diff --git a/.style.yapf b/.style.yapf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..31c66473c6435a92ab0a0d2774aa138dcfeff9a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.style.yapf
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+based_on_style = pep8
+column_limit = 85
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/bornplot.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/bornplot.py
index b5bd7d63d8d6f31934ac4976827bc071f17b6cd6..cecb5a8ac858410f822f25fce42ff2b6b6fa4318 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/bornplot.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/bornplot.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import math, numpy
 import matplotlib as mpl
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from matplotlib import rc
+rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica']})
 rc('text', usetex=True)
 rc('image', cmap='inferno')
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class BinRange:
         self.n = n
     def central_index(self):
-        return int((0.-self.vmin)/(self.vmax-self.vmin)*self.n)
+        return int((0. - self.vmin) / (self.vmax - self.vmin) * self.n)
 class Detector:
@@ -51,16 +51,16 @@ def make_plot(results, det, name, nrow=1):
     mpl.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'none'
     n = len(results)
-    ncol = 1+(n-1)//nrow
+    ncol = 1 + (n - 1) // nrow
     # Parameters as fraction of subfig size.
     yskip = 0.2  # +ncol*0.02
     bottomskip = yskip
-    topskip = yskip/2
+    topskip = yskip / 2
     xskip = 0.18
     leftskip = xskip
-    rightskip = 0.28+ncol*0.03
-    xtot = ncol*1.0 + (ncol-1)*xskip + leftskip + rightskip
-    ytot = nrow*1.0 + (nrow-1)*yskip + bottomskip + topskip
+    rightskip = 0.28 + ncol * 0.03
+    xtot = ncol * 1.0 + (ncol - 1) * xskip + leftskip + rightskip
+    ytot = nrow * 1.0 + (nrow - 1) * yskip + bottomskip + topskip
     # We need parameters as fraction of total fig size.
     xskip /= xtot
     leftskip /= xtot
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ def make_plot(results, det, name, nrow=1):
     topskip /= ytot
     # Set total figure dimensions.
     ftot = 5
-    fontsize = 18+36.0/(ncol+2)
+    fontsize = 18 + 36.0 / (ncol + 2)
     # Create the figure 'fig' and its subplots axes ('tmp'->'axes').
-    fig, tmp = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol, figsize=(ftot*xtot, ftot*ytot))
+    fig, tmp = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol, figsize=(ftot * xtot, ftot * ytot))
     if n > 1:
         axes = tmp.flat
@@ -82,33 +82,35 @@ def make_plot(results, det, name, nrow=1):
     # Plot the subfigures.
     for res in results:
         ax = axes[res.idx]
-        im = ax.imshow(res.data,
-                       norm=norm,
-                       extent=det.rectangle(),
-                       aspect=1)
+        im = ax.imshow(res.data, norm=norm, extent=det.rectangle(), aspect=1)
         ax.set_xlabel(r'$\phi_{\rm f} (^{\circ})$', fontsize=fontsize)
         if res.idx % ncol == 0:
             ax.set_ylabel(r'$\alpha_{\rm f} (^{\circ})$', fontsize=fontsize)
         if res.title != "":
             ax.set_title(res.title, fontsize=fontsize)
-        ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=fontsize*21/24)
+        ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=fontsize * 21 / 24)
     # Adjust whitespace around and between subfigures.
-    plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=xskip, hspace=yskip,
-                        left=leftskip, right=1-rightskip,
-                        bottom=bottomskip, top=1-topskip)
+    plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=xskip,
+                        hspace=yskip,
+                        left=leftskip,
+                        right=1 - rightskip,
+                        bottom=bottomskip,
+                        top=1 - topskip)
     # Plot the color scale.
-    cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([1-rightskip+0.4*xskip, bottomskip,
-                            0.25*xskip, 1-bottomskip-topskip])
+    cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([
+        1 - rightskip + 0.4 * xskip, bottomskip, 0.25 * xskip,
+        1 - bottomskip - topskip
+    ])
     cb = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax)
     cb.set_label(r'$\left|F(q)\right|^2/V^{\,2}$', fontsize=fontsize)
     # Output to data file, image file, and display.
-    nDigits = int(math.log10(len(results)))+1
+    nDigits = int(math.log10(len(results))) + 1
     formatN = "%" + str(nDigits) + "i"
     for i in range(len(results)):
-        fname = name+"."+(formatN % i)+".int"
+        fname = name + "." + (formatN % i) + ".int"
         numpy.savetxt(fname, results[i].data)
-    plt.savefig(name+".pdf", format="pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
+    plt.savefig(name + ".pdf", format="pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
     # plt.show()
@@ -146,10 +148,11 @@ def get_simulation(det):
     :param det: Detector limits
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(
-        det.phi.n, det.phi.vmin*degree, det.phi.vmax*degree,
-        det.alpha.n, det.alpha.vmin*degree, det.alpha.vmax*degree )
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0, 0)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(det.phi.n, det.phi.vmin * degree,
+                                     det.phi.vmax * degree, det.alpha.n,
+                                     det.alpha.vmin * degree,
+                                     det.alpha.vmax * degree)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0, 0)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_AnisoPyramid.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_AnisoPyramid.py
index 6f2619451017a32cf009c55c22691244e9e78bcf..b7865ffdf71a7609db8dce75fe349f44c594c83c 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_AnisoPyramid.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_AnisoPyramid.py
@@ -2,18 +2,19 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    omega=90*i/(n-1)
+    omega = 90 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\omega=%d^\circ$' % omega
-    ff = ba.FormFactorAnisoPyramid(13*nanometer, 8*nanometer, 4.2*nanometer, 60.0*degree)
-    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_AnisoPyramid" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorAnisoPyramid(13 * nanometer, 8 * nanometer, 4.2 * nanometer,
+                                   60.0 * degree)
+    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_AnisoPyramid")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Box.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Box.py
index 4390624dc1e42b280094f21081d099f4a417c34a..96e3b61d31d2705518ebd421ddcd515ade5ed997 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Box.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Box.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
 det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
 n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    omega = 90*i/(n-1)
+    omega = 90 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\omega=%d^\circ$' % omega
-    ff = ba.FormFactorBox(18*nanometer, 4.6*nanometer, 3*nanometer)
-    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega*degree)
+    ff = ba.FormFactorBox(18 * nanometer, 4.6 * nanometer, 3 * nanometer)
+    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega * degree)
     data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
     results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
 bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_Box")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_CantellatedCube.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_CantellatedCube.py
index e50cf83ff4d2683f90fd85580c25b2d7d751c4d7..8dbd6cad41751f01b094e2b9e3e853ca3df0a867 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_CantellatedCube.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_CantellatedCube.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    omega=45*i/(n-1)
+    omega = 45 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\omega=%d^\circ$' % omega
-    ff = ba.FormFactorTruncatedCube(6.4*nanometer, 1.5*nanometer)
-    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_TruncatedCube" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorTruncatedCube(6.4 * nanometer, 1.5 * nanometer)
+    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_TruncatedCube")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cone.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cone.py
index 1ba5f1c7f6a38ffe6069ece8020c416e8c364b64..7c3c343ad52023143cdca0819f413ae49ef5429f 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cone.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cone.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factor.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    theta=30*i/(n-1)
+    theta = 30 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\vartheta=%d^\circ$' % theta
-    ff = ba.FormFactorCone(4*nanometer, 11*nanometer, 75*degree)
-    trafo = ba.RotationY(theta*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_Cone" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorCone(4 * nanometer, 11 * nanometer, 75 * degree)
+    trafo = ba.RotationY(theta * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_Cone")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cone6.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cone6.py
index d9ef435c72576bedab3eeac41ccf815d729c0908..2dd0071693bbe47a1a4a8a9bbcdf2095c2d32929 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cone6.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cone6.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    omega=30*i/(n-1)
+    omega = 30 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\omega=%d^\circ$' % omega
-    ff = ba.FormFactorCone6(6*nanometer, 5*nanometer, 60*degree)
-    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_Cone6" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorCone6(6 * nanometer, 5 * nanometer, 60 * degree)
+    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_Cone6")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_CosineRipple.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_CosineRipple.py
index 885213f9d095ca09386424c553f71eb52237512f..db0c740db8f01c1fdfbcf0b6f7174196ffe67de4 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_CosineRipple.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_CosineRipple.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    omega=90*i/(n-1)
+    omega = 90 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\omega=%d^\circ$' % omega
-    ff = ba.FormFactorCosineRipple(25*nanometer, 10*nanometer, 8*nanometer )
-    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_CosineRipple" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorCosineRipple(25 * nanometer, 10 * nanometer, 8 * nanometer)
+    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_CosineRipple")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cuboctahedron.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cuboctahedron.py
index 5e75058386573fefbbed501a91c54ffa5e1f0bf6..58956e6c827a69a4186bd8c41adb6d80d8464492 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cuboctahedron.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cuboctahedron.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    omega=45*i/(n-1)
+    omega = 45 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\omega=%d^\circ$' % omega
-    ff = ba.FormFactorCuboctahedron(8*nanometer, 5*nanometer, 0.5, 60.0*degree)
-    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_Cuboctahedron" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorCuboctahedron(8 * nanometer, 5 * nanometer, 0.5, 60.0 * degree)
+    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_Cuboctahedron")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cylinder.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cylinder.py
index f122da5c01e8e4c3dd7744f2caa3baf9c383e435..3ba3c824766f480d676a654de81b9151b871cab6 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cylinder.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Cylinder.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factor.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, -5, 5, -5, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, -5, 5, -5, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    theta=135*i/(n-1)
+    theta = 135 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\vartheta=%d^\circ$' % theta
-    ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(3*nanometer, 8.8*nanometer)
-    trafo = ba.RotationY(theta*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(3 * nanometer, 8.8 * nanometer)
+    trafo = ba.RotationY(theta * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_Cylinder" )
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_Cylinder")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Dodecahedron_asy.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Dodecahedron_asy.py
index f5f07dd1afcd67931447e85c2deceafd408dc69c..47fba21ca170ec04044a6712975a29e197460a38 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Dodecahedron_asy.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Dodecahedron_asy.py
@@ -2,30 +2,30 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
 import math
-det = bp.Detector( 200, -5, 5, -5, 5 )
-n    = 3
+det = bp.Detector(200, -5, 5, -5, 5)
+n = 3
 results = []
 edge = 3.2
 title = 'default'
-ff = ba.FormFactorDodecahedron(edge*nanometer)
-data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff)
-results.append( bp.Result(0, data, title) )
+ff = ba.FormFactorDodecahedron(edge * nanometer)
+data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff)
+results.append(bp.Result(0, data, title))
 title = 'rotated'
-trafo = ba.RotationZ(13*degree)
-ff = ba.FormFactorDodecahedron(edge*nanometer)
-data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-results.append( bp.Result(1, data, title) )
+trafo = ba.RotationZ(13 * degree)
+ff = ba.FormFactorDodecahedron(edge * nanometer)
+data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+results.append(bp.Result(1, data, title))
 title = 'rotated, tilted'
-trafo = ba.createProduct( ba.RotationX(9*degree), ba.RotationZ(13*degree))
-ff = ba.FormFactorDodecahedron(edge*nanometer)
-data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-results.append( bp.Result(2, data, title) )
+trafo = ba.createProduct(ba.RotationX(9 * degree), ba.RotationZ(13 * degree))
+ff = ba.FormFactorDodecahedron(edge * nanometer)
+data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+results.append(bp.Result(2, data, title))
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_Dodecahedron_asy" )
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_Dodecahedron_asy")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Dodecahedron_sym.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Dodecahedron_sym.py
index 159141f7a2a2fc838e6e574581d140c0242ad2b3..71b0a95565f729ae6a7dff4d1e0420bc12c91724 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Dodecahedron_sym.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Dodecahedron_sym.py
@@ -2,31 +2,31 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
 import math
-det = bp.Detector( 200, -5, 5, -5, 5 )
-n    = 3
+det = bp.Detector(200, -5, 5, -5, 5)
+n = 3
 results = []
 edge = 3.2
 title = 'face normal'
-trafo = ba.RotationY(26.5651*degree)
-ff = ba.FormFactorDodecahedron(edge*nanometer)
-data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-results.append( bp.Result(0, data, title) )
+trafo = ba.RotationY(26.5651 * degree)
+ff = ba.FormFactorDodecahedron(edge * nanometer)
+data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+results.append(bp.Result(0, data, title))
 title = 'vertex normal'
-trafo = ba.RotationY(-52.6226*degree)
-ff = ba.FormFactorDodecahedron(edge*nanometer)
-data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-results.append( bp.Result(1, data, title) )
+trafo = ba.RotationY(-52.6226 * degree)
+ff = ba.FormFactorDodecahedron(edge * nanometer)
+data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+results.append(bp.Result(1, data, title))
 title = 'edge normal'
-trafo = ba.RotationY(58.2825*degree)
-ff = ba.FormFactorDodecahedron(edge*nanometer)
-data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-results.append( bp.Result(2, data, title) )
+trafo = ba.RotationY(58.2825 * degree)
+ff = ba.FormFactorDodecahedron(edge * nanometer)
+data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+results.append(bp.Result(2, data, title))
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_Dodecahedron_sym" )
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_Dodecahedron_sym")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_EllipsoidalCylinder.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_EllipsoidalCylinder.py
index 24864d5d32e4d3b96a426ab91a8b055ebfb1abdf..b55eeccbb944c80d6f02b1e03ba87cefadb31379 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_EllipsoidalCylinder.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_EllipsoidalCylinder.py
@@ -2,18 +2,19 @@
 Plot form factor.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    omega=90*i/(n-1)
+    omega = 90 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\omega=%d^\circ$' % omega
-    ff = ba.FormFactorEllipsoidalCylinder(6.3*nanometer, 4.2*nanometer, 3*nanometer)
-    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_EllipsoidalCylinder" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorEllipsoidalCylinder(6.3 * nanometer, 4.2 * nanometer,
+                                          3 * nanometer)
+    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_EllipsoidalCylinder")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_FullSphere.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_FullSphere.py
index cbef53a72d9eaf0db63b51061d87ecd4b38225df..33644736202b1e00c67cdd8c2b9fba66d5298833 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_FullSphere.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_FullSphere.py
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
 Plot form factor.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 1
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 1
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(3.9*nanometer)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_FullSphere" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(3.9 * nanometer)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_FullSphere")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_FullSpheroid.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_FullSpheroid.py
index e67f9e7c649248036e910099d3078293d28855b7..c4ce6b75da1a11b15683984b1ab3136996dc550c 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_FullSpheroid.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_FullSpheroid.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factor.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    theta=90*i/(n-1)
+    theta = 90 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\vartheta=%d^\circ$' % theta
-    ff = ba.FormFactorFullSpheroid(3*nanometer, 13*nanometer)
-    trafo = ba.RotationY(theta*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorFullSpheroid(3 * nanometer, 13 * nanometer)
+    trafo = ba.RotationY(theta * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_FullSpheroid" )
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_FullSpheroid")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_HemiEllipsoid.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_HemiEllipsoid.py
index 18d03a49b5b35d3a3669675fbb85563e1d13cfeb..a51ba9cfeaa38fa018448049a31382b52150cbd3 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_HemiEllipsoid.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_HemiEllipsoid.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factor.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    omega=90*i/(n-1)
+    omega = 90 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\omega=%d^\circ$' % omega
-    ff = ba.FormFactorHemiEllipsoid(10*nanometer, 3.8*nanometer, 3.2*nanometer)
-    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_HemiEllipsoid" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorHemiEllipsoid(10 * nanometer, 3.8 * nanometer, 3.2 * nanometer)
+    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_HemiEllipsoid")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Icosahedron_asy.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Icosahedron_asy.py
index fb68b7009058f9d66231b3cb89a1018a36d38ad9..38a72e6556ce0d09a1ff4bf52e5ce5d596b15fef 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Icosahedron_asy.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Icosahedron_asy.py
@@ -2,30 +2,30 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
 import math
-det = bp.Detector( 200, -5, 5, -5, 5 )
-n    = 3
+det = bp.Detector(200, -5, 5, -5, 5)
+n = 3
 results = []
 edge = 4.8
 title = 'default'
-ff = ba.FormFactorIcosahedron(edge*nanometer)
-data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff)
-results.append( bp.Result(0, data, title) )
+ff = ba.FormFactorIcosahedron(edge * nanometer)
+data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff)
+results.append(bp.Result(0, data, title))
 title = 'rotated'
-trafo = ba.RotationZ(13*degree)
-ff = ba.FormFactorIcosahedron(edge*nanometer)
-data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-results.append( bp.Result(1, data, title) )
+trafo = ba.RotationZ(13 * degree)
+ff = ba.FormFactorIcosahedron(edge * nanometer)
+data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+results.append(bp.Result(1, data, title))
 title = 'rotated, tilted'
-trafo = ba.createProduct( ba.RotationX(9*degree), ba.RotationZ(13*degree))
-ff = ba.FormFactorIcosahedron(edge*nanometer)
-data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-results.append( bp.Result(2, data, title) )
+trafo = ba.createProduct(ba.RotationX(9 * degree), ba.RotationZ(13 * degree))
+ff = ba.FormFactorIcosahedron(edge * nanometer)
+data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+results.append(bp.Result(2, data, title))
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_Icosahedron_asy" )
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_Icosahedron_asy")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Icosahedron_sym.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Icosahedron_sym.py
index b8c908404c7edafaf9b6cd9a567ea5b4445142bb..035b8dba17b379365711bfbf5172f811e20a4dad 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Icosahedron_sym.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Icosahedron_sym.py
@@ -2,31 +2,31 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
 import math
-det = bp.Detector( 200, -5, 5, -5, 5 )
-n    = 3
+det = bp.Detector(200, -5, 5, -5, 5)
+n = 3
 results = []
 edge = 4.8
 title = 'face normal'
-trafo = ba.RotationY(48.1897*degree)
-ff = ba.FormFactorIcosahedron(edge*nanometer)
-data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-results.append( bp.Result(0, data, title) )
+trafo = ba.RotationY(48.1897 * degree)
+ff = ba.FormFactorIcosahedron(edge * nanometer)
+data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+results.append(bp.Result(0, data, title))
 title = 'vertex normal'
-trafo = ba.RotationY(-52.6226*degree)
-ff = ba.FormFactorIcosahedron(edge*nanometer)
-data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-results.append( bp.Result(1, data, title) )
+trafo = ba.RotationY(-52.6226 * degree)
+ff = ba.FormFactorIcosahedron(edge * nanometer)
+data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+results.append(bp.Result(1, data, title))
 title = 'edge normal'
-trafo = ba.RotationY(69.0948*degree)
-ff = ba.FormFactorIcosahedron(edge*nanometer)
-data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-results.append( bp.Result(2, data, title) )
+trafo = ba.RotationY(69.0948 * degree)
+ff = ba.FormFactorIcosahedron(edge * nanometer)
+data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+results.append(bp.Result(2, data, title))
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_Icosahedron_sym" )
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_Icosahedron_sym")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Prism3.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Prism3.py
index e55217d8cc003985db281ab78bf7af65d706ec0a..3096f0c35dbe4c5c438ed04550eddb10722b49af 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Prism3.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Prism3.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    omega=30*i/(n-1)
+    omega = 30 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\omega=%d^\circ$' % omega
-    ff = ba.FormFactorPrism3(13.8*nanometer, 3*nanometer)
-    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_Prism3" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorPrism3(13.8 * nanometer, 3 * nanometer)
+    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_Prism3")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Prism6.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Prism6.py
index 02997b725b9b4cabfaf074ec277d924fa803a63a..c63e4e5a5733a729c64f09b7b2c1cfa0da6b925c 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Prism6.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Prism6.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    omega=30*i/(n-1)
+    omega = 30 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\omega=%d^\circ$' % omega
-    ff = ba.FormFactorPrism6(5.7*nanometer, 3*nanometer)
-    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_Prism6" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorPrism6(5.7 * nanometer, 3 * nanometer)
+    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_Prism6")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Pyramid.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Pyramid.py
index 79b0a128373e367b05138f1ba710caac37356969..99580c57f4b727c576b638aa5ae358fe7a0309a4 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Pyramid.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Pyramid.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    omega=45*i/(n-1)
+    omega = 45 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\omega=%d^\circ$' % omega
-    ff = ba.FormFactorPyramid(10*nanometer, 4.2*nanometer, 60.0*degree)
-    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_Pyramid" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorPyramid(10 * nanometer, 4.2 * nanometer, 60.0 * degree)
+    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_Pyramid")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_SawtoothRipple.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_SawtoothRipple.py
index c255993694b34b30488afef40c609622275ba043..f682952aa82e0274a34358ed997621aacd4bac3e 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_SawtoothRipple.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_SawtoothRipple.py
@@ -2,18 +2,19 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, -5, 5, -5, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, -5, 5, -5, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    omega=90*i/(n-1)
+    omega = 90 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\omega=%d^\circ$' % omega
-    ff = ba.FormFactorSawtoothRippleBox(25*nanometer, 10*nanometer, 8*nanometer, 5*nanometer )
-    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorSawtoothRippleBox(25 * nanometer, 10 * nanometer,
+                                        8 * nanometer, 5 * nanometer)
+    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_SawtoothRipple" )
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_SawtoothRipple")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Tetrahedron.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Tetrahedron.py
index 197819ca024bc3019dd42b8603a0d3986e498cac..593c2bf47414b0933280e4fb03dcb2e8213f75a1 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Tetrahedron.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_Tetrahedron.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, -5, 5, -5, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, -5, 5, -5, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    omega=60*i/(n-1)
+    omega = 60 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\omega=%d^\circ$' % omega
-    ff = ba.FormFactorTetrahedron(12*nanometer, 8*nanometer, 75*degree)
-    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_Tetrahedron" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorTetrahedron(12 * nanometer, 8 * nanometer, 75 * degree)
+    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_Tetrahedron")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_TruncatedCube.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_TruncatedCube.py
index e50cf83ff4d2683f90fd85580c25b2d7d751c4d7..8dbd6cad41751f01b094e2b9e3e853ca3df0a867 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_TruncatedCube.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_TruncatedCube.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    omega=45*i/(n-1)
+    omega = 45 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\omega=%d^\circ$' % omega
-    ff = ba.FormFactorTruncatedCube(6.4*nanometer, 1.5*nanometer)
-    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_TruncatedCube" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorTruncatedCube(6.4 * nanometer, 1.5 * nanometer)
+    trafo = ba.RotationZ(omega * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_TruncatedCube")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_TruncatedSphere.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_TruncatedSphere.py
index d71e08a99a02af21f304e3f4702220889d305b20..17a4c33469cdd41362ad2c92a0bc4be6ec7d9473 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_TruncatedSphere.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_TruncatedSphere.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factor.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    theta=30*i/(n-1)
+    theta = 30 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\vartheta=%d^\circ$' % theta
-    ff = ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(4.2*nanometer, 6.1*nanometer, 0)
-    trafo = ba.RotationY(theta*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_TruncatedSphere" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(4.2 * nanometer, 6.1 * nanometer, 0)
+    trafo = ba.RotationY(theta * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_TruncatedSphere")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_TruncatedSpheroid.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_TruncatedSpheroid.py
index d5bcc1ad053ddcdf424c964846295329f1969424..5d872ac4f55543294d37b09d7b82091ed87654de 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_TruncatedSpheroid.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_TruncatedSpheroid.py
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 Plot form factor.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-n    = 4
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+n = 4
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    theta=30*i/(n-1)
+    theta = 30 * i / (n - 1)
     title = r'$\vartheta=%d^\circ$' % theta
-    ff = ba.FormFactorTruncatedSpheroid(3.3*nanometer, 9.6*nanometer, 1.8, 0)
-    trafo = ba.RotationY(theta*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_TruncatedSpheroid" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorTruncatedSpheroid(3.3 * nanometer, 9.6 * nanometer, 1.8, 0)
+    trafo = ba.RotationY(theta * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_TruncatedSpheroid")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_demo_1quadrants.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_demo_1quadrants.py
index f441c201010fb255e66244595fe1a47c61afa72a..61cafe14d66089a57c123c2ef2d589f00b379ad7 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_demo_1quadrants.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_demo_1quadrants.py
@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
 Plot form factor.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, 0, 5, 0, 5 )
-pars = [0,5,10,20]
+det = bp.Detector(200, 0, 5, 0, 5)
+pars = [0, 5, 10, 20]
 n = len(pars)
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    theta=pars[i]
+    theta = pars[i]
     title = r'$\vartheta=%d^\circ$' % theta
-    ff = ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(4.2*nanometer, 6.1*nanometer, 0)
-    trafo = ba.RotationY(theta*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_demo_1quadrants" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(4.2 * nanometer, 6.1 * nanometer, 0)
+    trafo = ba.RotationY(theta * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_demo_1quadrants")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_demo_4quadrants.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_demo_4quadrants.py
index 9214797e1be0cd7576cdff07b25dbf163db1c8d0..6663250d29c79fd9abecd85c32e3e5f95af3d9bc 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_demo_4quadrants.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_demo_4quadrants.py
@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
 Plot form factor.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
-det = bp.Detector( 200, -5, 5, -5, 5 )
-pars = [0,5,10,20]
+det = bp.Detector(200, -5, 5, -5, 5)
+pars = [0, 5, 10, 20]
 n = len(pars)
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    theta=pars[i]
+    theta = pars[i]
     title = r'$\vartheta=%d^\circ$' % theta
-    ff = ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(4.2*nanometer, 6.1*nanometer, 0)
-    trafo = ba.RotationY(theta*degree)
-    data = bp.run_simulation(det,ff,trafo)
-    results.append( bp.Result(i, data, title) )
-bp.make_plot( results, det, "ff_demo_4quadrants" )
+    ff = ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(4.2 * nanometer, 6.1 * nanometer, 0)
+    trafo = ba.RotationY(theta * degree)
+    data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff, trafo)
+    results.append(bp.Result(i, data, title))
+bp.make_plot(results, det, "ff_demo_4quadrants")
diff --git a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_det_box.py b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_det_box.py
index c32ba4232160e336d0de88748844b96cfe6024c8..69698aa9605187020d00405d2aef65edcf4a46e5 100644
--- a/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_det_box.py
+++ b/Doc/FFCatalog/fig/ff2/sim_det_box.py
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 Plot form factors.
 import bornagain as ba
-from   bornagain import nanometer, degree
+from bornagain import nanometer, degree
 import bornplot as bp
 det = bp.Detector(1000, 0, 5, 0, 5)
 n = 3
 results = []
 for i in range(n):
-    siz = [10,100,1000][i]
+    siz = [10, 100, 1000][i]
     title = r'$L_x = %d~nm$' % siz
     ff = ba.FormFactorBox(siz, 10, 10)
     data = bp.run_simulation(det, ff)
diff --git a/Doc/PhysicsManual/fig/drawing/Green.py b/Doc/PhysicsManual/fig/drawing/Green.py
index 0026ebed5c9a5c979476bd6c4d24968b736b67df..b3d5887da82c77869e445b8fb02df2f14a119176 100755
--- a/Doc/PhysicsManual/fig/drawing/Green.py
+++ b/Doc/PhysicsManual/fig/drawing/Green.py
@@ -1,44 +1,46 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 Compute radiation trajectories through multilayer sample
 for use in figure that explains the Green function.
 xd = 52
-yd =  10   # detector
-s =  3 # source located at -s
-T = [ 6, 6 ] # layer thickness
-sd = T[0]-s # distance from source to lower interface
-DeltaLayer = [ .05, .1 ] # refractive index parameter delta, per layer
-x0   = 4
-xtot = xd - x0 # determine angles so that sum dx matches this
+yd = 10  # detector
+s = 3  # source located at -s
+T = [6, 6]  # layer thickness
+sd = T[0] - s  # distance from source to lower interface
+DeltaLayer = [.05, .1]  # refractive index parameter delta, per layer
+x0 = 4
+xtot = xd - x0  # determine angles so that sum dx matches this
 PP = [
-    [ s, yd ],
-    [ -sd, T[0], yd ],
-    [ s, -T[0], T[0], yd ],
-    [ -sd, T[0], -T[0], T[0], yd ],
-    [ -sd, -T[1], T[1], T[0], yd ],
-    [ -sd, -T[1], T[1], -T[1], T[1], T[0], yd ],
-    [ -sd, -T[1], T[1], T[0], -T[0], T[0], yd ],
+    [s, yd],
+    [-sd, T[0], yd],
+    [s, -T[0], T[0], yd],
+    [-sd, T[0], -T[0], T[0], yd],
+    [-sd, -T[1], T[1], T[0], yd],
+    [-sd, -T[1], T[1], -T[1], T[1], T[0], yd],
+    [-sd, -T[1], T[1], T[0], -T[0], T[0], yd],
 import math, re, scipy.optimize, sys
-def inside( y, mi, ma ):
-    return mi<=y and y<=ma
-def xsum( a0, P, D ):
+def inside(y, mi, ma):
+    return mi <= y and y <= ma
+def xsum(a0, P, D):
     n = len(P)
     if len(D) != n:
-        sys.stderr.write( "Bug: inconsistent array lengths\n" )
+        sys.stderr.write("Bug: inconsistent array lengths\n")
     ret = 0
     for i in range(n):
-        a = math.acos( min( .99, math.cos(a0) / (1-D[i]) ) )
-        ret += abs(P[i])/math.tan(a)
-    return ret-xtot
+        a = math.acos(min(.99, math.cos(a0) / (1 - D[i])))
+        ret += abs(P[i]) / math.tan(a)
+    return ret - xtot
 cmd0 = ""
 cmd0 += "/xd %6.3g def\n" % xd
@@ -53,55 +55,56 @@ for P in PP:
     for dy in P:
         yold = y
         y += dy
-        if yold>=0 and y>=0:
-            DeltaPath.append( 0 )
-        elif inside(y,-T[0],0) and inside(yold,-T[0],0) :
-            DeltaPath.append( DeltaLayer[0] )
-        elif inside(y,-T[0]-T[1],-T[0]) and inside(yold,-T[0]-T[1],-T[0]) :
-            DeltaPath.append( DeltaLayer[1] )
+        if yold >= 0 and y >= 0:
+            DeltaPath.append(0)
+        elif inside(y, -T[0], 0) and inside(yold, -T[0], 0):
+            DeltaPath.append(DeltaLayer[0])
+        elif inside(y, -T[0] - T[1], -T[0]) and inside(yold, -T[0] - T[1], -T[0]):
+            DeltaPath.append(DeltaLayer[1])
-            sys.stderr.write( "Invalid input => layer ill defined\n" )
-    if y!=yd:
-        sys.stderr.write( "Invalid input => detector not hit\n" )
+            sys.stderr.write("Invalid input => layer ill defined\n")
+    if y != yd:
+        sys.stderr.write("Invalid input => detector not hit\n")
-    a0 = scipy.optimize.newton( xsum, .5, args = ( P, DeltaPath ) )
-    print( a0 )
+    a0 = scipy.optimize.newton(xsum, .5, args=(P, DeltaPath))
+    print(a0)
     y = -s
-    x1 =  x0
-    x2 =  x0
-    wgt = 5 - len(P)/2
+    x1 = x0
+    x2 = x0
+    wgt = 5 - len(P) / 2
     cmd1 += "%1i [] lset\n" % (wgt)
     cmd2 += "%1i [] lset\n" % (wgt)
-    cmd1 += "%6.3g %6.3g np mv\n" % ( x1, y )
-    cmd2 += "%6.3g %6.3g np mv\n" % ( x2, y )
-    for i in range(len(P)-1):
-        a = math.acos( math.cos(a0) / (1-DeltaPath[i]) )
-        x1 += abs(P[i])/math.tan(a)
-        b = math.acos( math.cos(b0) / (1-DeltaPath[i]) )
-        x2 += abs(P[i])/math.tan(b)
+    cmd1 += "%6.3g %6.3g np mv\n" % (x1, y)
+    cmd2 += "%6.3g %6.3g np mv\n" % (x2, y)
+    for i in range(len(P) - 1):
+        a = math.acos(math.cos(a0) / (1 - DeltaPath[i]))
+        x1 += abs(P[i]) / math.tan(a)
+        b = math.acos(math.cos(b0) / (1 - DeltaPath[i]))
+        x2 += abs(P[i]) / math.tan(b)
         y += P[i]
-        cmd1 += "%6.3g %6.3g li\n" % ( x1, y )
-        cmd2 += "%6.3g %6.3g li\n" % ( x2, y )
+        cmd1 += "%6.3g %6.3g li\n" % (x1, y)
+        cmd2 += "%6.3g %6.3g li\n" % (x2, y)
     cmd1 += "st\n"
     cmd2 += "st\n"
-    len1 = math.sqrt( (xtot+x0-x1)**2 + yd**2 ) - 8
-    cmd1 += "%6.3g %6.3g %7.3g .8 %6.3g pfeiL\n" % ( x1, y, 180*a0/math.pi, len1 )
-    cmd2 += "%6.3g %6.3g %7.3g .8 %6.3g pfeiL\n" % ( x2, y, 180*b0/math.pi, 7 )
+    len1 = math.sqrt((xtot + x0 - x1)**2 + yd**2) - 8
+    cmd1 += "%6.3g %6.3g %7.3g .8 %6.3g pfeiL\n" % (x1, y, 180 * a0 / math.pi, len1)
+    cmd2 += "%6.3g %6.3g %7.3g .8 %6.3g pfeiL\n" % (x2, y, 180 * b0 / math.pi, 7)
     cmd1 += "\n"
     cmd2 += "\n"
 #/pfeiL { % (arrow anchored at base) x y rot siz len
-t = "% This file is automatically generated by script " + sys.argv[0] + "\n% DO NOT EDIT!\n\n"
-fd = open( "Green1.ps.in", 'r' )
+t = "% This file is automatically generated by script " + sys.argv[
+    0] + "\n% DO NOT EDIT!\n\n"
+fd = open("Green1.ps.in", 'r')
 t += fd.read()
-cmd0 += "/b0 %7.3g def\n" % (180*b0/math.pi)
-t = re.sub( r'%#0', cmd0, t )
-t = re.sub( r'%#1', cmd1, t )
-t = re.sub( r'%#2', cmd2, t )
+cmd0 += "/b0 %7.3g def\n" % (180 * b0 / math.pi)
+t = re.sub(r'%#0', cmd0, t)
+t = re.sub(r'%#1', cmd1, t)
+t = re.sub(r'%#2', cmd2, t)
-fd = open( "Green1.ps", 'w' )
-fd.write( t )
+fd = open("Green1.ps", 'w')
diff --git a/Examples/Demos/FitCylindersPrisms_movie.py b/Examples/Demos/FitCylindersPrisms_movie.py
index acd255944a14c87d47c1da59b92ebf5fff7945c7..c438217f09435c6fd3380589d5facacbecc22b29 100644
--- a/Examples/Demos/FitCylindersPrisms_movie.py
+++ b/Examples/Demos/FitCylindersPrisms_movie.py
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ minimization engine, with starting values cylinder_height = prism3_height = 4nm,
 cylinder_radius = prism3_length/2 = 6nm as initial fit parameter values.
 import numpy
 import matplotlib
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
@@ -35,10 +34,10 @@ fig = plt.figure(1)
 max_line_length = 30
-def get_sample(cylinder_height=1.0*nanometer,
-               cylinder_radius=1.0*nanometer,
-               prism_length=2.0*nanometer,
-               prism_height=1.0*nanometer):
+def get_sample(cylinder_height=1.0 * nanometer,
+               cylinder_radius=1.0 * nanometer,
+               prism_length=2.0 * nanometer,
+               prism_height=1.0 * nanometer):
     Build the sample representing cylinders and pyramids on top of
     substrate without interference.
@@ -75,7 +74,8 @@ def create_real_data():
     This function has been used once to generate refdata_fitcylinderprisms.int
     # creating sample with set of parameters we will later try to find during the fit
-    sample = get_sample(5.0*nanometer, 5.0*nanometer, 5.0*nanometer, 5.0*nanometer)
+    sample = get_sample(5.0 * nanometer, 5.0 * nanometer, 5.0 * nanometer,
+                        5.0 * nanometer)
     simulation = get_simulation()
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ def create_real_data():
     # random seed made as in FitSPheresInHexLattice_builder.py example
     noise_factor = 0.1
-    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor*np.sqrt(real_data))
+    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor * np.sqrt(real_data))
     noisy[noisy < 0.1] = 0.1
@@ -96,8 +96,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0*degree, 1.0*degree, 100, 0.0*degree, 2.0*degree)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*degree, 0.0*degree)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0 * degree, 1.0 * degree, 100,
+                                     0.0 * degree, 2.0 * degree)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * degree, 0.0 * degree)
     return simulation
@@ -119,12 +120,16 @@ class DrawObserver(IFitObserver):
         real_data = fit_suite.getFitObjects().getRealData().getArray()
         simulated_data = fit_suite.getFitObjects().getSimulationData().getArray()
         plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
-        im = plt.imshow(real_data + 1, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),extent=[-1.0, 1.0, 0, 2.0])
+        im = plt.imshow(real_data + 1,
+                        norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
+                        extent=[-1.0, 1.0, 0, 2.0])
         plt.title('\"Real\" data')
         # plotting real data
         plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
-        im = plt.imshow(simulated_data + 1, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),extent=[-1.0, 1.0, 0, 2.0])
+        im = plt.imshow(simulated_data + 1,
+                        norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
+                        extent=[-1.0, 1.0, 0, 2.0])
         plt.title('Simulated data')
         # plotting parameter space
@@ -185,7 +190,8 @@ def run_fitting():
     simulation = get_simulation()
-    real_data = IntensityDataIOFactory.readIntensityData('refdata_fitcylinderprisms.int.gz')
+    real_data = IntensityDataIOFactory.readIntensityData(
+        'refdata_fitcylinderprisms.int.gz')
     fit_suite = FitSuite()
     fit_suite.addSimulationAndRealData(simulation, real_data)
@@ -195,10 +201,14 @@ def run_fitting():
     # setting fitting parameters with starting values
-    fit_suite.addFitParameter("*Cylinder/Height", 2.*nanometer, Limits.limited(0.01, 10.0))
-    fit_suite.addFitParameter("*Cylinder/Radius", 2.*nanometer, Limits.limited(0.01, 10.0))
-    fit_suite.addFitParameter("*Prism3/Height", 2.*nanometer, Limits.limited(0.01, 10.0))
-    fit_suite.addFitParameter("*Prism3/Length", 2.*nanometer, Limits.limited(0.01, 10.0))
+    fit_suite.addFitParameter("*Cylinder/Height", 2. * nanometer,
+                              Limits.limited(0.01, 10.0))
+    fit_suite.addFitParameter("*Cylinder/Radius", 2. * nanometer,
+                              Limits.limited(0.01, 10.0))
+    fit_suite.addFitParameter("*Prism3/Height", 2. * nanometer,
+                              Limits.limited(0.01, 10.0))
+    fit_suite.addFitParameter("*Prism3/Length", 2. * nanometer,
+                              Limits.limited(0.01, 10.0))
