diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/CMakeLists.txt b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/CMakeLists.txt
index 9aa0602db989533384a9e7d1c32921461d755994..f2b228a4dd2acc47e1aba07ca0365bd8596c51a8 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -32,4 +32,3 @@ ADD_GTEST(Core "DataStructure"        ${libs} 0)
 ADD_GTEST(Core "Other"        ${libs} 0)
 ADD_GTEST(Core "Numeric0" ${libs} 1)
 ADD_GTEST(Core "Numeric1" ${libs} 1)
-ADD_GTEST(Core "Numeric2" ${libs} 0)
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric0/FormFactorSpecializationTest.h b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric0/FormFactorSpecializationTest.h
index 94453e741768164a7faf6d51a1fa9f459d2d01b8..88f751d24f4281b4af2a69146a64c2cf1aa060c1 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric0/FormFactorSpecializationTest.h
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric0/FormFactorSpecializationTest.h
@@ -1,112 +1,93 @@
 #include "google_test.h"
-#include "MathConstants.h"
-#include "BornAgainNamespace.h"
-#include "HardParticles.h"
-#include "qLoopedTest.h"
+#include "FormFactorTest.h"
-class FFSpecializationTest : public QLoopedTest
+class FFSpecializationTest : public FormFactorTest
-    void test_ff_eq(IFormFactorBorn* p0, IFormFactorBorn* p1, double eps=1e-12) {
-        complex_t f0 = p0->evaluate_for_q(q);
-        complex_t f1 = p1->evaluate_for_q(q);
+    ~FFSpecializationTest();
+    void run_test(IFormFactorBorn* p0, IFormFactorBorn* p1, double eps, double qmag1, double qmag2)
+    {
+        test_all(qmag1, qmag2, [&](){test_ff_eq(p0, p1, eps);});
+    }
+    void test_ff_eq(IFormFactorBorn* p0, IFormFactorBorn* p1, double eps) {
+        complex_t f0 = p0->evaluate_for_q(m_q);
+        complex_t f1 = p1->evaluate_for_q(m_q);
         double avge = (std::abs(f0) + std::abs(f1))/2;
-        //std::cout<<"q="<<q<<" -> "<<std::setprecision(16)<<" f0="<<f0<<", f1="<<f1<<"\n";
         EXPECT_NEAR( real(f0), real(f1), eps*avge );
         EXPECT_NEAR( imag(f0), imag(f1), eps*avge );
-    ~FFSpecializationTest();
+    static double eps_polyh;
 FFSpecializationTest::~FFSpecializationTest() = default;
+double FFSpecializationTest::eps_polyh = 7.5e-13;
-    FFSpecializationTests,
-    FFSpecializationTest,
-    qlist);
-//*********** polyhedra ***************
-double eps_polyh = 7.5e-13;
-TEST_P(FFSpecializationTest, TruncatedCubeAsBox)
+TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest, TruncatedCubeAsBox)
-    if (skip_q(1e-99, 5e2))
-        return;
-    double L = .5;
+    const double L = .5;
     FormFactorTruncatedCube p0(L, 0);
     FormFactorBox p1(L, L, L);
-    test_ff_eq(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh);
+    run_test(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh, 1e-99, 5e2);
-TEST_P(FFSpecializationTest, AnisoPyramidAsPyramid)
+TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest, AnisoPyramidAsPyramid)
-    if (skip_q(1e-99, 5e3))
-        return;
-    double L = 1.5, H = .24, alpha = .6;
+    const double L = 1.5, H = .24, alpha = .6;
     FormFactorAnisoPyramid p0(L, L, H, alpha);
     FormFactorPyramid p1(L, H, alpha);
-    test_ff_eq(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh);
+    run_test(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh, 1e-99, 5e3);
-TEST_P(FFSpecializationTest, Pyramid3AsPrism)
+TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest, Pyramid3AsPrism)
-    if (skip_q(1e-99, 5e3))
-        return;
-    double L = 1.8, H = .3;
+    const double L = 1.8, H = .3;
     FormFactorTetrahedron p0(L, H, M_PI / 2);
     FormFactorPrism3 p1(L, H);
-    test_ff_eq(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh);
