From 6921f123e8e6ad65d97fde94e63d1e4f79cf7ed3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Celine Durniak <>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 17:09:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] New form factor of cuboctahedron

 .../FormFactors/inc/FormFactorCuboctahedron.h |  68 +++++++++
 .../src/FormFactorCuboctahedron.cpp           | 138 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 206 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Core/FormFactors/inc/FormFactorCuboctahedron.h
 create mode 100644 Core/FormFactors/src/FormFactorCuboctahedron.cpp

diff --git a/Core/FormFactors/inc/FormFactorCuboctahedron.h b/Core/FormFactors/inc/FormFactorCuboctahedron.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..789af5445a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/FormFactors/inc/FormFactorCuboctahedron.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// ************************************************************************** //
+//  BornAgain: simulate and fit scattering at grazing incidence
+//! @file      FormFactors/inc/FormFactorCuboctahedron.h
+//! @brief     Defines class FormFactorCuboctahedron
+//! @homepage
+//! @license   GNU General Public License v3 or higher (see COPYING)
+//! @copyright Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 2013
+//! @authors   Scientific Computing Group at MLZ Garching
+//! @authors   C. Durniak, G. Pospelov, W. Van Herck, J. Wuttke
+// ************************************************************************** //
+#include "IFormFactorBorn.h"
+#include "IStochasticParameter.h"
+//! Form factor of cuboctahedron.
+class BA_CORE_API_ FormFactorCuboctahedron : public IFormFactorBorn
+    //! @brief cuboctahedron constructor
+    //! @param height of bottom of cuboctahedron
+    //! @param height ratio : height top part/height bottom part
+    //! @param half_side half of cuboctahedron's base
+    //! @param angle in radians between base and facet
+    FormFactorCuboctahedron(double half_side, double height,
+                            double height_ratio, double alpha);
+    ~FormFactorCuboctahedron() {}
+    virtual FormFactorCuboctahedron *clone() const;
+    virtual void accept(ISampleVisitor *visitor) const { visitor->visit(this); }
+    virtual int getNumberOfStochasticParameters() const { return 4; }
+    virtual double getHeight() const { return m_height; }
+    virtual void setHeight(double height) { m_height = height; }
+    virtual double getHeightRatio() const { return m_height_ratio; }
+    virtual void setHeightRatio(double height_ratio) { m_height_ratio
+                                                     = height_ratio; }
+    virtual double getHalfSide() const { return m_half_side; }
+    virtual void setHalfSide(double half_side) { m_half_side = half_side; }
+    virtual double getAlpha() const { return m_alpha; }
+    virtual void setAlpha(double alpha) { m_alpha = alpha; }
+    virtual complex_t evaluate_for_q(const cvector_t& q) const;
+    virtual void init_parameters();
+    double m_height;
+    double m_half_side;
+    double m_height_ratio;
+    double m_alpha;
diff --git a/Core/FormFactors/src/FormFactorCuboctahedron.cpp b/Core/FormFactors/src/FormFactorCuboctahedron.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..13586c75ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/FormFactors/src/FormFactorCuboctahedron.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// ************************************************************************** //
+//  BornAgain: simulate and fit scattering at grazing incidence
+//! @file      FormFactors/src/FormFactorCuboctahedron.cpp
+//! @brief     Implements class FormFactorCuboctahedron.
+//! @homepage
+//! @license   GNU General Public License v3 or higher (see COPYING)
+//! @copyright Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 2013
+//! @authors   Scientific Computing Group at MLZ Garching
+//! @authors   C. Durniak, G. Pospelov, W. Van Herck, J. Wuttke
+// ************************************************************************** //
+#include "FormFactorCuboctahedron.h"
+#include "FormFactorPyramid.h"
+#include "StochasticDiracDelta.h"
+#include "MathFunctions.h"
+    double half_side, double height, double height_ratio, double alpha)
+    setName("FormFactorCuboctahedron");
+    m_height = height;
+    m_half_side = half_side;
+    m_height_ratio = height_ratio;
+    m_alpha = alpha;
+    init_parameters();
+void FormFactorCuboctahedron::init_parameters()
+    clearParameterPool();
+    registerParameter("height", &m_height);
+    registerParameter("height_ratio", &m_height_ratio);
+    registerParameter("half_side", &m_half_side);
+    registerParameter("alpha", &m_alpha);
+FormFactorCuboctahedron* FormFactorCuboctahedron::clone() const
