import os
import json
from datetime import datetime
import shutil
import contextlib
import click

    import git
except ImportError:
    # Adding this hint to save users the confusion of trying $pip install git
    raise ImportError("No module named git, please install the gitpython package")

class BaseRepo:
    def __init__(self, repository_path=None, search_parent_directories=False, *args, **kwargs):
        Base class handling most git workflows.

        :param repository_path:
            Path to the root directory of the repository.
        :param search_parent_directories:
            if True, all parent directories will be searched for a valid repo as well.

            Please note that this was the default behaviour in older versions of GitPython,
            which is considered a bug though.
        :param args:
            Args handed to git.Repo()
        :param kwargs:
            Kwargs handed to git.Repo()
        if repository_path is None or repository_path == ".":
            repository_path = os.getcwd()
        self._git_repo = git.Repo(repository_path, search_parent_directories=search_parent_directories, *args, **kwargs)
        self._git = self._git_repo.git

        self._most_recent_branch =
        self._earliest_commit = None

    def active_branch(self):
        return self._git_repo.active_branch

    def untracked_files(self):
        return self._git_repo.untracked_files

    def current_commit_hash(self):
        return str(self.head.commit)

    def working_dir(self):
        return self._git_repo.working_dir

    def head(self):
        return self._git_repo.head

    def remotes(self):
        return self._git_repo.remotes

    def earliest_commit(self):
        if self._earliest_commit is None:
            *_, earliest_commit = self._git_repo.iter_commits()
            self._earliest_commit = earliest_commit
        return self._earliest_commit

    # ToDo: test if functools.wraps can keep docstrings
    def add(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._git.add(*args, **kwargs)

    def add_remote(self, remote_url, remote_name="origin"):
        ToDO add documentation
        :param remote_url:
        :param remote_name:
        self._git_repo.create_remote(remote_name, url=remote_url)

    def push(self, remote=None, local_branch=None, remote_branch=None):
        # ToDo extend documentation
        :param remote:
        :param local_branch:
        :param remote_branch:
        if local_branch is None:
            local_branch = self.active_branch
        if remote_branch is None:
            remote_branch = local_branch
        if remote is None:
            remote = list(sorted(self._git_repo.remotes.keys()))[0]

        remote_interface = self._git_repo.remotes[remote]

    def delete_active_branch_if_branch_is_empty(self):
        Delete the currently active branch and checkout the master branch
        previous_branch =
        if str(self.head.commit) == self.earliest_commit:
            self._git.branch("-d", previous_branch)

    def add_all_files(self, automatically_add_new_files=True):
        Stage all changes to git. This includes new, untracked files as well as modified files.
        :param automatically_add_new_files:
            If this is set to false a user input will be prompted if untracked files are about to be added.
            List of all staged changes.
        untracked_files = ""
        if len(self.untracked_files) > 0:
            untracked_files = "\n".join(["- " + file for file in self.untracked_files])

        if automatically_add_new_files:
            for f in self.untracked_files:
            proceed = input(
                f'Found untracked files. Adding the following untracked files to git: \n{untracked_files}\n'
                f'Proceed? Y/n \n'
            if proceed.lower() == "y" or proceed == "":
                for f in self.untracked_files:
                raise KeyboardInterrupt

        changed_files = self.changed_files
        for f in changed_files:
        return self.untracked_files + changed_files

    def reset_hard_to_head(self):
        proceed = input(f'The output directory contains the following uncommitted changes:\n'
                        f'{self.untracked_files + self.changed_files}\n'
                        f' These will be lost if you continue\n'
                        f'Proceed? Y/n \n')
        if not (proceed.lower() == "y" or proceed == ""):
            raise KeyboardInterrupt
        # reset all tracked files to previous commit, -q silences output
        self._git.reset("-q", "--hard", "HEAD")
        # remove all untracked files and directories, -q silences output
        self._git.clean("-q", "-f", "-d")

    def changed_files(self):
        changed_files = self._git.diff(None, name_only=True).split('\n')
        if "" in changed_files:
        return changed_files

    def exist_unstaged_changes(self):
        return len(self.untracked_files) > 0 or len(self.changed_files) > 0

    def update_package_list(self):
        Use "conda env export" and "pip freeze" to create environment.yml and pip_requirements.txt files.
        repo_path = self.working_dir
        print("Dumping conda environment.yml, this might take a moment.")
        os.system(f"conda env export > {repo_path}/conda_environment.yml")
        print("Dumping conda independent environment.yml, this might take a moment.")
        os.system(f"conda env export --from-history > {repo_path}/conda_independent_environment.yml")
        print("Dumping pip requirements.txt.")
        os.system(f"pip freeze > {repo_path}/pip_requirements.txt")
        print("Dumping pip independent requirements.txt.")
        os.system(f"pip list --not-required --format freeze > {repo_path}/pip_independent_requirements.txt")

    def commit(self, message: str, add_all=True, update_packages=True):
        Commit current state of the repository.

