From aebdd8834e038cfa5c3c78eeeeaa92682a0c7f60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Celine Durniak <>
Date: Wed, 8 May 2013 09:30:07 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Modifications of mathematical operations with complex vectors

 App/inc/TestFormFactor.h                      |   2 +-
 App/inc/TestMiscellaneous.h                   |   3 +
 App/src/SampleFactory.cpp                     |   2 +-
 App/src/TestFormFactor.cpp                    |  77 ++++++++-
 App/src/TestFormFactors.cpp                   |  25 ++-
 App/src/TestMiscellaneous.cpp                 | 157 +++++++++++++++++-
 Core/                                 |   2 +
 Core/FormFactors/inc/FormFactorTethraedron.h  |  53 ++++++
 .../FormFactors/src/FormFactorTethraedron.cpp | 103 ++++++++++++
 Core/Geometry/src/BasicVector3D.cpp           |  45 +++--
 10 files changed, 443 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Core/FormFactors/inc/FormFactorTethraedron.h
 create mode 100644 Core/FormFactors/src/FormFactorTethraedron.cpp

diff --git a/App/inc/TestFormFactor.h b/App/inc/TestFormFactor.h
index 6d5eeee9cfa..b231e15e4b7 100644
--- a/App/inc/TestFormFactor.h
+++ b/App/inc/TestFormFactor.h
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class TestFormFactor : public IFunctionalTest
     virtual void execute();
-    void draw();
+    void draw(), draw4();
     OutputData<double> *mp_intensity_output;
diff --git a/App/inc/TestMiscellaneous.h b/App/inc/TestMiscellaneous.h
index 189c0547cd3..4c5752611e8 100644
--- a/App/inc/TestMiscellaneous.h
+++ b/App/inc/TestMiscellaneous.h
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ class TestMiscellaneous : public IFunctionalTest
     //! form factor as a function of qx,qy,qz
     void test_FormFactor();
+    //! Re, Im or Amp, phase of form factors as functions of qx,qy,qz
+    void test_FormFactor1();
     //! opengl mesocrystal drawing
     void test_DrawMesocrystal();
diff --git a/App/src/SampleFactory.cpp b/App/src/SampleFactory.cpp
index acf4d59fc24..d28e60a9ab4 100644
--- a/App/src/SampleFactory.cpp
+++ b/App/src/SampleFactory.cpp
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ SampleFactory::SampleFactory()
     registerItem("FormFactor_Ellipsoid", StandardSamples::FormFactor_Ellipsoid);
     registerItem("FormFactor_FullSpheroid", StandardSamples::FormFactor_FullSpheroid);
     registerItem("FormFactor_HemiSpheroid", StandardSamples::FormFactor_HemiSpheroid);
-    registerItem("FormFactor_Parallelpiped", StandardSamples::FormFactor_Parallelpiped);
+    registerItem("FormFactor_Parallelepiped", StandardSamples::FormFactor_Parallelpiped);
     registerItem("FormFactor_Cylinder", StandardSamples::FormFactor_Cylinder);
     registerItem("FormFactor_Pyramid", StandardSamples::FormFactor_Pyramid);
     registerItem("FormFactor_FullSphere", StandardSamples::FormFactor_FullSphere);
diff --git a/App/src/TestFormFactor.cpp b/App/src/TestFormFactor.cpp
index c44069b51ed..c6193f1d46f 100644
--- a/App/src/TestFormFactor.cpp
+++ b/App/src/TestFormFactor.cpp
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #include "TestFormFactor.h"
 #include "Types.h"
+#include "DrawHelper.h"
 #include "TCanvas.h"
 #include "TH2.h"
@@ -60,9 +61,83 @@ void TestFormFactor::execute()
         *it = std::pow(std::abs(m_ff.evaluate(k_i, k_f_zero_bin, alpha_i, alpha_f)),2);
-    draw();
+    draw4();
+void TestFormFactor::draw4()
+    // creation of 2D histogram from calculated intensities
+   // TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1_test_formfactor", "Cylinder Formfactor", 0, 0, 1024, 768);
