aber beim ersten openCalib... ueberschrieben
+    // nicht ganz sauber, da so immer schon zu anfang in calib file list etwas drin steht und somit auto ausgefuehrt
+    // werden kann wird aber beim ersten openCalib... ueberschrieben
     mAutoCalib.addCalibFile(settings.value("calibFile", QDir::currentPath()).toString());
@@ -2156,31 +2292,31 @@ void Petrack::writeSettings()
     settings.setValue("opengl", mOpenGLAct->isChecked());
     settings.setValue("seqFileName", mSeqFileName);
     settings.setValue("proFilePath", QFileInfo(mProFileName).path()); // nur path, damit bei saveCurrentProject
-    if (!mAutoCalib.isEmptyCalibFiles()) //!mCalibFiles.isEmpty()
+    if(!mAutoCalib.isEmptyCalibFiles())                               //! mCalibFiles.isEmpty()
         settings.setValue("calibFile", mAutoCalib.getCalibFile(0));
     settings.setValue("controlSplitterSizes", mSplitter->saveState());
 bool Petrack::maybeSave()
-    int ret = PWarning(this, tr("PeTrack"),
-                                   tr("Do you want to save "
-                                      "the current project?\n"
-                                      "Be sure to save trajectories, background "
-                                      "and 3D calibration point separately!"),
-                                   PMessageBox::StandardButton::Yes |
-                                    PMessageBox::StandardButton::No |
-                                    PMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel,
-                                   PMessageBox::StandardButton::Yes);
-    if (ret == PMessageBox::StandardButton::Yes)
+    int ret = PWarning(
+        this,
+        tr("PeTrack"),
+        tr("Do you want to save "
+           "the current project?\n"
+           "Be sure to save trajectories, background "
+           "and 3D calibration point separately!"),
+        PMessageBox::StandardButton::Yes | PMessageBox::StandardButton::No | PMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel,
+        PMessageBox::StandardButton::Yes);
+    if(ret == PMessageBox::StandardButton::Yes)
-        if (saveSameProject())
+        if(saveSameProject())
             return true;
             return false;
-    else if (ret == PMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel)
+    else if(ret == PMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel)
         return false;
         return true;
@@ -2188,15 +2324,13 @@ bool Petrack::maybeSave()
 void Petrack::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
-    if (maybeSave())
+    if(maybeSave())
@@ -2208,13 +2342,13 @@ void Petrack::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
 void Petrack::setMousePosOnImage(QPointF pos)
-    if (mImage)
+    if(mImage)
         mMousePosOnImage = pos;
         setStatusPosReal(mImageItem->getPosReal(pos, getStatusPosRealHeight()));
         // pixel coordinate
-        QPoint pos1((int)(pos.x())+1, (int)(pos.y())+1);
+        QPoint pos1((int) (pos.x()) + 1, (int) (pos.y()) + 1);
         // pixel color
@@ -2222,36 +2356,37 @@ void Petrack::setMousePosOnImage(QPointF pos)
-void Petrack::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * event)
-    switch (event->key()) {
-    case Qt::Key_Left:
-        mPlayerWidget->frameBackward();
-        break;
-    case Qt::Key_Right:
-        mPlayerWidget->frameForward();
-        break;
-    case Qt::Key_Down:
-        mViewWidget->zoomOut(1);
-        break;
-    case Qt::Key_Up:
-        mViewWidget->zoomIn(1);
-        break;
-    case Qt::Key_Space:
-        // space wird von buttons, wenn focus drauf ist als Aktivierung vorher abgegriffen und nicht durchgereicht
-        mPlayerWidget->togglePlayPause();
-        break;
-    case Qt::Key_D:
-        break;
-    default:
-        ;
+void Petrack::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
+    switch(event->key())
+    {
+        case Qt::Key_Left:
+            mPlayerWidget->frameBackward();
+            break;
+        case Qt::Key_Right:
+            mPlayerWidget->frameForward();
+            break;
+        case Qt::Key_Down:
+            mViewWidget->zoomOut(1);
+            break;
+        case Qt::Key_Up:
+            mViewWidget->zoomIn(1);
+            break;
+        case Qt::Key_Space:
+            // space wird von buttons, wenn focus drauf ist als Aktivierung vorher abgegriffen und nicht durchgereicht
+            mPlayerWidget->togglePlayPause();
+            break;
+        case Qt::Key_D:
+            break;
+        default:;
 void Petrack::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
     // mouse click in fps status label ?
-    if( event->pos().x() >= mStatusLabelFPS->pos().x() && event->pos().x() <= mStatusLabelFPS->pos().x()+mStatusLabelFPS->width() )
+    if(event->pos().x() >= mStatusLabelFPS->pos().x() &&
+       event->pos().x() <= mStatusLabelFPS->pos().x() + mStatusLabelFPS->width())
@@ -2261,98 +2396,103 @@ void Petrack::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
 /// update control widget, if image size changed (especially because of changing border)
 void Petrack::updateControlImage(cv::Mat &img)
     // auch moeglich hoehe und breite von bild stat border veraenderungen zu checken
     static int lastBorderSize = -1;
-    if( isLoading() )
+    if(isLoading())
         lastBorderSize = -1;
-    int diffBorderSize=0;
-    int iW = img.cols;
-    int iH = img.rows;
+    int diffBorderSize = 0;
+    int iW             = img.cols;
+    int iH             = img.rows;
     // wird auch nochmal in ImageWidget gemacht, aber ist hier frueher noetig
     double cX = mControlWidget->getCalibCxValue(); // merken, da min/max value verandernkann wenn aus dem rahmen
     double cY = mControlWidget->getCalibCyValue();
-    mControlWidget->setCalibCxMin(0  /*iW/2.-50.*/);
+    mControlWidget->setCalibCxMin(0 /*iW/2.-50.*/);
     mControlWidget->setCalibCxMax(iW /*iW/2.+50.*/);
-    mControlWidget->setCalibCyMin(0  /*iH/2.-50.*/);
+    mControlWidget->setCalibCyMin(0 /*iH/2.-50.*/);
     mControlWidget->setCalibCyMax(iH /*iH/2.+50.*/);
-    if (mControlWidget->fixCenter->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+    if(mControlWidget->fixCenter->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
-        mControlWidget->setCalibCxValue((iW-1)/2.);
-        mControlWidget->setCalibCyValue((iH-1)/2.);
+        mControlWidget->setCalibCxValue((iW - 1) / 2.);
+        mControlWidget->setCalibCyValue((iH - 1) / 2.);
-        if (lastBorderSize != -1)
-            diffBorderSize = getImageBorderSize()-lastBorderSize;
+        if(lastBorderSize != -1)
+            diffBorderSize = getImageBorderSize() - lastBorderSize;
         lastBorderSize = getImageBorderSize();
-        mControlWidget->setCalibCxValue(cX+diffBorderSize);
-        mControlWidget->setCalibCyValue(cY+diffBorderSize);
+        mControlWidget->setCalibCxValue(cX + diffBorderSize);
+        mControlWidget->setCalibCyValue(cY + diffBorderSize);
-void Petrack::importTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
+void Petrack::importTracker(QString dest) // default = ""
     static QString lastFile;
-    if (lastFile == "")
+    if(lastFile == "")
         lastFile = mTrcFileName;
     // if no destination file or folder is given
-    if (dest.isEmpty())
+    if(dest.isEmpty())
-        dest = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select file for importing tracking pathes"), lastFile,
-                                            tr("PeTrack tracker (*.trc *.txt);;All files (*.*)"));
+        dest = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
+            this,
+            tr("Select file for importing tracking pathes"),
+            lastFile,
+            tr("PeTrack tracker (*.trc *.txt);;All files (*.*)"));
-    if (!dest.isEmpty())
+    if(!dest.isEmpty())
-        if (dest.right(4) == ".trc")
+        if(dest.right(4) == ".trc")
             QFile file(dest);
-            int i, sz;
+            int   i, sz;
-            if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+            if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
                 // errorstring ist je nach Betriebssystem in einer anderen Sprache!!!!
                 PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot open %1:\n%2").arg(dest).arg(file.errorString()));
-            setTrackChanged(true);// flag changes of track parameters
+            setTrackChanged(true); // flag changes of track parameters
             QTextStream in(&file);
             TrackPerson tp;
-            QString comment;
+            QString     comment;
-            bool ok; // shows if int stands in first line - that was in the first version of trc file
+            bool    ok; // shows if int stands in first line - that was in the first version of trc file
             QString firstLine = in.readLine();
-            sz = firstLine.toInt(&ok);
-            if (!ok)
+            sz                = firstLine.toInt(&ok);
+            if(!ok)
-                if (firstLine.contains("version 4",Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+                if(firstLine.contains("version 4", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
                     trcVersion = 4;
-                else if (firstLine.contains("version 3",Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+                else if(firstLine.contains("version 3", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
                     trcVersion = 3;
-                else if(firstLine.contains("version 2",Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+                else if(firstLine.contains("version 2", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
                     trcVersion = 2;
                     debout << "Error: wrong header while reading TRC file." << std::endl;
-                    QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Could not import tracker:\nNot supported trc version in file: %1.").arg(dest));
+                    QMessageBox::critical(
+                        this,
+                        tr("PeTrack"),
+                        tr("Could not import tracker:\nNot supported trc version in file: %1.").arg(dest));
                 in >> sz;
@@ -2360,64 +2500,72 @@ void Petrack::importTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
                 trcVersion = 1;
-            if ((sz > 0) && (mTracker->size() != 0))
-                debout << "Warning: Overlapping trajectories will be joined not until tracking adds new trackpoints." << std::endl;
-            for (i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
+            if((sz > 0) && (mTracker->size() != 0))
+                debout << "Warning: Overlapping trajectories will be joined not until tracking adds new trackpoints."
+                       << std::endl;
+            for(i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
-                if( trcVersion == 2)
+                if(trcVersion == 2)
                     in >> tp;
-                }else if( trcVersion >= 3)
+                }
+                else if(trcVersion >= 3)
                     in >> tp;
-                tp.clear();  // loeschen, sonst immer weitere pfade angehangen werden
+                tp.clear(); // loeschen, sonst immer weitere pfade angehangen werden
-            mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyNr->setMaximum(MAX(mTracker->size(),1));
-            mControlWidget->trackNumberVisible->setText(QString("%1").arg(mTracker->visible(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum())));
+            mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyNr->setMaximum(MAX(mTracker->size(), 1));
+            mControlWidget->trackNumberVisible->setText(
+                QString("%1").arg(mTracker->visible(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum())));
             debout << "import " << dest << " (" << sz << " person(s), file version " << trcVersion << ")" << std::endl;
-            mTrcFileName = dest; // fuer Project-File, dann koennte track path direkt mitgeladen werden, wenn er noch da ist
-        }else
-        if (dest.right(4) == ".txt") // 3D Koordinaten als Tracking-Daten importieren Zeilenformat: Personennr, Framenr, x, y, z
+            mTrcFileName =
+                dest; // fuer Project-File, dann koennte track path direkt mitgeladen werden, wenn er noch da ist
+        }
+        else if(dest.right(4) == ".txt") // 3D Koordinaten als Tracking-Daten importieren Zeilenformat: Personennr,
+                                         // Framenr, x, y, z
-            PWarning(this,tr("PeTrack"), tr("Are you sure you want to import 3D data from TXT-File? You have to make sure that the coordinate system now is exactly at the same position and orientation than at export time!"));
+            PWarning(
+                this,
+                tr("PeTrack"),
+                tr("Are you sure you want to import 3D data from TXT-File? You have to make sure that the coordinate "
+                   "system now is exactly at the same position and orientation than at export time!"));
             QFile file(dest);
             // size of person list
             int sz = 0;
-            if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+            if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
                 // errorstring ist je nach Betriebssystem in einer anderen Sprache!!!!
                 PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot open %1:\n%2").arg(dest).arg(file.errorString()));
-            setTrackChanged(true);// flag changes of track parameters
+            setTrackChanged(true); // flag changes of track parameters
             QTextStream in(&file);
             TrackPerson tp;
-            TrackPoint tPoint;
+            TrackPoint  tPoint;
             cv::Point2f p2d;
             QString line;
             QString headerline;
-            bool exec_once_flag = false;
-            double conversionFactorTo_cm = 1.0;
-            int personNr = -1, frameNr = -1, current_personNr = 1;
-            float x, y ,z;
+            bool    exec_once_flag        = false;
+            double  conversionFactorTo_cm = 1.0;
+            int     personNr = -1, frameNr = -1, current_personNr = 1;
+            float   x, y, z;
-            while( 1 )
+            while(1)
                 // Falls Datei am Ende letzte Person abspeichern und Lese-Schleife beenden
-                if( in.atEnd() )
+                if(in.atEnd())
@@ -2429,27 +2577,26 @@ void Petrack::importTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
                 line = in.readLine();
                 // Kommentare ueberlesen
-                if( line.startsWith("#",Qt::CaseInsensitive) )
+                if(line.startsWith("#", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
                     headerline = line;
-                if ((!exec_once_flag) && (!headerline.contains("cm")))
+                if((!exec_once_flag) && (!headerline.contains("cm")))
                     conversionFactorTo_cm = 100.0;
-                    exec_once_flag = true;
-                    PWarning(this,tr("PeTrack"), tr("PeTrack will interpret position data as unit [m]. No header with [cm] found."));
+                    exec_once_flag        = true;
+                    PWarning(
+                        this,
+                        tr("PeTrack"),
+                        tr("PeTrack will interpret position data as unit [m]. No header with [cm] found."));
                 QTextStream stream(&line);
                 // Zeile als Stream einlesen Format: [id frame x y z]
-                stream >> personNr
-                       >> frameNr
-                       >> x
-                       >> y
-                       >> z;
+                stream >> personNr >> frameNr >> x >> y >> z;
                 // convert data to cm
                 x = x * conversionFactorTo_cm;
@@ -2457,23 +2604,27 @@ void Petrack::importTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
                 z = z * conversionFactorTo_cm;
                 // 3-dimensionale Berechnung/Anzeige des Punktes
-                if( mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0 )
+                if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0)
-                    p2d = mExtrCalibration.getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x,y,z));
+                    p2d = mExtrCalibration.getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(x, y, z));
                 // 2-dimensionale Berechnung/Anzeige des Punktes
-                    QPointF pos = mImageItem->getPosImage(QPointF(x,y),z);
-                    p2d.x = pos.x();
-                    p2d.y = pos.y();
+                    QPointF pos = mImageItem->getPosImage(QPointF(x, y), z);
+                    p2d.x       = pos.x();
+                    p2d.y       = pos.y();
-                tPoint = TrackPoint(Vec2F(p2d.x,p2d.y),100);
-                tPoint.setSp(x,y,-mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3()-z); // fuer den Abstand zur Kamera in z-Richtung wie bei einer Stereokamera
+                tPoint = TrackPoint(Vec2F(p2d.x, p2d.y), 100);
+                tPoint.setSp(
+                    x,
+                    y,
+                    -mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3() -
+                        z); // fuer den Abstand zur Kamera in z-Richtung wie bei einer Stereokamera
                 // Neue ID ? ==> letzte Person beendet ==> abspeichern
-                if( personNr > current_personNr )
+                if(personNr > current_personNr)
@@ -2482,7 +2633,7 @@ void Petrack::importTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
                 // TrackPerson leer ? ==> Neue TrackPerson erstellen
-                if ( tp.isEmpty() )
+                if(tp.isEmpty())
                     tp = TrackPerson(personNr, frameNr, tPoint);
@@ -2497,12 +2648,14 @@ void Petrack::importTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
-            mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyNr->setMaximum(MAX(mTracker->size(),1));
-            mControlWidget->trackNumberVisible->setText(QString("%1").arg(mTracker->visible(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum())));
+            mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyNr->setMaximum(MAX(mTracker->size(), 1));
+            mControlWidget->trackNumberVisible->setText(
+                QString("%1").arg(mTracker->visible(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum())));
             debout << "import " << dest << " (" << sz << " person(s) )" << std::endl;
-            mTrcFileName = dest; // fuer Project-File, dann koennte track path direkt mitgeladen werden, wenn er noch da ist
+            mTrcFileName =
+                dest; // fuer Project-File, dann koennte track path direkt mitgeladen werden, wenn er noch da ist
@@ -2514,90 +2667,104 @@ void Petrack::importTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
 void Petrack::testTracker()
-    static int idx=0; // index in Fehlerliste, die als letztes angesprungen wurde
+    static int idx = 0; // index in Fehlerliste, die als letztes angesprungen wurde
     QList<int> pers, frame;
-    mTracker->checkPlausibility(pers, frame,
-                                mControlWidget->testEqual->isChecked(),
-                                mControlWidget->testVelocity->isChecked(),
-                                mControlWidget->testInside->isChecked(),
-                                mControlWidget->testLength->isChecked());
-    if (pers.length()<=idx)
-        idx=0;
-    if (pers.length()>idx)
+    mTracker->checkPlausibility(
+        pers,
+        frame,
+        mControlWidget->testEqual->isChecked(),
+        mControlWidget->testVelocity->isChecked(),
+        mControlWidget->testInside->isChecked(),
+        mControlWidget->testLength->isChecked());
+    if(pers.length() <= idx)
+        idx = 0;
+    if(pers.length() > idx)
 int Petrack::calculateRealTracker()
     bool autoCorrectOnlyExport = (mReco.getRecoMethod() == reco::RecognitionMethod::MultiColor) && // multicolor
-            mMultiColorMarkerWidget->autoCorrect->isChecked() &&
-            mMultiColorMarkerWidget->autoCorrectOnlyExport->isChecked();
-    int anz = mTrackerReal->calculate(mTracker, mImageItem, mControlWidget->getColorPlot(), getImageBorderSize(),
-                            mControlWidget->anaMissingFrames->checkState(),
-                            mStereoWidget->stereoUseForExport->isChecked(),
-                            mControlWidget->trackAlternateHeight->checkState(), mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value(), mStereoWidget->stereoUseCalibrationCenter->isChecked(),
-                            mControlWidget->exportElimTp->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportElimTrj->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportSmooth->isChecked(),
-                            mControlWidget->exportViewDir->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportAngleOfView->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportMarkerID->isChecked(),
-                            autoCorrectOnlyExport);
+                                 mMultiColorMarkerWidget->autoCorrect->isChecked() &&
+                                 mMultiColorMarkerWidget->autoCorrectOnlyExport->isChecked();
+    int anz = mTrackerReal->calculate(
+        mTracker,
+        mImageItem,
+        mControlWidget->getColorPlot(),
+        getImageBorderSize(),
+        mControlWidget->anaMissingFrames->checkState(),
+        mStereoWidget->stereoUseForExport->isChecked(),
+        mControlWidget->trackAlternateHeight->checkState(),
+        mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value(),
+        mStereoWidget->stereoUseCalibrationCenter->isChecked(),
+        mControlWidget->exportElimTp->isChecked(),
+        mControlWidget->exportElimTrj->isChecked(),
+        mControlWidget->exportSmooth->isChecked(),
+        mControlWidget->exportViewDir->isChecked(),
+        mControlWidget->exportAngleOfView->isChecked(),
+        mControlWidget->exportMarkerID->isChecked(),
+        autoCorrectOnlyExport);
     return anz;
-void Petrack::exportTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
+void Petrack::exportTracker(QString dest) // default = ""
     static QString lastFile;
-    if (lastFile == "")
+    if(lastFile == "")
         lastFile = mTrcFileName;
-    if (mTracker)
+    if(mTracker)
         // if no destination file or folder is given
-        if (dest.isEmpty())
+        if(dest.isEmpty())
-            QFileDialog fileDialog(this,
-                                   tr("Select file for exporting tracking pathes"),
-                                   lastFile,
-                                   tr("Tracker (*.*);;Petrack tracker (*.trc);;Text (*.txt);;Text for gnuplot(*.dat);;XML Travisto (*.trav);;All supported types (*.txt *.trc *.dat *.trav *.);;All files (*.*)"));
+            QFileDialog fileDialog(
+                this,
+                tr("Select file for exporting tracking pathes"),
+                lastFile,
+                tr("Tracker (*.*);;Petrack tracker (*.trc);;Text (*.txt);;Text for gnuplot(*.dat);;XML Travisto "
+                   "(*.trav);;All supported types (*.txt *.trc *.dat *.trav *.);;All files (*.*)"));
-            if( fileDialog.exec() ){
+            if(fileDialog.exec())
+            {
                 dest = fileDialog.selectedFiles().at(0);
-       }
+        }
-        if (!dest.isEmpty())
+        if(!dest.isEmpty())
             QList<int> pers, frame;
             bool autoCorrectOnlyExport = (mReco.getRecoMethod() == reco::RecognitionMethod::MultiColor) && // multicolor
-                    mMultiColorMarkerWidget->autoCorrect->isChecked() &&
-                    mMultiColorMarkerWidget->autoCorrectOnlyExport->isChecked();
+                                         mMultiColorMarkerWidget->autoCorrect->isChecked() &&
+                                         mMultiColorMarkerWidget->autoCorrectOnlyExport->isChecked();
-            if (dest.right(4) == ".trc")
+            if(dest.right(4) == ".trc")
                 double time1 = 0.0, tstart;
-                tstart = clock();
+                tstart       = clock();
                 QTemporaryFile file;
-                int i;
+                int            i;
-                if (!file.open()/*!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)*/)
+                if(!file.open() /*!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)*/)
                     PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot open %1:\n%2.").arg(dest).arg(file.errorString()));
-                QProgressDialog progress("Export TRC-File",nullptr,0,mTracker->size()+1,this->window());
+                QProgressDialog progress("Export TRC-File", nullptr, 0, mTracker->size() + 1, this->window());
                 progress.setWindowTitle("Export .trc-File");
@@ -2606,50 +2773,53 @@ void Petrack::exportTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
-                    trcVersion = 4;
+                trcVersion = 4;
-                debout << "export tracking data to " << dest << " (" << mTracker->size() << " person(s), file version " << trcVersion << ")..." << std::endl;
+                debout << "export tracking data to " << dest << " (" << mTracker->size() << " person(s), file version "
+                       << trcVersion << ")..." << std::endl;
                 QTextStream out(&file);
                 out << "version " << trcVersion << Qt::endl;
                 out << mTracker->size() << Qt::endl;
-                for (i = 0; i < mTracker->size(); ++i)
+                for(i = 0; i < mTracker->size(); ++i)
-                    progress.setLabelText(QString("Export person %1 of %2 ...").arg(i+1).arg(mTracker->size()));
-                    progress.setValue(i+1);
+                    progress.setLabelText(QString("Export person %1 of %2 ...").arg(i + 1).arg(mTracker->size()));
+                    progress.setValue(i + 1);
                     out << (*mTracker)[i] << Qt::endl;
                 time1 += clock() - tstart;
-                time1 = time1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+                time1 = time1 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
                 cout << "  time(writing) = " << time1 << " sec." << endl;
-                time1 = 0.0;
+                time1  = 0.0;
                 tstart = clock();
                 progress.setLabelText(QString("Save file ..."));
-                if (QFile::exists(dest))
+                if(QFile::exists(dest))
-                if( !file.copy(dest) )
-                    PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"),
-                                                tr("Could not export tracking data.\n"
-                                                   "Please try again!"));
+                if(!file.copy(dest))
+                    PCritical(
+                        this,
+                        tr("PeTrack"),
+                        tr("Could not export tracking data.\n"
+                           "Please try again!"));
                     statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Saved tracking data to %1.").arg(dest), 5000);
-                progress.setValue(mTracker->size()+1);
+                progress.setValue(mTracker->size() + 1);
                 std::cout << " finished " << std::endl;
                 time1 += clock() - tstart;
-                time1 = time1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+                time1 = time1 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
                 cout << "  time(copying) = " << time1 << " sec." << endl;
 //                time1 = 0.0;
@@ -2661,63 +2831,77 @@ void Petrack::exportTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
 //                time1 = time1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
 //                cout << "  time(checkPlausibility) = " << time1 << " sec." << endl;
-                mTrcFileName = dest; // fuer Project-File, dann koennte track path direkt mitgeladen werden, wenn er noch da ist
+                mTrcFileName =
+                    dest; // fuer Project-File, dann koennte track path direkt mitgeladen werden, wenn er noch da ist
-            else if (dest.right(4) == ".txt")
+            else if(dest.right(4) == ".txt")
                 QTemporaryFile file;
-                if (!file.open())
+                if(!file.open())
                     PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot open %1:\n%2.").arg(dest).arg(file.errorString()));
-                debout << "export tracking data to " << dest << " (" << mTracker->size() << " person(s))..." << std::endl;
+                debout << "export tracking data to " << dest << " (" << mTracker->size() << " person(s))..."
+                       << std::endl;
                 double time1 = 0.0, tstart;
-                tstart = clock();
+                tstart       = clock();
-                // recalcHeight true, wenn personenhoehe ueber trackpoints neu berechnet werden soll (z.b. um waehrend play mehrfachberuecksichtigung von punkten auszuschliessen, aenderungen in altitude neu in berechnung einfliessen zu lassen)
-                if (mControlWidget->trackRecalcHeight->checkState())
+                // recalcHeight true, wenn personenhoehe ueber trackpoints neu berechnet werden soll (z.b. um waehrend
+                // play mehrfachberuecksichtigung von punkten auszuschliessen, aenderungen in altitude neu in berechnung
+                // einfliessen zu lassen)
+                if(mControlWidget->trackRecalcHeight->checkState())
-                    if ( mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0 ) // 3D
-                        ;//Nothing to be done because z already the right height
-                    else // 2D
+                    if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0) // 3D
+                        ; // Nothing to be done because z already the right height
+                    else  // 2D
                 time1 += clock() - tstart;
-                time1 = time1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+                time1 = time1 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
                 cout << "  time(recalcHeight) = " << time1 << " sec." << endl;
-                time1 = 0.0;
+                time1  = 0.0;
                 tstart = clock();
-                mTrackerReal->calculate(mTracker, mImageItem, mControlWidget->getColorPlot(), getImageBorderSize(),
-                                        mControlWidget->trackMissingFrames->checkState(),
-                                        mStereoWidget->stereoUseForExport->isChecked(),
-                                        mControlWidget->trackAlternateHeight->checkState(), mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value(), mStereoWidget->stereoUseCalibrationCenter->isChecked(),
-                                        mControlWidget->exportElimTp->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportElimTrj->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportSmooth->isChecked(),
-                                        mControlWidget->exportViewDir->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportAngleOfView->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportMarkerID->isChecked(),
-                                        autoCorrectOnlyExport);
+                mTrackerReal->calculate(
+                    mTracker,
+                    mImageItem,
+                    mControlWidget->getColorPlot(),
+                    getImageBorderSize(),
+                    mControlWidget->trackMissingFrames->checkState(),
+                    mStereoWidget->stereoUseForExport->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->trackAlternateHeight->checkState(),
+                    mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value(),
+                    mStereoWidget->stereoUseCalibrationCenter->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportElimTp->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportElimTrj->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportSmooth->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportViewDir->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportAngleOfView->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportMarkerID->isChecked(),
+                    autoCorrectOnlyExport);
                 time1 += clock() - tstart;
-                time1 = time1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+                time1 = time1 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
                 cout << "  time(calculate) = " << time1 << " sec." << endl;
-                time1 = 0.0;
+                time1  = 0.0;
                 tstart = clock();
                 QTextStream out(&file);
-                out << "# PeTrack project: "     << QFileInfo(getProFileName()).fileName() << Qt::endl;
+                out << "# PeTrack project: " << QFileInfo(getProFileName()).fileName() << Qt::endl;
                 out << "# raw trajectory file: " << QFileInfo(getTrackFileName()).fileName() << Qt::endl;
-                out << "# framerate: "           << mAnimation->getFPS() << " fps" << Qt::endl;
+                out << "# framerate: " << mAnimation->getFPS() << " fps" << Qt::endl;
-                if (mControlWidget->exportComment->isChecked())
+                if(mControlWidget->exportComment->isChecked())
                     out << "# personal information:" << Qt::endl;
                     out << "# ID| Comment" << Qt::endl;
@@ -2727,38 +2911,42 @@ void Petrack::exportTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
                     std::cout << "ID  | Comment" << std::endl;
                     std::cout << "----|----------------" << std::endl;
-                    for(int i=0;i<mTracker->size();++i)
+                    for(int i = 0; i < mTracker->size(); ++i)
                         auto commentSplit = mTracker->at(i).comment().split("\n", Qt::KeepEmptyParts);
-                        out << "#" << qSetFieldWidth(3) << (i+1) << qSetFieldWidth(0) << "|" << commentSplit.at(0) << Qt::endl;
-                        std::cout  << std::setw(4) << (i+1) << "|" << commentSplit.at(0) << std::endl;
+                        out << "#" << qSetFieldWidth(3) << (i + 1) << qSetFieldWidth(0) << "|" << commentSplit.at(0)
+                            << Qt::endl;
+                        std::cout << std::setw(4) << (i + 1) << "|" << commentSplit.at(0) << std::endl;
-                        for (const auto& line : commentSplit)
+                        for(const auto &line : commentSplit)
                             out << "#" << qSetFieldWidth(3) << " " << qSetFieldWidth(0) << "|" << line << Qt::endl;
                             std::cout << "    |" << line << std::endl;
-                mTrackerReal->exportTxt(out,
-                                        mControlWidget->trackAlternateHeight->checkState(),
-                                        mStereoWidget->stereoUseForExport->isChecked(),
-                                        mControlWidget->exportViewDir->isChecked(),
-                                        mControlWidget->exportAngleOfView->isChecked(),
-                                        mControlWidget->exportUseM->isChecked(),
-                                        mControlWidget->exportMarkerID->isChecked());
-                //out << *mTrackerReal;
+                mTrackerReal->exportTxt(
+                    out,
+                    mControlWidget->trackAlternateHeight->checkState(),
+                    mStereoWidget->stereoUseForExport->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportViewDir->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportAngleOfView->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportUseM->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportMarkerID->isChecked());
+                // out << *mTrackerReal;
-                if (QFile::exists(dest))
+                if(QFile::exists(dest))
-                if( !file.copy(dest) )
-                    PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"),
-                                                   tr("Could not export tracking data.\n"
-                                                      "Please try again!"));
+                if(!file.copy(dest))
+                    PCritical(
+                        this,
+                        tr("PeTrack"),
+                        tr("Could not export tracking data.\n"
+                           "Please try again!"));
                     statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Saved tracking data to %1.").arg(dest), 5000);
@@ -2766,7 +2954,7 @@ void Petrack::exportTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
                 time1 += clock() - tstart;
-                time1 = time1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+                time1 = time1 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
                 cout << "  time(export) = " << time1 << " sec." << endl;
 //                time1 = 0.0;
@@ -2779,70 +2967,102 @@ void Petrack::exportTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
 //                cout << "  time(checkPlausibility) = " << time1 << " sec." << endl;
-            else if (dest.right(4) == ".dat")
+            else if(dest.right(4) == ".dat")
                 QTemporaryFile fileDat;
-                if (!fileDat.open()) //!fileDat.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+                if(!fileDat.open()) //! fileDat.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
                     PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot open %1:\n%2.").arg(dest).arg(fileDat.errorString()));
-                // recalcHeight true, wenn personenhoehe ueber trackpoints neu berechnet werden soll (z.b. um waehrend play mehrfachberuecksichtigung von punkten auszuschliessen, aenderungen in altitude neu in berechnung einfliessen zu lassen)
-                if (mControlWidget->trackRecalcHeight->checkState())
+                // recalcHeight true, wenn personenhoehe ueber trackpoints neu berechnet werden soll (z.b. um waehrend
+                // play mehrfachberuecksichtigung von punkten auszuschliessen, aenderungen in altitude neu in berechnung
+                // einfliessen zu lassen)
+                if(mControlWidget->trackRecalcHeight->checkState())
-                mTrackerReal->calculate(mTracker, mImageItem, mControlWidget->getColorPlot(), getImageBorderSize(),
-                                        mControlWidget->trackMissingFrames->checkState(),
-                                        mStereoWidget->stereoUseForExport->isChecked(),
-                                        mControlWidget->trackAlternateHeight->checkState(), mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value(), mStereoWidget->stereoUseCalibrationCenter->isChecked(),
-                                        mControlWidget->exportElimTp->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportElimTrj->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportSmooth->isChecked(),
-                                        mControlWidget->exportViewDir->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportAngleOfView->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportMarkerID->isChecked(),
-                                        autoCorrectOnlyExport);
-                debout << "export tracking data to " << dest << " (" << mTracker->size() << " person(s))..." << std::endl;
+                mTrackerReal->calculate(
+                    mTracker,
+                    mImageItem,
+                    mControlWidget->getColorPlot(),
+                    getImageBorderSize(),
+                    mControlWidget->trackMissingFrames->checkState(),
+                    mStereoWidget->stereoUseForExport->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->trackAlternateHeight->checkState(),
+                    mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value(),
+                    mStereoWidget->stereoUseCalibrationCenter->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportElimTp->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportElimTrj->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportSmooth->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportViewDir->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportAngleOfView->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportMarkerID->isChecked(),
+                    autoCorrectOnlyExport);
+                debout << "export tracking data to " << dest << " (" << mTracker->size() << " person(s))..."
+                       << std::endl;
                 QTextStream outDat(&fileDat);
-                mTrackerReal->exportDat(outDat, mControlWidget->trackAlternateHeight->checkState(), mStereoWidget->stereoUseForExport->isChecked());
+                mTrackerReal->exportDat(
+                    outDat,
+                    mControlWidget->trackAlternateHeight->checkState(),
+                    mStereoWidget->stereoUseForExport->isChecked());
-                if (QFile::exists(dest))
+                if(QFile::exists(dest))
-                if( !fileDat.copy(dest) )
-                    PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"),
-                                                   tr("Could not export tracking data.\n"
-                                                      "Please try again!"));
+                if(!fileDat.copy(dest))
+                    PCritical(
+                        this,
+                        tr("PeTrack"),
+                        tr("Could not export tracking data.\n"
+                           "Please try again!"));
                     statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Saved tracking data to %1.").arg(dest), 5000);
                 std::cout << " finished" << std::endl;
-            else if (dest.right(5) == ".trav")
+            else if(dest.right(5) == ".trav")
-                // recalcHeight true, wenn personenhoehe ueber trackpoints neu berechnet werden soll (z.b. um waehrend play mehrfachberuecksichtigung von punkten auszuschliessen, aenderungen in altitude neu in berechnung einfliessen zu lassen)
-                if (mControlWidget->trackRecalcHeight->checkState())
+                // recalcHeight true, wenn personenhoehe ueber trackpoints neu berechnet werden soll (z.b. um waehrend
+                // play mehrfachberuecksichtigung von punkten auszuschliessen, aenderungen in altitude neu in berechnung
+                // einfliessen zu lassen)
+                if(mControlWidget->trackRecalcHeight->checkState())
-                mTrackerReal->calculate(mTracker, mImageItem, mControlWidget->getColorPlot(), getImageBorderSize(),
-                                        mControlWidget->trackMissingFrames->checkState(),
-                                        mStereoWidget->stereoUseForExport->isChecked(),
-                                        mControlWidget->trackAlternateHeight->checkState(), mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value(), mStereoWidget->stereoUseCalibrationCenter->isChecked(),
-                                        mControlWidget->exportElimTp->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportElimTrj->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportSmooth->isChecked(),
-                                        mControlWidget->exportViewDir->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportAngleOfView->isChecked(), mControlWidget->exportMarkerID->isChecked(),
-                                        autoCorrectOnlyExport);
+                mTrackerReal->calculate(
+                    mTracker,
+                    mImageItem,
+                    mControlWidget->getColorPlot(),
+                    getImageBorderSize(),
+                    mControlWidget->trackMissingFrames->checkState(),
+                    mStereoWidget->stereoUseForExport->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->trackAlternateHeight->checkState(),
+                    mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value(),
+                    mStereoWidget->stereoUseCalibrationCenter->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportElimTp->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportElimTrj->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportSmooth->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportViewDir->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportAngleOfView->isChecked(),
+                    mControlWidget->exportMarkerID->isChecked(),
+                    autoCorrectOnlyExport);
                 QTemporaryFile fileXml;
-                if (!fileXml.open()) //!fileXml.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+                if(!fileXml.open()) //! fileXml.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
                     PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Cannot open %1:\n%2.").arg(dest).arg(fileXml.errorString()));
-                debout << "export tracking data to " << dest << " (" << mTracker->size() << " person(s))..." << std::endl;
-                // already done: mTrackerReal->calculate(mTracker, mImageItem, mControlWidget->getColorPlot(), getImageBorderSize(), mControlWidget->trackMissingFrames->checkState());
+                debout << "export tracking data to " << dest << " (" << mTracker->size() << " person(s))..."
+                       << std::endl;
+                // already done: mTrackerReal->calculate(mTracker, mImageItem, mControlWidget->getColorPlot(),
+                // getImageBorderSize(), mControlWidget->trackMissingFrames->checkState());
                 QTextStream outXml(&fileXml);
                 outXml << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" << Qt::endl;
                 outXml << "<trajectoriesDataset>" << Qt::endl;
@@ -2851,24 +3071,31 @@ void Petrack::exportTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
                 outXml << "        <roomID>0</roomID>" << Qt::endl;
                 outXml << "        <agents>" << mTracker->size() << "</agents>" << Qt::endl;
                 outXml << "        <frameRate>" << mAnimation->getFPS() << "</frameRate> <!--per second-->" << Qt::endl;
-                // outXml << "        <timeStep>" << 1000./mAnimation->getFPS() << "</timeStep>   <!-- millisecond-->" << endl; inverse von
-                outXml << "        <timeFirstFrame sec=\"" << mAnimation->getFirstFrameSec() << "\" microsec=\"" << mAnimation->getFirstFrameMicroSec()
-                       << "\"/> <!-- " << mAnimation->getTimeString(0) << " -->" << Qt::endl;
-                outXml << "    </header>" << Qt::endl<< Qt::endl;
-                mTrackerReal->exportXml(outXml, mControlWidget->trackAlternateHeight->checkState(), mStereoWidget->stereoUseForExport->isChecked());
+                // outXml << "        <timeStep>" << 1000./mAnimation->getFPS() << "</timeStep>   <!-- millisecond-->"
+                // << endl; inverse von
+                outXml << "        <timeFirstFrame sec=\"" << mAnimation->getFirstFrameSec() << "\" microsec=\""
+                       << mAnimation->getFirstFrameMicroSec() << "\"/> <!-- " << mAnimation->getTimeString(0) << " -->"
+                       << Qt::endl;
+                outXml << "    </header>" << Qt::endl << Qt::endl;
+                mTrackerReal->exportXml(
+                    outXml,
+                    mControlWidget->trackAlternateHeight->checkState(),
+                    mStereoWidget->stereoUseForExport->isChecked());
                 outXml << "</trajectoriesDataset>" << Qt::endl;
-                if (QFile::exists(dest))
+                if(QFile::exists(dest))
-                if( !fileXml.copy(dest) )
-                    PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"),
-                                                tr("Could not export tracking data.\n"
-                                                    "Please try again!"));
+                if(!fileXml.copy(dest))
+                    PCritical(
+                        this,
+                        tr("PeTrack"),
+                        tr("Could not export tracking data.\n"
+                           "Please try again!"));
                     statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Saved tracking data to %1.").arg(dest), 5000);
@@ -2887,7 +3114,7 @@ void Petrack::exportTracker(QString dest) //default = ""
 // fuer anschliessende groessenberechnung
 void Petrack::playAll()
-    int memPos = mPlayerWidget->getPos();
+    int memPos  = mPlayerWidget->getPos();
     int progVal = 0;
     QProgressDialog progress("Playing whole sequence...", "Abort playing", 0, mAnimation->getNumFrames(), this);
@@ -2896,12 +3123,11 @@ void Petrack::playAll()
     // vorwaertslaufen ab aktueller Stelle und trackOnlineCalc zum tracken nutzen
-        progress.setValue(++progVal); //mPlayerWidget->getPos()
+        progress.setValue(++progVal); // mPlayerWidget->getPos()
-        if (progress.wasCanceled())
+        if(progress.wasCanceled())
-    }
-    while (mPlayerWidget->frameForward());
+    } while(mPlayerWidget->frameForward());
@@ -2919,37 +3145,41 @@ void Petrack::playAll()
 void Petrack::trackAll()
-    int memPos = mPlayerWidget->getPos();
-    int progVal = 0;
+    int                 memPos        = mPlayerWidget->getPos();
+    int                 progVal       = 0;
     enum Qt::CheckState memCheckState = mControlWidget->trackOnlineCalc->checkState();
-    enum Qt::CheckState memRecoState = mControlWidget->performRecognition->checkState();
+    enum Qt::CheckState memRecoState  = mControlWidget->performRecognition->checkState();
-    QProgressDialog progress("Tracking pedestrians through all frames...", "Abort tracking", 0, 2*mAnimation->getNumFrames()-memPos, this);
+    QProgressDialog progress(
+        "Tracking pedestrians through all frames...",
+        "Abort tracking",
+        0,
+        2 * mAnimation->getNumFrames() - memPos,
+        this);
     progress.setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); // blocks main window
     // vorwaertslaufen ab aktueller Stelle und trackOnlineCalc zum tracken nutzen
-        progress.setValue(++progVal); //mPlayerWidget->getPos()
+        progress.setValue(++progVal); // mPlayerWidget->getPos()
-        if (progress.wasCanceled())
+        if(progress.wasCanceled())
-    }
-    while (mPlayerWidget->frameForward());
+    } while(mPlayerWidget->frameForward());
-    if (mAutoBackTrack)
+    if(mAutoBackTrack)
         // zuruecksprinegn an die stelle, wo der letzte trackPath nicht vollstaendig
         // etwas spaeter, da erste punkte in reco path meist nur ellipse ohne markererkennung
-        mPlayerWidget->skipToFrame(mTracker->largestFirstFrame()+5);
+        mPlayerWidget->skipToFrame(mTracker->largestFirstFrame() + 5);
-        //progVal = 2*mAnimation->getNumFrames()-memPos-mPlayerWidget->getPos();
-        progVal += mAnimation->getNumFrames()-mPlayerWidget->getPos();
-        progress.setValue(progVal); //mPlayerWidget->getPos()
+        // progVal = 2*mAnimation->getNumFrames()-memPos-mPlayerWidget->getPos();
+        progVal += mAnimation->getNumFrames() - mPlayerWidget->getPos();
+        progress.setValue(progVal); // mPlayerWidget->getPos()
         // recognition abstellen, bis an die stelle, wo trackAll begann
@@ -2959,21 +3189,20 @@ void Petrack::trackAll()
         // rueckwaertslaufen
-            if (progVal+1 < 2*mAnimation->getNumFrames()-memPos)
-                progress.setValue(++progVal); //mPlayerWidget->getPos()
+            if(progVal + 1 < 2 * mAnimation->getNumFrames() - memPos)
+                progress.setValue(++progVal); // mPlayerWidget->getPos()
-            if (progress.wasCanceled())
+            if(progress.wasCanceled())
-            if (mPlayerWidget->getPos() == memPos+1)
+            if(mPlayerWidget->getPos() == memPos + 1)
-        }
-        while (mPlayerWidget->frameBackward());
+        } while(mPlayerWidget->frameBackward());
         // bei abbruch koennen es auch mPlayerWidget->getPos() frames sein, die bisher geschrieben wurden
-        progress.setValue(2*mAnimation->getNumFrames()-memPos);
+        progress.setValue(2 * mAnimation->getNumFrames() - memPos);
-    if (mAutoTrackOptimizeColor)
+    if(mAutoTrackOptimizeColor)
@@ -2987,31 +3216,29 @@ int Petrack::winSize(QPointF *pos, int pers, int frame, int level)
     // default of mControlWidget->trackRegionScale->value() is 16, so that
     // a factor of 1.6 of the headsize is used
-    if (level == -1)
+    if(level == -1)
         level = mControlWidget->trackRegionLevels->value();
-    return (int)((getHeadSize(pos, pers, frame) / pow(2.,level)) * (mControlWidget->trackRegionScale->value() / 10.));
+    return (int) ((getHeadSize(pos, pers, frame) / pow(2., level)) * (mControlWidget->trackRegionScale->value() / 10.));
 void Petrack::updateImage(bool imageChanged) // default = false (only true for new animation frame)
     // die reine Ausgabe  folgender Zeile kostet 1-2 Millisekunden
     //        "==========: "
-    debout << "go  update: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+    debout << "go  update: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
-    static int lastRecoFrame = -10000;
+    static int  lastRecoFrame            = -10000;
     static bool borderChangedForTracking = false;
     // need semaphore to guarrantee that updateImage only called once
     // updateValue of control automatically calls updateImage!!!
     static QSemaphore semaphore(1);
-    if (!mImg.empty() && mImage && semaphore.tryAcquire())
+    if(!mImg.empty() && mImage && semaphore.tryAcquire())
         int frameNum = mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum();
@@ -3022,95 +3249,99 @@ void Petrack::updateImage(bool imageChanged) // default = false (only true for n
         // have to store because evaluation sets the filter parameter to unchanged
         bool brightContrastChanged = mBrightContrastFilter.changed();
-        bool swapChanged = mSwapFilter.changed();
-        bool borderChanged = mBorderFilter.changed();
-        bool calibChanged = mCalibFilter->changed();
+        bool swapChanged           = mSwapFilter.changed();
+        bool borderChanged         = mBorderFilter.changed();
+        bool calibChanged          = mCalibFilter->changed();
         // speicherverwaltung wird komplett von filtern ueberneommen
         // Filter anwenden, Reihenfolge wichtig - Rechenintensive moeglichst frueh
         // fkt so nur mit kopierenden filtern
-    //        "==========: "
-    debout << "vor filter: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+        //        "==========: "
+        debout << "vor filter: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
-        if (imageChanged || swapChanged)
+        if(imageChanged || swapChanged)
             mImgFiltered = mSwapFilter.apply(mImgFiltered);
             mImgFiltered = mSwapFilter.getLastResult();
-        if (imageChanged || swapChanged || brightContrastChanged)
+        if(imageChanged || swapChanged || brightContrastChanged)
             mImgFiltered = mBrightContrastFilter.apply(mImgFiltered);
             mImgFiltered = mBrightContrastFilter.getLastResult();
-         if (imageChanged || swapChanged || brightContrastChanged || borderChanged)
+        if(imageChanged || swapChanged || brightContrastChanged || borderChanged)
             mImgFiltered = mBorderFilter.apply(mImgFiltered); // mIplImg
             mImgFiltered = mBorderFilter.getLastResult();
-    //        "==========: "
-    debout << "nch filter: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+        //        "==========: "
+        debout << "nch filter: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
-        if (borderChanged)
+        if(borderChanged)
-        if (imageChanged || swapChanged || brightContrastChanged || borderChanged || calibChanged)
+        if(imageChanged || swapChanged || brightContrastChanged || borderChanged || calibChanged)
-            if (mStereoContext)
+            if(mStereoContext)
-    //        "==========: "
-    debout << "vor  calib: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+        //        "==========: "
+        debout << "vor  calib: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
-        if (imageChanged || swapChanged || brightContrastChanged || borderChanged || calibChanged)
+        if(imageChanged || swapChanged || brightContrastChanged || borderChanged || calibChanged)
             mImgFiltered = mCalibFilter->apply(mImgFiltered);
             mImgFiltered = mCalibFilter->getLastResult();
-    //        "==========: "
-    debout << "nach calib: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+        //        "==========: "
+        debout << "nach calib: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
-        if (brightContrastChanged || swapChanged || borderChanged || calibChanged)
+        if(brightContrastChanged || swapChanged || borderChanged || calibChanged)
-            // abfrage hinzugenommen, damit beim laden von .pet bg-file angegeben werden kann fuer mehrere versuche und beim nachladen von versuch nicht bg geloescht wird
-            if (mBackgroundFilter.getFilename() != "")
-                debout << "Warning: No background reset, because of explicit loaded background image!" <<std::endl;
+            // abfrage hinzugenommen, damit beim laden von .pet bg-file angegeben werden kann fuer mehrere versuche und
+            // beim nachladen von versuch nicht bg geloescht wird
+            if(mBackgroundFilter.getFilename() != "")
+                debout << "Warning: No background reset, because of explicit loaded background image!" << std::endl;
-                mBackgroundFilter.reset(); // alle gesammelten hintergrundinfos werden verworfen und bg.changed auf true gesetzt
+                mBackgroundFilter
+                    .reset(); // alle gesammelten hintergrundinfos werden verworfen und bg.changed auf true gesetzt
-        if (imageChanged || mBackgroundFilter.changed())
+        if(imageChanged || mBackgroundFilter.changed())
             mImgFiltered = mBackgroundFilter.apply(mImgFiltered);
             mImgFiltered = mBackgroundFilter.getLastResult();
-    //        "==========: "
-    debout << "nach    bg: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+        //        "==========: "
+        debout << "nach    bg: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
         // delete track list, if intrinsic param have changed
-        if (calibChanged && mTracker->size() > 0) //mCalibFilter.getEnabled() &&
+        if(calibChanged && mTracker->size() > 0) // mCalibFilter.getEnabled() &&
             // Evtl. nicht Tracker loeschen sondern entsprechend der neuen Calibration verschieben?!?!?
-            if( !isLoading() )
-                debout << "Warning: deleted all tracking pathes because intrinsic parameters have changed." << std::endl;
+            if(!isLoading())
+                debout << "Warning: deleted all tracking pathes because intrinsic parameters have changed."
+                       << std::endl;
             // calculate position in 3D space and height of person for "old" trackPoints, if checked "even"
-            if (mStereoContext && mStereoWidget->stereoUseForHeightEver->isChecked() && mStereoWidget->stereoUseForHeight->isChecked())
+            if(mStereoContext && mStereoWidget->stereoUseForHeightEver->isChecked() &&
+               mStereoWidget->stereoUseForHeight->isChecked())
                 // buildt disparity picture if it should be used for height detection
@@ -3119,21 +3350,23 @@ void Petrack::updateImage(bool imageChanged) // default = false (only true for n
-        if (borderChanged)
+        if(borderChanged)
             borderChangedForTracking = true;
         // tracking vor recognition, da dann neu gefundene punkte mit getrackten bereits ueberprueft werden koennen
-        if ((trackChanged() || imageChanged)  && (mControlWidget->trackOnlineCalc->checkState() == Qt::Checked)) // borderChanged ???
+        if((trackChanged() || imageChanged) &&
+           (mControlWidget->trackOnlineCalc->checkState() == Qt::Checked)) // borderChanged ???
             // Rect for tracking area
-            QRect roi(myRound(mTrackingRoiItem->rect().x()+getImageBorderSize()),
-                       myRound(mTrackingRoiItem->rect().y()+getImageBorderSize()),
-                       myRound(mTrackingRoiItem->rect().width()),
-                       myRound(mTrackingRoiItem->rect().height()));
+            QRect roi(
+                myRound(mTrackingRoiItem->rect().x() + getImageBorderSize()),
+                myRound(mTrackingRoiItem->rect().y() + getImageBorderSize()),
+                myRound(mTrackingRoiItem->rect().width()),
+                myRound(mTrackingRoiItem->rect().height()));
-            if (borderChangedForTracking)
+            if(borderChangedForTracking)
                 cv::Size size;
-                size.width = mImgFiltered.cols;
+                size.width  = mImgFiltered.cols;
                 size.height = mImgFiltered.rows;
@@ -3141,7 +3374,7 @@ void Petrack::updateImage(bool imageChanged) // default = false (only true for n
             // buildt disparity picture if it should be used for height detection
-            if (mStereoContext && mStereoWidget->stereoUseForHeight->isChecked())
+            if(mStereoContext && mStereoWidget->stereoUseForHeight->isChecked())
@@ -3149,61 +3382,72 @@ void Petrack::updateImage(bool imageChanged) // default = false (only true for n
             getRoi(mImgFiltered, roi, rect);
             // Ignore all tracking points outside of rect
-            //if (mPrevIplImgFiltered) // wenn ein vorheriges bild vorliegt
-            // mPrevIplImgFiltered == NULL zeigt an, dass neue bildfolge && mPrevFrame == -1 ebenso
-            // winSize(), wurde mal uebergeben
+            // if (mPrevIplImgFiltered) // wenn ein vorheriges bild vorliegt
+            //  mPrevIplImgFiltered == NULL zeigt an, dass neue bildfolge && mPrevFrame == -1 ebenso
+            //  winSize(), wurde mal uebergeben
-            debout << "vor  track: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+            debout << "vor  track: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
-//            debout << "test" << endl;
-            int anz = mTracker->track(mImgFiltered, rect, frameNum,
-                                      mControlWidget->trackRepeat->isChecked(),
-                                      mControlWidget->trackRepeatQual->value(), getImageBorderSize(),
-                                      mReco.getRecoMethod(), mControlWidget->trackRegionLevels->value(),
-                                getPedestriansToTrack());
+            //            debout << "test" << endl;
+            int anz = mTracker->track(
+                mImgFiltered,
+                rect,
+                frameNum,
+                mControlWidget->trackRepeat->isChecked(),
+                mControlWidget->trackRepeatQual->value(),
+                getImageBorderSize(),
+                mReco.getRecoMethod(),
+                mControlWidget->trackRegionLevels->value(),
+                getPedestriansToTrack());
-            debout << "nach track: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+            debout << "nach track: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
-            mTrackChanged = false;
+            mTrackChanged            = false;
             borderChangedForTracking = false;
         // hier muesste fuer ameisen etc allgemeinABC.getPosList(...)
-        if (((((lastRecoFrame+mControlWidget->recoStep->value()) <= frameNum) ||
-              ((lastRecoFrame-mControlWidget->recoStep->value()) >= frameNum)) &&
-             imageChanged) || mAnimation->isCameraLiveStream() || swapChanged || brightContrastChanged || borderChanged || calibChanged || recognitionChanged())
+        if(((((lastRecoFrame + mControlWidget->recoStep->value()) <= frameNum) ||
+             ((lastRecoFrame - mControlWidget->recoStep->value()) >= frameNum)) &&
+            imageChanged) ||
+           mAnimation->isCameraLiveStream() || swapChanged || brightContrastChanged || borderChanged || calibChanged ||
+           recognitionChanged())
             // buildt disparity picture if it should be used for height detection or recognition
-            if (mStereoContext && (mStereoWidget->stereoUseForHeight->isChecked() || mStereoWidget->stereoUseForReco->isChecked()))
+            if(mStereoContext &&
+               (mStereoWidget->stereoUseForHeight->isChecked() || mStereoWidget->stereoUseForReco->isChecked()))
                 mStereoContext->getDisparity(); // wird nicht neu berechnet, wenn vor tracking schon berechnet wurde
-            if (borderChanged)
+            if(borderChanged)
-            if (mControlWidget->performRecognition->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+            if(mControlWidget->performRecognition->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
-                QRect rect(myRound(mRecognitionRoiItem->rect().x()+getImageBorderSize()),
-                           myRound(mRecognitionRoiItem->rect().y()+getImageBorderSize()),
-                           myRound(mRecognitionRoiItem->rect().width()),
-                           myRound(mRecognitionRoiItem->rect().height()));
+                QRect rect(
+                    myRound(mRecognitionRoiItem->rect().x() + getImageBorderSize()),
+                    myRound(mRecognitionRoiItem->rect().y() + getImageBorderSize()),
+                    myRound(mRecognitionRoiItem->rect().width()),
+                    myRound(mRecognitionRoiItem->rect().height()));
                 QList<TrackPoint> persList;
-                auto recoMethod = mReco.getRecoMethod();
+                auto              recoMethod = mReco.getRecoMethod();
                 //        "==========: "
-                debout << "vor   reco: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+                debout << "vor   reco: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
-                if ((recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Casern) || (recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Hermes)
-                || (recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Color) || (recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Japan)
-                || (recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::MultiColor) || (recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Code)) //else
+                if((recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Casern) || (recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Hermes) ||
+                   (recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Color) || (recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Japan) ||
+                   (recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::MultiColor) ||
+                   (recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Code)) // else
-                    persList = mReco.getMarkerPos(mImgFiltered, rect, mControlWidget, getImageBorderSize(), getBackgroundFilter());
+                    persList = mReco.getMarkerPos(
+                        mImgFiltered, rect, mControlWidget, getImageBorderSize(), getBackgroundFilter());
-                if (mStereoContext && mStereoWidget->stereoUseForReco->isChecked())
+                if(mStereoContext && mStereoWidget->stereoUseForReco->isChecked())
                     PersonList pl;
                     pl.calcPersonPos(mImgFiltered, rect, &persList, mStereoContext, getBackgroundFilter(), markerLess);
@@ -3211,19 +3455,20 @@ void Petrack::updateImage(bool imageChanged) // default = false (only true for n
                 //        "==========: "
-                debout << "nach  reco: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+                debout << "nach  reco: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
                 mTracker->addPoints(persList, frameNum, mReco.getRecoMethod());
                 // folgendes lieber im Anschluss, ggf beim exportieren oder statt test direkt del:
-                if (mStereoContext && mStereoWidget->stereoUseForReco->isChecked())
+                if(mStereoContext && mStereoWidget->stereoUseForReco->isChecked())
                     mTracker->purge(frameNum); // bereinigen wenn weniger als 0.2 recognition und nur getrackt
                 mRecognitionChanged = false;
-                if (false) // hier muss Abfage hin ob kasernen marker genutzt wird
-                    mControlWidget->getColorPlot()->replot(); // oder nur wenn tab offen oder wenn sich mtracker geaendert hat???
+                if(false) // hier muss Abfage hin ob kasernen marker genutzt wird
+                    mControlWidget->getColorPlot()
+                        ->replot(); // oder nur wenn tab offen oder wenn sich mtracker geaendert hat???
@@ -3232,26 +3477,29 @@ void Petrack::updateImage(bool imageChanged) // default = false (only true for n
-        mControlWidget->trackNumberAll->setText(QString("%1").arg(mTracker->size())); // kann sich durch reco und tracker aendern
-        mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyNr->setMaximum(MAX(mTracker->size(),1)); // kann sich durch reco und tracker aendern
-        mControlWidget->trackNumberVisible->setText(QString("%1").arg(mTracker->visible(frameNum))); // kann sich durch reco und tracker aendern
+        mControlWidget->trackNumberAll->setText(
+            QString("%1").arg(mTracker->size())); // kann sich durch reco und tracker aendern
+        mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyNr->setMaximum(
+            MAX(mTracker->size(), 1)); // kann sich durch reco und tracker aendern
+        mControlWidget->trackNumberVisible->setText(
+            QString("%1").arg(mTracker->visible(frameNum))); // kann sich durch reco und tracker aendern
         // in anzuzeigendes Bild kopieren
         // erst hier wird die bildgroesse von mimage an filteredimg mit border angepasst
         copyToQImage(*mImage, mImgFiltered);
-        if (borderChanged)
+        if(borderChanged)
-            getScene()->update(); //repaint();
+            getScene()->update(); // repaint();
             // update pixel color (because image pixel moves)
 #ifdef QWT
-        if (mControlWidget->anaMarkAct->isChecked())
+        if(mControlWidget->anaMarkAct->isChecked())
@@ -3261,7 +3509,7 @@ void Petrack::updateImage(bool imageChanged) // default = false (only true for n
     //        "==========: "
-    debout << "stp update: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+    debout << "stp update: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
 void Petrack::updateImage(const cv::Mat &img)
@@ -3276,28 +3524,28 @@ void Petrack::updateSequence()
     QImage *oldImage = mImage;
     QSize size = mAnimation->getSize();
-    size.setWidth(size.width()+2*getImageBorderSize());// border is inside the mImage!
-    size.setHeight(size.height()+2*getImageBorderSize());
-    mImage = new QImage(size, QImage::Format_RGB888);//32); //wird in updateImage gemacht
+    size.setWidth(size.width() + 2 * getImageBorderSize()); // border is inside the mImage!
+    size.setHeight(size.height() + 2 * getImageBorderSize());
+    mImage = new QImage(size, QImage::Format_RGB888); // 32); //wird in updateImage gemacht
     // set roi for recognition if image size changes or roi is zero
-    //in oldImage steckt border drin, mIplImg->height zeigt noch auf altes ursprungsbild
+    // in oldImage steckt border drin, mIplImg->height zeigt noch auf altes ursprungsbild
     // mRecognitionRoiItem->rect().width() != 0 && oldImage == NULL wenn projektdatei eingelesen wird!!!!!
-    if ((mRecognitionRoiItem->rect().width() == 0 ) || // default while initialization, after that >= MIN_SIZE
-            (oldImage && ((oldImage->width() != mImage->width()) || (oldImage->height() != mImage->height()))))
+    if((mRecognitionRoiItem->rect().width() == 0) || // default while initialization, after that >= MIN_SIZE
+       (oldImage && ((oldImage->width() != mImage->width()) || (oldImage->height() != mImage->height()))))
         mRecognitionRoiItem->setRect(-getImageBorderSize(), -getImageBorderSize(), mImage->width(), mImage->height());
-    if ((mTrackingRoiItem->rect().width() == 0 ) ||
-            (oldImage && ((oldImage->width() != mImage->width()) || (oldImage->height() != mImage->height()))))
+    if((mTrackingRoiItem->rect().width() == 0) ||
+       (oldImage && ((oldImage->width() != mImage->width()) || (oldImage->height() != mImage->height()))))
         mTrackingRoiItem->setRect(-getImageBorderSize(), -getImageBorderSize(), mImage->width(), mImage->height());
     cv::Size size2;
-    size2.width = mTrackingRoiItem->rect().width();
+    size2.width  = mTrackingRoiItem->rect().width();
     size2.height = mTrackingRoiItem->rect().height();
-    mImageItem->setImage(mImage);//wird in updateImage gemacht
+    mImageItem->setImage(mImage); // wird in updateImage gemacht
     delete oldImage;
@@ -3334,12 +3582,13 @@ double Petrack::getCmPerPixel() const
 void Petrack::setHeadSize(double hS)
-    if (hS == -1)
+    if(hS == -1)
         mCmPerPixel = getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel();
-        //debout << mCmPerPixel <<endl;
-        mHeadSize = (HEAD_SIZE*mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() / (mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value()-mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value())) /
-                mCmPerPixel;
+        // debout << mCmPerPixel <<endl;
+        mHeadSize = (HEAD_SIZE * mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() /
+                     (mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() - mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value())) /
+                    mCmPerPixel;
         mHeadSize = hS;
@@ -3350,42 +3599,48 @@ double Petrack::getHeadSize(QPointF *pos, int pers, int frame)
     double z, h;
-    if ((pers >= 0) && (pers < mTracker->size()) && mTracker->at(pers).trackPointExist(frame))
+    if((pers >= 0) && (pers < mTracker->size()) && mTracker->at(pers).trackPointExist(frame))
-        if( mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0 )
+        if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0)
-            int diff;
-            cv::Point3f p3d = getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(mTracker->at(pers).trackPointAt(frame).x(),
-                                                            mTracker->at(pers).trackPointAt(frame).y()),
-                                                           mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value());
-            cv::Point2f p3d_x1 = getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint( cv::Point3f(p3d.x+HEAD_SIZE*0.5, p3d.y, p3d.z) );
-            cv::Point2f p3d_x2 = getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint( cv::Point3f(p3d.x-HEAD_SIZE*0.5, p3d.y, p3d.z) );
-            cv::Point2f p3d_y1 = getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint( cv::Point3f(p3d.x, p3d.y+HEAD_SIZE*0.5, p3d.z) );
-            cv::Point2f p3d_y2 = getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint( cv::Point3f(p3d.x, p3d.y-HEAD_SIZE*0.5, p3d.z) );
-            diff = (int) std::max(sqrt(pow(p3d_x2.x-p3d_x1.x,2)+pow(p3d_x2.y-p3d_x1.y,2)),
-                           sqrt(pow(p3d_y2.x-p3d_y1.x,2)+pow(p3d_y2.y-p3d_y1.y,2)));
-            return diff;// < 8 ? 8 : diff;
-        }else
+            int         diff;
+            cv::Point3f p3d = getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+                cv::Point2f(mTracker->at(pers).trackPointAt(frame).x(), mTracker->at(pers).trackPointAt(frame).y()),
+                mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value());
+            cv::Point2f p3d_x1 =
+                getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(p3d.x + HEAD_SIZE * 0.5, p3d.y, p3d.z));
+            cv::Point2f p3d_x2 =
+                getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(p3d.x - HEAD_SIZE * 0.5, p3d.y, p3d.z));
+            cv::Point2f p3d_y1 =
+                getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(p3d.x, p3d.y + HEAD_SIZE * 0.5, p3d.z));
+            cv::Point2f p3d_y2 =
+                getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(p3d.x, p3d.y - HEAD_SIZE * 0.5, p3d.z));
+            diff = (int) std::max(
+                sqrt(pow(p3d_x2.x - p3d_x1.x, 2) + pow(p3d_x2.y - p3d_x1.y, 2)),
+                sqrt(pow(p3d_y2.x - p3d_y1.x, 2) + pow(p3d_y2.y - p3d_y1.y, 2)));
+            return diff; // < 8 ? 8 : diff;
+        }
+        else
             z = mTracker->at(pers).trackPointAt(frame).sp().z();
             h = mTracker->at(pers).height();
-            if (z > 0)
-                return (HEAD_SIZE*mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() / z) / getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel();
-            else if (h > MIN_HEIGHT)
-                return (HEAD_SIZE*mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() / (mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value()-h)) / getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel();
+            if(z > 0)
+                return (HEAD_SIZE * mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() / z) / getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel();
+            else if(h > MIN_HEIGHT)
+                return (HEAD_SIZE * mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() /
+                        (mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() - h)) /
+                       getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel();
                 return mHeadSize;
-    if (pos != nullptr)
+    if(pos != nullptr)
         return mHeadSize; // muss noch aus density map gelesen werden!!!
-    else //(pos == NULL) && (pers == -1)
+    else                  //(pos == NULL) && (pers == -1)
         return mHeadSize;
@@ -3398,49 +3653,49 @@ double Petrack::getHeadSize(QPointF *pos, int pers, int frame)
 QSet<int> Petrack::getPedestrianUserSelection()
-    if (mControlWidget->trackShowOnly->checkState() == Qt::Checked) {
+    if(mControlWidget->trackShowOnly->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+    {
         QSet<int> onlyVisible;
         onlyVisible.insert(mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyNr->value() - 1);
         return onlyVisible;
-    if (mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyList->checkState() == Qt::Checked) {
-        QStringList list = mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyNrList->text().split(
-            ",", Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
-        QSet<int> onlyVisible;
-        foreach (QString s, list)
+    if(mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyList->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+    {
+        QStringList list = mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyNrList->text().split(",", Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
+        QSet<int>   onlyVisible;
+        foreach(QString s, list)
             bool ok = false;
-            int nr = s.toInt(&ok);
-            if (ok /* && nr <= maxPed && nr > 0*/) // einzelne ID
+            int  nr = s.toInt(&ok);
+            if(ok /* && nr <= maxPed && nr > 0*/) // einzelne ID
                 onlyVisible.insert(nr - 1);
             else // error or IDs range (e.g. 1-3, 6-10, etc.)
                 QStringList range = s.split("-", Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
-                int last, first = range[0].toInt(&ok);
+                int         last, first = range[0].toInt(&ok);
-                if (ok /* && first <= maxPed && nr > 0*/)
+                if(ok /* && first <= maxPed && nr > 0*/)
                     last = range[1].toInt(&ok);
-                    if (ok /* && last <= maxPed && nr > 0*/)
+                    if(ok /* && last <= maxPed && nr > 0*/)
-                      if (first > last)
-                      {
-                        std::swap(first, last);
-                      }
-                      for (int i = first; i <= last; i++)
-                      {
-                        onlyVisible.insert(i - 1);
-                      }
+                        if(first > last)
+                        {
+                            std::swap(first, last);
+                        }
+                        for(int i = first; i <= last; i++)
+                        {
+                            onlyVisible.insert(i - 1);
+                        }
-            if (!ok)
+            if(!ok)
-              debout << "Warning: error while reading showOnlyVisible list from input line!"
-                     << std::endl;
+                debout << "Warning: error while reading showOnlyVisible list from input line!" << std::endl;
         return onlyVisible; // in anzeige wird ab 1 gezaehlt, in datenstruktur ab 0
@@ -3459,19 +3714,19 @@ QSet<int> Petrack::getPedestrianUserSelection()
 QSet<int> Petrack::getPedestriansToTrack()
-    if (mControlWidget->trackOnlySelected->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+    if(mControlWidget->trackOnlySelected->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
-      return getPedestrianUserSelection();
+        return getPedestrianUserSelection();
     return QSet<int>();
-void Petrack::addManualTrackPointOnlyVisible(const QPointF& pos)
+void Petrack::addManualTrackPointOnlyVisible(const QPointF &pos)
-    int pers = addOrMoveManualTrackPoint(pos)+1;
-    if (pers == 0)
-        pers = mTracker->size()+1;
+    int pers = addOrMoveManualTrackPoint(pos) + 1;
+    if(pers == 0)
+        pers = mTracker->size() + 1;
     pers = mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyNr->maximum();
@@ -3480,14 +3735,13 @@ void Petrack::addManualTrackPointOnlyVisible(const QPointF& pos)
 void Petrack::updateControlWidget()
-    mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyNr->setMaximum(MAX(mTracker->size(),1));
+    mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyNr->setMaximum(MAX(mTracker->size(), 1));
 void Petrack::splitTrackPerson(QPointF pos)
-    mTracker->splitPersonAt((Vec2F) pos, mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum(),
-                            getPedestrianUserSelection());
+    mTracker->splitPersonAt((Vec2F) pos, mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum(), getPedestrianUserSelection());
@@ -3501,48 +3755,43 @@ void Petrack::splitTrackPerson(QPointF pos)
  * @param pos pixel position of mouse on image
  * @return index of person whose point was moved; -1 if failed or new trajectory is started
-int Petrack::addOrMoveManualTrackPoint(const QPointF& pos)
+int Petrack::addOrMoveManualTrackPoint(const QPointF &pos)
-    int pers = -1;
+    int        pers = -1;
     TrackPoint tP(Vec2F{pos}, 110); // 110 is higher than 100 (max. quality) and gets clamped to 100 after insertion
     // allows replacemet of every point (check for better quality always passes)
-    mTracker->addPoint(tP, mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum(),
-                       getPedestrianUserSelection(), mReco.getRecoMethod(), &pers);
+    mTracker->addPoint(
+        tP, mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum(), getPedestrianUserSelection(), mReco.getRecoMethod(), &pers);
     return pers;
 // direction zeigt an, ob bis zum aktuellen (-1), ab dem aktuellen (1) oder ganzer trackpath (0)
 // loeschen von Trackpoints einer Trajektorie
-void Petrack::deleteTrackPoint(QPointF pos, int direction) //const QPoint &pos
+void Petrack::deleteTrackPoint(QPointF pos, int direction) // const QPoint &pos
-    mTracker->delPoint((Vec2F) pos, direction, mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum(),
-                       getPedestrianUserSelection());
+    mTracker->delPoint((Vec2F) pos, direction, mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum(), getPedestrianUserSelection());
 void Petrack::editTrackPersonComment(QPointF pos)
-    mTracker->editTrackPersonComment((Vec2F) pos, mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum(),
-                                     getPedestrianUserSelection());
+    mTracker->editTrackPersonComment((Vec2F) pos, mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum(), getPedestrianUserSelection());
 void Petrack::setTrackPersonHeight(QPointF pos)
-    mTracker->setTrackPersonHeight((Vec2F) pos, mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum(),
-                                   getPedestrianUserSelection());
+    mTracker->setTrackPersonHeight((Vec2F) pos, mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum(), getPedestrianUserSelection());
 void Petrack::resetTrackPersonHeight(QPointF pos)
-    mTracker->resetTrackPersonHeight((Vec2F) pos, mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum(),
-                                     getPedestrianUserSelection());
+    mTracker->resetTrackPersonHeight((Vec2F) pos, mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum(), getPedestrianUserSelection());
 // direction zeigt an, ob bis zum aktuellen (-1), ab dem aktuellen (1) oder ganzer trackpath (0)
 // loeschen von Trackpoints aller Trajektorien
-void Petrack::deleteTrackPointAll(int direction) //const QPoint &pos
+void Petrack::deleteTrackPointAll(int direction) // const QPoint &pos
     mTracker->delPointAll(direction, mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum());
@@ -3570,29 +3819,31 @@ void Petrack::updateSourceInOutFrames()
 // delta gibt menge an Umdrehungen und richtung an
 void Petrack::skipToFrameWheel(int delta)
-    mPlayerWidget->skipToFrame(mPlayerWidget->getPos()+delta);
+    mPlayerWidget->skipToFrame(mPlayerWidget->getPos() + delta);
-void Petrack::setPeTrackVersion(const std::string& petrackVersion)
+void Petrack::setPeTrackVersion(const std::string &petrackVersion)
     mPetrackVersion = QString::fromStdString(petrackVersion);
 void Petrack::setGitInformation(
-    const std::string& gitCommitID,
-    const std::string& gitCommitDate,
-    const std::string& gitCommitBranch)
+    const std::string &gitCommitID,
+    const std::string &gitCommitDate,
+    const std::string &gitCommitBranch)
-    mGitCommitID= QString::fromStdString(gitCommitID);
-    mGitCommitDate = QString::fromStdString(gitCommitDate);
+    mGitCommitID     = QString::fromStdString(gitCommitID);
+    mGitCommitDate   = QString::fromStdString(gitCommitDate);
     mGitCommitBranch = QString::fromStdString(gitCommitBranch);
-void Petrack::setCompileInformation(const std::string &compileTimeStamp, const std::string &compilerID,
-                                    const std::string &compilerVersion)
+void Petrack::setCompileInformation(
+    const std::string &compileTimeStamp,
+    const std::string &compilerID,
+    const std::string &compilerVersion)
-    mCompileDate = QString::fromStdString(compileTimeStamp);
-    mCompilerID = QString::fromStdString(compilerID);
+    mCompileDate     = QString::fromStdString(compileTimeStamp);
+    mCompilerID      = QString::fromStdString(compilerID);
     mCompilerVersion = QString::fromStdString(compilerVersion);
diff --git a/src/player.cpp b/src/player.cpp
index d97c6badf2376b24f9e4fd50394bd54afc1d9d68..716e026109387a633ea19724fd3e9a033e198136 100644
--- a/src/player.cpp
+++ b/src/player.cpp
@@ -18,82 +18,83 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "player.h"
+#include "animation.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "pMessageBox.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
 #include <QApplication>
-#include <QToolButton>
-#include <QVBoxLayout>
+#include <QIntValidator>
+#include <QLabel>
+#include <QLineEdit>
 #include <QPixmap>
 #include <QSlider>
 #include <QStyle>
-#include <QLineEdit>
-#include <QLabel>
-#include <QIntValidator>
+#include <QToolButton>
+#include <QVBoxLayout>
 #include <QtConcurrent>
-#include "player.h"
-#include "animation.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
-#include "control.h"
-#include "pMessageBox.h"
 Player::Player(Animation *anim, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
-    int size = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ToolBarIconSize);
+    int   size = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ToolBarIconSize);
     QSize iconSize(size, size);
-    //play forward Button
+    // play forward Button
     mPlayForwardButton = new QToolButton;
-    connect(mPlayForwardButton, &QToolButton::clicked,this, [&](){this->play(PlayerState::FORWARD);});
+    connect(mPlayForwardButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, [&]() { this->play(PlayerState::FORWARD); });
-    //play backward Button
+    // play backward Button
     mPlayBackwardButton = new QToolButton;
-    connect(mPlayBackwardButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, [&](){this->play(PlayerState::BACKWARD);});
+    connect(mPlayBackwardButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, [&]() { this->play(PlayerState::BACKWARD); });
-    //frame forward Button
+    // frame forward Button
     mFrameForwardButton = new QToolButton;
-    mFrameForwardButton->setAutoRepeatDelay(400);   // before repetition starts
-    mFrameForwardButton->setAutoRepeatInterval(1000./DEFAULT_FPS); // war: 40 // for 1000 ms / 25 fps
+    mFrameForwardButton->setAutoRepeatDelay(400);                    // before repetition starts
+    mFrameForwardButton->setAutoRepeatInterval(1000. / DEFAULT_FPS); // war: 40 // for 1000 ms / 25 fps
-    connect(mFrameForwardButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(frameForward()));
+    connect(mFrameForwardButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(frameForward()));
-    //frame backward Button
+    // frame backward Button
     mFrameBackwardButton = new QToolButton;
-    mFrameBackwardButton->setAutoRepeatDelay(400);   // before repetition starts
-    mFrameBackwardButton->setAutoRepeatInterval(1000./DEFAULT_FPS); // war: 40 // for 1000 ms / 25 fps
+    mFrameBackwardButton->setAutoRepeatDelay(400);                    // before repetition starts
+    mFrameBackwardButton->setAutoRepeatInterval(1000. / DEFAULT_FPS); // war: 40 // for 1000 ms / 25 fps
-    connect(mFrameBackwardButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(frameBackward()));
+    connect(mFrameBackwardButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(frameBackward()));
-    //pause button;
+    // pause button;
     mPauseButton = new QToolButton;
-    connect(mPauseButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(pause()));
+    connect(mPauseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(pause()));
-    //rec button;
+    // rec button;
     mRecButton = new QToolButton;
-    connect(mRecButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(recStream()));
+    connect(mRecButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(recStream()));
     mRec = false;
-    //slider
+    // slider
     mSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
-    connect(mSlider,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this,SLOT(skipToFrame(int)));
+    connect(mSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(skipToFrame(int)));
-    //frame number
-    QFont f("Courier", 12, QFont::Bold); //Times Helvetica, Normal
-    mFrameNumValidator = new QIntValidator(0, 999999, this);
-    mFrameInNumValidator = new QIntValidator(0, 999999, this);
+    // frame number
+    QFont f("Courier", 12, QFont::Bold); // Times Helvetica, Normal
+    mFrameNumValidator    = new QIntValidator(0, 999999, this);
+    mFrameInNumValidator  = new QIntValidator(0, 999999, this);
     mFrameOutNumValidator = new QIntValidator(0, 999999, this);
     mFrameInNum = new QLineEdit("");
@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ Player::Player(Animation *anim, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
-    connect(mFrameInNum,SIGNAL(editingFinished()),this,SLOT(update()));
+    connect(mFrameInNum, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(update()));
     mFrameOutNum = new QLineEdit("");
@@ -110,27 +111,27 @@ Player::Player(Animation *anim, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
-    connect(mFrameOutNum,SIGNAL(editingFinished()),this,SLOT(update()));
+    connect(mFrameOutNum, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(update()));
     mFrameNum = new QLineEdit("0");
-    mFrameNum->setMaxLength(8); // bedeutet maxminal 1,1 stunden
-    mFrameNum->setMaximumWidth(75); //5*sz.width() //62
+    mFrameNum->setMaxLength(8);     // bedeutet maxminal 1,1 stunden
+    mFrameNum->setMaximumWidth(75); // 5*sz.width() //62
-    connect(mFrameNum,SIGNAL(editingFinished()),this,SLOT(skipToFrame()));
+    connect(mFrameNum, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(skipToFrame()));
-    //frame number
+    // frame number
     mFpsNum = new QLineEdit(QString::number(DEFAULT_FPS));
-    mFpsNum->setMaxLength(8); // bedeutet maxminal 999,99
-    mFpsNum->setMaximumWidth(62); //5*sz.width()
+    mFpsNum->setMaxLength(8);     // bedeutet maxminal 999,99
+    mFpsNum->setMaximumWidth(62); // 5*sz.width()
     mFpsNumValidator = new QDoubleValidator(0.0, 999.99, 2, this);
-    connect(mFpsNum,SIGNAL(editingFinished()),this,SLOT(setFPS()));
+    connect(mFpsNum, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(setFPS()));
-    QFont f2("Courier", 12, QFont::Normal); //Times Helvetica, Normal
+    QFont f2("Courier", 12, QFont::Normal); // Times Helvetica, Normal
     mAtLabel = new QLabel("@");
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ Player::Player(Animation *anim, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
     // default value
     mPlayerSpeedLimited = false;
-    //player layout
+    // player layout
     mPlayerLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
@@ -164,24 +165,22 @@ Player::Player(Animation *anim, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) parent;
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) parent;
 void Player::setFPS(double fps) // default: double fps=-1.
-    if (fps != -1)
+    if(fps != -1)
-        mFrameForwardButton->setAutoRepeatInterval(1000./fps); // for 1000 ms / 25 fps
-        mFrameBackwardButton->setAutoRepeatInterval(1000./fps); // for 1000 ms / 25 fps
+        mFrameForwardButton->setAutoRepeatInterval(1000. / fps);  // for 1000 ms / 25 fps
+        mFrameBackwardButton->setAutoRepeatInterval(1000. / fps); // for 1000 ms / 25 fps
 void Player::setPlayerSpeedLimited(bool fixed)
@@ -209,16 +208,16 @@ void Player::setLooping(bool looping)
 void Player::setSpeedRelativeToRealtime(double factor)
-    setFPS(mAnimation->getOriginalFPS()*factor);
+    setFPS(mAnimation->getOriginalFPS() * factor);
 void Player::setAnim(Animation *anim)
-    if (anim)
+    if(anim)
         mAnimation = anim;
-        int max = anim->getNumFrames()>1 ? anim->getNumFrames()-1 : 0;
+        int max    = anim->getNumFrames() > 1 ? anim->getNumFrames() - 1 : 0;
@@ -246,7 +245,7 @@ void Player::setSliderMax(int max)
 bool Player::updateImage()
-    if (mImg.empty())
+    if(mImg.empty())
         return false;
@@ -254,22 +253,23 @@ bool Player::updateImage()
     double time1 = 0.0, tstart;
-    tstart = clock();
+    tstart       = clock();
-    QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run([&]() {mMainWindow->updateImage(mImg); });
+    QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run([&]() { mMainWindow->updateImage(mImg); });
-    if (mRec)
+    if(mRec)
-        mAviFile.appendFrame((const unsigned char*) mImg.data, true);
+        mAviFile.appendFrame((const unsigned char *) mImg.data, true);
     time1 += clock() - tstart;
-    time1 = time1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+    time1 = time1 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
     cout << "  time(update image) = " << time1 << " sec." << endl;
-    mSlider->setValue(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum()); //(1000*mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum())/mAnimation->getNumFrames());
+    mSlider->setValue(
+        mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum()); //(1000*mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum())/mAnimation->getNumFrames());
     return true;
@@ -280,23 +280,23 @@ bool Player::forward()
     double time1 = 0.0, tstart;
-    tstart = clock();
+    tstart       = clock();
     bool should_be_last_frame = mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() == mAnimation->getSourceOutFrameNum();
     mImg = mAnimation->getNextFrame();
     // check if animation is broken somewhere in the video
-    if (mImg.empty())
+    if(mImg.empty())
-        if (!should_be_last_frame)
+        if(!should_be_last_frame)
             debout << "Warning: video unexpected finished." << std::endl;
     time1 += clock() - tstart;
-    time1 = time1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+    time1 = time1 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
     cout << "  time(load frame) = " << time1 << " sec." << endl;
     return updateImage();
@@ -307,12 +307,12 @@ bool Player::backward()
     double time1 = 0.0, tstart;
-    tstart = clock();
+    tstart       = clock();
     mImg = mAnimation->getPreviousFrame();
     time1 += clock() - tstart;
-    time1 = time1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+    time1 = time1 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
     cout << "  time(load frame) = " << time1 << " sec." << endl;
     return updateImage();
@@ -325,11 +325,15 @@ bool Player::backward()
  * @see PlayerState
  * @param state
-void Player::play(PlayerState state){
-    if(mState == PlayerState::PAUSE){
+void Player::play(PlayerState state)
+    if(mState == PlayerState::PAUSE)
+    {
         mState = state;
-    }else{
+    }
+    else
+    {
         mState = state;
@@ -344,67 +348,88 @@ void Player::play(PlayerState state){
  * The method is left, when the video is paused and reentered, when playing
  * gets started again.