+    run_test(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh, 1e-99, 5e3);
-TEST_P(FFSpecializationTest, PyramidAsBox)
+TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest, PyramidAsBox)
-    if (skip_q(1e-99, 5e2))
-        return;
-    double L = 1.8, H = .3;
+    const double L = 1.8, H = .3;
     FormFactorPyramid p0(L, H, M_PI / 2);
     FormFactorBox p1(L, L, H);
-    test_ff_eq(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh);
+    run_test(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh, 1e-99, 5e2);
-TEST_P(FFSpecializationTest, Cone6AsPrism)
+TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest, Cone6AsPrism)
-    if (skip_q(1e-99, 5e2))
-        return;
-    double L = .8, H = 1.13;
+    const double L = .8, H = 1.13;
     FormFactorCone6 p0(L, H, M_PI / 2);
     FormFactorPrism6 p1(L, H);
-    test_ff_eq(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh);
+    run_test(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh, 1e-99, 5e2);
 //*********** spheroids ***************
-TEST_P(FFSpecializationTest, HemiEllipsoidAsTruncatedSphere)
+TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest, HemiEllipsoidAsTruncatedSphere)
-    if (skip_q(1e-99, 5e2))
-        return;
-    double R = 1.07;
+    const double R = 1.07;
     FormFactorHemiEllipsoid p0(R, R, R);
     FormFactorTruncatedSphere p1(R, R);
-    test_ff_eq(&p0, &p1, 1e-10);
+    run_test(&p0, &p1, 1e-10, 1e-99, 5e2);
-TEST_P(FFSpecializationTest, EllipsoidalCylinderAsCylinder)
+TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest, EllipsoidalCylinderAsCylinder)
-    if (skip_q(1e-99, 5e3))
-        return;
-    double R = .8, H = 1.2;
+    const double R = .8, H = 1.2;
     FormFactorEllipsoidalCylinder p0(R, R, H);
     FormFactorCylinder p1(R, H);
-    test_ff_eq(&p0, &p1, 1e-11);
+    run_test(&p0, &p1, 1e-11, 1e-99, 5e3);
-TEST_P(FFSpecializationTest, TruncatedSphereAsSphere)
+TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest, TruncatedSphereAsSphere)
-    if (skip_q(.02, 5e1)) // WAITING #1416 improve/replace numeric integration
-        return;
-    double R = 1.;
+    const double R = 1.;
     FormFactorTruncatedSphere p0(R, 2 * R);
     FormFactorFullSphere p1(R);
-    test_ff_eq(&p0, &p1);
+    run_test(&p0, &p1, 1e-12, .02, 5e1);
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric0/FormFactorSpecializationTest2.h b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric0/FormFactorSpecializationTest2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 57d8a87d921b6c5675a4dddb2f6c0f2b9c17d275..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric0/FormFactorSpecializationTest2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-#include "google_test.h"
-#include "FormFactorTest.h"
-class FFSpecializationTest2 : public FormFactorTest
-    ~FFSpecializationTest2();
-    void run_test(IFormFactorBorn* p0, IFormFactorBorn* p1, double eps, double qmag1, double qmag2)
-    {
-        test_all(qmag1, qmag2, [&](){test_ff_eq(p0, p1, eps);});
-    }
-    void test_ff_eq(IFormFactorBorn* p0, IFormFactorBorn* p1, double eps) {
-        complex_t f0 = p0->evaluate_for_q(m_q);
-        complex_t f1 = p1->evaluate_for_q(m_q);
-        double avge = (std::abs(f0) + std::abs(f1))/2;
-        EXPECT_NEAR( real(f0), real(f1), eps*avge );
-        EXPECT_NEAR( imag(f0), imag(f1), eps*avge );
-    }
-    static double eps_polyh;
-FFSpecializationTest2::~FFSpecializationTest2() = default;
-double FFSpecializationTest2::eps_polyh = 7.5e-13;
-TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest2, TruncatedCubeAsBox)
-    const double L = .5;
-    FormFactorTruncatedCube p0(L, 0);
-    FormFactorBox p1(L, L, L);