+   // (void)c1;
+    TCanvas *c1_xy = new TCanvas("c1_test_formfactor","Cylinder Formfactor",1024,768);
+    gPad->SetRightMargin(0.11);
+    gStyle->SetPalette(1);
+    gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
+    DrawHelper::SetMagnifier(c1_xy);
+     c1_xy->Divide(2,2);
+    const IAxis *p_y_axis = mp_intensity_output->getAxis("detector y-axis");
+    const IAxis *p_z_axis = mp_intensity_output->getAxis("detector z-axis");
+    size_t y_size = p_y_axis->getSize();
+    size_t z_size = p_z_axis->getSize();
+    double y_start = (*p_y_axis)[0];
+    double y_end = (*p_y_axis)[y_size-1];
+    double z_start = (*p_z_axis)[0];
+    double z_end = (*p_z_axis)[z_size-1];
+    std::vector<TH2D *> p_hist2Da;
+    p_hist2Da.resize(4, 0);
+   /* p_hist2Da[0] = new TH2D("p_hist2D", "Cylinder Formfactor Ampl", (int)y_size,
+                           y_start, y_end, (int)z_size, z_start, z_end);
+    p_hist2Da[1] = new TH2D("p_hist2D", "Cylinder Formfactor Re", (int)y_size,
+                           y_start, y_end, (int)z_size, z_start, z_end);
+    p_hist2Da[2] = new TH2D("p_hist2D", "Cylinder Formfactor Im", (int)y_size,
+                           y_start, y_end, (int)z_size, z_start, z_end);*/
+    for (int i=0; i<4;i++) {
+        //p_hist2Da[i]->UseCurrentStyle();
+        p_hist2Da[i] = new TH2D("p_hist2D", "Cylinder Formfactor", (int)y_size,
+                                   y_start, y_end, (int)z_size, z_start, z_end);
+        p_hist2Da[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi_{f} (rad)");
+        p_hist2Da[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("alpha_{f} (rad)");
+    }
+    TH2D *p_hist2D = new TH2D("p_hist2D", "Cylinder Formfactor", (int)y_size, y_start, y_end, (int)z_size, z_start, z_end);
+    //p_hist2D->UseCurrentStyle();
+    p_hist2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi_{f} (rad)");
+    p_hist2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("alpha_{f} (rad)");
+    OutputData<double>::const_iterator it = mp_intensity_output->begin();
+    //OutputData<double>::const_iterator it = mp_intensity_output->begin();
+    while (it != mp_intensity_output->end())
+    {
+        size_t index_y = mp_intensity_output->getIndexOfAxis("detector y-axis", it.getIndex());
+        size_t index_z = mp_intensity_output->getIndexOfAxis("detector z-axis", it.getIndex());
+        double x_value = (*p_y_axis)[index_y];
+        double y_value = (*p_z_axis)[index_z];
+        double z_value = std::log(*it);
+        p_hist2D->Fill(x_value, y_value, z_value);
+        p_hist2Da[0]->Fill(x_value, y_value, z_value);
+        ++it;
+    }
+     c1_xy->cd(1);
+                p_hist2D->SetContour(50);
+                p_hist2D->Draw("CONT4 z");
+      c1_xy->cd(2);
+                p_hist2Da[0]->SetContour(99);
+                p_hist2Da[0]->Draw("cont4 z");
 void TestFormFactor::draw()
     // creation of 2D histogram from calculated intensities
diff --git a/App/src/TestFormFactors.cpp b/App/src/TestFormFactors.cpp
index 904577aede9..fc086adaa90 100644
--- a/App/src/TestFormFactors.cpp
+++ b/App/src/TestFormFactors.cpp
@@ -84,6 +84,13 @@ void TestFormFactors::execute()
      OutputDataIOFactory::writeOutputData(*simulation.getOutputData(), Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_FullSphere.ima");
+     //Parallelepiped
+     sample = dynamic_cast<MultiLayer *>(SampleFactory::createSample("FormFactor_Parallelepiped"));
+     simulation.setSample(*sample);
+     simulation.runSimulation();