     # # Now we create first fig strategy which will run first minimization round using Genetic minimizer.
     # # Genetic minimizer is able to explore large parameter space without being trapped by some local minima.
@@ -220,7 +230,9 @@ def run_fitting():
     fitpars = fit_suite.getFitParameters()
     for i in range(0, fitpars.size()):
         print fitpars[i].getName(), fitpars[i].getValue(), fitpars[i].getError()
-    os.system("mencoder 'mf://_tmp*.png' -mf type=png:fps=10 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o fit_movie.mpg")
+    os.system(
+        "mencoder 'mf://_tmp*.png' -mf type=png:fps=10 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o fit_movie.mpg"
+    )
     print 'Removing temporary files'
     os.system("rm _tmp*")
diff --git a/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_cyl_SSCA.py b/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_cyl_SSCA.py
index e469a40df3d7a1ca65df3be7abd8453930cfc2ac..f35435d2708797987ff8baff4412947f912dcfa1 100644
--- a/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_cyl_SSCA.py
+++ b/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_cyl_SSCA.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import matplotlib
 import math
 from bornagain import *
 # ----------------------------------
 # describe sample and run simulation
 # ----------------------------------
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ def RunSimulation():
     # defining materials
     mVacuum = HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
     mSubstrate = HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 6e-6, 2e-8)
-    mParticle =HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
+    mParticle = HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     mLayer = HomogeneousMaterial("Layer", 2e-5, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
@@ -46,7 +47,8 @@ def RunSimulation():
     # build and run experiment
     simulation = GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -4.0 * degree, 4.0 * degree, 100, 0.0 * degree, 8.0 * degree)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -4.0 * degree, 4.0 * degree, 100,
+                                     0.0 * degree, 8.0 * degree)
     simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * degree, 0.0 * degree)
@@ -58,9 +60,10 @@ def RunSimulation():
 # main()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    result = RunSimulation() + 1 # for log scale
-    im = plt.imshow(result, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
-                 extent=[-4.0, 4.0, 0, 8.0])
+    result = RunSimulation() + 1  # for log scale
+    im = plt.imshow(result,
+                    norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
+                    extent=[-4.0, 4.0, 0, 8.0])
     plt.xlabel(r'$\phi_f$', fontsize=20)
     plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha_f$', fontsize=20)
diff --git a/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_cylsphere.py b/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_cylsphere.py
index 1b7f60f258aa464c60d38ec027dae0aa15e1ee6c..ad458a483b32e70523e266f01a2a50ab00296bd4 100644
--- a/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_cylsphere.py
+++ b/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_cylsphere.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import matplotlib
 import math
 from bornagain import *
 # ----------------------------------
 # describe sample and run simulation
 # ----------------------------------
@@ -39,7 +40,8 @@ def RunSimulation():
     # build and run experiment
     simulation = GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -4.0 * degree, 4.0 * degree, 100, 0.0 * degree, 8.0 * degree)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -4.0 * degree, 4.0 * degree, 100,
+                                     0.0 * degree, 8.0 * degree)
     simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * degree, 0.0 * degree)
@@ -51,10 +53,10 @@ def RunSimulation():
 # main()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    result = RunSimulation() + 1 # for log scale
+    result = RunSimulation() + 1  # for log scale
     im = plt.imshow(result,
-                 norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
-                 extent=[-4.0, 4.0, 0, 8.0])
+                    norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
+                    extent=[-4.0, 4.0, 0, 8.0])
     plt.xlabel(r'$\phi_f$', fontsize=20)
     plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha_f$', fontsize=20)
diff --git a/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_lattice1.py b/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_lattice1.py
index 2fc3a58d21ab56a8cd94674105bb837d010806f5..e44f4337356ecd23a43df86f6bff950b9e48c5fb 100644
--- a/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_lattice1.py
+++ b/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_lattice1.py
@@ -9,17 +9,18 @@ from bornagain import *
 M_PI = numpy.pi
 # ----------------------------------
 # describe sample and run simulation
 # ----------------------------------
 def RunSimulation():
     # defining materials
-    mAmbience = HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0 )
-    mSubstrate = HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 6e-6, 2e-8 )
-    mParticle = HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8 )
+    mAmbience = HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
+    mSubstrate = HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 6e-6, 2e-8)
+    mParticle = HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # particle
-    cylinder_ff = FormFactorCylinder(5*nanometer, 5*nanometer)
+    cylinder_ff = FormFactorCylinder(5 * nanometer, 5 * nanometer)
     cylinder = Particle(mParticle, cylinder_ff.clone())
     position = kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
@@ -27,8 +28,10 @@ def RunSimulation():
     particle_layout.addParticle(cylinder, 1.0)
     # interference function
-    interference = InterferenceFunction2DLattice(ba.SquareLattice2D(10.0*nanometer))
-    pdf = FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(300.0*nanometer/2.0/M_PI, 100.0*nanometer/2.0/M_PI, 0)
+    interference = InterferenceFunction2DLattice(ba.SquareLattice2D(10.0 *
+                                                                    nanometer))
+    pdf = FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(300.0 * nanometer / 2.0 / M_PI,
+                                  100.0 * nanometer / 2.0 / M_PI, 0)
@@ -46,8 +49,9 @@ def RunSimulation():
     # build and run experiment
     simulation = GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -2.0*degree, 2.0*degree, 100, 0.0*degree, 4.0*degree)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*degree, 0.0*degree)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -2.0 * degree, 2.0 * degree, 100,
+                                     0.0 * degree, 4.0 * degree)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * degree, 0.0 * degree)
     # run simulation
@@ -60,9 +64,9 @@ def RunSimulation():
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     result = RunSimulation()
-    im = plt.imshow(result+1,
-                 norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
-                 extent=[-2.0, 2.0, 0, 4.0])
+    im = plt.imshow(result + 1,
+                    norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
+                    extent=[-2.0, 2.0, 0, 4.0])
     plt.xlabel(r'$\phi_f$', fontsize=20)
     plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha_f$', fontsize=20)
diff --git a/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_lattice2.py b/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_lattice2.py
index b7dc1f7d1042aec7e1e27884135475123ff3ecde..22b369c5b9c214b96b2e8f5c1fa3c018b60cf771 100644
--- a/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_lattice2.py
+++ b/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_lattice2.py
@@ -9,31 +9,34 @@ from bornagain import *
 M_PI = numpy.pi
 # ----------------------------------
 # describe sample and run simulation
 # ----------------------------------
 def RunSimulation():
     # defining materials
-    mAmbience = HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0 )
-    mSubstrate = HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 6e-6, 2e-8 )
-    mParticle = HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8 )
+    mAmbience = HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
+    mSubstrate = HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 6e-6, 2e-8)
+    mParticle = HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # particle 1
-    cylinder_ff = FormFactorCylinder(5*nanometer, 5*nanometer)
+    cylinder_ff = FormFactorCylinder(5 * nanometer, 5 * nanometer)
     cylinder = Particle(mParticle, cylinder_ff)
     position = kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
     particle_layout1 = ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout1.addParticle(cylinder, 1.0)
     # particle 2
-    position_2 = kvector_t(5.0*nanometer, 5.0*nanometer, 0.0)
+    position_2 = kvector_t(5.0 * nanometer, 5.0 * nanometer, 0.0)
     particle_layout2 = ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout2.addParticle(cylinder, 1.0)
     # interference function
-    interference = InterferenceFunction2DLattice(ba.SquareLattice2D(10.0*nanometer))
-    pdf = FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(300.0*nanometer/2.0/M_PI, 100.0*nanometer/2.0/M_PI, 0)
+    interference = InterferenceFunction2DLattice(ba.SquareLattice2D(10.0 *
+                                                                    nanometer))
+    pdf = FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(300.0 * nanometer / 2.0 / M_PI,
+                                  100.0 * nanometer / 2.0 / M_PI, 0)
@@ -53,8 +56,9 @@ def RunSimulation():
     # build and run experiment
     simulation = GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -2.0*degree, 2.0*degree, 100, 0.0*degree, 4.0*degree)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*degree, 0.0*degree)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -2.0 * degree, 2.0 * degree, 100,
+                                     0.0 * degree, 4.0 * degree)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * degree, 0.0 * degree)
     # run simulation
@@ -67,9 +71,9 @@ def RunSimulation():
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     result = RunSimulation()
-    im = plt.imshow(result+1,
-                 norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
-                 extent=[-2.0, 2.0, 0, 4.0])
+    im = plt.imshow(result + 1,
+                    norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
+                    extent=[-2.0, 2.0, 0, 4.0])
     plt.xlabel(r'$\phi_f$', fontsize=20)
     plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha_f$', fontsize=20)
diff --git a/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_movie.py b/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_movie.py
index dfb7de2e43d6de760e40bb5df3ff1bd33f0a081e..de1a31f701ee55bdc92efd73da1be7fe8e459b5b 100644
--- a/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_movie.py
+++ b/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_movie.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ radius = 1
 height = 4
 distance = 5
 # ----------------------------------
 # describe sample and run simulation
 # ----------------------------------
@@ -45,46 +46,50 @@ def RunSimulation():
     # build and run experiment
     simulation = GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -4.0 * degree, 4.0 * degree, 100, 0.0 * degree, 8.0 * degree)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -4.0 * degree, 4.0 * degree, 100,
+                                     0.0 * degree, 8.0 * degree)
     simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * degree, 0.0 * degree)
     # intensity data
     return simulation.result().array()
 def SetParameters(i):
     global radius
     global height
     global distance
-    radius = (1. + (3.0/Nframes)*i) * nanometer
-    height = (1. + (4.0/Nframes)*i) * nanometer
-    distance = (10. - (1.0/Nframes)*i) * nanometer
+    radius = (1. + (3.0 / Nframes) * i) * nanometer
+    height = (1. + (4.0 / Nframes) * i) * nanometer
+    distance = (10. - (1.0 / Nframes) * i) * nanometer
 # main()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     files = []
-    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
     for i in range(Nframes):
         result = RunSimulation() + 1  # for log scale
-        im = ax.imshow(result, vmax=1e3,
-                 norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
-                 extent=[-4.0, 4.0, 0, 8.0])
+        im = ax.imshow(result,
+                       vmax=1e3,
+                       norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
+                       extent=[-4.0, 4.0, 0, 8.0])
         plt.xlabel(r'$\phi_f$', fontsize=20)
         plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha_f$', fontsize=20)
-        if i==0:
+        if i == 0:
-        fname = '_tmp%03d.png'%i
+        fname = '_tmp%03d.png' % i
         print 'Saving frame', fname
         except IOError as e:
-            print "Frame cannot be saved. I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)
+            print "Frame cannot be saved. I/O error({0}): {1}".format(
+                e.errno, e.strerror)
             print "Copy these examples to the directory where you have a write permission and enough free space to save the movie."
@@ -94,10 +99,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
-        os.system("mencoder 'mf://_tmp*.png' -mf type=png:fps=10 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o animation.mpg")
+        os.system(
+            "mencoder 'mf://_tmp*.png' -mf type=png:fps=10 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o animation.mpg"
+        )
         print 'Removing temporary files'
         os.system("rm _tmp*")
         print "Movie cannot be saved. Error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
diff --git a/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_movie2.py b/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_movie2.py
index 72b73ae6537c23914c12b09ff4e64321fba7f3c8..5662269b8a9b5ce9483c4fb859db85ab8971d2de 100644
--- a/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_movie2.py
+++ b/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_movie2.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ layer_thickness = 1
 Nframes = 100
 Ngrowframes = 30
 # ----------------------------------
 # describe sample and run simulation
 # ----------------------------------
@@ -46,7 +47,8 @@ def RunSimulation():
     # build and run experiment
     simulation = GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -4.0 * degree, 4.0 * degree, 100, 0.0 * degree, 8.0 * degree)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -4.0 * degree, 4.0 * degree, 100,
+                                     0.0 * degree, 8.0 * degree)
     simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * degree, 0.0 * degree)
@@ -57,37 +59,41 @@ def RunSimulation():
 def SetParameters(i):
     global radius
     global layer_thickness
-    if i<Ngrowframes:
-        radius = (1. + (3.0/Ngrowframes)*i) * nanometer
+    if i < Ngrowframes:
+        radius = (1. + (3.0 / Ngrowframes) * i) * nanometer
         layer_thickness = 0.01 * nanometer
         radius = 4. * nanometer
-        layer_thickness = (0.01 + (0.5/(Nframes-Ngrowframes))*(i-Ngrowframes)) * nanometer
+        layer_thickness = (0.01 + (0.5 / (Nframes - Ngrowframes)) *
+                           (i - Ngrowframes)) * nanometer
 # main()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     files = []
-    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
     for i in range(Nframes):
-        result = RunSimulation() + 1 # for log scale
+        result = RunSimulation() + 1  # for log scale
-        im = ax.imshow(result, vmax=1e3,
-                 norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
-                 extent=[-4.0, 4.0, 0, 8.0])
+        im = ax.imshow(result,
+                       vmax=1e3,
+                       norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
+                       extent=[-4.0, 4.0, 0, 8.0])
         plt.xlabel(r'$\phi_f$', fontsize=20)
         plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha_f$', fontsize=20)
-        if i==0:
+        if i == 0:
-        fname = '_tmp%03d.png'%i
+        fname = '_tmp%03d.png' % i
         print 'Saving frame', fname
         except IOError as e:
-            print "Frame cannot be saved. I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)
+            print "Frame cannot be saved. I/O error({0}): {1}".format(
+                e.errno, e.strerror)
             print "Copy these examples to the directory where you have a write permission and enough free space to save the movie."
@@ -96,10 +102,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
-        os.system("mencoder 'mf://_tmp*.png' -mf type=png:fps=10 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o animation2.mpg")
+        os.system(
+            "mencoder 'mf://_tmp*.png' -mf type=png:fps=10 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o animation2.mpg"
+        )
         print 'Removing temporary files'
         os.system("rm _tmp*")
         print "Movie cannot be saved. Error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
diff --git a/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_movie3.py b/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_movie3.py
index 0037480b61ed8e0b5de18e734746005381e4d40b..b6983fd1bceec13db3e03ed36e099e1725ad6ada 100644
--- a/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_movie3.py
+++ b/Examples/Demos/simul_demo_movie3.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Nframes = 50
 kappa = 0.
 # ----------------------------------
 # describe sample and run simulation
 # ----------------------------------
@@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ def RunSimulation():
     # build and run experiment
     simulation = GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -4.0 * degree, 4.0 * degree, 100, 0.0 * degree, 8.0 * degree)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -4.0 * degree, 4.0 * degree, 100,
+                                     0.0 * degree, 8.0 * degree)
     simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * degree, 0.0 * degree)
@@ -61,32 +63,35 @@ def RunSimulation():
 def SetParameters(i):
     global kappa
-    kappa = 0.01 + (2.0/Nframes)*i
+    kappa = 0.01 + (2.0 / Nframes) * i
 # main()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     files = []
-    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
     for i in range(Nframes):
         result = RunSimulation() + 1  # for log scale
-        im = ax.imshow(result, vmax=1e3,
-                 norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
-                 extent=[-4.0, 4.0, 0, 8.0])
+        im = ax.imshow(result,
+                       vmax=1e3,
+                       norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
+                       extent=[-4.0, 4.0, 0, 8.0])
         plt.xlabel(r'$\phi_f$', fontsize=20)
         plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha_f$', fontsize=20)
-        if i==0:
+        if i == 0:
-        fname = '_tmp%03d.png'%i
+        fname = '_tmp%03d.png' % i
         print 'Saving frame', fname
         except IOError as e:
-            print "Frame cannot be saved. I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)
+            print "Frame cannot be saved. I/O error({0}): {1}".format(
+                e.errno, e.strerror)
             print "Copy these examples to the directory where you have a write permission and enough free space to save the movie."
@@ -96,10 +101,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
-        os.system("mencoder 'mf://_tmp*.png' -mf type=png:fps=10 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o animation3.mpg")
+        os.system(
+            "mencoder 'mf://_tmp*.png' -mf type=png:fps=10 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o animation3.mpg"
+        )
         print 'Removing temporary files'
         os.system("rm _tmp*")
         print "Movie cannot be saved. Error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/basic_fitting_tutorial.py b/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/basic_fitting_tutorial.py
index 14b06998c3c902e665ef552fc568fa845fc1cff7..7cf45a418885f86a30ea47ff23c880b9d7102c03 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/basic_fitting_tutorial.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/basic_fitting_tutorial.py
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ def get_simulation(params):
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -62,8 +62,12 @@ def create_real_data():
     # default sample parameters
-    params = {'cylinder_height': 5.0*nm, 'cylinder_radius': 5.0*nm,
-              'prism_height': 5.0*nm, 'prism_base_edge': 5.0*nm}
+    params = {
+        'cylinder_height': 5.0 * nm,
+        'cylinder_radius': 5.0 * nm,
+        'prism_height': 5.0 * nm,
+        'prism_base_edge': 5.0 * nm
+    }
     # retrieving simulated data in the form of numpy array
     simulation = get_simulation(params)
@@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ def create_real_data():
     # spoiling simulated data with noise to produce "real" data
     noise_factor = 0.1
-    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor*np.sqrt(real_data))
+    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor * np.sqrt(real_data))
     noisy[noisy < 0.1] = 0.1
     np.savetxt("basic_fitting_tutorial_data.txt.gz", real_data)
@@ -103,10 +107,10 @@ def run_fitting():
     params = ba.Parameters()
-    params.add("cylinder_height", 4.*nm, min=0.01)
-    params.add("cylinder_radius", 6.*nm, min=0.01)
-    params.add("prism_height", 4.*nm, min=0.01)
-    params.add("prism_base_edge", 6.*nm, min=0.01)
+    params.add("cylinder_height", 4. * nm, min=0.01)
+    params.add("cylinder_radius", 6. * nm, min=0.01)
+    params.add("prism_height", 4. * nm, min=0.01)
+    params.add("prism_base_edge", 6. * nm, min=0.01)
     minimizer = ba.Minimizer()
     result = minimizer.minimize(fit_objective.evaluate, params)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/consecutive_fitting.py b/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/consecutive_fitting.py
index 56d5dc25bae9a3237717aa9901ea2de92ab93ed2..fa54e2100aabd7bad49c2e5ea0ba1d20bfbc53b8 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/consecutive_fitting.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/consecutive_fitting.py
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ def get_simulation(params):
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, 0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ def create_real_data():
     Generating "real" data by adding noise to the simulated data.
-    params = {'radius': 5.0*nm, 'height': 5.0*nm}
+    params = {'radius': 5.0 * nm, 'height': 5.0 * nm}
     simulation = get_simulation(params)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def create_real_data():
     # spoiling simulated data with the noise to produce "real" data
     noise_factor = 0.1
-    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor*np.sqrt(real_data))
+    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor * np.sqrt(real_data))
     noisy[noisy < 0.1] = 0.1
     return noisy
@@ -81,16 +81,14 @@ def run_fitting():
     fit_objective.addSimulationAndData(get_simulation, real_data, 1.0)
     Setting fitting parameters with starting values.
     Here we select starting values being quite far from true values
     to puzzle our minimizer's as much as possible.
     params = ba.Parameters()
-    params.add("height", 1.*nm, min=0.01, max=30.0, step=0.05*nm)
-    params.add("radius", 20.*nm, min=0.01, max=30.0, step=0.05*nm)
+    params.add("height", 1. * nm, min=0.01, max=30.0, step=0.05 * nm)
+    params.add("radius", 20. * nm, min=0.01, max=30.0, step=0.05 * nm)
     Now we run first minimization round using the Genetic minimizer.
     The Genetic minimizer is able to explore large parameter space
@@ -102,7 +100,6 @@ def run_fitting():
     best_params_so_far = result.parameters()
     Second fit will use another minimizer.
     It starts from best parameters found in previous minimization
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/minimal_fit_example.py b/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/minimal_fit_example.py
index bc71decbb208f1a0ca7113f4848a33a3dc84c397..e5c68e14c5ef7e61a5f91eb0df0484185f44b7c2 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/minimal_fit_example.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/minimal_fit_example.py
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ def get_simulation(params):
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def real_data():
     Generating "experimental" data by running simulation with default parameters.
-    simulation = get_simulation({'radius': 5.0*nm})
+    simulation = get_simulation({'radius': 5.0 * nm})
     return simulation.result().array()
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def run_fitting():
     params = ba.Parameters()
-    params.add("radius", 4.*nm, min=0.01)
+    params.add("radius", 4. * nm, min=0.01)
     minimizer = ba.Minimizer()
     result = minimizer.minimize(fit_objective.evaluate, params)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/minimizer_settings.py b/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/minimizer_settings.py
index 871368b4efcd5fbf1f9e65d75b9ae8d093a811fe..0b48597356b0caeef05f7e301ccde2936edd4718 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/minimizer_settings.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit51_Basic/minimizer_settings.py
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ def get_simulation(params):
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -58,8 +58,12 @@ def create_real_data():
     Generating "real" data from simulated image with default parameters.
-    params = {'cylinder_height': 5.0*nm, 'cylinder_radius': 5.0*nm,
-              'prism_height': 5.0*nm, 'prism_base_edge': 5.0*nm}
+    params = {
+        'cylinder_height': 5.0 * nm,
+        'cylinder_radius': 5.0 * nm,
+        'prism_height': 5.0 * nm,
+        'prism_base_edge': 5.0 * nm
+    }
     simulation = get_simulation(params)
@@ -85,32 +89,28 @@ def run_fitting():
     params = ba.Parameters()
-    params.add("cylinder_height", 4.*nm, min=0.01)
-    params.add("cylinder_radius", 6.*nm, min=0.01)
-    params.add("prism_height", 4.*nm, min=0.01)
-    params.add("prism_base_edge", 12.*nm, min=0.01)
+    params.add("cylinder_height", 4. * nm, min=0.01)
+    params.add("cylinder_radius", 6. * nm, min=0.01)
+    params.add("prism_height", 4. * nm, min=0.01)
+    params.add("prism_base_edge", 12. * nm, min=0.01)
     minimizer = ba.Minimizer()
     # Uncomment one of the line below to adjust minimizer settings
     Setting Minuit2 minimizer with Migrad algorithm, limiting number of iterations.
     Minimization will try to respect MaxFunctionCalls value.
     # minimizer.setMinimizer("Minuit2", "Migrad", "MaxFunctionCalls=50")
     Setting two options at once.
     Strategy=2 promises more accurate fit.    
     # minimizer.setMinimizer("Minuit2", "Migrad", "MaxFunctionCalls=500;Strategy=2")
     Setting Minuit2 minimizer with Fumili algorithm.
     # minimizer.setMinimizer("Minuit2", "Fumili")
     Setting Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/find_background.py b/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/find_background.py
index 7c40fe97c105ee577baabc203ad4588346018a11..8a0b1f4442da19fef6d4fac52bc55f5d517556de 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/find_background.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/find_background.py
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ def get_simulation(params):
     scale = params["scale"]
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamIntensity(1e12*scale)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamIntensity(1e12 * scale)
@@ -66,7 +66,12 @@ def create_real_data():
     scale, background factors.
-    params = {'radius': 5.0*nm, 'height': 10.0*nm, 'scale': 2.0, 'background': 1000}
+    params = {
+        'radius': 5.0 * nm,
+        'height': 10.0 * nm,
+        'scale': 2.0,
+        'background': 1000
+    }
     simulation = get_simulation(params)
@@ -88,8 +93,8 @@ def run_fitting():
     params = ba.Parameters()
-    params.add("radius", 5.*nm, vary=False)
-    params.add("height", 9.*nm, min=8.*nm, max=12.*nm)
+    params.add("radius", 5. * nm, vary=False)
+    params.add("height", 9. * nm, min=8. * nm, max=12. * nm)
     params.add("scale", 1.5, min=1.0, max=3.0)
     params.add("background", 200, min=100.0, max=2000.0, step=100.0)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/fit_along_slices.py b/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/fit_along_slices.py
index 9124e731d9fa667b52a29a6adb1bc4fb1b81ba2d..9c22611daefaa5c5bcd4db20f5220e10970522c7 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/fit_along_slices.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/fit_along_slices.py
@@ -42,8 +42,9 @@ def get_simulation(params, add_masks=True):
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg, 100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     if add_masks:
@@ -53,8 +54,8 @@ def get_simulation(params, add_masks=True):
         simulation/fitting to be performed along slices only.
-        simulation.addMask(ba.HorizontalLine(alpha_slice_value*deg), False)
-        simulation.addMask(ba.VerticalLine(phi_slice_value*deg), False)
+        simulation.addMask(ba.HorizontalLine(alpha_slice_value * deg), False)
+        simulation.addMask(ba.VerticalLine(phi_slice_value * deg), False)
     return simulation
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ def create_real_data():
     Generating "real" data by adding noise to the simulated data.
     # initial values which we will have to find later during the fit
-    params = {'radius': 5.0*nm, 'height': 10.0*nm}
+    params = {'radius': 5.0 * nm, 'height': 10.0 * nm}
     # retrieving simulated data in the form of numpy array
     simulation = get_simulation(params, add_masks=False)
@@ -78,7 +79,6 @@ class PlotObserver:
     Draws fit progress every nth iteration. Here we plot slices along real
     and simulated images to see fit progress.
     def __init__(self):
         self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10.25, 7.69))
@@ -97,11 +97,15 @@ class PlotObserver:
         # line representing vertical slice
         plt.plot([phi_slice_value, phi_slice_value],
                  [data.getYmin(), data.getYmax()],
-                 color='gray', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
+                 color='gray',
+                 linestyle='-',
+                 linewidth=1)
         # line representing horizontal slice
         plt.plot([data.getXmin(), data.getXmax()],
                  [alpha_slice_value, alpha_slice_value],
-                 color='gray', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
+                 color='gray',
+                 linestyle='-',
+                 linewidth=1)
     def plot_slices(slices, title):
@@ -110,10 +114,9 @@ class PlotObserver:
         plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2, hspace=0.3)
         for label, slice in slices:
-            plt.semilogy(slice.binCenters(),
-                         slice.binValues(), label=label)
+            plt.semilogy(slice.binCenters(), slice.binValues(), label=label)
             plt.xlim(slice.getXmin(), slice.getXmax())
-            plt.ylim(1.0, slice.getMaximum()*10.0)
+            plt.ylim(1.0, slice.getMaximum() * 10.0)
         plt.legend(loc='upper right')
@@ -127,14 +130,13 @@ class PlotObserver:
         iteration_info = fit_objective.iterationInfo()
-        plt.text(0.01, 0.85, "Iterations  " + '{:d}'.
-                 format(iteration_info.iterationCount()))
+        plt.text(0.01, 0.85,
+                 "Iterations  " + '{:d}'.format(iteration_info.iterationCount()))
         plt.text(0.01, 0.75, "Chi2       " + '{:8.4f}'.format(iteration_info.chi2()))
         for index, params in enumerate(iteration_info.parameters()):
             plt.text(0.01, 0.55 - index * 0.1,
                      '{:30.30s}: {:6.3f}'.format(params.name(), params.value))
@@ -153,19 +155,15 @@ class PlotObserver:
         # horizontal slices
-        slices = [
-            ("real", real_data.projectionX(alpha_slice_value)),
-            ("simul", simul_data.projectionX(alpha_slice_value))
-            ]
+        slices = [("real", real_data.projectionX(alpha_slice_value)),
+                  ("simul", simul_data.projectionX(alpha_slice_value))]
         title = ("Horizontal slice at alpha =" + '{:3.1f}'.format(alpha_slice_value))
         plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
         self.plot_slices(slices, title)
         # vertical slices
-        slices = [
-            ("real", real_data.projectionY(phi_slice_value)),
-            ("simul", simul_data.projectionY(phi_slice_value))
-            ]
+        slices = [("real", real_data.projectionY(phi_slice_value)),
+                  ("simul", simul_data.projectionY(phi_slice_value))]
         title = "Vertical slice at phi =" + '{:3.1f}'.format(phi_slice_value)
         plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
         self.plot_slices(slices, title)
@@ -191,8 +189,8 @@ def run_fitting():
     fit_objective.initPlot(10, plotter)
     params = ba.Parameters()
-    params.add("radius", 6.*nm, min=4.0, max=8.0)
-    params.add("height", 9.*nm, min=8.0, max=12.0)
+    params.add("radius", 6. * nm, min=4.0, max=8.0)
+    params.add("height", 9. * nm, min=8.0, max=12.0)
     minimizer = ba.Minimizer()
     result = minimizer.minimize(fit_objective.evaluate, params)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/fit_with_masks.py b/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/fit_with_masks.py
index 2306038950cec5ce99564304cab6865adacf8268..8226014c5551e145616b39d2dbd363a48b0114f9 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/fit_with_masks.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/fit_with_masks.py
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ def get_simulation(params, add_masks=True):
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def create_real_data():
     Generating "real" data by adding noise to the simulated data.
-    params = {'radius': 5.0*nm, 'height': 10.0*nm}
+    params = {'radius': 5.0 * nm, 'height': 10.0 * nm}
     # retrieving simulated data in the form of numpy array
     simulation = get_simulation(params, add_masks=False)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def create_real_data():
     # spoiling simulated data with the noise to produce "real" data
     noise_factor = 0.1
-    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor*np.sqrt(real_data))
+    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor * np.sqrt(real_data))
     noisy[noisy < 0.1] = 0.1
     return noisy
@@ -89,25 +89,24 @@ def add_mask_to_simulation(simulation):
     # set mask to simulate pacman's head
-    simulation.addMask(
-        ba.Ellipse(0.0*deg, 1.0*deg, 0.5*deg, 0.5*deg), False)
+    simulation.addMask(ba.Ellipse(0.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 0.5 * deg, 0.5 * deg), False)
     # set mask for pacman's eye
-    simulation.addMask(
-        ba.Ellipse(0.11*deg, 1.25*deg, 0.05*deg, 0.05*deg), True)
+    simulation.addMask(ba.Ellipse(0.11 * deg, 1.25 * deg, 0.05 * deg, 0.05 * deg),
+                       True)
     # set mask for pacman's mouth
-    points = [[0.0*deg, 1.0*deg], [0.5*deg, 1.2*deg],
-              [0.5*deg, 0.8*deg], [0.0*deg, 1.0*deg]]
+    points = [[0.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg], [0.5 * deg, 1.2 * deg], [0.5 * deg, 0.8 * deg],
+              [0.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg]]
     simulation.addMask(ba.Polygon(points), True)
     # giving pacman something to eat
-    simulation.addMask(
-        ba.Rectangle(0.45*deg, 0.95*deg, 0.55*deg, 1.05*deg), False)
-    simulation.addMask(
-        ba.Rectangle(0.61*deg, 0.95*deg, 0.71*deg, 1.05*deg), False)
-    simulation.addMask(
-        ba.Rectangle(0.75*deg, 0.95*deg, 0.85*deg, 1.05*deg), False)
+    simulation.addMask(ba.Rectangle(0.45 * deg, 0.95 * deg, 0.55 * deg, 1.05 * deg),
+                       False)
+    simulation.addMask(ba.Rectangle(0.61 * deg, 0.95 * deg, 0.71 * deg, 1.05 * deg),
+                       False)
+    simulation.addMask(ba.Rectangle(0.75 * deg, 0.95 * deg, 0.85 * deg, 1.05 * deg),
+                       False)
     # other mask's shapes are possible too
     # simulation.removeMasks()
@@ -131,8 +130,8 @@ def run_fitting():
     params = ba.Parameters()
-    params.add("radius", 6.*nm, min=4.0, max=8.0)
-    params.add("height", 9.*nm, min=8.0, max=12.0)
+    params.add("radius", 6. * nm, min=4.0, max=8.0)
+    params.add("height", 9. * nm, min=8.0, max=12.0)
     minimizer = ba.Minimizer()
     result = minimizer.minimize(fit_objective.evaluate, params)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/multiple_datasets.py b/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/multiple_datasets.py
index ae0cb86e846ed5551ea168ba98e4a5d4a9571a6b..5ce7f94d250e20fd0df6706593b36f82a365e078 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/multiple_datasets.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit52_Advanced/multiple_datasets.py
@@ -44,21 +44,21 @@ def get_simulation(params):
     incident_angle = params["incident_angle"]
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(50, -1.5*deg, 1.5*deg,
-                                     50, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, incident_angle, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(50, -1.5 * deg, 1.5 * deg, 50, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, incident_angle, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
 def simulation1(params):
-    params["incident_angle"] = 0.1*deg
+    params["incident_angle"] = 0.1 * deg
     return get_simulation(params)
 def simulation2(params):
-    params["incident_angle"] = 0.4*deg
+    params["incident_angle"] = 0.4 * deg
     return get_simulation(params)
@@ -66,8 +66,12 @@ def create_real_data(incident_alpha):
     Generating "real" data by adding noise to the simulated data.
-    params = {'radius_a': 5.0*nm, 'radius_b': 6.0*nm,
-              'height': 8.0*nm, "incident_angle": incident_alpha}
+    params = {
+        'radius_a': 5.0 * nm,
+        'radius_b': 6.0 * nm,
+        'height': 8.0 * nm,
+        "incident_angle": incident_alpha
+    }
     simulation = get_simulation(params)
@@ -77,7 +81,7 @@ def create_real_data(incident_alpha):
     # spoiling simulated data with the noise to produce "real" data
     noise_factor = 0.1
-    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor*np.sqrt(real_data))
+    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor * np.sqrt(real_data))
     noisy[noisy < 0.1] = 0.1
     return noisy
@@ -103,15 +107,24 @@ class PlotObserver():
             zmax = real_data.histogram2d().getMaximum()
-            plt.subplot(canvas[i_dataset*3])
-            ba.plot_colormap(real_data, title="\"Real\" data - #"+str(i_dataset+1),
-                             zmin=1.0, zmax=zmax, zlabel="")
-            plt.subplot(canvas[1+i_dataset*3])
-            ba.plot_colormap(simul_data, title="Simulated data - #"+str(i_dataset+1),
-                             zmin=1.0, zmax=zmax, zlabel="")
-            plt.subplot(canvas[2+i_dataset*3])
-            ba.plot_colormap(chi2_map, title="Chi2 map - #"+str(i_dataset+1),
-                             zmin=0.001, zmax=10.0, zlabel="")
+            plt.subplot(canvas[i_dataset * 3])
+            ba.plot_colormap(real_data,
+                             title="\"Real\" data - #" + str(i_dataset + 1),
+                             zmin=1.0,
+                             zmax=zmax,
+                             zlabel="")
+            plt.subplot(canvas[1 + i_dataset * 3])
+            ba.plot_colormap(simul_data,
+                             title="Simulated data - #" + str(i_dataset + 1),
+                             zmin=1.0,
+                             zmax=zmax,
+                             zlabel="")
+            plt.subplot(canvas[2 + i_dataset * 3])
+            ba.plot_colormap(chi2_map,
+                             title="Chi2 map - #" + str(i_dataset + 1),
+                             zmin=0.001,
+                             zmax=10.0,
+                             zlabel="")
     def display_fit_parameters(fit_objective):
@@ -123,8 +136,8 @@ class PlotObserver():
         iteration_info = fit_objective.iterationInfo()
-        plt.text(0.01, 0.85, "Iterations  " + '{:d}'.
-                 format(iteration_info.iterationCount()))
+        plt.text(0.01, 0.85,
+                 "Iterations  " + '{:d}'.format(iteration_info.iterationCount()))
         plt.text(0.01, 0.75, "Chi2       " + '{:8.4f}'.format(iteration_info.chi2()))
         for index, params in enumerate(iteration_info.parameters()):
             plt.text(0.01, 0.55 - index * 0.1,
@@ -139,8 +152,8 @@ class PlotObserver():
         iteration_info = fit_objective.iterationInfo()
-        plt.text(0.01, 0.95, "Iterations  " + '{:d}'.
-                 format(iteration_info.iterationCount()))
+        plt.text(0.01, 0.95,
+                 "Iterations  " + '{:d}'.format(iteration_info.iterationCount()))
         plt.text(0.01, 0.70, "Chi2       " + '{:8.4f}'.format(iteration_info.chi2()))
         for index, params in enumerate(iteration_info.parameters()):
             plt.text(0.01, 0.30 - index * 0.3,
@@ -151,8 +164,10 @@ class PlotObserver():
         # we divide figure to have 3x3 subplots, with two first rows occupying
         # most of the space
-        canvas = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(
-            3, 3, width_ratios=[1, 1, 1], height_ratios=[4, 4, 1])
+        canvas = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(3,
+                                              3,
+                                              width_ratios=[1, 1, 1],
+                                              height_ratios=[4, 4, 1])
         canvas.update(left=0.05, right=0.95, hspace=0.5, wspace=0.2)
         self.plot_dataset(fit_objective, canvas)
@@ -181,9 +196,9 @@ def run_fitting():
     fit_objective.initPlot(10, plotter.update)
     params = ba.Parameters()
-    params.add("radius_a", 4.*nm, min=2.0, max=10.0)
-    params.add("radius_b", 6.*nm, vary=False)
-    params.add("height", 4.*nm, min=2.0, max=10.0)
+    params.add("radius_a", 4. * nm, min=2.0, max=10.0)
+    params.add("radius_b", 6. * nm, vary=False)
+    params.add("height", 4. * nm, min=2.0, max=10.0)
     minimizer = ba.Minimizer()
     result = minimizer.minimize(fit_objective.evaluate, params)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit53_CustomObjective/custom_objective_function.py b/Examples/Python/fit53_CustomObjective/custom_objective_function.py
index a72521bdb979627c0b206a9c81270a7e43a19b32..75d783e2f3942b116f153f870ed5e68414cf35a2 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit53_CustomObjective/custom_objective_function.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit53_CustomObjective/custom_objective_function.py
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def get_sample(params):
     interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(
-    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(10*nm, 10*nm, 0)
+    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(10 * nm, 10 * nm, 0)
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ def get_simulation(params):
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def create_real_data():
     Generating "real" data by adding noise to the simulated data.
-    params = {'radius': 6*nm, 'length': 12*nm}
+    params = {'radius': 6 * nm, 'length': 12 * nm}
     simulation = get_simulation(params)
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ def create_real_data():
     # spoiling simulated data with noise to produce "real" data
     noise_factor = 0.1
-    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor*np.sqrt(real_data))
+    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor * np.sqrt(real_data))
     noisy[noisy < 0.1] = 0.1
     return noisy
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ def run_fitting():
     params = ba.Parameters()
-    params.add('radius', value=7*nm, min=5*nm, max=8*nm)
-    params.add('length', value=10*nm, min=8*nm, max=14*nm)
+    params.add('radius', value=7 * nm, min=5 * nm, max=8 * nm)
+    params.add('length', value=10 * nm, min=8 * nm, max=14 * nm)
     minimizer = ba.Minimizer()
     result = minimizer.minimize(objective.evaluate_residuals, params)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit54_ExternalMinimizer/lmfit_basics.py b/Examples/Python/fit54_ExternalMinimizer/lmfit_basics.py
index f0a22f72c68fe5f16ec536a4f92a4e1463514c0d..8933a0c99e97170b1b2f2b82a85a78ab170f03e1 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit54_ExternalMinimizer/lmfit_basics.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit54_ExternalMinimizer/lmfit_basics.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def get_sample(params):
     interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(
-    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(10*nm, 10*nm, 0)
+    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(10 * nm, 10 * nm, 0)
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ def get_simulation(params):
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def create_real_data():
     Generating "real" data by adding noise to the simulated data.
-    params = {'radius': 6*nm, 'length': 12*nm}
+    params = {'radius': 6 * nm, 'length': 12 * nm}
     simulation = get_simulation(params)
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def create_real_data():
     # spoiling simulated data with noise to produce "real" data
     noise_factor = 0.1
-    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor*np.sqrt(real_data))
+    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor * np.sqrt(real_data))
     noisy[noisy < 0.1] = 0.1
     return noisy
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ def run_fitting():
     params = lmfit.Parameters()
-    params.add('radius', value=7*nm, min=5*nm, max=8*nm)
-    params.add('length', value=10*nm, min=8*nm, max=14*nm)
+    params.add('radius', value=7 * nm, min=5 * nm, max=8 * nm)
+    params.add('length', value=10 * nm, min=8 * nm, max=14 * nm)
     result = lmfit.minimize(fit_objective.evaluate_residuals, params)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit54_ExternalMinimizer/lmfit_with_plotting.py b/Examples/Python/fit54_ExternalMinimizer/lmfit_with_plotting.py
index fc9514b085ea35b899a796d52848023f89f36223..18ed4558c932577aa1ad62044b1e8c5460d94673 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit54_ExternalMinimizer/lmfit_with_plotting.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit54_ExternalMinimizer/lmfit_with_plotting.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def get_sample(params):
     interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(
-    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(10*nm, 10*nm, 0)
+    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(10 * nm, 10 * nm, 0)
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ def get_simulation(params):
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def create_real_data():
     Generating "real" data by adding noise to the simulated data.
-    params = {'radius': 6*nm, 'length': 12*nm}
+    params = {'radius': 6 * nm, 'length': 12 * nm}
     simulation = get_simulation(params)
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ def create_real_data():
     # spoiling simulated data with noise to produce "real" data
     noise_factor = 0.1
-    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor*np.sqrt(real_data))
+    noisy = np.random.normal(real_data, noise_factor * np.sqrt(real_data))
     noisy[noisy < 0.1] = 0.1
     return noisy
@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ class Plotter:
     Adapts standard plotter for lmfit minimizer.
