diff --git a/pub/lib/plot.cpp b/pub/lib/plot.cpp
index 1d6d7339c272f2fba94a554003ddaf5d03980a29..637ad4ab9e72be77914414a7c289c701b652ef8a 100644
--- a/pub/lib/plot.cpp
+++ b/pub/lib/plot.cpp
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ namespace {
         if (!add) {
             plot->start_frame1D("Frida version " VERSION, xCo.str_ps(), yCo.str_ps());
         } else
-            plot->reopen_frame1D(xCo.str_ps(), yCo.str_ps());
+            plot->reopen_frame1D("Frida version " VERSION, xCo.str_ps(), yCo.str_ps());
         // Plot slices.
diff --git a/pub/plot/dualplot.cpp b/pub/plot/dualplot.cpp
index f31eafa881eb10a89ab5fa6611784306e660513b..ae7f057d66f061fb384079eb3fcb7688e0d04a9b 100644
--- a/pub/plot/dualplot.cpp
+++ b/pub/plot/dualplot.cpp
@@ -118,17 +118,18 @@ void CPlot::set_aux(const string& cmd)
 void CPlot::start_frame1D(const string& caller, const string& xlabel, const string& ylabel)
     gnuPlotter->start_frame(X, Y);
-    ps_Plotter->start_frame1D(caller, X, Y, xlabel, ylabel);
+    ps_Plotter->start_frame1D(caller, X, Y);
+    ps_Plotter->set_labels(xlabel, ylabel);
     open1D = true;
 //! Start adding to plot.
-void CPlot::reopen_frame1D(const string& /*xlabel*/, const string& /*ylabel*/)
+void CPlot::reopen_frame1D(const string& caller, const string& xlabel, const string& ylabel)
-    // TODO: react to modified labels
     if (!open1D)
         throw S("plot frame is not open for adding");
+    ps_Plotter->set_labels(xlabel, ylabel);
 //! Clear 2D plot canvas, and print coordinate ranges
diff --git a/pub/plot/dualplot.hpp b/pub/plot/dualplot.hpp
index b549d815da06b60d60a5db708143788df3915248..4c0729a390c8fe8ae7b79d85d2ebb18ca82a4a1a 100644
--- a/pub/plot/dualplot.hpp
+++ b/pub/plot/dualplot.hpp
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ public:
     void gp_write(const std::string& in);
     void start_frame1D(
         const std::string& caller, const std::string& xlabel, const std::string& ylabel);
-    void reopen_frame1D(const std::string& xlabel, const std::string& ylabel);
+    void reopen_frame1D(
+        const std::string& caller, const std::string& xlabel, const std::string& ylabel);
     void start_frame2D(const std::string& caller);
     void close_frame2D(
         const std::string& xlabel, const std::string& zlabel, const std::string& ylabel);
diff --git a/pub/plot/ps_plotter.cpp b/pub/plot/ps_plotter.cpp
index 1e63ea0ecd605644059d2aa233a7ec95f7820d92..ba3892a00bfafc49eaf89f3fbbb9535f646c64f8 100644
--- a/pub/plot/ps_plotter.cpp
+++ b/pub/plot/ps_plotter.cpp
@@ -39,34 +39,32 @@ namespace {
         const string& fname, const string& doc_lines);
-void CPS_Plotter::start_frame1D(
-    const string& caller, const CAxis& _X, const CAxis& _Y,
-    const string& xlabel, const string& ylabel)
+void CPS_Plotter::start_frame1D(const string& _caller, const CAxis& _X, const CAxis& _Y)
     p2D = false;
+    caller = _caller;
     X = &_X;
     Y = &_Y;
     ps_snum = 0;
     ps_Doc = "";
-    ps_accu = "\n%% output created by " + caller + "\n\n";
-    ps_accu += ps_coord(X);
-    ps_accu += ps_coord(Y);
-    ps_accu += "\n";
-    ps_accu += ps_axis(X) + ps_horiz(xlabel);
-    ps_accu += ps_axis(Y) + ps_verti(ylabel);
-    ps_accu += "\n";
+void CPS_Plotter::set_labels(const std::string& _xlabel, const std::string& _ylabel)
+    xlabel = _xlabel;
+    ylabel = _ylabel;
 void CPS_Plotter::start_frame2D(
-    const std::string& caller, const CAxis& _X, const CAxis& _Z, const CAxis& _Y)
+    const std::string& _caller, const CAxis& _X, const CAxis& _Z, const CAxis& _Y)
     p2D = true;
+    caller = _caller;
     X = &_X;
     Z = &_Z;
     Y = &_Y;
     ps_snum = 0;
     ps_Doc = "";
-    ps_accu = "\n%% output created by " + caller + "\n\n";
     ps_accu += ps_coord(X);
     ps_accu += ps_coord(Z);
     ps_accu += ps_coord(Y);
@@ -144,6 +142,15 @@ void CPS_Plotter::write_data(const string& fname)
     if (!triv::file_exists(fname))
         throw "BUG: after copying headers, graphic output file " + fname + " still doesn't exist";
     std::fstream fs(fname, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app);
+    fs << "\n%% output created by " << caller << "\n\n";
+    if (!p2D) {
+        fs << ps_coord(X);
+        fs << ps_coord(Y);
+        fs << "\n";
+        fs << ps_axis(X) + ps_horiz(xlabel);
+        fs << ps_axis(Y) + ps_verti(ylabel);
+        fs << "\n";
+    }
     fs << ps_accu;
     fs << ps_footer(fname, ps_Doc);
diff --git a/pub/plot/ps_plotter.hpp b/pub/plot/ps_plotter.hpp
index edc39be074064a123d01d459ee919fbc58bb92a2..d874f1b892a45f495fc806fa9699a77e1b99d5dc 100644
--- a/pub/plot/ps_plotter.hpp
+++ b/pub/plot/ps_plotter.hpp
@@ -18,9 +18,8 @@ public:
     CPS_Plotter() {}
     CPS_Plotter(CPS_Plotter const&) = delete;
     CPS_Plotter& operator=(CPS_Plotter const&) = delete;
-    void start_frame1D(
-        const std::string& caller, const CAxis& _X, const CAxis& _Y,
-        const std::string& xlabel, const std::string& ylabel);
+    void start_frame1D(const std::string& caller, const CAxis& _X, const CAxis& _Y);
+    void set_labels(const std::string& _xlabel, const std::string& _ylabel);
     void start_frame2D(
         const std::string& caller, const CAxis& _X, const CAxis& _Z, const CAxis& _Y);
     void close_frame2D(
@@ -43,6 +42,8 @@ private:
     const CAxis* Y;
     const CAxis* Z;
     int ps_snum; //!< Slice number in Postscript file.
+    std::string caller;
+    std::string xlabel, ylabel;
     std::string ps_accu; //!< Main Postscript cache.
     std::string ps_Doc; //!< Special Postscript cache for doc lines ?.