-void Player::playVideo(){
+void Player::playVideo()
     static QElapsedTimer timer;
-    int currentFrame = mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum();
-    long long int overtime = 0;
+    int                  currentFrame = mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum();
+    long long int        overtime     = 0;
-    while(mState != PlayerState::PAUSE){
+    while(mState != PlayerState::PAUSE)
+    {
         // slow down the player speed for extrem fast video sequences (Jiayue China or 16fps cam99 basigo grid video)
-        if (mPlayerSpeedLimited || mPlayerSpeedFixed)
+        if(mPlayerSpeedLimited || mPlayerSpeedFixed)
-            auto supposedDiff = static_cast<long long int>(1'000/mAnimation->getFPS());
+            auto supposedDiff = static_cast<long long int>(1'000 / mAnimation->getFPS());
-            if(timer.isValid()){
-                if(mPlayerSpeedFixed && mState == PlayerState::FORWARD){
+            if(timer.isValid())
+            {
+                if(mPlayerSpeedFixed && mState == PlayerState::FORWARD)
+                {
                     overtime = std::max(0LL, overtime + (timer.elapsed() - supposedDiff));
-                    if(overtime >= supposedDiff){
+                    if(overtime >= supposedDiff)
+                    {
                         mAnimation->skipFrame(static_cast<int>(overtime / supposedDiff));
                         overtime = overtime % supposedDiff;
-                        currentFrame = std::min(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() + 1, mAnimation->getSourceOutFrameNum());
+                        currentFrame =
+                            std::min(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() + 1, mAnimation->getSourceOutFrameNum());
-                while(!timer.hasExpired(supposedDiff)){
+                while(!timer.hasExpired(supposedDiff))
+                {
-        }else{
+        }
+        else
+        {
-        switch(mState){
-        case PlayerState::FORWARD:
-            mImg = mAnimation->getFrameAtIndex(currentFrame);
-            currentFrame++;
-            break;
-        case PlayerState::BACKWARD:
-            mImg = mAnimation->getFrameAtIndex(currentFrame);
-            currentFrame--;
-            break;
-        case PlayerState::PAUSE:
-            break;
+        switch(mState)
+        {
+            case PlayerState::FORWARD:
+                mImg = mAnimation->getFrameAtIndex(currentFrame);
+                currentFrame++;
+                break;
+            case PlayerState::BACKWARD:
+                mImg = mAnimation->getFrameAtIndex(currentFrame);
+                currentFrame--;
+                break;
+            case PlayerState::PAUSE:
+                break;
-        if(!updateImage()){
+        if(!updateImage())
+        {
             mState = PlayerState::PAUSE;
-            if( mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() != 0 && mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() != mAnimation->getSourceOutFrameNum()){
+            if(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() != 0 &&
+               mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() != mAnimation->getSourceOutFrameNum())
+            {
                 debout << "Warning: video unexpectedly finished." << std::endl;
-        }else{
-            if( mLooping && mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->trackOnlineCalc->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if(mLooping && mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->trackOnlineCalc->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
-                PWarning(this, "Error: No tracking while looping", "Looping and tracking are incompatible. Please disable one first.");
+                PWarning(
+                    this,
+                    "Error: No tracking while looping",
+                    "Looping and tracking are incompatible. Please disable one first.");
                 mState = PlayerState::PAUSE;
-            }else if(mLooping)
+            }
+            else if(mLooping)
-                if(mState == PlayerState::FORWARD && mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() == mAnimation->getSourceOutFrameNum())
+                if(mState == PlayerState::FORWARD &&
+                   mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() == mAnimation->getSourceOutFrameNum())
                     currentFrame = 0;
-                }else if(mState == PlayerState::BACKWARD && mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() == 0)
+                }
+                else if(mState == PlayerState::BACKWARD && mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() == 0)
                     currentFrame = mAnimation->getSourceOutFrameNum();
@@ -439,7 +464,7 @@ void Player::togglePlayPause()
     static PlayerState lastState;
-    if (mState != PlayerState::PAUSE)
+    if(mState != PlayerState::PAUSE)
         lastState = mState;
@@ -460,12 +485,13 @@ void Player::togglePlayPause()
 void Player::recStream()
-    if (mAnimation->isCameraLiveStream() || mAnimation->isVideo() || mAnimation->isImageSequence() || mAnimation->isStereoVideo())
+    if(mAnimation->isCameraLiveStream() || mAnimation->isVideo() || mAnimation->isImageSequence() ||
+       mAnimation->isStereoVideo())
         // video temp path/file name
-        QString videoTmp = QDir::tempPath()+"/petrack-video-record.avi";
+        QString videoTmp = QDir::tempPath() + "/petrack-video-record.avi";
-        if (mRec) //stop recording and save recorded stream to disk
+        if(mRec) // stop recording and save recorded stream to disk
             mRec = false;
@@ -474,24 +500,25 @@ void Player::recStream()
             QString dest;
-            QFileDialog fileDialog(this,
-                                   tr("Select file for saving video output"),
-                                   nullptr,
-                                   tr("Video (*.*);;AVI-File (*.avi);;All supported types (*.avi *.mp4);;All files (*.*)"));
+            QFileDialog fileDialog(
+                this,
+                tr("Select file for saving video output"),
+                nullptr,
+                tr("Video (*.*);;AVI-File (*.avi);;All supported types (*.avi *.mp4);;All files (*.*)"));
-            if( fileDialog.exec() )
+            if(fileDialog.exec())
                 dest = fileDialog.selectedFiles().at(0);
-            if (dest == nullptr)
+            if(dest == nullptr)
-            if (QFile::exists(dest))
+            if(QFile::exists(dest))
-            QProgressDialog progress("Save Video File",nullptr,0,2,mMainWindow);
+            QProgressDialog progress("Save Video File", nullptr, 0, 2, mMainWindow);
             progress.setWindowTitle("Save Video File");
@@ -502,26 +529,28 @@ void Player::recStream()
-            if (!QFile(videoTmp).copy(dest))
+            if(!QFile(videoTmp).copy(dest))
-                PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"),
-                                            tr("Error: Could not save video file!"));
-            }else
+                PCritical(this, tr("PeTrack"), tr("Error: Could not save video file!"));
+            }
+            else
                 mMainWindow->statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Saved video file to %1.").arg(dest), 5000);
-                if (!QFile(videoTmp).remove())
-                debout << "Could not remove tmp-file: " << videoTmp << std::endl;
+                if(!QFile(videoTmp).remove())
+                    debout << "Could not remove tmp-file: " << videoTmp << std::endl;
-        }else // open video writer
+        }
+        else // open video writer
-            if (mAviFile.open(videoTmp.toStdString().c_str(), mImg.cols, mImg.rows, 8*mImg.channels(), mAnimation->getFPS()))
+            if(mAviFile.open(
+                   videoTmp.toStdString().c_str(), mImg.cols, mImg.rows, 8 * mImg.channels(), mAnimation->getFPS()))
                 mRec = true;
-            }else
+            }
+            else
                 debout << "error: could not open video output file!" << std::endl;
@@ -531,7 +560,7 @@ void Player::recStream()
 bool Player::skipToFrame(int f) // [0..mAnimation->getNumFrames()-1]
-    if (f == mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum())
+    if(f == mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum())
         return false;
@@ -542,10 +571,10 @@ bool Player::skipToFrame(int f) // [0..mAnimation->getNumFrames()-1]
 bool Player::skipToFrame() // [0..mAnimation->getNumFrames()-1]
-       if (mFrameNum->text().toInt() < getFrameInNum())
-           mFrameNum->setText(QString::number(getFrameInNum()));
-       if (mFrameNum->text().toInt() > getFrameOutNum())
-           mFrameNum->setText(QString::number(getFrameOutNum()));
+    if(mFrameNum->text().toInt() < getFrameInNum())
+        mFrameNum->setText(QString::number(getFrameInNum()));
+    if(mFrameNum->text().toInt() > getFrameOutNum())
+        mFrameNum->setText(QString::number(getFrameOutNum()));
     return skipToFrame(mFrameNum->text().toInt());
@@ -555,15 +584,14 @@ bool Player::skipToFrame() // [0..mAnimation->getNumFrames()-1]
 void Player::update()
-    if constexpr (true || !mMainWindow->isLoading())
+    if constexpr(true || !mMainWindow->isLoading())
-        if( mFrameNum->text().toInt() < mFrameInNum->text().toInt() )
+        if(mFrameNum->text().toInt() < mFrameInNum->text().toInt())
-        if( mFrameNum->text().toInt() > mFrameOutNum->text().toInt() )
+        if(mFrameNum->text().toInt() > mFrameOutNum->text().toInt())
@@ -571,7 +599,7 @@ void Player::update()
-        mFrameInNumValidator->setTop(getFrameOutNum()-1);
+        mFrameInNumValidator->setTop(getFrameOutNum() - 1);
@@ -584,38 +612,38 @@ void Player::update()
 int Player::getFrameInNum()
-    if (mFrameInNum->text() == "")
+    if(mFrameInNum->text() == "")
         return -1;
     return mFrameInNum->text().toInt();
 void Player::setFrameInNum(int in)
-    if (in == -1)
+    if(in == -1)
         in = 0;
-    mFrameInNumValidator->setTop(getFrameOutNum()-1);
+    mFrameInNumValidator->setTop(getFrameOutNum() - 1);
 int Player::getFrameOutNum()
-    if (mFrameOutNum->text() == "")
+    if(mFrameOutNum->text() == "")
         return -1;
     return mFrameOutNum->text().toInt();
 void Player::setFrameOutNum(int out)
-    if (out == -1)
-        out = mAnimation->getMaxFrames()-1;
+    if(out == -1)
+        out = mAnimation->getMaxFrames() - 1;
-    mFrameInNumValidator->setTop(/*out*/getFrameOutNum()-1);
+    mFrameInNumValidator->setTop(/*out*/ getFrameOutNum() - 1);
-    mFrameNumValidator->setTop(/*out*/getFrameOutNum());
+    mFrameNumValidator->setTop(/*out*/ getFrameOutNum());
 int Player::getPos()
diff --git a/src/qtColorTriangle.cpp b/src/qtColorTriangle.cpp
index 7d6a71b315cfd9d709aa60de3e836da27c53e623..3e3f26c9f57bd16af05988dd1637ecde0e482a97 100644
--- a/src/qtColorTriangle.cpp
+++ b/src/qtColorTriangle.cpp
@@ -52,18 +52,17 @@
 #include <QtCore/QMap>
 #include <QtCore/QVarLengthArray>
 #include <QtGui/QConicalGradient>
-#include <QtWidgets/QFrame>
 #include <QtGui/QImage>
 #include <QtGui/QKeyEvent>
-#include <QtWidgets/QLayout>
 #include <QtGui/QMouseEvent>
 #include <QtGui/QPainter>
 #include <QtGui/QPainterPath>
 #include <QtGui/QPixmap>
 #include <QtGui/QResizeEvent>
+#include <QtWidgets/QFrame>
+#include <QtWidgets/QLayout>
 #include <QtWidgets/QToolTip>
 #include <QtWidgets/QVBoxLayout>
 #include <math.h>
 #define PENDIV 20.
@@ -92,8 +91,8 @@
     with the new \a color.
-const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419717;
-const double TWOPI = 2.0*PI;
+const double PI    = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419717;
+const double TWOPI = 2.0 * PI;
     Used to store color values in the range 0..255 as doubles.
@@ -110,14 +109,16 @@ struct DoubleColor
     Used to store pairs of DoubleColor and DoublePoint in one structure.
-struct Vertex {
+struct Vertex
     DoubleColor color;
-    QPointF point;
+    QPointF     point;
     Vertex(const DoubleColor &c, const QPointF &p) : color(c), point(p) {}
-    Vertex(const QColor &c, const QPointF &p)
-	: color(DoubleColor((double) c.red(), (double) c.green(),
-			    (double) c.blue())), point(p) {}
+    Vertex(const QColor &c, const QPointF &p) :
+        color(DoubleColor((double) c.red(), (double) c.green(), (double) c.blue())), point(p)
+    {
+    }
 /*! \internal
@@ -127,15 +128,14 @@ Swaps the Vertex at *a with the one at *b.
 static void swap(Vertex **a, Vertex **b)
     Vertex *tmp = *a;
-    *a = *b;
-    *b = tmp;
+    *a          = *b;
+    *b          = tmp;
     Constructs a color triangle widget with the given \a parent.
-QtColorTriangle::QtColorTriangle(QWidget *parent)
-    : QWidget(parent), bg(sizeHint(), QImage::Format_RGB32), selMode(Idle)
+QtColorTriangle::QtColorTriangle(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), bg(sizeHint(), QImage::Format_RGB32), selMode(Idle)
     setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
@@ -150,9 +150,7 @@ QtColorTriangle::QtColorTriangle(QWidget *parent)
   Destructs the color triangle.
+QtColorTriangle::~QtColorTriangle() {}
@@ -162,23 +160,23 @@ QtColorTriangle::~QtColorTriangle()
 void QtColorTriangle::polish()
     outerRadius = (contentsRect().width() - 1) / 2;
-    if ((contentsRect().height() - 1) / 2 < outerRadius)
-	outerRadius = (contentsRect().height() - 1) / 2;
+    if((contentsRect().height() - 1) / 2 < outerRadius)
+        outerRadius = (contentsRect().height() - 1) / 2;
-    penWidth = (int) floor(outerRadius / PENDIV); //50.0); MB
+    penWidth    = (int) floor(outerRadius / PENDIV); // 50.0); MB
     ellipseSize = (int) floor(outerRadius / ELLDIV); // 12.5); MB
     double cx = (double) contentsRect().center().x();
     double cy = (double) contentsRect().center().y();
-    pa = QPointF(cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-		     cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
-    pb = QPointF(cx + (cos(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-		     cy - (sin(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
-    pc = QPointF(cx + (cos(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-		     cy - (sin(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
-    pd = QPointF(cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))),
-		     cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))));
+    pa = QPointF(
+        cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+    pb = QPointF(
+        cx + (cos(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+    pc = QPointF(
+        cx + (cos(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+    pd = QPointF(
+        cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))), cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))));
     // Find the current position of the selector / 12.5);
@@ -221,8 +219,9 @@ void QtColorTriangle::genBackground()
     p.fillRect(bg.rect(), palette().mid());
     QConicalGradient gradient(bg.rect().center(), 90);
-    QColor color;
-    for (double i = 0; i <= 1.0; i += 0.1) {
+    QColor           color;
+    for(double i = 0; i <= 1.0; i += 0.1)
+    {
 #if QT_VERSION < 0x040100
         color.setHsv(int(i * 360.0), 255, 255);
@@ -231,10 +230,16 @@ void QtColorTriangle::genBackground()
         gradient.setColorAt(i, color);
-    QRectF innerRadiusRect(bg.rect().center().x() - innerRadius, bg.rect().center().y() - innerRadius,
-                           innerRadius * 2 + 1, innerRadius * 2 + 1);
-    QRectF outerRadiusRect(bg.rect().center().x() - outerRadius, bg.rect().center().y() - outerRadius,
-                           outerRadius * 2 + 1, outerRadius * 2 + 1);
+    QRectF innerRadiusRect(
+        bg.rect().center().x() - innerRadius,
+        bg.rect().center().y() - innerRadius,
+        innerRadius * 2 + 1,
+        innerRadius * 2 + 1);
+    QRectF outerRadiusRect(
+        bg.rect().center().x() - outerRadius,
+        bg.rect().center().y() - outerRadius,
+        outerRadius * 2 + 1,
+        outerRadius * 2 + 1);
     QPainterPath path;
@@ -245,14 +250,15 @@ void QtColorTriangle::genBackground()
     double penThickness = bg.width() / 400.0;
-    for (int f = 0; f <= 5760; f += 20) {
+    for(int f = 0; f <= 5760; f += 20)
+    {
         int value = int((0.5 + cos(((f - 1800) / 5760.0) * TWOPI) / 2) * 255.0);
-        color.setHsv(int((f / 5760.0) * 360.0), 128 + (255 - value)/2, 255 - (255 - value)/4);
+        color.setHsv(int((f / 5760.0) * 360.0), 128 + (255 - value) / 2, 255 - (255 - value) / 4);
         p.setPen(QPen(color, penThickness));
         p.drawArc(innerRadiusRect, 1440 - f, 20);
-        color.setHsv(int((f / 5760.0) * 360.0), 128 + value/2, 255 - value/4);
+        color.setHsv(int((f / 5760.0) * 360.0), 128 + value / 2, 255 - value / 4);
         p.setPen(QPen(color, penThickness));
         p.drawArc(outerRadiusRect, 2880 - 1440 - f, 20);
@@ -267,73 +273,84 @@ void QtColorTriangle::genBackground()
 void QtColorTriangle::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
-    if ((e->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) == 0)
+    if((e->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) == 0)
     QPointF depos((double) e->pos().x(), (double) e->pos().y());
-    bool newColor = false;
-    if (selMode == SelectingHue) {
-	// If selecting hue, find the new angles for the points a,b,c
-	// of the triangle. The following update() will then redraw
-	// the triangle.
-	a = angleAt(depos, contentsRect());
-	b = a + TWOPI / 3.0;
-	c = b + TWOPI / 3.0;
-	if (b > TWOPI) b -= TWOPI;
-	if (c > TWOPI) c -= TWOPI;
-	double am = a - PI/2;
-	if (am < 0) am += TWOPI;
-	curHue = 360 - (int) (((am) * 360.0) / TWOPI);
-	int h,s,v;
-	curColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
-	if (curHue != h) {
-	    newColor = true;
-	    curColor.setHsv(curHue, s, v);
-	}
-	double cx = (double) contentsRect().center().x();
-	double cy = (double) contentsRect().center().y();
-	pa = QPointF(cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-                     cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
-	pb = QPointF(cx + (cos(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-                     cy - (sin(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
-	pc = QPointF(cx + (cos(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-                     cy - (sin(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
-	pd = QPointF(cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))),
-                     cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))));
-	selectorPos = pointFromColor(curColor);
-    } else {
-	Vertex aa(Qt::black, pa);
-	Vertex bb(Qt::black, pb);
-	Vertex cc(Qt::black, pc);
-	Vertex *p1 = &aa;
-	Vertex *p2 = &bb;
-	Vertex *p3 = &cc;
-	if (p1->point.y() > p2->point.y()) swap(&p1, &p2);
-	if (p1->point.y() > p3->point.y()) swap(&p1, &p3);
-	if (p2->point.y() > p3->point.y()) swap(&p2, &p3);
-	selectorPos = movePointToTriangle(depos.x(), depos.y(), aa, bb, cc);
-	QColor col = colorFromPoint(selectorPos);
-	if (col != curColor) {
-	    // Ensure that hue does not change when selecting
-	    // saturation and value.
-	    int h,s,v;
-	    col.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
-	    curColor.setHsv(curHue, s, v);
-	    newColor = true;
-	}
+    bool    newColor = false;
+    if(selMode == SelectingHue)
+    {
+        // If selecting hue, find the new angles for the points a,b,c
+        // of the triangle. The following update() will then redraw
+        // the triangle.
+        a = angleAt(depos, contentsRect());
+        b = a + TWOPI / 3.0;
+        c = b + TWOPI / 3.0;
+        if(b > TWOPI)
+            b -= TWOPI;
+        if(c > TWOPI)
+            c -= TWOPI;
+        double am = a - PI / 2;
+        if(am < 0)
+            am += TWOPI;
+        curHue = 360 - (int) (((am) *360.0) / TWOPI);
+        int h, s, v;
+        curColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
+        if(curHue != h)
+        {
+            newColor = true;
+            curColor.setHsv(curHue, s, v);
+        }
+        double cx = (double) contentsRect().center().x();
+        double cy = (double) contentsRect().center().y();
+        pa = QPointF(
+            cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+        pb = QPointF(
+            cx + (cos(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+        pc = QPointF(
+            cx + (cos(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+        pd = QPointF(
+            cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))), cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))));
+        selectorPos = pointFromColor(curColor);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Vertex aa(Qt::black, pa);
+        Vertex bb(Qt::black, pb);
+        Vertex cc(Qt::black, pc);
+        Vertex *p1 = &aa;
+        Vertex *p2 = &bb;
+        Vertex *p3 = &cc;
+        if(p1->point.y() > p2->point.y())
+            swap(&p1, &p2);
+        if(p1->point.y() > p3->point.y())
+            swap(&p1, &p3);
+        if(p2->point.y() > p3->point.y())
+            swap(&p2, &p3);
+        selectorPos = movePointToTriangle(depos.x(), depos.y(), aa, bb, cc);
+        QColor col  = colorFromPoint(selectorPos);
+        if(col != curColor)
+        {
+            // Ensure that hue does not change when selecting
+            // saturation and value.
+            int h, s, v;
+            col.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
+            curColor.setHsv(curHue, s, v);
+            newColor = true;
+        }
-    if (newColor)
-	emit colorChanged(curColor);
+    if(newColor)
+        emit colorChanged(curColor);
@@ -349,74 +366,85 @@ void QtColorTriangle::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
 void QtColorTriangle::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
     // Only respond to the left mouse button.
-    if (e->button() != Qt::LeftButton)
-	return;
+    if(e->button() != Qt::LeftButton)
+        return;
     QPointF depos((double) e->pos().x(), (double) e->pos().y());
-    double rad = radiusAt(depos, contentsRect());
-    bool newColor = false;
+    double  rad      = radiusAt(depos, contentsRect());
+    bool    newColor = false;
     // As in mouseMoveEvent, either find the a,b,c angles or the
     // radian position of the selector, then order an update.
-    if (rad > (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5))) {
-	selMode = SelectingHue;
-	a = angleAt(depos, contentsRect());
-	b = a + TWOPI / 3.0;
-	c = b + TWOPI / 3.0;
-	if (b > TWOPI) b -= TWOPI;
-	if (c > TWOPI) c -= TWOPI;
-	double am = a - PI/2;
-	if (am < 0) am += TWOPI;
-	curHue = 360 - (int) ((am * 360.0) / TWOPI);
-	int h,s,v;
-	curColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
-	if (h != curHue) {
-	    newColor = true;
-	    curColor.setHsv(curHue, s, v);
-	}
-	double cx = (double) contentsRect().center().x();
-	double cy = (double) contentsRect().center().y();
-	pa = QPointF(cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-			 cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
-	pb = QPointF(cx + (cos(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-			 cy - (sin(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
-	pc = QPointF(cx + (cos(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-			 cy - (sin(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
-	pd = QPointF(cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))),
-			 cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))));
-	selectorPos = pointFromColor(curColor);
-	emit colorChanged(curColor);
-    } else {
-	selMode = SelectingSatValue;
-	Vertex aa(Qt::black, pa);
-	Vertex bb(Qt::black, pb);
-	Vertex cc(Qt::black, pc);
-	Vertex *p1 = &aa;
-	Vertex *p2 = &bb;
-	Vertex *p3 = &cc;
-	if (p1->point.y() > p2->point.y()) swap(&p1, &p2);
-	if (p1->point.y() > p3->point.y()) swap(&p1, &p3);
-	if (p2->point.y() > p3->point.y()) swap(&p2, &p3);
-	selectorPos = movePointToTriangle(depos.x(), depos.y(), aa, bb, cc);
-	QColor col = colorFromPoint(selectorPos);
-	if (col != curColor) {
-	    curColor = col;
-	    newColor = true;
-	}
+    if(rad > (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5)))
+    {
+        selMode = SelectingHue;
+        a = angleAt(depos, contentsRect());
+        b = a + TWOPI / 3.0;
+        c = b + TWOPI / 3.0;
+        if(b > TWOPI)
+            b -= TWOPI;
+        if(c > TWOPI)
+            c -= TWOPI;
+        double am = a - PI / 2;
+        if(am < 0)
+            am += TWOPI;
+        curHue = 360 - (int) ((am * 360.0) / TWOPI);
+        int h, s, v;
+        curColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
+        if(h != curHue)
+        {
+            newColor = true;
+            curColor.setHsv(curHue, s, v);
+        }
+        double cx = (double) contentsRect().center().x();
+        double cy = (double) contentsRect().center().y();
+        pa = QPointF(
+            cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+        pb = QPointF(
+            cx + (cos(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+        pc = QPointF(
+            cx + (cos(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+        pd = QPointF(
+            cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))), cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))));
+        selectorPos = pointFromColor(curColor);
+        emit colorChanged(curColor);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        selMode = SelectingSatValue;
+        Vertex aa(Qt::black, pa);
+        Vertex bb(Qt::black, pb);
+        Vertex cc(Qt::black, pc);
+        Vertex *p1 = &aa;
+        Vertex *p2 = &bb;
+        Vertex *p3 = &cc;
+        if(p1->point.y() > p2->point.y())
+            swap(&p1, &p2);
+        if(p1->point.y() > p3->point.y())
+            swap(&p1, &p3);
+        if(p2->point.y() > p3->point.y())
+            swap(&p2, &p3);
+        selectorPos = movePointToTriangle(depos.x(), depos.y(), aa, bb, cc);
+        QColor col  = colorFromPoint(selectorPos);
+        if(col != curColor)
+        {
+            curColor = col;
+            newColor = true;
+        }
-    if (newColor)
-	emit colorChanged(curColor);
+    if(newColor)
+        emit colorChanged(curColor);
@@ -428,8 +456,8 @@ void QtColorTriangle::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
 void QtColorTriangle::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
-    if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
-	selMode = Idle;
+    if(e->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
+        selMode = Idle;
@@ -437,57 +465,78 @@ void QtColorTriangle::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
 void QtColorTriangle::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
-    switch (e->key()) {
-	case Qt::Key_Left: {
-	    --curHue;
-	    if (curHue < 0) curHue += 360;
-	    int h,s,v;
-	    curColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
-	    QColor tmp;
-	    tmp.setHsv(curHue, s, v);
-	    setColor(tmp);
-	}
-	    break;
-	case Qt::Key_Right: {
-	    ++curHue;
-	    if (curHue > 359) curHue -= 360;
-	    int h,s,v;
-	    curColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
-	    QColor tmp;
-	    tmp.setHsv(curHue, s, v);
-	    setColor(tmp);
-	}
-	    break;
-	case Qt::Key_Up: {
-	    int h,s,v;
-	    curColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
-	    QColor tmp;
-	    if (e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) {
-		if (s > 5) s -= 5;
-		else s = 0;
-	    } else {
-		if (v > 5) v -= 5;
-		else v = 0;
-	    }
-	    tmp.setHsv(curHue, s, v);
-	    setColor(tmp);
-	}
-	    break;
-	case Qt::Key_Down: {
-	    int h,s,v;
-	    curColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
-	    QColor tmp;
-	    if (e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) {
-		if (s < 250) s += 5;
-		else s = 255;
-	    } else {
-		if (v < 250) v += 5;
-		else v = 255;
-	    }
-	    tmp.setHsv(curHue, s, v);
-	    setColor(tmp);
-	}
-	    break;
+    switch(e->key())
+    {
+        case Qt::Key_Left:
+        {
+            --curHue;
+            if(curHue < 0)
+                curHue += 360;
+            int h, s, v;
+            curColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
+            QColor tmp;
+            tmp.setHsv(curHue, s, v);
+            setColor(tmp);
+        }
+        break;
+        case Qt::Key_Right:
+        {
+            ++curHue;
+            if(curHue > 359)
+                curHue -= 360;
+            int h, s, v;
+            curColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
+            QColor tmp;
+            tmp.setHsv(curHue, s, v);
+            setColor(tmp);
+        }
+        break;
+        case Qt::Key_Up:
+        {
+            int h, s, v;
+            curColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
+            QColor tmp;
+            if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)
+            {
+                if(s > 5)
+                    s -= 5;
+                else
+                    s = 0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if(v > 5)
+                    v -= 5;
+                else
+                    v = 0;
+            }
+            tmp.setHsv(curHue, s, v);
+            setColor(tmp);
+        }
+        break;
+        case Qt::Key_Down:
+        {
+            int h, s, v;
+            curColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
+            QColor tmp;
+            if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)
+            {
+                if(s < 250)
+                    s += 5;
+                else
+                    s = 255;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if(v < 250)
+                    v += 5;
+                else
+                    v = 255;
+            }
+            tmp.setHsv(curHue, s, v);
+            setColor(tmp);
+        }
+        break;
@@ -499,23 +548,23 @@ void QtColorTriangle::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
 void QtColorTriangle::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
     outerRadius = (contentsRect().width() - 1) / 2;
-    if ((contentsRect().height() - 1) / 2 < outerRadius)
-	outerRadius = (contentsRect().height() - 1) / 2;
+    if((contentsRect().height() - 1) / 2 < outerRadius)
+        outerRadius = (contentsRect().height() - 1) / 2;
-    penWidth = (int) floor(outerRadius / PENDIV); //50.0); MB
+    penWidth    = (int) floor(outerRadius / PENDIV); // 50.0); MB
     ellipseSize = (int) floor(outerRadius / ELLDIV); // 12.5); MB
     double cx = (double) contentsRect().center().x();
     double cy = (double) contentsRect().center().y();
-    pa = QPointF(cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-                 cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
-    pb = QPointF(cx + (cos(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-                 cy - (sin(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
-    pc = QPointF(cx + (cos(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-                 cy - (sin(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
-    pd = QPointF(cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))),
-                 cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))));
+    pa = QPointF(
+        cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+    pb = QPointF(
+        cx + (cos(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+    pc = QPointF(
+        cx + (cos(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+    pd = QPointF(
+        cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))), cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0))));
     // Find the current position of the selector
     selectorPos = pointFromColor(curColor);
@@ -533,11 +582,12 @@ First copies a background image of the hue donut and its
 void QtColorTriangle::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
     QPainter p(this);
-    if (e->rect().intersects(contentsRect()))
+    if(e->rect().intersects(contentsRect()))
-    if (mustGenerateBackground) {
-	genBackground();
-	mustGenerateBackground = false;
+    if(mustGenerateBackground)
+    {
+        genBackground();
+        mustGenerateBackground = false;
     // Blit the static generated background with the hue gradient onto
@@ -545,7 +595,7 @@ void QtColorTriangle::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
     QImage buf = bg.copy();
     // Draw the trigon
-    int h,s,v;
+    int h, s, v;
     curColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
     // Find the color with only the hue, and max value and saturation
@@ -556,7 +606,7 @@ void QtColorTriangle::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
     drawTrigon(&buf, pa, pb, pc, hueColor);
     // Slow step: convert the image to a pixmap
-    QPixmap pix = QPixmap::fromImage(buf);
+    QPixmap  pix = QPixmap::fromImage(buf);
     QPainter painter(&pix);
@@ -566,34 +616,35 @@ void QtColorTriangle::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
     painter.drawLine(pa, pb);
     painter.drawLine(pb, pc);
     painter.drawLine(pc, pa);
     int ri, gi, bi;
     hueColor.getRgb(&ri, &gi, &bi);
-    if ((ri * 30) + (gi * 59) + (bi * 11) > 12800)
-	painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, penWidth));
+    if((ri * 30) + (gi * 59) + (bi * 11) > 12800)
+        painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, penWidth));
         painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::white, penWidth));
-        //painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::white)); MB hierueber waere ein gefuellter kreis realisierbar
+        // painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::white)); MB hierueber waere ein gefuellter kreis realisierbar
-    painter.drawEllipse((int) (pd.x() - ellipseSize / 2.0),
-			(int) (pd.y() - ellipseSize / 2.0),
-			ellipseSize, ellipseSize);
+    painter.drawEllipse(
+        (int) (pd.x() - ellipseSize / 2.0), (int) (pd.y() - ellipseSize / 2.0), ellipseSize, ellipseSize);
     curColor.getRgb(&ri, &gi, &bi);
     // Find a color for painting the selector based on the brightness
     // value of the color.
-    if ((ri * 30) + (gi * 59) + (bi * 11) > 12800)
-	painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, penWidth));
+    if((ri * 30) + (gi * 59) + (bi * 11) > 12800)
+        painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, penWidth));
-	painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::white, penWidth));
+        painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::white, penWidth));
     // Draw the selector ellipse.
-    painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(selectorPos.x() - ellipseSize / 2.0,
-                               selectorPos.y() - ellipseSize / 2.0,
-                               ellipseSize + 0.5, ellipseSize + 0.5));
+    painter.drawEllipse(QRectF(
+        selectorPos.x() - ellipseSize / 2.0,
+        selectorPos.y() - ellipseSize / 2.0,
+        ellipseSize + 0.5,
+        ellipseSize + 0.5));
     // Blit
     p.drawPixmap(contentsRect().topLeft(), pix);
@@ -608,9 +659,12 @@ Draws a trigon (polygon with three corners \a pa, \a pb and \a pc
     color \a color, \a pb is black and \a bc is white. Bilinear
-void QtColorTriangle::drawTrigon(QImage *buf, const QPointF &pa,
-			       const QPointF &pb, const QPointF &pc,
-			       const QColor &color)
+void QtColorTriangle::drawTrigon(
+    QImage *       buf,
+    const QPointF &pa,
+    const QPointF &pb,
+    const QPointF &pc,
+    const QColor & color)
     // Create three Vertex objects. A Vertex contains a double-point
     // coordinate and a color.
@@ -626,9 +680,12 @@ void QtColorTriangle::drawTrigon(QImage *buf, const QPointF &pa,
     Vertex *p1 = &aa;
     Vertex *p2 = &bb;
     Vertex *p3 = &cc;
-    if (p1->point.y() > p2->point.y()) swap(&p1, &p2);
-    if (p1->point.y() > p3->point.y()) swap(&p1, &p3);
-    if (p2->point.y() > p3->point.y()) swap(&p2, &p3);
+    if(p1->point.y() > p2->point.y())
+        swap(&p1, &p2);
+    if(p1->point.y() > p3->point.y())
+        swap(&p1, &p3);
+    if(p2->point.y() > p3->point.y())
+        swap(&p2, &p3);
     // All the three y deltas are >= 0
     double p1p2ydist = p2->point.y() - p1->point.y();
@@ -648,33 +705,33 @@ void QtColorTriangle::drawTrigon(QImage *buf, const QPointF &pa,
     // left-to-right drawing of the trigon.
     QVarLengthArray<DoubleColor, 2000> leftColors;
     QVarLengthArray<DoubleColor, 2000> rightColors;
-    QVarLengthArray<double, 2000> leftX; 
-    QVarLengthArray<double, 2000> rightX; 
+    QVarLengthArray<double, 2000>      leftX;
+    QVarLengthArray<double, 2000>      rightX;
     leftColors.resize(int(floor(p3->point.y() + 1)));
     rightColors.resize(int(floor(p3->point.y() + 1)));
     leftX.resize(int(floor(p3->point.y() + 1)));
     rightX.resize(int(floor(p3->point.y() + 1)));
-     // Scan longy - find all left and right colors and X-values for
+    // Scan longy - find all left and right colors and X-values for
     // the tallest edge (p1-p3).
     DoubleColor source;
     DoubleColor dest;
-    double r, g, b;
-    double rdelta, gdelta, bdelta;
-    double x;
-    double xdelta;
-    int y1, y2;
+    double      r, g, b;
+    double      rdelta, gdelta, bdelta;
+    double      x;
+    double      xdelta;
+    int         y1, y2;
     // Initialize with known values
-    x = p1->point.x();
+    x      = p1->point.x();
     source = p1->color;
-    dest = p3->color;
-    r = source.r;
-    g = source.g;
-    b = source.b;
-    y1 = (int) floor(p1->point.y());
-    y2 = (int) floor(p3->point.y());
+    dest   = p3->color;
+    r      = source.r;
+    g      = source.g;
+    b      = source.b;
+    y1     = (int) floor(p1->point.y());
+    y2     = (int) floor(p3->point.y());
     // Find slopes (notice that if the y dists are 0, we don't care
     // about the slopes)
@@ -685,31 +742,35 @@ void QtColorTriangle::drawTrigon(QImage *buf, const QPointF &pa,
     // Calculate gradients using linear approximation
     int y;
-    for (y = y1; y < y2; ++y) {
-	if (lefty) {
-	    rightColors[y] = DoubleColor(r, g, b);
-	    rightX[y] = x;
-	} else {
-	    leftColors[y] = DoubleColor(r, g, b);
-	    leftX[y] = x;
-	}
-	r += rdelta;
-	g += gdelta;
-	b += bdelta;
-	x += xdelta;
+    for(y = y1; y < y2; ++y)
+    {
+        if(lefty)
+        {
+            rightColors[y] = DoubleColor(r, g, b);
+            rightX[y]      = x;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            leftColors[y] = DoubleColor(r, g, b);
+            leftX[y]      = x;
+        }
+        r += rdelta;
+        g += gdelta;
+        b += bdelta;
+        x += xdelta;
     // Scan top shorty - find all left and right colors and x-values
     // for the topmost of the two not-tallest short edges.
-    x = p1->point.x();
+    x      = p1->point.x();
     source = p1->color;
-    dest = p2->color;
-    r = source.r;
-    g = source.g;
-    b = source.b;
-    y1 = (int) floor(p1->point.y());
-    y2 = (int) floor(p2->point.y());
+    dest   = p2->color;
+    r      = source.r;
+    g      = source.g;
+    b      = source.b;
+    y1     = (int) floor(p1->point.y());
+    y2     = (int) floor(p2->point.y());
     // Find slopes (notice that if the y dists are 0, we don't care
     // about the slopes)
@@ -719,31 +780,35 @@ void QtColorTriangle::drawTrigon(QImage *buf, const QPointF &pa,
     bdelta = p1p2ydist == 0.0 ? 0.0 : (dest.b - b) / p1p2ydist;
     // Calculate gradients using linear approximation
-    for (y = y1; y < y2; ++y) {
-	if (lefty) {
-	    leftColors[y] = DoubleColor(r, g, b);
-	    leftX[y] = x;
-	} else {
-	    rightColors[y] = DoubleColor(r, g, b);
-	    rightX[y] = x;
-	}
-	r += rdelta;
-	g += gdelta;
-	b += bdelta;
-	x += xdelta;
+    for(y = y1; y < y2; ++y)
+    {
+        if(lefty)
+        {
+            leftColors[y] = DoubleColor(r, g, b);
+            leftX[y]      = x;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            rightColors[y] = DoubleColor(r, g, b);
+            rightX[y]      = x;
+        }
+        r += rdelta;
+        g += gdelta;
+        b += bdelta;
+        x += xdelta;
     // Scan bottom shorty - find all left and right colors and
     // x-values for the bottommost of the two not-tallest short edges.
-    x = p2->point.x();
+    x      = p2->point.x();
     source = p2->color;
-    dest = p3->color;
-    r = source.r;
-    g = source.g;
-    b = source.b;
-    y1 = (int) floor(p2->point.y());
-    y2 = (int) floor(p3->point.y());
+    dest   = p3->color;
+    r      = source.r;
+    g      = source.g;
+    b      = source.b;
+    y1     = (int) floor(p2->point.y());
+    y2     = (int) floor(p3->point.y());
     // Find slopes (notice that if the y dists are 0, we don't care
     // about the slopes)
@@ -753,39 +818,45 @@ void QtColorTriangle::drawTrigon(QImage *buf, const QPointF &pa,
     bdelta = p2p3ydist == 0.0 ? 0.0 : (dest.b - b) / p2p3ydist;
     // Calculate gradients using linear approximation
-    for (y = y1; y < y2; ++y) {
-	if (lefty) {
-	    leftColors[y] = DoubleColor(r, g, b);
-	    leftX[y] = x;
-	} else {
-	    rightColors[y] = DoubleColor(r, g, b);
-	    rightX[y] = x;
-	}
-	r += rdelta;
-	g += gdelta;
-	b += bdelta;
-	x += xdelta;
+    for(y = y1; y < y2; ++y)
+    {
+        if(lefty)
+        {
+            leftColors[y] = DoubleColor(r, g, b);
+            leftX[y]      = x;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            rightColors[y] = DoubleColor(r, g, b);
+            rightX[y]      = x;
+        }
+        r += rdelta;
+        g += gdelta;
+        b += bdelta;
+        x += xdelta;
     // Inner loop. For each y in the left map of x-values, draw one
     // line from left to right.
     const int p3yfloor = int(floor(p3->point.y()));
-    for (int y = int(floor(p1->point.y())); y < p3yfloor; ++y) {
-	double lx = leftX[y];
-	double rx = rightX[y];
+    for(int y = int(floor(p1->point.y())); y < p3yfloor; ++y)
+    {
+        double lx = leftX[y];
+        double rx = rightX[y];
-	int lxi = (int) floor(lx);
-	int rxi = (int) floor(rx);
-	DoubleColor rc = rightColors[y];
-	DoubleColor lc = leftColors[y];
+        int         lxi = (int) floor(lx);
+        int         rxi = (int) floor(rx);
+        DoubleColor rc  = rightColors[y];
+        DoubleColor lc  = leftColors[y];
         // if the xdist is 0, don't draw anything.
-	double xdist = rx - lx;
-	if (xdist != 0.0) {
-            double r = lc.r;
-            double g = lc.g;
-            double b = lc.b;
+        double xdist = rx - lx;
+        if(xdist != 0.0)
+        {
+            double r      = lc.r;
+            double g      = lc.g;
+            double b      = lc.b;
             double rdelta = (rc.r - r) / xdist;
             double gdelta = (rc.g - g) / xdist;
             double bdelta = (rc.b - b) / xdist;
@@ -794,7 +865,8 @@ void QtColorTriangle::drawTrigon(QImage *buf, const QPointF &pa,
             scanline += lxi;
             // Inner loop 2. Draws the line from left to right.
-            for (int i = lxi; i < rxi; ++i) {
+            for(int i = lxi; i < rxi; ++i)
+            {
                 *scanline++ = qRgb((int) r, (int) g, (int) b);
                 r += rdelta;
                 g += gdelta;
@@ -810,8 +882,8 @@ Sets the color of the triangle to \a col.
 void QtColorTriangle::setColor(const QColor &col)
-    if (col == curColor)
-	return;
+    if(col == curColor)
+        return;
     curColor = col;
@@ -819,22 +891,25 @@ void QtColorTriangle::setColor(const QColor &col)
     curColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
     // Never use an invalid hue to display colors
-    if (h != -1)
-	curHue = h;
+    if(h != -1)
+        curHue = h;
     a = (((360 - curHue) * TWOPI) / 360.0);
     a += PI / 2.0;
-    if (a > TWOPI) a -= TWOPI;
+    if(a > TWOPI)
+        a -= TWOPI;
-    b = a + TWOPI/3;
-    c = b + TWOPI/3;
+    b = a + TWOPI / 3;
+    c = b + TWOPI / 3;
-    if (b > TWOPI) b -= TWOPI;
-    if (c > TWOPI) c -= TWOPI;
+    if(b > TWOPI)
+        b -= TWOPI;
+    if(c > TWOPI)
+        c -= TWOPI;
-    double cx = (double) contentsRect().center().x();
-    double cy = (double) contentsRect().center().y();
-    double innerRadius = outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0);
+    double cx            = (double) contentsRect().center().x();
+    double cy            = (double) contentsRect().center().y();
+    double innerRadius   = outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0);
     double pointerRadius = outerRadius - (outerRadius / 10.0);
     pa = QPointF(cx + (cos(a) * innerRadius), cy - (sin(a) * innerRadius));
@@ -880,13 +955,13 @@ double QtColorTriangle::angleAt(const QPointF &pos, const QRect &rect) const
     double mousexdist = pos.x() - (double) rect.center().x();
     double mouseydist = pos.y() - (double) rect.center().y();
-    double mouserad = sqrt(mousexdist * mousexdist + mouseydist * mouseydist);
-    if (mouserad == 0.0)
+    double mouserad   = sqrt(mousexdist * mousexdist + mouseydist * mouseydist);
+    if(mouserad == 0.0)
         return 0.0;
     double angle = acos(mousexdist / mouserad);
-    if (mouseydist >= 0)
-	angle = TWOPI - angle;
+    if(mouseydist >= 0)
+        angle = TWOPI - angle;
     return angle;
@@ -925,9 +1000,11 @@ Returns true if the point cos(p),sin(p) is on the arc between
 bool angleBetweenAngles(double p, double a1, double a2)
-    if (a1 > a2) {
-	a2 += TWOPI;
-	if (p < PI) p += TWOPI;
+    if(a1 > a2)
+    {
+        a2 += TWOPI;
+        if(p < PI)
+            p += TWOPI;
     return p >= a1 && p < a2;
@@ -950,48 +1027,70 @@ bool angleBetweenAngles(double p, double a1, double a2)
     If ax and bx are equal and ay and by are equal (line is a point),
     this function will return true if (x,y) is equal to this point.
-static bool pointAbovePoint(double x, double y, double px, double py,
-			    double ax, double ay, double bx, double by)
+static bool pointAbovePoint(double x, double y, double px, double py, double ax, double ay, double bx, double by)
     bool result = false;
-    if (floor(ax) > floor(bx)) {
-	if (floor(ay) < floor(by)) {
-	    // line is draw upright-to-downleft
-	    if (floor(x) < floor(px) || floor(y) < floor(py))
-		result = true;
-	} else if (floor(ay) > floor(by)) {
+    if(floor(ax) > floor(bx))
+    {
+        if(floor(ay) < floor(by))
+        {
+            // line is draw upright-to-downleft
+            if(floor(x) < floor(px) || floor(y) < floor(py))
+                result = true;
+        }
+        else if(floor(ay) > floor(by))
+        {
             // line is draw downright-to-upleft
-	    if (floor(x) > floor(px) || floor(y) < floor(py))
-		result = true;
-	} else {
-	    // line is flat horizontal
-	    if (y < ay) result = true;
-	}
-    } else if (floor(ax) < floor(bx)) {
-	if (floor(ay) < floor(by)) {
-	    // line is draw upleft-to-downright
-	    if (floor(x) < floor(px) || floor(y) > floor(py))
-		result = true;
-	} else if (floor(ay) > floor(by)) {
-	    // line is draw downleft-to-upright
-	    if (floor(x) > floor(px) || floor(y) > floor(py))
-		result = true;
-	} else {
-	    // line is flat horizontal
-	    if (y > ay)
+            if(floor(x) > floor(px) || floor(y) < floor(py))
+                result = true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // line is flat horizontal
+            if(y < ay)
                 result = true;
-	}
-    } else {
-	// line is vertical
-	if (floor(ay) < floor(by)) {
-	    if (x < ax) result = true;
-	} else if (floor(ay) > floor(by)) {
-	    if (x > ax) result = true;
-	} else {
-	    if (!(x == ax && y == ay))
-		result = true;
-	}
+        }
+    }
+    else if(floor(ax) < floor(bx))
+    {
+        if(floor(ay) < floor(by))
+        {
+            // line is draw upleft-to-downright
+            if(floor(x) < floor(px) || floor(y) > floor(py))
+                result = true;
+        }
+        else if(floor(ay) > floor(by))
+        {
+            // line is draw downleft-to-upright
+            if(floor(x) > floor(px) || floor(y) > floor(py))
+                result = true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // line is flat horizontal
+            if(y > ay)
+                result = true;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // line is vertical
+        if(floor(ay) < floor(by))
+        {
+            if(x < ax)
+                result = true;
+        }
+        else if(floor(ay) > floor(by))
+        {
+            if(x > ax)
+                result = true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if(!(x == ax && y == ay))
+                result = true;
+        }
     return result;
@@ -1004,80 +1103,94 @@ if (ax,ay) to (bx,by) describes a line, and (x,y) is a point on
     it is outside the (bx,by) bounds and 0 if (x,y) is within (ax,ay)
     and (bx,by).
-static int pointInLine(double x, double y, double ax, double ay,
-		       double bx, double by)
+static int pointInLine(double x, double y, double ax, double ay, double bx, double by)
-    if (ax > bx) {
-	if (ay < by) {
-	    // line is draw upright-to-downleft
-	    // if (x,y) is in on or above the upper right point,
-	    // return -1.
-	    if (y <= ay && x >= ax)
-		return -1;
-	    // if (x,y) is in on or below the lower left point,
-	    // return 1.
-	    if (y >= by && x <= bx)
-		return 1;
-	} else {
-	    // line is draw downright-to-upleft
-	    // If the line is flat, only use the x coordinate.
-	    if (floor(ay) == floor(by)) {
-		// if (x is to the right of the rightmost point,
-		// return -1. otherwise if x is to the left of the
-		// leftmost point, return 1.
-		if (x >= ax)
-		    return -1;
-		else if (x <= bx)
-		    return 1;
-	    } else {
-		// if (x,y) is on or below the lower right point,
-		// return -1.
-		if (y >= ay && x >= ax)
-		    return -1;
-		// if (x,y) is on or above the upper left point,
-		// return 1.
-		if (y <= by && x <= bx)
-		    return 1;
-	    }
-	}
-    } else {
-	if (ay < by) {
-	    // line is draw upleft-to-downright
+    if(ax > bx)
+    {
+        if(ay < by)
+        {
+            // line is draw upright-to-downleft
+            // if (x,y) is in on or above the upper right point,
+            // return -1.
+            if(y <= ay && x >= ax)
+                return -1;
+            // if (x,y) is in on or below the lower left point,
+            // return 1.
+            if(y >= by && x <= bx)
+                return 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // line is draw downright-to-upleft
+            // If the line is flat, only use the x coordinate.
+            if(floor(ay) == floor(by))
+            {
+                // if (x is to the right of the rightmost point,
+                // return -1. otherwise if x is to the left of the
+                // leftmost point, return 1.
+                if(x >= ax)
+                    return -1;
+                else if(x <= bx)
+                    return 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // if (x,y) is on or below the lower right point,
+                // return -1.
+                if(y >= ay && x >= ax)
+                    return -1;
+                // if (x,y) is on or above the upper left point,
+                // return 1.
+                if(y <= by && x <= bx)
+                    return 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if(ay < by)
+        {
+            // line is draw upleft-to-downright
             // If (x,y) is on or above the upper left point, return
-	    // -1.
-	    if (y <= ay && x <= ax)
-		return -1;
-	    // If (x,y) is on or below the lower right point, return
-	    // 1.
-	    if (y >= by && x >= bx)
-		return 1;
-	} else {
-	    // line is draw downleft-to-upright
-	    // If the line is flat, only use the x coordinate.
-	    if (floor(ay) == floor(by)) {
-		if (x <= ax)
-		    return -1;
-		else if (x >= bx)
-		    return 1;
-	    } else {
-		// If (x,y) is on or below the lower left point, return
-		// -1.
-		if (y >= ay && x <= ax)
-		    return -1;
-		// If (x,y) is on or above the upper right point, return
-		// 1.
-		if (y <= by && x >= bx)
-		    return 1;
-	    }
-	}
+            // -1.
+            if(y <= ay && x <= ax)
+                return -1;
+            // If (x,y) is on or below the lower right point, return
+            // 1.
+            if(y >= by && x >= bx)
+                return 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // line is draw downleft-to-upright
+            // If the line is flat, only use the x coordinate.
+            if(floor(ay) == floor(by))
+            {
+                if(x <= ax)
+                    return -1;
+                else if(x >= bx)
+                    return 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // If (x,y) is on or below the lower left point, return
+                // -1.
+                if(y >= ay && x <= ax)
+                    return -1;
+                // If (x,y) is on or above the upper right point, return
+                // 1.
+                if(y <= by && x >= bx)
+                    return 1;
+            }
+        }
     // No tests proved that (x,y) was outside [(ax,ay),(bx,by)], so we
@@ -1100,38 +1213,38 @@ static int pointInLine(double x, double y, double ax, double ay,
     Yes, it's trigonometry.
-QPointF QtColorTriangle::movePointToTriangle(double x, double y, const Vertex &a,
-					       const Vertex &b, const Vertex &c) const
+QtColorTriangle::movePointToTriangle(double x, double y, const Vertex &a, const Vertex &b, const Vertex &c) const
     // Let v1A be the vector from (x,y) to a.
     // Let v2A be the vector from a to b.
     // Find the angle alphaA between v1A and v2A.
-    double v1xA = x - a.point.x();
-    double v1yA = y - a.point.y();
-    double v2xA = b.point.x() - a.point.x();
-    double v2yA = b.point.y() - a.point.y();
-    double vpA = vprod(v1xA, v1yA, v2xA, v2yA);
-    double cosA = vpA / (vlen(v1xA, v1yA) * vlen(v2xA, v2yA));
+    double v1xA   = x - a.point.x();
+    double v1yA   = y - a.point.y();
+    double v2xA   = b.point.x() - a.point.x();
+    double v2yA   = b.point.y() - a.point.y();
+    double vpA    = vprod(v1xA, v1yA, v2xA, v2yA);
+    double cosA   = vpA / (vlen(v1xA, v1yA) * vlen(v2xA, v2yA));
     double alphaA = acos(cosA);
     // Let v1B be the vector from x to b.
     // Let v2B be the vector from b to c.
-    double v1xB = x - b.point.x();
-    double v1yB = y - b.point.y();
-    double v2xB = c.point.x() - b.point.x();
-    double v2yB = c.point.y() - b.point.y();
-    double vpB = vprod(v1xB, v1yB, v2xB, v2yB);
-    double cosB = vpB / (vlen(v1xB, v1yB) * vlen(v2xB, v2yB));
+    double v1xB   = x - b.point.x();
+    double v1yB   = y - b.point.y();
+    double v2xB   = c.point.x() - b.point.x();
+    double v2yB   = c.point.y() - b.point.y();
+    double vpB    = vprod(v1xB, v1yB, v2xB, v2yB);
+    double cosB   = vpB / (vlen(v1xB, v1yB) * vlen(v2xB, v2yB));
     double alphaB = acos(cosB);
     // Let v1C be the vector from x to c.
     // Let v2C be the vector from c back to a.
-    double v1xC = x - c.point.x();
-    double v1yC = y - c.point.y();
-    double v2xC = a.point.x() - c.point.x();
-    double v2yC = a.point.y() - c.point.y();
-    double vpC = vprod(v1xC, v1yC, v2xC, v2yC);
-    double cosC = vpC / (vlen(v1xC, v1yC) * vlen(v2xC, v2yC));
+    double v1xC   = x - c.point.x();
+    double v1yC   = y - c.point.y();
+    double v2xC   = a.point.x() - c.point.x();
+    double v2yC   = a.point.y() - c.point.y();
+    double vpC    = vprod(v1xC, v1yC, v2xC, v2yC);
+    double cosC   = vpC / (vlen(v1xC, v1yC) * vlen(v2xC, v2yC));
     double alphaC = acos(cosC);
     // Find the radian angles between the (1,0) vector and the points
@@ -1143,62 +1256,70 @@ QPointF QtColorTriangle::movePointToTriangle(double x, double y, const Vertex &a
     double angleP = angleAt(QPointF(x, y), contentsRect());
     // If (x,y) is in the a-b area, project onto the a-b vector.
-    if (angleBetweenAngles(angleP, angleA, angleB)) {
-	// Find the distance from (x,y) to a. Then use the slope of
-	// the a-b vector with this distance and the angle between a-b
-	// and a-(x,y) to determine the point of intersection of the
-	// perpendicular projection from (x,y) onto a-b.
-	double pdist = sqrt(qsqr(x - a.point.x()) + qsqr(y - a.point.y()));
+    if(angleBetweenAngles(angleP, angleA, angleB))
+    {
+        // Find the distance from (x,y) to a. Then use the slope of
+        // the a-b vector with this distance and the angle between a-b
+        // and a-(x,y) to determine the point of intersection of the
+        // perpendicular projection from (x,y) onto a-b.
+        double pdist = sqrt(qsqr(x - a.point.x()) + qsqr(y - a.point.y()));
         // the length of all edges is always > 0
-	double p0x = a.point.x() + ((b.point.x() - a.point.x()) / vlen(v2xB, v2yB)) * cos(alphaA) * pdist;
-	double p0y = a.point.y() + ((b.point.y() - a.point.y()) / vlen(v2xB, v2yB)) * cos(alphaA) * pdist;
-	// If (x,y) is above the a-b line, which basically means it's
-	// outside the triangle, then return its projection onto a-b.
-	if (pointAbovePoint(x, y, p0x, p0y, a.point.x(), a.point.y(), b.point.x(), b.point.y())) {
-	    // If the projection is "outside" a, return a. If it is
-	    // outside b, return b. Otherwise return the projection.
-	    int n = pointInLine(p0x, p0y, a.point.x(), a.point.y(), b.point.x(), b.point.y());
-	    if (n < 0)
-		return a.point;
-	    else if (n > 0)
-		return b.point;
-	    return QPointF(p0x, p0y);
-	}
-    } else if (angleBetweenAngles(angleP, angleB, angleC)) {
-	// If (x,y) is in the b-c area, project onto the b-c vector.
-	double pdist = sqrt(qsqr(x - b.point.x()) + qsqr(y - b.point.y()));
+        double p0x = a.point.x() + ((b.point.x() - a.point.x()) / vlen(v2xB, v2yB)) * cos(alphaA) * pdist;
+        double p0y = a.point.y() + ((b.point.y() - a.point.y()) / vlen(v2xB, v2yB)) * cos(alphaA) * pdist;
+        // If (x,y) is above the a-b line, which basically means it's
+        // outside the triangle, then return its projection onto a-b.
+        if(pointAbovePoint(x, y, p0x, p0y, a.point.x(), a.point.y(), b.point.x(), b.point.y()))
+        {
+            // If the projection is "outside" a, return a. If it is
+            // outside b, return b. Otherwise return the projection.
+            int n = pointInLine(p0x, p0y, a.point.x(), a.point.y(), b.point.x(), b.point.y());
+            if(n < 0)
+                return a.point;
+            else if(n > 0)
+                return b.point;
+            return QPointF(p0x, p0y);
+        }
+    }
+    else if(angleBetweenAngles(angleP, angleB, angleC))
+    {
+        // If (x,y) is in the b-c area, project onto the b-c vector.
+        double pdist = sqrt(qsqr(x - b.point.x()) + qsqr(y - b.point.y()));
         // the length of all edges is always > 0
         double p0x = b.point.x() + ((c.point.x() - b.point.x()) / vlen(v2xC, v2yC)) * cos(alphaB) * pdist;
-	double p0y = b.point.y() + ((c.point.y() - b.point.y()) / vlen(v2xC, v2yC)) * cos(alphaB) * pdist;
-	if (pointAbovePoint(x, y, p0x, p0y, b.point.x(), b.point.y(), c.point.x(), c.point.y())) {
-	    int n = pointInLine(p0x, p0y, b.point.x(), b.point.y(), c.point.x(), c.point.y());
-	    if (n < 0)
-		return b.point;
-	    else if (n > 0)
-		return c.point;
-	    return QPointF(p0x, p0y);
-	}
-    } else if (angleBetweenAngles(angleP, angleC, angleA)) {
-	// If (x,y) is in the c-a area, project onto the c-a vector.
-	double pdist = sqrt(qsqr(x - c.point.x()) + qsqr(y - c.point.y()));
+        double p0y = b.point.y() + ((c.point.y() - b.point.y()) / vlen(v2xC, v2yC)) * cos(alphaB) * pdist;
+        if(pointAbovePoint(x, y, p0x, p0y, b.point.x(), b.point.y(), c.point.x(), c.point.y()))
+        {
+            int n = pointInLine(p0x, p0y, b.point.x(), b.point.y(), c.point.x(), c.point.y());
+            if(n < 0)
+                return b.point;
+            else if(n > 0)
+                return c.point;
+            return QPointF(p0x, p0y);
+        }
+    }
+    else if(angleBetweenAngles(angleP, angleC, angleA))
+    {
+        // If (x,y) is in the c-a area, project onto the c-a vector.
+        double pdist = sqrt(qsqr(x - c.point.x()) + qsqr(y - c.point.y()));
         // the length of all edges is always > 0
         double p0x = c.point.x() + ((a.point.x() - c.point.x()) / vlen(v2xA, v2yA)) * cos(alphaC) * pdist;
-	double p0y = c.point.y() + ((a.point.y() - c.point.y()) / vlen(v2xA, v2yA)) * cos(alphaC) * pdist;
-	if (pointAbovePoint(x, y, p0x, p0y, c.point.x(), c.point.y(), a.point.x(), a.point.y())) {
-	    int n = pointInLine(p0x, p0y, c.point.x(), c.point.y(), a.point.x(), a.point.y());
-	    if (n < 0)
-		return c.point;
-	    else if (n > 0)
-		return a.point;
-	    return QPointF(p0x, p0y);
-	}
+        double p0y = c.point.y() + ((a.point.y() - c.point.y()) / vlen(v2xA, v2yA)) * cos(alphaC) * pdist;
+        if(pointAbovePoint(x, y, p0x, p0y, c.point.x(), c.point.y(), a.point.x(), a.point.y()))
+        {
+            int n = pointInLine(p0x, p0y, c.point.x(), c.point.y(), a.point.x(), a.point.y());
+            if(n < 0)
+                return c.point;
+            else if(n > 0)
+                return a.point;
+            return QPointF(p0x, p0y);
+        }
     // (x,y) is inside the triangle (inside a-b, b-c and a-c).
@@ -1222,10 +1343,10 @@ QPointF QtColorTriangle::movePointToTriangle(double x, double y, const Vertex &a
 QPointF QtColorTriangle::pointFromColor(const QColor &col) const
     // Simplifications for the corner cases.
-    if (col == Qt::black)
-	return pb;
-    else if (col == Qt::white)
-	return pc;
+    if(col == Qt::black)
+        return pb;
+    else if(col == Qt::white)
+        return pc;
     // Find the x and y slopes
     double ab_deltax = pb.x() - pa.x();
@@ -1236,7 +1357,7 @@ QPointF QtColorTriangle::pointFromColor(const QColor &col) const
     double ac_deltay = pc.y() - pa.y();
     // Extract the h,s,v values of col.
-    int hue,sat,val;
+    int hue, sat, val;
     col.getHsv(&hue, &sat, &val);
     // Find the line that passes through the triangle where the value
@@ -1254,22 +1375,24 @@ QPointF QtColorTriangle::pointFromColor(const QColor &col) const
     double q4 = pb.y();
     // Find the intersection between these lines.
-	double x = 0;
-	double y = 0;
-	if (p1 != p2) {
-		double a = (q2 - q1) / (p2 - p1);
-		double c = (q4 - q3) / (p4 - p3);
-		double b = q1 - a * p1;
-		double d = q3 - c * p3;
-		x = (d - b) / (a - c);
-		y = a * x + b;
-	}
-	else {
-		x = p1;
-		y = q3 + (x - p3) * (q4 - q3) / (p4 - p3);
-	}
+    double x = 0;
+    double y = 0;
+    if(p1 != p2)
+    {
+        double a = (q2 - q1) / (p2 - p1);
+        double c = (q4 - q3) / (p4 - p3);
+        double b = q1 - a * p1;
+        double d = q3 - c * p3;
+        x = (d - b) / (a - c);
+        y = a * x + b;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        x = p1;
+        y = q3 + (x - p3) * (q4 - q3) / (p4 - p3);
+    }
     return QPointF(x, y);
@@ -1284,8 +1407,8 @@ QColor QtColorTriangle::colorFromPoint(const QPointF &p) const
     // Find the outer radius of the hue gradient.
     int outerRadius = (contentsRect().width() - 1) / 2;
-    if ((contentsRect().height() - 1) / 2 < outerRadius)
-	outerRadius = (contentsRect().height() - 1) / 2;
+    if((contentsRect().height() - 1) / 2 < outerRadius)
+        outerRadius = (contentsRect().height() - 1) / 2;
     // Find the center coordinates
     double cx = (double) contentsRect().center().x();
@@ -1293,16 +1416,17 @@ QColor QtColorTriangle::colorFromPoint(const QPointF &p) const
     // Find the a, b and c from their angles, the center of the rect
     // and the radius of the hue gradient donut.
-    QPointF pa(cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-		   cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
-    QPointF pb(cx + (cos(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-		   cy - (sin(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
-    QPointF pc(cx + (cos(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))),
-		   cy - (sin(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+    QPointF pa(
+        cx + (cos(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(a) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+    QPointF pb(
+        cx + (cos(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(b) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
+    QPointF pc(
+        cx + (cos(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))), cy - (sin(c) * (outerRadius - (outerRadius / 5.0))));
     // Find the hue value from the angle of the 'a' point.
-    double angle = a - PI/2.0;
-    if (angle < 0) angle += TWOPI;
+    double angle = a - PI / 2.0;
+    if(angle < 0)
+        angle += TWOPI;
     double hue = (360.0 * angle) / TWOPI;
     // Create the color of the 'a' corner point. We know that b is
@@ -1320,9 +1444,12 @@ QColor QtColorTriangle::colorFromPoint(const QPointF &p) const
     Vertex *p1 = &aa;
     Vertex *p2 = &bb;
     Vertex *p3 = &cc;
-    if (p1->point.y() > p2->point.y()) swap(&p1, &p2);
-    if (p1->point.y() > p3->point.y()) swap(&p1, &p3);
-    if (p2->point.y() > p3->point.y()) swap(&p2, &p3);
+    if(p1->point.y() > p2->point.y())
+        swap(&p1, &p2);
+    if(p1->point.y() > p3->point.y())
+        swap(&p1, &p3);
+    if(p2->point.y() > p3->point.y())
+        swap(&p2, &p3);
     // Find the slopes of all edges in the trigon. All the three y
     // deltas here are positive because of the above sorting.
@@ -1349,41 +1476,62 @@ QColor QtColorTriangle::colorFromPoint(const QPointF &p) const
     // right x values.
     double leftx;
     double rightx;
-    if (lefty) {
-        if (firstshorty) {
+    if(lefty)
+    {
+        if(firstshorty)
+        {
             leftx = p1->point.x();
-            if (floor(p1p2ydist) != 0.0) {
+            if(floor(p1p2ydist) != 0.0)
+            {
                 leftx += (p1p2xdist * (p.y() - p1->point.y())) / p1p2ydist;
-            } else {
+            }
+            else
+            {
                 leftx = qMin(p1->point.x(), p2->point.x());
-        } else {
+        }
+        else
+        {
             leftx = p2->point.x();
-            if (floor(p2p3ydist) != 0.0) {
+            if(floor(p2p3ydist) != 0.0)
+            {
                 leftx += (p2p3xdist * (p.y() - p2->point.y())) / p2p3ydist;
-            } else {
+            }
+            else
+            {
                 leftx = qMin(p2->point.x(), p3->point.x());
         rightx = p1->point.x();
         rightx += (p1p3xdist * (p.y() - p1->point.y())) / p1p3ydist;
-    } else {
+    }
+    else
+    {
         leftx = p1->point.x();
         leftx += (p1p3xdist * (p.y() - p1->point.y())) / p1p3ydist;
-        if (firstshorty) {
+        if(firstshorty)
+        {
             rightx = p1->point.x();
-            if (floor(p1p2ydist) != 0.0) {
+            if(floor(p1p2ydist) != 0.0)
+            {
                 rightx += (p1p2xdist * (p.y() - p1->point.y())) / p1p2ydist;
-            } else {
+            }
+            else
+            {
                 rightx = qMax(p1->point.x(), p2->point.x());
-        } else {
-            rightx = p2->point.x(); 
-            if (floor(p2p3ydist) != 0.0) {
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            rightx = p2->point.x();
+            if(floor(p2p3ydist) != 0.0)
+            {
                 rightx += (p2p3xdist * (p.y() - p2->point.y())) / p2p3ydist;
-            } else {
+            }
+            else
+            {
                 rightx = qMax(p2->point.x(), p3->point.x());
@@ -1393,74 +1541,101 @@ QColor QtColorTriangle::colorFromPoint(const QPointF &p) const
     // are to the left and right of the selector.
     double rshort = 0, gshort = 0, bshort = 0;
     double rlong = 0, glong = 0, blong = 0;
-    if (firstshorty) {
-        if (floor(p1p2ydist) != 0.0) {
-            rshort  = p2->color.r * (p.y() - p1->point.y()) / p1p2ydist;
-            gshort  = p2->color.g * (p.y() - p1->point.y()) / p1p2ydist;
-            bshort  = p2->color.b * (p.y() - p1->point.y()) / p1p2ydist;
+    if(firstshorty)
+    {
+        if(floor(p1p2ydist) != 0.0)
+        {
+            rshort = p2->color.r * (p.y() - p1->point.y()) / p1p2ydist;
+            gshort = p2->color.g * (p.y() - p1->point.y()) / p1p2ydist;
+            bshort = p2->color.b * (p.y() - p1->point.y()) / p1p2ydist;
             rshort += p1->color.r * (p2->point.y() - p.y()) / p1p2ydist;
             gshort += p1->color.g * (p2->point.y() - p.y()) / p1p2ydist;
             bshort += p1->color.b * (p2->point.y() - p.y()) / p1p2ydist;
-        } else {
-            if (lefty) {
-                if (p1->point.x() <= p2->point.x()) {
-                    rshort  = p1->color.r;
-                    gshort  = p1->color.g;
-                    bshort  = p1->color.b;
-                } else {
-                    rshort  = p2->color.r;
-                    gshort  = p2->color.g;
-                    bshort  = p2->color.b;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if(lefty)
+            {
+                if(p1->point.x() <= p2->point.x())
+                {
+                    rshort = p1->color.r;
+                    gshort = p1->color.g;
+                    bshort = p1->color.b;
-            } else {
-                if (p1->point.x() > p2->point.x()) {
-                    rshort  = p1->color.r;
-                    gshort  = p1->color.g;
-                    bshort  = p1->color.b;
-                } else {
-                    rshort  = p2->color.r;
-                    gshort  = p2->color.g;
-                    bshort  = p2->color.b;
+                else
+                {
+                    rshort = p2->color.r;
+                    gshort = p2->color.g;
+                    bshort = p2->color.b;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if(p1->point.x() > p2->point.x())
+                {
+                    rshort = p1->color.r;
+                    gshort = p1->color.g;
+                    bshort = p1->color.b;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    rshort = p2->color.r;
+                    gshort = p2->color.g;
+                    bshort = p2->color.b;
-    } else {
-        if (floor(p2p3ydist) != 0.0) {
-            rshort  = p3->color.r * (p.y() - p2->point.y()) / p2p3ydist;
-            gshort  = p3->color.g * (p.y() - p2->point.y()) / p2p3ydist;
-            bshort  = p3->color.b * (p.y() - p2->point.y()) / p2p3ydist;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if(floor(p2p3ydist) != 0.0)
+        {
+            rshort = p3->color.r * (p.y() - p2->point.y()) / p2p3ydist;
+            gshort = p3->color.g * (p.y() - p2->point.y()) / p2p3ydist;
+            bshort = p3->color.b * (p.y() - p2->point.y()) / p2p3ydist;
             rshort += p2->color.r * (p3->point.y() - p.y()) / p2p3ydist;
             gshort += p2->color.g * (p3->point.y() - p.y()) / p2p3ydist;
             bshort += p2->color.b * (p3->point.y() - p.y()) / p2p3ydist;
-        } else {
-            if (lefty) {
-                if (p2->point.x() <= p3->point.x()) {
-                    rshort  = p2->color.r;
-                    gshort  = p2->color.g;
-                    bshort  = p2->color.b;
-                } else {
-                    rshort  = p3->color.r;
-                    gshort  = p3->color.g;
-                    bshort  = p3->color.b;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if(lefty)
+            {
+                if(p2->point.x() <= p3->point.x())
+                {
+                    rshort = p2->color.r;
+                    gshort = p2->color.g;
+                    bshort = p2->color.b;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    rshort = p3->color.r;
+                    gshort = p3->color.g;
+                    bshort = p3->color.b;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if(p2->point.x() > p3->point.x())
+                {
+                    rshort = p2->color.r;
+                    gshort = p2->color.g;
+                    bshort = p2->color.b;
-            } else {
-                if (p2->point.x() > p3->point.x()) {
-                    rshort  = p2->color.r;
-                    gshort  = p2->color.g;
-                    bshort  = p2->color.b;
-                } else {
-                    rshort  = p3->color.r;
-                    gshort  = p3->color.g;
-                    bshort  = p3->color.b;
+                else
+                {
+                    rshort = p3->color.r;
+                    gshort = p3->color.g;
+                    bshort = p3->color.b;
     // p1p3ydist is never 0
-    rlong  = p3->color.r * (p.y() - p1->point.y()) / p1p3ydist;
-    glong  = p3->color.g * (p.y() - p1->point.y()) / p1p3ydist;
-    blong  = p3->color.b * (p.y() - p1->point.y()) / p1p3ydist;
+    rlong = p3->color.r * (p.y() - p1->point.y()) / p1p3ydist;
+    glong = p3->color.g * (p.y() - p1->point.y()) / p1p3ydist;
+    blong = p3->color.b * (p.y() - p1->point.y()) / p1p3ydist;
     rlong += p1->color.r * (p3->point.y() - p.y()) / p1p3ydist;
     glong += p1->color.g * (p3->point.y() - p.y()) / p1p3ydist;
     blong += p1->color.b * (p3->point.y() - p.y()) / p1p3ydist;
@@ -1470,38 +1645,52 @@ QColor QtColorTriangle::colorFromPoint(const QPointF &p) const
     // wether we have a lefty trigon or not, we can determine which
     // colors are on the left and right edge.
     double rl, gl, bl, rr, gr, br;
-    if (lefty) {
-	rl = rshort; gl = gshort; bl = bshort;
-	rr = rlong; gr = glong; br = blong;
-    } else {
-	rl = rlong; gl = glong; bl = blong;
-	rr = rshort; gr = gshort; br = bshort;
+    if(lefty)
+    {
+        rl = rshort;
+        gl = gshort;
+        bl = bshort;
+        rr = rlong;
+        gr = glong;
+        br = blong;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        rl = rlong;
+        gl = glong;
+        bl = blong;
+        rr = rshort;
+        gr = gshort;
+        br = bshort;
     // Find the distance from the left x to the right x (xdist). Then
     // find the distances from the selector to each of these (saxdist
     // and saxdist2). These distances are used to find the color at
     // the selector.
-    double xdist = rightx - leftx;
-    double saxdist = p.x() - leftx;
+    double xdist    = rightx - leftx;
+    double saxdist  = p.x() - leftx;
     double saxdist2 = xdist - saxdist;
     // Now determine the r,g,b values of the selector using a linear
     // approximation.
     double r, g, b;
-    if (xdist != 0.0) {
-	r = (saxdist2 * rl / xdist) + (saxdist * rr / xdist);
-	g = (saxdist2 * gl / xdist) + (saxdist * gr / xdist);
-	b = (saxdist2 * bl / xdist) + (saxdist * br / xdist);
-    } else {
-	// In theory, the left and right color will be equal here. But
-	// because of the loss of precision, we get an error on both
-	// colors. The best approximation we can get is from adding
-	// the two errors, which in theory will eliminate the error
-	// but in practise will only minimize it.
-	r = (rl + rr) / 2;
+    if(xdist != 0.0)
+    {
+        r = (saxdist2 * rl / xdist) + (saxdist * rr / xdist);
+        g = (saxdist2 * gl / xdist) + (saxdist * gr / xdist);
+        b = (saxdist2 * bl / xdist) + (saxdist * br / xdist);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // In theory, the left and right color will be equal here. But
+        // because of the loss of precision, we get an error on both
+        // colors. The best approximation we can get is from adding
+        // the two errors, which in theory will eliminate the error
+        // but in practise will only minimize it.
+        r = (rl + rr) / 2;
         g = (gl + gr) / 2;
-	b = (bl + br) / 2;
+        b = (bl + br) / 2;
     // Now floor the color components and fit them into proper
@@ -1510,12 +1699,18 @@ QColor QtColorTriangle::colorFromPoint(const QPointF &p) const
     int ri = (int) floor(r);
     int gi = (int) floor(g);
     int bi = (int) floor(b);
-    if (ri < 0) ri = 0;
-    else if (ri > 255) ri = 255;
-    if (gi < 0) gi = 0;
-    else if (gi > 255) gi = 255;
-    if (bi < 0) bi = 0;
-    else if (bi > 255) bi = 255;
+    if(ri < 0)
+        ri = 0;
+    else if(ri > 255)
+        ri = 255;
+    if(gi < 0)
+        gi = 0;
+    else if(gi > 255)
+        gi = 255;
+    if(bi < 0)
+        bi = 0;
+    else if(bi > 255)
+        bi = 255;
     // Voila, we have the color at the point of the selector.
     return QColor(ri, gi, bi);
diff --git a/src/recognition.cpp b/src/recognition.cpp
index b9fdddbf4e8288a75a83b526315d033d6f777aec..b3866b3fdf4cbdc4054cee25d931f4d80d6b761a 100644
--- a/src/recognition.cpp
+++ b/src/recognition.cpp
@@ -18,41 +18,43 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QPointF>
-#include <QRect>
-#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
-#include <opencv2/aruco.hpp>
-#include <bitset>
 #include "recognition.h"
+#include "codeMarkerItem.h"
+#include "codeMarkerWidget.h"
+#include "colorMarkerItem.h"
+#include "colorMarkerWidget.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "helper.h"
 #include "markerCasern.h"
 #include "markerHermes.h"
 #include "markerJapan.h"
-#include "colorMarkerItem.h"
 #include "multiColorMarkerItem.h"
-#include "colorMarkerWidget.h"
 #include "multiColorMarkerWidget.h"
-#include "codeMarkerItem.h"
-#include "codeMarkerWidget.h"
-#include "helper.h"
-#include "tracker.h"
-#include "control.h"
 #include "recognitionRoiItem.h"
+#include "tracker.h"
+#include <QPointF>
+#include <QRect>
+#include <bitset>
+#include <opencv2/aruco.hpp>
+#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
-namespace reco {
+namespace reco
 using namespace detail;
 struct ColorParameters
-    int	h_low = 0;
-    int	h_high = 359;
-    int	s_low = 0;
-    int	s_high = 255;
-    int	v_low = 0;
-    int	v_high = 255;
+    int  h_low     = 0;
+    int  h_high    = 359;
+    int  s_low     = 0;
+    int  s_high    = 255;
+    int  v_low     = 0;
+    int  v_high    = 255;
     bool inversHue = false;
@@ -66,31 +68,31 @@ struct ColorParameters
  *  Each component H, S and V must be in a given range, defined by the parameters.
-void thresholdHSV (const cv::Mat &src, cv::Mat &bin, const ColorParameters &param)
+void thresholdHSV(const cv::Mat &src, cv::Mat &bin, const ColorParameters &param)
     int h, s, v;
     int x, y;
-    cv::Mat hsv {src.size(), src.type()};
+    cv::Mat hsv{src.size(), src.type()};
     cv::cvtColor(src, hsv, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV);
-    for (y = 0; y < bin.rows/*binIpl->height*/; ++y)
+    for(y = 0; y < bin.rows; ++y)
-        for (x = 0; x < bin.cols/*binIpl->width*/; ++x)
+        for(x = 0; x < bin.cols; ++x)
-            cv::Vec3b intensity = hsv.at<cv::Vec3b>(cv::Point(x,y));
-            h = intensity.val[0];
-            s = intensity.val[1];
-            v = intensity.val[2];
+            cv::Vec3b intensity = hsv.at<cv::Vec3b>(cv::Point(x, y));
+            h                   = intensity.val[0];
+            s                   = intensity.val[1];
+            v                   = intensity.val[2];
             // apply the thresholds
-            if ((!param.inversHue && (h < param.h_low || param.h_high < h)) ||
-                (param.inversHue  && (h >= param.h_low && param.h_high >= h)) ||
-                (s < param.s_low || param.s_high < s) ||
-                (v < param.v_low || param.v_high < v))
+            if((!param.inversHue && (h < param.h_low || param.h_high < h)) ||
+               (param.inversHue && (h >= param.h_low && param.h_high >= h)) || (s < param.s_low || param.s_high < s) ||
+               (v < param.v_low || param.v_high < v))
                 bin.at<uchar>(cv::Point(x, y)) = 0;
-            }else
+            }
+            else
                 bin.at<uchar>(cv::Point(x, y)) = 255;
@@ -98,18 +100,18 @@ void thresholdHSV (const cv::Mat &src, cv::Mat &bin, const ColorParameters &para
-void thresholdHSV (const IplImage *srcIpl, IplImage *binIpl, const ColorParameters &param)
+void thresholdHSV(const IplImage *srcIpl, IplImage *binIpl, const ColorParameters &param)
     const Mat src = cvarrToMat(srcIpl);
-    Mat bin = cvarrToMat(binIpl);
-    thresholdHSV(src,bin,param);
+    Mat       bin = cvarrToMat(binIpl);
+    thresholdHSV(src, bin, param);
-void setColorParameter(const QColor &fromColor, const QColor &toColor, bool inversHue, ColorParameters	&param)
+void setColorParameter(const QColor &fromColor, const QColor &toColor, bool inversHue, ColorParameters &param)
-    if (fromColor.hue() > toColor.hue())
+    if(fromColor.hue() > toColor.hue())
         param.h_low  = toColor.hue();
         param.h_high = fromColor.hue();
@@ -121,12 +123,12 @@ void setColorParameter(const QColor &fromColor, const QColor &toColor, bool inve
     // attention: full range of V is [0,1] or [0.256),
     // depending on the range of the RGB image
-    //param.h_low *= 255./359.;
-    //param.h_high *= 255./359.;
+    // param.h_low *= 255./359.;
+    // param.h_high *= 255./359.;
     // hue scheint nach Konversion bgr nach hsv in opencv nur zwischen 0..179 zu laufen
     param.h_low /= 2;
     param.h_high /= 2;
-    if (fromColor.saturation() > toColor.saturation())
+    if(fromColor.saturation() > toColor.saturation())
         param.s_low  = toColor.saturation();
         param.s_high = fromColor.saturation();
@@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ void setColorParameter(const QColor &fromColor, const QColor &toColor, bool inve
         param.s_low  = fromColor.saturation();
         param.s_high = toColor.saturation();
-    if (fromColor.value() > toColor.value())
+    if(fromColor.value() > toColor.value())
         param.v_low  = toColor.value();
         param.v_high = fromColor.value();
@@ -160,26 +162,31 @@ void setColorParameter(const QColor &fromColor, const QColor &toColor, bool inve
 Vec2F autoCorrectColorMarker(Vec2F &boxImageCentre, Control *controlWidget)
-    Petrack *mainWindow = controlWidget->getMainWindow();
-    cv::Point2f tp = mainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(
-            cv::Point3f(-controlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX()-controlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1(),
-                        -controlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY()-controlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2(), 0));
-    Vec2F pixUnderCam(tp.x, tp.y); // CvPoint
-    Vec2F boxImageCentreWithBorder = boxImageCentre;
+    Petrack *   mainWindow = controlWidget->getMainWindow();
+    cv::Point2f tp         = mainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(
+        -controlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransX() - controlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans1(),
+        -controlWidget->getCalibCoord3DTransY() - controlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans2(),
+        0));
+    Vec2F       pixUnderCam(tp.x, tp.y); // CvPoint
+    Vec2F       boxImageCentreWithBorder = boxImageCentre;
     boxImageCentreWithBorder += Vec2F(mainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), mainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
     pixUnderCam += Vec2F(mainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), mainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-    float angle = 90 - mainWindow->getImageItem()->getAngleToGround(boxImageCentreWithBorder.x(), boxImageCentreWithBorder.y(), 175);// Hoehe 175 cm ist egal, da auf jeder Hoehe gleicher Winkel
+    float angle = 90 - mainWindow->getImageItem()->getAngleToGround(
+                           boxImageCentreWithBorder.x(),
+                           boxImageCentreWithBorder.y(),
+                           175); // Hoehe 175 cm ist egal, da auf jeder Hoehe gleicher Winkel
-    Vec2F moveDir = boxImageCentreWithBorder-pixUnderCam;
+    Vec2F moveDir = boxImageCentreWithBorder - pixUnderCam;
     cv::Point3f p3x1, p3x2;
-    p3x1 = mainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(boxImageCentre.x(),boxImageCentre.y()),175);
-    p3x2 = mainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(boxImageCentre.x()+moveDir.x(),boxImageCentre.y()+moveDir.y()),175);
-    p3x1 = p3x1-p3x2;
+    p3x1 = mainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(boxImageCentre.x(), boxImageCentre.y()), 175);
+    p3x2 = mainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+        cv::Point2f(boxImageCentre.x() + moveDir.x(), boxImageCentre.y() + moveDir.y()), 175);
+    p3x1 = p3x1 - p3x2;
     Vec2F cmPerPixel(p3x1.x, p3x1.y);
-    return (0.12*angle/cmPerPixel.length())*moveDir; // Maik Dissertation Seite 138
+    return (0.12 * angle / cmPerPixel.length()) * moveDir; // Maik Dissertation Seite 138
@@ -198,86 +205,109 @@ Vec2F autoCorrectColorMarker(Vec2F &boxImageCentre, Control *controlWidget)
  * @param options all options, mostly forwarded from the UI
  * @return vector of detected ColorBlobs (see struct ColorBlob for details)
-[[nodiscard]] std::vector<ColorBlob> detail::findColorBlob(const ColorBlobDetectionParams &options){
+[[nodiscard]] std::vector<ColorBlob> detail::findColorBlob(const ColorBlobDetectionParams &options)
     std::vector<ColorBlob> colorBlobs;
-    ColorParameters	param;
+    ColorParameters        param;
     setColorParameter(options.fromColor, options.toColor, options.invHue, param);
     // Marker Color is set according to the color which is searched
     // Calculating is only neccessary for casern-marker like markers
-    const QColor markerColor = [param](){
-        if (param.inversHue)
+    const QColor markerColor = [param]()
+    {
+        if(param.inversHue)
-        return QColor::fromHsv(2*((param.h_low+(param.h_high-param.h_low)/2+90)%180),
-                               (param.s_high + param.s_low)/2,
-                               (param.v_high + param.v_low)/2);
+            return QColor::fromHsv(
+                2 * ((param.h_low + (param.h_high - param.h_low) / 2 + 90) % 180),
+                (param.s_high + param.s_low) / 2,
+                (param.v_high + param.v_low) / 2);
-        return QColor::fromHsv(2*(param.h_low+(param.h_high-param.h_low)/2),
-                               (param.s_high + param.s_low)/2,
-                               (param.v_high + param.v_low)/2);
-        }(); // Lambda so markerColor can be const
+        return QColor::fromHsv(
+            2 * (param.h_low + (param.h_high - param.h_low) / 2),
+            (param.s_high + param.s_low) / 2,
+            (param.v_high + param.v_low) / 2);
+    }(); // Lambda so markerColor can be const
-    cv::Mat img = options.img;
+    cv::Mat img    = options.img;
     cv::Mat binary = options.binary;
     // color thresholding
-    thresholdHSV(img , binary, param);
+    thresholdHSV(img, binary, param);
     // close small holes: radius ( hole ) < radius ( close )
-    if (options.useClose)
+    if(options.useClose)
         const int radiusClose = options.radiusClose;
-        cv::morphologyEx(binary,binary,cv::MORPH_CLOSE,getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE,cv::Size(2*radiusClose+1, 2*radiusClose+1),cv::Point(radiusClose, radiusClose)));
+        cv::morphologyEx(
+            binary,
+            binary,
+            cv::MORPH_CLOSE,
+            getStructuringElement(
+                cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE,
+                cv::Size(2 * radiusClose + 1, 2 * radiusClose + 1),
+                cv::Point(radiusClose, radiusClose)));
     // remove small blobs: radius ( blob ) < radius ( open )
-    if (options.useOpen)
+    if(options.useOpen)
         const int radiusOpen = options.radiusOpen;
-        cv::morphologyEx(binary,binary,cv::MORPH_OPEN,getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE,cv::Size(2*radiusOpen+1, 2*radiusOpen+1),cv::Point(radiusOpen, radiusOpen)));
+        cv::morphologyEx(
+            binary,
+            binary,
+            cv::MORPH_OPEN,
+            getStructuringElement(
+                cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE,
+                cv::Size(2 * radiusOpen + 1, 2 * radiusOpen + 1),
+                cv::Point(radiusOpen, radiusOpen)));
     std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> contours;
-    cv::findContours(binary,contours,cv::RETR_EXTERNAL,cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
+    cv::findContours(binary, contours, cv::RETR_EXTERNAL, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
-    for(const auto& contour : contours){
+    for(const auto &contour : contours)
+    {
         double area = cv::contourArea(contour);
         cv::RotatedRect box = cv::minAreaRect(contour);
-        float maxExpansion;
+        float  maxExpansion;
         double ratio;
-        if (box.size.height > box.size.width)
+        if(box.size.height > box.size.width)
-            ratio = static_cast<double>(box.size.height/box.size.width);
+            ratio        = static_cast<double>(box.size.height / box.size.width);
             maxExpansion = box.size.height;
-            ratio = static_cast<double>(box.size.width/box.size.height);
+            ratio        = static_cast<double>(box.size.width / box.size.height);
             maxExpansion = box.size.width;
         // contour at border of roi, than neglect because of object going out of region has moving center
-        bool atEdge = std::any_of(contour.cbegin(), contour.cend(), [&](const cv::Point& p){
-            return (p.x <= 1) || (p.x >= img.cols-2) ||
-                   (p.y <= 1) || (p.y >= img.rows-2);
-        });
+        bool atEdge = std::any_of(
+            contour.cbegin(),
+            contour.cend(),
+            [&](const cv::Point &p)
+            { return (p.x <= 1) || (p.x >= img.cols - 2) || (p.y <= 1) || (p.y >= img.rows - 2); });
-        if(atEdge){
+        if(atEdge)
+        {
-        if(area < options.minArea || area > options.maxArea){
+        if(area < options.minArea || area > options.maxArea)
+        {
-        if(ratio > options.maxRatio){
+        if(ratio > options.maxRatio)
+        {
         // centre of rect in the coordinates of the whole image (instead of ROI)
         Vec2F boxImageCentre = options.offset;
-        boxImageCentre.setX(boxImageCentre.x()+static_cast<double>(box.center.x));
-        boxImageCentre.setY(boxImageCentre.y()+static_cast<double>(box.center.y));
+        boxImageCentre.setX(boxImageCentre.x() + static_cast<double>(box.center.x));
+        boxImageCentre.setY(boxImageCentre.y() + static_cast<double>(box.center.y));
         // TODO maybe use move constructor to increase perf for contour(then not const anymore)
         colorBlobs.push_back({box, boxImageCentre, markerColor, contour, static_cast<double>(maxExpansion)});
@@ -293,82 +323,82 @@ Vec2F autoCorrectColorMarker(Vec2F &boxImageCentre, Control *controlWidget)
  * @param[in] bS bordersize
  * @param[in,out] cropRect cropRect to restrict/resize
-void detail::restrictPositionBlackDot(ColorBlob& blob, ImageItem *imageItem, int bS, cv::Rect& cropRect)
+void detail::restrictPositionBlackDot(ColorBlob &blob, ImageItem *imageItem, int bS, cv::Rect &cropRect)
-    double xy,x1, x2, y1, y2;
+    double xy, x1, x2, y1, y2;
     Vec2F &boxImageCentre = blob.imageCenter;
-    xy=imageItem->getAngleToGround(boxImageCentre.x()+bS, boxImageCentre.y()+bS, 175);
-    x1=imageItem->getAngleToGround(boxImageCentre.x()+bS+10, boxImageCentre.y()+bS, 175);
-    x2=imageItem->getAngleToGround(boxImageCentre.x()+bS-10, boxImageCentre.y()+bS, 175);
-    y1=imageItem->getAngleToGround(boxImageCentre.x()+bS, boxImageCentre.y()+bS+10, 175);
-    y2=imageItem->getAngleToGround(boxImageCentre.x()+bS, boxImageCentre.y()+bS-10, 175);
-    double subFactorBig = 1.-.75*(90.-xy)/90.; //  -.5 //in 1.0..0.25 // xy in 0..90
-    constexpr double subFactorSmall = .85; // .9
-    if (x1>x2) // Person links von Achse
+    xy                    = imageItem->getAngleToGround(boxImageCentre.x() + bS, boxImageCentre.y() + bS, 175);
+    x1                    = imageItem->getAngleToGround(boxImageCentre.x() + bS + 10, boxImageCentre.y() + bS, 175);
+    x2                    = imageItem->getAngleToGround(boxImageCentre.x() + bS - 10, boxImageCentre.y() + bS, 175);
+    y1                    = imageItem->getAngleToGround(boxImageCentre.x() + bS, boxImageCentre.y() + bS + 10, 175);
+    y2                    = imageItem->getAngleToGround(boxImageCentre.x() + bS, boxImageCentre.y() + bS - 10, 175);
+    double           subFactorBig   = 1. - .75 * (90. - xy) / 90.; //  -.5 //in 1.0..0.25 // xy in 0..90
+    constexpr double subFactorSmall = .85;                         // .9
+    if(x1 > x2)                                                    // Person links von Achse
-        if (y1>y2) // Person links oben von Achse
+        if(y1 > y2) // Person links oben von Achse
-            if (x1>y1) // starker Beschnitt rechts, kleiner Beschnitt unten
+            if(x1 > y1) // starker Beschnitt rechts, kleiner Beschnitt unten
-                cropRect.width *= subFactorBig; // ist int
+                cropRect.width *= subFactorBig;    // ist int
                 cropRect.height *= subFactorSmall; // ist int
             else // starker Beschnitt unten, kleiner Beschnitt rechts
                 cropRect.width *= subFactorSmall; // ist int
-                cropRect.height *= subFactorBig; // ist int
+                cropRect.height *= subFactorBig;  // ist int
         else // Person links unten von Achse
-            if (x1>y2) // starker Beschnitt rechts, kleiner Beschnitt oben
+            if(x1 > y2) // starker Beschnitt rechts, kleiner Beschnitt oben
-                cropRect.y = cropRect.y+cropRect.height*(1-subFactorSmall);
-                cropRect.width *= subFactorBig; // ist int
+                cropRect.y = cropRect.y + cropRect.height * (1 - subFactorSmall);
+                cropRect.width *= subFactorBig;    // ist int
                 cropRect.height *= subFactorSmall; // ist int
             else // starker Beschnitt oben, kleiner Beschnitt rechts
-                cropRect.y = cropRect.y+cropRect.height*(1-subFactorBig);
+                cropRect.y = cropRect.y + cropRect.height * (1 - subFactorBig);
                 cropRect.width *= subFactorSmall; // ist int
-                cropRect.height *= subFactorBig; // ist int
+                cropRect.height *= subFactorBig;  // ist int
     else // Person rechts von Achse
-        if (y1>y2) // Person rechts oben von Achse
+        if(y1 > y2) // Person rechts oben von Achse
-            if (x2>y1) // starker Beschnitt links, kleiner Beschnitt unten
+            if(x2 > y1) // starker Beschnitt links, kleiner Beschnitt unten
-                cropRect.x = cropRect.x+cropRect.width*(1-subFactorBig);
-                cropRect.width *= subFactorBig; // ist int
+                cropRect.x = cropRect.x + cropRect.width * (1 - subFactorBig);
+                cropRect.width *= subFactorBig;    // ist int
                 cropRect.height *= subFactorSmall; // ist int
             else // starker Beschnitt unten, kleiner Beschnitt links
-                cropRect.x = cropRect.x+cropRect.width*(1-subFactorSmall);
+                cropRect.x = cropRect.x + cropRect.width * (1 - subFactorSmall);
                 cropRect.width *= subFactorSmall; // ist int
-                cropRect.height *= subFactorBig; // ist int
+                cropRect.height *= subFactorBig;  // ist int
         else // Person rechts unten von Achse
-            if (x2>y2) // starker Beschnitt links, kleiner Beschnitt oben
+            if(x2 > y2) // starker Beschnitt links, kleiner Beschnitt oben
-                cropRect.x = cropRect.x+cropRect.width*(1-subFactorBig);
-                cropRect.y = cropRect.y+cropRect.height*(1-subFactorSmall);
-                cropRect.width *= subFactorBig; // ist int
+                cropRect.x = cropRect.x + cropRect.width * (1 - subFactorBig);
+                cropRect.y = cropRect.y + cropRect.height * (1 - subFactorSmall);
+                cropRect.width *= subFactorBig;    // ist int
                 cropRect.height *= subFactorSmall; // ist int
             else // starker Beschnitt oben, kleiner Beschnitt links
-                cropRect.x = cropRect.x+cropRect.width*(1-subFactorSmall);
-                cropRect.y = cropRect.y+cropRect.height*(1-subFactorBig);
+                cropRect.x = cropRect.x + cropRect.width * (1 - subFactorSmall);
+                cropRect.y = cropRect.y + cropRect.height * (1 - subFactorBig);
                 cropRect.width *= subFactorSmall; // ist int
-                cropRect.height *= subFactorBig; // ist int
+                cropRect.height *= subFactorBig;  // ist int
@@ -384,18 +414,18 @@ void detail::restrictPositionBlackDot(ColorBlob& blob, ImageItem *imageItem, int
  * @param midHue midHue used for weigthed conversion
  * @return image converted to grayscale
-cv::Mat detail::customBgr2Gray(const cv::Mat& subImg, const QColor& midHue)
+cv::Mat detail::customBgr2Gray(const cv::Mat &subImg, const QColor &midHue)
     cv::Mat subGray;
-    float scaleR = midHue.redF();
-    float scaleG = midHue.greenF();
-    float scaleB = midHue.blueF();
-    float scaleSum = scaleR+scaleG+scaleB;
-    scaleR/=scaleSum;
-    scaleG/=scaleSum;
-    scaleB/=scaleSum;
-    cv::Mat bgrToGray = (cv::Mat_<double>(1,3) << scaleB, scaleG, scaleR);
+    float scaleR   = midHue.redF();
+    float scaleG   = midHue.greenF();
+    float scaleB   = midHue.blueF();
+    float scaleSum = scaleR + scaleG + scaleB;
+    scaleR /= scaleSum;
+    scaleG /= scaleSum;
+    scaleB /= scaleSum;
+    cv::Mat bgrToGray = (cv::Mat_<double>(1, 3) << scaleB, scaleG, scaleR);
     // Performs the matrix-vector multiplication MxN for each pixel of subImg, where M is bgrToGray
     // and N is a vector of all channels of a pixel, the result will be saved in subGray.