+    FormFactorCuboctahedron *result =
+        new FormFactorCuboctahedron(m_half_side, m_height,
+                                    m_height_ratio, m_alpha);
+    result->setName(getName());
+    return result;
+complex_t FormFactorCuboctahedron::evaluate_for_q(const cvector_t& q) const
+    double H = m_height;
+    double R = m_half_side;
+    double rh = m_height_ratio;
+    //double tga = std::tan(m_alpha);
+    complex_t qx = q.x();
+    complex_t qy = q.y();
+    complex_t qz = q.z();
+    FormFactorPyramid fftop(rh*H,R, m_alpha);
+    complex_t ffhigh = fftop.evaluate_for_q(q);
+    FormFactorPyramid ffbottom(H,R, m_alpha);
+    cvector_t downq(qx,qy,-qz);
+    complex_t fflow = ffbottom.evaluate_for_q(downq);
+    const complex_t im(0,1);
+   /* complex_t F;
+    if( std::abs(qx) > Numeric::double_epsilon && std::abs(qy) > Numeric::double_epsilon ) {
+        complex_t q1t, q2t, q3t, q4t;
+        q1t=(rh*H/2.)*((qx-qy)/tga + qz);
+        q2t=(rh*H/2.)*((qx-qy)/tga - qz);
+        q3t=(rh*H/2.)*((qx+qy)/tga + qz);
+        q4t=(rh*H/2.)*((qx+qy)/tga - qz);
+        complex_t K1t,K2t,K3t,K4t;
+        K1t = MathFunctions::Sinc(q1t)*std::exp(im*q1t)    + MathFunctions::Sinc(q2t)*std::exp(-im*q2t);
+        K2t = -MathFunctions::Sinc(q1t)*std::exp(im*q1t)*im + MathFunctions::Sinc(q2t)*std::exp(-im*q2t)*im;
+        K3t = MathFunctions::Sinc(q3t)*std::exp(im*q3t)    + MathFunctions::Sinc(q4t)*std::exp(-im*q4t);
+        K4t = -MathFunctions::Sinc(q3t)*std::exp(im*q3t)*im + MathFunctions::Sinc(q4t)*std::exp(-im*q4t)*im;
+        complex_t q1b, q2b, q3b, q4b;
+        q1b=(H/2.)*((qx-qy)/tga - qz);
+        q2b=(H/2.)*((qx-qy)/tga + qz);
+        q3b=(H/2.)*((qx+qy)/tga - qz);
+        q4b=(H/2.)*((qx+qy)/tga + qz);
+        complex_t K1b,K2b,K3b,K4b;
+        K1b = MathFunctions::Sinc(q1b)*std::exp(im*q1b)    + MathFunctions::Sinc(q2b)*std::exp(-im*q2b);
+        K2b = -MathFunctions::Sinc(q1b)*std::exp(im*q1b)*im + MathFunctions::Sinc(q2b)*std::exp(-im*q2b)*im;
+        K3b = MathFunctions::Sinc(q3b)*std::exp(im*q3b)    + MathFunctions::Sinc(q4b)*std::exp(-im*q4b);
+        K4b = -MathFunctions::Sinc(q3b)*std::exp(im*q3b)*im + MathFunctions::Sinc(q4b)*std::exp(-im*q4b)*im;
+        F = (K1t+K1b)*std::cos( (qx-qy)*R ) + (K2t+K2b)*std::sin( (qx-qy)*R )
+                - (K3t+K3b)*std::cos( (qx+qy)*R) - (K4t+K4b)*std::sin( (qx+qy)*R );
+        F = F*H/(qx*qy);
+    } else if(std::abs(qx) <= Numeric::double_epsilon && std::abs(qy) <= Numeric::double_epsilon) {
+        if (std::abs(qz) <= Numeric::double_epsilon)
+            F = 4./3.*tga*R*R*R*( 2.-
+                                 (1. - H/R/tga)*(1. - H/R/tga)*(1. - H/R/tga)
+                        - (1. - rh*H/R/tga)*(1. - rh*H/R/tga)*(1. - rh*H/R/tga)
+                                  );
+        else
+             F=4.*im*(
+                  + 2.*qz*qz*R*R - std::exp(im*rh*H*qz)
+                  * ((-1.+im + rh*H*qz)/tga - qz*R)
+                  *((1.+im + rh*H*qz)/tga - qz*R)
+                         - std::exp(-im*H*qz)
+                          * ((-1.+im - H*qz)/tga + qz*R)
+                          *((1.+im - H*qz)/tga + qz*R)
+                   )/std::pow(qz,3);
+    } else {
+        complex_t qxy;
+        if(std::abs(qy) <= Numeric::double_epsilon && std::abs(qx) > Numeric::double_epsilon) {
+            qxy=qx;
+        } else{
+            qxy=qy;
+        }
+        F=(4.*(qxy*tga*(-(qxy*qxy*R) + qz*tga*(-2.0*im + qz*R*tga))*std::cos(qxy*R) -
+               std::exp(im*rh*H*qz)*qxy*(rh*H*std::pow(qxy,2) - qxy*qxy*R*tga - qz*(2.0*im + rh*H*qz)*std::pow(tga,2) +
+                  std::pow(qz,2)*R*std::pow(tga,3))*std::cos(qxy*(R - rh*H/tga)) +
+               tga*(std::pow(qxy,2)*(1. - im*qz*R*tga) + std::pow(qz,2)*std::pow(tga,2)*(1. + im*qz*R*tga))*
+                std::sin(qxy*R) + im*std::exp(im*rh*H*qz)*tga*
+                (std::pow(qz,2)*std::pow(tga,2)*(im + rh*H*qz - qz*R*tga) +
+                  std::pow(qxy,2)*(im - rh*H*qz + qz*R*tga))*std::sin(qxy*(R - rh*H/tga)))
+                +4.*(qxy*tga*(-(qxy*qxy*R) + qz*tga*(2.0*im + qz*R*tga))*std::cos(qxy*R) -
+                      std::exp(-im*H*qz)*qxy*(H*std::pow(qxy,2) - qxy*qxy*R*tga + qz*(2.0*im - H*qz)*std::pow(tga,2) +
+                         std::pow(qz,2)*R*std::pow(tga,3))*std::cos(qxy*(R - H/tga)) +
+                      tga*(std::pow(qxy,2)*(1. + im*qz*R*tga) + std::pow(qz,2)*std::pow(tga,2)*(1. - im*qz*R*tga))*
+                       std::sin(qxy*R) + im*std::exp(-im*H*qz)*tga*
+                       (std::pow(qz,2)*std::pow(tga,2)*(im - H*qz + qz*R*tga) +
+                         std::pow(qxy,2)*(im + H*qz - qz*R*tga))*std::sin(qxy*(R - H/tga)))
+                  )/(qxy*std::pow(qxy - qz*tga,2)*std::pow(qxy + qz*tga,2));
+    }*/
+    return std::exp(im*qz*H)*(ffhigh + fflow)/*F*/;