import os import json from datetime import datetime import random import shutil import contextlib try: import git except ImportError: # Adding this hint to save users the confusion of trying $pip install git raise ImportError("No module named git, please install the gitpython package") class BaseRepo: def __init__(self, repository_path=None, search_parent_directories=False, *args, **kwargs): """ from git.Repo: :param search_parent_directories: if True, all parent directories will be searched for a valid repo as well. Please note that this was the default behaviour in older versions of GitPython, which is considered a bug though. """ if repository_path is None or repository_path == ".": repository_path = os.getcwd() self.git_repo = git.Repo(repository_path, search_parent_directories=search_parent_directories, *args, **kwargs) self.git = self.git_repo.git self._most_recent_branch = self._earliest_commit = None @property def active_branch(self): return self.git_repo.active_branch @property def untracked_files(self): return self.git_repo.untracked_files @property def working_dir(self): return self.git_repo.working_dir @property def head(self): return self.git_repo.head @property def remotes(self): return self.git_repo.remotes @property def earliest_commit(self): if self._earliest_commit is None: *_, earliest_commit = self.git_repo.iter_commits() self._earliest_commit = earliest_commit return self._earliest_commit def delete_active_branch(self): previous_branch = if str(self.head.commit) == self.earliest_commit: self.git.checkout("master") self.git.branch("-d", previous_branch) def add_all_files(self, automatically_add_new_files=True): untracked_files = "" if len(self.untracked_files) > 0: untracked_files = "\n".join(["- " + file for file in self.untracked_files]) if automatically_add_new_files: for f in self.untracked_files: self.git.add(f) else: proceed = input( f'Found untracked files. Adding the following untracked files to git: \n{untracked_files}\n' f'Proceed? Y/n \n' ) if proceed.lower() == "y" or proceed == "": for f in self.untracked_files: self.git.add(f) else: raise KeyboardInterrupt changed_files = self.changed_files for f in changed_files: self.git.add(f) return self.untracked_files + changed_files @property def changed_files(self): changed_files = self.git.diff(None, name_only=True).split('\n') if "" in changed_files: changed_files.remove("") return changed_files @property def exist_unstaged_changes(self): return len(self.untracked_files) > 0 or len(self.changed_files) > 0 def update_package_list(self): repo_path = self.working_dir print("Dumping conda environment.yml, this might take a moment.") os.system(f"conda env export > {repo_path}/conda_environment.yml") print("Dumping conda independent environment.yml, this might take a moment.") os.system(f"conda env export --from-history > {repo_path}/conda_independent_environment.yml") print("Dumping pip requirements.txt.") os.system(f"pip freeze > {repo_path}/pip_requirements.txt") print("Dumping pip independent requirements.txt.") os.system(f"pip list --not-required --format freeze > {repo_path}/pip_independent_requirements.txt") def commit(self, message: str, add_all=True, update_packages=True): if not self.exist_unstaged_changes: print(f"No changes to commit in repo {self.working_dir}") return print(f"Commiting changes to repo {self.working_dir}") if update_packages: self.update_package_list() if add_all: self.add_all_files() commit_return = self.git.commit("-m", message) print("\n" + commit_return + "\n") def git_ammend(self, ): self.git.commit("--amend", "--no-edit") def print_status(self): print(self.git.status()) def print_log(self): print(self.git.log()) def stash_all_changes(self): if not self.exist_unstaged_changes: raise RuntimeError("No changes in repo to stash.") self.git.add(".") self.git.stash() def prepare_new_branch(self, branch_name): self.git.checkout('-b', branch_name) # equivalent to $ git checkout -b %branch_name self.git.reset('--hard', self.earliest_commit) # equivalent to $ git reset --hard %commit_hash def apply_stashed_changes(self): try: self.git.stash('pop') # equivalent to $ git stash pop except git.exc.GitCommandError as e: # Will raise error because the stash cannot be applied without conflicts. This is expected if 'CONFLICT (modify/delete)' in e.stdout: pass else: raise e def test_for_uncommitted_changes(self): if self.exist_unstaged_changes: raise RuntimeError(f"Found uncommitted changes in the repository {self.working_dir}.") class ProjectRepo(BaseRepo): def __init__(self, repository_path=None, output_folder=None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param search_parent_directories: if True, all parent directories will be searched for a valid repo as well. Please note that this was the default behaviour in older versions of GitPython, which is considered a bug though. """ if repository_path is None or repository_path == ".": repository_path = os.getcwd() super().