+     OutputDataIOFactory::writeOutputData(*simulation.getOutputData(), Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_Parallelepiped.ima");
      sample = dynamic_cast<MultiLayer *>(SampleFactory::createSample("FormFactor_Prism3"));
@@ -95,21 +102,21 @@ void TestFormFactors::finalise()
     std::vector<std::string > this_files;
 //    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_Box.ima");
-//    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_Cone.ima");
-    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_Sphere.ima");
-//    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_Ellipsoid.ima");
-//    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_FullSpheroid.ima");
-//    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_HemiSpheroid.ima");
-//    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_Parallelpiped.ima");
+    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_Cone.ima");
+//    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_Sphere.ima");
+    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_Ellipsoid.ima");
+    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_FullSpheroid.ima");
+    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_HemiSpheroid.ima");
+//    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_Parallelepiped.ima");
 //    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_Cylinder.ima");
 //    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_Pyramid.ima");
-    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_FullSphere.ima");
+//    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_FullSphere.ima");
 //    this_files.push_back(Utils::FileSystem::GetHomePath()+"./Examples/FormFactors/this_Prism3.ima");
     int ncomparison = (int)this_files.size();
     TCanvas *c1 = DrawHelper::createAndRegisterCanvas("Form Factors", "TestFormFactors");
-    c1->Divide(4,5);
+   // c1->Divide(4,5);
+    c1->Divide(2,2);
     for(int i=0; i<ncomparison; i++) {
             OutputData<double> *our_data = OutputDataIOFactory::getOutputData(this_files[i]);
diff --git a/App/src/TestMiscellaneous.cpp b/App/src/TestMiscellaneous.cpp
index 98b5d6daf8b..3e97fa52741 100644
--- a/App/src/TestMiscellaneous.cpp
+++ b/App/src/TestMiscellaneous.cpp
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 #include "TGraphPolar.h"
 #include "TRandom.h"
 #include "TBenchmark.h"
+#include "TStyle.h"
@@ -48,12 +49,13 @@ TestMiscellaneous::TestMiscellaneous()
 void TestMiscellaneous::execute()
-    test_LogSystem();
+    //test_LogSystem();
+    test_FormFactor1();
@@ -323,6 +325,159 @@ void TestMiscellaneous::test_FormFactor()
+/* ************************************************************************* */
+// plots of form factor :
+// contourplot (amp & phase or Re & Im) and log(|F|**2) vs. log(q)
+/* ************************************************************************* */
+void TestMiscellaneous::test_FormFactor1()
+    FormFactorFullSphere ff_fullsphere(5.*Units::nanometer);
+    FormFactorCylinder ff_cylinder(10.*Units::nanometer,
+                                   5.*Units::nanometer);
+   //   IFormFactor& ff = ff_cylinder;
+    FormFactorParallelepiped ff_para(7.*Units::nanometer,
+                                     6.*Units::nanometer);
+   //   IFormFactor& ff = ff_para;
+    FormFactorPyramid ff_pyramid(10.*Units::nanometer,
+                                 5.*Units::nanometer,
+                                 Units::deg2rad(54.73 ));
+   //   IFormFactor& ff = ff_pyramid;
+    FormFactorPrism3 ff_prism3(5.*Units::nanometer,
+                              5.*Units::nanometer);
