From 1cd8e2c66fc6c5fb9a5bdaee8e59e0a172889343 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Joachim Wuttke (h)" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 10:22:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Ripples: move profile ff computation to namespace ripples

 Core/Correlations/FTDistributions1D.cpp       |   2 +-
 Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple1.cpp          |  25 +----
 Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple1.h            |   1 -
 Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple2.cpp          |  28 +----
 Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple2.h            |   2 +-
 Core/HardParticle/Ripples.cpp                 |  61 +++++++++++
 Core/HardParticle/Ripples.h                   |   4 +
 Core/StandardSamples/TwoDimLatticeBuilder.cpp |   3 +-
 auto/Wrap/                 |   8 ++
 auto/Wrap/libBornAgainCore_wrap.cpp           | 102 ++++++++++++++++++
 10 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Core/Correlations/FTDistributions1D.cpp b/Core/Correlations/FTDistributions1D.cpp
index d76afd283b3..bfc4d918a58 100644
--- a/Core/Correlations/FTDistributions1D.cpp
+++ b/Core/Correlations/FTDistributions1D.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ const double CosineDistributionFactor = 1.0 / 3.0 - 2.0 / M_PI / M_PI;
 IFTDistribution1D::IFTDistribution1D(const NodeMeta& meta, const std::vector<double>& PValues)
     : INode(nodeMetaUnion({{"Omega", "nm", "Half-width", 0, INF, 1.}}, meta), PValues),
-            m_omega(m_P[0])
+      m_omega(m_P[0])
diff --git a/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple1.cpp b/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple1.cpp
index c2bf9699a23..6255ac8d7ad 100644
--- a/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple1.cpp
+++ b/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple1.cpp
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 #include "Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple1.h"
 #include "Core/Basics/Exceptions.h"
-#include "Core/Basics/MathConstants.h"
 #include "Core/Parametrization/RealParameter.h"
+#include "Core/HardParticle/Ripples.h"
 #include "Core/Shapes/RippleCosine.h" // from Shapes/
 #include "Core/Tools/MathFunctions.h"
 #include "Fit/Tools/RealLimits.h"
@@ -41,28 +41,7 @@ double ProfileRipple1::radialExtension() const
 //! Complex form factor.
 complex_t ProfileRipple1::factor_yz(complex_t qy, complex_t qz) const
-    complex_t factor = m_width / M_PI;
-    // analytical expressions for some particular cases
-    if (qz == 0.) {
-        if (qy == 0.)
-            return factor * M_PI_2 * m_height;
-        complex_t aaa = qy * m_width / (M_TWOPI);
-        complex_t aaa2 = aaa * aaa;
-        if (aaa2 == 1.)
-            return factor * M_PI_4 * m_height;
-        return factor * M_PI_2 * m_height * MathFunctions::sinc(qy * m_width * 0.5) / (1.0 - aaa2);
-    }
-    // numerical integration otherwise
-    const complex_t ay = qy * m_width / M_TWOPI;
-    const complex_t az = complex_t(0, 1) * qz * (m_height / 2);
-    const auto integrand = [&](double u) -> complex_t {
-        return sin(u) * exp(az * std::cos(u)) * (ay == 0. ? u : sin(ay * u) / ay);
-    };
-    complex_t integral = ComplexIntegrator().integrate(integrand, 0, M_PI);
-    return factor * integral * exp(az) * (m_height / 2);
+    return ripples::profile_yz_cosine(qy, qz, m_width, m_height);
 void ProfileRipple1::onChange()
diff --git a/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple1.h b/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple1.h
index c0155a08a0d..e4b00dbdc19 100644
--- a/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple1.h
+++ b/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple1.h
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 #include "Core/Scattering/IFormFactorBorn.h"
-#include "Core/Tools/Integrator.h"
 //! Base class for form factors with a cosine ripple profile in the yz plane.
diff --git a/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple2.cpp b/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple2.cpp
index 83c05077f8e..123dc6afa88 100644
--- a/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple2.cpp
+++ b/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple2.cpp
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #include "Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple2.h"
 #include "Core/Basics/Exceptions.h"
 #include "Core/Basics/MathConstants.h"
+#include "Core/HardParticle/Ripples.h"
 #include "Core/Parametrization/RealParameter.h"
 #include "Core/Shapes/RippleSawtooth.h" // from Shapes/
 #include "Core/Tools/MathFunctions.h"
@@ -42,32 +43,7 @@ double ProfileRipple2::radialExtension() const
 //! Complex form factor.