-    run_test(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh, 1e-99, 5e2);
-TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest2, AnisoPyramidAsPyramid)
-    const double L = 1.5, H = .24, alpha = .6;
-    FormFactorAnisoPyramid p0(L, L, H, alpha);
-    FormFactorPyramid p1(L, H, alpha);
-    run_test(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh, 1e-99, 5e3);
-TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest2, Pyramid3AsPrism)
-    const double L = 1.8, H = .3;
-    FormFactorTetrahedron p0(L, H, M_PI / 2);
-    FormFactorPrism3 p1(L, H);
-    run_test(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh, 1e-99, 5e3);
-TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest2, PyramidAsBox)
-    const double L = 1.8, H = .3;
-    FormFactorPyramid p0(L, H, M_PI / 2);
-    FormFactorBox p1(L, L, H);
-    run_test(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh, 1e-99, 5e2);
-TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest2, Cone6AsPrism)
-    const double L = .8, H = 1.13;
-    FormFactorCone6 p0(L, H, M_PI / 2);
-    FormFactorPrism6 p1(L, H);
-    run_test(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh, 1e-99, 5e2);
-//*********** spheroids ***************
-TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest2, HemiEllipsoidAsTruncatedSphere)
-    const double R = 1.07;
-    FormFactorHemiEllipsoid p0(R, R, R);
-    FormFactorTruncatedSphere p1(R, R);
-    run_test(&p0, &p1, 1e-10, 1e-99, 5e2);
-TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest2, EllipsoidalCylinderAsCylinder)
-    const double R = .8, H = 1.2;
-    FormFactorEllipsoidalCylinder p0(R, R, H);
-    FormFactorCylinder p1(R, H);
-    run_test(&p0, &p1, 1e-11, 1e-99, 5e3);
-TEST_F(FFSpecializationTest2, TruncatedSphereAsSphere)
-    const double R = 1.;
-    FormFactorTruncatedSphere p0(R, 2 * R);
-    FormFactorFullSphere p1(R);
-    run_test(&p0, &p1, 1e-12, .02, 5e1);
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric0/testlist.h b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric0/testlist.h
index 7ee1d46d2251c7d2f4557d738c5d00e1429407fd..6afe17994500c147c393504aad7f593f58537e35 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric0/testlist.h
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric0/testlist.h
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 // To renew this file, run /G/ba/dev-tools/code-tools/update-gtestlist.py <directory>
-//#include "FormFactorSpecializationTest.h"
-#include "FormFactorSpecializationTest2.h"
+#include "FormFactorSpecializationTest.h"
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric1/FormFactorSymmetryTest.h b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric1/FormFactorSymmetryTest.h
index 7cd33cd01fbbede05c24fc367af1fe3ecdcdd6c6..ff9f64d0d539920d63a7ba7b33133ca05fc0077e 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric1/FormFactorSymmetryTest.h
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric1/FormFactorSymmetryTest.h
@@ -1,107 +1,89 @@
 #include "google_test.h"
+#include "FormFactorTest.h"
 #include "MathConstants.h"
-#include "BornAgainNamespace.h"
-#include "HardParticles.h"
-#include "qLoopedTest.h"
+#include <functional>
-class FFSymmetryTest : public QLoopedTest
+class FFSymmetryTest : public FormFactorTest
-    void test_qq_eq( IFormFactorBorn* p, cvector_t q0, cvector_t q1, double eps=1e-12 ) {
-        std::cout
-                << q0.x().real() << " "
-                << q0.x().imag() << " "
-                << q0.y().real() << " "
-                << q0.y().imag() << " "
-                << q0.z().real() << " "
-                << q0.z().imag() << " "
-                << q1.x().real() << " "
-                << q1.x().imag() << " "
-                << q1.y().real() << " "