        :param message:
            Commit message
        :param add_all:
            Option to add all changed and new files to git automatically.
        :param update_packages:
            Option to automatically dump the python environment information into environment.yml files.
        if not self.exist_unstaged_changes:
            print(f"No changes to commit in repo {self.working_dir}")

        print(f"Commiting changes to repo {self.working_dir}")
        if update_packages:
        if add_all:
        commit_return = self._git.commit("-m", message)
        print("\n" + commit_return + "\n")

    def git_ammend(self, ):
        Call git commit with options --amend --no-edit
        self._git.commit("--amend", "--no-edit")

    def status(self):
        return self._git.status()

    def log(self):
        return self._git.log()

    def log_oneline(self):
        return self._git.log("--oneline")

    def print_status(self):
        prints git status

    def print_log(self):
        Prints the git log

    def stash_all_changes(self):
        Adds all untracked files to git and then stashes all changes.
        Will raise a RuntimeError if no changes are found.
        if not self.exist_unstaged_changes:
            raise RuntimeError("No changes in repo to stash.")

    def prepare_new_branch(self, branch_name):
        Prepares a new branch to recieve data. This includes:
         - checking out the master branch,
         - creating a new branch from there
        This thereby produces a clear, empty directory for data, while still maintaining
        .gitignore and .gitatributes
        :param branch_name:
            Name of the new branch.
        self._git.checkout('-b', branch_name)  # equivalent to $ git checkout -b %branch_name

    def apply_stashed_changes(self):
        Apply the last stashed changes.
        If a "CONFLICT (modify/delete)" error is encountered, this is ignored.
        All other errors are raised.
            self._git.stash('pop')  # equivalent to $ git stash pop
        except git.exc.GitCommandError as e:
            # Will raise error because the stash cannot be applied without conflicts. This is expected
            if 'CONFLICT (modify/delete)' in e.stdout:
                raise e

    def test_for_uncommitted_changes(self):
        Raise a RuntimeError if uncommitted changes are in the repository.
        if self.exist_unstaged_changes:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Found uncommitted changes in the repository {self.working_dir}.")

class ProjectRepo(BaseRepo):
    def __init__(self, repository_path=None, output_folder=None,
                 search_parent_directories=True, *args, **kwargs):
        Class for Project-Repositories. Handles interaction between the project repo and
        the output (i.e. results) repo.

        :param repository_path:
            Path to the root of the git repository.
        :param output_folder:
            Path to the root of the output repository.
        :param search_parent_directories:
            if True, all parent directories will be searched for a valid repo as well.

            Please note that this was the default behaviour in older versions of GitPython,
            which is considered a bug though.
        :param args:
            Additional args to be handed to BaseRepo.
        :param kwargs:
            Additional kwargs to be handed to BaseRepo.

        super().__init__(repository_path, search_parent_directories=search_parent_directories, *args, **kwargs)

        if output_folder is not None:
            self._output_folder = output_folder
        elif output_folder is None:
            self._output_folder = "output"

        self._output_repo = ResultsRepo(os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._output_folder))
        self._on_context_enter_commit_hash = None
        self._is_in_context_manager = False

    def output_repo(self):
        if self._output_repo is None:
            raise ValueError("The output repo has not been set yet.")
        return self._output_repo

    def get_new_output_branch_name(self):
        Construct a name for the new branch in the output repository.
        :return: the new branch name
        project_repo_hash = str(self.head.commit)
        timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f")[:-4]
        branch_name = "_".join([str(self.active_branch), project_repo_hash[:7], self._output_folder, timestamp])
        return branch_name

    def check_results_master(self):
        Checkout the master branch, which contains all the log files.
        self._most_recent_branch =

    def reload_recent_results(self):
        Checkout the most recent previous branch.