+   //   IFormFactor& ff = ff_prism3;
+    FormFactorSphere ff_sphere(5.*Units::nanometer,
+                               5.*Units::nanometer);
+   //   IFormFactor& ff = ff_sphere;
+    FormFactorBox ff_box(5*Units::nanometer,
+                         5*Units::nanometer,
+                         5*Units::nanometer);
+  //    IFormFactor& ff = ff_box;
+    IFormFactor& ff = ff_fullsphere;
+    double qmin(-4.0), qmax(4.0);
+    double lambda = 1.0;
+    double alpha_i = 0.2*M_PI/180.0;
+    cvector_t k_i;
+    k_i.setLambdaAlphaPhi(lambda, -alpha_i, 0.0);
+    //double phi_fmin(-4.0), phi_fmax(4.0), alpha_fmin(-4.), alpha_fmax(4.);
+    int nbins(101);
+    double dq =(qmax-qmin)/(nbins-1);
+    //double dphi_f = (phi_fmax-phi_fmin)/(nbins-1);
+    //double dalpha_f = (alpha_fmax-alpha_fmin)/(nbins-1);
+    TH2D *vh2_xy = new TH2D("vh2_xy","vh2_xy;q_{x};q_{y};qz",nbins, qmin-dq/2., qmax+dq/2., nbins, qmin-dq/2., qmax+dq/2.);
+    OutputData<double> *p_data = new OutputData<double>();
+    p_data->addAxis(std::string("qx"), nbins, qmin, qmax);
+    p_data->addAxis(std::string("qy"), nbins, qmin, qmax);
+    p_data->addAxis(std::string("qz"), 1, qmin, qmax);
+    OutputData<double>::const_iterator it = p_data->begin();
+    double z = p_data->getValueOfAxis("qz", it.getIndex());
+    while (it != p_data->end()) {
+        double x = p_data->getValueOfAxis("qx", it.getIndex());
+        double y = p_data->getValueOfAxis("qy", it.getIndex());
+        cvector_t q(x,y,z);
+        cvector_t q0(0,0,0);
+        Bin1DCVector q0_bin(q0, q0);
+        double value = std::abs(ff.evaluate(q,q0_bin, 0.0, 0.0));
+        //double valuep = std::abs(ff.evaluate(q,q0_bin, 0.0, 0.0));
+        //double valuer = std::abs(ff.evaluate(q,q0_bin, 0.0, 0.0));
+        //double valuei = std::abs(ff.evaluate(q,q0_bin, 0.0, 0.0));
+        vh2_xy->Fill(x,y,value);
+        ++it;
+    }
+    TCanvas *c1_xy = new TCanvas("c1_xy","c1_xy",1024,768);
+    DrawHelper::SetMagnifier(c1_xy);
+    //c1_xy->Divide(2,2);
+        c1_xy->cd(1);
+                gPad->SetRightMargin(0.11);
+                gPad->SetLogz();
+                vh2_xy->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(510);
+                vh2_xy->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(510);
+                vh2_xy->SetContour(99);
+                gStyle->SetPalette(1);
+                gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
+                vh2_xy->Draw("cont4 z");
+                c1_xy->Print("test.eps");
+    /*
+    OutputData<double>::iterator it = mp_intensity_output->begin();
+    const IAxis *p_y_axis = mp_intensity_output->getAxis("detector y-axis");
+    const IAxis *p_z_axis = mp_intensity_output->getAxis("detector z-axis");
+    cvector_t k_i;
+    k_i.setLambdaAlphaPhi(lambda, -alpha_i, 0.0);
+    while (it != mp_intensity_output->end())
+    {
+        size_t index_y = mp_intensity_output->getIndexOfAxis("detector y-axis", it.getIndex());
+        size_t index_z = mp_intensity_output->getIndexOfAxis("detector z-axis", it.getIndex());
+        double phi_f = M_PI*(*p_y_axis)[index_y]/180.0;
+        double alpha_f = M_PI*(*p_z_axis)[index_z]/180.0;
+        cvector_t k_f;
+        k_f.setLambdaAlphaPhi(lambda, alpha_f, phi_f);
+        Bin1DCVector k_f_zero_bin(k_f, k_f);
+        *it = std::pow(std::abs(m_ff.evaluate(k_i, k_f_zero_bin, alpha_i, alpha_f)),2);
+        ++it;
+    }
+    const IAxis *p_y_axis = mp_intensity_output->getAxis("detector y-axis");
+    const IAxis *p_z_axis = mp_intensity_output->getAxis("detector z-axis");