-                << q1.y().imag() << " "
-                << q1.z().real() << " "
-                << q1.z().imag() << " "
-                  << std::endl;
-        complex_t f0 = p->evaluate_for_q(q0);
-        complex_t f1 = p->evaluate_for_q(q1);
+    using transform_t = std::function<cvector_t(const cvector_t&)>;
+    void run_test(IFormFactorBorn* p, transform_t fun, double eps, double qmag1, double qmag2)
+    {
+        test_all(qmag1, qmag2, [&](){test_qq_eq(p, fun, eps);});
+    }
+    void test_qq_eq( IFormFactorBorn* p, transform_t fun, double eps=1e-12 ) {
+        complex_t f0 = p->evaluate_for_q(m_q);
+        complex_t f1 = p->evaluate_for_q(fun(m_q));
         double avge = (std::abs(f0) + std::abs(f1))/2;
         EXPECT_NEAR( real(f0), real(f1), eps*avge );
         EXPECT_NEAR( imag(f0), imag(f1), eps*avge );
-    cvector_t qt;
 FFSymmetryTest::~FFSymmetryTest() = default;
-    FFSymmetryTests,
-    FFSymmetryTest,
-    qlist);
 //*********** polyhedra ***************
-//TEST_P(FFSymmetryTest, Prism3)
-//    if (skip_q(1e-99, 2e2))
-//        return;
-//    FormFactorPrism3 p(.83, .45);
-//    test_qq_eq(&p, q, q.rotatedZ(M_TWOPI / 3));
-//TEST_P(FFSymmetryTest, Prism6)
-//    if (skip_q(1e-99, 2e3))
-//        return;
-//    FormFactorPrism6 p(1.33, .42);
-//    test_qq_eq(&p, q, q.rotatedZ(M_PI / 3), 1e-12);
-//    test_qq_eq(&p, q, q.rotatedZ(-M_TWOPI / 3), 3.8e-12);
-//TEST_P(FFSymmetryTest, Tetrahedron)
-//    if (skip_q(1e-99, 2e2))
-//        return;
-//    FormFactorTetrahedron p(8.43, .25, .53);
-//    test_qq_eq(&p, q, q.rotatedZ(M_TWOPI / 3), 6e-12);
-//    // Linux: 3e-12, relaxed for Mac
-//TEST_P(FFSymmetryTest, Cone6_flat)
-//    if (skip_q(1e-99, 2e2)) // TODO for larger q, imag(ff) is nan
-//        return;
-//    FormFactorCone6 p(4.3, .09, .1);
-//    test_qq_eq(&p, q, q.rotatedZ(-M_PI / 3), 3.8e-12);
-//TEST_P(FFSymmetryTest, Cone6_steep)
-//    if (skip_q(1e-99, 2e2)) // TODO for larger q, imag(ff) is nan
-//        return;
-//    FormFactorCone6 p(.23, 3.5, .999 * M_PI / 2);
-//    test_qq_eq(&p, q, q.rotatedZ(-M_PI / 3), 2.5e-12);
+TEST_F(FFSymmetryTest, Prism3)
+    FormFactorPrism3 p(.83, .45);
+    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return q.rotatedZ(M_TWOPI / 3);},
+            1e-12, 1e-99, 2e2);
+TEST_F(FFSymmetryTest, Prism6)
+    FormFactorPrism6 p(1.33, .42);
+    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return q.rotatedZ(M_PI / 3);},
+            1e-12, 1e-99, 2e3);
+    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return q.rotatedZ(-M_TWOPI / 3);},
+            3.8e-12, 1e-99, 2e3);
+TEST_F(FFSymmetryTest, Tetrahedron)
+    FormFactorTetrahedron p(8.43, .25, .53);
+    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return q.rotatedZ(M_TWOPI / 3);},
+            6e-12, 1e-99, 2e2);
+    // Linux: 3e-12, relaxed for Mac
+TEST_F(FFSymmetryTest, Cone6_flat)
+    // TODO for larger q, imag(ff) is nan
+    FormFactorCone6 p(4.3, .09, .1);
+    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return q.rotatedZ(-M_PI / 3);},
+            3.8e-12, 1e-99, 2e2);
+TEST_F(FFSymmetryTest, Cone6_steep)
+    FormFactorCone6 p(.23, 3.5, .999 * M_PI / 2);
+    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return q.rotatedZ(-M_PI / 3);},
+            2.5e-12, 1e-99, 2e2);
 //*********** spheroids ***************
-TEST_P(FFSymmetryTest, HemiEllipsoid)
+TEST_F(FFSymmetryTest, HemiEllipsoid)
-    if (skip_q(1e-99, 2e2))
-        return;
     FormFactorHemiEllipsoid p(.53, .78, 1.3);
-    test_qq_eq(&p, q, cvector_t(-q.x(), q.y(), q.z()));
-    test_qq_eq(&p, q, cvector_t(q.x(), -q.y(), q.z()));
+    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return cvector_t(-q.x(), q.y(), q.z());},