 complex_t ProfileRipple2::factor_yz(complex_t qy, complex_t qz) const
-    complex_t result;
-    const complex_t factor = m_height * m_width;
-    const complex_t qyW2 = qy * m_width * 0.5;
-    const complex_t qyd = qy * m_asymmetry;
-    const complex_t qzH = qz * m_height;
-    const complex_t a = qzH + qyd;
-    // dimensionless scale factors
-    const double a_scale = std::abs(a);
-    const double w_scale = std::abs(qyW2);
-    if (w_scale < 1.e-5) {    // |q_y*W| << 1
-        if (a_scale < 1e-5) { // |q_y*W| << 1 && |q_z*H + q_y*d| << 1
-            // relative error is O((q_y*W)^2) and O((q_z*H + q_y*d)^2)
-            result = exp_I(-qyd) * (0.5 + mul_I(a) / 6.);
-        } else {
-            // relative error is O((q_y*W)^2)
-            result = exp_I(-qyd) * (1.0 + mul_I(a) - exp_I(a)) / (a * a);
-        }
-    } else {
-        const complex_t gamma_p = (a + qyW2) * 0.5;
-        const complex_t gamma_m = (a - qyW2) * 0.5;
-        result = exp_I(gamma_m) * MathFunctions::sinc(gamma_p)
-                 - exp_I(gamma_p) * MathFunctions::sinc(gamma_m);
-        result = mul_I(exp_I(-qyd) * result / (qyW2 * 2.));
-    }
-    return factor * result;
+    return ripples::profile_yz_triangular(qy, qz, m_width, m_height, m_asymmetry);
 void ProfileRipple2::onChange()
diff --git a/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple2.h b/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple2.h
index 718c78dc849..069a9954b0a 100644
--- a/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple2.h
+++ b/Core/HardParticle/ProfileRipple2.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "Core/Scattering/IFormFactorBorn.h"
 #include "Core/Tools/Integrator.h"
-//! Base class for form factors with a cosine ripple profile in the yz plane.
+//! Base class for form factors with a triangular ripple profile in the yz plane.
 class BA_CORE_API_ ProfileRipple2 : public IFormFactorBorn
diff --git a/Core/HardParticle/Ripples.cpp b/Core/HardParticle/Ripples.cpp
index a2d88df4678..cd7dee8f5ab 100644
--- a/Core/HardParticle/Ripples.cpp
+++ b/Core/HardParticle/Ripples.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 // ************************************************************************** //
 #include "Core/HardParticle/Ripples.h"
+#include "Core/Tools/Integrator.h"
+#include "Core/Basics/MathConstants.h"
 #include "Core/Tools/MathFunctions.h"
 complex_t ripples::factor_x_box(complex_t q, double r)
@@ -29,3 +31,62 @@ complex_t ripples::factor_x_Lorentz(complex_t q, double r)
     return r / (1.0 + (q * r) * (q * r));
+//! Complex form factor of triangular ripple.
+complex_t ripples::profile_yz_cosine(complex_t qy, complex_t qz, double width, double height)
+    complex_t factor = width / M_PI;
+    // analytical expressions for some particular cases
+    if (qz == 0.) {
+        if (qy == 0.)
+            return factor * M_PI_2 * height;
+        complex_t aaa = qy * width / (M_TWOPI);
+        complex_t aaa2 = aaa * aaa;
+        if (aaa2 == 1.)
+            return factor * M_PI_4 * height;
+        return factor * M_PI_2 * height * MathFunctions::sinc(qy * width * 0.5) / (1.0 - aaa2);
+    }
+    // numerical integration otherwise
+    const complex_t ay = qy * width / M_TWOPI;
+    const complex_t az = complex_t(0, 1) * qz * (height / 2);
+    const auto integrand = [&](double u) -> complex_t {
+        return sin(u) * exp(az * std::cos(u)) * (ay == 0. ? u : sin(ay * u) / ay);
+    };
+    complex_t integral = ComplexIntegrator().integrate(integrand, 0, M_PI);
+    return factor * integral * exp(az) * (height / 2);
+//! Complex form factor of triangular ripple.
