//**************************************************************************// //* FRIDA: fast reliable interactive data analysis *// //* dualplot.cpp: different mechanisms for screen and paper output *// //* (C) Joachim Wuttke 1990-, v2(C++) 2001- *// //* http://frida.sourceforge.net *// //**************************************************************************// #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "mystd.h" #include "plotaux.h" #include "coord.h" #include "asi.h" #include "gar.h" #include "dualplot.h" #define PSMAX 10 #define LINSIZ 80 //**************************************************************************// //* CRange *// //**************************************************************************// CRange::CRange(void) { // initialize as infinite flag = 1; inf = 0; sup = 0; valid = 1; } CRange::CRange( double infin, double supin ) { flag = 0; inf = infin; sup = supin; test(); } CRange::CRange(int flagin) { flag = flagin; inf = 0; sup = 0; valid = 1; } char RangeDecode( const string& resp, CRange *rval ); CRange::CRange( const string& text ) { CRange rval; char ok; ok = RangeDecode( text, &rval ); if (ok!='v') { flag = 1; inf = 0; sup = 0; valid = 0; } else { *this = rval; } } void CRange::Round(int logflag, double relmargin, double digits) { if (!test()) throw "Range::Round: illegal params: " + str(); if (inf==sup) { *this = CRange(inf-1., sup+1.); } else if (finite()) { double margin = relmargin * (sup - inf); double mydigits = digits; double inf2, sup2; do { if (mydigits>=8.5) return; // do not round sup2 = mystd::round_decimal( sup+margin, mydigits ); inf2 = mystd::round_decimal( inf-margin, mydigits ); if(sup<0 && sup2>0) sup2 = 0; if(inf2<0 && inf>0) inf2 = 0; mydigits += 0.5; } while (!((inf2<inf) && (sup<sup2))); *this = CRange(inf2, sup2); } } bool CRange::infinite() const { return (flag&1); } bool CRange::empty() const { return (flag&2 || inf>sup || ((flag&4 || flag&8) && inf==sup)); } bool CRange::finite() const { return (!this->infinite() && !this->empty()); } bool CRange::contained(double val) const { if (this->infinite()) return 1; else if (this->empty()) return 0; else return ((inf<val || (!(flag&4) && inf==val)) && (sup>val || (!(flag&8) && sup==val))); } double CRange::relval(int logflag, double v) const { if (flag&1 || flag&2) return 0; if (logflag) { if(inf<0 || v<0) return 0; return (double) (log(v/(double)inf) / log((double)sup/(double)inf)); } else { return (v-inf) / (sup-inf); } } CRange CRange::operator*(const CRange& R) { CRange Z; if (infinite() || R.infinite()) { Z.flag = 1; } else if (R.empty()) { Z = *this; } else if (empty()) { Z = R; } else { // cout << " input: " << *this << " * " << R; Z = CRange(min(inf, R.inf), max(sup, R.sup)); // Z.flag4 = .. // Z.flag8 = .. // cout << " output : " << Z << endl; } return Z; } CRange CRange::operator*=(const CRange& R) { CRange Z = *this * R; return *this = Z; } bool CRange::test(void) { return valid = (inf<=sup || flag&1 || flag&2); } const char * CRange::helptext = "a floating-point range:\n" " -> <x> <y> for a closed interval (x y)\n" " -> - for an empty range\n" " -> * for an infinite range\n"; char RangeDecode( const string& resp, CRange *rval ) { double r1, r2; if ( resp=="" ) { return 'd'; } else if ( resp=="*" ) { *rval = CRange(1); return 'v'; } else if ( resp=="-" ) { *rval = CRange(2); return 'v'; } string s1, s2; mystd::string_extract_word(string(resp), &s1, &s2); if (!mystd::any2dbl(s1,&r1) && !mystd::any2dbl(s2,&r2)) { *rval = CRange(r1, r2); if (!rval->test()) return 'h'; return 'v'; } return 'h'; } CRange CRange::Ask( const string& quest ) { return Ask(quest, 0, CRange()); } CRange CRange::Ask( const