diff --git a/pub/CHANGELOG b/pub/CHANGELOG
index 5505bec6a4cc187ead68457a39675ddde4e0ff89..eb061f0e28b779f3278a664351bcde31476fb644 100644
--- a/pub/CHANGELOG
+++ b/pub/CHANGELOG
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+Release 2.3.4d of 28jan17:
+- mpgi,mpgr now using NOlo::j2j for spectrum correspondence
+- gnuplot-fifo now named gnuplot-<PID> which resolves failure of ctest -j<n>
+- Exceptions in initialization of CFrida are catched, and line number is reported
 Release 2.3.4c of 27jan17:
 - New function NOlo::j2j to prepare for better J:J matching in mpgi, mpgr, and elsewhere
diff --git a/pub/lib/toplevel.cpp b/pub/lib/toplevel.cpp
index 98ce612ee6d8eecfb1278cdc0ad35deb3d6558af..9b5d6ec27dbfe401ec601a4c6704ac6af24915da 100644
--- a/pub/lib/toplevel.cpp
+++ b/pub/lib/toplevel.cpp
@@ -125,24 +125,48 @@ void CFrida::execute_cmd(const string cmdline)
-    // Initializations:
-    NReadln::initialize(); // command-line dialog (readline and history)
-    SPloWin::initialize(); // plot windows
-    gsl_set_error_handler(my_gsl_error_handler);
-    fbase_initialize();
-    fassign_initialize();
-    fstring_initialize();
-    SGeniRegistry::initialize();
-    SCvinRegistry::initialize();
-    if (std::atexit(atexit_handler)) {
-        cout << "BUG: atexit registration failed\n";
-        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+    int line = 0;
+    try {
+        // Initializations:
+        NReadln::initialize(); // command-line dialog (readline and history)
+        line = 1;
+        SPloWin::initialize(); // plot windows
+        line = 2;
+        gsl_set_error_handler(my_gsl_error_handler);
+        line = 3;
+        fbase_initialize();
+        line = 4;
+        fassign_initialize();
+        line = 5;
+        fstring_initialize();
+        line = 6;
+        SGeniRegistry::initialize();
+        line = 7;
+        SCvinRegistry::initialize();
+        line = 8;
+        if (std::atexit(atexit_handler)) {
+            cout << "BUG: atexit registration failed\n";
+            exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+        }
+        // time monitor:
+        line = 9;
+        clock_start = clock();
+        clock_cmd_i = clock();
+        time_cmd = 0;
+    } catch (string& ex) {
+        cout << "CFrida initialization failed in line " << line << "\n  " << ex << "\n";
+        exit(1);
+    } catch (const char* ex) {
+        cout << "CFrida initialization failed in line " << line << "\n  " << ex << "\n";
+        exit(1);
+    } catch (std::exception& ex) {
+        cout << "CFrida initialization failed in line " << line << "\n  " << ex.what() << "\n";
+        exit(1);
+    } catch (...) {
+        cout << "CFrida initialization failed in line " << line
+             << " with unforeseen exception type\n";
+        exit(1);
-    // time monitor:
-    clock_start = clock();
-    clock_cmd_i = clock();
-    time_cmd = 0;
@@ -197,6 +221,6 @@ void CFrida::execute_file(const string fnam)
         cout << "BUG: char* error in script " << fnam << ", line " << lineno << ":\n  " << ex
              << "\n";
     } catch (...) {
-        cout << "BUG: catched invalid exception\n";
+        cout << "BUG: script " << fnam << " failed with unforeseen exception\n";
diff --git a/pub/plot/dualplot.cpp b/pub/plot/dualplot.cpp
index a3fe542b9809422f082f680df3afb06c96daece4..7c1667947f870dc81e903cf85648859bf8d1fe2b 100644
--- a/pub/plot/dualplot.cpp
+++ b/pub/plot/dualplot.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
 #include "../trivia/file_ops.hpp"
 #include "../trivia/string_convs.hpp"
@@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ CPlot::CPlot(int _iPlot, bool _logx, bool _logy)
     // == Initialization for Gnuplot ==
     // Create a named pipe (FIFO) that will transmit our commands to Gnuplot.
-    string fn_fifo = string("/tmp/gnuplot-") + getenv("LOGNAME");
+    string fn_fifo = "/tmp/gnuplot-" + S(getpid());
     triv::system("rm -f " + fn_fifo);
     if (mkfifo(fn_fifo.c_str(), 0666))
         throw "SYSTEM ERROR cannot make fifo " + fn_fifo + ": will not be able to print";