@@ -420,94 +450,110 @@ cv::Mat detail::customBgr2Gray(const cv::Mat& subImg, const QColor& midHue)
  * @param crossList list of all detected people
  * @param options BlackDotOptions struct mostly forwarding all options from UI
-void detail::refineWithBlackDot(std::vector<ColorBlob>& blobs, const cv::Mat& img, QList<TrackPoint>& crossList, const BlackDotOptions& options)
+void detail::refineWithBlackDot(
+    std::vector<ColorBlob> &blobs,
+    const cv::Mat &         img,
+    QList<TrackPoint> &     crossList,
+    const BlackDotOptions & options)
-    constexpr int border=4; // zusaetzlicher rand um subrects
-    const int bS = options.borderSize;
-    const bool restrictPosition = options.restrictPosition;
-    ImageItem *imageItem = options.imageItem;
-    const QColor midHue = options.midHue;
-    const double dotSize = options.dotSize;
-    const bool ignoreWithoutMarker = options.ignoreWithoutMarker;
-    const bool autoCorrect = options.autoCorrect;
-    const bool autoCorrectOnlyExport = options.autoCorrectOnlyExport;
-    Control *controlWidget = options.controlWidget;
-    for(ColorBlob& blob : blobs)
+    constexpr int border                = 4; // zusaetzlicher rand um subrects
+    const int     bS                    = options.borderSize;
+    const bool    restrictPosition      = options.restrictPosition;
+    ImageItem *   imageItem             = options.imageItem;
+    const QColor  midHue                = options.midHue;
+    const double  dotSize               = options.dotSize;
+    const bool    ignoreWithoutMarker   = options.ignoreWithoutMarker;
+    const bool    autoCorrect           = options.autoCorrect;
+    const bool    autoCorrectOnlyExport = options.autoCorrectOnlyExport;
+    Control *     controlWidget         = options.controlWidget;
+    for(ColorBlob &blob : blobs)
-        cv::Rect cropRect;
+        cv::Rect         cropRect;
         cv::RotatedRect &box = blob.box;
-        cropRect.x = std::max(1, myRound(box.center.x-box.size.width/2-border));
-        cropRect.y = std::max(1, myRound(box.center.y-box.size.height/2-border));
+        cropRect.x           = std::max(1, myRound(box.center.x - box.size.width / 2 - border));
+        cropRect.y           = std::max(1, myRound(box.center.y - box.size.height / 2 - border));
         // 1. rundet kaufmaennisch, 2. dann rundet zur naechst kleiner geraden zahl
         // min wegen bildrand
-        cropRect.width = std::min(img.cols-cropRect.x-1, 2*border+(myRound(blob.maxExpansion) & -2));
-        cropRect.height = std::min(img.rows-cropRect.y-1, 2*border+(myRound(blob.maxExpansion) & -2));//cropRect.height = cropRect.width;
+        cropRect.width  = std::min(img.cols - cropRect.x - 1, 2 * border + (myRound(blob.maxExpansion) & -2));
+        cropRect.height = std::min(
+            img.rows - cropRect.y - 1,
+            2 * border + (myRound(blob.maxExpansion) & -2)); // cropRect.height = cropRect.width;
-        if (restrictPosition)
+        if(restrictPosition)
             restrictPositionBlackDot(blob, imageItem, bS, cropRect);
         // cvtColor results in really dark images, especially with red shades
         // so using custom conversion weighted by midHue
-        cv::Mat subImg = img(cropRect);
+        cv::Mat subImg  = img(cropRect);
         cv::Mat subGray = customBgr2Gray(subImg, midHue);
         cv::Mat subBW;
-        double maxThreshold = std::max(std::max(getValue(subGray, subGray.cols/2, subGray.rows/2).value(),
-                               getValue(subGray, subGray.cols/4, subGray.rows/2).value()),
-                           getValue(subGray, 3*subGray.cols/4, subGray.rows/2).value());
-        int step = static_cast<int>((maxThreshold-5))/5;
-        int minGrey = 300;
+        double maxThreshold = std::max(
+            std::max(
+                getValue(subGray, subGray.cols / 2, subGray.rows / 2).value(),
+                getValue(subGray, subGray.cols / 4, subGray.rows / 2).value()),
+            getValue(subGray, 3 * subGray.cols / 4, subGray.rows / 2).value());
+        int   step    = static_cast<int>((maxThreshold - 5)) / 5;
+        int   minGrey = 300;
         Vec2F subCenter;
-        for (int threshold = 5; threshold < maxThreshold; threshold += step)
+        for(int threshold = 5; threshold < maxThreshold; threshold += step)
-            cv::threshold(subGray,subBW,threshold,255,cv::THRESH_BINARY);
+            cv::threshold(subGray, subBW, threshold, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);
             // find contours and store them all as a list
             std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> subContours;
-            cv::findContours(subBW,subContours,cv::RETR_LIST,cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
+            cv::findContours(subBW, subContours, cv::RETR_LIST, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
             // test each contour
-            for(auto& subContour : subContours)
+            for(auto &subContour : subContours)
-                if (subContour.size() > 5) // This is number point in contour
+                if(subContour.size() > 5) // This is number point in contour
                     cv::RotatedRect subBox = cv::minAreaRect(subContour);
-                    double subRatio;
-                    double subMaxExpansion;
-                    if (subBox.size.height > subBox.size.width)
+                    double          subRatio;
+                    double          subMaxExpansion;
+                    if(subBox.size.height > subBox.size.width)
-                        subRatio = subBox.size.height/subBox.size.width;
+                        subRatio        = subBox.size.height / subBox.size.width;
                         subMaxExpansion = subBox.size.height;
-                        subRatio = subBox.size.width/subBox.size.height;
+                        subRatio        = subBox.size.width / subBox.size.height;
                         subMaxExpansion = subBox.size.width;
-                    QPointF cmPerPixel =imageItem->getCmPerPixel(cropRect.x+subBox.center.x, cropRect.y+subBox.center.y, controlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value());
-                    double cmPerPixelAvg = (cmPerPixel.x()+cmPerPixel.y())/2.;
-                    double markerSize = dotSize/cmPerPixelAvg;//war: 5cm// war WDG: = 16; war GymBay: = headSize / 4.5;
+                    QPointF cmPerPixel = imageItem->getCmPerPixel(
+                        cropRect.x + subBox.center.x,
+                        cropRect.y + subBox.center.y,
+                        controlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value());
+                    double cmPerPixelAvg = (cmPerPixel.x() + cmPerPixel.y()) / 2.;
+                    double markerSize =
+                        dotSize / cmPerPixelAvg; // war: 5cm// war WDG: = 16; war GymBay: = headSize / 4.5;
                     // maximalseitenverhaeltnis && minimal und maximaldurchmesser
-                    if (subRatio < 1.8 && subMaxExpansion < markerSize*1.5 && subMaxExpansion > markerSize/2)//1.5
+                    if(subRatio < 1.8 && subMaxExpansion < markerSize * 1.5 && subMaxExpansion > markerSize / 2) // 1.5
-                        double subContourArea = cv::contourArea(subContour,true);
-                        int cx = myRound(subBox.center.x);
-                        int cy = myRound(subBox.center.y);
+                        double subContourArea = cv::contourArea(subContour, true);
+                        int    cx             = myRound(subBox.center.x);
+                        int    cy             = myRound(subBox.center.y);
                         // darker inside && dark inside &&  mittelpunkt in kopfkontur
                         int xygrey = getValue(subGray, cx, cy).value();
                         //                                    debout << "xygrey: " << xygrey << endl;
-                        if (subContourArea>0 && xygrey<std::min(150.,2*maxThreshold/3) && (0<cv::pointPolygonTest(blob.contour,cv::Point2f(cropRect.x+subBox.center.x, cropRect.y+subBox.center.y),false))) // dark inside
+                        if(subContourArea > 0 && xygrey < std::min(150., 2 * maxThreshold / 3) &&
+                           (0 < cv::pointPolygonTest(
+                                    blob.contour,
+                                    cv::Point2f(cropRect.x + subBox.center.x, cropRect.y + subBox.center.y),
+                                    false))) // dark inside
-                            if (minGrey > xygrey)
+                            if(minGrey > xygrey)
                                 minGrey = xygrey;
-                                subCenter.set(cropRect.x+subBox.center.x, cropRect.y+subBox.center.y);
+                                subCenter.set(cropRect.x + subBox.center.x, cropRect.y + subBox.center.y);
@@ -515,22 +561,30 @@ void detail::refineWithBlackDot(std::vector<ColorBlob>& blobs, const cv::Mat& im
-        if (minGrey <260) // mit gefundenem schwarzem punkt
+        if(minGrey < 260) // mit gefundenem schwarzem punkt
-            crossList.append(TrackPoint(subCenter, 100, Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y), blob.color)); // 100 beste qualitaet
+            crossList.append(
+                TrackPoint(subCenter, 100, Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y), blob.color)); // 100 beste qualitaet
-        else if (!ignoreWithoutMarker)
+        else if(!ignoreWithoutMarker)
-            if (autoCorrect && !autoCorrectOnlyExport)
+            if(autoCorrect && !autoCorrectOnlyExport)
                 Vec2F moveDir = autoCorrectColorMarker(blob.imageCenter, controlWidget);
-                crossList.append(TrackPoint(Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y)+moveDir, 100, Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y), blob.color)); // 100 beste qualitaet
+                crossList.append(TrackPoint(
+                    Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y) + moveDir,
+                    100,
+                    Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y),
+                    blob.color)); // 100 beste qualitaet
-                crossList.append(TrackPoint(Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y), 90, Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y), blob.color)); // 100 beste qualitaet
+                crossList.append(TrackPoint(
+                    Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y),
+                    90,
+                    Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y),
+                    blob.color)); // 100 beste qualitaet
@@ -550,35 +604,46 @@ void detail::refineWithBlackDot(std::vector<ColorBlob>& blobs, const cv::Mat& im
  * @param crossList list of all detected people
  * @param options all options, mostly forwarded from the GUI
-void detail::refineWithAruco(std::vector<ColorBlob> &blobs, const cv::Mat& img, QList<TrackPoint> &crossList, ArucoOptions& options)
+void detail::refineWithAruco(
+    std::vector<ColorBlob> &blobs,
+    const cv::Mat &         img,
+    QList<TrackPoint> &     crossList,
+    ArucoOptions &          options)
-    constexpr int border=4; // zusaetzlicher rand um subrects
+    constexpr int border = 4; // zusaetzlicher rand um subrects
-    Control *controlWidget = options.controlWidget;
-    bool ignoreWithoutMarker = options.ignoreWithoutMarker;
-    bool autoCorrect = options.autoCorrect;
-    bool autoCorrectOnlyExport = options.autoCorrectOnlyExport;
+    Control *controlWidget         = options.controlWidget;
+    bool     ignoreWithoutMarker   = options.ignoreWithoutMarker;
+    bool     autoCorrect           = options.autoCorrect;
+    bool     autoCorrectOnlyExport = options.autoCorrectOnlyExport;
-    CodeMarkerOptions& codeOpt = options.codeOpt;
-    for(ColorBlob& blob : blobs)
+    CodeMarkerOptions &codeOpt = options.codeOpt;
+    for(ColorBlob &blob : blobs)
-        // cropRect has coordinates of rechtangele around color blob with respect to lower left corner (as in the beginning of useBlackDot)
-        cv::Rect cropRect;
-        const cv::RotatedRect &box = blob.box;
-        int extendRect = myRound(blob.maxExpansion*.3); // scalar to increase area of cropRect for better detection of codemarkers when marker appears to stick out of the colored head because of tilted heads; value of .3 chosen arbitrarily after discussion
-        cropRect.x = std::max(1, myRound(box.center.x-box.size.width/2.-border));
-        cropRect.y = std::max(1, myRound(box.center.y-box.size.height/2.-border));
-        cropRect.width = std::min(img.cols-cropRect.x-extendRect-1, 2*border+((myRound(blob.maxExpansion)+extendRect) & -2));
-        cropRect.height = std::min(img.rows-cropRect.y-extendRect-1, 2*border+((myRound(blob.maxExpansion)+extendRect) & -2));
+        // cropRect has coordinates of rechtangele around color blob with respect to lower left corner (as in the
+        // beginning of useBlackDot)
+        cv::Rect               cropRect;
+        const cv::RotatedRect &box        = blob.box;
+        int                    extendRect = myRound(
+            blob.maxExpansion *
+            .3); // scalar to increase area of cropRect for better detection of codemarkers when marker appears to stick
+                 // out of the colored head because of tilted heads; value of .3 chosen arbitrarily after discussion
+        cropRect.x     = std::max(1, myRound(box.center.x - box.size.width / 2. - border));
+        cropRect.y     = std::max(1, myRound(box.center.y - box.size.height / 2. - border));
+        cropRect.width = std::min(
+            img.cols - cropRect.x - extendRect - 1, 2 * border + ((myRound(blob.maxExpansion) + extendRect) & -2));
+        cropRect.height = std::min(
+            img.rows - cropRect.y - extendRect - 1, 2 * border + ((myRound(blob.maxExpansion) + extendRect) & -2));
         cv::Mat subImg = img(cropRect); // --> shallow copy (points to original data)
         int lengthini = crossList.size(); // initial length of crossList (before findCodeMarker() is called)
-        Vec2F offsetCropRect2Roi; // needed for drawing detected ArucoCode-Candidates correctly -> passed on to findCodeMarker()-Function
+        Vec2F offsetCropRect2Roi; // needed for drawing detected ArucoCode-Candidates correctly -> passed on to
+                                  // findCodeMarker()-Function
-        if (subImg.empty())
+        if(subImg.empty())
         // TODO: Use Reference to actual codeMarkerOptions in MulticolorMarkerOptions
         // NOTE: For now, add as parameter of findMulticolorMarker
@@ -586,13 +651,15 @@ void detail::refineWithAruco(std::vector<ColorBlob> &blobs, const cv::Mat& img,
         findCodeMarker(subImg, crossList, options.method, codeOpt);
         // The next three statements each:
-        // - set the offset of subImg with regards to ROI //(ROI to original image is archieved later in the code for all methods)
+        // - set the offset of subImg with regards to ROI //(ROI to original image is archieved later in the code for
+        // all methods)
         // - add the functionality of autocorrection
         // - deal with functionality of ignore/not ignore heads without identified ArucoMarker
-        if (ignoreWithoutMarker && lengthini!=crossList.size()) // if CodeMarker-Call returns crossList containing a new element (identified the ArucoMarker)
+        if(ignoreWithoutMarker && lengthini != crossList.size()) // if CodeMarker-Call returns crossList containing a
+                                                                 // new element (identified the ArucoMarker)
             Vec2F moveDir;
-            if (autoCorrect && !autoCorrectOnlyExport)
+            if(autoCorrect && !autoCorrectOnlyExport)
                 moveDir = autoCorrectColorMarker(blob.imageCenter, controlWidget);
@@ -604,26 +671,36 @@ void detail::refineWithAruco(std::vector<ColorBlob> &blobs, const cv::Mat& img,
             crossList.back().setColPoint(Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y));
             crossList.back() = crossList.back() + (Vec2F(cropRect.x, cropRect.y) + moveDir);
-        else if(!ignoreWithoutMarker && (lengthini==crossList.size())) // in case ignoreWithoutMarker is checked and CodeMarker-Call returns empty crossList (could not identify a marker) the center of the smallest rectangle around the colorblobb is used as position
+        else if(!ignoreWithoutMarker && (lengthini == crossList.size())) // in case ignoreWithoutMarker is checked and
+                                                                         // CodeMarker-Call returns empty crossList
+                                                                         // (could not identify a marker) the center of
+                                                                         // the smallest rectangle around the colorblobb
+                                                                         // is used as position
             offsetCropRect2Roi.setX(0); // set to zero as cooridinates are directly used from cropRect
             Vec2F moveDir;
-            if (autoCorrect && !autoCorrectOnlyExport)
+            if(autoCorrect && !autoCorrectOnlyExport)
                 moveDir = autoCorrectColorMarker(blob.imageCenter, controlWidget);
-                moveDir = Vec2F(0,0);
+                moveDir = Vec2F(0, 0);
-            crossList.append(TrackPoint(Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y) + moveDir, 90, Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y), blob.color)); // 100 beste qualitaet
+            crossList.append(TrackPoint(
+                Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y) + moveDir,
+                90,
+                Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y),
+                blob.color)); // 100 beste qualitaet
-        else if(!ignoreWithoutMarker && (crossList.size()!=lengthini)) // in case ignoreWithoutMarker is checked and CodeMarker-Call returns non-empty crossList (could identify a marker)
+        else if(!ignoreWithoutMarker && (crossList.size() != lengthini)) // in case ignoreWithoutMarker is checked and
+                                                                         // CodeMarker-Call returns non-empty crossList
+                                                                         // (could identify a marker)
             Vec2F moveDir;
-            if (autoCorrect && !autoCorrectOnlyExport)
+            if(autoCorrect && !autoCorrectOnlyExport)
                 moveDir = autoCorrectColorMarker(blob.imageCenter, controlWidget);
@@ -636,7 +713,7 @@ void detail::refineWithAruco(std::vector<ColorBlob> &blobs, const cv::Mat& img,
             crossList.back() = crossList.back() + (Vec2F(cropRect.x, cropRect.y) + moveDir);
-    codeOpt.setOffsetCropRect2Roi(Vec2F{0,0});
+    codeOpt.setOffsetCropRect2Roi(Vec2F{0, 0});
@@ -652,107 +729,123 @@ void detail::refineWithAruco(std::vector<ColorBlob> &blobs, const cv::Mat& img,
  * @param ignoreWithoutMarker (is ignored->overwritten by cmWidget->ignoreWithoutDot->isChecked())
  * @param offset
-void findMultiColorMarker(cv::Mat &img, QList<TrackPoint> &crossList, Control *controlWidget, bool ignoreWithoutMarker, Vec2F &offset, RecognitionMethod method, CodeMarkerOptions& codeOpt)
+void findMultiColorMarker(
+    cv::Mat &          img,
+    QList<TrackPoint> &crossList,
+    Control *          controlWidget,
+    bool               ignoreWithoutMarker,
+    Vec2F &            offset,
+    RecognitionMethod  method,
+    CodeMarkerOptions &codeOpt)
-    Petrack *mainWindow = controlWidget->getMainWindow();
-    MultiColorMarkerItem* cmItem = mainWindow->getMultiColorMarkerItem();
-    MultiColorMarkerWidget* cmWidget = mainWindow->getMultiColorMarkerWidget();
-    int bS = mainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
+    Petrack *               mainWindow = controlWidget->getMainWindow();
+    MultiColorMarkerItem *  cmItem     = mainWindow->getMultiColorMarkerItem();
+    MultiColorMarkerWidget *cmWidget   = mainWindow->getMultiColorMarkerWidget();
+    int                     bS         = mainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
     RectPlotItem *rectPlotItem = controlWidget->getColorPlot()->getMapItem();
-    bool useClose = cmWidget->useClose->isChecked();
-    bool useOpen = cmWidget->useOpen->isChecked();
-    int radiusClose = cmWidget->closeRadius->value();
-    int radiusOpen  = cmWidget->openRadius->value();
-    double dotSize = cmWidget->dotSize->value();
-    int minArea = cmWidget->minArea->value(), maxArea = cmWidget->maxArea->value();
-    double maxRatio = cmWidget->maxRatio->value();
-    bool useBlackDot = cmWidget->useDot->isChecked();
-    bool useCodeMarker = cmWidget->useCodeMarker->isChecked();
-    bool restrictPosition = cmWidget->restrictPosition->isChecked();
-    ignoreWithoutMarker = cmWidget->ignoreWithoutDot->isChecked(); // ueberschreiben von uebergeordnetem ignoreWithoutMarker
-    bool autoCorrect = cmWidget->autoCorrect->isChecked();
+    bool          useClose     = cmWidget->useClose->isChecked();
+    bool          useOpen      = cmWidget->useOpen->isChecked();
+    int           radiusClose  = cmWidget->closeRadius->value();
+    int           radiusOpen   = cmWidget->openRadius->value();
+    double        dotSize      = cmWidget->dotSize->value();
+    int           minArea = cmWidget->minArea->value(), maxArea = cmWidget->maxArea->value();
+    double        maxRatio         = cmWidget->maxRatio->value();
+    bool          useBlackDot      = cmWidget->useDot->isChecked();
+    bool          useCodeMarker    = cmWidget->useCodeMarker->isChecked();
+    bool          restrictPosition = cmWidget->restrictPosition->isChecked();
+    ignoreWithoutMarker =
+        cmWidget->ignoreWithoutDot->isChecked(); // ueberschreiben von uebergeordnetem ignoreWithoutMarker
+    bool autoCorrect           = cmWidget->autoCorrect->isChecked();
     bool autoCorrectOnlyExport = cmWidget->autoCorrectOnlyExport->isChecked();
-    for (int j = 0; j < rectPlotItem->mapNum(); j++)
+    for(int j = 0; j < rectPlotItem->mapNum(); j++)
         int nr;
-        if (j == controlWidget->mapNr->value())
-            nr = rectPlotItem->mapNum()-1;
-        else if (j == rectPlotItem->mapNum()-1)
+        if(j == controlWidget->mapNr->value())
+            nr = rectPlotItem->mapNum() - 1;
+        else if(j == rectPlotItem->mapNum() - 1)
             nr = controlWidget->mapNr->value();
             nr = j;
         ColorBlobDetectionParams param;
-        param.fromColor = rectPlotItem->getMap(nr).fromColor();
-        param.toColor = rectPlotItem->getMap(nr).toColor();
-        param.invHue = rectPlotItem->getMap(nr).invHue();
-        param.minArea = minArea;
-        param.maxArea = maxArea;
-        param.maxRatio = maxRatio;
-        param.useClose = useClose;
+        param.fromColor   = rectPlotItem->getMap(nr).fromColor();
+        param.toColor     = rectPlotItem->getMap(nr).toColor();
+        param.invHue      = rectPlotItem->getMap(nr).invHue();
+        param.minArea     = minArea;
+        param.maxArea     = maxArea;
+        param.maxRatio    = maxRatio;
+        param.useClose    = useClose;
         param.radiusClose = radiusClose;
-        param.useOpen = useOpen;
-        param.radiusOpen = radiusOpen;
-        param.offset = offset;
-        param.img = img;
-        param.binary = cmItem->createMask(img.cols, img.rows);
+        param.useOpen     = useOpen;
+        param.radiusOpen  = radiusOpen;
+        param.offset      = offset;
+        param.img         = img;
+        param.binary      = cmItem->createMask(img.cols, img.rows);
         auto blobs = findColorBlob(param);
-        if (useBlackDot)
+        if(useBlackDot)
             ColorParameters colParam;
-            setColorParameter(rectPlotItem->getMap(nr).fromColor(), rectPlotItem->getMap(nr).toColor(), rectPlotItem->getMap(nr).invHue(), colParam);
+            setColorParameter(
+                rectPlotItem->getMap(nr).fromColor(),
+                rectPlotItem->getMap(nr).toColor(),
+                rectPlotItem->getMap(nr).invHue(),
+                colParam);
             // zentralen farbton heraussuchen
             QColor midHue;
-            if (colParam.inversHue)
-                midHue.setHsv(2*((colParam.h_low+(colParam.h_high-colParam.h_low)/2+90)%180),255,255);
+            if(colParam.inversHue)
+                midHue.setHsv(2 * ((colParam.h_low + (colParam.h_high - colParam.h_low) / 2 + 90) % 180), 255, 255);
-                midHue.setHsv(2*(colParam.h_low+(colParam.h_high-colParam.h_low)/2),255,255);
+                midHue.setHsv(2 * (colParam.h_low + (colParam.h_high - colParam.h_low) / 2), 255, 255);
             BlackDotOptions options;
-            options.ignoreWithoutMarker = ignoreWithoutMarker;
-            options.autoCorrect = autoCorrect;
+            options.ignoreWithoutMarker   = ignoreWithoutMarker;
+            options.autoCorrect           = autoCorrect;
             options.autoCorrectOnlyExport = autoCorrectOnlyExport;
-            options.restrictPosition = restrictPosition;
-            options.borderSize = bS;
-            options.midHue = midHue;
-            options.dotSize = dotSize;
-            options.controlWidget = controlWidget;
-            options.imageItem = mainWindow->getImageItem();
+            options.restrictPosition      = restrictPosition;
+            options.borderSize            = bS;
+            options.midHue                = midHue;
+            options.dotSize               = dotSize;
+            options.controlWidget         = controlWidget;
+            options.imageItem             = mainWindow->getImageItem();
             // adds to crosslist
             refineWithBlackDot(blobs, img, crossList, options);
-        }else if (useCodeMarker)
+        }
+        else if(useCodeMarker)
             ArucoOptions options{
-                controlWidget,
-                ignoreWithoutMarker,
-                autoCorrect,
-                autoCorrectOnlyExport,
-                method,
-                codeOpt
-            };
+                controlWidget, ignoreWithoutMarker, autoCorrect, autoCorrectOnlyExport, method, codeOpt};
             // adds to crosslist
             refineWithAruco(blobs, img, crossList, options);
-        }else
+        }
+        else
             Vec2F moveDir;
-            for(ColorBlob& blob : blobs)
+            for(ColorBlob &blob : blobs)
-                if (autoCorrect && !autoCorrectOnlyExport)
+                if(autoCorrect && !autoCorrectOnlyExport)
                     moveDir = autoCorrectColorMarker(blob.imageCenter, controlWidget);
-                    crossList.append(TrackPoint(Vec2F(blob.box.center.x, blob.box.center.y)+moveDir, 100, Vec2F(blob.box.center.x, blob.box.center.y), blob.color)); // 100 beste qualitaet
+                    crossList.append(TrackPoint(
+                        Vec2F(blob.box.center.x, blob.box.center.y) + moveDir,
+                        100,
+                        Vec2F(blob.box.center.x, blob.box.center.y),
+                        blob.color)); // 100 beste qualitaet
-                    crossList.append(TrackPoint(Vec2F(blob.box.center.x, blob.box.center.y), 100, Vec2F(blob.box.center.x, blob.box.center.y), blob.color)); // 100 beste qualitaet
+                    crossList.append(TrackPoint(
+                        Vec2F(blob.box.center.x, blob.box.center.y),
+                        100,
+                        Vec2F(blob.box.center.x, blob.box.center.y),
+                        blob.color)); // 100 beste qualitaet
@@ -771,84 +864,93 @@ void findMultiColorMarker(cv::Mat &img, QList<TrackPoint> &crossList, Control *c
 void findColorMarker(cv::Mat &img, QList<TrackPoint> &crossList, Control *controlWidget)
-    ColorParameters	param;
-    ColorMarkerItem*     cmItem = controlWidget->getMainWindow()->getColorMarkerItem();
-    ColorMarkerWidget* cmWidget = controlWidget->getMainWindow()->getColorMarkerWidget();
+    ColorParameters    param;
+    ColorMarkerItem *  cmItem   = controlWidget->getMainWindow()->getColorMarkerItem();
+    ColorMarkerWidget *cmWidget = controlWidget->getMainWindow()->getColorMarkerWidget();
     QColor fromColor = cmWidget->fromColor->palette().color(QPalette::Button);
-    QColor   toColor = cmWidget->toColor->palette().color(QPalette::Button);
+    QColor toColor   = cmWidget->toColor->palette().color(QPalette::Button);
     setColorParameter(fromColor, toColor, cmWidget->inversHue->isChecked(), param);
     // run detection
-    cv::Mat	binary;
+    cv::Mat binary;
     // erzeuge speicherplatz fuer mask
     // abfrage wird in createMask gemacht
-    //if (cmItem->getMask() == NULL || (cmItem->getMask() != NULL && (cmItem->getMask()->width != img->width || cmItem->getMask()->height != img->height)))
+    // if (cmItem->getMask() == NULL || (cmItem->getMask() != NULL && (cmItem->getMask()->width != img->width ||
+    // cmItem->getMask()->height != img->height)))
     binary = cmItem->createMask(img.cols, img.rows); // erzeugt binary mask mit groesse von img
     // color thresholding
-    thresholdHSV(img , binary, param);
+    thresholdHSV(img, binary, param);
     // close small holes: radius ( hole ) < radius ( close )
-    if (cmWidget->useClose->isChecked())
+    if(cmWidget->useClose->isChecked())
         int radius_close = cmWidget->closeRadius->value();
         // siehe : http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/c/image_filtering.html#createstructuringelementex
-        cv::morphologyEx(binary,binary,cv::MORPH_OPEN,
-                         getStructuringElement( cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE,
-                                                cv::Size(2*radius_close+1,2*radius_close+1),
-                                                cv::Point(radius_close,radius_close)));
+        cv::morphologyEx(
+            binary,
+            binary,
+            cv::MORPH_OPEN,
+            getStructuringElement(
+                cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE,
+                cv::Size(2 * radius_close + 1, 2 * radius_close + 1),
+                cv::Point(radius_close, radius_close)));
     // remove small blobs: radius ( blob ) < radius ( open )
-    if (cmWidget->useOpen->isChecked())
+    if(cmWidget->useOpen->isChecked())
-        int radius_open  = cmWidget->openRadius->value();
-        cv::morphologyEx(binary,binary,cv::MORPH_CLOSE,
-                         getStructuringElement( cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE,
-                                                cv::Size(2*radius_open+1,2*radius_open+1),
-                                                cv::Point(radius_open)));
+        int radius_open = cmWidget->openRadius->value();
+        cv::morphologyEx(
+            binary,
+            binary,
+            cv::MORPH_CLOSE,
+            getStructuringElement(
+                cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE, cv::Size(2 * radius_open + 1, 2 * radius_open + 1), cv::Point(radius_open)));
-    std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
-    double area;
-    QColor col;
-    cv::RotatedRect box;
-    double ratio;
-    bool atEdge;
+    std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> contours;
+    double                              area;
+    QColor                              col;
+    cv::RotatedRect                     box;
+    double                              ratio;
+    bool                                atEdge;
-    cv::Mat clone = binary.clone();//(cvarrToMat(binary),true);
+    cv::Mat clone = binary.clone(); //(cvarrToMat(binary),true);
-    cv::findContours(clone,contours,cv::RETR_EXTERNAL,cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
+    cv::findContours(clone, contours, cv::RETR_EXTERNAL, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
     // test each contour
-    while (!contours.empty())
+    while(!contours.empty())
         std::vector<cv::Point> contour = contours.back();
-        area = cv::contourArea(contour);
-        box = cv::minAreaRect(contour);
+        area                           = cv::contourArea(contour);
+        box                            = cv::minAreaRect(contour);
-        if (box.size.height > box.size.width)
+        if(box.size.height > box.size.width)
-            ratio = box.size.height/box.size.width;
+            ratio = box.size.height / box.size.width;
-            ratio = box.size.width/box.size.height;
+            ratio = box.size.width / box.size.height;
         // contour at border of roi, than neglect because of object going out of region has moving center
         atEdge = false;
-        for(size_t i=0; i<contour.size(); i++)
-            if ((contour.at(i).x <= 1) || (contour.at(i).x >= img.cols-2) ||
-                (contour.at(i).y <= 1) || (contour.at(i).y >= img.rows-2))
+        for(size_t i = 0; i < contour.size(); i++)
+            if((contour.at(i).x <= 1) || (contour.at(i).x >= img.cols - 2) || (contour.at(i).y <= 1) ||
+               (contour.at(i).y >= img.rows - 2))
                 atEdge = true;
-        if (!atEdge && area >= cmWidget->minArea->value() && area <= cmWidget->maxArea->value() && ratio <= cmWidget->maxRatio->value())
+        if(!atEdge && area >= cmWidget->minArea->value() && area <= cmWidget->maxArea->value() &&
+           ratio <= cmWidget->maxRatio->value())
             // eine mittelung waere ggf sinnvoll, aber am rand aufpassen
-            col.setRgb(getValue(img,myRound(box.center.x),myRound(box.center.y)).rgb());
-            crossList.append(TrackPoint(Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y), 100, Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y), col)); // 100 beste qualitaet
+            col.setRgb(getValue(img, myRound(box.center.x), myRound(box.center.y)).rgb());
+            crossList.append(TrackPoint(
+                Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y), 100, Vec2F(box.center.x, box.center.y), col)); // 100 beste qualitaet
         // take the next contour
@@ -862,81 +964,100 @@ void findColorMarker(cv::Mat &img, QList<TrackPoint> &crossList, Control *contro
  * @param crossList[out] list of detected TrackPoints
  * @param controlWidget
-void detail::findCodeMarker(cv::Mat &img, QList<TrackPoint> &crossList, RecognitionMethod recoMethod, const CodeMarkerOptions& opt)
+void detail::findCodeMarker(
+    cv::Mat &                img,
+    QList<TrackPoint> &      crossList,
+    RecognitionMethod        recoMethod,
+    const CodeMarkerOptions &opt)
     CodeMarkerItem *codeMarkerItem = opt.getCodeMarkerItem();
-    Control *controlWidget = opt.getControlWidget();
-    const auto& par = opt.getDetectorParams();
+    Control *       controlWidget  = opt.getControlWidget();
+    const auto &    par            = opt.getDetectorParams();
-    cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> dictionary = cv::aruco::getPredefinedDictionary(cv::aruco::PREDEFINED_DICTIONARY_NAME(opt.getIndexOfMarkerDict()));
+    cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> dictionary =
+        cv::aruco::getPredefinedDictionary(cv::aruco::PREDEFINED_DICTIONARY_NAME(opt.getIndexOfMarkerDict()));
-    if (opt.getIndexOfMarkerDict() == 17) //for usage of DICT_mip_36h12 as it is not predifined in opencv
+    if(opt.getIndexOfMarkerDict() == 17) // for usage of DICT_mip_36h12 as it is not predifined in opencv
         dictionary = detail::getDictMip36h12();
     cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::DetectorParameters> detectorParams = cv::aruco::DetectorParameters::create();
-    double minMarkerPerimeterRate = 0.03, maxMarkerPerimeterRate = 4, minCornerDistanceRate = 0.05, minMarkerDistanceRate = 0.05;
+    double minMarkerPerimeterRate = 0.03, maxMarkerPerimeterRate = 4, minCornerDistanceRate = 0.05,
+           minMarkerDistanceRate = 0.05;
     Petrack *mainWindow = controlWidget->getMainWindow();
     int bS = mainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
-    if (controlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0) // 3D
+    if(controlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0) // 3D
-        QRect rect(myRound(mainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect().x()),
-                   myRound(mainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect().y()),
-                   myRound(mainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect().width()),
-                   myRound(mainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect().height()));
-        QPointF p1 = mainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(rect.x(),rect.y(),controlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value()),
-            p2 = mainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(rect.x()+rect.width(),rect.y(),controlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value()),
-            p3 = mainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(rect.x(),rect.y()+rect.height(),controlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value()),
-            p4 = mainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(rect.x()+rect.width(),rect.y()+rect.height(),controlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value());
-        double cmPerPixel_min = std::min(std::min(std::min(p1.x(), p1.y()), std::min(p2.x(), p2.y())),
-                                         std::min(std::min(p3.x(), p3.y()), std::min(p4.x(), p4.y())));
-        double cmPerPixel_max = std::max(std::max(std::max(p1.x(), p1.y()), std::max(p2.x(), p2.y())),
-                                         std::max(std::max(p3.x(), p3.y()), std::max(p4.x(), p4.y())));
-        if (recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Code)  // for usage of codemarker with CodeMarker-function (-> without MulticolorMarker)
+        QRect rect(
+            myRound(mainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect().x()),
+            myRound(mainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect().y()),
+            myRound(mainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect().width()),
+            myRound(mainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect().height()));
+        QPointF p1 = mainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(
+                    rect.x(), rect.y(), controlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value()),
+                p2 = mainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(
+                    rect.x() + rect.width(), rect.y(), controlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value()),
+                p3 = mainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(
+                    rect.x(), rect.y() + rect.height(), controlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value()),
+                p4 = mainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(
+                    rect.x() + rect.width(), rect.y() + rect.height(), controlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value());
+        double cmPerPixel_min = std::min(
+            std::min(std::min(p1.x(), p1.y()), std::min(p2.x(), p2.y())),
+            std::min(std::min(p3.x(), p3.y()), std::min(p4.x(), p4.y())));
+        double cmPerPixel_max = std::max(
+            std::max(std::max(p1.x(), p1.y()), std::max(p2.x(), p2.y())),
+            std::max(std::max(p3.x(), p3.y()), std::max(p4.x(), p4.y())));
+        if(recoMethod ==
+           RecognitionMethod::Code) // for usage of codemarker with CodeMarker-function (-> without MulticolorMarker)
-            minMarkerPerimeterRate = (par.getMinMarkerPerimeter()*4./cmPerPixel_max)/std::max(rect.width(),rect.height());
-            maxMarkerPerimeterRate = (par.getMaxMarkerPerimeter()*4./cmPerPixel_min)/std::max(rect.width(),rect.height());
-        } else if (recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::MultiColor)   // for usage of codemarker with MulticolorMarker
+            minMarkerPerimeterRate =
+                (par.getMinMarkerPerimeter() * 4. / cmPerPixel_max) / std::max(rect.width(), rect.height());
+            maxMarkerPerimeterRate =
+                (par.getMaxMarkerPerimeter() * 4. / cmPerPixel_min) / std::max(rect.width(), rect.height());
+        }
+        else if(recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::MultiColor) // for usage of codemarker with MulticolorMarker
-            minMarkerPerimeterRate = (par.getMinMarkerPerimeter()*4./cmPerPixel_max)/std::max(img.cols,img.rows);
-            maxMarkerPerimeterRate = (par.getMaxMarkerPerimeter()*4./cmPerPixel_min)/std::max(img.cols,img.rows);
+            minMarkerPerimeterRate = (par.getMinMarkerPerimeter() * 4. / cmPerPixel_max) / std::max(img.cols, img.rows);
+            maxMarkerPerimeterRate = (par.getMaxMarkerPerimeter() * 4. / cmPerPixel_min) / std::max(img.cols, img.rows);
         minCornerDistanceRate = par.getMinCornerDistance();
         minMarkerDistanceRate = par.getMinMarkerDistance();
     else // 2D
-        double cmPerPixel = mainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel();
-        minMarkerPerimeterRate = (par.getMinMarkerPerimeter()*4/cmPerPixel)/std::max(mainWindow->getImage()->width()-bS,mainWindow->getImage()->height()-bS);
-        maxMarkerPerimeterRate = (par.getMaxMarkerPerimeter()*4/cmPerPixel)/std::max(mainWindow->getImage()->width()-bS,mainWindow->getImage()->height()-bS);
+        double cmPerPixel      = mainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel();
+        minMarkerPerimeterRate = (par.getMinMarkerPerimeter() * 4 / cmPerPixel) /
+                                 std::max(mainWindow->getImage()->width() - bS, mainWindow->getImage()->height() - bS);
+        maxMarkerPerimeterRate = (par.getMaxMarkerPerimeter() * 4 / cmPerPixel) /
+                                 std::max(mainWindow->getImage()->width() - bS, mainWindow->getImage()->height() - bS);
         minCornerDistanceRate = par.getMinCornerDistance();
         minMarkerDistanceRate = par.getMinMarkerDistance();
-    detectorParams->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin              = par.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin();
-    detectorParams->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax              = par.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax();
-    detectorParams->adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep             = par.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep();
-    detectorParams->adaptiveThreshConstant                = par.getAdaptiveThreshConstant();
-    detectorParams->minMarkerPerimeterRate                = minMarkerPerimeterRate;
-    detectorParams->maxMarkerPerimeterRate                = maxMarkerPerimeterRate;
-    detectorParams->polygonalApproxAccuracyRate           = par.getPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate();
-    detectorParams->minCornerDistanceRate                 = minCornerDistanceRate;
-    detectorParams->minDistanceToBorder                   = par.getMinDistanceToBorder();
-    detectorParams->minMarkerDistanceRate                 = minMarkerDistanceRate;
+    detectorParams->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin    = par.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin();
+    detectorParams->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax    = par.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax();
+    detectorParams->adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep   = par.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep();
+    detectorParams->adaptiveThreshConstant      = par.getAdaptiveThreshConstant();
+    detectorParams->minMarkerPerimeterRate      = minMarkerPerimeterRate;
+    detectorParams->maxMarkerPerimeterRate      = maxMarkerPerimeterRate;
+    detectorParams->polygonalApproxAccuracyRate = par.getPolygonalApproxAccuracyRate();
+    detectorParams->minCornerDistanceRate       = minCornerDistanceRate;
+    detectorParams->minDistanceToBorder         = par.getMinDistanceToBorder();
+    detectorParams->minMarkerDistanceRate       = minMarkerDistanceRate;
     // No refinement is default value
     // TODO Check if this is the best MEthod for our usecase
-    if(par.getDoCornerRefinement()){
-        detectorParams->cornerRefinementMethod            = cv::aruco::CornerRefineMethod::CORNER_REFINE_SUBPIX;
+    if(par.getDoCornerRefinement())
+    {
+        detectorParams->cornerRefinementMethod = cv::aruco::CornerRefineMethod::CORNER_REFINE_SUBPIX;
     detectorParams->cornerRefinementWinSize               = par.getCornerRefinementWinSize();
     detectorParams->cornerRefinementMaxIterations         = par.getCornerRefinementMaxIterations();
@@ -948,126 +1069,145 @@ void detail::findCodeMarker(cv::Mat &img, QList<TrackPoint> &crossList, Recognit
     detectorParams->minOtsuStdDev                         = par.getMinOtsuStdDev();
     detectorParams->errorCorrectionRate                   = par.getErrorCorrectionRate();
-    std::vector<int> ids;
-    std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> > corners, rejected;
+    std::vector<int>                      ids;
+    std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> corners, rejected;
     cv::aruco::detectMarkers(img, dictionary, corners, ids, detectorParams, rejected);
-    codeMarkerItem->addDetectedMarkers(corners,ids, opt.getOffsetCropRect2Roi());
+    codeMarkerItem->addDetectedMarkers(corners, ids, opt.getOffsetCropRect2Roi());
     codeMarkerItem->addRejectedMarkers(rejected, opt.getOffsetCropRect2Roi());
     // detected code markers
-    for(size_t i = 0; i<ids.size(); i++)
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++)
-        double x = (corners.at(i).at(0).x+corners.at(i).at(1).x+corners.at(i).at(2).x+corners.at(i).at(3).x)*0.25;
-        double y = (corners.at(i).at(0).y+corners.at(i).at(1).y+corners.at(i).at(2).y+corners.at(i).at(3).y)*0.25;
+        double x =
+            (corners.at(i).at(0).x + corners.at(i).at(1).x + corners.at(i).at(2).x + corners.at(i).at(3).x) * 0.25;
+        double y =
+            (corners.at(i).at(0).y + corners.at(i).at(1).y + corners.at(i).at(2).y + corners.at(i).at(3).y) * 0.25;
-        crossList.append(TrackPoint(Vec2F(x,y), 100, ids.at(i))); // 100 beste qualitaet
+        crossList.append(TrackPoint(Vec2F(x, y), 100, ids.at(i))); // 100 beste qualitaet
-void findContourMarker(cv::Mat &img, QList<TrackPoint> *crossList, int markerBrightness, bool ignoreWithoutMarker, bool autoWB, RecognitionMethod recoMethod, float headSize)
+void findContourMarker(
+    cv::Mat &          img,
+    QList<TrackPoint> *crossList,
+    int                markerBrightness,
+    bool               ignoreWithoutMarker,
+    bool               autoWB,
+    RecognitionMethod  recoMethod,
+    float              headSize)
-    int threshold, plus;
-    size_t count;
-    double angle;
-    MarkerHermesList markerHermesList;
-    MarkerCasernList markerCasernList;
-    MarkerJapanList markerJapanList(headSize);
-    cv::Size sz = cv::Size(img.cols & -2, img.rows & -2);
-    cv::Mat gray = cv::Mat(sz,CV_8UC1);
-    cv::Mat tgray;
-    cv::Mat grayFix;
-    std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
+    int                                 threshold, plus;
+    size_t                              count;
+    double                              angle;
+    MarkerHermesList                    markerHermesList;
+    MarkerCasernList                    markerCasernList;
+    MarkerJapanList                     markerJapanList(headSize);
+    cv::Size                            sz   = cv::Size(img.cols & -2, img.rows & -2);
+    cv::Mat                             gray = cv::Mat(sz, CV_8UC1);
+    cv::Mat                             tgray;
+    cv::Mat                             grayFix;
+    std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> contours;
     cv::RotatedRect box;
-    int expansion;
-    double contourArea;
+    int             expansion;
+    double          contourArea;
-    if (img.channels() == 3)
+    if(img.channels() == 3)
-        tgray = cv::Mat(sz,CV_8UC1);//cvCreateImage(sz, 8, 1);
-        cv::cvtColor(img,tgray,cv::COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
+        tgray = cv::Mat(sz, CV_8UC1); // cvCreateImage(sz, 8, 1);
+        cv::cvtColor(img, tgray, cv::COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
     // try several threshold levels
-    plus = (250-72)/10;
+    plus = (250 - 72) / 10;
     // andere richtung der schwellwertanpassung koennte andere ergebnisse leifern
     // cw->markerBrightness->value()==markerBrightness hat default 50
-    for (threshold = 60+markerBrightness; threshold < 251 ; threshold += plus) //70..255, 20 //155+cw->temp2->value()
+    for(threshold = 60 + markerBrightness; threshold < 251; threshold += plus) // 70..255, 20 //155+cw->temp2->value()
-        if (img.channels() == 3)
+        if(img.channels() == 3)
-            cv::threshold(tgray,gray,threshold, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);
+            cv::threshold(tgray, gray, threshold, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);
-        else if (img.channels() == 1)
-            cv::threshold(img,gray,threshold,255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);//cvThreshold(img, gray, threshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
+        else if(img.channels() == 1)
+            cv::threshold(
+                img,
+                gray,
+                threshold,
+                255,
+                cv::THRESH_BINARY); // cvThreshold(img, gray, threshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
-            debout << "Error: Wrong number of channels: " << img.channels() <<std::endl;
+            debout << "Error: Wrong number of channels: " << img.channels() << std::endl;
         grayFix = gray.clone();
         // find contours and store them all as a list
-        findContours(gray,contours,cv::RETR_LIST,cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
+        findContours(gray, contours, cv::RETR_LIST, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
         // test each contour
-        while (!contours.empty())
+        while(!contours.empty())
             std::vector<cv::Point> contour = contours.back();
-            //koennten auch interessant sein:
-            //MinAreaRect2
-            //MinEnclosingCircle
-            // um kreise zu suchen koennte auch cvHoughCircles genutzt werden
+            // koennten auch interessant sein:
+            // MinAreaRect2
+            // MinEnclosingCircle
+            //  um kreise zu suchen koennte auch cvHoughCircles genutzt werden
             count = contour.size();
             // man koennte das Seitenverhaeltnis, contour-gesamtlaenge vorher ueberpruefen, um cont rauszuwerfen
-            if (count > 5)
+            if(count > 5)
                 // Fits ellipse to current contour.
                 cv::Mat pointsf;
                 cv::Mat(contour).convertTo(pointsf, CV_32F);
                 box = fitEllipse(pointsf);
-                expansion = box.size.width > box.size.height ? myRound(box.size.width*0.5) : myRound(box.size.height*0.5);
+                expansion =
+                    box.size.width > box.size.height ? myRound(box.size.width * 0.5) : myRound(box.size.height * 0.5);
-                if (box.center.x-expansion > ELLIPSE_DISTANCE_TO_BORDER && box.center.x+expansion < gray.cols-ELLIPSE_DISTANCE_TO_BORDER &&
-                    box.center.y-expansion > ELLIPSE_DISTANCE_TO_BORDER && box.center.y+expansion < gray.rows-ELLIPSE_DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+                if(box.center.x - expansion > ELLIPSE_DISTANCE_TO_BORDER &&
+                   box.center.x + expansion < gray.cols - ELLIPSE_DISTANCE_TO_BORDER &&
+                   box.center.y - expansion > ELLIPSE_DISTANCE_TO_BORDER &&
+                   box.center.y + expansion < gray.rows - ELLIPSE_DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
-                    angle = (box.angle)/180.*PI;
-                    if (box.size.width<box.size.height) {
-                      angle -= PI / 2;
+                    angle = (box.angle) / 180. * PI;
+                    if(box.size.width < box.size.height)
+                    {
+                        angle -= PI / 2;
-                    contourArea = cv::contourArea(contour,true);
+                    contourArea = cv::contourArea(contour, true);
-                    //contourArea koennte mit MyEllipse.area() verglichen werden und bei grossen abweichungen verworfen werden!!!
-                    MyEllipse e(box.center.x, box.center.y, box.size.width*0.5, box.size.height*0.5, angle);
-                    if (recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Casern) // Casern
+                    // contourArea koennte mit MyEllipse.area() verglichen werden und bei grossen abweichungen verworfen
+                    // werden!!!
+                    MyEllipse e(box.center.x, box.center.y, box.size.width * 0.5, box.size.height * 0.5, angle);
+                    if(recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Casern) // Casern
                         markerCasernList.mayAddEllipse(grayFix, e, (contourArea > 0));
-                    else if (recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Hermes) // Hermes
+                    else if(recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Hermes) // Hermes
                         markerHermesList.mayAddEllipse(grayFix, e, (contourArea > 0));
-                    else if (recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Japan) // Japan
+                    else if(recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Japan) // Japan
                         markerJapanList.mayAddEllipse(grayFix, e, (contourArea > 0));
-    if (recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Casern) // Casern
+    if(recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Casern) // Casern
         markerCasernList.organize(img, autoWB);
         markerCasernList.toCrossList(crossList, ignoreWithoutMarker);
-    else if (recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Hermes) // Hermes
+    else if(recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Hermes) // Hermes
         markerHermesList.organize(img, autoWB);
         markerHermesList.toCrossList(crossList, ignoreWithoutMarker);
-    else if (recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Japan) // Japan
+    else if(recoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Japan) // Japan
         markerJapanList.organize(img, autoWB);
         markerJapanList.toCrossList(crossList, ignoreWithoutMarker);
@@ -1086,26 +1226,34 @@ void findContourMarker(cv::Mat &img, QList<TrackPoint> *crossList, int markerBri
  * @return List of detected TrackPoints
-QList<TrackPoint> Recognizer::getMarkerPos(cv::Mat &img, QRect &roi, Control *controlWidget, int borderSize, BackgroundFilter *bgFilter)
+Recognizer::getMarkerPos(cv::Mat &img, QRect &roi, Control *controlWidget, int borderSize, BackgroundFilter *bgFilter)
-    int markerBrightness = controlWidget->markerBrightness->value();
+    int  markerBrightness    = controlWidget->markerBrightness->value();
     bool ignoreWithoutMarker = (controlWidget->markerIgnoreWithout->checkState() == Qt::Checked);
-    bool autoWB = (controlWidget->recoAutoWB->checkState() == Qt::Checked);
+    bool autoWB              = (controlWidget->recoAutoWB->checkState() == Qt::Checked);
-    cv::Mat tImg;
+    cv::Mat  tImg;
     cv::Rect rect;
-    tImg = getRoi(img, roi, rect, !((mRecoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Color) || (mRecoMethod == RecognitionMethod::MultiColor) || (mRecoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Code)));
-    if (tImg.empty())
+    tImg = getRoi(
+        img,
+        roi,
+        rect,
+        !((mRecoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Color) || (mRecoMethod == RecognitionMethod::MultiColor) ||
+          (mRecoMethod == RecognitionMethod::Code)));
+    if(tImg.empty())
         return QList<TrackPoint>{};
     QList<TrackPoint> crossList;
     // offset of rect
-    Vec2F v(rect.x-borderSize, rect.y-borderSize);
+    Vec2F v(rect.x - borderSize, rect.y - borderSize);
-    switch (mRecoMethod) {
+    switch(mRecoMethod)
+    {
         case RecognitionMethod::MultiColor:
-            findMultiColorMarker(tImg, crossList, controlWidget, ignoreWithoutMarker, v, mRecoMethod, mCodeMarkerOptions);
+            findMultiColorMarker(
+                tImg, crossList, controlWidget, ignoreWithoutMarker, v, mRecoMethod, mCodeMarkerOptions);
         case RecognitionMethod::Color:
             findColorMarker(tImg, crossList, controlWidget);
@@ -1113,13 +1261,23 @@ QList<TrackPoint> Recognizer::getMarkerPos(cv::Mat &img, QRect &roi, Control *co
         case RecognitionMethod::Code:
             findCodeMarker(tImg, crossList, mRecoMethod, mCodeMarkerOptions);
-        case RecognitionMethod::Casern: [[fallthrough]];
-        case RecognitionMethod::Hermes: [[fallthrough]];
+        case RecognitionMethod::Casern:
+            [[fallthrough]];
+        case RecognitionMethod::Hermes:
+            [[fallthrough]];
         case RecognitionMethod::Japan:
-            findContourMarker(tImg, &crossList, markerBrightness, ignoreWithoutMarker, autoWB, mRecoMethod, controlWidget->getMainWindow()->getHeadSize());
+            findContourMarker(
+                tImg,
+                &crossList,
+                markerBrightness,
+                ignoreWithoutMarker,
+                autoWB,
+                mRecoMethod,
+                controlWidget->getMainWindow()->getHeadSize());
         case RecognitionMethod::Stereo:
-            throw std::invalid_argument("Stereo marker are not handled in getMarkerPos, but in PersonList::calcPersonPos");
+            throw std::invalid_argument(
+                "Stereo marker are not handled in getMarkerPos, but in PersonList::calcPersonPos");
     // must be set because else hovermoveevent of recognitionRec moves also the colorMaskItem
@@ -1130,17 +1288,19 @@ QList<TrackPoint> Recognizer::getMarkerPos(cv::Mat &img, QRect &roi, Control *co
     // set cross position relative to original image size
-    for (auto& point : crossList){
+    for(auto &point : crossList)
+    {
         point += v;
         point.setColPoint(point.colPoint() + v);
-    if (bgFilter->getEnabled()) // nur fuer den fall von bgSubtraction durchfuehren
+    if(bgFilter->getEnabled()) // nur fuer den fall von bgSubtraction durchfuehren
-            std::remove_if(crossList.begin(), crossList.end(), [bgFilter](TrackPoint& tp){
-                return !bgFilter->isForeground(tp.x(), tp.y());
-            }),
+            std::remove_if(
+                crossList.begin(),
+                crossList.end(),
+                [bgFilter](TrackPoint &tp) { return !bgFilter->isForeground(tp.x(), tp.y()); }),
@@ -1159,7 +1319,8 @@ void CodeMarkerOptions::setOffsetCropRect2Roi(const Vec2F &newOffsetCropRect2Roi
 void CodeMarkerOptions::setDetectorParams(ArucoCodeParams params)
-    if(params != detectorParams){
+    if(params != detectorParams)
+    {
         detectorParams = params;
         emit detectorParamsChanged();
@@ -1167,7 +1328,8 @@ void CodeMarkerOptions::setDetectorParams(ArucoCodeParams params)
 void CodeMarkerOptions::setIndexOfMarkerDict(int idx)
-    if(idx != indexOfMarkerDict){
+    if(idx != indexOfMarkerDict)
+    {
         indexOfMarkerDict = idx;
         emit indexOfMarkerDictChanged();
@@ -1183,23 +1345,59 @@ void CodeMarkerOptions::setIndexOfMarkerDict(int idx)
 cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> detail::getDictMip36h12()
-    std::array<uint64_t, 250> bitListDictMip36h12 {0xd2b63a09dUL,0x6001134e5UL,0x1206fbe72UL,0xff8ad6cb4UL,0x85da9bc49UL,0xb461afe9cUL,0x6db51fe13UL,0x5248c541fUL,0x8f34503UL,0x8ea462eceUL,0xeac2be76dUL,0x1af615c44UL,0xb48a49f27UL,0x2e4e1283bUL,0x78b1f2fa8UL,0x27d34f57eUL,0x89222fff1UL,0x4c1669406UL,0xbf49b3511UL,0xdc191cd5dUL,0x11d7c3f85UL,0x16a130e35UL,0xe29f27effUL,0x428d8ae0cUL,0x90d548477UL,0x2319cbc93UL,0xc3b0c3dfcUL,0x424bccc9UL,0x2a081d630UL,0x762743d96UL,0xd0645bf19UL,0xf38d7fd60UL,0xc6cbf9a10UL,0x3c1be7c65UL,0x276f75e63UL,0x4490a3f63UL,0xda60acd52UL,0x3cc68df59UL,0xab46f9daeUL,0x88d533d78UL,0xb6d62ec21UL,0xb3c02b646UL,0x22e56d408UL,0xac5f5770aUL,0xaaa993f66UL,0x4caa07c8dUL,0x5c9b4f7b0UL,0xaa9ef0e05UL,0x705c5750UL,0xac81f545eUL,0x735b91e74UL,0x8cc35cee4UL,0xe44694d04UL,0xb5e121de0UL,0x261017d0fUL,0xf1d439eb5UL,0xa1a33ac96UL,0x174c62c02UL,0x1ee27f716UL,0x8b1c5ece9UL,0x6a05b0c6aUL,0xd0568dfcUL,0x192d25e5fUL,0x1adbeccc8UL,0xcfec87f00UL,0xd0b9dde7aUL,0x88dcef81eUL,0x445681cb9UL,0xdbb2ffc83UL,0xa48d96df1UL,0xb72cc2e7dUL,0xc295b53fUL,0xf49832704UL,0x9968edc29UL,0x9e4e1af85UL,0x8683e2d1bUL,0x810b45c04UL,0x6ac44bfe2UL,0x645346615UL,0x3990bd598UL,0x1c9ed0f6aUL,0xc26729d65UL,0x83993f795UL,0x3ac05ac5dUL,0x357adff3bUL,0xd5c05565UL,0x2f547ef44UL,0x86c115041UL,0x640fd9e5fUL,0xce08bbcf7UL,0x109bb343eUL,0xc21435c92UL,0x35b4dfce4UL,0x459752cf2UL,0xec915b82cUL,0x51881eed0UL,0x2dda7dc97UL,0x2e0142144UL,0x42e890f99UL,0x9a8856527UL,0x8e80d9d80UL,0x891cbcf34UL,0x25dd82410UL,0x239551d34UL,0x8fe8f0c70UL,0x94106a970UL,0x82609b40cUL,0xfc9caf36UL,0x688181d11UL,0x718613c08UL,0xf1ab7629UL,0xa357bfc18UL,0x4c03b7a46UL,0x204dedce6UL,0xad6300d37UL,0x84cc4cd09UL,0x42160e5c4UL,0x87d2adfa8UL,0x7850e7749UL,0x4e750fc7cUL,0xbf2e5dfdaUL,0xd88324da5UL,0x234b52f80UL,0x378204514UL,0xabdf2ad53UL,0x365e78ef9UL,0x49caa6ca2UL,0x3c39ddf3UL,0xc68c5385dUL,0x5bfcbbf67UL,0x623241e21UL,0xabc90d5ccUL,0x388c6fe85UL,0xda0e2d62dUL,0x10855dfe9UL,0x4d46efd6bUL,0x76ea12d61UL,0x9db377d3dUL,0xeed0efa71UL,0xe6ec3ae2fUL,0x441faee83UL,0xba19c8ff5UL,0x313035eabUL,0x6ce8f7625UL,0x880dab58dUL,0x8d3409e0dUL,0x2be92ee21UL,0xd60302c6cUL,0x469ffc724UL,0x87eebeed3UL,0x42587ef7aUL,0x7a8cc4e52UL,0x76a437650UL,0x999e41ef4UL,0x7d0969e42UL,0xc02baf46bUL,0x9259f3e47UL,0x2116a1dc0UL,0x9f2de4d84UL,0xeffac29UL,0x7b371ff8cUL,0x668339da9UL,0xd010aee3fUL,0x1cd00b4c0UL,0x95070fc3bUL,0xf84c9a770UL,0x38f863d76UL,0x3646ff045UL,0xce1b96412UL,0x7a5d45da8UL,0x14e00ef6cUL,0x5e95abfd8UL,0xb2e9cb729UL,0x36c47dd7UL,0xb8ee97c6bUL,0xe9e8f657UL,0xd4ad2ef1aUL,0x8811c7f32UL,0x47bde7c31UL,0x3adadfb64UL,0x6e5b28574UL,0x33e67cd91UL,0x2ab9fdd2dUL,0x8afa67f2bUL,0xe6a28fc5eUL,0x72049cdbdUL,0xae65dac12UL,0x1251a4526UL,0x1089ab841UL,0xe2f096ee0UL,0xb0caee573UL,0xfd6677e86UL,0x444b3f518UL,0xbe8b3a56aUL,0x680a75cfcUL,0xac02baea8UL,0x97d815e1cUL,0x1d4386e08UL,0x1a14f5b0eUL,0xe658a8d81UL,0xa3868efa7UL,0x3668a9673UL,0xe8fc53d85UL,0x2e2b7edd5UL,0x8b2470f13UL,0xf69795f32UL,0x4589ffc8eUL,0x2e2080c9cUL,0x64265f7dUL,0x3d714dd10UL,0x1692c6ef1UL,0x3e67f2f49UL,0x5041dad63UL,0x1a1503415UL,0x64c18c742UL,0xa72eec35UL,0x1f0f9dc60UL,0xa9559bc67UL,0xf32911d0dUL,0x21c0d4ffcUL,0xe01cef5b0UL,0x4e23a3520UL,0xaa4f04e49UL,0xe1c4fcc43UL,0x208e8f6e8UL,0x8486774a5UL,0x9e98c7558UL,0x2c59fb7dcUL,0x9446a4613UL,0x8292dcc2eUL,0x4d61631UL,0xd05527809UL,0xa0163852dUL,0x8f657f639UL,0xcca6c3e37UL,0xcb136bc7aUL,0xfc5a83e53UL,0x9aa44fc30UL,0xbdec1bd3cUL,0xe020b9f7cUL,0x4b8f35fb0UL,0xb8165f637UL,0x33dc88d69UL,0x10a2f7e4dUL,0xc8cb5ff53UL,0xde259ff6bUL,0x46d070dd4UL,0x32d3b9741UL,0x7075f1c04UL,0x4d58dbea0UL};
-    int markerSize = 6;
+    std::array<uint64_t, 250> bitListDictMip36h12{
+        0xd2b63a09dUL, 0x6001134e5UL, 0x1206fbe72UL, 0xff8ad6cb4UL, 0x85da9bc49UL, 0xb461afe9cUL, 0x6db51fe13UL,
+        0x5248c541fUL, 0x8f34503UL,   0x8ea462eceUL, 0xeac2be76dUL, 0x1af615c44UL, 0xb48a49f27UL, 0x2e4e1283bUL,
+        0x78b1f2fa8UL, 0x27d34f57eUL, 0x89222fff1UL, 0x4c1669406UL, 0xbf49b3511UL, 0xdc191cd5dUL, 0x11d7c3f85UL,
+        0x16a130e35UL, 0xe29f27effUL, 0x428d8ae0cUL, 0x90d548477UL, 0x2319cbc93UL, 0xc3b0c3dfcUL, 0x424bccc9UL,
+        0x2a081d630UL, 0x762743d96UL, 0xd0645bf19UL, 0xf38d7fd60UL, 0xc6cbf9a10UL, 0x3c1be7c65UL, 0x276f75e63UL,
+        0x4490a3f63UL, 0xda60acd52UL, 0x3cc68df59UL, 0xab46f9daeUL, 0x88d533d78UL, 0xb6d62ec21UL, 0xb3c02b646UL,
+        0x22e56d408UL, 0xac5f5770aUL, 0xaaa993f66UL, 0x4caa07c8dUL, 0x5c9b4f7b0UL, 0xaa9ef0e05UL, 0x705c5750UL,
+        0xac81f545eUL, 0x735b91e74UL, 0x8cc35cee4UL, 0xe44694d04UL, 0xb5e121de0UL, 0x261017d0fUL, 0xf1d439eb5UL,
+        0xa1a33ac96UL, 0x174c62c02UL, 0x1ee27f716UL, 0x8b1c5ece9UL, 0x6a05b0c6aUL, 0xd0568dfcUL,  0x192d25e5fUL,
+        0x1adbeccc8UL, 0xcfec87f00UL, 0xd0b9dde7aUL, 0x88dcef81eUL, 0x445681cb9UL, 0xdbb2ffc83UL, 0xa48d96df1UL,
+        0xb72cc2e7dUL, 0xc295b53fUL,  0xf49832704UL, 0x9968edc29UL, 0x9e4e1af85UL, 0x8683e2d1bUL, 0x810b45c04UL,
+        0x6ac44bfe2UL, 0x645346615UL, 0x3990bd598UL, 0x1c9ed0f6aUL, 0xc26729d65UL, 0x83993f795UL, 0x3ac05ac5dUL,
+        0x357adff3bUL, 0xd5c05565UL,  0x2f547ef44UL, 0x86c115041UL, 0x640fd9e5fUL, 0xce08bbcf7UL, 0x109bb343eUL,
+        0xc21435c92UL, 0x35b4dfce4UL, 0x459752cf2UL, 0xec915b82cUL, 0x51881eed0UL, 0x2dda7dc97UL, 0x2e0142144UL,
+        0x42e890f99UL, 0x9a8856527UL, 0x8e80d9d80UL, 0x891cbcf34UL, 0x25dd82410UL, 0x239551d34UL, 0x8fe8f0c70UL,
+        0x94106a970UL, 0x82609b40cUL, 0xfc9caf36UL,  0x688181d11UL, 0x718613c08UL, 0xf1ab7629UL,  0xa357bfc18UL,
+        0x4c03b7a46UL, 0x204dedce6UL, 0xad6300d37UL, 0x84cc4cd09UL, 0x42160e5c4UL, 0x87d2adfa8UL, 0x7850e7749UL,
+        0x4e750fc7cUL, 0xbf2e5dfdaUL, 0xd88324da5UL, 0x234b52f80UL, 0x378204514UL, 0xabdf2ad53UL, 0x365e78ef9UL,
+        0x49caa6ca2UL, 0x3c39ddf3UL,  0xc68c5385dUL, 0x5bfcbbf67UL, 0x623241e21UL, 0xabc90d5ccUL, 0x388c6fe85UL,
+        0xda0e2d62dUL, 0x10855dfe9UL, 0x4d46efd6bUL, 0x76ea12d61UL, 0x9db377d3dUL, 0xeed0efa71UL, 0xe6ec3ae2fUL,
+        0x441faee83UL, 0xba19c8ff5UL, 0x313035eabUL, 0x6ce8f7625UL, 0x880dab58dUL, 0x8d3409e0dUL, 0x2be92ee21UL,
+        0xd60302c6cUL, 0x469ffc724UL, 0x87eebeed3UL, 0x42587ef7aUL, 0x7a8cc4e52UL, 0x76a437650UL, 0x999e41ef4UL,
+        0x7d0969e42UL, 0xc02baf46bUL, 0x9259f3e47UL, 0x2116a1dc0UL, 0x9f2de4d84UL, 0xeffac29UL,   0x7b371ff8cUL,
+        0x668339da9UL, 0xd010aee3fUL, 0x1cd00b4c0UL, 0x95070fc3bUL, 0xf84c9a770UL, 0x38f863d76UL, 0x3646ff045UL,
+        0xce1b96412UL, 0x7a5d45da8UL, 0x14e00ef6cUL, 0x5e95abfd8UL, 0xb2e9cb729UL, 0x36c47dd7UL,  0xb8ee97c6bUL,
+        0xe9e8f657UL,  0xd4ad2ef1aUL, 0x8811c7f32UL, 0x47bde7c31UL, 0x3adadfb64UL, 0x6e5b28574UL, 0x33e67cd91UL,
+        0x2ab9fdd2dUL, 0x8afa67f2bUL, 0xe6a28fc5eUL, 0x72049cdbdUL, 0xae65dac12UL, 0x1251a4526UL, 0x1089ab841UL,
+        0xe2f096ee0UL, 0xb0caee573UL, 0xfd6677e86UL, 0x444b3f518UL, 0xbe8b3a56aUL, 0x680a75cfcUL, 0xac02baea8UL,
+        0x97d815e1cUL, 0x1d4386e08UL, 0x1a14f5b0eUL, 0xe658a8d81UL, 0xa3868efa7UL, 0x3668a9673UL, 0xe8fc53d85UL,
+        0x2e2b7edd5UL, 0x8b2470f13UL, 0xf69795f32UL, 0x4589ffc8eUL, 0x2e2080c9cUL, 0x64265f7dUL,  0x3d714dd10UL,
+        0x1692c6ef1UL, 0x3e67f2f49UL, 0x5041dad63UL, 0x1a1503415UL, 0x64c18c742UL, 0xa72eec35UL,  0x1f0f9dc60UL,
+        0xa9559bc67UL, 0xf32911d0dUL, 0x21c0d4ffcUL, 0xe01cef5b0UL, 0x4e23a3520UL, 0xaa4f04e49UL, 0xe1c4fcc43UL,
+        0x208e8f6e8UL, 0x8486774a5UL, 0x9e98c7558UL, 0x2c59fb7dcUL, 0x9446a4613UL, 0x8292dcc2eUL, 0x4d61631UL,
+        0xd05527809UL, 0xa0163852dUL, 0x8f657f639UL, 0xcca6c3e37UL, 0xcb136bc7aUL, 0xfc5a83e53UL, 0x9aa44fc30UL,
+        0xbdec1bd3cUL, 0xe020b9f7cUL, 0x4b8f35fb0UL, 0xb8165f637UL, 0x33dc88d69UL, 0x10a2f7e4dUL, 0xc8cb5ff53UL,
+        0xde259ff6bUL, 0x46d070dd4UL, 0x32d3b9741UL, 0x7075f1c04UL, 0x4d58dbea0UL};
+    int                            markerSize = 6;
     cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> dictionary = new cv::aruco::Dictionary();
-    dictionary->markerSize = markerSize;
-    dictionary->maxCorrectionBits = 3;
+    dictionary->markerSize                    = markerSize;
+    dictionary->maxCorrectionBits             = 3;
     // transform from hexadecimal notation to format in dictionary class
-    for (auto code : bitListDictMip36h12)
+    for(auto code : bitListDictMip36h12)
-        std::bitset<36> bits(code);
+        std::bitset<36>       bits(code);
         std::array<uchar, 36> codeAsVector{};
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < bits.size(); ++i)
+        for(std::size_t i = 0; i < bits.size(); ++i)
             codeAsVector[i] = bits[i];
-        cv::Mat markerBits (markerSize, markerSize, CV_8UC1, codeAsVector.data());
+        cv::Mat markerBits(markerSize, markerSize, CV_8UC1, codeAsVector.data());
         cv::Mat markerCompressed = cv::aruco::Dictionary::getByteListFromBits(markerBits);
@@ -1214,7 +1412,8 @@ double ArucoCodeParams::getMaxMarkerPerimeter() const
 void ArucoCodeParams::setMaxMarkerPerimeter(double newMaxMarkerPerimeter)
-    if(newMaxMarkerPerimeter < minMarkerPerimeter){
+    if(newMaxMarkerPerimeter < minMarkerPerimeter)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Max perimeter length needs to be at least as big as min perimiter length");
     maxMarkerPerimeter = newMaxMarkerPerimeter;
@@ -1227,7 +1426,8 @@ double ArucoCodeParams::getMinCornerDistance() const
 void ArucoCodeParams::setMinCornerDistance(double newMinCornerDistance)
-    if(newMinCornerDistance < 0){
+    if(newMinCornerDistance < 0)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Min corner distance cannot be negative");
     minCornerDistance = newMinCornerDistance;
@@ -1250,10 +1450,12 @@ int ArucoCodeParams::getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin() const
 void ArucoCodeParams::setAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin(int newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin)
-    if(newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin > adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax){
+    if(newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin > adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Min adaptiveTreshWinSize needs to be at most as large as max");
-    if(newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin < 3){
+    if(newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin < 3)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Min winsize must be at least 3");
     adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin = newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin;
@@ -1266,10 +1468,12 @@ int ArucoCodeParams::getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax() const
 void ArucoCodeParams::setAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax(int newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax)
-    if(newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax < adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin){
+    if(newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax < adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Max adaptiveThreshWinSize needs to be at least as large as the minimum");
-    if(newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax < 3){
+    if(newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax < 3)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Max adaptive winsize needs to be at lest 3");
     adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax = newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax;
@@ -1282,7 +1486,8 @@ int ArucoCodeParams::getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep() const
 void ArucoCodeParams::setAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep(int newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep)
-    if(newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep <= 0){
+    if(newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep <= 0)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Winsize step needs to be larger than 0");
     adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep = newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep;
@@ -1315,7 +1520,8 @@ int ArucoCodeParams::getMinDistanceToBorder() const
 void ArucoCodeParams::setMinDistanceToBorder(int newMinDistanceToBorder)
-    if(newMinDistanceToBorder < 0){
+    if(newMinDistanceToBorder < 0)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Min distance to border cannot be negative");
     minDistanceToBorder = newMinDistanceToBorder;
@@ -1338,7 +1544,8 @@ int ArucoCodeParams::getCornerRefinementWinSize() const
 void ArucoCodeParams::setCornerRefinementWinSize(int newCornerRefinementWinSize)
-    if(newCornerRefinementWinSize < 1){
+    if(newCornerRefinementWinSize < 1)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Winsize needs to be at least 1");
     cornerRefinementWinSize = newCornerRefinementWinSize;
@@ -1351,7 +1558,8 @@ int ArucoCodeParams::getCornerRefinementMaxIterations() const
 void ArucoCodeParams::setCornerRefinementMaxIterations(int newCornerRefinementMaxIterations)
-    if(newCornerRefinementMaxIterations < 1){
+    if(newCornerRefinementMaxIterations < 1)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Max iterations needs to be at least 1");
     cornerRefinementMaxIterations = newCornerRefinementMaxIterations;
@@ -1364,7 +1572,8 @@ double ArucoCodeParams::getCornerRefinementMinAccuracy() const
 void ArucoCodeParams::setCornerRefinementMinAccuracy(double newCornerRefinementMinAccuracy)
-    if(newCornerRefinementMinAccuracy <= 0){
+    if(newCornerRefinementMinAccuracy <= 0)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Min accuracy needs to be larger than 0");
     cornerRefinementMinAccuracy = newCornerRefinementMinAccuracy;
@@ -1377,7 +1586,8 @@ int ArucoCodeParams::getMarkerBorderBits() const
 void ArucoCodeParams::setMarkerBorderBits(int newMarkerBorderBits)
-    if(newMarkerBorderBits < 1){
+    if(newMarkerBorderBits < 1)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Marker Borderbits needs to be at least 1");
     markerBorderBits = newMarkerBorderBits;
@@ -1420,7 +1630,8 @@ double ArucoCodeParams::getMinOtsuStdDev() const
 void ArucoCodeParams::setMinOtsuStdDev(double newMinOtsuStdDev)
-    if(newMinOtsuStdDev <= 0){
+    if(newMinOtsuStdDev <= 0)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Min Otsu stddev needs to be larger than 0");
     minOtsuStdDev = newMinOtsuStdDev;
@@ -1443,10 +1654,12 @@ double ArucoCodeParams::getMinMarkerPerimeter() const
 void ArucoCodeParams::setMinMarkerPerimeter(double newMinMarkerPerimeter)
-    if(newMinMarkerPerimeter > maxMarkerPerimeter){
+    if(newMinMarkerPerimeter > maxMarkerPerimeter)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Min marker perimeter needs to be at most as large as the max perimeter.");
-    if(newMinMarkerPerimeter <= 0){
+    if(newMinMarkerPerimeter <= 0)
+    {
         throw std::invalid_argument("Min marker perimeter must be larger than 0");
     minMarkerPerimeter = newMinMarkerPerimeter;
diff --git a/src/recognitionRoiItem.cpp b/src/recognitionRoiItem.cpp
index d4c38c47a0268db2aee13b83c51159121e054c2c..872a4dbddf20f4e78afe9dba19a9335ef092cd9f 100644
--- a/src/recognitionRoiItem.cpp
+++ b/src/recognitionRoiItem.cpp
@@ -18,40 +18,41 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtWidgets>
+#include "recognitionRoiItem.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
 #include "control.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
 #include "view.h"
-#include "recognitionRoiItem.h"
-RecognitionRoiItem::RecognitionRoiItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent)
-    : QGraphicsRectItem(parent)
+#include <QtWidgets>
+RecognitionRoiItem::RecognitionRoiItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsRectItem(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
+    mMainWindow    = (class Petrack *) wParent;
     mControlWidget = mMainWindow->getControlWidget();
-    setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); //qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height
+    setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); // qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height
     QPen pen(Qt::green);
     setFlags(ItemIsMovable); // default in control
-    hide(); // default in control
+    hide();                  // default in control
-void RecognitionRoiItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
+void RecognitionRoiItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
-    if (!mControlWidget->getRecoRoiFix())
+    if(!mControlWidget->getRecoRoiFix())
-        mPressRect = QRect(myRound(rect().left()), myRound(rect().top()), myRound(rect().width()), myRound(rect().height()));
+        mPressRect =
+            QRect(myRound(rect().left()), myRound(rect().top()), myRound(rect().width()), myRound(rect().height()));
         mPressPos = event->pos();
-        if ((event->pos()).x() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+mPressRect.x())
+        if((event->pos()).x() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + mPressRect.x())
-            if ((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+mPressRect.y())
+            if((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + mPressRect.y())
                 mPressLocation = topLeft;
-            else if ((event->pos()).y() > mPressRect.height()+mPressRect.y()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+            else if((event->pos()).y() > mPressRect.height() + mPressRect.y() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
                 mPressLocation = bottomLeft;
@@ -62,14 +63,14 @@ void RecognitionRoiItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
-        else if ((event->pos()).x() > mPressRect.width()+mPressRect.x()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+        else if((event->pos()).x() > mPressRect.width() + mPressRect.x() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
-            if ((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+mPressRect.y())
+            if((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + mPressRect.y())
                 mPressLocation = topRight;
-            else if ((event->pos()).y() > mPressRect.height()+mPressRect.y()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+            else if((event->pos()).y() > mPressRect.height() + mPressRect.y() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
                 mPressLocation = bottomRight;
@@ -80,12 +81,12 @@ void RecognitionRoiItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
-        else if ((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+mPressRect.y())
+        else if((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + mPressRect.y())
             mPressLocation = top;
-        else if ((event->pos()).y() > mPressRect.height()+mPressRect.y()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+        else if((event->pos()).y() > mPressRect.height() + mPressRect.y() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
             mPressLocation = bottom;
@@ -100,10 +101,10 @@ void RecognitionRoiItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
-void RecognitionRoiItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
+void RecognitionRoiItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
@@ -112,63 +113,78 @@ void RecognitionRoiItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
 // event, of moving mouse while mouse button is pressed
 void RecognitionRoiItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
-    if (!mControlWidget->getRecoRoiFix())
+    if(!mControlWidget->getRecoRoiFix())
-        QImage *img = mMainWindow->getImage();
-        QPoint diff = QPoint(myRound((event->pos()-mPressPos).x()), myRound((event->pos()-mPressPos).y()));
+        QImage *img  = mMainWindow->getImage();
+        QPoint  diff = QPoint(myRound((event->pos() - mPressPos).x()), myRound((event->pos() - mPressPos).y()));
         // raender des bildes nicht ueberscheiten
         // swappen des rechtecks vermeiden, damit keine negativen width...