-    def __init__(self, fit_objective, every_nth = 10):
+    def __init__(self, fit_objective, every_nth=10):
         self.fit_objective = fit_objective
         self.plotter_gisas = ba.PlotterGISAS()
         self.every_nth = every_nth
     def __call__(self, params, iter, resid):
-        if iter%self.every_nth == 0:
+        if iter % self.every_nth == 0:
@@ -99,17 +99,19 @@ def run_fitting():
     params = lmfit.Parameters()
-    params.add('radius', value=7*nm, min=5*nm, max=8*nm)
-    params.add('length', value=10*nm, min=8*nm, max=14*nm)
+    params.add('radius', value=7 * nm, min=5 * nm, max=8 * nm)
+    params.add('length', value=10 * nm, min=8 * nm, max=14 * nm)
     plotter = Plotter(fit_objective)
-    result = lmfit.minimize(
-        fit_objective.evaluate_residuals, params, iter_cb=plotter)
+    result = lmfit.minimize(fit_objective.evaluate_residuals,
+                            params,
+                            iter_cb=plotter)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit55_Specular/FitSpecularBasics.py b/Examples/Python/fit55_Specular/FitSpecularBasics.py
index d74b5ef0b1578898e5983253be64a2bea3ec0335..6dc55480be733db8a9683af4e395e2b098aaa8f4 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit55_Specular/FitSpecularBasics.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit55_Specular/FitSpecularBasics.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def get_sample(params):
     # substrate (Si)
     si_sld_real = 2.0704e-06  # \AA^{-2}
-    density_si = 0.0499 / ba.angstrom ** 3  # Si atomic number density
+    density_si = 0.0499 / ba.angstrom**3  # Si atomic number density
     # layers' parameters
     n_repetitions = 10
@@ -115,8 +115,10 @@ def run_fitting():
     fit_objective.initPlot(10, plot_observer)
     params = ba.Parameters()
-    params.add("ti_thickness", 50 * ba.angstrom,
-               min=10 * ba.angstrom, max=60 * ba.angstrom)
+    params.add("ti_thickness",
+               50 * ba.angstrom,
+               min=10 * ba.angstrom,
+               max=60 * ba.angstrom)
     minimizer = ba.Minimizer()
     result = minimizer.minimize(fit_objective.evaluate, params)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit55_Specular/FitWithUncertainties.py b/Examples/Python/fit55_Specular/FitWithUncertainties.py
index a03e63688548dac9cedcfab75d6e051d80f7136e..41f9322f5e083403e4c31d0a04801e5f69f49a43 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit55_Specular/FitWithUncertainties.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit55_Specular/FitWithUncertainties.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def get_sample(params):
     # substrate (Si)
     si_sld_real = 2.0704e-06  # \AA^{-2}
-    density_si = 0.0499 / ba.angstrom ** 3  # Si atomic number density
+    density_si = 0.0499 / ba.angstrom**3  # Si atomic number density
     # layers' parameters
     n_repetitions = 10
@@ -124,8 +124,10 @@ def run_fitting():
     fit_objective.setObjectiveMetric("Chi2", "L1")
     params = ba.Parameters()
-    params.add("ti_thickness", 50 * ba.angstrom,
-               min=10 * ba.angstrom, max=60 * ba.angstrom)
+    params.add("ti_thickness",
+               50 * ba.angstrom,
+               min=10 * ba.angstrom,
+               max=60 * ba.angstrom)
     minimizer = ba.Minimizer()
     minimizer.setMinimizer("Genetic", "", "MaxIterations=40;PopSize=10")
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit55_Specular/RealLifeReflectometryFitting.py b/Examples/Python/fit55_Specular/RealLifeReflectometryFitting.py
index 5ac85e84fd6f10383fa96e01117f031c0f58b436..a9e942166a439228383b00483f99255afbeeac06 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit55_Specular/RealLifeReflectometryFitting.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit55_Specular/RealLifeReflectometryFitting.py
@@ -93,8 +93,7 @@ def create_simulation(arg_dict, bin_start, bin_end):
     alpha_distr = ba.RangedDistributionGaussian(30, 3)
     footprint = ba.FootprintGauss(arg_dict["footprint_factor"])
-    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(wavelength,
-                              get_real_data_axis(bin_start, bin_end))
+    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(wavelength, get_real_data_axis(bin_start, bin_end))
     scan.setAbsoluteAngularResolution(alpha_distr, arg_dict["divergence"])
@@ -111,8 +110,8 @@ def buildSample(arg_dict):
     # defining materials
     m_vacuum = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
     m_si_o2 = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("SiO2",
-        8.57040868e-06 * arg_dict["concentration"],
-        1.11016654e-07 * arg_dict["concentration"])
+                                     8.57040868e-06 * arg_dict["concentration"],
+                                     1.11016654e-07 * arg_dict["concentration"])
     m_si = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Si", 7.57211137e-06, 1.72728178e-07)
     # roughness
@@ -152,7 +151,7 @@ def chi_2(real_data, sim_data, weights):
     sim_data_upsc[sim_data_upsc is 0] = 1e-30
     real_data_upsc = np.multiply(weights, real_data)
     diff = real_data_upsc - sim_data_upsc
-    return np.sum(np.divide(np.multiply(diff,diff), sim_data_upsc))
+    return np.sum(np.divide(np.multiply(diff, diff), sim_data_upsc))
 def create_par_dict(*arg):
@@ -160,13 +159,14 @@ def create_par_dict(*arg):
     Creates a dictionary with parameter names and values
     and returns it
-    return {'intensity': arg[0],
-            'footprint_factor': arg[1],
-            'divergence':arg[2],
-            'concentration': arg[3],
-            'thickness': arg[4],
-            'roughness': arg[5]
-            }
+    return {
+        'intensity': arg[0],
+        'footprint_factor': arg[1],
+        'divergence': arg[2],
+        'concentration': arg[3],
+        'thickness': arg[4],
+        'roughness': arg[5]
+    }
 def objective_primary(args):
@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ def objective_primary(args):
     sim_result = run_simulation(arg_dict, bin_start, bin_end)
     sim_data = sim_result.array()
-    return chi_2(get_real_data_values(bin_start, bin_end),
-                 sim_data, get_weights(bin_start, bin_end))
+    return chi_2(get_real_data_values(bin_start, bin_end), sim_data,
+                 get_weights(bin_start, bin_end))
 def objective_fine(args, intensity, footprint_factor, divergence):
@@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ def objective_fine(args, intensity, footprint_factor, divergence):
     sim_result = run_simulation(arg_dict, bin_start, bin_end)
     sim_data = sim_result.array()
-    return chi_2(get_real_data_values(bin_start, bin_end),
-                 sim_data, get_weights(bin_start, bin_end))
+    return chi_2(get_real_data_values(bin_start, bin_end), sim_data,
+                 get_weights(bin_start, bin_end))
 def run_fitting():
@@ -204,39 +204,51 @@ def run_fitting():
     Runs fitting and returns its result
     # running preliminary optimization on the total range of experimental data.
-    bounds = [(1e6, 1e8),   # beam intensity
-              (0.0, 0.1),   # beam-to-sample width ratio
-              (0.0, 0.08 * ba.deg),  # beam_divergence
-              (0.0, 1.0),  # oxide_concentration
-              (0.0, 2.0 * ba.nm),  # oxide_thickness
-              (0.0, 2.0 * ba.nm)]    # roughness
+    bounds = [
+        (1e6, 1e8),  # beam intensity
+        (0.0, 0.1),  # beam-to-sample width ratio
+        (0.0, 0.08 * ba.deg),  # beam_divergence
+        (0.0, 1.0),  # oxide_concentration
+        (0.0, 2.0 * ba.nm),  # oxide_thickness
+        (0.0, 2.0 * ba.nm)
+    ]  # roughness
     print("Start preliminary fitting of experimental data:\n")
-    preliminary_result = differential_evolution(objective_primary, bounds,
-                                                maxiter=20, popsize=60,
+    preliminary_result = differential_evolution(objective_primary,
+                                                bounds,
+                                                maxiter=20,
+                                                popsize=60,
                                                 mutation=(0.5, 1.5),
-                                                disp=True, tol=1e-5)
+                                                disp=True,
+                                                tol=1e-5)
-    bounds = [(0.0, 1.0),  # oxide_concentration
-              (0.0, 2.0 * ba.nm),  # oxide_thickness
-              (0.0, 2.0 * ba.nm)]    # roughness
+    bounds = [
+        (0.0, 1.0),  # oxide_concentration
+        (0.0, 2.0 * ba.nm),  # oxide_thickness
+        (0.0, 2.0 * ba.nm)
+    ]  # roughness
-    fixed_args = (preliminary_result.x[0],  # beam intensity
-                  preliminary_result.x[1],  # beam-to-sample width ratio
-                  preliminary_result.x[2]  # beam divergence
-                  )
+    fixed_args = (
+        preliminary_result.x[0],  # beam intensity
+        preliminary_result.x[1],  # beam-to-sample width ratio
+        preliminary_result.x[2]  # beam divergence
+    )
     print("\nStart fitting big incident angle part of experimental data:\n")
-    fine_tuning_result = differential_evolution(objective_fine, bounds,
-                                                fixed_args, maxiter=20,
-                                                popsize=40, mutation=(0.5, 1.5),
-                                                disp=True, tol=1e-5)
+    fine_tuning_result = differential_evolution(objective_fine,
+                                                bounds,
+                                                fixed_args,
+                                                maxiter=20,
+                                                popsize=40,
+                                                mutation=(0.5, 1.5),
+                                                disp=True,
+                                                tol=1e-5)
     result = create_par_dict(*fixed_args, *fine_tuning_result.x)
     print("\nFitting result:")
-    print(result,"\n")
+    print(result, "\n")
     return result
@@ -248,27 +260,29 @@ def plot_result(sim_result, ref_result, bin_start=0, bin_end=-1):
     sim_data = sim_result.array()
     ref_data = ref_result.array()
-    plt.semilogy(get_real_data_axis(bin_start, bin_end) * 180 / np.pi,
-                 get_real_data_values(bin_start, bin_end),
-                 sim_result.axis(), sim_data,
-                 ref_result.axis(), ref_data)
+    plt.semilogy(
+        get_real_data_axis(bin_start, bin_end) * 180 / np.pi,
+        get_real_data_values(bin_start, bin_end), sim_result.axis(), sim_data,
+        ref_result.axis(), ref_data)
     xlabel = ba.get_axes_labels(sim_result, ba.Axes.DEFAULT)[0]
     ylabel = "Intensity"
     plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=16)
     plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=16)
     plt.legend(['Experimental data', 'Simulation', 'Reference'],
-               loc='upper right', fontsize=16)
+               loc='upper right',
+               fontsize=16)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     fit_data = run_fitting()
-    ref_data = create_par_dict(3.78271438e+06,  # beam intensity
-                               9.58009763e-04,  # beam-to-sample width ratio
-                               2.30471294e-04,  # beam angular divergence
-                               0.58721753,  # oxide concentration
-                               1.25559347,  # oxide thickness
-                               0.19281863)  # roughness
+    ref_data = create_par_dict(
+        3.78271438e+06,  # beam intensity
+        9.58009763e-04,  # beam-to-sample width ratio
+        2.30471294e-04,  # beam angular divergence
+        0.58721753,  # oxide concentration
+        1.25559347,  # oxide thickness
+        0.19281863)  # roughness
     plot_result(run_simulation(fit_data), run_simulation(ref_data))
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit61_Galaxi/fit_galaxi_data.py b/Examples/Python/fit61_Galaxi/fit_galaxi_data.py
index f02b85a638485e91e4887371c57feb71990ab2ee..b50694c0ea77761723f2fdbaeff363b4469f7993 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit61_Galaxi/fit_galaxi_data.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit61_Galaxi/fit_galaxi_data.py
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import bornagain as ba
 from bornagain import nm as nm
 from sample_builder import SampleBuilder
-wavelength = 1.34*ba.angstrom
-alpha_i = 0.463*ba.deg
+wavelength = 1.34 * ba.angstrom
+alpha_i = 0.463 * ba.deg
 # detector setup as given from instrument responsible
 pilatus_npx, pilatus_npy = 981, 1043
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ def create_detector():
     Returns a model of the GALAXY detector
-    u0 = beam_xpos*pilatus_pixel_size  # in mm
-    v0 = beam_ypos*pilatus_pixel_size  # in mm
-    detector = ba.RectangularDetector(pilatus_npx, pilatus_npx*pilatus_pixel_size,
-                                      pilatus_npy, pilatus_npy*pilatus_pixel_size)
+    u0 = beam_xpos * pilatus_pixel_size  # in mm
+    v0 = beam_ypos * pilatus_pixel_size  # in mm
+    detector = ba.RectangularDetector(pilatus_npx, pilatus_npx * pilatus_pixel_size,
+                                      pilatus_npy, pilatus_npy * pilatus_pixel_size)
     detector.setPerpendicularToDirectBeam(detector_distance, u0, v0)
     return detector
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ def run_fitting():
     params = ba.Parameters()
-    params.add("radius", 5.*nm, min=4.0, max=6.0, step=0.1*nm)
+    params.add("radius", 5. * nm, min=4.0, max=6.0, step=0.1 * nm)
     params.add("sigma", 0.55, min=0.2, max=0.8, step=0.01)
-    params.add("distance", 27.*nm, min=20.0, max=70.0)
+    params.add("distance", 27. * nm, min=20.0, max=70.0)
     minimizer = ba.Minimizer()
     result = minimizer.minimize(fit_objective.evaluate, params)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/fit61_Galaxi/sample_builder.py b/Examples/Python/fit61_Galaxi/sample_builder.py
index dffe9da447901f9a5ba9984e288e3ffb3eafde5f..9189516d30fe2fe2332b82e74d42b1bc44d4a8b4 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/fit61_Galaxi/sample_builder.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/fit61_Galaxi/sample_builder.py
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ class SampleBuilder:
         Init SampleBuilder with default sample parameters.
-        self.radius = 5.75*ba.nm
+        self.radius = 5.75 * ba.nm
         self.sigma = 0.4
-        self.distance = 53.6*ba.nm
-        self.disorder = 10.5*ba.nm
+        self.distance = 53.6 * ba.nm
+        self.disorder = 10.5 * ba.nm
         self.kappa = 17.5
-        self.ptfe_thickness = 22.1*ba.nm
-        self.hmdso_thickness = 18.5*ba.nm
+        self.ptfe_thickness = 22.1 * ba.nm
+        self.hmdso_thickness = 18.5 * ba.nm
     def create_sample(self, params):
@@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ class SampleBuilder:
         sphere_ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(self.radius)
         sphere = ba.Particle(m_Ag, sphere_ff)
-        position = ba.kvector_t(0*ba.nm, 0*ba.nm,-1.0*self.hmdso_thickness)
+        position = ba.kvector_t(0 * ba.nm, 0 * ba.nm, -1.0 * self.hmdso_thickness)
         ln_distr = ba.DistributionLogNormal(self.radius, self.sigma)
         par_distr = ba.ParameterDistribution(
             "/Particle/FullSphere/Radius", ln_distr, nparticles, nfwhm,
-            ba.RealLimits.limited(0.0, self.hmdso_thickness/2.0))
+            ba.RealLimits.limited(0.0, self.hmdso_thickness / 2.0))
         part_coll = ba.ParticleDistribution(sphere, par_distr)
         # interference function
         interference = ba.InterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystal(
-            self.distance, 1e6*ba.nm)
+            self.distance, 1e6 * ba.nm)
         pdf = ba.FTDistribution1DGauss(self.disorder)
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ class SampleBuilder:
         # roughness
-        r_ptfe = ba.LayerRoughness(2.3*ba.nm, 0.3, 5.0*ba.nm)
-        r_hmdso = ba.LayerRoughness(1.1*ba.nm, 0.3, 5.0*ba.nm)
+        r_ptfe = ba.LayerRoughness(2.3 * ba.nm, 0.3, 5.0 * ba.nm)
+        r_hmdso = ba.LayerRoughness(1.1 * ba.nm, 0.3, 5.0 * ba.nm)
         # layers
         vacuum_layer = ba.Layer(m_vacuum)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/AllFormFactorsAvailable.py b/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/AllFormFactorsAvailable.py
index 43a6df116f31a5ebf7894753243cdd6b2ea31f27..d6bf4e26d945112025886cd900564efd6ea65335 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/AllFormFactorsAvailable.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/AllFormFactorsAvailable.py
@@ -9,14 +9,13 @@ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
 phi_min, phi_max = -2.0, 2.0
 alpha_min, alpha_max = 0.0, 2.0
 formfactors = [
-    ba.FormFactorAnisoPyramid(20.0, 16.0, 13.0, 60.0*deg),
+    ba.FormFactorAnisoPyramid(20.0, 16.0, 13.0, 60.0 * deg),
     ba.FormFactorBox(20.0, 16.0, 13.0),
     ba.FormFactorCantellatedCube(15.0, 6.0),
-    ba.FormFactorCone(10.0, 13.0, 60.0*deg),
-    ba.FormFactorCone6(10.0, 13.0, 60.0*deg),
-    ba.FormFactorCuboctahedron(20.0, 13.0, 0.7, 60.0*deg),
+    ba.FormFactorCone(10.0, 13.0, 60.0 * deg),
+    ba.FormFactorCone6(10.0, 13.0, 60.0 * deg),
+    ba.FormFactorCuboctahedron(20.0, 13.0, 0.7, 60.0 * deg),
     ba.FormFactorCylinder(8.0, 16.0),
     ba.FormFactorEllipsoidalCylinder(8.0, 13.0, 16.0),
@@ -26,10 +25,10 @@ formfactors = [
     ba.FormFactorPrism3(10.0, 13.0),
     ba.FormFactorPrism6(5.0, 11.0),
-    ba.FormFactorPyramid(18.0, 13.0, 60.0*deg),
+    ba.FormFactorPyramid(18.0, 13.0, 60.0 * deg),
     ba.FormFactorCosineRippleBox(27.0, 20.0, 14.0),
     ba.FormFactorSawtoothRippleBox(36.0, 25.0, 14.0, 3.0),
-    ba.FormFactorTetrahedron(15.0, 6.0, 60.0*deg),
+    ba.FormFactorTetrahedron(15.0, 6.0, 60.0 * deg),
     ba.FormFactorTruncatedCube(15.0, 6.0),
     ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(5.0, 7.0, 0),
     ba.FormFactorTruncatedSpheroid(7.5, 9.0, 1.2, 0),
@@ -62,9 +61,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns GISAXS simulation with standard beam and detector.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, phi_min*deg, phi_max*deg,
-                                     100, alpha_min*deg, alpha_max*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, phi_min * deg, phi_max * deg, 100,
+                                     alpha_min * deg, alpha_max * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -95,17 +94,25 @@ def run_simulation():
         result = simulate(ff)
         # showing the result
-        plt.subplot(5, 5, nplot+1)
+        plt.subplot(5, 5, nplot + 1)
         plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3)
-        ba.plot_colormap(result, xlabel="", ylabel="", zlabel="",
-                         cmap='jet', aspect='auto')
+        ba.plot_colormap(result,
+                         xlabel="",
+                         ylabel="",
+                         zlabel="",
+                         cmap='jet',
+                         aspect='auto')
         plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=8)
         plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=6)
-        plt.xticks(numpy.arange(phi_min, phi_max+0.0001, 1.0))
-        plt.text(-0.1, 2.15, name, horizontalalignment='center',
-                 verticalalignment='center', fontsize=9)
+        plt.xticks(numpy.arange(phi_min, phi_max + 0.0001, 1.0))
+        plt.text(-0.1,
+                 2.15,
+                 name,
+                 horizontalalignment='center',
+                 verticalalignment='center',
+                 fontsize=9)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersAndPrisms.py b/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersAndPrisms.py
index 15acb9b6aec9e54fd902f4526406bd29eeef9b83..32cd6d2c3d72f9c3f64e4f582edb32ecdaac5e36 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersAndPrisms.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersAndPrisms.py
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 5*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 5 * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
-    prism_ff = ba.FormFactorPrism3(10*nm, 5*nm)
+    prism_ff = ba.FormFactorPrism3(10 * nm, 5 * nm)
     prism = ba.Particle(m_particle, prism_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout.addParticle(cylinder, 0.5)
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersInBA.py b/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersInBA.py
index 9c43f4c7d73085fed32363bc94f9f7e313c24be9..0eda8e8d66a9c7b0a51181f304034f3a50a38cd0 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersInBA.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersInBA.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 5*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 5 * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout.addParticle(cylinder, 1.0)
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersInDWBA.py b/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersInDWBA.py
index 1563aef2afe9de3c00b88b4ed2498d64e76c4157..e0c8d7aa79acab20f29ba32edf3a9392dd3d429e 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersInDWBA.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersInDWBA.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 5*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 5 * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout.addParticle(cylinder, 1.0)
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersWithSizeDistribution.py b/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersWithSizeDistribution.py
index c268ad94e0be3a9b1e71595a65f0209ce7ba4e27..76dd916f3f7c7ed27a8b1498d0d50e98257071b1 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersWithSizeDistribution.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/CylindersWithSizeDistribution.py
@@ -14,20 +14,20 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # cylindrical particle
-    radius = 5*nm
+    radius = 5 * nm
     height = radius
     cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(radius, height)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     # collection of particles with size distribution
     nparticles = 100
-    sigma = 0.2*radius
+    sigma = 0.2 * radius
     gauss_distr = ba.DistributionGaussian(radius, sigma)
     sigma_factor = 2.0
-    par_distr = ba.ParameterDistribution(
-        "/Particle/Cylinder/Radius", gauss_distr, nparticles, sigma_factor)
+    par_distr = ba.ParameterDistribution("/Particle/Cylinder/Radius", gauss_distr,
+                                         nparticles, sigma_factor)
     # by uncommenting the line below, the height of the cylinders
     #   can be scaled proportionally to the radius:
     # par_distr.linkParameter("/Particle/Cylinder/Height")
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, 0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/RotatedPyramids.py b/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/RotatedPyramids.py
index 11e878ad70505259d9e7430598f2797b5aa2595c..ddfa36b47b009226fb7dd3180694ff712d490d2c 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/RotatedPyramids.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/RotatedPyramids.py
@@ -15,12 +15,11 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    pyramid_ff = ba.FormFactorPyramid(10*nm, 5*nm, 54.73*deg)
+    pyramid_ff = ba.FormFactorPyramid(10 * nm, 5 * nm, 54.73 * deg)
     pyramid = ba.Particle(m_particle, pyramid_ff)
-    transform = ba.RotationZ(45.*deg)
+    transform = ba.RotationZ(45. * deg)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
-    particle_layout.addParticle(
-        pyramid, 1.0, ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), transform)
+    particle_layout.addParticle(pyramid, 1.0, ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), transform)
     vacuum_layer = ba.Layer(m_vacuum)
@@ -37,9 +36,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/TwoTypesOfCylindersWithSizeDistribution.py b/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/TwoTypesOfCylindersWithSizeDistribution.py
index ca9c7f0aa246435212550ba4b9a7c6ebbc2896fc..dc02c404264251f910a5af060ab8231c14e192bb 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/TwoTypesOfCylindersWithSizeDistribution.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim01_Particles/TwoTypesOfCylindersWithSizeDistribution.py
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles #1
-    radius1 = 5.0*nm
+    radius1 = 5.0 * nm
     height1 = radius1
-    sigma1 = radius1*0.2
+    sigma1 = radius1 * 0.2
     cylinder_ff1 = ba.FormFactorCylinder(radius1, height1)
     cylinder1 = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff1)
@@ -30,22 +30,22 @@ def get_sample():
     # limits will assure, that generated Radius'es are >=0
     limits = ba.RealLimits.nonnegative()
-    par_distr1 = ba.ParameterDistribution(
-        "/Particle/Cylinder/Radius", gauss_distr1, nparticles, sigma_factor, limits)
+    par_distr1 = ba.ParameterDistribution("/Particle/Cylinder/Radius", gauss_distr1,
+                                          nparticles, sigma_factor, limits)
     part_coll1 = ba.ParticleDistribution(cylinder1, par_distr1)
     # collection of particles #2
-    radius2 = 10.0*nm
+    radius2 = 10.0 * nm
     height2 = radius2
-    sigma2 = radius2*0.02
+    sigma2 = radius2 * 0.02
     cylinder_ff2 = ba.FormFactorCylinder(radius2, height2)
     cylinder2 = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff2)
     gauss_distr2 = ba.DistributionGaussian(radius2, sigma2)
-    par_distr2 = ba.ParameterDistribution(
-        "/Particle/Cylinder/Radius", gauss_distr2, nparticles, sigma_factor, limits)
+    par_distr2 = ba.ParameterDistribution("/Particle/Cylinder/Radius", gauss_distr2,
+                                          nparticles, sigma_factor, limits)
     part_coll2 = ba.ParticleDistribution(cylinder2, par_distr2)
     # assembling the sample
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, 0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/BiMaterialCylinders.py b/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/BiMaterialCylinders.py
index 63e44dee9a2e9a8430dd1aa124f9f6a26fcbf2dc..38979c0ceaea9b15ecff6f33eea94de465bd857b 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/BiMaterialCylinders.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/BiMaterialCylinders.py
@@ -6,13 +6,15 @@ import bornagain as ba
 from bornagain import deg, angstrom, nm
-def get_composition(top_material, bottom_material,
-                    top_height=4.0, bottom_height=10.0):
+def get_composition(top_material,
+                    bottom_material,
+                    top_height=4.0,
+                    bottom_height=10.0):
     Returns cylindrical particle made of two different materials.
-    cylinder_radius = 10*nm
+    cylinder_radius = 10 * nm
     topPart = ba.Particle(top_material,
                           ba.FormFactorCylinder(cylinder_radius, top_height))
@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ def get_sample():
     # collection of particles
     composition = get_composition(m_top_part, m_bottom_part)
-    shift = 10.0*nm
+    shift = 10.0 * nm
     composition.setPosition(0, 0, -shift)  # will be shifted below interface
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
@@ -64,9 +66,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/CoreShellNanoparticles.py b/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/CoreShellNanoparticles.py
index 5c62ecb333cf6f4fbee8a497282fdfcdedd2736d..ae1fe3aa5f826b7dc98e1d052b6bb7587e231bb2 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/CoreShellNanoparticles.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/CoreShellNanoparticles.py
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ def get_sample():
     Returns a sample with box-shaped core-shell particles on a substrate.
     # defining materials
-    m_vacuum = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0 )
-    m_shell = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Shell", 1e-4, 2e-8 )
-    m_core = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Core", 6e-5, 2e-8 )
+    m_vacuum = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
+    m_shell = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Shell", 1e-4, 2e-8)
+    m_core = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Core", 6e-5, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    parallelepiped1_ff = ba.FormFactorBox(16*nm, 16*nm, 8*nm)
-    parallelepiped2_ff = ba.FormFactorBox(12*nm, 12*nm, 7*nm)
+    parallelepiped1_ff = ba.FormFactorBox(16 * nm, 16 * nm, 8 * nm)
+    parallelepiped2_ff = ba.FormFactorBox(12 * nm, 12 * nm, 7 * nm)
     shell_particle = ba.Particle(m_shell, parallelepiped1_ff)
     core_particle = ba.Particle(m_core, parallelepiped2_ff)
     core_position = ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/CustomFormFactor.py b/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/CustomFormFactor.py
index 68e31dff9cb0d59c15c28c4cad8b69c6687c9723..0c9a1cf146d16cc7138b76b9394447a447e44f2d 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/CustomFormFactor.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/CustomFormFactor.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ def sinc(x):
     if abs(x) == 0:
         return 1.
-        return cmath.sin(x)/x
+        return cmath.sin(x) / x
 class CustomFormFactor(ba.IBornFF):
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ class CustomFormFactor(ba.IBornFF):
         return cloned_ff
     def evaluate_for_q(self, q):
-        qzhH = 0.5*q.z()*self.H
-        qxhL = 0.5*q.x()*self.L
-        qyhL = 0.5*q.y()*self.L
+        qzhH = 0.5 * q.z() * self.H
+        qxhL = 0.5 * q.x() * self.L
+        qyhL = 0.5 * q.y() * self.L
         return 0.5*self.H*self.L**2*cmath.exp(complex(0., 1.)*qzhH)*\
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    ff = CustomFormFactor(20.0*nm, 15.0*nm)
+    ff = CustomFormFactor(20.0 * nm, 15.0 * nm)
     particle = ba.Particle(m_particle, ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout.addParticle(particle, 1.0)
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/HexagonalLatticesWithBasis.py b/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/HexagonalLatticesWithBasis.py
index 1c2298a929dd8fa9d12de19d36ab40a9ce9e88f0..746b99ec6655113fd14e2ae1dfbecf83da0fe0e9 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/HexagonalLatticesWithBasis.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/HexagonalLatticesWithBasis.py
@@ -15,20 +15,20 @@ def get_sample():
     m_substrate = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 6e-6, 2e-8)
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
-    radius = 10.0*nm
+    radius = 10.0 * nm
     sphere_ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(radius)
     sphere = ba.Particle(m_particle, sphere_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     pos0 = ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
-    pos1 = ba.kvector_t(radius, radius, numpy.sqrt(3.0)*radius)
+    pos1 = ba.kvector_t(radius, radius, numpy.sqrt(3.0) * radius)
     basis = ba.ParticleComposition()
     basis.addParticles(sphere, [pos0, pos1])
     interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(
-        ba.HexagonalLattice2D(radius*2.0, 0*deg))
-    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(10*nm, 10*nm, 0)
+        ba.HexagonalLattice2D(radius * 2.0, 0 * deg))
+    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(10 * nm, 10 * nm, 0)
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 1.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     1.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/LargeParticlesFormFactor.py b/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/LargeParticlesFormFactor.py
index b2bbc6112b9121e670b7f095b8aa6d3d0d072a03..584ad11829d9d474af1ea6940b3c8285ca1873ac 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/LargeParticlesFormFactor.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/LargeParticlesFormFactor.py
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import bornagain as ba
 from bornagain import deg, angstrom, nm
 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
-default_cylinder_radius = 10*nm
-default_cylinder_height = 20*nm
+default_cylinder_radius = 10 * nm
+default_cylinder_height = 20 * nm
 def get_sample(cylinder_radius, cylinder_height):
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ def get_simulation(integration_flag):
     If integration_flag=True, the simulation will integrate over detector bins.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     simulation.getOptions().setMonteCarloIntegration(integration_flag, 50)
     return simulation
@@ -62,42 +62,57 @@ def run_simulation():
     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12.80, 10.24))
     # conditions to define cylinders scale factor and integration flag
-    conditions = [
-        {'title': "Small cylinders, analytical calculations",
-         'scale': 1,   'integration': False, 'zmin': 1e-5, 'zmax': 1e2},
-        {'title': "Small cylinders, Monte-Carlo integration",
-         'scale': 1,   'integration': True, 'zmin': 1e-5, 'zmax': 1e2},
-        {'title': "Large cylinders, analytical calculations",
-         'scale': 100, 'integration': False, 'zmin': 1e-5, 'zmax': 1e10},
-        {'title': "Large cylinders, Monte-Carlo integration",
-         'scale': 100, 'integration': True, 'zmin': 1e-5, 'zmax': 1e10}
-    ]
+    conditions = [{
+        'title': "Small cylinders, analytical calculations",
+        'scale': 1,
+        'integration': False,
+        'zmin': 1e-5,
+        'zmax': 1e2
+    }, {
+        'title': "Small cylinders, Monte-Carlo integration",
+        'scale': 1,
+        'integration': True,
+        'zmin': 1e-5,
+        'zmax': 1e2
+    }, {
+        'title': "Large cylinders, analytical calculations",
+        'scale': 100,
+        'integration': False,
+        'zmin': 1e-5,
+        'zmax': 1e10
+    }, {
+        'title': "Large cylinders, Monte-Carlo integration",
+        'scale': 100,
+        'integration': True,
+        'zmin': 1e-5,
+        'zmax': 1e10
+    }]
     # run simulation 4 times and plot results
     for i_plot, condition in enumerate(conditions):
         scale = condition['scale']
         integration_flag = condition['integration']
-        sample = get_sample(default_cylinder_radius*scale,
-                            default_cylinder_height*scale)
+        sample = get_sample(default_cylinder_radius * scale,
+                            default_cylinder_height * scale)
         simulation = get_simulation(integration_flag)
         result = simulation.result()
         # plotting results
-        plt.subplot(2, 2, i_plot+1)
+        plt.subplot(2, 2, i_plot + 1)
         plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3)
         zmin = condition['zmin']
         zmax = condition['zmax']
         ba.plot_colormap(result, zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax, cmap='jet', aspect='auto')
-        plt.text(0.0, 2.1, conditions[i_plot]['title'],
-                 horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center',
+        plt.text(0.0,
+                 2.1,
+                 conditions[i_plot]['title'],
+                 horizontalalignment='center',
+                 verticalalignment='center',
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/MesoCrystal.py b/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/MesoCrystal.py
index 857aa322b49142ee77059a220f40cc26790a6617..f7079719c71f02c2d4748077edf8366ad6b2e6d3 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/MesoCrystal.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/MesoCrystal.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def get_sample():
     lattice = ba.Lattice3D(lattice_basis_1, lattice_basis_2, lattice_basis_3)
     # spherical particle that forms the base of the mesocrystal
-    sphere_ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(2*nm)
+    sphere_ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(2 * nm)
     sphere = ba.Particle(m_particle, sphere_ff)
     # crystal structure
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/ParticlesCrossingInterface.py b/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/ParticlesCrossingInterface.py
index c9cb50390a330e13f640388143418b8ba25a9b1c..26d9abab1829bc81342f434bce1f812d27748487 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/ParticlesCrossingInterface.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim02_Complexes/ParticlesCrossingInterface.py
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ def get_sample():
     m_substrate = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 6e-6, 2e-8)
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
-    shift_down = 3*nm
+    shift_down = 3 * nm
     # collection of particles
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 5*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 5 * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     cylinder.setPosition(0, 0, -shift_down)
-    prism_ff = ba.FormFactorPrism3(10*nm, 5*nm)
+    prism_ff = ba.FormFactorPrism3(10 * nm, 5 * nm)
     prism = ba.Particle(m_particle, prism_ff)
     prism.setPosition(0, 0, -shift_down)
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, phi_min*deg, phi_max*deg,
-                                     100, alpha_min*deg, alpha_max*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, phi_min * deg, phi_max * deg, 100,
+                                     alpha_min * deg, alpha_max * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/ApproximationDA.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/ApproximationDA.py
index 8933892ba41e1bf6ace972bf1e47b7f8c8a3d5c6..86254096993c72371b61efc8f95b3cd8e096e439 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/ApproximationDA.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/ApproximationDA.py
@@ -15,20 +15,19 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # cylindrical particle 1
-    radius1 = 5*nm
+    radius1 = 5 * nm
     height1 = radius1
     cylinder_ff1 = ba.FormFactorCylinder(radius1, height1)
     cylinder1 = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff1)
     # cylindrical particle 2
-    radius2 = 8*nm
+    radius2 = 8 * nm
     height2 = radius2
     cylinder_ff2 = ba.FormFactorCylinder(radius2, height2)
     cylinder2 = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff2)
     # interference function
-    interference = ba.InterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystal(
-        18.0*nm, 1e3*nm)
+    interference = ba.InterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystal(18.0 * nm, 1e3 * nm)
     pdf = ba.FTDistribution1DGauss(3 * nm)
@@ -52,9 +51,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, 0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/ApproximationLMA.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/ApproximationLMA.py
index bff8e67d92be2b247326de9c27ca38c4893f1124..e30d648732bd96e02d1c788354154a1f76ede220 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/ApproximationLMA.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/ApproximationLMA.py
@@ -15,26 +15,24 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # cylindrical particle 1
-    radius1 = 5*nm
+    radius1 = 5 * nm
     height1 = radius1
     cylinder_ff1 = ba.FormFactorCylinder(radius1, height1)
     cylinder1 = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff1)
     # cylindrical particle 2
-    radius2 = 8*nm
+    radius2 = 8 * nm
     height2 = radius2
     cylinder_ff2 = ba.FormFactorCylinder(radius2, height2)
     cylinder2 = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff2)
     # interference function1
-    interference1 = ba.InterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystal(
-        16.8*nm, 1e3*nm)
+    interference1 = ba.InterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystal(16.8 * nm, 1e3 * nm)
     pdf = ba.FTDistribution1DGauss(3 * nm)
     # interference function2
-    interference2 = ba.InterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystal(
-        22.8*nm, 1e3*nm)
+    interference2 = ba.InterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystal(22.8 * nm, 1e3 * nm)
     # assembling the sample
@@ -61,9 +59,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, 0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/ApproximationSSCA.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/ApproximationSSCA.py
index 1d6389d713b400b8156ae489b61c2a72d20fa5e8..9b4111580a80e2faa6e86215bdeb5db861a2521c 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/ApproximationSSCA.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/ApproximationSSCA.py
@@ -15,19 +15,19 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # cylindrical particle 1
-    radius1 = 5*nm
+    radius1 = 5 * nm
     height1 = radius1
     cylinder_ff1 = ba.FormFactorCylinder(radius1, height1)
     cylinder1 = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff1)
     # cylindrical particle 2
-    radius2 = 8*nm
+    radius2 = 8 * nm
     height2 = radius2
     cylinder_ff2 = ba.FormFactorCylinder(radius2, height2)
     cylinder2 = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff2)
     # interference function
-    interference = ba.InterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystal(18.0*nm, 1e3*nm)
+    interference = ba.InterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystal(18.0 * nm, 1e3 * nm)
     pdf = ba.FTDistribution1DGauss(3 * nm)
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, 0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/CosineRipplesAtRectLattice.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/CosineRipplesAtRectLattice.py
index 5f482c78cae4be965e75378431bf526de6e6ff48..cf9250dff80af6013acd41ac3bc10f145860c98f 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/CosineRipplesAtRectLattice.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/CosineRipplesAtRectLattice.py
@@ -17,15 +17,16 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    ff = ba.FormFactorCosineRippleBox(100*nm, 20*nm, 4*nm)
+    ff = ba.FormFactorCosineRippleBox(100 * nm, 20 * nm, 4 * nm)
     particle = ba.Particle(m_particle, ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout.addParticle(particle, 1.0)
     interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(
-        ba.BasicLattice2D(200.0*nm, 50.0*nm, 90.0*deg, 0.0*deg))
-    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(1000.*nm/2./numpy.pi, 100.*nm/2./numpy.pi, 0)
+        ba.BasicLattice2D(200.0 * nm, 50.0 * nm, 90.0 * deg, 0.0 * deg))
+    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(1000. * nm / 2. / numpy.pi,
+                                     100. * nm / 2. / numpy.pi, 0)
@@ -45,9 +46,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     characterizing the input beam and output detector
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.5*deg, 1.5*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.5*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.6*angstrom, 0.3*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.5 * deg, 1.5 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.5 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.6 * angstrom, 0.3 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference1DLattice.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference1DLattice.py
index 20d98c6b4fdc6287278d2bc48918a24617afd82d..19c4e03e78cdf511bc83b7c2d2a4be14906d6739 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference1DLattice.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference1DLattice.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import bornagain as ba
 from bornagain import deg, angstrom, nm
-def get_sample(lattice_rotation_angle=45*deg):
+def get_sample(lattice_rotation_angle=45 * deg):
     Returns a sample with a grating on a substrate,
     modelled by very long boxes forming a 1D lattice with Cauchy correlations.
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ def get_sample(lattice_rotation_angle=45*deg):
     m_substrate = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 6e-6, 2e-8)
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
-    box_length, box_width, box_height = 10*nm, 10000*nm, 10*nm
-    lattice_length = 30*nm
+    box_length, box_width, box_height = 10 * nm, 10000 * nm, 10 * nm
+    lattice_length = 30 * nm
     # collection of particles
-    interference = ba.InterferenceFunction1DLattice(
-        lattice_length, lattice_rotation_angle)
+    interference = ba.InterferenceFunction1DLattice(lattice_length,
+                                                    lattice_rotation_angle)
     pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction1DCauchy(1000.0)
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ def get_sample(lattice_rotation_angle=45*deg):
     box = ba.Particle(m_particle, box_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
-    particle_layout.addParticle(
-        box, 1.0, ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ba.RotationZ(lattice_rotation_angle))
+    particle_layout.addParticle(box, 1.0, ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+                                ba.RotationZ(lattice_rotation_angle))
     # assembling the sample
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     simulation.getOptions().setMonteCarloIntegration(True, 100)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference1DRadialParaCrystal.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference1DRadialParaCrystal.py
index 7a38f018a40d82a602a221cc34e8d651d1a1feb8..184727e7e2689abbff06904590addf296e70990c 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference1DRadialParaCrystal.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference1DRadialParaCrystal.py
@@ -18,11 +18,10 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 5*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 5 * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
-    interference = ba.InterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystal(
-        20.0*nm, 1e3*nm)
+    interference = ba.InterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystal(20.0 * nm, 1e3 * nm)
     pdf = ba.FTDistribution1DGauss(7 * nm)
@@ -47,9 +46,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DCenteredSquareLattice.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DCenteredSquareLattice.py
index 7f8399e20aa156732952600b7146855d474568cc..ef88a994f4e5865b885c5c55713063938c2aa4a3 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DCenteredSquareLattice.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DCenteredSquareLattice.py
@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(ba.SquareLattice2D(25.0*nm, 0))
-    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(300.0*nm/2.0/numpy.pi,
-                                     100.0*nm/2.0/numpy.pi, 0)
+    interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(ba.SquareLattice2D(25.0 * nm, 0))
+    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(300.0 * nm / 2.0 / numpy.pi,
+                                     100.0 * nm / 2.0 / numpy.pi, 0)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     position1 = ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
-    position2 = ba.kvector_t(12.5*nm, 12.5*nm, 0.0)
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(3.*nm, 3.*nm)
+    position2 = ba.kvector_t(12.5 * nm, 12.5 * nm, 0.0)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(3. * nm, 3. * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     basis = ba.ParticleComposition()
     basis.addParticles(cylinder, [position1, position2])
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DLatticeSumOfRotated.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DLatticeSumOfRotated.py
index 6e5f5ba565290c68a090b09cdd06775872bcea65..3eb28944c96279094331aea5818483be2d95b893 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DLatticeSumOfRotated.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DLatticeSumOfRotated.py
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ def get_sample():
     p_interference_function = \
         ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(ba.SquareLattice2D(25.0*nm, 0))
-    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(300.0*nm/2.0/numpy.pi,
-                                     100.0*nm/2.0/numpy.pi, 0)
+    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(300.0 * nm / 2.0 / numpy.pi,
+                                     100.0 * nm / 2.0 / numpy.pi, 0)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
-    ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(3.0*nm, 3.0*nm)
+    ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(3.0 * nm, 3.0 * nm)
     position = ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, ff.clone())
@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ def get_simulation():
     Assigns additional distribution to lattice rotation angle.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, 0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
-    xi_min = 0.0*deg
-    xi_max = 240.0*deg
+    xi_min = 0.0 * deg
+    xi_max = 240.0 * deg
     xi_distr = ba.DistributionGate(xi_min, xi_max)
     # assigns distribution with 3 equidistant points to lattice rotation angle
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DParaCrystal.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DParaCrystal.py
index ffee0d01b04cad63b9dc0fc892922634b0cf76fd..ca20c3529e41b51276ef6baf815059e737bf9895 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DParaCrystal.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DParaCrystal.py
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(4*nm, 5*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(4 * nm, 5 * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DParaCrystal(
-        ba.SquareLattice2D(10.0*nm), 0.0, 20.0*micrometer, 20.0*micrometer)
+        ba.SquareLattice2D(10.0 * nm), 0.0, 20.0 * micrometer, 20.0 * micrometer)
-    pdf = ba.FTDistribution2DCauchy(1.0*nm, 1.0*nm, 0)
+    pdf = ba.FTDistribution2DCauchy(1.0 * nm, 1.0 * nm, 0)
     interference.setProbabilityDistributions(pdf, pdf)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
     # coarse grid because this simulation takes rather long
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DRotatedSquareLattice.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DRotatedSquareLattice.py
index e0f43a4beef0e44049a922d3c17d3cfe8e670946..e0d6655ed7eb4c6d902772dca6dbf6c1bfa5e0d9 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DRotatedSquareLattice.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DRotatedSquareLattice.py
@@ -17,12 +17,13 @@ def get_sample():
     # collection of particles
     interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(
-        ba.SquareLattice2D(25.0*nm, 30.0*deg))
-    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(300.0*nm/2.0/numpy.pi, 100.0*nm/2.0/numpy.pi, 0)
-    pdf.setParameterValue("Gamma", 30.0*deg)
+        ba.SquareLattice2D(25.0 * nm, 30.0 * deg))
+    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(300.0 * nm / 2.0 / numpy.pi,
+                                     100.0 * nm / 2.0 / numpy.pi, 0)
+    pdf.setParameterValue("Gamma", 30.0 * deg)
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(3.*nm, 3.*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(3. * nm, 3. * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
@@ -44,9 +45,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DSquareFiniteLattice.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DSquareFiniteLattice.py
index 5e882bbf4d5c95f0b46dc8aef08afd32f7d42d44..75e4ddff0b9a40f98abcc0746f7f51a0b2529029 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DSquareFiniteLattice.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DSquareFiniteLattice.py
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ def get_sample():
     # collection of particles
     interference = ba.InterferenceFunctionFinite2DLattice(
-        ba.SquareLattice2D(25.0*nm, 0.0), 40, 40)
+        ba.SquareLattice2D(25.0 * nm, 0.0), 40, 40)
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(3.*nm, 3.*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(3. * nm, 3. * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DSquareLattice.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DSquareLattice.py
index beee085dcfa8c42f2831c5a775ea28acfddc7217..599b3991ed7ce69037808b52d2856e471e113932 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DSquareLattice.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/Interference2DSquareLattice.py
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ def get_sample():
     # collection of particles
     interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(
-        ba.SquareLattice2D(25.0*nm, 0*deg))
-    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(300.0*nm/2.0/numpy.pi,
-                                     100.0*nm/2.0/numpy.pi, 0)
+        ba.SquareLattice2D(25.0 * nm, 0 * deg))
+    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(300.0 * nm / 2.0 / numpy.pi,
+                                     100.0 * nm / 2.0 / numpy.pi, 0)
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(3.*nm, 3.*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(3. * nm, 3. * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/RectangularGrating.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/RectangularGrating.py
index b3765dcbcdede787317c8be2efb1dcdd68132ba2..26793f695f04c1f32caf7bcb19525e37010f33cc 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/RectangularGrating.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/RectangularGrating.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import bornagain as ba
 from bornagain import deg, angstrom, nm, micrometer
-def get_sample(lattice_rotation_angle=0.0*deg):
+def get_sample(lattice_rotation_angle=0.0 * deg):
     Returns a sample with a grating on a substrate.