+            1e-12, 1e-99, 2e2);
+    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return cvector_t(q.x(), -q.y(), q.z());},
+            1e-12, 1e-99, 2e2);
-//TEST_P(FFSymmetryTest, TruncatedSphere)
-//    if (skip_q(1e-99, 2e2))
-//        return;
-//    FormFactorTruncatedSphere p(.79, .34);
-//    test_qq_eq(&p, q, q.rotatedZ(M_PI / 3.13698), 1e-10);
+TEST_F(FFSymmetryTest, TruncatedSphere)
+    FormFactorTruncatedSphere p(.79, .34);
+    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return q.rotatedZ(M_PI / 3.13698);},
+            1e-10, 1e-99, 2e2);
 // ****** TODO: tests that do not pass for the full q range *********
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric1/FormFactorSymmetryTest2.h b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric1/FormFactorSymmetryTest2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ba86ab3febb0b3be13d9c5c0daa3de45345634bd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric1/FormFactorSymmetryTest2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#include "google_test.h"
-#include "FormFactorTest.h"
-#include "MathConstants.h"
-#include <functional>
-class FFSymmetryTest2 : public FormFactorTest
-    ~FFSymmetryTest2();
-    using transform_t = std::function<cvector_t(const cvector_t&)>;
-    void run_test(IFormFactorBorn* p, transform_t fun, double eps, double qmag1, double qmag2)
-    {
-        test_all(qmag1, qmag2, [&](){test_qq_eq(p, fun, eps);});
-    }
-    void test_qq_eq( IFormFactorBorn* p, transform_t fun, double eps=1e-12 ) {
-        complex_t f0 = p->evaluate_for_q(m_q);
-        complex_t f1 = p->evaluate_for_q(fun(m_q));
-        double avge = (std::abs(f0) + std::abs(f1))/2;
-        EXPECT_NEAR( real(f0), real(f1), eps*avge );
-        EXPECT_NEAR( imag(f0), imag(f1), eps*avge );
-    }
-FFSymmetryTest2::~FFSymmetryTest2() = default;
-//*********** polyhedra ***************
-TEST_F(FFSymmetryTest2, Prism3)
-    FormFactorPrism3 p(.83, .45);
-    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return q.rotatedZ(M_TWOPI / 3);},
-            1e-12, 1e-99, 2e2);
-TEST_F(FFSymmetryTest2, Prism6)
-    FormFactorPrism6 p(1.33, .42);
-    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return q.rotatedZ(M_PI / 3);},
-            1e-12, 1e-99, 2e3);
-    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return q.rotatedZ(-M_TWOPI / 3);},
-            3.8e-12, 1e-99, 2e3);
-TEST_F(FFSymmetryTest2, Tetrahedron)
-    FormFactorTetrahedron p(8.43, .25, .53);
-    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return q.rotatedZ(M_TWOPI / 3);},
-            6e-12, 1e-99, 2e2);
-    // Linux: 3e-12, relaxed for Mac
-TEST_F(FFSymmetryTest2, Cone6_flat)
-    // TODO for larger q, imag(ff) is nan
-    FormFactorCone6 p(4.3, .09, .1);
-    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return q.rotatedZ(-M_PI / 3);},
-            3.8e-12, 1e-99, 2e2);
-TEST_F(FFSymmetryTest2, Cone6_steep)
-    FormFactorCone6 p(.23, 3.5, .999 * M_PI / 2);
-    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return q.rotatedZ(-M_PI / 3);},
-            2.5e-12, 1e-99, 2e2);
-//*********** spheroids ***************
-TEST_F(FFSymmetryTest2, HemiEllipsoid)
-    FormFactorHemiEllipsoid p(.53, .78, 1.3);
-    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return cvector_t(-q.x(), q.y(), q.z());},
-            1e-12, 1e-99, 2e2);
-    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return cvector_t(q.x(), -q.y(), q.z());},
-            1e-12, 1e-99, 2e2);
-TEST_F(FFSymmetryTest2, TruncatedSphere)
-    FormFactorTruncatedSphere p(.79, .34);
-    run_test(&p, [](const cvector_t& q)->cvector_t{return q.rotatedZ(M_PI / 3.13698);},