-        if (img != nullptr)
+        if(img != nullptr)
-            if (mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == topLeft || mPressLocation == left || mPressLocation == bottomLeft)
+            if(mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == topLeft || mPressLocation == left ||
+               mPressLocation == bottomLeft)
-                if (mPressRect.x()+diff.x() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
-                    diff.setX(-mPressRect.x()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-                if (mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.width()-diff.x() < MIN_SIZE)
-                    diff.setX(mPressRect.width()-MIN_SIZE);
+                if(mPressRect.x() + diff.x() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
+                    diff.setX(-mPressRect.x() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
+                if(mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.width() - diff.x() < MIN_SIZE)
+                    diff.setX(mPressRect.width() - MIN_SIZE);
-            if (mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == topLeft || mPressLocation == top || mPressLocation == topRight)
+            if(mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == topLeft || mPressLocation == top ||
+               mPressLocation == topRight)
-                if (mPressRect.y()+diff.y() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
-                    diff.setY(-mPressRect.y()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-                if (mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.height()-diff.y() < MIN_SIZE)
-                    diff.setY(mPressRect.height()-MIN_SIZE);
+                if(mPressRect.y() + diff.y() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
+                    diff.setY(-mPressRect.y() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
+                if(mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.height() - diff.y() < MIN_SIZE)
+                    diff.setY(mPressRect.height() - MIN_SIZE);
-            if (mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == topRight || mPressLocation == right || mPressLocation == bottomRight)
+            if(mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == topRight || mPressLocation == right ||
+               mPressLocation == bottomRight)
-                if (mPressRect.x()+diff.x()+mPressRect.width() > img->width()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
-                    diff.setX(img->width()-mPressRect.x()-mPressRect.width()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-                if (mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.width()+diff.x() < MIN_SIZE)
-                    diff.setX(-mPressRect.width()+MIN_SIZE);
+                if(mPressRect.x() + diff.x() + mPressRect.width() > img->width() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
+                    diff.setX(img->width() - mPressRect.x() - mPressRect.width() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
+                if(mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.width() + diff.x() < MIN_SIZE)
+                    diff.setX(-mPressRect.width() + MIN_SIZE);
-            if (mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == bottomLeft || mPressLocation == bottom || mPressLocation == bottomRight)
+            if(mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == bottomLeft || mPressLocation == bottom ||
+               mPressLocation == bottomRight)
-                if (mPressRect.y()+diff.y()+mPressRect.height() > img->height()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
-                    diff.setY(img->height()-mPressRect.y()-mPressRect.height()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-                if (mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.height()+diff.y() < MIN_SIZE)
-                    diff.setY(-mPressRect.height()+MIN_SIZE);
+                if(mPressRect.y() + diff.y() + mPressRect.height() > img->height() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
+                    diff.setY(img->height() - mPressRect.y() - mPressRect.height() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
+                if(mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.height() + diff.y() < MIN_SIZE)
+                    diff.setY(-mPressRect.height() + MIN_SIZE);
-        if (mPressLocation == topLeft)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x()+diff.x(), mPressRect.y()+diff.y(), mPressRect.width()-diff.x(), mPressRect.height()-diff.y());
-        //            setRect(mPressRect.x()+diff.x(), mPressRect.y()+mPressRect.x()+diff.x(), mPressRect.y()+diff.y(), mPressRect.width()-diff.x(), mPressRect.height()-diff.y()diff.y(), mPressRect.width()-diff.x(), mPressRect.height()-diff.y());
-        else if (mPressLocation == topRight)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y()+diff.y(), mPressRect.width()+diff.x(), mPressRect.height()-diff.y());
-        else if (mPressLocation == bottomLeft)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x()+diff.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width()-diff.x(), mPressRect.height()+diff.y());
-        else if (mPressLocation == bottomRight)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width()+diff.x(), mPressRect.height()+diff.y());
-        else if (mPressLocation == left)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x()+diff.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width()-diff.x(), mPressRect.height());
-        else if (mPressLocation == right)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width()+diff.x(), mPressRect.height());
-        else if (mPressLocation == top)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y()+diff.y(), mPressRect.width(), mPressRect.height()-diff.y());
-        else if (mPressLocation == bottom)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width(), mPressRect.height()+diff.y());
+        if(mPressLocation == topLeft)
+            setRect(
+                mPressRect.x() + diff.x(),
+                mPressRect.y() + diff.y(),
+                mPressRect.width() - diff.x(),
+                mPressRect.height() - diff.y());
+        else if(mPressLocation == topRight)
+            setRect(
+                mPressRect.x(),
+                mPressRect.y() + diff.y(),
+                mPressRect.width() + diff.x(),
+                mPressRect.height() - diff.y());
+        else if(mPressLocation == bottomLeft)
+            setRect(
+                mPressRect.x() + diff.x(),
+                mPressRect.y(),
+                mPressRect.width() - diff.x(),
+                mPressRect.height() + diff.y());
+        else if(mPressLocation == bottomRight)
+            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width() + diff.x(), mPressRect.height() + diff.y());
+        else if(mPressLocation == left)
+            setRect(mPressRect.x() + diff.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width() - diff.x(), mPressRect.height());
+        else if(mPressLocation == right)
+            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width() + diff.x(), mPressRect.height());
+        else if(mPressLocation == top)
+            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y() + diff.y(), mPressRect.width(), mPressRect.height() - diff.y());
+        else if(mPressLocation == bottom)
+            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width(), mPressRect.height() + diff.y());
         else // entspricht: if (mPressLocation == inside)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x()+diff.x(), mPressRect.y()+diff.y(), mPressRect.width(), mPressRect.height());
-            // nicht, da sonst koordinatensystem verschoben wird: QGraphicsRectItem::mouseMoveEvent(event); // drag
+            setRect(mPressRect.x() + diff.x(), mPressRect.y() + diff.y(), mPressRect.width(), mPressRect.height());
+        // nicht, da sonst koordinatensystem verschoben wird: QGraphicsRectItem::mouseMoveEvent(event); // drag
     else // drag mach ich selber
@@ -180,42 +196,46 @@ void RecognitionRoiItem::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
     QPointF pos = event->scenePos();
     pos.setX(pos.x() + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
     pos.setY(pos.y() + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-    // abfrage auf width() ..., da durch rectLinie die recoBox etwas groesser ist als das Bild und 
+    // abfrage auf width() ..., da durch rectLinie die recoBox etwas groesser ist als das Bild und
     // es bei mMainWindow->setMousePosOnImage(pos); zum fehler beim bildzugriff kommen kann!!!
-    if (mMainWindow->getImage() && //(pos.x() > 0) && (pos.y() > 0) && 
-        (pos.x() < mMainWindow->getImage()->width()) && (pos.y() < mMainWindow->getImage()->height()))
+    if(mMainWindow->getImage() && //(pos.x() > 0) && (pos.y() > 0) &&
+       (pos.x() < mMainWindow->getImage()->width()) && (pos.y() < mMainWindow->getImage()->height()))
-        if (!mControlWidget->getRecoRoiFix())
+        if(!mControlWidget->getRecoRoiFix())
-            QRect r = QRect(myRound(rect().left()), myRound(rect().top()), myRound(rect().width()), myRound(rect().height()));
-            if ((event->pos()).x() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+r.x())
+            QRect r =
+                QRect(myRound(rect().left()), myRound(rect().top()), myRound(rect().width()), myRound(rect().height()));
+            if((event->pos()).x() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + r.x())
-                if ((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+r.y())
+                if((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + r.y())
-                else if ((event->pos()).y() > r.height()+r.y()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+                else if((event->pos()).y() > r.height() + r.y() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
-            else if ((event->pos()).x() > r.width()+r.x()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+            else if((event->pos()).x() > r.width() + r.x() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
-                if ((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+r.y())
+                if((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + r.y())
-                else if ((event->pos()).y() > r.height()+r.y()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+                else if((event->pos()).y() > r.height() + r.y() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
-            else if (((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+r.y()) || ((event->pos()).y() > r.height()+r.y()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER))
+            else if(
+                ((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + r.y()) ||
+                ((event->pos()).y() > r.height() + r.y() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER))
         else // wird nur einmal durchaufen - ruecksetzen in control.cpp
-            setAcceptHoverEvents(false); // verhoindert nicht, dass wenn objekt darunter liegt, was andereen cursor haette - cursor wird weiterhin beim drueberfahren auf cross gesetzt
+            setAcceptHoverEvents(false); // verhoindert nicht, dass wenn objekt darunter liegt, was andereen cursor
+                                         // haette - cursor wird weiterhin beim drueberfahren auf cross gesetzt
@@ -227,28 +247,36 @@ void RecognitionRoiItem::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
 void RecognitionRoiItem::checkRect()
     cv::Mat img = mMainWindow->getImageFiltered();
-    if (!img.empty())
+    if(!img.empty())
         // not QImage *img = mMainWindow->getImage(); as size is not adapted yet
-        QRect r = QRect(myRound(rect().left()), myRound(rect().top()), myRound(rect().width()), myRound(rect().height()));
-        if (r.x() > img.cols-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()-MIN_SIZE ||
-            r.y() > img.rows-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()-MIN_SIZE ||
-            r.x()+r.width() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()+MIN_SIZE ||
-            r.y()+r.height() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()+MIN_SIZE)
+        QRect r =
+            QRect(myRound(rect().left()), myRound(rect().top()), myRound(rect().width()), myRound(rect().height()));
+        if(r.x() > img.cols - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() - MIN_SIZE ||
+           r.y() > img.rows - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() - MIN_SIZE ||
+           r.x() + r.width() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() + MIN_SIZE ||
+           r.y() + r.height() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() + MIN_SIZE)
             setRect(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), img.cols, img.rows);
-            if (r.x() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
-                setRect(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), r.y(), r.width()+(mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()+r.x()), r.height());
-            if (r.y() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
-                setRect(r.x(), -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), r.width(), r.height()+(mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()+r.y()));
-            if (r.x()+mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()+r.width() > img.cols)
+            if(r.x() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
+                setRect(
+                    -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+                    r.y(),
+                    r.width() + (mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() + r.x()),
+                    r.height());
+            if(r.y() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
+                setRect(
+                    r.x(),
+                    -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+                    r.width(),
+                    r.height() + (mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() + r.y()));
+            if(r.x() + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() + r.width() > img.cols)
-                //debout << r.x()+mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()+r.width() << endl;
-                setRect(r.x(), r.y(), img.cols-r.x()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), r.height());
+                setRect(r.x(), r.y(), img.cols - r.x() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), r.height());
-            if (r.y()+mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()+r.height() > img.rows)
-                setRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), img.rows-r.y()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
+            if(r.y() + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() + r.height() > img.rows)
+                setRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), img.rows - r.y() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
diff --git a/src/skeletonTree.cpp b/src/skeletonTree.cpp
index 8fb1e8f2839e872f3a2a9283a82768a865b1ddc9..eac1142232e9e5932bdefbe637284c7c2c87b686 100644
--- a/src/skeletonTree.cpp
+++ b/src/skeletonTree.cpp
@@ -17,9 +17,10 @@
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <algorithm>
 #include "skeletonTree.h"
+#include <algorithm>
@@ -28,10 +29,7 @@
  * @param[in] id  The identifier of this node.
  * @param[in] point  The position of this node.
-SkeletonNode::SkeletonNode(const uint8_t& id, cv::Point3f point)
-    :mId(id), mPoint(std::move(point))
+SkeletonNode::SkeletonNode(const uint8_t &id, cv::Point3f point) : mId(id), mPoint(std::move(point)) {}
  * @brief Gets the Child with the specified id.
@@ -43,9 +41,11 @@ SkeletonNode::SkeletonNode(const uint8_t& id, cv::Point3f point)
  * @return A const reference to the child with the specified id.
  * @throw std::out_of_range
-const SkeletonNode &SkeletonNode::getChildById(uint8_t id) const {
-    auto foundValue = std::find_if(mChildren.begin(), mChildren.end(), [id](const SkeletonNode& node){return node.getId() == id;});
+ */
+const SkeletonNode &SkeletonNode::getChildById(uint8_t id) const
+    auto foundValue =
+        std::find_if(mChildren.begin(), mChildren.end(), [id](const SkeletonNode &node) { return node.getId() == id; });
     if(foundValue == mChildren.end())
         throw std::out_of_range("Id" + std::to_string(id) + " in children not found");
@@ -64,16 +64,15 @@ const SkeletonNode &SkeletonNode::getChildById(uint8_t id) const {
  * @param[in, out] lines  The array to append the new lines.
-void SkeletonTree::recurseSkeleton(const SkeletonNode& node, std::vector<SkeletonLine>& lines)
+void SkeletonTree::recurseSkeleton(const SkeletonNode &node, std::vector<SkeletonLine> &lines)
-    for(const SkeletonNode& child : node.getChildren()){
-        lines.push_back(
-                {/*Direct initialization of SkeletonLine struct*/
-                    /*.start =*/ node.getPos(),
-                    /*.start_id =*/ node.getId(),
-                    /*.end =*/ child.getPos(),
-                    /*.end_id =*/ child.getId()}
-        );
+    for(const SkeletonNode &child : node.getChildren())
+    {
+        lines.push_back({/*Direct initialization of SkeletonLine struct*/
+                         /*.start =*/node.getPos(),
+                         /*.start_id =*/node.getId(),
+                         /*.end =*/child.getPos(),
+                         /*.end_id =*/child.getId()});
         recurseSkeleton(child, lines);
diff --git a/src/skeletonTreeFactory.cpp b/src/skeletonTreeFactory.cpp
index d254d73ac7402fdbb431b95b1045775c608fc566..02ff6ac75eaffb8f2791ffba5eea3ed610ada0d2 100644
--- a/src/skeletonTreeFactory.cpp
+++ b/src/skeletonTreeFactory.cpp
@@ -17,10 +17,12 @@
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <opencv2/core/matx.hpp>
-#include "vector.h"
 #include "skeletonTreeFactory.h"
+#include "vector.h"
+#include <opencv2/core/matx.hpp>
  * @brief Static method to construct a SkeletonTree.
@@ -31,48 +33,46 @@
  * @return The constructed Skeleton.
-SkeletonTree SkeletonTreeFactory::generateTree(const XSenseStruct&  points)
+SkeletonTree SkeletonTreeFactory::generateTree(const XSenseStruct &points)
+    // Start from the root
+    SkeletonNode  root(0, points.mRoot);
+    SkeletonNode &neck = root.addChild(SkeletonNode(1, points.mNeck));
-    //Start from the root
-    SkeletonNode root(0, points.mRoot);
-    SkeletonNode& neck = root.addChild(SkeletonNode(1, points.mNeck));
-    //continue with the neck
+    // continue with the neck
     neck.addChild(SkeletonNode(2, points.mHeadTop));
-    SkeletonNode& lShoulder = neck.addChild(SkeletonNode(3, points.mShldrL));
+    SkeletonNode &lShoulder = neck.addChild(SkeletonNode(3, points.mShldrL));
-    //add the left arm
-    SkeletonNode& lElbow = lShoulder.addChild(SkeletonNode(4, points.mElbowL));
-    SkeletonNode& lWrist = lElbow.addChild(SkeletonNode(5, points.mWristL));
+    // add the left arm
+    SkeletonNode &lElbow = lShoulder.addChild(SkeletonNode(4, points.mElbowL));
+    SkeletonNode &lWrist = lElbow.addChild(SkeletonNode(5, points.mWristL));
     lWrist.addChild(SkeletonNode(6, points.mHandL));
-    //add the right arm
-    SkeletonNode& rShoulder = neck.addChild(SkeletonNode(7, points.mShldrR));
-    SkeletonNode& rElbow = rShoulder.addChild(SkeletonNode(8, points.mElbowR));
-    SkeletonNode& rWrist = rElbow.addChild(SkeletonNode(9, points.mWristR));
+    // add the right arm
+    SkeletonNode &rShoulder = neck.addChild(SkeletonNode(7, points.mShldrR));
+    SkeletonNode &rElbow    = rShoulder.addChild(SkeletonNode(8, points.mElbowR));
+    SkeletonNode &rWrist    = rElbow.addChild(SkeletonNode(9, points.mWristR));
     rWrist.addChild(SkeletonNode(10, points.mHandR));
-    //add the left leg
-    SkeletonNode& lHip = root.addChild(SkeletonNode(11, points.mHipL));
-    SkeletonNode& lKnee = lHip.addChild(SkeletonNode(12, points.mKneeL));
-    SkeletonNode& lHeel = lKnee.addChild(SkeletonNode(13, points.mHeelL));
+    // add the left leg
+    SkeletonNode &lHip  = root.addChild(SkeletonNode(11, points.mHipL));
+    SkeletonNode &lKnee = lHip.addChild(SkeletonNode(12, points.mKneeL));
+    SkeletonNode &lHeel = lKnee.addChild(SkeletonNode(13, points.mHeelL));
     lHeel.addChild(SkeletonNode(14, points.mToeL));
-    SkeletonNode& rHip = root.addChild(SkeletonNode(15, points.mHipR));
-    SkeletonNode& rKnee = rHip.addChild(SkeletonNode(16, points.mKneeR));
-    SkeletonNode& rHeel = rKnee.addChild(SkeletonNode(17, points.mHeelR));
+    SkeletonNode &rHip  = root.addChild(SkeletonNode(15, points.mHipR));
+    SkeletonNode &rKnee = rHip.addChild(SkeletonNode(16, points.mKneeR));
+    SkeletonNode &rHeel = rKnee.addChild(SkeletonNode(17, points.mHeelR));
     rHeel.addChild(SkeletonNode(18, points.mToeR));
-    //calculate view direction of the head
-    cv::Point3f headUp = points.mHeadTop - points.mNeck;
+    // calculate view direction of the head
+    cv::Point3f headUp      = points.mHeadTop - points.mNeck;
     cv::Point3f rightVector = points.mEarR - points.mEarL;
-    //the direction is calculated using the cross product
+    // the direction is calculated using the cross product
     cv::Point3f dir = headUp.cross(rightVector);
     SkeletonTree skeleton(std::move(root), Vec3F(dir));
     return skeleton;
diff --git a/src/stereoAviFile.cpp b/src/stereoAviFile.cpp
index c6f7d79fde30c25bfc1faa0b4ae20d7028a01fb1..75aba64ed1a44d0ecd5e95b9745af475af66ca19 100644
--- a/src/stereoAviFile.cpp
+++ b/src/stereoAviFile.cpp
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 // Project Includes
-#include "stereoAviFile.h"
 #include "helper.h"
+#include "stereoAviFile.h"
 // Extra temp data bytes.
@@ -40,17 +40,18 @@
-    m_pTempBuffer	= NULL;
+    m_pTempBuffer = NULL;
-    m_iTimeIndex	     = -1;
+    m_iTimeIndex = -1;
-    m_iCols     = 0;
-    m_iRows     = 0;
-    m_iBPP      = 0;
-    m_iSize     = 0;
-    m_iRowInc   = 0;
+    m_iCols   = 0;
+    m_iRows   = 0;
+    m_iBPP    = 0;
+    m_iSize   = 0;
+    m_iRowInc = 0;
-    mCamera = cameraRight; // wie in petrack.cpp right als default genommen da reference image in triclops auch right ist
+    mCamera =
+        cameraRight; // wie in petrack.cpp right als default genommen da reference image in triclops auch right ist
     mImageLeft  = NULL;
     mImageRight = NULL;
@@ -61,105 +62,103 @@ StereoAviFile::~StereoAviFile()
-    if ( m_pTempBuffer != NULL )
+    if(m_pTempBuffer != NULL)
-        delete [] m_pTempBuffer;
+        delete[] m_pTempBuffer;
         m_pTempBuffer = NULL;
 // if return false there may be some allocated memory left!!!
 // stereoImg is used to use the same img for a bunch of files
-bool StereoAviFile::open(const char* pszFilename, IplImage* stereoImgLeft, IplImage* stereoImgRight)
+bool StereoAviFile::open(const char *pszFilename, IplImage *stereoImgLeft, IplImage *stereoImgRight)
-   if (pszFilename == NULL)
+    if(pszFilename == NULL)
         return false;
-   m_vcReader = cvCreateFileCapture(pszFilename);
+    m_vcReader = cvCreateFileCapture(pszFilename);
-   m_iTimeIndex	     = -1; // damit das erste readframe wirklich einen frame auch bei index=0 liesst
+    m_iTimeIndex = -1; // damit das erste readframe wirklich einen frame auch bei index=0 liesst
-   m_iCols     = cvGetCaptureProperty(m_vcReader,CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH); // bi.biWidth;
-   m_iRows     = cvGetCaptureProperty(m_vcReader,CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT); // bi.biHeight;
-   m_iBPP      = 8; // bi.biBitCount;
-   m_iRowInc   = m_iCols * (m_iBPP / 8);
-   m_iSize     = m_iRows * m_iRowInc;
-   m_pTempBuffer = new unsigned char[m_iSize];
+    m_iCols       = cvGetCaptureProperty(m_vcReader, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH);  // bi.biWidth;
+    m_iRows       = cvGetCaptureProperty(m_vcReader, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT); // bi.biHeight;
+    m_iBPP        = 8;                                                          // bi.biBitCount;
+    m_iRowInc     = m_iCols * (m_iBPP / 8);
+    m_iSize       = m_iRows * m_iRowInc;
+    m_pTempBuffer = new unsigned char[m_iSize];
-   //if (stereoImg != NULL)
-   mImageLeft  = stereoImgLeft; // Attention: nur 1280x960 image wird angelegt fuer bumblebee!!!
-   mImageRight = stereoImgRight;
-   //   CvSize size;
-   //   size.width = m_iCols;
-   //   size.height = m_iRows;
-   //cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1);
+    // if (stereoImg != NULL)
+    mImageLeft  = stereoImgLeft; // Attention: nur 1280x960 image wird angelegt fuer bumblebee!!!
+    mImageRight = stereoImgRight;
+    //   CvSize size;
+    //   size.width = m_iCols;
+    //   size.height = m_iRows;
+    // cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1);
-   return true;
+    return true;
-IplImage* StereoAviFile::getFrame(enum Camera camera)
+IplImage *StereoAviFile::getFrame(enum Camera camera)
-    if (camera == cameraLeft)
+    if(camera == cameraLeft)
         return mImageLeft;
-    else if (camera == cameraRight)
+    else if(camera == cameraRight)
         return mImageRight;
         return NULL;
-IplImage* StereoAviFile::readFrame(int index)
+IplImage *StereoAviFile::readFrame(int index)
-    if (index != m_iTimeIndex)
+    if(index != m_iTimeIndex)
-        int x,y;
+        int x, y;
         // Pointer to the data information in the IplImage
-        //char *data = mImage->imageData;
-        char *dataLeft  = mImageLeft->imageData;
-        char *dataRight = mImageRight->imageData;
+        // char *data = mImage->imageData;
+        char *dataLeft   = mImageLeft->imageData;
+        char *dataRight  = mImageRight->imageData;
         char *yDataLeft  = dataLeft;
         char *yDataRight = dataRight;
-        char *p = (char *) m_pTempBuffer;
-        //if (mCamera == cameraLeft)
-        //    ++p; //p+=2*mImage->height*mImage->height;
-        // This loop is optimized so it has to calculate the least amount of indexes
-        // Optimizing the access to the pointer data is useless (no difference in performance when tested)
-        for (y = 0; y < mImageLeft->height; ++y)
+        char *p          = (char *) m_pTempBuffer;
+        // if (mCamera == cameraLeft)
+        //     ++p; //p+=2*mImage->height*mImage->height;
+        //  This loop is optimized so it has to calculate the least amount of indexes
+        //  Optimizing the access to the pointer data is useless (no difference in performance when tested)
+        for(y = 0; y < mImageLeft->height; ++y)
-            for (x = 0; x < mImageLeft->width; ++x)
+            for(x = 0; x < mImageLeft->width; ++x)
-                *dataRight  = *p;
+                *dataRight = *p;
                 *dataLeft = *p;
-                ++p; //p+=2;
+                ++p; // p+=2;
-            //p += mImage->width; // die linke oder rechte kamera ueberspringen
-            dataLeft  = (yDataLeft  += mImageLeft->widthStep); // because sometimes widthStep != width
+            // p += mImage->width; // die linke oder rechte kamera ueberspringen
+            dataLeft  = (yDataLeft += mImageLeft->widthStep); // because sometimes widthStep != width
             dataRight = (yDataRight += mImageRight->widthStep);
         m_iTimeIndex = index;
-    if (mCamera == cameraLeft)
+    if(mCamera == cameraLeft)
         return mImageLeft;
         return mImageRight;
-    //return mImage;
+    // return mImage;
 bool StereoAviFile::close()
-    if ( m_pTempBuffer != NULL )
+    if(m_pTempBuffer != NULL)
-        delete [] m_pTempBuffer;
+        delete[] m_pTempBuffer;
         m_pTempBuffer = NULL;
-    //cvReleaseImage(&mImage); wird nun in animation.cpp angelegt
+    // cvReleaseImage(&mImage); wird nun in animation.cpp angelegt
     // Release the library.
diff --git a/src/stereoContext.cpp b/src/stereoContext.cpp
index 0d7a09c58be85fee26c50e73102721bd057eff53..0d60facc3b1c1a47c97775451933faab29aab613 100644
--- a/src/stereoContext.cpp
+++ b/src/stereoContext.cpp
@@ -18,16 +18,17 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QDir>
 #include "stereoContext.h"
-#include "stereoWidget.h"
-#include "helper.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
 #include "animation.h"
 #include "control.h"
 #include "ellipse.h"
+#include "helper.h"
 #include "person.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
+#include "stereoWidget.h"
+#include <QDir>
 #ifdef STEREO
@@ -35,59 +36,58 @@
 //#define TMP_STEREO_SEQ_DISP // neben der Einzelbildfolge soll auch das berechnete Hoehenfeld eingelesen werden
 //#define STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE "D:/diss/personModel/ownPerson/movie/one/one_"
 //#define STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE "D:/diss/personModel/ownPerson/movie/withHermesMarker/more_"
-#define STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE "D:/diss/personModel/ownPerson/movie/schraeg/d1/d1.0_"
-#define STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME 1 //18
-#define STEREO_SEQ_LAST_FRAME 132   // maximal 127 bei kleiner stereo-datein 165
+#define STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE        "D:/diss/personModel/ownPerson/movie/schraeg/d1/d1.0_"
+#define STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME     1   // 18
+#define STEREO_SEQ_LAST_FRAME      132 // maximal 127 bei kleiner stereo-datein 165
 // war direkt neben dem load, aber sollte ggf in init() auch benutzt werden
-    static IplImage* tempLeftImg = NULL;
-    static IplImage* tempRightImg = NULL;
+static IplImage *tempLeftImg  = NULL;
+static IplImage *tempRightImg = NULL;
-using namespace::cv;
+using namespace ::cv;
-pet::StereoContext::StereoContext(Petrack* main)
+pet::StereoContext::StereoContext(Petrack *main)
-    mMain = main;
+    mMain      = main;
     mAnimation = main->getAnimation();
-    mStatus = clean;
+    mStatus    = clean;
     QString calFile, calFileInt;
-    QDate fileDate = mAnimation->getFileInfo(). lastModified().date();
+    QDate   fileDate = mAnimation->getFileInfo().lastModified().date();
     QString version;
-    if ((mAnimation->getFileBase()).contains("cam1"))
+    if((mAnimation->getFileBase()).contains("cam1"))
-        if (fileDate < QDate(2009, 11, 30))
+        if(fileDate < QDate(2009, 11, 30))
-            version = "old";
+            version    = "old";
             calFileInt = ":/calibCam1";
-            version = "new";
+            version    = "new";
             calFileInt = ":/calibCam1New";
-        calFile = QDir::tempPath()+"/"+"cam1_7280765.cal";
+        calFile = QDir::tempPath() + "/" + "cam1_7280765.cal";
-    else if ((mAnimation->getFileBase()).contains("cam2"))
+    else if((mAnimation->getFileBase()).contains("cam2"))
-        if (fileDate < QDate(2009, 11, 30))
+        if(fileDate < QDate(2009, 11, 30))
-            version = "old";
+            version    = "old";
             calFileInt = ":/calibCam2";
-            version = "new";
+            version    = "new";
             calFileInt = ":/calibCam2New";
-        calFile = QDir::tempPath()+"/"+"cam2_7280791.cal";
+        calFile = QDir::tempPath() + "/" + "cam2_7280791.cal";
@@ -101,62 +101,63 @@ pet::StereoContext::StereoContext(Petrack* main)
-    if (!QFile::exists(calFile))
+    if(!QFile::exists(calFile))
-        debout << "Error: Calibration file "<< calFile <<" could not be created!" << std::endl;
+        debout << "Error: Calibration file " << calFile << " could not be created!" << std::endl;
-    debout << "Using " << calFile << " (" << version <<") for calibration." << std::endl;
+    debout << "Using " << calFile << " (" << version << ") for calibration." << std::endl;
 #ifdef STEREO
     TriclopsError triclopsError;
-    triclopsError = triclopsGetDefaultContextFromFile(&mTriclopsContext, (char *)  calFile.toLatin1().data());
-    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+    triclopsError = triclopsGetDefaultContextFromFile(&mTriclopsContext, (char *) calFile.toLatin1().data());
+    if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
         debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
-    triclopsError = triclopsSetResolution(mTriclopsContext, 960, 1280); //240, 320  // 1536, 2048
-    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+    triclopsError = triclopsSetResolution(mTriclopsContext, 960, 1280); // 240, 320  // 1536, 2048
+    if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
         debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
     triclopsError = triclopsSetSubpixelInterpolation(mTriclopsContext, 1); // turn on sub-pixel interpolation
-    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+    if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
         debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
-    triclopsError = triclopsSetStrictSubpixelValidation(mTriclopsContext, 1); // make sure strict subpixel validation is on
-    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+    triclopsError =
+        triclopsSetStrictSubpixelValidation(mTriclopsContext, 1); // make sure strict subpixel validation is on
+    if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
         debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
-//    triclopsError = triclopsSetDisparityMapping(mTriclopsContext, 0,255);
-//    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
-//        debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
-//    triclopsError = triclopsSetDisparityMappingOn(mTriclopsContext, 1); // !!! ausschalten, wenn disparity map fuer 3d-auswertung genutzt wird - nur zum angucken besser
-//    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
-//        debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
+    //    triclopsError = triclopsSetDisparityMapping(mTriclopsContext, 0,255);
+    //    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+    //        debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
+    //    triclopsError = triclopsSetDisparityMappingOn(mTriclopsContext, 1); // !!! ausschalten, wenn disparity map
+    //    fuer 3d-auswertung genutzt wird - nur zum angucken besser if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+    //        debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
-    //triclopsSetRectImgQuality(...) entzerrung soll verbessert werden
+    // triclopsSetRectImgQuality(...) entzerrung soll verbessert werden
     triclopsError = triclopsSetStereoQuality(mTriclopsContext, TriStereoQlty_ENHANCED);
-    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+    if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
         debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
     // lets turn off all validation except subpixel and surface
     // this works quite well
     triclopsError = triclopsSetTextureValidation(mTriclopsContext, 0);
-    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+    if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
         debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
     triclopsError = triclopsSetUniquenessValidation(mTriclopsContext, 0);
-    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+    if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
         debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
     // turn on surface validation
     triclopsError = triclopsSetSurfaceValidation(mTriclopsContext, 1);
-    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+    if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
         debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
     triclopsError = triclopsSetSurfaceValidationSize(mTriclopsContext, 200);
-    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+    if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
         debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
     triclopsError = triclopsSetSurfaceValidationDifference(mTriclopsContext, 0.5);
-    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+    if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
         debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
     // turn on back-forth validation
     triclopsError = triclopsSetBackForthValidation(mTriclopsContext, 1);
-    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+    if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
         debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
     triclopsGetSurfaceValidationMapping(mTriclopsContext, &mSurfaceValue);
@@ -176,9 +177,9 @@ pet::StereoContext::StereoContext(Petrack* main)
 #ifdef STEREO
-    if (mTriclopsContext)
+    if(mTriclopsContext)
@@ -188,12 +189,12 @@ pet::StereoContext::~StereoContext()
 // default: IplImage *viewImg = NULL
 void pet::StereoContext::init(Mat &viewImg) //  = NULL
-//    static IplImage *lastViewImg = NULL;
-//    if (viewImg == NULL) // for edge mask
-//        viewImg = lastViewImg;
-//    lastViewImg = viewImg;
+    //    static IplImage *lastViewImg = NULL;
+    //    if (viewImg == NULL) // for edge mask
+    //        viewImg = lastViewImg;
+    //    lastViewImg = viewImg;
-    if (!viewImg.empty() && (viewImg.cols != 1280 || viewImg.rows != 960))
+    if(!viewImg.empty() && (viewImg.cols != 1280 || viewImg.rows != 960))
         debout << "Warning: no images beside 1280x960!" << endl;
@@ -205,73 +206,75 @@ void pet::StereoContext::init(Mat &viewImg) //  = NULL
     TriclopsError triclopsError;
-    if (!viewImg.empty() && (mAnimation->getCaptureStereo()->getCamera() == cameraLeft))
+    if(!viewImg.empty() && (mAnimation->getCaptureStereo()->getCamera() == cameraLeft))
-        leftImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(viewImg.cols,viewImg.rows),8,viewImg.channels());
+        leftImg         = cvCreateImage(cvSize(viewImg.cols, viewImg.rows), 8, viewImg.channels());
         IplImage tmpImg = viewImg;
-        cvCopy(&tmpImg,leftImg);
-        //leftImg = viewImg;
-    }else
-        leftImg  = mAnimation->getCaptureStereo()->getFrame(cameraLeft);
-    if (!viewImg.empty() && (mAnimation->getCaptureStereo()->getCamera() == cameraRight))
+        cvCopy(&tmpImg, leftImg);
+        // leftImg = viewImg;
+    }
+    else
+        leftImg = mAnimation->getCaptureStereo()->getFrame(cameraLeft);
+    if(!viewImg.empty() && (mAnimation->getCaptureStereo()->getCamera() == cameraRight))
-        rightImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(viewImg.cols,viewImg.rows),8,viewImg.channels());
+        rightImg        = cvCreateImage(cvSize(viewImg.cols, viewImg.rows), 8, viewImg.channels());
         IplImage tmpImg = viewImg;
-        cvCopy(&tmpImg,rightImg);
-        //rightImg = viewImg;
-    }else
+        cvCopy(&tmpImg, rightImg);
+        // rightImg = viewImg;
+    }
+    else
         rightImg = mAnimation->getCaptureStereo()->getFrame(cameraRight);
     // Background subtraction
-//        if (brightContrastChanged || borderChanged || calibChanged)
-//            mBackgroundFilter.reset(); // alle gesammelten hintergrundinfos werden verworfen und bg.changed auf true gesetzt
-//        if (imageChanged || mBackgroundFilter.changed())
-//            mIplImgFiltered = mBackgroundFilter.apply(mIplImgFiltered);
-//        else
-//            mIplImgFiltered = mBackgroundFilter.getLastResult();
-//    leftImg = mBackgroundFilterLeft.apply(leftImg);
-//    rightImg = mBackgroundFilterRight.apply(rightImg);
-//// um ptgrey die schon entzerrten virtuellen Bilder unterzuschieben
-//// dazu muesste zudem 2x der bereich um triclopsGetImage auskommentiert werden
-//#ifdef TMP_STEREO_SEQ
-//            // temporaere code um stereo-einzelbildfolge einzulesen:
-//            if (tempLeftImg != NULL)
-//                cvReleaseImage(&tempLeftImg);
-//            QString fn = QString(STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE) + QString("left_%1.png").arg(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum()%(STEREO_SEQ_LAST_FRAME-STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME+1) + STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME, 3, 10, QChar('0')); // [2,159]
-//            leftImg=cvLoadImage((char *) fn.toAscii().data(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); //-1);
-//            // temporaere code um stereo-einzelbildfolge einzulesen: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//            if (tempRightImg != NULL)
-//                cvReleaseImage(&tempRightImg);
-//            fn = QString(STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE) + QString("right_%1.png").arg(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum()%(STEREO_SEQ_LAST_FRAME-STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME+1) + STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME, 3, 10, QChar('0')); // [2,159]
-//            rightImg=cvLoadImage((char *) fn.toAscii().data(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); //-1);
+    //        if (brightContrastChanged || borderChanged || calibChanged)
+    //            mBackgroundFilter.reset(); // alle gesammelten hintergrundinfos werden verworfen und bg.changed auf
+    //            true gesetzt
+    //        if (imageChanged || mBackgroundFilter.changed())
+    //            mIplImgFiltered = mBackgroundFilter.apply(mIplImgFiltered);
+    //        else
+    //            mIplImgFiltered = mBackgroundFilter.getLastResult();
+    //    leftImg = mBackgroundFilterLeft.apply(leftImg);
+    //    rightImg = mBackgroundFilterRight.apply(rightImg);
+    //// um ptgrey die schon entzerrten virtuellen Bilder unterzuschieben
+    //// dazu muesste zudem 2x der bereich um triclopsGetImage auskommentiert werden
+    //#ifdef TMP_STEREO_SEQ
+    //            // temporaere code um stereo-einzelbildfolge einzulesen:
+    //            if (tempLeftImg != NULL)
+    //                cvReleaseImage(&tempLeftImg);
+    //            QString fn = QString(STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE) +
+    //            QString("left_%1.png").arg(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum()%(STEREO_SEQ_LAST_FRAME-STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME+1)
+    //            + STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME, 3, 10, QChar('0')); // [2,159] leftImg=cvLoadImage((char *)
+    //            fn.toAscii().data(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); //-1);
+    //            // temporaere code um stereo-einzelbildfolge einzulesen:
+    //            -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    //            if (tempRightImg != NULL)
+    //                cvReleaseImage(&tempRightImg);
+    //            fn = QString(STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE) +
+    //            QString("right_%1.png").arg(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum()%(STEREO_SEQ_LAST_FRAME-STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME+1)
+    //            + STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME, 3, 10, QChar('0')); // [2,159] rightImg=cvLoadImage((char *)
+    //            fn.toAscii().data(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); //-1);
+    //#endif
     triclopsError = triclopsBuildRGBTriclopsInput(
-            leftImg->width,
-            leftImg->height,
-            leftImg->widthStep,
-            0,
-            0,
-            (unsigned char *) rightImg->imageData,
-            (unsigned char *) leftImg->imageData,
-            NULL,
-            &mTriclopsInput);
-    if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+        leftImg->width,
+        leftImg->height,
+        leftImg->widthStep,
+        0,
+        0,
+        (unsigned char *) rightImg->imageData,
+        (unsigned char *) leftImg->imageData,
+        NULL,
+        &mTriclopsInput);
+    if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
         debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
-    //cvInitImageHeader(&mDisparity, cvSize(mTriDisparity.ncols, mTriDisparity.nrows), 16, 1);
+    // cvInitImageHeader(&mDisparity, cvSize(mTriDisparity.ncols, mTriDisparity.nrows), 16, 1);
     cvInitImageHeader(&mDisparity, cvSize(leftImg->width, leftImg->height), 16, 1);
@@ -281,28 +284,27 @@ void pet::StereoContext::init(Mat &viewImg) //  = NULL
 void pet::StereoContext::preprocess()
-    if (mStatus & buildInput)
+    if(mStatus & buildInput)
 #ifdef STEREO
         TriclopsError triclopsError;
         triclopsError = triclopsSetEdgeCorrelation(mTriclopsContext, mMain->getStereoWidget()->useEdge->isChecked());
-        if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+        if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
             debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
         triclopsError = triclopsSetEdgeMask(mTriclopsContext, mMain->getStereoWidget()->edgeMaskSize->value());
-        if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+        if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
             debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << " for the edge mask size!" << endl;
         // Preprocessing the images
         triclopsError = triclopsPreprocess(mTriclopsContext, &mTriclopsInput);
-        if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+        if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
             debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
-//        TriclopsBool b;
-//        triclopsGetLowpass(mTriclopsContext, &b);
-//        debout << b <<endl; == true !!!!
+        //        TriclopsBool b;
+        //        triclopsGetLowpass(mTriclopsContext, &b);
+        //        debout << b <<endl; == true !!!!
@@ -311,21 +313,21 @@ IplImage *pet::StereoContext::getRectified(enum Camera camera)
     //        "==========: "
-    debout << "in rectify: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+    debout << "in rectify: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
-    if ((camera != cameraRight) && (camera != cameraLeft))
+    if((camera != cameraRight) && (camera != cameraLeft))
         camera = mAnimation->getCaptureStereo()->getCamera();
-    if (mStatus & preprocessed)
+    if(mStatus & preprocessed)
 #ifdef STEREO
         TriclopsError triclopsError;
-        if (camera == cameraLeft)
+        if(camera == cameraLeft)
             triclopsError = triclopsGetImage(mTriclopsContext, TriImg_RECTIFIED, TriCam_LEFT, &mTriRectLeft);
-            if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+            if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
                 debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
                 return NULL;
@@ -338,54 +340,53 @@ IplImage *pet::StereoContext::getRectified(enum Camera camera)
             mRectLeft.imageData = (char *) mTriRectLeft.data;
             //        mRectLeft.depth = 8;
             //        mRectLeft.nChannels = 1;
-            addStatus(rectified); // nicht set, da rectified image kann mehrmals abgefragt werden, wobei die disp schon fertig gerechnet wurde
-//            IplImage* tempImg = cvLoadImage(D:/diss/personModel/ownPerson/movie/left_090.png, -1);
-//            // Is it created?
-//            if (tempImg == NULL)
-//                return NULL;
-//            // delete first old data
-//            //cvReleaseImage(&mImage); darf nicht freigegeben werden -> absturz, aber speicher wird woanders freigegeben, keine speicheranhaeufung
-//            // We create and copy the frame to our IplImage pointer
-//            cvReleaseImage(&mImage); // lieber vorher loeschen statt kopieren da ggf borderfilter bild groesser amcht?!
-//            mImage = cvCloneImage(tempImg);
-//            // naechsten beiden zeilen entsprechen oberer:
-//            //mImage = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(mTempImg), 8, 3);
-//            //cvCopy(mTempImg, mImage, 0);
-//            // We release the temporary IplImage
-//            cvReleaseImage(&tempImg);
+            addStatus(rectified); // nicht set, da rectified image kann mehrmals abgefragt werden, wobei die disp schon
+                                  // fertig gerechnet wurde
+            //            IplImage* tempImg = cvLoadImage(D:/diss/personModel/ownPerson/movie/left_090.png, -1);
+            //            // Is it created?
+            //            if (tempImg == NULL)
+            //                return NULL;
+            //            // delete first old data
+            //            //cvReleaseImage(&mImage); darf nicht freigegeben werden -> absturz, aber speicher wird
+            //            woanders freigegeben, keine speicheranhaeufung
+            //            // We create and copy the frame to our IplImage pointer
+            //            cvReleaseImage(&mImage); // lieber vorher loeschen statt kopieren da ggf borderfilter bild
+            //            groesser amcht?! mImage = cvCloneImage(tempImg);
+            //            // naechsten beiden zeilen entsprechen oberer:
+            //            //mImage = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(mTempImg), 8, 3);
+            //            //cvCopy(mTempImg, mImage, 0);
+            //            // We release the temporary IplImage
+            //            cvReleaseImage(&tempImg);
             // temporaere code um stereo-einzelbildfolge einzulesen:
-            //static IplImage* tempLeftImg = NULL;
-            if (tempLeftImg != NULL)
+            // static IplImage* tempLeftImg = NULL;
+            if(tempLeftImg != NULL)
-            QString fn = QString(STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE) + QString("left_%1.png").arg(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum()%(STEREO_SEQ_LAST_FRAME-STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME+1) + STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME, 3, 10, QChar('0')); // [2,159]
-            //debout << fn << endl;
-            return tempLeftImg=cvLoadImage((char *) fn.toAscii().data(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); //-1);
+            QString fn =
+                QString(STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE) +
+                QString("left_%1.png")
+                    .arg(
+                        mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() % (STEREO_SEQ_LAST_FRAME - STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME + 1) +
+                            STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME,
+                        3,
+                        10,
+                        QChar('0')); // [2,159]
+            // debout << fn << endl;
+            return tempLeftImg = cvLoadImage((char *) fn.toAscii().data(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); //-1);
             return &mRectLeft;
-        else if (camera == cameraRight)
+        else if(camera == cameraRight)
             triclopsError = triclopsGetImage(mTriclopsContext, TriImg_RECTIFIED, TriCam_RIGHT, &mTriRectRight);
-            if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+            if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
                 debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
                 return NULL;
@@ -400,33 +401,29 @@ IplImage *pet::StereoContext::getRectified(enum Camera camera)
-            // temporaere code um stereo-einzelbildfolge einzulesen: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-            //static IplImage* tempImg = NULL;
-            if (tempRightImg != NULL)
+            // temporaere code um stereo-einzelbildfolge einzulesen:
+            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            // static IplImage* tempImg = NULL;
+            if(tempRightImg != NULL)
-            QString fn = QString(STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE) + QString("right_%1.png").arg(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum()%(STEREO_SEQ_LAST_FRAME-STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME+1) + STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME, 3, 10, QChar('0')); // [2,159]
-            //debout << fn << endl;
-            return tempRightImg=cvLoadImage((char *) fn.toAscii().data(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); //-1);
+            QString fn =
+                QString(STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE) +
+                QString("right_%1.png")
+                    .arg(
+                        mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() % (STEREO_SEQ_LAST_FRAME - STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME + 1) +
+                            STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME,
+                        3,
+                        10,
+                        QChar('0')); // [2,159]
+            // debout << fn << endl;
+            return tempRightImg = cvLoadImage((char *) fn.toAscii().data(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); //-1);
-    //        "==========: "
-    debout << "ou rectify: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+            //        "==========: "
+            debout << "ou rectify: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
@@ -441,12 +438,12 @@ IplImage *pet::StereoContext::getRectified(enum Camera camera)
 //// A function to draw the histogram
-//IplImage* DrawHistogram(CvHistogram *hist, float scaleX=1, float scaleY=1)
+// IplImage* DrawHistogram(CvHistogram *hist, float scaleX=1, float scaleY=1)
-//        // Find the maximum value of the histogram to scale
-//        // other values accordingly
-//        float histMax = 0;
-//        cvGetMinMaxHistValue(hist, 0, &histMax, 0, 0);
+//         // Find the maximum value of the histogram to scale
+//         // other values accordingly
+//         float histMax = 0;
+//         cvGetMinMaxHistValue(hist, 0, &histMax, 0, 0);
 //        // Create a new blank image based on scaleX and scaleY
 //        IplImage* imgHist = cvCreateImage(cvSize(256*scaleX, 64*scaleY), 8 ,1);
@@ -482,209 +479,227 @@ IplImage *pet::StereoContext::getDisparity(bool *dispNew)
     //        "==========: "
-    debout << "in    disp: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+    debout << "in    disp: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
-    if (dispNew != NULL)
+    if(dispNew != NULL)
         *dispNew = false;
-    if ((mStatus & preprocessed) && !(mStatus & genDisparity))
+    if((mStatus & preprocessed) && !(mStatus & genDisparity))
 #ifdef STEREO
         TriclopsError triclopsError;
-        if (mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value() >= mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value())
+        if(mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value() >= mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value())
-            debout << "Error: Invalid min/max settings for disparity (min>=max)!" <<endl;
+            debout << "Error: Invalid min/max settings for disparity (min>=max)!" << endl;
             return NULL;
-// opencv disp BM block matching ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//        CvMat* BMdisparity = cvCreateMat(mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width, CV_32FC1); // CV_16S
-//        CvStereoBMState *BMState = cvCreateStereoBMState(CV_STEREO_BM_BASIC, 64); // 16; durch 16 teilbar
-//        if (BMState == NULL)
-//            debout << "Error: setting up the block matching state!"  << endl;
-////        int edgeMaskSize = mMain->getStereoWidget()->edgeMaskSize->value()*4+1; // +1 wg ungerade
-////        BMState->preFilterSize = (edgeMaskSize>255?255:(edgeMaskSize<5?5:edgeMaskSize));//19; 41
-////        debout << BMState->preFilterSize << endl;
-////        BMState->preFilterCap=19; 31
-//        BMState->minDisparity        = mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value();
-//        BMState->numberOfDisparities = 16*(1+(mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()-mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value())/16); // muss durch 16 teilbar sein
-//        BMState->SADWindowSize       = mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoMaskSize->value()>=5?mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoMaskSize->value():5; // minimum 5 erlaubt
-////        BMState->textureThreshold=d; 10
-////        BMState->uniquenessRatio=e; 15
-//        debout << BMState->numberOfDisparities<<endl;
-//        //Computes the disparity map using block matching algorithm.
-//        //    * disparity � The output single-channel 16-bit signed, or 32-bit floating-point disparity map of the same size as input images.
-//        //                  In the first case the computed disparities are represented as fixed-point numbers with 4 fractional bits
-//        //                  (i.e. the computed disparity values are multiplied by 16 and rounded to integers).
-//        //The function cvFindStereoCorrespondenceBM computes disparity map for the input rectified stereo pair.
-//        //Invalid pixels (for which disparity can not be computed) are set to state->minDisparity - 1 (or to (state->minDisparity-1)*16
-//        //in the case of 16-bit fixed-point disparity map)
-//        cvFindStereoCorrespondenceBM(getRectified(cameraLeft), getRectified(cameraRight), BMdisparity, BMState); // &mRectLeft, &mRectRight
- // opencv disp GC graph cut matching ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        // folgende fkt soll genauer sein, dauert aber sehr lange und hat keine subpixelgenauigkeit
-//        CvMat* GCdisparityLeft = cvCreateMat(mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width, CV_16S); // CV_32FC1
-//        CvMat* GCdisparityRight = cvCreateMat(mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width, CV_16S); // CV_32FC1
-//        CvStereoGCState* GCState = cvCreateStereoGCState(0, 2); // min 0, Iterationen 2
-//        GCState->minDisparity        = mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value();
-//        GCState->numberOfDisparities = mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()-mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value(); //16*(1+(mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()-mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value())/16); // muss durch 16 teilbar sein
-//        cvFindStereoCorrespondenceGC(getRectified(cameraLeft), getRectified(cameraRight), GCdisparityLeft, GCdisparityRight, GCState); // &mRectLeft, &mRectRight
-//        cvReleaseStereoGCState(&state);
-//        CvMat* GCdisparityLeft_visual = cvCreateMat(mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width, CV_8U);
-//        cvConvertScale(GCdisparityLeft, GCdisparityLeft_visual, -16);
-//        cvNamedWindow("CVdispGCleft", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
-//        cvShowImage("CVdispGCleft", GCdisparityLeft_visual);
-//        CvMat* GCdisparityRight_visual = cvCreateMat(mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width, CV_8U);
-//        cvConvertScale(GCdisparityRight, GCdisparityRight_visual, 16);
-//        cvNamedWindow("CVdispGCright", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
-//        cvShowImage("CVdispGCright", GCdisparityRight_visual);
+        // opencv disp BM block matching
+        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        //        CvMat* BMdisparity = cvCreateMat(mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width, CV_32FC1); // CV_16S
+        //        CvStereoBMState *BMState = cvCreateStereoBMState(CV_STEREO_BM_BASIC, 64); // 16; durch 16 teilbar
+        //        if (BMState == NULL)
+        //            debout << "Error: setting up the block matching state!"  << endl;
+        ////        int edgeMaskSize = mMain->getStereoWidget()->edgeMaskSize->value()*4+1; // +1 wg ungerade
+        ////        BMState->preFilterSize = (edgeMaskSize>255?255:(edgeMaskSize<5?5:edgeMaskSize));//19; 41
+        ////        debout << BMState->preFilterSize << endl;
+        ////        BMState->preFilterCap=19; 31
+        //        BMState->minDisparity        = mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value();
+        //        BMState->numberOfDisparities =
+        //        16*(1+(mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()-mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value())/16);
+        //        // muss durch 16 teilbar sein BMState->SADWindowSize       =
+        //        mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoMaskSize->value()>=5?mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoMaskSize->value():5;
+        //        // minimum 5 erlaubt
+        ////        BMState->textureThreshold=d; 10
+        ////        BMState->uniquenessRatio=e; 15
+        //        debout << BMState->numberOfDisparities<<endl;
+        //        //Computes the disparity map using block matching algorithm.
+        //        //    * disparity � The output single-channel 16-bit signed, or 32-bit floating-point disparity map of
+        //        the same size as input images.
+        //        //                  In the first case the computed disparities are represented as fixed-point numbers
+        //        with 4 fractional bits
+        //        //                  (i.e. the computed disparity values are multiplied by 16 and rounded to integers).
+        //        //The function cvFindStereoCorrespondenceBM computes disparity map for the input rectified stereo
+        //        pair.
+        //        //Invalid pixels (for which disparity can not be computed) are set to state->minDisparity - 1 (or to
+        //        (state->minDisparity-1)*16
+        //        //in the case of 16-bit fixed-point disparity map)
+        //        cvFindStereoCorrespondenceBM(getRectified(cameraLeft), getRectified(cameraRight), BMdisparity,
+        //        BMState); // &mRectLeft, &mRectRight
+        // opencv disp GC graph cut matching
+        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- folgende fkt
+        // soll genauer sein, dauert aber sehr lange und hat keine subpixelgenauigkeit
+        //        CvMat* GCdisparityLeft = cvCreateMat(mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width, CV_16S); // CV_32FC1
+        //        CvMat* GCdisparityRight = cvCreateMat(mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width, CV_16S); // CV_32FC1
+        //        CvStereoGCState* GCState = cvCreateStereoGCState(0, 2); // min 0, Iterationen 2
+        //        GCState->minDisparity        = mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value();
+        //        GCState->numberOfDisparities =
+        //        mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()-mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value();
+        //        //16*(1+(mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()-mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value())/16);
+        //        // muss durch 16 teilbar sein
+        //        cvFindStereoCorrespondenceGC(getRectified(cameraLeft), getRectified(cameraRight), GCdisparityLeft,
+        //        GCdisparityRight, GCState); // &mRectLeft, &mRectRight
+        //        cvReleaseStereoGCState(&state);
+        //        CvMat* GCdisparityLeft_visual = cvCreateMat(mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width, CV_8U);
+        //        cvConvertScale(GCdisparityLeft, GCdisparityLeft_visual, -16);
+        //        cvNamedWindow("CVdispGCleft", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
+        //        cvShowImage("CVdispGCleft", GCdisparityLeft_visual);
+        //        CvMat* GCdisparityRight_visual = cvCreateMat(mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width, CV_8U);
+        //        cvConvertScale(GCdisparityRight, GCdisparityRight_visual, 16);
+        //        cvNamedWindow("CVdispGCright", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
+        //        cvShowImage("CVdispGCright", GCdisparityRight_visual);
         // minmax --------------------------
-//        float GCdisparityMin = FLT_MAX;
-//        float GCdisparityMax = 0;
-//        float* GCdata = (float*) GCdisparityRight->data.fl;//  .imageData;
-//        float* GCyData = data;
-//        int x,y;
-//        int noDispAnz=0;
-//        for (y = 0; y < GCdisparityRight->height; ++y)
-//        {
-//            for (x = 0; x < GCdisparityRight->width; ++x)
-//            {
-//                if (*data != (GCState->minDisparity - 1))
-//                {
-//                    if (*data > GCdisparityMax)
-//                        GCdisparityMax = *data;
-//                    else if (*data < GCdisparityMin)
-//                        GCdisparityMin = *data;
-//                }
-//                else
-//                    ++noDispAnz;
-//                ++data;
-//            }
-//            data = (yData += (GCdisparityRight->step/sizeof(float))); //width);
-//        }
-//        debout << noDispAnz << " " << GCdisparityMin << " " << GCdisparityMax <<endl;
- // bestimmung von min max ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//            float BMdisparityMin = FLT_MAX;
-//            float BMdisparityMax = 0;
-//            float* data = (float*) BMdisparity->data.fl;//  .imageData;
-//            float* yData = data;
-//            int x,y;
-//            int noDispAnz=0;
-//            for (y = 0; y < BMdisparity->height; ++y)
-//            {
-//                for (x = 0; x < BMdisparity->width; ++x)
-//                {
-//                    if (*data != (BMState->minDisparity - 1))
-//                    {
-//                        if (*data > BMdisparityMax)
-//                            BMdisparityMax = *data;
-//                        else if (*data < BMdisparityMin)
-//                            BMdisparityMin = *data;
-//                    }
-//                    else
-//                        ++noDispAnz;
-//                    ++data;
-//                }
-//                data = (yData += (BMdisparity->step/sizeof(float))); //width);
-//            }
-//            debout << noDispAnz << " " << BMdisparityMin << " " << BMdisparityMax <<endl;
-//            double dMin, dMax;
-//            cvMinMaxLoc(BMdisparity, &dMin, &dMax);
-//            debout << (BMState->minDisparity - 1) << " " << dMin << " " << dMax <<endl;
-//            BMdisparityMin = mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value();
-//            BMdisparityMax = mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value();
-//            debout << BMdisparityMin << " " << BMdisparityMax <<endl;
-// Ausgabe der opencv disp ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//            IplImage* BMdisparityImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(mRectRight.width,mRectRight.height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
-//            unsigned char* dataImg = ((unsigned char*) BMdisparityImg->imageData); // char*
-//            unsigned char* yDataImg = dataImg;
-//            QColor color;
-//            int hue;
-//            yData = data = (float*) BMdisparity->data.fl;
-//            --dataImg;
-//            for (y = 0; y < BMdisparity->height; ++y)
-//            {
-//                for (x = 0; x < BMdisparity->width; ++x)
-//                {
-//                    if (*data != (BMState->minDisparity - 1))
-//                    {
-//                        hue = ((*data-BMdisparityMin)*240.)/(BMdisparityMax-BMdisparityMin);
-//                        if (hue<0 || hue>240)
-//                            color.setHsv(0, 0, 255, 255); // white for values outside min/max
-//                        else
-//                            color.setHsv(hue, 255, 255, 255); // hue<0?0:(hue>240?240:hue)
-//                    }
-//                    else
-//                        color.setHsv(0, 0, 0, 255); // black, if no value
-//                    ++data;
-//                    *(++dataImg) = color.red();
-//                    *(++dataImg) = color.green();
-//                    *(++dataImg) = color.blue();
-//                }
-//                data = (yData += (BMdisparity->step/sizeof(float))); //width);
-//                dataImg = (yDataImg += BMdisparityImg->widthStep/sizeof(char)); //width);
-//            }
-//            cvNamedWindow("CVdisp", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
-//            cvShowImage("CVdisp", BMdisparityImg);
-//            // histogram ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-            //http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/c/histograms.html
-//            // let's quantize the hue to 30 levels
-//            // and the saturation to 32 levels
-//            int bins = 256; //, sbins = 32;
-//            int histSize[] = {bins}; //, sbins};
-//            //float range[] = { 0, 256 };
-//            //float* ranges[] = {range}; //s, sranges };
-//            CvHistogram* hist = cvCreateHist(1, histSize, CV_HIST_ARRAY); // ,ranges
-//            cvCalcHist((IplImage**) &BMdisparity, hist);
-////            double maxVal=0;
-////            minMaxLoc(hist, 0, &maxVal, 0, 0);
-//            cvNamedWindow("Histogram", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
-//            cvShowImage("Histogram", DrawHistogram(hist, 1, 1)); // DrawHistogram ist auskommentierte fkt von oiben
-//            // freigabe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//            cvReleaseImage(&BMdisparityImg);
-//            cvReleaseMat(&BMdisparity);
-//            cvReleaseStereoBMState(&BMState);
-//            //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        if (mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoDispAlgo->currentIndex() == 0) // ptGrey -------------------------------------------------------
+        //        float GCdisparityMin = FLT_MAX;
+        //        float GCdisparityMax = 0;
+        //        float* GCdata = (float*) GCdisparityRight->data.fl;//  .imageData;
+        //        float* GCyData = data;
+        //        int x,y;
+        //        int noDispAnz=0;
+        //        for (y = 0; y < GCdisparityRight->height; ++y)
+        //        {
+        //            for (x = 0; x < GCdisparityRight->width; ++x)
+        //            {
+        //                if (*data != (GCState->minDisparity - 1))
+        //                {
+        //                    if (*data > GCdisparityMax)
+        //                        GCdisparityMax = *data;
+        //                    else if (*data < GCdisparityMin)
+        //                        GCdisparityMin = *data;
+        //                }
+        //                else
+        //                    ++noDispAnz;
+        //                ++data;
+        //            }
+        //            data = (yData += (GCdisparityRight->step/sizeof(float))); //width);
+        //        }
+        //        debout << noDispAnz << " " << GCdisparityMin << " " << GCdisparityMax <<endl;
+        // bestimmung von min max
+        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        //            float BMdisparityMin = FLT_MAX;
+        //            float BMdisparityMax = 0;
+        //            float* data = (float*) BMdisparity->data.fl;//  .imageData;
+        //            float* yData = data;
+        //            int x,y;
+        //            int noDispAnz=0;
+        //            for (y = 0; y < BMdisparity->height; ++y)
+        //            {
+        //                for (x = 0; x < BMdisparity->width; ++x)
+        //                {
+        //                    if (*data != (BMState->minDisparity - 1))
+        //                    {
+        //                        if (*data > BMdisparityMax)
+        //                            BMdisparityMax = *data;
+        //                        else if (*data < BMdisparityMin)
+        //                            BMdisparityMin = *data;
+        //                    }
+        //                    else
+        //                        ++noDispAnz;
+        //                    ++data;
+        //                }
+        //                data = (yData += (BMdisparity->step/sizeof(float))); //width);
+        //            }
+        //            debout << noDispAnz << " " << BMdisparityMin << " " << BMdisparityMax <<endl;
+        //            double dMin, dMax;
+        //            cvMinMaxLoc(BMdisparity, &dMin, &dMax);
+        //            debout << (BMState->minDisparity - 1) << " " << dMin << " " << dMax <<endl;
+        //            BMdisparityMin = mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value();
+        //            BMdisparityMax = mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value();
+        //            debout << BMdisparityMin << " " << BMdisparityMax <<endl;
+        // Ausgabe der opencv disp
+        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        //            IplImage* BMdisparityImg =
+        //            cvCreateImage(cvSize(mRectRight.width,mRectRight.height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3); unsigned char* dataImg =
+        //            ((unsigned char*) BMdisparityImg->imageData); // char* unsigned char* yDataImg = dataImg; QColor
+        //            color; int hue;
+        //            yData = data = (float*) BMdisparity->data.fl;
+        //            --dataImg;
+        //            for (y = 0; y < BMdisparity->height; ++y)
+        //            {
+        //                for (x = 0; x < BMdisparity->width; ++x)
+        //                {
+        //                    if (*data != (BMState->minDisparity - 1))
+        //                    {
+        //                        hue = ((*data-BMdisparityMin)*240.)/(BMdisparityMax-BMdisparityMin);
+        //                        if (hue<0 || hue>240)
+        //                            color.setHsv(0, 0, 255, 255); // white for values outside min/max
+        //                        else
+        //                            color.setHsv(hue, 255, 255, 255); // hue<0?0:(hue>240?240:hue)
+        //                    }
+        //                    else
+        //                        color.setHsv(0, 0, 0, 255); // black, if no value
+        //                    ++data;
+        //                    *(++dataImg) = color.red();
+        //                    *(++dataImg) = color.green();
+        //                    *(++dataImg) = color.blue();
+        //                }
+        //                data = (yData += (BMdisparity->step/sizeof(float))); //width);
+        //                dataImg = (yDataImg += BMdisparityImg->widthStep/sizeof(char)); //width);
+        //            }
+        //            cvNamedWindow("CVdisp", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
+        //            cvShowImage("CVdisp", BMdisparityImg);
+        //            // histogram
+        //            ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        // http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/c/histograms.html
+        //            // let's quantize the hue to 30 levels
+        //            // and the saturation to 32 levels
+        //            int bins = 256; //, sbins = 32;
+        //            int histSize[] = {bins}; //, sbins};
+        //            //float range[] = { 0, 256 };
+        //            //float* ranges[] = {range}; //s, sranges };
+        //            CvHistogram* hist = cvCreateHist(1, histSize, CV_HIST_ARRAY); // ,ranges
+        //            cvCalcHist((IplImage**) &BMdisparity, hist);
+        ////            double maxVal=0;
+        ////            minMaxLoc(hist, 0, &maxVal, 0, 0);
+        //            cvNamedWindow("Histogram", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
+        //            cvShowImage("Histogram", DrawHistogram(hist, 1, 1)); // DrawHistogram ist auskommentierte fkt von
+        //            oiben
+        //            // freigabe
+        //            ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        //            cvReleaseImage(&BMdisparityImg);
+        //            cvReleaseMat(&BMdisparity);
+        //            cvReleaseStereoBMState(&BMState);
+        //            //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        if(mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoDispAlgo->currentIndex() ==
+           0) // ptGrey -------------------------------------------------------
             //// Description: This structure is used for image output from the Triclops
             ////   system for image types that require 16-bits per pixel.  This is the format
@@ -694,41 +709,43 @@ IplImage *pet::StereoContext::getDisparity(bool *dispNew)
             ////   the beginning of a row and the beginning of the following row
             ////   (NOT number of pixels).
-            //typedef struct TriclopsImage16
+            // typedef struct TriclopsImage16
-            //   // The number of rows in the image.
-            //   int 		     nrows;
-            //   // The number of columns in the image.
-            //   int 		     ncols;
-            //   // The number row increment of the image.
-            //   int		     rowinc;
-            //   // The pixel data of the image.
-            //   unsigned short*   data;
+            //    // The number of rows in the image.
+            //    int 		     nrows;
+            //    // The number of columns in the image.
+            //    int 		     ncols;
+            //    // The number row increment of the image.
+            //    int		     rowinc;
+            //    // The pixel data of the image.
+            //    unsigned short*   data;
-            //} TriclopsImage16;
+            // } TriclopsImage16;
 #ifdef STEREO
             // set values for stereo processing
-            triclopsError = triclopsSetDisparity(mTriclopsContext,
-                                                 mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value(),
-                                                 mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()); // ,100// 22, 66); // set disparity range 14..36 bei mu oder mo  untere kamera
-            if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
-                debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << " for the disparity range!"  << endl;
+            triclopsError = triclopsSetDisparity(
+                mTriclopsContext,
+                mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value(),
+                mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()); // ,100// 22, 66); // set disparity range 14..36 bei
+                                                                  // mu oder mo  untere kamera
+            if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+                debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << " for the disparity range!" << endl;
             triclopsError = triclopsSetStereoMask(mTriclopsContext, mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoMaskSize->value());
-            if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
-                debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << " for the stereo mask size!"  << endl;
+            if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+                debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << " for the stereo mask size!" << endl;
             // Do stereo processing
             triclopsError = triclopsStereo(mTriclopsContext);
-            if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+            if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
                 debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
                 return NULL;
             triclopsError = triclopsGetImage16(mTriclopsContext, TriImg16_DISPARITY, TriCam_REFERENCE, &mTriDisparity);
-            if (triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
+            if(triclopsError != TriclopsErrorOk)
                 debout << triclopsErrorToString(triclopsError) << endl;
                 return NULL;
@@ -737,51 +754,73 @@ IplImage *pet::StereoContext::getDisparity(bool *dispNew)
             mDisparity.imageData = (char *) mTriDisparity.data;
-        else if (mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoDispAlgo->currentIndex() == 1) // openCV Block Matching ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        else if(
+            mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoDispAlgo->currentIndex() ==
+            1) // openCV Block Matching
+               // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             // Bestimmung CV_16S und Ausgabe der opencv disp
-            if (!mBMState) // noch =NULL
+            if(!mBMState) // noch =NULL
                 mBMState = cvCreateStereoBMState(CV_STEREO_BM_BASIC, 64); // 16; durch 16 teilbar
-                if (mBMState == NULL)
-                    debout << "Error: setting up the block matching state!"  << endl;
+                if(mBMState == NULL)
+                    debout << "Error: setting up the block matching state!" << endl;
             //        int edgeMaskSize = mMain->getStereoWidget()->edgeMaskSize->value()*4+1; // +1 wg ungerade
             //        mBMState->preFilterSize = (edgeMaskSize>255?255:(edgeMaskSize<5?5:edgeMaskSize));//19; 41
             //        debout << mBMState->preFilterSize << endl;
             //        mBMState->preFilterCap=19; 31
-            mBMState->SADWindowSize = myClip(mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoMaskSize->value(), 5, 21); //>=5?mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoMaskSize->value():5; // minimum 5 erlaubt, ab 21 wird zuviel als mindens und maxdens angezeigt!
+            mBMState->SADWindowSize = myClip(
+                mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoMaskSize->value(),
+                5,
+                21); //>=5?mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoMaskSize->value():5; // minimum 5 erlaubt, ab 21 wird zuviel
+                     // als mindens und maxdens angezeigt!