string& quest, const CRange& Def ) { return Ask(quest, 1, Def); } CRange CRange::Ask( const string& quest, const bool defflag, const CRange& Def) { *this = myask( quest, defflag, Def, helptext, RangeDecode ); return *this; } string CRange::str(void) const { if (!valid) return "<invalid range>"; else if (finite()) return ((flag&4) ? ")" : "(") + strg(inf) + " " + strg(sup) + ((flag&8) ? "(" : ")"); else if (infinite()) return "*"; else return "-"; } ostream& operator<< (ostream &s, const CRange& R) { if (!R.valid) return s << "<invalid range>"; else if (R.finite()) return s << ((R.flag&4) ? ")" : "(") << R.inf << " " << R.sup << ((R.flag&8) ? "(" : ")"); else if (R.infinite()) return s << "*"; else return s << "-"; } //**************************************************************************// //* CAxis *// //**************************************************************************// void CAxis::Ask(const string& quest) { string def, in, in1, in2; CRange newR; while(1) { def = (log ? "log " : "") + R.str(); // out = quest + " [" + def + "] ?"; so gehts leider(?) nicht in = sask(quest, def); if (in==def) return; mystd::string_extract_word(in, &in1, &in2); if (in1=="l") { SetLog(!log); in = in2; } else if (in1=="i") { SetLog(0); in = in2; } else if (in1=="g") { SetLog(1); in = in2; } if (in!="") { newR = CRange(in); if (!newR.valid) continue; if (log && newR.inf<=0) { printf("! log scale requires range above 0\n"); continue; } if (!log && ( newR.inf<-3e38 || newR.sup>3e38 ) ) { printf( "! lin scale exceeds typical PS implementation range " "(abs<3e38)\n" ); continue; } R = newR; return; } } } void CAxis::SetLog(const uint val) { if (log!=val) { log = val; CRange RX = AlternateR; AlternateR = R; R = RX; } } double CAxis::pc(double v) // value -> plot-coordinate { return PSMAX * R.relval(log, v); } //**************************************************************************// //* NPlot *// //**************************************************************************// namespace NPlot { CAxis X, Y; uint maxpoints = 12000; int gp_fifo; void gp_write(string); int gp_fno; string gp_fnames; uint ps_fnum; // file uint ps_snum; // scan uint ps_pnum; // scan with pstyle uint ps_cnum; // scan with cstyle void ps_ticktack(uint ntack, double *tack, int ntpt, double *ticklim, CAxis *A); vector<string> ps_Doc; vector<string> ps_accu; // future output is accumulated here char outlin[ LINSIZ ]; }; void NPlot::Open(void) { // Start gnuplot. Use input redirection so that gnuplot receives // commands from a gp_fifo which is created here. string fn_fifo = string("/tmp/gnuplot-") + getenv( "LOGNAME" ); system( ("rm -f "+fn_fifo).c_str() ); if (mkfifo( fn_fifo.c_str(), 0666 )) { printf("SEVERE SYSTEM ERROR cannot make fifo %s" " - will not be able to print\n", fn_fifo.c_str() ); return; } system( ("gnuplot -noraise < " + fn_fifo + " &").c_str() ); // we use open instead of fopen or ofstream, // because we need non-blocking mode. if (!(gp_fifo = open(fn_fifo.c_str(), O_WRONLY))) { printf("SEVERE SYSTEM ERROR cannot open gp_fifo" " - will not be able to print\n"); return; } fcntl(gp_fifo,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK); // gp_write(string("plot 1 2 3")); // test gp_write(string("set terminal x11")); ps_fnum=0; } void NPlot::Close(void) { } void NPlot::Clear(void) { // cout << "DEBUG dp Clear beg\n"; gp_fno = 0; gp_fnames = string(""); // new wups file: string cmd; ps_accu.clear(); ps_accu.push_back( "\n%% output created by frida2\n"); ps_snum = 0; ps_pnum = 0; ps_cnum = 0; ps_Doc.clear(); } void NPlot::Multiask(void) { maxpoints = iask("Max # points in plot", maxpoints); X.force = bask("Force x points into frame", X.force); Y.force = bask("Force y points into frame", Y.force); } void NPlot::Box() { gp_write( "set nologscale" ); string whichlog=""; if (X.log) whichlog += "x"; if (Y.log) whichlog += "y"; if (whichlog!