-            1e-10, 1e-99, 2e2);
-// ****** TODO: tests that do not pass for the full q range *********
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric1/testlist.h b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric1/testlist.h
index e7010587b623283cf6182414d9cfaa42a282da2b..b7b4f983c36b3deacfa81336180291946c18fd70 100644
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric1/testlist.h
+++ b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric1/testlist.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 // To renew this file, run /G/ba/dev-tools/code-tools/update-gtestlist.py <directory>
-//#include "FormFactorSymmetryTest.h"
-#include "FormFactorSymmetryTest2.h"
+#include "FormFactorSymmetryTest.h"
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric2/SpecializationTest.h b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric2/SpecializationTest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d9144e768824cdd91c47db7f8b647939b87eca0b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric2/SpecializationTest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#include "google_test.h"
-#include "Vectors3D.h"
-#include "Complex.h"
-#include "gtest/internal/gtest-param-util.h"
-#include "HardParticles.h"
-const complex_t I(0,1);
-double eps_polyh = 7.5e-13;
-using ::testing::Values;
-using ::testing::internal::ParamGenerator;
-using ::testing::Combine;
-auto qlist = testing::Combine(
-    testing::Values(
-        cvector_t({ 1, 0, 0 }),
-        cvector_t({ 0, 1, 0 }),
-        cvector_t({ 0, 0, 1 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 1, 0 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 0, 1 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 0, 1 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 1, 1 })
-        ),
-    testing::Values(
-        cvector_t({ 1, 0, 0 }),
-        cvector_t({ 0, 1, 0 }),
-        cvector_t({ 0, 0, 1 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 1, 0 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 0, 1 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 0, 1 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 1, 1 })
-        ),
-    testing::Values(
-        1e-19, 1e-17, 1e-15, 1e-13, 1e-11, 1e-9, 1e-7, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, .1,
-        1., 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4 ),
-    testing::Values(
-        -1e-15, +1e-14, -1e-13*I, +1e-12*I,
-        -1e-11, +1e-10, -1e-9*I, +1e-8*I,
-        -1e-7, +1e-6, -1e-5*I, +1e-4*I,
-        -1e-3, +1e-2, -1e-1*I, +1e-1*I,
-        .9, -.99, .999, -.9999 )
-    );
-class SpecializationTest : public ::testing::Test
-    SpecializationTest() : gen(qlist) {}
-    ~SpecializationTest();
-    void test_all(IFormFactorBorn* p0, IFormFactorBorn* p1, double eps=1e-12) {
-        for (auto it : gen) {
-            cvector_t qdir = std::get<0>(it);
-            cvector_t qdev = std::get<1>(it);
-            double    qmag = std::get<2>(it);
-            complex_t qeps = std::get<3>(it);
-            m_q = qmag * (qdir + qeps*qdev).unit();
-            if (skip_q(1e-99, 5e2))
-                continue;
-            test_ff_eq(p0, p1, eps_polyh);
-        }
-    }
-    void test_ff_eq(IFormFactorBorn* p0, IFormFactorBorn* p1, double eps=1e-12) {
-        complex_t f0 = p0->evaluate_for_q(m_q);
-        complex_t f1 = p1->evaluate_for_q(m_q);
-        double avge = (std::abs(f0) + std::abs(f1))/2;
-        //std::cout<<"q="<<q<<" -> "<<std::setprecision(16)<<" f0="<<f0<<", f1="<<f1<<"\n";
-        EXPECT_NEAR( real(f0), real(f1), eps*avge );
-        EXPECT_NEAR( imag(f0), imag(f1), eps*avge );
-    }
-    bool skip_q( double qmag_begin=1e-99, double qmag_end=1e99 ) {