             //        mBMState->textureThreshold=d; 10
             //        mBMState->uniquenessRatio=e; 15
-            // umkehrung der disparity, da links und rechts vertauscht werden musste, damit disp fuer rechtes bild berechnet wird
-            mBMState->minDisparity        = -(mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value())+1; // +1, weil es dann mit ptgrey fuer min besser passt
-            mBMState->numberOfDisparities = 16*((mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()-mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value())/16); // muss durch 16 teilbar sein
-            if (mBMState->numberOfDisparities < 16) // mind 16 ist vorgeschrieben
+            // umkehrung der disparity, da links und rechts vertauscht werden musste, damit disp fuer rechtes bild
+            // berechnet wird
+            mBMState->minDisparity = -(mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()) +
+                                     1; // +1, weil es dann mit ptgrey fuer min besser passt
+            mBMState->numberOfDisparities =
+                16 *
+                ((mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value() - mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value()) /
+                 16);                              // muss durch 16 teilbar sein
+            if(mBMState->numberOfDisparities < 16) // mind 16 ist vorgeschrieben
                 mBMState->numberOfDisparities = 16;
-            if (!mBMdisparity16)
+            if(!mBMdisparity16)
-                mBMdisparity16 = cvCreateMat(mDisparity.height, mDisparity.width, CV_16S); // mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width gehtz nicht da ggf noch nicht vorliegend
-                if (mBMdisparity16 == NULL)
-                    debout << "Error: create matrix for block matching disparity map!"  << endl;
+                mBMdisparity16 = cvCreateMat(
+                    mDisparity.height,
+                    mDisparity.width,
+                    CV_16S); // mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width gehtz nicht da ggf noch nicht vorliegend
+                if(mBMdisparity16 == NULL)
+                    debout << "Error: create matrix for block matching disparity map!" << endl;
-            // folgendes kann nicht genutzt werden um rechenzeiut zu sparen, da rectified nach erstem durchlauf dieser fkt auch mit ptgrey gesetzt wird, dabei aber nicht mrectleft gesetzt wird
-//            if (mStatus & rectified)
-//                cvFindStereoCorrespondenceBM(&mRectRight, &mRectLeft, mBMdisparity16, mBMState);
-//            else
-//            cv::StereoBM::compute(getRectified(cameraRight),getRectified(cameraLeft),mBMdisparity16);
+            // folgendes kann nicht genutzt werden um rechenzeiut zu sparen, da rectified nach erstem durchlauf dieser
+            // fkt auch mit ptgrey gesetzt wird, dabei aber nicht mrectleft gesetzt wird
+            //            if (mStatus & rectified)
+            //                cvFindStereoCorrespondenceBM(&mRectRight, &mRectLeft, mBMdisparity16, mBMState);
+            //            else
+            //
+            //            cv::StereoBM::compute(getRectified(cameraRight),getRectified(cameraLeft),mBMdisparity16);
-            cvFindStereoCorrespondenceBM(getRectified(cameraRight), getRectified(cameraLeft), mBMdisparity16, mBMState); // &mRectRight, &mRectLeft geht nicht, da noch nicht
+            cvFindStereoCorrespondenceBM(
+                getRectified(cameraRight),
+                getRectified(cameraLeft),
+                mBMdisparity16,
+                mBMState); // &mRectRight, &mRectLeft geht nicht, da noch nicht
-//            cvMinMaxLoc(mBMdisparity16, &dMin, &dMax);
-//            debout << (mBMState->minDisparity-1)*16 << " " << dMin << " " << dMax <<endl;
+            //            cvMinMaxLoc(mBMdisparity16, &dMin, &dMax);
+            //            debout << (mBMState->minDisparity-1)*16 << " " << dMin << " " << dMax <<endl;
             //            CvMat* BMdisparity_visual = cvCreateMat(mRectRight.height, mRectRight.width, CV_8U);
-            //            cvConvertScale(mBMdisparity16, BMdisparity_visual, 255/dMax);//, 255/((mBMState->minDisparity+mBMState->numberOfDisparities)*16));//, 255/dMax); //255/(dMax-mBMState->minDisparity*16), -mBMState->minDisparity); // scale, shift
+            //            cvConvertScale(mBMdisparity16, BMdisparity_visual, 255/dMax);//,
+            //            255/((mBMState->minDisparity+mBMState->numberOfDisparities)*16));//, 255/dMax);
+            //            //255/(dMax-mBMState->minDisparity*16), -mBMState->minDisparity); // scale, shift
             //            // weiss sind ausreisser nach oben
             //            // mittlerer Grauwert zeigt an, dass nichts gefunden wurde
             //            // schwarz ist 0 und liegt untzer minDisparity
@@ -791,54 +830,63 @@ IplImage *pet::StereoContext::getDisparity(bool *dispNew)
             //            cvShowImage("CVdispBM16", BMdisparity_visual);
             // exchange/replace value in mBMdisparity16 so that the error value is the same like in pointgrey
-            short* data16 = (short*) mBMdisparity16->data.s;
-            short* yData16 = data16;
+            short *data16  = (short *) mBMdisparity16->data.s;
+            short *yData16 = data16;
-//            int noDispAnz1 = 0, noDispAnz2 = 0, noDispAnz3 = 0;
-//            double dMin, dMax;
-//            cvMinMaxLoc(mBMdisparity16, &dMin, &dMax);
-//            debout << endl << mBMState->minDisparity << " " << mBMState->minDisparity+mBMState->numberOfDisparities <<endl;
-//            debout << dMin << " " << dMax <<endl;
+            //            int noDispAnz1 = 0, noDispAnz2 = 0, noDispAnz3 = 0;
+            //            double dMin, dMax;
+            //            cvMinMaxLoc(mBMdisparity16, &dMin, &dMax);
+            //            debout << endl << mBMState->minDisparity << " " <<
+            //            mBMState->minDisparity+mBMState->numberOfDisparities <<endl; debout << dMin << " " << dMax
+            //            <<endl;
-            for (int y = 0; y < mBMdisparity16->height; ++y)
+            for(int y = 0; y < mBMdisparity16->height; ++y)
-                for (int x = 0; x < mBMdisparity16->width; ++x)
+                for(int x = 0; x < mBMdisparity16->width; ++x)
-                    //if ((*data16 < (mBMState->minDisparity)*16) || (*data16 > (mBMState->minDisparity+mBMState->numberOfDisparities)*16)) // zeigt genau den Bereich, der auch algo uebergeben wurde
-                    if ((-*data16 < (mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value())*16) ||
-                        (-*data16 > (mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value())*16) ||  // laesst nur den Teil ueber, der in gui eingestellt wurde
-                        (*data16 <= (mBMState->minDisparity)*16))// enthaelt auch: (*data16 == (mBMState->minDisparity-1)*16)) // marker fuer nicht berechneten wert
+                    // if ((*data16 < (mBMState->minDisparity)*16) || (*data16 >
+                    // (mBMState->minDisparity+mBMState->numberOfDisparities)*16)) // zeigt genau den Bereich, der auch
+                    // algo uebergeben wurde
+                    if((-*data16 < (mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value()) * 16) ||
+                       (-*data16 > (mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()) *
+                                       16) || // laesst nur den Teil ueber, der in gui eingestellt wurde
+                       (*data16 <=
+                        (mBMState->minDisparity) * 16)) // enthaelt auch: (*data16 == (mBMState->minDisparity-1)*16)) //
+                                                        // marker fuer nicht berechneten wert
-//                        if (*data16 == (mBMState->minDisparity-1)*16)
-//                            ++noDispAnz1;
-//                        else
-//                            ++noDispAnz2;
+                        //                        if (*data16 == (mBMState->minDisparity-1)*16)
+                        //                            ++noDispAnz1;
+                        //                        else
+                        //                            ++noDispAnz2;
                         *data16 = 0xFF00; // fehlercode gemaess ptgrey
-//                    if (*data16 == (mBMState->minDisparity-1)*16) // eigentlicher fehler-wert, wenn nichts erkannt wird; wird durch vorherige abfrage mit geloescht
-//                    {
-////                        ++noDispAnz;
-//                        *data16 = 0xFF00;
-//                    }
-//                    else if (*data16 > 0) // passiert nicht mehr
-//                    {
-//                        *data16 = 0; //*data16+0x8000; // da signed <-> unsigned: zB bei char: -127 und 255 gleiche bitrepraesentation
-////                        ++noDispAnz3;
-//                    }
+                    //                    if (*data16 == (mBMState->minDisparity-1)*16) // eigentlicher fehler-wert,
+                    //                    wenn nichts erkannt wird; wird durch vorherige abfrage mit geloescht
+                    //                    {
+                    ////                        ++noDispAnz;
+                    //                        *data16 = 0xFF00;
+                    //                    }
+                    //                    else if (*data16 > 0) // passiert nicht mehr
+                    //                    {
+                    //                        *data16 = 0; //*data16+0x8000; // da signed <-> unsigned: zB bei char:
+                    //                        -127 und 255 gleiche bitrepraesentation
+                    ////                        ++noDispAnz3;
+                    //                    }
                         // vorzeichen umkehren und
                         // disparityFloat = (float) disparity16 / 256.0; //16-bit in triclops umrechung
-                        *data16 = -*data16*16; // *16, da cv disp nur faktor 16 fuer subpixelgenauigkeit hat und triclops *256
+                        *data16 = -*data16 *
+                                  16; // *16, da cv disp nur faktor 16 fuer subpixelgenauigkeit hat und triclops *256
                     //                    else
                     //                        *data16 = (unsigned int) *data16;
-                data16 = (yData16 += (mBMdisparity16->step/sizeof(short))); //width);
+                data16 = (yData16 += (mBMdisparity16->step / sizeof(short))); // width);
-//            debout << noDispAnz1 << " " << noDispAnz2 << " " << noDispAnz3 << " " <<endl;
-//            cvMinMaxLoc(mBMdisparity16, &dMin, &dMax);
-//            debout << dMin << " " << dMax <<endl;
+            //            debout << noDispAnz1 << " " << noDispAnz2 << " " << noDispAnz3 << " " <<endl;
+            //            cvMinMaxLoc(mBMdisparity16, &dMin, &dMax);
+            //            debout << dMin << " " << dMax <<endl;
             //            unsigned short int uu; short int ss;
             //            uu = 0x8000; ss = 0x8000;
@@ -846,69 +894,80 @@ IplImage *pet::StereoContext::getDisparity(bool *dispNew)
             mDisparity.imageData = (char *) mBMdisparity16->data.ptr;
-        else if (mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoDispAlgo->currentIndex() == 2) // openCV semi-global block matching http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/cpp/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.html#stereosgbm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        else if(
+            mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoDispAlgo->currentIndex() ==
+            2) // openCV semi-global block matching
+               // http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/cpp/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.html#stereosgbm
+               // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//            int cn = img1.channels();
-//            sgbm.preFilterCap = 63;
-//            sgbm.SADWindowSize = 11;
-//            sgbm.P1 = 8*cn*sgbm.SADWindowSize*sgbm.SADWindowSize;
-//            sgbm.P2 = 32*cn*sgbm.SADWindowSize*sgbm.SADWindowSize;
-//            sgbm.minDisparity = 16;
-//            sgbm.numberOfDisparities = 64;
-//            sgbm.uniquenessRatio = 15;
-//            sgbm.speckleWindowSize = 3;
-//            sgbm.speckleRange = 3;
-//            sgbm.disp12MaxDiff = 1;
-//            sgbm.fullDP = false;
-//            Mat disp, disp8;
-//            sgbm(img1, img2, disp);
+            //            int cn = img1.channels();
+            //            sgbm.preFilterCap = 63;
+            //            sgbm.SADWindowSize = 11;
+            //            sgbm.P1 = 8*cn*sgbm.SADWindowSize*sgbm.SADWindowSize;
+            //            sgbm.P2 = 32*cn*sgbm.SADWindowSize*sgbm.SADWindowSize;
+            //            sgbm.minDisparity = 16;
+            //            sgbm.numberOfDisparities = 64;
+            //            sgbm.uniquenessRatio = 15;
+            //            sgbm.speckleWindowSize = 3;
+            //            sgbm.speckleRange = 3;
+            //            sgbm.disp12MaxDiff = 1;
+            //            sgbm.fullDP = false;
+            //            Mat disp, disp8;
+            //            sgbm(img1, img2, disp);
-            if (!mSgbm) // noch =NULL
+            if(!mSgbm) // noch =NULL
+                mSgbm = new cv::StereoSGBM; // cvCreateStereoBMState(CV_STEREO_BM_BASIC, 64); // 16; durch 16 teilbar
-                mSgbm = new cv::StereoSGBM; //cvCreateStereoBMState(CV_STEREO_BM_BASIC, 64); // 16; durch 16 teilbar
-                if (mSgbm == NULL)
-                    debout << "Error: setting up the semi-global block matching state!"  << endl;
+                if(mSgbm == NULL)
+                    debout << "Error: setting up the semi-global block matching state!" << endl;
             mSgbm->SADWindowSize = myClip(mMain->getStereoWidget()->stereoMaskSize->value(), 1, 11);
-            // umkehrung der disparity, da links und rechts vertauscht werden musste, damit disp fuer rechtes bild berechnet wird
-            mSgbm->minDisparity        = -(mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value())+1; // +1, weil es dann mit ptgrey fuer min besser passt
-            mSgbm->numberOfDisparities = 16*((mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()-mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value())/16); // muss durch 16 teilbar sein
-            if (mSgbm->numberOfDisparities < 16) // mind 16 ist vorgeschrieben
+            // umkehrung der disparity, da links und rechts vertauscht werden musste, damit disp fuer rechtes bild
+            // berechnet wird
+            mSgbm->minDisparity = -(mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()) +
+                                  1; // +1, weil es dann mit ptgrey fuer min besser passt
+            mSgbm->numberOfDisparities =
+                16 *
+                ((mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value() - mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value()) /
+                 16);                           // muss durch 16 teilbar sein
+            if(mSgbm->numberOfDisparities < 16) // mind 16 ist vorgeschrieben
                 mSgbm->numberOfDisparities = 16;
-            mSgbm->preFilterCap = 63;
-            mSgbm->P1 = 8 * mSgbm->SADWindowSize * mSgbm->SADWindowSize;
-            mSgbm->P2 = 4*mSgbm->P1;
-            mSgbm->uniquenessRatio = 15;
+            mSgbm->preFilterCap      = 63;
+            mSgbm->P1                = 8 * mSgbm->SADWindowSize * mSgbm->SADWindowSize;
+            mSgbm->P2                = 4 * mSgbm->P1;
+            mSgbm->uniquenessRatio   = 15;
             mSgbm->speckleWindowSize = 3;
-            mSgbm->speckleRange = 3;
-            mSgbm->disp12MaxDiff = 1;
+            mSgbm->speckleRange      = 3;
+            mSgbm->disp12MaxDiff     = 1;
             int SADWindowSize = 11;
-            int nDisparities = ( mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value() - mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value() ) / 16;
-            //mSgbm = StereoSGBM::create(nDisparities, SADWindowSize);
-            mSgbm = StereoSGBM::create(-(mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value())+1, // minDisparity
-                           16 * nDisparities, //numDisparities
-                           11, // blockSize
-                           8 * SADWindowSize * SADWindowSize, // P1
-                           4 * (8 * SADWindowSize * SADWindowSize), // P2
-                           1, // disp12MaxDiff
-                           63, // preFilterCap
-                           15, // uniquenessRatio
-                           3, // speckleWindowSize
-                           3, // speckleRange
-                           StereoSGBM::MODE_SGBM // mode
-                           );
+            int nDisparities =
+                (mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value() - mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value()) /
+                16;
+            // mSgbm = StereoSGBM::create(nDisparities, SADWindowSize);
+            mSgbm = StereoSGBM::create(
+                -(mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()) + 1, // minDisparity
+                16 * nDisparities,                                      // numDisparities
+                11,                                                     // blockSize
+                8 * SADWindowSize * SADWindowSize,                      // P1
+                4 * (8 * SADWindowSize * SADWindowSize),                // P2
+                1,                                                      // disp12MaxDiff
+                63,                                                     // preFilterCap
+                15,                                                     // uniquenessRatio
+                3,                                                      // speckleWindowSize
+                3,                                                      // speckleRange
+                StereoSGBM::MODE_SGBM                                   // mode
+            );
-            if (!mBMdisparity16)
+            if(!mBMdisparity16)
                 mBMdisparity16 = cvCreateMat(mDisparity.height, mDisparity.width, CV_16S);
-                if (mBMdisparity16 == NULL)
-                    debout << "Error: create matrix for block matching disparity map!"  << endl;
+                if(mBMdisparity16 == NULL)
+                    debout << "Error: create matrix for block matching disparity map!" << endl;
@@ -921,51 +980,56 @@ IplImage *pet::StereoContext::getDisparity(bool *dispNew)
             cv::Mat MR(cvarrToMat(getRectified(cameraRight)));
             cv::Mat ML(cvarrToMat(getRectified(cameraLeft)));
             cv::Mat MD(cvarrToMat(mBMdisparity16));
-            mSgbm->compute(ML,MR,MD);
+            mSgbm->compute(ML, MR, MD);
-//            debout << mSgbm->preFilterCap <<endl; // default: 0
-//            debout << mSgbm->SADWindowSize <<endl;
-//            debout << mSgbm->P1 <<endl; // default: 0
-//            debout << mSgbm->P2 <<endl; // default: 0
-//            debout << mSgbm->minDisparity <<endl;
-//            debout << mSgbm->numberOfDisparities <<endl;
-//            debout << mSgbm->uniquenessRatio <<endl; // default: 0
-//            debout << mSgbm->speckleWindowSize <<endl; // default: 0
-//            debout << mSgbm->speckleRange <<endl; // default: 0
-//            debout << mSgbm->disp12MaxDiff <<endl; // default: 0
-//            debout << mSgbm->fullDP <<endl; // default: 0
+            //            debout << mSgbm->preFilterCap <<endl; // default: 0
+            //            debout << mSgbm->SADWindowSize <<endl;
+            //            debout << mSgbm->P1 <<endl; // default: 0
+            //            debout << mSgbm->P2 <<endl; // default: 0
+            //            debout << mSgbm->minDisparity <<endl;
+            //            debout << mSgbm->numberOfDisparities <<endl;
+            //            debout << mSgbm->uniquenessRatio <<endl; // default: 0
+            //            debout << mSgbm->speckleWindowSize <<endl; // default: 0
+            //            debout << mSgbm->speckleRange <<endl; // default: 0
+            //            debout << mSgbm->disp12MaxDiff <<endl; // default: 0
+            //            debout << mSgbm->fullDP <<endl; // default: 0
             // exchange/replace value in mBMdisparity16 so that the error value is the same like in pointgrey
-            short* data16 = (short*) mBMdisparity16->data.s;
-            short* yData16 = data16;
+            short *data16  = (short *) mBMdisparity16->data.s;
+            short *yData16 = data16;
-            for (int y = 0; y < mBMdisparity16->height; ++y)
+            for(int y = 0; y < mBMdisparity16->height; ++y)
-                for (int x = 0; x < mBMdisparity16->width; ++x)
+                for(int x = 0; x < mBMdisparity16->width; ++x)
-                    if ((-*data16 < (mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value())*16) ||
-                        (-*data16 > (mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value())*16) ||  // laesst nur den Teil ueber, der in gui eingestellt wurde
+                    if((-*data16 < (mMain->getStereoWidget()->minDisparity->value()) * 16) ||
+                       (-*data16 > (mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()) *
+                                       16) || // laesst nur den Teil ueber, der in gui eingestellt wurde
-                            (*data16 <= (mSgbm->minDisparity)*16))// enthaelt auch: (*data16 == (mBMState->minDisparity-1)*16)) // marker fuer nicht berechneten wert
+                       (*data16 <=
+                        (mSgbm->minDisparity) * 16)) // enthaelt auch: (*data16 == (mBMState->minDisparity-1)*16)) //
+                                                     // marker fuer nicht berechneten wert
-                            (*data16 <= (-(mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value())+1)*16))
+                       (*data16 <= (-(mMain->getStereoWidget()->maxDisparity->value()) + 1) * 16))
                         *data16 = 0xFF00; // fehlercode gemaess ptgrey
                     else // vorzeichen umkehren und
-                        if (-*data16*16 > SHRT_MAX)
+                        if(-*data16 * 16 > SHRT_MAX)
                             *data16 = SHRT_MAX;
                             debout << "Warning: Disparity set to SHRT_MAX for Pixel " << x << "/" << y << endl;
-                            *data16 = -*data16*16; // *16, da cv disp nur faktor 16 fuer subpixelgenauigkeit hat und triclops *256
+                            *data16 =
+                                -*data16 *
+                                16; // *16, da cv disp nur faktor 16 fuer subpixelgenauigkeit hat und triclops *256
-                data16 = (yData16 += (mBMdisparity16->step/sizeof(short)));
+                data16 = (yData16 += (mBMdisparity16->step / sizeof(short)));
             mDisparity.imageData = (char *) mBMdisparity16->data.ptr;
@@ -973,87 +1037,79 @@ IplImage *pet::StereoContext::getDisparity(bool *dispNew)
-        if (mMin == USHRT_MAX) // das allererste Mal
+        if(mMin == USHRT_MAX) // das allererste Mal
-        if (dispNew != NULL)
+        if(dispNew != NULL)
             *dispNew = true;
         mMain->getStereoItem()->setDispNew(true); // das zu zeichnende Bild neu berechnen
-        // temporaere code um hoehe [0..ca.176] stereo-einzelbildfolge einzulesen: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        // hier nur um farbbild als disp in petrack anzeigen zu koennen, ist nicht passendes disp bild
-        QString fn = QString(STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE) + QString("pointCloud_%1.hgt").arg(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum()%(STEREO_SEQ_LAST_FRAME-STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME+1) + STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME, 3, 10, QChar('0')); // [2,159]
+        // temporaere code um hoehe [0..ca.176] stereo-einzelbildfolge einzulesen:
+        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hier
+        // nur um farbbild als disp in petrack anzeigen zu koennen, ist nicht passendes disp bild
+        QString fn = QString(STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE) +
+                     QString("pointCloud_%1.hgt")
+                         .arg(
+                             mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() % (STEREO_SEQ_LAST_FRAME - STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME + 1) +
+                                 STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME,
+                             3,
+                             10,
+                             QChar('0')); // [2,159]
         debout << "Read height field for disparity image" << fn << endl;
         QFile file(fn);
-        if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
+        if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
-            PInformation(NULL,"show","Failed to read");
+            PInformation(NULL, "show", "Failed to read");
-        QByteArray buffer = file.readAll(); //reinterpret_cast<double *> mDisparity.height*mDisparity.width*8
-        //debout << "Number of bytes in height field from virtual scene: " << buffer.size() <<endl;
-        double * dBuffer = (double *) buffer.data();
+        QByteArray buffer = file.readAll(); // reinterpret_cast<double *> mDisparity.height*mDisparity.width*8
+        // debout << "Number of bytes in height field from virtual scene: " << buffer.size() <<endl;
+        double *dBuffer = (double *) buffer.data();
-        if (!mBMdisparity16)
+        if(!mBMdisparity16)
             mBMdisparity16 = cvCreateMat(mDisparity.height, mDisparity.width, CV_16S);
-            if (mBMdisparity16 == NULL)
-                debout << "Error: create matrix for libelas disparity map!"  << endl;
+            if(mBMdisparity16 == NULL)
+                debout << "Error: create matrix for libelas disparity map!" << endl;
-        short* data16 = (short*) mBMdisparity16->data.s;
-        short* yData16 = data16;
-        int i, j;
+        short *data16  = (short *) mBMdisparity16->data.s;
+        short *yData16 = data16;
+        int    i, j;
         double disp;
-        for (i = mDisparity.height-1; i >= 0; --i) // 960 // dateiinhalt liegt in y gespiegelt vor
-        //for (i = 0; i < mDisparity.height; ++i) // 960
+        for(i = mDisparity.height - 1; i >= 0; --i) // 960 // dateiinhalt liegt in y gespiegelt vor
+        // for (i = 0; i < mDisparity.height; ++i) // 960
-            for (j = 0; j < mDisparity.width; ++j) // 1280
+            for(j = 0; j < mDisparity.width; ++j) // 1280
-                disp = dBuffer[3*(j+i*mDisparity.width)+2];
-                if (disp > -0.9)
-                    *data16 = SHRT_MAX*disp/STEREO_SEQ_MAX_PERS_HEIGHT; // von maximal STEREO_SEQ_MAX_PERS_HEIGHT cm personengroesse  wird ausgegangen // dateiinhalt liegt in y gespiegelt vor
+                disp = dBuffer[3 * (j + i * mDisparity.width) + 2];
+                if(disp > -0.9)
+                    *data16 = SHRT_MAX * disp /
+                              STEREO_SEQ_MAX_PERS_HEIGHT; // von maximal STEREO_SEQ_MAX_PERS_HEIGHT cm personengroesse
+                                                          // wird ausgegangen // dateiinhalt liegt in y gespiegelt vor
-                    *data16 = 0xFFFF; //erlaubte werte: disp < 0xFF00 xxx
+                    *data16 = 0xFFFF; // erlaubte werte: disp < 0xFF00 xxx
-            data16 = (yData16 += (mBMdisparity16->step/sizeof(short)));
+            data16 = (yData16 += (mBMdisparity16->step / sizeof(short)));
         mDisparity.imageData = (char *) mBMdisparity16->data.ptr;
-        mMin = 0;
-        mMax = SHRT_MAX;
+        mMin                 = 0;
+        mMax                 = SHRT_MAX;
-    //        "==========: "
-    debout << "out   disp: " << getElapsedTime() <<endl;
+        //        "==========: "
+        debout << "out   disp: " << getElapsedTime() << endl;
         return &mDisparity;
-    else if (mStatus & genDisparity)
+    else if(mStatus & genDisparity)
         return &mDisparity;
@@ -1074,29 +1130,29 @@ double pet::StereoContext::getCmPerPixel(float z)
     triclopsXYZToRCD(mTriclopsContext, 1., 1., z, &row1, &col, &disp);
     triclopsXYZToRCD(mTriclopsContext, 1., 2., z, &row2, &col, &disp);
-    return 100./(row2-row1);
+    return 100. / (row2 - row1);
 void pet::StereoContext::calcMinMax()
-    if (mStatus & genDisparity)
+    if(mStatus & genDisparity)
         mMin = USHRT_MAX;
         mMax = 0;
-        unsigned short* data = (unsigned short*) mDisparity.imageData;
-        unsigned short* yData = data;
-        int x,y;
+        unsigned short *data  = (unsigned short *) mDisparity.imageData;
+        unsigned short *yData = data;
+        int             x, y;
-        for (y = 0; y < mDisparity.height; ++y)
+        for(y = 0; y < mDisparity.height; ++y)
-            for (x = 0; x < mDisparity.width; ++x)
+            for(x = 0; x < mDisparity.width; ++x)
-                if (dispValueValid(*data))
+                if(dispValueValid(*data))
-                    if (*data > mMax)
+                    if(*data > mMax)
                         mMax = *data;
-                    else if (*data < mMin)
+                    else if(*data < mMin)
                         mMin = *data;
@@ -1104,7 +1160,7 @@ void pet::StereoContext::calcMinMax()
             data = (yData += mDisparity.width);
-    //debout << "Set disparity color code min: " << mMin << ", max: " << mMax << endl;
+    // debout << "Set disparity color code min: " << mMin << ", max: " << mMax << endl;
 void pet::StereoContext::indicateNewValues()
@@ -1116,18 +1172,20 @@ void pet::StereoContext::indicateNewValues()
 // col, row beginnt bei 0, 0
 // x, y, z in cm
-bool pet::StereoContext::getXYZ(int col, int row, float* x, float* y, float* z)
+bool pet::StereoContext::getXYZ(int col, int row, float *x, float *y, float *z)
-    if (mStatus & genDisparity)
+    if(mStatus & genDisparity)
-        unsigned short int disp = *(((unsigned short*) mDisparity.imageData)+mDisparity.width*row+col);
+        unsigned short int disp = *(((unsigned short *) mDisparity.imageData) + mDisparity.width * row + col);
-        if (dispValueValid(disp))
+        if(dispValueValid(disp))
 #ifdef STEREO
             triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(mTriclopsContext, row, col, disp, x, y, z);
-            *x *= 100.; *y *= 100.; *z *= 100.;
+            *x *= 100.;
+            *y *= 100.;
+            *z *= 100.;
             return true;
@@ -1157,28 +1215,30 @@ float pet::StereoContext::getZfromDisp(unsigned short int disp)
 // x, y, z in cm (median der aus disp-werten berechneten cm in 5x5 pixelumfeld)
 // return false, if no disparity information is found around col/row (x,y,z not set)
 // Achtung: COL ROW getauscht zu triclopsRCD16ToXYZ
-bool pet::StereoContext::getMedianXYZaround(int col, int row, float* x, float* y, float* z)
+bool pet::StereoContext::getMedianXYZaround(int col, int row, float *x, float *y, float *z)
-    if (mStatus & genDisparity)
+    if(mStatus & genDisparity)
-        static int size = 5; // region scanned for median
-        static QVector<unsigned short> values(size*size);
+        static int                     size = 5; // region scanned for median
+        static QVector<unsigned short> values(size * size);
         values.fill(65280); // 65280 == 0xff00 ab wo angezeigt wird, dass es fehler sind
         // umstellung von row und col von mitte des 5x5x auf ecke oben links und ueberpruefung auf rand
-        row = ((row < 2) ? 0 : ((row > mDisparity.height-3) ? mDisparity.height-5 : row-2));
-        col = ((col < 2) ? 0 : ((col > mDisparity.width -3) ? mDisparity.width -5 : col-2));
+        row = ((row < 2) ? 0 : ((row > mDisparity.height - 3) ? mDisparity.height - 5 : row - 2));
+        col = ((col < 2) ? 0 : ((col > mDisparity.width - 3) ? mDisparity.width - 5 : col - 2));
-        unsigned short* data = (unsigned short*) (((unsigned short*) mDisparity.imageData)+mDisparity.width*row+col); //mDisparity.imageData;
-        unsigned short* yData = data;
-        int i, j, nr = 0; // nr zeigt anzahl der gefundenen disp an
+        unsigned short *data =
+            (unsigned short
+                 *) (((unsigned short *) mDisparity.imageData) + mDisparity.width * row + col); // mDisparity.imageData;
+        unsigned short *yData = data;
+        int             i, j, nr = 0; // nr zeigt anzahl der gefundenen disp an
-        for (j = 0; j < size; ++j)
+        for(j = 0; j < size; ++j)
-            for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+            for(i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-                if (dispValueValid(*data))
+                if(dispValueValid(*data))
                     values[nr++] = *data;
@@ -1187,15 +1247,17 @@ bool pet::StereoContext::getMedianXYZaround(int col, int row, float* x, float* y
             data = (yData += mDisparity.width);
-        if (nr != 0)
+        if(nr != 0)
-            qSort(values.begin(), values.begin()+nr); // sort first nr elements in values
+            qSort(values.begin(), values.begin() + nr); // sort first nr elements in values
-            //debout << row+2 << " " << col+2 << " " << nr << " "<< values[nr/2] << endl;
+            // debout << row+2 << " " << col+2 << " " << nr << " "<< values[nr/2] << endl;
 #ifdef STEREO
-            triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(mTriclopsContext, row+2, col+2, values[nr/2], x, y, z);
+            triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(mTriclopsContext, row + 2, col + 2, values[nr / 2], x, y, z);
-            *x *= 100.; *y *= 100.; *z *= 100.;
+            *x *= 100.;
+            *y *= 100.;
+            *z *= 100.;
             return true;
@@ -1207,129 +1269,134 @@ bool pet::StereoContext::getMedianXYZaround(int col, int row, float* x, float* y
 bool pet::StereoContext::dispValueValid(unsigned short int disp)
-    if (disp < 0xFF00)
-    //if ((disp != mSurfaceValue+65280) && (disp != mBackForthValue+65280))// 65280 == 0xff00
+    if(disp < 0xFF00)
+        // if ((disp != mSurfaceValue+65280) && (disp != mBackForthValue+65280))// 65280 == 0xff00
         return true;
         return false;
-CvMat* pet::StereoContext::getPointCloud()
+CvMat *pet::StereoContext::getPointCloud()
-    if (!(mStatus & genDisparity)) // falls disparity noch nicht berechnet wurde
+    if(!(mStatus & genDisparity)) // falls disparity noch nicht berechnet wurde
-    if (mStatus & genDisparity)
+    if(mStatus & genDisparity)
-        if (mPointCloud == NULL) // Speicherplatz anlegen
+        if(mPointCloud == NULL) // Speicherplatz anlegen
             mPointCloud = cvCreateMat(mDisparity.height, mDisparity.width, CV_32FC3); // CvMat*
-            if (mPointCloud == NULL)
+            if(mPointCloud == NULL)
                 debout << "Error: not enaugh memory for pointCloud" << endl;
                 return NULL;
-        unsigned short* data = (unsigned short*) mDisparity.imageData;
-        unsigned short* yData = data;
-        float* pcData = (float*) mPointCloud->data.fl;
-        float* pcyData = pcData;
-        //float x, y, z;
+        unsigned short *data    = (unsigned short *) mDisparity.imageData;
+        unsigned short *yData   = data;
+        float *         pcData  = (float *) mPointCloud->data.fl;
+        float *         pcyData = pcData;
+        // float x, y, z;
         int i, j;
-        for (i = 0; i < mDisparity.height; ++i)
+        for(i = 0; i < mDisparity.height; ++i)
-            for (j = 0; j < mDisparity.width; ++j)
+            for(j = 0; j < mDisparity.width; ++j)
-                if (dispValueValid(*data))
+                if(dispValueValid(*data))
                     // convert the 16 bit disparity value to floating point x,y,z
 #ifdef STEREO
-                    triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(mTriclopsContext, i, j, *data, pcData, pcData+1, pcData+2) ;
+                    triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(mTriclopsContext, i, j, *data, pcData, pcData + 1, pcData + 2);
                     pcData[0] = pcData[1] = pcData[2] = -1;
-//                if (i ==100 || i == 101)
-//                    cout << pcData << " # " << pcData+2 << " ";
+                //                if (i ==100 || i == 101)
+                //                    cout << pcData << " # " << pcData+2 << " ";
-                pcData+=3;
+                pcData += 3;
-            data = (yData += mDisparity.width);
-            pcData = (pcyData += mPointCloud->step/sizeof(float));//  ->step);
+            data   = (yData += mDisparity.width);
+            pcData = (pcyData += mPointCloud->step / sizeof(float)); //  ->step);
-//        debout << mDisparity.width << " " << mDisparity.widthStep << endl;
-//        debout << mPointCloud->width << " " << mPointCloud->step << endl;
+        //        debout << mDisparity.width << " " << mDisparity.widthStep << endl;
+        //        debout << mPointCloud->width << " " << mPointCloud->step << endl;
-        // temporaere code um hoehe [0..ca.176] stereo-einzelbildfolge einzulesen: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        QString fn = QString(STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE) + QString("pointCloud_%1.hgt").arg(mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum()%(STEREO_SEQ_LAST_FRAME-STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME+1) + STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME, 3, 10, QChar('0')); // [2,159]
+        // temporaere code um hoehe [0..ca.176] stereo-einzelbildfolge einzulesen:
+        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        QString fn = QString(STEREO_SEQ_FILEBASE) +
+                     QString("pointCloud_%1.hgt")
+                         .arg(
+                             mAnimation->getCurrentFrameNum() % (STEREO_SEQ_LAST_FRAME - STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME + 1) +
+                                 STEREO_SEQ_FIRST_FRAME,
+                             3,
+                             10,
+                             QChar('0')); // [2,159]
         debout << "Import for pointcloud: " << fn << endl;
         QFile file(fn);
-        if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
+        if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
-            PInformation(NULL,"show","Failed to read");
+            PInformation(NULL, "show", "Failed to read");
-        QByteArray buffer = file.readAll(); //reinterpret_cast<double *> mDisparity.height*mDisparity.width*8
-        //debout << "Number of bytes in height field from virtual scene: " << buffer.size() <<endl;
-        double * dBuffer = (double *) buffer.data();
+        QByteArray buffer = file.readAll(); // reinterpret_cast<double *> mDisparity.height*mDisparity.width*8
+        // debout << "Number of bytes in height field from virtual scene: " << buffer.size() <<endl;
+        double *dBuffer = (double *) buffer.data();
-        data = (unsigned short*) mDisparity.imageData;
-        yData = data;
-        pcData = (float*) mPointCloud->data.fl;
+        data    = (unsigned short *) mDisparity.imageData;
+        yData   = data;
+        pcData  = (float *) mPointCloud->data.fl;
         pcyData = pcData;
-        for (i = mDisparity.height-1; i >= 0; --i) // 960 // dateiinhalt liegt in y gespiegelt vor
+        for(i = mDisparity.height - 1; i >= 0; --i) // 960 // dateiinhalt liegt in y gespiegelt vor
-            for (j = 0; j < mDisparity.width; ++j) // 1280
+            for(j = 0; j < mDisparity.width; ++j) // 1280
-                if (*data != -1)
+                if(*data != -1)
-                    pcData[0] = .01*dBuffer[3*(j+i*mDisparity.width)];
-                    pcData[1] = .01*dBuffer[3*(j+i*mDisparity.width)+1];
-                    pcData[2] = .01*(784-dBuffer[3*(j+i*mDisparity.width)+2]); // entfernung von kamera ueber hoehenfeld der person
+                    pcData[0] = .01 * dBuffer[3 * (j + i * mDisparity.width)];
+                    pcData[1] = .01 * dBuffer[3 * (j + i * mDisparity.width) + 1];
+                    pcData[2] =
+                        .01 * (784 - dBuffer[3 * (j + i * mDisparity.width) + 2]); // entfernung von kamera ueber
+                                                                                   // hoehenfeld der person
                     pcData[0] = pcData[1] = pcData[2] = -1;
-                pcData+=3;
-                //if (dBuffer[j+i*mDisparity.width] > 0)
+                pcData += 3;
+                // if (dBuffer[j+i*mDisparity.width] > 0)
-            data = (yData += mDisparity.width);
-            pcData = (pcyData += mPointCloud->step/sizeof(float));
+            data   = (yData += mDisparity.width);
+            pcData = (pcyData += mPointCloud->step / sizeof(float));
         return mPointCloud;
         return NULL;
-//    else // kann nun nicht mehr passieren, da disp berechnet wird, wenn nichjt schon geschehen
-//    {
-//        debout << "Warning: generate disparity before pointCloud!" << endl;
-//        return NULL;
-//    }
+    //    else // kann nun nicht mehr passieren, da disp berechnet wird, wenn nichjt schon geschehen
+    //    {
+    //        debout << "Warning: generate disparity before pointCloud!" << endl;
+    //        return NULL;
+    //    }
 //// erzeugt ein aequidistantes xy-gitter
 //// von min bis max (dadurch koennten ausreisser das netz unnoetig auseinanderziehen und viele pkte fallen zusammen)
-//CvMat* StereoContext::getRectifiedPointCloud(float *xMin, float *xMax, float *yMin, float *yMax, float *zMin, float *zMax)
+// CvMat* StereoContext::getRectifiedPointCloud(float *xMin, float *xMax, float *yMin, float *yMax, float *zMin, float
+// *zMax)
-//    if (!(mStatus & genDisparity) || (mPointCloud == NULL))
-//        getPointCloud();
+//     if (!(mStatus & genDisparity) || (mPointCloud == NULL))
+//         getPointCloud();
 //    if (mPointCloud != NULL)
 //    {
@@ -1374,59 +1441,66 @@ CvMat* pet::StereoContext::getPointCloud()
 // return shows, if export was sucessfull
-bool pet::StereoContext::exportPointCloud(QString dest) //default = ""
+bool pet::StereoContext::exportPointCloud(QString dest) // default = ""
     static QString lastFile = "";
-    if (mStatus & genDisparity)
+    if(mStatus & genDisparity)
         // if no destination file or folder is given
-        if (dest.isEmpty())
+        if(dest.isEmpty())
-             if (lastFile.isEmpty() && !mMain->getProFileName().isEmpty())
-                 lastFile = QFileInfo(mMain->getProFileName()).path()+QDir::separator()+QFileInfo(mMain->getProFileName()).baseName()+".pts";
-            dest = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(mMain, QObject::tr("Select file for exporting point cloud"), lastFile,
+            if(lastFile.isEmpty() && !mMain->getProFileName().isEmpty())
+                lastFile = QFileInfo(mMain->getProFileName()).path() + QDir::separator() +
+                           QFileInfo(mMain->getProFileName()).baseName() + ".pts";
+            dest = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
+                mMain,
+                QObject::tr("Select file for exporting point cloud"),
+                lastFile,
                 QObject::tr("Triclops points (*.pts);;All supported types (*.pts *.xxx);;All files (*.*)"));
-        if (!dest.isEmpty())
+        if(!dest.isEmpty())
-            if (dest.right(4) == ".pts")
+            if(dest.right(4) == ".pts")
                 QFile file(dest);
-                if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+                if(!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
-                    PCritical(mMain, QObject::tr("Petrack"), QObject::tr("Cannot open %1:\n%2.").arg(dest).arg(file.errorString()));
+                    PCritical(
+                        mMain,
+                        QObject::tr("Petrack"),
+                        QObject::tr("Cannot open %1:\n%2.").arg(dest).arg(file.errorString()));
                     return false;
                 debout << "export point cloud to " << dest << "..." << endl;
                 QTextStream out(&file);
-                unsigned short* data = (unsigned short*) mDisparity.imageData;
-                unsigned short* yData = data;
-                float x, y, z;
-                int i, j, k = 0;
-                int nPoints = 0;
-                unsigned char c;
-                unsigned char *iD = (unsigned char *) getRectified(cameraRight)->imageData;
+                unsigned short *data  = (unsigned short *) mDisparity.imageData;
+                unsigned short *yData = data;
+                float           x, y, z;
+                int             i, j, k = 0;
+                int             nPoints = 0;
+                unsigned char   c;
+                unsigned char * iD = (unsigned char *) getRectified(cameraRight)->imageData;
-                for (i = 0; i < mDisparity.height; ++i)
+                for(i = 0; i < mDisparity.height; ++i)
-                    for (j = 0; j < mDisparity.width; ++j)
+                    for(j = 0; j < mDisparity.width; ++j)
-                        if (dispValueValid(*data) &&
-                           ((mMain->getBackgroundFilter()->getEnabled() && mMain->getBackgroundFilter()->isForeground(j, i)) ||
-                             !mMain->getBackgroundFilter()->getEnabled()))
+                        if(dispValueValid(*data) && ((mMain->getBackgroundFilter()->getEnabled() &&
+                                                      mMain->getBackgroundFilter()->isForeground(j, i)) ||
+                                                     !mMain->getBackgroundFilter()->getEnabled()))
                             // convert the 16 bit disparity value to floating point x,y,z
 #ifdef STEREO
-                            triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(mTriclopsContext, i, j, *data, &x, &y, &z) ;
+                            triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(mTriclopsContext, i, j, *data, &x, &y, &z);
                             // look at points within a range
-                            //if ( z < 5.0 )
+                            // if ( z < 5.0 )
                             c = iD[k];
                             out << x << " " << y << " " << z << " " << c << " " << c << " " << c << endl;
@@ -1438,37 +1512,41 @@ bool pet::StereoContext::exportPointCloud(QString dest) //default = ""
-//                int i, j, k, pixelinc = mTriDisparity.rowinc/2;
-//                unsigned short *row;
-//                unsigned short disp;
-//                float x, y, z;
-//                int nPoints = 0;
-//                for (i = 0, k = 0; i < mTriDisparity.nrows; ++i)
-//                {
-//                    row = mTriDisparity.data + i * pixelinc;
-//                    for (j = 0; j < mTriDisparity.ncols; ++j, ++k)
-//                    {
-//                        disp = row[j];
-//                        // filter invalid points
-//                        if (dispValueValid(disp))
-//                        {
-//                            // convert the 16 bit disparity value to floating point x,y,z
-//                            triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(mTriclopsContext, i, j, disp, &x, &y, &z) ;
-//                            // look at points within a range
-//                            //if ( z < 5.0 )
-//                            out << x << " " << y << " " << z << " " << mTriRectRight.data[k] << " " << mTriRectRight.data[k] << " " << mTriRectRight.data[k] << endl;
-//                            ++nPoints;
-//                        }
-//                    }
-//                }
+                //                int i, j, k, pixelinc = mTriDisparity.rowinc/2;
+                //                unsigned short *row;
+                //                unsigned short disp;
+                //                float x, y, z;
+                //                int nPoints = 0;
+                //                for (i = 0, k = 0; i < mTriDisparity.nrows; ++i)
+                //                {
+                //                    row = mTriDisparity.data + i * pixelinc;
+                //                    for (j = 0; j < mTriDisparity.ncols; ++j, ++k)
+                //                    {
+                //                        disp = row[j];
+                //                        // filter invalid points
+                //                        if (dispValueValid(disp))
+                //                        {
+                //                            // convert the 16 bit disparity value to floating point x,y,z
+                //                            triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(mTriclopsContext, i, j, disp, &x, &y, &z) ;
+                //                            // look at points within a range
+                //                            //if ( z < 5.0 )
+                //                            out << x << " " << y << " " << z << " " << mTriRectRight.data[k] << " " <<
+                //                            mTriRectRight.data[k] << " " << mTriRectRight.data[k] << endl;
+                //                            ++nPoints;
+                //                        }
+                //                    }
+                //                }
                 cout << " with " << nPoints << " points finished " << endl;
-                PCritical(mMain, QObject::tr("Petrack"), QObject::tr("Cannot save %1 maybe because of wrong file extension.").arg(dest));
+                PCritical(
+                    mMain,
+                    QObject::tr("Petrack"),
+                    QObject::tr("Cannot save %1 maybe because of wrong file extension.").arg(dest));
                 return false;
             lastFile = dest;
@@ -1477,7 +1555,10 @@ bool pet::StereoContext::exportPointCloud(QString dest) //default = ""
-        PCritical(mMain, QObject::tr("Petrack"), QObject::tr("Cannot export point cloud, because disparity has not been generated."));
+        PCritical(
+            mMain,
+            QObject::tr("Petrack"),
+            QObject::tr("Cannot export point cloud, because disparity has not been generated."));
         return false;
diff --git a/src/stereoItem.cpp b/src/stereoItem.cpp
index e398e3751b697cf1e1a4b936b23bb2bdd5f1567e..fdacf020272481752978e4042214e7a655be0b7c 100644
--- a/src/stereoItem.cpp
+++ b/src/stereoItem.cpp
@@ -18,24 +18,24 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtWidgets>
+#include "stereoItem.h"
+#include "animation.h"
 #include "petrack.h"
-#include "view.h"
-#include "stereoItem.h"
 #include "stereoWidget.h"
 #include "tracker.h"
-#include "animation.h"
+#include "view.h"
+#include <QtWidgets>
 // in x und y gleichermassen skaliertes koordinatensystem,
 // da von einer vorherigen intrinsischen kamerakalibrierung ausgegenagen wird,
-// so dass pixel quadratisch 
-StereoItem::StereoItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent)
-    : QGraphicsItem(parent)
+// so dass pixel quadratisch
+StereoItem::StereoItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsItem(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
-    mImage = nullptr;
-    mDispNew = true;
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) wParent;
+    mImage      = nullptr;
+    mDispNew    = true;
@@ -50,34 +50,36 @@ StereoItem::StereoItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem * parent)
 QRectF StereoItem::boundingRect() const
-    if (mMainWindow->getImage())
-        return QRectF(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), mMainWindow->getImage()->width(), mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
+    if(mMainWindow->getImage())
+        return QRectF(
+            -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+            -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+            mMainWindow->getImage()->width(),
+            mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
         return QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0);
 // event, of moving mouse while button is pressed
-void StereoItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent */*event*/)
+void StereoItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * /*event*/) {}
 // event, of moving mouse
 void StereoItem::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
-    if (mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
+    if(mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
-        #ifndef STEREO_DISABLED
         static int lastX = -1, lastY = -1;
-        QPointF pos = event->scenePos();
+        QPointF    pos = event->scenePos();
         pos.setX(pos.x() + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
         pos.setY(pos.y() + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-        if ((lastX != (int) pos.x()) || (lastY != (int) pos.y()))
+        if((lastX != (int) pos.x()) || (lastY != (int) pos.y()))
             float x, y, z;
             lastX = (int) pos.x();
             lastY = (int) pos.y();
-            if (mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getXYZ(lastX, lastY, &x, &y, &z)) // nicht runden: myround, dan 0.5 zuviel
+            if(mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getXYZ(
+                   lastX, lastY, &x, &y, &z)) // nicht runden: myround, dan 0.5 zuviel
                 mMainWindow->setStatusStereo(x, y, z);
@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ void StereoItem::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
                 mMainWindow->setStatusStereo(-1, -1, -1);
-            //debout <<lastX<<" "<< lastY<<" "<< x << " " << y << " " << z << endl;
+            // debout <<lastX<<" "<< lastY<<" "<< x << " " << y << " " << z << endl;
@@ -98,90 +100,101 @@ void StereoItem::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
 void StereoItem::updateData(IplImage *disp)
-    if (disp != NULL)
+    if(disp != NULL)
-        if ((mImage != NULL) && ((mImage->width() != disp->width) || (mImage->height() != disp->height)))
+        if((mImage != NULL) && ((mImage->width() != disp->width) || (mImage->height() != disp->height)))
             delete mImage;
-        if (mImage == NULL) // zu Beginn oder wenn sich die Groesse aendert
+        if(mImage == NULL) // zu Beginn oder wenn sich die Groesse aendert
             mImage = new QImage(disp->width, disp->height, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
-        int x,y;
-        unsigned short* data = (unsigned short*) disp->imageData; // char*
-        unsigned short* yData = data;
-        char *p;
-        QColor color;
-        unsigned short min = mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getMin();
-        unsigned short max = mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getMax();
-        double scale = max-min;
-        int hue, value;
-        if (scale > 0) // nicht min=max !
+        int             x, y;
+        unsigned short *data  = (unsigned short *) disp->imageData; // char*
+        unsigned short *yData = data;
+        char *          p;
+        QColor          color;
+        unsigned short  min   = mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getMin();
+        unsigned short  max   = mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getMax();
+        double          scale = max - min;
+        int             hue, value;
+        if(scale > 0) // nicht min=max !
-            if (mMainWindow->getStereoWidget()->stereoColor->currentIndex() == 0) // rainbow
-                scale=240./scale;
-            else  // greyscale
-                scale=255./scale;
+            if(mMainWindow->getStereoWidget()->stereoColor->currentIndex() == 0) // rainbow
+                scale = 240. / scale;
+            else // greyscale
+                scale = 255. / scale;
-        for (y = 0; y < disp->height; y++)
+        for(y = 0; y < disp->height; y++)
             // Pointer to the data information in the QImage for just one column
             // set pointer to value before, because ++p is faster than p++
-            p = ((char*)mImage->scanLine(y))-1;
-            for (x = 0; x < disp->width; x++)
+            p = ((char *) mImage->scanLine(y)) - 1;
+            for(x = 0; x < disp->width; x++)
-                if (mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->dispValueValid(*data)) //(*data != mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getSurfaceValue()+65280) && (*data != mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getBackForthValue()+65280)) // 65280 == 0xff00
+                if(mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->dispValueValid(
+                       *data)) //(*data != mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getSurfaceValue()+65280) && (*data !=
+                               // mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getBackForthValue()+65280)) // 65280 == 0xff00
-                    if (mMainWindow->getStereoWidget()->stereoColor->currentIndex() == 0) // rainbow
+                    if(mMainWindow->getStereoWidget()->stereoColor->currentIndex() == 0) // rainbow
-                        hue = scale*(*data-min);
-                        color.setHsv(hue<0?0:(hue>240?240:hue), 255, 255, 255); // 0=rot, 240=blau, nicht 359, da sich Farbkreis wieder schliesst
+                        hue = scale * (*data - min);
+                        color.setHsv(
+                            hue < 0 ? 0 : (hue > 240 ? 240 : hue),
+                            255,
+                            255,
+                            255); // 0=rot, 240=blau, nicht 359, da sich Farbkreis wieder schliesst
                     else // greyscale
-                        value = scale*(*data-min); // for greyscale
-                        color.setHsv(0, 0, value<0?0:(value>255?255:value), 255); // 0=rot, 240=blau, nicht 359, da sich Farbkreis wieder schliesst
+                        value = scale * (*data - min); // for greyscale
+                        color.setHsv(
+                            0,
+                            0,
+                            value < 0 ? 0 : (value > 255 ? 255 : value),
+                            255); // 0=rot, 240=blau, nicht 359, da sich Farbkreis wieder schliesst
-                    //c = (char) (((*data-min)*255)/(max-min)); // 255 nur 1x (nicht gleichverteilt!)
+                    // c = (char) (((*data-min)*255)/(max-min)); // 255 nur 1x (nicht gleichverteilt!)
-                    color.setRgb(0, 0, 0, (!mMainWindow->getStereoWidget()->hideWrong->isChecked())*255); //.setAlpha(0);
+                    color.setRgb(
+                        0, 0, 0, (!mMainWindow->getStereoWidget()->hideWrong->isChecked()) * 255); //.setAlpha(0);
                 *(++p) = color.red();
                 *(++p) = color.green();
                 *(++p) = color.blue();
                 *(++p) = color.alpha(); // 255;
-                //printf("%d ", (int)*(data));
+                // printf("%d ", (int)*(data));
-            data = (yData += disp->width); // falsch, da nicht mehr char sondern short: (yData += disp->widthStep); // because sometimes widthStep != width
-            //printf("\n");
+            data = (yData += disp->width); // falsch, da nicht mehr char sondern short: (yData += disp->widthStep); //
+                                           // because sometimes widthStep != width
+            // printf("\n");
-void StereoItem::paint(QPainter */*painter*/, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*option*/, QWidget */*widget*/)
+void StereoItem::paint(QPainter * /*painter*/, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * /*option*/, QWidget * /*widget*/)
     IplImage *disp = NULL;
-    bool mDispNewWhilePainting;
+    bool      mDispNewWhilePainting;
-    if (mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
+    if(mMainWindow->getStereoContext())
         disp = mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getDisparity(&mDispNewWhilePainting);
-    if (mDispNew ||  // disparity ist nach zeichnen neu berechnet worden
-        mDispNewWhilePainting) // disp ist wegen des zeichnens neu berechnet worden
+    if(mDispNew ||            // disparity ist nach zeichnen neu berechnet worden
+       mDispNewWhilePainting) // disp ist wegen des zeichnens neu berechnet worden
-    if (mImage != NULL)
+    if(mImage != NULL)
-        painter->setOpacity(mMainWindow->getStereoWidget()->opacity->value()/100.);
-        painter->drawImage(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), *mImage);
+        painter->setOpacity(mMainWindow->getStereoWidget()->opacity->value() / 100.);
+        painter->drawImage(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), *mImage);
         mDispNew = false;
@@ -192,4 +205,3 @@ void StereoItem::setDispNew(bool d) // default: d = true
     mDispNew = d;
diff --git a/src/stereoWidget.cpp b/src/stereoWidget.cpp
index bdeb019d95ed70644d5bb425523a1b0479f21fb2..c93ec5af3367e82640389da2b034aee8d6a1b9f5 100644
--- a/src/stereoWidget.cpp
+++ b/src/stereoWidget.cpp
@@ -20,10 +20,9 @@
 #include "stereoWidget.h"
-StereoWidget::StereoWidget(QWidget *parent)
-    : QWidget(parent)
+StereoWidget::StereoWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) parent;
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) parent;
@@ -85,49 +84,55 @@ void StereoWidget::getXml(QDomElement &elem)
     for(subElem = elem.firstChildElement(); !subElem.isNull(); subElem = subElem.nextSiblingElement())
-        if (subElem.tagName() == "DISPARITY")
+        if(subElem.tagName() == "DISPARITY")
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("OPACITY"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("OPACITY"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("SHOW"))
                 stereoShowDisparity->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("SHOW").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("COLOR"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("COLOR"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("ALGO"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("ALGO"))
-            if (subElem.hasAttribute("HIDE_INVALID"))
+            if(subElem.hasAttribute("HIDE_INVALID"))
                 hideWrong->setCheckState(subElem.attribute("HIDE_INVALID").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-            for(subSubElem = subElem.firstChildElement(); !subSubElem.isNull(); subSubElem = subSubElem.nextSiblingElement())
+            for(subSubElem = subElem.firstChildElement(); !subSubElem.isNull();
+                subSubElem = subSubElem.nextSiblingElement())
-                if (subSubElem.tagName() == "VALUES")
+                if(subSubElem.tagName() == "VALUES")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("MIN"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("MIN"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("MAX"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("MAX"))
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "MASK")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "MASK")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("SIZE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("SIZE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("EDGE_SIZE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("EDGE_SIZE"))
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("USE_EDGE"))
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("USE_EDGE"))
                         useEdge->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("USE_EDGE").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                else if (subSubElem.tagName() == "USE")
+                else if(subSubElem.tagName() == "USE")
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("RECO"))
-                        stereoUseForReco->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("RECO").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("HEIGHT"))
-                        stereoUseForHeight->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("HEIGHT").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("HEIGHT_EVER"))
-                        stereoUseForHeightEver->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("HEIGHT_EVER").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXPORT"))
-                        stereoUseForExport->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("EXPORT").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-                    if (subSubElem.hasAttribute("CALIB_CENTER"))
-                        stereoUseCalibrationCenter->setCheckState(subSubElem.attribute("CALIB_CENTER").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("RECO"))
+                        stereoUseForReco->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("RECO").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("HEIGHT"))
+                        stereoUseForHeight->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("HEIGHT").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("HEIGHT_EVER"))
+                        stereoUseForHeightEver->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("HEIGHT_EVER").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("EXPORT"))
+                        stereoUseForExport->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("EXPORT").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+                    if(subSubElem.hasAttribute("CALIB_CENTER"))
+                        stereoUseCalibrationCenter->setCheckState(
+                            subSubElem.attribute("CALIB_CENTER").toInt() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
                     debout << "Unknown STEREO tag " << subSubElem.tagName() << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/swapFilter.cpp b/src/swapFilter.cpp
index 31987087a20abfe27e750b56898320c137e3c8a7..4e54d52235fb0f0c28efc938ad53fe5cc83fea0b 100644
--- a/src/swapFilter.cpp
+++ b/src/swapFilter.cpp
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
 #include "swapFilter.h"
 #include "helper.h"
-    :Filter()
+SwapFilter::SwapFilter() : Filter()
@@ -42,24 +42,24 @@ cv::Mat SwapFilter::act(cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &res)
     bool sV = (bool) mSwapVertically.getValue();
     bool sH = (bool) mSwapHorizontally.getValue();
-        if (sV && sH)
-            cv::flip(img, res, -1); // both
-        else if (sV)
-            cv::flip(img, res,  0); // vertical
-        else if (sH)
-            cv::flip(img, res,  1); // horizontal
-        else
-            res = img;          // nothing to do
+    if(sV && sH)
+        cv::flip(img, res, -1); // both
+    else if(sV)
+        cv::flip(img, res, 0); // vertical
+    else if(sH)
+        cv::flip(img, res, 1); // horizontal
+    else
+        res = img; // nothing to do
     return res;
-Parameter* SwapFilter::getSwapHorizontally()
+Parameter *SwapFilter::getSwapHorizontally()
     return &mSwapHorizontally;
-Parameter* SwapFilter::getSwapVertically()
+Parameter *SwapFilter::getSwapVertically()
     return &mSwapVertically;
diff --git a/src/tracker.cpp b/src/tracker.cpp
index 4ff07dd1924bfc102079cd1112802b189d31ff00..7a7c8fa226c642cde2f0475374cf496ce9b556c0 100644
--- a/src/tracker.cpp
+++ b/src/tracker.cpp
@@ -18,20 +18,20 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
-#include <ctime>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include "helper.h"
 #include "tracker.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
 #include "animation.h"
 #include "control.h"
-#include "stereoWidget.h"
+#include "helper.h"
 #include "multiColorMarkerWidget.h"
 #include "pMessageBox.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
 #include "recognitionRoiItem.h"
+#include "stereoWidget.h"
+#include <ctime>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
 #define MIN_WIN_SIZE 3.
@@ -42,113 +42,84 @@
 inline float errorToQual(float error)
-    return 80.F - error/20.F;
+    return 80.F - error / 20.F;
-    : mQual(0),
-      mMarkerID(-1),
-      mSp(-1., -1., -1.)
-TrackPoint::TrackPoint(const Vec2F &p)
-    : Vec2F(p),
-      mQual(0),
-      mMarkerID(-1),
-      mSp(-1., -1., -1.)
+TrackPoint::TrackPoint() : mQual(0), mMarkerID(-1), mSp(-1., -1., -1.) {}
+TrackPoint::TrackPoint(const Vec2F &p) : Vec2F(p), mQual(0), mMarkerID(-1), mSp(-1., -1., -1.) {}
+TrackPoint::TrackPoint(const Vec2F &p, int qual) : Vec2F(p), mQual(qual), mMarkerID(-1), mSp(-1., -1., -1.) {}
+TrackPoint::TrackPoint(const Vec2F &p, int qual, int markerID) :
+    Vec2F(p), mQual(qual), mMarkerID(markerID), mSp(-1., -1., -1.)
-TrackPoint::TrackPoint(const Vec2F &p, int qual)
-    : Vec2F(p),
-      mQual(qual),
-      mMarkerID(-1),
-      mSp(-1., -1., -1.)
-TrackPoint::TrackPoint(const Vec2F &p, int qual, int markerID)
-    : Vec2F(p),
-      mQual(qual),
-      mMarkerID(markerID),
-      mSp(-1.,-1.,-1.)
-TrackPoint::TrackPoint(const Vec2F &p, int qual, const QColor &col)
-    : Vec2F(p),
-      mCol(col),
-      mQual(qual),
-      mMarkerID(-1),
-      mSp(-1., -1., -1.)
+TrackPoint::TrackPoint(const Vec2F &p, int qual, const QColor &col) :
+    Vec2F(p), mCol(col), mQual(qual), mMarkerID(-1), mSp(-1., -1., -1.)
-TrackPoint::TrackPoint(const Vec2F &p, int qual, const Vec2F &colPoint, const QColor &col)
-    : Vec2F(p),
-      mColPoint(colPoint),
-      mCol(col),
-      mQual(qual),
-      mMarkerID(-1),
-      mSp(-1., -1., -1.)
+TrackPoint::TrackPoint(const Vec2F &p, int qual, const Vec2F &colPoint, const QColor &col) :
+    Vec2F(p), mColPoint(colPoint), mCol(col), mQual(qual), mMarkerID(-1), mSp(-1., -1., -1.)
-const TrackPoint& TrackPoint::operator=(const Vec2F& v)
+const TrackPoint &TrackPoint::operator=(const Vec2F &v)
     return *this;
-const TrackPoint& TrackPoint::operator+=(const Vec2F& v)
+const TrackPoint &TrackPoint::operator+=(const Vec2F &v)
     return *this;
-const TrackPoint TrackPoint::operator+(const Vec2F& v) const
+const TrackPoint TrackPoint::operator+(const Vec2F &v) const
-    return TrackPoint(*this) += v; //Vec2F(mX + v.mX, mY + v.mY);
+    return TrackPoint(*this) += v; // Vec2F(mX + v.mX, mY + v.mY);
 // the list index is the frame number plus mFirstFrame 0..mLastFrame-mFirstFrame
 // no frame is left blank
-    : mNr(0),
-      mHeight(MIN_HEIGHT),
-      mHeightCount(0),
-      mFirstFrame(-1),
-      mLastFrame(0),
-      mNewReco(false),
-      mComment(),
-      mNrInBg(0),
-      mColCount(0)
+TrackPerson::TrackPerson() :
+    mNr(0),
+    mHeight(MIN_HEIGHT),
+    mHeightCount(0),
+    mFirstFrame(-1),
+    mLastFrame(0),
+    mNewReco(false),
+    mComment(),
+    mNrInBg(0),
+    mColCount(0)
-TrackPerson::TrackPerson(int nr, int frame, const TrackPoint &p)
-    : mNr(nr),
-      mMarkerID(-1),
-      mHeight(MIN_HEIGHT),
-      mHeightCount(0),
-      mFirstFrame(frame),
-      mLastFrame(frame),
-      mNewReco(true),
-      mCol(p.color()),
-      mComment(),
-      mColCount(1)
+TrackPerson::TrackPerson(int nr, int frame, const TrackPoint &p) :
+    mNr(nr),
+    mMarkerID(-1),
+    mHeight(MIN_HEIGHT),
+    mHeightCount(0),
+    mFirstFrame(frame),
+    mLastFrame(frame),
+    mNewReco(true),
+    mCol(p.color()),
+    mComment(),
+    mColCount(1)
-TrackPerson::TrackPerson(int nr, int frame, const TrackPoint &p, int markerID)
-    : mNr(nr),
-      mMarkerID(markerID),
-      mHeight(MIN_HEIGHT),
-      mHeightCount(0),
-      mFirstFrame(frame),
-      mLastFrame(frame),
-      mNewReco(true),
-      mCol(p.color()),
-      mComment(),
-      mColCount(1)
+TrackPerson::TrackPerson(int nr, int frame, const TrackPoint &p, int markerID) :
+    mNr(nr),
+    mMarkerID(markerID),
+    mHeight(MIN_HEIGHT),
+    mHeightCount(0),
+    mFirstFrame(frame),
+    mLastFrame(frame),
+    mNewReco(true),
+    mCol(p.color()),
+    mComment(),
+    mColCount(1)
@@ -156,9 +127,9 @@ TrackPerson::TrackPerson(int nr, int frame, const TrackPoint &p, int markerID)
 // mittelt alle erkannten farben der trackpoints zu einer farbe der trackperson
 void TrackPerson::addColor(const QColor &col)
-    mCol.setRed(  (mColCount * mCol.red()   + col.red())   / (mColCount+1));
-    mCol.setBlue( (mColCount * mCol.blue()  + col.blue())  / (mColCount+1));
-    mCol.setGreen((mColCount * mCol.green() + col.green()) / (mColCount+1));
+    mCol.setRed((mColCount * mCol.red() + col.red()) / (mColCount + 1));
+    mCol.setBlue((mColCount * mCol.blue() + col.blue()) / (mColCount + 1));
+    mCol.setGreen((mColCount * mCol.green() + col.green()) / (mColCount + 1));
@@ -167,32 +138,32 @@ void TrackPerson::addColor(const QColor &col)
 void TrackPerson::optimizeColor()
     // ausreisser herausnehmen ueber die koordinate der farbe
-    int i, j;
+    int   i, j;
     Vec2F v, vBefore;
-    int anz1 = 0, anz2 = 0;
-    bool swap = false;
+    int   anz1 = 0, anz2 = 0;
+    bool  swap = false;
     // den ersten farbpunkt suchen und vBefore initial setzen
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).color().isValid())
+        if(at(i).color().isValid())
             vBefore = at(i).colPoint() - at(i);
-    if (at(i).color().isValid())
+    if(at(i).color().isValid())
     // testen, auf welcher seit der farbmarker haeufiger gesehen wird
-    for (j = i+1; j < size(); ++j)
+    for(j = i + 1; j < size(); ++j)
-        if (at(j).color().isValid())
+        if(at(j).color().isValid())
             v = at(j).colPoint() - at(j);
-            if ((v * vBefore) < 0)
+            if((v * vBefore) < 0)
                 swap = !swap;
-            if (swap)
+            if(swap)
@@ -200,28 +171,28 @@ void TrackPerson::optimizeColor()
     swap = false;
-    if (at(i).color().isValid())
+    if(at(i).color().isValid())
         vBefore = at(i).colPoint() - at(i);
     // farben mit geringerer anzahl loeschen
     QColor colInvalid;
-    if (anz2 > anz1)
+    if(anz2 > anz1)
-    for (j = i+1; j < size(); ++j)
+    for(j = i + 1; j < size(); ++j)
-        if (at(j).color().isValid())
+        if(at(j).color().isValid())
             v = at(j).colPoint() - at(j);
-            if ((v * vBefore) < 0)
+            if((v * vBefore) < 0)
                 swap = !swap;
-            if (swap)
+            if(swap)
-                if (anz1 > anz2)
+                if(anz1 > anz2)
-                if (anz2 > anz1)
+                if(anz2 > anz1)
             vBefore = v;
@@ -232,9 +203,9 @@ void TrackPerson::optimizeColor()
     QList<int> r;
     QList<int> g;
     QList<int> b;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).color().isValid())
+        if(at(i).color().isValid())
@@ -244,8 +215,8 @@ void TrackPerson::optimizeColor()
     std::sort(r.begin(), r.end());
     std::sort(g.begin(), g.end());
     std::sort(b.begin(), b.end());
-    if (r.size()>0 && g.size()>0 && b.size()>0) // kann eigentlich nicht vorkommen
-        setColor(QColor(r[(r.size()-1)/2],g[(g.size()-1)/2],b[(b.size()-1)/2]));
+    if(r.size() > 0 && g.size() > 0 && b.size() > 0) // kann eigentlich nicht vorkommen
+        setColor(QColor(r[(r.size() - 1) / 2], g[(g.size() - 1) / 2], b[(b.size() - 1) / 2]));
 void TrackPerson::recalcHeight(float altitude)
@@ -256,20 +227,20 @@ void TrackPerson::recalcHeight(float altitude)
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
         z = at(i).sp().z();
-        if (z >= 0)
+        if(z >= 0)
-            //h += z;
+            // h += z;
-    if (mHeightCount > 0)
+    if(mHeightCount > 0)
         std::sort(zList.begin(), zList.end());
-        mHeight = zList[mHeightCount/2];
+        mHeight = zList[mHeightCount / 2];
         mHeight = altitude - mHeight;
@@ -279,32 +250,35 @@ void TrackPerson::recalcHeight(float altitude)
 double TrackPerson::getNearestZ(int i, int *extrapolated)
     *extrapolated = 0;
-    if ((i < 0) || (i >= size())) // indexueberpruefung
+    if((i < 0) || (i >= size())) // indexueberpruefung
         return -1.;
-    if (at(i).sp().z() >= 0)
+    if(at(i).sp().z() >= 0)
         return at(i).sp().z();
     else // -1 an aktueller hoehe
         int nrFor = 1;
         int nrRew = 1;
-        while ((i+nrFor < size()) && (at(i+nrFor).sp().z() < 0)) // nach && wird nur ausgefuehrt, wenn erstes true == size() also nicht
+        while((i + nrFor < size()) &&
+              (at(i + nrFor).sp().z() < 0)) // nach && wird nur ausgefuehrt, wenn erstes true == size() also nicht
-        while ((i-nrRew >= 0) && (at(i-nrRew).sp().z() < 0)) // nach && wird nur ausgefuehrt, wenn erstes true == size() also nicht
+        while((i - nrRew >= 0) &&
+              (at(i - nrRew).sp().z() < 0)) // nach && wird nur ausgefuehrt, wenn erstes true == size() also nicht
-        if ((i+nrFor == size()) && (i-nrRew < 0)) // gar keine Hoeheninfo in trj gefunden
+        if((i + nrFor == size()) && (i - nrRew < 0)) // gar keine Hoeheninfo in trj gefunden
             return -1.;
-        else if (i+nrFor == size()) // nur in Vergangenheit hoeheninfo gefunden
+        else if(i + nrFor == size()) // nur in Vergangenheit hoeheninfo gefunden
             *extrapolated = 2;
-            return at(i-nrRew).sp().z();
+            return at(i - nrRew).sp().z();
-        else if (i-nrRew < 0) // nur in der zukunft hoeheninfo gefunden
+        else if(i - nrRew < 0) // nur in der zukunft hoeheninfo gefunden
             *extrapolated = 1;
-            return at(i+nrFor).sp().z();
+            return at(i + nrFor).sp().z();
         else // in beiden richtungen hoeheninfo gefunden - INTERPOLATION, NICHT EXTRAPOLATION
-            return at(i-nrRew).sp().z()+nrRew*(at(i+nrFor).sp().z()-at(i-nrRew).sp().z())/(nrFor+nrRew); // lineare interpolation
+            return at(i - nrRew).sp().z() +
+                   nrRew * (at(i + nrFor).sp().z() - at(i - nrRew).sp().z()) / (nrFor + nrRew); // lineare interpolation
@@ -336,48 +310,56 @@ double TrackPerson::getNearestZ(int i, int *extrapolated)
 bool TrackPerson::insertAtFrame(int frame, const TrackPoint &point, int persNr, bool extrapolate)
-    int i;
-    Vec2F tmp; // ua. zur linearen Interpolation
-    TrackPoint tp; // default: 0 = ist schlechteste qualitaet
-    double distance;
+    int        i;
+    Vec2F      tmp; // ua. zur linearen Interpolation
+    TrackPoint tp;  // default: 0 = ist schlechteste qualitaet
+    double     distance;
-    if (frame > mLastFrame)
+    if(frame > mLastFrame)
         // lineare interpolation, wenn frames uebersprungen wurden
-        if (frame-mLastFrame-1 > 0)
+        if(frame - mLastFrame - 1 > 0)
-            tmp.setX((point.x()-last().x())/(frame-mLastFrame));
-            tmp.setY((point.y()-last().y())/(frame-mLastFrame));
+            tmp.setX((point.x() - last().x()) / (frame - mLastFrame));
+            tmp.setY((point.y() - last().y()) / (frame - mLastFrame));
             tp = last();
-            for (i = 0; i < frame-mLastFrame-1; ++i)
+            for(i = 0; i < frame - mLastFrame - 1; ++i)
                 tp += tmp;
-        else if (extrapolate && ((mLastFrame-mFirstFrame) > 0)) // mind. 2 trackpoints sind in liste!
+        else if(extrapolate && ((mLastFrame - mFirstFrame) > 0)) // mind. 2 trackpoints sind in liste!
-            tmp = last()-at(size()-2); // vektor zw letztem und vorletztem pkt
-            // der Abstand zum extrapoliertem Ziel darf nicht groesser als 2x so gross sein, wie die entfernung vorheriger trackpoints
-            // eine mindestbewegung wird vorausgesetzt, da sonst bewegungen aus dem "stillstand" immer als fehler angesehen werden
+            tmp = last() - at(size() - 2); // vektor zw letztem und vorletztem pkt
+            // der Abstand zum extrapoliertem Ziel darf nicht groesser als 2x so gross sein, wie die entfernung
+            // vorheriger trackpoints eine mindestbewegung wird vorausgesetzt, da sonst bewegungen aus dem "stillstand"
+            // immer als fehler angesehen werden
             //   am besten waere eine fehlerbetrachtung in abhaengigkeit von der geschwindigkeit - nicht gemacht!
-            if (((distance = ((last()+tmp).distanceToPoint(point))) > EXTRAPOLATE_FACTOR*tmp.length()) && (distance > 3))
+            if(((distance = ((last() + tmp).distanceToPoint(point))) > EXTRAPOLATE_FACTOR * tmp.length()) &&
+               (distance > 3))
-                if (!((last().qual() == 0) && (at(size()-2).qual() == 0))) // das vorherige einfuegen ist 2x nicht auch schon schlecht gewesen
+                if(!((last().qual() == 0) &&
+                     (at(size() - 2).qual() == 0))) // das vorherige einfuegen ist 2x nicht auch schon schlecht gewesen
                     tp = point;
-                    debout << "Warning: Extrapolation instaed of tracking because of big difference from tracked point in speed and direction of person " << persNr+1 << " between frame " << mLastFrame << " and " << mLastFrame+1 << "!" << std::endl;
-                        tp = last()+tmp; // nur vektor wird hier durch + geaendert
-                        tp.setQual(0);
-                        // im anschluss koennte noch dunkelster pkt in umgebung gesucht werden!!!
-                        // keine Extrapolation der Groesse
+                    debout << "Warning: Extrapolation instaed of tracking because of big difference from tracked point "
+                              "in speed and direction of person "
+                           << persNr + 1 << " between frame " << mLastFrame << " and " << mLastFrame + 1 << "!"
+                           << std::endl;
+                    tp = last() + tmp; // nur vektor wird hier durch + geaendert
+                    tp.setQual(0);
+                    // im anschluss koennte noch dunkelster pkt in umgebung gesucht werden!!!
+                    // keine Extrapolation der Groesse
-                    debout << "Warning: Because of three big differences from tracked point in speed and direction between last three frames the track point of person " << persNr+1 << " at " << mLastFrame+1 << " was NOT inserted!" << std::endl;
+                    debout << "Warning: Because of three big differences from tracked point in speed and direction "
+                              "between last three frames the track point of person "
+                           << persNr + 1 << " at " << mLastFrame + 1 << " was NOT inserted!" << std::endl;
                     return false;
@@ -388,40 +370,48 @@ bool TrackPerson::insertAtFrame(int frame, const TrackPoint &point, int persNr,
         mLastFrame = frame;
-    else if (frame < mFirstFrame)
+    else if(frame < mFirstFrame)
-        if (mFirstFrame-frame-1 > 0)
+        if(mFirstFrame - frame - 1 > 0)
-            tmp.setX((point.x()-first().x())/(mFirstFrame-frame));
-            tmp.setY((point.y()-first().y())/(mFirstFrame-frame));
+            tmp.setX((point.x() - first().x()) / (mFirstFrame - frame));
+            tmp.setY((point.y() - first().y()) / (mFirstFrame - frame));
             tp = first();
-            for (i = 0; i < mFirstFrame-frame-1; ++i)
+            for(i = 0; i < mFirstFrame - frame - 1; ++i)
                 tp += tmp;
-        else if (extrapolate && ((mLastFrame-mFirstFrame) > 0)) // mind. 2 trackpoints sind in liste!
+        else if(extrapolate && ((mLastFrame - mFirstFrame) > 0)) // mind. 2 trackpoints sind in liste!
-            tmp = at(0)-at(1); // vektor zw letztem und vorletztem pkt
-            // der Abstand zum extrapoliertem Ziel darf nicht groesser als 2x so gross sein, wie die entfernung vorheriger trackpoints
-            // eine mindestbewegung wird vorausgesetzt, da sonst bewegungen aus dem "stillstand" immer als fehler angesehen werden
+            tmp = at(0) - at(1); // vektor zw letztem und vorletztem pkt
+            // der Abstand zum extrapoliertem Ziel darf nicht groesser als 2x so gross sein, wie die entfernung
+            // vorheriger trackpoints eine mindestbewegung wird vorausgesetzt, da sonst bewegungen aus dem "stillstand"
+            // immer als fehler angesehen werden
             //   am besten waere eine fehlerbetrachtung in abhaengigkeit von der geschwindigkeit - nicht gemacht!
-            if (((distance = (at(0)+tmp).distanceToPoint(point)) > EXTRAPOLATE_FACTOR*tmp.length()) && (distance > 3))
+            if(((distance = (at(0) + tmp).distanceToPoint(point)) > EXTRAPOLATE_FACTOR * tmp.length()) &&
+               (distance > 3))
-                if (!((at(0).qual() == 0) && (at(1).qual() == 0))) // das vorherige einfuegen ist 2x nicht auch schon schlecht gewesen
+                if(!((at(0).qual() == 0) &&
+                     (at(1).qual() == 0))) // das vorherige einfuegen ist 2x nicht auch schon schlecht gewesen
                     tp = point;
-                    debout << "Warning: Extrapolation instaed of tracking because of big difference from tracked point in speed and direction of person " << persNr+1 << " between frame " << mFirstFrame << " and " << mFirstFrame-1 << "!" << std::endl;
-                    tp = at(0)+tmp; // nur vektor wird hier durch + geaendert
+                    debout << "Warning: Extrapolation instaed of tracking because of big difference from tracked point "
+                              "in speed and direction of person "
+                           << persNr + 1 << " between frame " << mFirstFrame << " and " << mFirstFrame - 1 << "!"
+                           << std::endl;
+                    tp = at(0) + tmp; // nur vektor wird hier durch + geaendert
-                    debout << "Warning: Because of three big differences from tracked point in speed and direction between last three frames the track point of person " << persNr+1 << " at " << mLastFrame-1 << " was NOT inserted!" << std::endl;
+                    debout << "Warning: Because of three big differences from tracked point in speed and direction "
+                              "between last three frames the track point of person "
+                           << persNr + 1 << " at " << mLastFrame - 1 << " was NOT inserted!" << std::endl;
                     return false;
@@ -434,59 +424,69 @@ bool TrackPerson::insertAtFrame(int frame, const TrackPoint &point, int persNr,
-        // dieser Zweig wird insbesondere von reco durchlaufen, da vorher immer auch noch getrackt wird und reco draufgesetzt wird!!!
+        // dieser Zweig wird insbesondere von reco durchlaufen, da vorher immer auch noch getrackt wird und reco
+        // draufgesetzt wird!!!
         tp = point;
-        if (point.qual()<100 && point.qual()>80) // erkannte Person aber ohne strukturmarker
+        if(point.qual() < 100 && point.qual() > 80) // erkannte Person aber ohne strukturmarker
-            // wenn in angrenzenden Frames qual groesse 90 (100 oder durch vorheriges verschieben entstanden), dann verschieben
-            if (trackPointExist(frame-1) && trackPointAt(frame-1).qual()>90)
+            // wenn in angrenzenden Frames qual groesse 90 (100 oder durch vorheriges verschieben entstanden), dann
+            // verschieben
+            if(trackPointExist(frame - 1) && trackPointAt(frame - 1).qual() > 90)
-                tmp = point+(trackPointAt(frame-1)-trackPointAt(frame-1).colPoint());
-                tp.set(tmp.x(),tmp.y());
-                debout << "Warning: move trackpoint according to last distance of structur marker and color marker of person "<< persNr+1 << ":"<< std::endl;
-                debout << "         "<< point <<" -> "<< tp << std::endl;
+                tmp = point + (trackPointAt(frame - 1) - trackPointAt(frame - 1).colPoint());
+                tp.set(tmp.x(), tmp.y());
+                debout << "Warning: move trackpoint according to last distance of structur marker and color marker of "
+                          "person "
+                       << persNr + 1 << ":" << std::endl;
+                debout << "         " << point << " -> " << tp << std::endl;
-            else if (trackPointExist(frame+1) && trackPointAt(frame+1).qual()>90)
+            else if(trackPointExist(frame + 1) && trackPointAt(frame + 1).qual() > 90)
-                tmp = point+(trackPointAt(frame+1)-trackPointAt(frame+1).colPoint());
-                tp.set(tmp.x(),tmp.y());
-                debout << "Warning: move trackpoint according to last distance of structur marker and color marker of person "<< persNr+1 << ":"<< std::endl;
-                debout << "         "<< point <<" -> "<< tp << std::endl;
+                tmp = point + (trackPointAt(frame + 1) - trackPointAt(frame + 1).colPoint());
+                tp.set(tmp.x(), tmp.y());
+                debout << "Warning: move trackpoint according to last distance of structur marker and color marker of "
+                          "person "
+                       << persNr + 1 << ":" << std::endl;
+                debout << "         " << point << " -> " << tp << std::endl;
         // ueberprueft, welcher punkt besser
-        if (tp.qual() > at(frame-mFirstFrame).qual())
+        if(tp.qual() > at(frame - mFirstFrame).qual())
             // warnung ausgeben, wenn replacement (fuer gewoehnlich von reco) den pfadverlauf abrupt aendert
-            if (trackPointExist(frame-1))
-                tmp = trackPointAt(frame) - trackPointAt(frame-1);
-            else if (trackPointExist(frame+1))
-                tmp = trackPointAt(frame+1) - trackPointAt(frame);
-            if ((trackPointExist(frame-1) || trackPointExist(frame+1)) && ((distance = (trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(tp))) > 1.5*tmp.length()) && (distance > 3))
+            if(trackPointExist(frame - 1))
+                tmp = trackPointAt(frame) - trackPointAt(frame - 1);
+            else if(trackPointExist(frame + 1))
+                tmp = trackPointAt(frame + 1) - trackPointAt(frame);
+            if((trackPointExist(frame - 1) || trackPointExist(frame + 1)) &&
+               ((distance = (trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(tp))) > 1.5 * tmp.length()) && (distance > 3))
                 int anz;
-                debout << "Warning: Big difference in location between existing and replacing track point of person " << persNr+1 << " in frame " << frame << "!" << std::endl;
+                debout << "Warning: Big difference in location between existing and replacing track point of person "
+                       << persNr + 1 << " in frame " << frame << "!" << std::endl;
                 // qualitaet anpassen, da der weg zum pkt nicht der richtige gewesen sein kann
                 // zurueck
-                for (anz=1; trackPointExist(frame-anz) && (trackPointAt(frame-anz).qual() < 100); ++anz)
+                for(anz = 1; trackPointExist(frame - anz) && (trackPointAt(frame - anz).qual() < 100); ++anz)
-                for (i=1; i<(anz-1); ++i) // anz ist einer zu viel; zudem nur boie anz-1 , da sonst eh nur mit 1 multipliziert wuerde
-                    (*this)[frame-mFirstFrame-i].setQual((i*trackPointAt(frame-i).qual())/anz);
+                for(i = 1; i < (anz - 1);
+                    ++i) // anz ist einer zu viel; zudem nur boie anz-1 , da sonst eh nur mit 1 multipliziert wuerde
+                    (*this)[frame - mFirstFrame - i].setQual((i * trackPointAt(frame - i).qual()) / anz);
                 // vor
-                for (anz=1; trackPointExist(frame+anz) && (trackPointAt(frame+anz).qual() < 100); ++anz)
+                for(anz = 1; trackPointExist(frame + anz) && (trackPointAt(frame + anz).qual() < 100); ++anz)
-                for (i=1; i<(anz-1); ++i) // anz ist einer zu viel; zudem nur boie anz-1 , da sonst eh nur mit 1 multipliziert wuerde
-                    (*this)[frame-mFirstFrame+i].setQual((i*trackPointAt(frame+i).qual())/anz);
+                for(i = 1; i < (anz - 1);
+                    ++i) // anz ist einer zu viel; zudem nur boie anz-1 , da sonst eh nur mit 1 multipliziert wuerde
+                    (*this)[frame - mFirstFrame + i].setQual((i * trackPointAt(frame + i).qual()) / anz);
-            replace(frame-mFirstFrame, tp);
+            replace(frame - mFirstFrame, tp);
-            if (tp.qual() > 100) // manual add // after inserting, because point ist const
-                (*this)[frame-mFirstFrame].setQual(100); // so moving of a point is possible
+            if(tp.qual() > 100)                            // manual add // after inserting, because point ist const
+                (*this)[frame - mFirstFrame].setQual(100); // so moving of a point is possible
             return false;
@@ -496,14 +496,14 @@ bool TrackPerson::insertAtFrame(int frame, const TrackPoint &point, int persNr,
 bool TrackPerson::trackPointExist(int frame) const
-    if (frame >= mFirstFrame && frame <= mLastFrame)
+    if(frame >= mFirstFrame && frame <= mLastFrame)
         return true;
         return false;
-const TrackPoint& TrackPerson::trackPointAt(int frame) const // & macht bei else probleme, sonst mit [] zugreifbar
+const TrackPoint &TrackPerson::trackPointAt(int frame) const // & macht bei else probleme, sonst mit [] zugreifbar
-        return at(frame-mFirstFrame);
+    return at(frame - mFirstFrame);
@@ -514,8 +514,8 @@ const TrackPoint& TrackPerson::trackPointAt(int frame) const // & macht bei else
 double TrackPerson::distanceToNextFrame(int frame) const
-    if (frame >= mFirstFrame && frame+1 <= mLastFrame)
-        return at(frame-mFirstFrame).distanceToPoint(at(frame-mFirstFrame+1));
+    if(frame >= mFirstFrame && frame + 1 <= mLastFrame)
+        return at(frame - mFirstFrame).distanceToPoint(at(frame - mFirstFrame + 1));
         return -1;
@@ -533,8 +533,9 @@ double TrackPerson::distanceToNextFrame(int frame) const
 Tracker::Tracker(QWidget *wParent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
-    mTermCriteria = cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::COUNT|cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 20, 0.03); ///< maxIter=20 and epsilon=0.03
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) wParent;
+    mTermCriteria =
+        cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::COUNT | cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 20, 0.03); ///< maxIter=20 and epsilon=0.03
@@ -544,10 +545,11 @@ Tracker::Tracker(QWidget *wParent)
 void Tracker::init(cv::Size size)
     clear(); // loescht liste aller getrackten personen
-    // nicht mehr noetig, da nicht mehr in track selber // jetzt start, war prevImg == NULL && prevFrame == -1 zeigt an, dass ein neuer Trackingprozess beginnt / neue Bildfolge
+    // nicht mehr noetig, da nicht mehr in track selber // jetzt start, war prevImg == NULL && prevFrame == -1 zeigt an,
+    // dass ein neuer Trackingprozess beginnt / neue Bildfolge
-    mGrey.create(size,CV_8UC1);
-    mPrevGrey.create(size,CV_8UC1);
+    mGrey.create(size, CV_8UC1);
+    mPrevGrey.create(size, CV_8UC1);
@@ -560,19 +562,19 @@ void Tracker::reset()
 void Tracker::resize(cv::Size size)
-    if (!mGrey.empty() && ((size.width != mGrey.cols) || (size.height != mGrey.rows)))
+    if(!mGrey.empty() && ((size.width != mGrey.cols) || (size.height != mGrey.rows)))
-        mGrey.create(size,CV_8UC1);
+        mGrey.create(size, CV_8UC1);
         // umkopieren des alten Graubildes in groesseres oder auch kleineres bild (wg border)
         // aus borderFilter kopiert
-        if (!mPrevGrey.empty())
+        if(!mPrevGrey.empty())
-            int s = (size.width-mPrevGrey.cols)/2;
-            if( s >= 0)
-                cv::copyMakeBorder(mPrevGrey,mPrevGrey,s,s,s,s,cv::BORDER_CONSTANT,cv::Scalar(0));
+            int s = (size.width - mPrevGrey.cols) / 2;
+            if(s >= 0)
+                cv::copyMakeBorder(mPrevGrey, mPrevGrey, s, s, s, s, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar(0));
-                mPrevGrey = mPrevGrey(cv::Rect(-s,-s,mPrevGrey.cols+2*s,mPrevGrey.rows+2*s));
+                mPrevGrey = mPrevGrey(cv::Rect(-s, -s, mPrevGrey.cols + 2 * s, mPrevGrey.rows + 2 * s));
@@ -582,17 +584,17 @@ void Tracker::splitPerson(int pers, int frame)
     int j;
-    if (at(pers).firstFrame()< frame)
+    if(at(pers).firstFrame() < frame)
         // alte trj einkuerzen und ab aktuellem frame zukunft loeschen
-        for (j = 0; j < at(pers).lastFrame()-frame+1; ++j)
+        for(j = 0; j < at(pers).lastFrame() - frame + 1; ++j)
-        (*this)[pers].setLastFrame(frame-1);
+        (*this)[pers].setLastFrame(frame - 1);
         // neu angehaengte/gedoppelte trajektorie
-        for (j = 0; j < frame-last().firstFrame(); ++j)
+        for(j = 0; j < frame - last().firstFrame(); ++j)
@@ -606,12 +608,14 @@ void Tracker::splitPerson(int pers, int frame)
  * @param onlyVisible set of people for whom to do it (empty means everyone)
  * @return true if a trajectory was split
-bool Tracker::splitPersonAt(const Vec2F& point, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible)
+bool Tracker::splitPersonAt(const Vec2F &point, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible)
     int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
-        if (((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))) && (at(i).trackPointExist(frame) && (at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(point) < mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame)/2.)))
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+        if(((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))) &&
+           (at(i).trackPointExist(frame) &&
+            (at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(point) < mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame) / 2.)))
             splitPerson(i, frame);
@@ -631,17 +635,17 @@ bool Tracker::delPointOf(int pers, int direction, int frame)
     int j;
-    if (direction == -1)
+    if(direction == -1)
-        for (j = 0; j < frame-at(pers).firstFrame(); ++j)
+        for(j = 0; j < frame - at(pers).firstFrame(); ++j)
-    else if (direction == 0)
+    else if(direction == 0)
-    else if (direction == 1)
+    else if(direction == 1)
-        for (j = 0; j < at(pers).lastFrame()-frame; ++j)
+        for(j = 0; j < at(pers).lastFrame() - frame; ++j)
@@ -661,12 +665,14 @@ bool Tracker::delPointOf(int pers, int direction, int frame)
  * @param onlyVisible set of people whose points could be deleted; empty means everyone
  * @return true if deletion occured
-bool Tracker::delPoint(const Vec2F& point, int direction, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible)
+bool Tracker::delPoint(const Vec2F &point, int direction, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible)
     int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
-        if (((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))) && (at(i).trackPointExist(frame) && (at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(point) < mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame)/2.)))
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+        if(((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))) &&
+           (at(i).trackPointExist(frame) &&
+            (at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(point) < mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame) / 2.)))
             delPointOf(i, direction, frame);
             return true;
@@ -683,28 +689,28 @@ void Tracker::delPointAll(int direction, int frame)
     int i, j;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
-        if (at(i).trackPointExist(frame)) //
+        if(at(i).trackPointExist(frame)) //
-            if (direction == -1)
+            if(direction == -1)
-                for (j = 0; j < frame-at(i).firstFrame(); ++j)
+                for(j = 0; j < frame - at(i).firstFrame(); ++j)
-            else if (direction == 0)
+            else if(direction == 0)
                 removeAt(i--); // nach Loeschen wird i um 1 erniedrigt
-            else if (direction == 1)
+            else if(direction == 1)
-                for (j = 0; j < at(i).lastFrame()-frame; ++j)
+                for(j = 0; j < at(i).lastFrame() - frame; ++j)
-        else if (((direction == -1) && (frame > at(i).lastFrame())) ||
-                 (direction == 0) ||
-                 ((direction == 1) && (frame < at(i).firstFrame())))
+        else if(
+            ((direction == -1) && (frame > at(i).lastFrame())) || (direction == 0) ||
+            ((direction == 1) && (frame < at(i).firstFrame())))
@@ -718,19 +724,19 @@ void Tracker::delPointAll(int direction, int frame)
 // man koennte noch unterscheiden, ob trajektorie aktuell in petrack zu sehen sein soll
 void Tracker::delPointInsideROI()
-    int i, j;
+    int    i, j;
     QRectF rect = mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect();
-    bool inside;
+    bool   inside;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
         inside = ((at(i).size() > 0) && rect.contains(at(i).at(0).x(), at(i).at(0).y()));
-        for (j = 1; j < at(i).size(); ++j)
+        for(j = 1; j < at(i).size(); ++j)
-            if (inside != rect.contains(at(i).at(j).x(), at(i).at(j).y())) // aenderung von inside
+            if(inside != rect.contains(at(i).at(j).x(), at(i).at(j).y())) // aenderung von inside
-                splitPerson(i, at(i).firstFrame()+j);
-                if (inside)
+                splitPerson(i, at(i).firstFrame() + j);
+                if(inside)
@@ -739,7 +745,8 @@ void Tracker::delPointInsideROI()
-        if (inside){
+        if(inside)
+        {
             // rest loeschen
@@ -751,14 +758,14 @@ void Tracker::delPointInsideROI()
 // man koennte noch unterscheiden, ob trajektorie aktuell in petrack zu sehen sein soll
 void Tracker::delPointROI()
-    int i, j, anz=0;
+    int    i, j, anz = 0;
     QRectF rect = mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect();
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
-        for (j = 0; j < at(i).size(); ++j)
+        for(j = 0; j < at(i).size(); ++j)
-            if (rect.contains(at(i).at(j).x(), at(i).at(j).y()))
+            if(rect.contains(at(i).at(j).x(), at(i).at(j).y()))
@@ -767,7 +774,7 @@ void Tracker::delPointROI()
-    debout << "deleted "<<anz<<" trajectories!"<< std::endl;
+    debout << "deleted " << anz << " trajectories!" << std::endl;
@@ -781,38 +788,42 @@ void Tracker::delPointROI()
  * @param onlyVisible list of visible persons
  * @return if a comment has been saved
-bool Tracker::editTrackPersonComment(const Vec2F& point, int frame, const QSet<int>& onlyVisible)
+bool Tracker::editTrackPersonComment(const Vec2F &point, int frame, const QSet<int> &onlyVisible)
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
-        if (((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))) && (at(i).trackPointExist(frame) &&
-                                                                     (at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(point) <
-                                                                      mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame) /
-                                                                      2.))) // war: MIN_DISTANCE)) // 30 ist abstand zwischen kopfen
+        if(((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))) &&
+           (at(i).trackPointExist(frame) && (at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(point) <
+                                             mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame) /
+                                                 2.))) // war: MIN_DISTANCE)) // 30 ist abstand zwischen kopfen
             QString displayedComment = at(i).comment();
-            QString framePrefix = "Frame " + QString::number(frame, 'g', 5) + ": ";
+            QString framePrefix      = "Frame " + QString::number(frame, 'g', 5) + ": ";
-            if (displayedComment.isEmpty())
+            if(displayedComment.isEmpty())
-            else if (!displayedComment.contains(framePrefix))
+            else if(!displayedComment.contains(framePrefix))
                 displayedComment.append("\n" + framePrefix);
-            bool ok = false;
-            QString comment = QInputDialog::getMultiLineText(mMainWindow, QObject::tr("Add Comment"),
-                                                             QObject::tr("Comment:"),
-                                                             displayedComment, &ok);
-            if (ok) {
-                if (comment.isEmpty()) {
-                    int ret = PWarning(mMainWindow, QObject::tr("Empty comment"),
-                                                   QObject::tr("Are you sure you want to save an empty comment?"),
-                                                   PMessageBox::StandardButton::Save | PMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel);
-                    if (ret == PMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel) {
+            bool    ok      = false;
+            QString comment = QInputDialog::getMultiLineText(
+                mMainWindow, QObject::tr("Add Comment"), QObject::tr("Comment:"), displayedComment, &ok);
+            if(ok)
+            {
+                if(comment.isEmpty())
+                {
+                    int ret = PWarning(
+                        mMainWindow,
+                        QObject::tr("Empty comment"),
+                        QObject::tr("Are you sure you want to save an empty comment?"),
+                        PMessageBox::StandardButton::Save | PMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel);
+                    if(ret == PMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel)
+                    {
                         return false;
@@ -824,59 +835,76 @@ bool Tracker::editTrackPersonComment(const Vec2F& point, int frame, const QSet<i
     return false;
-bool Tracker::setTrackPersonHeight(const Vec2F& point, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible)
+bool Tracker::setTrackPersonHeight(const Vec2F &point, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible)
     int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
-        if (((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))) && (at(i).trackPointExist(frame) && (at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(point) < mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame)/2.))) // war: MIN_DISTANCE)) // 30 ist abstand zwischen kopfen
+        if(((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))) &&
+           (at(i).trackPointExist(frame) && (at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(point) <
+                                             mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame) /
+                                                 2.))) // war: MIN_DISTANCE)) // 30 ist abstand zwischen kopfen
             bool ok;
             double col_height;
             // col_height is negative, if height is determined through color and not yet set manually
-            if( at(i).height() < MIN_HEIGHT+1 )
-                col_height = at(i).color().isValid() ? -mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->getColorPlot()->map(at(i).color()) : -mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->mapDefaultHeight->value();
+            if(at(i).height() < MIN_HEIGHT + 1)
+                col_height = at(i).color().isValid() ?
+                                 -mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->getColorPlot()->map(at(i).color()) :
+                                 -mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->mapDefaultHeight->value();
                 col_height = at(i).height();
-            double height = QInputDialog::getDouble(mMainWindow,QObject::tr("Set person height"),QObject::tr("Person height[cm]:"),
-                                                    fabs(col_height), -500, 500, 1, &ok);
-            if (ok)
+            double height = QInputDialog::getDouble(
+                mMainWindow,
+                QObject::tr("Set person height"),
+                QObject::tr("Person height[cm]:"),
+                fabs(col_height),
+                -500,
+                500,
+                1,
+                &ok);
+            if(ok)
                 if(height < 0)
-                    debout << "Warning: you entered a negative height!" << std::endl;// is not supported!" << endl;
-                    //return false;
+                    debout << "Warning: you entered a negative height!" << std::endl; // is not supported!" << endl;
+                    // return false;
-                // if previous value (col_height) is negative, height was determined thru color. If manually set value is the color-map value, we do not change anything
+                // if previous value (col_height) is negative, height was determined thru color. If manually set value
+                // is the color-map value, we do not change anything
                 // @todo: @ar.graf: check if manually set values have side-effects (maybe do not show in statistics)
-                if (!(std::abs(col_height + height) < 0.01))
+                if(!(std::abs(col_height + height) < 0.01))
                     return true;
-                } else {
-                    debout << std::endl << "No height change detected. Color-mapped height will remain set." << std::endl;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    debout << std::endl
+                           << "No height change detected. Color-mapped height will remain set." << std::endl;
     return false;
-bool Tracker::resetTrackPersonHeight(const Vec2F& point, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible)
+bool Tracker::resetTrackPersonHeight(const Vec2F &point, int frame, QSet<int> onlyVisible)
     int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
-        if (((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))) && (at(i).trackPointExist(frame) && (at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(point) < mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame)/2.))) // war: MIN_DISTANCE)) // 30 ist abstand zwischen kopfen
+        if(((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))) &&
+           (at(i).trackPointExist(frame) && (at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(point) <
+                                             mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame) /
+                                                 2.))) // war: MIN_DISTANCE)) // 30 ist abstand zwischen kopfen
             return true;
     return false;
@@ -885,41 +913,46 @@ bool Tracker::resetTrackPersonHeight(const Vec2F& point, int frame, QSet<int> on
 // used for calculation of 3D point for all points in frame
 // returns number of found points or -1 if no stereoContext available (also points without disp found are counted)
-int Tracker::calcPosition(int /*frame*/) {
+int Tracker::calcPosition(int /*frame*/)
-    int anz = 0, notFoundDisp = 0;
-    pet::StereoContext * sc = mMainWindow->getStereoContext();
-    float x, y, z;
+    int                 anz = 0, notFoundDisp = 0;
+    pet::StereoContext *sc = mMainWindow->getStereoContext();
+    float               x, y, z;
-    if (sc)
+    if(sc)
         // for every point of a person, which has already identified at this frame
-        for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+        for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
-            if (at(i).trackPointExist(frame))
+            if(at(i).trackPointExist(frame))
-                //TrackPoint *point = &(at(i).trackPointAt(frame));
-                // ACHTUNG: BORDER NICHT BEACHTET bei p.x()...???
-                // calculate height with disparity map
-                if (sc->getMedianXYZaround((int) at(i).trackPointAt(frame).x(), (int) at(i).trackPointAt(frame).y(), &x, &y, &z)) // nicht myRound, da pixel 0 von 0..0.99 in double geht
+                // TrackPoint *point = &(at(i).trackPointAt(frame));
+                //  ACHTUNG: BORDER NICHT BEACHTET bei p.x()...???
+                //  calculate height with disparity map
+                if(sc->getMedianXYZaround(
+                       (int) at(i).trackPointAt(frame).x(),
+                       (int) at(i).trackPointAt(frame).y(),
+                       &x,
+                       &y,
+                       &z)) // nicht myRound, da pixel 0 von 0..0.99 in double geht
                     // hier kommt man nur hinein, wenn x, y, z Wert berechnet werden konnten
                     // statt altitude koennte hier irgendwann die berechnete Bodenhoehe einfliessen
-                    (*this)[i][frame-at(i).firstFrame()].setSp(x, y, z); //setZdistanceToCam(z);
+                    (*this)[i][frame - at(i).firstFrame()].setSp(x, y, z); // setZdistanceToCam(z);
                     (*this)[i].setHeight(z, mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->coordAltitude->value());
-                //else // Meldung zu haeufig
-                //    debout << "Warning: No disparity information for person " << i+1 << "." << endl;
+                // else // Meldung zu haeufig
+                //     debout << "Warning: No disparity information for person " << i+1 << "." << endl;
-        //if (notFoundDisp>0) // Meldung zu haeufig
-        //    debout << "Warning: No disparity information found for " << (100.*notFoundDisp)/anz << " percent of points." << endl;
+        // if (notFoundDisp>0) // Meldung zu haeufig
+        //     debout << "Warning: No disparity information found for " << (100.*notFoundDisp)/anz << " percent of
+        //     points." << endl;
         return anz;
@@ -949,116 +982,137 @@ int Tracker::calcPosition(int /*frame*/) {
  * @param[out] pers person the point was added to; undefined when new trajectory was created
  * @return true if new trajectory was created; false otherwise
-bool Tracker::addPoint(TrackPoint &point, int frame, const QSet<int>& onlyVisible, reco::RecognitionMethod method, int *pers)
+bool Tracker::addPoint(
+    TrackPoint &            point,
+    int                     frame,
+    const QSet<int> &       onlyVisible,
+    reco::RecognitionMethod method,
+    int *                   pers)
-    bool found = false;
-    int i, iNearest = 0.;
+    bool  found = false;
+    int   i, iNearest = 0.;
     float scaleHead;
     float dist, minDist = 1000000.;
     float z = -1;
-    float x=-1, y=-1;
+    float x = -1, y = -1;
     // ACHTUNG: BORDER NICHT BEACHTET bei point.x()...
     // hier wird farbe nur bei reco bestimmt gegebenfalls auch beim tracken interessant
     // calculate height with disparity map
-    if (mMainWindow->getStereoContext() && mMainWindow->getStereoWidget()->stereoUseForHeight->isChecked())
+    if(mMainWindow->getStereoContext() && mMainWindow->getStereoWidget()->stereoUseForHeight->isChecked())
-        if (mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getMedianXYZaround((int) p.x(), (int)p.y(), &x, &y, &z)) // nicht myRound, da pixel 0 von 0..0.99 in double geht
+        if(mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getMedianXYZaround(
+               (int) p.x(), (int) p.y(), &x, &y, &z)) // nicht myRound, da pixel 0 von 0..0.99 in double geht
             // statt altitude koennte hier irgendwann die berechnete Bodenhoehe einfliessen
-            p.setSp(x, y, z); //setZdistanceToCam(z);
+            p.setSp(x, y, z); // setZdistanceToCam(z);
-        //cout << " " << point.x()<< " " << point.y() << " " << x << " " << y << " " << z <<endl;
-        //if (i == 10)
-        //    debout << i << " " << mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->coordAltitude->value() - z << " " << z << " " << (*this)[i].height() << endl;
+        // cout << " " << point.x()<< " " << point.y() << " " << x << " " << y << " " << z <<endl;
+        // if (i == 10)
+        //     debout << i << " " << mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->coordAltitude->value() - z << " " << z << " " <<
+        //     (*this)[i].height() << endl;
     // skalierungsfaktor fuer kopfgroesse
     // fuer multicolor marker groesser, da der schwarze punkt weit am rand liegen kann
     bool multiColorWithDot = false;
-    if (method == reco::RecognitionMethod::MultiColor && // multicolor marker
-        mMainWindow->getMultiColorMarkerWidget()->useDot->isChecked() && // nutzung von black dot
-        !mMainWindow->getMultiColorMarkerWidget()->ignoreWithoutDot->isChecked()) // muetzen ohne black dot werden auch akzeptiert
+    if(method == reco::RecognitionMethod::MultiColor &&                 // multicolor marker
+       mMainWindow->getMultiColorMarkerWidget()->useDot->isChecked() && // nutzung von black dot
+       !mMainWindow->getMultiColorMarkerWidget()
+            ->ignoreWithoutDot->isChecked()) // muetzen ohne black dot werden auch akzeptiert
         multiColorWithDot = true;
-        scaleHead = 1.3f;
+        scaleHead         = 1.3f;
         scaleHead = 1.0f;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // !found &&  // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // !found &&  // ueber TrackPerson
-        if (((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))) && at(i).trackPointExist(frame))
+        if(((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))) && at(i).trackPointExist(frame))
             dist = at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(point);
-            if ((dist < scaleHead*mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame)/2.) ||
-                // fuer multifarbmarker mit schwarzem punkt wird nur farbmarker zur Abstandbetrachtung herangezogen
-                // at(i).trackPointAt(frame).colPoint() existiert nicht an dieser stelle, da bisher nur getrackt wurde!!!!
-                (multiColorWithDot && point.color().isValid() && (at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(point.colPoint()) < mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame)/2.)))
