From c55766129dbd0a0e67387945cc0743482c1674cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Joachim Wuttke (l)" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 08:39:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] cleanup

 pub/lib/node.hpp     | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 pub/lib/xax_yacc.ypp |  4 ++--
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pub/lib/node.hpp b/pub/lib/node.hpp
index c568d1b7..8d3729e4 100644
--- a/pub/lib/node.hpp
+++ b/pub/lib/node.hpp
@@ -148,33 +148,6 @@ class CNodeVal: public CNode {
-//! Indexed variable node.
-class CNodeIva: public CNode {
- private:
-    RVar var;
-    RRef ref;
-    void npar_exec( int *np ) const;
- public:
-    CNodeIva( RVar _var, RRef _ref=RRef( new CRef() ) ) : var(_var), ref(_ref) {}
-    const RObj tree_val( const CContext& ctx ) const;
-    void kdep_exec( bool *kd ) const { *kd = true; }
-    void set_coord( CCoord& ret, int k ) const;
-    string tree_info() const;
-//! Indexed variable node.
-class CNodeSessionNK: public CNode {
- public:
-    const RObj tree_val( const CContext& ctx ) const;
-    void kdep_exec( bool *kd ) const { *kd = false; }
-    void set_coord( CCoord& ret, int k ) const { ret = CCoord("nk", ""); }
-    string tree_info() const { return "nk {number of online files}"; }
 //! Index node base class.
 class CNodeIdx: public CNode {
@@ -213,6 +186,33 @@ class CNodeIdxK: public CNodeIdx {
+//! Session-wide workspace information: NK = number of online files.
+class CNodeSessionNK: public CNode {
+ public:
+    const RObj tree_val( const CContext& ctx ) const;
+    void kdep_exec( bool *kd ) const { *kd = false; }
+    void set_coord( CCoord& ret, int k ) const { ret = CCoord("nk", ""); }
+    string tree_info() const { return "nk {number of online files}"; }
+//! Indexed variable node.
+class CNodeIva: public CNode {
+ private:
+    RVar var;
+    RRef ref;
+    void npar_exec( int *np ) const;
+ public:
+    CNodeIva( RVar _var, RRef _ref=RRef( new CRef() ) ) : var(_var), ref(_ref) {}
+    const RObj tree_val( const CContext& ctx ) const;
+    void kdep_exec( bool *kd ) const { *kd = true; }
+    void set_coord( CCoord& ret, int k ) const;
+    string tree_info() const;
 //! Identifier node.
 class CNodeIdf: public CNode {
diff --git a/pub/lib/xax_yacc.ypp b/pub/lib/xax_yacc.ypp
index 61de1bdc..b813ed0a 100644
--- a/pub/lib/xax_yacc.ypp
+++ b/pub/lib/xax_yacc.ypp
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ range:
 exp:                       /* scalar expression */
         VAL                 { $$.t = $1.t; }
-      | REF bra3             { $$.t = RNode( new CNodeIva( $1.v, $2.r ) ); }
+      | REF bra3            { $$.t = RNode( new CNodeIva( $1.v, $2.r ) ); }
       | IDF                 { $$.t = RNode( new CNodeIdf( (PCAST<const CObjStr>($1.o))->to_s() ) ); }
       | DUMMY               { $$.t = RNode( new CNodeDummy() ); }
       | CEV bra2 '(' exp ')' { $$.t = RNode( new CNodeCev( $2.r, $4.t ) ); }
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ exp:                       /* scalar expression */
                               $$.t = RNode( new CNodeFun2( (const CFunc*) $1.p, $3.t, $5.t ) ); }
       | FNCT '(' exp ',' exp ',' exp ')' {
                               $$.t = RNode( new CNodeFun3((const CFunc*) $1.p, $3.t, $5.t, $7.t) );}
-      | GENI bra2            { $$.t = RNode( new CNodeGeni( (const CGeni*) $1.p, $2.r) ); }
+      | GENI bra2           { $$.t = RNode( new CNodeGeni( (const CGeni*) $1.p, $2.r) ); }
       | GENI '(' exp ')'    { $$.t = RNode( new CNodeGeni( (const CGeni*) $1.p, $3.t) ); }
       | GENI '(' exp ',' exp ')' {
                               $$.t = RNode( new CNodeGeni( (const CGeni*) $1.p, $3.t, $5.t) ); }