+    size_t y_size = p_y_axis->getSize();
+    size_t z_size = p_z_axis->getSize();
+    double y_start = (*p_y_axis)[0];
+    double y_end = (*p_y_axis)[y_size-1];
+    double z_start = (*p_z_axis)[0];
+    double z_end = (*p_z_axis)[z_size-1];
+    p_hist2D->UseCurrentStyle();
+    p_hist2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi_f");
+    p_hist2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("alpha_f");
+    /*
+    c1->Divide(2,2);
+    c1->cd(1); gPad->SetLogz();
+    IsGISAXSTools::setMinimum(hmin);
+    if(hmax>0) IsGISAXSTools::setMaximum(hmax);
+    TH1 *hist(0);
+    hist = IsGISAXSTools::getOutputDataTH2D(output, "p_hist1D");
+    if( hasMinimum() ) hist->SetMinimum(m_hist_min);
+    if( hasMaximum() ) hist->SetMaximum(m_hist_max);
+    hist->SetTitle(histogram_title.c_str());
+    hist->DrawCopy(draw_options.c_str());
+    // dealing with masks
+    if(output.getMask()) {
+        TPolyMarker *poly = new TPolyMarker();
+        const IAxis *p_axis0 = output.getAxis(0);
+        const IAxis *p_axis1 = output.getAxis(1);
+        int i_point(0);
+        for(OutputData<double>::const_iterator it = output.begin();
+            it!= output.end(); ++it) {
+            size_t axis0_index = output.toCoordinate(it.getIndex(), 0);
+            size_t axis1_index = output.toCoordinate(it.getIndex(), 1);
+            double axis0_value = (*p_axis0)[axis0_index];
+            double axis1_value = (*p_axis1)[axis1_index];
+            poly->SetPoint(i_point++, axis0_value, axis1_value);
+        }
+        poly->Draw("same");
+    }
 /* ************************************************************************* */
 // test double to complex interpolating function
 /* ************************************************************************* */
diff --git a/Core/ b/Core/
index 4e5d541cffe..2b9e9efccf3 100644
--- a/Core/
+++ b/Core/
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ SOURCES += \
     FormFactors/src/FormFactorPrism6.cpp \
     FormFactors/src/FormFactorPyramid.cpp \
     FormFactors/src/FormFactorSphere.cpp \
+    FormFactors/src/FormFactorTethraedron.cpp \
     FormFactors/src/FormFactorWeighted.cpp \
     FormFactors/src/IFormFactorBorn.cpp \
@@ -246,6 +247,7 @@ HEADERS += \
     FormFactors/inc/FormFactorPyramid.h \
     FormFactors/inc/FormFactorSphere.h \
     FormFactors/inc/FormFactorSphereGaussianRadius.h \
+    FormFactors/inc/FormFactorTethraedron.h \
     FormFactors/inc/FormFactorWeighted.h \
     FormFactors/inc/FormFactors.h \
     FormFactors/inc/IFormFactor.h \
diff --git a/Core/FormFactors/inc/FormFactorTethraedron.h b/Core/FormFactors/inc/FormFactorTethraedron.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..23f647fcbbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/FormFactors/inc/FormFactorTethraedron.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// ************************************************************************** //
+//  BornAgain: simulate and fit scattering at grazing incidence
+//! @file      FormFactors/inc/FormFactorTethraedron.h
+//! @brief     Defines class FormFactorTethraedron
+//! @homepage
+//! @license   GNU General Public License v3 or higher (see COPYING)
+//! @copyright Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 2013
+//! @authors   Scientific Computing Group at MLZ Garching
+//! @authors   C. Durniak, G. Pospelov, W. Van Herck, J. Wuttke
+// ************************************************************************** //
+#include "IFormFactorBorn.h"
+#include "IStochasticParameter.h"
+//! Form factor of tethraedron.