     lattice_rotation_angle = 0 - beam parallel to grating lines
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ def get_sample(lattice_rotation_angle=0.0*deg):
     m_vacuum = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
     m_si = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Si", 5.78164736e-6, 1.02294578e-7)
-    box_length, box_width, box_height = 50*micrometer, 70*nm, 50*nm
-    lattice_length = 150*nm
+    box_length, box_width, box_height = 50 * micrometer, 70 * nm, 50 * nm
+    lattice_length = 150 * nm
     # collection of particles
     interference = ba.InterferenceFunction1DLattice(
-        lattice_length, 90.0*deg - lattice_rotation_angle)
+        lattice_length, 90.0 * deg - lattice_rotation_angle)
     pdf = ba.ba.FTDecayFunction1DGauss(450.0)
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ def get_sample(lattice_rotation_angle=0.0*deg):
     box = ba.Particle(m_si, box_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
-    particle_layout.addParticle(
-        box, 1.0, ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ba.RotationZ(lattice_rotation_angle))
+    particle_layout.addParticle(box, 1.0, ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+                                ba.RotationZ(lattice_rotation_angle))
     # assembling the sample
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -0.5*deg, 0.5*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 0.6*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.34*angstrom, 0.4*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -0.5 * deg, 0.5 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     0.6 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.34 * angstrom, 0.4 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     simulation.getOptions().setMonteCarloIntegration(True, 100)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/SpheresAtHexLattice.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/SpheresAtHexLattice.py
index 3aad9209640967aeeb40f84694b28260bf2c3768..822d8e916909ab9645476a914ac54b7dce1200a5 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/SpheresAtHexLattice.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/SpheresAtHexLattice.py
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ def get_sample():
     m_substrate = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 6e-6, 2e-8)
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
-    sphere_ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(10.0*nm)
+    sphere_ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(10.0 * nm)
     sphere = ba.Particle(m_particle, sphere_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(
-        ba.HexagonalLattice2D(20.0*nm, 0*deg))
-    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(10*nm, 10*nm, 0)
+        ba.HexagonalLattice2D(20.0 * nm, 0 * deg))
+    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(10 * nm, 10 * nm, 0)
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 1.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     1.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/TriangularRipple.py b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/TriangularRipple.py
index f70859eaa1c1656f5a866a7b63880b91f561c7bd..8798c0171243d1963fd63905a957f0cef1cbd45f 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/TriangularRipple.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim03_Structures/TriangularRipple.py
@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    ripple2_ff = ba.FormFactorSawtoothRippleBox(
-        100*nm, 20*nm, 4*nm, -3.0*nm)
+    ripple2_ff = ba.FormFactorSawtoothRippleBox(100 * nm, 20 * nm, 4 * nm, -3.0 * nm)
     ripple = ba.Particle(m_particle, ripple2_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout.addParticle(ripple, 1.0)
     interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(
-        ba.BasicLattice2D(200.0*nm, 50.0*nm, 90.0*deg, 0.0*deg))
-    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DGauss(1000.*nm/2./numpy.pi, 100.*nm/2./numpy.pi, 0)
+        ba.BasicLattice2D(200.0 * nm, 50.0 * nm, 90.0 * deg, 0.0 * deg))
+    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DGauss(1000. * nm / 2. / numpy.pi,
+                                    100. * nm / 2. / numpy.pi, 0)
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     characterizing the input beam and output detector
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -1.5*deg, 1.5*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 2.5*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.6*angstrom, 0.3*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -1.5 * deg, 1.5 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.5 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.6 * angstrom, 0.3 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/BuriedParticles.py b/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/BuriedParticles.py
index 64a9e3c72b5d035020ee3f7985a579930cc16073..3c636884466797904ba4c856062ea2eaf34bae83 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/BuriedParticles.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/BuriedParticles.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 0.0, 0.0)
     # collection of particles
-    ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(10.2*nm)
+    ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(10.2 * nm)
     sphere = ba.Particle(m_particle, ff)
     sphere.setPosition(0.0, 0.0, -25.2)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def get_sample():
     # assembling the sample
     vacuum_layer = ba.Layer(m_vacuum)
-    intermediate_layer = ba.Layer(m_interm_layer, 30.*nm)
+    intermediate_layer = ba.Layer(m_interm_layer, 30. * nm)
     substrate_layer = ba.Layer(m_substrate, 0)
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ def get_simulation():
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -1*deg, +1*deg, 200, 0*deg, +2*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.5*angstrom, 0.15*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -1 * deg, +1 * deg, 200, 0 * deg, +2 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.5 * angstrom, 0.15 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/CorrelatedRoughness.py b/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/CorrelatedRoughness.py
index 36b80dd24b5049dc341b228802847522244cc64a..47cec84d5427bf4e4a4c5bdd093c442fdd087de5 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/CorrelatedRoughness.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/CorrelatedRoughness.py
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ def get_sample():
     # defining layers
     l_ambience = ba.Layer(m_vacuum)
-    l_part_a = ba.Layer(m_part_a, 2.5*nm)
-    l_part_b = ba.Layer(m_part_b, 5.0*nm)
+    l_part_a = ba.Layer(m_part_a, 2.5 * nm)
+    l_part_b = ba.Layer(m_part_b, 5.0 * nm)
     l_substrate = ba.Layer(m_substrate)
     roughness = ba.LayerRoughness()
-    roughness.setSigma(1.0*nm)
+    roughness.setSigma(1.0 * nm)
-    roughness.setLatteralCorrLength(5.0*nm)
+    roughness.setLatteralCorrLength(5.0 * nm)
     my_sample = ba.MultiLayer()
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def get_sample():
         my_sample.addLayerWithTopRoughness(l_part_b, roughness)
     my_sample.addLayerWithTopRoughness(l_substrate, roughness)
-    my_sample.setCrossCorrLength(10*nm)
+    my_sample.setCrossCorrLength(10 * nm)
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Characterizing the input beam and output detector
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -0.5*deg, 0.5*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 1.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -0.5 * deg, 0.5 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     1.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/CylindersInAverageLayer.py b/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/CylindersInAverageLayer.py
index 90619a26b8bf62080197f1c51ac52c2a62aa90fb..86ae8b9f2e6ad4c4189f2eea62d910cc67c16fc2 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/CylindersInAverageLayer.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/CylindersInAverageLayer.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import bornagain as ba
 from bornagain import deg, angstrom, nm
-def get_sample(cyl_height=5*nm):
+def get_sample(cyl_height=5 * nm):
     Returns a sample with cylinders on a substrate.
@@ -16,20 +16,21 @@ def get_sample(cyl_height=5*nm):
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 3e-5, 2e-8)
     # cylindrical particle
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, cyl_height)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, cyl_height)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     position = ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -cyl_height)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout.addParticle(cylinder, 1.0, position)
     # interference function
-    interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(ba.SquareLattice2D(15*nm, 0*deg))
-    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(300*nm, 300*nm, 0)
+    interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(
+        ba.SquareLattice2D(15 * nm, 0 * deg))
+    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(300 * nm, 300 * nm, 0)
     vacuum_layer = ba.Layer(m_vacuum)
-    intermediate_layer = ba.Layer(m_layer, 5*nm)
+    intermediate_layer = ba.Layer(m_layer, 5 * nm)
     substrate_layer = ba.Layer(m_substrate)
@@ -45,9 +46,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/GratingMC.py b/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/GratingMC.py
index 67e819af38a7e163a3ddec33c1b5550762edf7e8..dc988a4171f2028ea8b2e682ca7ad10bf3ed5e1c 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/GratingMC.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/GratingMC.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from bornagain import deg, angstrom, nm, micrometer
 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
-def get_sample(lattice_rotation_angle=0.0*deg):
+def get_sample(lattice_rotation_angle=0.0 * deg):
     Returns a sample with a grating on a substrate.
     lattice_rotation_angle = 0 - beam parallel to grating lines
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ def get_sample(lattice_rotation_angle=0.0*deg):
     m_vacuum = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
     m_si = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Si", 5.78164736e-6, 1.02294578e-7)
-    box_length, box_width, box_height = 50*micrometer, 70*nm, 50*nm
-    lattice_length = 150*nm
+    box_length, box_width, box_height = 50 * micrometer, 70 * nm, 50 * nm
+    lattice_length = 150 * nm
     # collection of particles
     interference = ba.InterferenceFunction1DLattice(
-        lattice_length, 90.0*deg - lattice_rotation_angle)
+        lattice_length, 90.0 * deg - lattice_rotation_angle)
     pdf = ba.ba.FTDecayFunction1DGauss(450.0)
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ def get_sample(lattice_rotation_angle=0.0*deg):
     box = ba.Particle(m_si, box_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
-    particle_layout.addParticle(
-        box, 1.0, ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ba.RotationZ(lattice_rotation_angle))
+    particle_layout.addParticle(box, 1.0, ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+                                ba.RotationZ(lattice_rotation_angle))
     # assembling the sample
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -0.5*deg, 0.5*deg,
-                                     200, 0.0*deg, 0.6*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.34*angstrom, 0.4*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -0.5 * deg, 0.5 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     0.6 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.34 * angstrom, 0.4 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     simulation.getOptions().setMonteCarloIntegration(True, 100)
     return simulation
@@ -84,7 +84,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     xpeaks = [peak[0] for peak in peaks]
     ypeaks = [peak[1] for peak in peaks]
-    plt.plot(xpeaks, ypeaks, linestyle='None', marker='x', color='white',
+    plt.plot(xpeaks,
+             ypeaks,
+             linestyle='None',
+             marker='x',
+             color='white',
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/HalfSpheresInAverageTopLayer.py b/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/HalfSpheresInAverageTopLayer.py
index a024491a7d5e3688e54195e4881e45d53b9966d9..379a44831b2ae6d490b1ea780b948ffda427ee54 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/HalfSpheresInAverageTopLayer.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim04_Multilayers/HalfSpheresInAverageTopLayer.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ and slicing
 import bornagain as ba
 from bornagain import deg, angstrom, nm
-sphere_radius = 5*nm
+sphere_radius = 5 * nm
 n_slices = 10
@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ def get_sample():
     # interference function
-    interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(ba.SquareLattice2D(10*nm, 0*deg))
-    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(100*nm, 100*nm, 0)
+    interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(
+        ba.SquareLattice2D(10 * nm, 0 * deg))
+    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(100 * nm, 100 * nm, 0)
@@ -47,9 +48,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim05_Magnetism/MagneticSpheres.py b/Examples/Python/sim05_Magnetism/MagneticSpheres.py
index a1a126cb466cdf9d95b32aaa5eacbf9f25932418..a41d49e2e036bd5bd6c73500972d1b2bae02e91f 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim05_Magnetism/MagneticSpheres.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim05_Magnetism/MagneticSpheres.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Simulation demo: magnetic spheres in substrate
 import bornagain as ba
 from bornagain import deg, angstrom, nm
 # Magnetization of the particle's material (A/m)
 magnetization_particle = ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 1e7)
@@ -20,9 +19,9 @@ def get_sample():
     substrate_material = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 7e-6, 1.8e-7)
     # spherical magnetic particle
-    sphere_ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(5*nm)
+    sphere_ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(5 * nm)
     sphere = ba.Particle(particle_material, sphere_ff)
-    position = ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -10.0*nm)
+    position = ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -10.0 * nm)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout.addParticle(sphere, 1.0, position)
@@ -44,8 +43,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -3.0*deg, 3.0*deg, 200, 0.0*deg, 6.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.*angstrom, 0.5*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -3.0 * deg, 3.0 * deg, 200, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     6.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1. * angstrom, 0.5 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     analyzer_dir = ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/AxesInDifferentUnits.py b/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/AxesInDifferentUnits.py
index 9c23535da866b402bd0d70df66ea077ab108b05d..9065945c49ee1dfa0ea2b05676834fc083810b97 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/AxesInDifferentUnits.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/AxesInDifferentUnits.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 5*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 5 * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout.addParticle(cylinder, 1.0)
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ def get_rectangular_detector():
     pilatus_pixel_size = 0.172  # in mm
     pilatus_npx, pilatus_npy = 981, 1043  # number of pixels
-    width = pilatus_npx*pilatus_pixel_size
-    height = pilatus_npy*pilatus_pixel_size
+    width = pilatus_npx * pilatus_pixel_size
+    height = pilatus_npy * pilatus_pixel_size
     detector = ba.RectangularDetector(pilatus_npx, width, pilatus_npy, height)
-    detector.setPerpendicularToSampleX(detector_distance, width/2., 0.0)
+    detector.setPerpendicularToSampleX(detector_distance, width / 2., 0.0)
     return detector
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -80,27 +80,41 @@ def plot(result):
     # set plotting parameters
     rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'jet'
     rcParams['image.aspect'] = 'auto'
     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12.80, 10.24))
     plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
     # default units for rectangular detector are millimeters
-    ba.plot_colormap(result, title="In default units",
-                     xlabel=r'$X_{mm}$', ylabel=r'$Y_{mm}$', zlabel=None)
+    ba.plot_colormap(result,
+                     title="In default units",
+                     xlabel=r'$X_{mm}$',
+                     ylabel=r'$Y_{mm}$',
+                     zlabel=None)
     plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
-    ba.plot_colormap(result, units=ba.Axes.NBINS, title="In number of bins",
-                     xlabel=r'$X_{nbins}$', ylabel=r'$Y_{nbins}$', zlabel=None)
+    ba.plot_colormap(result,
+                     units=ba.Axes.NBINS,
+                     title="In number of bins",
+                     xlabel=r'$X_{nbins}$',
+                     ylabel=r'$Y_{nbins}$',
+                     zlabel=None)
     plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
-    ba.plot_colormap(result, units=ba.Axes.DEGREES, title="In degs",
-                     xlabel=r'$\phi_f ^{\circ}$', ylabel=r'$\alpha_f ^{\circ}$',
+    ba.plot_colormap(result,
+                     units=ba.Axes.DEGREES,
+                     title="In degs",
+                     xlabel=r'$\phi_f ^{\circ}$',
+                     ylabel=r'$\alpha_f ^{\circ}$',
     plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
-    ba.plot_colormap(result, units=ba.Axes.QSPACE, title="Q-space",
-                     xlabel=r'$Q_{y} [1/nm]$', ylabel=r'$Q_{z} [1/nm]$', zlabel=None)
+    ba.plot_colormap(result,
+                     units=ba.Axes.QSPACE,
+                     title="Q-space",
+                     xlabel=r'$Q_{y} [1/nm]$',
+                     ylabel=r'$Q_{z} [1/nm]$',
+                     zlabel=None)
     plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, right=0.97, top=0.9, bottom=0.1, hspace=0.25)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/BeamDivergence.py b/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/BeamDivergence.py
index a0f9e73d1aefbb12dcef846b8fedf1c8cc38ad6c..bbbc64e2993498aa51490c743de35bbad376af4c 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/BeamDivergence.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/BeamDivergence.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 5*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 5 * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout.addParticle(cylinder, 1.0)
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam (+ divergence) and detector defined.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
-    wavelength_distr = ba.DistributionLogNormal(1.0*angstrom, 0.1)
-    alpha_distr = ba.DistributionGaussian(0.2*deg, 0.1*deg)
-    phi_distr = ba.DistributionGaussian(0.0*deg, 0.1*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, 0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
+    wavelength_distr = ba.DistributionLogNormal(1.0 * angstrom, 0.1)
+    alpha_distr = ba.DistributionGaussian(0.2 * deg, 0.1 * deg)
+    phi_distr = ba.DistributionGaussian(0.0 * deg, 0.1 * deg)
     simulation.addParameterDistribution("*/Beam/Wavelength", wavelength_distr, 5)
     simulation.addParameterDistribution("*/Beam/InclinationAngle", alpha_distr, 5)
     simulation.addParameterDistribution("*/Beam/AzimuthalAngle", phi_distr, 5)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/ConstantBackground.py b/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/ConstantBackground.py
index 5a0484c5b14a90167f7687878fd702d4727b51b8..e7ea35730a913d5bee293e70b95779bac265041e 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/ConstantBackground.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/ConstantBackground.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 5*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 5 * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout.addParticle(cylinder, 1.0)
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with a constant backround.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, 0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     bg = ba.ConstantBackground(1e3)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/DetectorResolutionFunction.py b/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/DetectorResolutionFunction.py
index d2735fa4cb4190462fc9eb1b3176fb75d84e06dd..ae9ec0e4be89bb1a04b52d258b9f64f3f343cfdc 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/DetectorResolutionFunction.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/DetectorResolutionFunction.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 5*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 5 * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout.addParticle(cylinder, 1.0)
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with detector resolution function defined.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, 0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
-        ba.ResolutionFunction2DGaussian(0.02*deg, 0.02*deg))
+        ba.ResolutionFunction2DGaussian(0.02 * deg, 0.02 * deg))
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/OffSpecularSimulation.py b/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/OffSpecularSimulation.py
index 43fccdc77cb3b9f7d6b8cbe3394705890c6adfb2..a5db46bb3d5d1e0d3b35bdc126e69cab907a6fc3 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/OffSpecularSimulation.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/OffSpecularSimulation.py
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    lattice_length = 100.0*nm
-    lattice_rotation_angle = 0.0*deg
-    interference = ba.InterferenceFunction1DLattice(
-        lattice_length, lattice_rotation_angle)
+    lattice_length = 100.0 * nm
+    lattice_rotation_angle = 0.0 * deg
+    interference = ba.InterferenceFunction1DLattice(lattice_length,
+                                                    lattice_rotation_angle)
     pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction1DCauchy(1e+6)
-    box_ff = ba.FormFactorBox(1000*nm, 20*nm, 10.0*nm)
+    box_ff = ba.FormFactorBox(1000 * nm, 20 * nm, 10.0 * nm)
     box = ba.Particle(m_particle, box_ff)
-    transform = ba.RotationZ(90.0*deg)
+    transform = ba.RotationZ(90.0 * deg)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout.addParticle(box, 1.0, ba.kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), transform)
@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns an off-specular simulation with beam and detector defined.
     simulation = ba.OffSpecSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(20, phi_f_min*deg, phi_f_max*deg,
-                                     200, alpha_f_min*deg, alpha_f_max*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(20, phi_f_min * deg, phi_f_max * deg, 200,
+                                     alpha_f_min * deg, alpha_f_max * deg)
     # define the beam with alpha_i varied between alpha_i_min and alpha_i_max
-    alpha_i_axis = ba.FixedBinAxis(
-        "alpha_i", 200, alpha_i_min*deg, alpha_i_max*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, alpha_i_axis, 0.0*deg)
+    alpha_i_axis = ba.FixedBinAxis("alpha_i", 200, alpha_i_min * deg,
+                                   alpha_i_max * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, alpha_i_axis, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/RectangularDetector.py b/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/RectangularDetector.py
index 7bf9045b8811932c7fe99c611ccec180435f0348..91e683e115680ef969b7b3c3f3ee8362aff4b9d1 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/RectangularDetector.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/RectangularDetector.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    edge = 40*nm
+    edge = 40 * nm
     ff = ba.FormFactorBox(edge, edge, edge)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
@@ -45,24 +45,24 @@ def get_spherical_detector():
     n_phi = pilatus_npx
     n_alpha = pilatus_npy
-    width = pilatus_npx*pilatus_pixel_size
-    height = pilatus_npy*pilatus_pixel_size
-    phi_min = numpy.arctan(-width/2./detector_distance)
-    phi_max = numpy.arctan(width/2./detector_distance)
+    width = pilatus_npx * pilatus_pixel_size
+    height = pilatus_npy * pilatus_pixel_size
+    phi_min = numpy.arctan(-width / 2. / detector_distance)
+    phi_max = numpy.arctan(width / 2. / detector_distance)
     alpha_min = 0.0
-    alpha_max = numpy.arctan(height/detector_distance)
-    return ba.SphericalDetector(
-        n_phi, phi_min, phi_max, n_alpha, alpha_min, alpha_max)
+    alpha_max = numpy.arctan(height / detector_distance)
+    return ba.SphericalDetector(n_phi, phi_min, phi_max, n_alpha, alpha_min,
+                                alpha_max)
 def get_rectangular_detector():
     Returns a rectangular detector representing our PILATUS detector
-    width = pilatus_npx*pilatus_pixel_size
-    height = pilatus_npy*pilatus_pixel_size
+    width = pilatus_npx * pilatus_pixel_size
+    height = pilatus_npy * pilatus_pixel_size
     detector = ba.RectangularDetector(pilatus_npx, width, pilatus_npy, height)
-    detector.setPerpendicularToSampleX(detector_distance, width/2., 0.0)
+    detector.setPerpendicularToSampleX(detector_distance, width / 2., 0.0)
     return detector
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def get_simulation():
     Return a GISAXS simulation with defined beam
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(10*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(10 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -84,24 +84,34 @@ def plot(results):
     # showing  result of spherical detector simulation
     plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
-    ba.plot_colormap(results['spherical'], title="Spherical detector",
-                     xlabel=r'$\phi_f ^{\circ}$', ylabel=r'$\alpha_f ^{\circ}$',
-                     zlabel="", cmap='jet', aspect='auto')
+    ba.plot_colormap(results['spherical'],
+                     title="Spherical detector",
+                     xlabel=r'$\phi_f ^{\circ}$',
+                     ylabel=r'$\alpha_f ^{\circ}$',
+                     zlabel="",
+                     cmap='jet',
+                     aspect='auto')
     # showing  result of rectangular detector simulation
     plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
-    ba.plot_colormap(results['rectangular'], title="Rectangular detector",
-                     xlabel='X, mm', ylabel='Y, mm', zlabel="",
-                     cmap='jet', aspect='auto')
+    ba.plot_colormap(results['rectangular'],
+                     title="Rectangular detector",
+                     xlabel='X, mm',
+                     ylabel='Y, mm',
+                     zlabel="",
+                     cmap='jet',
+                     aspect='auto')
     # show relative difference between two plots (sph[i]-rect[i])/rect[i]
     # for every detector pixel
     sph_array = results['spherical'].array()
     rect_array = results['rectangular'].array()
-    rel_diff = 2.0 * numpy.abs(sph_array - rect_array)/(sph_array + rect_array)
+    rel_diff = 2.0 * numpy.abs(sph_array - rect_array) / (sph_array + rect_array)
     plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
-    im = plt.imshow(rel_diff, norm=colors.LogNorm(1e-6, 1.0), 
-                    aspect='auto', cmap='jet')
+    im = plt.imshow(rel_diff,
+                    norm=colors.LogNorm(1e-6, 1.0),
+                    aspect='auto',
+                    cmap='jet')
     cb = plt.colorbar(im, pad=0.025)
     plt.xlabel('X, bins', fontsize=14)
     plt.ylabel('Y, bins', fontsize=14)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/ResonatorOffSpecSetup.py b/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/ResonatorOffSpecSetup.py
index a516764ad7275765450319d5ba7823fe36bd63f5..e9330b6033c025259e0af1e775568f673f171c7d 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/ResonatorOffSpecSetup.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim11_Device/ResonatorOffSpecSetup.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import bornagain as ba
 from bornagain import deg, nm, micrometer, angstrom
-def get_sample(nlayers = 3):
+def get_sample(nlayers=3):
     Construct resonator with given number of Ti/Pt double layers nlayers.
@@ -18,18 +18,18 @@ def get_sample(nlayers = 3):
     m_D2O = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("D2O", 2.52897204573e-05, 4.5224432814e-13)
     # create layers
-    l_TiO2 = ba.Layer(m_TiO2, 3.0*nm)
-    l_Ti_top = ba.Layer(m_Ti, 10.0*nm)
-    l_Ti = ba.Layer(m_Ti, 13.0*nm)
-    l_Si = ba.Layer(m_Si)    # consider it as an ambient layer
-    l_Pt = ba.Layer(m_Pt, 32.0*nm)
+    l_TiO2 = ba.Layer(m_TiO2, 3.0 * nm)
+    l_Ti_top = ba.Layer(m_Ti, 10.0 * nm)
+    l_Ti = ba.Layer(m_Ti, 13.0 * nm)
+    l_Si = ba.Layer(m_Si)  # consider it as an ambient layer
+    l_Pt = ba.Layer(m_Pt, 32.0 * nm)
     l_D2O = ba.Layer(m_D2O)  # thickness is not given, seems to be like a substrate
     # describe layer roughness
     roughness = ba.LayerRoughness()
-    roughness.setSigma(2.0*nm)
+    roughness.setSigma(2.0 * nm)
-    roughness.setLatteralCorrLength(10.0*micrometer)
+    roughness.setLatteralCorrLength(10.0 * micrometer)
     # assemble multilayer
     sample = ba.MultiLayer()
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def get_sample(nlayers = 3):
     sample.addLayerWithTopRoughness(l_TiO2, roughness)
     sample.addLayerWithTopRoughness(l_D2O, roughness)
-    sample.setCrossCorrLength(400*nm)
+    sample.setCrossCorrLength(400 * nm)
     return sample
@@ -58,26 +58,27 @@ def get_offspec_simulation():
     # define detector parameters
-    n_alpha, alpha_min, alpha_max = 300, 0.0*deg, 4.0*deg
-    n_phi, phi_min, phi_max = 10, -0.1*deg, 0.1*deg
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(
-        n_phi, phi_min, phi_max, n_alpha, alpha_min, alpha_max)
+    n_alpha, alpha_min, alpha_max = 300, 0.0 * deg, 4.0 * deg
+    n_phi, phi_min, phi_max = 10, -0.1 * deg, 0.1 * deg
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(n_phi, phi_min, phi_max, n_alpha, alpha_min,
+                                     alpha_max)
     # define the beam with alpha_i varied between alpha_i_min and alpha_i_max
     n_scan_points, alpha_i_min, alpha_i_max = n_alpha, alpha_min, alpha_max
-    alpha_i_axis = ba.FixedBinAxis(
-        "alpha_i", n_scan_points, alpha_i_min, alpha_i_max)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(5.0*angstrom, alpha_i_axis, 0.0)
+    alpha_i_axis = ba.FixedBinAxis("alpha_i", n_scan_points, alpha_i_min,
+                                   alpha_i_max)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(5.0 * angstrom, alpha_i_axis, 0.0)
     # define detector resolution function with smearing depending on bin size
-    d_alpha = (alpha_max - alpha_min)/n_alpha
-    d_phi = (phi_max-phi_min)/n_phi
+    d_alpha = (alpha_max - alpha_min) / n_alpha
+    d_phi = (phi_max - phi_min) / n_phi
     sigma_factor = 1.0
-        ba.ResolutionFunction2DGaussian(sigma_factor*d_alpha, sigma_factor*d_phi))
+        ba.ResolutionFunction2DGaussian(sigma_factor * d_alpha,
+                                        sigma_factor * d_phi))
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/BasicPolarizedReflectometry.py b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/BasicPolarizedReflectometry.py
index 32b55eff4e354744972b67e5bdc414356c85cf93..e8685ce27c7c01fa519bff0f7910f0e9b60946c9 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/BasicPolarizedReflectometry.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/BasicPolarizedReflectometry.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from bornagain import deg, angstrom
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 def get_sample():
     Defines sample and returns it
@@ -15,8 +16,7 @@ def get_sample():
     # creating materials
     m_ambient = ba.MaterialBySLD("Ambient", 0.0, 0.0)
-    m_layer_mat = ba.MaterialBySLD("Layer", 1e-4, 1e-8,
-                                   ba.kvector_t(0.0, 1e8, 0.0))
+    m_layer_mat = ba.MaterialBySLD("Layer", 1e-4, 1e-8, ba.kvector_t(0.0, 1e8, 0.0))
     m_substrate = ba.MaterialBySLD("Substrate", 7e-5, 2e-6)
     # creating layers
@@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ def get_simulation(scan_size=500):
     Defines and returns a specular simulation.
     simulation = ba.SpecularSimulation()
-    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(1.54 * angstrom, scan_size,
-                              0.0 * deg, 5.0 * deg)
+    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(1.54 * angstrom, scan_size, 0.0 * deg, 5.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -62,27 +61,23 @@ def run_simulation(polarization=ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0),
 def plot(data, labels):
     for d, l in zip(data, labels):
-        plt.semilogy( d.axis(), 
-                        d.array(), 
-                        label=l, linewidth=1)
-    plt.legend( loc='upper right' )
+        plt.semilogy(d.axis(), d.array(), label=l, linewidth=1)
+    plt.legend(loc='upper right')
     plt.xlabel(r"$\alpha_i$ [deg]")
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    results_pp = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0,  1, 0),
-                                ba.kvector_t(0,  1, 0))
-    results_mm = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0),
-                                ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
+    results_pp = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0), ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0))
+    results_mm = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0), ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
     plot([results_pp, results_mm], ["$++$", "$--$"])
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/BasicSpecularSimulation.py b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/BasicSpecularSimulation.py
index 17cf311218884224341f91a8f05b7b133a2dbf8d..ae9055c64212a6ed77d9ce70095a12afadc11f08 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/BasicSpecularSimulation.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/BasicSpecularSimulation.py
@@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ def get_simulation(scan_size=500):
     Defines and returns a specular simulation.
     simulation = ba.SpecularSimulation()
-    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(1.54 * angstrom, scan_size,
-                              0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg)
+    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(1.54 * angstrom, scan_size, 0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/BeamAngularDivergence.py b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/BeamAngularDivergence.py
index 54392356753dd94851e76c40ff808b9bf3946192..05de2b19dc425bff7dff3da1964e343d7f09384e 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/BeamAngularDivergence.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/BeamAngularDivergence.py
@@ -56,9 +56,11 @@ def create_real_data():
     Loading data from genx_angular_divergence.dat
     filepath = path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)),
-                                      "genx_angular_divergence.dat.gz")
+                         "genx_angular_divergence.dat.gz")
     ax_values, real_data = np.loadtxt(filepath,
-                                      usecols=(0, 1), skiprows=3, unpack=True)
+                                      usecols=(0, 1),
+                                      skiprows=3,
+                                      unpack=True)
     # translating axis values from double incident angle # to incident angle
     ax_values *= 0.5
@@ -107,9 +109,7 @@ def plot(results):
     genx_axis, genx_values = create_real_data()
     plt.semilogy(genx_axis, genx_values, 'ko', markevery=300)
-    plt.legend(['BornAgain',
-                'GenX'],
-               loc='upper right')
+    plt.legend(['BornAgain', 'GenX'], loc='upper right')
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/FootprintCorrection.py b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/FootprintCorrection.py
index 1be10c62811243ac04efa656b7c1120e8ff4be46..73a9e4be335b62153c71444d611d325672d26bff 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/FootprintCorrection.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/FootprintCorrection.py
@@ -41,8 +41,7 @@ def get_simulation(footprint):
     Defines and returns a specular simulation.
     simulation = ba.SpecularSimulation()
-    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(
-        1.54 * angstrom, 500 , 0.0 * deg, 0.6 * deg)
+    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(1.54 * angstrom, 500, 0.0 * deg, 0.6 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -69,13 +68,11 @@ def plot(sim_result_1, sim_result_2):
     x1, y1 = get_plot_data(sim_result_1)
     x2, y2 = get_plot_data(sim_result_2)
     plt.semilogy(x1, y1, x2, y2)
     plt.xlabel(r'$\alpha_i \; (deg)$', fontsize=16)
     plt.ylabel(r'Intensity', fontsize=16)
-    plt.legend(['With footprint',
-                'Without footprint'],
-                loc='upper right')
+    plt.legend(['With footprint', 'Without footprint'], loc='upper right')
@@ -83,9 +80,6 @@ def plot(sim_result_1, sim_result_2):
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     beam_sample_ratio = 0.01  # beam-to-sample size ratio
     result_with_fp = run_simulation(
-        get_simulation(
-            footprint=ba.FootprintSquare(beam_sample_ratio)
-        )
-    )
+        get_simulation(footprint=ba.FootprintSquare(beam_sample_ratio)))
     result_without_fp = run_simulation(get_simulation(footprint=None))
     plot(result_with_fp, result_without_fp)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedNoAnalyzer.py b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedNoAnalyzer.py
index b001eb19fb0a5373048c591986ad76e5785f8b77..78a4e88e7dc133bf82841ad3f45c425a5515c19f 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedNoAnalyzer.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedNoAnalyzer.py
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import bornagain as ba
 from bornagain import deg, angstrom
 def get_sample():
     Defines sample and returns it
@@ -17,15 +16,12 @@ def get_sample():
     # creating materials
     magnetizationMagnitude = 1e8
-    angle                  = 30 * deg
-    magnetizationVector    = ba.kvector_t(
-                    magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.sin(angle), 
-                    magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.cos(angle), 
-                    0)
+    angle = 30 * deg
+    magnetizationVector = ba.kvector_t(magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.sin(angle),
+                                       magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.cos(angle), 0)
     m_ambient = ba.MaterialBySLD("Ambient", 0.0, 0.0)
-    m_layer_mat = ba.MaterialBySLD("Layer", 1e-4, 1e-8, 
-                                   magnetizationVector)
+    m_layer_mat = ba.MaterialBySLD("Layer", 1e-4, 1e-8, magnetizationVector)
     m_substrate = ba.MaterialBySLD("Substrate", 7e-5, 2e-6)
     # creating layers
@@ -47,14 +43,12 @@ def get_simulation(scan_size=500):
     Defines and returns a specular simulation.
     simulation = ba.SpecularSimulation()
-    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(1.54 * angstrom, scan_size,
-                              0.0 * deg, 5.0 * deg)
+    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(1.54 * angstrom, scan_size, 0.0 * deg, 5.0 * deg)
     return simulation
-def run_simulation(polarization=ba.kvector_t(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
-                   analyzer=None):
+def run_simulation(polarization=ba.kvector_t(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), analyzer=None):
     Runs simulation and returns its result.
@@ -64,7 +58,7 @@ def run_simulation(polarization=ba.kvector_t(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
     # adding polarization and analyzer operator
     if analyzer:
-      simulation.setAnalyzerProperties(analyzer, 1.0, 0.5)
+        simulation.setAnalyzerProperties(analyzer, 1.0, 0.5)
@@ -73,48 +67,36 @@ def run_simulation(polarization=ba.kvector_t(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
 def plot(axis, data, labels):
     for d, l in zip(data, labels):
-        plt.semilogy( axis, 
-                        d, 
-                        label=l, linewidth=1)
-    plt.legend( loc='upper right' )
+        plt.semilogy(axis, d, label=l, linewidth=1)
+    plt.legend(loc='upper right')
     plt.xlabel(r"$\alpha_i$ [deg]")
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    q, results_pp = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0,  1, 0),
-                                   ba.kvector_t(0,  1, 0))
-    q, results_mm = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0),
-                                   ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
-    q, results_pm = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0,  1, 0),
-                                   ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
-    q, results_mp = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0),
-                                   ba.kvector_t(0,  1, 0))
-    r_plus  = results_pp + results_pm
+    q, results_pp = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0), ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0))
+    q, results_mm = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0), ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
+    q, results_pm = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0), ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
+    q, results_mp = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0), ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0))
+    r_plus = results_pp + results_pm
     r_minus = results_mm + results_mp
-    plot(q,
-         [r_plus, r_minus], 
-         ["$+$", "$-$"])
+    plot(q, [r_plus, r_minus], ["$+$", "$-$"])
     # same result, but need half the computational time
-    q, results_p = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0,  1, 0))
+    q, results_p = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0))
     q, results_m = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
-    plot(q,
-         [results_p, results_m], 
-         ["$+$", "$-$"])
+    plot(q, [results_p, results_m], ["$+$", "$-$"])
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedNonperfectAnalyzerPolarizer.py b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedNonperfectAnalyzerPolarizer.py
index e42e4f1d78cae590768d95f8cbf598aea3e36dad..f159c526c24ad649cd95213c5c76513bba83c0c7 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedNonperfectAnalyzerPolarizer.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedNonperfectAnalyzerPolarizer.py
@@ -5,21 +5,19 @@ following Devishvili et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 025112 (2013)
 import numpy
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import bornagain as ba
 from bornagain import deg, angstrom
-sldFe  = (8.0241e-06, 6.0448e-10)
-sldPd  = (4.0099e-6,  1.3019e-09)
+sldFe = (8.0241e-06, 6.0448e-10)
+sldPd = (4.0099e-6, 1.3019e-09)
 sldMgO = (5.9803e-06, 9.3996e-12)
 magnetizationMagnitude = 1.6e6
-angle                  = 0
-magnetizationVector    = ba.kvector_t(
-                    magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.sin(angle * deg), 
-                    magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.cos(angle * deg), 
-                    0)
+angle = 0
+magnetizationVector = ba.kvector_t(magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.sin(angle * deg),
+                                   magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.cos(angle * deg),
+                                   0)
 def get_sample(*, magnetization=magnetizationVector):
@@ -28,111 +26,113 @@ def get_sample(*, magnetization=magnetizationVector):
     # create materials
-    mat_vacuum    = ba.MaterialBySLD("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
-    mat_Pd        = ba.MaterialBySLD("Pd", *sldPd)
-    mat_Fe        = ba.MaterialBySLD("Fe", *sldFe, 
-                                      magnetizationVector)
+    mat_vacuum = ba.MaterialBySLD("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
+    mat_Pd = ba.MaterialBySLD("Pd", *sldPd)
+    mat_Fe = ba.MaterialBySLD("Fe", *sldFe, magnetizationVector)
     mat_substrate = ba.MaterialBySLD("MgO", *sldMgO)
     # create layers
-    layer_vacuum    = ba.Layer( mat_vacuum )
-    layer_Pd        = ba.Layer( mat_Pd, 120 * angstrom )
-    layer_Fe        = ba.Layer( mat_Fe, 1000 * angstrom )
-    layer_substrate = ba.Layer( mat_substrate )
+    layer_vacuum = ba.Layer(mat_vacuum)
+    layer_Pd = ba.Layer(mat_Pd, 120 * angstrom)
+    layer_Fe = ba.Layer(mat_Fe, 1000 * angstrom)
+    layer_substrate = ba.Layer(mat_substrate)
     roughness = ba.LayerRoughness()
-    roughness.setSigma( 20 * angstrom)
+    roughness.setSigma(20 * angstrom)
     # create sample
     multi_layer = ba.MultiLayer()
     multi_layer.addLayerWithTopRoughness(layer_Pd, roughness)
     multi_layer.addLayerWithTopRoughness(layer_Fe, roughness)
     multi_layer.addLayerWithTopRoughness(layer_substrate, roughness)
     return multi_layer
-def get_simulation( scan_size=1500 ):
+def get_simulation(scan_size=1500):
     Defines and returns a specular simulation.
     simulation = ba.SpecularSimulation()
     qzs = numpy.linspace(0.1, 1.5, scan_size)
     n_sig = 4.0
     n_samples = 25
     distr = ba.RangedDistributionGaussian(n_samples, n_sig)
     scan = ba.QSpecScan(qzs)
     scan.setAbsoluteQResolution(distr, 0.008)
     return simulation
-def run_simulation(*, polarization=ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0),
-                      polarizer_efficiency=1,
-                      analyzer=ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0),
-                      analyzer_efficiency=1):
+def run_simulation(*,
+                   polarization=ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0),
+                   polarizer_efficiency=1,
+                   analyzer=ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0),
+                   analyzer_efficiency=1):
     Runs simulation and returns its result.
     sample = get_sample()
     simulation = get_simulation()
     simulation.setBeamPolarization(polarization * polarizer_efficiency)
     simulation.setAnalyzerProperties(analyzer, analyzer_efficiency, 0.5)
-    simulation.setBackground( ba.ConstantBackground( 1e-7 ) )
+    simulation.setBackground(ba.ConstantBackground(1e-7))
     return simulation.result()
 def plot(data, labels):
     for d, l in zip(data, labels):
-        plt.semilogy(numpy.array( d.axis(ba.Axes.QSPACE) ), 
-                     d.array(ba.Axes.QSPACE), label=l, linewidth=1)
-    plt.legend( loc='upper right' )
+        plt.semilogy(numpy.array(d.axis(ba.Axes.QSPACE)),
+                     d.array(ba.Axes.QSPACE),
+                     label=l,
+                     linewidth=1)
+    plt.legend(loc='upper right')
     plt.xlabel("$Q$ [nm${}^{-1}$]")
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     polarizer_efficiency = 0.986
-    analyzer_efficiency  = 0.970
-    results_pp = run_simulation(polarization = ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0), 
-                          analyzer           = ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0), 
-                          polarizer_efficiency = polarizer_efficiency,
-                          analyzer_efficiency  = analyzer_efficiency )
-    results_mm = run_simulation(polarization = ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0), 
-                          analyzer           = ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0), 
-                          polarizer_efficiency = polarizer_efficiency,
-                          analyzer_efficiency  = analyzer_efficiency )
-    results_pm = run_simulation(polarization = ba.kvector_t(0,  1, 0), 
-                          analyzer           = ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0), 
-                          polarizer_efficiency = polarizer_efficiency,
-                          analyzer_efficiency  = analyzer_efficiency )
-    results_mp = run_simulation(polarization = ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0), 
-                          analyzer           = ba.kvector_t(0,  1, 0), 
-                          polarizer_efficiency = polarizer_efficiency,
-                          analyzer_efficiency  = analyzer_efficiency )
-    plot([results_pp, results_mm, results_pm, results_mp], 
+    analyzer_efficiency = 0.970
+    results_pp = run_simulation(polarization=ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0),
+                                analyzer=ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0),
+                                polarizer_efficiency=polarizer_efficiency,
+                                analyzer_efficiency=analyzer_efficiency)
+    results_mm = run_simulation(polarization=ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0),
+                                analyzer=ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0),
+                                polarizer_efficiency=polarizer_efficiency,
+                                analyzer_efficiency=analyzer_efficiency)
+    results_pm = run_simulation(polarization=ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0),
+                                analyzer=ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0),
+                                polarizer_efficiency=polarizer_efficiency,
+                                analyzer_efficiency=analyzer_efficiency)
+    results_mp = run_simulation(polarization=ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0),
+                                analyzer=ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0),
+                                polarizer_efficiency=polarizer_efficiency,
+                                analyzer_efficiency=analyzer_efficiency)
+    plot([results_pp, results_mm, results_pm, results_mp],
          ["$++$", "$--$", "$+-$", "$-+$"])
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedSpinAsymmetry.py b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedSpinAsymmetry.py
index 6a6e15442313e458d2435ed8b85f56f3d433ceb4..247cde5ccc4f8c91c0490154663296b3b026edb4 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedSpinAsymmetry.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedSpinAsymmetry.py
@@ -28,57 +28,52 @@ qmin = 0.05997
 qmax = 1.96
 # number of points on which the computed result is plotted
+scan_size = 1500
 # The SLD of the substrate is kept constant
-sldMao  = (5.377e-06, 0)
+sldMao = (5.377e-06, 0)
 # constant to convert between magnetization and magnetic SLD
 RhoMconst = 2.910429812376859e-12
 #                  Create Sample and Simulation                    #
 def get_sample(params):
     construct the sample with the given parameters
     magnetizationMagnitude = params["rhoM_Mafo"] * 1e-6 / RhoMconst
-    angle                  = 0
-    magnetizationVector    = ba.kvector_t(
-                  magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.sin(angle * deg), 
-                  magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.cos(angle * deg), 
-                  0)
-    mat_vacuum    = ba.MaterialBySLD("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
-    mat_layer     = ba.MaterialBySLD("(Mg,Al,Fe)3O4", 
-                params["rho_Mafo"] * 1e-6, 0, magnetizationVector)
+    angle = 0
+    magnetizationVector = ba.kvector_t(
+        magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.sin(angle * deg),
+        magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.cos(angle * deg), 0)
+    mat_vacuum = ba.MaterialBySLD("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
+    mat_layer = ba.MaterialBySLD("(Mg,Al,Fe)3O4", params["rho_Mafo"] * 1e-6, 0,
+                                 magnetizationVector)
     mat_substrate = ba.MaterialBySLD("MgAl2O4", *sldMao)
     ambient_layer = ba.Layer(mat_vacuum)
     layer = ba.Layer(mat_layer, params["t_Mafo"] * angstrom)
     substrate_layer = ba.Layer(mat_substrate)
     r_Mafo = ba.LayerRoughness()
     r_Mafo.setSigma(params["r_Mafo"] * angstrom)
     r_substrate = ba.LayerRoughness()
     r_substrate.setSigma(params["r_Mao"] * angstrom)
     multi_layer = ba.MultiLayer()
     multi_layer.addLayerWithTopRoughness(layer, r_Mafo)
     multi_layer.addLayerWithTopRoughness(substrate_layer, r_substrate)
     return multi_layer
 def get_simulation(q_axis, parameters, polarization, analyzer):
     Returns a simulation object.
