index f8d232f1c36852666d780e4473cc79420c4e9084..f02c0ad4df430060be1cbd516f78f42b1d8b5728 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,43 @@
+BornAgain-1.4.0, released 2015.10.30
+  > No API changes
+  > Summary:
+    1) Improved usability of IntensityData objects (slicing, histogram filling, ...)
+    2) GUI: export of simulation results into tiff or ascii file
+    3) Core: rectangular detector added (not yet in GUI)
+    4) Documentation: extra fitting examples on website
+    5) Various bugfixes
+  > Details of Sprint #29 (see http://apps.jcns.fz-juelich.de/redmine/projects/bornagain/issues)
+  * Bug #1083: Trivial MultiLayer samples (no roughness, no particles) cause simulation crash.
+  * Bug #1130: Validate form factor of truncated sphere for absorption case
+  * Bug #1136: Numerical instability at phi_f=0 on MacOS for Pyramid based form factors
+  * Bug #1152: In Real Time Activity view, negative positions cannot be achieved
+  * Bug #1157: Qt dependency is not mentioned in INSTALL
+  * Bug #1158: many checks fail (1.3.0)
+  * Bug #1167: GUI crash when showing projection
+  * Bug #1170: GUI: InstrumentView alignment problem in detector parameters
+  * Bug #1171: GUI: make thickness disabled for air and substrate layers
+  * Bug #1173: Revise ParticleDistribution base class
+  * Bug #1174: GUI: color of layer does not change if color of material has been changed
+  * Bug #1198: GUI: fix simulation for particle distributions and negative z coordinate
+  * Bug #1212: Windows: modify installer to prepend BornAgain location to system PATH instead of appending to it
+  * Bug #1215: Repair wrong usage of double_epsilon in Core
+  * Bug #1216: GUI: normalization of intensity
+  * Bug #1223: FormFactorTruncatedCube instability under MacOS
+  * Feature #922: Add slicing to IntensityDataFunctions
+  * Feature #948: Implement new IntensityData object with improved usability
+  * Feature #1055: Implement Genetic minimizer to get rid from ROOT dependency
+  * Feature #1081: GUI: provide export of simulation results into tiff file
+  * Feature #1095: Implement rectangular (real space) detector
+  * Feature #1099: Repair fitting with masks
+  * Feature #1179: GUI: provide export of simulation results into text file (*.int)
+  * Feature #1186: Implement tiff import/export in kernel
+  * Documentation #1131: Drupal: describe interference functions
+  * Documentation #1176: Drupal: update installation instructions, tutorials for coming release 1.4
+  * Documentation #1181: Drupal: provide fitting example along slices
+  * Documentation #1182: Drupal: provide fitting example with simultaneous fit of two datasets
+  * Refactoring #619: Masked simulation doesn't use all threads all the time
+  * Refactoring #1064: Get rid of "pylab" in Python scripts
 BornAgain-1.3.0, released 2015.07.30
   > API Changes:
     1) Removed 'depth' from ParticleLayout::addParticle: new interface provides for abundance, position and possible rotation
diff --git a/Core/Samples/inc/BAVersion.h b/Core/Samples/inc/BAVersion.h
index 95740aa1ca915a1eb98e57bbe9f4211f7edc7052..de40bd97620795c5a63ee3868a42ed84bcfa1ea8 100644
--- a/Core/Samples/inc/BAVersion.h
+++ b/Core/Samples/inc/BAVersion.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 namespace BornAgain {
     const int major_version_number = 1;
-    const int minor_version_number = 3;
+    const int minor_version_number = 4;
     const int patch_version_number = 0;
     inline int GetMajorVersionNumber() { return major_version_number; }
diff --git a/Doc/Doxygen/Doxyfile b/Doc/Doxygen/Doxyfile
index cda121287b3ad55bff61a0f99f3fa44e6e42c193..361e2f225ce2c949a109fdd42a80f1ac31f2d5a2 100644
--- a/Doc/Doxygen/Doxyfile
+++ b/Doc/Doxygen/Doxyfile
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ PROJECT_NAME           = "BornAgain"
 # could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or if some version
 # control system is used.
-PROJECT_NUMBER         = 1.3.0
+PROJECT_NUMBER         = 1.4.0
 # Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description
 # for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer a
diff --git a/Examples/cpp/CylindersAndPrisms/modules/FindBornAgain.cmake b/Examples/cpp/CylindersAndPrisms/modules/FindBornAgain.cmake
index 0b03f6482ddd6e8e4f43e594ab6a4c72a78e93f5..6af50792b0c544362b47550d5b5d460404674667 100644
--- a/Examples/cpp/CylindersAndPrisms/modules/FindBornAgain.cmake
+++ b/Examples/cpp/CylindersAndPrisms/modules/FindBornAgain.cmake
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
-    set(BORNAGAIN_INCLUDE_DIR ${BORNAGAINSYS}/include/BornAgain-1.3)
+    set(BORNAGAIN_INCLUDE_DIR ${BORNAGAINSYS}/include/BornAgain-1.4)
 find_library (BORNAGAIN_CORE BornAgainCore
diff --git a/VERSION.cmake b/VERSION.cmake
index 6af1536943dda35d627eedcc5852928456a5f5ce..a07b1258e405dc4208f9ff16b24010b8a3328c90 100644
--- a/VERSION.cmake
+++ b/VERSION.cmake
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 set(BornAgain_VERSION_MAJOR 1)
-set(BornAgain_VERSION_MINOR 3)
+set(BornAgain_VERSION_MINOR 4)
 set(BornAgain_VERSION_PATCH 0)