-        return m_q.mag()<=qmag_begin || m_q.mag()>=qmag_end;
-    }
-    cvector_t m_q;
-    ParamGenerator<std::tuple<cvector_t, cvector_t, double, complex_t>> gen;
-SpecializationTest::~SpecializationTest() = default;
-TEST_F(SpecializationTest, Start)
-    double L = 1.5, H = .24, alpha = .6;
-    FormFactorAnisoPyramid p0(L, L, H, alpha);
-    FormFactorPyramid p1(L, H, alpha);
-    test_all(&p0, &p1, eps_polyh);
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric2/testlist.h b/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric2/testlist.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e4055c3006112d40ab4e39a4697f2056d1de61e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/Core/Numeric2/testlist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-// To renew this file, run /G/ba/dev-tools/code-tools/update-gtestlist.py <directory>
-#include "SpecializationTest.h"
diff --git a/Tests/UnitTests/utilities/qLoopedTest.h b/Tests/UnitTests/utilities/qLoopedTest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 285355e07930cdaa37481607a3700c41676e2947..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tests/UnitTests/utilities/qLoopedTest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// ************************************************************************** //
-//  BornAgain: simulate and fit scattering at grazing incidence
-//! @file      Tests/UnitTests/utilities/qLoopedTest.h
-//! @brief     Auxiliary utility to loop over q vectors for tests.
-//! @homepage  http://bornagainproject.org
-//! @license   GNU General Public License v3 or higher (see COPYING)
-//! @copyright Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 2016
-//! @authors   Scientific Computing Group at MLZ Garching
-//! @authors   M. Ganeva, G. Pospelov, W. Van Herck, J. Wuttke
-// ************************************************************************** //
-#include <tuple>
-const complex_t I(0,1);
-class QLoopedTest:
-public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::tuple<cvector_t, cvector_t, double, complex_t>>
-    QLoopedTest() {}
-    virtual void SetUp()
-    {
-        cvector_t qdir = std::get<0>(GetParam());
-        cvector_t qdev = std::get<1>(GetParam());
-        double    qmag = std::get<2>(GetParam());
-        complex_t qeps = std::get<3>(GetParam());
-        q = qmag * (qdir + qeps*qdev).unit();
-    }
-    cvector_t q;
-    bool skip_q( double qmag_begin=1e-99, double qmag_end=1e99 ) {
-        return q.mag()<=qmag_begin || q.mag()>=qmag_end;
-    }
-auto qlist = testing::Combine(
-    testing::Values(
-        cvector_t({ 1, 0, 0 }),
-        cvector_t({ 0, 1, 0 }),
-        cvector_t({ 0, 0, 1 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 1, 0 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 0, 1 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 0, 1 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 1, 1 })
-        ),
-    testing::Values(
-        cvector_t({ 1, 0, 0 }),
-        cvector_t({ 0, 1, 0 }),
-        cvector_t({ 0, 0, 1 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 1, 0 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 0, 1 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 0, 1 }),
-        cvector_t({ 1, 1, 1 })
-        ),
-    testing::Values(
-        1e-19, 1e-17, 1e-15, 1e-13, 1e-11, 1e-9, 1e-7, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, .1,
-        1., 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4 ),
-    testing::Values(
-        -1e-15, +1e-14, -1e-13*I, +1e-12*I,
-        -1e-11, +1e-10, -1e-9*I, +1e-8*I,
-        -1e-7, +1e-6, -1e-5*I, +1e-4*I,
-        -1e-3, +1e-2, -1e-1*I, +1e-1*I,
-        .9, -.99, .999, -.9999 )
-    );
-#endif // QLOOPEDTEST_H