@@ -88,21 +83,21 @@ def get_simulation(q_axis, parameters, polarization, analyzer):
     simulation = ba.SpecularSimulation()
     q_axis = q_axis + parameters["q_offset"]
     scan = ba.QSpecScan(q_axis)
     dq = parameters["q_res"] * q_axis
     n_sig = 4.0
     n_samples = 25
     distr = ba.RangedDistributionGaussian(n_samples, n_sig)
     scan.setAbsoluteQResolution(distr, parameters["q_res"])
     simulation.setAnalyzerProperties(analyzer, 1.0, 0.5)
     return simulation
 def run_simulation(q_axis, fitParams, *, polarization, analyzer):
     Run a simulation on the given q-axis, where the sample is 
@@ -110,10 +105,9 @@ def run_simulation(q_axis, fitParams, *, polarization, analyzer):
     Vectors for polarization and analyzer need to be provided
     parameters = dict(fitParams, **fixedParams)
     sample = get_sample(parameters)
-    simulation = get_simulation(q_axis, parameters, 
-                                polarization, analyzer)
+    simulation = get_simulation(q_axis, parameters, polarization, analyzer)
@@ -125,38 +119,42 @@ def qr(result):
     Returns two arrays that hold the q-values as well as the
     reflectivity from a given simulation result
-    q = numpy.array( result.result().axis(ba.Axes.QSPACE) )
-    r = numpy.array( result.result().array(ba.Axes.QSPACE) )
-    return q, r
+    q = numpy.array(result.result().axis(ba.Axes.QSPACE))
+    r = numpy.array(result.result().array(ba.Axes.QSPACE))
+    return q, r
 #                         Plot Handling                            #
 def plot(qs, rs, exps, labels, filename):
     Plot the simulated result together with the experimental data
     fig = plt.figure()
     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
     for q, r, exp, l in zip(qs, rs, exps, labels):
-      ax.errorbar( exp[0], exp[1], xerr=exp[3], yerr=exp[2], 
-                   fmt='.', markersize=0.75, linewidth=0.5)
-      ax.plot(q, r, label=l)
+        ax.errorbar(exp[0],
+                    exp[1],
+                    xerr=exp[3],
+                    yerr=exp[2],
+                    fmt='.',
+                    markersize=0.75,
+                    linewidth=0.5)
+        ax.plot(q, r, label=l)
     plt.xlabel("Q [nm${}^{-1}$]")
@@ -166,32 +164,33 @@ def plotSpinAsymmetry(data_pp, data_mm, q, r_pp, r_mm, filename):
     Plot the simulated spin asymmetry as well its 
     experimental counterpart with errorbars
     # compute the errorbars of the spin asymmetry
     delta = numpy.sqrt(4 * (data_pp[1]**2 * data_mm[2]**2 + \
-            data_mm[1]**2 * data_pp[2]**2 ) / 
+            data_mm[1]**2 * data_pp[2]**2 ) /
                 ( data_pp[1] + data_mm[1] )**4 )
     fig = plt.figure()
     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-    ax.errorbar( data_pp[0], 
-                (data_pp[1] - data_mm[1])/(data_pp[1] + data_mm[1]),
-                  xerr = data_pp[3], yerr = delta,
-                    fmt='.', markersize=0.75, linewidth=0.5 )
-    ax.plot(q, (r_pp - r_mm)/(r_pp + r_mm))
+    ax.errorbar(data_pp[0], (data_pp[1] - data_mm[1]) / (data_pp[1] + data_mm[1]),
+                xerr=data_pp[3],
+                yerr=delta,
+                fmt='.',
+                markersize=0.75,
+                linewidth=0.5)
+    ax.plot(q, (r_pp - r_mm) / (r_pp + r_mm))
     plt.gca().set_ylim((-0.3, 0.5))
     plt.xlabel("Q [nm${}^{-1}$]")
     plt.ylabel("Spin asymmetry")
 #                          Data Handling                           #
@@ -203,119 +202,109 @@ def normalizeData(data):
     normalizes it such that the maximum of the reflectivity is
     unity and rescales the q-axis to inverse nm
-    r0 = numpy.where( data[0] - numpy.roll(data[0], 1) == 0)
+    r0 = numpy.where(data[0] - numpy.roll(data[0], 1) == 0)
     data = numpy.delete(data, r0, 1)
     data[0] = data[0] / angstrom
     data[3] = data[3] / angstrom
-    norm = numpy.max( data[1] )
-    data[1]  = data[1] / norm
-    data[2]  = data[2] / norm
-    so = numpy.argsort( data[0] )
-    data = data[:,so]
+    norm = numpy.max(data[1])
+    data[1] = data[1] / norm
+    data[2] = data[2] / norm
+    so = numpy.argsort(data[0])
+    data = data[:, so]
     return data
 def filterData(data, qmin, qmax):
-    minIndex = numpy.argmin( numpy.abs( data[0] - qmin ) )
-    maxIndex = numpy.argmin( numpy.abs( data[0] - qmax ) )
-    return data[:,minIndex:maxIndex+1]
+    minIndex = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(data[0] - qmin))
+    maxIndex = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(data[0] - qmax))
+    return data[:, minIndex:maxIndex + 1]
 def get_Experimental_data(qmin, qmax):
     if hasattr(get_Experimental_data, "raw_data"):
         data_pp = get_Experimental_data.raw_data_pp
         data_mm = get_Experimental_data.raw_data_mm
         input_Data = downloadAndExtractData()
         data_pp = normalizeData(input_Data[0])
         data_mm = normalizeData(input_Data[1])
         get_Experimental_data.data_pp = data_pp
         get_Experimental_data.data_mm = data_mm
         get_Experimental_data.raw_data = True
-    return ( filterData( data_pp, qmin, qmax) , 
-            filterData( data_mm, qmin, qmax) )
+    return (filterData(data_pp, qmin, qmax), filterData(data_mm, qmin, qmax))
 def downloadAndExtractData():
     url = "https://www.nist.gov/document/spinelfilmzip"
     if not isfile("spinelfilm.zip"):
-      downloadfile = urlopen(url)
-      with open("spinelfilm.zip", 'wb') as outfile:
-        outfile.write(downloadfile.read())
+        downloadfile = urlopen(url)
+        with open("spinelfilm.zip", 'wb') as outfile:
+            outfile.write(downloadfile.read())
     zipfile = ZipFile("spinelfilm.zip")
     rawdata = zipfile.open("MAFO_Saturated.refl").\
-    table_pp = match(
-          r'.*# "polarization": "\+\+"\n#.*?\n# "units".*?\n(.*?)#.*', 
-          rawdata, DOTALL).group(1)
-    table_mm = match(
-          r'.*# "polarization": "\-\-"\n#.*?\n# "units".*?\n(.*?)#.*', 
-          rawdata, DOTALL).group(1)
-    data_pp = numpy.genfromtxt(BytesIO(table_pp.encode()), 
-                               unpack=True)
-    data_mm = numpy.genfromtxt(BytesIO(table_mm.encode()), 
-                               unpack=True)
-    return (data_pp, data_mm)
+    table_pp = match(r'.*# "polarization": "\+\+"\n#.*?\n# "units".*?\n(.*?)#.*',
+                     rawdata, DOTALL).group(1)
+    table_mm = match(r'.*# "polarization": "\-\-"\n#.*?\n# "units".*?\n(.*?)#.*',
+                     rawdata, DOTALL).group(1)
+    data_pp = numpy.genfromtxt(BytesIO(table_pp.encode()), unpack=True)
+    data_mm = numpy.genfromtxt(BytesIO(table_mm.encode()), unpack=True)
+    return (data_pp, data_mm)
 #                          Main Function                           #
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     fixedParams = {
-                # parameters from our own fit run
-                'q_res': (0.01027065792503683, ),
-                'q_offset': (8.977754679340925e-05, ), 
-                'rho_Mafo': (6.373962950920891, ),
-                'rhoM_Mafo': (0.2383070807371731, ),
-                't_Mafo': (137.73795730237237, ),
-                'r_Mao': (7.004715629445297, ),
-                'r_Mafo': (3.8860835236521702, ),
-                }
-    fixedParams = { d:v[0] for d, v in fixedParams.items() }
-    def run_Simulation_pp( qzs, params ):
-        return run_simulation(qzs, params,                                 
-                        polarization = ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0),
-                        analyzer     = ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0))
-    def run_Simulation_mm( qzs, params ):
-        return run_simulation(qzs, params,                                 
-                        polarization = ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0),
-                        analyzer     = ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
+        # parameters from our own fit run
+        'q_res': (0.01027065792503683, ),
+        'q_offset': (8.977754679340925e-05, ),
+        'rho_Mafo': (6.373962950920891, ),
+        'rhoM_Mafo': (0.2383070807371731, ),
+        't_Mafo': (137.73795730237237, ),
+        'r_Mao': (7.004715629445297, ),
+        'r_Mafo': (3.8860835236521702, ),
+    }
+    fixedParams = {d: v[0] for d, v in fixedParams.items()}
+    def run_Simulation_pp(qzs, params):
+        return run_simulation(qzs,
+                              params,
+                              polarization=ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0),
+                              analyzer=ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0))
+    def run_Simulation_mm(qzs, params):
+        return run_simulation(qzs,
+                              params,
+                              polarization=ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0),
+                              analyzer=ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
     qzs = numpy.linspace(qmin, qmax, scan_size)
-    q_pp, r_pp = qr( run_Simulation_pp( qzs, fixedParams ) )
-    q_mm, r_mm = qr( run_Simulation_mm( qzs, fixedParams ) )
+    q_pp, r_pp = qr(run_Simulation_pp(qzs, fixedParams))
+    q_mm, r_mm = qr(run_Simulation_mm(qzs, fixedParams))
     data_pp, data_mm = get_Experimental_data(qmin, qmax)
-    plot([q_pp, q_mm], [r_pp, r_mm], 
-          [data_pp, data_mm], ["$++$", "$--$"], 
-          f'MAFO_Saturated.pdf' )
-    plotSpinAsymmetry(data_pp, data_mm, qzs, r_pp, r_mm, 
+    plot([q_pp, q_mm], [r_pp, r_mm], [data_pp, data_mm], ["$++$", "$--$"],
+         f'MAFO_Saturated.pdf')
+    plotSpinAsymmetry(data_pp, data_mm, qzs, r_pp, r_mm,
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedSpinAsymmetryFit.py b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedSpinAsymmetryFit.py
index 3e193e00606552d88ffb3580cf3a031964e6d6a1..ab5b87d582b1c80d4a3c3c1fbbabb84f1638976a 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedSpinAsymmetryFit.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedSpinAsymmetryFit.py
@@ -28,18 +28,14 @@ qmin = 0.05997
 qmax = 1.96
 # number of points on which the computed result is plotted
+scan_size = 1500
 # The SLD of the substrate is kept constant
-sldMao  = (5.377e-06, 0)
+sldMao = (5.377e-06, 0)
 # constant to convert between magnetization and magnetic SLD
 RhoMconst = 2.910429812376859e-12
 #                  Create Sample and Simulation                    #
@@ -50,15 +46,14 @@ def get_sample(params):
     construct the sample with the given parameters
     magnetizationMagnitude = params["rhoM_Mafo"] * 1e-6 / RhoMconst
-    angle                  = 0
-    magnetizationVector    = ba.kvector_t(
-                  magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.sin(angle * deg), 
-                  magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.cos(angle * deg), 
-                  0)
-    mat_vacuum    = ba.MaterialBySLD("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
-    mat_layer     = ba.MaterialBySLD("(Mg,Al,Fe)3O4", 
-                params["rho_Mafo"] * 1e-6, 0, magnetizationVector)
+    angle = 0
+    magnetizationVector = ba.kvector_t(
+        magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.sin(angle * deg),
+        magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.cos(angle * deg), 0)
+    mat_vacuum = ba.MaterialBySLD("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
+    mat_layer = ba.MaterialBySLD("(Mg,Al,Fe)3O4", params["rho_Mafo"] * 1e-6, 0,
+                                 magnetizationVector)
     mat_substrate = ba.MaterialBySLD("MgAl2O4", *sldMao)
     ambient_layer = ba.Layer(mat_vacuum)
@@ -67,15 +62,15 @@ def get_sample(params):
     r_Mafo = ba.LayerRoughness()
     r_Mafo.setSigma(params["r_Mafo"] * angstrom)
     r_substrate = ba.LayerRoughness()
     r_substrate.setSigma(params["r_Mao"] * angstrom)
     multi_layer = ba.MultiLayer()
     multi_layer.addLayerWithTopRoughness(layer, r_Mafo)
     multi_layer.addLayerWithTopRoughness(substrate_layer, r_substrate)
     return multi_layer
@@ -88,7 +83,7 @@ def get_simulation(q_axis, parameters, polarization, analyzer):
     simulation = ba.SpecularSimulation()
     q_axis = q_axis + parameters["q_offset"]
     scan = ba.QSpecScan(q_axis)
     dq = parameters["q_res"] * q_axis
     n_sig = 4.0
     n_samples = 25
@@ -98,7 +93,7 @@ def get_simulation(q_axis, parameters, polarization, analyzer):
     simulation.setAnalyzerProperties(analyzer, 1.0, 0.5)
     return simulation
@@ -110,10 +105,9 @@ def run_simulation(q_axis, fitParams, *, polarization, analyzer):
     Vectors for polarization and analyzer need to be provided
     parameters = dict(fitParams, **fixedParams)
     sample = get_sample(parameters)
-    simulation = get_simulation(q_axis, parameters, 
-                                polarization, analyzer)
+    simulation = get_simulation(q_axis, parameters, polarization, analyzer)
@@ -125,9 +119,9 @@ def qr(result):
     Returns two arrays that hold the q-values as well as the
     reflectivity from a given simulation result
-    q = numpy.array( result.result().axis(ba.Axes.QSPACE) )
-    r = numpy.array( result.result().array(ba.Axes.QSPACE) )
+    q = numpy.array(result.result().axis(ba.Axes.QSPACE))
+    r = numpy.array(result.result().array(ba.Axes.QSPACE))
     return q, r
@@ -136,27 +130,31 @@ def qr(result):
 def plot(qs, rs, exps, labels, filename):
     Plot the simulated result together with the experimental data
     fig = plt.figure()
     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
     for q, r, exp, l in zip(qs, rs, exps, labels):
-      ax.errorbar( exp[0], exp[1], xerr=exp[3], yerr=exp[2], 
-                   fmt='.', markersize=0.75, linewidth=0.5)
-      ax.plot(q, r, label=l)
+        ax.errorbar(exp[0],
+                    exp[1],
+                    xerr=exp[3],
+                    yerr=exp[2],
+                    fmt='.',
+                    markersize=0.75,
+                    linewidth=0.5)
+        ax.plot(q, r, label=l)
     plt.xlabel("Q [nm${}^{-1}$]")
@@ -166,27 +164,29 @@ def plotSpinAsymmetry(data_pp, data_mm, q, r_pp, r_mm, filename):
     Plot the simulated spin asymmetry as well its 
     experimental counterpart with errorbars
     # compute the errorbars of the spin asymmetry
     delta = numpy.sqrt(4 * (data_pp[1]**2 * data_mm[2]**2 + \
-            data_mm[1]**2 * data_pp[2]**2 ) / 
+            data_mm[1]**2 * data_pp[2]**2 ) /
                 ( data_pp[1] + data_mm[1] )**4 )
     fig = plt.figure()
     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-    ax.errorbar( data_pp[0], 
-                (data_pp[1] - data_mm[1])/(data_pp[1] + data_mm[1]),
-                  xerr = data_pp[3], yerr = delta,
-                    fmt='.', markersize=0.75, linewidth=0.5 )
-    ax.plot(q, (r_pp - r_mm)/(r_pp + r_mm))
+    ax.errorbar(data_pp[0], (data_pp[1] - data_mm[1]) / (data_pp[1] + data_mm[1]),
+                xerr=data_pp[3],
+                yerr=delta,
+                fmt='.',
+                markersize=0.75,
+                linewidth=0.5)
+    ax.plot(q, (r_pp - r_mm) / (r_pp + r_mm))
     plt.gca().set_ylim((-0.3, 0.5))
     plt.xlabel("Q [nm${}^{-1}$]")
     plt.ylabel("Spin asymmetry")
@@ -202,74 +202,68 @@ def normalizeData(data):
     normalizes it such that the maximum of the reflectivity is
     unity and rescales the q-axis to inverse nm
-    r0 = numpy.where( data[0] - numpy.roll(data[0], 1) == 0)
+    r0 = numpy.where(data[0] - numpy.roll(data[0], 1) == 0)
     data = numpy.delete(data, r0, 1)
     data[0] = data[0] / angstrom
     data[3] = data[3] / angstrom
-    norm = numpy.max( data[1] )
-    data[1]  = data[1] / norm
-    data[2]  = data[2] / norm
-    so = numpy.argsort( data[0] )
-    data = data[:,so]
+    norm = numpy.max(data[1])
+    data[1] = data[1] / norm
+    data[2] = data[2] / norm
+    so = numpy.argsort(data[0])
+    data = data[:, so]
     return data
 def filterData(data, qmin, qmax):
-    minIndex = numpy.argmin( numpy.abs( data[0] - qmin ) )
-    maxIndex = numpy.argmin( numpy.abs( data[0] - qmax ) )
-    return data[:,minIndex:maxIndex+1]
+    minIndex = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(data[0] - qmin))
+    maxIndex = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(data[0] - qmax))
+    return data[:, minIndex:maxIndex + 1]
 def get_Experimental_data(qmin, qmax):
     if hasattr(get_Experimental_data, "raw_data"):
         data_pp = get_Experimental_data.raw_data_pp
         data_mm = get_Experimental_data.raw_data_mm
         input_Data = downloadAndExtractData()
         data_pp = normalizeData(input_Data[0])
         data_mm = normalizeData(input_Data[1])
         get_Experimental_data.data_pp = data_pp
         get_Experimental_data.data_mm = data_mm
         get_Experimental_data.raw_data = True
-    return ( filterData( data_pp, qmin, qmax) , 
-            filterData( data_mm, qmin, qmax) )
+    return (filterData(data_pp, qmin, qmax), filterData(data_mm, qmin, qmax))
 def downloadAndExtractData():
     url = "https://www.nist.gov/document/spinelfilmzip"
     if not isfile("spinelfilm.zip"):
-      downloadfile = urlopen(url)
-      with open("spinelfilm.zip", 'wb') as outfile:
-        outfile.write(downloadfile.read())
+        downloadfile = urlopen(url)
+        with open("spinelfilm.zip", 'wb') as outfile:
+            outfile.write(downloadfile.read())
     zipfile = ZipFile("spinelfilm.zip")
     rawdata = zipfile.open("MAFO_Saturated.refl").read().decode("utf-8")
-    table_pp = match(
-          r'.*# "polarization": "\+\+"\n#.*?\n# "units".*?\n(.*?)#.*', 
-          rawdata, DOTALL).group(1)
-    table_mm = match(
-          r'.*# "polarization": "\-\-"\n#.*?\n# "units".*?\n(.*?)#.*', 
-          rawdata, DOTALL).group(1)
-    data_pp = numpy.genfromtxt(BytesIO(table_pp.encode()), 
-                               unpack=True)
-    data_mm = numpy.genfromtxt(BytesIO(table_mm.encode()), 
-                               unpack=True)
-    return (data_pp, data_mm)
+    table_pp = match(r'.*# "polarization": "\+\+"\n#.*?\n# "units".*?\n(.*?)#.*',
+                     rawdata, DOTALL).group(1)
+    table_mm = match(r'.*# "polarization": "\-\-"\n#.*?\n# "units".*?\n(.*?)#.*',
+                     rawdata, DOTALL).group(1)
+    data_pp = numpy.genfromtxt(BytesIO(table_pp.encode()), unpack=True)
+    data_mm = numpy.genfromtxt(BytesIO(table_mm.encode()), unpack=True)
+    return (data_pp, data_mm)
@@ -278,118 +272,104 @@ def downloadAndExtractData():
 def run_fit_ba(q_axis, rdata, simulationFactory, startParams):
     fit_objective = ba.FitObjective()
-    fit_objective.addSimulationAndData( 
-        lambda params: simulationFactory[0](q_axis[0], params), 
-        rdata[0], 1.0)
-    fit_objective.addSimulationAndData( 
-      lambda params: simulationFactory[1](q_axis[1], params), 
-      rdata[1], 1.0)
+    fit_objective.addSimulationAndData(
+        lambda params: simulationFactory[0](q_axis[0], params), rdata[0], 1.0)
+    fit_objective.addSimulationAndData(
+        lambda params: simulationFactory[1](q_axis[1], params), rdata[1], 1.0)
     params = ba.Parameters()
     for name, p in startParams.items():
         params.add(name, p[0], min=p[1], max=p[2])
     minimizer = ba.Minimizer()
     result = minimizer.minimize(fit_objective.evaluate, params)
-    return  { r.name():r.value for r in result.parameters() }
+    return {r.name(): r.value for r in result.parameters()}
 #                          Main Function                           #
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     if len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] == "fit":
         fixedParams = {
-                    # parameters can be moved here to keep them fixed
-                    }
+            # parameters can be moved here to keep them fixed
+        }
         startParams = {
-                    # own starting values
-                    "q_res":(0.0, 0, 0.1),
-                    "q_offset":(0, -0.002, 0.002),
-                    "rho_Mafo":(6.3649, 2, 7),
-                    "rhoM_Mafo":(0, 0, 2),
-                    "t_Mafo":(150, 60, 180),
-                    "r_Mao":( 1, 0, 12),
-                    "r_Mafo":(1, 0, 12),
-                    }
+            # own starting values
+            "q_res": (0.0, 0, 0.1),
+            "q_offset": (0, -0.002, 0.002),
+            "rho_Mafo": (6.3649, 2, 7),
+            "rhoM_Mafo": (0, 0, 2),
+            "t_Mafo": (150, 60, 180),
+            "r_Mao": (1, 0, 12),
+            "r_Mafo": (1, 0, 12),
+        }
         fit = True
         startParams = {}
         fixedParams = {
-                    # parameters from our own fit run
-                    'q_res': (0.01027065792503683, ),
-                    'q_offset': (8.977754679340925e-05, ), 
-                    'rho_Mafo': (6.373962950920891, ),
-                    'rhoM_Mafo': (0.2383070807371731, ),
-                    't_Mafo': (137.73795730237237, ),
-                    'r_Mao': (7.004715629445297, ),
-                    'r_Mafo': (3.8860835236521702, ),
-                    }
+            # parameters from our own fit run
+            'q_res': (0.01027065792503683, ),
+            'q_offset': (8.977754679340925e-05, ),
+            'rho_Mafo': (6.373962950920891, ),
+            'rhoM_Mafo': (0.2383070807371731, ),
+            't_Mafo': (137.73795730237237, ),
+            'r_Mao': (7.004715629445297, ),
+            'r_Mafo': (3.8860835236521702, ),
+        }
         fit = False
-    fixedParams = { d:v[0] for d, v in fixedParams.items() }
-    paramsInitial = {d:v[0] for d, v in startParams.items()}
-    def run_Simulation_pp( qzs, params ):
-        return run_simulation(qzs, params,                                 
-                        polarization = ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0),
-                        analyzer     = ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0))
+    fixedParams = {d: v[0] for d, v in fixedParams.items()}
+    paramsInitial = {d: v[0] for d, v in startParams.items()}
+    def run_Simulation_pp(qzs, params):
+        return run_simulation(qzs,
+                              params,
+                              polarization=ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0),
+                              analyzer=ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0))
-    def run_Simulation_mm( qzs, params ):
-        return run_simulation(qzs, params,                                 
-                        polarization = ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0),
-                        analyzer     = ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
+    def run_Simulation_mm(qzs, params):
+        return run_simulation(qzs,
+                              params,
+                              polarization=ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0),
+                              analyzer=ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
     qzs = numpy.linspace(qmin, qmax, scan_size)
-    q_pp, r_pp = qr( run_Simulation_pp( qzs, paramsInitial ) )
-    q_mm, r_mm = qr( run_Simulation_mm( qzs, paramsInitial ) )
+    q_pp, r_pp = qr(run_Simulation_pp(qzs, paramsInitial))
+    q_mm, r_mm = qr(run_Simulation_mm(qzs, paramsInitial))
     data_pp, data_mm = get_Experimental_data(qmin, qmax)
-    plot([q_pp, q_mm], [r_pp, r_mm], 
-          [data_pp, data_mm], ["$++$", "$--$"], 
-          f'MAFO_Saturated_initial.pdf' )
-    plotSpinAsymmetry(data_pp, data_mm, qzs, r_pp, r_mm, 
+    plot([q_pp, q_mm], [r_pp, r_mm], [data_pp, data_mm], ["$++$", "$--$"],
+         f'MAFO_Saturated_initial.pdf')
+    plotSpinAsymmetry(data_pp, data_mm, qzs, r_pp, r_mm,
     if fit:
-        fitResult = run_fit_ba([data_pp[0], data_mm[0]], 
-                               [data_pp[1], data_mm[1]], 
-                [run_Simulation_pp, run_Simulation_mm], startParams)
+        fitResult = run_fit_ba([data_pp[0], data_mm[0]], [data_pp[1], data_mm[1]],
+                               [run_Simulation_pp, run_Simulation_mm], startParams)
         print("Fit Result:")
-        q_pp, r_pp = qr( run_Simulation_pp( qzs, fitResult ) )
-        q_mm, r_mm = qr( run_Simulation_mm( qzs, fitResult ) )
-        plot([q_pp, q_mm], [r_pp, r_mm], 
-              [data_pp, data_mm], ["$++$", "$--$"], 
-              f'MAFO_Saturated_fit.pdf' )
-        plotSpinAsymmetry(data_pp, data_mm, qzs, r_pp, r_mm, 
+        q_pp, r_pp = qr(run_Simulation_pp(qzs, fitResult))
+        q_mm, r_mm = qr(run_Simulation_mm(qzs, fitResult))
+        plot([q_pp, q_mm], [r_pp, r_mm], [data_pp, data_mm], ["$++$", "$--$"],
+             f'MAFO_Saturated_fit.pdf')
+        plotSpinAsymmetry(data_pp, data_mm, qzs, r_pp, r_mm,
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedSpinFlip.py b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedSpinFlip.py
index 86799d8a01209c410ad2b131447be72b76f1f27d..f0d732b4480b3f0c7ba93caa809778640842ae1b 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedSpinFlip.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/PolarizedSpinFlip.py
@@ -9,23 +9,21 @@ from bornagain import deg, angstrom
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 def get_sample():
     Defines sample and returns it
     # parametrize the magnetization
     magnetizationMagnitude = 1e8
-    angle                  = 30 * deg
-    magnetizationVector    = ba.kvector_t(
-                    magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.sin(angle), 
-                    magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.cos(angle), 
-                    0)
+    angle = 30 * deg
+    magnetizationVector = ba.kvector_t(magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.sin(angle),
+                                       magnetizationMagnitude * numpy.cos(angle), 0)
     # creating materials
     m_ambient = ba.MaterialBySLD("Ambient", 0.0, 0.0)
-    m_layer_mat = ba.MaterialBySLD("Layer", 1e-4, 1e-8, 
-                                   magnetizationVector)
+    m_layer_mat = ba.MaterialBySLD("Layer", 1e-4, 1e-8, magnetizationVector)
     m_substrate = ba.MaterialBySLD("Substrate", 7e-5, 2e-6)
     # creating layers
@@ -47,8 +45,7 @@ def get_simulation(scan_size=500):
     Defines and returns a specular simulation.
     simulation = ba.SpecularSimulation()
-    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(1.54 * angstrom, scan_size,
-                              0.0 * deg, 5.0 * deg)
+    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(1.54 * angstrom, scan_size, 0.0 * deg, 5.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -71,34 +68,28 @@ def run_simulation(polarization=ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0),
 def plot(data, labels):
     for d, l in zip(data, labels):
-        plt.semilogy( d.axis(), 
-                        d.array(), 
-                        label=l, linewidth=1)
-    plt.legend( loc='upper right' )
+        plt.semilogy(d.axis(), d.array(), label=l, linewidth=1)
+    plt.legend(loc='upper right')
     plt.xlabel(r"$\alpha_i$ [deg]")
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    results_pp = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0,  1, 0),
-                                ba.kvector_t(0,  1, 0))
-    results_mm = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0),
-                                ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
+    results_pp = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0), ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0))
+    results_mm = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0), ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
-    results_pm = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0,  1, 0),
-                                ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
-    results_mp = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0),
-                                ba.kvector_t(0,  1, 0))
+    results_pm = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0), ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0))
+    results_mp = run_simulation(ba.kvector_t(0, -1, 0), ba.kvector_t(0, 1, 0))
-    plot([results_pp, results_mm, results_pm, results_mp], 
+    plot([results_pp, results_mm, results_pm, results_mp],
          ["$++$", "$--$", "$+-$", "$-+$"])
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/RoughnessModel.py b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/RoughnessModel.py
index fc05f5a3129cda72ba502fe68fca87638392e611..59f3d14324b037e3acefd34c3b176c8bb2b2be02 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/RoughnessModel.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/RoughnessModel.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
 import bornagain as ba
 from bornagain import deg, angstrom, nm
 def get_sample(roughness_model):
     Defines sample and returns it
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ def get_sample(roughness_model):
         multi_layer.addLayerWithTopRoughness(ti_layer, roughness)
         multi_layer.addLayerWithTopRoughness(ni_layer, roughness)
     multi_layer.addLayerWithTopRoughness(substrate_layer, roughness)
     return multi_layer
@@ -47,8 +48,7 @@ def get_simulation(scan_size=500):
     Defines and returns a specular simulation.
     simulation = ba.SpecularSimulation()
-    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(1.54 * angstrom, scan_size,
-                              0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg)
+    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(1.54 * angstrom, scan_size, 0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -65,20 +65,21 @@ def run_simulation(roughness_model=ba.RoughnessModel.TANH):
 def plot(result_tanh, result_nevot_croce):
-    plt.semilogy(result_nevot_croce.axis(), result_nevot_croce.array(),
+    plt.semilogy(result_nevot_croce.axis(),
+                 result_nevot_croce.array(),
     plt.semilogy(result_tanh.axis(), result_tanh.array(), label="Tanh")
     plt.xlabel(r'$\alpha_i \; (deg)$', fontsize=12)
     plt.ylabel(r'Intensity', fontsize=12)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     result_tanh = run_simulation(roughness_model=ba.RoughnessModel.TANH)
-    result_nevot_croce  = run_simulation(
+    result_nevot_croce = run_simulation(
     plot(result_tanh, result_nevot_croce)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/SpecularSimulationWithRoughness.py b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/SpecularSimulationWithRoughness.py
index 461545a99b24003715b181112b5b8d8af9f800a8..b3e8863138bd6cf095cc42ae947c1586a321151f 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/SpecularSimulationWithRoughness.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim21_Reflectometry/SpecularSimulationWithRoughness.py
@@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ def get_simulation(scan_size=500):
     Defines and returns a specular simulation.
     simulation = ba.SpecularSimulation()
-    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(1.54 * angstrom, scan_size,
-                              0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg)
+    scan = ba.AngularSpecScan(1.54 * angstrom, scan_size, 0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim22_OffSpecular/BoxesWithSpecularPeak.py b/Examples/Python/sim22_OffSpecular/BoxesWithSpecularPeak.py
index c401213ac521c676c2660c1de80d17726a549c72..640b83dceca0b0e7828ab42f6ae4b3d123668506 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim22_OffSpecular/BoxesWithSpecularPeak.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim22_OffSpecular/BoxesWithSpecularPeak.py
@@ -15,14 +15,15 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 3e-5, 2e-8)
     # cylindrical particle
-    box_ff = ba.FormFactorBox(5*nm, 5*nm, 10*nm)
+    box_ff = ba.FormFactorBox(5 * nm, 5 * nm, 10 * nm)
     box = ba.Particle(m_particle, box_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     # interference function
-    interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(ba.SquareLattice2D(8*nm, 0*deg))
-    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(100*nm, 100*nm, 0)
+    interference = ba.InterferenceFunction2DLattice(
+        ba.SquareLattice2D(8 * nm, 0 * deg))
+    pdf = ba.FTDecayFunction2DCauchy(100 * nm, 100 * nm, 0)
@@ -41,9 +42,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(101, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     101, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(101, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 101, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim23_SAS/PolarizedSANS.py b/Examples/Python/sim23_SAS/PolarizedSANS.py
index ce4f30ebc72f482284c6dd61f2c16f00f47ec93f..6620a09bd01d2799584827ce4220c9654d10065d 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim23_SAS/PolarizedSANS.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim23_SAS/PolarizedSANS.py
@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ def get_sample():
     # Defining Materials
     mat_solvent = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Solvent", 5e-6, 0.0)
-    mat_core = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Core", 6e-6, 2e-8,
-                                      magnetization_core)
+    mat_core = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Core", 6e-6, 2e-8, magnetization_core)
     mat_shell = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Shell", 1e-7, 2e-8)
     # Defining Layer
@@ -25,8 +24,8 @@ def get_sample():
     # Defining particle layout with a core-shell particle
     layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
-    core_sphere_ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(10*nm)
-    shell_sphere_ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(12*nm)
+    core_sphere_ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(10 * nm)
+    shell_sphere_ff = ba.FormFactorFullSphere(12 * nm)
     core = ba.Particle(mat_core, core_sphere_ff)
     shell = ba.Particle(mat_shell, shell_sphere_ff)
     position = kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 2.0)
@@ -49,10 +48,11 @@ def get_simulation():
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
     # Defining detector
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -3.0*deg, 3.0*deg, 200, -3.0*deg, 3.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(200, -3.0 * deg, 3.0 * deg, 200, -3.0 * deg,
+                                     3.0 * deg)
     # Defining beam parameters
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(0.5*nm, 0.0*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(0.5 * nm, 0.0 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     # Defining beam polarization and polarization analysis for spin-flip channel
@@ -74,7 +74,9 @@ def run_simulation():
     return simulation.result()
-if __name__ == '__main__': 
+if __name__ == '__main__':
     result = run_simulation()
-    ba.plot_simulation_result(result, cmap='jet', units=ba.Axes.QSPACE,
+    ba.plot_simulation_result(result,
+                              cmap='jet',
+                              units=ba.Axes.QSPACE,
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim29_DepthProbe/DepthProbe.py b/Examples/Python/sim29_DepthProbe/DepthProbe.py
index 577293610a824546b5f3b6fa69937cfbf90cf3f6..7126872e21364e67fd442e3f3dec21e88c342b93 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim29_DepthProbe/DepthProbe.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim29_DepthProbe/DepthProbe.py
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ t_TiO2 = 30.0 * angstrom
 #  beam data
 ai_min = 0.0 * deg  # minimum incident angle
 ai_max = 1.0 * deg  # maximum incident angle
-n_ai_bins = 5000    # number of bins in incident angle axis
+n_ai_bins = 5000  # number of bins in incident angle axis
 beam_sample_ratio = 0.01  # beam-to-sample size ratio
 wl = 10 * angstrom  # wavelength in angstroms
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim31_Parameterization/AccessingSimulationResults.py b/Examples/Python/sim31_Parameterization/AccessingSimulationResults.py
index 3f923e86ee0a35726522912458fbe5e36e9d9291..dfa3d4d93b4e8e122aff2787b665f72dbd57d7ae 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim31_Parameterization/AccessingSimulationResults.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim31_Parameterization/AccessingSimulationResults.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 5*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 5 * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
     particle_layout.addParticle(cylinder, 1.0)
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Returns a GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined.