="") gp_write( "set logscale " + whichlog ); // wups: snprintf(outlin, LINSIZ, "\n%d %g %g xSetCoord\n", X.log, X.R.inf, X.R.sup); ps_accu.push_back( outlin ); snprintf(outlin, LINSIZ, "%d %g %g ySetCoord\n", Y.log, Y.R.inf, Y.R.sup); ps_accu.push_back( outlin ); snprintf(outlin, LINSIZ, "%% %d %g %g %d zSetCoord\n\n", 0, 0., 0., 0); ps_accu.push_back( outlin ); int ntack, ntpt; double *tack, ticklim[2]; ps_accu.push_back( "\n/xPlotFrame {" ); plotaux::calc_ticks( X.log, X.R.inf, X.R.sup, &ntack, &tack, &ntpt, ticklim ); ps_ticktack(ntack, tack, ntpt, ticklim, &X); free(tack); snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ-4, " {(%s", X.C.ps_str().c_str() ); strncat( outlin, ")}\n", LINSIZ ); ps_accu.push_back( outlin ); ps_accu.push_back( " 0 10 0 0 0 90 " "OneAxx Axx Tic xTacL xNumL %% low x axis\n" ); ps_accu.push_back( " 0 10 0 10 0 270 " "OneAxx Axx Tic xTacH %% top x axis\n" ); ps_accu.push_back( " xCL\n" ); ps_accu.push_back( "} def\n" ); ps_accu.push_back( "\n/yPlotFrame {" ); plotaux::calc_ticks( Y.log, Y.R.inf, Y.R.sup, &ntack, &tack, &ntpt, ticklim ); ps_ticktack(ntack, tack, ntpt, ticklim, &Y); free(tack); snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, " {(%s", Y.C.ps_str().c_str() ); strncat( outlin, ")}\n", LINSIZ ); ps_accu.push_back( outlin ); ps_accu.push_back( " 0 10 0 0 90 0 " "OneAxx Axx Tic yTacL yNumL %% left y axis\n" ); ps_accu.push_back( " 0 10 10 0 90 180 " "OneAxx Axx Tic yTacH % yNumH %% right yaxis\n" ); ps_accu.push_back( " yCL\n" ); ps_accu.push_back( "} def\n" ); ps_accu.push_back( "\n%% modeDD\nplotbefore\n" ); } void NPlot::Line(const int lstyle, const vector<double> x, const vector<double> y, const vector<double>* z, const string xco, const string yco) { double *xp, *yp; uint np=0, nxl=0, nxh=0, nyl=0, nyh=0; uint n=x.size(); if (n!=y.size()) { printf("PROG ERR NPLot::Line x.size<>y.size\n"); return; } xp = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*n); yp = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*n); for (uint i=0; i<n; i++) { if(!X.force && !X.R.contained(x[i])) { if (x[i]<=X.R.inf) nxl++; if (x[i]>=X.R.sup) nxh++; continue; } if(!Y.force && !Y.R.contained(y[i])) { if (y[i]<=Y.R.inf) nyl++; if (y[i]>=Y.R.sup) nyh++; continue; } if(np==maxpoints && np<n) { printf("reached maxpoints at %g\n", x[i]); } xp[np] = x[i]; yp[np] = y[i]; np++; if(np>maxpoints) i += maxpoints; } if (np==0) { printf("no points in data range:\n" "of %d points are\n %d left and %d right of the x range," "\n %d below and %d above of the y range\n", n, nxl, nxh, nyl, nyh); return; } // save to file: char gp_fnam[40]; sprintf( gp_fnam, "/tmp/%s-%03d.gnu", getenv("LOGNAME"), gp_fno++); if (gp_fnames!="") gp_fnames += ", "; gp_fnames += string("\"") + gp_fnam + "\"" + // string(" title \"") + xco + string (" -> ") // + yco + string ("\""); " notitle"; if (lstyle<0) gp_fnames += " with lines"; FILE *gp_fd; if (!(gp_fd = fopen(gp_fnam, "w"))) { printf( "cannot save gnuplot data to %s", gp_fnam ); return; } for (uint i=0; i<np; i++) fprintf(gp_fd, "%20.12g %20.12g\n", xp[i], yp[i]); fclose(gp_fd); // plot command: char aux[80]; sprintf( aux, "[%12.8g:%12.8g] [%12.8g:%12.8g] ", X.R.inf, X.R.sup, Y.R.inf, Y.R.sup); gp_write(string("plot ") + aux + gp_fnames); snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, "\n%3u [", ++ps_snum); ps_accu.push_back( outlin ); for (uint i=0; i<z->size(); i++){ snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, " %12g", (*z)[i]); ps_accu.push_back( outlin ); } snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, " ] zValues\n"); ps_accu.push_back( outlin ); if (lstyle>=0) snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, "%2d pstyle", ++ps_pnum); else snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, "%2d cstyle", 1); ps_accu.push_back( outlin ); snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ-2, " %% (%s -> %s)", xco.c_str(), yco.c_str()); strncat( outlin, "\n", LINSIZ ); ps_accu.push_back( outlin ); for (uint i=0; i<np; i++) { snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, "%7.3f%7.3f%7.3f t%c %% %14.7g wx %14.7g wy\n", X.pc(xp[i]), Y.pc(yp[i]), 0.0, i==0 ? 'i' : i==np-1 ? 'f' : ' ', xp[i], yp[i] ); ps_accu.push_back( outlin ); } free(xp); free(yp); } void NPlot::Doc (vector<string> lDoc) { for (uint i=0; i<lDoc.size(); i++) ps_Doc.push_back(lDoc[i]); } void NPlot::Save( bool full_outfile ) { string ps_outdir, ps_head, ps_dict; // read configuration parameters: ps_outdir = NRead::wofmac( "\\psdir" ); ps_head = NRead::wofmac( "\\pshead" ); if ( full_outfile ) ps_dict = NRead::wofmac( "\\psdict" ); // construct output file name: FILE *pssav; char outf[20]; string flong, cmd; while(1) { if (ps_fnum>=999) throw string( "graph file number overflow" ); sprintf(outf, "%sl%d.%s", ps_outdir.c_str(), ++ps_fnum, full_outfile ? "ps" : "psa" ); if (!(pssav = mystd::glob_fopen(outf, "", "", "r"))) break; // legal exit fclose(pssav); } printf("save plot in %s\n", outf); // copy headers to output file: cmd = string("cat ") + ( full_outfile ? ps_dict : "" ) + " " + ps_head + " > " + outf + "\n"; if (system(cmd.c_str())) { printf ("cannot copy to %s\n", outf); return; } // a redundant check of existence of the outfile: if (!(pssav = mystd::glob_fopen(outf, "", "", "r", &flong))) { printf("have not created file %s\n", outf); return; } fclose(pssav); // append specific output to output file: if (!(pssav = fopen(flong.c_str(), "a+"))) { printf ("cannot write (append) to file %s\n", flong.c_str()); return; } for( uint i=0; i<ps_accu.size(); ++i ){ // fprintf does not work here because output line may contain "%" fwrite( ps_accu[i].c_str(), 1, ps_accu[i].size(), pssav ); } // additional output (do not append this to ps_accu to allow // further incrementation of ps_accu): fprintf(pssav, "\nblack 0 -4 13 newlist\n"); for (uint i=0; i<ps_Doc.size(); i++) fprintf(pssav, "{(%s)} infline\n", ps_Doc[i].c_str()); fprintf(pssav, "\n{(%s)} /filename exch def 10 -2.8 18 showfilename\n\n" "EndFrame\n", outf); // output completed: fclose(pssav); } void NPlot::Dialog(void) { string cmd; cout << "entering mygnuplot - to leave, type q\n"; while(1) { cmd = sask("mygnuplot> "); if (cmd.substr(0,1)=="q") return; gp_write(cmd); } } void NPlot::gp_write(string in) { // cout << "DEBUG gp_write " << in << "\n"; string out = in + "\n"; write(gp_fifo, out.c_str(), out.size()); } void NPlot::ps_ticktack(uint ntack, double *tack, int ntpt, double *ticklim, CAxis *A) { uint i; ps_accu.push_back( "[\n" ); if (A->log && ( tack[0]<1e-3 || tack[ntack-1]>1e3 )) { for (i=0; i<ntack; i++) { snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, " %9.6f {(10)(%d)sp()} %%{(%g)}\n", A->pc(tack[i]), lrint(log10(tack[i])), (float) tack[i]); ps_accu.push_back( outlin ); } } else { for (i=0; i<ntack; i++) { snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, " %9.6f {(%g)}\n", A->pc(tack[i]), (float) tack[i]); ps_accu.push_back( outlin ); } } ps_accu.push_back( " ] SetTacVec\n" ); snprintf( outlin, LINSIZ, " %g %g %d %d SetTicVec%s\n", A->pc(ticklim[0]), A->pc(ticklim[1]), ntack+2, ntpt, (A->log? "Log" : "Lin")); ps_accu.push_back( outlin ); }