From 1d8cd1f349b0583e923a87fa99b59d51876acf46 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Randolf Beerwerth <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2020 11:48:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Update physical constants to the 2018 CODATA recommended
 values version 8.1 from 21 January 2020

 Core/Basics/PhysicalConstants.h | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Core/Basics/PhysicalConstants.h b/Core/Basics/PhysicalConstants.h
index e2f537e8d56..6d0847ab875 100644
--- a/Core/Basics/PhysicalConstants.h
+++ b/Core/Basics/PhysicalConstants.h
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
 namespace PhysConsts
-constexpr double m_n = 1.674927471e-27;    //!< Neutron mass, kg
-constexpr double h_bar = 1.05457180e-34;   //!< Reduced Plank constant, J s
-constexpr double mu_N = 5.050783699e-27;   //!< Nuclear magneton (\f$ \mu_N \f$), J/T
-constexpr double mu_B = 9.274009994e-24;   //!< Bohr magneton (\f$ \mu_B \f$), J/T
-constexpr double r_e = 2.8179403227e-15;   //!< Thomson scattering length (\f$ r_e \f$), m
+constexpr double m_n =  1.67492749804e-27;    //!< Neutron mass, kg
+constexpr double h_bar = 1.054571817e-34;   //!< Reduced Plank constant, J s
+constexpr double mu_N = 5.0507837461e-27;   //!< Nuclear magneton (\f$ \mu_N \f$), J/T
+constexpr double mu_B = 9.2740100783e-24;   //!< Bohr magneton (\f$ \mu_B \f$), J/T
+constexpr double r_e = 2.8179403262e-15;   //!< Thomson scattering length (\f$ r_e \f$), m
 constexpr double gamma_n = 1.91304272;     //!< \f$\gamma\f$ factor for neutron magnetic moment,
                                            //!< \f$\mu_n = \gamma \cdot \mu_N\f$
 constexpr double g_factor_n = -3.82608545; //!< neutron g-factor