+            if((dist < scaleHead * mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame) / 2.) ||
+               // fuer multifarbmarker mit schwarzem punkt wird nur farbmarker zur Abstandbetrachtung herangezogen
+               // at(i).trackPointAt(frame).colPoint() existiert nicht an dieser stelle, da bisher nur getrackt
+               // wurde!!!!
+               (multiColorWithDot && point.color().isValid() &&
+                (at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(point.colPoint()) <
+                 mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame) / 2.)))
-                if (found)
+                if(found)
                     debout << "Warning: more possible trackpoints for point" << std::endl;
                     debout << "         " << point << " in frame " << frame << " with low distance:" << std::endl;
-                    debout << "         person " << i+1 << " (distance: " << dist << "), " << std::endl;
-                    debout << "         person " << iNearest+1 << " (distance: " << minDist << "), " << std::endl;
-                    if (minDist > dist)
+                    debout << "         person " << i + 1 << " (distance: " << dist << "), " << std::endl;
+                    debout << "         person " << iNearest + 1 << " (distance: " << minDist << "), " << std::endl;
+                    if(minDist > dist)
-                        minDist = dist;
+                        minDist  = dist;
                         iNearest = i;
-                    minDist = dist;
+                    minDist  = dist;
                     iNearest = i;
                     // WAR: break inner loop
                     found = true;
-            }  
+            }
-    if (found) // den naechstgelegenen nehmen
+    if(found) // den naechstgelegenen nehmen
         // test, if recognition point or tracked point is better is made in at(i).insertAtFrame
-        if ((*this)[iNearest].insertAtFrame(frame, point, iNearest, (mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->trackExtrapolation->checkState() == Qt::Checked))) // wenn eingefuegt wurde (bessere qualitaet)
-            //|| !at(i).trackPointAt(frame).color().isValid() moeglich, um auch bei schlechterer qualitaet aber aktuell nicht
-            // vorliegender farbe die ermittelte farbe einzutragen - kommt nicht vor!
+        if((*this)[iNearest].insertAtFrame(
+               frame,
+               point,
+               iNearest,
+               (mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->trackExtrapolation->checkState() ==
+                Qt::Checked))) // wenn eingefuegt wurde (bessere qualitaet)
+                               //|| !at(i).trackPointAt(frame).color().isValid() moeglich, um auch bei schlechterer
+                               // qualitaet aber aktuell nicht
+                               // vorliegender farbe die ermittelte farbe einzutragen - kommt nicht vor!
             // Synchronize TrackPerson.markerID with TrackPoint.markerID
             // set/add color
-            if (point.color().isValid()) // not valid for manual, than old color is used
+            if(point.color().isValid()) // not valid for manual, than old color is used
-                //if (at(i).trackPointAt(frame).color().isValid()) man koennte alte farbe abziehen - aber nicht noetig, kommt nicht vor
+                // if (at(i).trackPointAt(frame).color().isValid()) man koennte alte farbe abziehen - aber nicht noetig,
+                // kommt nicht vor
-        if (pers != nullptr)
+        if(pers != nullptr)
             *pers = iNearest;
-    if ((onlyVisible.empty()) && !found)
+    if((onlyVisible.empty()) && !found)
         iNearest = size();
-        if (point.qual() > 100) //manual add
+        if(point.qual() > 100) // manual add
-        append(TrackPerson(0, frame, point, point.getMarkerID())); // 0 is person number/markerID; newReco is set to true by default
+        append(TrackPerson(
+            0, frame, point, point.getMarkerID())); // 0 is person number/markerID; newReco is set to true by default
-    if ((z > 0) && ((onlyVisible.empty()) || found))
+    if((z > 0) && ((onlyVisible.empty()) || found))
         (*this)[iNearest].setHeight(z, mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->coordAltitude->value()); // , frame
-    if ((!onlyVisible.empty()) && !found)
+    if((!onlyVisible.empty()) && !found)
-        QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, "PeTrack", "Adding a manual TrackPoint is only possible, when \"show only people\" and \"show only people list\" are disabled!\n"
-                                                     "You would not see the newly created TrackPoint otherwise.");
+        QMessageBox::warning(
+            nullptr,
+            "PeTrack",
+            "Adding a manual TrackPoint is only possible, when \"show only people\" and \"show only people list\" are "
+            "disabled!\n"
+            "You would not see the newly created TrackPoint otherwise.");
         debout << "Warning: No manual insertion, because not all trajectories are visible!" << std::endl;
         return false;
@@ -1072,11 +1126,11 @@ void Tracker::addPoints(QList<TrackPoint> &pL, int frame, reco::RecognitionMetho
     int i;
     // reset newReco
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
     // ueberprufen ob identisch mit einem Punkt in liste
-    for (i = 0; i < pL.size(); ++i) // ueber PointList
+    for(i = 0; i < pL.size(); ++i) // ueber PointList
         addPoint(pL[i], frame, QSet<int>(), method);
@@ -1085,9 +1139,9 @@ void Tracker::addPoints(QList<TrackPoint> &pL, int frame, reco::RecognitionMetho
 int Tracker::visible(int frameNum)
     int i, anz = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).trackPointExist(frameNum))
+        if(at(i).trackPointExist(frameNum))
     return anz;
@@ -1096,9 +1150,9 @@ int Tracker::visible(int frameNum)
 int Tracker::largestFirstFrame()
     int max = -1, i;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).firstFrame() > max)
+        if(at(i).firstFrame() > max)
             max = at(i).firstFrame();
     return max;
@@ -1106,29 +1160,29 @@ int Tracker::largestFirstFrame()
 int Tracker::largestLastFrame()
     int max = -1, i;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).lastFrame() > max)
+        if(at(i).lastFrame() > max)
             max = at(i).lastFrame();
     return max;
 int Tracker::smallestFirstFrame()
-    int i, min = ((size()>0) ? at(0).firstFrame() : -1);
-    for (i = 1; i < size(); ++i)
+    int i, min = ((size() > 0) ? at(0).firstFrame() : -1);
+    for(i = 1; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).firstFrame() < min)
+        if(at(i).firstFrame() < min)
             min = at(i).firstFrame();
     return min;
 int Tracker::smallestLastFrame()
-    int i, min = ((size()>0) ? at(0).lastFrame() : -1);
-    for (i = 1; i < size(); ++i)
+    int i, min = ((size() > 0) ? at(0).lastFrame() : -1);
+    for(i = 1; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).lastFrame() < min)
+        if(at(i).lastFrame() < min)
             min = at(i).lastFrame();
     return min;
@@ -1146,21 +1200,30 @@ int Tracker::smallestLastFrame()
  * @param onlyVisible
  * @return number of feature points
-size_t Tracker::calcPrevFeaturePoints(int prevFrame, cv::Rect &rect, int frame, bool reTrack, int reQual, int borderSize, QSet<int> onlyVisible)
+size_t Tracker::calcPrevFeaturePoints(
+    int       prevFrame,
+    cv::Rect &rect,
+    int       frame,
+    bool      reTrack,
+    int       reQual,
+    int       borderSize,
+    QSet<int> onlyVisible)
     int j = -1;
-    if (prevFrame != -1)
+    if(prevFrame != -1)
-        for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+        for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-            if(!((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i)))){
+            if(!((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))))
+            {
-            if(!at(i).trackPointExist(prevFrame)){
+            if(!at(i).trackPointExist(prevFrame))
+            {
@@ -1175,23 +1238,26 @@ size_t Tracker::calcPrevFeaturePoints(int prevFrame, cv::Rect &rect, int frame,
                 int dir = (frame - prevFrame); // direction of tracking - forward/backwards
-                dir /= std::abs(dir); // theoretically possible to omit MAX_STEP_TRACK frames
+                dir /= std::abs(dir);          // theoretically possible to omit MAX_STEP_TRACK frames
                 constexpr int minQualReco = 90;
                 for(int j = 0;
-                    at(i).trackPointExist(frame + j*dir) && at(i).trackPointAt(frame + j*dir).qual() < minQualReco;
-                    ++j){
-                    if(at(i).trackPointAt(frame + j*dir).qual() < reQual){
+                    at(i).trackPointExist(frame + j * dir) && at(i).trackPointAt(frame + j * dir).qual() < minQualReco;
+                    ++j)
+                {
+                    if(at(i).trackPointAt(frame + j * dir).qual() < reQual)
+                    {
                         applyReTrack = false;
-            if( at(i).trackPointExist(frame) && !applyReTrack ){
+            if(at(i).trackPointExist(frame) && !applyReTrack)
+            {
-            Vec2F prevPoint = at(i).at(prevFrame-at(i).firstFrame());
+            Vec2F prevPoint = at(i).at(prevFrame - at(i).firstFrame());
             prevPoint += Vec2F(borderSize, borderSize);
             cv::Point2f p2f = prevPoint.toPoint2f();
@@ -1200,7 +1266,7 @@ size_t Tracker::calcPrevFeaturePoints(int prevFrame, cv::Rect &rect, int frame,
-                if (j > MAX_COUNT-2)
+                if(j > MAX_COUNT - 2)
                     debout << "Warning: reached maximal number of tracking point: " << MAX_COUNT << std::endl;
                     break; // for loop
@@ -1235,45 +1301,49 @@ size_t Tracker::calcPrevFeaturePoints(int prevFrame, cv::Rect &rect, int frame,
 int Tracker::insertFeaturePoints(int frame, size_t count, cv::Mat &img, int borderSize, float errorScale)
-    int inserted = 0;
+    int        inserted = 0;
     TrackPoint v;
-    int qual;
-    bool found;
-    Vec2F borderSize2F(-borderSize, -borderSize);
-    int dist = (borderSize > 9) ? borderSize : 10; // abstand zum bildrand, ab wann warnung ueber trj verlust herausgeschrieben wird
-    float z=-1;
-//    int borderColorGray = qGray(mMainWindow->getBorderFilter()->getBorderColR()->getValue(),
-//                                mMainWindow->getBorderFilter()->getBorderColG()->getValue(),
-//                                mMainWindow->getBorderFilter()->getBorderColB()->getValue());
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
-    {
-        if (mStatus[i])
+    int        qual;
+    bool       found;
+    Vec2F      borderSize2F(-borderSize, -borderSize);
+    int        dist = (borderSize > 9) ? borderSize :
+                                         10; // abstand zum bildrand, ab wann warnung ueber trj verlust herausgeschrieben wird
+    float      z    = -1;
+    //    int borderColorGray = qGray(mMainWindow->getBorderFilter()->getBorderColR()->getValue(),
+    //                                mMainWindow->getBorderFilter()->getBorderColG()->getValue(),
+    //                                mMainWindow->getBorderFilter()->getBorderColB()->getValue());
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+    {
+        if(mStatus[i])
-            v = Vec2F(mFeaturePoints.at(i).x,mFeaturePoints.at(i).y); // umwandlung nach TrackPoint bei "="
+            v = Vec2F(mFeaturePoints.at(i).x, mFeaturePoints.at(i).y); // umwandlung nach TrackPoint bei "="
             // ausserhalb der groesse des originalbildes
-            if ((v.x() >= borderSize && v.y() >= borderSize && v.x() <= img.cols-1-borderSize && v.y() <= img.rows-1-borderSize) ||
-                (mTrackError[i] < errorScale*MAX_TRACK_ERROR)) // nur bei kleinem Fehler darf auch im Randbereich getrackt werden
+            if((v.x() >= borderSize && v.y() >= borderSize && v.x() <= img.cols - 1 - borderSize &&
+                v.y() <= img.rows - 1 - borderSize) ||
+               (mTrackError[i] <
+                errorScale * MAX_TRACK_ERROR)) // nur bei kleinem Fehler darf auch im Randbereich getrackt werden
                 // das Beschraenken auf die Bildgroesse ist reine sicherheitsmassnahme,
                 // oft sind tracking paths auch ausserhalb des bildes noch gut,
                 // aber beim tracken in die andere richtung kann es bei petrack probleme machen
-                if (v.x() >= 0 && v.y() >= 0 && v.x() <= img.cols-1 && v.y() <= img.rows-1)
+                if(v.x() >= 0 && v.y() >= 0 && v.x() <= img.cols - 1 && v.y() <= img.rows - 1)
                     // borderSize abziehen, da Trackerdaten am Rand des Originalbildes 0/0 ist
                     // set position relative to original image size
                     v += borderSize2F;
-                    float x=-1, y=-1;
+                    float x = -1, y = -1;
                     // ACHTUNG: BORDER NICHT BEACHTET bei point.x()...
                     // calculate height with disparity map
-                    if (mMainWindow->getStereoContext() && mMainWindow->getStereoWidget()->stereoUseForHeight->isChecked())
+                    if(mMainWindow->getStereoContext() &&
+                       mMainWindow->getStereoWidget()->stereoUseForHeight->isChecked())
-                        mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getMedianXYZaround((int) v.x(), (int)v.y(), &x, &y, &z);
+                        mMainWindow->getStereoContext()->getMedianXYZaround((int) v.x(), (int) v.y(), &x, &y, &z);
-                            v.setSp(x, y, z); //v.setZdistanceToCam(z);
+                            v.setSp(x, y, z); // v.setZdistanceToCam(z);
                         //(*this)[i].setHeight(z, mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->coordAltitude->value(), frame);
@@ -1288,23 +1358,31 @@ int Tracker::insertFeaturePoints(int frame, size_t count, cv::Mat &img, int bord
                     // TODO Wird gerade eben nicht gemacht. Sollten wir???
-                    // ueberpruefen, ob tracking ziel auf anderem tracking path landet, dann beide trackpaths verschmelzen lassen
+                    // ueberpruefen, ob tracking ziel auf anderem tracking path landet, dann beide trackpaths
+                    // verschmelzen lassen
                     found = false;
-                    if (mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->trackMerge->checkState() == Qt::Checked) // wenn zusammengefuehrt=merge=verschmolzen werden soll
+                    if(mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->trackMerge->checkState() ==
+                       Qt::Checked) // wenn zusammengefuehrt=merge=verschmolzen werden soll
                         found = tryMergeTrajectories(v, i, frame);
                     // wenn keine verschmelzung erfolgte, versuchen trackpoint einzufuegen
-                    if (!found)
+                    if(!found)
                         qual = static_cast<int>(errorToQual(mTrackError[i]));
-                        if (qual < 20)
+                        if(qual < 20)
                             qual = 20;
                         v.setQual(qual); // qual um 50, damit nur reco-kopf-ellipsen points nicht herauskegeln
                         // bei insertAtFrame wird qual beruecksichtigt, ob vorheiger besser
-                        if ((*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].insertAtFrame(frame, v, mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i], (mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->trackExtrapolation->checkState() == Qt::Checked)) && (z > 0))
-                            (*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].setHeight(z, mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->coordAltitude->value()); // , frame
+                        if((*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].insertAtFrame(
+                               frame,
+                               v,
+                               mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i],
+                               (mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->trackExtrapolation->checkState() == Qt::Checked)) &&
+                           (z > 0))
+                            (*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].setHeight(
+                                z, mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->coordAltitude->value()); // , frame
@@ -1313,8 +1391,9 @@ int Tracker::insertFeaturePoints(int frame, size_t count, cv::Mat &img, int bord
-            if (v.x() >= dist && v.y() >= dist && v.x() <= img.cols-1-dist && v.y() <= img.rows-1-dist)
-                debout << "Warning: Lost trajectory inside picture of person " << mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]+1 << " at frame " << frame << "!" << std::endl;
+            if(v.x() >= dist && v.y() >= dist && v.x() <= img.cols - 1 - dist && v.y() <= img.rows - 1 - dist)
+                debout << "Warning: Lost trajectory inside picture of person " << mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i] + 1
+                       << " at frame " << frame << "!" << std::endl;
@@ -1329,56 +1408,71 @@ int Tracker::insertFeaturePoints(int frame, size_t count, cv::Mat &img, int bord
  * @param frame frame in which the point v was tracked
  * @return true if a suitable trajectory to merge with was found
-bool Tracker::tryMergeTrajectories(const TrackPoint& v, size_t i, int frame)
+bool Tracker::tryMergeTrajectories(const TrackPoint &v, size_t i, int frame)
-    int deleteIndex;
+    int  deleteIndex;
     bool found = false;
-    int j;
+    int  j;
     // nach trajektorie suchen, mit der eine verschmelzung erfolgen koennte
-    for (j = 0; !found && j < size(); ++j) // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(j = 0; !found && j < size(); ++j) // ueber TrackPerson
-        if (j != mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i] && at(j).trackPointExist(frame) && (at(j).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(v) < mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, j, frame)/2.))
+        if(j != mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i] && at(j).trackPointExist(frame) &&
+           (at(j).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(v) < mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, j, frame) / 2.))
             // um ein fehltracking hin zu einer anderen Trajektorie nicht zum Verschmelzen dieser fuehren zu lassen
             // (die fehlerbehandlung durch interpolation wird in insertAtFrame durchgefuehrt)
-            if (!((at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).trackPointExist(frame-1) &&
-                   (at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).trackPointAt(frame-1).distanceToPoint(v) > mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i], frame-1)/2.)) ||
-                  (at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).trackPointExist(frame+1) &&
-                   (at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).trackPointAt(frame+1).distanceToPoint(v) > mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i], frame+1)/2.))))
+            if(!((at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).trackPointExist(frame - 1) &&
+                  (at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).trackPointAt(frame - 1).distanceToPoint(v) >
+                   mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i], frame - 1) / 2.)) ||
+                 (at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).trackPointExist(frame + 1) &&
+                  (at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).trackPointAt(frame + 1).distanceToPoint(v) >
+                   mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i], frame + 1) / 2.))))
-                if (at(j).firstFrame() < (*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].firstFrame() &&
-                    at(j).lastFrame()  > (*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].lastFrame())
+                if(at(j).firstFrame() < (*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].firstFrame() &&
+                   at(j).lastFrame() > (*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].lastFrame())
-                    for (int k = 0; k < at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).size(); ++k)
+                    for(int k = 0; k < at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).size(); ++k)
                         // bei insertAtFrame wird qual beruecksichtigt, ob vorheriger besser
-                        (*this)[j].insertAtFrame(at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).firstFrame()+k, at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).at(k), j, (mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->trackExtrapolation->checkState() == Qt::Checked));
+                        (*this)[j].insertAtFrame(
+                            at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).firstFrame() + k,
+                            at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).at(k),
+                            j,
+                            (mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->trackExtrapolation->checkState() == Qt::Checked));
-                    deleteIndex=mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i];
+                    deleteIndex = mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i];
-                else if (at(j).firstFrame() < (*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].firstFrame())
+                else if(at(j).firstFrame() < (*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].firstFrame())
-                    for (int k = at(j).size()-1; k > -1; --k)
+                    for(int k = at(j).size() - 1; k > -1; --k)
                         // bei insertAtFrame wird qual beruecksichtigt, ob vorheriger besser
-                        (*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].insertAtFrame(at(j).firstFrame()+k, at(j).at(k), mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i], (mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->trackExtrapolation->checkState() == Qt::Checked));
+                        (*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].insertAtFrame(
+                            at(j).firstFrame() + k,
+                            at(j).at(k),
+                            mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i],
+                            (mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->trackExtrapolation->checkState() == Qt::Checked));
-                    deleteIndex=j;
+                    deleteIndex = j;
-                    for (int k = 0; k < at(j).size(); ++k)
+                    for(int k = 0; k < at(j).size(); ++k)
                         // bei insertAtFrame wird qual beruecksichtigt, ob vorheriger besser
-                        (*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].insertAtFrame(at(j).firstFrame()+k, at(j).at(k), mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i], (mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->trackExtrapolation->checkState() == Qt::Checked));
+                        (*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].insertAtFrame(
+                            at(j).firstFrame() + k,
+                            at(j).at(k),
+                            mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i],
+                            (mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->trackExtrapolation->checkState() == Qt::Checked));
-                    deleteIndex=j;
+                    deleteIndex = j;
                 // shift index of feature points
-                for (size_t k = 0; k < mPrevFeaturePointsIdx.size(); ++k)
-                    if (mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[k] > deleteIndex)
+                for(size_t k = 0; k < mPrevFeaturePointsIdx.size(); ++k)
+                    if(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[k] > deleteIndex)
                 found = true;
@@ -1390,8 +1484,8 @@ bool Tracker::tryMergeTrajectories(const TrackPoint& v, size_t i, int frame)
 // default: int winSize=10, int level=3
 // winSize=3 ist genauer, aber kann auch leichter abgelenkt werden; winSize=30 ist robuster aber ungenauer
-// level kann groesser gewaehlt werden, wenn winSize klein, macht aber keinen grossen unterschied; (0) waere ohne pyramide
-// war , int winSize=10
+// level kann groesser gewaehlt werden, wenn winSize klein, macht aber keinen grossen unterschied; (0) waere ohne
+// pyramide war , int winSize=10
  * @brief Tracks points from the last frame in this (current) frame
@@ -1406,55 +1500,71 @@ bool Tracker::tryMergeTrajectories(const TrackPoint& v, size_t i, int frame)
  * @param errorScaleExponent errorScale is 1.5^errorScaleExponent
  * @return Number of tracked points
-int Tracker::track(cv::Mat &img, cv::Rect &rect, int frame, bool reTrack, int reQual, int borderSize, reco::RecognitionMethod recoMethod, int level, QSet<int> onlyVisible, int errorScaleExponent)
+int Tracker::track(
+    cv::Mat &               img,
+    cv::Rect &              rect,
+    int                     frame,
+    bool                    reTrack,
+    int                     reQual,
+    int                     borderSize,
+    reco::RecognitionMethod recoMethod,
+    int                     level,
+    QSet<int>               onlyVisible,
+    int                     errorScaleExponent)
     QList<int> trjToDel;
-    float errorScale = pow(1.5,errorScaleExponent); // 0 waere neutral
+    float      errorScale = pow(1.5, errorScaleExponent); // 0 waere neutral
-    if (mGrey.empty())
+    if(mGrey.empty())
         debout << "ERROR: you have to initialize tracking before using tracker!" << std::endl;
         return -1;
-    if (img.empty())
+    if(img.empty())
         debout << "ERROR: no NULL image allowed for tracking!" << std::endl;
         return -1;
-    if ((mPrevFrame != -1) && (abs(frame - mPrevFrame) > MAX_STEP_TRACK))
+    if((mPrevFrame != -1) && (abs(frame - mPrevFrame) > MAX_STEP_TRACK))
-    if (abs(frame - mPrevFrame) == 0)
+    if(abs(frame - mPrevFrame) == 0)
         debout << "ERROR: Frame has not changed. There is nothing to track!" << std::endl;
         return -1;
-    if (img.channels() == 3)
+    if(img.channels() == 3)
-        cv::cvtColor(img,mGrey,cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
+        cv::cvtColor(img, mGrey, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
-    else if (img.channels() == 1){
+    else if(img.channels() == 1)
+    {
-    }else{
+    }
+    else
+    {
         debout << "Error: Wrong number of channels: " << img.channels() << std::endl;
         return -1;
-    size_t numOfPeopleToTrack = calcPrevFeaturePoints(mPrevFrame, rect, frame, reTrack, reQual, borderSize, onlyVisible);
+    size_t numOfPeopleToTrack =
+        calcPrevFeaturePoints(mPrevFrame, rect, frame, reTrack, reQual, borderSize, onlyVisible);
-    if (numOfPeopleToTrack > 0)
+    if(numOfPeopleToTrack > 0)
-        if (mPrevFrame != -1)
+        if(mPrevFrame != -1)
-            if (abs(frame - mPrevFrame) > MAX_STEP_TRACK)
-                debout << "Warning: no tracking because of too many skipped frames (" << mPrevFrame << " to " << frame << ")!" << std::endl;
-            else if (abs(frame - mPrevFrame) > 1)
-                debout << "Warning: linear interpolation of skipped frames which are not already tracked (" << mPrevFrame << " to " << frame << ")." << std::endl; // will be done in insertFeaturePoints
+            if(abs(frame - mPrevFrame) > MAX_STEP_TRACK)
+                debout << "Warning: no tracking because of too many skipped frames (" << mPrevFrame << " to " << frame
+                       << ")!" << std::endl;
+            else if(abs(frame - mPrevFrame) > 1)
+                debout << "Warning: linear interpolation of skipped frames which are not already tracked ("
+                       << mPrevFrame << " to " << frame << ")." << std::endl; // will be done in insertFeaturePoints
         trackFeaturePointsLK(level, mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->getAdaptiveLevel());
@@ -1463,15 +1573,21 @@ int Tracker::track(cv::Mat &img, cv::Rect &rect, int frame, bool reTrack, int re
         refineViaColorPointLK(level, errorScale);
         BackgroundFilter *bgFilter = mMainWindow->getBackgroundFilter();
-        // testen, ob Punkt im Vordergrund liegt, ansonsten, wenn nicht gerade zuvor detektiert, ganze trajektorie loeschen (maximnale laenge ausserhalb ist somit 2 frames)
-        if (bgFilter && bgFilter->getEnabled() && (mPrevFrame != -1)) // nur fuer den fall von bgSubtraction durchfuehren
+        // testen, ob Punkt im Vordergrund liegt, ansonsten, wenn nicht gerade zuvor detektiert, ganze trajektorie
+        // loeschen (maximnale laenge ausserhalb ist somit 2 frames)
+        if(bgFilter && bgFilter->getEnabled() && (mPrevFrame != -1)) // nur fuer den fall von bgSubtraction durchfuehren
             useBackgroundFilter(trjToDel, bgFilter);
         // (bei schlechten, aber noch ertraeglichem fehler in der naehe dunkelsten punkt suchen)
-        // dieser ansatz kann dazu fuehren, dass bei starken helligkeitsunterschieden auf pappe zum schatten gewandert wird!!!
-        if (!mMainWindow->getStereoWidget()->stereoUseForReco->isChecked() && ((recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Casern)|| (recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Hermes))) // nicht benutzen, wenn ueber disparity der kopf gesucht wird und somit kein marker vorhanden oder zumindest nicht am punkt lewigen muss
+        // dieser ansatz kann dazu fuehren, dass bei starken helligkeitsunterschieden auf pappe zum schatten gewandert
+        // wird!!!
+        if(!mMainWindow->getStereoWidget()->stereoUseForReco->isChecked() &&
+           ((recoMethod == reco::RecognitionMethod::Casern) ||
+            (recoMethod ==
+             reco::RecognitionMethod::Hermes))) // nicht benutzen, wenn ueber disparity der kopf gesucht wird und somit
+                                                // kein marker vorhanden oder zumindest nicht am punkt lewigen muss
@@ -1486,7 +1602,7 @@ int Tracker::track(cv::Mat &img, cv::Rect &rect, int frame, bool reTrack, int re
     // delete vorher ausgewaehlte trj
     // ACHTUNG: einzige stelle in tracker, wo eine trj geloescht wird
     // trackNumberAll, trackShowOnlyNr werden nicht angepasst, dies wird aber am ende von petrack::updateimage gemacht
-    for (int i = 0; i < trjToDel.size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(int i = 0; i < trjToDel.size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
@@ -1510,15 +1626,17 @@ int Tracker::track(cv::Mat &img, cv::Rect &rect, int frame, bool reTrack, int re
 void Tracker::preCalculateImagePyramids(int level)
     int maxWinSize = 3;
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < mPrevFeaturePointsIdx.size(); ++i){
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < mPrevFeaturePointsIdx.size(); ++i)
+    {
         int winSize = mMainWindow->winSize(nullptr, mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i], mPrevFrame, 0);
-        if(winSize > maxWinSize){
+        if(winSize > maxWinSize)
+        {
             maxWinSize = winSize;
     cv::buildOpticalFlowPyramid(mPrevGrey, mPrevPyr, cv::Size(maxWinSize, maxWinSize), level);
-    cv::buildOpticalFlowPyramid(mGrey, mCurrentPyr, cv::Size(maxWinSize,maxWinSize), level);
+    cv::buildOpticalFlowPyramid(mGrey, mCurrentPyr, cv::Size(maxWinSize, maxWinSize), level);
@@ -1598,35 +1716,51 @@ void Tracker::trackFeaturePointsLK(int level, bool adaptive)
 void Tracker::refineViaColorPointLK(int level, float errorScale)
-    int winSize;
-    bool useColor = mMainWindow->getMultiColorMarkerWidget()->useColor->isChecked();
+    int                      winSize;
+    bool                     useColor = mMainWindow->getMultiColorMarkerWidget()->useColor->isChecked();
     std::vector<cv::Point2f> prevColorFeaturePoint, colorFeaturePoint;
-    std::vector<uchar> colorStatus;
-    std::vector<float> colorTrackError;
+    std::vector<uchar>       colorStatus;
+    std::vector<float>       colorTrackError;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < mPrevFeaturePointsIdx.size(); ++i)
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < mPrevFeaturePointsIdx.size(); ++i)
-        // wenn fehler zu gross, dann Farbmarkerelement nehmen // fuer multicolor marker / farbiger hut mit schwarzem punkt
-        if ( useColor && mTrackError[i]>errorScale*150.F && at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).at(mPrevFrame-at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).firstFrame()).color().isValid())
+        // wenn fehler zu gross, dann Farbmarkerelement nehmen // fuer multicolor marker / farbiger hut mit schwarzem
+        // punkt
+        if(useColor && mTrackError[i] > errorScale * 150.F &&
+           at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).at(mPrevFrame - at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).firstFrame()).color().isValid())
-            float prevPointX = static_cast<float>(at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).at(mPrevFrame-at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).firstFrame()).colPoint().x());
-            float prevPointY = static_cast<float>(at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).at(mPrevFrame-at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).firstFrame()).colPoint().y());
+            float prevPointX = static_cast<float>(
+                at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).at(mPrevFrame - at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).firstFrame()).colPoint().x());
+            float prevPointY = static_cast<float>(
+                at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).at(mPrevFrame - at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).firstFrame()).colPoint().y());
             prevColorFeaturePoint.push_back(cv::Point2f(prevPointX, prevPointY));
             winSize = mMainWindow->winSize(nullptr, mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i], mPrevFrame, level);
-            cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(mPrevPyr,mCurrentPyr,prevColorFeaturePoint,colorFeaturePoint,colorStatus,colorTrackError,cv::Size(winSize,winSize),level,mTermCriteria);
+            cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(
+                mPrevPyr,
+                mCurrentPyr,
+                prevColorFeaturePoint,
+                colorFeaturePoint,
+                colorStatus,
+                colorTrackError,
+                cv::Size(winSize, winSize),
+                level,
+                mTermCriteria);
-            colorTrackError[i] = colorTrackError[i]*10.F/winSize;
+            colorTrackError[i] = colorTrackError[i] * 10.F / winSize;
-            if ((colorStatus[i] == 1) && (colorTrackError[i] < errorScale*50.F))
+            if((colorStatus[i] == 1) && (colorTrackError[i] < errorScale * 50.F))
-                debout << "Warning: tracking color marker instead of structural marker of person "<< mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]+1 <<" at " << mFeaturePoints[i].x << " x " << mFeaturePoints[i].y
-                        << " / error: " << mTrackError[i] << " / color error: " << colorTrackError[i] << std::endl;
+                debout << "Warning: tracking color marker instead of structural marker of person "
+                       << mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i] + 1 << " at " << mFeaturePoints[i].x << " x " << mFeaturePoints[i].y
+                       << " / error: " << mTrackError[i] << " / color error: " << colorTrackError[i] << std::endl;
-                mFeaturePoints[i] = cv::Point2f(mPrevFeaturePoints[i].x+(colorFeaturePoint[i].x-prevColorFeaturePoint[i].x),
-                                            mPrevFeaturePoints[i].x+(colorFeaturePoint[i].x-prevColorFeaturePoint[i].x));
-                debout << "         resulting point: " << mFeaturePoints[i].x << " x " << mFeaturePoints[i].y << std::endl;
+                mFeaturePoints[i] = cv::Point2f(
+                    mPrevFeaturePoints[i].x + (colorFeaturePoint[i].x - prevColorFeaturePoint[i].x),
+                    mPrevFeaturePoints[i].x + (colorFeaturePoint[i].x - prevColorFeaturePoint[i].x));
+                debout << "         resulting point: " << mFeaturePoints[i].x << " x " << mFeaturePoints[i].y
+                       << std::endl;
                 mTrackError[i] = colorTrackError[i];
@@ -1644,34 +1778,39 @@ void Tracker::refineViaColorPointLK(int level, float errorScale)
  * @param trjToDel[out] trajectories marked for deletion
  * @param bgFilter[in] backgroundFilter, which determines if a point is in the bg
-void Tracker::useBackgroundFilter(QList<int>& trjToDel, BackgroundFilter *bgFilter){
-    int x, y;
-    static int margin=10; // rand am bild, ab dem trajectorie in den hintergrund laufen darf
-    int bS = mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
-    QRectF rect = mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < mPrevFeaturePointsIdx.size(); ++i)
+void Tracker::useBackgroundFilter(QList<int> &trjToDel, BackgroundFilter *bgFilter)
+    int        x, y;
+    static int margin = 10; // rand am bild, ab dem trajectorie in den hintergrund laufen darf
+    int        bS     = mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
+    QRectF     rect   = mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect();
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < mPrevFeaturePointsIdx.size(); ++i)
-        x = myRound(mFeaturePoints[i].x-.5);
-        y = myRound(mFeaturePoints[i].y-.5);
-        // Rahmen, in dem nicht vordergrund pflicht, insbesondere am rechten rand!!!! es wird gruenes von hand angelegtes bounding rect roi genutzt
-        if ((mStatus[i] == 1) &&
-                x >= MAX(margin, rect.x()) && x <= MIN(mGrey.cols-1-2*bS-margin-50, rect.x()+rect.width()) &&
-                y >= MAX(margin, rect.y()) && y <= MIN(mGrey.rows-1-2*bS-margin, rect.y()+rect.height()))
+        x = myRound(mFeaturePoints[i].x - .5);
+        y = myRound(mFeaturePoints[i].y - .5);
+        // Rahmen, in dem nicht vordergrund pflicht, insbesondere am rechten rand!!!! es wird gruenes von hand
+        // angelegtes bounding rect roi genutzt
+        if((mStatus[i] == 1) && x >= MAX(margin, rect.x()) &&
+           x <= MIN(mGrey.cols - 1 - 2 * bS - margin - 50, rect.x() + rect.width()) && y >= MAX(margin, rect.y()) &&
+           y <= MIN(mGrey.rows - 1 - 2 * bS - margin, rect.y() + rect.height()))
-            if (!bgFilter->isForeground(x, y) && at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).trackPointAt(mPrevFrame).qual() < 100)
+            if(!bgFilter->isForeground(x, y) && at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).trackPointAt(mPrevFrame).qual() < 100)
-                if ((mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->filterBgDeleteTrj->checkState() == Qt::Checked) &&
-                    (at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).nrInBg() >= mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->filterBgDeleteNumber->value()))
+                if((mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->filterBgDeleteTrj->checkState() == Qt::Checked) &&
+                   (at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).nrInBg() >=
+                    mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->filterBgDeleteNumber->value()))
                     // nur zum loeschen vormerken und am ende der fkt loeschen, da sonst Seiteneffekte komplex
-                    trjToDel+= mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i];
-                    debout << "Warning: Delete trajectory " << mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]+1 << " inside region of interest, because it laid outside foreground for " <<
-                              mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->filterBgDeleteNumber->value() << " successive frames!" << std::endl;
+                    trjToDel += mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i];
+                    debout << "Warning: Delete trajectory " << mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i] + 1
+                           << " inside region of interest, because it laid outside foreground for "
+                           << mMainWindow->getControlWidget()->filterBgDeleteNumber->value() << " successive frames!"
+                           << std::endl;
-                    (*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].setNrInBg(at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).nrInBg()+1);
+                    (*this)[mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]].setNrInBg(at(mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i]).nrInBg() + 1);
             else // zaehler zuruecksetzen, der anzahl von getrackten Punkten im hintergrund zaehlt
@@ -1694,46 +1833,48 @@ void Tracker::useBackgroundFilter(QList<int>& trjToDel, BackgroundFilter *bgFilt
 void Tracker::refineViaNearDarkPoint()
     int x, y;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < mPrevFeaturePointsIdx.size(); ++i)
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < mPrevFeaturePointsIdx.size(); ++i)
-        x = myRound(mFeaturePoints[i].x-.5);
-        y = myRound(mFeaturePoints[i].y-.5);
+        x = myRound(mFeaturePoints[i].x - .5);
+        y = myRound(mFeaturePoints[i].y - .5);
         // der reine fehler ist leider kein alleinig gutes mass,
         // da in kontrastarmen regionen der angegebene fehler gering, aber das resultat haeufiger fehlerhaft ist
         // es waere daher schoen, wenn der fehler in abhaengigkeit von kontrast in umgebung skaliert wuerde
         // zb (max 0..255): normal 10..150 -> *1; klein 15..50 -> *3; gross 0..255 -> *.5
-        if ((mTrackError[i] > MAX_TRACK_ERROR) && (mStatus[i] == 1) &&
-                x >= 0 && x < mGrey.cols && y >= 0 && y < mGrey.rows)
+        if((mTrackError[i] > MAX_TRACK_ERROR) && (mStatus[i] == 1) && x >= 0 && x < mGrey.cols && y >= 0 &&
+           y < mGrey.rows)
-            int regionSize = myRound(mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i], mPrevFrame)/10.); ///< size of searched region around point: -regionSize to regionSize
-            int xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, xMin2, xMax2, yMin2, yMax2, darkest;
+            int regionSize = myRound(
+                mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, mPrevFeaturePointsIdx[i], mPrevFrame) /
+                10.); ///< size of searched region around point: -regionSize to regionSize
+            int  xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, xMin2, xMax2, yMin2, yMax2, darkest;
             bool markerInsideWhite = true;
-            int xDark = x, yDark = y;
+            int  xDark = x, yDark = y;
             // trotz grau (img)->nChannels=3
-            xMin = ((0 > (x-regionSize)) ? 0 : (x-regionSize));
-            yMin = ((0 > (y-regionSize)) ? 0 : (y-regionSize));
-            xMax = ((mGrey.cols  < (x+regionSize+1)) ? mGrey.cols  : (x+regionSize+1));
-            yMax = ((mGrey.rows < (y+regionSize+1)) ? mGrey.rows : (y+regionSize+1));
+            xMin = ((0 > (x - regionSize)) ? 0 : (x - regionSize));
+            yMin = ((0 > (y - regionSize)) ? 0 : (y - regionSize));
+            xMax = ((mGrey.cols < (x + regionSize + 1)) ? mGrey.cols : (x + regionSize + 1));
+            yMax = ((mGrey.rows < (y + regionSize + 1)) ? mGrey.rows : (y + regionSize + 1));
             darkest = 255;
-            for (int k = yMin; k < yMax; ++k)
+            for(int k = yMin; k < yMax; ++k)
-                for (int j = xMin; j < xMax; ++j)
+                for(int j = xMin; j < xMax; ++j)
-                    if (getValue(mGrey, j, k).value() < darkest)
+                    if(getValue(mGrey, j, k).value() < darkest)
                         darkest = getValue(mGrey, j, k).value();
-                        xDark = j;
-                        yDark = k;
+                        xDark   = j;
+                        yDark   = k;
-            xMin2 = ((0 > (xDark-regionSize)) ? 0 : (xDark-regionSize));
-            yMin2 = ((0 > (yDark-regionSize)) ? 0 : (yDark-regionSize));
-            xMax2 = ((mGrey.cols  < (xDark+regionSize+1)) ? mGrey.cols  : (xDark+regionSize+1));
-            yMax2 = ((mGrey.rows < (yDark+regionSize+1)) ? mGrey.rows : (yDark+regionSize+1));
+            xMin2 = ((0 > (xDark - regionSize)) ? 0 : (xDark - regionSize));
+            yMin2 = ((0 > (yDark - regionSize)) ? 0 : (yDark - regionSize));
+            xMax2 = ((mGrey.cols < (xDark + regionSize + 1)) ? mGrey.cols : (xDark + regionSize + 1));
+            yMax2 = ((mGrey.rows < (yDark + regionSize + 1)) ? mGrey.rows : (yDark + regionSize + 1));
             // suchbereich:
             //  ###
@@ -1741,38 +1882,43 @@ void Tracker::refineViaNearDarkPoint()
             // #   #
             // #   #
             //  ###
-            for (int k = yMin2+1; k < yMax2-1; ++k)
+            for(int k = yMin2 + 1; k < yMax2 - 1; ++k)
-                if ((getValue(mGrey, xMin2, k).value() <= darkest) || (getValue(mGrey, xMax2-1, k).value() <= darkest))
+                if((getValue(mGrey, xMin2, k).value() <= darkest) || (getValue(mGrey, xMax2 - 1, k).value() <= darkest))
                     markerInsideWhite = false;
-            if (markerInsideWhite)
-                for (int j = xMin2+1; j < xMax2-1; ++j)
+            if(markerInsideWhite)
+                for(int j = xMin2 + 1; j < xMax2 - 1; ++j)
-                    if ((getValue(mGrey, j, yMin2).value() <= darkest) || (getValue(mGrey, j, yMax2-1).value() <= darkest))
+                    if((getValue(mGrey, j, yMin2).value() <= darkest) ||
+                       (getValue(mGrey, j, yMax2 - 1).value() <= darkest))
                         markerInsideWhite = false;
-            if (markerInsideWhite)
+            if(markerInsideWhite)
                 mFeaturePoints[i].x = xDark;
                 mFeaturePoints[i].y = yDark;
-                debout << "Move trackpoint to darker pixel for" << i+1 << "!" << std::endl;
+                debout << "Move trackpoint to darker pixel for" << i + 1 << "!" << std::endl;
             // interpolation wg nachbargrauwerten:
             x = myRound(mFeaturePoints[i].x);
             y = myRound(mFeaturePoints[i].y);
-            if ((x>0) && (x<(mGrey.cols-1)) && (y>0) && (y<(mGrey.rows-1)) && (darkest<255))
+            if((x > 0) && (x < (mGrey.cols - 1)) && (y > 0) && (y < (mGrey.rows - 1)) && (darkest < 255))
-                mFeaturePoints[i].x += .5*((double)(getValue(mGrey, x+1, y).value()-getValue(mGrey, x-1, y).value()))/((double)(255-darkest));
-                mFeaturePoints[i].y += .5*((double)(getValue(mGrey, x, y+1).value()-getValue(mGrey, x, y-1).value()))/((double)(255-darkest));
+                mFeaturePoints[i].x +=
+                    .5 * ((double) (getValue(mGrey, x + 1, y).value() - getValue(mGrey, x - 1, y).value())) /
+                    ((double) (255 - darkest));
+                mFeaturePoints[i].y +=
+                    .5 * ((double) (getValue(mGrey, x, y + 1).value() - getValue(mGrey, x, y - 1).value())) /
+                    ((double) (255 - darkest));
             mFeaturePoints[i].x += .5F;
@@ -1784,7 +1930,7 @@ void Tracker::refineViaNearDarkPoint()
 void Tracker::recalcHeight(float altitude)
     // in TrackPerson: resetHeight();
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
@@ -1807,158 +1953,176 @@ void Tracker::recalcHeight(float altitude)
  * @param testInside[in] true if warning for start and endpoint in reco ROI is wished
  * @param testLength[in] true if warning for very short trajectories is wished
-void Tracker::checkPlausibility(QList<int> &pers, QList<int> &frame,
-                                bool testEqual, bool testVelocity, bool testInside, bool testLength)
-    {
-    QProgressDialog progress("Check Plausibility",nullptr,0,400,mMainWindow->window());
+void Tracker::checkPlausibility(
+    QList<int> &pers,
+    QList<int> &frame,
+    bool        testEqual,
+    bool        testVelocity,
+    bool        testInside,
+    bool        testLength)
+    QProgressDialog progress("Check Plausibility", nullptr, 0, 400, mMainWindow->window());
     progress.setWindowTitle("Check plausibility");
     progress.setLabelText("Check Plausibility...");
-    static int margin=30; // rand am bild, ab dem trajectorie verloren sein darf
-    int i, j;
-    double x, y;
-    int bS = mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
-    QRectF rect = mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect();
-    int lastFrame = mMainWindow->getAnimation()->getNumFrames()-1;
+    static int margin = 30; // rand am bild, ab dem trajectorie verloren sein darf
+    int        i, j;
+    double     x, y;
+    int        bS        = mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize();
+    QRectF     rect      = mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect();
+    int        lastFrame = mMainWindow->getAnimation()->getNumFrames() - 1;
     double time1, tstart;
     // test, if the trajectory is very short (less than 10 Trackpoints)
-    if (testLength)
+    if(testLength)
         progress.setLabelText("Check trajectories lengths...");
-        time1 = 0.0;
+        time1  = 0.0;
         tstart = clock();
-        for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+        for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
-            progress.setValue(i*100./size());
+            progress.setValue(i * 100. / size());
-            if (at(i).size() < 10)
+            if(at(i).size() < 10)
-                debout << "Warning: Trajectory of person " << i+1 << " has less than 10 trackpoints!" << std::endl;
-                pers.append(i+1);
+                debout << "Warning: Trajectory of person " << i + 1 << " has less than 10 trackpoints!" << std::endl;
+                pers.append(i + 1);
         time1 += clock() - tstart;
-        time1 = time1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+        time1 = time1 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
         cout << "  time(testLength) = " << time1 << " sec." << endl;
     // check, if trajectory starts and ends outside the recognition area
-    if (testInside)
+    if(testInside)
         progress.setLabelText("Check if trajectories are inside image...");
-        time1 = 0.0;
+        time1  = 0.0;
         tstart = clock();
-        for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+        for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
-            progress.setValue(100+i*100./size());
+            progress.setValue(100 + i * 100. / size());
             x = (*this)[i].first().x();
             y = (*this)[i].first().y();
             // mGrey hat gleiche groesse wie zuletzt getracktes bild
-            if ((*this)[i].firstFrame() != 0 && x >= MAX(margin, rect.x()) && y >= MAX(margin, rect.y()) && x <= MIN(mGrey.cols-1-2*bS-margin, rect.x()+rect.width()) && y <= MIN(mGrey.rows-1-2*bS-margin, rect.y()+rect.height()))
+            if((*this)[i].firstFrame() != 0 && x >= MAX(margin, rect.x()) && y >= MAX(margin, rect.y()) &&
+               x <= MIN(mGrey.cols - 1 - 2 * bS - margin, rect.x() + rect.width()) &&
+               y <= MIN(mGrey.rows - 1 - 2 * bS - margin, rect.y() + rect.height()))
-                debout << "Warning: Start of trajectory inside picture and recognition area of person " << i+1 << "!" << std::endl;
-                pers.append(i+1);
+                debout << "Warning: Start of trajectory inside picture and recognition area of person " << i + 1 << "!"
+                       << std::endl;
+                pers.append(i + 1);
             x = (*this)[i].last().x();
             y = (*this)[i].last().y();
             // mGrey hat gleiche groesse wie zuletzt getracktes bild
-            if ((*this)[i].lastFrame() != lastFrame && x >= MAX(margin, rect.x()) && y >= MAX(margin, rect.y()) && x <= MIN(mGrey.cols-1-2*bS-margin, rect.x()+rect.width()) && y <= MIN(mGrey.rows-1-2*bS-margin, rect.y()+rect.height()))
+            if((*this)[i].lastFrame() != lastFrame && x >= MAX(margin, rect.x()) && y >= MAX(margin, rect.y()) &&
+               x <= MIN(mGrey.cols - 1 - 2 * bS - margin, rect.x() + rect.width()) &&
+               y <= MIN(mGrey.rows - 1 - 2 * bS - margin, rect.y() + rect.height()))
-                debout << "Warning: End of trajectory inside picture and recognition area of person " << i+1 << "!" << std::endl;
-                pers.append(i+1);
+                debout << "Warning: End of trajectory inside picture and recognition area of person " << i + 1 << "!"
+                       << std::endl;
+                pers.append(i + 1);
         time1 += clock() - tstart;
-        time1 = time1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+        time1 = time1 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
         cout << "  time(testInside) = " << time1 << " sec." << endl;
     // testen, ob grosse Geschwindigkeitsaenderungen
     // statt distanz koennte man auch noch vektoren vergleichen, was genauere analyse waer!!!!
-    if (testVelocity)
+    if(testVelocity)
         progress.setLabelText("Check velocity...");
-        time1 = 0.0;
+        time1  = 0.0;
         tstart = clock();
         double d01, d12, d23;
-        for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+        for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
-            progress.setValue(200+i*100./size());
-            for (j = 1; j < at(i).size()-2; ++j) // ueber TrackPoint (ohne ersten und letzten beiden)
+            progress.setValue(200 + i * 100. / size());
+            for(j = 1; j < at(i).size() - 2; ++j) // ueber TrackPoint (ohne ersten und letzten beiden)
-                d01 = at(i).at(j  ).distanceToPoint(at(i).at(j-1));
-                d12 = at(i).at(j+1).distanceToPoint(at(i).at(j  ));
-                d23 = at(i).at(j+2).distanceToPoint(at(i).at(j+1));
-                if (((1.8*(d01+d23)/2.) < d12) && ((d12 > 6.) || ((d01+d23)/2. > 3.))) // geschwindigkeit 1,8-fach && mindestpixelbewegung im schnitt von 3
+                d01 = at(i).at(j).distanceToPoint(at(i).at(j - 1));
+                d12 = at(i).at(j + 1).distanceToPoint(at(i).at(j));
+                d23 = at(i).at(j + 2).distanceToPoint(at(i).at(j + 1));
+                if(((1.8 * (d01 + d23) / 2.) < d12) &&
+                   ((d12 > 6.) ||
+                    ((d01 + d23) / 2. > 3.))) // geschwindigkeit 1,8-fach && mindestpixelbewegung im schnitt von 3
-                    debout << "Warning: Fast variation of velocity of person " << i+1 << " between frame " << j+at(i).firstFrame() << " and " << j+1+at(i).firstFrame() << "!" << std::endl;
-                    pers.append(i+1);
-                    frame.append(j+at(i).firstFrame());
+                    debout << "Warning: Fast variation of velocity of person " << i + 1 << " between frame "
+                           << j + at(i).firstFrame() << " and " << j + 1 + at(i).firstFrame() << "!" << std::endl;
+                    pers.append(i + 1);
+                    frame.append(j + at(i).firstFrame());
         time1 += clock() - tstart;
-        time1 = time1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+        time1 = time1 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
         cout << "  time(testVelocity) = " << time1 << " sec." << endl;
-    // testen, ob zwei trackpoint sehr nah beieinanderliegen (es gibt trajektorien, die uebereinander liegen, wenn nicht genmergt wird)
-    if (testEqual)
+    // testen, ob zwei trackpoint sehr nah beieinanderliegen (es gibt trajektorien, die uebereinander liegen, wenn nicht
+    // genmergt wird)
+    if(testEqual)
         progress.setLabelText("Check if trajectories are equal...");
-        time1 = 0.0;
+        time1  = 0.0;
         tstart = clock();
         int lLF = largestLastFrame();
         int f;
-        for (f = smallestFirstFrame(); f <= lLF; ++f)
+        for(f = smallestFirstFrame(); f <= lLF; ++f)
-            progress.setValue(300+f*100./lLF);
+            progress.setValue(300 + f * 100. / lLF);
-            for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+            for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-                  // if (!pers.contains(i+1)) man koennte nur einmal eine Person aufnehmen, da aufeinanderfolgende frames oft betroffen
-                for (j = i+1; j < size(); ++j)
+                // if (!pers.contains(i+1)) man koennte nur einmal eine Person aufnehmen, da aufeinanderfolgende frames
+                // oft betroffen
+                for(j = i + 1; j < size(); ++j)
-                    if (at(i).trackPointExist(f) && at(j).trackPointExist(f))
+                    if(at(i).trackPointExist(f) && at(j).trackPointExist(f))
-                        if (at(i).trackPointAt(f).distanceToPoint(at(j).trackPointAt(f)) < mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, f)/2.)
+                        if(at(i).trackPointAt(f).distanceToPoint(at(j).trackPointAt(f)) <
+                           mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, f) / 2.)
-                            debout << "Warning: Person " << i+1 << " and " << j+1 << " are very close to each other at frame " << f << "!" << std::endl;
-                            pers.append(i+1);
+                            debout << "Warning: Person " << i + 1 << " and " << j + 1
+                                   << " are very close to each other at frame " << f << "!" << std::endl;
+                            pers.append(i + 1);
@@ -1967,7 +2131,7 @@ void Tracker::checkPlausibility(QList<int> &pers, QList<int> &frame,
         time1 += clock() - tstart;
-        time1 = time1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+        time1 = time1 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
         cout << "  time(testEqual) = " << time1 << " sec." << endl;
@@ -1977,9 +2141,9 @@ void Tracker::checkPlausibility(QList<int> &pers, QList<int> &frame,
 void Tracker::optimizeColor()
     int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
-        if ((*this)[i].color().isValid())
+        if((*this)[i].color().isValid())
@@ -1987,7 +2151,7 @@ void Tracker::optimizeColor()
 // reset the height of all persons, but not the pos of the trackpoints
 void Tracker::resetHeight()
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
@@ -1996,9 +2160,9 @@ void Tracker::resetHeight()
 // reset the pos of the tzrackpoints, but not the heights
 void Tracker::resetPos()
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
-        for (int j = 0; j < (*this)[i].size(); ++j) // ueber TrackPoints
+        for(int j = 0; j < (*this)[i].size(); ++j) // ueber TrackPoints
             (*this)[i][j].setSp(-1., -1., -1.);
@@ -2013,71 +2177,81 @@ void Tracker::resetPos()
 bool Tracker::printHeightDistribution()
     debout << std::endl;
-    QMap<double, int> dict;
+    QMap<double, int>                 dict;
     QMap<double, int>::const_iterator j;
-    int i, anz = 0;
-    int heightStep = 5;
-    double average = 0., avg = 0.;
-    int noHeight = 0;
+    int                               i, anz = 0;
+    int                               heightStep = 5;
+    double                            average = 0., avg = 0.;
+    int                               noHeight = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        if ((*this)[i].height() > MIN_HEIGHT) // !=-1// insbesondere von hand eingefuegte trackpoint/persons haben keine farbe
+        if((*this)[i].height() >
+           MIN_HEIGHT) // !=-1// insbesondere von hand eingefuegte trackpoint/persons haben keine farbe
-            ++dict[(((int) (*this)[i].height())/heightStep)*heightStep];
+            ++dict[(((int) (*this)[i].height()) / heightStep) * heightStep];
             avg += (*this)[i].height();
     j = dict.constBegin();
-    while (j != dict.constEnd()) {
+    while(j != dict.constEnd())
+    {
         anz += j.value();
     debout << "number of persons with measured height                            : " << anz << std::endl;
-    debout << "person without measured height (not included in calculated values): " << noHeight << " (using default height for export)" << std::endl;
-    if (anz == 0)
+    debout << "person without measured height (not included in calculated values): " << noHeight
+           << " (using default height for export)" << std::endl;
+    if(anz == 0)
         return false;
     j = dict.constBegin();
-    while (j != dict.constEnd()) {
-        debout << "height " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(5) << j.key() << " - " << j.key()+heightStep << " : number " << std::setw(3) << j.value() << " (" << std::setw(4) << (100.*j.value())/anz << "%)" << std::endl;
-        average+=(j.key()+heightStep/2.)*j.value();
+    while(j != dict.constEnd())
+    {
+        debout << "height " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(5) << j.key() << " - "
+               << j.key() + heightStep << " : number " << std::setw(3) << j.value() << " (" << std::setw(4)
+               << (100. * j.value()) / anz << "%)" << std::endl;
+        average += (j.key() + heightStep / 2.) * j.value();
-    debout << "average height (bucket): " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(5) << average/anz << std::endl;
-    debout << "average height         : " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(5) << avg/anz << std::endl;
+    debout << "average height (bucket): " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(5) << average / anz
+           << std::endl;
+    debout << "average height         : " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(5) << avg / anz
+           << std::endl;
     return true;
- /**
-  * Sets the heights based on the values contained in \p heights.
-  * @param heights Map between marker ID and corresponding height
-  */
+ * Sets the heights based on the values contained in \p heights.
+ * @param heights Map between marker ID and corresponding height
+ */
 void Tracker::setMarkerHeights(const std::unordered_map<int, float> &heights)
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // over TrackPerson
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // over TrackPerson
-        for (int j = 0; j < (*this)[i].size(); ++j) // over TrackPoints
+        for(int j = 0; j < (*this)[i].size(); ++j) // over TrackPoints
             // markerID of current person at current TrackPoint:
             int markerID = (*this)[i][j].getMarkerID();
-            if (markerID != -1) // when a real markerID is found (not -1)
+            if(markerID != -1) // when a real markerID is found (not -1)
                 // find index of mID within List of MarkerIDs that were read from txt-file:
-                if (heights.find(markerID) != std::end(heights))
+                if(heights.find(markerID) != std::end(heights))
-                } else
+                }
+                else
-                    debout << "Warning, the following markerID was not part of the height-file: " << markerID << std::endl;
+                    debout << "Warning, the following markerID was not part of the height-file: " << markerID
+                           << std::endl;
                     debout << "No height set for personNR: " << (*this)[i].nr() << std::endl;
-     }
+    }
@@ -2086,21 +2260,22 @@ void Tracker::setMarkerHeights(const std::unordered_map<int, float> &heights)
 void Tracker::setMarkerIDs(const std::unordered_map<int, int> &markerIDs)
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // over TrackPerson
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) // over TrackPerson
         // personID of current person
         int personID = i + 1;
-        if (markerIDs.find(personID) != std::end(markerIDs))
+        if(markerIDs.find(personID) != std::end(markerIDs))
             int markerID = markerIDs.at(personID);
-            for (int j = 0; j < (*this)[i].size(); ++j) // over TrackPoints
+            for(int j = 0; j < (*this)[i].size(); ++j) // over TrackPoints
-        }else
+        }
+        else
-          debout << "Warning, the following personID was not part of the markerID-file: " << personID << std::endl;
+            debout << "Warning, the following personID was not part of the markerID-file: " << personID << std::endl;
@@ -2118,21 +2293,21 @@ void Tracker::setMarkerIDs(const std::unordered_map<int, int> &markerIDs)
 void Tracker::purge(int frame)
-    int i, j;
+    int   i, j;
     float count; ///< number of trackpoints without recognition
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).size() > 10 && at(i).firstFrame() <= frame && at(i).lastFrame() >= frame)
+        if(at(i).size() > 10 && at(i).firstFrame() <= frame && at(i).lastFrame() >= frame)
             count = 0;
-            for (j = 0; j < at(i).size(); ++j)
+            for(j = 0; j < at(i).size(); ++j)
-                if (at(i).at(j).qual() < 100.)
+                if(at(i).at(j).qual() < 100.)
-            if (count/at(i).size() > 0.8) // Achtung, wenn roi klein, dann viele tp nur getrackt
-                removeAt(i); // delete trj
+            if(count / at(i).size() > 0.8) // Achtung, wenn roi klein, dann viele tp nur getrackt
+                removeAt(i);               // delete trj
@@ -2147,27 +2322,17 @@ void Tracker::purge(int frame)
 void TrackPerson::syncTrackPersonMarkerID(int markerID)
-    int tpMarkerID = markerID; //MarkerID of currently handled trackpoint
+    int tpMarkerID = markerID; // MarkerID of currently handled trackpoint
-    if (tpMarkerID != -1) // CodeMarker was recognized
+    if(tpMarkerID != -1) // CodeMarker was recognized
-        if (mMarkerID == -1) // first time a Person is found TrackPerson.mMarkerID is -1 by initialisation
+        if(mMarkerID == -1) // first time a Person is found TrackPerson.mMarkerID is -1 by initialisation
             setMarkerID(tpMarkerID); // set TrackPerson MarkerID equal to TrackPoint MarkerID
-        if (mMarkerID != tpMarkerID)
+        if(mMarkerID != tpMarkerID)
             std::cout << "ERROR: Two MarkerIDs were found for one trajectory." << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/trackerItem.cpp b/src/trackerItem.cpp
index 661ab79acc92fa5adc4a190112dca9e073e12ed4..70bc9397825924d2adef48e910427c943a371d46 100644
--- a/src/trackerItem.cpp
+++ b/src/trackerItem.cpp
@@ -18,27 +18,27 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtWidgets>
-#include <QInputDialog>
+#include "trackerItem.h"
 #include "animation.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
 #include "control.h"
-#include "view.h"
-#include "trackerItem.h"
-#include "tracker.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
 #include "recognitionRoiItem.h"
+#include "tracker.h"
 #include "trackingRoiItem.h"
+#include "view.h"
+#include <QInputDialog>
+#include <QtWidgets>
 // in x und y gleichermassen skaliertes koordinatensystem,
 // da von einer vorherigen intrinsischen kamerakalibrierung ausgegenagen wird,
-// so dass pixel quadratisch 
-TrackerItem::TrackerItem(QWidget *wParent, Tracker *tracker, QGraphicsItem * parent)
-    : QGraphicsItem(parent)
+// so dass pixel quadratisch
+TrackerItem::TrackerItem(QWidget *wParent, Tracker *tracker, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsItem(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
+    mMainWindow    = (class Petrack *) wParent;
     mControlWidget = mMainWindow->getControlWidget();
-    mTracker = tracker;
+    mTracker       = tracker;
@@ -51,46 +51,54 @@ TrackerItem::TrackerItem(QWidget *wParent, Tracker *tracker, QGraphicsItem * par
 QRectF TrackerItem::boundingRect() const
-    if (mMainWindow->getImage())
-        return QRectF(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), mMainWindow->getImage()->width(), mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
+    if(mMainWindow->getImage())
+        return QRectF(
+            -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+            -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+            mMainWindow->getImage()->width(),
+            mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
         return QRectF(0, 0, 0, 0);
 void TrackerItem::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
-    if( !(event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier || event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier || event->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) )
+    if(!(event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier || event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier ||
+         event->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier))
-        TrackPoint p((Vec2F) event->pos(), 110); // 110 ist ueber 100 (hoechste Qualitaetsstufe) und wird nach einfuegen auf 100 gesetzt
-        bool found = false;
-        int i, iNearest = -1;
+        TrackPoint p(
+            (Vec2F) event->pos(),
+            110); // 110 ist ueber 100 (hoechste Qualitaetsstufe) und wird nach einfuegen auf 100 gesetzt
+        bool  found = false;
+        int   i, iNearest   = -1;
         float dist, minDist = 1000000.;
         QSet<int> onlyVisible = mMainWindow->getPedestrianUserSelection();
-        int frame = mMainWindow->getAnimation()->getCurrentFrameNum();
+        int       frame       = mMainWindow->getAnimation()->getCurrentFrameNum();
-        for (i = 0; i < mTracker->size(); ++i) // !found &&  // ueber TrackPerson
+        for(i = 0; i < mTracker->size(); ++i) // !found &&  // ueber TrackPerson
-            if (((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))) && mTracker->at(i).trackPointExist(frame))
+            if(((onlyVisible.empty()) || (onlyVisible.contains(i))) && mTracker->at(i).trackPointExist(frame))
                 dist = mTracker->at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(p);
-                if (( dist < mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame)/2.) ||
-                    ( (mTracker->at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(p.colPoint()) < mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame)/2.)))
+                if((dist < mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame) / 2.) ||
+                   ((mTracker->at(i).trackPointAt(frame).distanceToPoint(p.colPoint()) <
+                     mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, frame) / 2.)))
-                    if (found)
+                    if(found)
                         debout << "Warning: more possible trackpoints for point" << std::endl;
                         debout << "         " << p << " in frame " << frame << " with low distance:" << std::endl;
-                        debout << "         person " << i+1 << " (distance: " << dist << "), " << std::endl;
-                        debout << "         person " << iNearest+1 << " (distance: " << minDist << "), " << std::endl;
-                        if (minDist > dist)
+                        debout << "         person " << i + 1 << " (distance: " << dist << "), " << std::endl;
+                        debout << "         person " << iNearest + 1 << " (distance: " << minDist << "), " << std::endl;
+                        if(minDist > dist)
-                            minDist = dist;
+                            minDist  = dist;
                             iNearest = i;
-                        minDist = dist;
+                        minDist  = dist;
                         iNearest = i;
                         // WAR: break inner loop
                         found = true;
@@ -98,34 +106,41 @@ void TrackerItem::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
-        QMenu menu;
+        QMenu       menu;
         TrackPerson tp;
-        float height = 0.f;
-        bool height_set_by_user = false;
-        QAction *delTrj = nullptr, *delFutureTrj = nullptr, *delPastTrj = nullptr, *creTrj = nullptr, *infoTrj = nullptr, *addComment = nullptr, *setHeight = nullptr, *resetHeight = nullptr;
+        float       height             = 0.f;
+        bool        height_set_by_user = false;
+        QAction *   delTrj = nullptr, *delFutureTrj = nullptr, *delPastTrj = nullptr, *creTrj = nullptr,
+                *infoTrj = nullptr, *addComment = nullptr, *setHeight = nullptr, *resetHeight = nullptr;
-            i = iNearest;
-            tp = mTracker->at(i);
+            i      = iNearest;
+            tp     = mTracker->at(i);
             height = tp.height();
-            if (height < MIN_HEIGHT+1)
+            if(height < MIN_HEIGHT + 1)
-                if (tp.color().isValid())
+                if(tp.color().isValid())
                     height = mControlWidget->getColorPlot()->map(tp.color());
-            }else
+            }
+            else
                 height_set_by_user = true;
-            infoTrj = menu.addAction(QString("PersonNr: %1 height: %2 frames: [%3..%4]").arg(i+1).arg(height).arg(tp.firstFrame()).arg(tp.lastFrame()));
-            delTrj = menu.addAction("Delete whole trajectory");
+            infoTrj      = menu.addAction(QString("PersonNr: %1 height: %2 frames: [%3..%4]")
+                                         .arg(i + 1)
+                                         .arg(height)
+                                         .arg(tp.firstFrame())
+                                         .arg(tp.lastFrame()));
+            delTrj       = menu.addAction("Delete whole trajectory");
             delFutureTrj = menu.addAction("Delete past part of the trajectory");
-            delPastTrj = menu.addAction("Delete future part of the trajectory");
-            setHeight = menu.addAction("Set person height");
-            if(height_set_by_user) resetHeight = menu.addAction("Reset height");
-                addComment = menu.addAction("Edit comment");
+            delPastTrj   = menu.addAction("Delete future part of the trajectory");
+            setHeight    = menu.addAction("Set person height");
+            if(height_set_by_user)
+                resetHeight = menu.addAction("Reset height");
+            addComment = menu.addAction("Edit comment");
@@ -133,97 +148,110 @@ void TrackerItem::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
         QAction *selectedAction = menu.exec(event->screenPos());
-        if( selectedAction == creTrj )
+        if(selectedAction == creTrj)
-        }else if( selectedAction == delTrj )
+        }
+        else if(selectedAction == delTrj)
-            mMainWindow->deleteTrackPoint(event->scenePos(),0);
-        }else if( selectedAction == delFutureTrj )
+            mMainWindow->deleteTrackPoint(event->scenePos(), 0);
+        }
+        else if(selectedAction == delFutureTrj)
-            mMainWindow->deleteTrackPoint(event->scenePos(),-1);
-        }else if( selectedAction == delPastTrj )
+            mMainWindow->deleteTrackPoint(event->scenePos(), -1);
+        }
+        else if(selectedAction == delPastTrj)
-            mMainWindow->deleteTrackPoint(event->scenePos(),1);
-        }else if( selectedAction == addComment )
+            mMainWindow->deleteTrackPoint(event->scenePos(), 1);
+        }
+        else if(selectedAction == addComment)
-        }else if( selectedAction == setHeight )
+        }
+        else if(selectedAction == setHeight)
-        }else if( selectedAction == resetHeight )
+        }
+        else if(selectedAction == resetHeight)
-        }else if( selectedAction == infoTrj )
+        }
+        else if(selectedAction == infoTrj)
-            if (found)
+            if(found)
-                QString out;
+                QString     out;
                 QMessageBox msgBox;
-                msgBox.setText(QString("Info for trajectory number %1:").arg(i+1));
+                msgBox.setText(QString("Info for trajectory number %1:").arg(i + 1));
                     out = QString("<table>"
-                              "<tr><td>height:</td><td>%0 cm (edited by user)</td></tr>"
-                              "<tr><td>frames:</td><td>[%1...%2]</td></tr>"
-                              "<tr><td>color:</td><td><font style='display:inline;background:%3;color:#fff;'>%4</font></td></tr>"
-                              "<tr><td>comment:</td><td>%5</td></tr>"
-                              "<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>");
+                                  "<tr><td>height:</td><td>%0 cm (edited by user)</td></tr>"
+                                  "<tr><td>frames:</td><td>[%1...%2]</td></tr>"
+                                  "<tr><td>color:</td><td><font "
+                                  "style='display:inline;background:%3;color:#fff;'>%4</font></td></tr>"
+                                  "<tr><td>comment:</td><td>%5</td></tr>"
+                                  "<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>");
                     out = QString("<table>"
-                              "<tr><td>height:</td><td>%0 cm</td></tr>"
-                              "<tr><td>frames:</td><td>[%1...%2]</td></tr>"
-                              "<tr><td>color:</td><td><font style='display:inline;background:%3;color:#fff;'>%4</font></td></tr>"
-                              "<tr><td>comment:</td><td>%5</td></tr>"
-                              "<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>");
+                                  "<tr><td>height:</td><td>%0 cm</td></tr>"
+                                  "<tr><td>frames:</td><td>[%1...%2]</td></tr>"
+                                  "<tr><td>color:</td><td><font "
+                                  "style='display:inline;background:%3;color:#fff;'>%4</font></td></tr>"
+                                  "<tr><td>comment:</td><td>%5</td></tr>"
+                                  "<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>");
-                if( tp.lastFrame()-tp.firstFrame() > 5 )
+                if(tp.lastFrame() - tp.firstFrame() > 5)
                     out.append(QString("<tr><td>frame [%6]:</td><td>[%7, %8]</td></tr>"
-                                                    "<tr><td>frame [%9]:</td><td>[%10, %11]</td></tr>"
-                                                    "<tr><td colspan='2'>...</td></tr>"
-                                                    "<tr><td colspan='2'>...</td></tr>"
-                                                    "<tr><td>frame [%12]:</td><td>[%13, %14]</td></tr>"
-                                                    "<tr><td>frame [%15]:</td><td>[%16, %17]]</td></tr>"
-                                                  "</table>").toLatin1());
-                    msgBox.setInformativeText( out.arg(height)
-                                              .arg(tp.firstFrame())
-                                              .arg(tp.lastFrame())
-                                              .arg(tp.color().name())
-                                              .arg(tp.color().name())
-                                              .arg(tp.comment())
-                                              .arg(tp.firstFrame())
-                                              .arg(tp.at(0).x())
-                                              .arg(tp.at(0).y())
-                                              .arg(tp.firstFrame()+1)
-                                              .arg(tp.at(1).x())
-                                              .arg(tp.at(1).y())
-                                              .arg(tp.lastFrame()-1)
-                                              .arg(tp.at(tp.size()-2).x())
-                                              .arg(tp.at(tp.size()-2).y())
-                                              .arg(tp.lastFrame())
-                                              .arg(tp.at(tp.size()-1).x())
-                                              .arg(tp.at(tp.size()-1).y()));
+                                       "<tr><td>frame [%9]:</td><td>[%10, %11]</td></tr>"
+                                       "<tr><td colspan='2'>...</td></tr>"
+                                       "<tr><td colspan='2'>...</td></tr>"
+                                       "<tr><td>frame [%12]:</td><td>[%13, %14]</td></tr>"
+                                       "<tr><td>frame [%15]:</td><td>[%16, %17]]</td></tr>"
+                                       "</table>")
+                                   .toLatin1());
+                    msgBox.setInformativeText(out.arg(height)
+                                                  .arg(tp.firstFrame())
+                                                  .arg(tp.lastFrame())
+                                                  .arg(tp.color().name())
+                                                  .arg(tp.color().name())
+                                                  .arg(tp.comment())
+                                                  .arg(tp.firstFrame())
+                                                  .arg(tp.at(0).x())
+                                                  .arg(tp.at(0).y())
+                                                  .arg(tp.firstFrame() + 1)
+                                                  .arg(tp.at(1).x())
+                                                  .arg(tp.at(1).y())
+                                                  .arg(tp.lastFrame() - 1)
+                                                  .arg(tp.at(tp.size() - 2).x())
+                                                  .arg(tp.at(tp.size() - 2).y())
+                                                  .arg(tp.lastFrame())
+                                                  .arg(tp.at(tp.size() - 1).x())
+                                                  .arg(tp.at(tp.size() - 1).y()));
-                    msgBox.setInformativeText( out.arg(height)
-                                               .arg(tp.firstFrame())
-                                               .arg(tp.lastFrame())
-                                               .arg(tp.color().name())
-                                               .arg(tp.color().name())
-                                               .arg(tp.comment()));
+                    msgBox.setInformativeText(out.arg(height)
+                                                  .arg(tp.firstFrame())
+                                                  .arg(tp.lastFrame())
+                                                  .arg(tp.color().name())
+                                                  .arg(tp.color().name())
+                                                  .arg(tp.comment()));
                 out = QString();
-                for(int frameTrackperson=tp.firstFrame(); frameTrackperson <= tp.lastFrame(); frameTrackperson++)
+                for(int frameTrackperson = tp.firstFrame(); frameTrackperson <= tp.lastFrame(); frameTrackperson++)
-                    out.append(QString("frame [%0]: [%1, %2]\n").arg(frameTrackperson).arg(tp.at(frameTrackperson - tp.firstFrame()).x()).arg(tp.at(frameTrackperson - tp.firstFrame()).y()));
+                    out.append(QString("frame [%0]: [%1, %2]\n")
+                                   .arg(frameTrackperson)
+                                   .arg(tp.at(frameTrackperson - tp.firstFrame()).x())
+                                   .arg(tp.at(frameTrackperson - tp.firstFrame()).y()));
@@ -239,42 +267,42 @@ void TrackerItem::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
-void TrackerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*option*/, QWidget */*widget*/)
+void TrackerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * /*option*/, QWidget * /*widget*/)
-    int from, to;
-    int curFrame = mMainWindow->getAnimation()->getCurrentFrameNum();
-    QPen ellipsePen;
-    QRectF rect;
-    Vec2F normalVector;
+    int          from, to;
+    int          curFrame = mMainWindow->getAnimation()->getCurrentFrameNum();
+    QPen         ellipsePen;
+    QRectF       rect;
+    Vec2F        normalVector;
     cv::Subdiv2D subdiv;
-    QPen linePen;
-    QPen numberPen;
-    QPen groundPositionPen;
-    QPen groundPathPen;
-    double pSP = (double) mControlWidget->trackCurrentPointSize->value();
-    double pS  = (double) mControlWidget->trackPointSize->value();
-    double pSC = (double) mControlWidget->trackColColorSize->value();
-    double pSM = (double) mControlWidget->trackColorMarkerSize->value();
-    double pSN = (double) mControlWidget->trackNumberSize->value();
-    double pSG = (double) mControlWidget->trackGroundPositionSize->value();
-    double pSGP = (double) mControlWidget->trackGroundPathSize->value();
+    QPen         linePen;
+    QPen         numberPen;
+    QPen         groundPositionPen;
+    QPen         groundPathPen;
+    double       pSP  = (double) mControlWidget->trackCurrentPointSize->value();
+    double       pS   = (double) mControlWidget->trackPointSize->value();
+    double       pSC  = (double) mControlWidget->trackColColorSize->value();
+    double       pSM  = (double) mControlWidget->trackColorMarkerSize->value();
+    double       pSN  = (double) mControlWidget->trackNumberSize->value();
+    double       pSG  = (double) mControlWidget->trackGroundPositionSize->value();
+    double       pSGP = (double) mControlWidget->trackGroundPathSize->value();
     QColor pGPC = mControlWidget->getTrackGroundPathColor();
     QColor pTPC = mControlWidget->getTrackPathColor();
-    QFont font, heightFont;
-    float x_offset=0, y_offset=0;
-    float y_switch=0, x_switch=0;
+    QFont  font, heightFont;
+    float  x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0;
+    float  y_switch = 0, x_switch = 0;
     double hS;
-    painter->drawRect( boundingRect() );
+    painter->drawRect(boundingRect());
-    if (mControlWidget->trackNumberBold->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+    if(mControlWidget->trackNumberBold->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
@@ -293,82 +321,94 @@ void TrackerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*opt
         // ToDo: adjust subdiv rect to correct area
         QRectF qrect = mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect();
-        cv::Point3f leftTop = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(qrect.left(),qrect.top()),0);
-        cv::Point3f rightBottom = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(qrect.right(),qrect.bottom()),0);
-        x_offset = -std::min(leftTop.x,rightBottom.x);
-        y_offset = -std::min(leftTop.y,rightBottom.y);
-        x_switch = rightBottom.x < leftTop.x ? abs(rightBottom.x-leftTop.x) : 0;
-        y_switch = rightBottom.y < leftTop.y ? abs(leftTop.y-rightBottom.y) : 0;
-        debout << "x_offset: " << x_offset << ", y_offset: " << y_offset << ", x_switch: " << x_switch << ", y_switch: " << y_switch << std::endl;
-        cv::Rect delaunyROI(cv::Rect(leftTop.x+x_offset,leftTop.y+y_offset,x_switch>0 ? x_switch : (rightBottom.x-leftTop.x),y_switch>0 ? y_switch : (rightBottom.y-leftTop.y)));
-        debout << "Rect size: P(" << delaunyROI.x << ", " << delaunyROI.y << "), width: " << delaunyROI.width << ", height: " << delaunyROI.height << std::endl;
+        cv::Point3f leftTop = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(qrect.left(), qrect.top()), 0);
+        cv::Point3f rightBottom =
+            mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(qrect.right(), qrect.bottom()), 0);
+        x_offset = -std::min(leftTop.x, rightBottom.x);
+        y_offset = -std::min(leftTop.y, rightBottom.y);
+        x_switch = rightBottom.x < leftTop.x ? abs(rightBottom.x - leftTop.x) : 0;
+        y_switch = rightBottom.y < leftTop.y ? abs(leftTop.y - rightBottom.y) : 0;
+        debout << "x_offset: " << x_offset << ", y_offset: " << y_offset << ", x_switch: " << x_switch
+               << ", y_switch: " << y_switch << std::endl;
+        cv::Rect delaunyROI(cv::Rect(
+            leftTop.x + x_offset,
+            leftTop.y + y_offset,
+            x_switch > 0 ? x_switch : (rightBottom.x - leftTop.x),
+            y_switch > 0 ? y_switch : (rightBottom.y - leftTop.y)));
+        debout << "Rect size: P(" << delaunyROI.x << ", " << delaunyROI.y << "), width: " << delaunyROI.width
+               << ", height: " << delaunyROI.height << std::endl;
     auto pedestrianToPaint = mMainWindow->getPedestrianUserSelection();
-    for (int i = 0; i < mTracker->size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
+    for(int i = 0; i < mTracker->size(); ++i) // ueber TrackPerson
         // show current frame
-          if (pedestrianToPaint.contains(i) || pedestrianToPaint.empty())
-          {
-            if (mTracker->at(i).trackPointExist(curFrame))
+        if(pedestrianToPaint.contains(i) || pedestrianToPaint.empty())
+        {
+            if(mTracker->at(i).trackPointExist(curFrame))
-                if (mControlWidget->trackHeadSized->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
-                    pSP = mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, curFrame); //headSize;
-                const TrackPoint &tp = (*mTracker)[i][curFrame-mTracker->at(i).firstFrame()];
-                if (mControlWidget->trackShowCurrentPoint->checkState() == Qt::Checked) //(mControlWidget->recoShowColor->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+                if(mControlWidget->trackHeadSized->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+                    pSP = mMainWindow->getHeadSize(nullptr, i, curFrame); // headSize;
+                const TrackPoint &tp = (*mTracker)[i][curFrame - mTracker->at(i).firstFrame()];
+                if(mControlWidget->trackShowCurrentPoint->checkState() ==
+                   Qt::Checked) //(mControlWidget->recoShowColor->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
-                    if (mTracker->at(i).newReco())
+                    if(mTracker->at(i).newReco())
-                    rect.setRect(tp.x()-pSP/2., tp.y()-pSP/2., pSP, pSP);
+                    rect.setRect(tp.x() - pSP / 2., tp.y() - pSP / 2., pSP, pSP);
                     painter->drawEllipse(rect); // direkt waere nur int erlaubt tp.x()-5., tp.y()-5., 10., 10.
-                if (mControlWidget->trackShowSearchSize->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+                if(mControlWidget->trackShowSearchSize->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
                     hS = mMainWindow->winSize(nullptr, i, curFrame);
-                    if (hS < 2) 
+                    if(hS < 2)
                         hS = 2; // entspricht Vorgehen in tracker.cpp
-                    for (int j = 0; j <= mControlWidget->trackRegionLevels->value(); ++j)
+                    for(int j = 0; j <= mControlWidget->trackRegionLevels->value(); ++j)
-                        rect.setRect(tp.x()-hS/2., tp.y()-hS/2., hS, hS);
+                        rect.setRect(tp.x() - hS / 2., tp.y() - hS / 2., hS, hS);
                         hS *= 2;
-                if (mControlWidget->trackShowColorMarker->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+                if(mControlWidget->trackShowColorMarker->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
                     // farbe des trackpoints
-                    if (tp.color().isValid())
+                    if(tp.color().isValid())
-                        rect.setRect(tp.colPoint().x()-pSM/2., tp.colPoint().y()-pSM/2., pSM, pSM);
+                        rect.setRect(tp.colPoint().x() - pSM / 2., tp.colPoint().y() - pSM / 2., pSM, pSM);
                 // berechnung der normalen, die zur positionierung der nummerieung und der gesamtfarbe dient
-                if (((mControlWidget->trackShowColColor->checkState() == Qt::Checked) && (mTracker->at(i).color().isValid())) ||
-                    (mControlWidget->trackShowNumber->checkState() == Qt::Checked) ||
-                    ((mControlWidget->trackShowColColor->checkState() == Qt::Checked) &&
-                     ((mTracker->at(i).height() > MIN_HEIGHT) || ((tp.sp().z() > 0.) && (mControlWidget->trackShowHeightIndividual->checkState() == Qt::Checked))))) //  Hoehe kann auf Treppen auch negativ werden, wenn koord weiter oben angesetzt wird
+                if(((mControlWidget->trackShowColColor->checkState() == Qt::Checked) &&
+                    (mTracker->at(i).color().isValid())) ||
+                   (mControlWidget->trackShowNumber->checkState() == Qt::Checked) ||
+                   ((mControlWidget->trackShowColColor->checkState() == Qt::Checked) &&
+                    ((mTracker->at(i).height() > MIN_HEIGHT) ||
+                     ((tp.sp().z() > 0.) && (mControlWidget->trackShowHeightIndividual->checkState() ==
+                                             Qt::Checked))))) //  Hoehe kann auf Treppen auch negativ werden, wenn koord
+                                                              //  weiter oben angesetzt wird
-                    if (tp.color().isValid())
+                    if(tp.color().isValid())
-                        normalVector = (tp-tp.colPoint()).normal();
+                        normalVector = (tp - tp.colPoint()).normal();
-                        if (normalVector.length()<.001) // wenn to und colpoint aufeinander liegen z bei colorMarker!
+                        if(normalVector.length() < .001) // wenn to und colpoint aufeinander liegen z bei colorMarker!
                             normalVector.set(1., 0.);
@@ -376,21 +416,21 @@ void TrackerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*opt
                         // man koennte auch lastNormal von anderem trackpath nehmen statt 1, 0
                         normalVector.set(1., 0.);
                         // den vorherigen trackpoint finden, wo reco farbe erzeugt hat und somit colpoint vorliegt
-                        for (int j = curFrame-mTracker->at(i).firstFrame(); j > -1; --j)
-                            if (mTracker->at(i).at(j).color().isValid())
+                        for(int j = curFrame - mTracker->at(i).firstFrame(); j > -1; --j)
+                            if(mTracker->at(i).at(j).color().isValid())
-                                normalVector = (mTracker->at(i).at(j)-mTracker->at(i).at(j).colPoint()).normal();
+                                normalVector = (mTracker->at(i).at(j) - mTracker->at(i).at(j).colPoint()).normal();
                         // einen nachfolgenden trackpoint suchen, wenn vorher keiner mit farbe war
                         // zB wenn rueckwaerts abgespielt wird
-                        if ((normalVector.x()==1.) && (normalVector.y()==0.))
+                        if((normalVector.x() == 1.) && (normalVector.y() == 0.))