+complex_t ripples::profile_yz_triangular(complex_t qy, complex_t qz, double width, double height,
+                                         double asymmetry)
+    complex_t result;
+    const complex_t factor = height * width;
+    const complex_t qyW2 = qy * width * 0.5;
+    const complex_t qyd = qy * asymmetry;
+    const complex_t qzH = qz * height;
+    const complex_t a = qzH + qyd;
+    // dimensionless scale factors
+    const double a_scale = std::abs(a);
+    const double w_scale = std::abs(qyW2);
+    if (w_scale < 1.e-5) {    // |q_y*W| << 1
+        if (a_scale < 1e-5) { // |q_y*W| << 1 && |q_z*H + q_y*d| << 1
+            // relative error is O((q_y*W)^2) and O((q_z*H + q_y*d)^2)
+            result = exp_I(-qyd) * (0.5 + mul_I(a) / 6.);
+        } else {
+            // relative error is O((q_y*W)^2)
+            result = exp_I(-qyd) * (1.0 + mul_I(a) - exp_I(a)) / (a * a);
+        }
+    } else {
+        const complex_t gamma_p = (a + qyW2) * 0.5;
+        const complex_t gamma_m = (a - qyW2) * 0.5;
+        result = exp_I(gamma_m) * MathFunctions::sinc(gamma_p)
+                 - exp_I(gamma_p) * MathFunctions::sinc(gamma_m);
+        result = mul_I(exp_I(-qyd) * result / (qyW2 * 2.));
+    }
+    return factor * result;
diff --git a/Core/HardParticle/Ripples.h b/Core/HardParticle/Ripples.h
index 92f37c36fbc..e700b70800c 100644
--- a/Core/HardParticle/Ripples.h
+++ b/Core/HardParticle/Ripples.h
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ complex_t factor_x_box(complex_t q, double l);
 complex_t factor_x_Gauss(complex_t q, double l);
 complex_t factor_x_Lorentz(complex_t q, double l);
+complex_t profile_yz_cosine(complex_t qy, complex_t qz, double width, double height);
+complex_t profile_yz_triangular(complex_t qy, complex_t qz, double width, double height,
+                                         double asymmetry);
 } // namespace ripples
diff --git a/Core/StandardSamples/TwoDimLatticeBuilder.cpp b/Core/StandardSamples/TwoDimLatticeBuilder.cpp
index 06e645d858e..ec77b444569 100644
--- a/Core/StandardSamples/TwoDimLatticeBuilder.cpp
+++ b/Core/StandardSamples/TwoDimLatticeBuilder.cpp
@@ -155,8 +155,7 @@ MultiLayer* RotatedSquareLatticeBuilder::buildSample() const
     std::unique_ptr<InterferenceFunction2DLattice> P_interference_function{
         InterferenceFunction2DLattice::createSquare(10.0 * Units::nanometer, 30.0 * Units::degree)};
     FTDecayFunction2DCauchy pdf(300.0 * Units::nanometer / 2.0 / M_PI,
-                                100.0 * Units::nanometer / 2.0 / M_PI,
-                                30.0 * Units::degree);
+                                100.0 * Units::nanometer / 2.0 / M_PI, 30.0 * Units::degree);
     ParticleLayout particle_layout;
diff --git a/auto/Wrap/ b/auto/Wrap/
index 46912fc9f6e..761dac428f7 100644
--- a/auto/Wrap/
+++ b/auto/Wrap/
@@ -17715,6 +17715,14 @@ def factor_x_Lorentz(q, l):
     return _libBornAgainCore.factor_x_Lorentz(q, l)
+def profile_yz_cosine(qy, qz, width, height):
+    r"""profile_yz_cosine(complex_t qy, complex_t qz, double width, double height) -> complex_t"""
+    return _libBornAgainCore.profile_yz_cosine(qy, qz, width, height)
+def profile_yz_triangular(qy, qz, width, height, asymmetry):
+    r"""profile_yz_triangular(complex_t qy, complex_t qz, double width, double height, double asymmetry) -> complex_t"""
+    return _libBornAgainCore.profile_yz_triangular(qy, qz, width, height, asymmetry)
 class FormFactorGaussSphere(IFormFactorBorn):
     r"""Proxy of C++ FormFactorGaussSphere class."""