__init__(repository_path, *args, **kwargs) if output_folder is not None: self._output_folder = output_folder elif output_folder is None: self._output_folder = "output" self._output_repo = ResultsRepo(os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._output_folder)) @property def output_repo(self): if self._output_repo is None: raise ValueError("The output repo has not been set yet.") return self._output_repo def set_output_repo(self, output_repo_folder_name): self._output_repo = ProjectRepo(os.path.join(self.working_dir, output_repo_folder_name), output_folder=False) self._output_folder = output_repo_folder_name def get_new_output_branch_name(self): """Get new branch name""" project_repo_hash = str(self.head.commit) timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f")[:-4] branch_name = "_".join([str(self.active_branch), project_repo_hash[:7], self._output_folder, timestamp]) return branch_name def commit_results(self, message): self.test_for_uncommitted_changes() self.output_repo.stash_all_changes() new_branch_name = self.get_new_output_branch_name() self.output_repo.prepare_new_branch(new_branch_name) self.output_repo.apply_stashed_changes() """ Actual Git commit """ self._output_repo.git.add(".") self._output_repo.git.commit("-m", message) self.update_output_master_logs() def check_results_master(self): self._most_recent_branch = self._output_repo.git.checkout("master") def reload_recent_results(self): self._output_repo.git.checkout(self._most_recent_branch) def update_output_master_logs(self): output_branch_name = str(self._output_repo.active_branch) output_repo_hash = str(self._output_repo.head.commit) self._output_repo.git.checkout("master") json_filepath = os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._output_folder, f"{output_branch_name}.json") # note: if filename of "log.csv" is changed, # this also has to be changed in the gitattributes of the init repo func csv_filepath = os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._output_folder, "log.csv") meta_info_dict = {"Output repo branch": output_branch_name, "Output repo commit hash": output_repo_hash, "Project repo commit hash": str(self.head.commit), "Project repo folder name": os.path.split(self.working_dir)[-1], "Project repo remotes": self.remotes, } csv_header = ",".join(meta_info_dict.keys()) csv_data = ",".join([str(x) for x in meta_info_dict.values()]) with open(json_filepath, "w") as f: json.dump(meta_info_dict, f, indent=2) if not os.path.exists(csv_filepath): with open(csv_filepath, "w") as f: f.write(csv_header + "\n") # csv.writer(csv_header + "\n") with open(csv_filepath, "r") as f: existing_header = f.readline().replace("\n", "") if existing_header != csv_header: raise ValueError("The used structure of the meta_dict doesn't match the header found in log.csv") with open(csv_filepath, "a") as f: f.write(csv_data + "\n") self._output_repo.git.add(".") self._output_repo.git.commit("-m", output_branch_name) self._output_repo.git.checkout(output_branch_name) self._most_recent_branch = output_branch_name def cache_previous_results(self, branch_name, file_path): if self.output_repo.exist_unstaged_changes: self.output_repo.stash_all_changes() has_stashed_changes = True else: has_stashed_changes = False previous_branch = self.output_repo.git.checkout(branch_name) source_filepath = os.path.join(self._output_folder, file_path) # target_folder = os.path.join(self._output_folder + "_cached", branch_name) target_folder = os.path.join(self._output_folder, "cached", branch_name) os.makedirs(target_folder, exist_ok=True) target_filepath = os.path.join(target_folder, file_path) shutil.copyfile(source_filepath, target_filepath) self.output_repo.git.checkout(previous_branch) if has_stashed_changes: self.output_repo.apply_stashed_changes() return target_filepath @contextlib.contextmanager def load_previous_result_file(self, branch_name, file_path, *args, **kwargs): cached_filepath = self.load_previous_result_file(branch_name, file_path) file_handle = open(cached_filepath, *args, **kwargs) try: yield file_handle finally: file_handle.close() def remove_cached_files(self): if os.path.exists(self._output_folder + "_cached"): shutil.rmtree(self._output_folder + "_cached") def enter_context(self, ): self.test_for_uncommitted_changes() output_repo = self.output_repo if output_repo.exist_unstaged_changes: proceed = input(f'The output directory contains the following uncommitted changes:\n' f'{output_repo.untracked_files + output_repo.changed_files}\n' f' These will be lost if you