From c4fc2e6acd2f09a41b3dcc1f5fa670c2c6db253c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gennady Pospelov <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 12:53:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] CHANGELOG and new version number

 CHANGELOG                                     | 49 +++++++++++++++++++
 Core/Samples/inc/BAVersion.h                  |  2 +-
 Doc/Doxygen/Doxyfile                          |  2 +-
 .../modules/FindBornAgain.cmake               |  4 +-
 VERSION.cmake                                 |  2 +-
 5 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

index c14374f2cad..c5d8ad959cf 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,52 @@
+BornAgain-1.5.0, released 2016.02.15
+  > API changes
+    1) FTDecayFunctions introduced to use together with lattices, FTDistributions are used
+       with paracrystals.
+  > Summary:
+    1) Core: interference function calculates particle densities automatically
+    2) GUI: 1D interference function, Rectangular detector, Mask editor
+    3) GUI: Selection of axes (degrees, radians,number of bins, Q-space) for intensity data
+    3) Documentation: new tutorials on web site (rectangular detector, fitting, data treatment, rectangular grating)
+    4) Various bugfixes
+  * Bug #1276: Fix thread concurrency while repoorting progress update in DWBASimulattion
+  * Bug #1297: Reading ASCII intensity files not culture invariant
+  * Bug #1298: Mac os x: crashes (cannot load the QtNetwork library)
+  * Bug #1302: Script updates following API change
+  * Bug #1303: Functional test fails
+  * Feature #1035: Revise IFormFactor::getRadius and IFormFactor::getHeight
+  * Feature #1045: Use interference funtion's properties to set total particle surface density
+  * Feature #1148: MacOS: provide generation of dmg installer using Qt5.5
+  * Feature #1149: MacOS: provide Maverick compilation using MacMini and vagrant
+  * Feature #1184: Implement transformation to q-space for intensity image
+  * Feature #1211: Switch to C++-11 for the whole project
+  * Feature #1213: Implement choice of detector in GUI
+  * Feature #1230: GUI mask editor: implement mask editor basic functionality
+  * Feature #1231: GUI mask editor: integrate mask editor into InstrumentView
+  * Feature #1232: GUI mask editor: provide transform from C++ domain to GUI domain
+  * Feature #1233: GUI mask editor: provide transform from C++ domain to python domain
+  * Feature #1234: GUI mask editor: provide functional tests for all 3 domains
+  * Feature #1235: GUI mask editor: integrate IntensityData widget into GraphicsScene
+  * Feature #1246: Investigate refactoring of ParameterizedItem structure
+  * Feature #1259: Add 1D lattice interference function to GUI
+  * Feature #1260: Windows: installer should create PYTHONPATH environment variable in system scope and not in user scope
+  * Feature #1266: GUI: Implement collapsable Accordion widget
+  * Feature #1267: GUI: implement update online notification widget
+  * Feature #1272: GUI: provide run of the fitting in GUI thread
+  * Feature #1275: Provide rectangle detector examples and functional tests
+  * Feature #1283: Provide functional test for all formfactors, when they are rotated and in the presence of absorption
+  * Documentation #1261: Drupal: update installation instructions, tutorials for coming release 1.5
+  * Documentation #1262: Fix IsGISAXS references in form factor section
+  * Documentation #1269: Update documentation for new phi angle definition
+  * Refactoring #1061: describe or remove morphology mode
+  * Refactoring #1236: Clean up remote git branches
+  * Refactoring #1237: GUI: generate distributed parameter names from GUI sample model instead of core model
+  * Refactoring #1264: Refactor ParameterizedItem's different naming schemes
+  * Refactoring #1265: Refactor RectangularDetector API to correspond with the tutorial
+  * Refactoring #1268: Change phi angle convention
+  * Refactoring #1270: Clarify and refactor different naming properties of ParameterizedItem
+  * Refactoring #1271: Investigate necessity of having a separate list for subitems and refactor accordingly
+  * Refactoring #1278: Deprecated declarations by compiling on new systems
 BornAgain-1.4.0, released 2015.10.30
   > No API changes
   > Summary:
diff --git a/Core/Samples/inc/BAVersion.h b/Core/Samples/inc/BAVersion.h
index de40bd97620..0eca23da93c 100644
--- a/Core/Samples/inc/BAVersion.h
+++ b/Core/Samples/inc/BAVersion.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 namespace BornAgain {
     const int major_version_number = 1;
-    const int minor_version_number = 4;
+    const int minor_version_number = 5;
     const int patch_version_number = 0;
     inline int GetMajorVersionNumber() { return major_version_number; }
diff --git a/Doc/Doxygen/Doxyfile b/Doc/Doxygen/Doxyfile
index 361e2f225ce..f0e54c19542 100644
--- a/Doc/Doxygen/Doxyfile
+++ b/Doc/Doxygen/Doxyfile
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ PROJECT_NAME           = "BornAgain"
 # could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or if some version
 # control system is used.
-PROJECT_NUMBER         = 1.4.0
+PROJECT_NUMBER         = 1.5.0
 # Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description
 # for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer a
diff --git a/Examples/cpp/CylindersAndPrisms/modules/FindBornAgain.cmake b/Examples/cpp/CylindersAndPrisms/modules/FindBornAgain.cmake
index 6af50792b0c..1b7f1007c88 100644
--- a/Examples/cpp/CylindersAndPrisms/modules/FindBornAgain.cmake
+++ b/Examples/cpp/CylindersAndPrisms/modules/FindBornAgain.cmake
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
-    set(BORNAGAIN_INCLUDE_DIR ${BORNAGAINSYS}/include/BornAgain-1.4)
+    set(BORNAGAIN_INCLUDE_DIR ${BORNAGAINSYS}/include/BornAgain-1.5)
 find_library (BORNAGAIN_CORE BornAgainCore
diff --git a/VERSION.cmake b/VERSION.cmake
index a07b1258e40..e5a9c516e71 100644
--- a/VERSION.cmake
+++ b/VERSION.cmake
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 set(BornAgain_VERSION_MAJOR 1)
-set(BornAgain_VERSION_MINOR 4)
+set(BornAgain_VERSION_MINOR 5)
 set(BornAgain_VERSION_PATCH 0)