diff --git a/auto/Wrap/libBornAgainCore_wrap.cpp b/auto/Wrap/libBornAgainCore_wrap.cpp
index 9a12df0aca5..d2ae11d1204 100644
--- a/auto/Wrap/libBornAgainCore_wrap.cpp
+++ b/auto/Wrap/libBornAgainCore_wrap.cpp
@@ -99998,6 +99998,106 @@ fail:
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_profile_yz_cosine(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+  PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+  complex_t arg1 ;
+  complex_t arg2 ;
+  double arg3 ;
+  double arg4 ;
+  std::complex< double > val1 ;
+  int ecode1 = 0 ;
+  std::complex< double > val2 ;
+  int ecode2 = 0 ;
+  double val3 ;
+  int ecode3 = 0 ;
+  double val4 ;
+  int ecode4 = 0 ;
+  PyObject *swig_obj[4] ;
+  complex_t result;
+  if (!SWIG_Python_UnpackTuple(args, "profile_yz_cosine", 4, 4, swig_obj)) SWIG_fail;
+  ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_std_complex_Sl_double_Sg_(swig_obj[0], &val1);
+  if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+    SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "profile_yz_cosine" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "complex_t""'");
+  } 
+  arg1 = static_cast< complex_t >(val1);
+  ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_std_complex_Sl_double_Sg_(swig_obj[1], &val2);
+  if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+    SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "profile_yz_cosine" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "complex_t""'");
+  } 
+  arg2 = static_cast< complex_t >(val2);
+  ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_double(swig_obj[2], &val3);
+  if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+    SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "profile_yz_cosine" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "double""'");
+  } 
+  arg3 = static_cast< double >(val3);
+  ecode4 = SWIG_AsVal_double(swig_obj[3], &val4);
+  if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode4)) {
+    SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode4), "in method '" "profile_yz_cosine" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "double""'");
+  } 
+  arg4 = static_cast< double >(val4);
+  result = ripples::profile_yz_cosine(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
+  resultobj = SWIG_From_std_complex_Sl_double_Sg_(static_cast< std::complex<double> >(result));
+  return resultobj;
+  return NULL;
+SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_profile_yz_triangular(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
+  PyObject *resultobj = 0;
+  complex_t arg1 ;
+  complex_t arg2 ;
+  double arg3 ;
+  double arg4 ;
+  double arg5 ;
+  std::complex< double > val1 ;
+  int ecode1 = 0 ;
+  std::complex< double > val2 ;
+  int ecode2 = 0 ;
+  double val3 ;
+  int ecode3 = 0 ;
+  double val4 ;
+  int ecode4 = 0 ;
+  double val5 ;
+  int ecode5 = 0 ;
+  PyObject *swig_obj[5] ;
+  complex_t result;
+  if (!SWIG_Python_UnpackTuple(args, "profile_yz_triangular", 5, 5, swig_obj)) SWIG_fail;
+  ecode1 = SWIG_AsVal_std_complex_Sl_double_Sg_(swig_obj[0], &val1);
+  if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode1)) {
+    SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode1), "in method '" "profile_yz_triangular" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "complex_t""'");
+  } 
+  arg1 = static_cast< complex_t >(val1);
+  ecode2 = SWIG_AsVal_std_complex_Sl_double_Sg_(swig_obj[1], &val2);
+  if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode2)) {
+    SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode2), "in method '" "profile_yz_triangular" "', argument " "2"" of type '" "complex_t""'");
+  } 
+  arg2 = static_cast< complex_t >(val2);
+  ecode3 = SWIG_AsVal_double(swig_obj[2], &val3);
+  if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode3)) {
+    SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode3), "in method '" "profile_yz_triangular" "', argument " "3"" of type '" "double""'");
+  } 
+  arg3 = static_cast< double >(val3);
+  ecode4 = SWIG_AsVal_double(swig_obj[3], &val4);
+  if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode4)) {
+    SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode4), "in method '" "profile_yz_triangular" "', argument " "4"" of type '" "double""'");
+  } 
+  arg4 = static_cast< double >(val4);
+  ecode5 = SWIG_AsVal_double(swig_obj[4], &val5);
+  if (!SWIG_IsOK(ecode5)) {
+    SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(ecode5), "in method '" "profile_yz_triangular" "', argument " "5"" of type '" "double""'");
+  } 
+  arg5 = static_cast< double >(val5);
+  result = ripples::profile_yz_triangular(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+  resultobj = SWIG_From_std_complex_Sl_double_Sg_(static_cast< std::complex<double> >(result));
+  return resultobj;
+  return NULL;
 SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_FormFactorGaussSphere__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), Py_ssize_t nobjs, PyObject **swig_obj) {
   PyObject *resultobj = 0;
   std::vector< double,std::allocator< double > > arg1 ;
@@ -131691,6 +131791,8 @@ static PyMethodDef SwigMethods[] = {
 		"complex_t ripples::factor_x_Lorentz(complex_t q, double l)\n"
+	 { "profile_yz_cosine", _wrap_profile_yz_cosine, METH_VARARGS, "profile_yz_cosine(complex_t qy, complex_t qz, double width, double height) -> complex_t"},
+	 { "profile_yz_triangular", _wrap_profile_yz_triangular, METH_VARARGS, "profile_yz_triangular(complex_t qy, complex_t qz, double width, double height, double asymmetry) -> complex_t"},
 	 { "new_FormFactorGaussSphere", _wrap_new_FormFactorGaussSphere, METH_VARARGS, "\n"
 		"FormFactorGaussSphere(vdouble1d_t P)\n"
 		"new_FormFactorGaussSphere(double mean_radius) -> FormFactorGaussSphere\n"