continue\n' f'Proceed? Y/n \n') if not (proceed.lower() == "y" or proceed == ""): raise KeyboardInterrupt # reset all tracked files to previous commit, -q silences output output_repo.git.reset("-q", "--hard", "HEAD") # remove all untracked files and directories, -q silences output output_repo.git.clean("-q", "-f", "-d") output_repo.delete_active_branch() # rename to make more transparent why new_branch_name = self.get_new_output_branch_name() output_repo.prepare_new_branch(new_branch_name) return new_branch_name def exit_context(self, message): self.test_for_uncommitted_changes() print("Completed computations, commiting results") self.output_repo.git.add(".") commit_return = self.output_repo.git.commit("-m", message) print("\n" + commit_return + "\n") self.update_output_master_logs() self.remove_cached_files() @contextlib.contextmanager def track_results(self, results_commit_message: str): new_branch_name = self.enter_context() try: yield new_branch_name except Exception as e: raise e else: self.exit_context(message=results_commit_message) class ResultsRepo(BaseRepo): pass class TrackResults: def __init__(self, results_commit_message: str, repo_path: str = None): if repo_path is None: print("DataContext started without explicit repo_path. Trying current working directory") self.repo = ProjectRepo(".") else: self.repo = ProjectRepo(repo_path) self.message = results_commit_message def __enter__(self): self.repo.test_for_uncommitted_changes() output_repo = self.repo.output_repo if output_repo.exist_unstaged_changes: proceed = input(f'The output directory contains the following uncommitted changes:\n' f'{output_repo.untracked_files + output_repo.changed_files}\n' f' These will be lost if you continue\n' f'Proceed? Y/n \n') if not (proceed.lower() == "y" or proceed == ""): raise KeyboardInterrupt # reset all tracked files to previous commit, -q silences output output_repo.git.reset("-q", "--hard", "HEAD") # remove all untracked files and directories, -q silences output output_repo.git.clean("-q", "-f", "-d") output_repo.delete_active_branch() new_branch_name = self.repo.get_new_output_branch_name() output_repo.prepare_new_branch(new_branch_name) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self.repo.test_for_uncommitted_changes() if exc_type is None: print("Completed computations, commiting results") self.repo.output_repo.git.add(".") commit_return = self.repo.output_repo.git.commit("-m", self.message) print("\n" + commit_return + "\n") self.repo.update_output_master_logs() self.repo.remove_cached_files() def add_linebreaks(input_list): return [line + "\n" for line in input_list] def init_lfs(lfs_filetypes): os.system(f"git lfs install") lfs_filetypes_string = " ".join(lfs_filetypes) os.system(f"git lfs track {lfs_filetypes_string}") def write_lines_to_file(path, lines): with open(path, "a") as f: f.writelines(add_linebreaks(lines)) def is_tool(name): """Check whether `name` is on PATH and marked as executable.""" from shutil import which return which(name) is not None def initialize_git_repo(path_to_repo: str, output_repo_name: (str | bool) = "output", gitignore: list = None, gitattributes: list = None, lfs_filetypes: list = None, output_repo_kwargs: dict = None): if not is_tool("git-lfs"): raise RuntimeError("Git LFS is not installed. Please install it via e.g. apt-get install git-lfs or the " "instructions found below \n" "" "/managing-large-files/installing-git-large-file-storage") if gitignore is None: gitignore = [".idea", "*diskcache*", "*tmp*", ".ipynb_checkpoints", "__pycache__"] if output_repo_name: gitignore.append(output_repo_name) gitignore.append(output_repo_name + "_cached") if gitattributes is None: gitattributes = [] if lfs_filetypes is None: lfs_filetypes = ["*.jpg", "*.png", "*.xlsx", "*.m5", "*.ipynb", "*.pfd"] starting_directory = os.getcwd() if path_to_repo != ".": if os.path.exists(path_to_repo) and len(os.listdir(path_to_repo)) > 0: raise ValueError("Path to repository already exists and is not an empty directory.") os.makedirs(path_to_repo) os.chdir(path_to_repo) os.system(f"git init") init_lfs(lfs_filetypes) write_lines_to_file(path=".gitattributes", lines=gitattributes) write_lines_to_file(path=".gitignore", lines=gitignore) if output_repo_kwargs is None: output_repo_kwargs = {"gitattributes": ["log.csv merge=union"]} if output_repo_name: # This means we are in the project repo and should now initialize the output_repo initialize_git_repo(output_repo_name, output_repo_name=False, **output_repo_kwargs) # This instance of ProjectRepo is therefore the project repo repo = ProjectRepo(".", output_folder=output_repo_name) else: # If output_repo_name is False we are in the output_repo and should finish by committing the changes repo = ResultsRepo(".") repo.git.add(".") repo.git.commit("-m", "initial commit") os.chdir(starting_directory) return def example_generate_results_array(seed=None): import numpy as np if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) results_array = np.random.random((500, 3)) np.savetxt(os.path.join("output", "result.csv"), results_array, delimiter=",") return results_array def example_generate_results_figures(input_array): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np plt.figure() plt.scatter(np.arange(0, 500), input_array[:, 0], alpha=0.5) plt.scatter(np.arange(0, 500), input_array[:, 1], alpha=0.5) plt.scatter(np.arange(0, 500), input_array[:, 2], alpha=0.5) plt.savefig(os.path.join("output", "fig.png")) plt.savefig(os.path.join("output", "fig.jpg"), dpi=1000) plt.savefig(os.path.join("output", f"fig_{np.random.randint(265)}_{random.randint(0, 1000)}.png")) def alter_code(): # Add changes to the project code random_number = random.randint(0, 265) # random_number = 42 with open("random_number.txt", "a") as file: file.write(str(random_number)) return random_number def example_usage(): """ Pretend this is a python file """ home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") os.chdir(os.path.join(home_dir, 'ModSimData')) random_number = alter_code() project_repo = ProjectRepo(".") project_repo.commit(message="fixed super important bug", update_packages=False) with project_repo.track_results(results_commit_message="Add figures and array"): # Generate data print("Generating results output") results_array = example_generate_results_array(seed=random_number) example_generate_results_figures(results_array) def example_write_array(): """ Pretend this is a python file """ home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") os.chdir(os.path.join(home_dir, 'ModSimData')) # Add changes to the project code random_number = random.randint(0, 265) # random_number = 42 with open(f"random_number_{random_number}.txt", "a") as file: file.write(str(random_number)) project_repo = ProjectRepo(".") project_repo.commit("add code that writes an array to file", update_packages=False) with project_repo.track_results(results_commit_message="Add array"): example_generate_results_array() branch_name = str(project_repo.output_repo.active_branch) return branch_name def example_load(branch_name): """ Pretend this is a python file """ import numpy as np """ move into home directory """ home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") os.chdir(os.path.join(home_dir, 'ModSimData')) # Add changes to the project code random_number = random.randint(0, 265) # random_number = 42 with open(f"random_number_{random_number}.txt", "a") as file: file.write(str(random_number)) project_repo = ProjectRepo(".") project_repo.commit("add code that creates figures based on an array", update_packages=False) with project_repo.track_results(results_commit_message="Add figures"): cached_array_path = project_repo.cache_previous_results(branch_name=branch_name, file_path="result.csv") previous_array = np.loadtxt(cached_array_path, delimiter=",") # with project_repo.load_previous_result_file(branch_name=branch_name, # file_path="result.csv") as file_handle: # pass example_generate_results_figures(previous_array) branch_name = str(project_repo.output_repo.active_branch) return branch_name def example_load_large(branch_name1, branch_name2): """ Pretend this is a python file """ import numpy as np """ move into home directory """ home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") os.chdir(os.path.join(home_dir, 'ModSimData')) # Add changes to the project code random_number = random.randint(0, 265) # random_number = 42 with open(f"random_number_{random_number}.txt", "a") as file: file.write(str(random_number)) project_repo = ProjectRepo(".") project_repo.commit("add code that creates figures based on an array", update_packages=False) with project_repo.track_results(results_commit_message="Add figures"): # cached_fig_path = project_repo.cache_previous_results(branch_name=branch_name2, # file_path="fig.jpg") cached_array_path = project_repo.cache_previous_results(branch_name=branch_name1, file_path="result.csv") previous_array = np.loadtxt(cached_array_path, delimiter=",") example_generate_results_figures(previous_array) branch_name = str(project_repo.output_repo.active_branch) return branch_name def example_two_step_process(): branch_name = example_write_array() branch_name2 = example_load(branch_name) example_load_large(branch_name, branch_name2) def create_example_repo(): os.chdir(os.path.expanduser("~")) """ initialize Project directory """ if not os.path.exists("ModSimData"): initialize_git_repo("ModSimData") if __name__ == '__main__': # pass create_example_repo() example_usage() example_two_step_process()