-                            for (int j = curFrame-mTracker->at(i).firstFrame()+1; j < mTracker->at(i).size(); ++j)
-                                if (mTracker->at(i).at(j).color().isValid())
+                            for(int j = curFrame - mTracker->at(i).firstFrame() + 1; j < mTracker->at(i).size(); ++j)
+                                if(mTracker->at(i).at(j).color().isValid())
-                                    normalVector = (mTracker->at(i).at(j)-mTracker->at(i).at(j).colPoint()).normal();
+                                    normalVector = (mTracker->at(i).at(j) - mTracker->at(i).at(j).colPoint()).normal();
@@ -400,226 +440,310 @@ void TrackerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*opt
                 // farbe der gesamten trackperson
                 double height = mTracker->at(i).height();
-                if (mControlWidget->trackShowColColor->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+                if(mControlWidget->trackShowColColor->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
-                    rect.setRect(tp.x()+10,tp.y()+10,15*pSC,10*pSC);
-                    painter->drawText(rect,mTracker->at(i).comment());
-                    rect.setRect(tp.x()-pSC,tp.y()-pSC,50,50);
-                    if (tp.getMarkerID()>0)
+                    rect.setRect(tp.x() + 10, tp.y() + 10, 15 * pSC, 10 * pSC);
+                    painter->drawText(rect, mTracker->at(i).comment());
+                    rect.setRect(tp.x() - pSC, tp.y() - pSC, 50, 50);
+                    if(tp.getMarkerID() > 0)
-                        painter->drawText(rect,QString("id=%1").arg(tp.getMarkerID()));
+                        painter->drawText(rect, QString("id=%1").arg(tp.getMarkerID()));
-                if ((mControlWidget->trackShowColColor->checkState() == Qt::Checked) && (mTracker->at(i).color().isValid()))
+                if((mControlWidget->trackShowColColor->checkState() == Qt::Checked) &&
+                   (mTracker->at(i).color().isValid()))
-                    rect.setRect(tp.x()+(pSP+pSC)*0.6*normalVector.x()-pSC/2., tp.y()+(pSP+pSC)*0.6*normalVector.y()-pSC/2., pSC, pSC); // 11
+                    rect.setRect(
+                        tp.x() + (pSP + pSC) * 0.6 * normalVector.x() - pSC / 2.,
+                        tp.y() + (pSP + pSC) * 0.6 * normalVector.y() - pSC / 2.,
+                        pSC,
+                        pSC); // 11
-                else if ((mControlWidget->trackShowColColor->checkState() == Qt::Checked) &&
-                         ((height > MIN_HEIGHT) || ((tp.sp().z() > 0.) && (mControlWidget->trackShowHeightIndividual->checkState() == Qt::Checked)))) // Hoehe  && (mTracker->at(i).height() > 0.) Hoehe kann auf Treppen auch negativ werden, wenn koord weiter oben angesetzt wird
+                else if(
+                    (mControlWidget->trackShowColColor->checkState() == Qt::Checked) &&
+                    ((height > MIN_HEIGHT) ||
+                     ((tp.sp().z() > 0.) &&
+                      (mControlWidget->trackShowHeightIndividual->checkState() ==
+                       Qt::Checked)))) // Hoehe  && (mTracker->at(i).height() > 0.) Hoehe kann auf Treppen auch negativ
+                                       // werden, wenn koord weiter oben angesetzt wird
-                    if ((mControlWidget->trackShowHeightIndividual->checkState() == Qt::Checked) && (tp.sp().z() > 0.)) // Hoehe incl individual fuer jeden trackpoint
+                    if((mControlWidget->trackShowHeightIndividual->checkState() == Qt::Checked) &&
+                       (tp.sp().z() > 0.)) // Hoehe incl individual fuer jeden trackpoint
-                        rect.setRect(tp.x()+(pSP+pSC)*0.6*normalVector.x()-pSC/2., tp.y()+(pSP+pSC)*0.6*normalVector.y()-pSC/2., 3*pSC, 2.5*pSC); // 11
-                        if (height < MIN_HEIGHT+1)
+                        rect.setRect(
+                            tp.x() + (pSP + pSC) * 0.6 * normalVector.x() - pSC / 2.,
+                            tp.y() + (pSP + pSC) * 0.6 * normalVector.y() - pSC / 2.,
+                            3 * pSC,
+                            2.5 * pSC); // 11
+                        if(height < MIN_HEIGHT + 1)
-                            if (mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0) // 3D
-                                painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignHCenter, QString("-\n%2").arg(-mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3()-tp.sp().z(), 6, 'f', 1));
+                            if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0) // 3D
+                                painter->drawText(
+                                    rect,
+                                    Qt::AlignHCenter,
+                                    QString("-\n%2").arg(
+                                        -mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3() - tp.sp().z(), 6, 'f', 1));
-                                painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignHCenter, QString("-\n%2").arg(mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value()-tp.sp().z(), 6, 'f', 1));
-                        }else
+                                painter->drawText(
+                                    rect,
+                                    Qt::AlignHCenter,
+                                    QString("-\n%2").arg(
+                                        mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() - tp.sp().z(), 6, 'f', 1));
+                        }
+                        else
-                            if (mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0) // 3D
-                                painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignHCenter, QString("%1\n%2").arg(height, 6, 'f', 1).arg(-mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3()-tp.sp().z(), 6, 'f', 1));
+                            if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0) // 3D
+                                painter->drawText(
+                                    rect,
+                                    Qt::AlignHCenter,
+                                    QString("%1\n%2")
+                                        .arg(height, 6, 'f', 1)
+                                        .arg(-mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3() - tp.sp().z(), 6, 'f', 1));
-                                painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignHCenter, QString("%1\n%2").arg(height, 6, 'f', 1).arg(mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value()-tp.sp().z(), 6, 'f', 1));
+                                painter->drawText(
+                                    rect,
+                                    Qt::AlignHCenter,
+                                    QString("%1\n%2")
+                                        .arg(height, 6, 'f', 1)
+                                        .arg(mControlWidget->coordAltitude->value() - tp.sp().z(), 6, 'f', 1));
-                        rect.setRect(tp.x()+(pSP+pSC)*0.6*normalVector.x()-pSC/2., tp.y()+(pSP+pSC)*0.6*normalVector.y()-pSC/2., 3*pSC, 2*pSC); // 11
+                        rect.setRect(
+                            tp.x() + (pSP + pSC) * 0.6 * normalVector.x() - pSC / 2.,
+                            tp.y() + (pSP + pSC) * 0.6 * normalVector.y() - pSC / 2.,
+                            3 * pSC,
+                            2 * pSC); // 11
                         painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignHCenter, QString("%1").arg(height, 6, 'f', 1));
-                if (mControlWidget->trackShowNumber->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+                if(mControlWidget->trackShowNumber->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
                     // listennummer
-                    rect.setRect(tp.x()-(pSP+pSN)*0.6*normalVector.x()-pSN, tp.y()-(pSP+pSN)*0.6*normalVector.y()-pSN/2., 2.*pSN, pSN); // 11
-                    painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignHCenter, QString("%1").arg(i+1));
+                    rect.setRect(
+                        tp.x() - (pSP + pSN) * 0.6 * normalVector.x() - pSN,
+                        tp.y() - (pSP + pSN) * 0.6 * normalVector.y() - pSN / 2.,
+                        2. * pSN,
+                        pSN); // 11
+                    painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignHCenter, QString("%1").arg(i + 1));
-                if (mControlWidget->trackShowGroundPosition->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+                if(mControlWidget->trackShowGroundPosition->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
                     // ground position
-                    if( mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0) // 3D
+                    if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0) // 3D
-                        double cross_size = 15+pSG*0.25;
+                        double      cross_size = 15 + pSG * 0.25;
                         cv::Point3f p3d_height;
-                        if (height < MIN_HEIGHT+1)
+                        if(height < MIN_HEIGHT + 1)
-                            p3d_height = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(tp.x(),tp.y()),mControlWidget->getColorPlot()->map(mTracker->at(i).color()));
-                        }else
+                            p3d_height = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+                                cv::Point2f(tp.x(), tp.y()),
+                                mControlWidget->getColorPlot()->map(mTracker->at(i).color()));
+                        }
+                        else
-                            if ( tp.sp().z() > 0 )
-                                p3d_height = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(tp.x(),tp.y()),-mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3()-tp.sp().z());
+                            if(tp.sp().z() > 0)
+                                p3d_height = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+                                    cv::Point2f(tp.x(), tp.y()), -mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3() - tp.sp().z());
-                                p3d_height = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(tp.x(),tp.y()),height/*mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value()*/);
+                                p3d_height = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+                                    cv::Point2f(tp.x(), tp.y()), height /*mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value()*/);
-                        p3d_height.z = 0;
+                        p3d_height.z           = 0;
                         cv::Point2f p2d_ground = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(p3d_height);
-                        QPointF axis = mMainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(p2d_ground.x, p2d_ground.y, 0);
-                        painter->drawLine(QLineF(p2d_ground.x-cross_size*0.5*pow(axis.x(),-1),p2d_ground.y-cross_size*0.5*pow(axis.y(),-1),p2d_ground.x+cross_size*0.5*pow(axis.x(),-1),p2d_ground.y+cross_size*0.5*pow(axis.y(),-1)));
-                        painter->drawLine(QLineF(p2d_ground.x-cross_size*0.5*pow(axis.x(),-1),p2d_ground.y+cross_size*0.5*pow(axis.y(),-1),p2d_ground.x+cross_size*0.5*pow(axis.x(),-1),p2d_ground.y-cross_size*0.5*pow(axis.y(),-1)));
-                        painter->drawLine(QLineF(p2d_ground.x,p2d_ground.y,tp.x(),tp.y()));
-                    }else // 2D
+                        QPointF     axis = mMainWindow->getImageItem()->getCmPerPixel(p2d_ground.x, p2d_ground.y, 0);
+                        painter->drawLine(QLineF(
+                            p2d_ground.x - cross_size * 0.5 * pow(axis.x(), -1),
+                            p2d_ground.y - cross_size * 0.5 * pow(axis.y(), -1),
+                            p2d_ground.x + cross_size * 0.5 * pow(axis.x(), -1),
+                            p2d_ground.y + cross_size * 0.5 * pow(axis.y(), -1)));
+                        painter->drawLine(QLineF(
+                            p2d_ground.x - cross_size * 0.5 * pow(axis.x(), -1),
+                            p2d_ground.y + cross_size * 0.5 * pow(axis.y(), -1),
+                            p2d_ground.x + cross_size * 0.5 * pow(axis.x(), -1),
+                            p2d_ground.y - cross_size * 0.5 * pow(axis.y(), -1)));
+                        painter->drawLine(QLineF(p2d_ground.x, p2d_ground.y, tp.x(), tp.y()));
+                    }
+                    else // 2D
-                if( mControlWidget->showVoronoiCells->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+                if(mControlWidget->showVoronoiCells->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
-                    if( mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0 ) // 3D
+                    if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0) // 3D
                         cv::Point3f p3d_height;
-                        if (height < MIN_HEIGHT+1)
+                        if(height < MIN_HEIGHT + 1)
-                            p3d_height = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(tp.x(),tp.y()),mControlWidget->getColorPlot()->map(mTracker->at(i).color()));
-                        }else
+                            p3d_height = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+                                cv::Point2f(tp.x(), tp.y()),
+                                mControlWidget->getColorPlot()->map(mTracker->at(i).color()));
+                        }
+                        else
-                            if ( tp.sp().z() > 0 )
-                                p3d_height = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(tp.x(),tp.y()),-mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3()-tp.sp().z());
+                            if(tp.sp().z() > 0)
+                                p3d_height = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+                                    cv::Point2f(tp.x(), tp.y()), -mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3() - tp.sp().z());
-                                p3d_height = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(tp.x(),tp.y()),height/*mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value()*/);
+                                p3d_height = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+                                    cv::Point2f(tp.x(), tp.y()), height /*mControlWidget->mapDefaultHeight->value()*/);
-                        debout << "insert P(" << p3d_height.x+x_offset << ", " << p3d_height.y+y_offset << ") to subdiv" << std::endl;
-                        subdiv.insert(cv::Point2f(x_switch>0 ? x_switch-p3d_height.x+x_offset : p3d_height.x+x_offset, y_switch>0 ? y_switch-p3d_height.y+y_offset : p3d_height.y+y_offset));// p2d_ground);
+                        debout << "insert P(" << p3d_height.x + x_offset << ", " << p3d_height.y + y_offset
+                               << ") to subdiv" << std::endl;
+                        subdiv.insert(cv::Point2f(
+                            x_switch > 0 ? x_switch - p3d_height.x + x_offset : p3d_height.x + x_offset,
+                            y_switch > 0 ? y_switch - p3d_height.y + y_offset :
+                                           p3d_height.y + y_offset)); // p2d_ground);
-            if (((mControlWidget->trackShowPoints->checkState() == Qt::Checked) || (mControlWidget->trackShowPath->checkState() == Qt::Checked) || (mControlWidget->trackShowGroundPath->checkState() == Qt::Checked)) && ((mTracker->at(i).trackPointExist(curFrame)) || (mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyVisible->checkState() == Qt::Unchecked)))
+            if(((mControlWidget->trackShowPoints->checkState() == Qt::Checked) ||
+                (mControlWidget->trackShowPath->checkState() == Qt::Checked) ||
+                (mControlWidget->trackShowGroundPath->checkState() == Qt::Checked)) &&
+               ((mTracker->at(i).trackPointExist(curFrame)) ||
+                (mControlWidget->trackShowOnlyVisible->checkState() == Qt::Unchecked)))
-                if (mControlWidget->trackShowBefore->value() == -1)
+                if(mControlWidget->trackShowBefore->value() == -1)
                     from = 0;
-                    from = curFrame-mTracker->at(i).firstFrame()-mControlWidget->trackShowBefore->value();
-                    if (from < 0)
+                    from = curFrame - mTracker->at(i).firstFrame() - mControlWidget->trackShowBefore->value();
+                    if(from < 0)
                         from = 0;
-                if (mControlWidget->trackShowAfter->value() == -1)
+                if(mControlWidget->trackShowAfter->value() == -1)
                     to = mTracker->at(i).size();
-                    to = curFrame-mTracker->at(i).firstFrame()+mControlWidget->trackShowAfter->value()+1;
-                    if (to > mTracker->at(i).size())
+                    to = curFrame - mTracker->at(i).firstFrame() + mControlWidget->trackShowAfter->value() + 1;
+                    if(to > mTracker->at(i).size())
                         to = mTracker->at(i).size();
-                for (int j = from; j < to; ++j) // ueber TrackPoint
+                for(int j = from; j < to; ++j) // ueber TrackPoint
                     // path
-                    if (mControlWidget->trackShowPath->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+                    if(mControlWidget->trackShowPath->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
-                        if (j != from) // autom. > 0
+                        if(j != from) // autom. > 0
                             // nur Linie zeichnen, wenn x oder y sich unterscheidet, sonst Punkt
                             // die Unterscheidung ist noetig, da Qt sonst grosses quadrat beim ranzoomen zeichnet
-                            if ((mTracker->at(i).at(j-1).toQPointF().x() != mTracker->at(i).at(j).toQPointF().x()) ||
-                                (mTracker->at(i).at(j-1).toQPointF().y() != mTracker->at(i).at(j).toQPointF().y()))
-                                painter->drawLine(mTracker->at(i).at(j-1).toQPointF(), mTracker->at(i).at(j).toQPointF());
+                            if((mTracker->at(i).at(j - 1).toQPointF().x() != mTracker->at(i).at(j).toQPointF().x()) ||
+                               (mTracker->at(i).at(j - 1).toQPointF().y() != mTracker->at(i).at(j).toQPointF().y()))
+                                painter->drawLine(
+                                    mTracker->at(i).at(j - 1).toQPointF(), mTracker->at(i).at(j).toQPointF());
-                                painter->drawPoint(mTracker->at(i).at(j-1).toQPointF());
+                                painter->drawPoint(mTracker->at(i).at(j - 1).toQPointF());
                     // path on ground
-                    if (mControlWidget->trackShowGroundPath->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+                    if(mControlWidget->trackShowGroundPath->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
-                        if (j != from)
+                        if(j != from)
                             // ground position
-                            if( mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0) // 3D
+                            if(mControlWidget->getCalibCoordDimension() == 0) // 3D
                                 cv::Point3f p3d_height_p1, p3d_height_p2;
-                                if (mTracker->at(i).height() < MIN_HEIGHT+1)
+                                if(mTracker->at(i).height() < MIN_HEIGHT + 1)
-                                    p3d_height_p1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(mTracker->at(i).at(j-1).x(),mTracker->at(i).at(j-1).y()),mControlWidget->getColorPlot()->map(mTracker->at(i).color()));
-                                    p3d_height_p2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(mTracker->at(i).at(j).x(),mTracker->at(i).at(j).y()),mControlWidget->getColorPlot()->map(mTracker->at(i).color()));
-                                }else
+                                    p3d_height_p1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+                                        cv::Point2f(mTracker->at(i).at(j - 1).x(), mTracker->at(i).at(j - 1).y()),
+                                        mControlWidget->getColorPlot()->map(mTracker->at(i).color()));
+                                    p3d_height_p2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+                                        cv::Point2f(mTracker->at(i).at(j).x(), mTracker->at(i).at(j).y()),
+                                        mControlWidget->getColorPlot()->map(mTracker->at(i).color()));
+                                }
+                                else
-                                    if ( mTracker->at(i).at(j-1).sp().z() > 0 && mTracker->at(i).at(j).sp().z() > 0 )
+                                    if(mTracker->at(i).at(j - 1).sp().z() > 0 && mTracker->at(i).at(j).sp().z() > 0)
-                                        p3d_height_p1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(mTracker->at(i).at(j-1).x(),mTracker->at(i).at(j-1).y()),-mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3()-mTracker->at(i).at(j-1).sp().z());
-                                        p3d_height_p2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(mTracker->at(i).at(j).x(),mTracker->at(i).at(j).y()),-mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3()-mTracker->at(i).at(j).sp().z());
-                                    }else
+                                        p3d_height_p1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+                                            cv::Point2f(mTracker->at(i).at(j - 1).x(), mTracker->at(i).at(j - 1).y()),
+                                            -mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3() - mTracker->at(i).at(j - 1).sp().z());
+                                        p3d_height_p2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+                                            cv::Point2f(mTracker->at(i).at(j).x(), mTracker->at(i).at(j).y()),
+                                            -mControlWidget->getCalibExtrTrans3() - mTracker->at(i).at(j).sp().z());
+                                    }
+                                    else
-                                        p3d_height_p1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(mTracker->at(i).at(j-1).x(),mTracker->at(i).at(j-1).y()),mTracker->at(i).height());
-                                        p3d_height_p2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(cv::Point2f(mTracker->at(i).at(j).x(),mTracker->at(i).at(j).y()),mTracker->at(i).height());
+                                        p3d_height_p1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+                                            cv::Point2f(mTracker->at(i).at(j - 1).x(), mTracker->at(i).at(j - 1).y()),
+                                            mTracker->at(i).height());
+                                        p3d_height_p2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->get3DPoint(
+                                            cv::Point2f(mTracker->at(i).at(j).x(), mTracker->at(i).at(j).y()),
+                                            mTracker->at(i).height());
                                 p3d_height_p1.z = 0;
                                 p3d_height_p2.z = 0;
-                                cv::Point2f p2d_ground_p1 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(p3d_height_p1);
-                                cv::Point2f p2d_ground_p2 = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(p3d_height_p2);
+                                cv::Point2f p2d_ground_p1 =
+                                    mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(p3d_height_p1);
+                                cv::Point2f p2d_ground_p2 =
+                                    mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(p3d_height_p2);
                                 // nur Linie zeichnen, wenn x oder y sich unterscheidet, sonst Punkt
                                 // die Unterscheidung ist noetig, da Qt sonst grosses quadrat beim ranzoomen zeichnet
-                                if (p2d_ground_p1.x != p2d_ground_p2.x || p2d_ground_p1.y != p2d_ground_p2.y )
-                                    painter->drawLine(QLineF(p2d_ground_p1.x,p2d_ground_p1.y,p2d_ground_p2.x,p2d_ground_p2.y));
+                                if(p2d_ground_p1.x != p2d_ground_p2.x || p2d_ground_p1.y != p2d_ground_p2.y)
+                                    painter->drawLine(
+                                        QLineF(p2d_ground_p1.x, p2d_ground_p1.y, p2d_ground_p2.x, p2d_ground_p2.y));
-                                    painter->drawPoint(p2d_ground_p1.x,p2d_ground_p1.y);
-                            }else // 2D
+                                    painter->drawPoint(p2d_ground_p1.x, p2d_ground_p1.y);
+                            }
+                            else // 2D
                     // points before and after
-                    if (mControlWidget->trackShowPoints->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+                    if(mControlWidget->trackShowPoints->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
-                        if (mTracker->at(i).firstFrame()+j != curFrame)
+                        if(mTracker->at(i).firstFrame() + j != curFrame)
-                            if ((mControlWidget->trackShowPointsColored->checkState() == Qt::Checked) && (mTracker->at(i).at(j).color().isValid()))
+                            if((mControlWidget->trackShowPointsColored->checkState() == Qt::Checked) &&
+                               (mTracker->at(i).at(j).color().isValid()))
-                                rect.setRect(mTracker->at(i).at(j).x()-pS/2., mTracker->at(i).at(j).y()-pS/2., pS, pS); // 7
+                                rect.setRect(
+                                    mTracker->at(i).at(j).x() - pS / 2.,
+                                    mTracker->at(i).at(j).y() - pS / 2.,
+                                    pS,
+                                    pS); // 7
-                                // war noetig fuer alte qt-version: rect.setRect(mTracker->at(i).at(j).x()-(pS-1.)/2., mTracker->at(i).at(j).y()-(pS-1.)/2., pS-1., pS-1.); // 6
-                                rect.setRect(mTracker->at(i).at(j).x()-pS/2., mTracker->at(i).at(j).y()-pS/2., pS, pS);
+                                // war noetig fuer alte qt-version: rect.setRect(mTracker->at(i).at(j).x()-(pS-1.)/2.,
+                                // mTracker->at(i).at(j).y()-(pS-1.)/2., pS-1., pS-1.); // 6
+                                rect.setRect(
+                                    mTracker->at(i).at(j).x() - pS / 2., mTracker->at(i).at(j).y() - pS / 2., pS, pS);
@@ -630,140 +754,156 @@ void TrackerItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem */*opt
     // Mat& img, Subdiv2D& subdiv )
-    if( mControlWidget->showVoronoiCells->checkState() == Qt::Checked && !mTracker->isEmpty() )
+    if(mControlWidget->showVoronoiCells->checkState() == Qt::Checked && !mTracker->isEmpty())
-        std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> > facets3D;
-        std::vector<cv::Point2f> centers3D;
+        std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> facets3D;
+        std::vector<cv::Point2f>              centers3D;
         // get Voronoi cell info from subDiv in 3D coordinates on ground (z=0)
         subdiv.getVoronoiFacetList(std::vector<int>(), facets3D, centers3D);
-        painter->setClipRect(mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()->rect());//0,0,mMainWindow->getImage()->width(),mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
+        painter->setClipRect(mMainWindow->getRecoRoiItem()
+                                 ->rect()); // 0,0,mMainWindow->getImage()->width(),mMainWindow->getImage()->height());
         // cell by cell
-        for( size_t i = 0; i < facets3D.size(); i++ )
+        for(size_t i = 0; i < facets3D.size(); i++)
-            centers3D.at(i).x = x_switch>0 ? x_switch-centers3D.at(i).x-x_offset : centers3D.at(i).x-x_offset;
-            centers3D.at(i).y = y_switch>0 ? y_switch-centers3D.at(i).y-y_offset : centers3D.at(i).y-y_offset;
+            centers3D.at(i).x = x_switch > 0 ? x_switch - centers3D.at(i).x - x_offset : centers3D.at(i).x - x_offset;
+            centers3D.at(i).y = y_switch > 0 ? y_switch - centers3D.at(i).y - y_offset : centers3D.at(i).y - y_offset;
             // voronoi cell center in 2D
-            cv::Point2f center2D = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(centers3D.at(i).x,
-                                                                                        centers3D.at(i).y,0));
+            cv::Point2f center2D =
+                mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(centers3D.at(i).x, centers3D.at(i).y, 0));
             std::vector<QPointF> ifacet2D;
-            QPointF circleStart, circleEnd;
-            float area = 0;
-            float r = 50, m = 0, n = 0, s1_x = 0, s2_x = 0, s1_y = 0, s2_y = 0;
-            bool circleStarted = false;
-            for( size_t j = 0; j < facets3D[i].size(); j++ )
+            QPointF              circleStart, circleEnd;
+            float                area = 0;
+            float                r = 50, m = 0, n = 0, s1_x = 0, s2_x = 0, s1_y = 0, s2_y = 0;
+            bool                 circleStarted = false;
+            for(size_t j = 0; j < facets3D[i].size(); j++)
-                facets3D.at(i).at(j).x = x_switch>0 ? x_switch-facets3D.at(i).at(j).x-x_offset : facets3D.at(i).at(j).x-x_offset;
-                facets3D.at(i).at(j).y = y_switch>0 ? y_switch-facets3D.at(i).at(j).y-y_offset : facets3D.at(i).at(j).y-y_offset;
+                facets3D.at(i).at(j).x =
+                    x_switch > 0 ? x_switch - facets3D.at(i).at(j).x - x_offset : facets3D.at(i).at(j).x - x_offset;
+                facets3D.at(i).at(j).y =
+                    y_switch > 0 ? y_switch - facets3D.at(i).at(j).y - y_offset : facets3D.at(i).at(j).y - y_offset;
-                cv::Point2f point2D = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(facets3D.at(i).at(j).x,facets3D.at(i).at(j).y,0));
+                cv::Point2f point2D = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(
+                    cv::Point3f(facets3D.at(i).at(j).x, facets3D.at(i).at(j).y, 0));
-                debout << "facets3D.at(" << i << ").at(" << j << ").x = " << facets3D.at(i).at(j).x << ", .y = " << facets3D.at(i).at(j).y << std::endl;
+                debout << "facets3D.at(" << i << ").at(" << j << ").x = " << facets3D.at(i).at(j).x
+                       << ", .y = " << facets3D.at(i).at(j).y << std::endl;
                 debout << "point2D.x = " << point2D.x << " , .y = " << point2D.y << std::endl;
-                if constexpr ( false && sqrt(pow((facets3D.at(i).at(j).x - centers3D.at(i).x),2) +
-                                   pow((facets3D.at(i).at(j).y - centers3D.at(i).y),2)) > r )
+                if constexpr(
+                    false && sqrt(
+                                 pow((facets3D.at(i).at(j).x - centers3D.at(i).x), 2) +
+                                 pow((facets3D.at(i).at(j).y - centers3D.at(i).y), 2)) > r)
-                    if (circleStarted)
+                    if(circleStarted)
-                        m = (facets3D.at(i).at(j).y - facets3D.at(i).at((j-1)%facets3D.at(i).size()).y) /
-                                (facets3D.at(i).at(j).x - facets3D.at(i).at((j-1)%facets3D.at(i).size()).x);
+                        m = (facets3D.at(i).at(j).y - facets3D.at(i).at((j - 1) % facets3D.at(i).size()).y) /
+                            (facets3D.at(i).at(j).x - facets3D.at(i).at((j - 1) % facets3D.at(i).size()).x);
                         // End punkt berechnen (Schnittpunkt Gerade-Kreis)
                         // Steigung der Geraden
-                        m = (facets3D.at(i).at(j).y - facets3D.at(i).at((j+1)%facets3D.at(i).size()).y) /
-                                (facets3D.at(i).at(j).x - facets3D.at(i).at((j+1)%facets3D.at(i).size()).x);
+                        m = (facets3D.at(i).at(j).y - facets3D.at(i).at((j + 1) % facets3D.at(i).size()).y) /
+                            (facets3D.at(i).at(j).x - facets3D.at(i).at((j + 1) % facets3D.at(i).size()).x);
                         // Achsenabschnitt der Geraden
                         n = facets3D.at(i).at(j).y - m * facets3D.at(i).at(j).x;
-                        float p = -( (m*n - m*centers3D.at(i).y - centers3D.at(i).x)/(1+pow(m,2)) );
-                        float q = sqrt((pow(r,2)-pow(centers3D.at(i).x,2)-pow(centers3D.at(i).y,2)-pow(n,2)-2*n*centers3D.at(i).y) / (1+pow(m,2)) +
-                                       pow((m*n-m*centers3D.at(i).y-centers3D.at(i).x)/(1+pow(m,2)),2));
+                        float p = -((m * n - m * centers3D.at(i).y - centers3D.at(i).x) / (1 + pow(m, 2)));
+                        float q = sqrt(
+                            (pow(r, 2) - pow(centers3D.at(i).x, 2) - pow(centers3D.at(i).y, 2) - pow(n, 2) -
+                             2 * n * centers3D.at(i).y) /
+                                (1 + pow(m, 2)) +
+                            pow((m * n - m * centers3D.at(i).y - centers3D.at(i).x) / (1 + pow(m, 2)), 2));
                         // Schnittpunkte mit Kreis
                         s1_x = p + q;
-                        s1_y = m*s1_x+n;
+                        s1_y = m * s1_x + n;
                         s2_x = p - q;
-                        s2_y = m*s2_x+n;
+                        s2_y = m * s2_x + n;
-                        facets3D[i][j] = cv::Point2f(s1_x,s1_y);
+                        facets3D[i][j] = cv::Point2f(s1_x, s1_y);
-                        point2D = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(s1_x,s1_y,0));
-                        circleEnd = QPointF(point2D.x,point2D.y);
+                        point2D   = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(s1_x, s1_y, 0));
+                        circleEnd = QPointF(point2D.x, point2D.y);
-                        ifacet2D.push_back(QPointF(center2D.x,center2D.y));
-                        ifacet2D.push_back(QPointF(point2D.x,point2D.y));
+                        ifacet2D.push_back(QPointF(center2D.x, center2D.y));
+                        ifacet2D.push_back(QPointF(point2D.x, point2D.y));
                         debout << "End point: (" << s1_x << ", " << s1_y << ")" << std::endl;
-                    }else
+                    }
+                    else
                         // start punkt berechnen
-                        m = (facets3D.at(i).at(j).y - facets3D.at(i).at((j-1)%facets3D.at(i).size()).y) /
-                                (facets3D.at(i).at(j).x - facets3D.at(i).at((j-1)%facets3D.at(i).size()).x);
+                        m = (facets3D.at(i).at(j).y - facets3D.at(i).at((j - 1) % facets3D.at(i).size()).y) /
+                            (facets3D.at(i).at(j).x - facets3D.at(i).at((j - 1) % facets3D.at(i).size()).x);
                         n = facets3D.at(i).at(j).y - m * facets3D.at(i).at(j).x;
-                        float p = -( (m*n - m*centers3D.at(i).y - centers3D.at(i).x)/(1+pow(m,2)) );
-                        float q = sqrt((pow(r,2)-pow(centers3D.at(i).x,2)-pow(centers3D.at(i).y,2)-pow(n,2)-2*n*centers3D.at(i).y) / (1+pow(m,2)) +
-                                       pow((m*n-m*centers3D.at(i).y-centers3D.at(i).x)/(1+pow(m,2)),2));
+                        float p = -((m * n - m * centers3D.at(i).y - centers3D.at(i).x) / (1 + pow(m, 2)));
+                        float q = sqrt(
+                            (pow(r, 2) - pow(centers3D.at(i).x, 2) - pow(centers3D.at(i).y, 2) - pow(n, 2) -
+                             2 * n * centers3D.at(i).y) /
+                                (1 + pow(m, 2)) +
+                            pow((m * n - m * centers3D.at(i).y - centers3D.at(i).x) / (1 + pow(m, 2)), 2));
                         // Schnittpunkte mit Kreis
                         s1_x = p + q;
-                        s1_y = m*s1_x+n;
+                        s1_y = m * s1_x + n;
                         s2_x = p - q;
-                        s2_y = m*s2_x+n;
+                        s2_y = m * s2_x + n;
-                        debout << "x=" << s1_x << " G(x)=" << (m*s1_x+n) << " K(x)=" << pow(s1_x-centers3D.at(i).x,2)+pow(s1_y-centers3D.at(i).y,2) << " = " << pow(r,2) << std::endl;
-                        debout << "x=" << s2_x << " G(x)=" << (m*s2_x+n) << " K(x)=" << pow(s2_x-centers3D.at(i).x,2)+pow(s2_y-centers3D.at(i).y,2) << " = " << pow(r,2) << std::endl;
+                        debout << "x=" << s1_x << " G(x)=" << (m * s1_x + n)
+                               << " K(x)=" << pow(s1_x - centers3D.at(i).x, 2) + pow(s1_y - centers3D.at(i).y, 2)
+                               << " = " << pow(r, 2) << std::endl;
+                        debout << "x=" << s2_x << " G(x)=" << (m * s2_x + n)
+                               << " K(x)=" << pow(s2_x - centers3D.at(i).x, 2) + pow(s2_y - centers3D.at(i).y, 2)
+                               << " = " << pow(r, 2) << std::endl;
-                        facets3D[i][j] = cv::Point2f(s1_x,s1_y);
+                        facets3D[i][j] = cv::Point2f(s1_x, s1_y);
-                        point2D = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(s1_x,s1_y,0));
-                        ifacet2D.push_back(QPointF(point2D.x,point2D.y));
-                        circleStart = QPointF(point2D.x,point2D.y);
+                        point2D = mMainWindow->getExtrCalibration()->getImagePoint(cv::Point3f(s1_x, s1_y, 0));
+                        ifacet2D.push_back(QPointF(point2D.x, point2D.y));
+                        circleStart   = QPointF(point2D.x, point2D.y);
                         circleStarted = true;
                         debout << "Start point: (" << s1_x << ", " << s1_y << ")" << std::endl;
-                }else
+                }
+                else
-                    ifacet2D.push_back(QPointF(point2D.x,point2D.y));
-                    area += (facets3D.at(i).at(j).x*facets3D.at(i).at((j+1)%facets3D[i].size()).y);
-                    area -= (facets3D.at(i).at((j+1)%facets3D[i].size()).x*facets3D.at(i).at(j).y);
+                    ifacet2D.push_back(QPointF(point2D.x, point2D.y));
+                    area += (facets3D.at(i).at(j).x * facets3D.at(i).at((j + 1) % facets3D[i].size()).y);
+                    area -= (facets3D.at(i).at((j + 1) % facets3D[i].size()).x * facets3D.at(i).at(j).y);
             area *= 0.5;
-            area = 1.0/area;
+            area = 1.0 / area;
             area *= 10000;
             QColor color;
-            color.setHsv((255-area*25.5)<0?0:(255-area*25.5),255,255,128);
+            color.setHsv((255 - area * 25.5) < 0 ? 0 : (255 - area * 25.5), 255, 255, 128);
             QVector<QPointF> ifacet_vec;
-            for(size_t i=0; i<ifacet2D.size(); i++)
+            for(size_t i = 0; i < ifacet2D.size(); i++)
-            if( ifacet2D.size() == 0 )
-                painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(center2D.x,center2D.y),100,100);
+            if(ifacet2D.size() == 0)
+                painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(center2D.x, center2D.y), 100, 100);
             // voronoi cell point
-            painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(center2D.x,center2D.y),5,5);
+            painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(center2D.x, center2D.y), 5, 5);
diff --git a/src/trackerReal.cpp b/src/trackerReal.cpp
index 3fda3240cc5260fad3153d19fa45bb61eac47dfb..da27682f42406d25a8b7662e261794b44896293a 100644
--- a/src/trackerReal.cpp
+++ b/src/trackerReal.cpp
@@ -19,59 +19,53 @@
 #include "trackerReal.h"
 #include "helper.h"
 #include "recognition.h"
-TrackPointReal::TrackPointReal(const Vec3F &p, int frameNum)
-    : Vec3F(p), mFrameNum(frameNum)
+TrackPointReal::TrackPointReal(const Vec3F &p, int frameNum) : Vec3F(p), mFrameNum(frameNum)
     mAngleOfView = -1;
-    mMarkerID = -1;
+    mMarkerID    = -1;
-TrackPointReal::TrackPointReal(const Vec3F &p, int frameNum, const Vec2F &d)
-    : Vec3F(p), mFrameNum(frameNum), mViewDir(d)
+TrackPointReal::TrackPointReal(const Vec3F &p, int frameNum, const Vec2F &d) :
+    Vec3F(p), mFrameNum(frameNum), mViewDir(d)
     mAngleOfView = -1;
-    mMarkerID = -1;
+    mMarkerID    = -1;
 // the list index is the frame number plus mFirstFrame 0..mLastFrame-mFirstFrame
 // no frame is left blank
-    : mHeight(-1.),
-      mFirstFrame(-1),
-      mLastFrame(0)
-TrackPersonReal::TrackPersonReal(int frame, const TrackPointReal &p)
-    : mHeight(-1.),
-      mFirstFrame(frame),
-      mLastFrame(frame)
+TrackPersonReal::TrackPersonReal() : mHeight(-1.), mFirstFrame(-1), mLastFrame(0) {}
+TrackPersonReal::TrackPersonReal(int frame, const TrackPointReal &p) :
+    mHeight(-1.), mFirstFrame(frame), mLastFrame(frame)
 bool TrackPersonReal::trackPointExist(int frame) const
-    if (frame >= mFirstFrame && frame <= mLastFrame)
+    if(frame >= mFirstFrame && frame <= mLastFrame)
         return true;
         return false;
-const TrackPointReal& TrackPersonReal::trackPointAt(int frame) const // & macht bei else probleme, sonst mit [] zugreifbar
+const TrackPointReal &
+TrackPersonReal::trackPointAt(int frame) const // & macht bei else probleme, sonst mit [] zugreifbar
-        return at(frame-mFirstFrame);
+    return at(frame - mFirstFrame);
 // gibt -1 zurueck, wenn frame oder naechster frame nicht existiert
 // entfernung ist absolut
 double TrackPersonReal::distanceToNextFrame(int frame) const
-    if (frame >= mFirstFrame && frame+1 <= mLastFrame)
-        return at(frame-mFirstFrame).distanceToPoint(at(frame-mFirstFrame+1));
+    if(frame >= mFirstFrame && frame + 1 <= mLastFrame)
+        return at(frame - mFirstFrame).distanceToPoint(at(frame - mFirstFrame + 1));
         return -1;
@@ -79,23 +73,23 @@ void TrackPersonReal::init(int firstFrame, double height, int markerID)
     mFirstFrame = firstFrame;
-    mLastFrame = firstFrame-1;
-    mHeight = height;
-    mMarkerID = markerID;
+    mLastFrame  = firstFrame - 1;
+    mHeight     = height;
+    mMarkerID   = markerID;
-void TrackPersonReal::addEnd(const QPointF& pos, int frame)
+void TrackPersonReal::addEnd(const QPointF &pos, int frame)
     Vec3F point(pos.x(), pos.y(), -1.);
     addEnd(point, frame);
-void TrackPersonReal::addEnd(const Vec3F& pos, int frame)
+void TrackPersonReal::addEnd(const Vec3F &pos, int frame)
     append(TrackPointReal(pos, frame));
-void TrackPersonReal::addEnd(const QPointF& pos, int frame, const QPointF& dir)
+void TrackPersonReal::addEnd(const QPointF &pos, int frame, const QPointF &dir)
     Vec3F point(pos.x(), pos.y(), -1.);
     Vec2F viewDirection(dir.x(), dir.y());
@@ -106,341 +100,431 @@ void TrackPersonReal::addEnd(const QPointF& pos, int frame, const QPointF& dir)
-TrackerReal::TrackerReal(QWidget *wParent)
-    : mXMin(100000.), mXMax(-100000.), mYMin(100000.), mYMax(-100000.)
+TrackerReal::TrackerReal(QWidget *wParent) : mXMin(100000.), mXMax(-100000.), mYMin(100000.), mYMax(-100000.)
-        mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) wParent;
 // default: int imageBorderSize = 0, bool missingFramesInserted = true, bool useTrackpoints = false
-int TrackerReal::calculate(Tracker *tracker, ImageItem *imageItem, ColorPlot *colorPlot, int imageBorderSize, bool missingFramesInserted,
-                           bool useTrackpoints, bool alternateHeight, double altitude, bool useCalibrationCenter,
-                           bool exportElimTp, bool exportElimTrj, bool exportSmooth,
-                           bool exportViewingDirection, bool exportAngleOfView, bool exportMarkerID, bool exportAutoCorrect)
+int TrackerReal::calculate(
+    Tracker *  tracker,
+    ImageItem *imageItem,
+    ColorPlot *colorPlot,
+    int        imageBorderSize,
+    bool       missingFramesInserted,
+    bool       useTrackpoints,
+    bool       alternateHeight,
+    double     altitude,
+    bool       useCalibrationCenter,
+    bool       exportElimTp,
+    bool       exportElimTrj,
+    bool       exportSmooth,
+    bool       exportViewingDirection,
+    bool       exportAngleOfView,
+    bool       exportMarkerID,
+    bool       exportAutoCorrect)
-    if (tracker || imageItem || colorPlot)
+    if(tracker || imageItem || colorPlot)
-        if (size() > 0)
+        if(size() > 0)
-        int i, j, f;
-        QList<int> missingList; // frame nr wo ausgelassen; passend dazu:
+        int        i, j, f;
+        QList<int> missingList;    // frame nr wo ausgelassen; passend dazu:
         QList<int> missingListAnz; // anzahl ausgelassener frames
-        if (missingFramesInserted)
+        if(missingFramesInserted)
             // finden von nicht aufgenommenen frames
-            int largestLastFrame = tracker->largestLastFrame();
-            QMap<int, double> distanceMap; // map der distanzen zu frame
-            QMap<int, double> lastDistanceMap; // map der distanzen zu frame
+            int                               largestLastFrame = tracker->largestLastFrame();
+            QMap<int, double>                 distanceMap;     // map der distanzen zu frame
+            QMap<int, double>                 lastDistanceMap; // map der distanzen zu frame
             QMap<int, double>::const_iterator iter;
-            int anz, skipAnz;
-            double dist, sum, lastSum=0.;
+            int                               anz, skipAnz;
+            double                            dist, sum, lastSum = 0.;
             // (median neben durchschnittswert als bewertungszahl hinzugenommen,
             // da sonst bei wenigen personen und langsamen bewegungen nur ein kleiner ausreisser
             // einen frame hinzufuegt (insb linienexperiment mit vielen personen))
-            for (f = tracker->smallestFirstFrame(); f <= largestLastFrame; ++f)
+            for(f = tracker->smallestFirstFrame(); f <= largestLastFrame; ++f)
                 skipAnz = anz = 0;
-                sum = 0.;
+                sum           = 0.;
                 // erzeugen distanz-map im aktuellen frame
-                for (i = 0; i < tracker->size(); ++i)
-                    if ((dist = tracker->at(i).distanceToNextFrame(f)) > -1)
+                for(i = 0; i < tracker->size(); ++i)
+                    if((dist = tracker->at(i).distanceToNextFrame(f)) > -1)
                         distanceMap[i] = dist;
                 // distanzliste mit vorherigem frame vergleichen
                 iter = distanceMap.constBegin();
-                while (iter != distanceMap.constEnd()) 
+                while(iter != distanceMap.constEnd())
-                    if (lastDistanceMap.contains(iter.key()) && 
-                        lastDistanceMap[iter.key()] > 1.) // damit bei ganz kleinen bewegungen nicht angeschlagen wird 
+                    if(lastDistanceMap.contains(iter.key()) &&
+                       lastDistanceMap[iter.key()] > 1.) // damit bei ganz kleinen bewegungen nicht angeschlagen wird
-                        if (distanceMap[iter.key()] > 1.5*lastDistanceMap[iter.key()])
+                        if(distanceMap[iter.key()] > 1.5 * lastDistanceMap[iter.key()])
                     sum += distanceMap[iter.key()];
-                sum/=distanceMap.size();
+                sum /= distanceMap.size();
                 // bei sprung in mehreren trackingpfaden als sprung markieren
-                if ((anz > 1) && (skipAnz/(double)anz > .5) && myRound(sum/lastSum - 1.) > 0) // 50% (war (anz > 2))
+                if((anz > 1) && (skipAnz / (double) anz > .5) && myRound(sum / lastSum - 1.) > 0) // 50% (war (anz > 2))
-                    missingListAnz.append(myRound(sum/lastSum - 1.));
-                    debout << "Warning: potentially missing " << myRound(sum/lastSum - 1.) << " frame(s) between " << f << " and " << f+1 << " will be inserted." << std::endl;
+                    missingListAnz.append(myRound(sum / lastSum - 1.));
+                    debout << "Warning: potentially missing " << myRound(sum / lastSum - 1.) << " frame(s) between "
+                           << f << " and " << f + 1 << " will be inserted." << std::endl;
                 lastDistanceMap = distanceMap;
-                lastSum = sum;
+                lastSum         = sum;
         // fps ist nicht aussagekraeftig, da sie mgl von ausgelassenen herruehren - besser immer 25,01 fps annehmen
-        double height; // groesse in cm
-        int firstFrame, addFrames, anz;
-        Vec2F br(imageBorderSize, imageBorderSize);
-        QPointF pos, pos2;
-        QList<int> tmpMissingList; // frame nr
-        QList<int> tmpMissingListAnz; // anzahl frames
+        double          height; // groesse in cm
+        int             firstFrame, addFrames, anz;
+        Vec2F           br(imageBorderSize, imageBorderSize);
+        QPointF         pos, pos2;
+        QList<int>      tmpMissingList;    // frame nr
+        QList<int>      tmpMissingListAnz; // anzahl frames
         TrackPersonReal trackPersonReal;
-        QPointF center = imageItem->getPosReal(QPointF(imageItem->boundingRect().width()/2., imageItem->boundingRect().height()/2.), 0.);
-        Vec3F sp;
-        int nrFor;
-        int nrRew;
-        int tsize;
-        double zMedian;
-        int extrapolated;
+        QPointF         center = imageItem->getPosReal(
+            QPointF(imageItem->boundingRect().width() / 2., imageItem->boundingRect().height() / 2.), 0.);
+        Vec3F   sp;
+        int     nrFor;
+        int     nrRew;
+        int     tsize;
+        double  zMedian;
+        int     extrapolated;
         QPointF colPos;
-        float angle;
+        float   angle;
-        for (i = 0; i < tracker->size(); ++i) // ueber trajektorien
+        for(i = 0; i < tracker->size(); ++i) // ueber trajektorien
-            addFrames = 0;
+            addFrames  = 0;
             firstFrame = tracker->at(i).firstFrame();
-            if ((*tracker)[i].height() < MIN_HEIGHT+1)
+            if((*tracker)[i].height() < MIN_HEIGHT + 1)
                 height = colorPlot->map((*tracker)[i].color());
                 height = (*tracker)[i].height();
-            if (missingList.size() > 0)
+            if(missingList.size() > 0)
-                tmpMissingList = missingList;
+                tmpMissingList    = missingList;
                 tmpMissingListAnz = missingListAnz;
                 // vorspulen
-                while ((tmpMissingList.size() > 0) && (tmpMissingList.first() < firstFrame))
+                while((tmpMissingList.size() > 0) && (tmpMissingList.first() < firstFrame))
-                    tmpMissingList.removeFirst(); // frame
+                    tmpMissingList.removeFirst();               // frame
                     addFrames += tmpMissingListAnz.takeFirst(); // anzahl
             int markerID = (*tracker)[i].getMarkerID(); // set markerID to TrackPerson.markerID
-            trackPersonReal.init(firstFrame+addFrames, height, markerID);
+            trackPersonReal.init(firstFrame + addFrames, height, markerID);
             tsize = tracker->at(i).size();
-            for (j = 0; (j < tsize); ++j) // ueber trackpoints
+            for(j = 0; (j < tsize); ++j) // ueber trackpoints
-                // ausreisser ausfindig machen (dies geschieht, bevor -1 elemente herausgenommen werden, um die glaettung beim eliminieren der -1 elemente hier nicht einfluss nehmen zu lassen):
-                if (exportSmooth && (useTrackpoints || alternateHeight) && (tsize > 1)) // wenn direkt pointgrey hoehe oder eigene hoehenberechnung aber variierend ueber trj genommen werden soll
+                // ausreisser ausfindig machen (dies geschieht, bevor -1 elemente herausgenommen werden, um die
+                // glaettung beim eliminieren der -1 elemente hier nicht einfluss nehmen zu lassen):
+                if(exportSmooth && (useTrackpoints || alternateHeight) &&
+                   (tsize > 1)) // wenn direkt pointgrey hoehe oder eigene hoehenberechnung aber variierend ueber trj
+                                // genommen werden soll
-                    // ACHTUNG: Aenderungen in Originaltrajektorie, so dass aenderungen auf folgeuntersuchungen einfluss haben: j auf j+1
-                    if ((*tracker)[i][j].sp().z() != -1)
+                    // ACHTUNG: Aenderungen in Originaltrajektorie, so dass aenderungen auf folgeuntersuchungen einfluss
+                    // haben: j auf j+1
+                    if((*tracker)[i][j].sp().z() != -1)
                         nrFor = 1; // anzahl der ztrackpoint ohne hoeheninfo
                         nrRew = 1;
-                        while ((j+nrFor < tsize) && ((*tracker)[i].at(j+nrFor).sp().z() < 0)) // nach && wird nur ausgefuehrt, wenn erstes true == size() also nicht
+                        while((j + nrFor < tsize) &&
+                              ((*tracker)[i].at(j + nrFor).sp().z() <
+                               0)) // nach && wird nur ausgefuehrt, wenn erstes true == size() also nicht
-                        while ((j-nrRew >= 0) && ((*tracker)[i].at(j-nrRew).sp().z() < 0)) // nach && wird nur ausgefuehrt, wenn erstes true == size() also nicht
+                        while((j - nrRew >= 0) &&
+                              ((*tracker)[i].at(j - nrRew).sp().z() <
+                               0)) // nach && wird nur ausgefuehrt, wenn erstes true == size() also nicht
-                        if (((j-nrRew >= 0) && (j+nrFor == tsize)) || ((j-nrRew >= 0) && (nrRew < nrFor))) // nur oder eher in Vergangenheit hoeheninfo gefunden
+                        if(((j - nrRew >= 0) && (j + nrFor == tsize)) ||
+                           ((j - nrRew >= 0) && (nrRew < nrFor))) // nur oder eher in Vergangenheit hoeheninfo gefunden
-                            if(fabs((*tracker)[i].at(j-nrRew).sp().z()-(*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().z()) > nrRew*40.) // 40cm
+                            if(fabs((*tracker)[i].at(j - nrRew).sp().z() - (*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().z()) >
+                               nrRew * 40.) // 40cm
-                                (*tracker)[i][j].setSp((*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().x(),(*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().y(),(*tracker)[i].at(j-nrRew).sp().z());
-                                debout << "Warning: Trackpoint smoothed height at the end or next to unknown height in the future for trajectory " << i+1 << " in frame " << j+firstFrame << "." << std::endl;
+                                (*tracker)[i][j].setSp(
+                                    (*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().x(),
+                                    (*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().y(),
+                                    (*tracker)[i].at(j - nrRew).sp().z());
+                                debout << "Warning: Trackpoint smoothed height at the end or next to unknown height in "
+                                          "the future for trajectory "
+                                       << i + 1 << " in frame " << j + firstFrame << "." << std::endl;
-                        else if (((j+nrFor != tsize) && (j-nrRew < 0)) || ((j+nrFor != tsize) && (nrFor < nrRew))) // nur oder eher in der zukunft hoeheninfo gefunden
+                        else if(
+                            ((j + nrFor != tsize) && (j - nrRew < 0)) ||
+                            ((j + nrFor != tsize) &&
+                             (nrFor < nrRew))) // nur oder eher in der zukunft hoeheninfo gefunden
-                            if(fabs((*tracker)[i].at(j+nrFor).sp().z()-(*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().z()) > nrFor*40.) // 40cm
+                            if(fabs((*tracker)[i].at(j + nrFor).sp().z() - (*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().z()) >
+                               nrFor * 40.) // 40cm
-                                (*tracker)[i][j].setSp((*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().x(),(*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().y(),(*tracker)[i].at(j+nrFor).sp().z());
-                                debout << "Warning: Trackpoint smoothed height at the beginning or next to unknown height in the past for trajectory " << i+1 << " in frame " << j+firstFrame << "." << std::endl;
+                                (*tracker)[i][j].setSp(
+                                    (*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().x(),
+                                    (*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().y(),
+                                    (*tracker)[i].at(j + nrFor).sp().z());
+                                debout << "Warning: Trackpoint smoothed height at the beginning or next to unknown "
+                                          "height in the past for trajectory "
+                                       << i + 1 << " in frame " << j + firstFrame << "." << std::endl;
-                        else if ((j+nrFor != tsize) && (j-nrRew >= 0))// in beiden richtungen hoeheninfo gefunden und nrFor==nrRew
+                        else if((j + nrFor != tsize) && (j - nrRew >= 0)) // in beiden richtungen hoeheninfo gefunden
+                                                                          // und nrFor==nrRew
-                            // median genommen um zwei fehlmessungen nebeneinander nicht dazu fuehren zu lassen, dass bessere daten veraendert werden
-                            zMedian = getMedianOf3((*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().z(), (*tracker)[i].at(j-nrRew).sp().z(), (*tracker)[i].at(j+nrFor).sp().z());
+                            // median genommen um zwei fehlmessungen nebeneinander nicht dazu fuehren zu lassen, dass
+                            // bessere daten veraendert werden
+                            zMedian = getMedianOf3(
+                                (*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().z(),
+                                (*tracker)[i].at(j - nrRew).sp().z(),
+                                (*tracker)[i].at(j + nrFor).sp().z());
                             // lineare interpolation
-                            if(fabs(zMedian-(*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().z()) > 20.*(nrFor+nrRew)) // 20cm
+                            if(fabs(zMedian - (*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().z()) > 20. * (nrFor + nrRew)) // 20cm
-                                (*tracker)[i][j].setSp((*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().x(),(*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().y(),zMedian);
-                                debout << "Warning: Trackpoint smoothed height inside for trajectory " << i+1 << " in frame " << j+firstFrame << "." << std::endl;
+                                (*tracker)[i][j].setSp(
+                                    (*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().x(), (*tracker)[i].at(j).sp().y(), zMedian);
+                                debout << "Warning: Trackpoint smoothed height inside for trajectory " << i + 1
+                                       << " in frame " << j + firstFrame << "." << std::endl;
-                if (useTrackpoints)
+                if(useTrackpoints)
                     // border unberuecksichtigt
-                    if (useCalibrationCenter)
-                        trackPersonReal.addEnd(Vec3F((*tracker)[i][j].sp().x()+center.x(), center.y()-(*tracker)[i][j].sp().y(), altitude-(*tracker)[i][j].sp().z()), firstFrame+j);
+                    if(useCalibrationCenter)
+                        trackPersonReal.addEnd(
+                            Vec3F(
+                                (*tracker)[i][j].sp().x() + center.x(),
+                                center.y() - (*tracker)[i][j].sp().y(),
+                                altitude - (*tracker)[i][j].sp().z()),
+                            firstFrame + j);
-                        trackPersonReal.addEnd((*tracker)[i][j].sp(), firstFrame+j);
+                        trackPersonReal.addEnd((*tracker)[i][j].sp(), firstFrame + j);
-                    if (alternateHeight) // personenhoehe variiert ueber trajektorie (unebene versuche); berechnung durch mich und nicht pointgrey nutzen, Kamera altitude nutzen
+                    if(alternateHeight) // personenhoehe variiert ueber trajektorie (unebene versuche); berechnung durch
+                                        // mich und nicht pointgrey nutzen, Kamera altitude nutzen
                         extrapolated = 0; // 0 == false
-                        double bestZ = (*tracker)[i].getNearestZ(j, &extrapolated); // gibt z wert zurueck bzw wenn -1, dann den neben diesem frame ersten z-wert ungleich -1
-                        if (bestZ < 0) // == -1 // es liegt gar keine berechnete hoehe vor
+                        double bestZ =
+                            (*tracker)[i].getNearestZ(j, &extrapolated); // gibt z wert zurueck bzw wenn -1, dann den
+                                                                         // neben diesem frame ersten z-wert ungleich -1
+                        if(bestZ < 0) // == -1 // es liegt gar keine berechnete hoehe vor
-                            if (exportElimTrj)
+                            if(exportElimTrj)
-                                debout << "Warning: no calculated height for trackpoint " << j << " (frame " << tracker->at(i).firstFrame()+j<< ") of person " << i+1 << ", person is not exported!" << std::endl;
-                                break; // TrackPerson ist angelegt, erhaelt aber keine Points und wird deshalb am ende nicht eingefuegt
+                                debout << "Warning: no calculated height for trackpoint " << j << " (frame "
+                                       << tracker->at(i).firstFrame() + j << ") of person " << i + 1
+                                       << ", person is not exported!" << std::endl;
+                                break; // TrackPerson ist angelegt, erhaelt aber keine Points und wird deshalb am ende
+                                       // nicht eingefuegt
-                                bestZ = height; // wenn gar kein trackpoint ungleich -1 gefunden wird, dann wird zu allerletzt Hoehe genommen
-                                debout << "Warning: no calculated height for trackpoint " << j << " (frame " << tracker->at(i).firstFrame()+j<< ") of person " << i+1 << ", default height is used!" << std::endl;
+                                bestZ = height; // wenn gar kein trackpoint ungleich -1 gefunden wird, dann wird zu
+                                                // allerletzt Hoehe genommen
+                                debout << "Warning: no calculated height for trackpoint " << j << " (frame "
+                                       << tracker->at(i).firstFrame() + j << ") of person " << i + 1
+                                       << ", default height is used!" << std::endl;
-                            bestZ = altitude-bestZ;
+                            bestZ = altitude - bestZ;
                         // ab hier kann bestZ auch negativ sein, obwohl hoehe inhalt hatte
-                        if (extrapolated && exportElimTp)
+                        if(extrapolated && exportElimTp)
-                            if (extrapolated == 1) // zu beginn verworfen
-                                trackPersonReal.setFirstFrame(trackPersonReal.firstFrame()+1);
-                            debout << "Warning: no calculated height for trackpoint " << j << " (frame " << tracker->at(i).firstFrame()+j<< ") of person " << i+1 << ", extrapolated height not used, trackpoint not inserted!" << std::endl;
+                            if(extrapolated == 1) // zu beginn verworfen
+                                trackPersonReal.setFirstFrame(trackPersonReal.firstFrame() + 1);
+                            debout << "Warning: no calculated height for trackpoint " << j << " (frame "
+                                   << tracker->at(i).firstFrame() + j << ") of person " << i + 1
+                                   << ", extrapolated height not used, trackpoint not inserted!" << std::endl;
-                            if (extrapolated)
-                                debout << "Warning: no calculated height for trackpoint " << j << " (frame " << tracker->at(i).firstFrame()+j<< ") of person " << i+1 << ", extrapolated height is used!" << std::endl;
+                            if(extrapolated)
+                                debout << "Warning: no calculated height for trackpoint " << j << " (frame "
+                                       << tracker->at(i).firstFrame() + j << ") of person " << i + 1
+                                       << ", extrapolated height is used!" << std::endl;
-                            Vec2F moveDir(0,0);
-                            if (exportAutoCorrect)
-                                moveDir += reco::autoCorrectColorMarker((*tracker)[i][j], mMainWindow->getControlWidget());
+                            Vec2F moveDir(0, 0);
+                            if(exportAutoCorrect)
+                                moveDir +=
+                                    reco::autoCorrectColorMarker((*tracker)[i][j], mMainWindow->getControlWidget());
-                            pos = imageItem->getPosReal(((*tracker)[i][j]+moveDir+br).toQPointF(), bestZ);
+                            pos = imageItem->getPosReal(((*tracker)[i][j] + moveDir + br).toQPointF(), bestZ);
-                            if ((exportViewingDirection) && ((*tracker)[i][j].color().isValid())) // wenn blickrichtung mit ausgegeben werden soll
+                            if((exportViewingDirection) &&
+                               ((*tracker)[i][j].color().isValid())) // wenn blickrichtung mit ausgegeben werden soll
-                                colPos = imageItem->getPosReal(((*tracker)[i][j].colPoint()+moveDir+br).toQPointF(), bestZ);
-                                trackPersonReal.addEnd(pos, firstFrame+j, colPos-pos);
+                                colPos = imageItem->getPosReal(
+                                    ((*tracker)[i][j].colPoint() + moveDir + br).toQPointF(), bestZ);
+                                trackPersonReal.addEnd(pos, firstFrame + j, colPos - pos);
-                                trackPersonReal.addEnd(Vec3F(pos.x(), pos.y(), bestZ), firstFrame+j);
+                                trackPersonReal.addEnd(Vec3F(pos.x(), pos.y(), bestZ), firstFrame + j);
-                        Vec2F moveDir(0,0);
-                        if (exportAutoCorrect)
+                        Vec2F moveDir(0, 0);
+                        if(exportAutoCorrect)
                             moveDir += reco::autoCorrectColorMarker((*tracker)[i][j], mMainWindow->getControlWidget());
-                        pos = imageItem->getPosReal(((*tracker)[i][j]+moveDir+br).toQPointF(), height);
+                        pos = imageItem->getPosReal(((*tracker)[i][j] + moveDir + br).toQPointF(), height);
                         // die frame nummer der animation wird TrackPoint der PersonReal mitgegeben,
-                        // da Index groesser sein kann, da vorher frames hinzugefuegt wurden duch trackPersonReal.init(firstFrame+addFrames, height)
-                        // oder aber innerhalb des trackink path mit for schleife ueber f
-                        if ((exportViewingDirection) && ((*tracker)[i][j].color().isValid())) // wenn blickrichtung mit ausgegeben werden soll
+                        // da Index groesser sein kann, da vorher frames hinzugefuegt wurden duch
+                        // trackPersonReal.init(firstFrame+addFrames, height) oder aber innerhalb des trackink path mit
+                        // for schleife ueber f
+                        if((exportViewingDirection) &&
+                           ((*tracker)[i][j].color().isValid())) // wenn blickrichtung mit ausgegeben werden soll
-                            colPos = imageItem->getPosReal(((*tracker)[i][j].colPoint()+moveDir+br).toQPointF(), height);
-                            trackPersonReal.addEnd(pos, firstFrame+j, colPos-pos);
+                            colPos =
+                                imageItem->getPosReal(((*tracker)[i][j].colPoint() + moveDir + br).toQPointF(), height);
+                            trackPersonReal.addEnd(pos, firstFrame + j, colPos - pos);
-                            trackPersonReal.addEnd(pos, firstFrame+j);
-                        if (exportAngleOfView)
+                            trackPersonReal.addEnd(pos, firstFrame + j);
+                        if(exportAngleOfView)
-                            angle = (90.-imageItem->getAngleToGround(((*tracker)[i][j]+br).x(), ((*tracker)[i][j]+br).y(), height))*PI/180.;
+                            angle = (90. - imageItem->getAngleToGround(
+                                               ((*tracker)[i][j] + br).x(), ((*tracker)[i][j] + br).y(), height)) *
+                                    PI / 180.;
-                        if (exportMarkerID)
+                        if(exportMarkerID)
-                if (tmpMissingList.size() > 0)
+                if(tmpMissingList.size() > 0)
-                    if ((tmpMissingList.first() == firstFrame+j) && (tracker->at(i).trackPointExist(firstFrame+j+1)))
+                    if((tmpMissingList.first() == firstFrame + j) &&
+                       (tracker->at(i).trackPointExist(firstFrame + j + 1)))
-                        tmpMissingList.removeFirst(); // frame
+                        tmpMissingList.removeFirst();        // frame
                         anz = tmpMissingListAnz.takeFirst(); // anzahl
-                        if (useTrackpoints)
+                        if(useTrackpoints)
                             // border unberuecksichtigt
-                            for (f = 1; f <= anz; ++f)
+                            for(f = 1; f <= anz; ++f)
-                                sp = (*tracker)[i][j].sp()+f*((*tracker)[i][j+1].sp()-(*tracker)[i][j].sp())/(anz+1);
-                                if (useCalibrationCenter)
-                                    trackPersonReal.addEnd(Vec3F(sp.x()+center.x(), center.y()-sp.y(), altitude-sp.z()), firstFrame+j);
+                                sp = (*tracker)[i][j].sp() +
+                                     f * ((*tracker)[i][j + 1].sp() - (*tracker)[i][j].sp()) / (anz + 1);
+                                if(useCalibrationCenter)
+                                    trackPersonReal.addEnd(
+                                        Vec3F(sp.x() + center.x(), center.y() - sp.y(), altitude - sp.z()),
+                                        firstFrame + j);
                                     trackPersonReal.addEnd(sp, -1); // -1 zeigt an, dass nur interpoliert
-                            if (alternateHeight) // personenhoehe variiert ueber trajektorie (unebene versuche); berechnung durch mich und nicht pointgrey nutzen
+                            if(alternateHeight) // personenhoehe variiert ueber trajektorie (unebene versuche);
+                                                // berechnung durch mich und nicht pointgrey nutzen
-                                debout << "Warning: No interpolation is done, because alternate height is enabled - has to be implemented!" << std::endl;
+                                debout << "Warning: No interpolation is done, because alternate height is enabled - "
+                                          "has to be implemented!"
+                                       << std::endl;
-                                Vec2F moveDir(0,0);
-                                if (exportAutoCorrect)
-                                    moveDir += reco::autoCorrectColorMarker((*tracker)[i][j], mMainWindow->getControlWidget());
-                                pos2 = (imageItem->getPosReal(((*tracker)[i][j+1]+moveDir+br).toQPointF(), height) - pos)/(anz+1);
-                                for (f = 1; f <= anz; ++f)
-                                    trackPersonReal.addEnd(pos+f*pos2, -1); // -1 zeigt an, dass nur interpoliert
+                                Vec2F moveDir(0, 0);
+                                if(exportAutoCorrect)
+                                    moveDir +=
+                                        reco::autoCorrectColorMarker((*tracker)[i][j], mMainWindow->getControlWidget());
+                                pos2 =
+                                    (imageItem->getPosReal(((*tracker)[i][j + 1] + moveDir + br).toQPointF(), height) -
+                                     pos) /
+                                    (anz + 1);
+                                for(f = 1; f <= anz; ++f)
+                                    trackPersonReal.addEnd(pos + f * pos2, -1); // -1 zeigt an, dass nur interpoliert
-                    } 
-                    else if (tmpMissingList.first() < firstFrame) // while, wenn nicht kontinuierlich waere
+                    }
+                    else if(tmpMissingList.first() < firstFrame) // while, wenn nicht kontinuierlich waere
-                        tmpMissingList.removeFirst(); // frame
+                        tmpMissingList.removeFirst();    // frame
                         tmpMissingListAnz.removeFirst(); // anzahl
-            tsize = trackPersonReal.size();
-            double maxHeightDiff = 30.;// 30cm
-            int numBorderPoints = 50;
-            int k;
-            int delNumFront = 0;
-            // die ersten und letzten numBorderPoints trackpoints untersuchen, ob die hoehe einen sprung groesser maxHeightDiff aufweist
-            for (j = 1; j < tsize; ++j) // ueber trackpoints of personreal; ab 1, da vergleich zu vorherigem
+            tsize                  = trackPersonReal.size();
+            double maxHeightDiff   = 30.; // 30cm
+            int    numBorderPoints = 50;
+            int    k;
+            int    delNumFront = 0;
+            // die ersten und letzten numBorderPoints trackpoints untersuchen, ob die hoehe einen sprung groesser
+            // maxHeightDiff aufweist
+            for(j = 1; j < tsize; ++j) // ueber trackpoints of personreal; ab 1, da vergleich zu vorherigem
-                if ((j < numBorderPoints) && ((trackPersonReal.at(j).z()-trackPersonReal.at(j-1).z()) > maxHeightDiff))
+                if((j < numBorderPoints) &&
+                   ((trackPersonReal.at(j).z() - trackPersonReal.at(j - 1).z()) > maxHeightDiff))
                     delNumFront = j;
-                else if (((tsize - numBorderPoints) < j) && ((trackPersonReal.at(j).z()-trackPersonReal.at(j-1).z()) > maxHeightDiff))
+                else if(
+                    ((tsize - numBorderPoints) < j) &&
+                    ((trackPersonReal.at(j).z() - trackPersonReal.at(j - 1).z()) > maxHeightDiff))
-                    for (k = j; k < tsize; k++)
+                    for(k = j; k < tsize; k++)
-                        trackPersonReal.setLastFrame(trackPersonReal.lastFrame()-1);
+                        trackPersonReal.setLastFrame(trackPersonReal.lastFrame() - 1);
-                    debout << "Warning: delete last " << tsize-j << " frames of person " << i+1 << " because of height jump!" << std::endl;
+                    debout << "Warning: delete last " << tsize - j << " frames of person " << i + 1
+                           << " because of height jump!" << std::endl;
             tsize = trackPersonReal.size();
-            if (delNumFront > 0)
+            if(delNumFront > 0)
-                debout << "Warning: delete first " << delNumFront << " frames of person " << i+1 << " because of height jump!" << std::endl;
-                for (k = 0; (k < delNumFront) && (k < tsize); k++)
+                debout << "Warning: delete first " << delNumFront << " frames of person " << i + 1
+                       << " because of height jump!" << std::endl;
+                for(k = 0; (k < delNumFront) && (k < tsize); k++)
-                    trackPersonReal.setFirstFrame(trackPersonReal.firstFrame()+1);
+                    trackPersonReal.setFirstFrame(trackPersonReal.firstFrame() + 1);
-            if (trackPersonReal.size() < 20)
-                debout << "Warning: Person " << i+1 << " has only " << trackPersonReal.size() << " trackpoints!" << std::endl;
-            if (trackPersonReal.size() > 0)
+            if(trackPersonReal.size() < 20)
+                debout << "Warning: Person " << i + 1 << " has only " << trackPersonReal.size() << " trackpoints!"
+                       << std::endl;
+            if(trackPersonReal.size() > 0)
             else // ggf weil keine calculated height vorlag (siehe exportElimTrj)
-                debout << "Warning: Person " << i+1 << " is not inserted, because of no trackpoints!" << std::endl;
+                debout << "Warning: Person " << i + 1 << " is not inserted, because of no trackpoints!" << std::endl;
         return size();
-        debout << "Warning: no real tracking data calculated, because of missing tracking data, image reference or color map!" << std::endl;
+        debout << "Warning: no real tracking data calculated, because of missing tracking data, image reference or "
+                  "color map!"
+               << std::endl;
         return -1;
@@ -448,17 +532,17 @@ int TrackerReal::calculate(Tracker *tracker, ImageItem *imageItem, ColorPlot *co
 void TrackerReal::calcMinMax()
     Vec3F pos;
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        for (int j = 0; j < at(i).size(); ++j)
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+        for(int j = 0; j < at(i).size(); ++j)
             pos = at(i).at(j);
-            if (mXMin > pos.x())
+            if(mXMin > pos.x())
                 mXMin = pos.x();
-            else if (mXMax < pos.x())
+            else if(mXMax < pos.x())
                 mXMax = pos.x();
-            if (mYMin > pos.y())
+            if(mYMin > pos.y())
                 mYMin = pos.y();
-            else if (mYMax < pos.y())
+            else if(mYMax < pos.y())
                 mYMax = pos.y();
@@ -466,9 +550,9 @@ void TrackerReal::calcMinMax()
 int TrackerReal::largestFirstFrame()
     int max = -1, i;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).firstFrame() > max)
+        if(at(i).firstFrame() > max)
             max = at(i).firstFrame();
     return max;
@@ -476,62 +560,69 @@ int TrackerReal::largestFirstFrame()
 int TrackerReal::largestLastFrame()
     int max = -1, i;
-    for (i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    for(i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).lastFrame() > max)
+        if(at(i).lastFrame() > max)
             max = at(i).lastFrame();
     return max;
 int TrackerReal::smallestFirstFrame()
-    int i, min = ((size()>0) ? at(0).firstFrame() : -1);
-    for (i = 1; i < size(); ++i)
+    int i, min = ((size() > 0) ? at(0).firstFrame() : -1);
+    for(i = 1; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).firstFrame() < min)
+        if(at(i).firstFrame() < min)
             min = at(i).firstFrame();
     return min;
 int TrackerReal::smallestLastFrame()
-    int i, min = ((size()>0) ? at(0).lastFrame() : -1);
-    for (i = 1; i < size(); ++i)
+    int i, min = ((size() > 0) ? at(0).lastFrame() : -1);
+    for(i = 1; i < size(); ++i)
-        if (at(i).lastFrame() < min)
+        if(at(i).lastFrame() < min)
             min = at(i).lastFrame();
     return min;
-void TrackerReal::exportTxt(QTextStream &out, bool alternateHeight, bool useTrackpoints, bool exportViewingDirection, bool exportAngleOfView, bool exportUseM, bool exportMarkerID)
+void TrackerReal::exportTxt(
+    QTextStream &out,
+    bool         alternateHeight,
+    bool         useTrackpoints,
+    bool         exportViewingDirection,
+    bool         exportAngleOfView,
+    bool         exportUseM,
+    bool         exportMarkerID)
     float scale;
     out << "# z: can be 3d position or height of person (alternating or not)" << Qt::endl;
-    if (exportViewingDirection)
+    if(exportViewingDirection)
         out << "# viewDirX viewDirY: vector of direction of head of person" << Qt::endl;
-    if (exportAngleOfView)
+    if(exportAngleOfView)
         out << "# viewAngle: angle of view of camera to person from perpendicular [0..Pi/2]" << Qt::endl;
-    if (exportUseM)
+    if(exportUseM)
         out << "# id frame x/m y/m z/m";
         out << "# id frame x/cm y/cm z/cm";
-    if (exportViewingDirection)
+    if(exportViewingDirection)
         out << " viewDirX viewDirY";
-    if (exportAngleOfView)
+    if(exportAngleOfView)
         out << " viewAngle" << Qt::endl;
-    if (exportMarkerID)
+    if(exportMarkerID)
         out << " markerID" << Qt::endl;
         out << Qt::endl;
-    if (exportUseM)
+    if(exportUseM)
         scale = .01f;
         scale = 1.f;
-    QProgressDialog progress("Export TXT-File",nullptr,0,size(),mMainWindow->window());
+    QProgressDialog progress("Export TXT-File", nullptr, 0, size(), mMainWindow->window());
     progress.setWindowTitle("Export .txt-File");
@@ -539,28 +630,30 @@ void TrackerReal::exportTxt(QTextStream &out, bool alternateHeight, bool useTrac
     progress.setLabelText(QString("Export tracking data ..."));
-    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i){
+    for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+    {
-        progress.setLabelText(QString("Export person %1 of %2 ...").arg(i+1).arg(size()));
-        progress.setValue(i+1);
+        progress.setLabelText(QString("Export person %1 of %2 ...").arg(i + 1).arg(size()));
+        progress.setValue(i + 1);
-        for (int j = 0; j < at(i).size(); ++j)
+        for(int j = 0; j < at(i).size(); ++j)
-            out << i+1 << " " << at(i).firstFrame()+j << " " << at(i).at(j).x()*scale << " " << at(i).at(j).y()*scale << " ";
+            out << i + 1 << " " << at(i).firstFrame() + j << " " << at(i).at(j).x() * scale << " "
+                << at(i).at(j).y() * scale << " ";
-            if (alternateHeight || useTrackpoints)
-                out << at(i).at(j).z()*scale;
+            if(alternateHeight || useTrackpoints)
+                out << at(i).at(j).z() * scale;
-                out << at(i).height()*scale;
+                out << at(i).height() * scale;
-            if (exportViewingDirection) // && (at(i).at(j).viewDir() != Vec2F(0,0)) zeigt an, dass keine richtung berechnet werden konnte
+            if(exportViewingDirection) // && (at(i).at(j).viewDir() != Vec2F(0,0)) zeigt an, dass keine richtung
+                                       // berechnet werden konnte
                 out << " " << at(i).at(j).viewDir();
-            if (exportAngleOfView)
+            if(exportAngleOfView)
                 out << " " << at(i).at(j).angleOfView() << Qt::endl;
-            if (exportMarkerID)
+            if(exportMarkerID)
                 out << " " << at(i).getMarkerID() << Qt::endl;
                 out << Qt::endl;
@@ -571,43 +664,46 @@ void TrackerReal::exportTxt(QTextStream &out, bool alternateHeight, bool useTrac
 // old - not all export options supported!!!!
 void TrackerReal::exportDat(QTextStream &out, bool alternateHeight, bool useTrackpoints) // fuer gnuplot
-    QProgressDialog progress("Export DAT-File",nullptr,0,size(),mMainWindow->window());
+    QProgressDialog progress("Export DAT-File", nullptr, 0, size(), mMainWindow->window());
     progress.setWindowTitle("Export .dat-File");
     progress.setLabelText(QString("Export tracking data ..."));
     debout << "size:" << size() << std::endl;
-    if (useTrackpoints)
+    if(useTrackpoints)
-        for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+        for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-            progress.setLabelText(QString("Export person %1 of %2 ...").arg(i+1).arg(size()));
+            progress.setLabelText(QString("Export person %1 of %2 ...").arg(i + 1).arg(size()));
-            progress.setValue(i+1);
+            progress.setValue(i + 1);
-            for (int j = 0; j < at(i).size(); ++j)
+            for(int j = 0; j < at(i).size(); ++j)
                 // Umrechnung in coordSystem fehlt, auch camera altitude unberuecksichtigt!!!
-                out << at(i).firstFrame()+j << " " << at(i).at(j) << " " << at(i).at(j).z() << Qt::endl; // z Koordinate ist Kopf
+                out << at(i).firstFrame() + j << " " << at(i).at(j) << " " << at(i).at(j).z()
+                    << Qt::endl; // z Koordinate ist Kopf
             out << Qt::endl;
-        for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+        for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
-            progress.setLabelText(QString("Export person %1 of %2 ...").arg(i+1).arg(size()));
+            progress.setLabelText(QString("Export person %1 of %2 ...").arg(i + 1).arg(size()));
-            progress.setValue(i+1);
+            progress.setValue(i + 1);
             debout << "person: " << i << std::endl;
-            for (int j = 0; j < at(i).size(); ++j)
+            for(int j = 0; j < at(i).size(); ++j)
-                if (alternateHeight)
-                    out << at(i).firstFrame()+j << " " << at(i).at(j) << " " << at(i).at(j).z() << Qt::endl; // z Koordinate ist Kopf
+                if(alternateHeight)
+                    out << at(i).firstFrame() + j << " " << at(i).at(j) << " " << at(i).at(j).z()
+                        << Qt::endl; // z Koordinate ist Kopf
-                    out << at(i).firstFrame()+j << " " << at(i).at(j) << " " << at(i).height() << Qt::endl; // z Koordinate ist Kopf
-        }
+                    out << at(i).firstFrame() + j << " " << at(i).at(j) << " " << at(i).height()
+                        << Qt::endl; // z Koordinate ist Kopf
+            }
             out << Qt::endl;
@@ -615,11 +711,11 @@ void TrackerReal::exportDat(QTextStream &out, bool alternateHeight, bool useTrac
 void TrackerReal::exportXml(QTextStream &outXml, bool alternateHeight, bool useTrackpoints)
-    int i, j, largestLastFr = largestLastFrame();
+    int    i, j, largestLastFr = largestLastFrame();
     double z;
-    int defaultPersonHeight = 176;
+    int    defaultPersonHeight = 176;
-    QProgressDialog progress("Export XML-File",nullptr,0,largestLastFr,mMainWindow->window());
+    QProgressDialog progress("Export XML-File", nullptr, 0, largestLastFr, mMainWindow->window());
     progress.setWindowTitle("Export .xml-File");
@@ -628,41 +724,49 @@ void TrackerReal::exportXml(QTextStream &outXml, bool alternateHeight, bool useT
     outXml << "    <shape>" << Qt::endl;
-    for (j = 0; j < size(); ++j)
+    for(j = 0; j < size(); ++j)
-        if (alternateHeight) // bei variierender groesse wird einfach durchschnittsgroesse genommen, da an treppen gar keine vernuempftige Groesse vorliegt
-            outXml << "        <agentInfo ID=\"" << j+1 << "\" color=\"100\" height=\"" << defaultPersonHeight << "\"/>" << Qt::endl;
+        if(alternateHeight) // bei variierender groesse wird einfach durchschnittsgroesse genommen, da an treppen gar
+                            // keine vernuempftige Groesse vorliegt
+            outXml << "        <agentInfo ID=\"" << j + 1 << "\" color=\"100\" height=\"" << defaultPersonHeight
+                   << "\"/>" << Qt::endl;
-            outXml << "        <agentInfo ID=\"" << j+1 << "\" color=\"100\" height=\"" << at(j).height() << "\"/>" << Qt::endl;
+            outXml << "        <agentInfo ID=\"" << j + 1 << "\" color=\"100\" height=\"" << at(j).height() << "\"/>"
+                   << Qt::endl;
     outXml << "    </shape>" << Qt::endl << Qt::endl;
     // i = frame; j = person
-    for (i = smallestFirstFrame(); i <= largestLastFr; ++i)
+    for(i = smallestFirstFrame(); i <= largestLastFr; ++i)
         progress.setLabelText(QString("Export data ..."));
-        outXml << "    <frame ID=\""<< i <<"\">" << Qt::endl;
-        for (j = 0; j < size(); ++j)
+        outXml << "    <frame ID=\"" << i << "\">" << Qt::endl;
+        for(j = 0; j < size(); ++j)
-            if (at(j).trackPointExist(i))
+            if(at(j).trackPointExist(i))
-                // z-wert ist hier ausnahmsweise nicht der kopf, sondern der boden, die prsonengroesse wird dem obigem person-datenentnommen
-                //personID, Frame ID(?) , X , Y , Z
-                if (useTrackpoints)
-                    z = at(j).trackPointAt(i).z()+defaultPersonHeight;
-                    //war, wenn ebene versuche sinnvoll:z = at(j).trackPointAt(i).z()+at(j).height();
+                // z-wert ist hier ausnahmsweise nicht der kopf, sondern der boden, die prsonengroesse wird dem obigem
+                // person-datenentnommen
+                // personID, Frame ID(?) , X , Y , Z
+                if(useTrackpoints)
+                    z = at(j).trackPointAt(i).z() + defaultPersonHeight;
+                // war, wenn ebene versuche sinnvoll:z = at(j).trackPointAt(i).z()+at(j).height();
-                    if (alternateHeight)
-                        z = at(j).trackPointAt(i).z()-defaultPersonHeight;
-                        //war, wenn ebene versuche sinnvoll: z = at(j).trackPointAt(i).z()-at(j).height();
+                    if(alternateHeight)
+                        z = at(j).trackPointAt(i).z() - defaultPersonHeight;
+                    // war, wenn ebene versuche sinnvoll: z = at(j).trackPointAt(i).z()-at(j).height();
-                        z = 0; //at(j).height();
+                        z = 0; // at(j).height();
-                outXml << "        <agent ID=\"" << j+1 << "\" xPos=\"" << at(j).trackPointAt(i).x() << "\" yPos=\"" << at(j).trackPointAt(i).y() << "\" zPos=\"" << z << "\" xVel=\"0\" yVel=\"0\" zVel=\"0\" radiusA=\"18\" radiusB=\"15\" ellipseOrientation=\"130\" ellipseColor=\"0\"/>" << Qt::endl; // z Koordinate ist Boden
+                outXml << "        <agent ID=\"" << j + 1 << "\" xPos=\"" << at(j).trackPointAt(i).x() << "\" yPos=\""
+                       << at(j).trackPointAt(i).y() << "\" zPos=\"" << z
+                       << "\" xVel=\"0\" yVel=\"0\" zVel=\"0\" radiusA=\"18\" radiusB=\"15\" "
+                          "ellipseOrientation=\"130\" ellipseColor=\"0\"/>"
+                       << Qt::endl; // z Koordinate ist Boden
         outXml << "    </frame>" << Qt::endl;
diff --git a/src/trackingRoiItem.cpp b/src/trackingRoiItem.cpp
index 2a484a9fc3a7bf793a77ed996800c0dbf87abef6..9dd9bf56f6c008880c7ef9e3e0a84385bd9b3a42 100644
--- a/src/trackingRoiItem.cpp
+++ b/src/trackingRoiItem.cpp
@@ -18,40 +18,41 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtWidgets>
+#include "trackingRoiItem.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
 #include "control.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
 #include "view.h"
-#include "trackingRoiItem.h"
-TrackingRoiItem::TrackingRoiItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent)
-    : QGraphicsRectItem(parent)
+#include <QtWidgets>
+TrackingRoiItem::TrackingRoiItem(QWidget *wParent, QGraphicsItem *parent) : QGraphicsRectItem(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) wParent;
+    mMainWindow    = (class Petrack *) wParent;
     mControlWidget = mMainWindow->getControlWidget();
-    setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); //qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height
+    setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); // qreal x, qreal y, qreal width, qreal height
     QPen pen(Qt::blue);
     setFlags(ItemIsMovable); // default in control
-    hide(); // default in control
+    hide();                  // default in control
-void TrackingRoiItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
+void TrackingRoiItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
-    if (!mControlWidget->getTrackRoiFix())
+    if(!mControlWidget->getTrackRoiFix())
-        mPressRect = QRect(myRound(rect().left()), myRound(rect().top()), myRound(rect().width()), myRound(rect().height()));
+        mPressRect =
+            QRect(myRound(rect().left()), myRound(rect().top()), myRound(rect().width()), myRound(rect().height()));
         mPressPos = event->pos();
-        if ((event->pos()).x() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+mPressRect.x())
+        if((event->pos()).x() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + mPressRect.x())
-            if ((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+mPressRect.y())
+            if((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + mPressRect.y())
                 mPressLocation = topLeft;
-            else if ((event->pos()).y() > mPressRect.height()+mPressRect.y()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+            else if((event->pos()).y() > mPressRect.height() + mPressRect.y() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
                 mPressLocation = bottomLeft;
@@ -62,14 +63,14 @@ void TrackingRoiItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
-        else if ((event->pos()).x() > mPressRect.width()+mPressRect.x()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+        else if((event->pos()).x() > mPressRect.width() + mPressRect.x() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
-            if ((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+mPressRect.y())
+            if((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + mPressRect.y())
                 mPressLocation = topRight;
-            else if ((event->pos()).y() > mPressRect.height()+mPressRect.y()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+            else if((event->pos()).y() > mPressRect.height() + mPressRect.y() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
                 mPressLocation = bottomRight;
@@ -80,12 +81,12 @@ void TrackingRoiItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
-        else if ((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+mPressRect.y())
+        else if((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + mPressRect.y())
             mPressLocation = top;
-        else if ((event->pos()).y() > mPressRect.height()+mPressRect.y()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+        else if((event->pos()).y() > mPressRect.height() + mPressRect.y() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
             mPressLocation = bottom;
@@ -100,11 +101,11 @@ void TrackingRoiItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
-void TrackingRoiItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
+void TrackingRoiItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
-    //mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);
-    if( !mMainWindow->isLoading() )
+    // mMainWindow->setRecognitionChanged(true);
+    if(!mMainWindow->isLoading())
@@ -113,62 +114,78 @@ void TrackingRoiItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event)
 // event, of moving mouse while mouse button is pressed
 void TrackingRoiItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
-    if (!mControlWidget->getTrackRoiFix())
+    if(!mControlWidget->getTrackRoiFix())
-        QImage *img = mMainWindow->getImage();
-        QPoint diff = QPoint(myRound((event->pos()-mPressPos).x()), myRound((event->pos()-mPressPos).y()));
+        QImage *img  = mMainWindow->getImage();
+        QPoint  diff = QPoint(myRound((event->pos() - mPressPos).x()), myRound((event->pos() - mPressPos).y()));
         // raender des bildes nicht ueberscheiten
         // swappen des rechtecks vermeiden, damit keine negativen width...
-        if (img != nullptr)
+        if(img != nullptr)
-            if (mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == topLeft || mPressLocation == left || mPressLocation == bottomLeft)
+            if(mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == topLeft || mPressLocation == left ||
+               mPressLocation == bottomLeft)
-                if (mPressRect.x()+diff.x() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
-                    diff.setX(-mPressRect.x()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-                if (mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.width()-diff.x() < MIN_SIZE)
-                    diff.setX(mPressRect.width()-MIN_SIZE);
+                if(mPressRect.x() + diff.x() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
+                    diff.setX(-mPressRect.x() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
+                if(mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.width() - diff.x() < MIN_SIZE)
+                    diff.setX(mPressRect.width() - MIN_SIZE);
-            if (mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == topLeft || mPressLocation == top || mPressLocation == topRight)
+            if(mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == topLeft || mPressLocation == top ||
+               mPressLocation == topRight)
-                if (mPressRect.y()+diff.y() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
-                    diff.setY(-mPressRect.y()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-                if (mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.height()-diff.y() < MIN_SIZE)
-                    diff.setY(mPressRect.height()-MIN_SIZE);
+                if(mPressRect.y() + diff.y() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
+                    diff.setY(-mPressRect.y() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
+                if(mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.height() - diff.y() < MIN_SIZE)
+                    diff.setY(mPressRect.height() - MIN_SIZE);
-            if (mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == topRight || mPressLocation == right || mPressLocation == bottomRight)
+            if(mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == topRight || mPressLocation == right ||
+               mPressLocation == bottomRight)
-                if (mPressRect.x()+diff.x()+mPressRect.width() > img->width()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
-                    diff.setX(img->width()-mPressRect.x()-mPressRect.width()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-                if (mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.width()+diff.x() < MIN_SIZE)
-                    diff.setX(-mPressRect.width()+MIN_SIZE);
+                if(mPressRect.x() + diff.x() + mPressRect.width() > img->width() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
+                    diff.setX(img->width() - mPressRect.x() - mPressRect.width() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
+                if(mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.width() + diff.x() < MIN_SIZE)
+                    diff.setX(-mPressRect.width() + MIN_SIZE);
-            if (mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == bottomLeft || mPressLocation == bottom || mPressLocation == bottomRight)
+            if(mPressLocation == inside || mPressLocation == bottomLeft || mPressLocation == bottom ||
+               mPressLocation == bottomRight)
-                if (mPressRect.y()+diff.y()+mPressRect.height() > img->height()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
-                    diff.setY(img->height()-mPressRect.y()-mPressRect.height()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
-                if (mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.height()+diff.y() < MIN_SIZE)
-                    diff.setY(-mPressRect.height()+MIN_SIZE);
+                if(mPressRect.y() + diff.y() + mPressRect.height() > img->height() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
+                    diff.setY(img->height() - mPressRect.y() - mPressRect.height() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
+                if(mPressLocation != inside && mPressRect.height() + diff.y() < MIN_SIZE)
+                    diff.setY(-mPressRect.height() + MIN_SIZE);
-        if (mPressLocation == topLeft)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x()+diff.x(), mPressRect.y()+diff.y(), mPressRect.width()-diff.x(), mPressRect.height()-diff.y());
-        else if (mPressLocation == topRight)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y()+diff.y(), mPressRect.width()+diff.x(), mPressRect.height()-diff.y());
-        else if (mPressLocation == bottomLeft)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x()+diff.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width()-diff.x(), mPressRect.height()+diff.y());
-        else if (mPressLocation == bottomRight)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width()+diff.x(), mPressRect.height()+diff.y());
-        else if (mPressLocation == left)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x()+diff.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width()-diff.x(), mPressRect.height());
-        else if (mPressLocation == right)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width()+diff.x(), mPressRect.height());
-        else if (mPressLocation == top)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y()+diff.y(), mPressRect.width(), mPressRect.height()-diff.y());
-        else if (mPressLocation == bottom)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width(), mPressRect.height()+diff.y());
+        if(mPressLocation == topLeft)
+            setRect(
+                mPressRect.x() + diff.x(),
+                mPressRect.y() + diff.y(),
+                mPressRect.width() - diff.x(),
+                mPressRect.height() - diff.y());
+        else if(mPressLocation == topRight)
+            setRect(
+                mPressRect.x(),
+                mPressRect.y() + diff.y(),
+                mPressRect.width() + diff.x(),
+                mPressRect.height() - diff.y());
+        else if(mPressLocation == bottomLeft)
+            setRect(
+                mPressRect.x() + diff.x(),
+                mPressRect.y(),
+                mPressRect.width() - diff.x(),
+                mPressRect.height() + diff.y());
+        else if(mPressLocation == bottomRight)
+            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width() + diff.x(), mPressRect.height() + diff.y());
+        else if(mPressLocation == left)
+            setRect(mPressRect.x() + diff.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width() - diff.x(), mPressRect.height());
+        else if(mPressLocation == right)
+            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width() + diff.x(), mPressRect.height());
+        else if(mPressLocation == top)
+            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y() + diff.y(), mPressRect.width(), mPressRect.height() - diff.y());
+        else if(mPressLocation == bottom)
+            setRect(mPressRect.x(), mPressRect.y(), mPressRect.width(), mPressRect.height() + diff.y());
         else // entspricht: if (mPressLocation == inside)
-            setRect(mPressRect.x()+diff.x(), mPressRect.y()+diff.y(), mPressRect.width(), mPressRect.height());
-            // nicht, da sonst koordinatensystem verschoben wird: QGraphicsRectItem::mouseMoveEvent(event); // drag
+            setRect(mPressRect.x() + diff.x(), mPressRect.y() + diff.y(), mPressRect.width(), mPressRect.height());
+        // nicht, da sonst koordinatensystem verschoben wird: QGraphicsRectItem::mouseMoveEvent(event); // drag
     else // drag mach ich selber
@@ -182,40 +199,44 @@ void TrackingRoiItem::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
     pos.setY(pos.y() + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
     // abfrage auf width() ..., da durch rectLinie die recoBox etwas groesser ist als das Bild und
     // es bei mMainWindow->setMousePosOnImage(pos); zum fehler beim bildzugriff kommen kann!!!