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(201, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg,
-                                     201, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(201, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 201, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -55,17 +55,21 @@ def get_noisy_image(hist):
     noise_factor = 2.0
     for i in range(0, result.getTotalNumberOfBins()):
         amplitude = result.binContent(i)
-        sigma = noise_factor*math.sqrt(amplitude)
+        sigma = noise_factor * math.sqrt(amplitude)
         noisy_amplitude = random.gauss(amplitude, sigma)
         result.setBinContent(i, noisy_amplitude)
     return result
 def plot_histogram(hist, zmin=None, zmax=None):
-    ba.plot_histogram(hist, xlabel=r'$\varphi_f ^{\circ}$',
+    ba.plot_histogram(hist,
+                      xlabel=r'$\varphi_f ^{\circ}$',
                       ylabel=r'$\alpha_f ^{\circ}$',
-                      zlabel="", zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax,
-                      cmap='jet', aspect='auto')
+                      zlabel="",
+                      zmin=zmin,
+                      zmax=zmax,
+                      cmap='jet',
+                      aspect='auto')
 def get_relative_difference(hist):
@@ -85,15 +89,11 @@ def plot_slices(hist):
     # projection along Y, slice at fixed x-value
     proj1 = noisy.projectionY(0.0)
-    plt.semilogy(proj1.binCenters(),
-                 proj1.binValues(),
-                 label=r'$\phi=0.0^{\circ}$')
+    plt.semilogy(proj1.binCenters(), proj1.binValues(), label=r'$\phi=0.0^{\circ}$')
     # projection along Y, slice at fixed x-value
     proj2 = noisy.projectionY(0.5)  # slice at fixed value
-    plt.semilogy(proj2.binCenters(),
-                 proj2.binValues(),
-                 label=r'$\phi=0.5^{\circ}$')
+    plt.semilogy(proj2.binCenters(), proj2.binValues(), label=r'$\phi=0.5^{\circ}$')
     # projection along Y for all X values between [xlow, xup], averaged
     proj3 = noisy.projectionY(0.41, 0.59)
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ def plot_slices(hist):
     plt.xlim(proj1.getXmin(), proj1.getXmax())
-    plt.ylim(proj2.getMinimum(), proj1.getMaximum()*10.0)
+    plt.ylim(proj2.getMinimum(), proj1.getMaximum() * 10.0)
     plt.xlabel(r'$\alpha_f ^{\circ}$', fontsize=16)
     plt.legend(loc='upper right')
diff --git a/Examples/Python/sim31_Parameterization/SimulationParameters.py b/Examples/Python/sim31_Parameterization/SimulationParameters.py
index ad5586ffc84dcf63131da45934648dd00c38c30a..58ce805d58cf59ff2330e1ba217379637893b6aa 100644
--- a/Examples/Python/sim31_Parameterization/SimulationParameters.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/sim31_Parameterization/SimulationParameters.py
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ def get_sample():
     m_particle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
     # collection of particles
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 5*nm)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 5 * nm)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(m_particle, cylinder_ff)
-    prism_ff = ba.FormFactorPrism3(5*nm, 5*nm)
+    prism_ff = ba.FormFactorPrism3(5 * nm, 5 * nm)
     prism = ba.Particle(m_particle, prism_ff)
     layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ def get_simulation():
     Create and return GISAXS simulation with beam and detector defined
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0*deg, 1.0*deg,
-                                     100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1.0 * deg, 1.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     return simulation
@@ -77,21 +77,22 @@ def run_simulation():
     # simulation #2
     # one sample parameter (cylinder height) is changed using exact parameter name
-    simulation.setParameterValue("/GISASSimulation/MultiLayer/Layer0/ParticleLayout"
-                                 "/Particle0/Cylinder/Height", 10.0*nm)
+    simulation.setParameterValue(
+        "/GISASSimulation/MultiLayer/Layer0/ParticleLayout"
+        "/Particle0/Cylinder/Height", 10.0 * nm)
     results[1] = simulation.result()
     # simulation #3
     # all parameters matching criteria will be changed (cylinder height in this case)
-    simulation.setParameterValue("*/Cylinder/Height", 100.0*nm)
+    simulation.setParameterValue("*/Cylinder/Height", 100.0 * nm)
     results[2] = simulation.result()
     # simulation #4
     # all parameters which are matching criteria will be changed
-    simulation.setParameterValue("*/Cylinder/Height", 10.0*nm)
-    simulation.setParameterValue("*/Prism3/*", 10.0*nm)
+    simulation.setParameterValue("*/Cylinder/Height", 10.0 * nm)
+    simulation.setParameterValue("*/Prism3/*", 10.0 * nm)
     results[3] = simulation.result()
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ def plot(results):
     plt.figure(figsize=(12.80, 10.24))
     for nplot, hist in results.items():
-        plt.subplot(2, 2, nplot+1)
+        plt.subplot(2, 2, nplot + 1)
         ba.plot_colormap(hist, zlabel="", cmap='jet', aspect='auto')
diff --git a/Examples/Python/utils/plot_intensity_data.py b/Examples/Python/utils/plot_intensity_data.py
index 077bdbc2c014527463b4760296f77a0089eeadc2..8f8e8ee8e7a14cfe6593f017b179c80cd7b18145 100755
--- a/Examples/Python/utils/plot_intensity_data.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/utils/plot_intensity_data.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import numpy as np
 import bornagain as ba
 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
 from matplotlib import rc, colors
+rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Helvetica']})
 rc('text', usetex=True)
@@ -27,10 +27,12 @@ def plot_intensity_data(file_name, intensity_max=None):
 def plot_intensity_data_2d(histogram, intensity_max):
-    plot_raw_data_2d(histogram.array(),
-                     [histogram.getXmin() / ba.deg, histogram.getXmax() / ba.deg,
-                      histogram.getYmin() / ba.deg, histogram.getYmax() / ba.deg],
-                     intensity_max)
+    plot_raw_data_2d(histogram.array(), [
+        histogram.getXmin() / ba.deg,
+        histogram.getXmax() / ba.deg,
+        histogram.getYmin() / ba.deg,
+        histogram.getYmax() / ba.deg
+    ], intensity_max)
 def plot_raw_data_2d(values, extent_array, intensity_max):
@@ -62,10 +64,10 @@ def plot_raw_data_1d(axis, values, log_y=True):
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    if len(sys.argv)<2 or len(sys.argv)>3:
+    if len(sys.argv) < 2 or len(sys.argv) > 3:
         exit("Usage: plot_intensity_data.py intensity_file.int.gz [intensity_max]")
-    if len(sys.argv)==2:
+    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
         plot_intensity_data(sys.argv[1], float(sys.argv[2]))
diff --git a/Examples/Python/utils/plot_intensity_data_diff.py b/Examples/Python/utils/plot_intensity_data_diff.py
index d79dd4ce5c13b5c329df0cd6e21f18f305585175..ceed9162b4aba4a25dbf71fecef97f16ace5247c 100755
--- a/Examples/Python/utils/plot_intensity_data_diff.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/utils/plot_intensity_data_diff.py
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ def plot_intensity_data_diff(filename1, filename2):
         exit("Both data sets are equal, there is nothing to plot.")
     rank = intensity_ref.rank()
     if rank == 2:
-        pid.plot_raw_data_2d(data,
-                             [intensity_ref.getXmin() / ba.deg,
-                              intensity_ref.getXmax() / ba.deg,
-                              intensity_ref.getYmin() / ba.deg,
-                              intensity_ref.getYmax() / ba.deg],
-                             data.max())
+        pid.plot_raw_data_2d(data, [
+            intensity_ref.getXmin() / ba.deg,
+            intensity_ref.getXmax() / ba.deg,
+            intensity_ref.getYmin() / ba.deg,
+            intensity_ref.getYmax() / ba.deg
+        ], data.max())
     elif rank == 1:
         axis_values = np.asarray(intensity_ref.xAxis().binCenters()) / ba.deg
         pid.plot_raw_data_1d(axis_values, data, log_y=False)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def plot_intensity_data_diff(filename1, filename2):
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    if len(sys.argv)!=3:
+    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
         exit("Usage: plot_intensity_data_diff.py reference.int.gz other.int.gz")
     plot_intensity_data_diff(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
diff --git a/Examples/Python/utils/show2d.py b/Examples/Python/utils/show2d.py
index 73a3d4ec22bcb2ba7dd54af37ec4b1384981565d..1b5bfea82f91403ca231b76ffe71403d3ff4c43f 100755
--- a/Examples/Python/utils/show2d.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/utils/show2d.py
@@ -8,26 +8,27 @@ from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
 import argparse
 import os
 # Define a nice colormap
-cdict = {'red':   ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
-         'green': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
-         'blue':  ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))}
+cdict = {
+    'red': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
+    'green': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
+    'blue': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
 blue_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('blue_map', cdict, 256)
-def PlotNumpyArray(a, zmin = 1, zmax = None):
+def PlotNumpyArray(a, zmin=1, zmax=None):
     # Make a plot of the data
     #print( "plotting..." )
-    amax=a.flatten().max()
-    amean=np.sum(a)/a.size
-    aminplot=amean**2/amax
-    a=np.maximum(a, zmin)
-    dataarray=np.flipud(np.transpose(a))
+    amax = a.flatten().max()
+    amean = np.sum(a) / a.size
+    aminplot = amean**2 / amax
+    a = np.maximum(a, zmin)
+    dataarray = np.flipud(np.transpose(a))
     plt.xlabel(r'$\phi_f$', fontsize=20)
     plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha_f$', fontsize=20)
     # Use one of the predefined colormaps or the above defined 'blue_cmap':
-    im=plt.imshow(dataarray, norm=LogNorm(), vmax=zmax, cmap=cm.jet)
+    im = plt.imshow(dataarray, norm=LogNorm(), vmax=zmax, cmap=cm.jet)
@@ -46,14 +47,22 @@ def PlotNumpyArray(a, zmin = 1, zmax = None):
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     # Define the arguments to the script
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plot 2D data table on log scale.')
-    parser.add_argument('-m', '--minz', dest='zmin', metavar='MINZ',
-        help='minimum z-value to display [default: 1]',
-        default='1')
-    parser.add_argument('-M', '--maxz', dest='zmax', metavar='MAXZ',
+    parser.add_argument('-m',
+                        '--minz',
+                        dest='zmin',
+                        metavar='MINZ',
+                        help='minimum z-value to display [default: 1]',
+                        default='1')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-M',
+        '--maxz',
+        dest='zmax',
+        metavar='MAXZ',
         help='maximum z-value to display [default: maximum value of data set]',
-    parser.add_argument('filename', metavar='filename',
-        help='filename of the data file')
+    parser.add_argument('filename',
+                        metavar='filename',
+                        help='filename of the data file')
     # Parse the script's arguments
     args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -65,8 +74,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     filename = args.filename
     # Load the file's data
-    print( "loading..." )
-    a=np.loadtxt(filename)
+    print("loading...")
+    a = np.loadtxt(filename)
     file_no_prefix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
     print('Filename: ', file_no_prefix)
     print('Data shape: ', a.shape)
diff --git a/Examples/Python/utils/show2d_root.py b/Examples/Python/utils/show2d_root.py
index 10252373a0e67eac77021cf7f118136a6e6208af..777f65f9c441c2a547c8bb48c097e7f42d885627 100755
--- a/Examples/Python/utils/show2d_root.py
+++ b/Examples/Python/utils/show2d_root.py
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ import ROOT
 from pylab import *
-def PlotNumpyArrayWithROOT(a, zmin = 1, zmax = None):
+def PlotNumpyArrayWithROOT(a, zmin=1, zmax=None):
     nx = a.shape[0]
     ny = a.shape[1]
-    hist = ROOT.TH2D("hist","hist",nx,0,nx, ny, 0, ny)
-    for (x,y), value in numpy.ndenumerate(a):
-        hist.Fill(x,y,value)
+    hist = ROOT.TH2D("hist", "hist", nx, 0, nx, ny, 0, ny)
+    for (x, y), value in numpy.ndenumerate(a):
+        hist.Fill(x, y, value)
-    c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1","numpy array", 1024,768)
+    c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1", "numpy array", 1024, 768)
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ def PlotNumpyArrayWithROOT(a, zmin = 1, zmax = None):
     #Interrupt = False
     #while not Interrupt:
-        #Interrupt = ROOT.gSystem.ProcessEvents()
-        #ROOT.gSystem.Sleep(10)
+    #Interrupt = ROOT.gSystem.ProcessEvents()
+    #ROOT.gSystem.Sleep(10)
@@ -35,14 +35,22 @@ def PlotNumpyArrayWithROOT(a, zmin = 1, zmax = None):
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     # Define the arguments to the script
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plot 2D data table on log scale.')
-    parser.add_argument('-m', '--minz', dest='zmin', metavar='MINZ',
-        help='minimum z-value to display [default: 1]',
-        default='1')
-    parser.add_argument('-M', '--maxz', dest='zmax', metavar='MAXZ',
+    parser.add_argument('-m',
+                        '--minz',
+                        dest='zmin',
+                        metavar='MINZ',
+                        help='minimum z-value to display [default: 1]',
+                        default='1')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-M',
+        '--maxz',
+        dest='zmax',
+        metavar='MAXZ',
         help='maximum z-value to display [default: maximum value of data set]',
-    parser.add_argument('filename', metavar='filename',
-        help='filename of the data file')
+    parser.add_argument('filename',
+                        metavar='filename',
+                        help='filename of the data file')
     # Parse the script's arguments
     args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -54,8 +62,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     filename = args.filename
     # Load the file's data
-    print( "loading..." )
-    a=np.loadtxt(filename)
+    print("loading...")
+    a = np.loadtxt(filename)
     file_no_prefix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
     print('Filename: ', file_no_prefix)
     print('Data shape: ', a.shape)
@@ -63,5 +71,3 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     print('Maximum value of data: ', a.flatten().max())
     PlotNumpyArrayWithROOT(a, zmin, zmax)
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/histogram2d.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/histogram2d.py
index 6249360b0ae94037d455d908a10d1e6865a0facc..b1756c525e970b86b9c508a2033dcd591e507060 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/histogram2d.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/histogram2d.py
@@ -3,16 +3,15 @@ import numpy, os, sys, unittest
 import bornagain as ba
-class Histogram2DTest(unittest.TestCase):
+class Histogram2DTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_constructFromNumpyInt(self):
         Testing construction of 2D histogram from numpy array.
         Automatic conversion under Python3 is not working, that's why it is float64 and not int64
-        arr = numpy.array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5],
-                           [ 6,  7,  8,  9, 10],
-                           [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]], numpy.float64)
+        arr = numpy.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]],
+                          numpy.float64)
         hist = ba.Histogram2D(arr)
         self.assertEqual(hist.getNbinsX(), 5)
@@ -36,9 +35,9 @@ class Histogram2DTest(unittest.TestCase):
         Testing construction of 2D histogram from numpy array
-        arr = numpy.array([[ 1.0,  2.0,  3.0,  4.0,  5.0],
-                           [ 6.0,  7.0,  8.0,  9.0, 10.0],
-                           [11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0]], dtype=numpy.float64)
+        arr = numpy.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
+                           [11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0]],
+                          dtype=numpy.float64)
         hist = ba.Histogram2D(arr)
         self.assertEqual(hist.getNbinsX(), 5)
@@ -62,9 +61,8 @@ class Histogram2DTest(unittest.TestCase):
         Adding to the histogram content from numpy array
-        arr = numpy.array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5],
-                           [ 6,  7,  8,  9, 10],
-                           [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]], dtype=numpy.float64)
+        arr = numpy.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]],
+                          dtype=numpy.float64)
         hist = ba.Histogram2D(arr)
         # adding same content once again
@@ -72,22 +70,22 @@ class Histogram2DTest(unittest.TestCase):
         arr_from_hist = hist.getArray()
         for (x, y), element in numpy.ndenumerate(arr):
-            self.assertEqual(element*2.0, arr_from_hist[x][y])
+            self.assertEqual(element * 2.0, arr_from_hist[x][y])
     def test_constructAndAddFromNumpyDouble(self):
         Adding to the histogram content from numpy array
-        arr = numpy.array([[ 1.0,  2.0,  3.0,  4.0,  5.0],
-                           [ 6.0,  7.0,  8.0,  9.0, 10.0],
-                           [11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0]], dtype=numpy.float64)
+        arr = numpy.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
+                           [11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0]],
+                          dtype=numpy.float64)
         hist = ba.Histogram2D(arr)
         # adding same content once again
         arr_from_hist = hist.getArray()
         for (x, y), element in numpy.ndenumerate(arr):
-            self.assertEqual(element*2.0, arr_from_hist[x][y])
+            self.assertEqual(element * 2.0, arr_from_hist[x][y])
     def create_histogram(self, arr):
@@ -99,9 +97,8 @@ class Histogram2DTest(unittest.TestCase):
         Testing newly create object
-        arr = numpy.array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5],
-                           [ 6,  7,  8,  9, 10],
-                           [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]], dtype=numpy.float64)
+        arr = numpy.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]],
+                          dtype=numpy.float64)
         hist = self.create_histogram(arr)
         arr_from_hist = hist.getArray()
@@ -112,9 +109,9 @@ class Histogram2DTest(unittest.TestCase):
         Testing newly create object
-        arr = numpy.array([[ 1.0,  2.0,  3.0,  4.0,  5.0],
-                           [ 6.0,  7.0,  8.0,  9.0, 10.0],
-                           [11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0]], dtype=numpy.float64)
+        arr = numpy.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
+                           [11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0]],
+                          dtype=numpy.float64)
         hist = self.create_histogram(arr)
         arr_from_hist = hist.getArray()
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/intensitydata.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/intensitydata.py
index 9aef58b5ea8aae44c908a0e977fe4630c7a634d9..2b52c4e84830a758aec53537335e20210bf0ae94 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/intensitydata.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/intensitydata.py
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class IntensityDataTest(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(200.0, data.totalSum())
         for i in range(0, data.getAllocatedSize()):
-            data[i] = data[i]*-1.0
+            data[i] = data[i] * -1.0
         self.assertEqual(-200.0, data.totalSum())
     def test_access_simulation_intensity(self):
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/intensitydata_io.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/intensitydata_io.py
index f764771c8484075f7d83d0eebb197507748dff93..13e804c6d66c4d154387d546298ab66272c9949d 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/intensitydata_io.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/intensitydata_io.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ sys.path.append("@CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@")
 import bornagain as ba
 from bornagain import degree, deg2rad, rad2deg
 def fill_data(data):
     Fills intensity data with some numbers
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ def fill_data(data):
     for i in range(0, data.getAllocatedSize()):
         data[i] = i
 def is_the_same_data(data1, data2):
     Checks if two data are identical
@@ -29,16 +31,17 @@ def is_the_same_data(data1, data2):
             return False
     return True
 def get_boundaries_flat_in_sin(nbins, start, end):
     Returns flat_in_sin binning of angle axis
     result = []
-    start_sin = math.sin( deg2rad(start))
-    end_sin = math.sin( deg2rad(end))
-    step = (end_sin - start_sin)/nbins
-    for i in range(0, nbins+1):
-        result.append( rad2deg(math.asin(start_sin + step*i)))
+    start_sin = math.sin(deg2rad(start))
+    end_sin = math.sin(deg2rad(end))
+    step = (end_sin - start_sin) / nbins
+    for i in range(0, nbins + 1):
+        result.append(rad2deg(math.asin(start_sin + step * i)))
     return result
@@ -75,7 +78,9 @@ class OutputDataIOTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_04_VariableBinAxis_1D(self):
         data = ba.IntensityData()
-        data.addAxis(ba.VariableBinAxis("axis0", 10, get_boundaries_flat_in_sin(10, -5.0, 5.0)))
+        data.addAxis(
+            ba.VariableBinAxis("axis0", 10,
+                               get_boundaries_flat_in_sin(10, -5.0, 5.0)))
         ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.writeOutputData(data, "tmp.int")
         newdata = ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.readOutputData("tmp.int")
@@ -83,8 +88,11 @@ class OutputDataIOTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_05_VariableBinAxis_2D(self):
         data = ba.IntensityData()
-        data.addAxis(ba.VariableBinAxis("axis0", 10, get_boundaries_flat_in_sin(10, -5.0, 5.0)))
-        data.addAxis(ba.VariableBinAxis("axis1", 3, get_boundaries_flat_in_sin(3, 0.0, 2.0)))
+        data.addAxis(
+            ba.VariableBinAxis("axis0", 10,
+                               get_boundaries_flat_in_sin(10, -5.0, 5.0)))
+        data.addAxis(
+            ba.VariableBinAxis("axis1", 3, get_boundaries_flat_in_sin(3, 0.0, 2.0)))
         ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.writeOutputData(data, "tmp.int")
         newdata = ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.readOutputData("tmp.int")
@@ -93,7 +101,8 @@ class OutputDataIOTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_06_VariableAndFixedMix(self):
         data = ba.IntensityData()
         data.addAxis(ba.FixedBinAxis("axis0", 10, -5.0, 5.0))
-        data.addAxis(ba.VariableBinAxis("axis1", 3, get_boundaries_flat_in_sin(3, 0.0, 2.0)))
+        data.addAxis(
+            ba.VariableBinAxis("axis1", 3, get_boundaries_flat_in_sin(3, 0.0, 2.0)))
         ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.writeOutputData(data, "tmp.int")
         newdata = ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.readOutputData("tmp.int")
@@ -101,8 +110,9 @@ class OutputDataIOTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_07_ConstKBinAxis_2D(self):
         data = ba.IntensityData()
-        data.addAxis(ba.ConstKBinAxis("axis0", 9, -1.00000001*degree, 1.0*degree))
-        data.addAxis(ba.ConstKBinAxis("axis1", 3, -4.0*degree, 5.0*degree))
+        data.addAxis(ba.ConstKBinAxis("axis0", 9, -1.00000001 * degree,
+                                      1.0 * degree))
+        data.addAxis(ba.ConstKBinAxis("axis1", 3, -4.0 * degree, 5.0 * degree))
         ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.writeOutputData(data, "tmp.int")
         newdata = ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.readOutputData("tmp.int")
@@ -110,8 +120,9 @@ class OutputDataIOTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_08_CustomBinAxis_2D(self):
         data = ba.IntensityData()
-        data.addAxis(ba.CustomBinAxis("axis0", 9, -1.00000001*degree, 1.0*degree))
-        data.addAxis(ba.CustomBinAxis("axis1", 3, -4.0*degree, 5.0*degree))
+        data.addAxis(ba.CustomBinAxis("axis0", 9, -1.00000001 * degree,
+                                      1.0 * degree))
+        data.addAxis(ba.CustomBinAxis("axis1", 3, -4.0 * degree, 5.0 * degree))
         ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.writeOutputData(data, "tmp.int")
         newdata = ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.readOutputData("tmp.int")
@@ -146,25 +157,20 @@ class OutputDataIOTest(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertTrue(is_the_same_data(data, newdata))
     def test_SaveNumpyArray_ReadOutputData(self):
-        arr = numpy.array([
-            [0.0, 1.0, 2.0,  3.0],
-            [4.0, 5.0, 6.0,  7.0],
-            [8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0]
-        ])
+        arr = numpy.array([[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0],
+                           [8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0]])
         numpy.savetxt('tmp.txt', arr)
         newdata = ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.readOutputData("tmp.txt")
-        self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(newdata.getArray(),arr))
+        self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(newdata.getArray(), arr))
     def test_SaveNumpyArray_ReadRawDataVector(self):
-        arr = numpy.array([
-            [0.0, 1.0, 2.0,  3.0],
-            [4.0, 5.0, 6.0,  7.0],
-            [8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0]
-        ])
+        arr = numpy.array([[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0],
+                           [8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0]])
         numpy.savetxt('tmp.txt', arr)
-        newdata = numpy.array(ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.readOutputData("tmp.txt").getRawDataVector())
-        expected = numpy.array([8.,4.,0.,9.,5.,1.,10.,6.,2.,11.,7.,3.])
-        self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(newdata,expected))
+        newdata = numpy.array(
+            ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.readOutputData("tmp.txt").getRawDataVector())
+        expected = numpy.array([8., 4., 0., 9., 5., 1., 10., 6., 2., 11., 7., 3.])
+        self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(newdata, expected))
     def test_SaveOutputData_ReadNumpyArray(self):
         data = ba.IntensityData()
@@ -175,7 +181,7 @@ class OutputDataIOTest(unittest.TestCase):
         ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.writeOutputData(data, "tmp.txt")
         arr = numpy.loadtxt("tmp.txt")
-        self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(data.getArray(),arr))
+        self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(data.getArray(), arr))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/mesocrystal1.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/mesocrystal1.py
index 484bee4064e93f63782db68c8419e808dd27e894..a2ee892f8a56680656fe37628926f6b925267def 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/mesocrystal1.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/mesocrystal1.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import ctypes, math, numpy, os, sys, time
 import utils
 from bornagain import *
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Sample builder to build mixture of cylinders and prisms on top of substrate
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -15,41 +16,60 @@ class MySampleBuilder(ISampleBuilder):
         self.sample = None
         # parameters describing the sample
-        self.lattice_length_a = ctypes.c_double(6.2091e+00*nm)
-        self.lattice_length_c = ctypes.c_double(6.5677e+00*nm)
-        self.nanoparticle_radius = ctypes.c_double(4.6976e+00*nm)
-        self.sigma_nanoparticle_radius = ctypes.c_double(3.6720e-01*nm)
-        self.meso_height = ctypes.c_double(1.1221e+02*nm)
-        self.meso_radius = ctypes.c_double(9.4567e+02*nm)
-        self.sigma_lattice_length_a = ctypes.c_double(1.1601e+00*nm)
+        self.lattice_length_a = ctypes.c_double(6.2091e+00 * nm)
+        self.lattice_length_c = ctypes.c_double(6.5677e+00 * nm)
+        self.nanoparticle_radius = ctypes.c_double(4.6976e+00 * nm)
+        self.sigma_nanoparticle_radius = ctypes.c_double(3.6720e-01 * nm)
+        self.meso_height = ctypes.c_double(1.1221e+02 * nm)
+        self.meso_radius = ctypes.c_double(9.4567e+02 * nm)
+        self.sigma_lattice_length_a = ctypes.c_double(1.1601e+00 * nm)
         self.surface_filling_ratio = ctypes.c_double(1.7286e-01)
-        self.roughness = ctypes.c_double(2.8746e+01*nm)
+        self.roughness = ctypes.c_double(2.8746e+01 * nm)
         # register parameters
-        self.registerParameter("lattice_length_a", ctypes.addressof(self.lattice_length_a)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
-        self.registerParameter("lattice_length_c", ctypes.addressof(self.lattice_length_c)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
-        self.registerParameter("nanoparticle_radius", ctypes.addressof(self.nanoparticle_radius)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
-        self.registerParameter("sigma_nanoparticle_radius", ctypes.addressof(self.sigma_nanoparticle_radius)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
-        self.registerParameter("meso_height", ctypes.addressof(self.meso_height)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
-        self.registerParameter("meso_radius",  ctypes.addressof(self.meso_radius)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
-        self.registerParameter("sigma_lattice_length_a", ctypes.addressof(self.sigma_lattice_length_a)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
-        self.registerParameter("surface_filling_ratio", ctypes.addressof(self.surface_filling_ratio) ).setNonnegative()
-        self.registerParameter("roughness", ctypes.addressof(self.roughness)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
+        self.registerParameter(
+            "lattice_length_a",
+            ctypes.addressof(self.lattice_length_a)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
+        self.registerParameter(
+            "lattice_length_c",
+            ctypes.addressof(self.lattice_length_c)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
+        self.registerParameter(
+            "nanoparticle_radius", ctypes.addressof(
+                self.nanoparticle_radius)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
+        self.registerParameter(
+            "sigma_nanoparticle_radius",
+            ctypes.addressof(
+                self.sigma_nanoparticle_radius)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
+        self.registerParameter("meso_height", ctypes.addressof(
+            self.meso_height)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
+        self.registerParameter("meso_radius", ctypes.addressof(
+            self.meso_radius)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
+        self.registerParameter(
+            "sigma_lattice_length_a", ctypes.addressof(
+                self.sigma_lattice_length_a)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
+        self.registerParameter("surface_filling_ratio",
+                               ctypes.addressof(
+                                   self.surface_filling_ratio)).setNonnegative()
+        self.registerParameter("roughness", ctypes.addressof(
+            self.roughness)).setUnit("nm").setNonnegative()
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     # constructs the sample for current values of parameters
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def buildSample(self):
-        surface_density = self.surface_filling_ratio.value/numpy.pi/self.meso_radius.value/self.meso_radius.value
-        n_particle = complex(1.0-2.84e-5, 4.7e-7)
-        avg_n_squared_meso = complex(0.7886*n_particle*n_particle + 0.2114)
-        n_avg = complex(numpy.sqrt(self.surface_filling_ratio.value*avg_n_squared_meso + 1.0 - self.surface_filling_ratio.value))
-        n_particle_adapted = complex(numpy.sqrt(n_avg*n_avg + n_particle*n_particle - 1.0))
+        surface_density = self.surface_filling_ratio.value / numpy.pi / self.meso_radius.value / self.meso_radius.value
+        n_particle = complex(1.0 - 2.84e-5, 4.7e-7)
+        avg_n_squared_meso = complex(0.7886 * n_particle * n_particle + 0.2114)
+        n_avg = complex(
+            numpy.sqrt(self.surface_filling_ratio.value * avg_n_squared_meso + 1.0 -
+                       self.surface_filling_ratio.value))
+        n_particle_adapted = complex(
+            numpy.sqrt(n_avg * n_avg + n_particle * n_particle - 1.0))
         ff = FormFactorCylinder(self.meso_radius.value, self.meso_height.value)
         # Create multilayer
         p_multi_layer = MultiLayer()
         n_air = complex(1.0, 0.0)
-        n_substrate = complex(1.0-7.57e-6, 1.73e-7)
+        n_substrate = complex(1.0 - 7.57e-6, 1.73e-7)
         p_vacuum_material = HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", n_air)
         p_average_layer_material = HomogeneousMaterial("Averagelayer", n_avg)
@@ -62,25 +82,28 @@ class MySampleBuilder(ISampleBuilder):
         n_max_phi_rotation_steps = 2
         n_alpha_rotation_steps = 1
-        alpha_step = 5.0*deg/n_alpha_rotation_steps
-        alpha_start = - (n_alpha_rotation_steps/2.0)*alpha_step
+        alpha_step = 5.0 * deg / n_alpha_rotation_steps
+        alpha_start = -(n_alpha_rotation_steps / 2.0) * alpha_step
-        phi_step = 2*numpy.pi/3.0/n_max_phi_rotation_steps
+        phi_step = 2 * numpy.pi / 3.0 / n_max_phi_rotation_steps
         phi_start = 0.0
         for i in range(0, n_max_phi_rotation_steps):
             for j in range(0, n_alpha_rotation_steps):
-                total_transform = RotationZ(phi_start + i*phi_step)
-                meso = self.createMesoCrystal(self.lattice_length_a.value, self.lattice_length_c.value, n_particle_adapted, ff)
+                total_transform = RotationZ(phi_start + i * phi_step)
+                meso = self.createMesoCrystal(self.lattice_length_a.value,
+                                              self.lattice_length_c.value,
+                                              n_particle_adapted, ff)
                 meso.setPosition(0.0, 0.0, -self.meso_height.value)
-                particle_layout.addParticle(meso, 1.0, kvector_t(0,0,0), total_transform)
+                particle_layout.addParticle(meso, 1.0, kvector_t(0, 0, 0),
+                                            total_transform)
-        roughness = LayerRoughness(self.roughness.value, 0.3, 500.0*nm)
+        roughness = LayerRoughness(self.roughness.value, 0.3, 500.0 * nm)
@@ -91,24 +114,26 @@ class MySampleBuilder(ISampleBuilder):
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     # building meso crystal
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    def createMesoCrystal(self,stacking_radius_a, stacking_radius_c, n_particle, p_meso_form_factor):
+    def createMesoCrystal(self, stacking_radius_a, stacking_radius_c, n_particle,
+                          p_meso_form_factor):
-        mParticle = HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", n_particle )
+        mParticle = HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", n_particle)
         p_lat = self.createLattice(stacking_radius_a, stacking_radius_c)
         bas_a = p_lat.getBasisVectorA()
         bas_b = p_lat.getBasisVectorB()
         bas_c = p_lat.getBasisVectorC()
-        ff = FormFactorSphereGaussianRadius(self.nanoparticle_radius.value, self.sigma_nanoparticle_radius.value)
-        particle = Particle(mParticle, ff )
+        ff = FormFactorSphereGaussianRadius(self.nanoparticle_radius.value,
+                                            self.sigma_nanoparticle_radius.value)
+        particle = Particle(mParticle, ff)
         position_0 = kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
-        position_1 = 1.0/3.0*(2.0*bas_a + bas_b + bas_c)
-        position_2 = 1.0/3.0*(bas_a + 2.0*bas_b + 2.0*bas_c)
-        positions = [ position_0, position_1, position_2 ]
+        position_1 = 1.0 / 3.0 * (2.0 * bas_a + bas_b + bas_c)
+        position_2 = 1.0 / 3.0 * (bas_a + 2.0 * bas_b + 2.0 * bas_c)
+        positions = [position_0, position_1, position_2]
         basis = ParticleComposition()
         basis.addParticles(particle, positions)
-        position_variance = self.sigma_lattice_length_a.value*self.sigma_lattice_length_a.value/3.0
+        position_variance = self.sigma_lattice_length_a.value * self.sigma_lattice_length_a.value / 3.0
         npc = Crystal(basis, p_lat, position_variance)
         meso = MesoCrystal(npc, p_meso_form_factor)
         return meso
@@ -117,7 +142,8 @@ class MySampleBuilder(ISampleBuilder):
     # create lattice
     # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def createLattice(self, stacking_radius_a, stacking_radius_c):
-        result = HexagonalLattice(stacking_radius_a*2.0, stacking_radius_c*2.0*2.3)
+        result = HexagonalLattice(stacking_radius_a * 2.0,
+                                  stacking_radius_c * 2.0 * 2.3)
         result.setSelectionRule(SimpleSelectionRule(-1, 1, 1, 3))
         return result
@@ -129,7 +155,7 @@ def runTest():
     # setting simulation
     sample_builder = MySampleBuilder()
     simulation = createSimulation()
-    simulation.setSampleBuilder( sample_builder )
+    simulation.setSampleBuilder(sample_builder)
     reference = utils.get_reference_data("mesocrystal01_reference.int.gz")
@@ -147,9 +173,10 @@ def runTest():
 # create simulation
 def createSimulation():
     simulation = GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.77*angstrom, 0.4*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.77 * angstrom, 0.4 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(50, 0.2*deg, 2.5*deg, 50, 0.0*deg, 2.5*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(50, 0.2 * deg, 2.5 * deg, 50, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.5 * deg)
     return simulation
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/parameterpool.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/parameterpool.py
index 6f03869afe9d9983f15b39befe87b9396a85905f..3afeae72925d82db8d1c3693417a3009e619bb20 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/parameterpool.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/parameterpool.py
@@ -6,12 +6,11 @@ from bornagain import nm
 class ParameterPoolTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_parameterPoolAccess(self):
         Checks values in particle's parameter pool
-        ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 6*nm)
+        ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 6 * nm)
         particle = ba.Particle(ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0), ff)
         particle.setPosition(2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
@@ -21,9 +20,15 @@ class ParameterPoolTest(unittest.TestCase):
         pool = particle.parameterPool()
         self.assertEqual(pool.size(), 4)
-        self.assertEqual(pool.parameterNames(), ('Abundance', 'PositionX', 'PositionY', 'PositionZ'))
-        expected = {'Abundance': 1.0, 'PositionX': 2.0, 'PositionY': 3.0, 'PositionZ': 4.0}
+        self.assertEqual(pool.parameterNames(),
+                         ('Abundance', 'PositionX', 'PositionY', 'PositionZ'))
+        expected = {
+            'Abundance': 1.0,
+            'PositionX': 2.0,
+            'PositionY': 3.0,
+            'PositionZ': 4.0
+        }
         for par in pool:
             print(par.value(), par.getName(), par.limits().toString())
             self.assertEqual(par.value(), expected[par.getName()])
@@ -32,7 +37,7 @@ class ParameterPoolTest(unittest.TestCase):
         Modification of particle parameters via parameter pool
-        ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 6*nm)
+        ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 6 * nm)
         particle = ba.Particle(ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0), ff)
         particle.setPosition(2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
@@ -42,7 +47,12 @@ class ParameterPoolTest(unittest.TestCase):
         pool[1].setValue(20.0)  # PositionX
-        expected = {'Abundance': 10.0, 'PositionX': 20.0, 'PositionY': 30.0, 'PositionZ': 4.0}
+        expected = {
+            'Abundance': 10.0,
+            'PositionX': 20.0,
+            'PositionY': 30.0,
+            'PositionZ': 4.0
+        }
         for par in pool:
             self.assertEqual(par.value(), expected[par.getName()])
@@ -52,16 +62,21 @@ class ParameterPoolTest(unittest.TestCase):
         Checks values in particle's parameter tree. Parameter tree is a pool with parameters of
         particle and its children (in given case, form factor of cylinder)
-        ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 6*nm)
+        ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 6 * nm)
         particle = ba.Particle(ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0), ff)
         particle.setPosition(2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
         pool = particle.createParameterTree()
-        expected = {'/Particle/Abundance': 1.0, '/Particle/PositionX': 2.0,
-                    '/Particle/PositionY': 3.0, '/Particle/PositionZ': 4.0,
-                    '/Particle/Cylinder/Radius': 5.0, '/Particle/Cylinder/Height': 6.0}
+        expected = {
+            '/Particle/Abundance': 1.0,
+            '/Particle/PositionX': 2.0,
+            '/Particle/PositionY': 3.0,
+            '/Particle/PositionZ': 4.0,
+            '/Particle/Cylinder/Radius': 5.0,
+            '/Particle/Cylinder/Height': 6.0
+        }
         for par in pool:
             self.assertEqual(par.value(), expected[par.getName()])
@@ -70,7 +85,7 @@ class ParameterPoolTest(unittest.TestCase):
         Modifies values of particle's parameter tree.
-        ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 6*nm)
+        ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 6 * nm)
         particle = ba.Particle(ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0), ff)
         particle.setPosition(2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
@@ -84,9 +99,14 @@ class ParameterPoolTest(unittest.TestCase):
         pool.setMatchedParametersValue('*Cylinder*', 50.0)
-        expected = {'/Particle/Abundance': 10.0, '/Particle/PositionX': 20.0,
-                    '/Particle/PositionY': 30.0, '/Particle/PositionZ': 4.0,
-                    '/Particle/Cylinder/Radius': 50.0, '/Particle/Cylinder/Height': 50.0}
+        expected = {
+            '/Particle/Abundance': 10.0,
+            '/Particle/PositionX': 20.0,
+            '/Particle/PositionY': 30.0,
+            '/Particle/PositionZ': 4.0,
+            '/Particle/Cylinder/Radius': 50.0,
+            '/Particle/Cylinder/Height': 50.0
+        }
         for par in pool:
             self.assertEqual(par.value(), expected[par.getName()])
@@ -95,7 +115,7 @@ class ParameterPoolTest(unittest.TestCase):
         Modification of particle's parameters without intermediate access to parameter pool
-        ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nm, 6*nm)
+        ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nm, 6 * nm)
         particle = ba.Particle(ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0), ff)
         particle.setPosition(2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/polmagcylinders1.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/polmagcylinders1.py
index e848cf6d29754314e4d5728d1f0723eefc564a66..2e315e3aebd1143dec0c4a6234927aa25d311c8c 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/polmagcylinders1.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/polmagcylinders1.py
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ def runSimulation():
     magnetic_field = ba.kvector_t(0, 0, 0)
-    magParticle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("magParticle", 6e-4, 2e-8, magnetic_field )
+    magParticle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("magParticle", 6e-4, 2e-8, magnetic_field)
     # collection of particles
-    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5*nanometer, 5*nanometer)
+    cylinder_ff = ba.FormFactorCylinder(5 * nanometer, 5 * nanometer)
     cylinder = ba.Particle(magParticle, cylinder_ff)
     particle_layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
@@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ def runSimulation():
     # build and run experiment
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, 0*degree, 2.0*degree, 100, 0.0*degree, 2.0*degree)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*degree, 0.0*degree)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, 0 * degree, 2.0 * degree, 100,
+                                     0.0 * degree, 2.0 * degree)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * degree, 0.0 * degree)
@@ -65,5 +66,5 @@ def run_test():
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     name, description, diff, status = run_test()
     print(name, description, diff, status)
-    if("FAILED" in status):
+    if ("FAILED" in status):
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/polmagcylinders2.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/polmagcylinders2.py
index 6864e65b63e4a0c93b760f322639e907c7bc6af9..097fa5b618c441510ed4e43bbe6f2a81124c8f8d 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/polmagcylinders2.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/polmagcylinders2.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from bornagain import *
 # ----------------------------------
 # describe sample and run simulation
 # ----------------------------------
@@ -21,9 +22,9 @@ def getSimulationIntensity(rho_beam, efficiency):
     magnetization = kvector_t(0, 1e6, 0)
-    magParticle = HomogeneousMaterial("magParticle", 5e-6, 0.0, magnetization )
+    magParticle = HomogeneousMaterial("magParticle", 5e-6, 0.0, magnetization)
     # collection of particles
-    cylinder_ff = FormFactorCylinder(5*nanometer, 5*nanometer)
+    cylinder_ff = FormFactorCylinder(5 * nanometer, 5 * nanometer)
     cylinder = Particle(magParticle, cylinder_ff)
     particle_layout = ParticleLayout()
@@ -41,10 +42,11 @@ def getSimulationIntensity(rho_beam, efficiency):
     # build and run experiment
     simulation = GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1*degree, 1.0*degree, 100, 0.0*degree, 2.0*degree)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, -1 * degree, 1.0 * degree, 100,
+                                     0.0 * degree, 2.0 * degree)
     zplus = kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
     simulation.setAnalyzerProperties(zplus, efficiency, 0.5)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*degree, 0.0*degree)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * degree, 0.0 * degree)
@@ -58,12 +60,13 @@ def get_reference_data(filename):
     read and return reference data from file
-    path = os.path.join(REFERENCE_DIR,filename)
+    path = os.path.join(REFERENCE_DIR, filename)
     print("- read reference from", path, flush=True)
     ret = IntensityDataIOFactory.readIntensityData(path)
     print("- - reference read", flush=True)
     return ret
 # --------------------------------------------------------------
 # run test and analyse test results
 # --------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -77,14 +80,18 @@ def run_test():
     # IntensityDataIOFactory.writeIntensityData(getSimulationIntensity(zmin, 1.0), 'polmagcylinders2_reference_10.int')
     # IntensityDataIOFactory.writeIntensityData(getSimulationIntensity(zmin, -1.0), 'polmagcylinders2_reference_11.int')
     diff = 0.0
-    diff += get_difference(getSimulationIntensity(zplus, 1.0).array(),
-                           get_reference_data('polmagcylinders2_reference_00.int.gz').getArray())
-    diff += get_difference(getSimulationIntensity(zplus, -1.0).array(),
-                           get_reference_data('polmagcylinders2_reference_01.int.gz').getArray())
-    diff += get_difference(getSimulationIntensity(zmin, 1.0).array(),
-                           get_reference_data('polmagcylinders2_reference_10.int.gz').getArray())
-    diff += get_difference(getSimulationIntensity(zmin, -1.0).array(),
-                           get_reference_data('polmagcylinders2_reference_11.int.gz').getArray())
+    diff += get_difference(
+        getSimulationIntensity(zplus, 1.0).array(),
+        get_reference_data('polmagcylinders2_reference_00.int.gz').getArray())
+    diff += get_difference(
+        getSimulationIntensity(zplus, -1.0).array(),
+        get_reference_data('polmagcylinders2_reference_01.int.gz').getArray())
+    diff += get_difference(
+        getSimulationIntensity(zmin, 1.0).array(),
+        get_reference_data('polmagcylinders2_reference_10.int.gz').getArray())
+    diff += get_difference(
+        getSimulationIntensity(zmin, -1.0).array(),
+        get_reference_data('polmagcylinders2_reference_11.int.gz').getArray())
     diff /= 4.0
     status = "OK"
@@ -96,5 +103,5 @@ def run_test():
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     name, description, diff, status = run_test()
     print(name, description, diff, status)
-    if("FAILED" in status):
+    if ("FAILED" in status):
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/samplebuilder.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/samplebuilder.py
index 83c9d8d8dc43058bb5af1ad2c05a49dcdc42d80f..0333dc8abe316ea747ad74b272579e4ef84930d8 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/samplebuilder.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/samplebuilder.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import inspect
 import bornagain as ba
 initial_width = 42
 initial_length = 42
@@ -48,16 +47,17 @@ class BuilderPrototype(ba.ISampleBuilder):
     def register_prototype(self, par_name, var_key):
         var_key = var_key.split("self.", 1).pop()
         if not var_key in self.__dict__:
-            raise Exception("Can't find variable self."+var_key+" in given class")
+            raise Exception("Can't find variable self." + var_key +
+                            " in given class")
         # defining the name for new ctype variable and creating dynamic attribute
-        wrapper_key = "wrapper_"+var_key
+        wrapper_key = "wrapper_" + var_key
         setattr(self, wrapper_key, ctypes.c_double(self.__dict__.get(var_key)))
         # registering new attribute in BornAgain
-        self.registerParameter(par_name, ctypes.addressof(getattr(self, wrapper_key)))
+        self.registerParameter(par_name, ctypes.addressof(getattr(self,
+                                                                  wrapper_key)))
 class SampleBuilderTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_registerParameters(self):
         Checking parameter registration and setting the value.