+class FormFactorTethraedron : public IFormFactorBorn
+ public:
+    //! @brief tethraedron constructor
+    //! @param height of tethraedron
+    //! @param half_side half of tethraedron's base
+    //! @param angle in radians between base and facet
+    FormFactorTethraedron(double height, double half_side, double alpha);
+    ~FormFactorTethraedron() {}
+    virtual FormFactorTethraedron *clone() const;
+    virtual int getNumberOfStochasticParameters() const { return 3; }
+    virtual double getHeight() const { return m_height; }
+    virtual complex_t evaluate_for_q(const cvector_t& q) const;
+ protected:
+    virtual void init_parameters();
+ private:
+    double m_height;
+    double m_half_side;
+    double m_alpha;
+    double m_root3; // Cached value of square root of 3
diff --git a/Core/FormFactors/src/FormFactorTethraedron.cpp b/Core/FormFactors/src/FormFactorTethraedron.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f24cbc0b594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/FormFactors/src/FormFactorTethraedron.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// ************************************************************************** //
+//  BornAgain: simulate and fit scattering at grazing incidence
+//! @file      FormFactors/src/FormFactorTethraedron.cpp
+//! @brief     Implements class FormFactorTethraedron.
+//! @homepage
+//! @license   GNU General Public License v3 or higher (see COPYING)
+//! @copyright Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 2013
+//! @authors   Scientific Computing Group at MLZ Garching
+//! @authors   C. Durniak, G. Pospelov, W. Van Herck, J. Wuttke
+// ************************************************************************** //
+#include "FormFactorTethraedron.h"
+#include "StochasticDiracDelta.h"
+#include "MathFunctions.h"
+    double height, double half_side, double alpha)
+    setName("FormFactorTethraerdon");
+    m_height = height;
+    m_half_side = half_side;
+    m_alpha = alpha;
+    m_root3 = std::sqrt(3.0);
+    init_parameters();
+void FormFactorTethraedron::init_parameters()
+    getParameterPool()->clear();
+    getParameterPool()->registerParameter("height", &m_height);
+    getParameterPool()->registerParameter("half_side", &m_half_side);
+    getParameterPool()->registerParameter("alpha", &m_alpha);
+FormFactorTethraedron* FormFactorTethraedron::clone() const
+    FormFactorTethraedron *p_clone =
+        new FormFactorTethraedron(m_height, m_half_side, m_alpha);
+    return p_clone;
+complex_t FormFactorTethraedron::evaluate_for_q(const cvector_t& q) const
+    double H = m_height;
+    double R = m_half_side;
+    double tga = std::tan(m_alpha);
+    complex_t qx = q.x();
+    complex_t qy = q.y();
+    complex_t qz = q.z();
+    complex_t F;
+    const complex_t im(0,1);
+    if (std::abs(qx)==0.0 && std::abs(qy)==0.0) {
+         complex_t qzH_half = qz*H/2.0;
+        F = m_root3*R*R*H*std::exp(im*qzH_half)*MathFunctions::Sinc(qzH_half);
+    }
+    else {
+        if (std::abs(qx*qx-3.0*qy*qy)==0.0) {
+            complex_t qa = 2.*qy/tga + qz/2.;
+            complex_t qb = - qy/tga + qz/2.;
+            F = H/2.*m_root3*std::exp(im*2.*qy*R/m_root3)*(
+                        - std::exp(im*qa*H-im*2.*m_root3*qy*R)*MathFunctions::Sinc(qa*H)
+                        + std::exp(im*qb*H)*MathFunctions::Sinc(qb*H)*
+                        ( 1.- 3.*qy/(tga*qb) - im*2.*m_root3*qy*R )
+                        + 3.*qy/(qb*tga)*std::exp(im*2.*qb*H)
+                        )/( qx*qx ) ;
+        } else {
+            complex_t q1, q2, q3;