    def update_output_master_logs(self):
        Dumps all the metadata information about the project repositories state and
        the commit hash and branch name of the ouput repository into the master branch of
        the output repository.
        output_branch_name = str(self._output_repo.active_branch)

        output_repo_hash = str(self._output_repo.head.commit)


        json_filepath = os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._output_folder, f"{output_branch_name}.json")
        # note: if filename of "log.csv" is changed,
        #  this also has to be changed in the gitattributes of the init repo func
        csv_filepath = os.path.join(self.working_dir, self._output_folder, "log.csv")

        meta_info_dict = {"Output repo branch": output_branch_name,
                          "Output repo commit hash": output_repo_hash,
                          "Project repo commit hash": str(self.head.commit),
                          "Project repo folder name": os.path.split(self.working_dir)[-1],
                          "Project repo remotes": [str(remote.url) for remote in self.remotes],
        csv_header = ",".join(meta_info_dict.keys())
        csv_data = ",".join([str(x) for x in meta_info_dict.values()])

        with open(json_filepath, "w") as f:
            json.dump(meta_info_dict, f, indent=2)

        if not os.path.exists(csv_filepath):
            with open(csv_filepath, "w") as f:
                f.write(csv_header + "\n")
                # csv.writer(csv_header + "\n")

        with open(csv_filepath, "r") as f:
            existing_header = f.readline().replace("\n", "")
            if existing_header != csv_header:
                raise ValueError("The used structure of the meta_dict doesn't match the header found in log.csv")

        with open(csv_filepath, "a") as f:
            f.write(csv_data + "\n")

        self._output_repo._git.commit("-m", output_branch_name)

        self._most_recent_branch = output_branch_name

    def load_external_data(self, url, name=None, path=None, branch=None, commit=None):
        name: str,
        path: PathLike,
        url: Union[str, None] = None,
        branch: Union[str, None] = None,"""
        if path is None:
            repo_name = url.split("/")[-1]
            path = os.path.join("external_repos", repo_name)
        if name is None:
            name = url.split("/")[-1]

        self._git_repo.create_submodule(name=name, url=url, branch=branch, path=path)
        if commit is not None:
            submodule = BaseRepo(path)

    def load_previous_results(self, branch_name, file_path):
        Load previously generated results to iterate upon.
        :param branch_name:
            Name of the branch of the output repository in which the results are stored
        :param file_path:
            Relative path within the output repository to the file you wish to load.
            Absolute path to the newly copied file.
        if self.output_repo.exist_unstaged_changes:
            has_stashed_changes = True
            has_stashed_changes = False

        previous_branch =

        source_filepath = os.path.join(self.output_repo.working_dir, file_path)

        # target_folder = os.path.join(self._output_folder + "_cached", branch_name)
        target_folder = os.path.join(self.output_repo.working_dir, "cached", branch_name)
        os.makedirs(target_folder, exist_ok=True)

        target_filepath = os.path.join(target_folder, file_path)

        shutil.copyfile(source_filepath, target_filepath)

        if has_stashed_changes:

        return target_filepath

    def load_previous_result_file(self, branch_name, file_path, *args, **kwargs):
        Context manager around load_previous_result_file that directly opens a handle to the loaded file.
        :param branch_name:
            Name of the branch of the output repository in which the results are stored
        :param file_path:
            Relative path within the output repository to the file you wish to load.
        :param args:
            Args to be handed to the open() function
        :param kwargs:
            kwargs to be handed to the open() function
            Handle to the copied file.
        cached_filepath = self.load_previous_result_file(branch_name, file_path)
        file_handle = open(cached_filepath, *args, **kwargs)
            yield file_handle

    def remove_cached_files(self):
        Delete all previously cached results.
        if os.path.exists(self._output_folder + "_cached"):
            shutil.rmtree(self._output_folder + "_cached")

    def enter_context(self, ):
        Enter the tracking context. This includes:
         - Ensure no uncommitted changes in the project repository
         - Remove all uncommitted changes in the output repository
         - Clean up empty branches in the output repository
         - Create a new empty output branch in the output repository

            The name of the newly created output branch.
        self._on_context_enter_commit_hash = self.current_commit_hash
        self._is_in_context_manager = True
        output_repo = self.output_repo

        if output_repo.exist_unstaged_changes:


        new_branch_name = self.get_new_output_branch_name()
        return new_branch_name

    def exit_context(self, message):
        After running all project code, this prepares the commit of the results to the output repository. This includes
         - Ensure no uncommitted changes in the project repository
         - Stage all changes in the output repository
         - Commit all changes in the output repository with the given commit message.
         - Update the log files in the master branch of the output repository.
        :param message:
            Commit message for the output repository commit.
        if self._on_context_enter_commit_hash != self.current_commit_hash:
            raise RuntimeError("Code has changed since starting the context. Don't do that.")

        print("Completed computations, commiting results")
        commit_return = self.output_repo._git.commit("-m", message)

        print("\n" + commit_return + "\n")

        self._is_in_context_manager = False
        self._on_context_enter_commit_hash = None

    def track_results(self, results_commit_message: str, debug=False):
        Context manager to be used when running project code that produces output that should
        be tracked in the output repository.
        :param results_commit_message:
            Commit message for the commit of the output repository.
        if debug:
            yield "debug"

        new_branch_name = self.enter_context()
            yield new_branch_name
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

class ResultsRepo(BaseRepo):