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/shape2d.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/shape2d.py
index 3501f6bf849796ef26df8ddb667060da8027e576..e7afb21b2abf8fda799452f4e0735822d21ae9e6 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/shape2d.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/shape2d.py
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ import numpy, os, sys, unittest
 import bornagain as ba
-class Shape2DTest(unittest.TestCase):
+class Shape2DTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_constructPolygonFromList(self):
         Testing construction of polygon from two Numpy arrays
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/sliced_composition.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/sliced_composition.py
index a4e9b46bd8509b02709dfeb9057d0b475c70a00d..9664566c0c3a627f00acd707b9e0fb9612c1a139 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/sliced_composition.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/sliced_composition.py
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ bottom_cup_height = 4.0
 class SlicedSpheresTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def get_sample(self, particle_to_air=None, particle_to_substrate=None):
         Helper function returning a multilayer (air, substrate) using particles provided
@@ -54,8 +53,14 @@ class SlicedSpheresTest(unittest.TestCase):
         Origin of new object is at the bottom of resulting sphere.
-        topCup = ba.Particle(top_material, ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(sphere_radius, sphere_radius*2 - bottom_cup_height, 0))
-        bottomCup = ba.Particle(bottom_material, ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(sphere_radius, sphere_radius*2, sphere_radius*2 - bottom_cup_height))
+        topCup = ba.Particle(
+            top_material,
+            ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(sphere_radius,
+                                         sphere_radius * 2 - bottom_cup_height, 0))
+        bottomCup = ba.Particle(
+            bottom_material,
+            ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(sphere_radius, sphere_radius * 2,
+                                         sphere_radius * 2 - bottom_cup_height))
         #  origin of resulting sphere will be at the bottom
         result = ba.ParticleComposition()
@@ -71,9 +76,14 @@ class SlicedSpheresTest(unittest.TestCase):
         Rotation is used to get bottom part
-        topCup = ba.Particle(top_material, ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(sphere_radius, sphere_radius*2 - bottom_cup_height, 0))
-        bottomCup = ba.Particle(bottom_material, ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(sphere_radius, bottom_cup_height, 0))
-        bottomCup.setRotation(ba.RotationX(180*deg))
+        topCup = ba.Particle(
+            top_material,
+            ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(sphere_radius,
+                                         sphere_radius * 2 - bottom_cup_height, 0))
+        bottomCup = ba.Particle(
+            bottom_material,
+            ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(sphere_radius, bottom_cup_height, 0))
+        bottomCup.setRotation(ba.RotationX(180 * deg))
         #  origin of resulting sphere will be at the bottom
         result = ba.ParticleComposition()
@@ -119,7 +129,6 @@ class SlicedSpheresTest(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertLess(diff, 1e-10)
     def testInvisibleComposition(self):
         Compares two simulation intended to  provide identical results.
@@ -150,7 +159,7 @@ class SlicedSpheresTest(unittest.TestCase):
         Both particles are inserted in vacuum layer with shift to go below interface
-        shift = 3*nm
+        shift = 3 * nm
         # spherical particle
         sphere = ba.Particle(mParticle, ba.FormFactorFullSphere(sphere_radius))
@@ -176,7 +185,10 @@ class SlicedSpheresTest(unittest.TestCase):
         # truncated sphere on top of substrate with height 16nm
-        truncatedSphere = ba.Particle(mParticle, ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(sphere_radius, sphere_radius*2 - bottom_cup_height, 0))
+        truncatedSphere = ba.Particle(
+            mParticle,
+            ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(sphere_radius,
+                                         sphere_radius * 2 - bottom_cup_height, 0))
         reference = self.get_result(truncatedSphere)
         # Particle composition, top part made of same material, as particle. Bottom part made of same material as substrate.
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/sliced_spheres.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/sliced_spheres.py
index 1195f1df170735d0ded43919fc0ce1a8cbafbb3b..4e2b89aba3aa5167d9e1f37fa9286f555355e1d4 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/sliced_spheres.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/sliced_spheres.py
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ from bornagain import deg, kvector_t
 mSubstrate = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 3.212e-6, 3.244e-8)
 mAmbience = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
-class SlicedSpheresTest(unittest.TestCase):
+class SlicedSpheresTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def get_sample(self, particle_to_air=None, particle_to_substrate=None):
         Helper function returning a multilayer (air, substrate) using particles provided
@@ -57,7 +57,10 @@ class SlicedSpheresTest(unittest.TestCase):
         sphere_shift = 4.0  # shift beneath interface in absolute units
         # truncated sphere on top of substrate with height 16nm
-        truncatedSphere = ba.Particle(mSubstrate, ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(sphere_radius, sphere_radius*2 - sphere_shift, 0))
+        truncatedSphere = ba.Particle(
+            mSubstrate,
+            ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(sphere_radius,
+                                         sphere_radius * 2 - sphere_shift, 0))
         reference = self.get_result(truncatedSphere)
         # sphere crossing interface to look like truncated sphere above
@@ -79,7 +82,10 @@ class SlicedSpheresTest(unittest.TestCase):
         sphere_shift = 4.0  # shift beneath interface in absolute units
         # Sphere truncated from top. Intended to go below interface.
-        truncatedSphere = ba.Particle(mAmbience, ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(sphere_radius, sphere_radius*2, sphere_radius*2 - sphere_shift))
+        truncatedSphere = ba.Particle(
+            mAmbience,
+            ba.FormFactorTruncatedSphere(sphere_radius, sphere_radius * 2,
+                                         sphere_radius * 2 - sphere_shift))
         truncatedSphere.setPosition(0, 0, -sphere_shift)
         reference = self.get_result(truncatedSphere)
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_BoxComposition.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_BoxComposition.py
index bc2f1c7e65e9b664812a42d6da331d99954c8230..1e92af9215b87576ae286971027d66448834cb8d 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_BoxComposition.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_BoxComposition.py
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ com_width = 20.0
 com_height = 10.0
 particle_material = HomogeneousMaterial("Ag", 1.245e-5, 5.419e-7)
-class TransformBoxCompositionTest(unittest.TestCase):
+class TransformBoxCompositionTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def get_sample(self, particle):
         mAmbience = HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
-        mMiddle= HomogeneousMaterial("Teflon", 2.900e-6, 6.019e-9)
+        mMiddle = HomogeneousMaterial("Teflon", 2.900e-6, 6.019e-9)
         mSubstrate = HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 3.212e-6, 3.244e-8)
         layout = ParticleLayout()
@@ -56,18 +56,20 @@ class TransformBoxCompositionTest(unittest.TestCase):
         width = 20.0
         height = 10.0
         particle = Particle(particle_material, FormFactorBox(length, width, height))
-        particle.setPosition(kvector_t(0, 0, -layer_thickness/2.0 - height/2.0))
+        particle.setPosition(kvector_t(0, 0, -layer_thickness / 2.0 - height / 2.0))
         reference_data = self.get_result(particle)
         #IntensityDataIOFactory.writeIntensityData(reference_data, "ref_BoxComposition.int")
         # composition
-        box = Particle(particle_material, FormFactorBox(com_length/2.0, com_width, com_height))
+        box = Particle(particle_material,
+                       FormFactorBox(com_length / 2.0, com_width, com_height))
         composition = ParticleComposition()
         # composition = ParticleComposition(box, positions)
         composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
-        composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(com_length/2.0, 0.0, 0.0))
-        composition.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.0 - com_height/2.0))
+        composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(com_length / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0))
+        composition.setPosition(
+            kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2.0 - com_height / 2.0))
         data = self.get_result(composition)
@@ -85,18 +87,19 @@ class TransformBoxCompositionTest(unittest.TestCase):
         width = 10.0
         height = 20.0
         particle = Particle(particle_material, FormFactorBox(length, width, height))
-        particle.setPosition(kvector_t(0, 0, -layer_thickness/2.0 - height/2.0))
+        particle.setPosition(kvector_t(0, 0, -layer_thickness / 2.0 - height / 2.0))
         reference_data = self.get_result(particle)
         #IntensityDataIOFactory.writeIntensityData(reference_data, "ref_BoxCompositionRotateX.int")
         # composition
-        box = Particle(particle_material, FormFactorBox(com_length/2.0, com_width, com_height))
+        box = Particle(particle_material,
+                       FormFactorBox(com_length / 2.0, com_width, com_height))
         composition = ParticleComposition()
         composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
-        composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(com_length/2.0, 0.0, 0.0))
-        composition.setRotation(RotationX(90*deg))
-        composition.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.))
+        composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(com_length / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0))
+        composition.setRotation(RotationX(90 * deg))
+        composition.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2.))
         data = self.get_result(composition)
@@ -114,18 +117,20 @@ class TransformBoxCompositionTest(unittest.TestCase):
         width = 20.0
         height = 50.0
         particle = Particle(particle_material, FormFactorBox(length, width, height))
-        particle.setPosition(kvector_t(0, 0, -layer_thickness/2.0 - height/2.0))
+        particle.setPosition(kvector_t(0, 0, -layer_thickness / 2.0 - height / 2.0))
         reference_data = self.get_result(particle)
         #IntensityDataIOFactory.writeIntensityData(reference_data, "ref_BoxCompositionRotateY.int")
         # composition
-        box = Particle(particle_material, FormFactorBox(com_length/2.0, com_width, com_height))
+        box = Particle(particle_material,
+                       FormFactorBox(com_length / 2.0, com_width, com_height))
         composition = ParticleComposition()
         composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
-        composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(com_length/2.0, 0.0, 0.0))
-        composition.setRotation(RotationY(90*deg))
-        composition.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2. + com_length/4.))
+        composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(com_length / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0))
+        composition.setRotation(RotationY(90 * deg))
+        composition.setPosition(
+            kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2. + com_length / 4.))
         data = self.get_result(composition)
@@ -143,18 +148,21 @@ class TransformBoxCompositionTest(unittest.TestCase):
         width = 50.0
         height = 10.0
         particle = Particle(particle_material, FormFactorBox(length, width, height))
-        particle.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.0 - height/2.0))
+        particle.setPosition(
+            kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2.0 - height / 2.0))
         reference_data = self.get_result(particle)
         #IntensityDataIOFactory.writeIntensityData(reference_data, "ref_BoxCompositionRotateZ.int")
         # composition
-        box = Particle(particle_material, FormFactorBox(com_length/2.0, com_width, com_height))
+        box = Particle(particle_material,
+                       FormFactorBox(com_length / 2.0, com_width, com_height))
         composition = ParticleComposition()
         composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
-        composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(com_length/2.0, 0.0, 0.0))
-        composition.setRotation(RotationZ(90*deg))
-        composition.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.0 - com_height/2.0))
+        composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(com_length / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0))
+        composition.setRotation(RotationZ(90 * deg))
+        composition.setPosition(
+            kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2.0 - com_height / 2.0))
         data = self.get_result(composition)
@@ -172,19 +180,21 @@ class TransformBoxCompositionTest(unittest.TestCase):
         width = 50.0
         height = 20.0
         particle = Particle(particle_material, FormFactorBox(length, width, height))
-        particle.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.0 - height/2.0))
+        particle.setPosition(
+            kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2.0 - height / 2.0))
         reference_data = self.get_result(particle)
         #IntensityDataIOFactory.writeIntensityData(reference_data, "ref_BoxCompositionRotateZandY.int")
         # composition
-        box = Particle(particle_material, FormFactorBox(com_length/2.0, com_width, com_height))
+        box = Particle(particle_material,
+                       FormFactorBox(com_length / 2.0, com_width, com_height))
         composition = ParticleComposition()
         composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
-        composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(com_length/2.0, 0.0, 0.0))
-        composition.setRotation(RotationZ(90*deg))
-        composition.rotate(RotationY(90*deg))
-        composition.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.))
+        composition.addParticle(box, kvector_t(com_length / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0))
+        composition.setRotation(RotationZ(90 * deg))
+        composition.rotate(RotationY(90 * deg))
+        composition.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2.))
         data = self.get_result(composition)
@@ -202,7 +212,8 @@ class TransformBoxCompositionTest(unittest.TestCase):
         width = 20.0
         height = 50.0
         particle = Particle(particle_material, FormFactorBox(length, width, height))
-        particle.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.0 - height/2.0))
+        particle.setPosition(
+            kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2.0 - height / 2.0))
         reference_data = self.get_result(particle)
         #IntensityDataIOFactory.writeIntensityData(reference_data, "ref_BoxStackComposition.int")
@@ -213,21 +224,23 @@ class TransformBoxCompositionTest(unittest.TestCase):
         box1_length = 20.0
         box1_width = 50.0
         box1_height = 5.0
-        box1 = Particle(particle_material, FormFactorBox(box1_length, box1_width, box1_height))
-        box1.setRotation(RotationZ(90*deg))
+        box1 = Particle(particle_material,
+                        FormFactorBox(box1_length, box1_width, box1_height))
+        box1.setRotation(RotationZ(90 * deg))
         # box2 (5,20,50), rotatedY
         box2_length = 5.0
         box2_width = 20.0
         box2_height = 50.0
-        box2 = Particle(particle_material, FormFactorBox(box2_length, box2_width, box2_height))
-        box2.setRotation(RotationY(90*deg))
-        box2.setPosition(kvector_t(-box2_height/2.0, 0.0, box2_length/2.0))
+        box2 = Particle(particle_material,
+                        FormFactorBox(box2_length, box2_width, box2_height))
+        box2.setRotation(RotationY(90 * deg))
+        box2.setPosition(kvector_t(-box2_height / 2.0, 0.0, box2_length / 2.0))
         composition.addParticle(box1, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
         composition.addParticle(box2, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, box1_height))
-        composition.setRotation(RotationY(90*deg))
-        composition.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.))
+        composition.setRotation(RotationY(90 * deg))
+        composition.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2.))
         data = self.get_result(composition)
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_CoreShellBox.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_CoreShellBox.py
index 008bd3aba92da3e11bc5d33c20188e1438150ca0..e505f2d065e790d0f7e708f66d9a16f13d1b0369 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_CoreShellBox.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_CoreShellBox.py
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ from bornagain import *
 layer_thickness = 100.0
-class TransformCoreShellBoxTest(unittest.TestCase):
+class TransformCoreShellBoxTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def get_sample(self, particle):
         mAmbience = HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
-        mMiddle= HomogeneousMaterial("Teflon", 2.900e-6, 6.019e-9)
+        mMiddle = HomogeneousMaterial("Teflon", 2.900e-6, 6.019e-9)
         mSubstrate = HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 3.212e-6, 3.244e-8)
         layout = ParticleLayout()
@@ -51,18 +51,23 @@ class TransformCoreShellBoxTest(unittest.TestCase):
         shell_length = 50.0
         shell_width = 20.0
         shell_height = 10.0
-        particle = Particle(mCore, FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
-        particle.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.0 - shell_height/2.0))
+        particle = Particle(mCore,
+                            FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
+        particle.setPosition(
+            kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2.0 - shell_height / 2.0))
         reference_data = self.get_result(particle)
-        core_length = shell_length/2.0
-        core_width = shell_width/2.0
-        core_height = shell_height/2.0
-        shell = Particle(mCore, FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
+        core_length = shell_length / 2.0
+        core_width = shell_width / 2.0
+        core_height = shell_height / 2.0
+        shell = Particle(mCore, FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width,
+                                              shell_height))
         core = Particle(mCore, FormFactorBox(core_length, core_width, core_height))
-        coreshell = ParticleCoreShell(shell, core, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, (shell_height-core_height)/2.0))
-        coreshell.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.0 - shell_height/2.0))
+        coreshell = ParticleCoreShell(
+            shell, core, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, (shell_height - core_height) / 2.0))
+        coreshell.setPosition(
+            kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2.0 - shell_height / 2.0))
         data = self.get_result(coreshell)
@@ -83,14 +88,21 @@ class TransformCoreShellBoxTest(unittest.TestCase):
         shell_length = 20.0
         shell_width = 50.0
         shell_height = 10.0
-        core_length = shell_length/2.0
-        core_width = shell_width/2.0
-        core_height = shell_height/2.0
-        core_ref = Particle(mCore, FormFactorBox(core_length, core_width, core_height))
-        shell_ref = Particle(mShell, FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
-        coreshell_ref = ParticleCoreShell(shell_ref, core_ref, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, (shell_height-core_height)/2.0))
-        coreshell_ref.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.0 - shell_height/2.0))  # center of coreshell in center of the layer
+        core_length = shell_length / 2.0
+        core_width = shell_width / 2.0
+        core_height = shell_height / 2.0
+        core_ref = Particle(mCore, FormFactorBox(core_length, core_width,
+                                                 core_height))
+        shell_ref = Particle(mShell,
+                             FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
+        coreshell_ref = ParticleCoreShell(
+            shell_ref, core_ref,
+            kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, (shell_height - core_height) / 2.0))
+        coreshell_ref.setPosition(
+            kvector_t(
+                0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2.0 -
+                shell_height / 2.0))  # center of coreshell in center of the layer
         reference_data = self.get_result(coreshell_ref)
@@ -98,15 +110,20 @@ class TransformCoreShellBoxTest(unittest.TestCase):
         shell_length = 50.0
         shell_width = 20.0
         shell_height = 10.0
-        core_length = shell_length/2.0
-        core_width = shell_width/2.0
-        core_height = shell_height/2.0
+        core_length = shell_length / 2.0
+        core_width = shell_width / 2.0
+        core_height = shell_height / 2.0
         core = Particle(mCore, FormFactorBox(core_length, core_width, core_height))
-        shell = Particle(mShell, FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
-        coreshell = ParticleCoreShell(shell, core, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, (shell_height-core_height)/2.0))
-        coreshell.setRotation(RotationZ(90.0*degree))
-        coreshell.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.0 - shell_height/2.0))  # center of coreshell  in center of the layer
+        shell = Particle(mShell,
+                         FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
+        coreshell = ParticleCoreShell(
+            shell, core, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, (shell_height - core_height) / 2.0))
+        coreshell.setRotation(RotationZ(90.0 * degree))
+        coreshell.setPosition(
+            kvector_t(
+                0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2.0 -
+                shell_height / 2.0))  # center of coreshell  in center of the layer
         data = self.get_result(coreshell)
@@ -127,14 +144,21 @@ class TransformCoreShellBoxTest(unittest.TestCase):
         shell_length = 10.0
         shell_width = 20.0
         shell_height = 50.0
-        core_length = shell_length/2.0
-        core_width = shell_width/2.0
-        core_height = shell_height/2.0
-        core_ref = Particle(mCore, FormFactorBox(core_length, core_width, core_height))
-        shell_ref = Particle(mShell, FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
-        coreshell_ref = ParticleCoreShell(shell_ref, core_ref, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, (shell_height-core_height)/2.0))
-        coreshell_ref.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.0 - shell_height/2.0))  # center of coreshell in center of the layer
+        core_length = shell_length / 2.0
+        core_width = shell_width / 2.0
+        core_height = shell_height / 2.0
+        core_ref = Particle(mCore, FormFactorBox(core_length, core_width,
+                                                 core_height))
+        shell_ref = Particle(mShell,
+                             FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
+        coreshell_ref = ParticleCoreShell(
+            shell_ref, core_ref,
+            kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, (shell_height - core_height) / 2.0))
+        coreshell_ref.setPosition(
+            kvector_t(
+                0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2.0 -
+                shell_height / 2.0))  # center of coreshell in center of the layer
         reference_data = self.get_result(coreshell_ref)
@@ -142,15 +166,19 @@ class TransformCoreShellBoxTest(unittest.TestCase):
         shell_length = 50.0
         shell_width = 20.0
         shell_height = 10.0
-        core_length = shell_length/2.0
-        core_width = shell_width/2.0
-        core_height = shell_height/2.0
+        core_length = shell_length / 2.0
+        core_width = shell_width / 2.0
+        core_height = shell_height / 2.0
         core = Particle(mCore, FormFactorBox(core_length, core_width, core_height))
-        shell = Particle(mShell, FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
-        coreshell = ParticleCoreShell(shell, core, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, (shell_height-core_height)/2.0))
-        coreshell.setRotation(RotationY(90.*degree))
-        coreshell.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.0))  # center of coreshell  in center of the layer
+        shell = Particle(mShell,
+                         FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
+        coreshell = ParticleCoreShell(
+            shell, core, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, (shell_height - core_height) / 2.0))
+        coreshell.setRotation(RotationY(90. * degree))
+        coreshell.setPosition(kvector_t(
+            0.0, 0.0,
+            -layer_thickness / 2.0))  # center of coreshell  in center of the layer
         data = self.get_result(coreshell)
@@ -171,14 +199,21 @@ class TransformCoreShellBoxTest(unittest.TestCase):
         shell_length = 10.0
         shell_width = 50.0
         shell_height = 20.0
-        core_length = shell_length/2.0
-        core_width = shell_width/2.0
-        core_height = shell_height/2.0
-        core_ref = Particle(mCore, FormFactorBox(core_length, core_width, core_height))
-        shell_ref = Particle(mShell, FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
-        coreshell_ref = ParticleCoreShell(shell_ref, core_ref, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, (shell_height-core_height)/2.0))
-        coreshell_ref.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.0 - shell_height/2.0))  # center of coreshell in center of the layer
+        core_length = shell_length / 2.0
+        core_width = shell_width / 2.0
+        core_height = shell_height / 2.0
+        core_ref = Particle(mCore, FormFactorBox(core_length, core_width,
+                                                 core_height))
+        shell_ref = Particle(mShell,
+                             FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
+        coreshell_ref = ParticleCoreShell(
+            shell_ref, core_ref,
+            kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, (shell_height - core_height) / 2.0))
+        coreshell_ref.setPosition(
+            kvector_t(
+                0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness / 2.0 -
+                shell_height / 2.0))  # center of coreshell in center of the layer
         reference_data = self.get_result(coreshell_ref)
         #IntensityDataIOFactory.writeIntensityData(reference_data, "ref_CoreShellBoxRotateZandY.int")
@@ -187,17 +222,21 @@ class TransformCoreShellBoxTest(unittest.TestCase):
         shell_length = 50.0
         shell_width = 20.0
         shell_height = 10.0
-        core_length = shell_length/2.0
-        core_width = shell_width/2.0
-        core_height = shell_height/2.0
+        core_length = shell_length / 2.0
+        core_width = shell_width / 2.0
+        core_height = shell_height / 2.0
         core = Particle(mCore, FormFactorBox(core_length, core_width, core_height))
-        shell = Particle(mShell, FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
-        coreshell = ParticleCoreShell(shell, core, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, (shell_height-core_height)/2.0))
-        coreshell.setRotation(RotationZ(90.0*degree))
-        coreshell.rotate(RotationY(90.0*degree))
+        shell = Particle(mShell,
+                         FormFactorBox(shell_length, shell_width, shell_height))
+        coreshell = ParticleCoreShell(
+            shell, core, kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, (shell_height - core_height) / 2.0))
+        coreshell.setRotation(RotationZ(90.0 * degree))
+        coreshell.rotate(RotationY(90.0 * degree))
         # rotation changes reference point, which now coincide with center of the volume
-        coreshell.setPosition(kvector_t(0.0, 0.0, -layer_thickness/2.0))  # center of coreshell  in center of the layer
+        coreshell.setPosition(kvector_t(
+            0.0, 0.0,
+            -layer_thickness / 2.0))  # center of coreshell  in center of the layer
         data = self.get_result(coreshell)
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_box.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_box.py
index 6090c6a7564919d927a3842a5bd46979601152cb..0813cd702f9c47245a6791dbcffbaf498d3749fe 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_box.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_box.py
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ from bornagain import deg, kvector_t
 layer_thickness = 100
-class BoxTransformationsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+class BoxTransformationsTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def get_sample(self, particle):
         mAmbience = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
-        mMiddle= ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Teflon", 2.900e-6, 6.019e-9)
+        mMiddle = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Teflon", 2.900e-6, 6.019e-9)
         mSubstrate = ba.HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 3.212e-6, 3.244e-8)
         layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class BoxTransformationsTest(unittest.TestCase):
         height = 20
         box = ba.Particle(mParticle, ba.FormFactorBox(length, width, height))
-        box.setPosition(kvector_t(0, 0, -layer_thickness/2 - height/2))
+        box.setPosition(kvector_t(0, 0, -layer_thickness / 2 - height / 2))
         reference_data = self.get_result(box)
         #IntensityDataIOFactory.writeIntensityData(reference_data, "ref_TransformBox.int")
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ class BoxTransformationsTest(unittest.TestCase):
         width = 20
         height = 10
         box = ba.Particle(mParticle, ba.FormFactorBox(length, width, height))
-        box.setRotation(ba.RotationZ(90*deg))
-        box.rotate(ba.RotationY(90*deg))
-        box.setPosition(kvector_t(0, 0, -layer_thickness/2))
+        box.setRotation(ba.RotationZ(90 * deg))
+        box.rotate(ba.RotationY(90 * deg))
+        box.setPosition(kvector_t(0, 0, -layer_thickness / 2))
         data = self.get_result(box)
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_cube.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_cube.py
index cd586e043ac3bae411163e75e193ace46503ae4c..eb59168c419e5f645e02df11de1084bb7bb0033c 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_cube.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/transform_cube.py
@@ -13,10 +13,16 @@ class RotationsCubeTest(unittest.TestCase):
     Test of rotations and translations of simple cube in three layers system
-    def get_sample(self, formfactor, rot = None, pos = None, layout_rot = None, layout_pos = None, add_to="Vacuum"):
+    def get_sample(self,
+                   formfactor,
+                   rot=None,
+                   pos=None,
+                   layout_rot=None,
+                   layout_pos=None,
+                   add_to="Vacuum"):
         mAmbience = HomogeneousMaterial("Vacuum", 0.0, 0.0)
         mParticle = HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
-        mMiddle= HomogeneousMaterial("MidleLayer", 5e-5, 2e-8)
+        mMiddle = HomogeneousMaterial("MidleLayer", 5e-5, 2e-8)
         mSubstrate = HomogeneousMaterial("Substrate", 6e-6, 2e-8)
         particle = Particle(mParticle, formfactor)
@@ -75,12 +81,14 @@ class RotationsCubeTest(unittest.TestCase):
         data_to_test = [
             # ff  rot                     pos                    layout_rot              layout_pos
-            (box, None,                   None,                  None,                   None),  # reference
-            (box, RotationZ(90.*degree),  None,                  None,                   None),  # rotating particle
-            (box, RotationZ(-90.*degree), None,                  None,                   None),
-            (box, RotationZ(180.*degree), None,                  None,                   None),
-            (box, None,                   None,                  RotationZ(90.*degree),  None),  # rotating through layout
-            (box, RotationZ(45.*degree),  None,                  RotationZ(45.*degree),  None),  # cumulative rotation
+            (box, None, None, None, None),  # reference
+            (box, RotationZ(90. * degree), None, None, None),  # rotating particle
+            (box, RotationZ(-90. * degree), None, None, None),
+            (box, RotationZ(180. * degree), None, None, None),
+            (box, None, None, RotationZ(90. * degree),
+             None),  # rotating through layout
+            (box, RotationZ(45. * degree), None, RotationZ(45. * degree),
+             None),  # cumulative rotation
         reference_data = self.get_result(data_to_test[0])
@@ -88,8 +96,9 @@ class RotationsCubeTest(unittest.TestCase):
         isSuccess = True
         for i in range(1, len(data_to_test)):
             diff = self.get_difference(reference_data, data_to_test[i])
-            print("{0}    #{1}   diff {2:.2e}".format(self.testRotationZ.__name__, i, diff))
-            if(diff > 1e-10) : isSuccess=False
+            print("{0}    #{1}   diff {2:.2e}".format(self.testRotationZ.__name__, i,
+                                                      diff))
+            if (diff > 1e-10): isSuccess = False
@@ -102,11 +111,16 @@ class RotationsCubeTest(unittest.TestCase):
         data_to_test = [
             # ff  rot                     pos                    layout_rot              layout_pos
-            (box, None,                   None,                  None,                   None),  # reference
-            (box, RotationY(90.*degree),  kvector_t(0,0,5.0),    None,                   None),  # rotating and translating
-            (box, None,                   None,                  RotationY(90.*degree),  kvector_t(0,0,5.0)),  # rotating and translating
-            (box, RotationY(90.*degree),  None,                  None,                   kvector_t(0,0,5.0)),  # rotating and translating
-            (box, RotationY(45.*degree),  kvector_t(0,0,0.0),    RotationY(45.*degree),  kvector_t(0,0,5.0)),  # rotating and translating
+            (box, None, None, None, None),  # reference
+            (box, RotationY(90. * degree), kvector_t(0, 0, 5.0), None,
+             None),  # rotating and translating
+            (box, None, None, RotationY(90. * degree),
+             kvector_t(0, 0, 5.0)),  # rotating and translating
+            (box, RotationY(90. * degree), None, None,
+             kvector_t(0, 0, 5.0)),  # rotating and translating
+            (box, RotationY(45. * degree), kvector_t(0, 0, 0.0),
+             RotationY(45. * degree), kvector_t(0, 0,
+                                                5.0)),  # rotating and translating
         reference_data = self.get_result(data_to_test[0])
@@ -114,8 +128,9 @@ class RotationsCubeTest(unittest.TestCase):
         isSuccess = True
         for i in range(1, len(data_to_test)):
             diff = self.get_difference(reference_data, data_to_test[i])
-            print("{0}    #{1}   diff {2:.2e}".format(self.testRotationY.__name__, i, diff))
-            if(diff > 1e-10) : isSuccess=False
+            print("{0}    #{1}   diff {2:.2e}".format(self.testRotationY.__name__, i,
+                                                      diff))
+            if (diff > 1e-10): isSuccess = False
@@ -128,11 +143,16 @@ class RotationsCubeTest(unittest.TestCase):
         data_to_test = [
             # ff  rot                     pos                    layout_rot              layout_pos
-            (box, None,                   None,                  None,                   None),  # reference
-            (box, RotationX(90.*degree),  kvector_t(0,0,5.0),    None,                   None),  # rotating and translating
-            (box, None,                   None,                  RotationX(90.*degree),  kvector_t(0,0,5.0)),  # rotating and translating
-            (box, RotationX(90.*degree),  None,                  None,                   kvector_t(0,0,5.0)),  # rotating and translating
-            (box, RotationX(45.*degree),  kvector_t(0,0,0.0),    RotationX(45.*degree),  kvector_t(0,0,5.0)),  # rotating and translating
+            (box, None, None, None, None),  # reference
+            (box, RotationX(90. * degree), kvector_t(0, 0, 5.0), None,
+             None),  # rotating and translating
+            (box, None, None, RotationX(90. * degree),
+             kvector_t(0, 0, 5.0)),  # rotating and translating
+            (box, RotationX(90. * degree), None, None,
+             kvector_t(0, 0, 5.0)),  # rotating and translating
+            (box, RotationX(45. * degree), kvector_t(0, 0, 0.0),
+             RotationX(45. * degree), kvector_t(0, 0,
+                                                5.0)),  # rotating and translating
         reference_data = self.get_result(data_to_test[0])
@@ -140,8 +160,9 @@ class RotationsCubeTest(unittest.TestCase):
         isSuccess = True
         for i in range(1, len(data_to_test)):
             diff = self.get_difference(reference_data, data_to_test[i])
-            print("{0}    #{1}   diff {2:.2e}".format(self.testRotationX.__name__, i, diff))
-            if(diff > 1e-10) : isSuccess=False
+            print("{0}    #{1}   diff {2:.2e}".format(self.testRotationX.__name__, i,
+                                                      diff))
+            if (diff > 1e-10): isSuccess = False
@@ -152,17 +173,20 @@ class RotationsCubeTest(unittest.TestCase):
         data_to_test = [
             # ff  rot                     pos                    layout_rot              layout_pos
-            (box, None,                   kvector_t(0,0,-25.0),  None,                   None),  # reference
-            (box, RotationX(90.*degree),  kvector_t(0,0,-20.0),  None,                   None),  # rotating and translating
+            (box, None, kvector_t(0, 0, -25.0), None, None),  # reference
+            (box, RotationX(90. * degree), kvector_t(0, 0, -20.0), None,
+             None),  # rotating and translating
         reference_data = self.get_result(data_to_test[0], "add_to_middle")
         isSuccess = True
         for i in range(1, len(data_to_test)):
-            diff = self.get_difference(reference_data, data_to_test[i], "add_to_middle")
-            print("{0}    #{1}   diff {2:.2e}".format(self.testRotationX.__name__, i, diff))
-            if(diff > 1e-10) : isSuccess=False
+            diff = self.get_difference(reference_data, data_to_test[i],
+                                       "add_to_middle")
+            print("{0}    #{1}   diff {2:.2e}".format(self.testRotationX.__name__, i,
+                                                      diff))
+            if (diff > 1e-10): isSuccess = False
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/utils.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/utils.py
index e92450f978e91b5f3d251d1aef6b40fc2dc3855b..2d7551b69f0d735216b5c01b9195248455d34345 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/utils.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyCore/utils.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from bornagain import deg, angstrom
 def get_difference(data, reference):
     calculate numeric difference between result and reference data
@@ -24,36 +25,43 @@ def get_difference(data, reference):
         if v1 <= epsilon and v2 <= epsilon:
             diff += 0.0
         elif v2 <= epsilon:
-            diff += abs(v1/epsilon)
+            diff += abs(v1 / epsilon)
-            diff += abs(v1/v2)
-    diff = diff/data.size
+            diff += abs(v1 / v2)
+    diff = diff / data.size
     if numpy.isnan(diff):
         raise ba.Exception("get_difference", "isnan")
     return diff
 def get_reference_data(filename):
     read and return reference data from file
-    return ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.readIntensityData(os.path.join(REFERENCE_DIR, filename))
+    return ba.IntensityDataIOFactory.readIntensityData(
+        os.path.join(REFERENCE_DIR, filename))
-def get_simulation_MiniGISAS(sample = None):
+def get_simulation_MiniGISAS(sample=None):
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(25, -2.0*deg, 2.0*deg, 25, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(25, -2.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 25, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     if sample:
     return simulation
-def get_simulation_BasicGISAS(sample = None):
+def get_simulation_BasicGISAS(sample=None):
     simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg, 100, 0.0*deg, 2.0*deg)
-    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*deg, 0.0*deg)
+    simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, 0.0 * deg, 2.0 * deg, 100, 0.0 * deg,
+                                     2.0 * deg)
+    simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * deg, 0.0 * deg)
     if sample:
     return simulation
 def plot_intensity_data(intensity):
     import matplotlib, pylab
     data = intensity.getArray() + 1
@@ -62,7 +70,8 @@ def plot_intensity_data(intensity):
     phi_max = rad2deg(intensity.axis(0).upperBound())
     alpha_min = rad2deg(intensity.axis(1).lowerBound())
     alpha_max = rad2deg(intensity.axis(1).upperBound())
-    im = pylab.imshow(data, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
+    im = pylab.imshow(data,
+                      norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(),
                       extent=[phi_min, phi_max, alpha_min, alpha_max])
     cb = pylab.colorbar(im)
     cb.set_label(r'Intensity (arb. u.)', size=16)
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyExamples/check_functionality.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyExamples/check_functionality.py
index 067316c751b0d558973cf8feef3b9a0d16c61a2d..ac3cae2123ef489f708844fc07d77fda1e711e4d 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyExamples/check_functionality.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyExamples/check_functionality.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ sys.path.append("@CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY@")
 output_dir = "@output_dir@"
 def get_figure(filename):
     Returns pyplot figure of appropriate size
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ def get_figure(filename):
         xsize, ysize = 640, 480
     dpi = 72.
-    return plt.figure(figsize=(xsize/dpi, ysize/dpi))
+    return plt.figure(figsize=(xsize / dpi, ysize / dpi))
 def exec_full(filepath):
@@ -50,17 +51,18 @@ def run_example(filename):
     Tries to run python example and produce a *.png image
     if not os.path.exists(filename):
-        raise Exception("Example script '"+filename+"' not found")
+        raise Exception("Example script '" + filename + "' not found")
-    print("Input script: "+filename)
+    print("Input script: " + filename)
     fig = get_figure(filename)
-    plot_file_name = os.path.join(output_dir,
-                                  os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] + ".png")
-    print("Output image: "+plot_file_name)
+    plot_file_name = os.path.join(
+        output_dir,
+        os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] + ".png")
+    print("Output image: " + plot_file_name)
     plt.savefig(plot_file_name, bbox_inches='tight')
@@ -74,6 +76,8 @@ def run_example(filename):
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     if len(sys.argv) != 2:
-        exit("Auxiliary script check_functionality called with wrong number of arguments")
+        exit(
+            "Auxiliary script check_functionality called with wrong number of arguments"
+        )
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyFit/fitobjective_api.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyFit/fitobjective_api.py
index 3de3426e85309b6b493c7aa5fa7f151e3f741395..d65fee8e078e7e16da4b1f6bcf48a30f570f181c 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyFit/fitobjective_api.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyFit/fitobjective_api.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class SimulationBuilder:
         self.m_ncol = 4
     def size(self):
-        return self.m_nrow*self.m_ncol
+        return self.m_nrow * self.m_ncol
     def build_simulation(self, pars):
         self.m_ncalls += 1
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ class SimulationBuilder:
         simulation = ba.GISASSimulation()
-        simulation.setDetectorParameters(self.m_ncol, 0.0, 1.0, self.m_nrow, 0.0, 1.0)
+        simulation.setDetectorParameters(self.m_ncol, 0.0, 1.0, self.m_nrow, 0.0,
+                                         1.0)
         return simulation
     def create_data(self):
@@ -49,7 +50,6 @@ class FitObserver:
 class FitObjectiveAPITest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_SimulationBuilderCallback(self):
         Testing simulation construction using Python callback
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class FitObjectiveAPITest(unittest.TestCase):
         # checking arrays of experimental and simulated data
         expected_sim = []
-        expected_data=[]
+        expected_data = []
         for i in range(0, builder.size()):
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyFit/minimizer_api.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyFit/minimizer_api.py
index b04126ba6cefbcabe07b8cbcf48ddf7bccaa7bc9..8eabce41be48ae779115c228a7f641801afda22e 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyFit/minimizer_api.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyFit/minimizer_api.py
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ class TestMinimizerHelper:
 class MinimizerAPITest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_ParameterAttribute(self):
         Testing p.value attribute
@@ -69,7 +68,6 @@ class MinimizerAPITest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_SimpleMinimizer(self):
         minimizer = ba.Minimizer()
diff --git a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyFit/standalone_fits.py b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyFit/standalone_fits.py
index e74e97725322338db965596ddd6e10c7a5dacf88..531285aebbd238faaa63e2f8c91785deb48182b6 100644
--- a/Tests/Functional/Python/PyFit/standalone_fits.py
+++ b/Tests/Functional/Python/PyFit/standalone_fits.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def decaying_sin(params, x):
     phaseshift = params['phase'].value
     freq = params['frequency'].value
     decay = params['decay'].value
-    return amp * np.sin(x*freq + phaseshift) * np.exp(-x*x*decay)
+    return amp * np.sin(x * freq + phaseshift) * np.exp(-x * x * decay)
 class DecayingSin:
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ class DecayingSin:
 class StandaloneFitTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_RosenbrockFit(self):
         Testing fit of rosenbrock function
@@ -73,9 +72,8 @@ class StandaloneFitTest(unittest.TestCase):
                                        model.m_expected_params, 3)
         # check found minimum
-        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result.minValue(),
-                                       model.m_expected_minimum, 3)
+        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result.minValue(), model.m_expected_minimum,
+                                       3)
     def test_DecayingSinFit(self):
         params = ba.Parameters()
@@ -88,12 +86,12 @@ class StandaloneFitTest(unittest.TestCase):
         minimizer = ba.Minimizer()
         result = minimizer.minimize(model.objective_function, params)
         # check found parameter values
                                        model.m_params.values(), 3)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/Tests/Performance/Python/test_performance.py b/Tests/Performance/Python/test_performance.py
index 165765cfcc9d0103d22bf515ef9d3284fdfcb19e..b4eb0b9c40a8ddac414c6a4961301e1119d80a67 100755
--- a/Tests/Performance/Python/test_performance.py
+++ b/Tests/Performance/Python/test_performance.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 ## ************************************************************************** ##
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ except:
     record_cpu_time = False
     get_cpu_time = lambda: None
 # globals used in custom form factor
 phi_min, phi_max = -1.0, 1.0
 alpha_min, alpha_max = 0.0, 2.0
 # user-defined custom form factor
 class CustomFormFactor(IBornFF):
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ class CustomFormFactor(IBornFF):
         return cloned_ff
     def evaluate_for_q(self, q):
-        return self.V*1.0/math.cosh(q.mag()*self.L)
+        return self.V * 1.0 / math.cosh(q.mag() * self.L)
 # class for performance test, constructed using sample factories
 class FactoryTest:
@@ -88,8 +89,10 @@ class FactoryTest:
         if simulation_name != None and sample_builder != None:
             self.m_sample_factory = SampleBuilderFactory()
             self.m_simulation_factory = SimulationFactory()
-            self.m_simulation = self.m_simulation_factory.createItem(self.m_simulation_name)
-            self.m_sample = self.m_sample_factory.createSampleByName(self.m_sample_builder_name)
+            self.m_simulation = self.m_simulation_factory.createItem(
+                self.m_simulation_name)
+            self.m_sample = self.m_sample_factory.createSampleByName(
+                self.m_sample_builder_name)
             self.m_sample_factory = None
             self.m_simulation_factory = None
@@ -127,12 +130,12 @@ class FactoryTest:
         if record_cpu_time:
             self.m_cpu_time = end_cpu_time - start_cpu_time
-            logfile.write("OK: %-6.3f (wall sec), %-6.3f (cpu sec) \n" % (self.m_wall_time, self.m_cpu_time))
+            logfile.write("OK: %-6.3f (wall sec), %-6.3f (cpu sec) \n" %
+                          (self.m_wall_time, self.m_cpu_time))
             logfile.write("OK: %-6.3f (wall sec)\n" % (self.m_wall_time))
 # special performance test case: custom form factor
 class CustomTest(FactoryTest):
     def __init__(self, name, nrepetitions):
@@ -160,7 +163,7 @@ class CustomTest(FactoryTest):
         m_particle = HomogeneousMaterial("Particle", 6e-4, 2e-8)
         # collection of particles
-        ff = CustomFormFactor(343.0*nanometer, 7.0*nanometer)
+        ff = CustomFormFactor(343.0 * nanometer, 7.0 * nanometer)
         particle = Particle(m_particle, ff)
         particle_layout = ParticleLayout()
         particle_layout.addParticle(particle, 1.0)
@@ -182,8 +185,9 @@ class CustomTest(FactoryTest):
         simulation = GISASSimulation()
-        simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, phi_min*degree, phi_max*degree, 100, alpha_min*degree, alpha_max*degree)
-        simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0*angstrom, 0.2*degree, 0.0*degree)
+        simulation.setDetectorParameters(100, phi_min * degree, phi_max * degree,
+                                         100, alpha_min * degree, alpha_max * degree)
+        simulation.setBeamParameters(1.0 * angstrom, 0.2 * degree, 0.0 * degree)
         return simulation
@@ -197,40 +201,44 @@ class PerformanceTests:
         self.m_pyversion = ""
         self.m_filename = filename
-        self.add("MultiLayer",         "MaxiGISAS",    "MultiLayerWithRoughnessBuilder", 1)
-        self.add("CylindersInDWBA",    "MaxiGISAS",    "CylindersInDWBABuilder", 10)
-        self.add("RotatedPyramids",    "MaxiGISAS",    "RotatedPyramidsBuilder", 10)
-        self.add("CoreShell",          "MaxiGISAS",    "CoreShellParticleBuilder", 10)
-        self.add("SquareLattice2D",      "MaxiGISAS",    "SquareLattice2DBuilder", 10)
-        self.add("RadialParaCrystal",  "MaxiGISAS",    "RadialParaCrystalBuilder", 10)
-        self.add("HexParaCrystal",     "BasicGISAS",   "HexParaCrystalBuilder", 1)
-        self.add("SSCA",               "MaxiGISAS",    "SizeDistributionSSCAModelBuilder", 10)
-        self.add("Mesocrystal",        "MaxiGISAS",    "MesoCrystalBuilder", 2)
-        self.add("PolMagCyl",          "MaxiGISAS00",  "MagneticCylindersBuilder", 10)
+        self.add("MultiLayer", "MaxiGISAS", "MultiLayerWithRoughnessBuilder", 1)
+        self.add("CylindersInDWBA", "MaxiGISAS", "CylindersInDWBABuilder", 10)
+        self.add("RotatedPyramids", "MaxiGISAS", "RotatedPyramidsBuilder", 10)
+        self.add("CoreShell", "MaxiGISAS", "CoreShellParticleBuilder", 10)
+        self.add("SquareLattice2D", "MaxiGISAS", "SquareLattice2DBuilder", 10)
+        self.add("RadialParaCrystal", "MaxiGISAS", "RadialParaCrystalBuilder", 10)
+        self.add("HexParaCrystal", "BasicGISAS", "HexParaCrystalBuilder", 1)
+        self.add("SSCA", "MaxiGISAS", "SizeDistributionSSCAModelBuilder", 10)
+        self.add("Mesocrystal", "MaxiGISAS", "MesoCrystalBuilder", 2)
+        self.add("PolMagCyl", "MaxiGISAS00", "MagneticCylindersBuilder", 10)
         # custom form factor is a special case since it's not in the registry
         self.m_tests.append(CustomTest("Custom FF", 10))
-        logfile.write("\nPreparing to run %d performance tests.\n\n" % len(self.m_tests))
+        logfile.write("\nPreparing to run %d performance tests.\n\n" %
+                      len(self.m_tests))
     def add(self, name, simulation_name, sample_builder, nrepetitions):
-        self.m_tests.append(FactoryTest(name, simulation_name, sample_builder, nrepetitions))
+        self.m_tests.append(
+            FactoryTest(name, simulation_name, sample_builder, nrepetitions))
     # execute all performance tests
     def execute(self):
-        for test in self.m_tests: test.run()
+        for test in self.m_tests:
+            test.run()
     # write out system information and test results to file
     def write_results(self):
-        if ( self.m_filename != None ):
+        if (self.m_filename != None):
                 write_file = open(self.m_filename, "a")
-                sys.stderr.write("Could not open filed '%' for writing. Writing to stdout instead.\n" % self.m_filename)
+                sys.stderr.write(
+                    "Could not open filed '%' for writing. Writing to stdout instead.\n"
+                    % self.m_filename)
                 write_file = sys.stdout
                 self.m_filename = None
@@ -265,17 +273,19 @@ class PerformanceTests:
-        if ( self.m_filename != None ):
+        if (self.m_filename != None):