-    if (mMainWindow->getImage() && //(pos.x() > 0) && (pos.y() > 0) &&
-        (pos.x() < mMainWindow->getImage()->width()) && (pos.y() < mMainWindow->getImage()->height()))
+    if(mMainWindow->getImage() && //(pos.x() > 0) && (pos.y() > 0) &&
+       (pos.x() < mMainWindow->getImage()->width()) && (pos.y() < mMainWindow->getImage()->height()))
-        if (!mControlWidget->getTrackRoiFix())
+        if(!mControlWidget->getTrackRoiFix())
-            QRect r = QRect(myRound(rect().left()), myRound(rect().top()), myRound(rect().width()), myRound(rect().height()));
-            if ((event->pos()).x() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+r.x())
+            QRect r =
+                QRect(myRound(rect().left()), myRound(rect().top()), myRound(rect().width()), myRound(rect().height()));
+            if((event->pos()).x() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + r.x())
-                if ((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+r.y())
+                if((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + r.y())
-                else if ((event->pos()).y() > r.height()+r.y()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+                else if((event->pos()).y() > r.height() + r.y() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
-            else if ((event->pos()).x() > r.width()+r.x()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+            else if((event->pos()).x() > r.width() + r.x() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
-                if ((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+r.y())
+                if((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + r.y())
-                else if ((event->pos()).y() > r.height()+r.y()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
+                else if((event->pos()).y() > r.height() + r.y() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER)
-            else if (((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER+r.y()) || ((event->pos()).y() > r.height()+r.y()-DISTANCE_TO_BORDER))
+            else if(
+                ((event->pos()).y() < DISTANCE_TO_BORDER + r.y()) ||
+                ((event->pos()).y() > r.height() + r.y() - DISTANCE_TO_BORDER))
         else // wird nur einmal durchaufen - ruecksetzen in control.cpp
-            setAcceptHoverEvents(false); // verhoindert nicht, dass wenn objekt darunter liegt, was andereen cursor haette - cursor wird weiterhin beim drueberfahren auf cross gesetzt
+            setAcceptHoverEvents(false); // verhoindert nicht, dass wenn objekt darunter liegt, was andereen cursor
+                                         // haette - cursor wird weiterhin beim drueberfahren auf cross gesetzt
@@ -229,29 +250,37 @@ void TrackingRoiItem::checkRect()
     // not QImage *img = mMainWindow->getImage(); as size is not adapted yet
     cv::Mat img = mMainWindow->getImageFiltered();
-    if (!img.empty())
+    if(!img.empty())
-        QRect r = QRect(myRound(rect().left()), myRound(rect().top()), myRound(rect().width()), myRound(rect().height()));
-        if (r.x() > img.cols-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()-MIN_SIZE ||
-            r.y() > img.rows-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()-MIN_SIZE ||
-            r.x()+r.width() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()+MIN_SIZE ||
-            r.y()+r.height() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()+MIN_SIZE)
+        QRect r =
+            QRect(myRound(rect().left()), myRound(rect().top()), myRound(rect().width()), myRound(rect().height()));
+        if(r.x() > img.cols - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() - MIN_SIZE ||
+           r.y() > img.rows - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() - MIN_SIZE ||
+           r.x() + r.width() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() + MIN_SIZE ||
+           r.y() + r.height() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() + MIN_SIZE)
             setRect(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), img.cols, img.rows);
-            if (r.x() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
-                setRect(-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), r.y(), r.width()+(mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()+r.x()), r.height());
-            if (r.y() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
-                setRect(r.x(), -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), r.width(), r.height()+(mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()+r.y()));
-            if (r.x()+mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()+r.width() > img.cols)
+            if(r.x() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
+                setRect(
+                    -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+                    r.y(),
+                    r.width() + (mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() + r.x()),
+                    r.height());
+            if(r.y() < -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize())
+                setRect(
+                    r.x(),
+                    -mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(),
+                    r.width(),
+                    r.height() + (mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() + r.y()));
+            if(r.x() + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() + r.width() > img.cols)
-                setRect(r.x(), r.y(), img.cols-r.x()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), r.height());
+                setRect(r.x(), r.y(), img.cols - r.x() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize(), r.height());
-            if (r.y()+mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize()+r.height() > img.rows)
-                setRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), img.rows-r.y()-mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
+            if(r.y() + mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize() + r.height() > img.rows)
+                setRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), img.rows - r.y() - mMainWindow->getImageBorderSize());
         setRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
diff --git a/src/vector.cpp b/src/vector.cpp
index 67be438a77f1affdc96a8b8cb6caff17bae2331d..363b83cf26d30dfbec3092ea1490fd3010addcc5 100644
--- a/src/vector.cpp
+++ b/src/vector.cpp
@@ -18,32 +18,19 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
+#include "vector.h"
+#include "helper.h"
-#include <QPointF>
 #include <QPoint>
+#include <QPointF>
 #include <limits>
+#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
-#include "vector.h"
-#include "helper.h"
+Vec3F::Vec3F() : mX(0), mY(0), mZ(0) {}
+Vec3F::Vec3F(double x, double y, double z) : mX(x), mY(y), mZ(z) {}
-    : mX(0),
-      mY(0),
-      mZ(0)
-Vec3F::Vec3F(double x, double y, double z)
-    : mX(x),
-      mY(y),
-      mZ(z)
-Vec3F::Vec3F(const cv::Point3f& v)
-    : mX(v.x), mY(v.y), mZ(v.z)
+Vec3F::Vec3F(const cv::Point3f &v) : mX(v.x), mY(v.y), mZ(v.z) {}
 double Vec3F::x() const
@@ -79,7 +66,7 @@ void Vec3F::set(double x, double y, double z)
-Vec3F& Vec3F::operator=(const cv::Point3f& v)
+Vec3F &Vec3F::operator=(const cv::Point3f &v)
     mX = v.x;
     mY = v.y;
@@ -87,17 +74,17 @@ Vec3F& Vec3F::operator=(const cv::Point3f& v)
     return *this;
-Vec3F Vec3F::operator+(const Vec3F& v) const
+Vec3F Vec3F::operator+(const Vec3F &v) const
     return Vec3F(*this) += v;
-Vec3F Vec3F::operator-(const Vec3F& v) const
+Vec3F Vec3F::operator-(const Vec3F &v) const
     return Vec3F(*this) -= v;
-Vec3F& Vec3F::operator+=(const Vec3F& v)
+Vec3F &Vec3F::operator+=(const Vec3F &v)
     mX += v.mX;
     mY += v.mY;
@@ -105,7 +92,7 @@ Vec3F& Vec3F::operator+=(const Vec3F& v)
     return *this;
-Vec3F& Vec3F::operator-=(const Vec3F& v)
+Vec3F &Vec3F::operator-=(const Vec3F &v)
     mX -= v.mX;
     mY -= v.mY;
@@ -132,31 +119,31 @@ Vec3F Vec3F::operator/(double n) const
  * @brief Calculates the dot product.
  * @return The dot product.
-double Vec3F::operator*(const Vec3F& v) const
+double Vec3F::operator*(const Vec3F &v) const
     return mX * v.mX + mY * v.mY;
-bool Vec3F::operator==(const Vec3F& v) const
+bool Vec3F::operator==(const Vec3F &v) const
     return mX == v.mX && mY == v.mY && mZ == v.mZ;
-bool Vec3F::operator!=(const Vec3F& v) const
+bool Vec3F::operator!=(const Vec3F &v) const
     return !(*this == v);
 double Vec3F::length() const
-    return sqrt(mX*mX+mY*mY+mZ*mZ);
+    return sqrt(mX * mX + mY * mY + mZ * mZ);
-* @brief Gets this vector in normalized form.
-* @return A copy of this vector normalized to unit length.
+ * @brief Gets this vector in normalized form.
+ *
+ * @return A copy of this vector normalized to unit length.
+ */
 Vec3F Vec3F::unit() const
     Vec3F tmp(*this);
@@ -173,20 +160,22 @@ Vec3F Vec3F::unit() const
 void Vec3F::normalize()
     double len = length();
-    if (fabs(len) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
+    if(fabs(len) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
+    {
+        mX /= len;
+        mY /= len;
+        mZ /= len;
+    }
+    else
-        mX/=len;
-        mY/=len;
-        mZ/=len;
-    }else{
-        //vector assumed to be 0 or very close to 0
+        // vector assumed to be 0 or very close to 0
         mX = 0.;
         mY = 0.;
         mZ = 0.;
-double Vec3F::distanceToPoint(const Vec3F& p) const
+double Vec3F::distanceToPoint(const Vec3F &p) const
     return (*this - p).length();
@@ -194,38 +183,14 @@ double Vec3F::distanceToPoint(const Vec3F& p) const
-    : mX(0),
-      mY(0)
-Vec2F::Vec2F(double x, double y)
-    : mX(x),
-      mY(y)
-Vec2F::Vec2F(const QPointF& v)
-    : mX(v.x()),
-      mY(v.y())
+Vec2F::Vec2F() : mX(0), mY(0) {}
+Vec2F::Vec2F(double x, double y) : mX(x), mY(y) {}
+Vec2F::Vec2F(const QPointF &v) : mX(v.x()), mY(v.y()) {}
-Vec2F::Vec2F(const cv::Point2f &p)
-    : mX(p.x),
-      mY(p.y)
+Vec2F::Vec2F(const cv::Point2f &p) : mX(p.x), mY(p.y) {}
-Vec2F::Vec2F(const CvPoint* v)
-    : mX(v->x),
-      mY(v->y)
-Vec2F::Vec2F(const CvPoint2D32f* v)
-    : mX(v->x),
-      mY(v->y)
+Vec2F::Vec2F(const CvPoint *v) : mX(v->x), mY(v->y) {}
+Vec2F::Vec2F(const CvPoint2D32f *v) : mX(v->x), mY(v->y) {}
 CvPoint Vec2F::toCvPoint() const
@@ -279,24 +244,24 @@ void Vec2F::set(double x, double y)
     mY = y;
-Vec2F& Vec2F::operator+=(const Vec2F& v)
+Vec2F &Vec2F::operator+=(const Vec2F &v)
     mX += v.mX;
     mY += v.mY;
     return *this;
-Vec2F Vec2F::operator+(const Vec2F& v) const
+Vec2F Vec2F::operator+(const Vec2F &v) const
     return Vec2F(*this) += v;
-Vec2F& Vec2F::operator-=(const Vec2F& v)
+Vec2F &Vec2F::operator-=(const Vec2F &v)
     mX -= v.mX;
     mY -= v.mY;
     return *this;
-Vec2F Vec2F::operator-(const Vec2F& v) const
+Vec2F Vec2F::operator-(const Vec2F &v) const
     return Vec2F(*this) -= v;
@@ -321,17 +286,17 @@ Vec2F Vec2F::operator/(double n) const
  * @return The dot product.
-double Vec2F::operator*(const Vec2F& v) const
+double Vec2F::operator*(const Vec2F &v) const
     return mX * v.mX + mY * v.mY;
-bool Vec2F::operator==(const Vec2F& v) const
+bool Vec2F::operator==(const Vec2F &v) const
     return mX == v.mX && mY == v.mY;
-bool Vec2F::operator!=(const Vec2F& v) const
+bool Vec2F::operator!=(const Vec2F &v) const
     return !(*this == v);
@@ -359,7 +324,7 @@ double Vec2F::angle() const
     return atan2(mY, mX);
- /**
  * @brief Gets this vector in normalized form.
  * @return A copy of this vector normalized to unit length.
@@ -385,31 +350,33 @@ Vec2F Vec2F::normal() const
 void Vec2F::normalize()
     double len = length();
-    if (len > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
+    if(len > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
+    {
+        mX /= len;
+        mY /= len;
+    }
+    else
-        mX/=len;
-        mY/=len;
-    }else{
         mX = 0.;
         mY = 0.;
-double Vec2F::distanceToPoint(const Vec2F& p) const
+double Vec2F::distanceToPoint(const Vec2F &p) const
     return (*this - p).length();
-double Vec2F::distanceToLine(const Vec2F& p1, const Vec2F& p2) const
+double Vec2F::distanceToLine(const Vec2F &p1, const Vec2F &p2) const
-    Vec2F n = (p2-p1).normal(); // normal vector
-    n.normalize(); // normalized normal vector
-    return fabs(*this * n - p1*n);
+    Vec2F n = (p2 - p1).normal(); // normal vector
+    n.normalize();                // normalized normal vector
+    return fabs(*this * n - p1 * n);
-double Vec2F::angleBetweenVec(const Vec2F& v) const
+double Vec2F::angleBetweenVec(const Vec2F &v) const
-    return acos((*this * v)/(length()*v.length()));
+    return acos((*this * v) / (length() * v.length()));
 Vec2F Vec2F::fromAngle(double angle)
diff --git a/src/view.cpp b/src/view.cpp
index a8d26a9a5cc9a9eb5005738750a469e34fe3d825..87adad26eb88a08228dbe412cc2fd50ad8efa9f5 100644
--- a/src/view.cpp
+++ b/src/view.cpp
@@ -18,79 +18,80 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <QtWidgets>
-#include <cmath>
 #include "view.h"
-#include "vector.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
 #include "control.h"
+#include "petrack.h"
+#include "vector.h"
-GraphicsView::GraphicsView(ViewWidget *viewWidget)
-    : QGraphicsView()
+#include <QtWidgets>
+#include <cmath>
+GraphicsView::GraphicsView(ViewWidget *viewWidget) : QGraphicsView()
     mViewWidget = viewWidget;
     setTransformationAnchor(AnchorUnderMouse); // for wheel
-    setResizeAnchor(AnchorUnderMouse); // for scroll?
+    setResizeAnchor(AnchorUnderMouse);         // for scroll?
-void GraphicsView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent * event)
+void GraphicsView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
     QPoint numDegrees = event->angleDelta() / 8;
-    if (event->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier) // nur shift zugelassen ...
+    if(event->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier) // nur shift zugelassen ...
         // Check if horizontal scroll
-        if (event->angleDelta().x() != 0) // warum orienttion?
-            emit mouseShiftWheel(numDegrees.x()/15);
+        if(event->angleDelta().x() != 0) // warum orienttion?
+            emit mouseShiftWheel(numDegrees.x() / 15);
-            emit mouseShiftWheel(-numDegrees.y()/15);
+            emit mouseShiftWheel(-numDegrees.y() / 15);
         // Check if horizontal scroll
-        if (event->angleDelta().x() != 0) // warum orienttion?
-            mViewWidget->zoomIn(numDegrees.x()/2);
+        if(event->angleDelta().x() != 0) // warum orienttion?
+            mViewWidget->zoomIn(numDegrees.x() / 2);
-            mViewWidget->zoomOut(numDegrees.y()/2);
+            mViewWidget->zoomOut(numDegrees.y() / 2);
 void GraphicsView::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
-    if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
+    if(event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
-        if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) // mit & genuegt, dass unter anderem shift gedrueckt wird (zb mit conrol)
+        if(event->modifiers() &
+           Qt::ShiftModifier) // mit & genuegt, dass unter anderem shift gedrueckt wird (zb mit conrol)
-            if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) // mindestens shift und control gedrueckt
+            if(event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) // mindestens shift und control gedrueckt
                 emit mouseShiftControlDoubleClick(mapToScene(event->pos()));
-                emit mouseShiftDoubleClick(mapToScene(event->pos())); //const QPoint & //const QPointF &pos
+                emit mouseShiftDoubleClick(mapToScene(event->pos())); // const QPoint & //const QPointF &pos
-        else if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) // mit & genuegt, dass unter anderem control gedrueckt wird (zb mit shift)
-            emit mouseControlDoubleClick(mapToScene(event->pos())); //const QPoint & //const QPointF &pos
+        else if(event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) // mit & genuegt, dass unter anderem control gedrueckt wird
+                                                          // (zb mit shift)
+            emit mouseControlDoubleClick(mapToScene(event->pos())); // const QPoint & //const QPointF &pos
             emit mouseDoubleClick();
-    else if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton)
+    else if(event->button() == Qt::RightButton)
-        if (event->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier) // nur shift zugelassen ...
+        if(event->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier) // nur shift zugelassen ...
             emit mouseRightDoubleClick(mapToScene(event->pos()), -1);
-        else if (event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier)
+        else if(event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier)
             emit mouseRightDoubleClick(mapToScene(event->pos()), 0);
-        else if (event->modifiers() == Qt::AltModifier)
+        else if(event->modifiers() == Qt::AltModifier)
             emit mouseRightDoubleClick(mapToScene(event->pos()), 1);
-    else if (event->button() == Qt::MiddleButton)
+    else if(event->button() == Qt::MiddleButton)
-        if (event->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier) // nur shift zugelassen ...
+        if(event->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier) // nur shift zugelassen ...
             emit mouseMiddleDoubleClick(-1);
-        else if (event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier)
+        else if(event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier)
             emit mouseMiddleDoubleClick(0);
-        else if (event->modifiers() == Qt::AltModifier)
+        else if(event->modifiers() == Qt::AltModifier)
             emit mouseMiddleDoubleClick(1);
@@ -104,29 +105,31 @@ void GraphicsView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
     // forward the arrow keys for handling in petrack player
-    case Qt::Key_Up:
-        mViewWidget->parent()->event(event);
-        break;
-    case Qt::Key_Down:
-        mViewWidget->parent()->event(event);
-        break;
-    case Qt::Key_Left:
-        mViewWidget->parent()->event(event);
-        break;
-    case Qt::Key_Right:
-        mViewWidget->parent()->event(event);
-        break;
-    default:
-        QGraphicsView::keyPressEvent(event);
+        case Qt::Key_Up:
+            mViewWidget->parent()->event(event);
+            break;
+        case Qt::Key_Down:
+            mViewWidget->parent()->event(event);
+            break;
+        case Qt::Key_Left:
+            mViewWidget->parent()->event(event);
+            break;
+        case Qt::Key_Right:
+            mViewWidget->parent()->event(event);
+            break;
+        default:
+            QGraphicsView::keyPressEvent(event);
 void GraphicsView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
-    if(event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier){
+    if(event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)
+    {
         emit setColorEvent();
-    }else{
+    }
+    else
+    {
         emit colorSelected();
@@ -135,16 +138,15 @@ void GraphicsView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
-ViewWidget::ViewWidget(QWidget *parent)
-    : QFrame(parent)
+ViewWidget::ViewWidget(QWidget *parent) : QFrame(parent)
-    mMainWindow = (class Petrack*) parent;
+    mMainWindow = (class Petrack *) parent;
     setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
     mGraphicsView = new GraphicsView(this);
     mGraphicsView->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
-    mGraphicsView->setDragMode(QGraphicsView::ScrollHandDrag); //RubberBandDrag
+    mGraphicsView->setDragMode(QGraphicsView::ScrollHandDrag); // RubberBandDrag
-    int size = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ToolBarIconSize);
+    int   size = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ToolBarIconSize);
     QSize iconSize(size, size);
     // Hide|Show Button
@@ -170,7 +172,7 @@ ViewWidget::ViewWidget(QWidget *parent)
     mRotateSlider = new QSlider;
     mRotateSlider->setMinimum(-180); //-360
-    mRotateSlider->setMaximum(180); // 360
+    mRotateSlider->setMaximum(180);  // 360
@@ -236,24 +238,29 @@ void ViewWidget::resetView()
 void ViewWidget::fitInView()
-    mGraphicsView->fitInView(mGraphicsView->sceneRect(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); // Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding wuerde nur in eine dimension passend machen
-    // doesnt work: mGraphicsView->fitInView(mGraphicsView->sceneRect(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); // two times, while in the first run possibly the scrollbars have been there for calculation
+    mGraphicsView->fitInView(
+        mGraphicsView->sceneRect(),
+        Qt::KeepAspectRatio); // Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding wuerde nur in eine dimension passend machen
+    // doesnt work: mGraphicsView->fitInView(mGraphicsView->sceneRect(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); // two times, while in
+    // the first run possibly the scrollbars have been there for calculation
     QTransform matrix = mGraphicsView->transform();
     // calculates the sclaing of matrix
     // see http://www.robertblum.com/articles/2005/02/14/decomposing-matrices for rotation out of matrix
     double scale = Vec2F(matrix.m11(), matrix.m21()).length();
-    mZoomSlider->setValue((int) (250.+50.*log(scale)/log(2.)));
+    mZoomSlider->setValue((int) (250. + 50. * log(scale) / log(2.)));
 void ViewWidget::fitInROI(QRectF rect)
-    mGraphicsView->fitInView(rect, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); // Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding wuerde nur in eine dimension passend machen
-    // doesnt work: mGraphicsView->fitInView(mGraphicsView->sceneRect(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); // two times, while in the first run possibly the scrollbars have been there for calculation
+    mGraphicsView->fitInView(
+        rect, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); // Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding wuerde nur in eine dimension passend machen
+    // doesnt work: mGraphicsView->fitInView(mGraphicsView->sceneRect(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); // two times, while in
+    // the first run possibly the scrollbars have been there for calculation
     QTransform matrix = mGraphicsView->transform();
     // calculates the sclaing of matrix
     // see http://www.robertblum.com/articles/2005/02/14/decomposing-matrices for rotation out of matrix
     double scale = Vec2F(matrix.m11(), matrix.m21()).length();
-    mZoomSlider->setValue((int) (250.+50.*log(scale)/log(2.)));
+    mZoomSlider->setValue((int) (250. + 50. * log(scale) / log(2.)));
 void ViewWidget::setupMatrix()
@@ -267,12 +274,12 @@ void ViewWidget::setupMatrix()
-void ViewWidget::zoomIn(int i) //default i = 1
+void ViewWidget::zoomIn(int i) // default i = 1
     mZoomSlider->setValue(mZoomSlider->value() + i);
-void ViewWidget::zoomOut(int i) //default i = 1
+void ViewWidget::zoomOut(int i) // default i = 1
     mZoomSlider->setValue(mZoomSlider->value() - i);
@@ -289,11 +296,12 @@ void ViewWidget::rotateRight()
 void ViewWidget::hideControls(bool hide)
-    if ( hide )
+    if(hide)
-    }else
+    }
+    else
diff --git a/tests/unit_test/main.cpp b/tests/unit_test/main.cpp
index ff63ecda9a346b96591ebebee16a78d94bc52fc7..859693c730629bc6b211e53b94a04a9514a7775a 100644
--- a/tests/unit_test/main.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit_test/main.cpp
@@ -19,31 +19,34 @@
-#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
 #include <QApplication>
 #include <QtTest>
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
 #include <vector>
-int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     // always start unit tests as offscreen, so PMessageBox-es only log
     bool platformAlreadyGiven = false;
-    for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i){
-        if(qstrcmp("-platform", argv[i]) == 0){
+    for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
+    {
+        if(qstrcmp("-platform", argv[i]) == 0)
+        {
             platformAlreadyGiven = true;
-    int argc2;
+    int    argc2;
     char **argv2;
-    auto args = std::vector<const char*>(argv, argv+argc);
+    auto   args = std::vector<const char *>(argv, argv + argc);
-        argc2 = argc+2;
+        argc2 = argc + 2;
         argv2 = const_cast<char **>(args.data());
-    }else{
+    }
+    else
+    {
         argc2 = argc;
         argv2 = argv;
@@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
     QApplication a(argc2, argv2);
-    const int result = Catch::Session().run( argc2, argv2 );
+    const int result = Catch::Session().run(argc2, argv2);
-    return ( result < 0xff ? result : 0xff );
+    return (result < 0xff ? result : 0xff);
diff --git a/tests/unit_test/tst_SkeletonTree.cpp b/tests/unit_test/tst_SkeletonTree.cpp
index b4281850c137ca714c3a3be65471831dd9bf08de..f52e81d99ccb748f91c58c47be98d976d1bf020f 100644
--- a/tests/unit_test/tst_SkeletonTree.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit_test/tst_SkeletonTree.cpp
@@ -18,186 +18,172 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
-#include "skeletonTreeFactory.h"
 #include "skeletonTree.h"
+#include "skeletonTreeFactory.h"
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
-const XSenseStruct  XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA = {
-    {0,0,0},
-    {1,1,1},
-    {2,2,2},
-    {3,3,3},
-    {4,4,4},
-    {5,5,5},
-    {6,6,6},
-    {7,7,7},
-    {8,8,8},
-    {9,9,9},
-    {10,10,10},
-    {11,11,11},
-    {12,12,12},
-    {13,13,13},
-    {14,14,14},
-    {15,15,15},
-    {16,16,16},
-    {17,17,17},
-    {18,18,18},
-    {19,19,19},
-    {20,20,20},
+const XSenseStruct XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA = {
+    {0, 0, 0},    {1, 1, 1},    {2, 2, 2},    {3, 3, 3},    {4, 4, 4},    {5, 5, 5},    {6, 6, 6},
+    {7, 7, 7},    {8, 8, 8},    {9, 9, 9},    {10, 10, 10}, {11, 11, 11}, {12, 12, 12}, {13, 13, 13},
+    {14, 14, 14}, {15, 15, 15}, {16, 16, 16}, {17, 17, 17}, {18, 18, 18}, {19, 19, 19}, {20, 20, 20},
-TEST_CASE("SkeletonTree for XSenseData is built") {
+TEST_CASE("SkeletonTree for XSenseData is built")
     SkeletonTree skel = SkeletonTreeFactory::generateTree(XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA);
-    SECTION( "Check all bone connections and positions" ) {
-        auto& rootNode = skel.getRoot();
+    SECTION("Check all bone connections and positions")
+    {
+        auto &rootNode = skel.getRoot();
         REQUIRE(rootNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mRoot);
         REQUIRE(rootNode.getChildrenCount() == 3);
-        //own id
+        // own id
-        //does not exist
+        // does not exist
-        //neck
+        // neck
-        //left hip
+        // left hip
-        //right hip
+        // right hip
-        //check neck next
-        auto& neckNode = rootNode.getChildById(1);
+        // check neck next
+        auto &neckNode = rootNode.getChildById(1);
         REQUIRE(neckNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mNeck);
         REQUIRE(neckNode.getChildrenCount() == 3);
-        //head
+        // head
-        //left shoulder
+        // left shoulder
-        //right shoulder
+        // right shoulder
-        //head
-        auto& headNode = neckNode.getChildById(2);
+        // head
+        auto &headNode = neckNode.getChildById(2);
         REQUIRE(headNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mHeadTop);
         REQUIRE(headNode.getChildrenCount() == 0);
-        //left shoulder
-        auto& lShldrNode = neckNode.getChildById(3);
+        // left shoulder
+        auto &lShldrNode = neckNode.getChildById(3);
         REQUIRE(lShldrNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mShldrL);
         REQUIRE(lShldrNode.getChildrenCount() == 1);
-        //left shoulder
-        auto& lElbowNode = lShldrNode.getChildById(4);
+        // left shoulder
+        auto &lElbowNode = lShldrNode.getChildById(4);
         REQUIRE(lElbowNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mElbowL);
         REQUIRE(lElbowNode.getChildrenCount() == 1);
-        //left wrist
+        // left wrist
-        //left wrist
-        auto& lWristNode = lElbowNode.getChildById(5);
+        // left wrist
+        auto &lWristNode = lElbowNode.getChildById(5);
         REQUIRE(lWristNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mWristL);
         REQUIRE(lWristNode.getChildrenCount() == 1);
-        //left hand
+        // left hand
-        //left hand
-        auto& lHandNode = lWristNode.getChildById(6);
+        // left hand
+        auto &lHandNode = lWristNode.getChildById(6);
         REQUIRE(lHandNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mHandL);
         REQUIRE(lHandNode.getChildrenCount() == 0);
-        //right shoulder
-        auto& rShldrNode = neckNode.getChildById(7);
+        // right shoulder
+        auto &rShldrNode = neckNode.getChildById(7);
         REQUIRE(rShldrNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mShldrR);
         REQUIRE(rShldrNode.getChildrenCount() == 1);
-        //right shoulder
-        auto& rElbowNode = rShldrNode.getChildById(8);
+        // right shoulder
+        auto &rElbowNode = rShldrNode.getChildById(8);
         REQUIRE(rElbowNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mElbowR);
         REQUIRE(rElbowNode.getChildrenCount() == 1);
-        //right wrist
+        // right wrist
-        //right wrist
-        auto& rWristNode = rElbowNode.getChildById(9);
+        // right wrist
+        auto &rWristNode = rElbowNode.getChildById(9);
         REQUIRE(rWristNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mWristR);
         REQUIRE(rWristNode.getChildrenCount() == 1);
-        //right hand
+        // right hand
-        //right hand
-        auto& rHandNode = rWristNode.getChildById(10);
+        // right hand
+        auto &rHandNode = rWristNode.getChildById(10);
         REQUIRE(rHandNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mHandR);
         REQUIRE(rHandNode.getChildrenCount() == 0);
-        //left hip
-        auto& lHipNode = rootNode.getChildById(11);
+        // left hip
+        auto &lHipNode = rootNode.getChildById(11);
         REQUIRE(lHipNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mHipL);
-        REQUIRE(lHipNode.getChildrenCount() == 1 );
+        REQUIRE(lHipNode.getChildrenCount() == 1);
-        //left knee
-        auto& lKneeNode = lHipNode.getChildById(12);
+        // left knee
+        auto &lKneeNode = lHipNode.getChildById(12);
         REQUIRE(lKneeNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mKneeL);
-        REQUIRE(lKneeNode.getChildrenCount() == 1 );
+        REQUIRE(lKneeNode.getChildrenCount() == 1);
-        //left heel
-        auto& lHeelNode = lKneeNode.getChildById(13);
+        // left heel
+        auto &lHeelNode = lKneeNode.getChildById(13);
         REQUIRE(lKneeNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mKneeL);
-        REQUIRE(lKneeNode.getChildrenCount() == 1 );
+        REQUIRE(lKneeNode.getChildrenCount() == 1);
-        //left toe
-        auto& lToeNode = lHeelNode.getChildById(14);
+        // left toe
+        auto &lToeNode = lHeelNode.getChildById(14);
         REQUIRE(lToeNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mToeL);
-        REQUIRE(lToeNode.getChildrenCount() == 0 );
+        REQUIRE(lToeNode.getChildrenCount() == 0);
-        //right hip
-        auto& rHipNode = rootNode.getChildById(15);
+        // right hip
+        auto &rHipNode = rootNode.getChildById(15);
         REQUIRE(rHipNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mHipR);
-        REQUIRE(rHipNode.getChildrenCount() == 1 );
+        REQUIRE(rHipNode.getChildrenCount() == 1);
-        //right knee
-        auto& rKneeNode = rHipNode.getChildById(16);
+        // right knee
+        auto &rKneeNode = rHipNode.getChildById(16);
         REQUIRE(rKneeNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mKneeR);
-        REQUIRE(rKneeNode.getChildrenCount() == 1 );
+        REQUIRE(rKneeNode.getChildrenCount() == 1);
-        //right heel
-        auto& rHeelNode = rKneeNode.getChildById(17);
+        // right heel
+        auto &rHeelNode = rKneeNode.getChildById(17);
         REQUIRE(rKneeNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mKneeR);
-        REQUIRE(rKneeNode.getChildrenCount() == 1 );
+        REQUIRE(rKneeNode.getChildrenCount() == 1);
-        //right toe
-        auto& rToeNode = rHeelNode.getChildById(18);
+        // right toe
+        auto &rToeNode = rHeelNode.getChildById(18);
         REQUIRE(rToeNode.getPos() == XSENSE_DUMMY_DATA.mToeR);
-        REQUIRE(rToeNode.getChildrenCount() == 0 );
+        REQUIRE(rToeNode.getChildrenCount() == 0);
-    SECTION("Test the line data"){
+    SECTION("Test the line data")
+    {
         auto lines = skel.getLines();
         REQUIRE(lines.size() == 18);
-        for(SkeletonLine& line : lines){
+        for(SkeletonLine &line : lines)
+        {
             REQUIRE(line.start_id != line.end_id);
             REQUIRE(line.start != line.end);
diff --git a/tests/unit_test/tst_apptest.cpp b/tests/unit_test/tst_apptest.cpp
index 0295d5dbb542c6c87c2874f84abd2505843eb507..3edaf9dbfc60b88c6413d26703f81dc3305e6165 100644
--- a/tests/unit_test/tst_apptest.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit_test/tst_apptest.cpp
@@ -18,17 +18,12 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <QSignalSpy>
 #include <catch2/catch.hpp>
 #include <iostream>
-#include <QSignalSpy>
 SCENARIO("Application Tests", "[app]")
-    GIVEN("Hello World") {
-        REQUIRE(true);
-    }
+    GIVEN("Hello World") { REQUIRE(true); }
diff --git a/tests/unit_test/tst_codeMarkerWidget.cpp b/tests/unit_test/tst_codeMarkerWidget.cpp
index 4db371b653611a92f8a72dc9594e7dc99bcfc35f..2b22219c3483928e597ab150482ef9bbc97d0186 100644
--- a/tests/unit_test/tst_codeMarkerWidget.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit_test/tst_codeMarkerWidget.cpp
@@ -18,24 +18,24 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
-#include "recognition.h"
 #include "codeMarkerWidget.h"
+#include "recognition.h"
 #include "ui_codeMarker.h"
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
 SCENARIO("The user opens the CodeMarkerWidget", "[ui]")
     // create the dialog
-    Petrack petrack;
+    Petrack                 petrack;
     reco::CodeMarkerOptions options;
-    Ui::CodeMarker *view = new Ui::CodeMarker();
-    CodeMarkerWidget widget {&petrack, options, view};
+    Ui::CodeMarker *        view = new Ui::CodeMarker();
+    CodeMarkerWidget        widget{&petrack, options, view};
     THEN("The view shows the correct values")
-        const auto& params = options.getDetectorParams();
-        const auto displayedParams = packDetectorParams(view);
+        const auto &params          = options.getDetectorParams();
+        const auto  displayedParams = packDetectorParams(view);
         REQUIRE(params == displayedParams);
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ SCENARIO("The user opens the CodeMarkerWidget", "[ui]")
         auto oldValues = packDetectorParams(view);
         // Since min already has minimal value this isn't properly tested with the default min
-        view->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax->setValue(view->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin->value()-1);
-        //view->minMarkerPerimeter->
-        view->maxMarkerPerimeter->setValue(view->minMarkerPerimeter->value()-1);
+        view->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax->setValue(view->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin->value() - 1);
+        // view->minMarkerPerimeter->
+        view->maxMarkerPerimeter->setValue(view->minMarkerPerimeter->value() - 1);
         THEN("It is not changed")
             REQUIRE(view->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax->value() == oldValues.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax());
@@ -101,81 +101,55 @@ SCENARIO("The user opens the CodeMarkerWidget", "[ui]")
     GIVEN("A cornerRefinementWinSize less than 1")
-        THEN("The value gets set to 1")
-        {
-            REQUIRE(view->cornerRefinementWinSize->value() == 1);
-        }
+        THEN("The value gets set to 1") { REQUIRE(view->cornerRefinementWinSize->value() == 1); }
     GIVEN("A cornerRefinementMaxIterations less than 1")
-        THEN("The value gets set to 1")
-        {
-            REQUIRE(view->cornerRefinementMaxIterations->value() == 1);
-        }
+        THEN("The value gets set to 1") { REQUIRE(view->cornerRefinementMaxIterations->value() == 1); }
     GIVEN("A cornerRefinementMinAccuracy less than or equal to 0")
-        THEN("It is set to 0.01")
-        {
-            REQUIRE(view->cornerRefinementMinAccuracy->value() == Approx(0.01));
-        }
+        THEN("It is set to 0.01") { REQUIRE(view->cornerRefinementMinAccuracy->value() == Approx(0.01)); }
     GIVEN("markerBorderBits less than 1")
-        THEN("The value is set to 1")
-        {
-            REQUIRE(view->markerBorderBits->value() == 1);
-        }
+        THEN("The value is set to 1") { REQUIRE(view->markerBorderBits->value() == 1); }
     GIVEN("minStdDevOtsu less than or equal to 0")
-        THEN("The value is set to 0.01")
-        {
-            REQUIRE(view->minOtsuStdDev->value() == Approx(0.01));
-        }
+        THEN("The value is set to 0.01") { REQUIRE(view->minOtsuStdDev->value() == Approx(0.01)); }
     GIVEN("adaptiveThreshSizeMin less than 3")
-        THEN("The value is set to 3"){
-            REQUIRE(view->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin->value() == 3);
-        }
+        THEN("The value is set to 3") { REQUIRE(view->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMin->value() == 3); }
     GIVEN("adaptiveThreshSizeMax less than 3")
-        THEN("The value is set to 3")
-        {
-            REQUIRE(view->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax->value() == 3);
-        }
+        THEN("The value is set to 3") { REQUIRE(view->adaptiveThreshWinSizeMax->value() == 3); }
     GIVEN("adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep less than or equal to 0")
-        THEN("The value is set to 1")
-        {
-            REQUIRE(view->adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep->value() == 1);
-        }
+        THEN("The value is set to 1") { REQUIRE(view->adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep->value() == 1); }
     GIVEN("minMarkerPerimeter less than or equal to 0")
-        THEN("The value is set to 0.1")
-        {
-            REQUIRE(view->minMarkerPerimeter->value() == Approx(0.1));
-        }
+        THEN("The value is set to 0.1") { REQUIRE(view->minMarkerPerimeter->value() == Approx(0.1)); }
     GIVEN("maxMarkerPerimeter less than or equal to 0")
@@ -183,36 +157,24 @@ SCENARIO("The user opens the CodeMarkerWidget", "[ui]")
         auto oldVal = view->maxMarkerPerimeter->value();
         view->minMarkerPerimeter->setValue(0); // since max cannot be lower than min
-        THEN("The value is not changed")
-        {
-            REQUIRE(view->maxMarkerPerimeter->value() == Approx(oldVal));
-        }
+        THEN("The value is not changed") { REQUIRE(view->maxMarkerPerimeter->value() == Approx(oldVal)); }
     GIVEN("cornerRefinementMinAccuracy less than or equal to 0")
-        THEN("The value is set to 0.01")
-        {
-            REQUIRE(view->cornerRefinementMinAccuracy->value() == Approx(0.01));
-        }
+        THEN("The value is set to 0.01") { REQUIRE(view->cornerRefinementMinAccuracy->value() == Approx(0.01)); }
     GIVEN("minCornerDistance less than 0")
-        THEN("The value is set to 1")
-        {
-            REQUIRE(view->minCornerDistance->value() == Approx(0));
-        }
+        THEN("The value is set to 1") { REQUIRE(view->minCornerDistance->value() == Approx(0)); }
     GIVEN("minDistanceToBorder less than 0")
-        THEN("The value is set to 0")
-        {
-            REQUIRE(view->minDistanceToBorder->value() == 0);
-        }
+        THEN("The value is set to 0") { REQUIRE(view->minDistanceToBorder->value() == 0); }
diff --git a/tests/unit_test/tst_control.cpp b/tests/unit_test/tst_control.cpp
index 9337288514fa4d1fabf02591f7dfd6ad7d36700f..86a32580e4e1c906675d8a0e93153a5527dca686 100644
--- a/tests/unit_test/tst_control.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit_test/tst_control.cpp
@@ -18,29 +18,37 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
 #include "control.h"
+#include "imageItem.h"
+#include "view.h"
+#include <QGraphicsScene>
 #include <QSignalSpy>
 #include <QTestEventList>
-#include <QGraphicsScene>
-#include "imageItem.h"
-#include "view.h"
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
 // TODO Connect und Disconnect vom Event (lässt sich an und abschalten)
 // TODO Weitere Testcases überlegen
-void checkSelectedColor(Control* con, bool invHue, int toHue, int fromHue,
-                        int toSat, int fromSat, int toVal, int fromVal,
-                        int mapX, int mapW, int mapY, int mapH){
+void checkSelectedColor(
+    Control *con,
+    bool     invHue,
+    int      toHue,
+    int      fromHue,
+    int      toSat,
+    int      fromSat,
+    int      toVal,
+    int      fromVal,
+    int      mapX,
+    int      mapW,
+    int      mapY,
+    int      mapH)
     REQUIRE(con->getColorPlot()->getMapItem()->getActMapInvHue() == invHue);
-    QColor toColor = con->getColorPlot()->getMapItem()->getActMapToColor();
+    QColor toColor   = con->getColorPlot()->getMapItem()->getActMapToColor();
     QColor fromColor = con->getColorPlot()->getMapItem()->getActMapFromColor();
     // Hue
@@ -65,8 +73,8 @@ void checkSelectedColor(Control* con, bool invHue, int toHue, int fromHue,
 SCENARIO("I open PeTrack with a red image", "[ui][config]")
-    Petrack pet {};
-    cv::Mat redTestImage {cv::Size(50, 50), CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(179,255,200)};
+    Petrack pet{};
+    cv::Mat redTestImage{cv::Size(50, 50), CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(179, 255, 200)};
     cv::cvtColor(redTestImage, redTestImage, cv::COLOR_HSV2BGR);
     // NOTE Gibt es eine bessere Methode, als das Bild erst zu speichern?
     cv::imwrite("TESTBILD_DELETE_ME.png", redTestImage);
@@ -75,17 +83,17 @@ SCENARIO("I open PeTrack with a red image", "[ui][config]")
     QPointer<Control> con = pet.getControlWidget();
-    GIVEN("I click the colorPickerButton") {
+    GIVEN("I click the colorPickerButton")
+    {
         QTestEventList eventList;
-        QPushButton* colorPickerButton = con->findChild<QPushButton*>("colorPickerButton");
+        QPushButton *  colorPickerButton = con->findChild<QPushButton *>("colorPickerButton");
         eventList.addMouseClick(Qt::MouseButton::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifier::NoModifier);
-        THEN("The Button is checked") {
-            REQUIRE(colorPickerButton->isChecked());
-        }
+        THEN("The Button is checked") { REQUIRE(colorPickerButton->isChecked()); }
-        AND_GIVEN("I shift+click on one point of the (red) image"){
+        AND_GIVEN("I shift+click on one point of the (red) image")
+        {
             eventList.addMouseClick(Qt::MouseButton::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifier::ShiftModifier, viewCenter);
             eventList.addMouseClick(Qt::MouseButton::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifier::ShiftModifier, viewCenter);
@@ -96,7 +104,8 @@ SCENARIO("I open PeTrack with a red image", "[ui][config]")
             REQUIRE(setColorSpy.count() == 2);
-            THEN("This pixel and its sourroundings get selected as new color"){
+            THEN("This pixel and its sourroundings get selected as new color")
+            {
                 // Red, so we need Inverse Hue
                 bool invHue = true;
@@ -118,7 +127,7 @@ SCENARIO("I open PeTrack with a red image", "[ui][config]")
                 // x = 2 * 3 = 6
                 int mapX = 6;
                 // w = |toHue - fromHue| = 350
-                int mapW= 350;
+                int mapW = 350;
                 // y = 2 * fromSaturation = 500
                 int mapY = 500;
                 // h = toSaturation - fromSaturation = 5
@@ -126,8 +135,9 @@ SCENARIO("I open PeTrack with a red image", "[ui][config]")
                 checkSelectedColor(con, invHue, toHue, fromHue, toSat, fromSat, toVal, fromVal, mapX, mapW, mapY, mapH);
-                AND_GIVEN("Afterwards I left-click on a slightly different red pixel"){
-                    cv::Mat differentRedTestImage {cv::Size(50, 50), CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(170,235,220)};
+                AND_GIVEN("Afterwards I left-click on a slightly different red pixel")
+                {
+                    cv::Mat differentRedTestImage{cv::Size(50, 50), CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(170, 235, 220)};
                     cv::cvtColor(differentRedTestImage, differentRedTestImage, cv::COLOR_HSV2BGR);
@@ -135,7 +145,8 @@ SCENARIO("I open PeTrack with a red image", "[ui][config]")
                     eventList.addMouseClick(Qt::MouseButton::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifier::NoModifier, viewCenter);
-                    THEN("The selected color is expanded accordingly"){
+                    THEN("The selected color is expanded accordingly")
+                    {
                         // new lower bound on Hue is 340 - 10 -> 330
                         fromHue = 330;
                         // 330 (fromHue) - 3 (toHue) = 327
@@ -149,14 +160,16 @@ SCENARIO("I open PeTrack with a red image", "[ui][config]")
                         // new upper bound on Value is 220 + 10 -> 230
                         toVal = 230;
-                        checkSelectedColor(con, invHue, toHue, fromHue, toSat, fromSat, toVal, fromVal, mapX, mapW, mapY, mapH);
+                        checkSelectedColor(
+                            con, invHue, toHue, fromHue, toSat, fromSat, toVal, fromVal, mapX, mapW, mapY, mapH);
-        AND_GIVEN("I shift+click on a red-isch/magenta pixel (Hue=340)"){
-            cv::Mat magentaTestImage {cv::Size(50, 50), CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(170,235,220)};
+        AND_GIVEN("I shift+click on a red-isch/magenta pixel (Hue=340)")
+        {
+            cv::Mat magentaTestImage{cv::Size(50, 50), CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(170, 235, 220)};
             cv::cvtColor(magentaTestImage, magentaTestImage, cv::COLOR_HSV2BGR);
@@ -167,8 +180,9 @@ SCENARIO("I open PeTrack with a red image", "[ui][config]")
-            AND_GIVEN("Afterwards I click on an red image (Hue=10)"){
-                cv::Mat otherSideRedImage {cv::Size(50, 50), CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(5,235,220)};
+            AND_GIVEN("Afterwards I click on an red image (Hue=10)")
+            {
+                cv::Mat otherSideRedImage{cv::Size(50, 50), CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(5, 235, 220)};
                 cv::cvtColor(otherSideRedImage, otherSideRedImage, cv::COLOR_HSV2BGR);
@@ -176,13 +190,14 @@ SCENARIO("I open PeTrack with a red image", "[ui][config]")
                 eventList.addMouseClick(Qt::MouseButton::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifier::NoModifier, viewCenter);
-                THEN("Inverse hue gets checked"){ /*Lieber color changed accordingly und dementsprechend weiterarbeiten?*/
+                THEN("Inverse hue gets checked")
+                { /*Lieber color changed accordingly und dementsprechend weiterarbeiten?*/
-            AND_GIVEN("Afterwards I click on an pink Image (Hue=320)"){
-                cv::Mat pinkTestImage {cv::Size(50, 50), CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(160,235,220)};
+            AND_GIVEN("Afterwards I click on an pink Image (Hue=320)")
+            {
+                cv::Mat pinkTestImage{cv::Size(50, 50), CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(160, 235, 220)};
                 cv::cvtColor(pinkTestImage, pinkTestImage, cv::COLOR_HSV2BGR);
@@ -191,30 +206,31 @@ SCENARIO("I open PeTrack with a red image", "[ui][config]")
                 eventList.addMouseClick(Qt::MouseButton::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifier::NoModifier, viewCenter);
-                THEN("I still do not use inverse Hue"){
+                THEN("I still do not use inverse Hue")
+                {
-        AND_GIVEN("I shift+click on one specific pixel"){
-            cv::Mat newTestImage {cv::Size(50, 50), CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(50,235,220)};
+        AND_GIVEN("I shift+click on one specific pixel")
+        {
+            cv::Mat newTestImage{cv::Size(50, 50), CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(50, 235, 220)};
             // set middle Pixel (clicked pixel) to other Value
-            newTestImage.at<cv::Vec3b>(cv::Point(25,25)) = cv::Vec3b(100,255,255);
+            newTestImage.at<cv::Vec3b>(cv::Point(25, 25)) = cv::Vec3b(100, 255, 255);
             cv::cvtColor(newTestImage, newTestImage, cv::COLOR_HSV2BGR);
-            QMouseEvent event {QEvent::HoverMove, QPoint(25, 25), Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoModifier};
+            QMouseEvent event{QEvent::HoverMove, QPoint(25, 25), Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoModifier};
-            QPointF pointOnScene = pet.getImageItem()->mapToScene(QPoint(25, 25));
-            QPoint pointOnViewport = pet.getView()->mapFromScene(pointOnScene);
+            QPointF pointOnScene    = pet.getImageItem()->mapToScene(QPoint(25, 25));
+            QPoint  pointOnViewport = pet.getView()->mapFromScene(pointOnScene);
             // Only after a click the hover event setting mMousePosOnImage gets fired. Focus?
-            eventList.addMouseClick(Qt::MouseButton::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifier::ShiftModifier,
-                                    pointOnViewport);
-            eventList.addMouseClick(Qt::MouseButton::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifier::ShiftModifier,
-                                    pointOnViewport);
+            eventList.addMouseClick(Qt::MouseButton::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifier::ShiftModifier, pointOnViewport);
+            eventList.addMouseClick(Qt::MouseButton::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifier::ShiftModifier, pointOnViewport);
-            THEN("I get a color selection fitting this single pixel"){
+            THEN("I get a color selection fitting this single pixel")
+            {
                 bool invHue = false;
                 // Upper Bound Hue 200 + 5 -> 205 Lower Bound: 200 - 5 -> 195
                 int fromHue = 195, toHue = 205;
@@ -239,6 +255,6 @@ SCENARIO("I open PeTrack with a red image", "[ui][config]")
 SCENARIO("Open PeTrack check defaults", "[ui][config]")
-    Petrack pet {};
+    Petrack pet{};
     REQUIRE(pet.getRecognizer().getRecoMethod() == reco::RecognitionMethod::MultiColor);
diff --git a/tests/unit_test/tst_io.cpp b/tests/unit_test/tst_io.cpp
index 8b3835ebe0884467cb7c5f29525492259eeb285e..4aa678995d37dbc3c51f66b327d84d62138426ee 100644
--- a/tests/unit_test/tst_io.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit_test/tst_io.cpp
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://cdwww.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "IO.h"
+#include "moCapPerson.h"
 #include <catch2/catch.hpp>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <ostream>
-#include "IO.h"
-#include "moCapPerson.h"
 TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                 auto errorMessage = IO::readHeightFile("wrong.extension");
                 std::string errorAsString = std::get<std::string>(errorMessage);
-                REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString, Catch::Matchers::Equals(
+                REQUIRE_THAT(
+                    errorAsString,
+                    Catch::Matchers::Equals(
                         "Cannot load wrong.extension maybe because of wrong file extension. Needs to be .txt."));
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                 REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString, Catch::Matchers::Equals("No file provided."));
-            std::string heigtFileName{"heights.txt"};
+            std::string   heigtFileName{"heights.txt"};
             std::ofstream heightFile(heigtFileName);
             heightFile << "# id z/cm" << std::endl;
@@ -84,8 +86,9 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                         auto errorMessage = IO::readHeightFile(QString::fromStdString(heigtFileName));
                         std::string errorAsString = std::get<std::string>(errorMessage);
-                        REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString,
-                                     Catch::Matchers::Equals("Marker needs to be an integer value, but is 234.234"));
+                        REQUIRE_THAT(
+                            errorAsString,
+                            Catch::Matchers::Equals("Marker needs to be an integer value, but is 234.234"));
                     SECTION("arbitrary string")
@@ -96,8 +99,9 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                         auto errorMessage = IO::readHeightFile(QString::fromStdString(heigtFileName));
                         std::string errorAsString = std::get<std::string>(errorMessage);
-                        REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString,
-                                     Catch::Matchers::Equals("Marker needs to be an integer value, but is WRONG"));
+                        REQUIRE_THAT(
+                            errorAsString,
+                            Catch::Matchers::Equals("Marker needs to be an integer value, but is WRONG"));
@@ -111,8 +115,9 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                         auto errorMessage = IO::readHeightFile(QString::fromStdString(heigtFileName));
                         std::string errorAsString = std::get<std::string>(errorMessage);
-                        REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString, Catch::Matchers::Equals(
-                                "Height needs to be a positive numerical value, but is WRONG"));
+                        REQUIRE_THAT(
+                            errorAsString,
+                            Catch::Matchers::Equals("Height needs to be a positive numerical value, but is WRONG"));
                     SECTION("not positive")
@@ -123,8 +128,9 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                         auto errorMessage = IO::readHeightFile(QString::fromStdString(heigtFileName));
                         std::string errorAsString = std::get<std::string>(errorMessage);
-                        REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString, Catch::Matchers::Equals(
-                                "Height needs to be a positive numerical value, but is 0"));
+                        REQUIRE_THAT(
+                            errorAsString,
+                            Catch::Matchers::Equals("Height needs to be a positive numerical value, but is 0"));
@@ -136,7 +142,9 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                     auto errorMessage = IO::readHeightFile(QString::fromStdString(heigtFileName));
                     std::string errorAsString = std::get<std::string>(errorMessage);
-                    REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString, Catch::Matchers::Equals(
+                    REQUIRE_THAT(
+                        errorAsString,
+                        Catch::Matchers::Equals(
                             "Line should contain exactly 2 values: id height. But it contains 4 entries."));
@@ -148,7 +156,9 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                     auto errorMessage = IO::readHeightFile(QString::fromStdString(heigtFileName));
                     std::string errorAsString = std::get<std::string>(errorMessage);
-                    REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString, Catch::Matchers::Equals(
+                    REQUIRE_THAT(
+                        errorAsString,
+                        Catch::Matchers::Equals(
                             "Line should contain exactly 2 values: id height. But it contains 1 entries."));
@@ -159,7 +169,7 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
         SECTION("correct input")
-            std::string heigtFileName{"heights.txt"};
+            std::string   heigtFileName{"heights.txt"};
             std::ofstream heightFile(heigtFileName);
             SECTION("file empty")
@@ -172,35 +182,35 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
             std::unordered_map<int, float> referenceValuesMap{
-                    {987, 184},   //NOLINT
-                    {988, 179},   //NOLINT
-                    {989, 177.5}, //NOLINT
-                    {990, 154.5}, //NOLINT
-                    {991, 177},   //NOLINT
-                    {992, 177},   //NOLINT
-                    {993, 175.5}, //NOLINT
-                    {994, 194},   //NOLINT
-                    {995, 177},   //NOLINT
-                    {996, 167},   //NOLINT
-                    {997, 174},   //NOLINT
-                    {998, 190},   //NOLINT
-                    {999, 174}    //NOLINT
+                {987, 184},   // NOLINT
+                {988, 179},   // NOLINT
+                {989, 177.5}, // NOLINT
+                {990, 154.5}, // NOLINT
+                {991, 177},   // NOLINT
+                {992, 177},   // NOLINT
+                {993, 175.5}, // NOLINT
+                {994, 194},   // NOLINT
+                {995, 177},   // NOLINT
+                {996, 167},   // NOLINT
+                {997, 174},   // NOLINT
+                {998, 190},   // NOLINT
+                {999, 174}    // NOLINT
             std::vector<std::pair<int, float>> referenceValuesVec;
             referenceValuesVec.assign(std::begin(referenceValuesMap), std::end(referenceValuesMap));
             SECTION("no comments")
-                std::for_each(std::begin(referenceValuesMap), std::end(referenceValuesMap),
-                              [&heightFile](const std::pair<int, float> & element)
-                              {
-                                heightFile << element.first << " " << element.second << std::endl;
-                              });
+                std::for_each(
+                    std::begin(referenceValuesMap),
+                    std::end(referenceValuesMap),
+                    [&heightFile](const std::pair<int, float> &element)
+                    { heightFile << element.first << " " << element.second << std::endl; });
                 auto ret = IO::readHeightFile(QString::fromStdString(heigtFileName));
                 REQUIRE(std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(ret));
-                std::unordered_map<int, float> markerHeights = std::get<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(ret);
+                std::unordered_map<int, float>     markerHeights = std::get<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(ret);
                 std::vector<std::pair<int, float>> markerHeightsVec;
                 markerHeightsVec.assign(std::begin(markerHeights), std::end(markerHeights));
                 CHECK_THAT(markerHeightsVec, Catch::UnorderedEquals(referenceValuesVec));
@@ -210,16 +220,16 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
             SECTION("z-coordinate in cm")
                 heightFile << "# id z/cm" << std::endl;
-                std::for_each(std::begin(referenceValuesMap), std::end(referenceValuesMap),
-                              [&heightFile](const std::pair<int, float> & element)
-                              {
-                                  heightFile << element.first << " " << element.second << std::endl;
-                              });
+                std::for_each(
+                    std::begin(referenceValuesMap),
+                    std::end(referenceValuesMap),
+                    [&heightFile](const std::pair<int, float> &element)
+                    { heightFile << element.first << " " << element.second << std::endl; });
                 auto ret = IO::readHeightFile(QString::fromStdString(heigtFileName));
                 REQUIRE(std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(ret));
-                std::unordered_map<int, float> markerHeights = std::get<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(ret);
+                std::unordered_map<int, float>     markerHeights = std::get<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(ret);
                 std::vector<std::pair<int, float>> markerHeightsVec;
                 markerHeightsVec.assign(std::begin(markerHeights), std::end(markerHeights));
                 CHECK_THAT(markerHeightsVec, Catch::UnorderedEquals(referenceValuesVec));
@@ -228,16 +238,16 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
             SECTION("z-coordinate in m")
                 heightFile << "# id z/m" << std::endl;
-                std::for_each(std::begin(referenceValuesMap), std::end(referenceValuesMap),
-                              [&heightFile](const std::pair<int, float> & element)
-                              {
-                                  heightFile << element.first << " " << element.second/100.F << std::endl;
-                              });
+                std::for_each(
+                    std::begin(referenceValuesMap),
+                    std::end(referenceValuesMap),
+                    [&heightFile](const std::pair<int, float> &element)
+                    { heightFile << element.first << " " << element.second / 100.F << std::endl; });
                 auto ret = IO::readHeightFile(QString::fromStdString(heigtFileName));
                 REQUIRE(std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(ret));
-                std::unordered_map<int, float> markerHeights = std::get<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(ret);
+                std::unordered_map<int, float>     markerHeights = std::get<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(ret);
                 std::vector<std::pair<int, float>> markerHeightsVec;
                 markerHeightsVec.assign(std::begin(markerHeights), std::end(markerHeights));
@@ -247,23 +257,22 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
             SECTION("z-coordinate unit not specified")
                 heightFile << "# id z/not_specifies" << std::endl;
-                std::for_each(std::begin(referenceValuesMap), std::end(referenceValuesMap),
-                              [&heightFile](const std::pair<int, float> & element)
-                              {
-                                  heightFile << element.first << " " << element.second << std::endl;
-                              });
+                std::for_each(
+                    std::begin(referenceValuesMap),
+                    std::end(referenceValuesMap),
+                    [&heightFile](const std::pair<int, float> &element)
+                    { heightFile << element.first << " " << element.second << std::endl; });
                 auto ret = IO::readHeightFile(QString::fromStdString(heigtFileName));
                 REQUIRE(std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(ret));
-                std::unordered_map<int, float> markerHeights = std::get<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(ret);
+                std::unordered_map<int, float>     markerHeights = std::get<std::unordered_map<int, float>>(ret);
                 std::vector<std::pair<int, float>> markerHeightsVec;
                 markerHeightsVec.assign(std::begin(markerHeights), std::end(markerHeights));
                 CHECK_THAT(markerHeightsVec, Catch::UnorderedEquals(referenceValuesVec));
@@ -284,7 +293,9 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                 auto errorMessage = IO::readMarkerIDFile("wrong.extension");
                 std::string errorAsString = std::get<std::string>(errorMessage);
-                REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString, Catch::Matchers::Equals(
+                REQUIRE_THAT(
+                    errorAsString,
+                    Catch::Matchers::Equals(
                         "Cannot load wrong.extension maybe because of wrong file extension. Needs to be .txt."));
@@ -296,7 +307,7 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                 REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString, Catch::Matchers::Equals("No file provided."));
-            std::string markerFileName{"marker.txt"};
+            std::string   markerFileName{"marker.txt"};
             std::ofstream markerFile(markerFileName);
             markerFile << "# id markerID" << std::endl;
@@ -324,8 +335,9 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                         auto errorMessage = IO::readMarkerIDFile(QString::fromStdString(markerFileName));
                         std::string errorAsString = std::get<std::string>(errorMessage);
-                        REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString,
-                                     Catch::Matchers::Equals("PersonID needs to be an integer value, but is 234.234"));
+                        REQUIRE_THAT(
+                            errorAsString,
+                            Catch::Matchers::Equals("PersonID needs to be an integer value, but is 234.234"));
                     SECTION("arbitrary string")
@@ -336,8 +348,9 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                         auto errorMessage = IO::readMarkerIDFile(QString::fromStdString(markerFileName));
                         std::string errorAsString = std::get<std::string>(errorMessage);
-                        REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString,
-                                     Catch::Matchers::Equals("PersonID needs to be an integer value, but is WRONG"));
+                        REQUIRE_THAT(
+                            errorAsString,
+                            Catch::Matchers::Equals("PersonID needs to be an integer value, but is WRONG"));
@@ -351,8 +364,9 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                         auto errorMessage = IO::readMarkerIDFile(QString::fromStdString(markerFileName));
                         std::string errorAsString = std::get<std::string>(errorMessage);
-                        REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString,
-                                     Catch::Matchers::Equals("MarkerID needs to be an integer value, but is 43.56"));
+                        REQUIRE_THAT(
+                            errorAsString,
+                            Catch::Matchers::Equals("MarkerID needs to be an integer value, but is 43.56"));
                     SECTION("arbitrary string")
@@ -363,8 +377,9 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                         auto errorMessage = IO::readMarkerIDFile(QString::fromStdString(markerFileName));
                         std::string errorAsString = std::get<std::string>(errorMessage);
-                        REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString,
-                                     Catch::Matchers::Equals("MarkerID needs to be an integer value, but is WRONG"));
+                        REQUIRE_THAT(
+                            errorAsString,
+                            Catch::Matchers::Equals("MarkerID needs to be an integer value, but is WRONG"));
@@ -376,7 +391,9 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                     auto errorMessage = IO::readMarkerIDFile(QString::fromStdString(markerFileName));
                     std::string errorAsString = std::get<std::string>(errorMessage);
-                    REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString, Catch::Matchers::Equals(
+                    REQUIRE_THAT(
+                        errorAsString,
+                        Catch::Matchers::Equals(
                             "Line should contain exactly 2 values: personID markerID. But it contains 4 entries."));
@@ -388,7 +405,9 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                     auto errorMessage = IO::readMarkerIDFile(QString::fromStdString(markerFileName));
                     std::string errorAsString = std::get<std::string>(errorMessage);
-                    REQUIRE_THAT(errorAsString, Catch::Matchers::Equals(
+                    REQUIRE_THAT(
+                        errorAsString,
+                        Catch::Matchers::Equals(
                             "Line should contain exactly 2 values: personID markerID. But it contains 1 entries."));
@@ -398,7 +417,7 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
         SECTION("correct input")
-            std::string markerFileName{"marker.txt"};
+            std::string   markerFileName{"marker.txt"};
             std::ofstream markerFile(markerFileName);
             SECTION("file empty")
@@ -411,26 +430,26 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
             std::unordered_map<int, int> referenceValuesMap{
-                    {1, 987},   //NOLINT
-                    {2, 988},   //NOLINT
-                    {3, 989},   //NOLINT
-                    {4, 990},   //NOLINT
-                    {5, 991},   //NOLINT
-                    {6, 992},   //NOLINT
-                    {7, 993},   //NOLINT
-                    {8, 994},   //NOLINT
-                    {9, 995},   //NOLINT
-                    {10, 996},  //NOLINT
-                    {11, 997},  //NOLINT
-                    {12, 998},  //NOLINT
-                    {14, 999}   //NOLINT
+                {1, 987},  // NOLINT
+                {2, 988},  // NOLINT
+                {3, 989},  // NOLINT
+                {4, 990},  // NOLINT
+                {5, 991},  // NOLINT
+                {6, 992},  // NOLINT
+                {7, 993},  // NOLINT
+                {8, 994},  // NOLINT
+                {9, 995},  // NOLINT
+                {10, 996}, // NOLINT
+                {11, 997}, // NOLINT
+                {12, 998}, // NOLINT
+                {14, 999}  // NOLINT
             std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> referenceValuesVec;
             referenceValuesVec.assign(std::begin(referenceValuesMap), std::end(referenceValuesMap));
             SECTION("no comments")
-                for (const auto & [personID, markerID] : referenceValuesMap)
+                for(const auto &[personID, markerID] : referenceValuesMap)
                     markerFile << personID << " " << markerID << std::endl;
@@ -438,7 +457,7 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                 auto ret = IO::readMarkerIDFile(QString::fromStdString(markerFileName));
                 REQUIRE(std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(ret));
-                auto markerIDs = std::get<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(ret);
+                auto                             markerIDs = std::get<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(ret);
                 std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> markerHeightsVec;
                 markerHeightsVec.assign(std::begin(markerIDs), std::end(markerIDs));
                 CHECK_THAT(markerHeightsVec, Catch::UnorderedEquals(referenceValuesVec));
@@ -447,7 +466,7 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
             SECTION("with comments")
                 markerFile << "# this is a comment at the beginning" << std::endl;
-                for (const auto & [personID, markerID] : referenceValuesMap)
+                for(const auto &[personID, markerID] : referenceValuesMap)
                     markerFile << personID << " " << markerID << std::endl;
                     markerFile << "# this is a comment in the middle" << std::endl;
@@ -457,7 +476,7 @@ TEST_CASE("src/IO", "[tracking][io]")
                 auto ret = IO::readMarkerIDFile(QString::fromStdString(markerFileName));
                 REQUIRE(std::holds_alternative<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(ret));
-                auto markerIDs = std::get<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(ret);
+                auto                             markerIDs = std::get<std::unordered_map<int, int>>(ret);
                 std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> markerHeightsVec;
                 markerHeightsVec.assign(std::begin(markerIDs), std::end(markerIDs));
                 CHECK_THAT(markerHeightsVec, Catch::UnorderedEquals(referenceValuesVec));
@@ -482,14 +501,16 @@ SCENARIO("I want to read a XSens c3d file", "[io]")
         c3d.parameter("POINT", unit);
-        for(int i = 0; i < 64; ++i){
-            c3d.point("marker_" + std::to_string(i+1));
+        for(int i = 0; i < 64; ++i)
+        {
+            c3d.point("marker_" + std::to_string(i + 1));
-        ezc3d::DataNS::Frame f;
-        int nPoints(c3d.parameters().group("POINT").parameter("USED").valuesAsInt()[0]);
+        ezc3d::DataNS::Frame              f;
+        int                               nPoints(c3d.parameters().group("POINT").parameter("USED").valuesAsInt()[0]);
         ezc3d::DataNS::Points3dNS::Points pts;
-        for (size_t i=0; i<static_cast<size_t>(nPoints); ++i){
+        for(size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(nPoints); ++i)
+        {
             ezc3d::DataNS::Points3dNS::Point pt;
             // See i-value via x/y/z value
@@ -498,17 +519,21 @@ SCENARIO("I want to read a XSens c3d file", "[io]")
-        for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){
+        for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+        {
         AND_GIVEN("I read that c3d-file into a MoCapPerson")
             MoCapPerson person;
-            auto c3dToPoint3f = [](ezc3d::DataNS::Points3dNS::Point point){
-                return cv::Point3f{static_cast<float>(point.x()),
-                                   static_cast<float>(point.y()),
-                                   static_cast<float>(point.z())} * 1;
+            auto        c3dToPoint3f = [](ezc3d::DataNS::Points3dNS::Point point)
+            {
+                return cv::Point3f{
+                           static_cast<float>(point.x()),
+                           static_cast<float>(point.y()),
+                           static_cast<float>(point.z())} *
+                       1;
             IO::readSkeletonC3D_XSENS(c3d, person, c3dToPoint3f);
@@ -516,15 +541,12 @@ SCENARIO("I want to read a XSens c3d file", "[io]")
             THEN("The MoCapPerson is properly initialized")
                 auto skeleton = person.getSkeleton(0);
-                auto root = skeleton.getRoot();
+                auto root     = skeleton.getRoot();
                 // NOTE checking everything should be part of a test for the SkeletonFactory
-                REQUIRE(root.getPos() == cv::Point3f{7,7,7}); // pSacrum point[7]
-                REQUIRE(root.getChildById(1).getPos() == cv::Point3f(15,15,15)); // pC7SpinalProcess point[15]
+                REQUIRE(root.getPos() == cv::Point3f{7, 7, 7});                    // pSacrum point[7]
+                REQUIRE(root.getChildById(1).getPos() == cv::Point3f(15, 15, 15)); // pC7SpinalProcess point[15]
diff --git a/tests/unit_test/tst_moCapController.cpp b/tests/unit_test/tst_moCapController.cpp
index 581008dbc3653a4418271307042ab1a9c1b2cd3a..956d0c58838a931525bdb0efcb5f684cd344ee7c 100644
--- a/tests/unit_test/tst_moCapController.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit_test/tst_moCapController.cpp
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://cdwww.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
-#include <catch2/trompeloeil.hpp>
 #include "moCapController.h"
 #include "moCapPerson.h"
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
+#include <catch2/trompeloeil.hpp>
 using namespace Catch::Matchers;
 class ExtrCalibMock : public trompeloeil::mock_interface<ExtrCalibration>
@@ -36,20 +36,21 @@ SCENARIO("I want to get the render data with one person loaded", "[ui]")
     MoCapStorage storage;
     // TODO without any persons in the storage?? (Other Scenario)
-    // NOTE SkeletonTree needs nodes with id 1 and 2 which are connected in the right order, but we do not enforce that in any way
+    // NOTE SkeletonTree needs nodes with id 1 and 2 which are connected in the right order, but we do not enforce that
+    // in any way
      * Resulting Lines should be: root to child; child to grandchild;
-    SkeletonNode rootA {0, cv::Point3f{100,100,0}};
-    SkeletonNode& childA = rootA.addChild({1, cv::Point3f{200, 100, 69}});
-    SkeletonNode& grandchildA = childA.addChild({1, cv::Point3f{50,50,42}});
-    grandchildA.addChild({2, cv::Point3f{150,150,1337}});
+    SkeletonNode  rootA{0, cv::Point3f{100, 100, 0}};
+    SkeletonNode &childA      = rootA.addChild({1, cv::Point3f{200, 100, 69}});
+    SkeletonNode &grandchildA = childA.addChild({1, cv::Point3f{50, 50, 42}});
+    grandchildA.addChild({2, cv::Point3f{150, 150, 1337}});
-    SkeletonNode rootB {0, cv::Point3f{50,50,0}};
-    SkeletonNode& childB = rootB.addChild({1, cv::Point3f{100, 50, 69}});
-    SkeletonNode& grandchildB = childB.addChild({1, cv::Point3f{25,25,42}});
-    grandchildB.addChild({2, cv::Point3f{75,75,1337}});
+    SkeletonNode  rootB{0, cv::Point3f{50, 50, 0}};
+    SkeletonNode &childB      = rootB.addChild({1, cv::Point3f{100, 50, 69}});
+    SkeletonNode &grandchildB = childB.addChild({1, cv::Point3f{25, 25, 42}});
+    grandchildB.addChild({2, cv::Point3f{75, 75, 1337}});
     MoCapPerson person;
@@ -64,14 +65,13 @@ SCENARIO("I want to get the render data with one person loaded", "[ui]")
      * for this test and ignore different projections from
      * 3D to 2D due to different settings
-    ALLOW_CALL(extrCalib, getImagePoint(ANY(cv::Point3f)))
-        .RETURN(cv::Point2f(_1.x,_1.y));
+    ALLOW_CALL(extrCalib, getImagePoint(ANY(cv::Point3f))).RETURN(cv::Point2f(_1.x, _1.y));
-    MoCapController moCapController {storage, extrCalib};
+    MoCapController moCapController{storage, extrCalib};
     GIVEN("a skeleton with a head direction")
-        person.addSkeleton({rootA, Vec3F{1,0,0}});
+        person.addSkeleton({rootA, Vec3F{1, 0, 0}});
         // TODO Person entsprechend anpassen
         // NOTE Also am besten Person in der arrow/narrow GIVEN aufbauen
         AND_GIVEN("no interpolation")
@@ -81,17 +81,20 @@ SCENARIO("I want to get the render data with one person loaded", "[ui]")
             THEN("we get the correct render data")
                 // Get renderData for Second 0, which would be sample 1 (samplerate set to 1)
-                std::vector<SegmentRenderData> renderData = moCapController.getRenderData(0,25);
-                SegmentRenderData schablone;
+                std::vector<SegmentRenderData> renderData = moCapController.getRenderData(0, 25);
+                SegmentRenderData              schablone;
                 schablone.mThickness = 2;
-                schablone.mColor = QColor(255,255,55);
-                schablone.mDirected = false;
+                schablone.mColor     = QColor(255, 255, 55);
+                schablone.mDirected  = false;
                 std::vector<SegmentRenderData> correctData;
-                schablone.mLine = QLine(100,100,200,100); correctData.push_back(schablone);
-                schablone.mLine = QLine(200,100,50,50); correctData.push_back(schablone);
-                schablone.mLine = QLine(50,50,150,150); correctData.push_back(schablone);
+                schablone.mLine = QLine(100, 100, 200, 100);
+                correctData.push_back(schablone);
+                schablone.mLine = QLine(200, 100, 50, 50);
+                correctData.push_back(schablone);
+                schablone.mLine = QLine(50, 50, 150, 150);
+                correctData.push_back(schablone);
                 schablone.mDirected = true;
-                schablone.mLine = QLine(125, 125, 1427, 125);
+                schablone.mLine     = QLine(125, 125, 1427, 125);
                 REQUIRE_THAT(renderData, UnorderedEquals(correctData));
@@ -99,23 +102,26 @@ SCENARIO("I want to get the render data with one person loaded", "[ui]")
-            person.addSkeleton({rootB, Vec3F{0,1,0}});
+            person.addSkeleton({rootB, Vec3F{0, 1, 0}});
             THEN("we get the correct render data")
                 // Get renderData for Second 1.5, which would be sample 1.5 (samplerate set to 1)
-                auto renderData = moCapController.getRenderData(25,50);
+                auto              renderData = moCapController.getRenderData(25, 50);
                 SegmentRenderData schablone;
                 schablone.mThickness = 2;
-                schablone.mColor = QColor(255,255,55);
-                schablone.mDirected = false;
+                schablone.mColor     = QColor(255, 255, 55);
+                schablone.mDirected  = false;
                 std::vector<SegmentRenderData> correctData;
-                schablone.mLine = QLine(75,75, 150, 75); correctData.push_back(schablone);
-                schablone.mLine = QLine(150,75, 37, 37); correctData.push_back(schablone);
-                schablone.mLine = QLine(37, 37, 112,112); correctData.push_back(schablone);
+                schablone.mLine = QLine(75, 75, 150, 75);
+                correctData.push_back(schablone);
+                schablone.mLine = QLine(150, 75, 37, 37);
+                correctData.push_back(schablone);
+                schablone.mLine = QLine(37, 37, 112, 112);
+                correctData.push_back(schablone);
                 schablone.mDirected = true;
-                schablone.mLine = QLine(93, 93, 1012, 1012);
+                schablone.mLine     = QLine(93, 93, 1012, 1012);
                 REQUIRE_THAT(renderData, UnorderedEquals(correctData));
@@ -129,10 +135,11 @@ SCENARIO("I want to get the render data with one person loaded", "[ui]")
             THEN("the lines are blue")
-                QColor blue {0,0,255};
+                QColor blue{0, 0, 255};
-                auto renderData = moCapController.getRenderData(0,25);
-                for(const auto &line : renderData){
+                auto renderData = moCapController.getRenderData(0, 25);
+                for(const auto &line : renderData)
+                {
                     REQUIRE(line.mColor == blue);
@@ -144,8 +151,9 @@ SCENARIO("I want to get the render data with one person loaded", "[ui]")
                 int thickness = 4;
-                auto renderData = moCapController.getRenderData(0,25);
-                for(const auto &line : renderData){
+                auto renderData = moCapController.getRenderData(0, 25);
+                for(const auto &line : renderData)
+                {
                     REQUIRE(line.mThickness == thickness);
@@ -155,7 +163,7 @@ SCENARIO("I want to get the render data with one person loaded", "[ui]")
             // NOTE if current frame is 0, then pre-sample is just 0; possible to have no pre-sample?
             int currentFrame = -10;
-            int framerate = 25;
+            int framerate    = 25;
             THEN("no render data is generated")
                 auto renderData = moCapController.getRenderData(currentFrame, framerate);
@@ -165,7 +173,7 @@ SCENARIO("I want to get the render data with one person loaded", "[ui]")
         AND_GIVEN("no post-sample")
             int currentFrame = 10;
-            int framerate = 25;
+            int framerate    = 25;
             THEN("no render data is generated")
                 auto renderData = moCapController.getRenderData(currentFrame, framerate);
@@ -175,7 +183,7 @@ SCENARIO("I want to get the render data with one person loaded", "[ui]")
         AND_GIVEN("neither pre- or post-sample")
             int currentFrame = 100;
-            int framerate = 25;
+            int framerate    = 25;
             THEN("no render data is generated")
                 auto renderData = moCapController.getRenderData(currentFrame, framerate);
diff --git a/tests/unit_test/tst_recognition.cpp b/tests/unit_test/tst_recognition.cpp
index 758c1cb4b2ac3faabdba6b272b45e8a828612909..e30a226fb7fb3f5b8c2eb112166df7715000e71d 100644
--- a/tests/unit_test/tst_recognition.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit_test/tst_recognition.cpp
@@ -18,12 +18,11 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://cdwww.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
+#include "petrack.h"
+#include "recognition.h"
 #include <QSignalSpy>
-#include "recognition.h"
-#include "petrack.h"
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
 using namespace reco;
@@ -42,26 +41,25 @@ TEST_CASE("src/recognition", "[recognition]")
-SCENARIO("I change Aruco parameters (via UI)"){
+SCENARIO("I change Aruco parameters (via UI)")
     CodeMarkerOptions options;
-    GIVEN("I change the detector params"){
-        QSignalSpy spy{&options, &CodeMarkerOptions::detectorParamsChanged};
+    GIVEN("I change the detector params")
+    {
+        QSignalSpy      spy{&options, &CodeMarkerOptions::detectorParamsChanged};
         ArucoCodeParams params;
-        THEN("A corresponding change signal was emitted"){
-            REQUIRE(spy.count() == 1);
-        }
+        THEN("A corresponding change signal was emitted") { REQUIRE(spy.count() == 1); }
-    GIVEN("I change the index of the marker dict"){
+    GIVEN("I change the index of the marker dict")
+    {
         QSignalSpy spy{&options, &CodeMarkerOptions::indexOfMarkerDictChanged};
-        const int newIndex = options.getIndexOfMarkerDict() + 1;
+        const int  newIndex = options.getIndexOfMarkerDict() + 1;
-        THEN("A corresponding change signal was emitted"){
-            REQUIRE(spy.count() == 1);
-        }
+        THEN("A corresponding change signal was emitted") { REQUIRE(spy.count() == 1); }
@@ -70,10 +68,10 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     ArucoCodeParams params;
     GIVEN("I set a minimum larger than the maximum")
-        const int newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin = params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax() + 1;
-        const double newMinMarkerPerimeter = params.getMaxMarkerPerimeter() + 1;
-        const auto oldAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin = params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin();
-        const auto oldMinMarkerPerimeter = params.getMinMarkerPerimeter();
+        const int    newAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin = params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax() + 1;
+        const double newMinMarkerPerimeter       = params.getMaxMarkerPerimeter() + 1;
+        const auto   oldAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin = params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin();
+        const auto   oldMinMarkerPerimeter       = params.getMinMarkerPerimeter();
         THEN("An exception is thrown and values aren't changed")
@@ -85,10 +83,10 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     GIVEN("I set a maximum lower than the minimum")
-        const int newAdaptiveThreshSizeMax = params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin() - 1;
-        const double newMaxMarkerPerimeter = params.getMinMarkerPerimeter() - 1;
-        const auto oldAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax = params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax();
-        const auto oldMaxMarkerPerimeter = params.getMaxMarkerPerimeter();
+        const int    newAdaptiveThreshSizeMax    = params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin() - 1;
+        const double newMaxMarkerPerimeter       = params.getMinMarkerPerimeter() - 1;
+        const auto   oldAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax = params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax();
+        const auto   oldMaxMarkerPerimeter       = params.getMaxMarkerPerimeter();
         THEN("An exception is thrown and values aren't changed")
@@ -101,7 +99,7 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     GIVEN("A cornerRefinementWinSize less than 1")
         constexpr int newCornerRefinementWinSize = -2;
-        const int oldCornerRefinementWinSize = params.getCornerRefinementWinSize();
+        const int     oldCornerRefinementWinSize = params.getCornerRefinementWinSize();
         THEN("An Exception is thrown and value isn't changed")
@@ -112,7 +110,7 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     GIVEN("A cornerRefinementMaxIterations less than 1")
         constexpr int newCornerRefinementMaxIterations = 0;
-        const int oldCornerRefinementMaxIterations = params.getCornerRefinementMaxIterations();
+        const int     oldCornerRefinementMaxIterations = params.getCornerRefinementMaxIterations();
         THEN("An exception is thrown and value isn't changed")
@@ -123,7 +121,7 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     GIVEN("A cornerRefinementMinAccuracy less than or equal to 0")
         constexpr double newCornerRefinementMinAccuracy = -3;
-        const auto oldCornerRefinementMinAccuracy = params.getCornerRefinementMinAccuracy();
+        const auto       oldCornerRefinementMinAccuracy = params.getCornerRefinementMinAccuracy();
         THEN("An exception is thrown and value isn't changed")
@@ -134,7 +132,7 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     GIVEN("markerBorderBits less than 1")
         constexpr int newBorderBits = 0;
-        const int oldBorderBits = params.getMarkerBorderBits();
+        const int     oldBorderBits = params.getMarkerBorderBits();
         THEN("An exception is thrown and value isn't changed")
@@ -145,7 +143,7 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     GIVEN("minStdDevOtsu less than or equal to 0")
         constexpr double newMinOtsuStdDev = -2;
-        const auto oldMinOtsuStdDev = params.getMinOtsuStdDev();
+        const auto       oldMinOtsuStdDev = params.getMinOtsuStdDev();
         THEN("An exception is thrown and value isn't changed")
@@ -156,8 +154,9 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     GIVEN("adaptiveThreshSizeMin less than 3")
         constexpr int newThreshSizeMin = 2;
-        const int oldThreshSizeMin = params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin();
-        THEN("An exception is thrown and value isn't changed"){
+        const int     oldThreshSizeMin = params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin();
+        THEN("An exception is thrown and value isn't changed")
+        {
             REQUIRE(params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMin() == oldThreshSizeMin);
@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     GIVEN("adaptiveThreshSizeMax less than 3")
         constexpr int newThreshWinSizeMax = 2;
-        const int oldThreshWinSizeMax = params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax();
+        const int     oldThreshWinSizeMax = params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeMax();
         THEN("An exception is thrown and value isn't changed")
@@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     GIVEN("adaptiveThreshWinSizeStep less than or equal to 0")
         constexpr int newWinSizeStep = 0;
-        const int oldWinSizeStep = params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep();
+        const int     oldWinSizeStep = params.getAdaptiveThreshWinSizeStep();
         THEN("An exception is thrown and value isn't changed")
@@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     GIVEN("minMarkerPerimeter less than or equal to 0")
         constexpr double newMinMarkerPerimeter = 0;
-        const auto oldMinMarkerPerimeter = params.getMinMarkerPerimeter();
+        const auto       oldMinMarkerPerimeter = params.getMinMarkerPerimeter();
         THEN("An exception is thrown and value isn't changed")
@@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     GIVEN("maxMarkerPerimeter less than or equal to 0")
         constexpr double newMaxMarkerPerimeter = 0;
-        const auto oldMaxMarkerPerimeter = params.getMaxMarkerPerimeter();
+        const auto       oldMaxMarkerPerimeter = params.getMaxMarkerPerimeter();
         THEN("An exception is thrown and value isn't changed")
@@ -210,7 +209,7 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     GIVEN("cornerRefinementMinAccuracy less than or equal to 0")
         constexpr double newMinAccuracy = 0;
-        const auto oldMinAccuracy = params.getCornerRefinementMinAccuracy();
+        const auto       oldMinAccuracy = params.getCornerRefinementMinAccuracy();
         THEN("An exception is thrown and value isn't changed")
@@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     GIVEN("minCornerDistance less than 0")
         constexpr double newMinCornerDistance = -1;
-        const auto oldMinCornerDistance = params.getMinMarkerDistance();
+        const auto       oldMinCornerDistance = params.getMinMarkerDistance();
         THEN("An exception is thrown and value isn't changed")
@@ -232,7 +231,7 @@ SCENARIO("I use the setter/getter of ArucoCodeParams")
     GIVEN("minDistanceToBorder less than 0")
         constexpr int newMinDistToBorder = -2;
-        const int oldMinDistToBorder = params.getMinDistanceToBorder();
+        const int     oldMinDistToBorder = params.getMinDistanceToBorder();
         THEN("An exception is thown and value isn't changed")