+            double L;
+            L = 2.*tga*R/m_root3-H;
+            q3 = (qy/tga - qz/2.);
+            if (std::abs(qx)==0.0) {
+               F = - 2.*H*MathFunctions::Sinc(q3*H)*
+                       std::exp(im*(q3*L+qz*R*tga/m_root3))/((m_root3*qy*qy));
+            } else {
+            q1=(1./2.)*((m_root3*qx-qy)/tga - qz);
+            q2=(1./2.)*((m_root3*qx+qy)/tga + qz);
+            F = -(1. + m_root3*qy/qx)*MathFunctions::Sinc(q1*H)*std::exp(im*q1*L)
+                -(1. - m_root3*qy/qx)*MathFunctions::Sinc(q2*H)*std::exp(-im*q2*L)
+                + 2.*MathFunctions::Sinc(q3*H)*std::exp(im*q3*L);
+            F = F*H*std::exp(im*qz*R*tga/m_root3)*m_root3/((qx*qx-3.*qy*qy));}
+        }
+    }
+    return F;
diff --git a/Core/Geometry/src/BasicVector3D.cpp b/Core/Geometry/src/BasicVector3D.cpp
index 2597f2838e6..0476fda2d16 100644
--- a/Core/Geometry/src/BasicVector3D.cpp
+++ b/Core/Geometry/src/BasicVector3D.cpp
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ double BasicVector3D<double>::mag2() const
     return x()*x()+y()*y()+z()*z();
-//! @TODO eliminate this, it is plain wrong
+//! Returns squared magnitude of the vector.
 complex_t BasicVector3D<complex_t>::mag2() const
-    return x()*x()+y()*y()+z()*z();
+    return x()*std::conj(x())+y()*std::conj(y())+z()*std::conj(z());
 //! Returns magnitude of the vector.
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ double BasicVector3D<double>::magxy2() const
     return x()*x()+y()*y();
-//! @TODO eliminate this, it is plain wrong
+//! Returns squared distance from z axis.
 complex_t BasicVector3D<complex_t>::magxy2() const
-    return x()*x()+y()*y();
+    return x()*std::conj(x())+y()*std::conj(y());
 //! Returns distance from z axis.
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ double BasicVector3D<double>::magxy() const
     return std::sqrt(magxy2());
-//! @TODO eliminate this, it is plain wrong
+//! Returns distance from z axis.
 complex_t BasicVector3D<complex_t>::magxy() const
@@ -109,28 +109,47 @@ double BasicVector3D<double>::cosTheta() const
     return std::abs(ma) == 0 ? 1 : z()/ma;
 //! @TODO eliminate this, it is plain wrong
+ template<>
 complex_t BasicVector3D<complex_t>::cosTheta() const
+ {
     complex_t ma = mag();
-    return std::abs(ma) == 0 ? 1 : z()/ma;
+    return std::abs(ma) == 0 ? 1 : abs(z())/ma;
+//  //! @TODO eliminate this, it is plain wrong
+// template<>
+ //complex_t BasicVector3D<complex_t>::cosTheta() const
+// {
+//     complex_t ma = mag();
+//    return std::abs(ma) == 0 ? 1 : z()/ma;
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Combine two vectors
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//! @TODO check usage: unlikely to be correct
-BasicVector3D<complex_t> BasicVector3D<complex_t>::cross(
-    const BasicVector3D<complex_t>& v) const
+ //! Returns cross product of vectors
+ template<>
+ BasicVector3D<double> BasicVector3D<double>::cross(
+    const BasicVector3D<double>& v) const
-    return BasicVector3D<complex_t>(y()*v.z()-v.y()*z(),
+    return BasicVector3D<double>(y()*v.z()-v.y()*z(),
+// //! @TODO check usage: unlikely to be correct
+// template<>
+// BasicVector3D<complex_t> BasicVector3D<complex_t>::cross(
+//    const BasicVector3D<complex_t>& v) const
+//    return BasicVector3D<complex_t>(y()*v.z()-v.y()*z(),
+//                                 z()*v.x()-v.z()*x(),
+//                                 x()*v.y()-v.x()*y());
 //! Returns square of transverse component with respect to given axis.
 double BasicVector3D<double>::perp2(const BasicVector3D<double>& v) const