     # determine platform, architecture, python version, etc.
     def init_sysinfo(self):
         system, node, release, version, machine, processor = platform.uname()
-        self.m_datime = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+        self.m_datime = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(),
+                                                   '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
         self.m_hostname = node
         self.m_sysinfo = "%s %s" % (system, machine)
         self.m_pyversion = "%d.%d" % (sys.version_info[:2])
 # used for writing the summary with proper formatting
 def pretty_write(dictionary, file):
     header = "|"
@@ -291,9 +301,10 @@ def pretty_write(dictionary, file):
     file.write(header + "\n")
     file.write(footer + "\n")
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    if ( len(sys.argv) > 2 ):
+    if (len(sys.argv) > 2):
         print("Usage: test_performance.py [output file]")
diff --git a/Wrap/Python/bornagain_python_install.py b/Wrap/Python/bornagain_python_install.py
index ed50aea5d77b09684fdb3f4fc76a77b8264eb6b1..f0f39b41233074c3321d2252e771998d82ec0e43 100644
--- a/Wrap/Python/bornagain_python_install.py
+++ b/Wrap/Python/bornagain_python_install.py
@@ -31,36 +31,41 @@ import site
 import subprocess
 from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
 def is_python3():
     if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)):
         return True
         return False
 def python_version_string():
     return str(sys.version_info[0]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[1])
 def add_rpath(newpath, filename):
     print("add_rpath ", newpath, filename)
-    p = subprocess.Popen(['install_name_tool', '-add_rpath', newpath, filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+    p = subprocess.Popen(['install_name_tool', '-add_rpath', newpath, filename],
+                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
 def change_rpath(oldpath, newpath, filename):
     print("change_rpath ", oldpath, newpath, filename)
-    p = subprocess.Popen(['install_name_tool', '-change', oldpath, newpath, filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+    p = subprocess.Popen(
+        ['install_name_tool', '-change', oldpath, newpath, filename],
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
 def delete_rpath(todelete, filename):
     print("delete_rpath ", todelete, filename)
-    p = subprocess.Popen(['install_name_tool', '-delete_rpath', todelete, filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+    p = subprocess.Popen(['install_name_tool', '-delete_rpath', todelete, filename],
+                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
@@ -84,8 +89,9 @@ def get_python_shared_library():
     Returns full path to the python shared library on which current interpreter is relying
     prefix = sys.prefix
-    suffix = sysconfig.get_config_var('LDVERSION') or sysconfig.get_config_var('VERSION')
-    result = sys.prefix+"/lib/libpython"+suffix+".dylib"
+    suffix = sysconfig.get_config_var('LDVERSION') or sysconfig.get_config_var(
+        'VERSION')
+    result = sys.prefix + "/lib/libpython" + suffix + ".dylib"
     return result
@@ -109,9 +115,9 @@ def get_application_dir():
         app_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_dir, "..", "..", ".."))
     # getting version number
-    lib_dir = glob.glob( os.path.join(app_dir, "Contents", "lib", "BornAgain-*"))
+    lib_dir = glob.glob(os.path.join(app_dir, "Contents", "lib", "BornAgain-*"))
     if len(lib_dir) != 1:
-        exit("Can't find BornAgain libraries in "+app_dir)
+        exit("Can't find BornAgain libraries in " + app_dir)
     BORNAGAIN_VERSION = lib_dir[0].split("BornAgain-")[1]
     return app_dir
@@ -185,7 +191,8 @@ setup(name='bornagain',
 def prepare_init_module(app_dir, bundle_dir):
     source_dir = os.path.join(app_dir, "Contents", "libexec")
-    libexec_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, "BornAgain-"+BORNAGAIN_VERSION, "bornagain")
+    libexec_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, "BornAgain-" + BORNAGAIN_VERSION,
+                               "bornagain")
     package_dir = os.path.join(bundle_dir, "bornagain")
     print("--> Copying modules from '{0}' to '{1}'".format(libexec_dir, package_dir))
     shutil.copytree(libexec_dir, package_dir)
@@ -197,11 +204,13 @@ def copy_libraries(app_dir, destination_dir):
     Copy libraries from BornAgain.app into corresponding BornAgain Python package directory
     print("--> Copying libraries from '{0}'".format(app_dir))
-    app_bornagainlib_dir = os.path.join(app_dir, "Contents", "lib", "BornAgain-"+BORNAGAIN_VERSION)
+    app_bornagainlib_dir = os.path.join(app_dir, "Contents", "lib",
+                                        "BornAgain-" + BORNAGAIN_VERSION)
     app_frameworks_dir = os.path.join(app_dir, "Contents", "Frameworks")
     # copying BornAgain libraries
-    shutil.copytree(app_bornagainlib_dir, os.path.join(destination_dir, "BornAgain-"+BORNAGAIN_VERSION))
+    shutil.copytree(app_bornagainlib_dir,
+                    os.path.join(destination_dir, "BornAgain-" + BORNAGAIN_VERSION))
     # cleaning unnecessary files
     libfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(destination_dir, '*/libBornAgainGUI*'))
@@ -222,11 +231,12 @@ def patch_libraries(dir_name):
     Patches libraries depending on Python to point on the same shared libpython2.7.dylib which current interpreter is using
-    print("--> Patching libraries to rely on '{0}'".format(get_python_shared_library()))
+    print("--> Patching libraries to rely on '{0}'".format(
+        get_python_shared_library()))
     libfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_name, '*/_libBornAgain*'))
     for f in libfiles:
         for lib in ["Base", "Fit", "Param", "Sample", "Device", "Core"]:
-            if "libBornAgain"+lib in f:
+            if "libBornAgain" + lib in f:
                 delete_rpath("@loader_path/../../Frameworks", f)
         add_rpath("@loader_path/../Frameworks", f)
         if "libBornAgainCore" in f:
@@ -234,8 +244,9 @@ def patch_libraries(dir_name):
     libfiles += glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_name, '*/libboost_python*'))
     for f in libfiles:
-        change_rpath("@rpath/Python.framework/Versions/"+python_version_string()+"/Python", get_python_shared_library(), f)
+        change_rpath(
+            "@rpath/Python.framework/Versions/" + python_version_string() +
+            "/Python", get_python_shared_library(), f)
@@ -245,9 +256,9 @@ def create_bundle(app_dir):
     Creates ready to install BornAgain Python bundle package
     bundle_dir = create_bundle_tem_dir()
-    print('-'*80)
+    print('-' * 80)
     print("Generating Python bundle in temporary '{0}'".format(bundle_dir))
-    print('-'*80)
+    print('-' * 80)
     print("--> Generating bundle setup files")
@@ -260,8 +271,12 @@ def create_bundle(app_dir):
-    print("\nBornAgain Python bundle is successfully created in temporary directory '{0}'".format(bundle_dir))
-    print("Run 'python setup.py install' from there to install it into your Python's site-packages")
+    print(
+        "\nBornAgain Python bundle is successfully created in temporary directory '{0}'"
+        .format(bundle_dir))
+    print(
+        "Run 'python setup.py install' from there to install it into your Python's site-packages"
+    )
     return bundle_dir
@@ -269,14 +284,15 @@ def install_bundle(dir_name):
     Installs BornAgain Python bundle previously generated in the directory dir_name
-    print('-'*80)
+    print('-' * 80)
     print("Installing bundle in Python site-packages '{0}'".format(get_python_lib()))
-    print('-'*80)
+    print('-' * 80)
     sys.argv = ['setup.py', 'install']
-    print("\nBornAgain Python bundle is successfully installed in '{0}'".format(get_python_lib()))
+    print("\nBornAgain Python bundle is successfully installed in '{0}'".format(
+        get_python_lib()))
@@ -286,9 +302,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     app_dir = get_application_dir()
-    print('-'*80)
-    print("Installation of BornAgain-{0} libraries into site-packages of your Python".format(BORNAGAIN_VERSION))
-    print('-'*80)
+    print('-' * 80)
+    print(
+        "Installation of BornAgain-{0} libraries into site-packages of your Python".
+        format(BORNAGAIN_VERSION))
+    print('-' * 80)
     print("From :", app_dir)
     print("To   :", get_python_lib())
     print(" ")
diff --git a/Wrap/Python/plot_utils.py b/Wrap/Python/plot_utils.py
index f21d57b1c379beb7b030a2e39de49a766704944d..654dd8170686e6fd39e6b5b6e10b31986130df57 100644
--- a/Wrap/Python/plot_utils.py
+++ b/Wrap/Python/plot_utils.py
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ try:  # workaround for build servers
 except Exception as e:
     print("In plot_utils.py: {:s}".format(str(e)))
 label_fontsize = 16
@@ -34,8 +33,9 @@ def get_axes_limits(result, units):
     :return: axes ranges as a flat list
     axis_infos = result.axisInfo(units)
-    limits = [ [axis_infos[i].m_min, axis_infos[i].m_max] for i in range(len(axis_infos)) ]
-    flat_limits = [ v for sublist in limits for v in sublist ]
+    limits = [[axis_infos[i].m_min, axis_infos[i].m_max]
+              for i in range(len(axis_infos))]
+    flat_limits = [v for sublist in limits for v in sublist]
     return flat_limits
@@ -47,23 +47,22 @@ def translate_axis_label(label):
     :return: LaTeX representation
     label_dict = {
-                 'X [nbins]'     : r'$X \; $(bins)',
-                 'phi_f [rad]'   : r'$\varphi_f \; $(rad)',
-                 'phi_f [deg]'   : r'$\varphi_f \; $(deg)',
-                 'alpha_i [rad]' : r'$\alpha_i \; $(rad)',
-                 'alpha_i [deg]' : r'$\alpha_i \; $(deg)',
-                 'X [mm]'        : r'$X \; $(mm)',
-                 'Qx [1/nm]'     : r'$Q_x \; $(nm$^{-1}$)',
-                 'Qy [1/nm]'     : r'$Q_y \; $(nm$^{-1}$)',
-                 'Q [1/nm]'      : r'$Q \; $(nm$^{-1}$)',
-                 'Y [nbins]'     : r'$Y \; $(bins)',
-                 'alpha_f [rad]' : r'$\alpha_f \; $(rad)',
-                 'alpha_f [deg]' : r'$\alpha_f \; $(deg)',
-                 'Y [mm]'        : r'$Y \; $(mm)',
-                 'Qz [1/nm]'     : r'$Q_z \; $(nm$^{-1}$)',
-                 'Position [nm]' : r'$Position \; $(nm)'
-                 }
+        'X [nbins]': r'$X \; $(bins)',
+        'phi_f [rad]': r'$\varphi_f \; $(rad)',
+        'phi_f [deg]': r'$\varphi_f \; $(deg)',
+        'alpha_i [rad]': r'$\alpha_i \; $(rad)',
+        'alpha_i [deg]': r'$\alpha_i \; $(deg)',
+        'X [mm]': r'$X \; $(mm)',
+        'Qx [1/nm]': r'$Q_x \; $(nm$^{-1}$)',
+        'Qy [1/nm]': r'$Q_y \; $(nm$^{-1}$)',
+        'Q [1/nm]': r'$Q \; $(nm$^{-1}$)',
+        'Y [nbins]': r'$Y \; $(bins)',
+        'alpha_f [rad]': r'$\alpha_f \; $(rad)',
+        'alpha_f [deg]': r'$\alpha_f \; $(deg)',
+        'Y [mm]': r'$Y \; $(mm)',
+        'Qz [1/nm]': r'$Q_z \; $(nm$^{-1}$)',
+        'Position [nm]': r'$Position \; $(nm)'
+    }
     if label in label_dict.keys():
         return label_dict[label]
@@ -78,13 +77,22 @@ def get_axes_labels(result, units):
     :return: axes ranges as a flat list
     axis_infos = result.axisInfo(units)
-    labels = [ translate_axis_label(axis_infos[i].m_name) for i in range(len(axis_infos)) ]
+    labels = [
+        translate_axis_label(axis_infos[i].m_name) for i in range(len(axis_infos))
+    ]
     return labels
-def plot_array(array, zmin=None, zmax=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=None,
-               title=None, axes_limits=None, **kwargs):
+def plot_array(array,
+               zmin=None,
+               zmax=None,
+               xlabel=None,
+               ylabel=None,
+               zlabel=None,
+               title=None,
+               axes_limits=None,
+               **kwargs):
     Plots numpy array as a colormap in log scale.
@@ -92,7 +100,7 @@ def plot_array(array, zmin=None, zmax=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=Non
     zlabel = "Intensity" if zlabel is None else zlabel
     zmax = np.amax(array) if zmax is None else zmax
-    zmin = 1e-6*zmax if zmin is None else zmin
+    zmin = 1e-6 * zmax if zmin is None else zmin
     if zmin == zmax == 0.0:
         norm = colors.Normalize(0, 1)
@@ -115,8 +123,14 @@ def plot_array(array, zmin=None, zmax=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=Non
-def plot_histogram(hist, zmin=None, zmax=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=None,
-                  title=None, **kwargs):
+def plot_histogram(hist,
+                   zmin=None,
+                   zmax=None,
+                   xlabel=None,
+                   ylabel=None,
+                   zlabel=None,
+                   title=None,
+                   **kwargs):
     Plots intensity data as color map
     :param intensity: Histogram2D object obtained from GISASSimulation
@@ -130,16 +144,28 @@ def plot_histogram(hist, zmin=None, zmax=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=
     if not ylabel:
         ylabel = translate_axis_label(hist.yAxis().getName())
-    axes_limits = [hist.getXmin(), hist.getXmax(),
-                   hist.getYmin(), hist.getYmax()]
-    plot_array(hist.array(), zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel,
-               zlabel=zlabel, title=title, axes_limits=axes_limits, **kwargs)
-def plot_colormap(result, zmin=None, zmax=None, units=ba.Axes.DEFAULT,
-                  xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=None,
-                  title=None, **kwargs):
+    axes_limits = [hist.getXmin(), hist.getXmax(), hist.getYmin(), hist.getYmax()]
+    plot_array(hist.array(),
+               zmin=zmin,
+               zmax=zmax,
+               xlabel=xlabel,
+               ylabel=ylabel,
+               zlabel=zlabel,
+               title=title,
+               axes_limits=axes_limits,
+               **kwargs)
+def plot_colormap(result,
+                  zmin=None,
+                  zmax=None,
+                  units=ba.Axes.DEFAULT,
+                  xlabel=None,
+                  ylabel=None,
+                  zlabel=None,
+                  title=None,
+                  **kwargs):
     Plots intensity data as color map
     :param result: SimulationResult from GISAS/OffSpecSimulation
@@ -152,12 +178,25 @@ def plot_colormap(result, zmin=None, zmax=None, units=ba.Axes.DEFAULT,
     xlabel = axes_labels[0] if xlabel is None else xlabel
     ylabel = axes_labels[1] if ylabel is None else ylabel
-    plot_array(result.array(), zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel,
-               zlabel=zlabel, title=title, axes_limits=axes_limits, **kwargs)
-def plot_specular_simulation_result(result, ymin=None, ymax=None, units=ba.Axes.DEFAULT,
-              xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, **kwargs):
+    plot_array(result.array(),
+               zmin=zmin,
+               zmax=zmax,
+               xlabel=xlabel,
+               ylabel=ylabel,
+               zlabel=zlabel,
+               title=title,
+               axes_limits=axes_limits,
+               **kwargs)
+def plot_specular_simulation_result(result,
+                                    ymin=None,
+                                    ymax=None,
+                                    units=ba.Axes.DEFAULT,
+                                    xlabel=None,
+                                    ylabel=None,
+                                    title=None,
+                                    **kwargs):
     Plots intensity data for specular simulation result
     :param result: SimulationResult from SpecularSimulation
@@ -188,8 +227,15 @@ def plot_specular_simulation_result(result, ymin=None, ymax=None, units=ba.Axes.
-def plot_simulation_result(result, intensity_min=None, intensity_max=None, units=ba.Axes.DEFAULT,
-                           xlabel=None, ylabel=None, postpone_show=False, title=None, **kwargs):
+def plot_simulation_result(result,
+                           intensity_min=None,
+                           intensity_max=None,
+                           units=ba.Axes.DEFAULT,
+                           xlabel=None,
+                           ylabel=None,
+                           postpone_show=False,
+                           title=None,
+                           **kwargs):
     Draws simulation result and (optionally) shows the plot.
     :param result_: SimulationResult object obtained from GISAS/OffSpec/SpecularSimulation
@@ -199,18 +245,30 @@ def plot_simulation_result(result, intensity_min=None, intensity_max=None, units
     :param postpone_show: postpone showing the plot for later tuning (False by default)
     if len(result.array().shape) == 1:  # 1D data, specular simulation assumed
-        plot_specular_simulation_result(result, intensity_min, intensity_max, units, **kwargs)
+        plot_specular_simulation_result(result, intensity_min, intensity_max, units,
+                                        **kwargs)
-        plot_colormap(result, intensity_min, intensity_max, units, xlabel, ylabel,
-                      title=title, **kwargs)
+        plot_colormap(result,
+                      intensity_min,
+                      intensity_max,
+                      units,
+                      xlabel,
+                      ylabel,
+                      title=title,
+                      **kwargs)
     if not postpone_show:
 class Plotter:
-    def __init__(self, zmin=None, zmax=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None,
-                 units=ba.Axes.DEFAULT, aspect=None):
+    def __init__(self,
+                 zmin=None,
+                 zmax=None,
+                 xlabel=None,
+                 ylabel=None,
+                 units=ba.Axes.DEFAULT,
+                 aspect=None):
         self._fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10.25, 7.69))
@@ -230,8 +288,13 @@ class Plotter:
 class PlotterGISAS(Plotter):
-    def __init__(self, zmin=None, zmax=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None,
-                 units=ba.Axes.DEFAULT, aspect=None):
+    def __init__(self,
+                 zmin=None,
+                 zmax=None,
+                 xlabel=None,
+                 ylabel=None,
+                 units=ba.Axes.DEFAULT,
+                 aspect=None):
         Plotter.__init__(self, zmin, zmax, xlabel, ylabel, units, aspect)
@@ -251,21 +314,39 @@ class PlotterGISAS(Plotter):
         # same limits for both plots
         arr = real_data.array()
         zmax = np.amax(arr) if self._zmax is None else self._zmax
-        zmin = zmax*1e-6 if self._zmin is None else self._zmin
-        ba.plot_colormap(real_data, title="Experimental data", zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax,
-                         units=self._units, xlabel=self._xlabel, ylabel=self._ylabel,
-                         zlabel='', aspect=self._aspect)
+        zmin = zmax * 1e-6 if self._zmin is None else self._zmin
+        ba.plot_colormap(real_data,
+                         title="Experimental data",
+                         zmin=zmin,
+                         zmax=zmax,
+                         units=self._units,
+                         xlabel=self._xlabel,
+                         ylabel=self._ylabel,
+                         zlabel='',
+                         aspect=self._aspect)
-        ba.plot_colormap(sim_data, title="Simulated data", zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax,
-                         units=self._units, xlabel=self._xlabel, ylabel=self._ylabel,
-                         zlabel='', aspect=self._aspect)
+        ba.plot_colormap(sim_data,
+                         title="Simulated data",
+                         zmin=zmin,
+                         zmax=zmax,
+                         units=self._units,
+                         xlabel=self._xlabel,
+                         ylabel=self._ylabel,
+                         zlabel='',
+                         aspect=self._aspect)
-        ba.plot_colormap(diff, title="Difference", zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax,
-                         units=self._units, xlabel=self._xlabel, ylabel=self._ylabel,
-                         zlabel='', aspect=self._aspect)
+        ba.plot_colormap(diff,
+                         title="Difference",
+                         zmin=zmin,
+                         zmax=zmax,
+                         units=self._units,
+                         xlabel=self._xlabel,
+                         ylabel=self._ylabel,
+                         zlabel='',
+                         aspect=self._aspect)
@@ -273,13 +354,14 @@ class PlotterGISAS(Plotter):
         iteration_info = fit_objective.iterationInfo()
-        plt.text(0.01, 0.85, "Iterations  " + '{:d}'.
-                 format(iteration_info.iterationCount()))
+        plt.text(0.01, 0.85,
+                 "Iterations  " + '{:d}'.format(iteration_info.iterationCount()))
         plt.text(0.01, 0.75, "Chi2       " + '{:8.4f}'.format(iteration_info.chi2()))
         index = 0
         params = iteration_info.parameterMap()
         for key in params:
-            plt.text(0.01, 0.55 - index * 0.1, '{:30.30s}: {:6.3f}'.format(key, params[key]))
+            plt.text(0.01, 0.55 - index * 0.1,
+                     '{:30.30s}: {:6.3f}'.format(key, params[key]))
             index = index + 1
@@ -290,7 +372,6 @@ class PlotterSpecular(Plotter):
     Draws fit progress. Intended specifically for observing
     specular data fit.
     def __init__(self, units=ba.Axes.DEFAULT):
         self.gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[2.5, 1], wspace=0)
@@ -334,24 +415,34 @@ class PlotterSpecular(Plotter):
         trunc_length = 9  # max string field width in the table
         n_digits = 1  # number of decimal digits to print
-        n_iterations = iteration_info.iterationCount()  # current number of iterations passed
-        rel_dif = fit_objective.relativeDifference().array().max()  # maximum relative difference
+        n_iterations = iteration_info.iterationCount(
+        )  # current number of iterations passed
+        rel_dif = fit_objective.relativeDifference().array().max(
+        )  # maximum relative difference
         fitted_parameters = iteration_info.parameterMap()
         # creating table content
         labels = ("Parameter", "Value")
         table_data = [["Iteration", '${:d}$'.format(n_iterations)],
-                      ["$d_{r, max}$", '${:s}$'.format(self.as_si(rel_dif, n_digits))]]
+                      [
+                          "$d_{r, max}$",
+                          '${:s}$'.format(self.as_si(rel_dif, n_digits))
+                      ]]
         for key, value in fitted_parameters.iteritems():
-            table_data.append(['{:s}'.format(self.trunc_str(key, trunc_length)),
-                               '${:s}$'.format(self.as_si(value, n_digits))])
+            table_data.append([
+                '{:s}'.format(self.trunc_str(key, trunc_length)),
+                '${:s}$'.format(self.as_si(value, n_digits))
+            ])
         # creating table
         axs = plt.subplot(self.gs[1])
-        table = plt.table(cellText=table_data, colLabels=labels, cellLoc='center',
-                          loc='bottom left', bbox=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])
+        table = plt.table(cellText=table_data,
+                          colLabels=labels,
+                          cellLoc='center',
+                          loc='bottom left',
+                          bbox=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])
     def plot_graph(self, fit_objective):
         # retrieving data from fit suite
@@ -365,16 +456,20 @@ class PlotterSpecular(Plotter):
         unc_values = None if unc_data is None else unc_data.array(self.units)
         # default font properties dictionary to use
-        font = {'family': 'serif',
-                'weight': 'normal',
-                'size': label_fontsize}
+        font = {'family': 'serif', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': label_fontsize}
-        plt.semilogy(sim_data.axis(), sim_values, 'b',
-                     real_data.axis(), real_values, 'k--')
+        plt.semilogy(sim_data.axis(), sim_values, 'b', real_data.axis(), real_values,
+                     'k--')
         if unc_values is not None:
-            plt.semilogy(real_data.axis(), real_values - unc_values, 'xkcd:grey', alpha=0.6)
-            plt.semilogy(real_data.axis(), real_values + unc_values, 'xkcd:grey', alpha=0.6)
+            plt.semilogy(real_data.axis(),
+                         real_values - unc_values,
+                         'xkcd:grey',
+                         alpha=0.6)
+            plt.semilogy(real_data.axis(),
+                         real_values + unc_values,
+                         'xkcd:grey',
+                         alpha=0.6)
         plt.ylim((0.5 * np.min(real_values), 5 * np.max(real_values)))
         xlabel = get_axes_labels(real_data, self.units)[0]
diff --git a/Wrap/swig/doxy2swig.py b/Wrap/swig/doxy2swig.py
index 0491aff06fbc38bbb0fb8a63fa74dce156ae34a6..1ef67ec7b474dbfdaaf882f97eb158a3b6cfd772 100755
--- a/Wrap/swig/doxy2swig.py
+++ b/Wrap/swig/doxy2swig.py
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ def my_open_read(source):
         return open(source)
 def my_open_write(dest, mode='w'):
     if hasattr(dest, "write"):
         return dest
@@ -47,7 +48,6 @@ class Doxy2SWIG:
     is stored in self.pieces.
     def __init__(self, src):
         """Initialize the instance given a source object (file or
@@ -67,10 +67,9 @@ class Doxy2SWIG:
         self.multi = 0
         self.ignores = ('inheritancegraph', 'param', 'listofallmembers',
                         'innerclass', 'name', 'declname', 'incdepgraph',
-                        'invincdepgraph', 'programlisting', 'type',
-                        'references', 'referencedby', 'location',
-                        'collaborationgraph', 'reimplements',
-                        'reimplementedby', 'derivedcompoundref',
+                        'invincdepgraph', 'programlisting', 'type', 'references',
+                        'referencedby', 'location', 'collaborationgraph',
+                        'reimplements', 'reimplementedby', 'derivedcompoundref',
         #self.generics = []
@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ class Doxy2SWIG:
-        pm = getattr(self, "parse_%s"%node.__class__.__name__)
+        pm = getattr(self, "parse_%s" % node.__class__.__name__)
     def parse_Document(self, node):
@@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ class Doxy2SWIG:
     def do_compoundname(self, node):
         data = node.firstChild.data
-        self.add_text('%%feature("docstring") %s "\n'%data)
+        self.add_text('%%feature("docstring") %s "\n' % data)
     def do_compounddef(self, node):
         kind = node.attributes['kind'].value
@@ -189,14 +188,14 @@ class Doxy2SWIG:
             prot = node.attributes['prot'].value
             if prot != 'public':
-            names = ('compoundname', 'briefdescription',
-                     'detaileddescription', 'includes')
+            names = ('compoundname', 'briefdescription', 'detaileddescription',
+                     'includes')
             first = self.get_specific_nodes(node, names)
             for n in names:
                 #if first.has_key(n):
                 if n in first:
-            self.add_text(['";','\n'])
+            self.add_text(['";', '\n'])
             for n in node.childNodes:
                 if n not in first.values():
@@ -219,7 +218,7 @@ class Doxy2SWIG:
     def do_parametername(self, node):
-        self.add_text("%s: "%node.firstChild.data)
+        self.add_text("%s: " % node.firstChild.data)
     def do_parameterdefinition(self, node):
         self.generic_parse(node, pad=1)
@@ -241,7 +240,7 @@ class Doxy2SWIG:
         if prot == 'public':
             first = self.get_specific_nodes(node, ('definition', 'name'))
             name = first['name'].firstChild.data
-            if name[:8] == 'operator': # Don't handle operators yet.
+            if name[:8] == 'operator':  # Don't handle operators yet.
             defn = first['definition'].firstChild.data
@@ -255,14 +254,14 @@ class Doxy2SWIG:
                     ns_node = anc.getElementsByTagName('compoundname')
                 if ns_node:
                     ns = ns_node[0].firstChild.data
-                    self.add_text(' %s::%s "\n%s'%(ns, name, defn))
+                    self.add_text(' %s::%s "\n%s' % (ns, name, defn))
-                    self.add_text(' %s "\n%s'%(name, defn))
+                    self.add_text(' %s "\n%s' % (name, defn))
             elif cdef_kind in ('class', 'struct'):
                 # Get the full function name.
                 anc_node = anc.getElementsByTagName('compoundname')
                 cname = anc_node[0].firstChild.data
-                self.add_text(' %s::%s "\n%s'%(cname, name, defn))
+                self.add_text(' %s::%s "\n%s' % (cname, name, defn))
             for n in node.childNodes:
                 if n not in first.values():
@@ -271,7 +270,7 @@ class Doxy2SWIG:
     def do_definition(self, node):
         data = node.firstChild.data
-        self.add_text('%s "\n%s'%(data, data))
+        self.add_text('%s "\n%s' % (data, data))
     def do_sectiondef(self, node):
         kind = node.attributes['kind'].value
@@ -308,7 +307,7 @@ class Doxy2SWIG:
             refid = c.attributes['refid'].value
             fname = refid + '.xml'
             if not os.path.exists(fname):
-                fname = os.path.join(self.my_dir,  fname)
+                fname = os.path.join(self.my_dir, fname)
             # print("parsing file: %s"%fname)
             p = Doxy2SWIG(fname)
@@ -340,7 +339,7 @@ class Doxy2SWIG:
                 elif count > 2:
                 elif count:
-                    ret.append('\n'*count)
+                    ret.append('\n' * count)
                 count = 0
@@ -349,7 +348,7 @@ class Doxy2SWIG:
         for i in _data.split('\n\n'):
             if i == 'Parameters:':
                 ret.extend(['Parameters:\n-----------', '\n\n'])
-            elif i.find('// File:') > -1: # leave comments alone.
+            elif i.find('// File:') > -1:  # leave comments alone.
                 ret.extend([i, '\n'])
                 #_tmp = textwrap.fill(i.strip())
diff --git a/Wrap/swig/tweaks.py b/Wrap/swig/tweaks.py
index 2d8bf7b80c4b001e23e9a3e7e9fd098588e4238b..35994c153c4626706ba9004bc19fb87ebb3a533c 100644
--- a/Wrap/swig/tweaks.py
+++ b/Wrap/swig/tweaks.py
@@ -5,15 +5,17 @@ import sys
 import os
 import string
 # compatibility with windows filename conventions
 def windowsify(filename):
-    if ( sys.platform == "win32" ):
+    if (sys.platform == "win32"):
         new_filename = filename.replace("/", "\\")
         new_filename = filename
     return os.path.abspath(new_filename)
 if len(sys.argv) != 3:
     print("Usage: tweaks.py inputfile outputfile")
@@ -29,13 +31,17 @@ fd.close()
 text_out = []
 for line in text_in:
-    line = line.replace("_libBornAgainBase.ICloneable_transferToCPP(self)", "self.__disown__()")
-    line = line.replace("_libBornAgainCore.Histogram1D_binCenters(self)", "self.binCentersNumpy()")
-    line = line.replace("_libBornAgainCore.Histogram1D_binErrors(self)", "self.binErrorsNumpy()")
-    line = line.replace("_libBornAgainCore.Histogram1D_binValues(self)", "self.binValuesNumpy()")
+    line = line.replace("_libBornAgainBase.ICloneable_transferToCPP(self)",
+                        "self.__disown__()")
+    line = line.replace("_libBornAgainCore.Histogram1D_binCenters(self)",
+                        "self.binCentersNumpy()")
+    line = line.replace("_libBornAgainCore.Histogram1D_binErrors(self)",
+                        "self.binErrorsNumpy()")
+    line = line.replace("_libBornAgainCore.Histogram1D_binValues(self)",
+                        "self.binValuesNumpy()")
 # done the search/replace
 fd = open(out_name, "w")
-fd.write( "\n".join( text_out ) )
diff --git a/cmake/pack/fix_apple_bundle.py b/cmake/pack/fix_apple_bundle.py
index f40cc3e32f118d9f77396a3064f069e22e94591c..415e7119cbdaffc75b7c6ce64cd5d91c41d1b4e9 100644
--- a/cmake/pack/fix_apple_bundle.py
+++ b/cmake/pack/fix_apple_bundle.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ BUNDLE_DIR = ""
 # Locations
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 def is_python3():
     if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)):
         return True
@@ -52,7 +53,8 @@ def bundle_main_executables():
 def bundle_python_library():
-    return os.path.join("Python.framework", "Versions", python_version_string(), "Python")
+    return os.path.join("Python.framework", "Versions", python_version_string(),
+                        "Python")
 def qtlibs_path():
@@ -64,7 +66,8 @@ def qtplugins_path():
 def bundle_libraries():
-    return glob.glob(os.path.join(bundle_dir(), "Contents", "lib", "BornAgain-*", "*"))
+    return glob.glob(
+        os.path.join(bundle_dir(), "Contents", "lib", "BornAgain-*", "*"))
 def bundle_plugins():
@@ -82,7 +85,7 @@ def get_list_of_files(dirname):
     result = []
     for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(dirname):
         for filename in filenames:
-            result.append(os.path.join(root,filename))
+            result.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
     return result
@@ -131,7 +134,8 @@ def setId(filename, newId):
     Sets new id for binary file
-    p = subprocess.Popen(['install_name_tool', '-id', newId, filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+    p = subprocess.Popen(['install_name_tool', '-id', newId, filename],
+                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
@@ -141,7 +145,8 @@ def fixDependency(filename, old, new):
     Replaces old dependency with new one for given binary file
     print("    fixDependency(filename, old, new)", filename, old, new)
-    p = subprocess.Popen(['install_name_tool', '-change', old, new, filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+    p = subprocess.Popen(['install_name_tool', '-change', old, new, filename],
+                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
@@ -213,7 +218,7 @@ def get_dependency_libId(dependency):
         return "@rpath/" + bundle_python_library()
     if is_qt_framework_dependency(dependency):
-        return "@rpath/" + libname +".framework/Versions/5/"+libname
+        return "@rpath/" + libname + ".framework/Versions/5/" + libname
     # all other libraries
     return "@rpath/" + libname
@@ -235,7 +240,7 @@ def get_dependency_orig_location(dependency):
     elif is_qt_framework_dependency(dependency):
         libname = os.path.basename(dependency)
-        libpath = os.path.join(libname+".framework", "Versions", "5")
+        libpath = os.path.join(libname + ".framework", "Versions", "5")
         result = os.path.join(qtlibs_path(), libpath, libname)
     return result
@@ -251,7 +256,7 @@ def get_dependency_dest_location(dependency):
         return os.path.join(bundle_frameworks_path(), bundle_python_library())
     if is_qt_framework_dependency(dependency):
-        libpath = os.path.join(libname+".framework", "Versions", "5")
+        libpath = os.path.join(libname + ".framework", "Versions", "5")
         return os.path.join(bundle_frameworks_path(), libpath, libname)
     return os.path.join(bundle_frameworks_path(), libname)
@@ -266,7 +271,7 @@ def get_special_dependency_id(dependency):
     if is_qt_framework_dependency(dependency) and not "@rpath" in dependency:
         libname = os.path.basename(dependency)
-        return "@rpath/" + libname +".framework/Versions/5/"+libname
+        return "@rpath/" + libname + ".framework/Versions/5/" + libname
     return None
@@ -283,8 +288,9 @@ def get_python_library_location():
     # Let's try to find library directly
     prefix = sys.prefix
-    suffix = sysconfig.get_config_var('LDVERSION') or sysconfig.get_config_var('VERSION')
-    result = sys.prefix+"/lib/libpython"+suffix+".dylib"
+    suffix = sysconfig.get_config_var('LDVERSION') or sysconfig.get_config_var(
+        'VERSION')
+    result = sys.prefix + "/lib/libpython" + suffix + ".dylib"
     if os.path.exists(result):
         return result
@@ -313,11 +319,14 @@ def copy_python_framework():
 def copy_qt_libraries():
     print("--> Copying Qt libraries")
-    libs = ['QtCore', 'QtDBus', 'QtDesigner', 'QtGui', 'QtPrintSupport', 'QtWidgets', 'QtXml', 'QtSvg', 'QtNetwork', 'QtOpenGL']
+    libs = [
+        'QtCore', 'QtDBus', 'QtDesigner', 'QtGui', 'QtPrintSupport', 'QtWidgets',
+        'QtXml', 'QtSvg', 'QtNetwork', 'QtOpenGL'
+    ]
     print("   ", end="")
     for libname in libs:
         print(libname, end="")
-        libpath = os.path.join(libname+".framework", "Versions", "5")
+        libpath = os.path.join(libname + ".framework", "Versions", "5")
         srcfile = os.path.join(qtlibs_path(), libpath, libname)
         if os.path.exists(srcfile):
             dstdir = os.path.join(bundle_frameworks_path(), libpath)
@@ -326,8 +335,11 @@ def copy_qt_libraries():
 def copy_qt_plugins():
     print("--> Copying Qt plugins")
-    plugins = ['platforms/libqcocoa.dylib', 'iconengines/libqsvgicon.dylib',
-        'imageformats/libqjpeg.dylib', 'imageformats/libqsvg.dylib', 'styles/libqmacstyle.dylib']
+    plugins = [
+        'platforms/libqcocoa.dylib', 'iconengines/libqsvgicon.dylib',
+        'imageformats/libqjpeg.dylib', 'imageformats/libqsvg.dylib',
+        'styles/libqmacstyle.dylib'
+    ]
     print("   ", end="")
     for name in plugins:
         print(name, end="")
@@ -344,7 +356,7 @@ def process_dependency(dependency):
     libId = get_dependency_libId(dependency)
-    origLocation  = get_dependency_orig_location(dependency)
+    origLocation = get_dependency_orig_location(dependency)
     destLocation = get_dependency_dest_location(dependency)
     print("     ------")
@@ -394,7 +406,7 @@ def validate_dependencies():
     binaries = bornagain_binaries()
     libraries = get_list_of_files(bundle_frameworks_path())
-    file_list = binaries+libraries
+    file_list = binaries + libraries
     files_with_missed_dependencies = []
     for file_name in file_list:
         for dependency in otool(file_name):
@@ -413,9 +425,9 @@ def validate_dependencies():
 def fix_apple_bundle():
-    print('-'*80)
+    print('-' * 80)
     print("Fixing OS X bundle at '{0}'".format(bundle_dir()))
-    print('-'*80)
+    print('-' * 80)
     # # copy_python_framework()
     # FIXME provide automatic recognition of Qt dependency type (@rpath or hard coded)
     # copy_qt_libraries() # this line should be uncommented for macport based builds